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Rarity Convinces Anon by Force

By PonyAfloat
Created: 2023-01-05 20:45:51
Expiry: Never

  1. Premise: Rarity purges Anon of prudishness by force.
  3. Part 1:
  4. >In the elegant dressing room of her Canterlot townhome on a cloudy spring day, Rarity inspected herself in a set of gilded full length mirrors. Meticulously, she examined every flaw, marking it for deletion. Her mane, pure white coat, make-up, jewelry, and dress must be perfect. Today, after all, was of pivotal importance; by the time of its completion, a paradigm shift will have transpired. Great strategic planning, preparation, and effort had been implemented over the span of more than a year to bring this to pass.
  5. >Her blue and white dress, made of the smoothest satin, was emblazoned with bows, small frosty sapphires, and diamonds across the material. Majestic amethyst ringed the collar to match her captivating eyes and purple mane. Waves of her magic aura and various tools of her fashionista trade skillfully swept across the material, removing wrinkles, lint, and setting everything in order.
  6. >Her make-up was simultaneously minimized, to avoid an unnatural look, and optimized to intensify her beauty. What other mare could achieve such a feat? None, for she was a professional without equal in the realm of beauty.
  7. >She wore several items of jewelry, some explicitly visible, others cleverly hidden from view; sapphire studded gold earrings, delicately lace-like links of gold and amethyst chain woven into her mane and tail, and an elongated gold ring full of glimmering sapphires embraced her horn. Only her necklace, a wide gold band that hung about her neck and down toward her chest, clashed with the carefully crafted color scheme. Its large, bright ruby, mercilessly captured the eye. One observing it would not be able to resist the feeling that he was looking into Rarity's passionately beating heart. It was calculated for that purpose. The nature of the hidden jewelry, and hidden clothing for that matter, will be made apparent hereafter.
  8. > Finally, her hair. Perfectly set, her purple curls were mesmerizing. It had taken her hours to accomplish the task, but it was well worth it. With a few final brushes, it was finalized.
  9. >In short order Rarity completed her final beautification procedures. Ultimately, she stood shinning, glittering, and immensely satisfied in the sweet spring light that engulfed her from the window nearby. It was perfection. She practiced pouting her lips and batting her eyelashes, and she turned about to verify every angle.
  10. >Her plan was in motion. Her arsenal of beauty and charm was arrayed for battle. Who could withstand her firepower? Soon her operational art would engage to achieve the objective, and her benevolent Machiavellian plan would yield its fruit. Who could escape her enveloping maneuvers? Certainly not her target, in any case.
  12. Part 2:
  13. >Still examining herself in the mirror, Rarity was enthralled with the overwhelming effect she knew it would produce. "Oh Rarity, you truly are a fashion genius...and cunning to boot!" She giggled to herself and tossed her mane gently to the side. She was right, of course. Her skill in fashion and as a business pony had rocketed her to the heights of the social elite of Canterlot. Rich but not haughty, both generous and kind, she had become a great mover and shaker. A benevolent socialite, she was known not only for fashion, but also for contributing to many worthy causes in and around Canterlot.
  14. >A sudden knock at the front door announced the moment that plans would evolve into action. Rarity quickly practiced her most inviting, demure, seductive, and sultry looks, batting her eyes each time, before taking off down the hall to answer the door. She paused only for a brief moment to peer into the room she had prepared. All was in order; away she flew down the stairs.
  15. >Before opening the door, she threw open the curtains, bathing the entrance foyer in soft warm light. The necessity of this could not be overstated. The light would cause her to shine and sparkle, as a dreamy vision, in the eyes of the important guest. With that, she opened the door at just the right speed to maximize the drama of the moment.
  16. >"Good morning Anon! Lovely to see you today, truly, and I am so glad you came." said Rarity in her most delightful smile. She watched Anon as his eyes danced over her, finally fixating on her ruby necklace as she anticipated. He was entranced, just as she had intended.
  17. Anon was silent a moment, stunned by her beauty and the carefully curated scene. "Good morning Rarity. You look absolutely radiant! I'm sure the goddesses are jealous!"
  18. >"Oh, thank you Anon. Do you really like it?" Rarity turned around to show Anon every angle, certain to infuse feminine subtlety into her graceful movements; an alluring enticement to Anon's subconscious.
  19. "Certainly! I can't remember seeing you more beautiful! You didn't need to put in all the effort though. Today is just the sketching remember?" Anon referred to the painting that Rarity had commissioned him to make of her.
  20. >"Oh yes darling, but I make it a point to always look my best...especially for today's events." she said with a sly look.
  21. Anon puzzled a moment on Rarity's unexpected ending comment and facial expression, not quite sure what she meant by 'events'. The thought became subconscious, but it lingered in his mind as a mystery to be considered continuously. "Well, today you have succeeded beyond measure!"
  22. >With a vivid smile she invited him in. "Won't you come in? Let me show you the room I prepared, and I have some delightful tea for us as well."
  23. Anon nodded and entered at the invitation. Together they climbed the stairs and passed down the hallway to the room. Anon marveled at her finely decorated home, every bit as beautiful and elegant as she was. He also noted the especially graceful and effortless way she moved today, more so than what he was accustomed to.
  24. >"Here we are! What do you think of the arrangement?" asked Rarity gesturing a hoof to the room.
  25. Anon took in the scene. A luxuriously ornate red sofa stood in the center surrounded by enormous bouquets of roses and other flowers. Tables at an angle to the sofa carried fine crystal tableware, books, and other decorations. A fine golden candelabra stood at one end. All this was illuminated by the warm spring sun flowing in through the windows. Gorgeous in scope, the set-up was divine, as Rarity would say. "You've really done a great job Rarity. This will make for a splendid painting!"
  26. >"I have nothing but faith in your great skills Anon, in more ways than you know. But for now shall we have some tea? I promise it is some of the best you have ever tasted; brought to Canterlot from Saddle Arabia, you know."
  27. Anon followed Rarity and they sat down at an oak table in the far end of the room at a window overlooking the bustling city below.
  28. >For a time they enjoyed their tea, each others company, and the wonderful view of the city's winding streets and spires. They discussed what Twilight, Fluttershy, Pinkie, Applejack, and Rainbow had been up to in Ponyville, as well as their mutual friends in Canterlot. While their banter ranged over several other topics, Rarity internally reflected on her past, and future, relationship with Anon.
  29. >Initially struggling upon arriving in Equestria, Anon had since mastered the language and become a successful business human. A gifted artist, he had parlayed those skills into a network of artisan workshops that produced everything from architecture to paintings. The output of his workshops had beautified cities across Equestria. He had done portraits for the Royal Sisters and had even been commissioned to paint the dome of the Great Royal Observatory by Princess Luna.
  30. >They shared so much in common, art being but one of those facets, and had become best friends. Yet, Rarity had come to feel that they were kindred souls and wanted more than friendship. She loved Anon and over time that love had grown into a raging inferno within her. Burning just as fiercely was her lust and the fantasies she had of Anon.
  31. >But there was a problem. Anon had an aversion to relationships with ponys. He had not said so directly, but Rarity had gathered it from his behavior and it was implicit in their conversations. He had rebuffed the advances of many mares. Perhaps Anon believed he would one day return to Earth and start a relationship with a human female. Or perhaps he was a purist when if came to inter-species relationships.
  32. >Regardless, Rarity intended to break Anon from this aversion, to forcefully rip him away from these beliefs and into her embrace forever. She was determined, confident, and driven by love and lust. She would prevail.
  33. After a lull in the conversation Anon smiled at Rarity, truly enjoying her company. He was excited to have the opportunity to paint a portrait of his best friend, a friend who had helped him start his career, and in so many other ways was a source of strength. "Well, shall we begin? You know, I intend to make this my finest work."
  34. >"Yes, let's begin! I have been looking forward to this!" Now the time had come to engage all her skill and a good amount of force, if necessary.
  36. Part 3:
  37. Anon got up and followed Rarity across the room to the sofa, again marveling at her majestic movement; she was the perfection of art in motion. He admired her appreciation of all things beautiful, not just visual but immaterial as well. She was kind, generous, and had a talent for bringing out the best in the character in others, including himself. As Rarity moved toward the sofa, Anon found a point that gave him the best perspective on the scene and began to set up his equipment.
  38. >By the sofa, Rarity watched Anon and made parallels between his craft and hers. Watching him move, she felt her pulse increase and her blood rush. She gently bit her lower lip as she looked him over, anticipating the heights of ecstasy they would reach today. "How shall I pose for you, darling?"
  39. Smiling at the thought that she needed his opinion on posing, Anon replied. "Oh, any way you like Rarity. I'm sure it'll be perfect." So said, he went back to finishing off his preparations.
  40. >Smiling slyly to herself, Rarity mounted the sofa and struck a pose incongruent with the overall scene. "How is this, my dear?"
  41. Anon looked up, having just then finished his preparations. He could not hide his confusion that she had not nailed it the first time. Putting an elbow into the palm of his other hand and his chin between his fingers, he scrunched up his face in thought. "I think, that's not quite it. It's, um, too bold. Maybe try another?"
  42. >Rarity smiled, gracefully tossed her mane and shifted her position to another incongruent pose. "Oh yes, you are correct of course. How could I have been so silly! Is this better?" She gave him an expectant look with pouty lips.
  43. It still wasn't right in Anon's view. "Hmm, I think now it's too subtle. Can you try something in between, with a look of elegance?"
  44. >Rarity, enjoying this game a bit, re-posed again and adopted an out-of-place smug expression. "Perhaps this?"
  45. Anon shook his head, surprised Rarity couldn't get a good pose. She was a master and should have no trouble at all. "Still not right." He would have said more but was cut off my Rarity interjecting.
  46. >Well, I seem to be having a bit of trouble getting if just right, Anon. But, I do want it to be perfect. could help place me in the right pose?"
  47. "Certainly!" Anon said with a slight bow. He already had a fantastic idea for a pose.
