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Der Coomer

By MrSelfDestruct
Created: 2023-02-17 21:12:53
Updated: 2024-07-23 05:26:47
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Hey you! Trixie saw you masturbating during class. If you don't want everyone in school to know you better do as I say"
  2. "...Well yeah, how could I not? You kept shifting your legs around. And no panties? What an adventurous choice."
  3. >she turns beet red
  4. >"W-what? Trixie is weari-"
  5. >she looks back and forth with an embarrassed grimace
  6. >"Trixie thinks you are full of shit, you were staring down at your phone the whole time. As if you would have the gall to so much as look in Trixie's direction."
  7. >You grin in a shit-eating manner
  8. "Yeah, I guess you're right, I don't have the balls to do that."
  9. >You turn around then snap a picture of you and a bewildered Trixie
  11. >you show her the picture, then slowly turn your phone counter-clockwise revealing the privacy screen protector
  12. >she is dumbfounded
  13. "Heh, yeah, and the camera on this thing is great, you should see how clear the zoom is!"
  14. >"T-Trixie is... speechless, how are you so unabashed about this? Just how much of a shameless degenerate are you?"
  15. "I'm pretty far down the rabbit hole."
  16. >you chuckle behind an empty coomer stare
  17. >"You... you are absolutely..."
  18. >she lets out an exasperated sigh
  19. >"...None of that matters you complete and total pervert. Trixie still has the one up on you. Unless you do as Trixie says everyone is going to know about this little exchange. Do you understand Anonymous?"
  20. "Meh go ahead, I don't really care what any of these people think of me, I'm sure it wouldn't be all that much of a shock to them anyhow."
  21. >her jaw drops
  22. >"Well... Trixie is aware you are an absolute bottom of the barrel loser loner but... Really? You wouldn't care at all? Don't you think that's kind of pathetic?"
  23. "Oh I know it is, I just sincerely don't really care."
  24. >she looks at you with a somewhat sad and concerned look, but then quickly straightens her expression and crosses her arms
  25. >"W-well Trixie supposes if you don't care about your peers, maybe you'll change your tune if Trixie says she is going to the cops with this. Given how much of a complete creep you are Trixie is sure no one would doubt her."
  26. >she loosens her tightened posture
  27. >"I-i mean you have to at least care about that, right?"
  28. "I guess that might ruin my week or something."
  29. >"Good then we have an understanding. You will do as Trixie says from now on otherwise Trixie will... uh.. go to the authorities with this information!"
  30. "I never really said anything about not doing as you say. Kind of sounds like a turn-on to be bossed around by you for a couple weeks or whatever."
  31. >her jaw drops again
  32. >"Trixie honestly can't believe someone like you exists. Fine, whatever, but Trixie assures you she will not make it enjoyable for you, you contemptible piece of garbage."
  33. >you grin
  34. "I'm already kind of digging the mean girl talk to be honest."
  35. >she turn her gaze away, what appears to be a mild blush appearing on her face
  36. >she sighs and points to her backpack
  37. >"You will be carrying Trixie's things for her, peasan-"
  38. >she cuts herself off
  39. >"Just carry it and follow me."
  40. >you pick up her backpack and begin following behind her, making sure to stay just far enough to appreciate the sights before you
  41. >yes indeed Anon, that is one fine piece of ass
  42. "Ya know, I am not really seeing your actual motive here."
  43. >"Whatever do you mean by that?"
  44. "Well it just doesn't seem all that logical to me that you'd want the outcast loner dude cramping your style."
  45. >she looks back at you and narrows her eyes
  46. >"Trixie doesn't recall saying you could speak, now that she thinks about it."
  47. >what a strange femoid, you think to yourself
  48. >"You are Trixie's personal servant know, even if you are low down trash, the public will recognize Trixie has imposed her will upon you and that you have been made to recognize your lower status. If anything, Trixie is doing a service for her people. If Trixie keeps you in line, she keeps you away from other potential victims of your perversion."
  49. >she lightly whispers to herself "Yes, that's what I'm doing..."
  50. "Whatever you say Trix. I'm guessing people will just assume we're together or something"
  51. >she turns around wide-eyed, lightly grinding her teeth
  52. >"HOW.. DARE YOU! To even think people would have such a perception. They will probably assume you are a limp dick simp following Trixie around. THAT is what they will think."
  53. "Eh, maybe I guess."
  54. >"Just shut up and follow Trixie, your talking privileges are revoked until Trixie reinstates them. And do not call me "Trix", you filthy cur."
  55. >You consider that she is probably just bluffing about turning you in for any reason
  56. >But the coomer who wants to be stepped on is kind of getting off on the thrilling fire this odd female has to her personality
  57. >Also you have to admit being acknowledged at all is kind of... validating, you are so used to being invisible to others
  58. >Not that you care about the sort of thing, Anon, what a dumb normie train of thought
  59. >Where is this odd bitch leading you anyway, classes are over for the day
  60. >You would ask, but she put that metaphorical chastity cage on your vocal cords
  61. >"Is that hot?" You wonder to yourself
  62. >You are surprised to find that it really doesn't do much for you
  63. >learn something new everyday
  64. >You shake your head and go back to staring at the posterior hidden beneath that thin skirt swaying in front of you
  65. >No panties, seriously, what is this bitch's deal?
  66. >Man that pussy was fine looking
  67. >You pull out your phone, and try to get an angle on the underside of her skirt while you progress down the hallway
  68. >just as you're about to get another peak she turns the corner, catching your underhanded behavior in her peripheral
  69. >she stops in place and turns around, an intense expression across her face
  70. >"Are you fucking serious right now? Just how much of an unrestrained beast are you? It hasn't even been 10 minutes and here you are trying to sneak a peek on Trixie again. You are truly pathetic garbage Anonymous, its as if there is nothing to you but your apish desire to relieve yourself. An empty shell of a human being playing pretend, its disgusting, you disgust me."
  71. >normally such a tirade would slide right off you, however, something about her intensity pierces through the fog of your mind
  72. >Is that you feeling... offended? Hurt?
  73. >No that couldn't be
  74. "I don-"
  75. >"Keep your words to yourself, you have not been given permission to speak."
  76. >"Since you will be my servant from now on, it seems as though Trixie will have to teach you a thing or two about self-control and discipline if she is to trust you with her various tasks and workings."
  77. >with this statement a strange, crooked, sadistic smirk appears on her face, paired with senpaku eyes
  78. >you feel mildly disturbed making eye contact with her, frozen in place
  79. >she grabs your wrist and violently pulls your arm with her and she continues down the corridor
  80. "Where are we-"
  81. >"SILENCE."
  82. >she continues with her brisk place, dragging you along, her nails lightly digging into your wrist
  83. >she comes to an abrupt halt in front of one of the the many janitorial closets
  84. >she does a quick examination of her surroundings, and after seeing no on else in sight, produces a key from the inside of her sleeve
  85. >she unlocks the door, opens it, and then violently whips you into the damp darkness of the room before following suit, and gently closing the door behind her
  86. >the two of you stand in the near pitch black room, only a small bit of light from the hallway leaks underneath the door
  87. "Okay this is getting old, what the fuck are we doing Trixie."
