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Dash's Quest for Anon

By Redbrick122
Created: 2023-02-06 07:25:57
Updated: 2023-10-13 03:15:04
Expiry: Never

  1. >Dash has been down for weeks now
  2. >ever since Twilight told the group what she did while at Anon's house with Fluttershy
  3. >the girls knew that Dash had a thing for Anon and then that slut Twilight has to go and pull that stunt
  4. >Twilight told the story while Fluttershy was bright red the entire time, how as a prank she decided to pull Anon's pants down in front of Fluttershy and started licking his shaft while Fluttershy passed out from embarrassment
  5. >Twilight even snapped a selfie with Anon's dick in her mouth
  6. >despite showing Sunset and Rarity she won't show Dash, and now Dash is determined to see Anon's penis, from there she's not sure but she won't let Twilight out do her like that
  7. >she's tried many plans the last few weeks, all ending in failure
  8. >worst was Pinkies pool party, what a disaster that was
  9. >but today she has a good feeling, today is the day the plan will work
  10. >as soon as the boys leave for gym she will sneak into the locker room and hide in his locker
  11. >when the time is right boom she jumps out and pulls off Anon's towel and gets to see his full package
  12. >it's fool proof
  13. >two hours pass
  14. >Dash has been trapped in the locker from the inside and worst of all Anon didn't even have gym today
  15. >Dash breaks down and texts the only girl she knows who will come into the boys locker room no questions asked
  16. >later that night dash meets up with applejack and twilight
  17. >twilight: Dash can you tell me again why I was called to break you out of a locker in the boys locker room?
  18. >dash: I was trying to see Anon's penis again
  19. >applejack: Now sugarcube we keep telling you you aren't going to accomplish this goal with a bunch of crazy ideas.
  20. >twilight: Yeah Dash just do what I did and invite him over to a slumber party with Fluttershy.
  21. >dash: But Twilight I can't just do that he's going to know what I'm trying to do, he's been suspicious ever since the pool party incident where I accidently panted Pinkie and she was bottomless the rest of the party and was trying to steal everyone elses bikinis
  22. >applejack: And then Twilight just gave her own to her.
  23. >dash: Don't worry Applejack I have a plan this time. I'm gonna have Rarity stay over at his place then she'll let me into his house, then nothing will stop me from seeing his penis.
  24. >twilight: Well Dash don't call me if you end up in jail tomorrow.
  25. >applejack: Don't worry Twilight I'll bail her out this time.
  26. >Dash goes to inform Rarity about her plan for the night
  27. >while first a bit concerned Rarity finds it the perfect opportunity to get Dash back for the prank she pulled a few weeks back
  28. >she had to dodge Pinkie the entire party and that horrid display involving her sister
  29. >Rarity plays along and asks Anon if she could stay over tonight, making up some excuse about Sweetie and her friends
  30. >Rarity arrives at Anon's house and Anon leads her to the guest room
  31. >Rarity: Oh now Anonymous that won't be necessary I will bunk with you tonight
  32. >before Anon can say a word Rarity goes into his room and begins to remove her clothing
  33. >next thing Anon knows he has a naked Rarity in his room
  34. >she seemingly has no intention of covering herself her breasts on display along with her perfectly maintained pubic region which to Anon looks smoother than anything he's ever seen
  35. >soon she grabs her nightgown a sheer piece which does little to hide the contours of her figure and leaves her breasts almost on full display
  36. >she then slips on an expensive looking piece of lace panties that match the gown
  37. >rarity: Normally I wouldn't wear these but it would be rude to be so immodest in front of a gentlemen
  38. >Rarity than moves to Anon's tv and puts on a movie she has been looking for an excuse to watch
  39. >from here she and Anon watch the movie, Rarity taking the time to snuggle up on Anon the best she can occasionally adjusting her panties in a way that lets Anon have a full view of what lies inside
  40. >here she waits for a moment to put the plan into action
  41. >in time Anon get's up to use the restroom and this is the opportunity, Rarity opens a window to sneak Dash in
  42. >Dash hides in the closet with just enough room open for her to peek into the room if all goes according to plan Rarity will take out Anon's manhood and Dash will get a full view and have the perfect opportunity to do with it as she pleases
  43. >Anon returns and he and Rarity continue the film
  44. >rarity: you know Anonymous I know you have been eyeing me all night. I would ask if you wish to take things a bit farther while we have the opportunity
  45. >Anon doesn't get much of a say before Rarity moves her lips to his and she slowly works her mouth down his neck and begins to move down to his pants
  46. >Dash prepares this is her moment
  47. >but before Rarity can fully undo Anon's pants Rarity uses her leg to close the closet
  48. >Dash has now realized rarity locked it from the outside and she is trapped and unable to see anything
  49. >she only hears the sounds outside
  50. >rarity: Just a small taste tonight darling we wouldn't want to spoil things to soon
  51. >Rarity than moves to pleasure Anon's shaft with her tongue and enveloping everything within her mouth
  52. >after brining Anon to a finish she wipes her mouth clean and removes her lace panties
  53. >rarity: Well you are free to do whatever you want with your mouth and hands darling I do hope you know your way around one
  54. >Anon spends a good chunk of time returning the favor for Rarity before both fall asleep in each others arms
  55. >Dash wakes up still in the closet with a picture on her phone of Rarity with Anon's dick in her mouth, but Rarity has made a point to cover every inch for the camera
  56. >there's always next time
  59. >Dash after the humiliation last night has to be even more clever
  60. >Rarity is a no go, she's clearly still mad about the pool party incident, which makes this hard since everyone was mad at her for that
  61. >everyone but Pinkie
  62. >Dash comes up with another plan today is a sunny saturday and it's perfect
  63. >she calls Pinkie and has her listen to the idea
  64. >Pinkie cheerfully agrees thinking it will just be a fun day not knowing Dash's hidden agenda
  65. >that evening Anon gets an invitation to Pinkies house for a nighttime pool party
  66. >Anon is skeptical after the last but Pinkie assures him that only her and her sisters will be in attendance
  67. >Anon lights up to the idea after all he's always has a crush on one of them ever since middle school PE
  68. >at the close of the evening Anon arrives
  69. >he's greeted qt the door by Pinkie who is wearing a suspicious brown trench coat covering up everything
  70. >anon: uhh Pinkie what's with the get up?
