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Stellar Motivation (Short)

By sophosmoros
Created: 2020-12-17 19:40:59
Updated: 2022-02-26 01:45:07
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Stellar Flare and your master needs some work.
  2. >You knew as soon as he picked you out at the slave auction that he was a young man with potential - REAL potential - but he chose not to use it. Wasted it, even.
  3. >Smart and decent-looking for a human, but far too passive, letting golden chances slip by without even a whisper of protest, not a single plan for the future.
  4. >Just coasting.
  5. >It’s a story you’re all too familiar with.
  6. >Slavery isn’t at all like you thought it would be, but maybe that’s just because you have a good master. You’re treated like a very expensive pet - which you are - and you’ve spent the last 6 months picking up after a 25 year old man, making his meals, and doing his laundry.
  7. >Basically being a mother again.
  8. >Playing mommy isn’t exactly how you wanted to spend the rest of your life.
  9. >It’s not horrific or anything, but... You need more. You’ve always been a mare with a project, striving to improve whatever is around you so that it can reach its full potential.
  10. >And what’s around you right now is a young man who needs a swift kick in the pants to get his life in order.
  11. >Late at night when he’s had a little too much to drink he’ll talk about quitting his day job as a corporate schmuck where he does something with computers and fantasize out loud about starting his own tech company. Where HE would be boss. Where HE would make the rules.
  12. >Plenty of times you’ve told him that he should, that he COULD, but he just waves his hand dismissively and laughs it off.
  13. >What a coward.
  14. >How are you supposed to succeed if you never take the chance? Never try?
  15. >You’ve had enough of his apathy and contentment to just slide through life without any sort of plan. You know he can be more.
  16. >And you can make him that way.
  17. >The idea has been bouncing around your head for awhile now, but you’ve had to think carefully on how to implement it. Your position is tenuous after all, and if you push him too far things could end disastrously. If you’re too heavy-hoofed he’ll retreat and push back at whatever you’re trying to... persuade him to do.
  18. >But you’re confident in your feminine wiles.
  19. >In all honesty, you’re surprised that he hasn’t come onto you sooner. You know you’re hot stuff and it’s almost insulting that he hasn’t demanded a blowjob or slapped your sumptuous rump as you sway past him yet.
  20. >Does he think you were just given this body without countless hours spent at the Sire’s Hollow gym?! Even now you make sure to work out so that you stay in shape, even if you don't have access to your old gym.
  21. >Although watching him nonchalantly trying to conceal a hard-on while you’re laying across his lap on the couch at night is admittedly endearing.
  22. >You can make this work.
  23. >With a deep breath to settle any last jangling nerves, you trot into the living room from the kitchen and approach your master, bobbed auburn tail held pert.
  24. >He doesn’t know what that means, but he will soon.
  25. >“Hey Stellar.”
  26. >His eyes are glued to the television, following the actors fighting their way across the screen. You’ve both finished up dinner and now it’s time for the post-meal Netflix binge watching routine.
  27. >You don't need to greet him as you hop up and snuggle down into your usual place on the couch, comfortably curled up next to your master.
  28. >You gently rest a hoof on his thigh.
  29. "Was dinner satisfying?" you croon in velvet tones.
  30. >“Mmhmm. Marinade was wicked good - thanks.”
  31. “You were STARVING, dear. I didn’t even get to ask how work was today!”
  32. >You know he had mentioned something about Bill going on vacation a couple of weeks ago so it should be the right time to bring this back up.
  33. >“Same old same old. You know. My supervisor's got vacation next week so it’ll be nice to get him off my back a bit.”
  34. >He takes a sip from the beer can on the side table, eyes still on the screen.
  35. >With a sympathetic nod you wiggle closer to him so that your forelegs drape over one thigh. It’s unsubtle, but sometimes men - and stallions - need the equivalent of an emotional brick chucked at their head to understand what you’re trying to say.
  36. “So with Bill gone will that put you in charge?”
  37. >“Temporarily yeah.”
  38. “Wonderful!”
  39. >He shoots a look your way that you ignore.
  40. >“You know I’m not really an upper management kinda guy.”
  41. >You scooch even closer until your fluffy chest is pressed against the side of the same thigh that your forelegs are laying across.