  88. >she pulls a string and a dingy lightbulb lights up
  89. >"Trixie supposes she will acknowledge that statement and allow you to speak."
  90. >she leans in close, her face only a few inches from yours, her intense stare boring whatever shred of a soul you might have left
  91. >"Just as Trixie said earlier. Trixie is going to teach you a lesson in self control."
  92. >What is up with this lady
  93. "Uh... yeah, sure, whatever, what does any of that have to do with being locked in this closet."
  94. >"Trixie doesn't need any onlookers interrupting her fun..."
  95. >that sadistic smirk shifts to a vicious smile
  96. >she quickly hits you with a light jab below your ribs
  97. "What the hell bitch, fuck o-"
  98. >she quickly follows up with a strong kick to the lower part of the your left leg, knocking you off balance and causing you to fall the the floor
  99. >you quickly try to recompose yourself, looking up at her proud stance staring down at you
  100. >"Down at my feet is where you belong, Anonymous. Its a fitting look for you. Now..."
  101. >her face becomes deadpan and serious
  102. >"Time for your first lesson."
  103. >she takes one step towards you, lifts her foot, and uses it to push your back to the ground
  104. >What is she...? Also that view, does she just not care?
  105. >Or is she...?
  106. >"...Since you are so preoccupied with seeing what's under Trixie's skirt, Trixie will be gracious and help you get over this tendency toward distraction."
  107. "Wait what? You can't be serious... are you into this or somethi-?"
  108. >before you can finish your sentence she steps forward, placing her feet squarely above each of your shoulders
  109. >her tight slit is in your direct view, and its.. glistening?
  110. >She really IS into this?
  111. >Anon what have you gotten yourself into this time...
  112. >before you can consider any further she quickly squats over your face, mashing her pussy onto your mouth
  113. >"Your speaking privileges are again revoked, you will not be using your mouth unless it is being put to good use."
  114. >rather than trying to compute the absurdity of this strange girl, you decide you should probably not look a gift horse in the mouth
  115. >you are overwhelmed by the feminine pheromones of her sex
  116. >she smells amazing, a slight tinge or blueberries something you can't quite put your finger on
  117. >naturally the pheromones do their work and you find your pants tightening
  118. >you begin lapping away at her clit, occasionally moving south and sliding your tongue into her as deep as you are able
  119. >sadly her skirt is over your face, so you see nothing but blackness
  120. >however you hear her breathing intensify, and the occasional stifled moan
  121. >you continue licking away at her
  122. >she begins humping your face, pushing her full weight into it
  123. >aside from how absolutely rock solid this situation has you, your jaw begins to cramp slightly and the amount of breath you are allowed continues to dwindle
  124. >well whatever... if this weird bitch is getting off on this, you might as well too...
  125. >while she continues to slide herself on your face, you slowly reach your arm to undo your pants
  126. >you release the serpent from its confines and begin slowly stroking it
  127. >suddenly her gyrations stop
  128. >she violently swats you hand away from your cock and then proceeds to stand up
  129. >"Trixie doesn't recall giving you permission to pleasure yourself, degenerate."
  130. >you slide up into a sitting position and look up to her eyes
  131. "You've got to be kidding me. I'm the degenerate? At this point you seem about as far gone as I d-"
  132. >she quickly grabs a handful of your hair and pushes your face back into her pussy
  133. >"Trixie has no idea what you mean, I am simply teaching you self control and discipline."
  134. >you shrug internally and continue eating her out
  135. >she stifles another moan
  136. >"Y-yes, Tri...- I-I am DEFINITELY not getting off to this, this is simply your lesson Anonymous."
  137. >her grip on your hair tightens, she pushes her mound into your face
  138. >"H-How are you to learn self control if Trixie just lets you go at it like a filthy animal?"
  139. >you stare up into her eyes, she stares down into yours, a distinct primal desire in her gaze
  140. >she chuckles to herself
  141. >"You see Anonymous, if you are able to enact restraint in this situation..."
  142. >she bites her lip
  143. >"Especially with a girl as perfect and as beautiful as myself..."
  144. >she stares deeply into your eyes
  145. >"Then maybe... just maybe there is hope for your rehabilitation."
  146. >You assume this boils down to some sort of weird exhibitionist/orgasm denial kink, but reading this girl is impossible
  147. >Stop being a neurotic fuck, Anon, just enjoy this situation
  148. >you have to assume she must be getting close based on the increased frequency of her moans and the shallowness of her breathing
  149. >you raise your hand to her sex and insert two of you fingers, pushing on her upper wall as you continue to assault her clit with your tongue
  150. >this elicits a moan she seems to be unable to quiet
  151. >you notice her eyes widen and she does a quick double take, covering her mouth her her hand
  152. >"wow... that was adorably hot" you think to yourself
  153. >"T-trixie does not recall giving you permission t-, mmmmm..."
  154. >she bites her lip again
  155. >"Trixie supposes this is... acceptable. K-keep going..."
  156. >you increase your pace taking in every cute change in her face as she tries to hold back her enjoyment
  157. >a few more licks and...
  158. >yep
  159. >She digs her nails into your scalp and slightly loses her balance, catching herself on the wall with her other arm
  160. >her legs shake, and you feel the contractions of her pussy
  161. >You can't say you're not frustrated with the situation, but at the same time the experience itself seems pretty hot
  162. >once she regains her composure she takes a step back and sits down on the floor across from you, panting to herself
  163. >you notice she is staring at your cock with a ravenous intent
  164. "Soooo... what now?"
  165. >"Well Anonymous, I think today's lesson has concluded. You have surprised Trixie, she thought she would have to punish you further."
  166. "I mean I see you looking.. we could do.. more?"
  167. >"Get over yourself Anonymous. As if Trixie is interested in your..."
  168. >she takes one last look at it and turns her eyes to the wall
  169. >"...Anyhow, I.. TRIXIE can tell it will probably take more than one session to rehabilitate you."
  170. "You are the weirdest bitch I have ever met. You know you don't have to do all this haughty facade shit, right?"
  171. >"EXCUSE you, Anonymous. Apologize for speaking to your mistress in such a tone and manner."
  172. >you begin laughing to yourself
  173. "pfft... My mistress?"
  174. >"That does not sound like a groveling apology to Trixie."
  175. >you decide you'll humor her
  176. "Yeah of course, oh GREAT AND POWERFUL Trixie, Anonymous is sorry."
  177. >"That attitude will require more work, but Trixie will accept your halfhearted apology. Now give Trixie your phone."
  178. "Excuse me? Look its fine, I didn't save anything earlier, I was mostly just messing with you... mostly."
  179. >"Trixie does not care, you are a spineless coward with no friends. Besides, that is not the reason Trixie is requesting your phone."
  180. "...Okay I guess?"
