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New Equestrian Railroad

By Maonyman
Created: 2023-02-08 20:42:08
Updated: 2024-02-24 17:33:21
Expiry: Never

  1. >This was it.
  2. >Weeks of careful planning and not one but three risky survellience jobs were finally going to pay off.
  3. >Anon shuffled nervously in his saddle, unable to sit still.
  4. >"Oh quit fussin'!" Applejack tossed over her shoulder, "You're makin' my back itch."
  5. >He leaned forward to give her a pat on the neck.
  6. "Sorry girl, just my nerves."
  7. >The dirty orange pony tapped the ground with a hoof and said, "Well, how about we go over the plan one more time. That always helps calm ya down, keep ya focused. Really can't be messin' this one up now."
  8. >Anon sighed, then nodded once.
  9. "Alright, 'spose you're right. So the Baron'll come 'round the mountain in his stagecoach, probably whippin' his ponies till they're frothing at the mouth since the fucker just loves to beat all his--"
  10. >"Focus, Anon," Applejack interrupted.
  11. "Right. He'll be headed for that there locomotive in the distance, where we've left some toys in preparation. Now, assuming the clerk honors the bribe I gave him, the key to the Baron's coach oughta be tucked underneath the deerskin fur in the main coach, right by the tail."
  12. >Applejack turned a side eye on him.
  13. >"Ain'tcha forgetting somethin'?"
  14. >Anon grimaced.
  15. "Yeap, no you're right, gettin' ahead of myself. So before I even go lookin' for any dadgum key, you an' I trot down all pretty like and I show the operator this here fancy deed of ownership and hope it's up to snuff. If they aren't convinced, we hightail it outta there and hope there's some way to salvage the last three weeks."
  16. >The pony shuffled her hooves awkwardly, rocking Anon back and forth in the saddle.
  17. >"Let's hope it don't come to that, yeah? Now come on, what's next?"
  18. "Well, once we're on the steamer, we go straight to our bunk like good little overnighters. THEN I go lookin' for that dadgum key."
  19. >Applejack nodded her head and prompted, "Alright, let's say you find the key right where it's 'sposed to be--what next? Can't just go bargin' into the Baron's room now can we?"
  20. >Anon gave her a playful tap of the heel since she wasn't looking back at him.
  21. "And just who's to say I won't?"
  22. >She snorted and bounced her rump a bit to jostle him.
  23. >"Don't be playin' games now, this ain't the time."
  24. "Right right, just teasin'. Well, once I got the key and I test it real sneaky like to make sure it'll work when the time comes, we lay low in our room for an hour or two, wait till we're good and lost in the mountains."
  25. >Anon grimaced. He didn't like this next part.
  26. "Aaaand then I quietly unlock the Baron's room, hide off to the side, and let you 'stumble' through the door and get a lay of the place."
  27. >"Oh don't sound so glum, Anon," she chided, "You're comin' in right afterwards."
  28. "Yeah I know, just hate sendin' you in there first. Feels cowardly."
  29. >She turned to look back at him with a quiet whinny.
  30. >"Come on, Anon, we've been through this! If some big burly mother hubbard with a face like yours comes bargin' in through a locked door, anyone with half a mug upstairs is gonna shoot first and ask questions later. But if it's just lil' old me--"
  31. "Yeah yeah, I get it. You look cute, I look mean. I get WHY it's gotta be done, but that don't mean I gotta like it. I'd rather kick the door down and me myself'll be the one shooting first, asking questions never."
  32. >"And what'd you plan to do when you barge in there and he's off to the side, or in the bathroom, or kneeling, or whatever the hay happens so you can't get a shot off right away, then instead HE gets a shot off on you! Where'd I be then, huh?"
  33. >Anon scowled and swung out of the saddle with a heavy thump and a jangle as he hit the ground, intending to stride off in a huff, but Applejack never even gave him the chance. The moment his boots touched dirt, she whipped around and hooked a forehoof around his torso, locking him to her shoulder. He grunted and wiggled for a moment, but it was hopeless. Applejack was damn strong, even for an earth pony; she could overpower him without even breaking a sweat and they both knew it. He relaxed into her grip with a reluctant sigh.
  34. "Dammit girl, I just wanted--"
  35. >"No! I need you to hear this Anon."
  36. >She turned to peer at him, forcing him to stare into her deep green eyes, and said fervently, "I'm tired of you always wanting to rush in all gung ho, guns a blazing. Don't you understand ya got people relying on you--ponies relying on you! There ain't nopony else 'round here who does what we do, Anon, and I can't do it without you."
  37. >She shook her head with frustration.
  38. >"Don't you get it? It's already bad enough that I'd wind up right back under the whip if I lost you, but we'd be letting down all those ponies who look to us for hope, too! There's more'n yer moon-blasted ego at stake here, ya big git!"
  39. >Anon raised an arm and shoved her face away, but she'd made her point and let him go after that. They stood there quietly for a moment before he broke the silence.
  40. "Fine. I take your meaning, but what is it you actually want me to do? What are you looking for me to change?"
  41. >Her tail swished in agitation but she kept her voice calm as she slowly said, "I want you to understand the meaning of the word caution, Anon. Just... quit being so reckless all the dang time, y'know?"
  42. "I mean specifics, girl. Give me examples--something I did and what you wish I'd a done instead, or somethin' like that."
  43. >She fell quiet for a moment, but it didn't take her long to think of an example.
  44. >"Remember our first stakeout for this here train, an' you heard a gunshot coming from the train? You damn near gave me a bruise you dug your heels in so hard, but I refused to budge and you got so angry you just about jumped off and ran the whole way yourself."
  45. >Anon scowled. He remembered alright.
  46. "You mean when we could'a saved that poor pegasus from gettin' his wing broken if we'd've just hurried the hell up?"
  47. >Anon was surprised to see her actually prance in place a bit in agitation.
  48. >"No! That's exactly my point, we could NOT have saved him! Even if I'd galloped as hard as I could the instant you kicked me, we wouldn't have even been close to making it in time, AND our cover would have been blown to boot!"
  49. >Anon turned away in disgust, but he knew she was right and hated to admit it. She just kept right on talking to the back of his head.
  50. >"One of these days your 'act first, think later' deal is gonna land one or both of us in serious shit, and if either of us falls, this whole operation goes under. I need you to get around the humans, and you need me to gain the trust of the ponies."
  51. >She trotted around and lowered her head to stare up into his glowering face.
  52. >"If you give one single damn about what we're doing here, then for all our sakes, please try not to get yourself killed, alright?"
  53. >He averted his gaze and she stepped a little closer, "And if you don't give a damn about the organization, I know you give a damn about me. What'd I be left with if something happened to you?"
  54. >Anon knew all too well. Without his face to keep up the front, their facade would be discovered within a fortnight, and Applejack would be right back where she started: no hope, no future, no friends, and nothing but hard manual labor until her body gives out.
  55. >Her face shoved into view again, this time with a hint of a smirk tugging at her cheek, "I see them angry lines in your face gettin' softer, so don't pretend like I ain't makin' sense."
  56. >Anon passed a hand over his face and slumped in defeat.
  57. "Alright, AJ, you win. You usually do anyhow. I'll be more careful, alright? Just... don't be so angry when you remind me in the future, alright?"
  58. >She visibly relaxed.
  59. >"Fair enough. You don't know how happy I am to hear that, Anon. I tell ya, if you knew the half of what I've seen in my nightmares, you'd be worried too. Some nights I really miss havin' Princess Luna around to..."
  60. >She trailed off abruptly and her eyes went distant. Anon stepped toward her and gently rubbed the back of her head, just behind the ears, his voice low and understanding.
  61. "Come on, girl. We'll bring it back, one pony at a time."
  62. >She closed her eyes for a moment, sniffed a little, then nodded and looked back up at him.
  63. >"Right, 'course. So, anyway, the plan."
  64. "Yep. Now where were we... ah, right. So once you go barreling through the door like a drunken donkey with four left hooves, you get him distracted so his eyes are off the door and say the codeword--let's go with 'watermelon' today--then I come lumbering up behind him and knock him out cold."
  65. >"You make it sound so easy."
  66. "Well, that's what I'm here for, ain't it? You're the looks and I'm the brawn."
  67. >"Now we just need to find a brain and maybe we can get some work done."
  68. >He gave her a wry grin for that, then got back on topic.
  69. "Once he's out, we ignore all the probably very valuable goodies laying about and instead go straight for the rear cabin attached to his coach. That's where he keeps his most prized possessions."
  70. >"Right. We don't know who he's got, but we know it's somepony valuable, real valuable. Buck, the way he was talking, it might even be one of the princesses! Now wouldn't that be a hoot."
  71. "Princesses?"
  72. >She grimaced, "Oh right, guess y'all wouldn't know. I'll explain later. Listen, I hear hoofbeats in the distance. I bet it's our mark."
  73. "Even if it ain't, we oughta be out of sight all the same."
  74. >She nodded and they moved sideways off the beaten trail and into the thicker brush. Applejack's coat wasn't dirty out of laziness, it was camouflage--her orange coat was so bright when it was freshly washed that it stuck out like a canary in a dung heap. Plus it helped her look like a working horse and avoid suspicion.
  75. >Applejack's pony ears were better than Anon's and it took a few moments before he even heard anything approaching, but sure enough, Baron Luke Von Brougue himself came racing around the turn, whipping his poor ponies far more than necessary just like Anon guessed he would. He felt his whole body go rigid with rage, but Applejack's soft hoof on his shoulder kept him in check. The man would get what was coming to him soon enough.
  76. >After he passed, the pair sat in companionable silence as they waited a reasonable length of time to avoid arousing suspicion after coming down the same path the Baron just rode through. Then Anon climbed with practiced ease into the saddle and Applejack began trotting peacefully down the road.
  77. >As they approached the train, a guard and a conductor stepped out to greet them, the guard proudly displaying the large revolver at his hip. Anon hunched slightly out of reflex to mask his own weapons, then remembered he wasn't wearing any--not that the guard had any reason to be suspicious of him in the first place, but you could never be too sure with these small town guards. Some of them had a tick up their behind something fierce and were just itching for a chance to take out their frustration on someone.
  78. >Applejack stopped well short of the train and obediently lowered her head, avoiding eye contact with any human as was "proper" for her position. Anon gave them a friendly tip of the hat in greeting.
  79. "Howdy, fellas."
  80. >The conductor merely nodded sourly but the guard gave him a cheery, "Howdy!" in response, and stepped right up close to Applejack's side, both thumbs hooked on his belt.
  81. >"So what brings you out here all on your lonesome? We're a long way from any real town."
  82. >Anon shrugged with feigned indifference.
  83. "Ohh, I was out tryna hunt in these parts. Thought I'd have better luck than I did back home."
  84. >He pointed at Applejack's bare rump where any catch would've been strung up with a rueful chuckle.
  85. "Clearly I was mistaken."
  86. >The guard chuckled with him, then asked, "And where exactly is 'back home'? You from around these parts?"
  87. "Oh no, I'm from out east, just over the border roundabouts that new town Oatman."
  88. >Anon and Applejack had learned this train's schedule and knew that town happened to be just a few hours along on the route.
  89. >The guard tilted his head and asked, "Awful long way just to go huntin', wouldn't you say?"
  90. >Something about his friendly demeanor was setting off warning bells in the back of Anon's mind, but there wasn't much he could do now except play along and see where it goes, so he fibbed a bit, something he was unfortunately far too practiced at.
  91. "Well, you know. You see a doe, take a shot, try and chase her down, wind up clear across country without a spot of blood to show for it... repeat that two or three more times and, well, ya wind up some damn fool too far from home just like me."
  92. >Anon shrugged in a 'what can ya do' sort of way.
  93. "That's why I'm here, to board the train and finally get back home. Assuming y'all got one headed east that is."
  94. >The officer eyed Anon suspiciously and held out his hand for Anon's papers. He hesitated with what he hoped was a friendly and bemused smile and not a condescending smirk.
  95. "Uh... meanin' no offense, sir, but ain't that the conductor's job?"
  96. >That seemed to confuse the man for a moment, then he realized what had happened and chuckled wryly.
  97. >"I ain't asking for your boarding pass, partner. I'm wanting to check that your property's legitimate."
  98. "Oh. Right. Uh, should be in one of these here pockets... Ah, here ya are. There's her mane and coat color, a copy of her cutie mark, and her name's right there, Orange Blossom."
  99. >The guard followed Anon's finger, frowning slightly, looking back and forth from the paper to Applejack and back again.
  100. >"Pull back that saddlebag, lemme see the mark."
  101. >Anon did so, revealing an orange flower in bloom, with a small serial number dyed into her skin just below it.
  102. >The officer let out a sigh, "Alright, I guess you're clean. We've been getting reports of a wanted pony seen in these parts that matches that one's coat and mane color, that's all."
  103. "...But you ain't arresting me, so..."
  104. >"It's mark don't match, and well, those marks these ponies got don't never lie."
  105. "Ah, right, that they don't. What's the mark of the wanted pony? I'd like to keep an eye out too."
  106. >"It's three small apples in a triangle pattern. Pony's known as 'Applejack,' and if you spot it, just keep right on turning. Dangerous, that one is."
  107. >Anon scoffed in disbelief, as anyone would.
  108. "Really officer? A pony, dangerous? Come on."
  109. >He nodded seriously, "Yes, you heard me, dangerous. This one's already injured two people since their last escape. It's a thief, a vandal, and some say it's even a man-killer. I have orders to shoot on sight."
  110. >Anon whistled low.
  111. "Man, I didn't think these ponies had it in them to hurt no one. Figured the war made that pretty clear in any case."
  112. >The guard shrugged, "I dunno, but at least most of them seem to know their place. Yours seems very well trained, so well done."
  113. >Anon accepted the compliment with a tip of his hat and the man stepped back, allowing Anon to finally turn toward the conductor. From the man's expression, he wanted this exchange to be done and over with as quickly as possible, and Anon was inclined to agree.
  114. >After a cursory glance at his boarding pass, the conductor waved them silently along and Anon hopped off to give Applejack's legs a quick brush down to get the bulk of the loose sand off before boarding. Once inside they carefully maneuvered down the narrow hall to their little booth labeled 17B.
  115. >No sooner was the door shut than Applejack was whispering fiercely, "Buckin' horse manure, I ain't done none of that tripe! And I sure as hay ain't never killed no humans!"
  116. >Anon laid a calming hand on her withers.
  117. "I know, girl. At least we won't be in this region much longer."
  118. >"But shoot on sight!? Really? I ain't even done nothin' but got myself free! Sweet Celestia, you'd think I'd... well, I'd killed somepony! Thank the moon I remembered to disguise my cutie mark."
  119. "Yeap, and good on you not even twitching an ear in reaction. You played your part like a master."
  120. >"If only it weren't needed," she grumbled.
  121. "If only. Now, I'm a go find me a key. Stay outta trouble, y'hear?"
  122. >She made a noncommittal grunt and Anon slid the door open again, ambling casually down the hall and nodding politely to the occasional face he saw in open doorways. He crossed over one more car and suppressed a grin as he saw the skinned deer on the far end of the floor, then he looked around and silently thanked The Lord for his good fortune: the car was almost entirely empty. There were just two tired looking faces staring idly out the window who barely even glanced in his direction. That made his life a lot easier.
  123. >He casually strolled down the hall and scuffed the tail of the deer as he walked over it. Sure enough, he felt a little lump beneath his toe and his heartrate jumped up a bit. Hell, this plan of theirs might actually work.
  124. >He continued into the next car over, which happened to be the small buffet car, and grabbed a plate of bread rolls. Then he returned to the previous car and, just as he passed the key, he feigned tripping over his own feet with an "oop!" and a grunt, and dropped the plate of buns with a loud clatter.
  125. "Ah shit, sorry, sorry folks. Still getting used to these new boots..."
  126. >He may as well have not even bothered with the act for all the attention the two passengers paid him. He stooped to pick up his plate and buns, slipping the key out from under the deerskin in the process and covertly tucking it into a small pocket he'd had sewn into the end of his jacket sleeve, then straightened and returned to the buffet car. It was the last car before the Baron's so, after casually waiting for a lady to finish getting her plate and leave the room, he quietly tested the key in the Baron's door. He didn't actually turn it all the way, just barely far enough to recognize that it would work later. Satisfied, he slipped the key back into his sleeve pocket and turned back just in time to see the guard stepping through the door at the far end of the car.
  127. >"You there!" He said with a glare, "Was that you causin' such a ruckus just now?"
  128. >Anon grinned sheepishly and rubbed the back of his neck.
  129. "Yeah... still ain't used to these here boots, stumbled and dropped my damn plate. Was it really that loud?"
  130. >"Just dropped your plate, huh? What are you doing over here by this door? That's a private coach, that is."
  131. "O-Oh. Sorry sir, must have gotten turned around. I was wonderin' why it didn't open for me."
  132. >The guard sighed, "Well you aren't the first one. What fool laid out this buffet car to be perfectly symmetrical I don't know, but I'd like to give him a slap for his trouble. Look, this side of the table has the food, that side of the table has the plates. You go from the plates, to the food, to the exit. Got it?"
  133. "Yessir, got it."
  134. >"Good. The man what owns that coach ain't exactly friendly and is a bit too quick on the draw, if'n ya catch my meanin'."
  135. "'Preciate it."
  136. >He turned with a wave of his arm and they both moved back into the previous car.
  137. "If ya don't mind my asking..."
  138. >"What's on your mind?"
  139. "That man in that coach, who is he?"
  140. >"Ahh, he likes his privacy, that one. Wouldn't be happy at all if I went about blabbin' his name to anyone who came along."
  141. >Anon nodded and shrugged.
  142. "Fair enough, I can respect that. I suppose a man of power like that needs to keep things close to his chest."
  143. >"Who said anything about him being a man of power?"
  144. >Oops. Anon thought quick.
  145. "Oh, nothin'. But I mean, he's got a whole coach to himself, so I assume he's SOMEbody important. That's all."
  146. >The guard shrugged, "Coaches like that don't hardly get used out here in the boonies so it ain't as pricey as you might think."
  147. "Ah okay. So it could just as easily be some random Johnny splurging a bit for the weekend, I gotcha."
  148. >He set his hand on the door to booth 17B. Time to warn Applejack about who was out here before he opened the door.
  149. "This here's me. I didn't catch your name, officer...?"
  150. >"Jones. Officer Billy Jones."
  151. >Anon tipped his hat with a friendly grin, then slid the booth open. Applejack was sitting stock still on the floor by the window, but the guard grunted when he saw her.
  152. >"Hmph. You see that dirt on the seats? Your pony's been treating itself to the human chairs while you were gone."
  153. >Applejack's ears flipped back nervously and Officer Jones' grin turned wicked.
  154. >"Yep, see them ears? It knows what it did. Y'all need a crop or anything to make your point?"
  155. >Anon scowled fiercely, though not for the reason Jones thought.
  156. "Nah, I've made this particular point before, so clearly I'm gonna need to use something a little more substantial. It'll regret it plenty after I get home."
  157. >Jones furrowed his brow, "Sure you don't want to punish it now? 'Sposed to be best to do it while the event is fresh in its mind, y'know, like a dog."
  158. >Anon's scowl deepened.
  159. "Oh no, I'm gonna let it stew for a few hours and just try to imagine what sort of punishment will be in store for it later. The anticipation will be nearly as bad as the discipline itself and this lasts a whole lot longer."
  160. >"Well, suit yourself. Aside from that it seems well trained so you must be doing something right."
  161. >Jones shot Applejack a nasty look and she quickly averted her eyes, tension and nerves etched in every line of her body. He laughed and tipped his hat to Anon, "Alright I take your meaning, toying with that thing oughta be fun."
  162. >Anon forced himself to chuckle in response and slid the door shut as Jones turned to walk away, then he let out a long sigh and muttered to himself.
  163. "Fuckin' prick."
  164. >When he turned around to face Applejack, he was surprised to see she hadn't entirely dropped the scared pony act.
  165. "Whoa, relax girl. You know I ain't about to whip you. Come on, hop on up."
  166. >He sat down and patted the space beside him, and she hesitated only a moment before climbing up and settling in.
  167. >"Sorry. Old habits die hard, I 'spose. And you put on a damn good act."
  168. >Anon wrapped an arm around her neck and jostled her playfully.
  169. "I keep telling you, we're equal. It's all just for show, alright?"
  170. >She nodded and sat back upright, but still didn't seem able to relax. After a few moments of silence, Anon gently prompted her.
  171. "...You alright, girl?"
  172. >Her breath caught in her throat and she shook her head, then said quietly, "No Anon, no I'm not."
  173. >He put his arm back around her neck, but this time to pull her into a hug.
  174. "Yeah... I know."
  175. >"Why's it gotta be like this, Anon?"
  176. "You know why."
  177. >"No, I don't!" She pulled away from his hug and wiped her face with a fetlock, "I get we lost the war, but why was there ever a damn war in the first place? Why'd we all have to turn to hate and violence instead of just talkin' it out like with every other species? What'd we do wrong? What'd we do to deserve being..." her voice fell to a whisper, "slaves?"
  178. >Anon grimaced.
  179. "Y'all didn't do nothing wrong, Applejack. Ponies never did nothing wrong. It was all us, the humans. We're the ones filled with greed and hate and violence. We're the ones turned what should've been a simple diplomatic discussion into a declaration of war. Y'all hardly even fought back, it was obvious from day one y'all didn't want to fight."
  180. >"Well 'course we didn't... why would anypony fight when there are friends to be made?"
  181. "Because evil, Applejack. Some people are just plain evil, and there ain't no two ways about it."
  182. >"That don't help me feel better, Anon."
  183. >He sighed heavily.
  184. "I know. It ain't helpin' me much either truth be told. But that's just how the world works. We can do what good we can, when and where we can, but on the whole... we're just gonna have to deal with this evil all around us."
  185. >His arm snaked around her neck a third time and he pulled her close again.
  186. "But you ain't alone no more, alright? We're partners."
  187. >She nodded silently, then laid her head on his chest.
  188. >"Thank you," she murmured.
  189. ...
  190. >An hour or two later, Anon finally wrestled himself upright and gently shook the head resting in his lap.
  191. "C'mon girl. Time to do the good work."
  192. >Her eyes snapped open and she looked around in fear for a brief second, then her eyes found his face and she relaxed. It happened sometimes, and Anon didn't embarrass her by bringing attention to it. She picked herself up and stretched her forelegs over her head, limbs bending in ways no normal horse could manage.
  193. >"Alright," she yawned, "I'm up. Let's, ah... let's get going."
  194. "We gotta pick up the goodies first, I was with the guard and couldn't grab them earlier."
  195. >"Yep, I saw."
  196. >She hopped to the floor and slid the door open, peeking out with the edge of her face.
  197. >"Clear."
  198. >They made their way down to the buffet car without event. Upon entering, they were forced to amble about and pretend to get some food while another woman got a plate to bring back to her cab. When she finally exited, Anon dumped the plate of food he'd been gathering and jammed a chair up under the door to the rest of the train. Then he bent low, tucking an arm up under one of the tables. There, secured just the day before by a very sneaky Applejack, was a bag full of gear for them.
  199. >He quickly helped Applejack into her saddlebags, hooking her up with her very own weapon: a custom built colt pistol that hooked firmly onto her fetlock and was operated by twisting her hoof the right way. She could even reload it herself with her mouth, though that was slow and usually Anon would do it for her. It was also nearly the exact same color tone as her coat, so it blended in and was not easily noticed. It was far and away the most illegal thing they owned, and if the feds even knew it existed then the bounty on their heads would quadruple at the very least.
  200. >Next he loaded up his own gear: a beautifully carved revolver on one hip called "Cupid" due to the heart on the grip, a plain sawed-off shotgun on the other hip, a very expensive lever action rifle across his back, and multiple knives stowed in various places on his body, including one tucked up his sleeve which could be produced in less than a second with just the right flick of a wrist--and he practiced the motion religiously to ensure he could still do it under duress.
  201. >He and Applejack paused and nodded to each other, then positioned themselves by the door to the Baron's car. Anon very slowly and cautiously turned the key in the lock, wincing at every faintest little click and expecting a shotgun blast through the door at head height with every passing second, but it turned over without problem and Anon stepped sideways out of immediate sight of the door.
  202. >Applejack leaned sideways on the door, turned the handle, and with a feigned startled yelp, made a controlled fall into the room, landing in a carefully calculated heap of limbs that looked messy but actually served to help conceal her equipment while giving her an excellent view of the room.
  203. >Until Applejack said the codeword "watermelon," all Anon could do now was listen. He heard a gruff voice that sounded like it had been asleep say, "Uhhh... huh? What? Who the blazes are you!?" The Baron, presumably.
  204. >Applejack was all charm, "Oh! Goodness me, I'm terribly sorry, sir! I was only leaning up against that there door takin' a breather when the darn thing just fell open! Scared the bejeezes outta me, if I'm totally honest. So sorry to bother you, sir, I'll just be going."
  205. >There was a sound of sliding furniture and the Baron said, "N-N-Now see here! Halt, I say, explain yourself! The door simply fell open? What a load of rubbish. How did you open my door? Where is your owner? Who lets their pony simply roam about the train? I demand you answer me at once, slave!"
  206. >There was more rustling and Anon imagined Applejack was attempting to reposition herself to give Anon easier access.
  207. >"I don't much know what you're meaning, sir. P-Please, I need to get back to work. I already shouldn't have been resting."
  208. >"So you're trespassing AND delinquent? What a disgrace you are. Come here at once, that's an order!"
  209. >There were a few clicks of hooves on the hardwood floor and Anon laid a hand on his pistol. Surely any second now...
  210. >"Sir, please, they'll be wondering why I haven't returned!"
  211. >"Silence! What in heaven's name are you wearing? What kind of gear is that. If you continue to avoid my questions I shall have you beaten. Now--"
  212. >"Watermelon!"
  213. >Anon took a quick peek into the room before acting. In an instant, he took in the layout of the furniture, the distance to Baron, and Applejack's position relative to him. She had smartly kept herself off to the side so she wouldn't be in the line of fire if Anon was forced to shoot.
  214. >"What the devil are you saying? Watermelon? The food?"
  215. >Anon quietly stepped out, took three quick steps forward, and just as the man was turning to investigate this new noise, he clamped his arm around the man's neck, the Baron's chin over his elbow, grabbed his fist with his other hand, and squeezed. The man never even had a chance. Within seconds he was limp in Anon's arms and he let him drop carelessly to the ground.
  216. "Right, that won't keep him out for long. You know what to do."
  217. >She nodded, and Anon jogged back out the door, dislodged the chair from the buffet car's door and replaced it, then jogged back into the Baron's room, shutting and locking the door behind them. Now they had privacy.
  218. >Applejack, meanwhile, had hogtied the man in record time and gagged him just as effectively. He would wake in a minute or two to find himself almost completely immobile and unable to speak.
  219. >Anon got a wicked glint in his eye.
  220. >"Don't..." Applejack warned.
  221. "Come on, he deserves it."
  222. >"He does, but we don't deserve the price it'll add to our heads. Theft, then assault, then murder, that's the order. Each one is a bigger bounty and more sheriffs on our tail. We're here to steal a pony, nothing more."
  223. >Anon growled, but he knew she was right. Together they approached the rear door, only to discover it was locked.
  224. >Applejack sighed and said, "Alright, go look for the key while I see if I can get the damn pick to work this time."
  225. >She sat beside the door and Anon began digging through drawers and peeking into cabinets. The Baron began to stir, and that's when Anon realized the key was probably on the man himself. He began rifling through the man's pockets just as his eyes drifted open, then snapped open and narrowed with hate and fury.
  226. "Yeah that's right, I dare. Fuckin' stop me you piece of shit."
  227. >Then he sucker punched the Baron on the side of the head.
  228. >"Anon!"
  229. "Ahh he'll be fine. Nothing broken. Yet.
  230. >He leaned down real close to the Baron's face and muttered in his most intimidating growl.
  231. "Nobody knows we're here. Nobody's looking for you. It'll be a good long while before anyone realizes anything is wrong. An awful lot can happen with all that time, ya catch my meaning?"
  232. >Baron Luke Von Brougue's eyes darted around the room, then settled back onto Anon's, and now the eyes were filled with fear.
  233. "Ah, he understands. Good. Now, we're getting into that back room of yours one way or another. It's up to you whether it's the quick and easy way, or the slow and painful way. Which will it be?"
  234. >He shook his head, but Anon caught his eyes darting to a spot on the wall. Upon investigation, there was a wall-colored envelope glued there, all but invisible unless seen from an oblique angle.
  235. "Clever. I wonder what's in here?"
  236. >Anon pulled out the key and approached Applejack, who swore vehemently.
  237. >"Damn pick was such a waste of money, ain't good for nothin'."
  238. "Oh, I'm sure it just takes practice."
  239. >Anon slid the key into the lock and clicked it open as Applejack replied, "Practice, shmactice, I've spent hours on that thing and still not a single..."
  240. >She trailed off as the door swung open to reveal a pale blue pony with a filthy brown mane and tail. The pony squinted at the light, for it had been pitch dark inside, and asked in a slightly scratchy voice, "Are... are you my new master?"
  241. >Applejack took a clumsy step forward and Anon noticed tears had begun streaming down her face.
  242. >"D... Dash? R-Rainbow Dash, is that really you?"
  243. >The pony seemed confused by her words.
  244. >"Rainbow... Dash? That's... that's not my name anymore. Come on, you know we can't use our old names."
  245. >"Dash! Rainbow it's me, Applejack! We're here to get you out of here!"
  246. >"Well... I mean sure, that's a weird way to phrase it, but yeah I'm ready to go. Who's our new master?"
  247. >Applejack lunged forward and began tearing at the ropes that held Rainbow Dash in place.
  248. >"No--nngh--master, explain later. We need--hnng--to go!"
  249. >The rope abruptly snapped under Applejack's enormous strength and it coiled loosely around Dash's body.
  250. >Anon, who had been surprised by his pony friend's reaction, finally stepped into the room, leaving the door open just a crack, and knelt beside Applejack to help unwrap the ropes.
  251. >However, the moment he approached, Dash's whole demeanor instantly changed. She adopted a pitiful expression, her voice raised almost an octave, and she straightened almost violently upright, staring straight ahead with unseeing eyes and speaking in a rapid, nervous tone.
  252. >"Master! Um, you're my new master, right? I-It's a pleasure--no, an honor to meet you! My old master called me Bluey, but of course you can call me whatever you like. Sorry, you knew that. Um. I-I'll be good, don't worry! I know what happens to bad ponies who don't listen."
  253. >Anon's heart sank. The desperation in her voice was all too telling. This pony had resisted training.
  254. >They never resisted for long.
  255. >"Th-There's no need for any disciplinary schools, I've already been to them all. N-Not because I misbehave! No, I just wanted to be the best pony I can be for you. My old master didn't return me or anything, I'm n-not like that, I swear. I was actually head mare for a long time, and a good one! He just already had a few other ponies and wanted to downsize, that's all. Um, th-that's what he told me, at least, I don't claim to--"
  256. "Dash."
  257. >She instantly fell silent and utterly still. Her mouth opened, then closed again. Finally, she quietly said, "Um... y-you can call me anything you like, of course, b-but if I could... if I could just please ask: anything but that. I..."
  258. >Applejack interjected, her voice choked with tears, "Rainbow, it's okay, you're safe now. We're gonna take you home."
  259. >She nodded curtly, "Of course, home. Yes. I'll take good care of your home, master."
  260. >"N-No, I mean--"
  261. "AJ, listen, we don't have time for this. She's been thoroughly broken, and we're not gonna fix her with a five minute conversation. Let's get her somewhere safe, and then we can talk all we want."
  262. >"B-But she--"
  263. >Rainbow Dash instantly jammed a hoof into Applejack's muzzle to silence her.
  264. >"Yes master, of course!"
  265. >She glared fiercely at Applejack, who was left stunned as Dash stood and began walking toward the door. Anon grimaced.
  266. "Like I said, she's been broken. She said she was head mare, too. Getting her to safety is gonna be rough."
  267. >Applejack stared after her, mouth still hanging partially open. Anon snapped a finger in front of her face.
  268. "Come on, girl, snap out of it. I still need your help."
  269. >In a flash, Rainbow Dash was back in front of Applejack, a hoof hooked roughly around her withers.
  270. >"Come ON, we have our orders!" Rainbow Dash looked back over her shoulder in Anon's direction without actually meeting his eye, "Don't worry master, I see what's going on here. I'll get this pony back in line for you, you don't have to--"
  271. "No, Dash."
  272. >A flicker of anguish flashed over her face, but she smothered it quickly.
  273. >"O-Okay, sorry master. What do you want me to do instead?"
  274. "Just... you're not head mare right now, okay? Don't start acting like one just yet."
  275. >"Oh. Um. Yes, master."
  276. >She deflated as if she was utterly worthless and walked slowly toward the door, ignoring Applejack entirely and waiting patiently for the two of them to exit. Anon approached Applejack and ruffled her mane reassuringly.
  277. "Don't worry girl, I'm sure once she understands what's going on, she'll start to change back to her old self. It'll be okay."
  278. >"No, you don't understand..." she had a pained expression as she stared at the pony's backside, "This is--was Rainbow Dash, the fiercest, most courageous and strong hearted pony I've ever known, not to mention one of my closest friends from... from before. To see her like this, it's..."
  279. >Dash acted as if she didn't hear, but Anon could see her ears turned back toward them and wondered how much she understood.
  280. "Well, like I said, I'm sure she'll start to come back to herself soon. Just give it time."
  281. >Applejack nodded, "I sure hope so."
  282. >Anon led the way out of the room and noticed Dash jerk with surprise when she saw the Baron.
  283. "You recognize him?"
  284. >Rainbow Dash nodded, "He took me away. I thought he was my new master, but he never gave me any orders, never even spoke to me. May I ask--who is he?"
  285. >Anon decided to take temporary advantage of the situation to better handle Dash as they escaped the train.
  286. "He was working for me, bringing you to me. Listen, here are your orders."
  287. >She instantly turned and sat facing him, ears perked, eyes wide and focused, but still never quite meeting his gaze.
  288. "We are going to leave this train by unconventional means. You are not to question this, nor hesitate when the time comes to depart. Follow me from beside Applejack, do not step in front of her. If a gunfight breaks out, stay beside Applejack. Understand?"
  289. >"Yes, master!"
  290. "And don't call me master. Call me by my name 'Anon' or, if you must use a title, use 'sir'."
  291. >"Yes, sir!"
  292. >Anon nodded, feeling a little awkward, then gestured toward the Baron, who was on his side attempting to scooch his way closer to the door. Applejack slid him back to his starting place with no apparent effort, then returned to Anon.
  293. >"Right, so, how are we doing it today?"
  294. "I was kinda thinking we disconnect the car and let it coast to a stop this time."
  295. >"And the Baron?"
  296. "Ah, someone'll find him eventually."
  297. >The Baron made a grunting sound through his gag, but Anon ignored him.
  298. >"They might find him by crashing into his car with another train."
  299. "True. We'll roll him outside then."
  300. >"You really hate this guy, huh?"
  301. "If you knew half of what I knew about how he treats ponies, you'd hate him too, and he doesn't treat humans much better. Trust me when I say no one will be missing him very much. I mean, if you think Rainbow Dash is bad now, be glad the Baron only had her for a few hours."
  302. >He noticed a little shudder from the pegasus when he used her name again.
  303. >"Alright," said Applejack, "I'll disconnect the car. Hopefully it'll be a while before anybody notices.
  304. >Anon knelt beside Rainbow Dash, who averted her gaze when he approached.
  305. "You alright, girl? How you feeling?"
  306. >She seemed surprised by the question and unsure of how to answer at first. Eventually, she said, "Um... I'm kinda hungry?"
  307. >He nodded and reached into his knapsack, pulling out a small package of crackers.
  308. "Here you go. Enjoy."
  309. >She took it almost reverently and hesitated before biting into the paper wrapper to tear it open, her ears perked toward him as if expecting him to say it was a joke and to give it back. Anon spied something in her mane and, slowly to avoid scaring her, reached up with a hand to brush aside a clump of hair. There was a stripe of vivid red in her mane. Then there was a gentle lurch as Applejack got the car disconnected and she came trotting back up to them.
  310. "Why do you hide your mane?"
  311. >Dash hesitated, then awkwardly said, "Um, it just hasn't been, well, cared for in a while. After my old master had to give me up, I spent... I dunno, a few weeks or so in one of the pony kennels. It... wasn't a very good one."
  312. >Anon could imagine just how 'not very good' it was.
  313. "Sorry to hear that. We'll get you cleaned up soon. Lookin' forward to seeing what your mane really looks like under all this grime."
  314. >"Yeah... I guess." She gave him a small smile then, the first he'd seen on her face, and it looked good on her.
  315. >He stood and checked the opening at the front of the car, and saw they had already slowed quite a lot. Soon they would be stopped entirely and it would be time to get moving. Anon squatted beside the Baron.
  316. "Alright. I can either leave you in the car and you risk getting hit by another train that doesn't see you in time, or I can have Applejack drag you outside and leave you in the dirt. Nod your head to stay on the train, shake it to wait in the dirt."
  317. >He nodded vigorously, then grunted again, more urgently this time. Anon rolled his eyes. He was going to regret this, he knew. He loosened the Baron's gag and slipped it free of his mouth.
  318. >"Oh thank the gods... bloody savages."
  319. >Anon held the gag up again and his tone immediately softened.
  320. >"W-What I mean to say is, well, why?"
  321. "It's simple, really."
  322. >Anon's voice was casual as he slowly stood and walked to the man's desk.
  323. "You're an evil piece of shit."
  324. >He grabbed the Baron's crop and returned to the man.
  325. >"N-Now see here, there's no cause for--"
  326. >Anon leaned down close until his face was just inches from the Baron's.
  327. "I want you to think about this moment next time you raise a whip against another sentient being."
  328. >Then he lashed out with the crop, whipping the man hard across his back. His fancy clothing was useless for protection and immediately tore, revealing a bright red line where he'd struck.
  329. >"Ah--AAAA!"
  330. >He raised the whip again, then jerked to a stop as Applejack leaped in front of him, shielding the man with her body.
  331. >"Don't you buckin' dare!"
  332. >The Baron looked curiously at Applejack and Anon scowled.
  333. "Dammit girl, you know he deserves this!"
  334. >She scowled right back at him.
  335. >"And you know damn well you ought to leave him be!"
  336. >Anon gritted his teeth, his arm still raised. Applejack hated whips, she'd collapse in an instant if he brought it down on her. But he couldn't, and she knew it. His arm slowly lowered and he dropped the crop at the Baron's feet.
  337. "Alright, Applejack. I don't get why you're defending this scum, but alright."
  338. >"Applejack..."
  339. >Her ears flipped back as the Baron said her name.
  340. >"You're that wanted pony. They... said you killed a man!"
  341. >She snorted and turned away from him, "I just save ponies. I ain't killed no one."
  342. >Anon tapped the man's gut with a boot and laid a hand on his revolver.
  343. "But I might."
  344. >The Baron just looked scared and kept his mouth shut after that.
  345. >Applejack approached the coach door and said, "Come on, Anon, quit scaring the man. Let's go."
  346. >Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise when he nodded and approached her, but she followed them without question just as he'd told her to. The train car was ambling slowly down a gentle hill towards a broad valley, so it wouldn't stop fully for a while. Anon stood on the edge of the car and turned to Rainbow Dash.
  347. "Just jump straight sideways and roll to the ground. Don't try to stay upright, tuck and roll."
  348. >Applejack smirked, "I don't think a pegasus needs to worry about that. Right, Dash?"
  349. >Rainbow Dash didn't answer, only looked down at the ground. That's when Anon noticed her wings for the first time--or rather what was left of them. They'd been pinned to her back, plucked of every feather, and left there to wither away, looking like strange blue tentacles coming off her shoulders. They were thin and frail, as if they hadn't been used in a long time. Applejack gasped, tears springing to her eyes.
  350. >"Dash, your--"
  351. >"Yeah, my wings! I can't fly, get over it. I have."
  352. >"But--"
  353. >"Whatever!"
  354. >She pushed past Applejack and leapt sideways off the train.
  355. >Applejack whinnied in surprise and leapt after her, and Anon rolled his eyes, following after.
  356. >He tucked his head in and let his momentum twist his legs out from under him, shoulder bouncing off the grass, then he splayed his limbs out to stop himself rolling any further. He skidded a bit further on the grass, then slid to a halt directly next to Applejack. They both sprung upright and brushed themselves off. Anon turned to watch the traincar rumble off down the hill, then he heard Applejack gasp and turned to see her rushing toward Dash.
  357. >She was collapsed in a heap on the grass, her limbs shaking as she tried to pick herself back up. She scowled at Applejack as she approached.
  358. >"I'm... fine! Just out of practice."
  359. >Applejack halted abruptly, looking a little hurt at Rainbow Dash's tone.
  360. >Anon strode over and knelt beside the pegasus.
  361. "Dash, what happened?"
  362. >Her face twitched again as she heard her name, then she said quietly, "I... I just collapsed. I've been sitting for so long, my legs wouldn't work right. Twisted a fetlock. Feel really weak."
  363. >Anon nodded, then reached slowly for the hoof she was favoring. She withdrew it out of reflex, then grimaced and extended it toward him. He took it gingerly in his hands and gently massaged the joint, watching her face for her winces.
  364. "Applejack, you have the bandages?"
  365. >"Y-Yeah. One sec."
  366. >She twisted her neck around to rummage through her saddlebag, then tossed the roll of bandage at him. He caught it deftly, then began tightly wrapping Dash's hoof.
  367. >"Um, sir? What are you doing?"
  368. "I'm taking care of you. Can't have you falling behind or slowing us down, and I don't want you suffering."