  71. >pinkie: to match my sisters duh
  72. >sure enough as Anon enters he sees the rest each wearing those trench coats with various expressions on their faces
  73. >Maud seems to be no different than normal Anon isn't sure if she even can feel emotions
  74. >Limestone has a look that can best be described as some combination of mad, embarrassed, and cute, he cheeks are bright red
  75. >Anon can even make out Marbles face its fully hidden behind her hair
  76. >Anon was surprised to see Marble at all after the last pool party
  77. >there Pinkie decided to strip Marbles bathing suit off and place her on the diving board for all to see
  78. >Marble was there for 10 minutes crying silently
  79. >she hasn't been at school since much like the last time Pinkie pulled a stunt like that to get her sister to open up
  80. >that being having her go to her 16th birthday party in her birthday suit
  81. >"it's to get her to be less shy and open up" Pinkie said
  82. >Maud told me she thought it was funny in her monotone voice
  83. >Anon excuses himself to go change into his trunks
  84. >pinkie: oh you won't need those silly this is a skinny dipping party
  85. >then one by one Pinkie, Maud and Limestone drop their trench coats revealing their naked forms
  86. >Marble stays frozen until Pinkie rips it off of hers
  87. >Anon stands there dazed by the sight of their naked bodies
  88. >Pinkies is much like it was last time Anon saw it(she tends to strip often at parties) with it clear that the sugar she eats goes to her breasts and ass, with a minor bit of plumpness on her stomach, her public hair is always well maintained, you never know how she gets it to look like a balloon
  89. >Maud has the figure of a model usually hidden by her conservative dress, perfect C cups, and not a sight of hair on or around her vulva mostly confusing Anon aa he wonders if she does it for her boyfriend
  90. >Limestone is clearly the outlier of her sisters not gaining any of the breast genes, being mostly lithe and toned with cute perky lower end B cups, and a neatly trimmed landing strip above her womanhood
  91. >Marble is also much like you remember, being Pinkies twin she's built much like Pinkie if she didn't eat all the sugar, Anon admires her bish thinking it's probably never been cut
  92. >Pinkie then tells Maud to get Anon changed
  93. >Maud then drags Anon into her bedroom and begins stripping him against his will
  94. >her bedroom is filled with rocks, crystals, and pictures of rocks and crystals
  95. >anon: Maud is your boyfriend going to be ok with this?
  96. >maud: Yes, we don't really have a sexual relationship, we just enjoy each other's company. So this isn't really a bother.
  97. >Anon contemplates that statement while Maud finishes up
  98. >as soon as Maud finishes Anon is dragged back out to the living room hos manhood flopping in front of the sisters Pie
  99. >Pinkie pays no mind to it, Anon wondering what Pinkies deal is being a girl so used to nudity yet never seems to have a lewd bone in her body
  100. >Maud as always has not changed expression not even when she initially took it out
  101. >Limestone is more flustered now, you catch her making occasional glances
  102. >Marbles face is stilled covered, what you see behind her hair is bright red
  103. >Pinkie then leads them out to the pool and jumps in
  104. >Anon decides he might as well enjoy the situation and jumps in too, the water is surprisingly warm
  105. >after some games one involving marco polo which ended in Maud grabbing Anon's penis, and Anon grabbing Pinkies butt, Anon decides to go inside to drain the lizard
  106. >it was here Dash would spring the trap
  107. >once Anon was out of sight Pinkie gives the signal and Dash comes out of the tool shed completely naked, once Anon returns she will see his penis
  108. >Dash proceeds to wait as Pinkie takes a naked selfie with Marble
  109. >pinkie: How about we pit this on the wall for our 18th birthday sis?