  181. >you hand your phone to her
  182. >she begins tapping away on your screen
  183. >"There. Trixie will have to keep tabs on you."
  184. "... You could have just asked for my number."
  185. >she exhales from her nose sharply
  186. >"Trixie does not trust that you would give her accurate information. Your mistress will make sure you are in compliance with her whims."
  187. >this is clearly beyond your comprehension at this point
  188. >"... Now then, Trixie no longer requires your services today."
  189. >she stands up and looks back one last time at your exposed genitals
  190. >"Trixie will be keeping tabs on you, you are not to relieve yourself at any point until Trixie has told you it is okay to do so."
  191. "Sure... whatever you say "mistress"."
  192. >"Trixie has her ways, she will know if you disobey her."
  193. >you roll your eyes
  194. >she grabs her backpack and proceeds to creak the door open, furtively inspecting the hallway for any passers by
  195. >she opens the door and takes a step out
  196. >"Make yourself presentable and go home. Trixie..."
  197. >she look into your eyes
  198. >"I will be in contact."
  199. >she closes the door behind her and leaves you to compose yourself
  200. >This is truly like some weird h-game shit you are experiencing with this girl
  201. >That said, that was probably the most arousing series of events you've ever been involved in
  202. >you are totally cranking one out tonight, as if she's going to magically know
  203. >you smirk to yourself and stand up
  204. >you look out the door and step outside, locking it on your way out
  205. >despite what she says or thinks about you, you aren't a complete animal
  206. >... well that and you're pretty careful about covering your tracks
  207. >you begin making your way home
  208. >during your walk home you mull around your thoughts trying to put together what you actually know about this Trixie girl
  209. >You'd never really had any extended interaction with her before today, all you can recall is the occasional awkward meeting of the eyes during class
  210. >well that and that you've probably emptied your balls to her more than any other girl in school
  211. > that you think about it that might be why you thought it was "awkward" eye contact
  212. >What else Anon, what else do you know about her?
  213. >What kind of people do you see her with?
  214. >You realize you've only ever seen her with those girls who play in her band, and those two simp kids that used to follow her around all the time
  215. >Shit, maybe she was right
  216. >Normally the idea wouldn't bother you so much but being on the same level as those two just doesn't sit right
  217. >That said, considering it further you realize the normans of the school probably think she's kind of odd, especially with that weird third person speech bullshit she does all that time
  218. >...and her weird obsession with stage theatrics and "magic"
  219. >And now, you suppose, some sort of weird sadistic pseudo-exhibitionist dom thing
  220. >"I mean seriously, what is she? An autist?" you vocalize internally
  221. >Who is she to look down on you like that?
  222. >You suppose she's kind of right about you on some level though
  223. >... but why do you care anyway, this sort of thing never bothers you any other time
  224. >What sort of foul witchcraft has this girl put upon you?
  225. >you shake your head and realize you are in front of your humble abode
  226. >you walk up to the door, and step inside
  227. >it appears your parents haven't gotten home from work yet
  228. >just as well
  229. >you go to your room and abruptly fall back onto your bed, staring at the ceiling
  230. >You open your eyes and look around
  231. >7:00PM
  232. >You must have dozed off
  233. >You wipe away the residual grogginess and sit up
  234. >Man, what a day
  235. >Never in a million years did you think a series of events like that would happen to you, let alone with THAT girl
  236. >But seriously, what has this woman done to you?
  237. >You're constantly a slave to the horny and now that you have more direct fap material than you've ever had you spend your time wondering about some weird girl's intentions
  238. >Now that you think of it you were almost too wrapped up in the spontaneity of the experience to commit the specific details to memory
  239. >All you know is now that you've gotten a glimpse you want to know what the rest of her looks like
  240. >You imagine what she must look like under those clothes
  241. >What a tight body
  242. >Every inch of its needs your tongue running across it
  243. >... and the way she just took the lead and used you, what a freak
  244. >and with that you notice a redirection of blood flow to the south
  245. >You suppose Richard has the right idea
  246. >"Okay bud, guess you earned it"
  247. >You start pleasuring yourself, trying to vividly savor every piece of imagery your mind has retained
  248. >Even better, the way she was talking it sounded like something like that might happen again
  249. >...being a weird egoic girl's sex toy
  250. >Okay that sounds pretty hot
  251. >...and yet something feels empty about it
  252. >But, let's be honest who cares about that kind of depth
  253. >What else does she have in store for you?
  254. >All you can picture is covering her naked body with your essence
  255. >That's right, so close...
  256. >... almost there
  257. >your phone buzzes loudly knocking you out of your trance, you look over
  258. >... it couldn't be
  259. >well whoever it is they can wait
  260. >back to picturing...
  261. >the buzzing resumes and continues, a call
  262. >your shoot a glare at the phone until it gives up and ceases its noise
  263. >there, now you can...
  264. >it begins buzzing again
  265. >you growl to yourself and scramble over to your phone, seeing who has the audacity to be calling you right now
  266. >It's Trixie
  267. "You've got to be fucking kidding me."
  268. >you angrily answer the phone
  269. "WHAT!?"
  270. >"My my my, that no way to address your mistress."
  271. "Skip to the point, I'm busy."
  272. >"Oh really now? What is it that a no-life loser like yourself could be busy with at this hour?"
  273. >this bitch, there's no way she could know
  274. "I don't really think that's any of your business."
  275. >"Sure it is, I own you now."
  276. "Excuse me? You own me? How do you figure that?"
  277. >"I can still ruin your life at any given moment, with just a simple call..."
  278. "Oh is that so, because I don't think you'll do shit."
  279. >"Hmm, maybe I won't, but I get the feeling it doesn't matter whether I would or not. You'll listen to me because you can't resist your own desire-driven curiosity."
  280. >she might have you on that one
  281. >you relax your posture and sigh
  282. "Look Trixie, what do you want?
  283. >"I want..."
  284. >she pauses and clears her throat
  285. >"TRIXIE wants to know what you were doing."
  286. >you almost hadn't noticed her speaking in first person, weird, must have forgotten to put her persona on since she isn't in public
  287. "I was just... working on some homework."
  288. >"You must be quite studious if you were so frustrated by a simple call."
  289. "...Yeah, I take my studies very seriously"
  290. >she's not gonna buy that
  291. >"Oh how nice, it is relieving for Trixie to know that you care about something other than PLAYING WITH YOURSELF."
  292. "Real nice, that wasn't sarcastic at all!"
  293. "Well since you won't take my word for it, what is it that you're so convinced I was up to."
  294. >"Trixie thinks you were pathetically tugging at yourself to the idea of being my property."
  295. "N-no, I wasn-"
  296. >"Yes, Trixie thinks you were raping her SOFT, SHAPELY body with your imagination."
  297. >you are flustered by the sultry, exaggerated expression of those adjectives
  298. "Well mayb-"
  299. >"You disgust Trixie, but... I do not lack empathy... After all how could you resist a body as perfect as my own?"
  300. >how did she... just dumb luck?
  301. >"Trixie will take your lack of rebuttal as submission to my assertions about you."