  42. “I know, I know… But won’t it feel nice to be out from underneath somepony else’s hoof, er… Hand?”
  43. >“Thumb,” he laughs, “It’s ‘under your thumb’ here.”
  44. “Right, right, yes. Answer the question, honey.”
  45. >He sighs.
  46. >“Obviously it’s nice to run on my own schedule and not to report to some asshole with a potbelly and a limp dick. I know where this conversation is going, Stellar…”
  47. “Do you?”
  48. >You start tracing long, slow circles with the tip of your hoof along the inside of the opposite thigh you’re laying on.
  49. >Your master inhales sharply through his nose and you see goosebumps raise up all down his arms.
  50. >“Y-yeah. I don’t want to start my own company now. I’ve told you this like a hundred times.”
  51. “I know, but I feel like you just haven’t thought about how-”
  52. >You draw your hoof closer to his crotch for a moment,
  53. “-rewarding it could be.”
  54. >Before inching it back down towards his knee.
  55. >His cock twitches to life and you hold back a victorious smile, feigning innocence. Why did you ever doubt yourself?
  56. “I just want the best for you; want you to be the best you can possibly be.”
  57. >He responds by nudging you off his thigh and crossing his legs to crush the rising boner.
  58. >“You’ve said that before, but I’m fine with where I’m at right now. Really.”
  59. >He’s being too polite about this; you press on.
  60. “But Master… You could do so much better!"
  61. >You can't help the whininess seeping into your tone.
  62. "You have so much potential - why waste it on this lousy company? They don’t treat you how you SHOULD be treated - how you DESERVE to be treated.”
  63. >As you say this, you use a hoof to gently pry his legs back apart and press your fluffy orange chest deeply against his thigh, lifting your rump at the same time.
  64. >This time he doesn’t protest.
  65. >He’s giving you a wide eyed look with an eyebrow raised in an ‘are we really doing this?’ kind of way that you pretend to ignore as you lithely clamber into his lap.
  66. >You have to stifle a giggle; oh Celestia, this is SO happening.
  67. >On one hoof, you know that this could be a useful way to motivate your master, but on the other hoof…
  68. >You haven’t been dicked down in over a year.
  69. >You deserve this.
  70. “Honey, look,”
  71. >You cup your white-socked hooves around his face as you carefully lower your backside onto his lap, looking deeply into his confused eyes.
  72. “You are smart. You are capable. You are galaxies ahead of any of those losers who you work with. We just need to get your motivation going so that you can unlock your full potential and I think… I can help with that…”
  73. >As you murmur this into his ear, sending shivers down his spine, you slowly grind your dampening slit backwards against his cock.
  74. >Your master gasps almost imperceptibly, still trying to convince himself he’s not totally turned on by the fact that he’s about to fuck his sexy slave pony.
  75. >Or more like she’s about to fuck him.
  76. >Semantics. Whatever.
  77. >Fuck, you love the word fuck - such gravitas.
  78. >With a little sigh of excitement you let your full weight fall onto his crotch, slowly lifting, rubbing, and grinding your marehood against the denim jeans, the fabric being the only barrier between the real excitement about to come.
  79. >Master is biting his lip to try and contain a moan, but you’re tired of him holding back.
  80. “Sweetie, don’t keep it in; it’s okay. Let it out. We’re trying to do the opposite of holding back here - it’s simply not good for you.”
  81. >Dazed, he nods, but doesn’t let himself get carried away yet. He’s still on guard.
  82. >You wiggle backwards so that your hind hooves are touching the floor again and you press your muzzle between his legs, inhaling deeply. The scent of precum makes the hair on the back of your neck stand up in anticipation and you eagerly take in another whiff before grasping the pants zipper between your teeth.
  83. >With a downwards tug his cock is mostly freed. Some fumbling with your hooves around his underwear earns you a chuckle and some help from hands with fingers.
  84. >Damn clumsy hooves.
  85. >Finally he’s out; hard and quivering, with a cute trail of dark hair leading up to his naval.
  86. >Delicious. Your eyes are round with delight.
  87. >And hunger.
  88. >Without a second thought you’re kissing him up and down his shaft, gently nibbling at his cock with your velvety lips. You tease him with tiny licks here and there, looking up to judge your master’s reaction; you are a little rusty at this after all.
