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/FOE/ Writing Prompts

By WarKing76
Created: 2022-12-21 09:53:14
Expiry: Never

  1. 1.
  2. You've just been ambushed by a Steel Rangers scouting party, and they are not too happy to see you! Hope you don't have any pre-war tech on you or you have Charisma pouring out your ass!
  4. 2.
  5. You're a Ghoul Scavenger! You're face is a bit melted, and your hugs are now extra squishy! You've just soaked up a big batch of radiation and are feeling particularly adventurous. Where are you going to loot today? The train station? That old Ministry Hub down the road?
  7. 3.
  8. Take cover, your caravan is under attack from Wasteland Raiders! The guard next to you just lost his head from an explosion, and the ponies you are guarding are packed together and panicking. What are you going to do first? How many of those bloodthirsty raiders are out there anyway?
  10. 4.
  11. How exciting, you're in a group bravely trekking the Wasteland to save the day just like Littlepip and Blackjack and so many others! Bad news is, your leader has just been killed and or been reduced to a blubbering crybaby in the face of the overwhelming pressure on their shoulders. It's now your chance to shine! Do you step up and rise to the challenge? Will you just go home? Will another in your group take the reigns? Will anybody please think of the foals!?
  13. 5.
  14. Hey there, Pegasus! It's time to return to the homeland!
  15. You've been contracted to steal some super secret information from beyond the cloud cover on an Enclave base, good thing your bosses don't know that you're a born and raised Wasteland turkey! I'm sure it isn't that difficult to navigate the clouds anyways! How hard could it possibly be?
  17. 6.
  18. Cl-click. Congratulations, I hope your brand new bomb collar fits, because you're a brand new slave!
  19. How did you get in this predicament? Where are you headed now? Will anybody be looking for you? Think you can take out your captives before they push that big red button?
  21. 7.
  23. You are looking to move up in the world, but to do that, you need a mentor! What kind of job would you like to do until the Raiders eventually kill you?
  24. Merchant? Mercenary? Medic? Some other profession starting with the letter 'M'?
  26. 8
  27. It's really dark in here, you're pretty sure that your leg is broken, there's a hungry ghoul locked in the building with you, and wouldn't you know it you've left all your guns in your other suit.
  28. Good luck getting out of this one, asshole.
  30. 9
  31. Every dog has his day, and you're days of scavenging and shooting up various drugs have finally paid off now that you've found a Ministry of Morale store room filled with the stuff!
  32. Are you going to ride the dragon all the way to the rainbow cloud in the sky, or are you going to set up the largest distribution network this side of Tenpony?
  34. 10
  35. The rain rain rain came down down down, and flooded the shit out of your settlement. Maybe the Enclave Ponies all took turns peeing into the clouds or something?
  36. All you know is that this creepy, abandoned boat that crashed into your house might be haunted, and definitely has something expensive inside. You'd better go in and get it before the ghosts spend it all.
  38. 11
  39. Hope you brought your cloak and sacrificial tribute, because this cult you stumbled on to probably won't appreciate you crashing their ceremony.
  40. What kind of pony would worship some loser named Tirek, anyways?
  42. 12
  43. You've just met the most wonderful pony in the entire Wasteland!
  44. She's smart, laughs at all of your dumb jokes, can handler her own in a fight, and she can even use magic to change how she looks!
  45. Wonder why she only does that last when she thinks you're asleep.
  47. 13
  48. Come one, come all!
  49. Come see the Wasteland's only traveling circus, Big Top's Wasteland Wonderland is coming to your town!
  50. Are you brave enough to join in on the fun and festivities?
  51. *Safety from entertainers and other attractions, not guaranteed.
  53. 14
  54. Uggggh, why does your head hurt? Where are you, anyways? A Stable? Some punk's basement? At least there's no bomb collar on your neck.
  55. Wait, why are you wearing a dress!? You are NOT some pretty princess pony, and shouldn't be wearing a dress!
  56. Somepony is getting shot for this. Why does this feel so good?
  58. 15
  59. INT2CHA10, you wear it like a badge.
  60. You may be the stupidest pony this side of Tennpony Tower, but Hell if you aren't also the most likeable. You could probably talk a Hellhound out of his favorite chew toy if you really wanted it. You don't have much in the ways of money though, so you'd better get looking for a job. I heard there's a spot open for Red Eye's personal assistant.
  62. 16
  63. Dammit, you're a pony not a doctor! Your mother is sick and you've got to make her better.
  64. You could try scavenging for medicine in that old Stable, or grabbing some items for a potion recipe that you found scratched into the underside of a barstool.