  110. >Marble just sinks into the water knowing that Pinkie already decided it
  111. >during this no one noticed Limestone slip away
  112. >as Anon finishes up he leave the bathroom only to see Limestone in all her glory standing there
  113. >limestone: You're not getting away Anon
  114. >she grabs Anon and forces him into her bedroom
  115. >Limestone than holds Anon down on the bed surprisingly strong for how small she is
  116. >limestone: I've seen how you look at me, ever since middle school you wanted this, and I'm going to deliver.
  117. >Anon watches in silence as she fumbles nervous trying to be sexy and stimulate him
  118. >it's clear behind the bluster she isn't very experienced with this
  119. >anon: Limestone it's not your first time trying this is it?
  120. >tears start to well in her eyes
  121. >limestone: N-no I'm just out of practice, maybe it's you who's never done this before.
  122. >Anon smirks and then hugs her, she resists at first but capitulates soon after
  123. >Anon assures her that he will help, and Limestone in her embarrassed grumpy tone agrees to it
  124. >Anon spends a few minutes focusing on her body and kisses and pleasures her special places
  125. >Limestone melts never having felt the sensations before
  126. >in time Anon asks if she really wants this
  127. >Limestone fully listened her scowl by this point nods
  128. >Anon slowly enters her taking her maidenhood and gently makes love to her
  129. >as both finish they lay down and embrace and cuddle for several minutes
  130. >both fall asleep embracing each other's naked bodies
  131. >in the end the only genitals Dash got to see was Pinkies and her sisters
  132. >it looks like she's going to need someone else to assist
  133. >someone great and powerful
  136. >it's been a hard year for Trixie
  137. >due to issues with her home life she's been living with her friends Starlight Glimmer since last October
  138. >Starlight graduated two years ago and allowed her to stay in her one bedroom apartment
  139. >at least it's a place to stay even if Starlight has boundary issues
  140. >starlight: Now which do you think looks better?
  141. >Starlight holds up two separate hair color boxes on either side of her naked pussy which is maybe a foot and q half away from Trixies face while she's trying to watch TV
  142. >trixie: Starlight can you please not shove that thing in my face while I'm watching netflix.
  143. >starlight: I just need to know which you think Sunburst would prefer.
  144. >trixie: Starlight has he even seen you naked?
  145. >starlight: Well... no. But he might.
  146. >trixie: Starlight you're not even dating.
  147. >starlight: We'll iron out those details when we get there.
  148. >Starlight than goes into the bathroom to trim and dye her public hair when Trixie hears a knock on the door
  149. >opening it she sees Rainbow Dash who has a scheming look on her face
  150. >trixie: Dash what are you doing here?
  151. >dash: Trixie I need a favor
  152. >just then Starlight leaves the bathroom in the buff clearly halfway through shaving her crotch
  153. >starlight: Oh hello Rainbow Dash what brings you here?
  154. >Dash proceeds to explain to Trixie and the naked Starlight her predicament and her next plan to achieve her goal
  155. >starlight: I feel for you Dash I really do, I have my own similar situation, Twilight even sucked his dick as well but not much longer you should think about trying what I'm trying
  156. >trixie: I don't think shaving your pussy and hiding your used panties in his dorm is going to accomplish much but jail Starlight
  157. >starlight: You'll see Trixie, you'll see.
  158. >Trixie agrees to help Dash at least her lost cause sounds plausible.
  159. >by the time Dash finished telling Trixie her plan Starlight had finished in the bathroom
  160. >she walks out her freshly trimmed bush now died in an interesting purple with a streak
  161. >it almost looks like Twilights hair color both of them thought looking at Starlight's crotch proud and exposed
  162. >Trixie has stopped trying to dissuade her at this point
  163. >Starlight gets dressed in a tight dress, very north of the knee you can make out everything Starlight is wearing underneath what little there is in that dental floss she calls panties
  164. >starlight: Wish me luck girls, I should have Sunbursts child inside me within the night.
  165. >Starlight heads out no doubt to another night of sobbing naked on the couch with a pale of ice cream and the photo she has of when she and Sunburst were kids
  166. >trixie: She says that every time, she really needs a better hobby. Anyway Dash I THE GREAT AND POWERFUL TRRRRIXIE will assist you on your goal of seeing Anon's penis.
  167. >the following day is a sunday perfect for Dash's little scheme
  168. >Trixie was perfect for this as she is Anon's lab partner, so she sent Anon a text saying she wanted to do an impromptu meeting to study
  169. >Anon arrives at Trixie and Starlight's apartment for the session.
  170. >Starlight is passed out naked on the couch surrounded by ice cream containers and box wine, the stains on the couch and herself seem to imply she had been sobbing and masturbating into the night
  171. >now all that remains is the sad sight and smells of shame, failure, and her Twilight Sparkle dye job
  172. >she's not even awake for Anon to tell her she got the color wrong
  173. >unfortunately for Anon this wasn't an uncommon sight for this place and Trixie doesn't even pay it any mind as she leads Anon into her room
  174. >what fallows is an uneventful study session, after two hours Trixie has a proposal
  175. >trixie: Anon as you know I have my magic acts I do as a hobby and I was wondering if you could help me with a trick?