  302. "Fine, you got me."
  303. >"That's all, nothing more to say?"
  304. "You know what I was up to now, are we done here?"
  305. >"It is good Trixie decided to contact you when she did, disobedience would have been so... disappointing..."
  306. "As if you weren't expecting to be disappointe-"
  307. >"For you."
  308. >your eyebrows raise
  309. "What are you talking about?"
  310. >"Wellll Anonymous... you may find obedience to me to be more... rewarding."
  311. >that tone, so sultry and smooth
  312. "Go on..."
  313. >"Trixie would rather let your imagination squirm."
  314. >"Now listen, stop what you were doing and do not resume. I have already told you this, but this once I will be lenient."
  315. >she clears her throat again
  316. >"... Anyway, meet Trixie in front of the school statue tomorrow. 7AM, do NOT be late."
  317. "Sure, I gues-"
  318. >she hangs up
  319. >That was... something
  320. >Well back to the task at hand
  321. >Wait are you really going to do that?
  322. >Wait are you seriously pausing to think about this?
  323. >What is this feeling, guilt? Curiosity? Both?
  324. >Can't be guilt, you wouldn't know what that is
  325. >Curiosity then?
  326. >What a frustrating situation
  327. >You've had more than enough of trying to work out what her deal is
  328. >you sigh to yourself
  329. >Your intuition says that you should see where this goes and listen to her request
  330. >...and maybe the whole thing is kind of turning you on
  331. >You decide you will humor whatever deity has allowed this set of circumstances to play out
  332. >you will forsake la petite mort for the evening, who knows what sort of excitement might occur tomorrow
  333. >Instead your decide to fill the void of time with the occasional video game and mindless scrolling
  334. >Yes, this is how humans were meant to be.
  335. >When the banal activity finally wears you out you decide to crawl into your bed
  336. >before falling asleep you look at your phone one last time
  337. >Trixie's message from earlier still unopened
  338. >you open it, only one word
  339. >"DON'T"
  340. >How does she...?
  341. >It doesn't matter, you set the screen down and pass out
  342. >your alarm clock blares in your ear
  343. >6:30AM
  344. >you sigh and rub your eyes
  345. >Normally you would put that shit on snooze and get another 15 minutes, but for some reason you feel awake and aware
  346. >That and you suppose you better show up at that dumbass statue on time otherwise you'll have to deal with some form of Trixie's wrath
  347. >... maybe you should show up late
  348. >You might if another tardy wouldn't land you staying after school
  349. >instead you get up, brush your teeth, and throw some clothes on
  350. >you walk out of your room
  351. >no one's in the house, parents must already be back at work
  352. >not that surprising
  353. >you step out that door and throw your headphones on
  354. >That's how you walk to school in style
  355. >you walk down the sidewalk and turn the corner, and sure enough the school is where it normally is
  356. >you look at your phone
  357. >6:59AM
  358. >You see Trixie standing at the statue angrily typing at her phone
  359. >You can only guess that's directed at you
  360. >You shuffle your way over to her
  361. "Yo."
  362. >her grimaced face look up and her eyes meet yours
  363. >her expression loosens
  364. >"Trixie thought for sure you would be late, perhaps my tutelage is more effective than I assumed."
  365. >you think back on the events of literally only yesterday
  366. >you grin at her
  367. "I guess so."
  368. >"Get that cocky grin off your face. Take this."
  369. >she outstretches her arm with her backpack in hand
  370. >you sigh
  371. "Sure, why not."
  372. >You take the bag from her
  373. >she opens her mouth to say something but stops herself and turns around and begins walking towards the entrance
  374. >you follow
  375. >you notice various onlookers observing the situation
  376. >you don't like the attention, being ignored is far more enjoyable
  377. >What is this? Embarrassment?
  378. >this is unnecessary anxiety
  379. "Hey Trixie why don't you-"
  380. >She shoots a glare as if knowing you were going to ask her to carry her own shit
  381. >"Why don't I what Anonymous?"
  382. >you look away and clear your throat
  383. "...Why don't you tell me how you got your hands on that key?"
  384. >an expression that is a mix of embarrassment mixed with anger is complete by a zipping motion across her lips
  385. >you roll your eyes and continue following her
  386. >she slows down and matches your pace walking next to you, she speaks in a whispered tone she says:
  387. >"If you must know I got it from Cranky."
  388. >you match her hushed volume
  389. "What the janitor? I guess I shouldn't be surprised, but does that dude even work here anymore?"
  390. >"Well no, he retired, but he still comes in, I suppose out of boredom."
  391. "That does not sound legal at all-"
  392. "Wait, so are you saying he does it for free?"
  393. >she looks at you with a confused look
  394. >"... I guess?"
  395. >for some reason that is funny to you
  396. "What did you honestly want with a key to the janitor's closet anywa-"
  397. >she puts her hand to your lips
  398. >she looks to your eyes and then moves her gaze to the snack machine adjacent
  399. "... What?"
  400. >she points at something
  401. "Come on now Trixie, use your words."
  402. >"Trixie desires the peanut butter crackers."
  403. "What you just expect me to buy them for you?"
  404. >"Well obviously Anonymous."
  405. "Nah nah nah, I ain't a paypig, I have standards."
  406. >"... a what?"
  407. "...nevermind, but buy your own shit"
  408. >"Trixie does not have the proper funds on her person."
  409. >she lowers her volume
  410. >"...besides you seem to be forgetting I own you."
  411. "Yeah, I'm not so sure about that but-"
  412. >"You are sure about it, its the only reason you have continued to follow me around like a sad little puppy."
  413. "That's not-"
  414. >You are not a sad little puppy
  415. >but she is right, you are doing this of your own will at this point
  416. "Shut up- whatever- I'll buy you your stupid crackers."
  417. >"My my, a little defensive, don't you think? Is anonymous getting embarrassed? You know if you weren't such a thoroughly disgusting soul I might say its kind of a cute look on you."
  418. >you shake your head and put your money in the machine, grabbing the crackers for her
  419. >you hand them to her
  420. >"Open them for Trixie."
  421. "You can't be serious."
  422. >her sadistic grin from yesterday returns
  423. >"Do it."
  424. >you sigh and open them for her
  425. >she takes them from your hand and begins snacking on them
  426. >she continues her stride down the hallway, you follow
  427. >more onlookers, hushed snickers and sneers
  428. >this is humiliating
  429. >you picture that sadistic smile of hers
  430. >she gets off on all of this
  431. >she's probably wet right now
  432. >what a freak
  433. >the more you think about it, perhaps you and her aren't so different
  434. >Despite this pervasive feeling of humiliation you take a strange sense of pride in knowing she gets a rise out of this
  435. >... even if she likely regards you as nothing more than an insect, an object, a toy
  436. >an exciting new low you suppose
  437. >she makes an abrupt stop and turns around
  438. >"Give Trixie her things, this is my class."