  369. >"But... I'm just a pony."
  370. >Anon looked at her and she immediately averted her eyes.
  371. "Dash, look at me."
  372. >She winced, then slowly dragged her gaze to his. He stared into her magenta eyes for a moment, then smiled.
  373. "I ain't like most humans, okay? I care about ponies. I think they should be free. Applejack and I... we do our best to make that happen. You get my meaning?"
  374. >Rainbow Dash shook her head and Anon gently laid a hand on her neck.
  375. "I ain't your master, Dash. You ain't got a master no more. You're free now."
  376. >She stared at him blankly, then her eyes slowly widened.
  377. >"That man on the train..."
  378. "He was supposed to be your new master, but he's a cruel, evil man. We saved you from him."
  379. >"You..."
  380. >She lurched backwards suddenly.
  381. >"You stole me!?"
  382. >Applejack stepped in quickly before she began to panic.
  383. >"Dash, it's okay! Anon and me, we save ponies like you all the time."
  384. >She wrapped a hoof around Dash's neck, pulling her in close.
  385. >"We've got a whole system goin', a secret network that lets us transport ponies around. There's a city up north called Vancouver--"
  386. >"No! No, stop, I can't! Help! HEEEELLLLP!"
  387. >Rainbow Dash tried to scramble away, but now it became clear just how weak and malnourished she was. She barely had the strength to walk around and must have been playing it tough earlier in the traincar.
  388. >"Dash, stop!"
  389. >"I won't mess up again! I can't! I can't go back! HELP! THIEVES!"
  390. "Rainbow Dash, QUIET!"
  391. >She immediately fell completely silent, staring at the ground and shaking with fear. Anon cringed to see her behave like this. He'd seen it once before in a pony they hadn't been able to save. But he'd be damned if they lose this one that Applejack obviously cared so much about.
  392. "Listen to me. Even if somebody heard you, it's too late now. You're an escaped pony. It's in your best interest to keep it that way. Now, we've got a good thing going here, saved a lot of ponies. We'll keep you safe, but ya gotta trust us. You're free now, but we need to get you somewhere better. That's our job, okay?"
  393. >Her shaking slowly subsided as he spoke, then she gave a little nod of her head and said, "Okay, sir. I... I'll try."
  394. "And don't call me sir. I told you, I'm not your master. As far as I'm concerned, we're equals, you and me. Call me Anon."
  395. >"Equals!? But you... you're a human! And I'm a pony!"
  396. >Anon nodded, putting his hand back on her neck.
  397. "Yes, Dash. Equals. We're both thinking, speaking, sentient creatures. You deserve freedom every bit as much as I do."
  398. >She turned to Applejack, "So you... you're free too?"
  399. >Applejack nodded proudly, "I'm the most free, cause I'm the one doin' the freeing!"
  400. >"Um... how many?"
  401. >"How many what?"
  402. >"How many have you freed?"
  403. >"Oh gosh," she looked to Anon, "What are we at, twenty?"
  404. "Something like that, yeah."
  405. >"And how many made it to... what was it, Vancouver?"
  406. >"Yeah that's it," Applejack nodded, "But that... that's a little harder to say. We don't follow each one all the way there."
  407. >"Then how do you know they even made it?"
  408. "We get notes coming back and forth all the time. That way we know a safehouse is still, well, safe."
  409. >"Yeah! And sometimes we get letters from ponies up there, thanking us for helping them."
  410. >"So you... you just go around stealing ponies and setting them free?"
  411. >They both nodded, and her eyes lit up with awe.
  412. >"That is so... so a-awesome!"
  413. >She stumbled over the word, and her ear flicked nervously as she said it, but Applejack broke out in a huge grin, her eyes tearing up again.
  414. >"That's right, Dash. It's awesome. Welcome aboard."
  415. ...
  416. >Anon trudged through the forest, checking over his shoulder frequently to make sure both the ponies were still there. Applejack was used to this sort of travel, of course, but Rainbow Dash was having a lot of trouble keeping up. Too much trouble, he thought. She was clearly in a weakened state, likely starved, and Anon ground his teeth at the thought. He should have killed that bastard Brougue, whatever Applejack said. Evil like that doesn't deserve to stick around. But at least they had the pony they were after, and she was an old friend of Applejack, which was good. Helping a friend recover would cheer Applejack immensely, and she had been getting increasingly depressed lately.
  417. >He glanced back toward his friend, then sighed as he saw Rainbow Dash behind her stumbling over a log in the path, barely able to pull herself over it. Anon turned forward again and began peering about for a clearing in the trees. It wasn't long before he found one and called the group to a halt.
  418. >"What's on yer mind, Anon?"
  419. >In response he turned toward Rainbow Dash, who was only just catching up and entering the clearing. She was deeply winded and her limbs shook with the effort of standing. Anon grimaced--she was worse off than he'd thought.
  420. "Applejack, do you think you could carry Dash?"
  421. >"Oh sure, I--"
  422. >"W-What!?" Rainbow Dash's ears flatted defiantly, "N-No, it's okay, I'm a good pony, I'll keep up! I'm keeping up, aren't I?"
  423. >Anon's expression tightened.
  424. "Don't play me for a fool, Dash. We both see you stumblin' around and struggling to keep up, and Applejack and I normally make twice this pace. You're barely standing as it is."
  425. >The pegasus sputtered awkwardly, eyes darting back and forth between them, then she lowered her gaze and said through clenched teeth, "I... I can do it. I'm a good pony."
  426. >Anon opened his mouth to speak again, but Applejack cut him off with a wave of her hoof. He yielded to her and took a step back. She always was better at the sweet talking anyhow.
  427. >"Dash, listen. I know the last thing ya wanna do is give up an' ask for help. Trust me, I know a thing or two about bein' stubborn."
  428. >Rainbow Dash let out a little snort and Applejack smiled gently.
  429. >"Yeah, you remember. I learned this lesson the hard way already, so don't make the same mistake I made. I ain't sayin' give up, but there's nothing wrong with taking a helping hoof offered in kindness and friendship. You've been done something awful and your body's tellin' you you've had enough. There's no need to suffer. Please just let me help, Dash, one friend to another. We... We are still friends, right?"
  430. >The question hung in the air for a moment, then Dash sniffed and nodded her head.
  431. >"Yeah... yeah, of course we're still f-friends."
  432. >Applejack stepped a little closer and lifted her chin with a fetlock.
  433. >"Then let me help, Dash. I hate seein' you suffer like this, 'specially when I can help so easily." She risked a teasing smirk, "Them bird bones are so light, I'll hardly even notice the extra weight."
  434. >Dash rolled her eyes as a small smile crept onto her face, only to disappear just as quick.
  435. >"...Okay, fine. But you better not tell anyone!"
  436. >She glanced at Anon and opened her mouth as if to speak, then shut it with a nervous grimace. Anon tried to smile warmly, though judging from Applejack's expression, he hadn't succeeded.
  437. "Don't worry Dash, I won't tell either."
  438. >Her ears twitched nervously and she averted her gaze, murmuring, "Thank you, mas... um, Thanks A-Anon."
  439. >Then Applejack turned around to lay down on her belly and Dash shimmied up on top of her. She raised her hooves and pressed them into the earth pony's sides for better grip, and Applejack climbed back to her hooves with a little "Hup!"
  440. >Rainbow Dash's forehooves wrapped around Applejack's neck and hung loosely down her front, her head poking out from behind Applejack's mane. When Applejack turned to face Anon, it gave her the appearance of having two heads and extra forelegs sticking out from her shoulders.
  441. >Feeling a little more confident now, Anon turned and led the way again. At first he continued glancing over his shoulder to check on the ponies, but true to her word, Applejack hardly even seemed to notice the extra weight and followed in Anon's footsteps as if Dash wasn't even there. She did have to contort herself awkwardly a couple of times to keep Dash balanced on her back, but on the whole, she handled it well.
  442. >They continued like this for some time, then Applejack called out to Anon, who stopped and turned to face her.
  443. >"I hear water down thataway."
  444. "Ah, good. Maybe we can find ourselves a trail."
  445. >Anon adjusted his course, heading in the direction Applejack had indicated, and sure enough, a few minutes later he heard the babble of a creek coming through the trees.
  446. >As they approached the little river, Rainbow Dash tapped Applejack's shoulder and she laid down again to let the pegasus dismount. Dash approached Anon and sat down stiffly.
  447. >"M-May I please wash in the river?"
  448. >Anon folded his arms and frowned at her.
  449. "I ain't your master, girl. You don't need my permission if you wanna take a dip in the water."
  450. >Rainbow Dash hesitated, her ears folding back, then she said quietly, "I... just thought it would be polite."
  451. >There was a few seconds of silence, then Anon sighed. Clearly she still needed human approval to do things.
  452. "Go on, Dash. It's okay."
  453. >The pegasus bowed her head, then hopped to her hooves, trotted into the shallow water, and promptly rolled over. Anon grinned to himself as she laid on her back and wiggled back and forth, trying to scrub the crust off her mane and tail. She reached up with her hooves, but the hard surface wasn't very good at scrubbing, and her fetlocks were clumsy to use. Anon glanced at Applejack.
  454. "So are you gonna help her, or shall I?"
  455. >Applejack giggled, "Go ahead 'master,' I'll keep watch."
  456. >Anon nodded and sat beside the river to remove his boots and socks, then rolled up his pants and waded into the water after Dash. As soon as she noticed him coming, she rolled back onto her belly and averted her gaze, a blush spreading across her muzzle.
  457. >"Sorry, it's... been a while."
  458. >Anon waved a hand dismissively.
  459. "'Sokay, girl. Just thought I'd come give you a hand."
  460. >Her ears folded back again and Anon stopped where he stood. It was going to take some doing to get her to trust him.
  461. "Uh, if you want a hand, that is. It's fine if you don't want it. Just figured I'd have better luck getting that muck outta your mane."
  462. >She hesitated for a moment, then lowered her head meekly, "I... okay. Yes, please."
  463. >Anon sloshed a little closer and eyed her critically.
  464. "This might be easier if you lay on your side, keep your mane close to the water."
  465. >Dash obliged immediately, her ears still folded back in embarrassment. As she lowered her head, Anon grabbed a large tuft of mane and held it underwater, scrubbing vigorously between both hands. Dash obediently lowered her head further, almost submerging herself, and Anon scrubbed all the way to the root, his fingers digging into her fur at the base of her mane. He noticed Dash shudder and stopped, his voice concerned.
  466. "You okay? Not too cold, is it?"
  467. >Dash jerked her head up and said hurriedly, "No-no, I'm fine! Just, uh..." she averted her gaze again, "It felt good, that's all."
  468. >Anon nodded knowingly.
  469. "And you ain't used to feeling good around humans, is that it?"
  470. >Her twitch of an ear was all the answer he needed.
  471. "It's fine, I understand. Remember, you ain't the first pony we've saved. But I don't want you to feel like you're being forced into this. If at any time you feel uncomfortable, just say the word an' I'll stop and back off, okay?"
  472. >"Okay..."
  473. >Anon resumed his scrubbing, the grime slowly flowing away from her mane, revealing a bright green stripe.
  474. "I thought your mane was red?"
  475. >Dash didn't respond so Anon shrugged and kept going. Soon he revealed a blue stripe, and then a purple one.
  476. "Ah... 'Rainbow' Dash. I gotcha. You'll be pleased to know the dirt's comin' away nicely. 'Nother few minutes and I oughta have your mane looking real nice."
  477. >He noticed she was blushing and her ears were still folded back. Maybe he had said something wrong, though he didn't know what, and decided to keep the comments to a minimum. Returning to where he'd started and moving in the opposite direction now, he slowly revealed a pale blond streak, a light ginger streak, and finally that intense red he'd noticed earlier. As he finished up, he gave her a little rub behind the ears.
  478. "All done. You--"
  479. >Dash jerked violently away from his hand, splashing him in her haste, and Anon narrowly avoided her forehoof as she began to lurch to her hooves.
  480. "Whoa, girl, relax!"
  481. >She froze at his words, then with a grimace, slowly lowered herself back into her previous position.
  482. >"Sorry... my old master liked to touch me there, especially while he made me... um, well... I-I didn't like him."
  483. >Anon had a guess what he made her do, and rage boiled up so quick inside him that Dash began to ease away from him. He took a deep breath and slowly unclenched his fists. Then he cautiously raised a hand and set it on the side of her neck. She shivered at his touch, but he was pleased to see she didn't pull away.
  484. "Men like that... they're just plain vile. If I knew a man who did that, I'd..."
  485. >He trailed off and took another deep breath to calm himself.
  486. "Sorry. Anyway, I won't touch you there again, alright?
  487. >She lowered her gaze and said quietly, "I guess... it just surprised me, that's all. I think I'm okay now." Twisting her head around, she continued awkwardly, "T-Try again. Please."
  488. >Anon raised his eyebrows in surprise. Usually when he made a mistake like that, the pony closed up and he had to ease into talking with them again.
  489. >Anon cautiously raised his hand, then gently laid it on her neck, slowly sliding up to her ears. He held his hand there, motionless, just letting her get used to his presence there, then slowly began to move in a small circle. When she didn't react, he curled his fingers and rubbed below her ear. She let out a soft nicker and her ears splayed out to the sides--a good sign. Anon brought a second hand up and gently touched her other ear, rubbing that one as well when she didn't react. Finally, he spread out his fingers and thoroughly massaged the region around the base of her skull with all ten digits. Her head slowly bobbed lower and lower until Anon was worried her snout would dip in the river, and he gently stopped.
  490. >He looked to the riverbank to see Applejack staring at him, mouth slightly agape. He grinned when she shuffled awkwardly and blushed.
  491. "You can have some too, if you like."
  492. >Applejack snorted and turned around, lashing a tail in his direction. He laughed and slid his hands down both sides of Rainbow Dash's neck, smoothing out her mane, then he stood and took several steps back.
  493. >As he had anticipated, once she recovered from her post-massage stupor, she shook her head violently back and forth, flinging the water from her mane. She finished with a flop to her left, then stroked her mane with a forehoof, smiling to herself.
  494. "Happy?"
  495. >"Yes. Thank you."
  496. >He expected her to stand then, but instead she hesitated, her blush intensifying.
  497. >"Um... c-can you do my tail? It's supposed to be a rainbow too."
  498. "Oh. Uh, sure, I 'spose."
  499. >Now that had really given him a start. Anon had learned the hard way that ponies didn't treat their tail as casually as real horses did--to them, the tail was a private area, almost akin to the genitals themselves.
  500. >Anon approached her again and squatted near her rump, slowly taking the bulk of her tail in both hands. Her hind hooves shuffled slightly and he prepared to jump back in a hurry, but she settled down and waited for him to continue. He obligingly began to scrub vigorously and, sure enough, soon revealed multicolored stripes to match her mane. He made his way methodically down her tail, uncovering about three quarters of it, then stopped.
  501. >Dash waited a moment, then gave him a questioning look.
  502. "I, uh... just didn't want to risk getting kicked."
  503. >Her tail twitched, then she shook her head with a little whinny.
  504. >"Please, ma... Anon. I just want to feel clean again."
  505. >Anon nodded, then placed his hands back where he'd begun, this time sliding up her tail instead. As he scrubbed, he soon felt the thick mass of flesh beneath the hair and felt his own cheeks glow with warmth. He focused his eyes firmly on his hands and continued scrubbing the dirt away bit by bit until he finally revealed the cerulean fur at the base of her tail.
  506. >The moment her dock was clean, he stood awkwardly and stepped away. Not even Applejack had had him wash her dock like that. He glanced up at her and found her staring again, only this time looking as though she was barely holding in her laughter.
  507. "What?"
  508. >She snorted, shook her head, then blurted out, "Y'all's cheeks are glowing brighter than a pig's backside after a mudless summer day!"
  509. >Rainbow Dash neighed and placed a well aimed kick to launch a hefty spray of water at Applejack. She sputtered and shouted, "Oy!" Then she reared and slammed her hooves down in the water, spraying everyone with water.
  510. >Anon raised a leather coated arm to block his face and chuckled as he stepped away from the two, who began splashing each other in earnest, Applejack inching closer and closer to Dash. Eventually she wound up in the river right alongside Dash, who yanked at a hoof, dragging the earth pony into the water. Applejack yelped, then spat out some water at Dash, who stuck out her tongue and ventured further into the river.
  511. >Applejack rolled her eyes and climbed back to her hooves, now soaking wet. "Alright, come on, Dash. You had your wash but we oughta get going."
  512. >Dash sputtered, "Are you kidding!? Do you have any idea how long it's been since I had a swim?"
  513. >She kicked off from the riverbed and lurched even further into the river. Anon began to grow concerned.
  514. "Hey Dash, don't go too far, who knows what's in these waters!"
  515. >"I'll be fine, swimming is a lot like flying!"
  516. >And that's when Anon saw the gator lumbering off the far bank.
  517. "Out of the water, now!"
  518. >She started at his tone, "W-What? But I just got in!"
  519. >Applejack followed his gaze and the blood drained from her face.
  520. >"D-Dash, there's a gator!"
  521. >"What!? W-Where?"
  522. >She spun around in the water, looking for something she wouldn't be able to see.
  523. "Just come here, quickly!"
  524. >That was easier said than done. Floating casually had been alright, but paddling desperately for shore was difficult in her weakened state, and her head began to bob below the water's surface.
  525. >"Aw, ponyfeathers!"
  526. >Applejack leapt back into the water, paddling up to Dash and getting her head below hers, lifting it out of the water. Anon drew his rifle and cycled the lever-action with a muted KACHUNK, then took aim at the two ponies.
  527. >Dash looked up and, between the threat of a gator and now seeing a rifle aimed in her direction, slid into full-blown panic, flailing wildly in the water and making it difficult for Applejack to stay afloat, nevermind keep Dash above the surface too.
  528. >Anon fired.
  529. >An explosion ripped through the serene woods and a spray of blood billowed out from the water not a foot from Dash's rump. The gator's head flipped back as the animal flailed once, then died almost instantly, sinking into the water.
  530. >The sound, and subsequent lack of pain, had startled and confused Dash so much that she simply froze, and Applejack was able to shove her at least far enough that their hooves touched the riverbed again. Applejack then smacked Dash across the muzzle, jarring her out of her stupor.
  531. >"Buckin' tartarus, Dash! What'd ya go and do that for!?"
  532. >She stared at Applejack, the whites showing in her eyes.
  533. >"H-He shot at us!"
  534. >"He shot the gator, ya damn foal! Why'd ya have to go an panic like that?"
  535. >Dash continued to stare for several seconds, her chest heaving with heavy breathing, then she closed her eyes and took a long, shaky breath through her snout.
  536. >"I... I'm sorry. I just wanted to swim..."
  537. >Applejack shoved at Dash's rump with a hoof. "Well swim-time's over, get outta the water 'fore another one of those things shows up."
  538. >Dash was shaking by the time they reached the riverbank, and Anon stepped into the water to help ease her forward. She took one look at Anon and bowed her head low in shame.
  539. >"I'm s-sorry, please don't punish me..."
  540. >Anon scowled.
  541. "I ain't about to punish you, girl."
  542. >She looked up at him, eyes glistening. "You... you aren't mad?"
  543. "Oh I'm mad, but I'm mostly glad nothin' happened."
  544. >Her head drooped again and she murmured, "I'm sorry..."
  545. >Anon let out a short sigh of frustration.
  546. "I ain't mad at you, girl. I'm mad at myself for lettin' such a damn fool thing happen in the first place. I know these here waters are infested with gators."
  547. >Applejack set a hoof on his forearm and said, "You're scaring her, Anon. Relax. We're alright."
  548. >Sure enough, Dash was leaning away from him, cringing at his every movement. He took a deep breath and nodded.
  549. "You're right. Everyone's alright. Sorry for scaring you, girl. I'm really not mad at you, I swear."
  550. >Dash didn't respond, though she did relax somewhat.
  551. >After a moment of silence, Anon attempted to lighten the mood and turned toward Applejack.
  552. "Anywho, that was some fine swimming, especially with her panicking like that."
  553. >Applejack raised her head proudly, "Yeah well, swimming might be like flying, but if ya kick the water hard enough it'll keep you afloat too, and if there's one thing I'm good at, it's bucking."
  554. >Dash let out an awkward cough and Applejack grinned sheepishly, adding, "Buckin' trees, I mean. Y'know, with my hooves."
  555. >"Suuuure!" Dash snorted, then she wiped her face with a fetlock.
  556. >Anon sat on a log to dry his feet with a rag before putting on his socks and boots, then stood and took a deep breath.
  557. "Alright, that's enough foolin' around. Lets get going."
  558. >Applejack nodded, "Which way are ya thinking?"
  559. >Anon thought for a moment.
  560. "If my memory serves correct, we can't have left the train past those three little river towns, whatever they're called, but we might've left before we reached the first one, so upriver might be nothin' but more trees."
  561. >"Downriver it is."
  562. >She stepped over onto drier grass and laid down again to let Rainbow Dash up, and, after a brief moment of hesitation, she climbed back onto Applejack and they were off again. This time the going was easier as the riverbank was less dense than the surrounding forest, and they made good time. It wasn't long before they reached a makeshift bridge connecting a small trail on either side of the river.
  563. >Anon raised a hand and Applejack came to a halt behind him.
  564. >Something wasn't right here.
  565. "Back."
  566. >"Huh?"
  567. "Back, now, quietly."
  568. >"Well, LOOKIE here!"
  569. >Anon swore under his breath and turned back toward the bridge, already knowing what he'd see.
  570. >Three swaggering highwaymen strode up toward them, one from the brush beside them, one from just past the bridge, and one ducking out from beneath the bridge itself. All three of them were brandishing weapons--old and beaten up, sure, but no doubt functional enough to be dangerous.
  571. >Anon ached to whip out his revolver but knew doing so would be suicide.
  572. >"Y'all just popped up outta nowhere, didn't ya?"
  573. >"What're you doin' trudging up the river like that?"
  574. >"Is... that a pony ridin' another damned pony? The hell?"
  575. >The first one, likely the leader, stepped forward and poked at Anon with his rifle.
  576. >"So, what'll it be, tough guy? You gonna play along nicely, or are we gonna get messy today?"
  577. >Anon slowly lifted his hands.
  578. "Not playin' any games, fellas. Just take what ya want and don't hurt nobody, and lets all be on our way."
  579. >The man nodded, stepping closer, "That's good. Yer a smart fella ain'tcha? Always a shame when somebody comes along with too much wealth and not enough sense."
  580. >"H-Help me!"
  581. >Rainbow Dash suddenly scrambled down from Applejack's back, falling clumsily to the ground. All three turned their attention on her, and Anon seized the opportunity.
  582. >His left arm lashed out with a bone crunching fist at the side of the leader's head and he crumpled to the ground like a ragdoll. Before his body had even hit the ground, Anon's right hand whipped the revolver up and fired three quick shots at the man on the right. One missed, but the second hit the man in the leg, and the third struck the shoulder of the arm holding his gun, which dropped immediately to the ground.
  583. >Anon turned just in time to see the man on the left receive a chest full of Applejack's hooves, and his feet actually left the ground as he flipped backward and slammed into the ground. He did not get up again.
  584. >Anon strode over to the man he had shot. He was groaning in agony and gripping his leg with both hands, trying to staunch the blood pouring out of him. He looked up as Anon approached and spat.
  585. >"You... bastard! You've killed me!"
  586. "Eyup."
  587. >Anon raised his revolver to the man's forehead.
  588. "Sorry 'bout that."
  589. >He pulled the trigger without hesitation.
  590. >Applejack was shouting at Rainbow Dash behind him.
  591. >"How could you!? Ain't ya figured it out yet that--"
  592. >"Look at him, AJ! He's a killer!"
  593. >"Only when he has to, dammit! He's out here to protect ponies like us."
  594. >Dash fell silent as Anon approached, watching him fearfully. Applejack nodded toward the corpse behind him.
  595. >"Ya hit an artery, didn't you?"
  596. >Anon nodded.
  597. "Dumb luck, really. He was already dead. I only sped things up a bit."
  598. >With practiced ease he reloaded and holstered his revolver, then approached the man Applejack had kicked and was surprised to find he was barely more than a boy, probably only sixteen or seventeen. Anon checked his pulse, then sighed heavily.
  599. "Must've cracked his skull against this rock."
  600. >A long second passed.
  601. >Applejack took a step back.
  602. >"Y-You mean..."
  603. >Anon nodded grimly.
  604. >Her legs gave out abruptly and she sat down hard.
  605. >"I... I killed him? I killed a man..."
  606. >She shuddered and Anon approached her, laying a hand on her neck. She shook her head sadly.
  607. >"I've broken a few bones, I know, but... but never killed..."
  608. "Listen, girl."
  609. >She looked up at him, eyes unfocused.
  610. "He'd have killed us all just for a bit of coin. You did what you had to do to protect me, and to protect Rainbow Dash. There ain't nothin' more to it. There ain't nothin' wrong with killing. It's when ya kill for no reason, for fun, for your own amusement... that's when something's wrong. This here was just self-defense. You have to be realistic."
  611. >Applejack shuddered again and closed her eyes, taking several deep breaths before opening them again.
  612. >"You're right. Gotta be realistic."
  613. "That's right. Now keep an eye on Dash. I got some scarin' to do."
  614. >She still seemed shaken, but nodded as Anon let her go. The first kill always shook a man--or a pony, it seemed. It would pass.
  615. >The man he'd punched was finally beginning to stir, and Anon knelt beside him, placing his gun barrel between the man's eyes just as they opened.
  616. "What's your name, boy?"
  617. >He stared cross-eyed up at the barrel and his lip quivered.
  618. >"T-Thomas."
  619. "What's your last name, Thomas?"
  620. >"Eavens."
  621. "Well Tommy, your friends are dead. Didn't mean to do it, but there it is. Are you about to join 'em?"
  622. >His eyes widened and he shook his head rapidly.
  623. >"I-I-I never meant nothin' by it! We ain't never killed nobody! J-Just scared some rich folk what pass through here!"
  624. >He turned and looked at the bloody mess by the riverbank.
  625. >"Oh God..."
  626. >Anon grimaced.
  627. "For what it's worth, I'm sorry. I shot from the hip, just happened to hit an artery. Bad luck. Shouldn't've pulled a gun on us."
  628. >The man swallowed and nodded, "Y-Yep, shouldn't a done that."
  629. "Now, are ya gonna be doin' it again?"
  630. >"N-No! God no, I don't wanna die! Please!"
  631. "Shut up, I ain't killing you."
  632. >The man babbled a little, then fell silent.
  633. "You got a bounty on your head, boy?"
  634. >He shook his head.
  635. "And which way to town?"
  636. >He pointed a shaking finger across the bridge.
  637. "Good. Now listen here, Tommy. I'm sure y'all have gathered up a pretty penny robbin' these kind folk what come strolling through here. What you're gonna do now is set all your weapons down nice an slow while I watch you with this big ol' gun. Then you're gonna lie down over there with your face in the dirt until you can't hear any hoof beats anymore. When you don't hear nothin' but the river, you're gonna count to a hundred, real slow. Got it?"
  638. >The boy nodded, and Anon grinned a mean looking smile.
  639. "Good. When that's done, you're gonna get up, go to town, and give that money to the sheriff. Don't have to turn yourself in, just tell him ya found it down by the river or somethin'. He won't believe you, but he can't arrest you just for bein' suspicious. Then you're gonna go and get yourself a real fuckin' job and make some money the right way."
  640. >Anon leaned in real close and cocked the hammer of his double-action revolver, dropping his voice to a low growl.
  641. "And you listen well, boy. If I don't see you workin' an honest job in that town when next I come travelin' through, I'm gonna find you. I'm gonna find you, Thomas Eavens, and I'm gonna kill you. Understand?"
  642. >The man whimpered and his head vibrated in a sort of nod.
  643. "Now, any guns or knives, take 'em out real slow and set 'em on the ground here."
  644. >He slowly reached behind his waist and withdrew a small pistol, laying it at Anon's feet. Then he pulled out two knives, one a mean looking dagger with a curved double edged blade, and the other a basic hunting knife. Anon stopped him at the second.
  645. "Keep that one. Every man needs a good knife, and that looks like a good one. You ain't got no use for the other now, do ya?"
  646. >Thomas shook his head and slowly returned the hunting knife to its sheath.
  647. >"Th-Thank you, sir."
  648. "Right. Now, stand up, turn around, take ten steps forward, and lay down with your face in the dirt and your hands behind your head."
  649. >The poor man did so, obeying Anon precisely. Only when he was on the ground and stopped moving did Anon take his eyes off him and pick up the toys he'd left behind, simultaneously calling out to Applejack.
  650. "Find anything good?"
  651. >While he'd been intimidating the man, she had dug through the pockets of the two bodies, and nodded grimly.
  652. >"Ammo, money, the usual."
  653. "Good. Leave half the money with the boy. Scatter it about so he has to rummage around for it and can't just hop up and run."
  654. >Applejack nodded and tossed some coins and a couple wads of bills in a mess around the boy. One of the coins thunked against the side of his head and he jumped and let out a whimper.
  655. >"Sorry 'bout that."
  656. >Applejack put the rest in her saddlebag and returned to Anon, who gestured at the bodies.
  657. "Now help me take care of these things."
  658. >The two of them lugged the body with the cracked skull and tossed it into the river, then they carefully rolled the bloody mess that was the other corpse into the river as well. They both rinsed off the blood that inevitably got on them, then returned to Dash, who seemed frozen in place. Anon waved a hand in front of her face and she looked over at him, dazed. He gestured at Applejack.
  659. "Come on, up you get. Time to leave this sorry scene."
  660. >She climbed onto Applejack's back with robotic motions and Anon led the way across the bridge. He called out over his shoulder.
  661. "Don't forget about me, Thomas Eavens. 'Cause I sure won't forget about you."
  662. >After they'd traveled for a few minutes, Applejack quietly said, "Hey Anon?"
  663. "Yeah, AJ?"
  664. >"That boy... he said they ain't never killed anybody."
  665. "Ah, yeah, was wondering if you'd picked up on that."
  666. >He stopped and turned toward her, setting a hand on her neck.
  667. "Listen. People will say anything when they're scared. What matters is he drew on us, and that's that. They were pointing guns at us, so you had every right to assume we were in danger, and every right to do what was necessary to protect us. Don't go overthinking it just because of what some terrified little shit said to try and save his own hide."
  668. >"But--"
  669. "But nothing, Applejack. Even a sheriff would agree you were in the right. It was purely self-defense, and defense of me and Dash. You really gotta try not to dwell on it, or it'll tear ya up inside."
  670. >Applejack averted her gaze and fell silent, and Anon took the opportunity to talk to Dash.
  671. "How about you, girl? How you holdin' up? You're lookin' a bit pale."
  672. >"I..." She shook her head, "I dunno. Just feel sorta... not all there, you know?"
  673. >He nodded and set a hand on her fetlock, since she was up high on Applejack.
  674. "You're in shock. It'll pass. Nobody likes seein' the kinda stuff like what we did back there. Could've been a lot worse though."
  675. >She nodded and after a moment Anon removed his hand and turned back to Applejack.
  676. "You good?"
  677. >She nodded as well, "I think so. Thanks."
  678. "'Course."
  679. >They continued up the trail.
  681. ...
  683. >Applejack followed Anon numbly along the simple path, vaguely aware of trees to either side but not much else. One thought echoed around and around her head:
  684. >She killed a man.
  685. >The rumors were true now, she really was a man-killer. She'd killed him.
  686. >She could still hear the sickening crunch as he hit the ground--she hadn't registered what it meant at the time, she'd been so caught up in the events of the moment, but now the sound stood out vivid in her mind. That was the sound of a man dying. The sound of her killing a man.
  687. >She shook her head violently, startling Rainbow Dash on her back. She had to stop this endless parade of the same thoughts around her head. She slowed a bit and Anon turned a questioning look to her, but she waved him on. "I'll be right behind you, don't worry," she said, then, once some distance had grown between them, she twisted her head around to peer at Dash.
  688. "Hey... y'all okay?"
  689. >"...Yeah."
  690. >It had been a good long while since the bridge, a couple hours maybe, so the shock should have worn off by now, but Dash still seemed subdued.
  691. "Ya sure? Don't seem okay."
  692. >Dash didn't meet her eye.
  693. >"I'm fine. What about you? Are YOU okay?"
  694. >Applejack flicked an ear.
  695. "I'm tryin' not to think about it."
  696. >"Yeah, well, join the club. I'm the princess of not thinking about things."
  697. "Are ya now?"
  698. >"That's right."
  699. >Applejack snorted and faced forward again, taking a minute to think. Dash played it cool, but something was definitely bothering her. She must be worrying about Anon, that had to be it. She'd tried to run away when they'd met those hooligans; now she might want to even more, and they were about to reach a town. She had to talk to her.
  700. "Rainbow Dash, listen... he's a good guy. A little rough 'round the edges, but he really cares about us ponies."
  701. >Dash didn't respond, but Applejack felt her tense up a bit. She kept going.
  702. "Y'all ain't seen him back at home base yet. He's a different man there. Lets his guard down, drops the tough guy act. It is mostly just an act after all. He never liked killin', don't like scarin' folk, but he knows he's good at it, and he knows sometimes it needs doin', so he does it. He does it for us."
  703. >"Why doesn't he just, y'know, NOT kill people?" She muttered, and Applejack sighed in response.
  704. "Like I said, sometimes it just needs doin'. Listen, this world ain't right. Folk here... lotta them got evil in their mind. I mean, you know what these humans are like, I know ya do. And sometimes there ain't no choice, neither."
  705. >Her voice dripped with sarcasm as she said, "Yeah sure, like at the bridge, right?"
  706. >Applejack's ears flattened, but she tried to maintain composure.
  707. "They drew their guns on us, that makes them a deadly threat. Plenty of scoundrels out there who'll just keep their gun ready but pointing down. These fellas, they were lookin' for trouble."
  708. >"Well, they sure found it, Anon IS trouble! Just look at him!"
  709. >Applejack sighed. She needed to change tactic.
  710. "Look, Dash, just... give him a chance, alright?"
  711. >She rolled her eyes but Applejack continued all the same.
  712. "Wait 'till we're back at base and give him one day to show you what he's really like when his guard is down. Just one day, please. After that, if you still wanna leave... well, I'll take you down to the auction house myself."
  713. >There was an awkward silence, but Applejack got the feeling she shouldn't say anything else as they trudged on. Sure enough, Dash eventually relented.
  714. >"Okay, AJ. One day."
  715. >She sighed with relief.
  716. "Thanks, Dash. I promise he's better than ya think."
  717. >"And after all, you are the element of honesty..."
  718. >Applejack stumbled, her breath catching in her throat. She hadn't thought about the elements in... well, not since the war.
  719. >Rainbow Dash hugged the back of her neck and said, "I'm sorry, that was mean. I shouldn't have brought it up. They... well, I'm sorry."
  720. >Applejack simply nodded, not trusting herself to speak. Memories arose, unbidden, forcing her to remember what she'd tried to forget. They'd swept the rainbow across the land again and again, but each time it'd seemed less effective. Eventually the humans just shrugged it off and kept right on coming. They had all been together, floating there, enveloped with the power of their friendship, then one of Twilight's wings had just... exploded. The power flickered and died, they fell to the ground, dazed, and they'd been easy picking after that.
  721. >Applejack wondered how long it had been since that day. Years, it had to be.
  722. >Rainbow Dash squeezed her tighter. "Hey, quit thinking about it. It's in the past, can't be helped. Gotta keep looking forward."
  723. >She sniffed and nodded her head.
  724. "Y-Yeah..."
  725. >"Tell me about this home base, okay? What's it like?"
  726. >Applejack rubbed her snout with a fetlock and chuckled weakly.
  727. "Distraction, huh? Alright..."
  728. >She stopped in the dirt trail and took a deep breath, giving herself a moment to compose herself, then she started off quiet, like she was spilling a secret.
  729. "We got this here bar, right? Looks like a dump out front, dark and dank inside, hardly ever any customers, bartender's a grump, all that jazz. But you go in this back room and there's this secret door, unlocked with a hidden lever. Took ages to build, works real smooth--I keep it well oiled so it don't squeak or clunk or nothin'."
  730. >She was very proud of that door. It had been hers and Torque's brainchild, and ever since Torque went north, she'd been the one to keep up with it. She knew that mechanism inside and out like the back of her hoof.
  731. >"And?" Rainbow Dash interrupted her thoughts, "What's behind the door?"
  732. "Oh right, sorry. Well, I guess it ain't really that much. We didn't have a lotta space to work with because too big a secret room would have been obvious from the outside--building would'a looked bigger than the inside let on, y'know? But we got a whole home squeezed in back there. Living quarters, kitchen, common room... we even got indoor plumbing back there."
  733. >"Whoa, fancy."
  734. "Eyup. Just about every pony that's come through has added a lil' somethin' to make the place a bit nicer for those that come after. A chef named Sweets came through and left some recipe cards that even an idiot could follow, a woodworker named Chisel Oak left us some beautiful furniture that's stood up to some real abuse... and then there was Torque Wrench."
  735. >She felt Dash tense up.
  736. "Y'all remember her?"
  737. >"Y-Yeah. From that town that worshipped me..."
  738. "That's right. She and I, we were like peas and carrots for a while there. She's the one who helped me build that secret door, hooked us up with indoor plumbing, and she even 'fixed' the front of the bar so it looked worse an' functioned better."
  739. >She trailed off, lost in memories. She'd always liked Torque and had missed her when they'd left Hope Hollow. Torque was like her, always working, always tinkering, always looking for something that needed doing. When the mare showed up in a nearby town bruised and downtrodden, she'd all but begged Anon to make her their next target. They'd become best friends practically overnight. It didn't hurt that she was the spitting image of Apple Bloom, only all grown up. Actually, Apple Bloom would be all grown up now, wouldn't she?
  740. >The thought struck her like a wheelbarrow and Applejack came up short, her legs turned to jelly.
  741. >"W-Whoa, what's wrong?"
  742. >Shaking her head, she forced herself back under control and began walking again.
  743. "Just... J-Just memories, that's all."
  744. >Dash rubbed the back of her neck.
  745. >"You thought about somepony back home, didn't you?" When Applejack nodded, she continued, "Yeah, it always hits me hard too. Especially when... w-when I think of the Wonderbolts. I still know all our flight patterns by heart, you know. But I'll probably never fly again, now."
  746. >The dull and emotionless way she said it hurt Applejack more than if she had sobbed the words. She shook her head stubbornly.
  747. "One of the ponies that stayed behind with us, his name is Tonic--he's a medical pony, a unicorn. Formal training and everything. He wanted to make sure we stay healthy and continue what we're doing, so he stuck around after we rescued him. I'm sure he can do something for you."
  748. >Rainbow Dash shuddered, "I dunno, AJ... I mean, I dunno if I can do it. Fly again. It's been so long."
  749. >They fell silent for a while. Applejack wanted to say something, to encourage Dash, but what could she say? She couldn't promise the doc would be able to help, and it's not like she knew the first thing about flying. She wanted to say it was like pulling a plow--you never forget--but she didn't honestly know if it was, and Dash wouldn't know what she meant anyway. Eventually she settled for something a little more generic.
  750. "Well, at any rate I think you'll be happy there. It's small, but it's safe. It's home."
  751. >Rainbow Dash muttered, "Yeah..." and Applejack sighed. She'd hoped to cheer Dash up, but instead she'd just made them both gloomy.
  752. >Then Dash surprised her by reaching forward and rubbing her head against the side of hers.
  753. >"It's nice to see you again. I didn't think I ever would."
  754. >She closed her eyes and returned the pressure, glad for the embrace. They held it for a long moment before parting.
  755. "We'd been tracking you for weeks, you know."
  756. >"Really?"
  757. "Well, we didn't know it was you specifically, but we knew it was somepony important. Rumor mill was all a buzz with it--they'd caught one of the war leaders, they'd said."
  758. >"War leaders? That's what we're known as now?"
  759. >Applejack nodded sadly.
  760. "Eyup, that's our legacy to these humans. We fought back, so we're prime targets. They think we're gonna rise up and overthrow the new order."
  761. >There was a beat of silence, then Rainbow Dash asked, "Well... are we?"
  762. >Applejack sighed.
  763. "I dunno, Dash. We tried awful hard the first time and look where it's got us."
  764. >"But we gotta do something, right?"
  765. "Yeah... I 'spose we gotta. But we'll plan it out this time, do things right. Make friends in high places, infiltrate, that sort of thing."
  766. >Rainbow Dash chuckled nervously, "That's, uh... a lot."
  767. "I know it is. That's why I'm so hesitant. Maybe it'd be better to just keep doing what we're doing now for a while."
  768. >Anon interrupted them with a call in the distance, and Applejack broke into a slow canter--it was easier on Dash than a trot.
  769. >Once they caught up, Anon said, "I think we're gettin' close. Smell that?"
  770. >They both sniffed and Applejack nodded.
  771. "Smells like supper's cookin'."
  772. >"That's right. Now since y'all have been talkin'... AJ, you think Dash will behave in there?"
  773. "I do."
  774. >She said it without hesitation, then glanced back at Dash.
  775. "One day, right?"
  776. >Dash nodded, looking a little uncomfortable as she said, "Y-Yeah, one day. Don't worry, I'll be good, Mast... um, Anon."
  777. >Anon winced at her slip up, then nodded at them and said, "Alright, AJ. Your cutie mark still hidden?"
  778. >She bent and drew back her saddlebag to confirm, then checked the other side.
  779. "Shore is."
  780. >"Good. Dash, you oughta be safe since nobody knows you're stolen yet, but just in case anything happens, if I say the word, I want you to get the hell outta there as fast as you can, then meet up back here. I know that's askin' a lot from you, but please just trust me when I say you really don't want to be 'round these folk when they find out you're an escaped pony. Okay?"