  176. >anon: Depends on what it entails, no saws right?
  177. >trixie: Oh no nothing like that old trick, I'm working on a special box that will allow me to change into my stage outfit as fast as possible but it has a fluke, I tested it on Starlight and it seems to leave the bottom layer exposed, I want to you watch over the boxes mechanism to figure out what is going wrong.
  178. >anon: You want me to watch you get changed in a box?
  179. >trixie: Now don't be ridiculous Anon, I would not ordain you to look upon my great and powerful body, simply just watch the mechanism to see if there is a problem.
  180. >Trixie works on getting the box set up
  181. >when she finishes she escorts Anon over to the box
  182. >before Anon can think Trixie shoves him in and locks the door on him, Anon starts banging at it demanding she let him go
  183. >trixie: Not a chance Anon, everything is going to plan.
  184. >Dash enters the room eagerly awaiting her prize
  185. >before Trixie can activate the box her door swings open
  186. >Starlight has woken up still tipsy, still crying, and still rubbing her delicates between her legs
  187. >trixie: Starlight what do you want now?
  188. >starlight: We're out of ice cream and I'm lonley. If Rainbow Dash is allowed to be here than I should be too
  189. >Trixie decides to bring her friend to the bath tub despite Dash's objections
  190. >once Starlight has calmed down the two return but the box is wide open and Anon is nowhere to be found
  191. >then Dash is grabbed from behind and tossed into the box
  192. >Anon gives Trixie a look of pure rage mixed with evil ecstasy
  193. >anon: She put you up to this?
  194. >trixie: Well it was a better day than dealing with Starlight's bullshit all day.
  195. >anon: Well Trixie what should we do with you now?
  196. >trixie: You shall do nothing to Trixie today. Trixie has done nothing wrong.
  197. >anon: Oh no Trixie I think you need a punishment
  198. >Anon grabs Trixie and bends her over her desk
  199. >trixie: Anon you will do not do what you are thinking, you will unhand me.
  200. >Anon proceeds to unzip and peel off Trixies skirt as she squirms to defy him, he panties slowly follow
  201. >Anon feels between her thighs and move to her intimates
  202. >anon: You betray your wants Trixie, unfortunately you don't deserve the release.
  203. >Anon proceeds to open his palm and smack Trixies exposed cheek as she yelps in half pain and half pleasure
  204. >Anon continues this trend Trixies behind becoming more red each slap, Trixie continues to cry out tears running down her face at this point
  205. >by the end Trixie can barely stand only being held up by Anon
  206. >he stands her up best he can and looks into her tearful eyes
  207. >anon: I'll see you in class tomorrow Trixie.
  208. >Anon proceeds to kiss Trixie as sloppily as possible, his tongue violating every inch of her mouth while he slowly traces his finger through the crevices of her at this point drenched sex
  209. >he finishes his long drawn out kiss and brings is finger to both of their mouths and tastes her juices before making her taste them
  210. >Anon lays her on the ground Trixie now unable to stand and unlocks the box Dash falling out also in tears after listening to that display
  211. >Anon moves into the bathroom and sees Starlight in the bathtub starting to sober up, he proceeds to wash his hands
  212. >anon: Starlight I forgot to tell you that you got the color wrong Twilight's is a lighter purple, don't soak in there too long.
  213. >Anon leaves to head home and maybe get drunk after this day.
  214. >Starlight eventually sobers up completely and heads into Trixie's room
  215. >there she sees her friend and Rainbow Dash both passed out on the floor without their pants on
  216. >she decides to get another box of wine and put on a sad movie
  217. >Dash and Trixie both eventually wake up and decide to join her
  218. >the three pass out on the couch naked that night surrounded by wine and junk food
  219. >Anon and Trixie couldn't look each other in the eyes for a week
  220. >Dash had to move onto another plan
  223. >Anon didn't expect this today
  224. >during lunch Anon went to go to his locker when he found Silver Spoon passed out in the hallway
  225. >not having much time to think about the situation he carries her to the school nurse
  226. >Nurse Redheart was always nice to Anon although he did not have much interactions with her. He did remember that she was apparently alumni, he remembers seeing her picture in one of the display cases
  227. >still young she has a bit of a reputation among the boys in the school spreading stories about what she was like as a student
  228. >Anon never paid much mind to them, simple gossip no different than the rumors surrounding Silver Spoon's friend
  229. >after a short walk Anon arrives to the nurses office
  230. >redheart: Oh dear, what happened?
  231. >anon: I'm not sure, I just found her like this
  232. >Anon places Silver Spoon on one of the beds and Nurse Redheart starts to look over her
  233. >redheart: Anon will you please stick around I might need a hand moving her.