  48. >"Oh thank you, darling!" Rarity smiled brightly and stood up on the sofa. As Anon posed her she intended to add a bit of resistance and lack of cooperation, disguised as innocent lack of skill of course. Just enough to prolong the game endearingly, but not enough to cause frustration.
  49. Reaching the sofa, Anon paused a moment. "You don't mind if I move you into position?"
  50. >"Not at all, truly. In fact, I welcome your expertise!"
  51. Anon smiled and gently placed his hands on Rarity to move her into the magnificent pose he envisioned.
  52. >The gentle pressure of his hands, transmitted to her flesh through the dress, was intoxicating to Rarity. Her body tingled and her heart fluttered. Yet, as a lady should, she maintained composure. She played the game she envisioned. As Anon moved the various parts of her body she would misplace them ever so slightly, requiring more work, more touching, from Anon. She made endearing comments: "You mean like this...", "Oh, terribly sorry...", "Anon, that's wonderfully clever. I hadn't thought of it...", and so forth. On occasion, she cast subtly sultry glances into Anon's eyes as he worked. She employed these feminine and other wiles, designed to subconsciously entice a male and bring him under her spell.
  53. At length, Anon brought Rarity's body into alignment with his mental image. Finally, he placed his hands on her neck and head to finish the pose. The warmth and heat under his fingers was surprising. He lifted her chin slightly with the fingers of his right hand, momentarily fixing his gaze on her pretty eyes and pondering the meaning of her expression. He had to admit that he had enjoyed the process, savored it even. It was the closest he had been to his best friend and he had felt a corresponding warmth grow within him. The final touches were to smooth out her dress and set her mane and tail in position. Looking at her now in total, he was overwhelmed. "You look glorious Rarity! Truly magnificent! Hold that pose. This is going to be an amazing portrait; my best work, I promise!"
  54. >Rarity beamed happiness and silently let out a deep quivering breath that released the tension of arousal that had been building up within her during the posing process.
  56. Part 4:
  57. Now returned to his canvas, Anon took one more prolonged look at Rarity in all her glory, a demure countenance upon her face. He flipped over the cloth that was protecting his canvas and with sketching pencil in hand he began translating Rarity's beauty to the paper with the smooth sweeping strokes of a master. "Hold as still as you can Rarity. This will actually be rather quick and I'll add finer details later in my studio. After that, we'll do a final painting session." As his pencil traced out her lines, Anon keenly felt the lusciousness of her curves, alluring as they were. He felt as though his hands were running over her body and he was forced to swallow and take a deep breath to continue.
  58. >"Do take as much time as you need, Anon. I am more than happy to be your very willing subject. I am completely at your disposal." said Rarity with a giggle and slight intonation of seduction. Anon's struggles to maintain focus was not lost on her. The lust surged within her to know that her wiles were having their desired effect.
  59. Anon laughed. "Well, I appreciate that Rarity. And may I say, I really think you've hit new heights of beauty with this ensemble!" Rarity bowed slightly in response, causing the sun to glint off her earrings and ruby necklace, which Anon found immensely pleasing. He captured it in his sketch.
  60. >"Thank you Anon, most gracious of you!"
  61. At length and after much banter between them, Anon finished his sketch with a few final flourishes of his pencil. "There, done! Would you like to look?" Just in time, thought Anon. The sun light was becoming much darker as cloud cover piled up outside. It seemed a storm was on the way.
  62. >"Of course darling!" Rarity got up and moved to the canvas, using the opportunity to push herself intimately up against Anon as she reviewed the sketch. "Wonderful, really! You managed to capture everything perfectly. I can't wait to see the finished portrait! You truly are skilled."
  63. Anon's heart raced feeling Rarity's proximity, but he suppressed his feelings. Feeling that way toward a different species was terribly improper. Yet, he beamed with pride at Rarity's complement. "Thank you Rarity. Hopefully, when the portrait is finished it will meet your standards."
  64. >"It shall indeed. I have no doubt!" Now Rarity adopted a cunning smile. "In fact, I love your work thus far so much that I'd like to make a proposal. Triple the commission, for a second portrait. What do you think?" Rarity ended her question with a heart melting intonation and expression to tug at Anon's heart strings, and perhaps also at his lust.
  65. Anon's eyes opened wide. "T-That's too much Rarity! Surely a lower price would be..."
  66. >"Oh no, Anon! I insist! Payment for services rendered!" Rarity gave him batting eyes and pouty lips. "Please?"
  67. Such sweetness! Anon could not decline. "Ok. When would you like to do the sketch for it?" said Anon with a smile.
  68. >With a sideways glance and half-lidded eyes, Rarity replied, "Why, right now of course!"
  69. With a gesture to the window and the gathering storm, Anon responded "I think the decaying light will not be enough to capture the effect, Rarity. Plus, this looks to be a doozy of a storm. I shall be caught in it for sure on my way back to my studio."
  70. > Rarity glanced to the window for a moment and turned back with a sly smile. "The sunlight shall be unnecessary. I have a different mood in mind, darling! And don't fret the rain, since I am confident it will pass by the time we finish." Her conception of when they would finish differed from Anon's, of course. With that and a dramatic flick of her glowing horn, Rarity lit the candles on the candelabra as well as other candles around the room that Anon had not noticed previously.
  71. The effect was profound. The combination of the candle light, aroma of the flowers, Rarity's beauty, and the distant sound of thunder signaled to Anon that the circumstances had somehow changed; the feeling was something like the preliminary winds of a hurricane. It unsettled but also intrigued Anon, and his curiosity propelled him into the eye of whatever maelstrom this was. "Ok Rarity, I'm ready when you are."
  72. >Rarity fixed her eyes on Anon as she moved toward the sofa once again, turning her head away eventually and ever so slowly, with an explicitly seductive look. Mounting the sofa, Rarity began fiddling with her dress, as if to remove it but failing. She was pretending, of course. She desired an excuse to have Anon's assistance and proximity. "Won't you come over and help me a moment, Anon?" she spoke with feigned exasperation.
  73. Anon, heart rate high and full of anticipation of the unknown, arrived by her side. He supposed Rarity meant to remove her dress and have a sketch with no clothes, something he was of course accustomed to seeing. "How can I help?"
  74. >"Do be a gentlecolt and remove those clasps and undo the bows." She indicated the implements with a nod of her head and watched Anon as he set to work.
  75. The task finished, Anon helped Rarity out of her dress. She moved slowly, seeming to Anon that she wanted to prolong the moment. He expected to see her lovely white coat, emblazoned with her diamond trio cutie mark. Instead he was met with an altogether different vision. Pausing to gaze was all he could do for a moment.
  76. >"Well, what do you think darling?"
  77. Anon was still lost in this carnal vision. Upon her flank was a pair of black lace panties, studded with vibrant rubies. This was complemented by a kind-of matching lace vest about her chest, also decorated with lusciously deep red rubies. Likewise, she wore matching lace stockings. Running lithely down her legs, they were laced up in the back with bows and ringed with rubies at the top. Each stocking ended in a flaring of lace that draped over the top of her well-manicured hooves. Having taken it all in, Anon looked up and noticed that Rarity had replaced her sapphire earrings with ones of ruby, and likewise with the ring on her horn. In fact, everywhere there had been cool sapphires before, there were now passionate rubies. To finish the effect, an ornate gold ring adorned her tail at the dock. It rested against the slight mound beneath her panties with sexual triumph.
  78. >Rarity recognized Anon's pause as a moment to pounce with temptation. "Perhaps you would like to see it from all angles?" Rarity turned about to overwhelm Anon with her surprise. She put seductive sway in the movement of her flanks as she turned. "Is it not pleasing, darling?"
  79. "I-I...well, I..."
  80. >"Speechless?" asked Rarity cooly. Then scrunching her nose and smiling cunningly, she continued. "That was the intended effect, of course! I made it specifically for this occasion...and for you. I'm sure it satisfies your artistic sensibilities, no?" Now, Rarity had another task for Anon. She had purposely left one of her hind leg stockings unlaced. "But silly me, I have forgotten to lace one of my stockings. Won't you tie it up?"
  81. Anon, could only obey at this point. He reached down with quivering hands and began to lace it up. The position this put him in gave him a clear view of those luscious parts thinly veiled by Rarity's panties; he could not help but glance. Clumsy with an uncontrolled surging lust, his hand slipped as he tied the last bow and impacted Rarity's exposed teats.
  82. >"Ooo!" Rarity was indeed surprised by the sudden and unintended erotic contact. But it was welcome and she quickly recovered.
  83. "Terribly sorry Rarity, I didn't mean..."
  84. >"Not at all, darling, not at all! Quite alright!" Then to recover the situation and avoid awkwardness, she continued. "Shall we begin then? Make yourself ready and I shall strike a pose."
  85. Still reeling from the warm feeling of those soft, peach fuzz covered mounds, Anon stood up to walk to his canvas. "S-Sure. Let's."
  86. >But Rarity had one final trick. As Anon stood up, she feigned loss of footing, allowing her flank to fall into and press against Anon's groin. "Woops! Apologies, darling!" The satisfying feeling of that bulge against her flank, and moreover the feeling of a pronounced peak, told Rarity all she needed to know. It was confirmation she was on the right track.
  87. "N-Not to worry Rarity, I've got you." said Anon as he caught her and helped her regain her pretended loss of balance. The overall encounter had been overwhelming. His heart was racing, his insides burned, his lust was awakened, and he had grown terribly hard. 'Why must I have these feelings toward a pony?' he thought to himself. 'It's not right and I must suppress it! But Rarity is my best friend. She wants a portrait of herself in lingerie. So be it. I will make an excellent portrait, but I will go no further.' Anon took a deep breath and swallowed to regain his ever diminishing control, and walked back to his canvas.