  66. 17
  67. Sight seeing pony
  68. One that wants to see all the worst scummy places in Equestria and experience them
  69. Inherently a death wish, but pays well enough for some Talons escort
  70. End result is the talons cant kill the raiders and such completely, but cant let the contract fail and the client die
  72. 18
  73. You're a sniper. Big, powerful weapons are your specialty, and long banana bullets are your favorite flavor. You can pop a Bloatsprite from a kilometer away even before breakfast!
  74. And no, you're not trying to compensate for anything.
  75. Okay, maybe just a little bit of compensation.
  76. But now your baby is lying in a dozen broken pieces. And with a dozen raiders breathing down your neck, you better hope you're just as good a shot with that rusty pistol you just got from that dead Raider as you were with the rifle.
  78. 19
  80. It's finally happened, your Robot slav-uhh, Partner has finally gone insane and is trying to kill you!
  81. What an ungrateful machine, after all you've done for it, like giving it all of your nice and heavy weapons to hold for you! And all of your excess ammo too! What a jerk!
  82. You've managed to escape from it this time, but you aren't sure how long you can keep it up. Sleeping with one eye open is no way to live forever. And robots never forget.
  83. What you need is another robot to fight your old robot for you! Nothing could possibly go wrong there!
  85. 20
  86. It looks like your big, bad, bruiser pony just left the group. I guess he doesn't appreciate getting shot 45 times every encounter with Raiders, and then getting stitched up with various drug cocktails and magic zebra potions.
  87. It certainly doesn't leave the rest of you in an easy situation without him. Has the team been relying on him a little too much lately? Maybe. But that doesn't mean he can just leave you all to die! Getting shot hurts a lot after all, and that's what stupid Earth Ponies are for, right!
  88. But now, there's only one thing left to do: tryouts.
  90. 21
  91. The alchemist had an easy job for you, they said.
  92. I just need a dozen Manticore eyes, he said.
  93. But now you're hoof deep in Manticore shit looking to get out of their nest with your life.
  94. What does this old codger even need with that many eye balls, anyway?
  96. 22
  97. Swords. Most ponies don't ever touch them.
  98. But you're not a pony. You're a griffin. With movable digits.
  99. Even if you never use it, you should still know how to use it.
  100. Training Day at the Talon compound, which kind of sword will you choose?
  101. Broadsword? Rapier? One of those short pointy ones?
  103. 23
  104. From a Raider's perspective, describe the first time they see the sun or moon.
  106. 24
  107. You hate caves. They're dark, dangerous, wet, and usually have something nasty hiding in them.
  108. Unfortunately for you, a Scavenger's day is never done without looting around in a cave.
  109. Like this one for instance, very big, very dark, something warm just dripped on you, it's filled with worthless gold pieces (seriously, what kind of an idiot would use gold as money?), and a huge scaley dragon.
  110. Oh.
  111. That's right, you definitely hate caves.
  113. 25
  114. "You bored?"
  115. "Course I am, what do you have in mind?"
  116. "I heard that ___________ got a new unicorn, fresh out of the stable. Still innocent and gullible. Wanna fuck with her?"
  117. "Do I even need to answer?"
  119. 26
  120. Write a story about something unusual going wrong in a Stable. Or about a Stable in an unusual place. Or a Stable running an odd/funny experiment.
  122. 27
  123. You're an ex-Enclave soldier whose wings have been locked to your body!
  124. He's the dirty, smelly Earth pony who the fuckin guards decided to lock you to!
  125. Together, you're two run away slaves out on a mission to get the hell away from each other any way possible!
  126. Can you survive long enough to kill each other?
  128. 28
  129. You never enjoyed staying the night in unfriendly territory, but there are times when it was a necessity.
  130. Tonight was one of those nights.
  131. You are about to slip off into sleep when a howl rips across the Wasteland.
  132. Hellhounds.
  133. Looks like you aren't getting any sleep tonight.
  135. 29
  136. Write a story about two ponies having a conversation during a fire fight.
  137. Can be about whatever you want, but the more details, the better.
  138. Use the fighting as a stand in for the tone of the conversation.
  140. 30
  141. In the rough world of the Wasteland, sometimes you just need to get away from it all.
  142. The stress, the violence, those pesky bounty hunters, that mare who is just a little too friendly for your tastes.
  143. All of it can go away with a visit to the Cutie Mark Alteration Clinic.
  144. A combination of magic and body alterations, this procedure can change the design of your Cutie Mark*
  145. If you need to change your identity markings, stop on by and let us work our magic on you.
  146. Just don't forget your caps. Or else.
  147. *within reason
  149. 31
  150. It's almost time for you to graduate from the Grand Pegasus Enclave military academy. Congratulations! All that's left is for you to take your final test: a field exercise in teams of two. There's just one problem. Your assigned partner is... Wing Wing, the klutziest Pegasus in the Enclave. What shenanigans do you get in? Do you even finish the test? Do you have to share a sleeping bag?