  234. >Anon agrees to help watch over as Nurse Redheart looks over her
  235. >Nurse Redheart has a concerned look and turns to Anon
  236. >redheart: Anon be a dear and close and lock the door, we don't want anyone coming into here while I get this done
  237. >Anon confused agrees to lock the door
  238. >as he finishes up and return Nurse Redheart has begun stripping Silver Spoon
  239. >anon: Uhh nurse what are you doing?
  240. >redheart: I expected something like this some new fashion trend to tie up the breasts with tape instead of using a bra. The girls have been putting it on too tight and it's causing issues with airflow
  241. >anon: But that doesn't explain you removing her pants.
  242. >Nurse Redheart doesn't respond to that continuing to strip Silver Spoon down until she is fully naked within the bed
  243. >her slender body now on full display Anon doing his best not to look lest the nurse accuse him of something but her can't help but notice her perky breasts and surprisingly well maintained pubic region
  244. >as she finishes Silver Spoon wakes up
  245. >redheart: How do you feel?
  246. >spoon: I think I'm ok Nurse Redheart. But why am I naked?
  247. >redheart: Oh that was Anon's idea
  248. >she looks over at Anon with a sly look
  249. >anon: What?
  250. >Silver Spoon gives an evil smug grin
  251. >spoon: Oh naughty Anon wanting to see an underclassman in this state. Nurse I think he should be punished for perverted acts.
  252. >redheart: Oh I agree
  253. >Nurse Redheart starts removing her uniform while Silver Spoon runs to block the door
  254. >anon: Did you guys plan this? Did Dash put you up to it?
  255. >redheart: Oh no me and Silver Spoon are old friends, I was her cheer instructor when she was in middle school. And we decide to do this once a month, whoever finds Silver in the hall gets to have this time.
  256. >Anon is not convinced he's sure Dash is going to pop out somewhere but he's not sure how to get out of this one.
  257. >before Anon can devise a plan Silver Spoon grabs his pants and starts undoing them, Nurse Redheart now naked grabs him by the arms preventing him from resisting.
  258. >Rredheart is certainty still fit keeping up with her exercising, her toned body and beautiful hips and breasts stand before Anon as he struggles against her
  259. >as Anon's pants come off it's impossible to hide the erection forming in his boxers
  260. >redheart: Well it seems like our friend down below is looking healthy, who's turn is it this time Silver Spoon
  261. >spoon: Oh it's yours this time Nurse Redheart, such a shame.
  262. >she removes Anon's boxers revealing his exposed member now at full mast, Silver Spoon grabs Anon's ass with a smug look
  263. >spoon: I hope your mouth can deliver as well as I'm betting your friend there can
  264. >Anon is dragged to the bed he originally put Silver Spoon on, the two girls proceed to tie up his limbs leaving him there exposed and fully at mast
  265. >redheart: well Anon I hope you are ready, if you need to come up for air just try to speak Silver is usually better at noticing than I am
  266. >Redheart steps onto the bed and begins to straddle Anon, she starts to rub Anon's cock between her thighs teasing it with her juices and the possibility of entry
  267. >Silver Spoon mounts the bed facing the other way giving Anon a full view of her rear end and her moistened pussy
  268. >without warning she drops herself onto Anon's face her wetness seeping into Anon's mouth against his will
  269. >at the same time Nurse Redheart continues to tease his head with the prize between her legs
  270. >redheart: Tell me SIlver has he started yet?
  271. >spoon: Not yet.
  272. >redheart: Now Anon be a good boy and help Silver Spoon out, it's just not fair that I get all the attention
  273. >Anon sees no choice but to capitulate, he begins to tease Silver Spoon's moist sex with his tongue searching for those ever important spots to focus on
  274. >in no time he finds it and begins to go to work, he feels her body start to shiver as he finds his way to there
  275. >noticing Anon has decided to be helpful Redheart takes Anon's full length into her body in one swift motion, and continues at this pace not slowing down
  276. >Anon has almost stopped thinking, his tongue and body running on pure instinct as he's used by the two girls as a fuck toy
  277. >in time anon feels and tastes Silver Spoon give way as her body stiffens and the wetness of her sex hits him full force
  278. >at the same time Anon and Redheart have hit their climax Anon unable to shudder being tied up ejaculates full force into Redheart as she almost collapses from the sensations
  279. >all three lay in the bed for what feels like an eternity until finally coming too
  280. >redheart: Well it seems as though you two have missed two periods of class, we should get cleaned up and get you back to school
  281. >Anon still tied too the bed watches the two of them clean themselves off in the nurses office chemical shower
  282. >after they untie Anon and help him clean himself off
  283. >after the three get dressed Redheart hands the two students some slips
  284. >redheart: This should stop you from getting detention Anon, Celestia knows I need some help once a month, I only wish she would join us sometime
  285. >she gives anon a smug smile and an unprompted kiss on the lips
  286. >Anon and Silver Spoon head out into the hall
  287. >spoon: Well Anon you weren't too bad, far better than the last fellow we brought in
  288. >she smacks Anon's ass before walking down the hall
  289. >Anon at this point is still not sure what happened, that night he tries to convince himself it was just a dream but Silver constantly making lewd gestures with her tongue when he sees her in the hall keep that from taking root
  290. >in the end it seems like Dash had nothing to do with it