  439. >you hand her the backpack
  440. >you were so engrossed in your inner monologue you had almost completely forgotten you were at school
  441. >This is just great, your class is on the other side of the building, looks like you're going to end up being tardy anyway
  442. >"Trixie will see you in eighth period. Hopefully we will not see a repeat of yesterday."
  443. >you look at her with an empty stare
  444. "Yeah, sure."
  445. >she has a strange expression on her face, as if she's trying to get a read on you
  446. >you turn around and make you way to your class
  447. >"Wait... Anon."
  448. >you look over your shoulder
  449. >"... nevermind"
  450. >you look forward and proceed to your class
  451. >yep you're definitely going to be late
  452. >as you take your leisurely doom stroll you run into principal Celestia
  453. >"Good morning Anonymous."
  454. "Hey."
  455. >"Don't you have a class you should be in?"
  456. "Yeah, sorry I lost track of time."
  457. >"I saw that you were helping Trixie with her things. I wouldn't let her take advantage of you, but it is good to see you socializing with your fellow students for a change."
  458. "I don't know if I'd call it socializing exactly but..."
  459. >"Regardless, its good for you to come out of your shell sometimes. Now get to your class. I'll excuse you from whatever detention you are given. Just don't make a habit of being late anymore. Understood."
  460. "Wait really? Thanks Celestia, I'll do my best."
  461. >a little ass kissing never hurt
  462. >and that ass is certainly one worth kissing if you do say so yourself
  463. >and with that you proceed to your class and go on with your banal day
  464. >The day passes by in a vague fog
  465. >The only event of note being Ms. Cheerilee's gentle reprimand for your tardiness, which of course she later retracted
  466. >but at long last here you are in your final class of the day
  467. >You saunter your way over to your desk of choice, second seat from the back, in the corner
  468. >You've found this attracts slightly less attention in the form of Mr. Discord's curveball questions
  469. >Your "friendly" aura also seems to keep most people away from you
  470. >as is preferable
  471. >Except for Trixie of course, she always sits in the desk back and to the left of yourself
  472. >The first day of class you recall her saying something about you being a weirdo and how you should stay in your corner
  473. >...something about that being her spot and you were lucky to be in her presence
  474. >Sounded like pretty standard fare given the other interactions you'd observed between her and other classmates
  475. >You didn't really mind, a cutie to sneak glances at wasn't anything to complain about
  476. >However, given the events of the past couple days, that whole exchange could certainly take on a new context
  477. >Is this some weird long game thing she's been playing at?
  478. >...that couldn't be the case
  479. >That would imply she's just silently observed for the last two months, doesn't seem like her style at all
  480. >No, indeed, you are just a victim of circumstance; wrong time, wrong place
  481. >...or maybe right time, right place? You still aren't sure.
  482. >Since you got here early you decide to lay your head down for a minute or two
  483. >your mind starts wandering to yesterday
  484. >Wait, you were really publicly jerking it in here yesterday
  485. >It suddenly hits you, were you crazy?
  486. >That was bold, even for you, its as if you were in a haze that you were barely conscious for
  487. >For some reason today everything feels more present and lucid
  488. >A mild sense of shame sets in
  489. >You accepted the things she said yesterday, but you realize you were just saying words, they were empty
  490. >There was no meaningful self-reflection
  491. >You begin to wonder how much of you is like that
  492. >Before you can consider any more deeply, you hear the sporadic shuffling of footsteps walking towards you
  493. >You lift your head to see none other than the great and powerful herself
  494. >She glances at you, meeting eyes for a second before pulling the seat back and sitting down
  495. > the desk next to you
  496. >She ruffles around in her bag and sets a notebook on the desk
  497. >She stares forward, seemingly completely ignoring you
  498. >You thought for sure she would be talking your ear off
  499. >Your eyes glance between her and the blackboard at the front of the room
  500. >...are you supposed to say something?
  501. "...soooooo"
  502. >She turns her head to you
  503. >"Soooo what?"
  504. >You clear your throat
  505. "... Nothing I guess."
  506. >You turn your gaze back to the front of the room
  507. >a few minutes pass
  508. >Mr. Discord walks into the class, giving one of his jovial introductions and precedes to go over relevant material to focus on for the upcoming test
  509. >Your mind wanders
  510. >What is she doing?
  511. >Why do you find yourself so unnerved and disappointed she didn't start bellowing commands and insults at you?
  512. >You lean your head on your hand and angle your head in her direction, staring at her profile
  513. >She catches you in her peripheral, then shoots you one of those quick sadistic grins
  514. >A jolt of excitement runs through you
  515. >What kind of pavlovian bullshit is that?
  516. >She reaches into her bag looking for something
  517. >You stare intently, wondering what that grin could be a prelude to
  518. >She pulls an object you are unable to identify from the bag, then puts it up to her face
  519. >She then repositions her body so that it is facing your direction, you see that object is in fact a lollipop
  520. >Another quick grin in your direction with the stick jutting from between her teeth
  521. >She turns her gaze away from you to the blackboard
  522. >Your mischievous eyes take a quick glance at her neatly crossed legs, quickly taking in a sample of the silky smooth thickness of her thighs lying on top of each other
  523. >those a really nice...
  524. >...You catch yourself and abruptly move your eyes back to the front of the room
  525. >You begin hearing the subtle sounds of her moving the sucker around in her mouth
  526. >You peer through the side of your eye to see her doing the same toward you
  527. >A devious smile forms on her profile
  528. >She slowly pulls the sucker out from her mouth, her lips puckering before the treat slides out with a quiet pop
  529. >You can't help but turn your full attention to her
  530. >She angles her face toward you and you see her silently chuckle to herself
  531. >Her eyes quickly dart back and forth before she extends her tongue and runs the sucker up and down the length of in an agonizingly slow fashion
  532. >She stares straight into your eyes with hungry gaze, peering into your very soul
  533. >She continues this motion for a few more seconds before engulfing it in her mouth again
  534. >Yep okay, welcome to bonertown, population Anonymous
  535. >You quickly dart your eyes back to the front of the room
  536. >God damn this bitch knows how to tease a man
  537. >Every now and again you take a quick peek at her progress with the sucker, her peripheral gaze seemingly always present
  538. >You decide to go for another fully invested look
  539. >As if on cue, she turns her head to you, pulling the sucker out with a pop again, a strand of saliva connecting to her luscious lips
  540. >She slowly brings it to her lips, giving it a gentle kiss...
  541. >...before violently shoving it back into her mouth, immediately followed by a crunch just loud enough for you to hear
  542. >You impulsively flinch
  543. >She lets out a light, but audible snicker
  544. >Apparently this was accidental, and she quickly covers her mouth with her hand and quickly looks around with an obviously embarrassed face
  545. >Holy shit, you just went from boner to heartboner in under two seconds, eliciting a light chuckle from yourself
  546. >That was fucking adorable
  547. >"Something funny Anonymous?"