  152. 32
  153. Ah the wasteland
  154. Sure they say its a blighted region, covered in taint, radiation, and far too many things with mouths big enough ta eat ya
  155. But what the dont speak of me heartys is the treasure
  156. Oh sure they call snack cakes and bubble gum rare finds, and think them highly
  157. But no
  158. I speak of real treasure, gems, gold, and bits!
  159. Where a pony can find a horde to retire on and then hire some one else to pirate their next one in their sleep
  160. Old World treasure be real, but
  161. You need some things first
  162. A loyal crew
  163. A ship to travel in
  164. More guns than yer body weight and ammo to boot
  165. And most importantly- the map
  166. Oh but not just any map, less you feel like an Old World sight seeing trip
  167. You need a map from a safe, one guarded by a dragon, fiercely protective of its last connection to its master
  169. Are you ready for an adventure of a life time?
  171. I also had a completely unrelated idea over battling a sorceress supreme with forces in power armor
  172. And everything involving speed and action
  173. So ICBM insertion instead of a mundane paradrop
  175. 33
  176. Six shots.
  177. One revolver.
  178. One dozen bandits.
  179. One of you.
  180. It's game time.
  182. 34
  183. Your sibling is into some deep shit this time, and you're the only one who can get them out.
  184. But is this mission too much? When do you say no to them? Will you leave them to their fate?
  185. How thick is your blood, exactly?
  187. 35
  188. Shit. Garbage. Trash.
  189. Where does it all go?
  190. These two unicorns have got your answer!
  191. Wasteland Refuse Disposal, at your service!
  193. 36
  194. Come on down to the Whorse House for a premium quality of personal service!
  195. Mare, Stallion, Ghoul, Pegasus, all tastes and fantasies are catered to here.*
  196. All are welcome**, so come down, have a drink, and take a load off.
  197. *Violence towards any entertainer will not be tolerated by any patron. Lethal force has been authorized.
  198. **Raiders not welcome
  200. 37
  201. Ghoul fillies and colts.
  202. Yuk.
  203. One wrong move, and you've got radioactive goo all over your hooves.
  204. Quite the life to be 200 years old child.
  205. At least they'd be their own night light.
  207. 38
  208. Paper work time! The true grease of any military machine.
  209. Write a story about an encounter of Wasteland Military ponies facing off against the opposing side while writing up a battlefield report of said incident, from both sides.
  210. [spoiler]I got the idea of this one from that Band of Brothers episode, was wondering how it'd fare from a dual perspective, Ranger/Enclave twist. [/spoiler]
  212. 39
  213. Reading is cool!
  214. You've been contracted out by some bookworm Scribe looking for lost information on old Equestrian technology.
  215. So many tomes lying hundreds of years waiting for this moment.
  216. If only you could read!
  218. 40
  219. Midnight, a thunderstorm, an Anti-Machine rifle, Red Eye's blockade on Tenpony Tower, one-thousand yards, and a deathwish.
  220. Go to work, you crazy bastard.
  222. 41
  223. New Apploosa is under siege by the Grand Pegasus Enclave! Who are you? A (reformed) Shattered Hoof Raider? An Enclave Vertibuck pilot? A Raptor bridge commander? Some mercenary psychopath? An elite shock-trooper? A resident of the town? Just some unfortunate merchant passing through? Or... a big damn Hero?
  225. 42
  226. You should not have eaten that weird fruit.
  227. Or drank that cactus juice.
  228. Or swallowed all of those pills at once.
  229. Or injected that purple stuff into your neck.
  230. If anything, it's just a waste of product, especially since you aren't feeling anything.
  231. Though, your toaster is giving you the stink-eye now.
  232. And your rifle looks pretty disappointed with you.
  233. You're gonna need to deal with that soon.
  235. 43
  236. You hate escort missions.
  237. More to the point, you hate the kind of ponies who pay for an escort.
  238. "Waaaaah, my hooves hurt, slow down!"