  88. >While Anon walked and had his back turned, Rarity struck her pose. It was immediately perfect, having been practiced and refined. It was designed to present and enhance all her best curves, to tease with invitation, to hint at sex with the visible outline of the treasure beneath her tail, and to offer a small glimpse of her perfect teats. Her expression was one of bedroom eyes and intense temptation. Rarity knew what she was doing. She was an expert.
  89. When Anon reached his canvas and turned, he was struck, as if by lightning. Earlier, she had struggled to strike a pose. Now she had landed it too perfectly. It's explicitly sexual nature unbalanced him, and he stood awestruck. He had seen her without clothes before, but the lingerie somehow represented an obstacle; a barrier to forbidden things that he now ravenously wanted. His eyes darted to the window at the first flash of lightning and a sudden swirl of wind that sent the trees into dynamic agony. He reached for his pencil, noted his shaking hand, cleared his throat, and spoke. "That's perfect Rarity. J-Just perfect."
  90. >Enthralled with the sound of his voice, laden as it was with desire beset by uncertainty, Rarity smiled and whispered against the din of the storm. "I know, darling! I absolutely know! Sketch away with all your fury, my masterful artist!"
  92. Part 5:
  93. Anon shut his eyes momentarily and swallowed again. Upon snapping them open, he focused on his canvas. With surprising vigor, and in defiance of his shaking hand, Anon threw lines on to the paper. The artistic expression flowed like water as the sketch took form. The lines were exquisite, the curves defining her frame were delicious, the shading remarkably sensual. It became a work of passion as much of skill. "I, um, I think this will be something very special Rarity."
  94. >"I should hope so! I had certainly meant it to be! This is much more than mere sketching you know." breathed the seductress, now hitting her stride.
  95. Anon had to take a few pauses, deep breaths, and moments with shut eyes to keep himself focused on task; to not be overwhelmed with the effect of his boiling hormones. Through this, he managed to bring the sketch to completion. Relieved, he stepped back to examine his work. It was perfection; just as enticing as she was. "It's done Rarity. W-Would you like to look?
  96. >Her plan was in motion. Faster and harder it would go from this point. "Do be so kind as to bring it over here, my dear." said Rarity as she got up and stood on the sofa. She stood, of course, at an angle to Anon that maximized his view of her temptations.
  97. Anon, conflicted between a physical desire and an artificially imposed intellectual constraint, brought over the sketch. Presenting it to her, the more logical parts of his mind hoped she would be satisfied and allow him to be on his way; back to his self-imposed sensual isolation from the world of ponies.
  98. >"Gorgeous work, Anon! The work of a great master." The opportune time to attack had arrived; Rarity opened fire with a massive salvo. Cocking her head to one side, offering half-lidded eyes, and swishing her tail to her opposite flank to reveal her cloth-covered assets to Anon's vision, Rarity continued with whispers. "And how do you feel, my dear? Surely, you feel a deep burning desire. Do your hands not long to touch me, to travel the extend of my body, and to explore everything? Perhaps you long to feel my warmth, my breath against your face, and my body entangled with yours." Rarity gently removed the sketch from Anon's hand with her magic aura and set it aside, following it with her gaze but looking back at him, mysteriously, through her mane once it was out of the way.
  99. Anon could not speak, frozen by Rarity's allure. His breathing was heavy and his heart was pumping buckets.
  100. >Seeing the effect of her words, Rarity continued her sensual assault. "Observe darling, how beautiful I have made myself for you. Never would I have done this for another." Rarity turned about once more with considerable sway, ending with a sensual "Hmmm?" to force Anon to assent to the truth she spoke. "We have been best friends, Anon. We share so much in common. If best friends then why not lovers? No real obstacle stands between us."
  101. Anon felt weak and flushed at the power of her tantalizing performance. He found himself wanting to reach out and gather her to himself.
  102. >Perceiving Anon's weakened resolve, Rarity took his collar in her aura and gently pulled him down so that they were face-to-face. Rarity craned her head and whispered sweetly in his ear. "I lust after you ever so strongly, Anon. But more than lust. I love you and I know you love me! Don't fight it, my dear. Embrace me. Take me! Tear off my clothes and take me!" Tenderly she began planting slow kisses on Anon's face.
  103. Anon breathed out as he felt the warmth of her passion and her loving gaze. He timidly planted a kiss on her cheek and his hands were on their way to grasp her sumptuous body. However, his mental resistance had not yet withered. Gathering his fortitude, he slowly pushed away and stood up. "I can't Rarity. I just can't. W-We can be best friends, but nothing more." Looking into Rarity's now saddened face, he paused, then turned and walked briskly to the door.
  105. Part 6:
  106. >Being initially rebuffed was indeed distressing for Rarity. She had truly hoped Anon would yield, would bend like a tree in the storm, especially considering her tremendous efforts. The icy fingers of anguish began to clutch at her fair heart, and a torrent of tears nearly burst forth. Nevertheless, she gathered up all her resolve and steeled her nerves. She would see Anon happy, as well as herself. Stepping down from the sofa, she tailed after Anon toward the door. Outside, the rain was now coming down gently with occasional flashes of lightning, and gentle winds. The candle light illuminated the two as they moved across the floor, and their shadows danced together in time to the flickering flames.
  107. Anon was desperate to reach the door. His logic and strict ethics had torn him from Rarity and now his passion bade him stay, apologize, and embrace her. He must reach the door and depart before he lost composure.
  108. >But before Anon could get to his exit, a quick flick of Rarity's horn and a burst of magical light slammed it shut. "Come come, Anon. Don't be that way! No need to leave in such a hasty manner."
  109. Anon whirled around in surprise at his sudden entrapment. "Now Rarity, I told you this can't work between us. Please understand. Please open the door."
  110. >"And why can't it work, darling? Mustn't we simply acknowledge that love overcomes all? That alone is enough to bind us together, is it not?" Rarity spoke from the deep and sincere warmth of her heart, her voice carrying the tones of her love for Anon. She hoped in reason with Anon, but was nevertheless preparing her next assault just in case.
  111. "Rarity, you are a pony. I am a human. We are two different species and it is simply improper! That's just the way it has to be; just the way things are! Now, please let me go."
  112. >Rarity could see reason would not work. She had anticipated this possibility and prepared a response. Anon had placed obstacles in the way of his own happiness; this absurd notion that difference of species was an insurmountable barrier between two rational beings. Rarity would cleanse him of this false belief and draw him forcefully into reality. Her face now took on a stern expression. She stamped a hoof against the plush carpet with a 'thump!'. "Very well, Anon. We shall do this the hard way!" This was spoken with a fierceness and ferocity that matched the magnitude of Rarity's love for Anon. It visibly shook him. Immediately, her horn blazed hellish blue and her aura rapidly gathered about Anon's groin.
  113. "Rarity?! What are you..." But before he could finish, Rarity's aura gripped his testicles with vice-like pressure and sent him hurtling to his hands and knees in excruciating pain. "Urgh! W-Why?...let go..."
  114. >"You will thank me for this Anon! I promise that when we are through, you shall think clearly and see the world as it is!" She paused a moment to let that settle in, then continued. "Now, I don't pretend to know the origin of this insidious, ghastly, belief you have that we cannot share in love together. However, I will purge it from you and make you acknowledge how it is blocking your own happiness and mine! It is poison and I will draw it out!" she said with another stamp of her hoof.
  115. "Rarity!...please! Urgh!"
  116. >Rarity mercilessly tightened her grip. "No Anon! I must have your undivided attention! There is no escape for you! You cannot run away. You must look into the mirror and see truth. Your only salvation, is me!" The last was said with another sharp squeeze.
  117. Speaking between gasps, Anon responded. "We...urgh...can' together...I won't...urgh!"
  118. >"Oh?" asked Rarity rhetorically with downcast eyes, an upturned chin, and a dash of authoritarian malice. "Well, perhaps that is too difficult to begin with after all. Something simpler will do at first, I suppose." Then, after a pause, and with a loving but twisted smile, she pushed her right front hoof in front of Anon. "Lick my hoof, there, at the coronet." she said softly.
  119. Anon glanced up in surprise, let his head fall, and shook it in defiance.
  120. >"Ah, ah, ah! You must cooperate Anon. I will have what I want. Do not believe I am above crushing a testicle, or two as it 'twer!" With that, she smirked and increased Anon's pain yet again.
  121. After an agonizing groan, Anon looked up in astonishment only to see a stern-faced Rarity looking down upon him as though he was a pathetic insect. Arrayed in rubies, gold and black lace, she had the semblance of an angered and ruthless goddess. She was waiting patiently for him to take action. Outside, the storm increased in intensity. Lightning momentarily became her menacing halo and thunder the messenger of her wrath. Rain came down outside in sheets and candle light in the room flickered and glinted off her jewelry. He could see that she would not relent.
  122. >"Lick." she gently commanded again.
  123. Shuddering in agony and incapable of any other motion, Anon crawled forward and pressed his tongue beneath the lace of her stocking and caressed the coronet of her hoof. He had never known it was an erogenous zone for a pony. Surprisingly, he had become hard as stone despite the pain.
  124. >"Mmmm! Continue, darling. That's wonderful." Rarity closed her eyes at the pleasure of the feeling and gloried in the erotic authority she wielded. "Now the left. Mmmm!". Feeling pleasure and satisfaction, Rarity continued. "And the hind right."
  125. Anon crawled to Rarity's hind legs and carried out the order, trying to endure the pain.
  126. >"And now the hind left...Ahhh. Just like that." she said breathlessly.
  127. Anon had never felt such pain. He could barely move, and he could barely think. He could merely do as Rarity commanded and hope in her benevolence.
  128. >Recovering from her pleasure, Rarity spoke. "There, that was not so complex now was it? As a reward I shall squeeze them less tightly."
  129. Anon breathed more easily but still groaned strongly under the pressure applied to his groin.
  130. >Tossing her mane, which sent her earrings dancing, and coming down to her belly, Rarity looked Anon in the face with a tender smile. She planted many loving kisses on Anon's stressed countenance. "Tell me darling, are you, ehem, shaven? Are you...well groomed?"