  781. >Dash hesitated, then nodded slowly, adding, "I understand. I... I know what would happen."
  782. >"Right. Now what's our names today? I'll be Kenneth."
  783. "Orange Blossom's workin' well so far."
  784. >They looked at Dash, and her ears flipped back nervously, "Uh... jeez, I dunno... Rarity?"
  785. >Applejack snorted and waved a hoof at Anon to indicate that's a bad idea.
  786. "Naw, that won't work. Gotta be a lowkey name, something nobody's gonna know. How about Storm Bolt? That at least still kinda makes sense with your cutie mark, so we ain't gotta stop and cover that up."
  787. >"Can we just do that?"
  788. >"Takes too long," Anon said immediately, "We can't just be sittin' here just outside'a town, people'd get suspicious eventually."
  789. "Besides, it stinks somethin' awful."
  790. >Rainbow Dash nodded, "Okay. I'll behave, don't worry."
  791. >Applejack resisted the urge to sigh. She hoped Rainbow Dash would loosen up soon. She had seemed okay for a while there...
  792. >Anon turned and waved a hand, "Alright then, let's go. We gotta restock on supplies and get our bearings so we can make our way home."
  793. >"Wait, we're lost?" Dash said incredulously, then bit her lip and added, "Um, sorry. I-I'm sure you know what you're doing."
  794. >Anon stopped and hung his head before turning around to look at Dash.
  795. >"Look girl," he said, his voice surprisingly gentle, "You really ain't gotta keep apologizing to me. I ain't got no authority over you, and I ain't gonna get upset over every piddling little thing. You got as much a right to be here as anybody else."
  796. >Dash looked down at the ground, "Right, sorr... um, right. Okay. I'll... do better."
  797. >Applejack rocked a shoulder to give Dash a sort of nudge.
  798. "You're doin' great, sugarcube."
  799. >She returned a weak smile, then Anon turned and led the way again.
  800. >The entrance to town was a slow and gradual thing--there was no one line you could draw and say 'this side's town, this side's country.' They passed one small abandoned outpost, its rickety panels barely held together anymore. A bit later, there was a second outpost, this one occupied, though the inhabitant didn't seem to care much about them. Judging from the type of rifle sitting beside him, it was a hunting outpost.
  801. >As they continued down the trail, signs of civilized life slowly grew more and more frequent. There was an old, mossy sign that said, 'Oglethorpe,' then a little cottage, smoke billowing out of a crude chimney, then two cottages right next to each other, a little old lady sat between them scrubbing clothes in a bucket. Applejack averted her eyes when the woman looked up at them, as was proper for her supposed station. Dash of course did the same, going all tense at the sight of another human.
  802. >Eventually, they were in what appeared to be a sort of small town square. There was the rhythmic clang of a blacksmith's shop to one side, a simple store off to the other side, and directly ahead, a cozy looking tavern and inn which was probably the center of all the town's activity.
  803. >Anon turned around and looked at Dash, "Hey girl, where do you think we should go?"
  804. >"W-What? Me? Uh..." She looked around awkwardly, then said, "Um, I guess the store? For, uh, supplies?"
  805. >Anon nodded silently and turned toward the building. As they approached, a little girl came running out, giggling playfully. She came up short when she saw the three of them, then smiled cutely at Applejack and waved a hand.
  806. >"Hi pony!"
  807. >Applejack glanced at Anon, not sure what a 'proper' slave would do. He nodded his head toward the girl as if to say, "go on."
  808. "Uh... Hi, little girl. What's your name?"
  809. >"Delilah! I'm, um, seven!" She held up seven little fingers and Applejack smiled appreciatively.
  810. "Wow, you're practically all grown up!"
  811. >The girl beamed at Applejack and might have said more, but just then a middle aged lady tromped out the door and, like her daughter, came up short when she saw the trio. Unlike her daughter, she turned her nose up at the ponies and grabbed the girl's hand.
  812. >"Come along, Delilah--you stay away from those... things."
  813. >As the pair walked away, Rainbow Dash shuffled awkwardly and said, "Uh... can I get down now? I feel weird being around these other people like this."
  814. >Anon turned, surprised, then nodded. "Oh yeah, sure. You're probably all rested up by now, aren't you?"
  815. >Applejack obligingly lowered herself to the ground, and Dash dropped her hooves to shimmy backward off her back. Applejack stood up again and eyed Dash critically.
  816. "Now don't y'all be playin' tough again, y'hear? If'n ya need a break, you tell me right quick, okay?"
  817. >Dash nodded, then pranced in place a bit. "Okay, but look, I'm fiiine. Just needed a bit of rest, that's all."
  818. >Anon shook his head and stepped forward, saying, "Take it easy, girl. You were starving when we found you. Your body needs more than just rest, it needs energy. We'll get you somethin' to eat in this here store, alright?"
  819. >"Oh. Um, o-okay. Thank you."
  820. >Anon nodded, "Welcome, but I ain't gotten it yet. C'mon."
  821. >He stepped forward and tossed the door open with a dramatic thump, his equipment jangling in all their glory. Applejack and Rainbow Dash followed him meekly in, and Applejack saw the store owner reach below the counter.
  822. >Anon raised his hands, "Now now, there ain't no need for that, my good man. I know, I look like a ruffian, but I've just been a travelin', that's all. We're only here to shop, an' we got money to do it, then we'll be outta your hair."
  823. >The man slowly returned his hands to the counter, but watched them warily as they began perusing the shelves.
  824. >There wasn't really much here, being such a small town, but they had the basics: simple groceries, some ammo, feed for the ponies, that sort of thing. Anon grabbed some travel rations that would keep a good long while, a pack of bullets for his revolver, then he turned to Rainbow Dash.
  825. >"See anything ya like, girl?"
  826. >She froze on the spot, her ears flipping straight back. Applejack giggled and nudged her with a shoulder.
  827. "C'mon, Dash. Go ahead, pick somethin' for yourself."
  828. >She seemed stunned by the mere concept, but eventually began casting her eye around. It wasn't long before her gaze fell on a pretty little bouquet of flowers, likely put together by one of the local girls.
  829. >Anon saw where she was staring and asked the shopkeeper, "How much for the bouquet?"
  830. >He narrowed his eyes and said, "Whatcha want with a thing like that?"
  831. >Anon glanced down at Dash, then shrugged and said, "My ponies here have been real well behaved, thought I'd get 'em a little snack as a reward."
  832. >"Pah!" The man laughed, "Reward? What they need a reward for!? Their reward is that ya ain't snappin' the crop across their back!"
  833. >Anon rolled his eyes, "Yes yes, but c'mon, ain't ya ever had a dog? If all ya do is beat it, all it'll ever learn is what NOT to do. Ya gotta reward it sometimes or it won't never know when it's doin' something right."
  834. >The man raised a finger, hesitated, then shrugged, "Alright, point taken. two dollars for the bouquet."
  835. >"What!?" Anon cried, "It's just a handful of flowers! All I'm paying for is the convenience of not needing to go outside an' pick 'em myself. I'll give you a quarter, and you should feel lucky to get even that much."
  836. >The old shopkeeper grumbled, then said, "Fine. Golly, but yer a stubborn one."
  837. >Applejack resisted the urge to snort. The man had given up so easily, he probably just gave them away or maybe charged a nickel, so Anon was likely still giving him a good deal for them.
  838. >Once Anon brought the little pile of goods to the counter and the man added everything up, he eyed Anon warily and said, "It'll be two and forty five for the lot."
  839. >Anon scowled, but he coughed up the money. "Expensive damn supplies. And here I thought we avoided the robbers."
  840. >The shopkeeper slid the coins off the counter and said, "Complain all ya like, it's just business."
  841. >"Yeah, yeah. C'mon girls, let's get outta here."
  842. >Anon left just as dramatically as he had entered, throwing the door wide and waving his ponies through with a magnanimous gesture. Then he snapped the door shut, turned around, and a grim smile crossed his face.
  843. >"Well, if it ain't Tommy Eavens."
  844. >The boy had frozen stock still as he approached the store. He backed up a step, raising his hands and saying, "N-Now I don't want no trouble. I g-gave the sheriff the money, just like y'all t-told me."
  845. >"And what ya doin' here, boy?"
  846. >He backed up a step further, "Uh... w-was gonna ask him for a job."
  847. >Anon stepped aside and gestured with both arms. "Then be my guest."
  848. >The boy took a step forward, trembled, then took a deep breath and stepped closer still. He side-stepped around Anon, both of them staring into each other's eyes the whole time, then Tommy all but fell through the door and slowly shut it behind him.
  849. >Anon chuckled to himself as they walked away from the store.
  850. >Rainbow Dash leaned in close to Applejack and whispered, "How can he laugh at that!?" And Applejack chuckled too.
  851. "Oh, just cause that poor boy's gonna be a right straight an' true little worker now. He ain't never gonna forget this day."
  852. >"That's right," Anon added, having overheard the conversation. "I done scared that boy so bad, I wouldn't be surprised if he never lifts a gun again in his life."
  853. >"B-But, why is it so funny that you scared him? Um. Sir."
  854. >Anon raised an eyebrow, "Cut the 'sir' shit, Dash. I'm a laughin' because it's probably the best damn thing that'll happen in that poor boy's life, even if he don't know it right now. He's gonna grow up to be a right straight little gentleman, be the model of this here town."
  855. >Rainbow Dash seemed to wrestle with this idea. "So... you scaring him is a good thing?"
  856. "Yep! It's funny 'cause we don't really have no intention of ever coming back here again, so the boy really doesn't have anything to fear. But the mere thought of Anon ever comin' back is gonna haunt that poor boy and keep him on the straight an' narrow for probably the rest of his life."
  857. >Dash grinned a little, "Alright, I guess I can see how that might be funny. Still feels a little mean, though."
  858. >Anon waved a hand in dismissal, "Ah, sometimes ya gotta be mean to teach a lesson right. If I'd a just told him to straighten up, he'd've been back to robbing folk within a fortnight. But now, he ain't never forgetting what happened today."
  859. >They were approaching the door to the tavern now, and it was getting late enough in the day that there was a decent clamor coming from inside. Anon opened the door and they stepped inside, but instantly the bartender shouted, "Hey! Keep them things outside, ya hear?"
  860. >Anon nodded his hat and whistled sharply over his shoulder. Applejack instantly turned around and trotted outside, Dash just a moment's hesitation behind her.
  861. >Once they were back outside, Dash asked, "If we're free, how come we just obeyed him like he's our master?"
  862. >Applejack sighed.
  863. "Because everyone else thinks we're his property, so we gotta act the part or people'll get suspicious. It's only when we're around other people, 'course. Out on the trail, or especially back home, we can do whatever we like."
  864. >That seemed to satisfy Rainbow Dash, and they simply stood there in companionable silence for a few moments. One of the townsfolk ambled slowly by and gave them a curious look, but left them alone. Then Anon finally stepped back out and nodded to them.
  865. >"Alright, we got our directions. We're headed down the trail east-northeast 'till we pass the old farm with the two red barns right next to each other, then due north through the forest, and once we're outta the forest, turn east again and follow the trail right back home. Oughta be there by tomorrow night."
  866. "Phew. Guess we did come quite a ways for that there train."
  867. >"That we did. Now, Dash, what do you want to do: sleep here in the tavern, or out there in the field?"
  868. >Dash hesitated again, surprised to be asked her opinion again. Then she slowly said, "Well... the bartender in there didn't seem very... well, friendly to us ponies. So I guess, uh, on the trail?"
  869. >Anon nodded, "Works for me. Let's go."
  871. ...
  873. >The rest of the evening was uneventful. They had traveled down the simple path for only an hour or so when they passed the two barns side-by-side and turned northward into the forest. Mere minutes later, it seemed, it was too dark to continue travel, and Anon began collecting wood for a fire.
  874. >Applejack eyed him nervously as he approached with some wood and said, "Aren't we gonna attract attention with a fire?"
  875. >Anon shrugged.
  876. "We ain't wanted in these parts. Least, not yet."
  877. >"I ain't worried about the law, I'm worried about the outlaws."
  878. >Anon shrugged again.
  879. "So we keep watch. I was already planning to anyhow. Can't have any bears sneaking up on us in the night."
  880. >"Bears?" Dash asked fearfully, "We need to worry about bears?"
  881. "That's right. Just black bears though, nothing too scary."
  882. >"Not too scary!?" Dash's voice raised an octave, "It's a bear!"
  883. >Applejack patted her withers, "Relax, Dash. Black bears are more scared of us than you are of them. But if we were asleep, they'd rummage through our pack and eat our supplies, that's all."
  884. >Anon nodded.
  885. "So long as we keep a fire up and an eye out, they won't come near us. It's grizzlies you gotta fear, and there ain't none in these parts."
  886. >Rainbow Dash nodded and said, "O-Okay," though she didn't look all that convinced. Applejack just sighed. Some fears couldn't be beat by plain logic.
  887. >Once Anon had made a little pile of tinder, Applejack pulled some flint out of her saddle bag and, holding it in her mouth, struck her metal shoe against it, sending a flurry of sparks into the fuel. It ignited easily and Anon carefully worked it into the main stack of wood. It hissed and crackled as it heated, as it had rained only a few days ago, but it was dry enough to burn with enough care, and if there's one thing Anon loved, it was tending to a fire.
  888. >Applejack pulled the bedding off the back of her saddle and laid it out on the ground. It was a decent size for one, but a bit small for two. Still, it was better than dirt. Applejack curled up on one edge and nosed toward the other side.
  889. >"C'mon Dash, settle in."
  890. >The pegasus tentatively lowered herself beside Applejack, curling up and staring fascinated at the little fire. Anon noticed her watching and pointed at the base of the little pile.
  891. "You ain't never seen a campfire before, have you?"
  892. >She looked up at him, startled, then shook her head slowly.
  893. >"Just once, back in... um, a long time ago. I never really spent much time traveling. Just stayed home, taking care of master."
  894. "Well, it's a good skill to learn out here, so listen. You gotta work the fire up from the tinder, to the twigs, to the sticks, and finally to the logs."
  895. >Dash nodded, then asked, "Can you just use any wood?"
  896. "Well, once you've got some good embers going, you can toss just about any old thing on there, but some wood smokes a lot and some burns nice and clean. The drier and older the wood, the cleaner and hotter it'll burn."
  897. >She just stared as the flame slowly blossomed up from the bottom of the pile. After a few moments silence, Anon continued.
  898. "You also gotta make sure there's enough space for air to flow. Fire breathes just like we do. See how I've got it all open down here? That's so air can get into the middle."
  899. >"Why doesn't it collapse?"
  900. "'Cause I built it right, 'course."
  901. >Rainbow Dash snorted but didn't push further. Eventually Anon relented anyway.
  902. "I built it in a little criss-cross pattern. See on the ends, how they're sticking out in alternating layers? You make a small one out of twigs, then a medium one out of sticks, then a big one out of logs. Then ya set your tinder in the middle, and give it few good lungfuls of air, and you're usually set."
  903. >"But it's gotta collapse eventually, right?"
  904. >Anon waved a hand dismissively.
  905. "Oh sure, but by then it's burnt enough to turn to embers, and embers can just be piled up any which way at the bottom."
  906. >Applejack finally chimed in, saying, "Aw, give it a rest, Anon. I'm tired an' your yappin's keeping me up. She ain't gotta fend for herself just yet."
  907. >Anon chuckled.
  908. "Alright, Applejack. Guess I'll take first watch. You two get some rest. You especially, Dash. Your body needs to recover."
  909. >Rainbow Dash settled down a little awkwardly, but it didn't take her long to fall asleep. Anon wasn't surprised she fell right asleep. She'd eaten a lot of the supplies he'd bought and done a lot of walking--her body had some real work to do tonight.
  910. >Anon stared blankly at the fire and his thoughts began to wander over the day's events. Almost immediately, they turned to the bridge. He regretted killing that boy, but it'd been a freak shot after all, couldn't blame himself for that. The bullet in the head had just saved him an hour of misery, that's all. At least, that's what he told himself. He tried not to remember what the boy's head looked like all blown apart.
  911. >People talk tough these days, but a lot of them lose it after their first kill--seeing that spray of blood and brains is just too much for some folk. Anon didn't know why he was able to take it, but he was, and that was that. He had a job to do, and sometimes that meant killing folk, and he was good at it. He wasn't particularly proud of it, but there was no point in being modest--he was a damn good shot and he knew it.
  912. >He turned away from the fire and stared at the two sleeping ponies beside him. Applejack was curled up on her side, her legs resting in the dirt, her head stretched out straight, her nose just barely tickling some grass at the edge of the bedding. Rainbow Dash was on her belly, legs folded underneath her, with her head resting across Applejack's neck. They both looked very peaceful, and Anon smiled to himself.
  913. >This was why he did what he did. These quiet moments with his ponies made up for everything. Applejack was one of them rare people who were just good through and through, and she deserved better than a life of servitude. Anon wasn't proud of killing, but he was proud of freeing these little ponies. He'd probably be doing it the rest of his life--however short that may be--and that was just fine by him. Every time he got to see their sweet little muzzles, it made it all worthwhile.
  914. >He turned his attention onto Rainbow Dash, and a small crease formed in his forehead. He worried about her. She'd tried to run away at the bridge, tried to get help. Was she really that afraid of him? They'd never had a pony who wanted to go back before. But then, it had been awful good timing with her crying out for help. Maybe... had it been intentional? A distraction so he could act? No, surely she would have mentioned it if so, sought some appreciation for saving their hides.
  915. >Still, he wasn't sure what to do with her. She was different from all the other ponies. He couldn't quite put his finger on it, but something about her just threw him for a bit of a loop. He couldn't get a read on her, didn't know what she was feeling, didn't even know if she really wanted to be rescued.
  916. >Anon's head jerked upright and he shook himself lightly. He'd dozed off; time to change watch.
  917. >He slowly got to a kneeling position and gently lifted Dash's head in both hands, sliding it off to the side. Then he patted Applejack softly on the cheek, murmuring her name. She tensed abruptly, her head snapping upright, but she relaxed when she saw him and smiled, causing him to smile in return.
  918. "I've about had it, girl. Think you can take it a few hours?"
  919. >She yawned, nodded, and slowly climbed to her hooves, trying not to disturb Dash. Anon curled up where she had lain, taking care not to bump the pegasus--she'd need a few more days at least before she was comfortable enough for that kind of contact--and piled up one corner of the bedding to form a sort of pillow.
  920. >He stared at Applejack's profile in the flickering firelight as he drifted off into sleep.
  921. ...
  922. >Anon woke to a hoof gently shaking his shoulder and opened his eyes to see... not Applejack.
  923. >Rainbow Dash stood over him, nervously poking his shoulder, and she hopped backward as soon as she saw his eyes open.
  924. >"Sorry, um, AJ said to wake you up at dawn."
  925. >Anon saw the first glow of light coming over the horizon and nodded, then glanced at the fire to see a healthy pile of glowing embers.
  926. "Huh, I wasn't expecting to see you to take a shift."
  927. >Her ears folded back and she looked away awkwardly.
  928. "But you did good. Thank you, Dash."
  929. >There was a bit of pink around her muzzle as she said, "I... I'm just doing what I was told."
  930. "You know the way back to town. You could have left us."
  931. >She rubbed the back of her neck and said, "Y-Yeah, well, I guess, uh, thanks for... you know, rescuing me or whatever."
  932. >Anon grinned.
  933. "Welcome."
  934. >He sat up and laid a hand on Applejack's neck. Her eyes snapped open, but she kept herself in control this time and slowly rolled onto her belly with a yawn.
  935. >"Ah... mornin'. More bland feed for breakfast?"
  936. "Well..."
  937. >Anon reached into his satchel and pulled out the bouquet.
  938. "Y'all never did eat this."
  939. >Both ponies straightened attentively and Anon let out a chuckle.
  940. "Here, girls. Enjoy."
  941. >He tossed the bouquet at Rainbow Dash--it was hers, after all--and she snapped it out of the air and began munching on it. Applejack stood up and approached, reaching out with her muzzle and hesitating to ask permission before gently tearing off a section to munch on herself. Both of them smiled contentedly to themselves. Applejack reached over to tear off a bit more, then laid back down again beside the fire.
  942. >Anon, meanwhile, pulled out a bit of jerky he'd been saving and tore off a small chunk to chew on. There was only a bite or two left, but he savored it thoroughly, getting the most out of every morsel.
  943. >"Don't mind it, Dash," Applejack said around a mouthful of flowers, "He ain't about to eat you too."
  944. >Anon looked up to see Dash staring at him, stunned.
  945. "What? Don't tell me you didn't know we ate meat."
  946. >She shook her head timidly, then lowered her gaze. "I... wasn't allowed in the dining room. I never saw master eat."
  947. >He gave her a confused half-smile.
  948. "But you surely must've seen the food, right?"
  949. >She shook her head again, more forcefully this time. "I wasn't allowed in the kitchen either."
  950. >Anon frowned.
  951. "Well jeez, where WERE you allowed to go?"
  952. >Rainbow Dash sat down and rubbed her foreleg with a hoof, her voice very small. "Um, just the living quarters and... and master's bedroom."
  953. >Anon blinked twice as realization sunk in.
  954. >He immediately felt a hoof on his forearm and his eyes snapped up to see Applejack's face filling his vision.
  955. >"Keep it together, partner," she said gently, "You can't help nopony like this. Take a deep breath and let it go."
  956. >He tried. He really did. He closed his eyes, took a slow, steady, deep breath, held it for a second... then it burst out of him like an explosion.
  957. "FUCK!"
  958. >Rainbow Dash jumped with a little squeak, and even Applejack leaned back, momentarily startled.
  959. >Anon bent and pounded the ground with a fist, his voice cracking with the force of his shout.
  960. "FFFFUCK!"
  961. >Then a hoof thudded into his chest and forced him back upright, Applejack's eyes mere inches from his. Her other hoof slapped down on his shoulder and she held him firmly in place.
  962. >"Get in control. Now!"
  963. >He gripped her fetlock with both hands and he tried to pry her hoof away from his chest. He strained against her with all his might, crushing her in his grip, teeth clenched, body shaking with the effort... but her only reaction was a slight tightening around the corners of her eyes. He may as well have tried bending a bar of iron.
  964. >He collapsed abruptly, arms going limp, panting with exhaustion, the white-hot emotion all burnt out of him. Applejack half supported him, letting him slump slowly to the side.
  965. >Rainbow Dash's tiny voice broke the silence, "You... you really do care."
  966. >They both turned to see her staring with wide eyes at what had just transpired. She seemed to be on the verge of tears.
  967. "S-Sorry."
  968. >The word came out in a strangled sort of croak, but Dash only shook her head.
  969. >"I can't believe it. You actually care about what happened to me."
  970. >Anon grimaced, a flicker of the anger coming back.
  971. "Of course I do. Of course I fucking care what he did to you."
  972. >Her ears flipped back and she averted her gaze.
  973. >"I-It wasn't like that. I didn't mind, really."
  974. "Bullshit!"
  975. >She winced at his outburst.
  976. "They always say that! Every time it comes up, the mare says they didn't mind! And I don't believe it for a goddamn second."
  977. >He shoved at Applejack and she allowed him to push her aside, but she kept her hooves around his torso, refusing to let him get any closer.
  978. "Look into my eyes, Dash."
  979. >Her ear twitched.
  980. "Look into my eyes and fucking tell me you wanted it."
  981. >She looked up and opened her mouth, but the words died in her throat. She tried again, and her face twisted up as a choked sob came out instead.
  982. >Anon lurched as Applejack's supporting hooves abruptly left him and she whirled to embrace Rainbow Dash in both hooves. She buried her face in Applejack's bosom as her body began to heave with sobs.
  983. >"Proud of yourself?" Applejack said quietly, glaring at him over the top of Dash's head.
  984. >Anon exhaled sharply and stood to walk a few paces away, his fists working, opening, closing, again, and again. Behind him he heard Applejack murmuring comforting words.
  985. >He tried to remember the things Applejack had told him about his anger, and took several slow, deep breaths. In, count to ten; then out, count to ten. And again, in... and out.
  986. >It did seem to help a little. At least he didn't feel like punching something anymore.
  987. >After a few moments, as the sound of Rainbow Dash's sobbing began to fade, Anon slowly turned around to face them again.
  988. "I'm sorry, Dash. I had to know."
  989. >She didn't respond, only sniffed a little. Anon continued.
  990. "I know it hurts, but if there's one thing I've learned, it's that it's better to deal with these feelings outright than try to bury them and pretend it didn't happen."
  991. >"Y-Yeah, this is w-way better."
  992. >Her voice was shaky but he could still hear the sarcasm through her tears. He grimaced and looked pleadingly at Applejack.
  993. >She rolled her eyes and squeezed Rainbow Dash tighter. "I hate to say it, but Anon's right, sugarcube. I know it feels right awful just now, but I promise it's better for you in the long run. I've seen what happens to ponies who bury these feelings an' don't let 'em go. It ain't pretty."
  994. >Rainbow Dash was quiet for a moment, then she sniffed again and quietly admitted, "I didn't want it." Then the words poured out of her like a dam had burst. "I never wanted it, not once. He made me pretend that I liked it. I hated it. But I had to do it!" She buried her face in Applejack's chest again, her voice muffled by her fur, "Th-That's why he abandoned me, because I said no. Just once! I was just t-tired, that's all! A-And he threw me out like t-trash!"
  995. >Anon found himself kneeling at her side, laying a hand on the back of her head. She froze, her whole body going tense, then she slowly turned an eye on him. He rubbed behind her ears.
  996. "I would never abandon one of my ponies. Not ever."
  997. >Her eyes filled with tears again and she slowly reached a hoof out toward him. It hooked around his waist and he was surprised to find her pulling him closer, squeezing him and Applejack together in a tight embrace.
  998. >She held them both for several minutes until eventually her gentle crying petered out and her grip on them weakened. The three of them relaxed, slumping backward away from each other. Applejack wiped her snout and Rainbow Dash sniffed, staring at the ground.
  999. >"Th-Thanks," she mumbled, then looked up at them, her muzzle breaking out into a weak smile, "I... I actually do feel a little better."
  1000. >Applejack grinned back at her and said, "It's nice to be heard, ain't it?"
  1001. >Dash nodded in response, and Anon stood, busying himself with packing up the camp materials. Really though, he was trying to ignore his awkward feelings right now. He always cared for his ponies, but they usually left to go north before long, so he had to be careful not to get too attached.
  1002. >"H-Hey, Anon?"
  1003. >He hesitated before straightening and turning back around.
  1004. "Yes, Dash?"
  1005. >"I just... Uh... well. Don't beat yourself up, okay?
  1006. >Anon gave her a small smile.
  1007. "I'll try not to."
  1008. >A thought struck him.
  1009. "Though I do have one question. It's, uh... a little awkward, so I don't really know how to say it."
  1010. >Applejack stepped close to Rainbow Dash and hooked a hoof over her withers.
  1011. >"Just spit it out and get it over with, then we can deal with the aftermath.
  1012. "Well, it's just... you know, back at the river..."
  1013. >He saw Dash go tense and trailed off, but Applejack gave her an encouraging squeeze and nodded at him to continue.
  1014. "You had me wash your, uh... well, you know."
  1015. >"Yeah? And?" Dash said, a little too casually.
  1016. "Uh, well, if you'd been through... all that, that we just talked about, then... I dunno, shouldn't you have not wanted me around there or something?"
  1017. >Rainbow Dash shuffled her hooves a bit before saying, "I just wanted to feel clean again, that's all. Hands are better at that than hooves." She averted her gaze and added, "And, well, maybe... I dunno. It's not that bad, really."
  1018. >Anon nodded, not entirely satisfied but unwilling to continue the conversation any further.
  1019. "Right, okay. Well, let's just, uh, get going then.
  1020. >They were only too happy to comply.
  1021. ...
  1022. >It was quiet as they tromped through the forest, the dawn light streaming down through the thick leaves. As they walked, Anon couldn't help but worry about Rainbow Dash and her history with her master. He kept wondering if he should say something, but at the same time he didn't want to bring it up if she'd actually moved on. And he couldn't just ask Applejack what she thought, of course, because Dash would overhear.
  1023. >So they trudged on in a contemplative sort of silence; not very comfortable, but hard to break, too.
  1024. >That is, until they saw a bear.
  1025. >"AAAAAA!"
  1026. >Rainbow Dash screamed bloody murder and backpedaled, her rump thudding into Anon's chest and shoving him backwards off his feet. They collapsed to the ground in a mess of limbs and Anon slapped Dash's side.
  1027. "Fuckin' hell, get off me!"
  1028. >"Bear! BEAR!"
  1029. >She scrambled wildly as she tried to get up and back away at the same time.
  1030. >Applejack just burst out laughing.
  1031. >"For pity's sake, Dash!"
  1032. >She stepped forward and shoved at Dash's shoulders, helping her up and away from Anon.
  1033. >"The moment y'all screamed, the bear tore off like a sprite outta tartarus. You must'a scared it as bad as it scared you!"
  1034. >Dash stood there sheepishly, panting with exertion and avoiding eye contact with either of them as Anon gripped Applejack's fetlock and heaved himself upright.
  1035. >"S-Sorry. I... It just startled me."
  1036. >Anon rolled his eyes.
  1037. "I told you girl, ya ain't gotta worry about black bears. They're skittish little beasts, only lookin' for fish and other small critters to pick on."
  1038. >He hesitated for a moment.
  1039. "Well, unless ya find some cubs. Then you run the fuck away and pray to God that momma ain't already coming for you."
  1040. >Applejack nodded. "A momma black bear will do anything to protect her cubs."
  1041. >Dash didn't seem very reassured. "I think I'll just avoid them completely, yeah?"
  1042. >Anon shook his head and chuckled.
  1043. "If we make more noise, it'll avoid us all on its own."
  1044. >She gave him an inquisitive look. "So we just need to stomp around and stuff?"
  1045. >Anon shrugged.
  1046. "That might work, but conversation works pretty well. Critters have more or less figured out they oughta avoid humans as much as possible."
  1047. >Applejack grimaced and added, "Too bad ponies couldn't figure that out sooner."
  1048. "Yeah..."
  1049. >Anon trudged away, leading them along the path again. Rainbow Dash nudged Applejack as they followed him, "Why is he okay with you dunking on humans like that?"
  1050. >Pretending not to hear, Anon just kept walking ahead of them. She wasn't keeping her voice down or anything, but it seemed like something he should stay out of for now.
  1051. >Applejack responded, "'Cause he hates 'em too, for the most part. He's just as unhappy with this whole situation as we are. Why do you think he tries so hard to free us ponies?"
  1052. >Rainbow Dash went quiet at that, and they traveled on in silence for a while. He heard Dash huff to herself, then she trotted up beside him.
  1053. >"You said we should keep up conversation, right? So why DO you hate humans so much?"
  1054. >Anon glanced down at her, surprised.
  1055. "Well, I figured that'd be pretty fuckin' obvious. You've seen what we're like."
  1056. >She rolled her eyes, "I know why I hate them so much, I'm asking why YOU hate them so much. What makes you different? I mean, I doubt other humans hate other humans so much, right? You must be the weird one, right?"
  1057. >Anon chuckled dryly.
  1058. "Yep, I'm definitely a weird one. I'm the weird pony lovin' freak. I support 'em, I sympathize with 'em, I want 'em to have the same rights we humans do. That makes me an outcast in this modern world. So I hate the modern world an' everyone who supports it."
  1059. >Her ears twitched and she pressed harder, "But why? Why do you support us when no other humans do? What makes you care so much?"
  1060. >Anon opened his mouth, then shut it again. He'd never really thought about the why, it just felt right is all. He wasn't sure how to put that into words, but he gave it a shot anyway.
  1061. "I don't got a good solid reason, Dash, I just... I feel like it's the right thing to do. Maybe that makes me a soft hearted fool in the eyes of most folk, but... I dunno."
  1062. >He stopped and turned to face her. She eyed him warily, but her ears perked up with curiosity.
  1063. "When I look at you ponies, when I look you in the eye... I don't see an animal. I see a person. I suppose that's what makes me different. Everyone else, they just think of y'all as pastel colored horses that talk. I think y'all are people."
  1064. >She averted her gaze, a slight blush tinging her muzzle. "Well, that's uh... that's a pretty good answer, I guess." Then she began walking again without him and he hurried to her side.
  1065. >Maybe he didn't need to worry about her after all.
  1067. ...
  1069. >Rainbow Dash tried to keep up some constant idle chatter so long as they were in the forest--to ward off any bears, of course--but once they got out onto the open trail, she drew back and kept to herself, mostly. She felt a little bad for doing it. She knew Applejack wanted to talk more, and especially wanted her to talk with Anon more, but she'd had enough chatter for now.
  1070. >Used to be she'd be at the center of attention all day long, and enjoy it too! But now attention just made her uncomfortable. Getting noticed was how you got in trouble, and getting in trouble was the last thing she needed.
  1071. >She cut off that line of thought and shook it out of her head. Anon and Applejack had saved her. She was free now; she didn't NEED to worry about that anymore. But part of her just wouldn't let go. It was like she had this urge built into her now, a constant desire to please her master. And, deny it all he wants, Anon was the closest thing she had to a master now. So, she aimed that urge at him. It felt a little weird, sure, but not nearly as weird as some of the other stuff she'd been forced to do.
  1072. >She cut off that thought, too.
  1073. >Maybe she shouldn't keep to herself after all. Her thoughts were not a good place to be right now. She trotted up from the back of the group and fell into step beside Applejack.
  1074. "So, you mentioned Torque Wrench--ever rescue anypony else we know?"
  1075. >Applejack thought for a moment, then smiled and said, "Actually, yeah, we saved Cheerilee a few months ago."
  1076. "Nice!"
  1077. >"Uh huh! She almost stayed with us in case we rescued any lil' fillies. But we ain't even seen but a few, and none of 'em were viable targets."
  1078. >Dash tilted her head in a silent question, and Applejack clarified, "We can't just go after every pony we see, much as we'd like to. There's limits to what we're able to achieve, an' sometimes we have to let a pony go for the good of the whole operation. Above all else, we can't never let the railroad get found out."
  1079. "You have a railroad?"
  1080. >Applejack waved a hoof dismissively, "Not a real one, just a, uh... metaphorical one, y'know? That's what we call our lil' operation, the secret trail to Vancouver: the Equestrian Railroad."
  1081. >Dash tapped her muzzle with a hoof.
  1082. "It's not exactly Equestrian though, is it?"
  1083. >Applejack shrugged, "Nah, not really. But the name gives ponies hope."
  1084. "I dunno, AJ."
  1085. >She bobbled her head side to side.
  1086. "To me it just sounds like false advertisement. It's got nothing to do with Equestria after all."
  1087. >Applejack grimaced at that. "'Spose you're right. But, well... what else are we gonna call it?"
  1088. >She shrugged.
  1089. "New Equestrian Railroad?"
  1090. >"New Equestrian? What, like Vancouver's gonna be New Equestria or something?"
  1091. "Sure, why not? If that's where we're all headed, seems like as good a place as any."
  1092. >Applejack quirked her muzzle to one side in thought. "If we're gonna do that, then maybe we should be calling it Vanhoover instead. Y'know, like Equestrian towns used to be named."
  1093. >She didn't respond. Her thoughts were back home, back in Equestria. She remembered Ponyville, and Canterlot, and especially Cloudsdale. She could still see her bedroom, clear as day, with the Wonderbolts poster still in the same place it'd been since she was a filly.
  1094. >Applejack let out a little cough. "You, uh... thinkin' of home, too?"
  1095. >She nodded glumly.
  1096. "Can't help it. Talking about New Equestria just makes me miss Old Equestria."
  1097. >"Maybe the name's a bad idea after all, then."
  1098. >She shook her head.
  1099. "No, I think it's perfect. It's like you said before, we gotta confront these feelings or we'll never get over it, right?"
  1100. >Applejack nodded, "That's right."
  1101. "So we call it Vanhoover in New Equestria, and everypony will be reminded of home, but at the same time, it'll let them have a new home."
  1102. >Looking sidelong at her, Applejack said, "You're gettin' really into this. I figured you'd be more... I dunno, cautious or somethin'."
  1103. "Well... I am free now, right? I'm trying to get used to it, and talking about this is helping me feel like it's, well... real, I guess."
  1104. >She looked away awkwardly, but Applejack rubbed up beside her, stealing her attention back. "It's real, Dash. You'll see. We're almost home now, just a couple more hours, maybe."
  1105. >Dash nodded and fell silent again.
  1106. >Home.
  1107. >Could she really feel at home anywhere in this sun-forsaken world?
  1108. >Applejack chuckled, "I know what yer thinkin', Dash."
  1109. "Oh yeah? What's that?"
  1110. >"You're a wonderin' if you'll ever feel at home again."
  1111. >She hadn't actually expected Applejack to be right, and found herself at a loss for words.
  1112. >"'Sokay, your silence is answer enough. Well, lemme tell you, I felt the same way for a long time. But this little bar we've got... it took some time, and some work, and more than a bit of trouble, but eventually it started to feel like home to me. Now, I can't imagine bein' anywhere else."
  1113. "Well... I guess I'll just have to hope for the best."
  1114. >They walked on for a long while, with Dash mostly trying to avoid thinking too much. It wasn't working, but she was trying all the same. New Equestria... how could it ever work? She'd quickly spat the idea out without even thinking, but now she was second guessing herself. Why would anypony want to call someplace in this world a home? How could anypony live alongside these... monsters?
  1115. >Dash looked up at Anon and wondered, is he a monster? He certainly could be when he wanted to be. And sometimes a monster, always a monster, right?
  1116. >"No," said a small part of her brain, "No, he's only a monster to evil humans, not to ponies."
  1117. >She grimaced, unable to fully accept that, but not able to dismiss it outright either. Whatever his excuse, he was still a killer, and that made him dangerous. But then, she'd never shied away from danger before all this happened. She was a free mare again, maybe she should embrace a little danger.
  1118. >Thoughts of hugging the man rose unbidden to the surface of her thoughts and her ears folded back in dismay.
  1119. >"Not like that, you idiot!" She thought fiercely to herself, but the image refused to go away. She could almost feel Anon's arms around her, pulling her close, pinning her down, spreading her--
  1120. >Dash stopped dead in her tracks, the blood draining from her face. That wasn't Anon.
  1121. >Applejack turned around, curious, then focused more intently when she saw her expression.
  1122. >"Dash?"
  1123. >She tried desperately to banish the memory of his touch, his scent, his taste.
  1124. >"Dash, what's wrong?"
  1125. >Anon turned now, too, drawn by Applejack's worried tone.
  1126. >She backed away, not from Applejack or even from Anon, but from the vision playing in her mind.
  1127. >She could almost feel him.
  1128. >Her body betrayed her, responding to her imagined intimacy in the worst way.
  1129. >"No!" She screamed in her head, "I don't want it! I don't!"
  1130. "I don't!"
  1131. >Applejack and Anon both came up short, startled by her outburst.
  1132. >She backed into a tree and was horrified to feel herself wet. She pressed harder into the tree, jamming herself against it in a desperate attempt to hide what was happening to her, but that only made the feeling worse. Stupid, of course it would!
  1133. >Applejack murmured something to Anon and he nodded grimly.
  1134. "I don't, I don't want it!"
  1135. >Suddenly Anon's face filled her vision, seeming impossibly large, and she reflexively tried to pull away, but his hands squeezed the sides of her head and held her in place.
  1136. >"Hey."
  1137. >His voice was quiet but full of iron.
  1138. >"You're alright. You're safe now."
  1139. >She was forced to stare into his pockmarked face as he spoke.
  1140. >"He can't reach you anymore."
  1141. >The tree felt like fire against her hindquarters, and she could not stop herself from wiggling back and forth.
  1142. "I... I don't want..."
  1143. >She was panting now.
  1144. >"He won't. Not ever again. You're free."
  1145. >Something abruptly snapped inside her and she felt herself lurch forward, jamming her mouth over Anon's. He froze, startled, and she pulled him closer almost hungrily.
  1146. >Then Applejack was between them. Anon reeled backward and Dash collapsed to the ground, something between a sob and a retch sounding from her throat.
  1147. "I-I don't..."
  1148. >"Shh, shh, shh..."
  1149. >Applejack cradled her head in her hooves.
  1150. >"It's okay."
  1151. >She looked up into Applejack's eyes, her own vision blurred with tears.
  1152. "W-What's happening? Am I b-broken?"
  1153. >Applejack seemed startled by the question, then her gaze softened and she just silently pulled Dash into a tight embrace. She closed her eyes and let herself weep for a bit. Frustration, fear, confusion, disgust, it was all there. She could still feel how damp she was and she longed to wipe it off, but was terrified of touching herself and igniting it all over again.
  1154. >"Dash, listen to me. This is normal for someone in your position. You're not a freak or anythin', alright?"
  1155. "T-Then why..."
  1156. >She trailed off, but Applejack finished the question for her.
  1157. >"Why'd you kiss him?"
  1158. >She nodded weakly.
  1159. >"That man, he messed you up in the head. That's all there is to it. But we're gonna set you right, Dash. Don't you worry. Anon and I, we're gonna set you right."
  1160. >Rainbow Dash lowered her head into Applejack's bosom and just let herself be held for a while. Eventually, she felt a little more normal and was able to stand up, though she couldn't bring herself to meet Anon's eye.
  1161. "S-Sorry..."
  1162. >Applejack was shaking her head almost before the word was out of her mouth, "Y'all ain't got nothin' to apologize for."
  1163. >Anon nodded in agreement, "It ain't your fault, girl."
  1164. >She tried to look up at Anon and their eyes met for a moment, then she felt herself blushing and averted her gaze.
  1165. "Okay. C-Can we just... get going now?"