  548. >You attention is pulled in a whiplash inducing fashion up to Discord's stare upon you, followed by a few students' glares
  549. >Which is complete bullshit by the way, Trixie is right there too
  550. "N-"
  551. >your voice squeaks and you awkwardly clear your throat
  552. >you notice the pack of hyenas all on the verge of laughing at your autistic ass
  553. "n-No Mr Discord."
  554. >"Oh, how unfortunate, I was looking for a good laugh. Well then, if you don't have a joke for the class perhaps you could answer the question I just posed?
  555. >You desperately look around on the blackboard for something to go off of
  556. >its just a bunch of random loop de loop arrows
  557. "...Uh... centripetal force?"
  558. >He grins fully knowing you were not paying a lick of attention
  559. >"That is very correct Anonymous, now from here we..."
  560. >He turns back to the blackboard and continues drawing loop de loops
  561. >The hyenas follow suit
  562. >You quietly release a relieved sigh
  563. >...Well that was lucky you suppose
  564. >After everyone is settled back in you shoot an angry glare at Trixie
  565. >She flashes you a toothy, sardonic smile
  566. >You shake your head and look away
  567. >for the next ten minutes or so you try to ignore her and pay attention to the class
  568. >every now and again you hear the light tapping of her pencil, you assume her trying to get your attention
  569. >but your resolve is steel
  570. >... you definitely don't want to take a peek at whatever weird teasing she has cooked up for you
  571. >the intermittent tapping of the pencil continues
  572. >with each new tap your iris is pulled slightly more to the corner of your eye
  573. >you lightly grit your teeth
  574. >the taps become slowly become louder
  575. >then suddenly they stop
  576. >Maybe she gave up?
  577. >Shortly after that thought leaves your mind you feel an unknown object pelt your cheek and fall onto your desk
  578. >you look down to see an eraser
  579. >you quickly turn your head toward her and beam an angry, wide-eyed expression as if to say "WHAT!?"
  580. >she has an annoyed grimace on her face, she widens her eyes at you as if to say "FINALLY."
  581. >she takes a quick look around then points downward
  582. >your eyes slowly trail down her body
  583. >she lays her hands on her skirt and pinches the edge
  584. >you look from her soft thighs to her devious eyes and back again
  585. >she begins slowly hiking up her skirt, exposing more and more of her thighs
  586. >you begin squirming in place, your pants tightening again
  587. >she uncrosses her legs and spreads them slightly
  588. >your eyes go wide and you look to her face, which is slowly turning a rosy pink
  589. >she pulls up her skirt for a split second, giving you an eyeful of her tight little slit
  590. >your eyes dart away looking for anything else to look at
  591. >but its already too late, the tent is thoroughly pitched
  592. >you squirm around in your seat, trying to reposition yourself
  593. >you see Trixie looking on your uncomfortable situation with delight
  594. >fuck she's got you horny
  595. >maybe this wouldn't be so bad if she hadn't blueballed you so hard yesterday
  596. >you stop resisting your instincts and continue turn to stare at her
  597. >she seems to have a somewhat satisfied look upon her face
  598. >she knows very well you are under her spell now
  599. >she sneaks her right hand underneath the elastic band of her skirt
  600. >No way, she isn't...
  601. >she spreads her legs slightly again, so you are given a direct look at her sex
  602. >it's absolutely glistening
  603. >her hand appears over her vagina, and she begins gliding it up and down her labia, stopping at her clit
  604. >the absolute audacity of this bitch,getting on you for jerking off in class yesterday, and here she is now jilling off right in front of you
  605. >... not that you can complain
  606. >she continues to slowly increase her pace, her eyes carefully observing her surroundings for any sign of detection
  607. >she slides her two middle fingers into herself and begins lightly moving them in and out, staring at you intensely
  608. >this fucking tease of a woman
  609. >she continues fingering herself and staring at you
  610. >you find your hand slowly inching for your pocket
  611. >you are absolutely throbbing, you can hardly resist yourself
  612. >as she sees you sneaking your hand into your pocket she abruptly stops and then shakes her head
  613. >she abruptly pulls her fingers out and recomposes herself
  614. >she faces her body forward and acts as if nothing had even happened
  615. >Seriously? What is wrong with this girl
  616. >you are absolutely on edge, if it were just you and her you aren't sure if you'd be able to help yourself...
  617. >she is clearly completely ignoring your now
  618. >you are about at your wits end with this weirdo girl
  619. >you spend the remainder of the class trying to pay attention and push any lewd thoughts from your mind
  620. >but the scene that just transpired before you is playing on repeat in your head
  621. >a few minutes more pass and you hear the final bell ring
  622. >Discord wraps up what he was talking about and excuses everyone
  623. >the class begins to file out into the hall and go on with their day
  624. >after about half of the class has left Discord leaves as well
  625. >given the massive rager you are chilling with right now, you need a minute to calm down before you try walking anywhere
  626. >you scribble aimlessly in your notebook trying to give off an appearance of revising your notes, not that anyone is paying attention
  627. >eventually everyone has left the classroom
  628. >well, everybody but HER of course
  629. >"What's wrong Anonymous? Don't you want to be getting home?"
  630. >you stare at her in silent bewilderment
  631. >"I mean of course, its not like that matters. Trixie has plans for her little slave boy. Now come on, get up, we have places to be."
  632. "Uh yeah, I'm gonna need a minute. I mean seriously what's wrong with you? Talk about the pot calling the kettle black."
  633. >she gets up from her seat and steps in front of your desk, leaning over on it, her face inches from yours
  634. >and her cleavage relatively exposed
  635. >she chuckles to herself
  636. >"Oh Anonymous, its all a part of your rehabilitation, don't you see?"
  637. "I don't know how much longer you can play that card, Trix. Its pretty clear you're digging all this a little too much. You plan on cutting out some of the bullshit any time soon here?"
  638. >she begins blushing slightly, but then straightens her face into an annoyed expression
  639. >"Trixie isn't really liking your attitude, I grace you with a show, and this is how you return the favor?"
  640. >"Or perhaps Anonymous isn't really enjoying this and Trixie should just stop with her lessons and go on her way?
  641. >you sigh
  642. >you definitely want to see where this goes at this point
  643. "No... its not that, it's just-"
  644. >she shoves the fingers she was using mere minutes ago to pleasure herself into your mouth
  645. >"Your speaking privileges are revoked."
  646. >She stares into your eyes with an intense sultry stare
  647. >the flavor of her sex still lingers, you subconsciously begin rubbing your tongue across her fingers
  648. >she smiles gently at you and moves her face closer
  649. >"That's a good boy."
  650. >she slowly slides her fingers from your mouth
  651. >"Now quit stalling, and come with me."
  652. >you get up from your chair, but your bulge is still egregiously noticeable
  653. "Look Trixie, just give me a few minutes to reign thi-"
  654. >"Trixie did not say you could speak. If you weren't such an out of control degenerate this wouldn't be a problem."
  655. "I don't think that's exactly fai-"
  656. >"NO SPEAKING."
  657. >you shake your head
  658. >She hands you her bag
  659. >"You can carry that and cover your indecency up, how about that?"