  131. Anon looked up in frustration and confusion at a smile that was quite incongruent with his pain. "W-What?...urgh...I...urgh...don't...understand..."
  132. >"Yes well, I can see by your response that you are not. You know, hair on genitalia is uncouth, my dear. Quite ghastly! But fear not, we shall civilize you. After all, we can scarcely continue otherwise!"
  133. Before Anon could figure out what she was on about, he felt her lessen the grip slightly, which was then followed by a sharp upward tug.
  134. >"Up on your feet please!" Rarity had also gotten to her feet. Momentarily she looked upon Anon as he stood doubled over and swaying in agony. Smiling slyly, she commanded, "Now come along!"
  135. Anon felt a sudden tug at his testicles that forced him to move forward in staggering zig-zags. He was being forced to follow Rarity as she opened the door and exited into the hall. Yet in pain, Anon could still not help but notice the mesmerizing manner in which Rarity's flanks moved in time to her gait. The rippling of her hind muscles as she moved was hypnotizing. As they entered the hallway, Rarity lit the lamps with her magic and Anon once again marveled at how sexy she was in her lingerie ensemble. As they passed down the hallway, he also noticed the many works of art that adorned the walls, some of them had been his work. Then there was a sudden sharp increase in pain as Rarity squeezed more.
  136. >"Don't fall behind now! Do keep up!"
  138. Part 7:
  139. Anon staggered after Rarity into a room on the left at the end of the hall. A flick of Rarity's glowing horn lit half the lamps to romantically illuminate supreme opulence, befitting a pony of her success. It was a bathroom adorned with walls and floors of swirled marble, the segments of which were separated by fine brass. Columns, smartly dressed in silk curtains and ropes, of the same swirled marble criss-crossed the floor and lined the walls. They were connected above with ornate arches, and above that a dome decorated in a mosaic of turquoise and tile, as if it was the sky. One wall held a series of magnificent gilded mirrors between its columns. White and gold furniture with curious scrollwork sat here and there. Frosted stained glass windows insured privacy and warmth. Carvings of vines and flowers worked their way up from the base of the columns to the corinthian tops. The vines were covered in flecks of jade, and the flower petals in amber, amethyst, garnet, and turquoise. At one end of the room stood a great alabaster bath atop a raised platform, huge by both pony and human standards, at the other a sink and mirror. Anon, now feeling nausea from pain and motion, felt awe; both feelings at once was pleasant and unpleasant at once.
  140. >"To the center of the room there, my love!" Rarity cheerfully commanded, yanking his groin in that direction and squeezing harder.
  141. Anon felt as though his testicles were about to burst and a genuine fear began to settle in. Reaching the designated spot and being allowed to be still, he doubled over and cupped his groin in his hands. He was on the verge of vomiting. Wincing in pain and groaning was all that he could do.
  142. >Biting her lower lip with a smirk and watching Anon absorb the pain in sadistic fascination, Rarity became a flurry of magical activity. A number of silken ropes from the curtains were caught up into the air by her magic. "Now do cooperate, darling, or I shall squeeze them even harder!" she said with a twinge of malice once again. Next, she forcefully tore Anon's hands away from his groin and raised them straight above his head. Off flew his shirt, cast carelessly into a corner. In a flash Rarity demonstrated her skill with thread and knots as she bound a cord to each of Anon's hands, sealing each knot with magic, and sent the free ends over opposite arches. Pulling them taught, she held him up, like a puppet or a fly in a spider's web, with his feet just lightly flat to the floor.
  143. Anon was about to throw up from the sudden upward jerking on his arms when Rarity finally released her captives from their vice-like imprisonment. He heaved a breath of release and felt the pain finally begin to drain. He shut his eyes and savored it.
  144. >"And now your pants, darling." In truth, Rarity was enjoying herself. Having erotic mastery over a male was unexpectedly enthralling to her. With great gusto, her tongue out and pinned to her upper left lip, Rarity unlatched his buckle, opened his pants and began to tug them off.
  145. Anon pinched his legs together in response to keep his pants from being torn away.
  146. >"No need to be bashful, Anon. Let them go." Rarity began to tug harder in frustration. "I said...let...them...go! Argh!" Off flew Anon's pants and underwear into the same corner as his shirt.
  147. Anon stood naked and helpless before Rarity, who was now eyeing him over with a lustful grin amidst the now furious din of the storm outside.
  148. >Another flurry of magic soon followed. Once more, Anon's testicles went into the vice and Rarity viciously forced Anon to his knees while maintaining tension on his arms. A binding cord was sent to bound his feet together behind him. Looking smug but sexy, Rarity tied more cords to each of Anon's legs just above the the knees. Off the free ends went, around opposite columns. With precise control she tensioned them to open Anon's legs to her sordid satisfaction. Finally, she tied off the free ends of the cords to the arches and columns. The final knots were done with dainty bows.
  149. Anon was tightly bound. Even if released from pain he would not have been able to escape; he would have struggled in vain. 'How could she do this to me!' he helplessly raged to himself. Corresponding to his ineffective frustration, his member now hung limp.
  150. >"Good boy, Anon! You've done so well! As a reward you may have your testicles back...for now.", she teased before releasing them. Rarity reflected, for a moment, on the months of intense practice she had put in squeezing walnuts to acquire the magical agility and strength to hold a constant debilitating grip on Anon's groin, and to obtain the finesse not to cause permanent damage.
  151. At the release, Anon's clenched muscles relaxed and he slunk into the tension of the cords that now bound him. Recovering was laborious. He was breathing hard, he was gasping for air, and he was suppressing nearly crippling nausea. Beads of sweat had formed on his brow and he could not speak. He could only ponder what was happening to him.
  152. >Now Rarity had a chance to take in the results of her work. Though a different species, Rarity found Anon gorgeous. Eyeing him from top to bottom she found well-styled hair, masculine facial features, strongly defined muscles, and substantial male components that dangled between his legs. 'Unf! They're bigger than a stallion's. It'll be a bit painful going in, but afterwards Mmmm!' she thought to herself. Her feminine hormones were now surging, her body tingled, and once again her heart fluttered. She imagined the weight of his body against her's. She imagined succumbing to his strength while he had his way with her.
  153. "Having a good look Rarity?" Anon breathed. "Why are you doing this? It's terrible!" He had been barely able to speak those words.
  154. >Rarity adopted a clever look, continuing her performance. "Oh certainly, Anon, and what a view it is! Though you should not have been shy about me removing your pants. Your, ehem, equipment is exquisite! Quite magnificent, really." Now that Anon was successfully ensnared, Rarity felt she could revert back to her preferred female methods of seduction. Though, something remained. "But silly me, I forgot one thing!"
  155. Eyes still closed, savoring the release of pain, Anon did not see the silken rope gag that was coming to force itself into his mouth. In an instant, it was in and tied tight by Rarity's magic. Anon's eyes snapped open at the surprise.
  156. >"There! I'll do the talking, thank you very much!" said Rarity casting a sidelong seductive glance at Anon. "Now then, shall we begin?"
  157. Anon's eye's opened wide. Begin what? Recent experience taught him that he must now pay close attention when Rarity speaks.
  159. Part 8:
  160. >Seeing Anon's full attention fixated on her and satisfied that the cords were now passively doing the strenuous enforcement she engaged in previously, Rarity decided to revert to soft, but sensual, teasing. It's what she preferred. Without the need to consider how hard to grasp genitalia to avoid damaging them, she was under less stress and more at leisure to focus on her performance. "Oh, do not worry at all. This will be fun!" Pausing a moment, she then began humming a pretty tune as she gracefully pivoted to her other side, allowing her flank to kick out at the end with sexy flare. "Umph!' Rarity uttered in a deep sultry voice as the momentum of her flank swung her into an irresistible pose, shaking her lace and earrings. Blowing a kiss, she turned, continued humming, and walked toward the sink with all the sway in her step she could muster. Being sexy for Anon was delightful to Rarity and something she had wanted to do for a long time. 'I simply love his eyes on me! By the time I'm done, he won't be able to resist!' she thought.
  161. Half of the sickly feeling had subsided in Anon's stomach and he was feeling better. Yet, now he was afflicted by Rarity's enticing antics. He watched intently as she continued her hypnotically sexy motions. Again the blood started to flow and the internal heat started building. Anon fought it. He did not want Rarity to see him erect. Half of him resented what Rarity was doing, the other could not help but be mesmerized by her. He was conflicted.
  162. >Having reached the cabinet by the sink in front of Anon. Rarity looked back at him over her body. The gems in her lingerie sparkled passionately as she calculated the effect in Anon she desired. She glanced down momentarily to attract his eyes to her rear. "Hmmm, now whatever did I do with it?" she feigned speaking to herself. "Ah yes! It's on the bottom shelf." With a cunning smile she bent down to look in the bottom shelf of the cabinet, causing her dark blue lace panties to tighten against her flanks, highlighting the outline of her vulva, and exposing her teats to Anon's view. Rarity knew it would excite all things male in Anon.
  163. Unable to look away out of pure carnal curiosity, Anon had to triple his efforts to remain limp. 'I simply can't cooperate with her. She is being insane! Had she planned this the entire time to humiliate me? If so, to what end?' the stultifyingly rational part of his mind thought.
  164. >Rarity emerged from the cabinet levitating something wrapped in cloth. Once again looking over her back with a sly smile, she discerned the line of Anon's vision. "Naughty naughty, Anon! Peeking at a lady like that. For shame!" Inwardly, Rarity's feminine instincts were ablaze with satisfaction that he obviously found her attractive. Her heart beating wildly, she took an imperceptible deep breath to maintain composure. Onward with the performance.
  165. >Rarity slowly removed the cloth to reveal a razor and sharpening stone. She used it for various feminine needs, but would now use it on Anon. Continuing her little game, Rarity wetted the stone and gave the razor a few swipes, glancing intermittently at Anon with bedroom eyes.