  291. >Dash instead spend her lunch break trying to convince Applejack to help with her next plan
  292. >and when that failed trying to wrangle in Applejack's sister but Applejack said no to that as well
  293. >it seems she will need someone not from Canterlot High to help
  295. >another fun night of Anon's phone going off randomly
  296. >luckily he didn't notice until it got close to morning, he wonders if those girls even sleep
  297. >he decided to have quick look to see who this time before deciding if he'll go back to sleep or not
  298. >Rarity was the first, another picture of some expensive underwear she wanted to show off
  299. >next was Silver Spoon she's been randomly sending naked pictures of either her or her friend Diamond Tiara ever since she put her contact information in Anon's phone
  300. >and then there was was Pinkie Pie no doubt with another picture of Marble she wants Anon to comment on
  301. >but this last number he didn't recognize, the one that through just now
  302. >Anon decides to check the image and he sees quite a sight
  303. >supple yet perky breasts and a well maintained figure grace his screen, her face is cut off and Anon doesn't recognize those breasts
  304. >what concerns him though is what is written just below them on her tummy
  305. >meet me at the mall at 3pm tonight
  306. >well that makes it all clear who's put this girl up to it, and Anon won't fall that easily
  307. >and luckily he has a different girl to worry about right now
  308. >He turns around to see the still sleeping Limestone Pie in his bed
  309. >he wonders how she manages to sleep with that grumpy look on her face, she typically doesn't have it when she's over
  310. >Anon wasn't really surprised how sweet she was under the front she puts on, she was always less intense in middle school, wasn't until her parents retired that her attitude changed
  311. >and there she is still in a state of undress after the fun they had last night
  312. >these nights have become more frequent, anon wondering if they should make something formal out of this but both of them seem like they don't want to ruin what they currently have
  313. >that and Limestone keeps asking about all this situations that keep happening
  314. >even worse she asks in bed, then asks if Anon would do it to her
  315. >who would have known how much attention a girl with three sisters would need
  316. >last night was much of the same
  317. >Limestone had heard the story of Silver Spoon and Nurse Redheart and demanded Anon do the same to her
  318. >so Anon did, and she was not ready for it
  319. >their first time Anon gave her sex a modest go over with his mouth
  320. >but that wasn't what he gave Silver Spoon, and not what he gave Limestone last night
  321. >as she planted her naked flower on his face anon proceeded to go to town and find ever individual spot to make Limestone shutter and squirm
  322. >in time she couldn't keep herself up and they had to switch positions while Anon explored every individual fold with his tongue
  323. >in the end she could barely move and Anon figured they would have to do Redhearts part another night
  324. >Limestone starts to wake up, noticing Anon rustling in the bed
  325. >limestone: You got more didn't you?
  326. >Anon doesn't get time to respond, his phone is snatched by her
  327. >limestone: Pinkie sent this one too me as well, I think she's just mass sending naked photos of our sister again. So who is this last one from?
  328. >anon: No idea, but I think it might be a set up.
  329. >limestone: You are going to go. And I will be joining you or this. If that whore doesn't like it than the two of us together can make her like it.
  330. >anon: Ok but only on one condition...
  331. >Anon move on top of Limestone and begins kissing her
  332. >moving his hand down he can tell it doesn't take much to get her going
  333. >Anon teases her moistened sex with his now erect cock, he moves down her body and gently gives some attention to her sensitive nipples
  334. >in no time it seems she got tired of being teased, and worked herself to bring Anon's length into her body
  335. >Anon returns the favor my helping keep the pace
  336. >Limestone has fully come out of her shell at this point, no longer with the confidence issues of her first time, and more and more she seems like she wants to take charge
  337. >in time this morning romp comes to an end
  338. >and both decide to take a shower and get ready for the day
  339. >another time of Limestone wanting to put extra focus on Anon's manhood while washing
  340. >probably because Silver Spoons signature she wrote on it in permanent marker hasn't gone away yet
  341. >that was a fun thing to try an explain
  342. >well today should be eventful, both get dressed and prepare for what awaits them at the mall
  343. >still many hours till 3, so the two decide to make a date out of it
  344. >shopping, lunch, having a fun time at the mall
  345. >even a awkward moment involving a naked Twilight Sparkle tied up in a dressing room
  346. >she claimed it was her idea
  347. >and to leave her for the next person to find her
  348. >and in the same lingerie store Anon and Limestone could was sworn one of those mannequins in the skimpy underwear was Marble painted white but that would be ridiculous
  349. >soon 3pm approaches, and now that hard part begins since the text didn't specify a place
  350. >Anon and Limestone decide to head to the food court to see if anyone approaches
  351. >many girls around but none that seem interested
  352. >the girl with braces in the ice cream stand, the three bickering over tacos, the theater girl on her break, could be any
  353. >as they are looking one girl casually sits at their table
  354. >anon recognizes her one of those girls from crystal prep
  355. >prep girl: I see you got my message handsome. But I don't remember saying you can bring your little whore with you.