  660. >your mouth moves to form words, but stop yourself and simply nod
  661. >she begins walking out of the room
  662. >Have you completely resigned your fate at this point?
  663. >Why you?
  664. >No seriously, why you? What is her deal?
  665. >Clearly she has some interest in you, but is this just some sort of strange kink she's playing out or does it go deeper than that?
  666. >There has to be some way to get past her weird act, you've seen glimpses of it
  667. >you put a pin in that thinking
  668. >you step forward and begin following her to where-ever it is she plans drag you
  669. >she begins leading you down those twisting hallways yet again
  670. >but you have an idea of where she is taking you
  671. "Yeah okay, can I spea-"
  672. >she turns her head and shoots a stern glare
  673. >wait are you seriously asking permission to speak right now?
  674. "Actually I'm kind of done with this whole power dynamic for a minute here. This is... fun? I guess, but-"
  675. >"HOW DARE YOU-"
  676. >you speak over her
  677. "-No, I'm being serious, if you want to drag me to that dingy-ass janitor's closet for whatever debauchery you have in mind that's fine, but I think I have a better suggestion."
  678. >Her expression moves from stern, to enraged, to confused, and finally to an unfamiliar demure state
  679. >"I'm not... Trixie is not taking you to..."
  680. >she blushes deeply
  681. >"ITS NOT DEBAUCHERY... You can speak I...
  682. >she looks away and exhales in an annoyed manner
  683. >"...Trixie supposes."
  684. "OH, thanks for the permission. ...ANYWAY, my parents are complete wageslaves so I doubt they're around right now. It's not that far from here, we could just go to my house."
  685. >she seems dumbfounded
  686. >"Look. Trixie doesn't know what perverted imagery your mind has created, as there is nothing as such..."
  687. >she trails off, flustered
  688. >she clears her throat
  689. >I-i guess... Trixie guesses that we could go to your place. You may be able to better serve me in such a setting anyhow."
  690. >Wow, she's kind of a pushover deep down, isn't she?
  691. >However, in retrospect, it was probably a bit forward to just invite her over to your house
  692. >but then again, nothing about your interactions has really made any social sense
  693. "You know, I mean I was just kind of spitballing here we don't have to-"
  694. >"No, it is fine. Since you wish for Trixie to grace your place of living... we can do that..."
  695. >she trails off
  696. >"Yes, yes indeed, you will take Trixie to your dwelling, and you will... serve her a dinner fit for her status as your mi-"
  697. >she darts her eyes around and quiets her volume
  698. >"...mistress"
  699. >Was it really this easy to throw her off her game this whole time?
  700. >you awkwardly stare at her for a bit
  701. >she stares back at you for a few seconds and then turns her gaze to the wall
  702. >she grabs your shoulders and turns you around
  703. >"w-Well then, do you expect Trixie to magically know where we are going? Start walking."
  704. >you open your mouth to say something, but shrug internally and begin leading her out of the school
  705. >You take note of how nice it is when the halls are empty, you've really had your fill of being concerned with other's perceptions for the day
  706. >Why does having this odd girl around cause you to suddenly care anyway?
  707. >you crane your neck backwards and peer at her casually keeping pace behind you
  708. >her eyes meet yours
  709. >she has an expression you find hard to read, other than giving your a warm feeling of "god damn that's cute"
  710. >"Quit staring at me."
  711. >you abide her request and find yourself at the school doors
  712. >you pull them open and then stand in place, gesturing for Trixie to step out first, accompanied by a mischievous shit eating grin
  713. >"Get that gross look off your face."
  714. "Aren't you satisfied my dearest MISTRESS, I couldn't have you doing something as lowly as opening doors for yourself."
  715. >her eyes goes wide at your loud usage of the word mistress
  716. >you know nobody is around, but you kind of gathered she would react that way
  717. "What's wrong Trix, you were so confident before, does that word make you uncomfortable, MISTRESS?"
  718. >she looks legitimately angered
  719. >"Anonymous, STOP IT. Now. That word will be used when I decide we use it."
  720. "Oh, come on, don't be such a stick in the mud, I'm just messing with you. I don't want to draw attention to myself anyhow, you're just too fun to mess with."
  721. >she exhales through her nose, but then loosens her posture
  722. >"Just quit talking and focus on taking Trixie to your abode."
  723. "You are really funny, you know you can just talk like a normal person right?"
  724. >"Trixie wouldn't expect a crass, uncultured plebeian such as yourself to understand."
  725. "I suppose not, but in all honesty, why don't you tell me what your actual angle is here. I'm getting kind of tired of having zero idea what you're about."
  726. >she sighs
  727. >"Because you're..."
  728. "...I'm what?"
  729. >"...Just keep walking."
  730. >You get to the edge of the schools grounds and take a left down the sidewalk
  731. >she continues to follow you in silence
  732. >"...Because you are so depressing."
  733. "Hmm?"
  734. >"Just watching you everyday, doing nothing, speaking with no one, folding into yourself. It's pathetic. It's depressing."
  735. >that was awfully heartfelt, and brutally honest
  736. >it actually makes you feel the weight of your layabout approach to the world for a second
  737. "...Oh."
  738. >you continue walking in silence
  739. >"...But you know Anonymous, what was interesting to me is that I found it a bit enviable as well."
  740. "Wait... what?"
  741. >"Well you see Trixie... I..."
  742. >she shakes her head and seems to become somber
  743. >"...Nevermind, Trixie doesn't need to explain herself to you."
  744. "... Really? You're just going to start dropping truth bombs like that and then leave me on edge?"
  745. >she smirks and gazes at you with half-lidded eyes
  746. >"I don't know Anonymous, "leaving you on edge"? What do you think?"
  747. >you reflexively gulp and turn your eyes to the ground
  748. >she lightly chuckles
  749. >How does she manage to go from serious to something hot like that on a dime?
  750. "...Touche."
  751. >you clear your throat
  752. "Well ANYWAY, my most humble abode is just across the street over there, "Mistress" Trixie."
  753. >"Hmph. Good, Trixie was starting to get pretty tired of all this walking."
  754. "I mean we've only walked like two blocks."
  755. >"... Actually... Anonymous?"
  756. "What?"
  757. >the sadistic grin
  758. >"Carry Trixie."
  759. "...You're joking, right? We're like RIGHT here."
  760. >"I don't want to hear your backsass, carry me."
  761. >you let out a defeated sigh, knowing there isn't really much reasoning with her
  762. "...Fine."
  763. >you awkwardly affix her backpack to the front of your chest, then crouch slightly and put your arms out backwards
  764. "Hop on."
  765. >she takes the phrasing literally
  766. >...VERY literally, and jumps into your back with the full force of her weight; throwing you off balance
  767. >your face smacks into the concrete
  768. >okay, yeah, that's genuine anger
  770. >she laughs at your misfortune
  771. >you attempt to push yourself back up but find she is sitting squarely on the middle of your spine
  772. >you quietly growl to yourself
  773. "Will you get the fuck off of me for a second?"