  166. Anon emitted a few muffled and indiscernible noises. He was now uncertain what she would do with that razor and had attempted to ask to be enlightened as to its purpose.
  167. >Catching his meaning, Rarity decided to answer in a sideways manner. Tossing her mane and walking toward Anon with the razor suspended in the air, she spoke cheerfully. "Do you remember, my dear, when you did Princess Celestia's portrait and you decided to play a joke on her by drawing in some cake crumbs and frosting on her cheek?"
  168. "Mhm nmh uhmu muhm." said Anon.
  169. >"Yes indeed! It was absolutely hilarious! Even her highness thought so!" said Rarity smiling warmly. "In fact, I do believe she requested you finalize the portrait that way."
  170. Anon nodded in agreement.
  171. >Now turning more somber she continued. "Though, I am certain you were lucky she is not a malevolent sovereign. She might have decided to take off your head then and there." Then with a sneaky smile and a dramatic swoop of the razor, "Or, considering you seem to have no need of them in Equestria, she might as well have decided to lop off your berries. Wisssss!" At the end of her statement, Rarity levitated a hoof-soaking pan from nearby and let it drop with a teeth shattering clang to the floor between Anon's legs. "That indeed, would have left a mess on the floor.", she said with pouty smugness.
  172. Concerned at the serious turn things had taken, Anon looked down and then protested. "MHMNHNM!!" Anon thought she intended to take revenge for rebuffing her advance.
  173. >"Boop!" Rarity ignored his protest and let the flat of the blade safely fall against his nose. Slowly, and with a serious expression, feigned of course, Rarity drew the flat of the blade harmlessly down a line from face to belly. She gazed into Anon's eyes all the while, monitoring the tension in his face.
  174. Anon was sweating and began to struggle against the cords. He felt the steel pass below his belly button and stop at the top of his penis, where it began tapping him, as if to prod a response.
  175. >"Shall I remove them and rid you of their burden? Since a relationship between a pony and a human is so improper, as you stated earlier, and since you are the only human in Equastria you surely don't need them. Correct?" Rarity was trying to make a point and drive it home. Slowly and carefully, for she feared accidentally cutting the man she loved, she now shifted the razor to the back of his scrotum, blunt side up. She gently pulled the sack forward, and allowed its weight to be carried on the blunt spine of the blade.
  176. Anon shook his head violently. in response to the question.
  177. >"No? 'No' you don't need them...or, 'No' you don't want me to remove them?" Rarity's expression was quizzical.
  178. Anon nodded violently.
  179. >"Yes? 'Yes', you do need them...or, 'Yes' you want me to remove them?" Rarity's expression was smug.
  180. Anon shook his head violently.
  181. >A deep and genuine smile took Rarity momentarily out of her well-crafted persona. "Well which is it, seriously?" laughed Rarity warmly. She paused, radiating her smile, and gazed lovingly into Anon's eyes. For a fragment of time, the face of Rarity, best friend, and hopeful lover of Anon, shone through. "Well, no need to decide now." said Rarity as she removed the razor to a safe distance. Then in a truly loving tone, she soothed Anon's worries. "But if you ask my advice, I believe you should stay...intact. I rather like them where they are!"
  182. "Hhhhhhhhmmmmmhhhhh!" Anon sighed in relief.
  183. >Rarity re-adopted a bedroom countenance and quietly flipped over the pan. Stepping up upon it, she was face-to-face with Anon. "Actually, I believe you should use those testicles of yours, darling". She reached up, planted a smooth kiss on his cheek and whispered into his ear. "...preferably with me!" As she said so, Rarity sensually tumbled Anon's testicles around in her aura, a sharp contrast to the vice grip earlier.
  184. The closeness of her body, the smell of her perfume, the heat of her breath, and the moisture he felt from her lips as she kissed him, filled and overpowered his senses. Not least, her massaging aura made its effect known to his body. In consequence, he once more began to feel aroused. The intensity of this encounter forced Anon to ponder Rarity's purpose in nearly severing his manhood. A spark of thought began developing just beyond the reach of his conscious mind; it began to grow quietly unnoticed, but irreversibly. 'Perhaps this is all an act. Perhaps her initially stated purpose has some credence, and perhaps I dismissed it out of hand rather rashly.'
  185. > Rarity stepped down and levitated the pan away, only to return it with warm, nearly hot, water and a bottle of positively luxurious soap. Again she placed the pan beneath Anon's groin, quietly this time, and added soap generously. "No castration today, master artist!" she teased. Then, with a small laugh she continued, "However, you shall receive a shave. You are quite unkempt and overgrown, and it simply shan't do."
  186. "Mhmmhmn?"
  188. Part 9:
  189. >"Well don't look so surprised, darling. In any case, relax and enjoy it!" said Rarity in a complex melody of sultry overtones. Rarity reasoned that she had finally arrived at the critical point in which she could speak directly to Anon's emotions. Her initial maneuvers and barrages of feminine artillery had unbalanced and destabilized his defenses, and on the sofa she had nearly been successful. Yet, it was not enough and she needed to resort to the more severe operations and tactics she held in reserve; to pull out the big dreadful guns. Rarity had designed the ensuing erotic thrashing Anon received to exhaust his rational mind, intrigue his lust, and confuse his emotions. Now, the unsettled look in his eyes, told her that the forum of his mind was awash in debate. She would shortly interject herself into that debate and make her arguments known to the participants. Tied up with cords, Anon was in Rarity's tactical cauldron and her forces, arrayed for battle, would grind his defenses to powder.
  190. Anon looked on, now curious. A change had occurred in Rarity; her authoritarian demeanor seemed faded and he caught glimpses of his friend once more. He continued to watch, heart still pounding from the uncomfortable encounter with the razor.
  191. >Taking up a wash cloth, Rarity dipped it in the pan and swirled it around to create a significant lather. "Oh yes! I'm sure you will love this!" With that she began caressing his groin with warm lather. She worked with sexual rhythm and gazed at Anon with her sparkling azure eyes, sometimes blowing him a kiss.
  192. After all the pain, Anon could not help but be overcome with pleasure. He gave up on forcing himself limp and became rigid and throbbing almost immediately. He likewise noticed the lustful glances Rarity was giving his manhood.
  193. >Shaving Anon's genitalia had not been an original component of Rarity's plan. She had thought it up 'in the moment' and then wove it in along the way. She was now glad she had. It allowed her a opportunity to be intimately close to Anon and to mare-handle his sensitive parts while she spoke with him. It was nevertheless a situation that existed among her library of vivid fantasies with Anon.
  194. "Hhhhhhhhh". Anon let out a sigh of pleasure and arousal.
  195. >Taking that sound, luscious to her ear, as a cue, Rarity rested Anon's shaft in the cradle of her aura and brought up the razor. Then she paused. "But wait! It would be rather rude to take cold steel to your penis, my dear." Sitting back on her haunches, she let the blade suggestively slip between her now exposed teats, keeping the sharp end away of course. "I shall warm it up for you!" In the meantime, Rarity took to playfully tumbling Anon's testicles and slowly pumping his penis with her aura, occasionally mixing in a surprise tug at his scrotum."
  196. More noises of arousal from Anon was the response.
  197. >The blade now ready, Rarity began making smooth even strokes with it against the surface of Anon's penis. Careful not to cut him, the required focus gave her an opportunity to examine his groin in fine detail. This, the proximity to Anon, his sighs, his erection, and the weight of his groin in her aura sent Rarity's heart racing in a hormone fueled furry. She quietly let out sighs of her own, and she felt herself becoming wet in anticipation. Rarity didn't let it carry her away though, as she had an objective to achieve. Now she would enter the forum of Anon's mind.
  198. In ecstasy, Anon had been mesmerized by her method of warming the razor and had now taken to watching Rarity work. He marveled at the care she took and her gentleness with sensitive items.
  199. >Rarity let the last remnants of her authoritarian persona melt away and she became true Rarity again. She continued her methodical shaving and rhythmic massaging, but she spoke candidly and sincerely in a bright loving tone. Her thoughts and soul poured out in semi-soliloquy.
  200. >"You should know, Anon, that I dearly love you. In fact, I can scarcely think of a future without you. We've grown from mere acquaintances, to friends, and then on to best friends. After a time, I began to have deeper feelings for you; love certainly...and so many fantasies too!" Rarity looked up to Anon in her passion."
  201. >"I always felt, always hoped you would return my affection. You made no overtures and did not respond to my advances. Yet, It seemed to me that you were in fact interested, like there was a tiny spark in your heart that was waiting to set your love ablaze." At this, Rarity paused, tapped the razor against Anon's heart, then continued her shaving. "Yet, you prohibited it from doing so, thinking a relationship with me improper. But, I know you love me too, darling."
  202. >Rarity paused before continuing. "There's no returning to Earth, Anon. You know that, right? You will never fall in love with a human woman, or mate her. You should just accept this." Again she stopped to look up into Anon's eye's as he intently listened. She then continued speaking and shaving, shifting to Anon's scrotum and commencing a slow massage of his penis.
  203. >"Everything is ephemeral, Anon. You can, and probably would, wait your entire life hoping for a fantasy on Earth. Why wait? There is a lovely mare right here, right now, who loves you! You share a love of beauty and art with her, you have spent so many happy hours with her, and her heart burns to be with you. You can have happiness and love right now!" Rarity again looked up, with a radiant smile and imploring eyes.
  204. >Returning to her erotic work, Rarity added "But everything is ephemeral, as I said. That's why today was so important for us. The window of opportunity for love between us is closing. If I had simply let you walk out the door, it would likely have closed forever. This lovely happiness would have been lost eternally to both of us. I could not let that happen, and that's how you ended up so...entangled." Rarity stopped to giggle a little. "By the way, I do apologize for delivering such pain to your sensitive parts. It was only necessary to obtain your full attention. To be sure, I wasn't sure how much pain to apply." Rarity adopted a sly look. "I hope it wasn't too much!"