  1166. >Anon nodded, turned, and began walking slowly up the trail again. Applejack stood beside her until she started to follow, and remained by her side as they traveled. Occasionally Rainbow Dash would catch a wiff of her own scent on the wind and she'd spiral into disgusted self-hatred again, but Applejack always knew when it was happening and wrapped a comforting hoof around her shoulders each time, murmuring words of encouragement to keep her sane.
  1167. >She was so grateful she wanted to cry again. Without Applejack here, she didn't know what she would have done. She gave her a little nuzzle and Applejack returned it warmly.
  1168. >Every now and then, she would catch herself watching Anon, and a hint of that same feeling would rise up inside her. She'd avert her gaze and fiercely stamp down on the sensation, but the fact that it was even happening unnerved her.
  1169. >It took over an hour, but over time the feeling faded and she was able to look at Anon without feeling like a filly in her first rut again. She still felt ashamed and embarrassed, but at least she felt nothing else.
  1170. >That would have to be good enough, because suddenly, they had arrived.
  1171. >They turned a corner around a rock face and behind it the pass opened up, revealing a dinky looking town with lots of rundown shacks, but a decent sized place for all that. They passed by two kids playing with an old ball on the side of the road, their mother sitting on the porch, knitting needles working furiously. There was a square with a half dozen wagons chocked up and spread out to show their wares, forming a sort of impromptu market that looked like it had accidentally become permanent long ago. The blacksmith's shop was open and the rhythmic clanging of his hammer echoed throughout the entire town. Occasionally a cart would amble slowly by, usually pulled by horses or donkeys, but one of them was pulled by a pair of miserable looking ponies. Rainbow Dash noticed how Anon went stiff as the cart passed.
  1172. >Finally, they approached a particularly worn shack. It had a sign hanging over the door with a painted image of a snoozing rat with a piece of cheese. Below that, it said, 'The Rat's Den', only the 'a' in 'Rat' had a bullet hole through the center.
  1173. >Applejack leaned close and said, "We call it the Rotted Den. Get it?"
  1174. >Rainbow Dash nodded, though she really didn't, and followed the two of them inside. There were no customers, and it looked like there hadn't been any all day, but from what Dash remembered, that was how they prefered it. There was an earth pony behind the counter, his cyan mane seeming unnaturally bright against his dark crimson coat.
  1175. >He looked up sourly from the glass as if loathe to be interrupted by an actual customer, then, seeing Anon, he broke into a broad grin. In a voice like a wealthy plantation owner, he announced, "Ah, the prodigal son returns!"
  1176. >Anon grinned and his posture relaxed visibly as the door clunked shut behind him. "Good to be home, Carter."
  1177. >"And it appears the mission was a success! Why, I do believe that right there is none other than THE Rainbow Dash."
  1178. >He stepped around the counter and trotted up to them. Her neck bristled as he approached, but he stopped well short of her, leaving her plenty of space. Then he stood up on his hind legs and gave her a deep, grandiose bow. She shuffled her hooves awkwardly as he straightened back up.
  1179. >"It is an honor and a privilege to welcome you to our humble abode, Rainbow Dash. Don't be fooled by her rustic interior, my dear--"
  1180. >"Sorry Carter," Applejack interrupted, "Already told her about the secret home."
  1181. >He pouted, "Oh, you wound me, Applejack. You know how I love to introduce our guests to the backrooms!"
  1182. >"I'll make it up to you on the next one. This here's one of my closest friends, I had to tell her myself." She stepped forward and added, "And speaking of the backrooms, come on, lets go. I'm exhausted."
  1183. >She trotted around the counter and into what seemed to be the kitchen, waving a hoof for Rainbow Dash to follow. She glanced at Anon and he gestured politely with a hand for her to lead the way, so she trotted in after, her tail pinned firmly down. She was just in time to see Applejack enter a closet in the far corner of the kitchen, then her head poked back out the doorway.
  1184. >"Come on, now, pick up yer hooves. I got somepony I want y'all to meet!"
  1185. >Rainbow Dash trotted through the kitchen and into the little closet, and Applejack grinned happily.
  1186. >"Remember the secret door I was braggin' on about? Well..."
  1187. >She reached behind a pile of cans and a panel popped out on the side of the shelves, then she reached into the panel and her tongue stuck out the side of her mouth as she worked something in what seemed to be a complex motion. After a brief moment, she shoved downward with an almost silent "thunk", and abruptly the entire shelf lurched forward and swung to the side.
  1188. >Behind it was an empty doorway to a dimly lit corridor, even darker than the closet. Applejack stepped inside and waved at her to follow. Anon squeezed in after her and behind him she could see Carter waving at them.
  1189. >"I'll be in to meet you properly later tonight, Rainbow Dash!"
  1190. >Then Anon swung the shelf shut behind him and worked a brass lever in a complex jig. Once he finished, he nodded at Applejack, and she opened the door on the far end.
  1191. >Warm light, muted conversation, and the scent of freshly baked bread poured through the doorway, enveloping Rainbow Dash in a welcoming and comforting aura. It was like stepping into a different world as she followed Applejack inside and Anon gently clicked the door shut behind him.
  1192. >They had stepped into a small living room--and gosh, what a room! The floor was covered in a lush navy blue carpet, there was a luxuriously carved recliner in the near corner, a wide sofa along the opposite wall, various artworks hung up on the walls, and two hallways forming a T junction at the farthest end of the room. In the middle of that junction was a little pass-through into the kitchen, and Rainbow Dash saw a bit of magenta mane wiggling just out of sight.
  1193. >Applejack, a barely contained smirk on her face, stepped over to the opening and said, "Psst. Guess who we found?"
  1194. >A scratchy mare's voice replied, "Who?" Then the magenta mane rose and an orange face peered out.
  1195. >They locked eyes.
  1196. >The mare gasped.
  1197. "No way..."
  1198. >"NO WAY!"
  1199. >She rushed off to the side and reappeared in the hallway mere seconds later, freezing as she came into sight.
  1200. >Rainbow Dash took a hesitant step forward, tears springing to her eyes.
  1201. "You... you're all grown up..."
  1202. >Scootaloo grinned and nodded, unable to form words. Then they were together, grasping each other so tightly it hurt.
  1203. >She heard Applejack say, "These two were practically sisters, back then," and Anon's reply, "No shit? Nice."
  1204. >Rainbow Dash pulled back and held Scootaloo at hoof's length, looking her up and down, her smile widening with every second. Scootaloo beamed back at her, still every bit her number one fan, her tiny wings buzzing excitedly behind her.
  1205. >Dash abruptly went stiff and her smile faded. Scootaloo looked concerned and said, "Whoa, what? Is something wrong?"
  1206. "I..."
  1207. >She could hardly even bear to say the words.
  1208. "Scoots... I can't fly."
  1209. >"What?"
  1210. >Scootaloo lurched forward and stared over her shoulder. She grimaced, trying to keep it together. It'd been so long... wasn't she over this by now? But no, seeing her oldest, biggest fan brought all the memories rushing back, and by the time Scootaloo slowly drew her head back, Dash's eyes were full of tears.
  1211. "I-I'm sorry."
  1212. >Scootaloo furrowed her brow, "For what?"
  1213. >Dash lowered her head.
  1214. "I c-can't be a...awesome anymore."
  1215. >The young mare thudded into her chest, forelegs wrapping tightly around her neck as she murmured, "Dash, no... you'll always be awesome to me." Her tiny wings fluttered lightly and she added, "Nopony knows what it's like better than me."
  1216. >She grimaced, not wanting to say it was worse to lose the ability to fly than to have never had the ability in the first place, but still, she appreciated the sentiment. She returned Scootaloo's hug.
  1217. "It... it's good to see you again, Scoot."
  1218. >"Y-Yeah, you too."
  1219. >They held each other for a moment longer, then she realized the others were just standing there awkwardly. She turned to Anon and Applejack, one hoof hooked over Scootaloo's withers.
  1220. "I can't believe it... first you, Applejack, then Scootaloo..."
  1221. >She shook her head in astonishment.
  1222. "Who else do you have tucked away in here?"
  1223. >Applejack chuckled and waved a hoof, "Nopony else you know, don't worry. Scootaloo here was the big surprise. Soon as I saw you in that there train car, I'd been lookin' forward to seein' you two together again."
  1224. >She turned to smile at Scootaloo again, who patted her on the neck before stepping away, saying, "Be right back, okay, Dash? Right back."
  1225. >She cantered around the corner and Dash saw her mane fly past the pass-through as a clamor began to echo from the kitchen.
  1226. >Applejack giggled, "She's our chef. Judging by the smell, she was just 'bout finished with a batch of bread when we barged in."
  1227. >"That's right!" Scootaloo shouted through the opening, "You're just in time, Dash! Come on, ya gotta try it, I've gotten really good at it!"
  1228. >A platter flew into view and clattered onto the base of the pass-through, then two steaming hot buns were flung up behind it, landing perfectly on the dish. Two more flew up and bounced into place, then Scootaloo's head popped up and she beamed at Dash.
  1229. >"Go on, try it! Blow on it first, of course, but yeah, c'mon!"
  1230. >She stepped forward, the mare's infectious enthusiasm forcing a grin onto her face.
  1231. "A baker now, huh? How'd that happen?"
  1232. >"Oh, I worked for one, duh, back before Anon rescued me. I was one of his first!"
  1233. >Anon nodded, "That's right. Our second ever rescue, if I remember right."
  1234. >Now Applejack nodded, "Yeah, the first was that sea-green unicorn, what was her name..."
  1235. >"Cindy!" Scootaloo announced proudly, "She was real sweet, I hated to see her go. Love getting her letters though!"
  1236. >"That's right," Applejack said, "She's one of the few still sending us regular updates."
  1237. >A rusty voice echoed down the hall, "Applejack...? Is that you...?"
  1238. >Applejack lowered her voice and murmured, "That's Tonic. He's a bit hard of hearing, but he sure knows his craft." Then, louder, "Yep, it's me! Come out and greet the new rescue, Tonic!"
  1239. >They could just barely hear his excited muttering as he came down the hall, "Ooh, how lovely, another rescue. My word, Applejack, but you two have gotten good at that. Why, it seems every other week you're bringing in somepony new. Now then, let's see what we have here..."
  1240. >A wrinkled beige pony with a mane still full of vibrant red shuffled slowly around the corner of the hallway, and he peered over his spectacles at Dash, letting out a weak, "Oh dear!" when he saw her.
  1241. >He scuttled over as quickly as he could manage and his horn began to glow crimson even before he reached her. Dash felt her mane being held aloft, her muzzle being squished around, and her shoulders getting prodded and poked, all within the span of a few seconds, then the magic slid across one of the wings and Tonic let out a pained sigh.
  1242. >"Oh, you poor thing... I can still feel some strength in here, you must have been quite the flyer once, eh? Come now, don't be shy. My name is Tonic, I'm your new professional medical doctor, or 'medic' if you must. I can't say for sure if I'll be able to get your wings in working order again, but if I do, it'll take time!"
  1243. >He leaned in close and winked at her over his spectacles, "I imagine you'll take all the time in the world if it means getting your wings back, eh?"
  1244. >Dash nodded her head. At first she hadn't been able to get a word in edgewise, but now she just didn't trust herself to speak. Her throat was tight with emotion and her chest had begun to heave anxiously. She might fly again?"
  1245. >"Now now, calm yourself, little pegasus. That pulse of yours is skyrocketing. I can't make any promises and I don't want you getting your hopes up just yet. Come now, sit down, take a deep breath. There you go. Yes, close your eyes, focus on your breathing. That's right, there you go. Already better, keep it up, keep focusing on your breathing."
  1246. >He turned away abruptly and faced Anon.
  1247. >"And how about you, my fine two-legged friend? Any new bullet holes to patch today?"
  1248. >Anon grinned and patted the old pony's shoulder, "None this time, partner. Very nearly had a shotgun in the chest, but Dash here saved the day."
  1249. >She jerked her eyes open at that.
  1250. >"Oh, did she now?"
  1251. >Anon nodded, "That's right, caused a ruckus at just the right time to save all our hides. We'd've been robbed at best and dead at worst if she hadn't raised a distraction like that." He tipped his hat to her. "Thanks, girl. I owe ya one."
  1252. >Rainbow Dash looked surprised.
  1253. "I... didn't think you knew."
  1254. >"That it was on purpose?" Anon grinned, "Well, I wouldn't say knew exactly, but I had my suspicions. If you'd really wanted to go, you'd have piped up the moment you saw them, but instead ya waited 'till just the right moment."
  1255. >"That's my Dash!" Scootaloo cheered through the pass-through, "Perfect timing, as usual."
  1256. >She blushed and proceeded to stuff her face with some bread as a distraction, but then she turned her full attention on it because WOW, was it good! It had a thin, crispy, buttery shell, and the interior was light and extremely fluffy, with a nice consistency and a wonderfully rich flavor. Dash let out a moan of delight and before she knew it, the entire bun was gone. She looked up at Scootaloo, who was practically vibrating with excitement.
  1257. >"So, whatcha think? Good, yeah?"
  1258. >She nodded.
  1259. "Amazing, Scoots. Best bread I've ever eaten. Seriously!"
  1260. >Scootaloo bounced in place, her tiny wings buzzing. "I knew you'd love it! I mean I was a little worried, but nah. I knew it!"
  1261. >She disappeared from view again and more buns began flying up onto the platter, making a neat little pile of at least a dozen rolls. Applejack grabbed one and Rainbow Dash approached her as she began to eat.
  1262. "So, that everypony or is anypony else here?"
  1263. >Applejack made a funny face and said around a mouthful of bread, "Well, yeah, but he's, uh... a little strange. Playdoh, he's called, our last rescue before you. Doesn't seem real happy here, but we're hoping he'll feel better about the whole thing once he starts heading toward Van... Vanhoover."
  1264. >She reared up and leaned into the pass-through, "Hey Scootaloo, why don't you show Dash around the place and help her settle in? She can have the room next to yours."
  1265. >"Sure!" She replied happily, trotting around the corner again. Once she was back in view, she added, "I'm sure you and Anon are beat--you two rest up, I got her."
  1266. >Scootaloo turned and hooked a hoof around her neck.
  1267. >"Come on, Dash! This way!"
  1268. >She led the way down the hallway on the right, then immediately turned left into the kitchen.
  1269. >"First stop, my favorite room! Well, second favorite now."
  1270. "What's your first favorite?"
  1271. >Scootaloo grinned, "Your room, of course!"
  1272. >Dash grinned back at her.
  1273. "Alright, ya dork, what's so great about this kitchen?"
  1274. >"Well, it's not much I guess. I just love cooking, y'know?" Her gaze drifted off into space as she explained, "Everypony's gotta eat, right? And everypony loves eating tasty things, so it's, like, one of the only things you can do that can get everypony happy. Especially if you cook a variety of things for one meal, then there ought to be something for everypony, no matter what they like." Scootaloo focused back onto Dash, blushing slightly, "I dunno, something about that just feels magical to me."
  1275. >She hooked a hoof around her neck and squeezed her in a rough hug.
  1276. "That's adorable, Scoot. Maybe you should've had a cooking cutie mark instead!"
  1277. >The joy slowly drained from Scootaloo's face and she lowered her head, pulling away from the hug.
  1278. "I... I'm sorry, I shouldn't have brought it up."
  1279. >"N-No, it's fine. I just... I haven't thought about them in a long time. I try not to, most of the time." She looked forlornly over her shoulder at the shield on her flank, "We were supposed to be together forever, united by our cutie marks..."
  1280. >She turned to give Scootaloo a proper hug this time, holding her close to her bosom. Scootaloo sniffed a little and nuzzled her chest, then pulled away again, wiping her face with a fetlock.
  1281. >"It's fine, I'm okay," she said, her muzzle forming a determined line, "Can't help it, no point dwelling on it, right?"
  1282. "Scootaloo..."
  1283. >She shook her head, "Just... I'm fine, okay? Look, we built a stove and everything, just like I used to have! Well, okay, not really, but close enough. We had to be careful about making too much smoke 'cause it would set off alarm bells outside, you know? So I gotta be real careful about what woods I burn. Anon knows a lot about that."
  1284. >She was putting on a brave face, but her words felt hollow, almost forced. Dash tried to ignore it and play along, for her sake.
  1285. "That's really cool. What was it like before? Did you like it?"
  1286. >Scootaloo bobbled her head from side to side, "Well, not at first. You know how it is, nopony wants to work at first. But once I got used to the work, eventually I realized that I was stuck with it, so I may as well make the best of it. That's when I really started to enjoy it." She gestured toward the pass-through, "Then Anon and Applejack rescued me, and I just kept right on baking here."
  1287. "Didn't Applejack mention there was a chef pony that came through here?"
  1288. >"Yep!" She said brightly, "Sweets Chowder. He was a funny little guy. Liked to cover one ear with a hoof when he was thinking real hard. Left us a bunch of recipe cards that I mostly ignore. Pisses Applejack off, but, like, all his recipes call for weird stuff like escargot or arugula or sunflower seeds." She shrugged, "I guess they're simple enough to follow, they just have weird ingredients."
  1289. >She abruptly lurched forward again and said, "But c'mon, that's enough about my old kitchen. Let's check out your new room!"
  1290. >Dash trotted after her and they stopped in front of a pair of closed doors facing each other.
  1291. >"Just over there is my room, and at the end is Anon's room, then across from mine is Applejack's. That one's vacant, but this one is yours!" She opened the door and stepped inside, Dash following after.
  1292. >It wasn't much, but it was cozy enough. There was a small but comfy looking bed, a little secretariat to read or write at, and a small trunk with a simple lock and a key sticking out.
  1293. >"It's so you have a place that's truly yours, y'know?" Scootaloo said, seeing Dash looking curiously at the trunk lock. "Just put whatever you want in there and take the key, and its yours."
  1294. >Dash nodded appreciatively.
  1295. "Each room is the same?"
  1296. >"Well, more or less. Mine's got a little shelf for my cookbooks, and Applejack's got hooks on the wall for storing rope and bags and stuff. Then Anon's got a chair in his room, since humans don't like sitting on the ground for some reason. You can have something added too if you like!"
  1297. >Then she gestured at the bed, "Here, lie down. Try it out. It's real nice."
  1298. >She did so, flopping onto the bed with a weary sigh. It was wonderfully soft, almost like sleeping on a cloud--though nothing could really compare to that.
  1299. >"See?" Scootaloo said, grinning, "Told ya."
  1300. >Dash didn't respond except to groan tiredly. She hadn't realized how exhausted she was.
  1301. >"Oh, wow. Are you already dozing off? I guess I should probably leave then, huh? Well, I'll be in to wake you up in a couple hours, okay? You just relax. No obligations. Right, I'll stop talking now. Sleep tight!"
  1302. >And she quietly shut the door.
  1303. >Then she popped it open again and said, "Just holler if you need anything, okay?"
  1304. >Dash lazily waved a hoof at the door and Scootaloo giggled.
  1305. >"Right, right, sorry!"
  1306. >This time the door stayed shut.
  1308. ...
  1310. >Anon watched the two pegasi leave the room, then slumped onto the couch with a weary groan. He could hear the muted conversation between Dash and Scootaloo, and Tonic's contented mumbling as he slowly returned to his bedroom.
  1311. >Applejack hopped up onto the couch to lay down beside him as he relaxed deeper into the sofa, thoroughly glad to be home.
  1312. >"Thanks for this one, partner."
  1313. >Anon turned his head and saw Applejack had an odd smile on her face.
  1314. >He raised one questioning eyebrow and she added, "Well, it's just... I know this was our toughest rescue yet, an' y'all especially put in a lotta work for this. I don't quite know why ya tried so dang hard this time when we could'a just turned it down like we'd done before, but I just can't say enough how glad I am to have Dash back."
  1315. >She set a hoof on Anon's hand and looked him in the eye.
  1316. >"Thank you, Anon."
  1317. >He was surprised to hear her talk like this. She wasn't normally so expressive--at least, not unless she was angry with him.
  1318. "Well 'course. What'd you think I was gonna do, say no?"
  1319. >She pressed his hand a little harder, "I mean it, Anon. I really appreciate what you've done for me here." She looked away suddenly, drawing back into herself, "I... haven't been feeling too great lately. I'm sure y'all noticed, but it's just... I was feelin' like there weren't no point to doin' this no more."
  1320. >Anon opened his mouth to reply but she continued, "I mean, we rescue a pony here an' there, but for what? For every pony we save, there's a dozen more still enslaved just in this state alone, nevermind the whole country."
  1321. >He grabbed her hoof in both hands and she turned back to him, startled.
  1322. "Listen, Applejack--I'm a gonna tell you something my daddy told me back before the sickness took him. 'You can't change the world,' he said, 'but you can change one person's whole world.'"
  1323. >Applejack's muzzle opened slightly and he heard her take in a sharp breath.
  1324. "That's why I do this. We can't rescue every pony. We just can't. But each one we rescue, their whole life is changed. It's changed because of us."
  1325. >She looked down and murmured, "Your daddy was a smart man."
  1326. "He was. If I can be half the man he was, I'll know I made it."
  1327. >Applejack didn't say anything for a moment, then she shuffled closer and wrapped her hooves around his waist, laying her head on his shoulder.
  1328. >"You're a good man, Anon. I hope you know that. Under all that gruff and angry mask you got goin' on, you're a good man at heart."
  1329. >Images of all the faces he'd killed flashed through his mind and he grunted in response.
  1330. "There's better men than me. I'm just a guy with a gun."
  1331. >"Maybe," she said, then nuzzled his cheek, "But you're a good guy with a gun."
  1332. >Anon didn't respond, being distracted by how close she was holding him. Ponies were a very touchy-feely race, and Anon had never told Applejack that humans weren't. Maybe he was embarrassed to bring it up. Maybe he secretly liked it. Either way, it always made him feel a little awkward and he never quite knew how to respond. He doubted it meant anything to her, but to him, it was far too intimate for mere friends.
  1333. >Eventually his lack of response got to her and she pulled away with a little sigh. He wondered what she must think of him--if ponies were naturally so physical, then she must think him awfully aloof, never returning her hugs or even really touching her most of the time--aside from when he was in the saddle, of course.
  1334. >He glanced sidelong at her and saw her ears were folded down, and suddenly his mind was set. He reached out with a hand and began rubbing behind her ears, like he'd done for Dash. She twitched in surprise, then she began to relax into the massage.
  1335. "I'm sorry I ain't more open with you. It ain't nothing to do with you, okay? I'm, uh... just not a very open person."
  1336. >She nodded slowly, trying to keep her focus despite his massaging fingers.
  1337. >"I know. It's why I like when you do open up a bit." She gazed sidelong at him and smiled, "I don't expect y'all to spill your every secret, but I know you're tryin' your best. I want you to know I see it, and I appreciate it."
  1338. >Her response caught him a bit by surprise. It was as if she had known he was worrying about her thinking he was too aloof.
  1339. >She giggled and said, "Yeah, you might think y'all hide your emotions, but ain't ya realized we've been together long enough to read each other a bit?" She pressed her head back into his hand, which had frozen in his shock, "Now keep goin'. You best be givin' me a massage like y'all did Rainbow Dash out by the river."
  1340. >He had to chuckle at that, and he brought his other hand up to work at the base of her skull, like he'd done before. She slumped forward with a soft moan as he dug into her neck and shoulders, massaging the road weariness away. She might be strong, but she'd been doing a lot of work lately, and he was sure she needed a good thorough massage. She lowered herself onto her belly as he dug deeper into her shoulders. As he began to move down her spine and around her barrel, her eyes fluttered closed.
  1341. >He twisted where he sat so he could reach her lower half and she gasped as he began kneading at the tight cords of muscle in her lower back and thighs. He grinned to himself; yeah, she needed this massage bad. She grunted and moaned, her breathing going ragged as he pressed the soreness out of her, working his way down her flank and around the huge muscle groups of her hind legs. Finally, he felt he was getting a little too personal and decided to back off.
  1342. >She flicked her tail and looked back over her shoulder with a smirk, "What, you can wash Dash's dock, but ya won't massage me properly? C'mon and finish what ya started."
  1343. >She twisted her body around until she was facing away from him and he grimaced. This wasn't what he had in mind, but he couldn't see an easy way out, so he reached out and began kneading the hard muscle around her tail, proceeding down the backs of her legs. She kept making funny sounding grunts and moans and he couldn't help but grin.
  1344. >Then Scootaloo trotted into the room and froze.
  1345. >"O-Oh. I'll just, uh... sorry!"
  1346. >She dashed back down the hallway before Anon could get a word out, and he slumped where he sat.
  1347. "Great."
  1348. >"Oh, don't worry about it," Applejack said. "It's her own fault for jumping to conclusions."
  1349. >Anon stood up.
  1350. "This particular misunderstanding, I'm gonna want to nip in the bud."
  1351. >Applejack held him back with a hoof and said plaintively, "C'mon, you're almost done! Just a little more, then you can go explain to Scootaloo, alright?"
  1352. >He sighed and sat back down.
  1353. "Alright, Applejack. Christ almighty, I really am goin' soft."
  1354. >Applejack grinned, "What, need me to make y'all hard again?"
  1355. >He frowned. If he didn't know any better... But no, Applejack wasn't like that, he knew. Poor girl probably didn't even realize how suggestive she was being. In any case, he played it safe with his response.
  1356. "I think I'm still tough enough as it is."
  1357. >She rolled her eyes, "Suit yourself." And her tail flicked in annoyance.
  1358. >Surely...
  1359. >No, that'd be ridiculous.
  1360. >He placed his hands on her hindquarters again and squeezed.
  1361. >Something bright and pink flashed at him from under her tail.
  1362. >They both froze.
  1363. >Applejack's ears flipped straight back
  1364. >Anon slowly withdrew his hands.
  1365. "You can't be serious."
  1366. >She refused to look at him, but he could see her blush reaching all the way up to her ears.
  1367. "Really? For me?"
  1368. >"Well..." her voice was soft and sounded oddly husky, "It ain't like I got much to choose from."
  1369. >He couldn't believe his ears.
  1370. "You're serious?"
  1371. >"Yes, dammit!" she cried, abruptly whirling on him, "I'm serious! The moon knows I need it, and if anyone's gonna do it, I'd rather it be you."
  1372. "B-But--"
  1373. >"I know!" she snapped, "You're a human! Ya think I don't know that? But when I saw you in that river with Dash--then when she freaked out and kissed you, I just..." She trailed off abruptly and lowered her gaze. "Look. I trust you with my life, Anon. I'd do anything for you. Can't you do this for me?"
  1374. >He gaped at her, totally at a loss for words. They both sat there in silence for a moment, then Applejack slowly slid off the couch.
  1375. >"Well... if y'all ever make up your mind, I'll be in your bedroom."
  1376. >She slowly walked away, glancing at him as she turned toward the hallway then quickly averting her gaze, blushing intensely.
  1377. >Anon just sat there, utterly stunned. He ran over the past five minutes in his head again and again, trying to figure out if he'd misunderstood her, but no, there was no other way to interpret her words. She'd even gone to his bedroom.
  1378. >He eventually stood up despite not really knowing what he wanted to do. He started walking toward his bedroom half thinking he'd talk some sense into her. Surely she was just tired and not thinking clearly. He opened his bedroom door to find her sitting awkwardly on his bed, hugging herself with both hooves. She looked up at him, clearly surprised, with budding tears in her eyes.
  1379. >"You actually... I figured you'd be disgusted."
  1380. >Anon found himself by her side, holding her in his arms. Her powerful forelegs wrapped around his shoulders and she tucked her head into the crook of his neck.
  1381. >"I'm s-sorry," she whispered, "You don't have to do this. I don't want to f-force you."
  1382. >They sat there for a long moment, absolutely zero thoughts in Anon's head, just dumb astonishment at what was happening.
  1383. >She slowly withdrew from him, sniffing quietly. "It's okay, Anon. I can tell you don't really want it. But I had to say something. I couldn't hold it in any longer. At least... at least now you know."
  1384. >Applejack leaned forward and dropped to her hooves, then slowly walked out the room. He watched her go, feeling numb. She opened the door and glanced back at him, smiled apologetically, then closed the door behind her.
  1385. >He heard Scootaloo's muted voice through the wall asking innocently, "So, d'you have fun?" Applejack murmured something in response and she said, "Oh. Well, okay! You should really tell him how you feel, though." Applejack hissed something back at her and she said happily, "Oh, I know he can hear me! Hi Anon!" Then she giggled and her hooves retreating down the hall.
  1386. >There was a long pause, then Applejack's door opened and closed.
  1387. >Anon sat on his bed for a long time before he finally laid down to rest.
  1388. ...
  1389. >He woke to a hoof tapping on his door.
  1390. >"Anoooon!" Scootaloo said in a sing-song voice, "Wake up, sleepy head! I made you guys some food!"
  1391. >She heard more knocking and then, "Aaaapplejaaaack, wake uuuup!"
  1392. >Anon groaned tiredly, then stumbled out of bed and opened his door. Applejack opened hers simultaneously and they both froze, staring at each other as Scootaloo trotted back down the hall.
  1393. >Applejack's ears slowly swiveled back and she lowered her gaze.
  1394. >"I'm sorry. I made things weird. Can we just forget it happened, please?"
  1395. >Anon hesitated, then nodded slowly.
  1396. "I, uh... guess that's probably for the best."
  1397. >"Yeah, you're probably right."
  1398. >She sighed and walked slowly down the hall, then Rainbow Dash's door opened and she came up short mid-yawn.
  1399. >"Whoa, what's got you down?"
  1400. >Applejack perked up instantly, "Oh, nothing! Just tired, that's all."
  1401. >"Yeah, me too. Man that journey really took it out of me." As if to emphasize her point, she yawned again.
  1402. >"Well, y'all were starved after all.
  1403. >They walked down the hall, chattering amicably, then Dash looked back over her shoulder and said, "Ya coming, Anon? Scoots said there's food!"
  1404. "Right, yeah."
  1405. >He walked up behind them and tried not to look at Applejack's tail as they made their way across the central living room and into the other side of the house.
  1406. >"Oh, I didn't get to see this side," said Dash, "I was dead asleep almost as soon as we got to my room."
  1407. >Applejack shrugged, "Just three more bedrooms, the bath, and a dining room. That's through here."
  1408. >They turned into a little decorative arch in the wall and Rainbow Dash's eyes went wide at the sight of their dining table. It had been carved by Chisel Oak before he left for Vancouver: a long, beautiful oak table with fancy curved legs and a set of chairs to match. A couple of them were for humans, but most of them were designed for ponies.
  1409. >"Just the dining room, she says," Dash muttered under her breath, then louder, "This is almost a dining hall!"
  1410. >Anon chuckled as he took one of the human chairs at the end. Dash climbed into the seat to his left, and Applejack sat to his right, with Tonic seated just past her, halfway down the long table.
  1411. >Scootaloo trotted in, a pair of plates balanced on her tiny wings, and deposited them on the table, then cantered out and returned seconds later with another broad plate and a deep bowl. Then she settled into the seat beside Rainbow Dash and said happily, "Alright, dig in!"
  1412. >"Hold up," said Applejack, "Where's that new guy, Playdoh?"
  1413. >"Oh, he said he's not hungry," Scootaloo said with a shrug. "He hasn't really eaten much of anything since you guys brought him in last week."
  1414. "He has eaten something though, right?"
  1415. >"Oh sure, just not as much as I'd expect. A roll of bread here, a little salad there, nothing much."
  1416. >Rainbow Dash made an impatient noise, "C'mon, I'm hungry!"
  1417. >"Oh, dig in, dig in! Don't let us keep you!"
  1418. >She needed no more encouragement and immediately grabbed two buns, filled her bowl with soup, and snatched one of the hayburgers. The others did likewise and the room went quiet for a while.
  1419. >Scootaloo nudged Dash with an elbow and said, "I like when everypony's quiet, means I did a good job."
  1420. >The others all nodded and Dash said around a mouthful of food, "You sure did, Scoots, this is delicious!"
  1421. >Applejack hurriedly swallowed and said sternly, "Good gravy, Dash, don't talk with your mouth full!"
  1422. >"Okay, MOM." She replied sarcastically, and Scootaloo giggled.
  1423. >Tonic spoke up in his tremulous voice, "You know, it's been a looong time since I had a meal this good."
  1424. >"Oh yeah?" said Scootaloo, intrigued, "When was that?"
  1425. >"Well... let me see, it was... oh, way back when... when I last ate in this hall yesterday and had some more of your delicious food!"
  1426. >She giggled again and said, "You old goof." Tonic chuckled wheezily, then the table went quiet again.
  1427. >Scootaloo always tried to please everyone at the table whenever she cooked. That meant not making too many dishes that would leave anyone feeling left out, including him. So although he couldn't eat the hayburgers, there was a creamy pea soup, the delicious buns she'd baked earlier, and a light salad with a variety of vegetables--plenty for him to eat. He tried to savor his food, glad to be eating something other than field rations after a long week of travel, but his mind kept returning to Applejack and her... request.
  1428. >He glanced at her and caught her watching him, and they both averted their eyes awkwardly.
  1429. >Great, he thought. How were they supposed to work together like this? He was going to have to do something about her one way or the other. They couldn't just pretend it didn't happen--their relationship was fundamentally changed now, though for better or for worse he couldn't tell.
  1430. >As the meal wound down and everybody seemed to be about finished up, Scootaloo abruptly cantered out of the room again. Dash looked surprised, but Anon just smiled.
  1431. "Alright, let's see what she's got this time."
  1432. >"What do you mean?" asked the pegasus.
  1433. "Every time we come back from a trip, Scootaloo has something special for us. It wasn't any of these, so it must be the dessert."
  1434. >Rainbow Dash looked incredulous, "This wasn't special enough?"
  1435. >Anon laughed.
  1436. "Oh no, Scootaloo loves to treat us like this as much as she can. But every now 'n then she likes to surprise us with something particularly nice."
  1437. >Sure enough, Scootaloo trotted back in with two wide bowls, one filled with a pile of candied daisies, the other with a sort of custard with a hard shell on top.
  1438. "I take it that ones for me?"
  1439. >Scootaloo nodded, "Yep! One of those old recipes Sweets left us."
  1440. >"Thought y'all hated using those?" Applejack asked with a small frown.
  1441. >"Oh, this one wasn't too bad, only weird ingredient was eggs."
  1442. >Applejack shuddered, "Buhhh. Can't imagine how y'all can eat that stuff."
  1443. >Anon grinned at her.
  1444. "Hey don't knock eggs, they're delicious and don't even hurt the animals."
  1445. >"They're still gross!"
  1446. >"Eggs?" Dash asked, curious, "You eat eggs? Like, bird eggs?"
  1447. >Anon nodded.
  1448. "Chicken eggs, to be specific. Sometimes quail or duck if we can find 'em, but mostly chicken."
  1449. >"What's it like?"
  1450. >"Rainbow Dash!" Applejack said sharply.
  1451. >"What!?"
  1452. >"Don't tell me you're thinkin' of trying them yourself?"
  1453. >"Well, why not?" She asked, seeming a little offended, "Just cause you think they're gross doesn't mean I can't at least try them once, right?"
  1454. >Applejack gave a little huff and Anon, trying not to get annoyed, forced a chuckle.
  1455. "Don't mind her, she's just got a thing against eggs."
  1456. >"Liquid chicken, Dash! Liquid unborn chickens!"
  1457. >Nope, he'd had enough.
  1458. "Let her make up her own damn mind, Applejack."
  1459. >She huffed again and flipped one of the candied daisies onto her plate, munching grumpily. Anon, meanwhile, cracked the hard surface of the custard stuff and scooped some of it into two tiny bowls for himself and Rainbow Dash. He tasted his own with a tiny spoon, and it tasted sweet and creamy, not at all like eggs. Rainbow Dash licked it tentatively, then her eyes widened and she slurped up the rest in seconds. Applejack looked horrified.
  1460. >"Oh come on, Applejack," she said once she saw her expression, "That tasted amazing! You should try some!"
  1461. >Scootaloo nodded excitedly, "Yeah, yeah, it only has a little bit of egg, promise! It's mostly cream and sugar."
  1462. >"No way, no how." She shook her head stubbornly, "I ain't eatin' no liquefied chicken no matter how good y'all say it tastes."
  1463. >Anon scoffed.
  1464. "Come off it, Applejack. Egg ain't even a chicken yet, it's unfertilized. It's just a pile of shapeless goo."
  1465. >"And that's better!?"
  1466. "Plenty of things are gross when they're raw, but cook 'em and they're great."
  1467. >"Yeah, like this stuff!" Rainbow Dash said, as she scooped more custard into her bowl.
  1468. >Applejack stuck her tongue out at them and Dash giggled.
  1469. >They enjoyed their dessert in silence for a few minutes, then Applejack abruptly stood up.
  1470. >"I'm gonna see if Playdoh wants one o' these daisies."
  1471. >Anon nodded.
  1472. "Right. He needs to feel included."
  1473. >"Yeah, that's why I'm doin' it." Applejack said grumpily.
  1474. "Uh, okay. Sure."
  1475. >She trotted out the room and he turned a confused look on the rest of the table.
  1476. >Rainbow Dash shrugged, "Applejack gets like that sometimes. Real moody. Never really understood it myself."
  1477. >Anon turned toward her.
  1478. "If you don't mind me asking... and I mean it, don't answer if you don't feel like it--What were you two like, back then? Applejack mentioned y'all were friends, but y'all seem closer than that."
  1479. >She looked down at her plate for a long moment, but eventually she said, "We were part of a little, um... group, I guess, called the Elements of Harmony. Applejack, me, and four other friends. We were the closest group of friends you'd ever seen. I... didn't think I'd ever see any of them again." She rubbed one foreleg with a hoof and quietly added, "So, um... thank you. Thanks for rescuing me."
  1480. >Anon slowly reached out and set a hand on her fetlock. Rainbow Dash looked down at his hand, then slowly up to his face and they locked eyes. She didn't avert her gaze this time. Anon smiled.
  1481. "Just doin' what I can."
  1482. >He gave her fetlock a pat, then stacked their plates together and brought them to the kitchen. Scootaloo was tidying up, putting away her cooking utensils, and she looked up when he walked in.
  1483. >"Oh, hey Anon. Decided what you're gonna do about Applejack yet?"
  1484. "No, I... what? You stay outta--"
  1485. >She interrupted him with a giggle, one fetlock over her muzzle. "Just be honest with her, Anon. Trust me, she'll appreciate that more than anything else."
  1486. >Anon didn't reply, instead walking back out into the living room and sitting down on the sofa. Scootaloo always was a perceptive little mare, and he wasn't quite sure he liked being read so easily. But then, that meant she was probably right about Applejack too. Maybe he should just be honest with her.
  1487. >He frowned to himself. What would be honest, anyway? He hadn't had a chance to sit down and really digest what had happened, but now, it seemed, he could have a moment to himself.
  1488. >Then he hopped up and went into his bedroom instead. Nevermind 'seeming' to have a moment to himself, he had his own room where he actually could be alone, at least usually.
  1489. >He sat down at his little desk and rested his chin in one hand, and thought. He mulled it over in his head for a long while, but there wasn't any way around it--he just couldn't think of her like that. They were close, real close, but they were partners. He'd just have to let her down. Hopefully he wouldn't bungle it too badly.
  1490. >He went over and knocked on Applejack's door with his distinctive human knuckles. She grunted, "Come in, Anon," and he stepped inside, shutting the door behind him.
  1491. >She was sitting at her own little desk, her hoof propped up and holding her head, the other idly playing with a little piece of rope. She looked so depressed, Anon almost caved right then and there. Could he really do this? He wasn't the sort of guy who handled romance well, so he was well out of his depth here and didn't know where to start.
  1492. >She turned to look at him, "Well? Ya want something?"
  1493. "Applejack..."
  1494. >He trailed off, not knowing how to say what he wanted to say.
  1495. >"Come on, spit it out. I already got a guess as to what you're thinkin', anyhow."
  1496. "I, uh... Listen, I like you. I like you a lot. You've always been there for me, and we get along great, always have. I hate this wedge that's been driven between us, so..."
  1497. >She feigned an uncaring attitude, but the alert perk of her ears told him otherwise. He made an exasperated sound in his throat.
  1498. "Dammit, I ain't no good at this, you know that. I just... I don't wanna hurt you, girl, but I--I just can't. I'm sorry, Applejack. I can't think of you like that."
  1499. >She was quiet for a moment, then she nodded and said in a matter-of-fact tone, "Well, then, that's that. Sorry I brought it up." Then she turned back to her desk.
  1500. >He took a tentative step forward, his hand half raised as if to comfort her, but, well, it was him who caused the hurt, wasn't it? He couldn't exactly comfort her for that. His hand dropped limp to his side.
  1501. "I'm sorry."
  1502. >And just as he was turning around to leave, he heard her murmur, "I'm sorry, too."
  1503. >In that moment, he broke. Something about the small and hopeless way she said it, and he was back at her side, wrapping his arms around her withers. She didn't respond at first, then she sniffed and leaned toward him, pressing into his embrace.
  1504. "We're still partners though, ain't we?"
  1505. >She nodded, strands of her mane tickling his face, "Y-Yeah, still partners."
  1506. >Anon smiled to himself.
  1507. "Good."
  1509. ...
  1511. >Rainbow Dash watched Anon carry the dishes out of the room, then just sat there, feeling a little awkward. She wanted to ask Tonic about her wings now that they were alone, but she also didn't want to bother him. She eyed him nervously, then averted her gaze when she saw he was watching her as he slowly munched on a daisy. He chuckled softly.
  1512. >"Young mare, I stayed behind for a reason. Don't be shy, go ahead and ask what's on your mind."
  1513. >She looked up at him, startled, then took a deep breath.