  356. >such a shift in tone so fast
  357. >anon: You should thank her, she's the only reason I'm here.
  358. >prep girl: Oh how nice of her. Well I guess we'll have to live with that.
  359. >she leads Anon and Limestone out of the mall and into her car
  360. >it's not long until they find their destination
  361. >the crystal prep dormitories
  362. >Anon and Limestone enter the dorm room with the mysterious girl
  363. >prep girl: Well Anon thank you for joining me in my room, please make yourself comfortable. I'd thank her but I didn't want her to be here, but I guess we all have to make concessions.
  364. >she heads into another room leaving Anon and Limestone alone for a second
  365. >the room is well furnished clearly they cost of tuition here goes to something
  366. >in time she comes back out, this time with Rainbow Dash
  367. >dash: Well Anon this time you won't escape me, I have you right where I want you.
  368. >the other girl locks the front door
  369. >anon: Well Dash you got me, what will you try this time?
  370. >dash: With the help of Sour Sweet I'm going to finally see your penis, you can't run this time.
  371. >Anon looks over to Sour
  372. >anon: And what do you get out of this.
  373. >sour: Dash said I could do with you what I pleased after she's done. Figured I could enjoy myself for once.
  374. >anon: Well Limestone we'll have to teach these two a lesson it seems.
  375. >Anon and Limestone each lunge for a different girl bringing them both down
  376. >Anon works to then strip down Rainbow Dash as he has her pinned
  377. >in time he is successful even as she struggles
  378. >Anon finishes as he removes Rainbow Dash's panties revealing her moistened sex
  379. >anon: Well Dash you lost today. But I'm not one without mercy, I'll give you a kiss to take home, right on the lips even.
  380. >Anon plants a kiss on Dash's vulva finishing with a slight teasing lick across
  381. >Anon snaps a picture of her exposed body with his phone
  382. >anon: Add this to the collection, only holdout now is Applejack it seems.
  383. >during this Limestone has subdued and stripped Sour Sweet and has begun dragging her into the bedroom
  384. >anon: Well Dash you stay out here. Shouldn't be too long
  385. >Anon ties her up with his belt and follows the other two into the bedroom and closes the door
  386. >Limestone tosses Sour on the bed
  387. >anon: Limestone I think it would be rude to leave her the only one naked don't you think?
  388. >both Anon and Limestone remove their clothes and give Sour a look that strikes fear into the normally composed(or angry) girl
  389. >limestone: Anon how about I get to go the first round on the girl
  390. >anon: Oh be my guest, but I think we can make use of both sides don't you think?
  391. >Limestone digs in her bag and pulls out a party favor, a large strap on
  392. >the two position the continuously protesting Sour Sweet into a ripe position to be spitroasted by the two
  393. >without much warning(or lube) Limestone enters Sour with her strap on, in the shock Anon enters her mouth with his erect cock
  394. >as they both continue using Sour as a fuck toy they passionately kiss above her Anon feeling up her modest breasts and giving them attention when needed
  395. >in time Anon forcefully finishes into Sours mouth
  396. >he allows Limestone to continue for a brief second while he catches his breath
  397. >in time Sour convulses involuntarily climaxing from the sensations
  398. >anon: Well I think that was a good first round, how about we switch?
  399. >Limestone removes her strap on, and props up Sour again
  400. >limestone: If you have any of Anon's juices still in your mouth, do be a dear and try to get some of it inside of me.
  401. >she forces her genitalia onto Sours mouth and she starts to comply with how things are playing out, Sour working her tongue deep into every fold she can
  402. >Anon finds his way into her already soaked womanhood, feeling her squirm as he enters clearly not fully ready to start up again
  403. >Anon and Limestone continue where they left off the sides now flipped
  404. >in time the song and dance finishes Anon now finishing into Sour with no protection
  405. >Sour collapses from the sensations, she falls onto the bed covered in various fluids
  406. >anon: Well I think that's a lesson learned, how about we clean ourselves off and leave them to think about this?
  407. >limestone: Sounds like a plan.
  408. >both work their way into the bathroom and start up the shower
  409. >Anon and Limestone take the time to clean themselves off, making sure to hit every nook and cranny and maybe helping finish what Sour was unable too for Limestone
  410. >by the end Limestone had a little bit of Anon's DNA from both Sours tongue and Anon's dick inside her
  411. >as they finish up the pair work get dressed and move to the next phase of their plan
  412. >both drag the now blindfolded, gagged, and tied up Rainbow Dash and Sour Sweet into the hall, naked as the days they were born
  413. >the girls are propped up in the co-ed locker room by the dorm gym
  414. >anon: Very progressive of Crystal Prep, someone should hopefully find you girls soon.