  239. "Waaaaah, my back hurts, carry some of my worthless shit!"
  240. "Waaaaah, I'm shot, it hurts so much, help me!"
  241. And in these troubling times, you remember the creed that all mercenaries hold dear: "Have money, will merc."
  242. And this asshole has got money.
  244. 44
  245. End9Agi8
  246. You're the quickest sonofabitch this side of Fillydelphia. Probably how you were able to get out of that shithole.
  247. You put your legs to work as a courier for small goods and letters, now.
  248. Only problem is these asshole bandits who you keep running into. You're not too sure how many more times you can run around them. You're going to need to deal with them sooner or later.
  249. What're you going to do?
  251. 45
  252. Wasteland Ghost Stories.
  253. Tell a story of a group of children who are telling ghost stories to each other. A suggested story: a psychopony who captures Pegasi and Griffons and plucks out their feathers to use in pillows for the rich. Let your imagination go wild.
  255. 46
  256. Super secret pony spy time. Write a story about a pony going deep undercover within an enemy faction.
  257. Steel Rangers, Enclave, Talons, Twilight Society, Raiders. Take your pick, and may your character stay well hidden.
  259. 47
  260. Welcome to the school of hard knocks.
  261. You've always been a good pony. Never killed anyone who didn't try and do the same to you, and tried to always be better. But you're backed against the wall now. You've got to make the hard decision, and ponies are going to die. What are you going to do?
  263. 48
  264. These old world orbs are just a wealth of information!
  265. Locations of weapon deposits, sometimes valuable intel, and if you're really lucky it's a memory of the sexual variety.
  266. But with your luck, it's probably just somepony stuck on the can. Only one way to find out what's inside.
  268. 49
  269. The family that fights together, stays together.
  270. Or something, like that.
  271. There's half a dozen of you left, and you're just as ready to kick Raider ass as when there was a dozen of you.
  272. Let's just hope that you don't lose any more siblings this time around.
  274. 50
  275. Dental hygiene in the Wasteland is lax, to say the least.
  276. Which is why you've made it your mission to clean every willing, and some unwilling, pony's mouth for a small fee.
  277. Stick your horn near their teeth, and zap em white. Only takes a moment, and is very safe.*
  278. Brighter teeth, for a brighter tomorrow!
  279. *safety not guaranteed
  281. 51
  282. Who needs schooling in the Wasteland anymore?
  283. All you need is a gun and a knife by your side and you'll be alright!
  284. At least, that's what you thought before signing up with the Steel Rangers.
  285. What the hell is linear algebra, anyway?
  287. 52
  288. After a harrowing escape from a Raider party, a lone Earth pony finds himself trapped in a deep ravine.
  289. His only hope to get out is to follow the river out, but can he escape with his life?
  291. 53
  292. The things you do for family and love.
  293. Your little brother better appreciate you having to crawl through goopy ghoul remains to find him more of those stupid comic books.
  294. You didn't even know that he could read.
  295. Better keep a closer eye on him.
  297. 54
  298. Two tired and abused ponies trapped in a locked slave pen as everyone on the outside had been killed before they were let out. How do they spend the rest of their lives?
  300. 55
  301. It seems you aren't as stealthy as you thought you are.
  302. Your little espionage plot has backfired horribly, and you're now at the mercy of the very ponies you hoped to infiltrate.
  303. You'd better think on your feet if you want to get out of this one with your head attached.
  305. 56
  306. Ghouls like you have had a rough life. Fighting in the war, seeing all of your comrades getting brutally murdered by various Zebra magics, witnessing the horrors of the megaspell bombs, surviving in the irradiated wasteland for two hundred years.
  307. The good news is that you're totally not maladjusted and insane!
  308. Right?
  310. 57
  311. Think of five (5) real songs, you know, those things with lyrics and rhythm and musical instruments.
  312. Come up with a character and plot by distilling the lyrics/themes (if you are into that stuff) of those songs.
  313. Write about it. And stuff. I have no idea how successful it will be, but give it a shot. Or not. I don't care.
  315. 58
  316. Find a TFTW submission that you like (and that you didn't write yourself), and write a sequel or a prequel to that story. Keep it short and inconsequential. Don't need anyone pulling a Somber.