  1514. "Do you really think there's any chance I might fly again?"
  1515. >"Ah," he said sadly, "I thought it might be that. Forgive the intrusion, but I need to check again."
  1516. >His horn glowed and her wings--or what was left of them--were surrounded by his magic. The sensation undulated along the length of her misshapen limbs, making her shift uneasily from the tingling. After what felt like a long time, the magic stopped and Tonic sighed heavily.
  1517. "I-Is it that bad?"
  1518. >"It is bad, yes," he said, but seeing her ears fold down he added quickly, "But I wouldn't call it hopeless just yet. I believe I can bring back the coverts, giving you the rough shape of a wing again, but inducing growth of the remiges will be much more tricky."
  1519. >He hesitated a moment, then continued, "However, more concerning is the level of atrophy and decay in the muscles and bone. If I had a spell to instantly give you your feathers back, and you immediately tried to fly, you would at best collapse weakly and at worst simply snap your fragile bones in half."
  1520. >It wasn't at all what she wanted to hear. She looked down at the table, clenching her jaw against the budding tears that threatened to spill out. Then his magic gently lifted her chin and brought her gaze back up to him.
  1521. >"I said it's not hopeless, dearie. Do not give up already. Your mental fortitude will play as much a part in the healing process as will my magic. It will be difficult, yes, but believe in yourself and do not give up hope, and we may yet succeed."
  1522. >She nodded glumly, and he tapped the table with a wrinkled hoof.
  1523. >"Now now, chin up, my dear. You must be resilient. You must be strong. Show me some determination! Where is your Wonderbolt fire?"
  1524. >Her eyes widened and she jerked back out of his magical grasp with a sharp intake of breath.
  1525. "H-How can you even--"
  1526. >"There it is!" He exclaimed, cutting her off, "Now use it! You're angry and hurt, but anger gives you strength. Use it! Be strong, Rainbow Dash."
  1527. >She glared at him for a moment, then she closed her eyes and tried to focus. If he was right--and Celestia help him if he wasn't--then it sounded like her own determination of will is what would cause the healing to succeed. But how dare he use the Wonderbolts against her like that!?
  1528. >She ground her teeth, bearing down on her focus, ignoring the tingling sensation that had started up again and redirecting her anger at her wings. They WILL heal. She will fly again, dammit!
  1529. >"Yes, that's it..." he murmured, "Keep going..."
  1530. >She felt something, but she ignored it, keeping her focus steady. She thought back to her days in the academy, Spitfire bearing down on her every flaw, forcing her to get in line. She forced her thoughts in line now, marshaling them with all the strength she could muster.
  1531. >"Okay, that's enough. Enough, I said. Stop!"
  1532. >Her eyes snapped open and turned to meet Tonic's gaze. He grinned wearily from across the table.
  1533. >"Take a gander, why don't you?"
  1534. >She twisted her head around, squinting warily, suddenly nervous of what she might see. Then her eyes widened and she almost choked.
  1535. >The disgusting tentacle-like strips of flesh on her back had filled out, taking on a shape that almost resembled folded wings, and all along the front edge she could see tiny budding feathers. Nothing remotely flight worthy, just the small scale-like feathers that formed the main shape of her wings, but feathers nonetheless.
  1536. >She turned back to Tonic, feeling a mixture of astonishment and disappointment.
  1537. >"Be patient, my dear," he said, "We cannot go too fast or the strain would burst your heart." And she realized her chest was indeed beating madly as if she had just galloped long and hard. Tonic continued, "My magic only induces and accelerates the growth, you see. It is your own body that does all the work."
  1538. >She nodded, feeling deeply weary. A candied daisy floated up to her muzzle.
  1539. >"Here, take this. Some calories will help with the exhaustion."
  1540. >The daisy crunched between her teeth, but the taste was oddly dull, like her mouth had been numbed.
  1541. "Is it supposed to taste like this?"
  1542. >He nodded, "A side effect of the magically induced exhaustion. Your senses will return to normal shortly. In the meantime, I suggest you sit here and relax for a while. Drink some water. I myself need to retire to my bedroom... the healing is hard on me as well."
  1543. >It was true, he did look somewhat haggard and was shaking slightly where he stood. She lurched forward with the intention of helping him to his room, but the room just kept on lurching and she grabbed the side of the table to steady herself.
  1544. >"Careful!" He said quickly, "Your sense of balance is thrown off as well!" He began making his way slowly toward the door as he added, "Again, just stay there and relax for a little while. Stay there, I say. Only ten minutes or so, you understand. You'll feel much better in a few moments. I will check on you tomorrow."
  1545. >Then he turned around the corner and out of sight.
  1546. >Rainbow Dash put a hoof to her head, trying to stop the room from spinning. She felt like she'd had too much cider and was suffering because of it.
  1547. >Cider... now that was something she hadn't had in a long time. Her mouth watered just thinking about it, and she decided to ask Applejack later if she could still make some. Of course, it wouldn't be zap apple cider, but any cider was better than none.
  1548. >Over time, the room slowly settled and she began to feel more like herself again. She slid from her chair and took a few uneasy steps, then trotted around the table, then finally spun around in place to really push her balance to the limit. She grinned. She was back.
  1549. >But... now what? She didn't want to just go back to her room, and Scoots was probably busy with cleanup. She'd offer to help, but she'd probably just make an even bigger mess of things--she never was very good in the kitchen. That was one place speed definitely was not an advantage.
  1550. >She mulled things over in her head again, then she remembered they had mentioned another pony earlier, what was his name... Playdoh! She decided to go and find him, introduce herself, maybe prod him for information a bit. It would be nice to get a second opinion on Anon that wasn't biased like Applejack so clearly was. It was true Anon did seem different here, but Dash wasn't convinced. For all she knew, this was the act and out there was the real Anon!
  1551. >Nodding decidedly to herself, she trotted out into the hallway, then hesitated.
  1552. >There were four other doors here. Three of them were bedrooms, but the fourth was--
  1553. >The bath! She had almost completely forgotten she still had not cleaned herself after her embarrassing scene earlier. How had no one noticed? How had SHE not noticed? Sweet Celestia, what if they HAD noticed!?
  1554. >She hurried into the bathroom and snapped the door shut behind her.
  1555. ...
  1556. >Feeling much better with that filth washed off properly, Rainbow Dash stepped out into the hall, a hint of her old pride returning. Her mane and tail were clean and shining, her coat was bright and lustrous; she was beginning to feel like herself again. Oh, Anon had gotten the colors to show, sure, but plain river water couldn't compete with clean tap water and soap! She gave silent thanks to Torque Wrench for setting up this indoor plumbing, as Applejack had said. She shook her head back and forth, reveling in the light fluffiness of her mane which she had not felt in... well, years, it must have been.
  1557. >Then she turned to see somepony watching her, clearly awestruck. He was small for a stallion, hardly bigger than a colt, but his proportions said he was fully grown. His coat was a mild green, like freshly grown spring leaves, and his mane and tail were a deep, dark amber.
  1558. >They stared at each other for a brief moment, then his ears folded back and he backed slowly into his room.
  1559. "W-Wait!"
  1560. >He hesitated, not meeting her gaze.
  1561. "Are you, um, Playdoh?"
  1562. >He nodded and she took a slow step forward.
  1563. "I'm Rainbow Dash. I'm new here. I just wanted to say hi and, um, if you don't mind, maybe ask you a bit about this place?"
  1564. >"Why would you ask me?" he said in a dull monotone, "I don't know anything."
  1565. >She took another cautious step forward, not wanting to intimidate the little guy.
  1566. "Well..."
  1567. >She glanced around, then lowered her voice so it wouldn't carry.
  1568. "I was hoping we could talk about Anon. Applejack's opinion of him seems really high. Does it seem right to you?"
  1569. >He paused, seeming to need to gather his thoughts, then took another step backward into his room.
  1570. >"I-I'm not sure I should say."
  1571. >Rainbow Dash stepped forward, following him.
  1572. "Aw, come on, I'm just curious! It's not like I'm the sheriff."
  1573. >He took a few steps further from her but she kept after him, now standing in his doorway.
  1574. >She tried to smile warmly at him.
  1575. "Listen... I swear I don't bite or anything. We're cool, alright? I'm only wondering if I should stay with them or not."
  1576. >His ears suddenly perked up. "You're thinking of leaving!?" Then he reined himself in and continued in that dull monotone again, "I mean, uh, why wouldn't you stay? It's so wonderful here, isn't it?"
  1577. >Dash cocked her head to one side.
  1578. "I mean... it's nice, but it's not that nice. It's pretty cramped in here, and there isn't much to do."
  1579. >He nodded, meeting her eye for a split second before looking away again.
  1580. >"I'm so bored, you have no idea."
  1581. >She grinned at him.
  1582. "Well, what did you do before this? Y'know, for your old master? Could you do that some more?"
  1583. >He hesitated, "Well, er, that's a little... complicated. I'd have to go back to do it again, I think."
  1584. >Dash idly realized she had fully entered his room now, and he was backed up against the far corner near the bed. She laid down on her belly to try and seem a little more at ease in the hopes that it would relax him too. It was a trick Fluttershy had taught her a long time ago when trying to approach timid animals.
  1585. >Her breath caught in her throat. Fluttershy... She hadn't thought of her in years."
  1586. >Playdoh took a small step forward, concern in his eyes, "Are you okay, miss?"
  1587. "I'm... I'm fine. So how come you didn't come to dinner?"
  1588. >His ears twitched at the sudden change of topic, but he responded, "I just wasn't very hungry. Still full from last time I, uh, ate."
  1589. >She grinned at him.
  1590. "Hey, there's no need to watch your weight so closely, you're already looking pretty good."
  1591. >His face exploded into a dark blush.
  1592. >"Y-You look pretty, um, p-pretty yourself, good. Pretty good too, I-I mean."
  1593. >Dash flipped her mane with a hoof, looking smug.
  1594. "I know what I got."
  1595. >She winked at him.
  1596. "But it's nice to be reminded sometimes."
  1597. >Playdoh stammered something inarticulate and Rainbow Dash giggled. She was liking this little ball of nerves.
  1598. "Aaaanyways, what do you think of Anon? Does he seem... y'know, alright to you? He was kinda scary out on the road, but in here he seems almost sweet."
  1599. >He seemed surprised by the question, or maybe it was the abrupt change of topic again, but after a moment's hesitation he got some words out, "Um, h-he's alright, I guess. Scary sometimes. Big and scary. Mostly big, though. Not always scary."
  1600. >She smirked.
  1601. "I suppose everypony is kinda big to you, huh?"
  1602. >"Oh!" He exclaimed, looking suddenly worried, "Am I too small? Uhhhh, I-I-I mean, sorry, I can't help it."
  1603. >Dash frowned. There was something more going on here.
  1604. "Listen, Playdoh... You can trust me, alright? You and me, we're on the same side. We're both new, we're both strangers to everyone here, we're both former slaves who aren't sure if they should stay..."
  1605. >She gave him her most winning smile.
  1606. "If there's something on your mind, just say it! I promise I'll be cool."
  1607. >He didn't answer, just stared at the ground. She leaned forward and peered up at him.
  1608. "Hellooo?"
  1609. >His neck snapped up and he took a step back, only to bump into the wall.
  1610. >"S-Stay back! I-I'm not okay!"
  1611. "Whoa, hey, easy!"
  1612. >She raised her hooves defensively.
  1613. "I'm just trying to be friendly."
  1614. >"I don't need friends! I-I'm just fine by myself!"
  1615. >She gave him a look that said, "Really?"
  1616. >"Okay," he admitted, "M-Maybe not right now, b-but until you walked in I was fine!"
  1617. "Oh, so it's MY fault you're freaking out?"
  1618. >She scoffed and stood up, intending to leave, but then something strange happened.
  1619. >Playdoh hissed.
  1620. >He cowered back from her sudden rise, and he let out a hiss seemingly out of reflex.
  1621. >And she recognized that hiss.
  1622. >Instantly, Dash was on him, pinning his neck to the wall with a foreleg. He squirmed in her grasp, but he was too small to get any real leverage.
  1623. >Rainbow Dash hissed a word right back into his face.
  1624. "Changeling..."
  1625. >He stopped squirming and stared wide-eyed at her.
  1626. >"H-How...?
  1627. >She pressed him harder, anger beginning to take hold.
  1628. "How long have you been spying here? How are you getting your reports out? What are you bugs planning this time!?"
  1629. >"N-Nothing!" He stammered, "I-I'm alone, I s-swear!"
  1630. >"Rainbow? What's going on?"
  1631. >Scootaloo's voice echoed down the hall, then she came up short in Playdoh's doorway.
  1632. >"Whoa, what?"
  1633. "Stay back, Scoots! He's a changeling!"
  1634. >Playdoh squirmed some more.
  1635. >"What!? But I... he..."
  1636. "Don't worry, I got him. Once I find out what this spy is doing here, I'll make sure he never sees you or any of us again."
  1637. >Scootaloo looked uncertain and a little scared.
  1638. >Then Playdoh started to cry.
  1639. "What are you--"
  1640. >"I j-just wanted a p-place to stay!" He wailed, "I... I never meant anything by it! I s-swear! Please, I... y-you don't understand..."
  1641. >Rainbow Dash relaxed her grip somewhat and his hind hooves slid to the floor. Her voice lost some of its steel, replaced by curiosity.
  1642. "What don't I understand?"
  1643. >"T-The hive... it's gone. I... I'm alone. I'm ALONE!"
  1644. >There was so much anguish in that last word that Rainbow Dash actually recoiled, dropping him to the floor. He collapsed helplessly and curled up on his side, sobbing openly now.
  1645. >Dash and Scootaloo exchanged an awkward glance. Then Scootaloo took a step toward the sobbing pony.
  1646. "Scoots, wait--"
  1647. >"C'mon, Dash, look at him!" Scootaloo stepped around her and crouched beside Playdoh. In a gentle voice she said, "Hey, it's okay. I believe you."
  1648. >Playdoh paused, hiccuped, then looked up at her.
  1649. >"Y-You do?"
  1650. >Scootaloo looked back at Dash, who shrugged her shoulders, then she turned back and nodded.
  1651. >"Yeah, we do."
  1652. >Dash stepped forward.
  1653. "I, uh... guess I broke my promise to be cool, huh?"
  1654. >Playdoh made a sound somewhere between a sob and a laugh.
  1655. >Dash rubbed the back of her head awkwardly.
  1656. "Can you at least, uh... I guess, undisguise or something?"
  1657. >His eyes snapped up at her, wide and horrified.
  1658. >"N-No! No, n-never, please!" His gaze lowered, "I don't... please don't make me do that. I don't want you to think of me like that. I just want to be Playdoh. A new life."
  1659. >Scootaloo frowned, "But... it's not new, right? You copied another pony, didn't you?"
  1660. >He shook his head fervently, "No no, I made this one up! I combined bits and pieces of different ponies I knew and made this out of them." He suddenly gave them a timid smile, "It's, uh, really hard to do."
  1661. >Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash shared another glance, then shrugged to each other.
  1662. "This isn't really up to us."
  1663. >"Yeah, Anon and Applejack need to know."
  1664. >Playdoh slumped to the floor again, "Then I'm doomed..."
  1665. >Rainbow Dash shook her head.
  1666. "Nah, I don't think so. Applejack is usually pretty understanding."
  1667. ...
  1669. >Applejack reared and would have charged him down right then and there had Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo not leapt out in front of her, blocking her path. She was on one side of the living room, with Anon behind her, looking totally bewildered, and Playdoh was on the other side, looking just plain scared.
  1670. >"What the..." Applejack glared at the two pegasi, "Get the buck outta my way!"
  1671. "No, AJ!"
  1672. >Rainbow Dash stood face to face with her.
  1673. "He's scared, helpless, harmless, and alone. You can't just stomp him down!"
  1674. >Applejack slowly said each word, "He's. A. Changeling." Then she added, "An' I wasn't gonna stomp him, I was gonna get 'im the buck outta my house!"
  1675. >"Applejack, please!" Scootaloo begged, "Just chill for one minute and listen. You're not thinking straight, you gotta calm down. C'mon, you know me, you know I wouldn't be doing this if I didn't think it was right."
  1676. >She glared at Scootaloo, then closed her eyes and snorted. "Fine. Y'all better explain quick though."
  1677. >Rainbow Dash grinned. Quick was her specialty.
  1678. "I was just trying to be friendly but I ended up scaring him by accident and he hissed at me so I pinned him to the wall and accused him of being a changeling which Scoots overheard then he just collapsed and started blubbering and said he's all alone and doesn't have a hive or anything anymore and we felt bad for him."
  1679. >She hesitated, then added.
  1680. "I mean, come on, you know changelings... just one can't do shit, it's all the hive's doing. The hive's and... and Her's."
  1681. >Rainbow Dash shuddered to think of that maniacal monster.
  1682. >She saw Applejack shudder too, then compose herself and ask, "Alright, well, what makes y'all so sure? What if he's just playin' y'all for soft hearted fools an' waiting to bring in his friends later tonight?"
  1683. >"You don't understand, Applejack," Scootaloo said plaintively, "The way he wailed about being alone... nopony could fake that. It was... it hurt to hear."
  1684. >She turned back to smile reassuringly at Playdoh, then looked at Applejack again, "But he just wants to be a pony now. He wants a new life, somewhere he can fit in."
  1685. >Playdoh finally spoke up, "T-That's why I was so... so unsure about leaving when you two rescued me, remember? I... I was already fitting in somewhere. I didn't even mind that I was a slave, it... it really wasn't so different from life in the hive."
  1686. >At that, Applejack frowned and said, "What do ya mean by that?"
  1687. >"W-Well...," he began hesitantly, "We couldn't really think for ourselves. We all are the hive and the hive controls all... and the Queen controls the hive. We did her bidding whether we wanted to or not."
  1688. >"Jeez," Applejack muttered, then louder, "Alright, fine. You can stay. For now. But I swear, if I even THINK you're doing something suspicious, I'm gonna buck you so hard you'll be banished to the moon!"
  1689. >Playdoh nodded, tears springing to his eyes again, "Y-Yes ma'am, thank you! Just... thank you."
  1690. >Applejack grunted in response and turned back toward her room.
  1691. >Anon looked confusedly from one pony to another before finally saying, "Will one a y'all explain just what in the hell is goin' on here?"
  1692. >Rainbow Dash sighed.
  1693. "Alright, come here and sit down, this is gonna take a bit."
  1695. ...
  1697. >"And that's why the changelings are so hated."
  1698. >Anon rubbed the back of his neck.
  1699. "I gotta say, all this is pretty far fetched. I mean, shape-shifting flying bug-ponies with magical powers? That's just too weird. And so many abilities in one creature?"
  1700. >He turned to Playdoh.
  1701. "Can you, uh, prove it, or something?"
  1702. >His eyes widened but Rainbow Dash cut him off before he could start protesting. "He really doesn't want to change for us, he just wants us to think of him as a pony."
  1703. >Anon rubbed his chin, then shook his head.
  1704. "Sorry boy, I don't buy it. I'm gonna have to see you transform or something. But!"
  1705. >He cut off everyone's stammering, one finger raised.
  1706. "How about if I send the ponies away and you change just for me? I'm not a pony so I don't have their bias against you."
  1707. >Playdoh still looked uncomfortable.
  1708. >"But... why do you need to see it at all?"
  1709. "You're stirring up quite the mess here with these claims of being a changeling. I want you to prove you ain't just screwin' around and playin' some elaborate game with us or some such.
  1710. >He shrugged and finished somewhat lamely.
  1711. "I dunno. I just want to know, is all."
  1712. >The supposed changeling hesitated, then lowered his head and said, "Okay. I will change for you."
  1713. >Anon nodded and looked at Dash and Scootaloo.
  1714. "Will you two trust my word if I say he really did transform?"
  1715. >Scootaloo nodded and said, "Yep, 'course!"
  1716. >Dash needed a moment to think about it, but then she said, "I guess. You got no reason to lie."
  1717. "Good enough. Go to your bedrooms and close the door. I don't want any peeking."
  1718. >The ponies nodded and trotted away. Once he heard their doors click shut, he turned toward Playdoh.
  1719. "Alright, boy. Let's see what ya got."
  1720. >Playdoh let out a little sigh, then his face cringed in anticipation. There was a flash of green light and an odd wooshing sound, and abruptly Anon was faced with a... thing. A shiny-skinned, bug-eyed, black monster-horse-thing with sickly looking holes in its limb, a warped and twisted horn, and nervously buzzing insect wings. He reached out and brushed the hard carapace of Playdoh's neck with the tips of his fingers.
  1721. "Lord almighty..."
  1722. >Playdoh winced and said, "Are you satisfied? Can I change back now?" His voice had an odd tonal quality that Anon couldn't put his finger on.
  1723. "...Yeah, I suppose."
  1724. >The bug-eyed creature let out a little sigh of relief, then there was another green flash and a woosh, and Playdoh was back. Anon called out loudly.
  1725. "Alright, girls!"
  1726. >He heard a pair of doors click open and Dash and Scootaloo came trotting out, then a moment later Applejack came out too.
  1727. >"What's going on now?" Applejack asked.
  1728. >"Playdoh just changed for Anon," Scootaloo said excitedly, then turned to face him, "Right? He did change, right? Ooh, I can tell just from your expression he did!" She poked Playdoh's shoulder, "Omigosh, a real changeling! You feel just like a pony!"
  1729. >He shuffled awkwardly, "Please... I just want to fit in."
  1730. >"Oh, right. Sorry! I won't pester you. Well, I'll try. It's just so cool! A real, live changeling, and he's my friend! You are my friend, right?"
  1731. >He shuffled some more, "Uh... I guess? A-Am I?"
  1732. >"Of course you are!" She gave him a hug, then happily trotted away back toward the kitchen.
  1733. >Rainbow Dash bumped his shoulder with a hoof, adding, "And any friend of Scoots' is a friend of mine."
  1734. >Playdoh seemed stunned, "I have... friends?"
  1735. >He looked warily up at Applejack and her ears folded back.
  1736. >"Hey, don't look at me. Gonna take me more than five minutes to get chummy with a changeling."
  1737. >Playdoh lowered his gaze again, though he didn't look surprised. Anon leaned forward and set a hand on his withers.
  1738. "Look, you're a pony now, right? An' I don't ever abandon my ponies. Y'all can stay here as long as ya like, so long as ya don't cause no trouble. On the other hand, we could get y'all movin' along the railroad as early as next weekend if you like."
  1739. >Playdoh shivered at his touch, then looked up at Anon, a tired look in his eyes.
  1740. >"I... No, I want to stay, I think. I'm just so bored all the time, is all."
  1741. >Applejack muttered, "Well, maybe if y'all didn't stay cooped up in yer room all the dang time..."
  1742. >He winced slightly, "I just didn't want to intrude."
  1743. >Rainbow Dash frowned suddenly and said, "Hang on, is that why you don't eat much? Because you've been sitting in your room and sucking up our love instead?"
  1744. >"N-No!" He said hurriedly, "No, of course not! I-It doesn't work like that, anyway. I have to touch you to, um... to feed, or at least be very close."
  1745. >Applejack made a disgusted sound in the back of her throat and he quickly added, "But I would never, not without your permission! I mean, it doesn't hurt or anything, you don't even lose your love, it just... I take a bit off the edges, that's all. It's only when there's a whole hive that it has a noticeable effect."
  1746. "What else can you do?"
  1747. >Playdoh hesitated, "Uh, what do you mean?"
  1748. >Anon shrugged.
  1749. "Well, you can change shape and absorb love or something. Anything else?"
  1750. >He grimaced, "Not unless I, uh, c-change back."
  1751. "Okay, fine, but what could you do then? Listen, you said you're thinking of staying--if you stay, that means you need to help out. I need to know what you're capable of, and it sounds like you're capable of quite a lot. So, let's hear it."
  1752. >Playdoh sighed, then said reluctantly, "Well... I can fly and use basic magic. I can also, uh... 'excrete' a sort of translucent gel that hardens in the air and glows gently for weeks... it's what we make our den out of. I can sense strong emotions too, even ones other than love if they're strong enough." He quirked his muzzle to one side, then added, "Actually, that last one I can do in any form."
  1753. "If you took the form of a unicorn, could you still use your magic?"
  1754. >"I could..." he said slowly.
  1755. "Do it."
  1756. >"But I--"
  1757. "You don't have to show your true form, just change straight from this form to this form plus a horn. You can do that, right?"
  1758. >Playdoh nodded, then looked around nervously.
  1759. >"I just..."
  1760. >"Oh, settle your saddle," said Applejack, exasperated, "We've already agreed to accept you to our little group, I ain't about to buck you just for doing what you're told."
  1761. >He winced at her, but after an encouraging nod from Rainbow Dash, he straightened somewhat and closed his eyes. A long moment passed in silence, then that same green glow from earlier began around his hooves. Only this time, instead of instantly whooshing up his entire length, it traveled slowly, circling around him as it advanced. Nothing changed, except maybe a bit of a shiver in the flesh, but when the green light finally reached his head, a pale green horn slowly materialized, poking its way out between his amber locks of hair.
  1762. >Once the process was over, Playdoh opened his eyes and smiled sheepishly.
  1763. >"It, uh, takes a lot longer the first time with a new form."
  1764. >Then he lowered his head, his horn glowed bright green, and a book sitting on the couch slowly lifted into the air before settling back down where it was before. Anon nodded, satisfied.
  1765. "Great. Magic'll definitely come in handy, I'm sure. Ol' Tonic ain't spry enough to ask him to come along on the trail, but y'all can help, right?"
  1766. >Playdoh nodded, "Just say the word, sir."
  1767. >Anon waved a hand.
  1768. "Nuh uh. Don't you 'sir' me. I'm just a friend, alright? We're all equal here."
  1769. >He eyed Rainbow Dash significantly, but she seemed to accept it without an issue this time. Maybe she was warming to the place after all.
  1770. >Applejack turned without another word and trotted back to her room. Rainbow Dash watched her go, then sighed.
  1771. >"Don't mind her, Playdoh. She's, ah... stubborn, to put it lightly. She'll come around."
  1772. >Playdoh nodded glumly, then turned and walked toward his own room. Anon stared after him, then noticed Rainbow Dash sitting and watching him.
  1773. "What?"
  1774. >She hesitated, then shrugged and said, "I dunno," then hopped up onto the couch beside him. "I got nothing to do, figured I'd talk to you for a bit. I-If that's okay with you, of course."
  1775. "Sure."
  1776. >Anon noticed a pleasant scent wafting off of her. When he looked, he noticed for the first time how bright her coat and mane had gotten. She must have washed at some point.
  1777. >"So, uh... what do you do here besides sit around and relax?" she said somewhat awkwardly.
  1778. >He shook his head slightly.
  1779. "Oh. Well, I usually hang out up front with Carter, keep an eye out for anyone suspicious and an ear out for potential targets.
  1780. >"Huh. Why aren't you out there now then?"
  1781. >Anon shrugged.
  1782. "Been a lot going on back here, and now it's gettin' late. Carter oughta be closin' up and comin' in soon."
  1783. >"Ah."
  1784. >They fell silent again.
  1785. >Anon glanced sidelong at Dash and caught her watching him.
  1786. "What?"
  1787. >Her eyes flicked away and she said, "Uh, nothing! S-Sorry!"
  1788. >Anon sighed and reached out to set a hand on her withers. She felt warm, soft, and much more fluffy than last time he'd touched her.
  1789. "Dash... please try to relax. I promise I ain't gonna snap at you or anything."
  1790. >He slid his hand up the back of her neck and began rubbing behind her ears like he'd done a few times before, only this time he was amazed at how soft her fur had become after washing. She shivered slightly, drawing away for a second, then her ear flicked and she pressed more firmly into his hand.
  1791. >"Okay, I'll, uh... I'll try."
  1792. >She was quiet a moment, just staring down at the ground while he rubbed behind her fluffy ears.
  1793. >"It's just hard to get used to," she said quietly.
  1794. >Anon chuckled gently.
  1795. "I know, girl. You're doing good."
  1796. >She turned away from him, ears folding down, but stayed in contact with his hand.
  1797. >"My old master... he never told me if I was doing anything right. Just corrected me when I did something wrong. No news was good news, to him."
  1798. >Anon stifled a surge of anger at the mention of her old master. Dash didn't seem to notice the momentary lapse in his massage.
  1799. >"I didn't used to think he was a bad man. I mean, I knew what was happening to all of us was bad, but I didn't think Master was bad, just... a little hard to understand."
  1800. >She turned back to face him now and he dropped his hand away from her.
  1801. >"But you... you really seem to care. I wasn't so sure at first, but seeing you with AJ and Scoots, and the way you welcomed me and even Playdoh under your wing..."
  1802. >Her ears twitched nervously, but her eyes were fixated on his. She reached out with a hoof and laid it on his thigh, a blush creeping along her muzzle.
  1803. >"I think you'd be a good master."
  1804. >Anon felt his face tighten and broke away from her gaze.
  1805. "I ain't no pony's master, Dash. I don't want to control y'all like that."
  1806. >He felt Dash scoot a little closer.
  1807. >"I wouldn't mind if you ordered me around a little. I feel sorta... lost, if you know what I mean. I don't know what to do anymore."
  1808. >Turning back to her, he found her very close to him.
  1809. >"If you give me something to do, I'll do it," she said quietly. "It doesn't even have to be an order, just... ask, and I'll do it."
  1810. >Anon hesitated. After his recent experience with Applejack, he wasn't at all comfortable with where this was headed, but he was having trouble forming coherent thoughts. She seemed to almost glow in the candlelight, colors dancing around his vision.
  1811. >Her eyes flicked downward for a moment, and she leaned in a little closer, muzzle slightly parted.
  1812. >"Maybe... you don't even have to ask."
  1813. >There was a muted thunk as someone engaged the secret shelf entrance, and Dash abruptly pulled back, blush intensifying. Anon released a breath he hadn't realized he was holding.
  1814. >Had she been about to kiss him?
  1815. >More importantly, had he been about to let her?
  1816. >Then Carter entered from the corridor and Anon's line of thought was broken.
  1817. >"Well, how do you do, partner? Hope I ain't interrupting anything."
  1818. >"N-No, nothing!" Dash said hurriedly, "I was j-just saying how tired I am. G'night!"
  1819. >She leapt off the couch and trotted quickly around the corner toward her bedroom. Carter eyed Anon suspiciously and he raised his hands defensively.
  1820. "I don't know, man, I don't get this mare at all."
  1821. >"Ah, mares," Carter said wistfully as he hopped up onto the couch beside him, "Do we ever truly get them? Why, my old mare before the war, we'd been together for moons and moons, yet she still surprised me from time to time."
  1822. "Yeah, well, I'm all kinds of confused about mares now."
  1823. >He hesitated, then made up his mind. If there was anyone he could tell, it was Carter. He lowered his voice so it wouldn't carry.
  1824. "Listen, Applejack, uh... came on to me tonight."
  1825. >"Ah, finally! Been wonderin' when she'd gather up the nerve."
  1826. "Wait, you knew?"
  1827. >Carter chuckled, "Damn near everypony knew but you, my good sir. Applejack's been worried sick about how you'd react, but I've been tryin' to build up her courage for weeks."
  1828. >Anon grimaced and Carter's jovial attitude faded a notch, "You... took it well, I hope?"
  1829. "Uh, not exactly."
  1830. >Carter's attitude changed in an instant, his smile replaced with a stern scowl.
  1831. >"Anonymous! You're the closest friend she's had since the war, and I know you ain't got nobody closer than her. What in tarnation did you do? Don't tell me you lost your damn temper with her!?"
  1832. "No! God no."
  1833. >He cut that off immediately and Carter relented, "Well, alright. What did you do, then?"
  1834. "I just... I told her I can't think of her that way. She's like a sister to me."
  1835. >Carter's ears flipped back, "Well, ponyfeathers..."
  1836. >He slipped off the couch and Anon called after him.
  1837. "Where are you going?"
  1838. >Carter shot back over his shoulder, "I'm a going to apologize to Applejack for getting her hopes up, ya big loaf."
  1839. >Anon watched him go, feeling more glum than ever. First Applejack, then Rainbow Dash, and now Carter? What on earth was he going to do with them?
  1840. >He sat on the couch for a long time, listening to the muffled sounds of everybody settling in for the night. Eventually Carter emerged from Applejack's room, but he trotted across to the other hallway without even glancing in his direction. As if Anon didn't already feel enough like shit for what he'd done... but what else could he do? He was just being honest, like Scootaloo had told him to, and the honest truth was he just could not imagine Applejack in that sort of relationship.
  1841. >"And what about Rainbow Dash?" said a small voice in his head. Immediately his thoughts flew to memories of the intimate wash by the river, of holding her still while her scent filled his nostrils, then her lips jammed against his, and finally tonight, her leaning close, looking so radiant...
  1842. >"No, dammit!" he thought fiercely. God, what would Applejack think? She'd probably hate him if he denied her only to immediately get with her best friend.
  1843. >And what was he even doing entertaining the notion? How in the blazes did he ever think Dash was up for that anyway? They'd only been together for a day or two and she was a victim of her goddamn master's lust. She'd probably be disgusted by the mere notion.
  1844. >...She had been awfully close to him though.
  1845. >Anon sighed, stood, and went to his bedroom.
  1846. >He'd had enough thinking for one night.
  1848. ...
  1850. >Applejack slept fitfully that night, the changeling constantly on her mind. On the one hoof, she knew Scootaloo better than to mistrust her judgement, and Scootaloo trusted the thing. On the other hoof... well, it was a changeling; tricking ponies was what they did best.
  1851. >She sighed and rolled out of bed, giving up on a restful sleep. She walked out into the living room and was surprised to find Anon sitting on the couch.
  1852. "Can't sleep either?"
  1853. >He shook his head and said, "What's got you up?"
  1854. >She sighed.
  1855. "Can't stop worrying 'bout that darn bug."
  1856. >Anon rubbed the back of his neck and said, "He seemed pretty genuine to me."
  1857. "That's just the thing!"
  1858. >She hopped up onto the couch beside him.
  1859. "Changelings are masters of deception. Their whole lives are devoted to tricking ponies into letting them get close enough to feed."
  1860. >"But he said he'd never do it without our permission."
  1861. >She rolled her eyes.
  1862. "And what if none of us give that permission? He HAS to feed, Anon. It's their food."
  1863. >"I don't think that'll be a problem. Scootaloo seems fond of him and Rainbow Dash is okay with him too. I'm sure one of them can... uh, 'feed' him."
  1864. >Applejack shuddered.
  1865. "That's exactly what's got me worried, Anon. He's tricked them into liking him so they'll give him their love."
  1866. >Anon frowned. "Why can't they just like him like any other pony? What makes you so sure he tricked them into doing it?"
  1867. "Because he's a changeling!"
  1868. >She raised her hooves in exasperation.
  1869. "That's what they do!"
  1870. >Anon's frown deepened. "You're sounding a lot like how other humans talk about ponies."
  1871. >That brought her up short.
  1872. "What's that supposed to mean?"
  1873. >"Humans all look down on ponies just because they're ponies. You're looking down on Playdoh just because he's a changeling. You ain't even givin' him a chance."
  1874. >Applejack wrestled with this idea in her head.
  1875. >After a long pause, Anon said, "Why don't you just leave things be for now and see what happens? We can always kick him out later if need be."
  1876. >She grunted.
  1877. "I can't believe y'all are siding with the changeling."
  1878. >Anon grabbed her hoof, startling her into looking at him. "Hey, I ain't taking sides, I'm trying to do what's best for everyone here. You're the only one's got any problem with Playdoh, so I'm a tryin' to help you come to terms with that."
  1879. >She yanked her hoof out of his grasp.
  1880. "And if I don't wanna come to terms with that?"
  1881. >Anon scowled, "Then we got a fuckin' problem here, don't we?"
  1882. >They glared at each other for a moment, then Applejack broke her gaze away, staring down at the ground. She thought about what he'd said, that he reminded her of how humans talk about ponies, and realized just how awful that really was. She was acting like a human! But how could she just let go of a lifetime of hating changelings?
  1883. >Anon let out a short sigh and said, "Look, I ain't asking you to flip around and be all friendly with him. All I'm sayin' is give him a chance. Don't just assume he's evil just 'cause of what he is. You're better'n that."
  1884. >She opened her muzzle to respond, but just then Scootaloo trotted out of the hallway and all three of them stopped and stared at each other.
  1885. >Scootaloo was the first to recover, "Oh, hey guys. I was just gonna start breakfast." She peered critically at them, "Are you fighting over the changeling?"
  1886. "No!"
  1887. >"Yeah."
  1888. >Applejack glared at Anon.
  1889. "We ain't fightin'!"
  1890. >Scootaloo grinned, "You sure about that?"
  1891. >She scowled.
  1892. "How'd you even know, anyhow?"
  1893. >Scootaloo shrugged. "Heard Anon say something about assuming he's evil as I trotted out, wasn't hard to put two and two together. You should let him try and prove his loyalty. I mean, what's he gonna do without a hive?" She whirled around, "Anywho, breakfast!"
  1894. >Applejack leaned back onto the couch, annoyed at both of them. They just didn't understand.
  1895. >Anon sighed and said, "Applejack, remember when we first met?"
  1896. "'Course."
  1897. >How could she forget being sold for dirt cheap because she'd refused to behave under her last three masters.
  1898. >"I bought you thinkin' an earth pony slave was just the thing I needed. I'd spent years surrounded by humans who looked down on you ponies just for bein' what ya are, and I was prepared to do the same."
  1899. >She lowered her gaze, not liking where this was going.
  1900. >"But as soon as I brought you home, as soon as I looked in your eyes, I knew you weren't what everybody said you were. I knew that you're a person."
  1901. >He lifted her muzzle with a knuckle, bringing her gaze up to his.
  1902. >"Maybe Playdoh's a person too."
  1903. >She didn't respond. Eventually, he stood and returned to his room, leaving Applejack to her thoughts. She sat there for a long time, going over the conversation again and again. She kept coming back to when he'd compared her to humans, and eventually that was what decided her. She refused to behave like those inequine monsters. Most of them, at least.
  1904. >She got to her hooves and walked slowly to Playdoh's room, raised a hoof, hesitated, then gently knocked.
  1905. >"Oh, uh... come in?" Came the muffled reply.
  1906. >Applejack opened the door and Playdoh visibly recoiled when he saw her.
  1907. >"S-Sorry! I didn't do anything! D-Don't--"
  1908. "Shut up, I ain't here to buck you out."
  1909. >He fell silent, trembling slightly.
  1910. >Tartarus, did she really frighten him this badly? What must he think of her? Her ears flopped back and she cautiously sat down near his door.
  1911. "Listen, I... I'm sorry."
  1912. >He froze, a confused expression slowly sliding onto his face. Clearly he hadn't been expecting that.
  1913. "I ain't been fair to you. You ain't done nothin' wrong, an' I treated you like dead dirt."
  1914. >His confusion grew more pronounced, "Uh... dirt can be alive?"
  1915. >Her brows raised in surprise.
  1916. "Well yeah, 'course! Soil's got all kinda life and nutrients inside it to help plants grow. But if ya grow too much crops too fast and don't revitalize it from time to time, you wind up with dead dirt that can't grow nothin'."
  1917. >He tilted his head, "What do you do then?"
  1918. "You gotta bring the soil back to life. Bring in manure, earthworms, and certain plants like beans or peas. Don't quite understand how they work, but somethin' about those plants puts the nutrients back into the soil."
  1919. >She trailed off abruptly. She was having a normal conversation with a known changeling!
  1920. >Playdoh noticed the change in her immediately, "Sorry, I'll stop asking questions."
  1921. >Applejack closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
  1922. "No, I'm sorry. Like I said, you ain't done nothin' wrong. I'm just... used to hating changelings, that's all."
  1923. >He nodded sadly, "I don't blame you. We weren't exactly the best neighbors back in Equestria." She tried to ignore the surge of emotion at the mention of her homeland. "But Applejack, please, I promise I'm... I'm a-alone."
  1924. >Something about the way he said the word made her heart ache with sorrow. It was filled with such despair, the word almost sounded like it physically hurt to say it. She felt herself yearning to comfort the pony she saw before her, then held back, reminding herself it was just a changeling.
  1925. >After a moment to compose himself, he continued, "You don't know what it's like for us. The hive is everything. It shapes us, protects us, and controls us. Without it, I..." He shuddered, "I just feel cold and exposed."
  1926. >Applejack lowered her gaze.
  1927. "I think I do know what it's like, Playdoh."
  1928. >"You do?" He said, sounding shocked, "How?"
  1929. "It's like losing my farm and my family. My family was huge, and we had farms all across Equestria. Family reunions were gigantic all-day parties with dozens of ponies, and I knew 'em all. And of course, closest of all, were Granny, Big Mac, an' lil A-Apple Bloom."
  1930. >She closed her eyes against the budding tears.
  1931. "I ain't seen a one of them since the war."
  1932. >A hoof touched her shoulder and she opened her eyes to see Playdoh suddenly standing right in front of her.
  1933. >He smiled nervously, "Um. W-With your permission, I could take some of that suffering away."
  1934. >Her features hardened as she resisted the urge to recoil from his touch.
  1935. "I thought y'all absorb love."
  1936. >He shook his head, "We thrive on love, but we can absorb any emotion if we try."
  1937. >It took her a moment to come to terms with the idea, but then she closed her eyes and nodded once--anything to ease this pain.
  1938. >There was a sort of pulling sensation in her mind, like her head was in a gentle current of water trying to drag her away, and slowly the sadness faded. When the tugging stopped, she found she could bear the loss more easily; it didn't ache so much to think of them. Amazed, she opened her eyes to thank him, then gasped.
  1939. >He had collapsed to the ground, curled up into a ball, and was stifling sobs into his hooves. She set a hoof on his shoulder and one teary eye peered at her from behind a hoof.