  415. >Anon and Limestone head back to Anon's place for a movie and a late night cuddle session
  416. >Rainbow and Sour were eventually rescued by Sour's friends neither would admit if anyone found them before hand nor would they explain how they got their to begin with
  417. >the game might have to change if Dash is going to overcome her bad luck
  418. >hopefully one of her friends might take pity on her
  419. >Anon is getting close to caving in, but at this point it's the principal of the thing
  421. >it's been several months since the last incident
  422. >it's finally summer, Anon has been spending more and more time at the pie's house
  423. >their parents seem to not care too much what goes on so Anon gets full access to Limestone
  424. >unfortunately it also means her sisters also have full access to him
  425. >which more often than not amounts to Pinkie doing her normal stuff like joining Anon in the shower, joining Anon in bed, forcing Marble to join Anon in the shower, and so on
  426. >and on one odd occasion Maud making Anon paint her naked body for some college project
  427. >Anon still isn't sure what that had to do with geology
  428. >or why her boyfriend couldn't do it
  429. >still nothing too crazy, and no Dash in sight
  430. >maybe the humiliation last time was enough
  431. >today should be a normal day hopefully
  432. >Pinkie wants Anon to join her on a mall run, she's picking out a new bikini for her sister
  433. >she wants to find the perfect one to strategically sabotage during the first big pool party of the summer
  434. >Anon wonders at what point Marble is gonna snap
  435. >at the mall Pinkie and Anon run into Rarity and her sister
  436. >and a new girl, Rarities friend from the city Coco
  437. >they are also in the market for new swimwear Rarity won't be caught dead in the same bikini she wore last summer
  438. >Rarity: Oh Anonymous would you be a dear and help me and Coco out, we need to make sure these fit perfectly
  439. >Coco seems terrified by the prospect but doesn't seem to have a say here before Rarity drags her and Anon into the changing room
  440. >before Anon knows it Rarity has shed herself of clothing and forcefully done the same for Coco
  441. >Coco tries to desperately hide her intimate areas while Rarity grabs her and presses their bodies together
  442. >Rarity: Now Anonymous, what kind of bikini do you think would fit Coco's body
  443. >Rarity traces along the contours of Coco's body, taking time to focus on her petite yet perky breasts and well groomed womanhood
  444. >Anon still a bit dumbfounded can't find words before Rarity already brings out a bikini for Coco
  445. >Rarity: Now how about this?
  446. >Anon: Well Rarity to tell the truth I don't think Coco would be too comfortable in such a thing, am I right Coco?
  447. >Coco nods her face still red
  448. >Anon: Yes Rarity I think you need to find a nice one peace suit for her.
  449. >Anon heads over and places his hands on Coco's waist
  450. >Anon then proceeds to run his hands around Coco's assets as he explains
  451. >Anon: For such a body Rarity you should be able to see how a one piece suit will bring out the best in Coco
  452. >Rarity smiles
  453. >Rarity: Oh yes Anon how silly of me, I shall find the perfect one for her, you stay here and keep her company.
  454. >Rarity heads out of the dressing room
  455. >she didn't even bother to put anything on
  456. >Anon gazes into Coco's eyes, seeing the soft spoken desire there
  457. >Anon: Coco do tell me the truth did Rarity bring you here just to get groped in the dressing room
  458. >Coco: W-well I asked her to bring me, I just couldn't bring myself to do this alone, but I always wanted to be in this situation.
  459. >Anon feels along her body, taking time to notice the growing wetness down below
  460. >Anon: Yes I see, well far be it from me not to help a girl when she needs it.
  461. >Anon continues gently caressing Coco's body, gently massaging every inch of her
  462. >Anon: I do wonder if Rarity got lost, leaving you all alone here with a stranger who knows what could happen.
  463. >Anon goes further gently teasing her moist opening down below
  464. >Anon: Do tell me Coco if you'll be in town long, if we had more time we could do whatever you felt you were up to
  465. >Coco nods as Rarity joins them new suit in hand
  466. >this day in the mall continues for Anon normal for the most part unknown to him Dash has a grand plan brewing
  467. >while Anon was spending time with Coco and Rarity, Dash had been talking with Sweetie Belle
  468. >while Applebloom was a no go, Applejack never said she couldn't recruit the other CMC's to her scheme
  469. >and after months Sweetie has finally relented
  470. >Sweetie takes this as the perfect opportunity to try out her creativity, and maybe try out being like her sister is with boys
  471. >but Sweetie is only one piece of the puzzle
  472. >Dash has to recruit help from a truly crazy source
  473. >Leaving the mall she eventually arrives at their apartment
  474. >knocking on the door she's eventually greeted by the sight of the ponytailed girl currently eating a bag of chip
  475. >Sonata: Rainbow Dash? You're not here to deliver lunch are you? Because I'm pretty sure my app has a different name here.
  476. >Dash: No Sonata I'm here to talk to Adagio, I need her help with something.

Dash's Quest for Anon

by Redbrick122