  318. 59
  319. You find a dying pony in the wasteland and they instruct you to a secret treasure.
  320. Wonder what you're going to find inside.
  322. 60
  323. It's another Nightmare Night, and you're way too cool to dress up as a Hellhound for another year.
  324. Because you're a teenager.
  325. You'd rather go exploring that old hospital building that everyone says is haunted.
  326. Additional party members are encouraged. Just be sure to split up to cover more ground.
  327. I'm sure nothing bad will happen.
  329. 61
  330. Not every amputee can be so lucky to get a shiny magical robo-leg when a limb gets destroyed.
  331. You are one of those ponies with a wooden peg leg.
  332. Better watch out for those pesky radmites. They've got a taste for wood and pony flesh.
  334. 62
  335. You're not a bad pony, but you own a slave.
  336. You're very kind to her, you keep her clean, and well fed, but she just doesn't seem to be happy.
  337. For what you paid for her, she should be pretty happy with you.
  338. She'll warm up to you eventually.
  339. Or else.
  340. (If you want to switch up the genders, go ahead)
  342. 63
  343. Confronting the raider camp at the old worn down amusement park.
  345. 64
  346. Write about an alcoholic Steel Ranger. Not goofy fun sing-time drunk like Blackjack, but you know, the depressed variety.
  347. [spoiler]I always liked the concept of an alcoholic being locked in a metal suit, and having their whiskey breath get blown back in their face. They must be disgusted with themselves when that happens.
  348. Just my own spin on it, take it however you'd like. [/spoiler]
  350. 65
  351. Two unlikely allies must work together to escape certain death.
  352. I'm leaving this one vague on purpose, so surprise me.
  354. 66
  355. Write about a love triangle in a Stable. Just because it's the Apocalypse outside, doesn't mean love can't blossom inside.
  357. 67
  358. Write about a slightly literate raider leading their group throughout the Wasteland. [spoiler]
  360. 68
  361. A scavenger finding and delivering a rescued vinyl to Tennpony Tower for DJ Pon3's radio show.
  363. 69
  364. An explorer stumbles upon the cave of a Changeling Hive!
  365. (S)He must take a Changeling Companion on their journey, and are tasked with bringing unsuspecting ponies back to the Hive in collateral for his/her life.
  367. 70
  368. Write 1000 words or less on a side/incidental character from any of the Big 5. Keep it short, and don't fuck up the story's canon.
  370. 71
  371. A Caravan Guard takes two young ponies under his care when their parents are killed by Raiders while under his protection.
  373. 72
  374. The magical land of Equestria has many classicaly rooted creatures running around.
  375. Write an encounter with one that hasn't been seen in the show before. Should be interested to see them all irradiated, too.
  377. 73
  378. A band of Raiders force a group of captured ponies to perform a sadistic play for their survival.
  380. 74
  381. "Equestrian Criminal Law: Volume 2"
  383. 75
  384. It belongs in a museum, not in your saddlebags!
  385. A ghoul archaeologist must protect his treasures from all manner of threats.
  386. Scavengers, Steel Rangers, Bandits looking to make a quick cap.
  387. Maybe write about defending something, or him digging something up, or maybe he has a young, sexy librarian apprentice mare learning the ropes.
  389. 76
  390. All you can hear through the darkness is their quick, shallow breathing.
  392. 77
  393. Today's lesson in the school of the Wasteland is to avoid the fuck out of Alicorns.
  394. Better teach those colts and fillies well, they're the future of this shit hole.
  395. Tell them about that time you almost got pulled inside out by one. They'd probably like that story.
  397. 78
  398. You're such a sneaky bastard.
  399. It's not even fair some times.
  400. These mongoloids don't even know you're here stealing all of their stuff out of their pockets!
  401. That is, until you accidentally turn on that audio file...
  402. Fuck. Why do you even HAVE that stupid thing on your Pipbuck?
  404. 79
  405. The Wasteland is a messed up place. Not everyone can get out unscathed.
  406. For anyone that needs to talk about their messed up head, there's you.
  407. Equestria's only certified Psychologist! Or at least, that's what the framed piece of paper you nicked from that old building says.
  409. 80
  410. The Wasteland claims another.
  411. This time your trademark weapon.
  412. What can you do to fix it? Or is it time to move on?
  414. 81
  415. We're just as good as the adults! We can go fight those raiders and monsters just like them!
  416. Who are they to say that a bunch of kids can't help in the Wasteland.
  418. 82
  419. Write about a group of slaves planning an escape from custody, and how/why it goes wrong.
  421. 83
  422. Meeting her mother for the first time. Oh man, with how tough she is, her mother is probably a Hellhound or something. Just don't ever say that out loud.
  423. Even in the Wasteland, first impressions are deadly important. Need to find that special someone who can watch your back through thick and thin, and you don't need a bitchy mother to get in the way of that.