  1940. >"Y-You feel b-better?"
  1941. >She nodded slowly, and he smiled weakly, "Good." Then he choked on another sob.
  1942. "You... I did this to you?"
  1943. >He shook his head violently and struggled to say, "N-No, I did it."
  1944. >She recoiled a step, then grabbed his hoof in both of hers.
  1945. "Give it back!"
  1946. >He looked up at her, momentarily startled out of his grief. "What?"
  1947. "Give me the pain back. I don't like this!"
  1948. >"It... doesn't work like that."
  1949. >They stared at each other, then he shook as a fresh wave of misery took him.
  1950. >Scootaloo's voice came from behind her, "Applejack? What are you doing?"
  1951. >With surprising strength, the pegasus shoved Applejack aside and crouched beside Playdoh, taking his head in both hooves and holding it close to her chest. She glared up at Applejack.
  1952. >"What'd you do to him!?" she demanded.
  1953. >Applejack shook her head.
  1954. "H-He did it! He offered!"
  1955. >Playdoh reached up with a hoof and pulled Scootaloo's muzzle toward him. "I... I took her pain," he managed to get out before another sob racked his body and he buried his face in Scootaloo's fluffy chest.
  1956. >"You... what?"
  1957. >She stared up at Applejack, horrified.
  1958. >"You had this much pain inside?"
  1959. >Applejack shrugged.
  1960. "I guess? We were talkin' about my family."
  1961. >"Oh, Sweet Celestia..."
  1962. >She hugged him tighter.
  1963. >"Playdoh, take it. Take some of my love."
  1964. >He didn't even hesitate. The moment he had her permission, he grabbed her with both hooves and Applejack saw a pink aura begin to flow between them. She stared in horror as Scootaloo seemed to dim before her, then just as abruptly, Playdoh stopped. Scootaloo winced and shook herself, then looked down at Playdoh and smiled.
  1965. >"Better?"
  1966. >He sniffed and nodded. "T-Thank you..."
  1967. >"Any time."
  1968. >Playdoh struggled to his hooves, then looked sheepishly at Applejack. "Scootaloo here has more love to share than anypony else, and she recovers it quickly. So, she's been, um... helping me."
  1969. >Applejack stared at Scootaloo, her ears flipping back.
  1970. "You knew he was a changeling? And you've been feeding him love this whole time?"
  1971. >"Yeah, what of it?" She said defensively. "It's mine to give!"
  1972. >Applejack recoiled slightly, then the shock of this whole situation finally gave way to anger which boiled up inside her.
  1973. "Don't you see? This is exactly what they do! He's tricked you into feeling bad for him so you'd give him your love, ya buckin' foal!"
  1974. >Quick as lightning, Scootaloo was right up in her muzzle.
  1975. >"You think I can't tell when I'm being played!? He hasn't tricked a damn thing!" She shoved Applejack in the chest with both hooves. "You're the one being a stubborn mule!"
  1976. >Stunned by her sudden vehemence, Applejack just stared as Scootaloo whirled around and slammed Playdoh's door in her face. She took a couple steps back, feeling shaken. Changeling trickery couldn't explain that much emotion. Unless he'd done it as defense against herself...
  1977. >No, dammit! There she goes, stuck in her old ways again. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, trying to banish the fear and suspicion from her mind.
  1978. >"That went well," came Carter's voice behind her.
  1979. >She sighed, her head hung low.
  1980. "Sorry we woke you."
  1981. >"Oh, it's alright. Nice to start the day with a bit of good old fashioned drama."
  1982. >She turned to face the crimson pony and he nodded back toward the door.
  1983. >"I reckon you oughta apologize before those feelings fester any further. Last thing we need is Scootaloo being angry, especially at you."
  1984. >She sighed again. Carter was right, as usual. He gave her a wink as he closed his bedroom door, and she turned back to knock gently on Playdoh's door.
  1985. >"What!?" came Scootaloo's angry reply.
  1986. "I... I'm sorry. Can I come in?"
  1987. >There was a moment of silence, then the door slowly opened.
  1988. >"You're sorry?" Scootaloo asked, clearly suspicious, "Just like that?"
  1989. >She nodded.
  1990. "I originally came over here to try and get over my prejudice against Playdoh. I... I'm tryin' to do better. I swear I'm tryin'."
  1991. >Scootaloo looked surprised and still a little doubtful, but Playdoh tapped her shoulder and she stepped aside to let him forward.
  1992. >"I hope I took the edge off your pain, at least? I'd hate for all of that to have been for nothing."
  1993. >Applejack chuckled awkwardly, then nodded.
  1994. "Yeah, I do feel better. I can think about them without choking up, now."
  1995. >Playdoh smiled weakly. "Good. I'm glad."
  1996. >Scootaloo looked from one to the other, then shrugged. "Alright, well, I need to get back before breakfast burns anyway." She poked Applejack in the chest and added, "Be nice, okay? He's a good guy, I promise."
  1997. >Applejack nodded and she trotted away and around the corner. Playdoh shuffled nervously.
  1998. >"So..."
  1999. "I want to see your natural form."
  2000. >She said it abruptly, and he recoiled as if struck.
  2001. >"B-But--"
  2002. "I know, I know, new life and all that. I promise I won't think any less of you for it. But I want to know what you really look like."
  2003. >Playdoh lowered his head glumly, "I may as well just show everypony I guess..."
  2004. >Then, before she could ask what he meant, a green flame spiraled up around his body and Applejack was face to face with a real changeling. Her ears flipped around and she took an involuntary step back.
  2005. >"You promised..." he reminded her.
  2006. >She stared at his bright white fangs and his shining black skin; at his small curved horn and buzzing insect-like wings. Then she stared into his pale blue eyes, and he smiled nervously.
  2007. >"Um... are you satisfied?"
  2008. >That voice, so unique, sent a shiver down her spine, then she clenched her jaw and hardened her mind against the prejudices screaming inside it. She took a step forward, reaching out with a hoof and found his skin was hard and cold.
  2009. >This changeling was all alone in the world, and it needed their help as much as any pony did.
  2010. >That was what she repeated to herself as she pulled him into a tentative hug.
  2011. >It was like hugging a living statue.
  2012. >"O-Oh," he said, sounding surprised. "This is... um, nice."
  2013. >Applejack nodded, her gaze tracing the thick shell on his back, the bands around his middle, and the paper-thin tail.
  2014. >Her mind suddenly began to race with ideas.
  2015. >A changeling ally opened up all kinds of possibilities.
  2016. >She withdrew from him and found that she was smiling.
  2017. "Welcome to the crew, Playdoh."
  2018. ...
  2019. >"So I'm just chattering away, saying anything I can to distract the guy, and meanwhile Applejack and Playdoh are creeping away not three feet behind him, and he doesn't have a clue!"
  2020. >Applejack smiled as Scootaloo shared the adventure with Rainbow Dash over breakfast. She must be glad to have stories to tell her for a change, rather than the other way around.
  2021. >"After that, it was easy-peasy... we were never even spotted! Just waltzed right out of the place like nothing."
  2022. >Playdoh grinned sheepishly, "Security wasn't exactly my master's forté. Though I wonder if he stepped it up after I went missing?"
  2023. >Applejack shrugged.
  2024. "We've checked a target later a couple of times and usually the owners just shrug it off. A few get paranoid and keep their remaining ponies protected, but I guess most of 'em just think of it as any other robbery an' are just glad it weren't any worse."
  2025. >"Wow," said Rainbow Dash, "So you could just go back over and over and steal all the ponies someone had?"
  2026. >Anon shook his head, "Oh no, definitely not. We ain't never gone back to the same place twice. Too much chance of discovery."
  2027. "Yeah, we save all we can the first trip, and any that get left behind or don't take us up on the offer stay enslaved."
  2028. >Rainbow Dash grimaced, "That seems awfully harsh."
  2029. >Anon shrugged, "We just can't risk it. Too much is at stake to risk gettin' discovered over one pony. There ain't nobody else around here who does what we do, so if we get found out, we'd be lettin' down a whole lot of other ponies lookin' to us for hope."
  2030. >He caught Applejack's eyes and she realized he was repeating what she'd told him before the train heist--he really had listened. She gave him a warm smile, and he grinned as he looked down at his plate.
  2031. >The ponies all perked up at the muted THUNK of the secret door being opened. Anon and Tonic, not able to hear it but seeing everypony's reaction, straightened too.
  2032. >Carter came trotting in, "Another audit, Scootaloo."
  2033. >They all relaxed in their seat.
  2034. >"On it!" said Scootaloo, and scampered out the door, another THUNK sounding just a few seconds later.
  2035. >Rainbow Dash gave the rest of them a confused look.
  2036. "Scootaloo handles our money, keeps us straight with the law."
  2037. >"Yeah," said Anon, "Don't know how she does it, but she always keeps that damn tax collector off our backs."
  2038. "You'd think with how many audits we've faced, he'd have given up by now. Ya think maybe he suspects something?"
  2039. >"I dunno, AJ. But I trust Scootaloo. She's been doing good so far."
  2040. "Yeah, 'spose so."
  2041. >Rainbow Dash stood up.
  2042. >"I wanna go see what's up!"
  2043. >Careful, Dash," Anon warned, "Word might've gotten around by now that you're stolen."
  2044. >She scoffed, "It's been ONE day! How far could the news have gotten?
  2045. >Applejack tilted her head curiously.
  2046. "Whatcha even want to see it for?"
  2047. >Rainbow Dash looked suddenly abashed, "I, uh... Look, I just miss Scootaloo, okay? I wanna stay with her."
  2048. >Applejack smiled.
  2049. "Alright, well, just keep an eye out for his reaction when he sees you, alright?"
  2050. >"Got it!"
  2051. >She trotted out the door, and Carter let out a little sigh.
  2052. >"I suppose I'll never get to meet her properly at this rate."
  2053. >Anon frowned, "What do you mean?"
  2054. >He waved a hoof casually, "Oh, nothing. She's just been busy, that's all. I'm just a moping a bit." He sat down and made himself a small plate, "May as well grab a few bites o' Scootaloo's delicious food while I'm in here."
  2055. >Tonic stood up, mumbling, "Well, I suppose the healing can wait a few more hours."
  2056. "Healing?"
  2057. >He nodded, "Did you not notice her wings? I have already begun my treatment, you see."
  2058. "Oh! And how's it going?"
  2059. >He pondered a moment, then said, "Well, it has not even been a full day yet, but I'd say well, so far. Her spirit is strong as a blazing fire--a bit too strong, perhaps. I was forced to reign her in at the end to keep her from knocking herself out."
  2060. >Applejack chuckled.
  2061. "She's a fiery one, no doubt about that."
  2062. >"Indeed." He walked towards the door, saying, "I'll be in my room as per usual, if anypony--or human, for that matter--needs my services."
  2063. >Anon, Carter, and her sat and ate in silence for a few moments.
  2064. >Eventually Carter couldn't resist any longer.
  2065. >"So, y'all figure somethin' out yet?"
  2066. >"About?" asked Anon.
  2067. >"About you two in the bedroom, 'course."
  2068. "Carter!"
  2069. >"Whaaat? You can't blame me for bein' curious. It's quite a predicament."
  2070. "I sure as hay CAN blame you! You're the one what set me up to it in the first place!"
  2071. >"Oh, don't be so modest. You had more than a hoof in the matter yourself, little missy."
  2072. >Anon cleared his throat, "Can we, uh... not?"
  2073. >Carter looked at him sternly, "No, Anon, I don't think we can 'not'. You two are the heart of this little operation here. If y'all don't get this straightened out, and quick, we might have a real problem on our hooves. You said it yourself, Anon: there's an awful lot at stake here."
  2074. >Neither responded. Applejack stared down at her plate, trying not to think about what she'd done--what she'd accidentally shown him.
  2075. >"Now I ain't exactly an expert in matters o' this nature, but I can say this--both'a y'all are blaming each other, but both'a y'all are equally to blame. Might as well just quit the blaming and get to the apologizing and forgiving."
  2076. >Still, neither answered. Applejack snuck a peek up at Anon, and caught him eyeing her as well. They both looked hurriedly away. Carter laughed.
  2077. >"Oh, quit acting like schoolyard foals and just fess up to each other."
  2078. >Anon finally grunted a reply, "I don't know what ya want from us, Carter. We already worked it out."
  2079. >"Oh, did ya now?" He feigned mock surprise, "Well then, y'all oughta be comfy as a clam with each other." His tone got more serious again, "Instead y'all are both glowing redder'n a beet and won't meet nopony's eyes."
  2080. >Playdoh's tiny voice sounded, "I'm just gonna... go."
  2081. >All three of them looked at him, startled. They'd completely forgotten he was there. He slunk out of the room, looking deeply uncomfortable.
  2082. >However, the distraction did wonders to loosen the atmosphere. Anon sighed as he set his head in his hands, and Applejack stared at him inquisitively.
  2083. "I know why I'm embarrassed, but why are YOU blushing?"
  2084. >Anon put one hand down, leaning onto the other. "Ya think I like this? Ya think I don't wish I could help?" He shook his head, "But dammit girl, I don't wanna be like that. We're partners. We gotta be objective, unbiased, that sorta thing."
  2085. >Applejack snorted.
  2086. "We're way past that, partner."
  2087. >Anon grunted, "Alright, maybe so. But to do that would just..."
  2088. >He trailed off lamely, and Applejack sighed.
  2089. "Look, I'm sorry I brought it up. I won't never mention it again if it bothers you that much. I just couldn't hold it in any longer."
  2090. >Anon gestured with exasperation, "That's just it, though! Mentioning it has already changed things. How am I supposed to think about anything else when I'm in the saddle, huh? How do I know YOU ain't thinkin' like that, walkin' between my legs?"
  2091. >Applejack grimaced, her ears folding back. She had in fact had quite a few such thoughts while he was on her back.
  2092. >Anon waved a hand at her, "See? You don't even have to say it."
  2093. >Carter tapped the table with a hoof, "Now now, y'all ain't getting anywhere with this. Let's try something different: Applejack, what'll you do if Anon can't never please you?"
  2094. "Well, nothin' I suppose."
  2095. >She added under her breath.
  2096. "'Cept keep using my hoof."
  2097. >Carter coughed once, then continued, "And Anon, what are you afraid will happen if you, ah, 'helped' her?"
  2098. >Anon sighed, "I'm afraid things'll get weird, awkward, uncomfortable. 'Specially when we're out on the trail."
  2099. >"Applejack, what do you think of that?"
  2100. >She stared at Anon.
  2101. "That's what you're worried about? That it'll be weird?"
  2102. >"Applejack, we're together a LOT. What if things don't go well between us?"
  2103. "What if things get better!?"
  2104. >He opened his mouth as if to respond, then closed it again. He set one hand on his forehead, seeming to think hard. Applejack relented.
  2105. "Anon, look... I don't wanna force you into it. Of course I don't. Just... consider it, please?"
  2106. >He thumped his hand down on the table, "I have, dammit! You think I haven't? Why do you think you found me awake this morning? I ain't thought about a damn thing else since!"
  2107. >Applejack spoke very softly.
  2108. "Maybe you can't stop thinkin' about it 'cause you actually want it?"
  2109. >Anon stood abruptly.
  2110. >"I'm goin' out for a walk."
  2111. >Carter stood up too, "Anon, we are not finished here!"
  2112. >"Yes we fuckin' are."
  2113. >And he strode out of the room.
  2114. >Applejack sighed.
  2115. "Well, that went well."
  2116. >Carter grinned and said, "Better than you think, my dear. I'm betting he left 'cause ya struck a nerve. He'll be thinking 'bout that one for a while."
  2117. "Still, I'd rather it have gone better than that."
  2119. ...
  2121. >Rainbow Dash, after a long moment of figuring out how to work the secret door, trotted out into the bar proper. There she found Scootaloo reared up with her hooves on the bar while a man sat beside her, shuffling through some papers.
  2122. >Scootaloo looked up, "Oh hey, Dash. What's up?"
  2123. >She shrugged and walked over to stand up beside Scootaloo.
  2124. "Nothing much, just thought I'd see what's going on out here."
  2125. >Scootaloo rubbed the back of her neck awkwardly, "Well, I mean, we're just going over some boring numbers, really."
  2126. >"And who's your friend, Scootaloo?" asked the man.
  2127. >"Oh, this is Rainbow Dash!"
  2128. >The man gasped and dropped the papers on the counter, then took a step back and gave her a low and magnificent bow.
  2129. >"It is an honor and a privilege to finally meet you. My name is Jim, Jim Collins. Hardly a day has gone by that Scootaloo hasn't mentioned you at least thrice."
  2130. >Rainbow Dash shuffled awkwardly.
  2131. "Oh, so, uh... you two talk often?"
  2132. >Scootaloo giggled, "Well, numbers get boring sometimes, you know? So we take breaks and just hang out."
  2133. >Dash leaned over and peered at the papers.
  2134. "How'd you get into doing all this?"
  2135. >"Oh, same as the baking--I used to handle all my old master's finances."
  2136. >"She's a natural," said Jim.
  2137. >Scootaloo blushed and said, "I just have a lot of practice."
  2138. "Is it hard?"
  2139. >"Not really, it's just tedious."
  2140. >Jim added, "That's why we take breaks."
  2141. "And what about all the audits?"
  2142. >He frowned, "What do you mean?"
  2143. "Well, Carter came in and said, 'another audit,' and Applejack said, 'all the audits,' like it was something that happened all the time."
  2144. >She shrugged.
  2145. "I just thought audits were kinda rare."
  2146. >Scootaloo laughed, but it sounded a little forced, "Oh, haha, um, we're just under a lot of scrutiny right now."
  2147. "Really? Why's that?"
  2148. >Jim wouldn't meet her gaze as he answered, "Well, you see, any business with pony workers is going to draw a lot of attention. It's my job to make sure everything's on the up-and-up, but Scootaloo here keeps me satisfied."
  2149. >Her muzzle quirked to one side.
  2150. "Well, alright. I suppose."
  2151. >"Why all the questions, Dash?" Scootaloo asked.
  2152. >She shrugged.
  2153. "I'm just curious, that's all. Wanna see what your life is like. Anything my Scoots does ought to be pretty cool, right?"
  2154. >Scootaloo grimaced, "Yeah, well, this is probably the least cool thing I do. I'm only doing it to keep Jim happy, really."
  2155. >Anon walked out just then, but he hardly seemed to notice them as he walked across the bar and out the door.
  2156. >"Sheesh," said Scootaloo, "Did you see the look on his face? Wonder what's got him in a huff?"
  2157. "Dunno. Maybe I should go and--"
  2158. >"Yeah, yeah, make sure he's alright! Good idea, Dash."
  2159. >Scootaloo nudged her with a hoof.
  2160. >"Go on, before you lose him! He was walking fast."
  2161. >Rainbow Dash dropped away from the counter a little hesitantly, then shrugged to herself and trotted out after Anon. She looked left and right, spotted him in the distance, and cantered down the path until she caught up to him.
  2162. >He looked down at the sound of her approaching hooves, his face dark and grim, but relaxing when he saw her.
  2163. >"Oh, hey Dash. Come to check on me, I 'spose?"
  2164. "Eh, you looked like you could use some company."
  2165. >"I guess."
  2166. >They walked along in silence for a while. Anon led them on a winding path around town, circling back on himself multiple times. It didn't seem like he was headed anywhere in particular, just walking for the sake of walking.
  2167. "You alright, Anon?"
  2168. >"Huh?"
  2169. "I dunno, you just seem not alright. Wanna talk about it?"
  2170. >He scowled, "Not really."
  2171. >Rainbow Dash looked away.
  2172. "Okay."
  2173. >They continued on for several minutes. Then Anon abruptly said, "Applejack wants me to sleep with her."
  2174. "She what!?"
  2175. >"Yeah, that's what I said."
  2176. "No, but--she can't... I mean, I--"
  2177. >Rainbow Dash trailed off, not knowing what she wanted to say, not even knowing what she was feeling.
  2178. >"I was just hopin' ya might have some insight or somethin' into why she might've turned out like that."
  2179. "Turned out like what?"
  2180. >Anon stopped and sat on a nearby bench.
  2181. >"You know, like... liking humans."
  2182. >She hopped up onto the bench beside him, finding it a little cramped for both of them.
  2183. "I mean, I doubt she likes any other human."
  2184. >Anon rolled his eyes, "Obviously. But I mean... wanting that? What's she thinking?"
  2185. "Well, I imagine she's thinking about how close you two are."
  2186. >She hadn't meant for it to come out sounding so bitter, and Anon looked up sharply.
  2187. >"You two... are pretty competitive, aren't ya?"
  2188. "Heh... you could say that."
  2189. >"I figured as much. Applejack's got a competitive streak and I figured you might have one too."
  2190. >Anon set a hand on her withers, sending a chill up her spine.
  2191. >"Listen, Applejack and I have been together a long time. Too long, maybe. Long enough that I'm havin' trouble comin' to terms with her, uh... request."
  2192. >Rainbow Dash tried to ignore the warm glow spreading across her muzzle.
  2193. "Anon, why are you telling me this?"
  2194. >He hesitated, then his hand lifted off her back.
  2195. >"I dunno, I guess I just thought you might be able to help, bein' her close friend 'n all."
  2196. >She lowered her gaze.
  2197. "I don't think I can help you. Not like that, at least."
  2198. >"'Like that'? How could you help then?"
  2199. >'By taking her place,' Dash wanted to say, but bit her tongue to stop it coming out. Where was this feeling coming from anyway?
  2200. "I, uh... I gotta get back to Scootaloo."
  2201. >She hopped off the bench, ignoring Anon as he called, "H-Hey, wait!"
  2202. >He jogged up beside her and gave her a light smack on the back of the head, making her turn angrily on him.
  2203. >"Hush!" he hissed, "We're in public, dammit, you gotta pretend to be my slave or people'll get suspicious!"
  2204. >Her ears folded back and she fell in place meekly beside him as he walked back to the bar. What had gotten into her? Of course she had to behave around humans.
  2205. >Anon opened the door and Dash heard a muffled gasp and a shuffle, then their eyes adjusted to the dim light after being outside and she saw Scootaloo and Jim right where they were before, papers still laying on the bar.
  2206. >Rainbow Dash chuckled, gesturing to the untouched papers with a hoof.
  2207. "Taking one of your breaks, I guess?"
  2208. >Scootaloo grinned back at her, "Y-Yeah, something like that."
  2209. >Anon gave the man a friendly pat on the back as they walked by.
  2210. >"Don't be too rough on us, Mr. Collins."
  2211. >"I'll go easy on little Scootaloo, don't worry."
  2212. >"Alright. I'll be in my office, just send Scootaloo for me if you need me."
  2213. >"Will do, Anonymous."
  2214. >Rainbow Dash and Anon walked into the kitchen, but just as they approached the secret door, she stopped him.
  2215. "Uh, about Applejack..."
  2216. >He grimaced, but she continued.
  2217. "You should just be honest with her. If she's upset, it'll be because she thinks you aren't telling the whole truth. Honesty is very important to her, more important than you know."
  2218. >Anon pondered that for a moment.
  2219. >"Well, I guess I haven't been entirely honest with myself, to tell the truth."
  2220. "How so?"
  2221. >He waved a hand, "Oh, nothing. Just mumblin' to myself."
  2222. >Sticking his arm behind the shelves, he opened the secret door and they stepped into the dark corridor. Dash added one last thing.
  2223. "And, uh, if you ever need help with Applejack, or anything else, just let me know, okay? I wanna help."
  2224. >Anon shut the door and nodded.
  2225. >"I'll keep that in mind, Dash."
  2227. ...
  2229. >Anon followed Rainbow Dash through the inner door, trying to pretend he didn't notice how high she was holding her tail, and saw Carter sitting on the sofa with the daily newspaper spread out on the coffee table before him. Anon sat down beside him and Rainbow Dash just sort of stood around awkwardly, not seeming to know what to do with herself.
  2230. "Come on and sit down, Dash."
  2231. >He patted the sofa beside him and she obligingly hopped up. The couch was a little cramped with all three of them on it, and Anon found himself squeezed into Dash somewhat. He ignored this and turned to Carter.
  2232. "So, anything good today?"
  2233. >"Mmm," he hummed, pointing a hoof at one section. Anon leaned forward to read it.
  2234. "Sheriff admits to owning ponies, treats them like beloved pets."
  2235. >Anon leaned back and let out a long breath.
  2236. "Really now..."
  2237. >Carter nodded, "It seems we may have an ally."
  2238. "And a powerful one, too."
  2239. >"I'm surprised. All those times he sat in our bar, and he never mentioned having ponies."
  2240. "I wonder if he's embarrassed about it?"
  2241. >Carter frowned, "Well after an article like this, he must be."
  2242. "Maybe. I think I'm gonna have to talk to him."
  2243. >"You gonna head over there now?"
  2244. >Anon shrugged nonchalantly.
  2245. "Soon, probably. I'll have to tread carefully though. He may be a friend, but he's still the sheriff."
  2246. >The stallion slid from the sofa and said, "Well anyhow, I'm going to go start preparing for the day."
  2247. >Anon rolled his eyes.
  2248. "Prepare for the ONE customer we're likely to get today?"
  2249. >"Hey now, I have to make sure my grumpy glare is up to par!"
  2250. >Anon slapped him on the shoulder as he walked away.
  2251. "Enjoy your staring contest, buddy."
  2252. >"I intend to."
  2253. >He slipped out the door and Anon grabbed the newspaper in both hands, reading more of the story as Rainbow Dash scooted a little closer, leaning onto his arm to see better.
  2254. >"Sheriff Michael Ginsing, long time frequenter of a bar known for its pony staff, revealed today the posession of his own two ponies. One Gilded Wing and the other Heather Dust, the two ponies are treated not with the strong hand of a proper slave owner, but the soft and caressing hand of a beloved pet owner. This shocking revelation came when, mid-interview, one of the ponies trotted up and simply slid its head under the man's hand, as a favored dog might. The sheriff did not, however, respond with discipline, but instead with affection, giving the pony head rubs exactly as it requested. Seeing my shock, the sheriff sent the equine swiftly scurrying with a swat to the hindquarters, but lo! The pony giggled as it fled, I am sure of it! The swat was light of hand and soft of sound, not at all like the sharp crack of a whip, as would be fitting for such a rebellious display of comfort and familiarity. Is he a pony sympathiser? Or simply soft with his own stock? Can he be trusted to deal with our criminals as harshly as they deserve when he cannot even properly punish his pampered pony pets?"
  2255. >Anon's eyes glazed over and he glanced around the rest of the page, eyes looking at the words, but his mind elsewhere. That wasn't a whole lot to go off of, but the idea of having a sheriff as an ally was too tempting to pass up, and the man was at least friendly. Anon nodded to himself and stood.
  2256. >"Gonna go talk to him?" asked Rainbow Dash.
  2257. >Anon nodded.
  2258. "Yeah, get AJ, if you please. I want her to come along."
  2259. >Dash scurried away, then returned mere seconds later. "She'll be out in a second." There was a beat of silence, then she added, "Uh, can I come too? I wanna help!"
  2260. "No way, girl. That man'll be the first to know that you're stolen, way too much of a risk. You stay right here and behave. There's a deck of cards in my room--entertain yourself with a game of solitare or something."
  2261. >"Soli-what?"
  2262. >Anon rolled his eyes.
  2263. "Or whatever games you ponies play."
  2264. >"Fiiine."
  2265. >Anon grinned. She had certainly relaxed around him, that was for sure.
  2266. >Applejack trotted out and immediately said, "What's this I hear about a sheriff? Dash was a little light on the details."
  2267. >Anon turned toward the door.
  2268. "I'll explain on the way. Come on."
  2269. ...
  2270. >"Wow."
  2271. "Right?"
  2272. >"I mean... wow. Could y'all imagine?"
  2273. >Applejack stared at the Sheriff's Station across the path.
  2274. >"A sheriff on our side... between him an' the changeling, we could do all sorts of stuff."
  2275. "Oh yeah?"
  2276. >"Yeah! I wonder if Playdoh could do a human..."
  2277. >Anon did a double take.
  2278. "Hold up, you sayin' he can take forms other than a pony?"
  2279. >Applejack gave him a funny look, "Well yeah, he's a shapeshifter."
  2280. >Anon stared at her. This changed things.
  2281. "Just how flexible are his transformations?"
  2282. >She shrugged, "Hay if I know, ask him yourself. C'mon, I'm itchin' to talk to this 'ere sheriff."
  2283. >Anon shook his head as she began to walk away, then jogged a bit to catch up with her.
  2284. >They entered the sheriff's station casually. Anon had never actually been to the station and found it was smaller than he expected. The front room was a mishmash of little areas, as if all the inside walls had been knocked down to expose each individual room to the rest. Each corner housed a different little section--break room, jail cells, file storage--then one corner was walled in and seemed to have a bathroom. Smack dab in the middle of the room was a wide U-shaped desk housing the sheriff himself.
  2285. >The man was broadly built, with a thick mustache that looked too small for his large, bald head. His eyes fell to Applejack first, and he gave her more than a mere cursory glance. Anon saw the man's eyes flick down to her hooves, and suppressed a grin of approval. Hooves were the surest sign of a pony's condition--treat them well and they'll be clean, shiny, whole, and strong, but a poorly treated pony will have dirty, chipped, dull and overall sad looking hooves. Anon was glad he had provided Applejack with ample hoof care products.
  2286. >Finally, the man met Anon's eyes and gave him a small smile, "Ah, Anon. What can I do for you?"
  2287. >Anon took a deep breath. He had to tread carefully here.
  2288. "I, uh, saw your interview in the paper."
  2289. >Sheriff Ginsing did not react, except to say, "And?"
  2290. >Anon laid a hand on Applejack's head.
  2291. "Well, I'm sure you're gettin' a lotta flak for it, what with how that reporter blew it outta proportion like that. I just wanted you to know not everybody is upset about it."
  2292. >He nodded thoughtfully, "Yes, I had wondered whether you might approach me about it. You are quite friendly with your own ponies, aren't you?"
  2293. >Anon shrugged.
  2294. "I try to be kind and understanding, but there's only so much I can do what with the times being what they are."
  2295. >"Indeed." The sheriff leaned back in his chair, interlacing his fingers across his belly. "Now tell me, why are you here?"
  2296. >Anon hesitated.
  2297. "Like I said, I--"
  2298. >He cut Anon off with a wave of a hand, "Don't give me that shit. Nobody comes to the sheriff just to be nice, not even you. You want something; out with it."
  2299. >Anon blinked, opened his mouth, then closed it again, not sure where to go from here.
  2300. >Applejack came to his rescue, saying, "Please sir, we was just hopin' you'd be willing to... well, lean into the image a bit."
  2301. >The sheriff frowned, "What exactly do you mean by that?"
  2302. >"Um, just maybe be more open with your support?" He stared at her in silence and she continued hesitantly, "I mean... it's just, us ponies... we got it real rough, you know? Havin' someone as respected as you standin' up for us... well, it'd do wonders for everypony's morale in town--even neighboring towns!"
  2303. >The sheriff folded his arms and let out a long and suffering sigh.
  2304. >"Listen, pony, I'm gonna be frank with you. I'm nice to my own ponies because I learned the hard way I ain't got it in me to whip 'em when they deserve it. So I let 'em do what they like, and as it turns out, if you're nice to them, they'll be nice to you in return. They do what I need them to do without any sort of threat. I imagine you're the same, right?"
  2305. >Applejack nodded slowly, "Anon here is kind to us, so we help him in return. I understand."
  2306. >The sheriff leaned forward again and said, "But just 'cause I found an easier way to get y'all to do what you're supposed to do, don't mean I'm about to put my career on the line just to vouch for your freedom."
  2307. >Applejack's ears flipped back, "W-Well... I'm sorry to hear that."
  2308. >Anon had an idea. A dangerous idea, but an idea nonetheless.
  2309. "Hey Sheriff, have you heard the rumors about this, ah... freedom trail or what-have-you?"
  2310. >He nodded cautiously, "I've heard of it, yes. You have information?"
  2311. "Oh, nothin' the rumors aren't already sayin', I just wondered what you thought of it."
  2312. >Applejack let out a little cough and the sheriff eyed Anon suspiciously.
  2313. >"I think that, noble as it may seem, it's a damn fool's errand that's bound to get everyone involved imprisoned at best, killed at worst."
  2314. "Noble?"
  2315. >Sheriff Ginsing's mouth twitched, "Nevermind. It's a fool's errand, everybody knows it."
  2316. >Anon went with his gut and took a gamble.
  2317. "And what if y'all were to meet this fool?"
  2318. >The sheriff slowly stood.
  2319. >"Well, I'd be duty bound to arrest him on the spot, of course."
  2320. >Anon folded his arms, trying to ignore the nervous fluttering in his stomach. He glanced down at Applejack and saw she was staring at him with thinly veiled horror. He looked up again, ignoring her silent protests.
  2321. "And how about if ya met him while you were off-duty? Say, at the bar after hours with a beer in your hand?"
  2322. >Sheriff Ginsing leaned forward, knuckles resting on his desk, and lowered his voice.
  2323. >"I'd applaud his courage, then tell him to never mention it in my presence again."
  2324. >Anon resisted the urge to sigh and instead stepped forward and extended a hand.
  2325. "Good to see you again, Sheriff. I'll get out of your hair now."
  2326. >He shook Anon's hand, looking more suspicious than ever, and Anon turned around and walked for the door.
  2327. >"Anon."
  2328. >He froze, then slowly turned around.
  2329. "Yes, sir?"
  2330. >The man was still standing, his arms folded, and chewed on his tongue a bit before he said, "I ain't a fool, Anon. Now I'm bound by the law too and I've procedures that must be followed, but that don't mean I can't bend the rules a little now and then. But I can only bend them, no more. You understand me?"
  2331. >Anon nodded somberly.
  2332. "I understand. Thank you."
  2333. >He sat again and looked down at his paperwork, adding quietly, "Don't mention it. Ever."
  2334. "Yes, sir."
  2335. >Anon whirled around and left, Applejack hot on his tail. As soon as the door closed behind them, she hissed, "What'd you go and do a fool thing like that for? He saw right through you!"
  2336. >He grinned down at her.
  2337. "Of course he did."
  2338. >"Then what--"
  2339. "The last thing he said, about bending the rules?"
  2340. >"Yeah, but--"
  2341. >Anon stopped and turned to face her.
  2342. Don't ya see? He basically just agreed to protect us."
  2343. >Applejack frowned. "I don't follow."
  2344. >Anon sighed.
  2345. "Look, he said he's no fool, right?"
  2346. >"Yeah...?"
  2347. "That's him saying he saw through me--he knows we're at least some part of the 'freedom trail', the railroad."
  2348. >"And that's bad!"
  2349. "By itself, yes. But AJ, it's the rest of what he said that matters. I could feel it... he don't WANT to arrest us. He can't help directly, but he wishes he could, so he's doing the next best thing: keeping the law off our back--at least as best as he can. If we go and do something real stupid, he can't help us, but as long as we're quiet, he'll keep the heat off us."
  2350. >Applejack shook her head, "That seems mighty questionable to me, Anon."
  2351. >He set a hand on her cheek.
  2352. "Just trust me, alright? I got a feeling."
  2353. >She blushed, her cheek warming under his palm, then turned away.
  2354. >"Alright, Anon. I trust you."
  2355. >He stood and they started heading back toward the bar, but were immediately cut off by a small wagon that flew by, nearly running Anon over in the process. It was going so fast it looked like it was on the verge of falling apart, and yet still the man driving the thing was howling at the mare to hurry up and go faster, swinging a whip in a threatening circle above his head. Anon felt a vein in his forehead start to pulse with rage as the man whipped around a corner and out of sight.
  2356. >"Poor mare," Applejack muttered, "Not even an earth pony. I'm surprised she was even able to go that fast."
  2357. "I think we found our next target..."
  2358. >Applejack turned to him and hissed, "Anon, we've talked about this! We can't keep goin' for ponies in our own town, it's gonna get us caught!"
  2359. >He waved a dismissive hand at her.
  2360. "It's been months since we caught anyone here, we'll be fine. I ain't about to let an asshole like that go unchallenged. C'mon, let's see where he ended up."
  2361. >Anon strode purposefully after the wagon with Applejack following after, taking a shortcut between two rows of buildings. They came out of the alley just in time to see the wagon pull up short at the town's farmer supply store. As the man hopped down from the wagon, he snarled something under his breath at the pony, a lilac colored pegasus with dark green mane and tail, and she cowered back from his raised hand. The man let his hand drop back to his side and rolled his eyes before stepping through the store door.
  2362. >Anon walked after him, muttering to Applejack.
  2363. "You know the drill. Talk to her, see what's what. I'll follow him."
  2364. >She sighed and nodded, and Anon made a show of leading her to the fence and hitching her tight so she'd stay put--right beside the wagon. When he stepped inside the store, the man was already ranting at the lady behind the counter.
  2365. >"What do you mean you don't have any!?"
  2366. >"Sir, there's no need to--"
  2367. >"Yer tellin' me I fuckin' came all the way down here for nothin'?"
  2368. >Anon made himself look busy roaming the shelves of farm equipment.
  2369. >"I'm very sorry sir, but we have several other kinds of--"
  2370. >"I can't use any o' that shit! It's gotta be alfalfa!"
  2371. >"Well, our next batch is due to be delievered in three days, so--"
  2372. >"Three DAYS!? Oh fer Christ's sake."
  2373. >The man whirled around and stomped out the front door. Anon waited as long as he dared, then stepped out after him. The wagon was already gone.
  2374. "Which way'd he go?"
  2375. >Applejack pointed a hoof down the road, "Thataway, then to the right on the main street."
  2376. "And what'd you learn?"
  2377. >She scowled, "He treats Grace, the pegasus, like dirt. Constantly screams at her no matter how hard she tries. She was on the verge of tears the whole time we was talkin'." Her scowl deepened, "I ain't got no qualms goin' after him after talkin' with her."
  2378. "Good. He's from a farm 'round here. Follow him, report back to base. I'll get everything ready."
  2379. >She nodded, then galloped away and around the bend. Anon immediately turned back in the direction of the bar, a grim smile creeping onto his face.
  2380. >The game was on.
  2382. ...
  2384. >Applejack flew around the corner, swerved to avoid a man carrying a barrel over one shoulder, and pounded down the path. She caught a glimpse of the wagon through the crowd just as it made another turn and she charged after it. That man must be working that little mare to death, going this fast! Her muzzle was set in a thin, determined line. They'd get her out of here, alright.
  2385. >She whipped around the second turn and came up short, faced with a long path that gently wound off into the distance. She'd be visible behind him for a mile! She had to think fast, and decided it was better to risk getting seen than to risk losing him. She reared, forelegs kicking, then plowed onward through the wagon's dust trail.
  2386. >Eventually he slowed and turned into a gated farm. Applejack quickly dove into a bush, feeling a little winded herself--and if she was winded, she could only imagine the state of the pegasus pulling that cart.
  2387. >She peered out through the leaves, then flinched as she heard a whip crack through the air, followed by a piercing cry. Applejack balked immediately. She couldn't take it, not for one second. She knew where he lived now, her job was done. She flung herself out of the bush and raced back up the path back into town, trying to ignore the repeated cracks of the whip, folding her ears back against the sound.
  2388. >That sound... she could still feel the scars across her back. Her first owner had quickly made sure she would hate all humans for the rest of her life. All except Anon, that is.
  2389. >She jumped on the thought of him, glad for any distraction from the horrible memories of the whip. Anon... what was she going to do with him? She knew he couldn't forget what she'd said, and she certainly wasn't going to either. Things would never be normal between them again.
  2390. >Tartarus, why'd her big mouth always have to get her into trouble? That's what'd gotten her kicked out by her third master. Also her fourth, actually, though that was different. But now she'd gone and blown it with the first human she felt like she could trust. How could they work together after this? Surely Anon would just feel awkward whenever they were together, right?
  2391. >Well... he'd seemed fine just now, when they were headed to the sheriff. But then, that was different; they were distracted by the enormous opportunity they'd been faced with. It'd seemed to be a flop in her mind, whatever Anon said, but still, they'd been distracted. As soon as the distractions stopped taking up their mind, Anon would realize he couldn't feel comfortable around her.
  2392. >Applejack blinked, surprised to find herself back in town already. She shook the thoughts from her head and slowed to a trot as she took the last corner and approached the Rotted Den.
  2393. >As soon as she stepped inside, Carter waved over his shoulder. "Go on, he's been waiting for you."
  2394. >She nodded and trotted into the kitchen, quickly manipulating the secret door open. As soon as she stepped into the living room, Anon practically bounced off the couch, Dash hopping up a moment later.
  2395. >"Did you catch him?"
  2396. "Oh, I caught him alright."
  2397. >She winced as she recalled the whips once again.
  2398. "He whipped her as soon as they got back."
  2399. >"Bastard! Just taking out his anger on her, no doubt..."
  2400. >Anon donned his bags and coat, muttering angrily to himself, then picked her saddle up off the table.
  2401. >"C'mon, lets go."
  2402. >She faltered.
  2403. "Right this second?"
  2404. >"Yes! I don't want to leave that poor mare with that piece of shit a second longer than I have to!"
  2405. >Applejack reluctantly sidled up beside him, not sure what she should say. Maybe it'd be okay and they'd stay distracted for the whole trip. Anon certainly didn't seem to mind as he slapped the saddle down and strapped her in.
  2406. >"Okay, let's go."
  2407. >"Wait!" Rainbow Dash cried, holding out a hoof, "I wanna help!"
  2408. >"Dash, it's too risky!"
  2409. >"I don't care, let me come, please? I'll be good, I promise!"