  205. >Rarity finished her shaving, whisked the pan away and returned it with a refill of clean warm water. She proceeded to sensually rinse Anon. When she had finished she sent it away again. Rearing up, Rarity now hung her forelegs on Anon's shoulders, bringing them face-to-face. "Well Anon? What do you think?" said Rarity, making her most alluring bedroom eyes. She had noticed a change in Anon as she delivered her soliloquy, and was certain she had him. She had triumphed over Anon's inflexible sense of ethics.
  206. Anon, breathing heavily and feeling flush with sexual desire from Rarity's recent activity, had been strongly affected by her words. His mental defense, as stripped of logic as his body was of clothes, stood no chance against Rarity's emotional appeal. In her words he felt love and truth. It had swayed him enough to abandon his previous beliefs, as Rarity had predicted. Gagged, he could not express this. He could not coherently speak, nor even embrace or kiss her. Instead, he gave her an understanding look, closed his eyes and gently rubbed his nose against her's, an Equestrian expression akin to a kiss. In response, Rarity's eyes beamed happiness and her smile was the most wonderful Anon had ever seen.
  207. >Rarity embraced Anon, shut her eyes, and shed a few tears of relief. "I knew you would come around, my love!" After a while she pulled back. The final constraints on her passion had been broken and her lust grew in bounds. Now that the anxiety over whether or not Anon would return her love was gone, physical desire took over and she could no longer restrain herself. "My love, will you kindly assent to remaining tied up for just a bit longer? At the moment you are my prisoner, and as long as you remain so, I shall subject you to whatever pleasures I see fit!" Then whispering, she said "Besides, you look gorgeous ensnared like this! It excites me so!"
  208. Anon smiled through his gag, giving the desired assent. He was as eager and unrestrained as she was.
  210. Part 10:
  211. >With a cunning look of unbridled desire. Rarity allowed herself to slowly slip down Anon until his member rested snuggly against her crotch. Laying sensual kisses against Anon's neck and upper chest, Rarity moved her hips in and out. She was filled with pleasure at the feeling of Anon's penis pressed against her vulva and clitoris through her panties. "Mmmmmm! Do you like that Anon?"
  212. Anon was no less in ecstasy. He longed to touch her, though he could not. He signaled his pleasure to Rarity with heavy breathing.
  213. >After a while Rarity stopped, and gave Anon a kiss on the check. "I will afflict you with more pleasures, Anon! And you can't stop me!" said Rarity playfully as she rubbed her nose against his. She allowed herself to come back to all fours and turned about, striking sexy poses. Pivoting off one pose, Rarity strutted to a nearby pillar where a silken cord hung down from an opening in the ceiling. She ran her tongue sensually up the cord while gazing at Anon with bedroom eyes, placed it in her mouth and gave it a graceful tug. A muffled mechanical sound came from the ceiling and Rarity strutted back.
  214. Anon wondered at the mechanical sound, but it was only a minor distraction. He was throbbing at Rarity's teasing display. He wanted nothing more than to be free of the cords and drive his penis into Rarity with all the force he could muster.
  215. >Rarity wasted no time when she returned to Anon. She gave him a cunning look, took his penis in her Aura and began licking it in long strokes from the base to the tip. She let her saliva flow freely and watched Anon's reaction with upturned eyes.
  216. Anon could not help rolling his eyes up and letting out a sigh of pleasure. After all the teasing and pain this felt wonderful.
  217. >Seeing the positive effect, Rarity gently pulled the skin down his shaft and made circles with her tongue at the tip; she stopped at moments to kiss it. She was exhilarated by the shuddering this induced in her captive and for the moment she was enjoying being the master. But there was a growing longing for Anon to have free reighn with her, to handle her in his strong arms. Without warning, Rarity took his shaft into her mouth, introducing it to warmth, softness, and slickness.
  218. Anon shuddered more. His heart pounded and his body was enveloped by a tingling warmth. Rarity was working his penis rhythmically in and out of her mouth, making small sucking sounds. He watched in ecstasy and fascination.
  219. >Rarity continued for some time fellating her lover. Occasionally, she removed it from her mouth to kiss of lick it more. Finally, she slowly pulled away. As she did, she cradled Anon's manhood in her tongue, only allowing it to drop once its tip passed the tip of her tongue. Rearing up to Anon again, she kissed him, whispered in his ear and rubbed her check against his. "Would you like to touch me, my love? Run your fingers over my body? Explore every hill and valley?...Enter every cavern?" She let the last innuendo drop with a breathless voice and a sultry look.
  220. Without hesitation Anon nodded his head in desperation.
  221. >"Be gentle with me then! I am certainly rather fragile...but not as much as your balls apparently!" she teased. Smiling warmly, Rarity dropped and with a burst of her magic untied the cords that held up his arms. They dropped like sacks of flour. While Anon struggled with pins and needles in his arms, which had fallen asleep, Rarity slipped his penis back into her mouth and continued delivering pleasure more aggressively. Rarity could not wait for Anon's hands to be all over her body.
  222. In short order, and after removing his gag, Anon was running his hands all over Rarity. Her warmth under the silky lingerie was intoxicating as was the movement of her neck muscles under his finger tips. To his delight, she began to emit sounds of pleasure, little muffled "Em!"s and "Mm!"s as she continued bathing his penis in her mouth. He took hold of her teats with one hand and began massaging their sensitive flesh. The other hand explored the remainder of her silky lingerie.
  223. >Beside herself with the pleasure wrought by Anon's hands, Rarity let his penis out of her mouth. "Take off my lingerie, darling!...Slowly." Having said thus, Rarity flicked her tongue out and lifted up one of Anon's testicles. She let it rest on her tongue a moment before slurping it up into her mouth. She playfully turned it over in her mouth, caressed it with her tongue, and gave it gentle squeezes, as Anon undid her lingerie.
  224. Barely able to focus, Anon undid the vest and let it drop. Rarity stepped back slightly to step out of it, pulling the testicle with her.
  225. In ecstasy with Rarity tugging at his scrotum, Anon managed to remove Rarity's stockings, one by one, revealing ruby studded gold anklets beneath. Finally, he slipped off her panties. He felt Rarity let his testicle drop, dripping and wet, and watched her step back to show him.
  226. >Rarity proudly turned around to let Anon absorb her nakedness, shifting her tail to reveal the caverns she had implored him to explore earlier. Wet and winking, she knew it would excite Anon. "What do you think, my love?"
  227. The light glittered off the gold and rubies that decorated her body, mesmerizing Anon. Her curves and the vision of her winking pussy left him breathless. "You look fabulous Rarity! Extremely sexy!" Somehow the presence of the jewelry made her even more naked and alluring.
  228. >Smiling at the complement, Rarity batted her eyes and came back to Anon, undoing the remainder of the cords as she did. "Thank you Anon, I chose the jewelry just for you!" Now hanging from his neck again and resting her teats on his penis, Rarity kissed Anon passionately. "By the way, my love, my bathroom doubles as a sauna. I activated the mechanism when I pulled that cord. It takes a while, but the steam should be starting soon. Would you be so kind as to brush me down? Wet loose hair after a sauna is a terrible bother." Rarity batted her eyes and pouted her lips at the question. More than preparing for the steam, she longed to feel the hard pressure of Anon's strength as he brushed her.
  229. "Certainly Rarity! I would love to!"
  230. >"Thank you ever so much." said Rarity as she levitated a brush into Anon's hand. "She scrunched up her nose and rubbed it against Anon's. "In the meantime, I will finish off with your balls!' she whispered. Rarity dropped down and sucked up his other testicle through pursed lips, sending a jolt of mixed pain and pleasure into Anon. Once again, she tumbled, squeezed, and tugged at his testicle in the warm bath of her saliva. In a moment, she felt the stiff bristles of the brush working vigorously against her coat.
  231. Anon heaved a little as his testicle passed through Rarity's lips. It was a shock, but an erotically pleasant one. With one hand he brushed her down, always in the direction of her hair. The little ripples of flesh that preceded the brush, how the skin restored with a slight jiggle, and the whooshing sound it made as it traveled across her coat was deeply satisfying. His other hand explored the tender skin between her hind legs, her teats, then the lips of her pussy, and finally her clitoris. Savoring the winking lips against his fingers and the moisture she emitted, he made small massaging circles on her clitoris. Rarity's almost immediate moans, muffled as they were because her mouth was full, came hard and fast. They were music to his ears.
  232. >Rarity took both testicles into her mouth and pumped Anon's penis. The feeling of the bush on her skin was soothing. The feeling of Anon's fingers on her most sensitive parts was overpowering. The fulfillment of fantasy was engrossing. The mixture of these feelings worked within her until her desire to be penetrated was unbearable. She looked up at Anon with eyes glazed in pleasure. She breathed heavily and moaned through her nostrils. She was waiting impatiently for him to finish the brushing.
  233. With a final stroke, Anon declared between heavy breaths "There! Finished! Even sexier now!" The brushing had the side effect of kicking her musk and perfume into the air, a combination of flowers and a clean horse-like smell that drove Anon wild.
  234. >At the words, Rarity abruptly let his balls plop out of her mouth along with a dose of saliva. Unable to wait any longer, she spun around, presented to Anon and flicked her tail to the side, Looking over her body, intoxicated in a wash of hormones and lust, Rarity demanded "Mmmm! Have your way with me Anon! Do as you please! Be forceful, but tender!" By now the room was filling with steam and heat. 'Perfect timing!' thought Rarity.
  236. Part 11:
  237. Presented with Rarity's winking pussy, demure eyes, and feeling an unbridled love for this glamorous pony, Anon was overcome with the primordial urge. He hooked one hand around a hind leg and pulled her in until his tip, guided by his other hand, rested comfortably above her clitoris. Delighted by her cooperation in stepping back to meet him, he began to push in slowly against her slick tightness.