  89. >He seems pleased enough, letting a low moan slip through those gritted teeth.
  90. >Good.
  91. >Carefully, you take the head into your mouth, surprised it isn’t flared like the stallions you’re used to. That and the relative size of it means that a blowjob is a comparative breeze.
  92. >You take all of him into your mouth, dragging your tongue along the underside of his warm cock and flicking it against his balls until he lets out another moan. You can’t help but giggle around him and the vibrations send him twitching into bliss.
  93. >You ease off.
  94. “Like that?”
  95. >“Uh-huh.”
  96. “You want more?”
  97. >“Yes?”
  98. “Say it like you mean it, come on now!”
  99. >For a second he seems surprised by your aggression, but the raging hormones and the promise of horse pussy are clearly speaking louder to him than any sort of thought of how a master should behave.
  100. >“Stellar, please.”
  101. "No 'please' necessary my dear," you grin. "Take what you want; what you deserve.”
  102. >Without wasting another second, he scoops you from up off the floor and dumps you, undignified, muzzle down onto the couch, grabbing your tail and pulling it up hard enough that your dripping marehood is suddenly in his full view.
  103. >Now it’s your turn to gasp.
  104. >Craning your neck around to get a better look at your human, you can't help but wink unabashedly, wincing at the slight pain from your tail being pulled like that.
  105. >It’s a good pain though, and a warm flush spreads across your cheeks and through your nether regions.
  106. >He hesitates for a moment, trying to decide if this new role suits him, but you egg him on to keep him from really thinking things through.
  107. “What, are you waiting for me to get any younger? ‘Cause it’s not-”
  108. >You're interrupted by a smart spank to the flank that causes you to kick out blindly, squealing in surprise at the sting from his palm.
  109. "Oh! D-didn't think you had in it you-"
  110. >You haven’t even finished speaking before he plows into you, cock tickling your insides and causing stars to spin across your vision.
  111. >Oh Celestia, YES.
  112. >It's been too long!
  113. >Your eyelids flutter as he continues to rut into you, panting, the wild animal in him finally FINALLY starting to emerge.
  114. >His youthful vigor is certainly a turn on and you let yourself relax around him, letting out your own little squeaks of excitement and moans of pleasure.
  115. >It’s certainly longer than any stallion has lasted with you and you have to say it’s a newfound dirty delight.
  116. >You lift your rump even higher, bucking your thick hips back against his.
  117. “Mmm...Harder.”
  118. >He obliges, but not before pulling his slicked up cock out - much to your disappointment - and lifting you up, fist filled with your mane, in order to flip you over so that you're on your back rather than your belly. Suddenly you're exposed and able to look him in the eye.
  119. >He leans down to kiss you roughly as he fucks you, warm tongue probing into your mouth, letting you know that he’s choosing to give you want you want because it pleases him and not because he takes orders from a mare.
  120. >It sends a thrill up your spine and you respond with equal eagerness, playing back at him with your own warm tongue.
  121. >Thrusting harder, he smacks your rump once more, gripping you tightly so that his fingers dig into the soft skin of your flanks. If you're lucky maybe your cutiemark will sport the evidence of tonight's activity even tomorrow.
  122. >The increased speed of his thrusting and the growing look of concentration on his face let you know he’s getting close.
  123. “Do it," you breathe.
  124. >“I will,” he snaps back raggedly, eyes opening for a brief moment to shoot you a frustrated glare.
  125. >You shiver in anticipation at the thought of being filled with rope after rope of hot cum, feeling your own orgasm building rapidly in excitement as you eagerly buck up against the man on top of you.
  126. >With a groan, your master gives a final shove inside you, but instead of emptying himself into you, he pulls out, spraying his hot semen across your face and chest.
  127. >You gape and squeeze your eyes shut to avoid getting any cum in your eyes, stunned and feeling robbed of what you had so wanted.
  128. "Wh-what was that?!?" you choke, wiping the dripping liquid from your eyes as your own orgasm dies inside you.
  129. >You sit up and the fluid starts to drip down your chest, already beginning to dry as cakey clumps in your fur.
  130. >"Just doing what I deserve, Stellar."
  131. >The sarcasm is clear; touche.
  132. "Smart ass."
  133. >You carefully slip off the couch to go grab some tissues.

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