  2410. >Anon hesitated, scowled, then grunted, "You'd better not--"
  2411. >Playdoh stumbled out from one hallway, saying, "Are you rescuing somepony? Oh, let me join you!"
  2412. >Anon threw up his hands, "Alright, fine! Come on, both o' y'all. Just don't get in the damn way."
  2413. >The group moved through the doors and, once outside, Anon climbed up onto Applejack with practiced ease. She tried not to think of how he'd accused her of enjoying being between his legs like this, which of course reminded her of just that. Her ears folded back and Anon patted her neck.
  2414. >"You alright, girl?"
  2415. "Y-Yeah, fine. C'mon."
  2416. >She accelerated into a long trot. Playdoh should be able to keep up with his short legs, and it wouldn't be too taxing for Rainbow Dash's limited endurance--she still wasn't fully recovered yet.
  2417. >As they trotted along, Applejack shared the details of what she'd learned with the other three. She and Grace hadn't had much time to talk outside the store, but she'd learned enough to know Grace was treated horrendously, and now she'd seen enough to prove it. Simply hurrying your ponies was one thing, but pushing them that hard for no good reason, then whipping them in anger despite them doing nothing wrong? This man was downright cruel.
  2418. >She could feel Anon growing more tense with her every word. His riding was getting tight and hard, not moving with her as he should. She slowed a bit and wiggled her back to give him a hint, which he noticed immediately, loosened up, and she picked up the pace again. He was a good rider, responsive and flexible, calm yet decisive. She had a lot of respect for him both in the saddle and out. If he'd kept her as a slave she might not have even minded given enough time. She wondered what he'd do with her if he owned her completely.
  2419. >Her ears flattened again as she suppressed those thoughts. Now was NOT the time! Heavens forbid she winked with Dash and Playdoh around... she'd never live it down, and it'd only take one time for both of them to smell it.
  2420. >Anon himself provided a distraction, asking, "So, Playdoh, I hear you can take all sorts of shapes, yeah?"
  2421. >The little stallion disguise flipped his ears back in dismay. "I'd, uh, hoped to help as a pony."
  2422. >Anon clicked his tongue and said, "Listen buddy, we accept you for what you are. You ain't gotta be ashamed of it. You got a gift, a special talent that no other pony is gonna be able to do, and something that'll be invaluable to our efforts if I'm understanding it right."
  2423. >Playdoh looked up, his eyes shining, "You... really mean it?"
  2424. >Anon nodded, giving Applejack a squeeze to prompt her.
  2425. "T-That's right. We've already accepted you, and we ain't about to go back on our word."
  2426. >She gave him a sheepish smile.
  2427. "If I can accept you, anypony can."
  2428. >Playdoh smiled nervously back at her, then looked down at the ground.
  2429. >After a moment, he said, "Well... yes, I can take almost any form, as small as a rat or as big as a yak."
  2430. >Anon hummed thoughtfully.
  2431. "Ya got a plan cooking in there, partner?"
  2432. >He nodded, "I believe so, AJ." He turned to Playdoh, "I'm guessin' you gotta see a form before you can imitate it, right?"
  2433. >"Yeah?"
  2434. >"Okay, so here's what I'm thinkin'. I distract the guy while y'all sneak in to see Grace. Playdoh, you take her form as soon as you see her." He hesitated, then added, "Actually, maybe wait until she's gone so she doesn't freak out about you, eh?" Playdoh nodded and he continued, "Alright. AJ, you carry Grace out while I'm distracting the guy, since I'm sure she's in no condition to run back to our base. Playdoh, you take her place. Dash, you find a place to hide. Once Grace is safe and once the asshole has seen Playdoh as Grace is still there, Playdoh can take a small form to escape and hitch a ride on your back to homebase. Sound good?"
  2435. >Playdoh hesitantly asked, "Um, why do I need to take her place at all?"
  2436. >"Because," Anon said, "I want the man to see she's still there after I talk to him. That way he don't connect me with the theft, since we're in the same town and all. Be sure and wait around a bit before you disappear, give him time to relax."
  2437. >Rainbow Dash said, "What do I do if he spots me?"
  2438. >Anon shrugged, "Run like hell, I guess. You ain't his property so it's not like he can beat you."
  2439. >"Um," Playdoh said, "Then what do I do?"
  2440. >"Fly away or something!" Anon said, a bit exasperated, "Listen, I can't plan out every possible outcome. If y'all want to help, ya gotta learn to do some quick thinking on your feet. Hooves. Whatever."
  2441. >Applejack chuckled, more from nerves than from any humor.
  2442. "Y'all'll be fine, don't worry. Worst thing that can happen is you have to run away. He can't keep you or anything."
  2443. >Anon shuffled awkwardly, "Well, worst thing that can happen is I can't distract him long enough and he catches a glimpse of Applejack stealin' Grace."
  2444. "Let's hope that don't happen, then."
  2445. >"Agreed."
  2446. >They trotted on in silence for some time. When trotting like this, Anon was bouncing around too much for her to really feel his mood like she could when walking, so she could only get a rough idea of how tense or relaxed he was. He was a little tense, but didn't seem any moreso than usual. She was certainly tense, though. Her mind refused to focus on anything except Anon's presence on her back, and, to her dismay, she could feel herself getting damp. If Dash or Playdoh caught a whiff of that...
  2447. >She shook her head and snorted, which probably startled Anon, but oh well. She had to get her mind off of him and onto other things.
  2448. >The changeling. That was the one thing that was more pressing on her mind than Anon. She'd talked friendly enough, but could she really accept him? What if he dropped the disguise, just hung out in his natural form? Could she handle seeing that at the dinner table every day?
  2449. >Somewhat to her surprise, she found the idea was not as repugnant as it might have seemed just a day or two ago. Instead, she found herself curious, in a morbid sort of way. All her life, she'd feared and hated the changelings. Now, she was trying to befriend one. It was doing a number on her mind, that was for sure.
  2450. >Applejack slowed suddenly.
  2451. "We're here."
  2452. >Anon immediately hopped off her back, saying, "Alright. Let me adjust the saddle so Grace can ride you. Dash, find a place to hide. Remember you might be there a while."
  2453. >Applejack saw her glance forlornly at the branches of a nearby tree and a pang of sadness pierced her heart. She desperately hoped Dash's wings could be healed, but if anypony could do it, it'd be Tonic. That stallion could take a mare apart and put her back together again and she'd feel right as rainbows.
  2454. >She wrenched her thoughts back to the present as Rainbow Dash trotted away towards a large clump of bushes. She glanced at Playdoh as Anon shimmied her saddle around a bit.
  2455. "Y'all might wanna take an unassumin' form for a bit, let me carry ya in, then when I take Grace away, y'all just hop off an' take her place."
  2456. >Playdoh avoided her gaze awkwardly, and after a few seconds, she huffed.
  2457. "Look, Playdoh... it's fine. Just go ahead and transform. I swear I ain't about to buck you or nothin'."
  2458. >He shuffled nervously, then straightened and nodded to her. There was a swirling burst of green flame, and Playdoh vanished. Seconds later, a ladybug drifted slowly into Applejack's view and landed on her snout. She squinted, crossing her eyes at the little insect.
  2459. "Playdoh? That you on my muzzle?"
  2460. >The ladybug ran around in a tight circle, then buzzed its wings. She took that to mean yes.
  2461. "Alright. Anon, you about done back there? I ain't carryin' her far, y'know."
  2462. >"I know, I know," he said, "I'm just worried about the state she's in after all that hard galloping."
  2463. "I'll take care of her. You know I will. Go on, git. We need that asshole good and distracted. Go play your part."
  2464. >Anon stepped back and nodded. "You're right. Stay here by this tree--you oughta be able to see me talkin' with him, but still be able to sneak away without him noticing. I'll try and keep him turned thataway."
  2465. >Applejack nodded and watched Anon jog away toward the farmhouse.
  2466. >She let out a nervous puff of air. This had to be the most short-notice heist they'd ever attempted. But at least it was keeping them all distracted from their... relationship trouble. Aside from now, at least.
  2467. >With a little snort, Applejack shook her head and bore down on her focus. This was not the time to get bogged down on something like that. She had a job to do, and she'd be damned if she was gonna screw things up because she was too busy thinking about Anon's...
  2468. >She snorted again. Golly, it was like she was a filly in her first rut again. She hadn't had a male on her mind this bad in years.
  2469. >Then she saw Anon step back from the door as the asshole man stepped out to greet him, and she slunk back further into hiding.
  2470. >She could only just barely hear the faint mumbling of indistinct conversation as Anon greeted the man and gestured toward the farm--in the direction opposite of the barn where Grace was staying. The man stepped down and stuck his thumbs in his overall straps, clearly proud of himself. It was a nice farm, Applejack had to admit, but she hated to think how hard this poor mare had been worked to make it so nice in the first place.
  2471. >As soon as Anon got the man to turn away from her direction, she began sneaking toward the barn. She kept low and slow, slinking across the road and slipped between the fence planks, then hurried across the lawn and tucked herself up against the side of the barn. So far so good.
  2472. >She quietly opened the side door and slipped inside.
  2473. >Applejack gasped.
  2474. >Inside was Grace... and about a dozen other ponies, all looking equally worn and exhausted. Mostly earth ponies, but a couple of pegasi and unicorns too, all looking haggard and worn and severely depressed--some of them with fresh whip marks on their back, untreated and exposed. Applejack hadn't seen so many ponies in one place since the last time she was up for auction! They couldn't possibly rescue all of them.
  2475. >"Think, Applejack!" she chided herself. "What can we do today?"
  2476. >...Nothing, she realized. They couldn't possibly take all the ponies, she couldn't bear to leave any of them behind, and their own rule was to never hit the same target twice. That meant their only option was to rescue all the ponies at once. This was going to take more than a back-of-the-napkin plan thrown together last-minute.
  2477. >She sidled up to Grace and whispered in her ear.
  2478. "Grace... it's me, from the clinic, remember?"
  2479. >The mare's eyes lit up with recognition and she opened her muzzle excitedly.
  2480. "Shhh! Quiet... Listen, we're gonna get you out of here. We're gonna save you from this cruel and evil owner, okay?"
  2481. >A rustle began to stir among the ponies. They had heard her words, despite her whispering. She raised her voice slightly to a hoarse whisper.
  2482. "Some of you may have heard of a secret path to Vancouver? Well, it starts right here, in this very town. And we're gonna get you on that path."
  2483. >The rustling grew to a murmur and Applejack raised her voice further.
  2484. "But we didn't know there was so many of you, so you gotta give us some time, okay? But have faith, keep your hopes up--rescue is coming soon!"
  2485. >A pony whooped and another clopped their hooves. Applejack waved her hooves frantically.
  2486. "Quiet, quiet! He cannot know anything is going on! Above all else, this MUST remain a secret from any non-ponies, understand?"
  2487. >There was a general mumbling of assent and Applejack relaxed slightly and began shuffling toward the door.
  2488. "I can't say when we'll be back, but I promise we will return. It might be days, it might be weeks, but we WILL return."
  2489. >She stepped backward out the door and spun around, half expecting to find the terrible man looming right behind her... but there was nothing.
  2490. >Then she bit her tongue to suppress a yelp as a flash of green flame exploded beside her and Playdoh was abruptly standing there.
  2491. >"A-Applejack, can we really rescue that many?"
  2492. "Yes! We have to! Now get back in hiding, dammit, we aren't safe yet!"
  2493. >Playdoh mumbled, "Sorry..." and the ladybug reappeared and fluttered back onto her muzzle.
  2494. >Applejack slid to the edge of the barn and slowly peered around the corner. Anon was facing her directly, with the man facing the opposite direction, close enough now that she could make out their conversation.
  2495. >"Well you see," Anon was saying, "A good source of wheat and tomatoes is exactly what I need, I just have to inspect them before I go agreein' to anything. Y'all understand that, don't ya?"
  2496. >The cruel man nodded and mumbled something Applejack didn't catch. She waved to catch Anon's attention and he glanced at her. She made a slicing motion across her neck to indicate he needs to cut it short and they need to get out of there. His eyes widened slightly, and he swiftly patted the man on the shoulder.
  2497. >"Tell ya what. How about I return tomorrow when you've had some time to prepare, alright? No no, I insist. I wouldn't want to impose on you last minute like this. Nah, it's fine, I swear! Just take your time, get everything in order, an' I'll see ya tomorrow, alright?"
  2498. >As he spoke, Applejack slunk across the yard and back through the fence, then propped herself up beside the tree just in time for the man to turn around and see her standing there.
  2499. >"That your pony? Saddled? You ride it?"
  2500. >Anon nodded, "Sure do. I'll just be off, now."
  2501. >The man rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Well, now ain't that a thought an' a half..."
  2502. >They parted, the man walking slowly back into his home as Anon jogged back to Applejack. As soon as he approached, he began reshuffling the saddle for his own use again and said, "So? What's wrong?"
  2503. "Anon... it's not just Grace. He's got at least a dozen ponies in there."
  2504. >He gaped at her, "A dozen!?"
  2505. >She nodded glumly.
  2506. "And I done promised them we'll get them out."
  2507. >"You did WHAT?"
  2508. >He rubbed his face with both hands.
  2509. >"Applejack, we can't rescue a dozen ponies! How in the goddamn are we gonna rescue all of them!?"
  2510. "I don't know! But we'd better figure somethin' out, 'cause I'll be damned if I'm breakin' my promise to them poor ponies."
  2511. >She turned and nudged him to tell him to hop on. He took the hint, swinging himself up into the saddle.
  2512. >Applejack trotted toward the bush where Dash was hiding, and she climbed out as they approached.
  2513. >"Something went wrong?"
  2514. "Very. He's got way more ponies than just Grace."
  2515. >"Oh. And that's bad?"
  2516. >Anon nodded, "Very! And Applejack here just promised them we're gonna save them all somehow, without havin' a damn clue how we're gonna do it."
  2517. >"That does sound bad."
  2518. >There was another burst of green flame as Playdoh took his place on Applejack's other side and they all began trotting down the path.
  2519. >Anon sighed heavily.
  2520. >"What have you gotten us into, girl?"
  2522. ...
  2524. >"A dozen ponies?"
  2525. >"My dear, you can't be serious."
  2526. >"Oh my gosh, I can't--"
  2527. >"W-What if we tried--"
  2528. >"I didn't mean to--"
  2529. >"A whole goddamn dozen?"
  2530. >"Goodness, you are serious."
  2531. >"Um, couldn't I just sneak in and--"
  2532. >"I mean, WE can't, there's no way to--"
  2533. >"It ain't like we--"
  2534. >"A DOZEN!?"
  2535. >"Can't we j-just--"
  2536. >Anon slammed his fist down on the dining room table.
  2537. "ENOUGH!"
  2538. >Everypony fell silent and stared at him. He stared right back at each in turn.
  2539. "Fuckin' Christ, I can't even hear myself think. How the hell are we supposed to figure anything out talkin' over one another like that?"
  2540. >Applejack cautiously said, "Okay, then... what do we do?"
  2541. >Anon rubbed his forehead.
  2542. "Alright, let's take this one step at a time. I think it's obvious we're going to have to stake the place out to start. Anyone got any ideas on making that easier?"
  2543. >Playdoh tentatively raised a hoof.
  2544. "Yes?"
  2545. >"Um, I-I could hide out as a bird or something in a nearby tree."
  2546. >Anon pointed sharply at him.
  2547. "Good plan. But you can't do all the watching on your lonesome, we gotta take turns. Anyone else?"
  2548. >Rainbow Dash glanced at Tonic, then back at Anon. "I think with another healing session or maybe two I could glide..."
  2549. >She trailed off as Tonic tapped the table, shaking his head. "I'm sorry, but as I said the other night, your muscles and bones are in no state to support your weight. You must be patient, my dear."
  2550. >"Patience ain't never been Dash's strong suit," Applejack said with a wry smirk.
  2551. >Rainbow Dash rolled her eyes, "Alright fine, I can't hide in a tree. Whatever. I'll just hide in that same bush as I did earlier."
  2552. >"And I can help too!" Scootaloo said, nodding eagerly, "I got tons of downtime in between meals."
  2553. >Anon shrugged his shoulders.
  2554. "Yeah, I guess that works. It's a pretty decent little vantage point. Between the four of y'all we oughta be able to work out his schedule within a few days."
  2555. >He leaned forward onto the table.
  2556. "Now, assumin' we get a window of opportunity, what do we do with it? Can't just walk up and take 'em, now can we?"
  2557. >Everypony shuffled awkwardly but nobody spoke up. Anon sighed.
  2558. "Well... I was hopin' one of y'all had a better idea. Here's what I figure. We can't do it while he's away or we'd miss one of the ponies--whoever he takes with him. That means we gotta distract him real good... or do it while he's asleep."
  2559. >Carter sucked at his teeth, "I don't know, Anon... doin' much of anything that late at night ain't exactly layin' low."
  2560. >Anon chuckled ruefully.
  2561. "I think we're way past layin' low, planning a heist like this."
  2562. >He sighed, "Fair enough."
  2563. "Still, it's a good point. Better to do it in the day if we can. So how can we distract him?"
  2564. >Rainbow Dash muttered, "Why don't you just challenge him to a duel?"
  2565. >"Dash!" Applejack said sharply.
  2566. >"What!? It's not like Anon's afraid of killing!"
  2567. >"Only when he has to! Dangit, I thought you were--"
  2568. "Girls!"
  2569. >They both stopped and stared at him. First he turned to Applejack, his tone sharp.
  2570. "Listen: quit blaming her. It's a fair judgement from what she's seen of me."
  2571. >She opened her muzzle to counter but he cut her off.
  2572. "I intend to prove her wrong, alright? But it ain't gonna happen overnight. Just fuckin' leave it for now, we got more important things to talk about."
  2573. >He turned to Rainbow Dash without waiting for Applejack to reply.
  2574. "And you listen: I don't like killing and I never have. Problem is, I'm good at it, and sometimes that comes in handy. I don't do it unless I absolutely have to, but times bein' what they are... well, sometimes I have to."
  2575. >She looked away awkwardly, but he snapped his finger at her.
  2576. "Don't you look away. Now sure, killin' him would be quick an' easy, but like hell I'm committin' murder right in our backyard if I don't have to, especially with what the Sheriff just told us."
  2577. >He leaned back in his chair, his tone softening somewhat.
  2578. "And besides, if we can come up with something better, then I ain't gotta kill him in the first place, right? So let's work on that."
  2579. >Rainbow Dash slunk back in her seat, seeming embarrassed, and Scootaloo leaned over to pat her forehoof comfortingly. Anon glanced at Applejack and saw she looked grumpy, but she didn't say anything, so he continued.
  2580. "Okay, with that straightened out, anyone got any better ideas than just killing the bastard?"
  2581. >Playdoh raised a hoof again.
  2582. "Just speak, boy."
  2583. >"U-Um. I could trap him in, uh... in a cocoon."
  2584. "A what now?"
  2585. >He shuffled awkwardly, clearly regretting speaking up.
  2586. >"The, uh, stuff I mentioned, that we build our hive out of... it can, um... well, it can trap ponies for h-harvesting."
  2587. >He winced as if expecting some sort of outburst, but when none came, he glanced around a bit before continuing.
  2588. >"I-I think it could trap humans, too. It keeps you in a... a sort of stasis. Suppresses creatures without hurting them."
  2589. >Anon nodded slowly.
  2590. "Okay... how long does it take to encase someone?"
  2591. >He hesitated, "By myself? Uh, maybe... ten, fifteen of your minutes? We usually do it as a bunch of us working together... l-like we do everything, really. Used to." He closed his eyes and shuddered.
  2592. "Too slow. Even if I manage to sneak up so he don't see me, I could only knock him out for a couple minutes, tops."
  2593. >"We could set some of his crop on fire," Applejack said, cringing at the idea, "That'd distract him for sure."
  2594. >Carter shook his head, "It would, but he'd likely call his ponies for help. No good."
  2595. >There was a long silence.
  2596. >Finally, Tonic sighed and said quietly, "Well, I suppose there's no other way..." He looked up at the rest of the table. "I wasn't always a medical pony. Let's, ah... not get into the how or the why just now, but I happen to know a spell for putting somepony out of action. Not really sleep, more like... dazed for an extended period. He wouldn't know what was happening for some time."
  2597. >Rainbow Dash stared at him in awe.
  2598. >"Are you... were you in Celestia's--"
  2599. >Tonic cut her off quickly, "As I said, the how or the why is not important this very moment. What IS important is I cannot say how long he would be out of the picture. It was never particularly consistent, varying from pony to pony, and humans have faster recovery and stronger wills. I wouldn't count on more than ten minutes. Twenty if fortune smiles upon us."
  2600. >Playdoh shifted nervously. "I, uh... I think I can do ten minutes, if I hurry. But, um... w-well..." He trailed off, staring down at the table.
  2601. "But what, Playdoh?"
  2602. >He grimaced and muttered, "I never should have brought it up..." then louder, "I would have to be in my natural form to do it."
  2603. >Anon caught a twitch of Applejack's ears, but she did not otherwise react.
  2604. >Scootaloo now leaned to her other side to comfort Playdoh instead, and said, "It's alright, buddy. You're helping out like no other pony--or creature--could. Isn't that right, Applejack?"
  2605. >She looked up, startled to be called out. "Uh, what? Y-Yeah, sure. It's fine, I guess."
  2606. >"See?" said Scootaloo, "If AJ's okay with it, s'all good."
  2607. >Playdoh nodded, looking a little more confident as he replied, "You're right... I can help. I can."
  2608. >"Alright, so we have our, eh... 'distraction'," Carter said uncomfortably, "Now what do we do with all them ponies?"
  2609. >Anon rubbed his chin thoughtfully.
  2610. "Well, I been thinkin' about that. How about we get a big ol' cart an' have AJ and Dash pull it down there, then we load all the ponies in the back an' cover it up before we pull it back here?"
  2611. >"And then what? Lead them all into the bar in a long procession?"
  2612. "No, of course not. We got that delivery area out back, don't we? We ain't never used it, but there's no reason we can't."
  2613. >"Um, there's still a path back there," Scootaloo said, "You know that, right?"
  2614. "'Course I do, Scoot. But if we line up the back of the wagon with the door, ponies could hop right into the kitchen with hardly a hoof visible to anyone outside."
  2615. >Carter said again, "And what do we do with all them ponies once we got 'em here? We ain't got a dozen spare rooms lying around, y'know."
  2616. >Anon grimaced.
  2617. "Yeap, it's gonna be pretty crowded for a bit. Fortunately Jacob should be here by now, so they should only need to stay here for a couple of days, tops."
  2618. >Rainbow Dash tilted her head, "Jacob?"
  2619. "First step on the railroad. He's a traveling merchant with a huge cart full of goods. He should have arrived yesterday, if he's on time, which means he'll be leavin' in six days. He'll stop by us before he goes, and we load up as many ponies as we can. Then he takes 'em to a town called Verdan and drops 'em off at our next safehouse. Then he'll be back again in about a month."
  2620. >"Ah. And can they handle a dozen ponies?"
  2621. "Oh, sure. Next stop's an inn owned by a pair of old friends of mine named Daniel and Sarah--well actually Sarah's my cousin, not just a friend--and they got tons of space. They'll hold onto them and let 'em go two or three at a time to reduce suspicion."
  2622. >"Neat."
  2623. >Scootaloo nodded, "Yep! We've got it all sorted out. After Daniel and Sarah they go to a secluded farm ran by a real weird lady named Chrysanthemum--she goes by Kris--then to another little inn... and then there's that damned mine."
  2624. >Rainbow Dash tilted her head the other way. "Mine?"
  2625. >Anon grimaced and took over for her.
  2626. "It's a coal mine up in central Utah. Miles and miles of underground tunnels, all almost never seen by human eyes. Sounds like a perfect path to travel a long ways north without being seen, right?"
  2627. >"Sure... so why are you two acting like it's bad?"
  2628. >Anon sighed.
  2629. "Because ponies work the mine."
  2630. >"Well, I figured, but--"
  2631. "And the mine has to keep working to avoid suspicion."
  2632. >She frowned, "I still don't get what's the problem."
  2633. >Anon leaned forward, a grim expression on his face.
  2634. "Dash, think about it. We can't just send pony after pony on their way to freedom through this pony-run mine. One of the ponies working it would eventually get jealous an' report us out of spite if nothing else."
  2635. >"So..."
  2636. "So OUR ponies work the mine. Ponies we've rescued, and ponies others have rescued and sent along their own trail. They all work the mine."
  2637. >Her eyes widened in horror, "You mean they don't actually get to be free!?"
  2638. >Anon smiled sadly.
  2639. "For a time. It's only for a time. But it's necessary to avoid suspicion, and the foreman--forepony, I guess--is part of the network. He explains all of this to everypony what comes through."
  2640. >Anon shuffled in his seat, turning more towards Dash.
  2641. "See, it's like this: The mine is full of ponies our network has rescued, but humans don't come looking down there hardly ever, so they don't know who's who. All they know is the foreman... er, forepony. So it don't matter if the faces keep changing so long as the quota keeps gettin' met."
  2642. >"Hey Anon," said Carter, "I got a question about that I been meaning to ask you."
  2643. "Okay, shoot."
  2644. >"What happens to the mine if we and the other branches of this here railroad don't bring in enough ponies? Do the ponies working there just sorta hang out and keep working until more arrive?"
  2645. "Ah. Well, that has apparently happened once or twice, but we got two things protecting us from gettin' to that point again. First, there's a lot of branches. I mean, we're just one small part of the overall network, there's tons a lines feeding into this same coal mine."
  2646. >"I know that, but surely they ain't all consistent?"
  2647. "Nah, but as an overall average we are. And there's the second thing: the mine actually puts out a bit more coal than the quota requires. That means they got a reserve supply they can tap into when times are slow."
  2648. >"Ahh... so only if things are slow for a very long time do ponies need to stay working the mine for extra time?"
  2649. "That's right. So anyway--"
  2650. >"Uh, one more question, if'n you please," Carter interrupted.
  2651. "Okay?"
  2652. >"Who gets the money from selling the coal?"
  2653. >Anon hesitated, and everypony turned to focus on him.
  2654. "That's... complicated."
  2655. >"And why is that?" Carter asked innocently.
  2656. "Well, some of it goes to the owner of the mine, the one who talks with the forepony. He's rich, but he's stupid, and has never noticed what's going on in his mine. Some of it gets sent back to certain spots in the network to help them survive not making a profit--we're one of those. Most of the rest is given to each pony that comes through--they each get a small portion of the profits they make to help them set up a new home in Vancouver."
  2657. >"I see. And I suppose that motivates them to work a little harder, doesn't it?"
  2658. "Yeah. It's not a great system, but it works."
  2659. >He focused back onto Dash.
  2660. "Anyway, the ponies we rescue, they start working on the southern end, and slowly, over the course of a few weeks, they work their way up the mine, doing hard work all the while, but slowly inching closer to freedom. Then, once they reach the northern end, there's a train that loads up the coal--also part of our network. And guess where that train leads?"
  2661. >Dash shook her head silently.
  2662. "All the way to Vancouver."
  2663. >She gasped.
  2664. >"So it's just... get through that mine, and you're free?"
  2665. >Anon nodded.
  2666. "That's it. A few weeks of hard work in the mine to keep the suspicion off of our network, and you're a free pony."
  2667. >Scootaloo, who had been keeping silent up until this point, let out a deep sigh, her usual joy completely gone from her face.
  2668. >"It's terrible work. The worst. Dirty, hot, hard physical labor for weeks on end with shit food and shit air and shit sleep. Those poor ponies come out the other end looking like raggedy old starving mutts."
  2669. >Applejack sighed, "C'mon, not this again..." and Anon was inclined to agree.
  2670. "Scoot, you know it's the only way."
  2671. >She pounded the table with a hoof, "There's GOT to be a better way! There has to be!"
  2672. >Anon leaned back and folded his arms.
  2673. "Find it, then. You find me a better way, and I'll jump on it, you know I would."
  2674. >She didn't respond.
  2675. "Look Scootaloo, I hate that fucking mine just as much as you do but it's The. Only. Way."
  2676. >He stabbed a finger into the table as he enunciated each word, and Scootaloo turned sharply away, her ears flat against her skull. She looked like she wanted to say more, then she abruptly hopped from her chair and galloped out of the room. Rainbow Dash stared after her in shock, then turned back to Anon, utterly bewildered. Anon grimaced, gesturing after her.
  2677. "Something... happened, in the mine. That's why she hates it so much. It's not my place to tell, but let's just say it's a sore subject."
  2678. >Rainbow Dash slowly slid from her chair. "I'm gonna go... be with her."
  2679. >As she started to turn away, Applejack added, "Just follow her lead. She might want to talk about it, she might want to avoid the subject. She's a bit weird with that kinda thing." Rainbow Dash looked down thoughtfully, then nodded and trotted away and Anon turned back to the table with a little sigh.
  2680. "Alright. We've got most of a plan, it looks like. All we needs to figure out is where we're gonna get a wagon big enough to carry a dozen ponies."
  2681. >Carter said, "It don't have to be that big. We ponies can cram in pretty tight when we need to."
  2682. "You think we could fit that many in an ordinary traveling wagon?"
  2683. >Carter considered it, then nodded. "I think so. It'll be tight, but it's not like they have to go far. Half an hour, tops, and that's if Applejack goes at a walking pace."
  2684. >"Which I probably will, towin' a dozen ponies around," she said. "I'm strong, but that's a lot even for me."
  2685. "You'll have Dash to help out too."
  2686. >She waved a hoof dismissively and said, "Look, I love Dash, but she's weak even for a pegasus, and pegasi ain't nothin' compared to an earth pony. If we was in a race then sure, but towin' a heavy load? She may as well not even try for all the good she'll do."
  2687. >Anon folded his arms sourly.
  2688. "Well I gotta find somethin' for her to do. I'd hate to just leave her here alone."
  2689. >Carter chuckled dryly, then said, "You mean like you're doin' to me?"
  2690. "You gotta man the bar, you know that."
  2691. >The stallion sighed heavily, "I know, I know. Just sick of always bein' left out, that's all. I'm an earth pony too, y'know. I can help tow the cart."
  2692. >Anon rubbed at his chin again.
  2693. "Well... I guess we could close the bar and do it on wednesday since that's our slowest day. That should give us enough time to scout out the place."
  2694. >Carter grinned, "Thanks, Anon. I appreciate it."
  2695. >Anon nodded decisively.
  2696. "Alright, so there's our plan. Playdoh, go ahead over there are start scouting him out. Pay attention to the time of day--you ought to be able to still hear the church bell ringing out there. Keep track of when he leaves the house, when he sleeps, eats, wakes, etc. Any information you can glean about his daily habits. I'll send Dash in to relieve you after a few hours."
  2697. >Playdoh gave Anon a little salute and said, "I won't let you down, sir." Then he trotted out of the room before Anon could reply.
  2698. >Applejack giggled at him, "You are acting like the group's leader, y'know."
  2699. >Carter nodded agreement, "Not that I'm complaining. You did a good job keeping us focused."
  2700. >Anon rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
  2701. "I never meant to take charge over y'all."
  2702. >Applejack touched his forearm with a hoof and he looked to her. "You ain't takin' anything. We're happy to let you do it."
  2703. >"Indeed," said Tonic. "You make a fine captain."
  2704. >Anon looked around at Tonic, Carter, and Applejack, then let out a short sigh.
  2705. "Alright, well... maybe it's for the best. Just don't nobody start calling me master!"
  2706. >Applejack chuckled, "Don't you worry about that, partner."
  2707. "I guess that's that, then. I'll, uh, go look for a cart. Applejack, you coming?"
  2708. >"'Course."
  2709. >Anon stood, and the other three slid from their chairs after him. He looked around the room again, feeling uncomfortable with his supposed role as leader, then shrugged to himself.
  2710. >They weren't his slaves if they chose to follow his orders, right?
  2712. ...
  2714. >As Rainbow Dash stepped out into the hall, the first thing she noticed was that Scootaloo's bedroom door was wide open. She'd kind of expected Scootaloo to run to her room, but when she glanced inside, she found nothing. Then she heard a clang from the kitchen and sure enough, Scootaloo was in there getting some pots ready for cooking.
  2715. "Hey, Squirt."
  2716. >Scootaloo hesitated a moment before turning around to face her, her smile not quite reaching her eyes.
  2717. >"Hey Dash! I was just gonna get started on dinner, it's gonna take a while to stew."
  2718. >She turned back to the counter and pulled a small bowl out from the cupboard. Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment, feeling awkward and not sure what to do. The little pegasus peered over her shoulder at her and said, "Um, I don't really like ponies watching me cook."
  2719. "Scootaloo..."
  2720. >Rainbow Dash stepped a little closer and Scootaloo let out a sigh as she drew near.
  2721. >"Listen, I'm fine, okay? I just... didn't want to talk about it anymore, alright?"
  2722. >She turned back to the cupboard again, but this time she just stood there and stared. Rainbow Dash wrapped a hoof around her withers.
  2723. "You know... it's okay to be upset. I won't think you're lame or anything."
  2724. >Scootaloo let out an unconvincing chuckle and said, "It's not that, I just..."
  2725. >She trailed off and Rainbow Dash squeezed her closer.
  2726. "Anon said... something happened in the mine."
  2727. >Scootaloo's ears flipped back and she quickly clarified.
  2728. "He didn't say what, just that something happened."
  2729. >"Yeah, well, it did."
  2730. >They were both silent for a moment.
  2731. "Well... do you want to talk about it?"
  2732. >Scootaloo pulled away from her hug and said sharply, "No, Dash, I don't."
  2733. >Rainbow Dash stood there for a moment, then let out a slow breath as Scootaloo returned to her preparations.
  2734. "You know... Anon and Applejack taught me something the other day."
  2735. > She stood there in the middle of the kitchen, but Scootaloo just worked around her, seemingly ignoring her words.
  2736. "Something horrible happened to me, and I was trying to suppress it, pretend it didn't bother me. They helped me handle it and let me talk about it. And I realized... talking about it actually helped. It made it feel less horrible. It was like a bit of drag was lifted from my wings."
  2737. >Scootaloo stopped in the middle of pouring out some oats and let out a little snort.
  2738. >"Dash, I'm not suppressing it. I just don't feel like talking about it."
  2739. >Rainbow Dash grimaced. Maybe she shouldn't be pushing at all, but she felt she had to help Scootaloo somehow. Then she had an idea. She didn't like it, but maybe it would help Scootaloo open up.
  2740. "Scoots, look... That horrible thing? I was... my master did things to me. Things in, uh... in the bedroom. Things I'd rather forget."
  2741. >"Yeah, he raped you. Plenty of masters do."
  2742. >Rainbow Dash blinked, momentarily stunned. Then she sat down, hard. The blunt and matter-of-fact statement struck her like a freight train and left her feeling shook to her core. She bit her lip and closed her eyes, trying to fight back the tears that abruptly welled up, trying to swallow the lump in her throat, trying not to let the pain show. Her chest began to heave and shudder, the uneven breathing that accompanied it only heightening her anxiety.
  2743. >'Focus!' she thought to herself, 'You're stronger than this!'
  2744. >But she wasn't. The words echoed around and around in her head, repeating, "he raped you... he raped you..." It was obvious, really, but to hear it put so bluntly hurt her more than she'd expected.
  2745. >She felt hooves slowly wrap around her.
  2746. >"Sorry... I'm sorry." Scootaloo murmured the words as she squeezed her withers tight.
  2747. >Rainbow Dash collapsed into her embrace, letting the tears roll down her muzzle.
  2748. >"I thought... I don't know what I thought. I'm sorry, Dash."
  2749. >Rainbow Dash nuzzled her neck, unable to speak. They held each other like that for a few minutes while she got herself back under control. Eventually, she pulled away and wiped her face with a fetlock.
  2750. >"Sorry," Scootaloo repeated.
  2751. "It... it's fine. I think I needed to hear it."
  2752. >Scootaloo sat down, looking glum. Rainbow Dash turned and sat down beside her, and they both were silent for some time.
  2753. >Finally, Scootaloo took a deep breath as if to gather herself and said, "I watched somepony die down there."
  2754. >Rainbow Dash nodded grimly. Mines were dangerous places so she wasn't terribly surprised. Even so, she wrapped a hoof around Scootaloo's withers.
  2755. >"It, uh... it was a cave-in," she continued, the words soft and emotionless, "Boulder crushed her lower half. She still lived for another hour while everypony stood around and gawked. We were... close, so I stayed with her until the end. Tried to keep a smile up for her."
  2756. >Scootaloo shuddered, and a choked sob forced its way out of her throat. Rainbow Dash squeezed her tighter.
  2757. >"I... I'll never forget..."
  2758. >Rainbow Dash rubbed her shoulder.
  2759. "Shh... it's okay. Just--"
  2760. >"No, Dash, it's not!" Scootaloo pulled away and stared intensely at her with eyes damp with tears. She whispered fiercely, "P-Promise you won't tell!"
  2761. "What?"
  2762. >"Promise you won't tell a SOUL what I'm about to t-tell you!"
  2763. >Rainbow Dash only hesitated a moment before she nodded, looking concerned now.
  2764. "Yeah, of course I promise. Of course, Scoots. What's going on?"
  2765. >Scootaloo sat back down again, staring at the ground, her body shaking. Tears dripped down her muzzle but she made no effort to wipe them away. Finally, in a tiny voice almost too quiet to hear, she croaked, "It was Apple Bloom."
  2766. >Rainbow Dash gasped, both hooves flying to her muzzle, then she lurched forward to wrap Scootaloo up in a hug. Scootaloo choked on a sob and buried her face in her chest, and Rainbow Dash felt her own eyes grow damp. Little Apple Bloom? Dead? It couldn't be true.
  2767. >A horrible thought crossed her mind.
  2768. "S-Scoots..."
  2769. >Scootaloo's ears perked and she sniffed once, waiting to listen.
  2770. "Does... Does A-Applejack know?"
  2771. >She shook her head violently, then pulled back to stare up at Dash, looking horrified.
  2772. >"T-That's the worst p-part!" She said, trying to stay quiet despite the tears, "I n-never told her! C-Couldn't do it... I just couldn't..."
  2773. >Her head plunked down onto Dash's chest again and she just held her like that for what felt like ages. She heard ponies walking by outside the kitchen and even saw Anon poke his head into the doorway, but he made a silent "Oh" face and backed away quietly. Scootaloo's ear twitched, but she made no effort to look around. It was as if she had given up completely.
  2774. >Rainbow Dash reached down and gently lifted her head up to look into her eyes. They glistened in the dim light from the overhead lamp and the joy had gone from them completely. Dash opened her mouth to speak, but Scootaloo interrupted her.
  2775. >"You're going to say we have to tell Applejack, aren't you?"
  2776. "W-What?"
  2777. >Rainbow Dash blinked in surprise.
  2778. "No! No no no, hay no. Sweet Celestia could you imagine? I hope she never learns the truth."
  2779. >Scootaloo looked just as surprised as Dash, then looked down, shamefaced.
  2780. >"I haven't told anypony. Not a soul. I was always afraid... I'd have to tell her, too."
  2781. >"Tell who what?"
  2782. >They both jerked their heads around and stared wide-eyed at Applejack. She, in turn, looked startled by their expressions. Then Scootaloo bounced out of Rainbow Dash's grasp and bounded over to Applejack with a playful giggle.
  2783. >"What, and spoil the surprise? Nuh uh, shoo! Outta my kitchen!"
  2784. >Applejack backed up hesitantly, her ears flip-flopping in confusion .
  2785. >"I, uh... Alright, I guess..."
  2786. >She turned and trotted out, and Scootaloo lowered herself to the floor, looking back over her shoulder.
  2787. >"I got pretty good at hiding it."
  2788. >Rainbow Dash approached her slowly.
  2789. "It's... not ALL an act... right?"
  2790. >Scootaloo's eyes widened and she shook her head. "Oh no, most of the time I'm fine, really. I just..." She lowered her gaze, "I think about her sometimes, and I have to hide it. Everypony's counting on me to be the life of the party, y'know? It's not always easy, though."
  2791. "Don't I know it..."
  2792. >Rainbow Dash sat down beside her and cautiously extended a wing. It was stiff and popped audibly as she spread the long-disused joints, and she winced at the sound--and the sensation. She'd been considering hugging Scootaloo with a wing, but this stiff, gangly looking limb was not built for hugs. She slowly extended the other wing, and it was no better.
  2793. >"Does it hurt?" Scootaloo asked, looking concerned.
  2794. "No, it's just... uncomfortable."
  2795. >Rainbow Dash shuffled awkwardly.
  2796. "It must have been years since I opened them."
  2797. >Scootaloo seemed to hesitate, then nodded to herself and shuffled around behind Dash.
  2798. "What are you...?"
  2799. >She trailed off with a groan as hooves pressed into her shoulders and began to knead at the joint. Her wings sagged, stretching the ligaments as they drooped behind her, and Scootaloo began to press against the base of her wings. Dash grunted in surprise as two loud cracks echoed through the kitchen, and Scootaloo's hooves lifted in shock.
  2800. >"Oh gosh, are you--"
  2801. "No no, it's okay! I'm okay. Felt good, actually."
  2802. >Scootaloo tentatively resumed her massage, pulling a few more little clicks and cracks from her joints as she proceeded down the left wing. Rainbow Dash felt her muzzle grow warm at the intimate touch. Wings were sensitive limbs and, even in their lame and damaged state, she could still feel precisely where Scootaloo's hooves were. Touching another pony's wings was... well, not exactly taboo, but certainly not for anything less than a close friend. Rainbow Dash's blush deepened as Scootaloo proceeded down her wing and began fluffing the young feathers along her forward edge.
  2803. >Then, to her surprise, she found herself crying.