  238. >Rarity braced herself. She bit her lower lip and winced with her eyes shut tight as the visitor pushed her tissues aside and penetrated deeper and deeper. It was painful, but it was the kind of pain that one desired and wanted more of. "Nnnnnnggggghhhh!" she hummed, teeth clenched, breath held. Feeling Anon stop out of concern, she encouraged him, desiring the culmination of this pleasurable pain. "Oh, don't stop, darling! Bury yourself in me! Put it in all the way." She felt it recommence. "Uuuuuuuuugggggghhhhhh!" she cried out, in the lowest guttural tones her lovely feminine voice could carry, as maximum depth was reached. Feeling Anon hilted within her, Rarity breathed out heavily and savored the intrusion into her body. She opened her hind legs a bit in preparation and braced.
  239. Balls to clitoris, Anon ran his hands roughly over her body once more before starting. Grasping her hip, Anon began thrusting, very slowly at first, and more rapidly as Rarity's pussy poured out its natural lubricant and relaxed to accommodate its new playmate.
  240. >Rarity felt the pain gradually recede as it gave way to erotic euphoria. Warm waves of electricity pulsed through her body in time to the thrusting and her insides were aflame with all the delicious sensations of sex. In time, she was sweating due to the now hot and steamy room, as well as the fact that she was engaging her muscles to withstand the forceful pounding from Anon. She could feel her own fluids dribbling down her legs as they lubricated the biological machinery above. She looked between her legs and saw Anon's testicles swinging like pendulums. They were impacting the back of her teats. She looked sideways to barely see an image of Anon and her in the condensate covered mirrors. Rarity was in her fantasy, living it in that moment.
  241. Anon's senses were at their peak. He felt the heat of her body, the little ripples that traveled across her flank as he pounded, the smell of her perfume and musk, the heat and steam of the room, the feel of her coat, and the sounds of the storm outside. Most intoxicating was her breathing and moaning. Anon listened to the symphony, timed by the slap of his flesh against hers. Her breathing started low and became more and more labored. It crescendoed until it gave way to periodic "Mm!"s, which then became a flourish of "Uh!"s. Finally, the room resonated in a finale of "AH!"s. By now, he had reached a hand underneath from the front of her right hind leg and was handling her soft teats. He reached further to play with her clitoris. He was now in control. He felt Rarity give herself over to his authority.
  242. >Rarity was at her limit. The power of her love for Anon, the erotic nature of the preceding events, the sensuality of having Anon sketch her intimate curves, and the present physicality combined to shorten her time to reach the peak of her pleasure. She felt her body clench as the orgasm violently ripped through her. She became aware of a slowdown in the thrusting as her pussy gripped Anon's penis, as if in attempt to squeeze out the nectar it so desired. Letting out a powerful involuntary moan that rose to the heavens, Rarity shut her eyes in pure bliss.
  243. As Rarity lost strength and nearly collapsed, Anon quickly caught her before she hit the floor. He had not finished. Reasoning, correctly, that Rarity had been the instrument of diverting him from a life in pursuit of impossible goals, Anon was determined to pleasure her in gratitude until she could take no more. He gave her no option in what happened next. Sweeping her up gently in his arms he lifted her up and stood. Holding her to him belly to belly with an arm under her buttocks, he let her slide down against him until he was once again inserted. He felt her front legs wrap around his neck as he kissed her passionately.
  244. >Following a session of passionate kissing and recovery, Rarity was ready for more. She was desperate for more. Squeezing her hind legs into Anon above his hips, she signaled her readiness to Anon by pushing herself up and down on his penis. Feeling Anon begin to assist with his strong arms, and becoming once more awash in pleasure, Rarity rested her head against Anon's chest and listened to his heart as she humped. She felt as though she was wrapped in a warm blanket of protection as the thump of his heart and the pleasure in her loins carried her away.
  245. Soon, Anon was treated once more to the melody of Rarity's moaning and heavy breathing. With his free hand, he caressed her neck and back, communicating his love and care for her. In time, her body was quivering as it pushed past the limits of its endurance to reach climax. As the second orgasm hit her, Anon felt her legs squeeze him, making him an anchor that held her while the ecstasy shook her. Anon felt the gush of fluids running down his legs as her body relaxed once again.
  246. >Rarity could barely think straight and was operating on lust, instinct, and love. She was enjoying being subject to Anon's decisions about how to pleasure her. She looked up and smiled warmly. "That was wonderful, Anon!" Then, she buried her head in his chest again and basked in the lingering pangs of pleasure.
  247. "We're just getting started Rarity!" said Anon smiling. With that, he carried her across the room to a kind of pony furniture, a broad rectangular platform that was low enough for a pony to step up on with ease. On two connected sides there were cushioned back rests. The furniture was large enough for a pony to lay against the backrest with its legs spread out comfortably. On this Anon laid Rarity, her hair now wet and lank in a halo beneath her head and upper body, and her hips just at the edge.
  248. >Knowing, or thinking she knew, what was about to happen, Rarity beamed with expectation. Adjusting her body, her smile, and her eyes, she did her best to present a sexy image to her lover. To assist the sensuality of the moment she gazed into Anon's eyes and slowly opened her hind legs. "An invitation, darling! Do you accept?" she cooed.
  249. "I certainly do Rarity." Deciding to take his time and drive Rarity wild, Anon grabbed a hind leg and ran his tongue up and down the sensitive inner side, eventually coming to her teats once he saw her eyes close in euphoria. He stopped to tease her teats with his tongue before repeating the process on the other leg. Finally focusing his attention at the base of Rarity's legs, he licked, sucked, and gently bit those soft mounds.
  250. >Smiling and writhing in emotional contentment, Rarity closed her eyes and let herself absorb the sensation. "I love that, my love!" she whispered. As she finished the words, she felt Anon's tongue travel lower. "Ooo!" was her surprised expression, followed by a delightful giggle. Beyond physical pleasure, Rarity was savoring the loving attention she was receiving.
  251. Anon let his tongue trace the inner race of Rarity's vulva and stimulate her clitoris before pulling away. He felt that she was ready once more, and he had recovered some stamina. He moved up her body to give her a passionate kiss before straightening up his body and running his hands all over her chest and belly. He allowed his hands to come to rest hooked on her upper hind legs. He thrust in again and started pumping.
  252. >Thrown again into erotic ecstasy, Rarity absorbed every thrust with satisfaction. Her loss of strength due to the sexual bliss made her feel vulnerable and feminine. She watched as Anon had his way. His hand running over her chest and belly, and his thumb exciting her most sensitive area was thrilling and electric. She only wanted this to continue forever. "Yes!" she was whispering repeatedly between labored breaths.
  253. Anon thrust with all his might, driven on by her moaning. Rarity was drenched in warm sweat and condensation from the steam beneath his hands. As Rarity reached the verge of another climax, Anon lovingly cradled her neck in his hand and pushed her over the edge.
  254. >Once the orgasm has run its course, Rarity pulled Anon toward her in her aura. Passionate kissing ensued. She was grateful Anon was prolonging their time together, and she hoped for more until her emotional desire and lust were satisfied. Recovering some of her own stamina and strength, she decided to take the lead. "I love you!" she whispered. "Now lay down on your back, Anon."
  255. Anon obeyed. He slipped himself out of her pussy and laid down on the platform, propping up his back against the backrest. He felt his testicles enveloped in her aura as she mounted him.
  256. >"Relax and let me do the work, my love!" Rarity said as she gave Anon's testicles a tumble and inserted his penis as she lowered her body. Out of her own curiosity she asked, "Do you like it when I handle your balls like this?"
  257. "It feels amazing, Rarity. I like it a lot. I like it when you squeeze them too."
  258. >"Even when I cause pain? What about when I ordered you around?" Rarity felt a sudden thrill at the idea that now was taking form in her head.
  259. "Yes, both, but maybe not so much pain as you caused before." laughed Anon.
  260. >Rarity laughed. "In that case, shall we have another session of your subjugation?" Rarity said with a sly, but loving grin.
  261. "Let's!" said Anon, happy at the opportunity to allow Rarity to have a thrill.
  262. >Adopting a stern expression, Rarity gave a hard squeeze and watched as Anon winced. She was careful not to cause too much pain this time. "Caress my body, Anon! Worship me with your hands!"" she ordered with a playful smile. She maintained the pressure on his testicles while she commenced humping. In teasing sultry tones, she warned "I shell squeeze your balls harder if you fail to meet my expectations, my love!"
  263. Wanting Rarity to enjoy herself as much as possible, Anon was willing to endure the pain, which now also included sudden strong tugs at his scrotum. He did as he was told and massaged her body, also tenderly caressing her neck and checks. He rubbed her forelegs up and down, stopping to finger the beautiful anklets just above her hooves, which were resting comfortably on his chest. Looking up through the pain, he admired her absolute beauty, made more profound by the dancing of her ruby earrings. They moved in time to the rhythm of her humping. Her wet hair, hanging like a purple waterfall over her body, completed the gorgeous vision.
  264. >Delivering a bit of pain and having erotic control of Anon, gave Rarity a sexual thrill. She watched in sordid fascination as waves of pain passed over Anon's face. Moving harder and faster, she let her body take over, gleefully allowing the involuntary moaning and vocalizations to flow freely. She filled the room with that intoxicating music. She continued for some time, slowing and accelerating to avoid reaching climax too soon. When she could endure no longer, she hilted Anon one last time, climaxed, and then got up and moved to the side. With a strong tug and a squeeze she commanded, "Up now, Anon! To your hands and feet, if you will! Right there, just off the edge of the platform."
  265. Obeying the agonizing force vector on his testicles, Anon moved into position. He looked up at Rarity, bemused at her playfully smug expression. He was enjoying the game; the pain was just right.
  266. >Rarity turned, thrust her rear towards Anon's face and lifted her tail. "Now do be cooperative, and Lick!".
  267. In agony, Anon grasped her flank and dug in his fingers to elicit a satisfying "Ooo!". Then, he proceeded to lick her right into sexual oblivion.