  425. 84
  426. Captured by Raiders? What kind of Wasteland Pony are you!?
  427. Wait, why do they all have that look on their faces?
  428. Uh-oh.
  430. 85
  431. A pony finds an old set of pre-war Guard Armor, and becomes inspired to help those he find in the Wasteland.
  433. 86
  434. A pony carries around a small lockbox, and tries his hardest to open it without destroying the contents. He doesn't know what's in the box, he doesn't have the key, and he's far too stubborn to let anyone else open it for him.
  436. 87
  437. Importance of Being Earnest Edition:
  438. It's a case of mistaken identity in the Wasteland! I'm not ______, I'm _______!
  439. We don't look anything alike! It's just our coats, manes, race, and cutie marks that are almost all exactly the same!
  440. Will this character be posing as the other knowingly? Or will the other suffer unknowingly?
  441. Has one died and the other taken their place in life? Twins? Freak chance?
  443. 88
  444. Fake it till you make it.
  445. You have no notable pedigree, but nobody has to know that.
  446. Why, to these Wasteland bumpkins, you can be a long lost descendant of one of those Ministry Mares! Everybody loves them, right?
  448. 89
  449. Write a story about a pony who takes care of a group of dangerous of creatures.
  450. Defending them from poachers, hunters, and any wandering asshole out there in the world.
  451. Wasteland Zoo, perhaps?
  453. 90
  454. Write about a character who stumbles into a conflict between two factions. Two settlements, a group of Rangers/Enclave, whatever.
  455. The character is asked to bring the conflict to an end. How do they do it? Diplomacy? Big guns and an all out assault? Backstabbing? Do they succeed?
  457. 91
  458. Write a pony who is ashamed of their race.
  459. Some suggestions:
  460. An Earth Pony who wants to fly/do magic/stop being a worthless dirt humper.
  461. A Unicorn who can only do stupid magic: Confetti bursts when frightened, bubbles when scared.
  462. A Pegasus who hates the Enclave for a super small, petty reason.
  464. 92
  465. Write about a blind character. A real one, not some steeldonut Daredevil wannabe. The actual problems that would come with not being able to see in the Wasteland. Do they have a guide to help them? Were they born with it? Damaged when they were older?
  467. 93
  468. Achoo!
  469. Germs and illnesses are nothing to sneeze at in the Wasteland.
  470. One pesky cold can kill if you aren't prepared for it.
  471. But not you, because you're the Wasteland's only hypochondriac!
  472. Unfortunately for you, your daily life is a living Hell because of it. How's that working out for you?
  474. 94
  475. Disaster on the Equestrian Express!
  476. You're a train guard, and it's now under attack!
  477. Time to earn your salary, soldier. Get to work.
  479. 95
  480. You've been hired to solve a murder in a dirty mudhole. Certainly not the standard Wasteland job, but hey, a paycheck is a paycheck.
  482. 96
  483. The Wasteland is a hard place, and not everyone can handle it.
  484. Write about a member of a group going rogue. Is it the leader? A side member? What happened to push them over the edge? How does the rest of the team deal with them?
  486. 97
  487. Write about a pony with the opposite characteristics of what would be considered normal.
  488. Big, beefy Unicorn who can't do much magic.
  489. Tiny, timid, weak, cowardly Earth Pony.
  490. Honorable, well spoken, intelligent, nice smelling Pegasus.
  492. 98
  493. Who has all the keys to the kingdom?
  494. The Janitors, of course.
  495. Write about a janitor behind the scenes of the Wasteland.
  496. What kind of secrets do they know that nobody realizes?
  497. Access to the Twilight Society's inner sanctum? Red Eye's secret vaults? The Enclave's hidden Wingboner stash?
  499. 99
  500. Radlings.
  501. Think old world Changeling, but they glow in the dark.
  502. They feed off radiation, but this is rarely seen as the radiation is so pervasive in the Wasteland they need never drop disguise.
  503. When the GoE fired off, they saw it as a genocide by starvation and have planned a response.
  505. 100
  506. You look up towards the west. A cool wind slides over the barren Wasteland, curling through your mane. It is heavy with the stench of rain. There's going to be one hell of a storm tonight. Lucky you.

Stable 2 Adventures of Colt Anon and Littlepip [FoE]

by WarKing76

Anon Gets Involved in a Robbery [AiPP]

by WarKing76

/FOE/ Writing Prompts

by WarKing76