  2804. >It was subtle, with steady breathing rather than any dramatic weeping, but nevertheless, tears were streaming down her cheeks. It was as if Scootaloo were simply squeezing the tears out of her.
  2805. >Eventually, Scootaloo noticed and said, "W-Whoa, what's wrong, Dash?"
  2806. >She shook her head, flinging tears off to the side.
  2807. "I... I d-don't know--"
  2808. >She buried her face in her hooves as she choked on a quiet sob. Just the one. Then she took a deep breath and continued.
  2809. "I think... It's just been so long since... since I was touched... except by HIM."
  2810. >The venom and hatred in her voice surprised even her, and Scootaloo actually recoiled slightly. Then hooves slowly wrapped around her barrel and Scootaloo's muzzle tucked up against the side of her head. She said nothing, just held her for a moment, then let go and resumed her massage. About halfway through the second wing, Rainbow Dash's tears finally ran dry, and she sniffed heavily, wiping her face with a fetlock. Scootaloo finished up, then tucked herself in close to Dash's back again.
  2811. >"You're gonna be okay, Dash. You'll see. We're gonna help you be okay."
  2812. >She nodded, then let out a weak chuckle.
  2813. "All this crying... I'm so lame and weak now--"
  2814. >Scootaloo immediately leaned around her and stared into her eyes.
  2815. >"Hey, you are NOT weak! What you've been through, it would break lesser ponies, but here you are, still fighting strong." She slid around further and put her hooves on Rainbow Dash's shoulders, staring at her intensely. "You are amazing, Dash. Don't you ever forget it. I have never been more proud of you than I am right now."
  2816. >Rainbow Dash's face screwed up into something resembling a grin as she was overcome with a wave of emotion.
  2817. "Th-Thanks, Scoots."
  2818. >That was all she could manage, then her voice caught in her throat and she leaned forward into Scootaloo's embrace.
  2819. >She held her for a moment, then pushed her back upright.
  2820. >"Alright, enough moping for the both of us. Come and help me make dinner, yeah?"
  2821. >Rainbow Dash was so surprised her tears momentarily stopped.
  2822. "Uh... you sure you want my help?"
  2823. >"Sure!" She said happily, "How bad could it be?"
  2824. ...
  2825. >Several hours later, a haggard and shell-shocked Scootaloo covered with a multitude of ingredient splatters stumbled out of the kitchen carrying a pot of stew which appeared to be edible. Rainbow Dash, no less messy and looking horribly embarrassed, followed her into the dining room, wincing at the gasps and outcries from the rest of the group.
  2826. >"What the hell happened to you two?" Anon cried.
  2827. >Applejack added, "Y'all look like ya got in a fight with the entire pantry and lost."
  2828. >Scootaloo chuckled weakly and Rainbow Dash rubbed the back of her head.
  2829. "That's... a pretty good description, actually. I don't think I'm much of a cook."
  2830. >Scootaloo slid the pot onto the table and the others eyed it warily. She giggled, "Don't worry, I salvaged it. It's not what I had in mind, but it still tastes decent. I mean, it smells good, doesn't it?"
  2831. >The others conceded that yes, it did indeed smell good, and Scootaloo and Dash slid into their seats as the rest filled their bowls. Anon was the first to brave the stew, and to everyone's relief, he did not immediately collapse dead on the table. Instead, his eyebrows lifted and he took a second bite, nodding encouragingly at the rest of the table.
  2832. >Scootaloo relaxed visibly as the others--slowly at first, then with more enthusiasm--began to eat their stew. Rainbow Dash shrunk into her seat, aware that the awkwardness had been her fault, but Anon reached over and patted her hoof.
  2833. >"It's good, girl. You did fine. Really."
  2834. >Carter added, "Even if half the ingredients wound up on your flank rather than in the pot."
  2835. >Rainbow Dash chuckled weakly, then took a bite of her own. She'd tasted it earlier in the night and had almost gagged, but now, it was actually bearable. More than that, it was good! Scootaloo had indeed worked her magic and saved the meal, but Rainbow Dash knew she'd had nothing to do with it. She silently vowed never again to help Scootaloo--or anypony else--with the evening meal.
  2836. >Instead, she distracted herself by asking Anon a question.
  2837. "So... what'd you do about the watch on that guy? Wasn't I supposed to take over for Playdoh?"
  2838. >Anon hurriedly swallowed his mouthful, then said, "Oh, don't worry, Applejack took over, then Carter went and had a round, and Playdoh's back out there now. You and Scootaloo can watch him later."
  2839. "Later?"
  2840. >Anon nodded, "We're gonna have to find out when he wakes, which unfortunately means watching him through the night. Applejack and I figured sending both of you out there would make things a little less dull."
  2841. "Ah."
  2842. >She turned back to her food, but just stared at it rather than eating any. Scootaloo leaned in close.
  2843. >"Relax, Dash. Eat up."
  2844. "Right, yeah. Sorry."
  2845. >The rest of the meal went in relative silence. Applejack and Tonic had a quiet conversation, and Anon checked on Dash a couple times, but otherwise, everyone simply ate their food. It wasn't long before everyone was finishing up, and Dash helped Scootaloo collect the dishes and bring them to the kitchen. They dumped them in the sink, then collapsed to the ground, both intensely relieved.
  2846. >"Well... that went better than expected."
  2847. "Tell me about it. Remind me never to help you out again."
  2848. >Scootaloo giggled, "Oh, it wasn't that bad."
  2849. >Rainbow Dash gestured pointedly at the various ingredients staining into their coats, and Scootaloo grinned.
  2850. >"Okay, it was pretty bad. But it turned out alright in the end!"
  2851. "All thanks to you, Squirt. You saved the meal I almost ruined."
  2852. >"Aw, don't say that. C'mon, let's go clean ourselves up."
  2853. >Scootaloo trotted out of the kitchen and Rainbow Dash followed her into the hallway, then hesitated when she turned into the bathroom.
  2854. "Um, you want me to wait while you...?"
  2855. >"Oh, it's no big deal. It'll be easier if we help each other, right?"
  2856. "I guess."
  2857. >Rainbow Dash stepped into the room and closed the door as Scootaloo turned on the bath and hopped into the tub. She felt a little awkward and couldn't put her hoof on the reason why. They'd bathed together back in... before. This should be no different, right? But something about the enclosed space changed everything. The cramped quarters forcing them close together, the pressing walls dampening the sound, the hushed tones as they tried not to be overheard--it made everything feel far too intimate for Dash's liking.
  2858. >It reminded her of his room.
  2859. "Okay, nope, I'm out."
  2860. >"What? But Dash--"
  2861. "I can't, I just..."
  2862. >She froze in the middle of the tiny room, surprised to find herself panting. Scootaloo hopped out of the bath and wrapped wet hooves around her shoulders.
  2863. >"Hey... it's okay, Dash. Just breathe. We're okay. It's just a little bath."
  2864. >Rainbow Dash nodded, swallowing hard.
  2865. >'That's right,' she thought, 'Just a little bath. Don't make it weird--especially not with her!'
  2866. >She stood there for a long moment, getting her breathing under control. Then they climbed into the tub together and Rainbow Dash sat there in the water, staring down at her hooves. Scootaloo began to scrub herself down, then reached out with one hoof and cautiously began scrubbing at her foreleg.
  2867. >"You okay, Dash?"
  2868. "Y-Yeah. I think."
  2869. >"You don't look okay."
  2870. >She lifted her gaze and almost bumped snouts with Scootaloo, she was so close. She realized she was panting again.
  2871. "I... I don't know, Scoots. I feel..."
  2872. >She shook her head. Scootaloo's hoof slid up her foreleg and began scrubbing her neck.
  2873. >"Just relax, Dash. You're okay. He can't get you anymore."
  2874. >Rainbow Dash shook her head violently, then stared into Scootaloo's eyes, her expression frantic.
  2875. "But he can! He's still there! I can still--still feel him!"
  2876. >She shuddered and knew she would be wet if not for the water already soaking her hindquarters.
  2877. "I hate it! I hate that he does this to me!"
  2878. >"Does what?" Scootaloo said, looking surprised.
  2879. "I... I don't..."
  2880. >She stared at Scootaloo, then grimaced as she shuddered again.
  2881. "Why can't I stop... wanting it?"
  2882. >"Oh..."
  2883. >Scootaloo looked away awkwardly, her muzzle turning a faint pink.
  2884. >"M-Maybe I could... help?"
  2885. >Dash blinked in surprise and Scootaloo refused to meet her gaze.
  2886. "I... N-No, that... that'd just be weird."
  2887. >Scootaloo's muzzle darkened further.
  2888. >"I, um... I wanna help."
  2889. >She turned and looked her full in the eye.
  2890. >"I want to do it."
  2891. >Rainbow Dash's mind was abruptly thrown into turmoil. She squirmed where she sat as part of her yearned for satisfaction while the other part screamed for her to stop. Scootaloo slid a little closer, one hoof frozen on her neck.
  2892. >"You know... I never really thought of you as a sister, Dash."
  2893. >She leaned in closer still, glancing down then back up into her eyes.
  2894. >Rainbow Dash hesitated for a long moment, then shook her head and turned away.
  2895. "N-Not... here."
  2896. >It felt like a lame cop out, but Scootaloo blinked, then sat back with a small smile.
  2897. >"Right. I guess that'd be too weird."
  2898. >Rainbow Dash nodded numbly, squirmed slightly, then busied herself with cleaning her body as best as she could. Scootaloo did the same, and Rainbow Dash reached over and scrubbed her back. The little mare's wings trembled at her touch, and she hesitated before continuing to scrub.
  2899. >She felt like she'd lost her mind after the roller coaster of emotions she'd been on the past couple hours, and couldn't piece together a coherent thought anymore. So she focused on cleaning them both to the exclusion of anything else, and slowly the discomfort under her tail subsided. Rainbow Dash's mind slowly cleared, and the full weight of Scootaloo's words weighed down on her.
  2900. >Did that mean... Scootaloo loved her?
  2901. >Well, obviously, she chided herself. Of course they both loved each other. But, love like that? Rainbow Dash wasn't sure about that. She'd always thought of her as a sister, but now she was a grown mare all of the sudden--and a very cute one at that. Rainbow Dash stared down at Scootaloo from behind as she scrubbed the mare's back.
  2902. >She hesitated briefly, then slid her hooves onto Scootaloo's wings.
  2903. >Scootaloo immediately let out a strained little moan and shuddered as if she'd been anticipating exactly that. Rainbow Dash continued to stroke Scootaloo's wings, squeezing the crust of stock and spices out.
  2904. >She hesitated again.
  2905. >Then she bent low and began to preen Scootaloo's wings with her mouth.
  2906. >Scootaloo gasped as her tongue worked its way between the feathers, sliding across the vanes as she pulled the feather straight. Scootaloo grunted as she slid her muzzle across to the next pair of feathers, realigning them perfectly. The little wing extended involuntarily as Rainbow Dash proceeded along the top ridge of feathers, beginning to enjoy the little squeaks and moans Scootaloo let out as she worked her mouth across the wing.
  2907. >"Dash..."
  2908. >She reached the end of the wing and grinned as she immediately attacked the other wing, earning another cute gasp from the mare. She'd never done this for anypony before, but now she couldn't imagine doing it to anypony else. Her tongue wove between the feathers, teasing them into order with the gentlest touch, just barely enough force to do what she wanted. She reveled in the sensation, partly because she had not preened anything in years and was proud that she could still do it so well, and partly because she was becoming more and more fond of the noises Scootaloo was making.
  2909. >Her hoof slid down between her legs and she resisted a gasp of her own as she almost absent-mindedly began to touch herself.
  2910. >It seemed mere seconds before she reached the end of Scootaloo's wing, and still she wanted more. She straightened, withdrawing her hoof, and stared at the mare before her. Something burned inside her like nothing ever had before. She found herself wanted nothing more than to taste more of her.
  2911. >She touched Scootaloo's shoulder with a hoof and the mare turned to face her. They stared at each other for a long moment, both panting heavily.
  2912. >Then they were together.
  2913. >Hooves wrapped around each other as their muzzles brushed one another, gently, timidly at first, then almost hungrily as passion overcame them both. Their tongues danced together as Rainbow Dash slid a hoof down, but this time between Scootaloo's legs.
  2914. >The gasp and whimper around her muzzle as she made contact made her grin with delight. She stroked tenderly to begin with, but it seemed only seconds before Scootaloo was grinding against her hoof. Rainbow Dash broke free of the long kiss and stared into Scootaloo's eyes as she slowed lowered her head.
  2915. >"D-Dash...?"
  2916. >She grinned to herself as she laid on her belly, the water lapping at her chin, all but forgotten. Slowly, ever so slowly, she wrapped her fetlocks around Scootaloo's hind legs and pulled her toward her. She paused for one brief moment, glancing up at the mare's utterly stunned expression, then she grinned and jammed her muzzle down onto Scootaloo.
  2917. >She jerked and one hoof flew to her mouth as she stifled a yelp of surprise at the intensity of the sensation. Rainbow Dash gave her a moment to take in the feeling, just resting there for a moment without moving. Then, just as Scootaloo seemed to relax, she licked.
  2918. >The taste was like nothing she had ever experienced--slightly sweet, slightly tangy, a little grassy, and entirely delightful. More than that was the almost tangible force of pleasure that shot up Scootaloo's spine like a bolt of lightning. She arched her back and whimpered into her hoof, leaning back against the edge of the tub. She lowered her head and their eyes met, then Rainbow Dash let out a low giggle, the vibration reverberating down her muzzle and into Scootaloo's most sensitive parts.
  2919. >She began to work in earnest then, pressing into her and lapping at her with a fervor she'd applied to little else in her life. Scootaloo writhed and quivered in her grasp, biting her hoof to keep from moaning aloud from the overwhelming sense of pleasure.
  2920. >It didn't take long to send her over the edge.
  2921. >Scootaloo tensed up for a brief moment, all movement frozen as her entire body went taut. Then a burst of fluid filled Rainbow Dash's mouth as Scootaloo shuddered violently, her entire body arching backward. Biting her hoof made little difference as she screamed in pure ecstacy, the walls echoing with the force of her orgasm. Rainbow Dash felt a hoof on the back of her head pressing her closer and was only too happy to oblige, struggling to lap up every drop of the mare's precious nectar as her muzzle actually penetrated slightly into her. Wave after wave of violent shudders racked Scootaloo's body, a fresh stream of liquid pouring down Rainbow Dash's throat with every pulse of her body.
  2922. >After what seemed like hours, and yet not nearly long enough, the tremors racking Scootaloo's body slowly died down and her delicious moaning faded into an adorable little whimper. Dash pulled free from her with a little pop that sent a jolt through Scootaloo's entire body, ending with a sharp gasp at the other end. She stared up at Scootaloo, her tongue lolling, her muzzle dripping, her grin ecstatic. Scootaloo stared down at her, still trembling from the echos of her orgasm, and her eyes were filled with love and wonder.
  2923. >Rainbow Dash slowly slid forward, pressing her body up against her as she laid across her belly, and held her close as the tremors faded and her breathing began to stabilize.
  2924. >She smiled with satisfaction.
  2925. ...
  2926. >Rainbow Dash woke with a start as three loud thumps echoed through the little room.
  2927. >"Y'all comin' out sometime today or what?" Applejack called through the closed door.
  2928. >Rainbow Dash sputtered, then managed to squeak out a few words.
  2929. "Y-Yeah, be out in a sec!"
  2930. >She stared down at Scootaloo, who was also beginning to stir awake, and the memory of what she'd done slammed into her.
  2931. "Oh Tartarus..."
  2932. >Rainbow Dash whispered under her breath, stunned and more than a little concerned. What had she been thinking!? She extricated herself from Scootaloo's hooves just as the mare's eyes fluttered open.
  2933. >"Hey... Dash? Something wrong?"
  2934. "N-Nothing! Just, uh, time to get out."
  2935. >"Oh, right..."
  2936. >Scootaloo grinned at her, and she felt an odd turmoil of joy and disgust writhing inside of her, each fighting to win out over the other. What the buck was wrong with her?
  2937. >She averted her eyes from Scootaloo's gaze and climbed out of the tub.
  2938. "C'mon, we, uh..."
  2939. >She trailed off awkwardly, not knowing what to say. Scootaloo blushed and giggled nervously.
  2940. >"I think we might have some explaining to do."
  2941. >Rainbow Dash grimaced, her voice low and glum.
  2942. "I don't think anyone will be confused about what just happened."
  2943. >Scootaloo placed a hoof on her shoulder.
  2944. >"Hey, what's wrong? Are you okay?"
  2945. >She winced and avoided Scootaloo's gaze.
  2946. "I... don't think I should have done that."
  2947. >"What? Why not?"
  2948. >She turned and stared into Scootaloo's concerned eyes.
  2949. "Scoots, listen. I'm, uh... I'm not okay. I think I'm... b-broken."
  2950. >Turning away now, she sat down and stared at her hooves.
  2951. "I... I don't think I can control it. It just... happens. I'm sorry."
  2952. >"So, you mean..." Scootaloo said in a tremulous voice, "You didn't want it?"
  2953. >Rainbow Dash flinched and quickly corrected her.
  2954. "No no, I did! I really did. But Scoots, that's exactly the problem. It's like... I always want it."
  2955. >Scootaloo was quiet for a moment, then she slowly reached out and set a hoof on her shoulder.
  2956. >"Dash, listen... it's okay. I understand. You've had a hard life. We all have. Just tell me how I can help, and I'll do it. If you want to pretend this never happened, that's okay. If you want to do something every night to keep your urges in check, that's okay too."
  2957. >Rainbow Dash winced to hear it laid out so bluntly and avoided Scootaloo's gaze.
  2958. >"I wanna help you, Dash, whatever it takes. I know this is hard for you, so whatever you need to do to... cope, I guess, if I can help in any way, just tell me, okay? Promise you'll tell me?"
  2959. "I... I dunno if I can."
  2960. >"Sure you can!" She leaned in close and pushed her smirking face into Rainbow Dash's field of view, adding, "It's not the end of the world, Dash. It's just a little sex."
  2961. >Rainbow Dash winced again. That's all? 'Just a little sex'? What was Scootaloo saying?
  2962. >The smile vanished from her face and she quickly added, "Hey, I didn't mean it like that. I loved it. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. I'm just worried you're making a bigger deal out of this than it is."
  2963. "But it IS a big deal, Scoots!"
  2964. >Rainbow Dash hopped to her hooves and tried to pace, but there wasn't really enough room, so she wound up just standing there awkwardly facing away from Scootaloo.
  2965. "That was... I shouldn't..."
  2966. >Hooves wrapped around her withers and Scootaloo's snout nuzzled up against her cheek.
  2967. >"It's okay, Dash. Really. I understand. Like I said, I'll pretend it never happened if that helps. Anything for you, Dash."
  2968. >Rainbow Dash let out a long sigh. Maybe Scootaloo was right, it was just sex, nothing special.
  2969. >She turned around and faced Scootaloo again, a nervous grin on her face.
  2970. "Alright, Scoots. You win. Thanks, I guess."
  2971. >"Of course, Dash!" She said, a smile returning to her face. "So, are we pretending this never happened, or what?"
  2972. >Rainbow Dash hesitated, then slowly shook her head.
  2973. "No... I don't think I could do that. And, uh... I'm pretty sure everypony heard you anyway."
  2974. >Scootaloo's blush returned in force.
  2975. "But if I seem like I'm... in the mood, or whatever, maybe just, uh... divert me next time? Don't let things get out of hand again. I don't think I can trust myself to control it."
  2976. >The little mare nodded sharply and gave her a little salute. "You can count on me, Dash. I won't let you down!"
  2977. >Rainbow Dash giggled despite herself.
  2978. "Alright, Squirt, c'mon."
  2979. >She pulled the door open and trotted out. Carter was just exiting his bedroom and he gave her a look that said he knew exactly what happened but wasn't going to bring it up, and Rainbow Dash gave him a small smile of appreciation. Then Applejack came trotting around the corner looking fit to explode.
  2980. >"Rainbow Dash! Just what in Tartarus was all that?"
  2981. >She stopped dead in her tracks, ears flipping straight back, totally at a loss for what to say, but Scootaloo hopped forward cheerfully.
  2982. >"Oh relax, Applejack. You can have a turn too, if you like!"
  2983. >"Wha--I, uh... n-no, that's not... I-I mean--" Applejack blushed and sputtered awkwardly as Scootaloo trotted past her, flicking Applejack's muzzle with the tip of her tail. As she rounded the corner into the kitchen, she glanced back at Dash and winked before disappearing from sight. Rainbow Dash sighed and stepped a little closer to Applejack.
  2984. "I'm sorry. You're right, I shouldn't have done that."
  2985. >Applejack tried to regain some of her original vigor. "You're darn tootin' you shouldn't! Ain't'cha seen what that's done to me and Anon?"
  2986. >Rainbow Dash did a double take.
  2987. "Wait, you mean you two--"
  2988. >"Well... no, n-not exactly... but y'all know what I mean!" She said awkwardly, still trying to sound stern but rapidly losing the battle. "Doin' that kinda thing in such a small group... it ain't smart. I learned that lesson the hard way."
  2989. "Yeah, well, it's a little late now, don'tcha think?"
  2990. >"I suppose, but--"
  2991. "Lay off it, Applejack. I bucked up, I get it."
  2992. >Rainbow Dash pushed past her grumpily.
  2993. "I'm going for a walk."
  2994. >She ignored Anon and Tonic sitting on the couch as she exited the backrooms, scowling as she closed the secret door behind her.
  2995. >Buckin' Applejack. Why'd she always have to stick her snout where it didn't belong?
  2996. >Rainbow Dash trotted out of the bar and stopped.
  2997. >Where would she even go?
  2998. >Oh, right, to relieve Playdoh. At least then she could be alone for a while.
  2999. >Except she couldn't remember where this guy's place was.
  3000. >She looked back over her shoulder and cringed.
  3001. >No way she was going back in there to ask for directions.
  3002. >Ah well. Playdoh would call out to her when he saw her, right?
  3003. >There's only so many paths out of this town, she'd stumble onto him eventually.
  3004. >Picking a direction at random, Rainbow Dash trotted off into the night.
  3006. ...
  3008. >Applejack sighed as she stepped out into the living room and met eyes with Anon.
  3009. "Well, that went well."
  3010. >Anon grinned and said, "Almost like maybe you shouldn't've stepped in in the first place like I told you?"
  3011. "Oh, shut it."
  3012. >She hopped up onto the remaining empty space beside Anon.
  3013. "Y'all know I had to say something. I had to try."
  3014. >"Ya sure as hell did not HAVE to say anything," Anon said, folding his arms, "They're both grown mares, and it's none of your business."
  3015. >Applejack stared at him in disbelief.
  3016. "None a my business!? It's both our business what goes on in this place! We're in charge here, Anon! Or did y'all forget you're supposed to be running an operation here?"
  3017. >Anon frowned and said, "I did not forget and you know it. But what our ponies do in their free time is none of our concern. It's a small place and there ain't much to do here. Are you really that surprised?"
  3018. >Now it was Applejack's turn to frown.
  3019. "I ain't surprised at the sex, Anon, I'm surprised at who's doin' it. Y'all don't understand, they were like sisters back in... uh, back before the war. Sisters, Anon! It'd be like me doin' all that with lil' Apple Bloom!"
  3020. >She shuddered. Now there's a thought she didn't need.
  3021. "I just can't see how either of them were okay with it."
  3022. >"You know I can hear you, right, AJ?"
  3023. >Applejack jerked her head up to see Scootaloo glaring at her from the passthrough to the kitchen.
  3024. "Oh, uh... I'm sorry, Scootaloo, I just--"
  3025. >"Anon is right. It is none of your business. Dash and I can spend our time together however we please."
  3026. >Applejack couldn't resist a cringe and Scootaloo narrowed her eyes.
  3027. >"We are NOT related, Applejack. You bucking know we're not. Hay, we never even spent that much time together, she was always so busy with the Wonderbolts and weather duty and all. Quit acting like what we did is some horrible sin."
  3028. >Anon leaned forward to break their line of sight and said, "How's about we all just take a breather and think on it overnight?"
  3029. >Applejack snorted angrily, but she sat back and let it drop. Anon didn't know any better. But SHE knew. She knew exactly how close Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash used to be, and she KNEW what they did was wrong. Scootaloo was just making excuses trying to justify her actions.
  3030. >"You know, dearie," Tonic said, interrupting her thoughts, "If it were me, I'd want to talk to my old friend Dash and see what she thought of the whole thing, especially since she left in quite a tizzy. Wouldn't want those feelings to fester now, would we? You were only trying to help, after all--for better or for worse."
  3031. >Applejack sighed, then lifted her gaze to meet his.
  3032. "'Spose you're right. Maybe I can talk some sense into her."
  3033. >Tonic gazed knowingly at her. "Now now, Applejack, I suggest you approach this with an open mind. Wouldn't want to alienate your oldest friend simply because she did one thing you disapprove of, right? This is a delicate matter. You must not go charging in bucking like you often do."
  3034. >She sighed again and stared at her hooves.
  3035. "Yeah, alright."
  3036. >She hopped down from the couch and turned toward the door.
  3037. "She'd better have a good explanation for this though."
  3038. >Exiting the secret backrooms and subsequently the bar, she trotted slowly through the nighttime air, taking a moment to compose herself before confronting her friend.
  3039. >She knew there was something wrong with Rainbow Dash. Something that man did to her--or maybe someone at the pony camp--broke something inside of her. Dash wasn't herself, and she needed to keep that in mind. Maybe if she approached it from that angle, Dash would be more willing to listen.
  3040. >Before she knew it, she was approaching the tree where Playdoh was hiding. She casually glanced around her, then slipped into the bush at the base, noting the blue jay swooping down to meet her. There was a dull green flash and abruptly Playdoh was crouched beside her.
  3041. >"Hey Applejack. You, uh... here to replace me?"
  3042. >Applejack looked at him, her brow furrowed.
  3043. "Uh, no. Just wondering if you've seen Rainbow Dash? She went out for a 'walk' and I don't know where she went. Was hopin' she'd come here."
  3044. >Playdoh lowered his head and said quietly, "I haven't seen her... s-sorry."
  3045. "Ugh, great!"
  3046. >Applejack let out a little huff, pawing anxiously at the ground.
  3047. "Then where the buck did she go!?"
  3048. >He cowered back from her, crying "I-I don't know!"
  3049. >Applejack stared at him in surprise, then rolled her eyes.
  3050. "Relax, junebug. I ain't blaming you. It was a rhetorical question."
  3051. >Playdoh's pose softened marginally and he glanced at her, only to jerk his eyes away again.
  3052. >Applejack's hoof thudded into her forehead, then she lowered it and reached out toward Playdoh, laying a hoof across his. It was soft and warm, just like a real pony.
  3053. "Ah said relax. You ain't done nothin' wrong, alright? Quit actin' like I'm about to snap your head off. We accepted you. I accepted you. We're okay, you and me. Just don't do anything stupid and you ain't got nothin' to fear."
  3054. >He looked down at her hoof, then back up to her.
  3055. >"O-Okay, Applejack. Sorry."
  3056. >He lowered his gaze again.
  3057. >"I'm just... I was never brave to begin with, and you're, well... intimidating."
  3058. >Applejack grinned.
  3059. "Yeah, well, I reckon you bugs are all pretty cowardly when you ain't with a thousand friends, huh?"
  3060. >Playdoh winced and turned away from her, pulling his hoof out from under hers.
  3061. >"Yeah, sure."
  3062. >Applejack hesitated, then let out a little sigh.
  3063. "I'm sorry, Playdoh. I didn't mean to insult ya. I'm, uh... I admit I got some biases, but I'm doin' my best to get over them, alright? Don't just sit there and take it if I say somethin' a little insensitive. It's just my bias talkin'."
  3064. >He turned back to her, eyes shining in what moonlight filtered through the leaves. "You mean it?"
  3065. >She nodded.
  3066. "I do. You seem like a good sort, so far. I'm still half expecting it to all be a ruse, but... well half expecting is an improvement since yesterday, right?"
  3067. >He smiled weakly. "Yeah, I guess it is."
  3068. >Applejack returned the smile, then waved a hoof.
  3069. "Now enough about that. We got a major problem here if Rainbow Dash is gone missing. Can you be an owl and scan the area or something and report back to me?"
  3070. >He nodded once, then closed his eyes. A moment later the uncomfortably familiar green flash of flame enveloped him and in his place was a snowy owl. Applejack lowered her head to his height with a smirk.
  3071. "Uh, how about y'all pick an owl that'll actually blend in 'round these parts, eh?"
  3072. >The owl looked down at itself, hooted in agreement, then with another flash of flame, a tawny barn owl replaced it.
  3073. "Better. Now go on, time's a wastin'."
  3074. >Playdoh nodded and took off a little awkwardly. Applejack guessed he wasn't very familiar with the form.
  3075. >She stared at the man's house while she waited, but there was no light or sign of movement inside. Which was just as well, as all the transformations might have attracted attention.
  3076. >She was startled by a tawny owl barreling straight into the bush at speed. Before she could hardly gasp, Playdoh had transformed back into pony form.
  3077. >"Rainbow Dash is in trouble! Some mean looking guys are surrounding her!"
  3078. >The blood drained from Applejack's face and all thoughts of confronting Rainbow Dash about Scootaloo vanished in a flash. Then she shook herself and glared at Playdoh.
  3079. "How many? Were they armed? Did they look like sheriffs?"
  3080. >He hesitated, "Uhh.. three or four? They had clubs but no guns I think, I only took a quick look before speeding back here. They definitely aren't official."
  3081. >Applejack nodded and leapt out of the bush, no longer caring for stealth.
  3082. "Lead the way, Playdoh!"
  3083. >With another flash of green and a woosh of air, the owl swept past her, hooting anxiously for her to follow. She gallopped after it at top speed, struggling to keep sight of it against the night sky.
  3084. >That Rainbow Dash... of course she had to go and get herself into trouble!
  3085. >She racked her brain trying to think who might be after her as she raced after the owl, weaving left and right through the buildings.
  3086. >Of course!
  3087. >It had to be the Baron's men. But how did they find her so quickly?
  3088. >Her thoughts were interrupted by an urgent hoot from the owl, who swooped down low in front of her, forcing her gaze downward.
  3089. >There she saw Dash in the middle of the town square, surrounded by four burly men closing in on her with clubs raised.
  3090. >Rainbow Dash's gaze was casting wildly about for an escape, and her eyes widened when she saw who was approaching.
  3091. >"Applejack!" she cried, "Help!"
  3092. >The men began to turn in the direction Rainbow Dash was looking, but Applejack was already moving. She reared and knocked the first man in the back of the head with a forehoof and he keeled over forward, slumping across Dash, who began struggling out from under him.
  3093. >As she dropped to all fours she used the momentum to bounce her hind quarters up and around, smacking the second guy sidelong just as he turned to face her. He, too, crumpled to the ground, no match for her hooves of iron.
  3094. >But the other two had turned toward her and, seeing their comrades fallen so easily, approached her warily and in unison, clubs raised threateningly.
  3095. >"We were gonna take it easy on your friend here," the one on her left said menacingly, "But you'll both pay for that."
  3096. >The one on her right nodded, pointing his club at her, "We have orders to take this one in, but I reckon he'll pay a little extra for bringing in you, too."
  3097. >They shared a glance and raised their clubs in unison.
  3098. >Then Dash leapt forward and wrapped her forelegs around the right man's torso, pinning his arms to his side.
  3099. >"What the--"
  3100. >Applejack needed no more invitation. Her hooves almost a blur, she whipped around and pounded the left man in the chest with both hind hooves. She heard the snap of his ribs as he flew backwards, skidding at least ten feet across the ground where he laid still, groaning heavily.
  3101. >She turned just in time to see Rainbow Dash get a muzzle full of club--awkwardly swung, with her clinging to his side, but still painful. She flopped onto her hindquarters, both hooves flying to her face with a cry of pain.
  3102. >Applejack screamed a furious neigh and leapt straight at the final attacker, clutching to his head as her hind hooves pounded into his belly. He let out a foul-smelling woosh as the air was forced from his lungs and he dropped onto his butt. The club forgotten, he reached up with both hands and grabbed Applejack's forelegs, but they were like iron clamped around his neck. His eyes bulged and his head turned pink. He let out a strangled "Gah!" as she growled into his face.
  3103. >"Applejack! APPLEJACK!!"
  3104. >She turned to face Rainbow Dash, who startled at her expression, then she reared and began pulling at Applejack's forelegs.
  3105. >"Stop it, stop it! You're killing him!"
  3106. >Applejack stared down at Dash's hooves yanking at her foreleg, then looked at the man clutched in her grasp. All at once, her body relaxed and they both slumped to the ground, the man clutching his throat with a hacking cough.
  3107. >He struggled to sit up, then scrambled back away from her.
  3108. >"Y-You're crazy!" He cried in a painfully hoarse voice, then he climbed to his feet and ran stumbling through the square.
  3109. >Applejack stared after him, horrified at what she'd almost done. The blind rage left her as quickly as it had come and she stared around her at the mess she'd made. The first two were holding their heads and moaning while the third lay still on his back, gripping his chest with both arms.
  3110. "Sweet Celestia..."
  3111. >Rainbow Dash pulled at her withers with a hoof, "C'mon, we gotta go! Now!"
  3112. >Applejack nodded dumbly and followed Dash at a gallop. They threw themselves into the bar, an owl swooping in after them, then slammed the door shut and there was abrupt silence, save for their gasping breath.
  3113. >Playdoh materialized in front of her and stared with something between awe and terror.
  3114. >"Y-You... how did you do that!?"
  3115. >Applejack shook her head, feeling a little out of it.
  3116. "Do what?"
  3117. >Playdoh gaped at her, then gestured with a hoof back outside.
  3118. >"That! You just took out four men in, like, two minutes!"
  3119. >Applejack stared down at her hooves.
  3120. "Oh, that."
  3121. >She didn't say anything else.
  3122. >Eventually Rainbow Dash's hoof slid into view, wrapping a fetlock around her own two hooves. She looked up into Rainbow Dash's eyes and the mare smiled a bit warily at her.
  3123. >"Thanks, AJ. For rescuing me. I, uh... never knew you had it in you."
  3124. >Applejack shook her head and lowered her gaze again.
  3125. "Neither did I."
  3126. >Rainbow Dash lowered her head to stick it back into her field of view again.
  3127. >"But, I mean, you've been in fights before, right? Haven't you done all that before?"
  3128. >Applejack shook her head again.
  3129. "Not like that. That was..."
  3130. >She trailed off, not liking the words that popped into her head: brutal, horrifying, deadly, scary...
  3131. >"...Awesome?" Rainbow Dash said with a grin. Applejack jerked her eyes back up to meet hers.
  3132. "No! No Dash, it most certainly was not awesome!"
  3133. >The mare flinched, surprised at the outburst. "What? Why not? You took out those guys like it was nothing!"
  3134. >Applejack lifted both hooves to her forehead.
  3135. "Don't you get it? There ain't no way that wasn't seen by someone! Even if it weren't, they're gonna talk! Me and Anon, we're bucking done for now! Ain't nobody gonna tolerate havin' me around when I just attacked four humans with that sort of ferocity!"
  3136. >Rainbow Dash paled, "Oh crap, I didn't think about that."
  3137. >Applejack dimly registered Playdoh trotting away.
  3138. "I didn't even know I could attack like that, and now I've gone and thrown all this away!"
  3139. >Rainbow Dash set a hoof on her withers and Applejack looked up, surprised to see Dash smiling gently.
  3140. >"You did it for me, AJ. You did all that... for me." Dash pulled her into a hug, "You saved me, AJ. Those men, they knew I was stolen. They were gonna take me back to the Baron."
  3141. >Applejack heard the sound of approaching footsteps. Human footsteps.
  3142. "Anon... I bucked up..."
  3143. >Rainbow Dash squeezed her harder as she lifted her gaze to meet Anon. To her surprise, he looked calm, not at all angry.
  3144. >He knelt beside her and said, "Listen closely. Story is, they tried to steal you. Lured you in with some story about a Baron, then pulled out clubs and grabbed you. Dash was following you and saw the whole thing, but never got involved. Playdoh was never there. Understood?"
  3145. >Applejack nodded slowly.
  3146. "But what--"
  3147. >"I'm gonna have a talk with our friend the Sheriff. He's got some work to do. Stay out here in the bar, not the backrooms." He stood and nodded toward Playdoh, "Now lead the way."
  3148. >Playdoh nodded back and switched to owl form, then they both swept out the front door of the bar. Applejack just stared after him.
  3149. "How the hay...?"
  3150. >"Hey." Dash said firmly, "Don't worry about it. Anon's calm, so I'm calm. He's clearly got this under control. You need to chill."
  3151. >Dash pulled her toward the nearest booth and shoved her into the seat, then squeezed in beside her, wrapping a hoof around her withers.
  3152. >They sat there in silence for a long time. Applejack tried to keep her breathing steady, and Rainbow Dash simply held her there, a reassuring presence for her troubled mind.
  3153. >Finally, there was a knock at the door and Anon called, "It's me."
  3154. >That was odd, Applejack thought. He didn't normally warn them like that. She leaned around the booth to see the door, then immediately understood.
  3155. >Anon and the Sheriff stepped in together, Playdoh nowhere to be seen--probably hiding on Anon as an insect or something. Both humans walked over to them and slipped into the other side of the booth. The sheriff steepled his fingers on the table, and gently said, "Explain, please."
  3156. >Rainbow Dash immediately spoke, "I saw the whole thing, Sir. Applejack and I got into a fight and she trotted out, so I followed after, worried about her. Those men, they approached her saying something about a Baron. Then all at once, they pulled out these giant clubs and started trying to grab Applejack."
  3157. >The sheriff nodded. "And then?"
  3158. >Rainbow Dash quailed, "W-Well, it all happened so fast, I'm not exactly sure. But once Applejack struggled free her hooves began flying and next thing I knew there were three guys on the ground and the fourth was running away."
  3159. >He nodded again, "Describe the men."
  3160. >She did so quickly, noting only broad details that she would have been able to see from a distance. Applejack was impressed. Rainbow Dash was quick on her hooves and was doing a good job with the story.
  3161. >Well, of course she was quick on her hooves.
  3162. >The sheriff nodded once more, then let out a heavy sigh and said, "Unfortunately, there were a couple of witnesses. One had already approached me before even Anon got to me, and the other met me as we were leaving for here. There are likely more. I will have to put out a statement."
  3163. >Applejack cringed and lowered her gaze.
  3164. >"But," he added, and her hopes raised slightly, "I believe I can paint it in a positive light. You were attacked, after all. Any one would defend themselves--you just happen to be particularly good at doing so."
  3165. >Applejack was dubious.
  3166. "But... surely the townsfolk won't want a vicious fighter pony among them, would they?"
  3167. >The sheriff shrugged his shoulders, "You've been here for over a year and never caused any trouble. The townsfolk know you. They know you're kind and helpful, and never rude. They'll be surprised, sure, but I think they'll be on your side." He frowned sourly, "Well, all but a few strongly anti-pony types, but nevermind them. They are by far the minority."
  3168. >Applejack felt like crying. The relief that flooded through her was almost palpable.
  3169. >"In exchange..."
  3170. >The blood drained from her face, and she saw Anon blanch as well.
  3171. >The sheriff smirked at their reaction and leaned forward onto the table.
  3172. >"I want you two to tell me exactly what is going on in this place. I know it's more than just a bar, that much has been obvious since well before Anon's little visit to my office."
  3173. >Applejack's ears flipped back and Anon stammered something, but the sheriff waved a hand to cut them off.
  3174. >"Don't give me any shit. I'm on your side. I've made up my mind, and I want to help you ponies. But I can't do that unless I understand what is going on. You have my word that no consequences will come of our discussion here tonight."
  3175. >Anon and Applejack shared a long glance, then Anon nodded slowly, gesturing to her.
  3176. >"I'll let you explain it."
  3177. >Applejack let out a long sigh, then spoke slowly, unable to meet the sheriff's eyes.
  3178. "We... steal ponies... and then we set them free."
  3179. >The sheriff nodded. "I suspected as much. Thank you for being honest. Now, details."
  3180. >Applejack obliged, slowly describing every aspect of their operation. The sheriff asked the occasional clarifying question, but mostly just let her talk. Finally, she felt like there was no more to say, and she looked up at the sheriff expectantly.
  3181. "Well, sir... that's about all there is to tell."
  3182. >He lowered his chin to his chest and was silent for some time. He glanced up toward their kitchen--toward the secret backrooms--then shrugged and gestured for Anon to let him out.
  3183. >"I'll save you the trouble of showing off your secret home," he said as they all stood up. "Give me a day to process this. I'll come back tomorrow night to discuss things further."
  3184. >The man slowly walked toward the door, hesitating as he set his hand on the knob.
  3185. >"And try to behave for one day, eh?"
  3186. >With that, he left.
  3187. >Anon broke out into a huge grin, smacking Applejack on the rump.
  3188. >"Ha! I TOLD you he was on our side!"
  3189. >Applejack nodded.
  3190. "I'm glad you were right, Anon. For all our sake."
  3191. >She looked down gloomily.
  3192. "This could have gone so much worse..."
  3193. >Rainbow Dash once again wrapped a hoof around her withers, "But it didn't! Cheer up, Applejack. Everything's gonna be alright."
  3194. >Applejack closed her eyes and took a long, slow breath in, then let it out carefully.
  3195. "You're right, Dash. We're gonna be fine."
  3196. >She actually believed it, too.
  3197. >Unfortunately.

/mlp/ 10th anniversary stream playlist

by Maonyman

Fluttershy is Important?

by Maonyman

April Ceremony

by Maonyman

Apple Hospitality

by Maonyman

Paradox (story idea?)

by Maonyman