  269. Part 12:
  270. >Upon orgasm, Rarity had released Anon and crashed to the cushions as she lost strength. She closed her eyes and basked in afterglow, and in the passion she felt. Presently, Rarity felt Anon's hand turn her on to her back. She assisted, welcoming the new position. Rarity felt a portion of the weight of his chest rest against hers; it was comforting in its warmth and offered security to her vulnerability. In a moment their tongues exchanged expressions of love in each others mouths.
  271. Anon, reasoned that their love making had come to its conclusion and that Rarity was exhausted. He now intended to caress and cuddle her to show her his love. He pulled away to look at her and was surprised at what she said.
  272. >"You haven't finished, Anon. We shall have to remedy that in the next round! And I have a wonderful idea of how it should go."
  273. Her cunning smile intrigued Anon and he could not but help laughing. "And how will that be, Rarity?
  274. >Dry me off and you'll see" she teased as she levitated two towels into Anon's hand. With another flick of her horn, Rarity pulled the cord to shut off the sauna.
  275. Anon carefully dried off his lover. It was delightful to watch her close her eyes as she enjoyed the towel running over her body. Finishing up, Anon dried himself and wrapped the towel around his waist. He noticed that Rarity had watched in amusement.
  276. >"Oh, well you shan't be needing that towel" said Rarity in sensual tones. She removed it in a flash of magic. "Now do come along." Taking him playfully by the groin, Rarity led, or rather pulled, Anon into the hallway and to her bedroom. She had one last surprise in store, but wasn't sure how Anon would respond. It had been one of her recurring fantasies to give it a try.
  277. As he entered the bedroom, Anon was impressed with the opulence of it. But of immediate interest was the great bed Rarity had in the room. It was certainly large enough for him with room to spare, and much larger than what a pony needed. He pondered this. 'I wonder if she had it made with a future relationship between us in mind.' he thought.
  278. >"Come join me on the bed, darling!" said Rarity as she climbed up, pulling Anon along with her. Turning and rearing up, she wrapped her forelegs around Anon's neck and began kissing him passionately. Her heart raced in response as the tip of his penis came to rest between her teats and his hands explored her body. She sighed as her breathing became heavy once again. Feeling, playful, she eased her grip and began tumbling Anon's testicles around. "I want you to finish me off, my love...with all your might!" she whispered with a demure smile.
  279. Anon was prepared to do so. This time he would pump her full to the brim. He expressed as much with the throbbing of his penis and the strength of his fingers as they toyed with her sensitive areas.
  280. >Rarity used her magic to open a drawer in one of her exquisite nightstands and drew out something composed of braided black silk cord, gold, and jewels. "Put this on me...Forcefully." she told Anon with a suggestive, but cute, scrunch of her nose. Rarity, too had an inclination to feel playfully dominated, just a little. It was a thrill to play such light sexual games with her lover.
  281. Anon recognized it as a bridal as Rarity unfolded it in front of his eyes. It was held together with ruby studded gold clasps that matched the rest of her jewelry, with a solid but soft material for the mouth piece. The brow, nose bands, and the cheek pieces were decorated with numerous little circles of gold that hung down like earrings, given it a slightly Arabian feel. The parts of the reins where his hands were meant to rest were delicately whipped with golden thread. "It's lovely, Rarity. Only you could have designed it."
  282. >Rarity effectively blushed at the complement.
  283. "You know, I used to ride horses in the human world. We used these to control them."
  284. >Rarity paused to imagine it. "Make me your horse, Anon! Control me!...Ride me!" was her breathless reply.
  285. Anon, nodded, took up the bridal, grabbed Rarity, and turned her about. He let his penis drag across her flank as he turned her and let it come to rest between her legs, pressing up into the valley between her teats. With the smooth motion of an experienced horse rider, her took the mouth piece on the flat of his palm, resting between the pinkie and thumb. With the head piece in the opposite hand he gently pressed his thumb into Rarity's mouth just behind her back teeth. With her mouth forced open, he slid the mouth piece in and the bridal over her head. With a quick motion he buckled the clasps to the appropriate tightness; two fingers for the nose band, a fist for the throat latch.
  286. >Anon's speed and expertise took Rarity by surprise, even more so her involuntary reflex to open her mouth. She found herself forcible bridled, with the mouth piece snuggly in place over her tongue. It was slightly uncomfortable; it was just the right amount of pain and she breathed out through her nostrils in satisfaction. "Hhhhhmmmm!" she had exclaimed in surprise.
  287. For Anon, the movements were second nature. He stopped a moment to run his hand across her face. She clearly knew what she was doing when she made the bridal. All the cords landed on the sensitive nerves of her face. Anon felt a tinge of excitement as he took the reins and tightened down to establish a light touch, eliciting more sounds of pain filled satisfaction. "Are you ready?" Her response was a sultry smile at him cast over her body.
  288. >Rarity readied herself, opening her hind legs a little wider, and pushed into the bridle to give control over to Anon. Dominated and constrained, her heart was racing and her body lusting. She felt herself winking and wet. Feeling Anon's shaft slide out from between her teats and up across her clitoris she closed her eyes in anticipation. It went in with great force, gobbled up greedily by her pussy, as the reins tugged her in. "Eeeeemmmmm!" was her muffled cry.
  289. Slowly at first, Anon built up a paced rhythm. His thrusts sent her forward, and tugs on the reins brought her back. She was helping by leaning into the bridle. Harder and faster he pounded her and he was rewarded with moaning, heavy breathing, snorts, and and cries of mixed pain and pleasure. The gold circles that dangled from her bridle danced across her face, making a musical tinkling sound, and her earrings swung to the rhythm of sex.
  290. >The simultaneous pain and erotic pleasure filled Rarity with a unique euphoria. For the moment, she was his plaything, an object in his hands to be taken advantage of. Rarity was enthralled to be an object of pure sexual desire at that moment. She could not speak due to the mouth piece and bits of foam were forming at her mouth, but she let Anon know of her enjoyment with her vocalizations and occasional glances back at Anon.
  291. Shifting the reins into one hand, Anon used the other to caress Rarity's body. It was becoming sweaty and hot once again and her still wet, lank, hair swung and flopped across her neck. Her tail occasionally twitched, and light glittered off of her jewelry and sweat.
  292. >Rarity was in ecstasy. She closed her eyes and allowed them to roll back in her head as she savored it all. Once more she ignited her horn and grabbed Anon's testicles. She tenderly and playfully massaged and squeezed them, giving just enough pain to excite a sense of danger in Anon. In dealing with her, Rarity wanted Anon to feel a sense of daring and haphazard disregard for the forbidden. It was a powerful multiplier for their sexual encounter. To this, she added little love taps to the sack, producing satisfying grunts from Anon. Rarity smiled within, she would make him work for it, make him fight through pain to gain forbidden ecstasy. Content, Rarity let herself moan louder in rhythm as Anon's shaft worked her pussy over. Saliva was pouring out of the corners of her mouth as Anon operated the bridle.
  293. Anon was near climax. Fighting through the pain, he was breathing hard and grunting. He pounded harder and faster, feeling throbbing pressure in his penis. Rarity's moaning was driving him wild, as was her grip on his scrotum. Finally, Rarity shook in culmination and let out an earth shattering moan. As her pussy clenched down on his penis, Anon exploded into her with a final thrust. With every muscle tight, he dug his hands and fingers into Rarity's flanks and pulled her hip into his, as if to push himself even deeper. He allowed himself to pump ropes of cum into her with abandon. He felt her grip tighten, as if to squeeze every last milliliter out.
  294. >Rarity, felt the warm liquid enter as she was at climax. It filled her pussy and oozed out, flowing down her legs. After a moment, she felt Anon's penis slip out and come to rest once more under her teats. His strong hands undid the clasps and slipped the bridle off. Rarity swallowed a few times and stretched her jaw before turning around just in time to be swept up in Anon's arms and brought down to the bed in his warm embrace.
  296. Part 13:
  297. >Rarity, totally exhausted and still breathing heavily, lay in warm contentment wrapped in Anon's arms. She was basking in the glow of the effulgent love in which they were now entwined. Gazing into Anon's eyes and smiling, she was pondering how much she had dreamed and hoped for this moment. It was the culmination of at least a year of planning and preparation. Though she knew Anon for longer than this, during the past year she had carefully studied Anon, his habits, his inclinations, his reasoning, and his likes and dislikes. Out of this grew the plan she had just executed to shake his consciousness at the foundation and make him realize happiness was within his grasp with her if only he would abandon his prudish dictates. The plan worked. The foregoing inferno of pain, sex, force, and eroticism had simultaneously purged Anon of his nonsense and ignited the furnace of their love. She would keep that furnace stoked forever more. She smiled the more deeply. Frequently, that furnace would burst into a blaze when their lust fed it.
  298. Anon stroked Rarity gently as he watched her, surprised at the level of happiness he now felt. 'Rarity was right to stop me from walking out.' he thought. He ran his hand lovingly from her cheek down to her flank and squeezed her closer. "Thank you Rarity. I didn't know it, but I was about to make a terrible mistake when I tried to leave. You're right. It's silly to put off the happiness we could have now for something so unlikely as returning to earth." He smiled and kissed her multiple times on her lips and cheek.
  299. >"Your welcome, Anon. I couldn't very well let you throw love away, especially because I have loved you for so long. I think you loved me too, but you denied yourself."
  300. "I did, and I regret not making it known to you."
  301. >"Not to worry. Everything is fine now. We can love each other freely and make each other happy."
  302. Anon smiled. "I like that idea." The storm outside was still raging but the lightening and thunder had ceased. He pulled Rarity close and pulled the bedspread over them both.
  303. >Rarity snuggled into Anon and closed her eyes. "Mmmmmmm!"
  304. Anon shut his eyes likewise and continued to stroke her until they had both fallen asleep. Safe together against the storm of the world.

We Share Everything (Part 1)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 2)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 3)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 4)

by PonyAfloat

We Share Everything (Part 5)

by PonyAfloat