  774. >"What's wrong Anonymous? Too weak to lift up a scrawny highschool girl?"
  775. >she's literally applying her entire weight to your center of gravity
  776. >however her quip scratches at what little sense of pride you have
  777. >you place your hands on the ground and begin pushing yourself up
  778. >she leans forward and wraps her arms around your neck, her lips inches away from your ear
  779. >"Ahh see, that wasn't so hard now was it? Trixie knew you had it in you..."
  780. >her whisper lightly tickles your earlobe
  781. >as much as you are legitimately irate with her, it calms you down a bit
  782. >Great, are you one of those autists who gets off to ASMR now?
  783. >you wrap your hands underneath her thighs and push yourself up into a standing position
  784. >"Good, now commence with the carrying."
  785. >you sigh again
  786. >you begin trudging the short distance across the street toward the house
  787. >you are still coping with the residual pain from the fall, but you have to admit having two handfuls of Trixie thigh is probably a fair trade
  788. >you walk up to the door and stand there for a second
  789. "So... you gonna get down so I can get us inside?"
  790. >"No."
  791. "Can you be reasonable please?"
  792. >"No."
  793. >she chuckles lightly in your ear
  794. >you attempt to move your hand from her thigh to your pocket to grab the key
  795. >in response she wraps her legs tightly around your waist and arms around your neck
  796. >there is a mild struggle to breathe, you wheeze slightly
  797. >"Put your hand back this instant."
  798. >you oblige
  799. >she loosens her grip
  800. "We're just gonna awkwardly stand here then?"
  801. >"Hmm... Maybe. If that is what Trixie desires."
  802. >this bitch is going to extract every last sigh your body is capable of producing
  803. >"Quit it with that mopey attitude Anonymous. Its unbecoming."
  804. >"... Trixie supposes she will give you a hand~..."
  805. >she slides her left hand underneath your arm, tracing her fingers slowly down your shirt as she approaches your pocket
  806. >she reaches into your pocket and begins rustling around
  807. >... a bit too much
  808. >she completely avoids the keys and stretches the inside of your pocket over your johnson
  809. >she grazes her fingers over it a few times
  810. >you begin chubbing up slightly
  811. >you turn your head
  812. "Ehem... those... aren't my keys..."
  813. >Wait, why are you trying to stop her?
  814. >she continues
  815. >"Oh? Is that so... Trixie had no ide-"
  816. >she cranes her neck to look at you with a smug grin
  817. >your eyes meet, faces mere centimeters apart
  818. >a bright blush quickly appears on her face, before she nearly gives herself whiplash looking away from you
  819. >she ceases and grabs the keys in a short order
  820. >there is a moment of silence
  821. >"...Well anyway..."
  822. >she extends the key and pushes it in the lock, twisting it
  823. >the door pushes open
  824. >"... Don't say I never do anything for you."
  825. >you step through the entrance and amble over to the living room
  826. >you walk over to the couch and crouch down
  827. "Alrighty then, I think this is your stop Trix."
  828. >she wraps herself around you again and throws her weight into the cushion, pulling you into place with her
  829. >"I thought I told you aren't to refer to me by such a childish pet name. Where is your respect Anonymous?"
  830. >you feel the warmth of her body soak into your back
  831. >it's quite soothing
  832. "Hmpf, how foolish of me, oh dearest mistr-"
  833. >"-HOWEVER, since we aren't in the presence of the rabble, Trixie supposes she will allow it~."
  834. >you feel a vague sense of satisfaction from her admission
  835. >the two of you sit in that position for a minute or so in a silence that surprisingly doesn't feel awkward
  836. >it feels... nice
  837. >you decide to break the silence
  838. "... soooo, what was that about me being enviable earlier..."
  839. >she quietly growls to herself and pushes you away
  840. >"You're an idiot."
  841. >... this girl
  842. >you release a muted laugh
  843. "Why even say it in the first place if that's how you're going to react?"
  844. >"No seriously, you're an idiot, learn how to read the room, you gross autist. Go make yourself useful."
  845. >you shoot her a bewildered look
  846. >her face is contorted into a grimace accompanied by a slight rosiness in her cheeks
  847. >"IF Trixie recalls correctly, you were to make her a proper meal. Chop chop."
  848. >you open your mouth to retort, but stop just short of vocalizing anything
  849. >its not as if you really even know how to respond to her sudden change in mood anyhow
  850. >"Quit staring like a brainless caveman and get to it."
  851. >she waves you away
  852. >you remove her bag from yourself and set it next to her
  853. >you then proceed to the kitchen
  854. >Hey... wait a minute are you just going to take that?
  855. > suppose you are
  856. >How is it that she is so disarming?
  857. >What is causing this reaction in you?
  858. >the word that comes to mind is "fear"
  859. >but you know it isn't fear of her
  860. >no, you realize, something far worse than a something, its a nothing
  861. >a lack
  862. >you shake your head, enough pointless introspection
  863. >you begin perusing the kitchen for anything that you can serve to that entitled bi-
  864. >you smile to yourself
  865. >-really cute girl
  866. >As you dig around through the cupboards you find very little in the way of anything that could resemble a "meal"
  867. >clearly grocery shopping hasn't taken place in a while
  868. >the only real choices are varying degrees of trashy snack foods
  869. >you pause for a second envisioning the girl in the other room berating you for serving her "slop for uncultured swine"
  870. >then again that would probably happen regardless of what you provided
  871. >you shake your head
  872. >Welp, fuck it
  873. >you grab two squares of ramen and a pot
  874. >you fill that bitch up with water and let it get to a boil
  875. >toss those motherfuckin' noods in there with that seasoning packet and that's that
  876. >you split the noodles into two bowls and set them at the table
  877. >you chuckle to yourself, finding humor in the fatalism of the situation
  878. >Hmm, what else could you throw into this trough you got going here?
  879. >you recall your exchange with her at the vending machine
  880. >you swipe a jar of peanut butter and some saltines and set them at the table
  881. >you clear your throat and yell into the next room
  882. "Well... uh... Trixie? I... uh. Made food?"
  883. >you hear her get up and begin trudging into kitchen
  884. >when she steps inside she takes one brief look at the spread you've laid out for her, one look at you, then sighs deeply and proceeds to sit down
  885. >oh
  886. >That was... not that bad?
  887. >or is that worse?
  888. >you take your seat opposite her and sit there in relative silence for a minute or so
  889. "... Yeah, well... I know this is probably pretty disappointing. Eh.. sorry about that."
  890. >"To be quite frank, Trixie had zero expectations of anything outstanding. This is actually rather fitting given your loser personality."
  891. "...oh"
  892. >"That and I can tell its actually making you more uncomfortable that I'm not grilling you over this incredibly depressing excuse for a "meal"."
  893. >she looks up at you, a small smirk appears on her face
  894. >"The crackers are kind of a cringey addition, but it's almost mildly something like endearing."
  895. >you grin back at her
  896. >"Almost. Don't start feeling too satisfied with yourself."
  897. >she goes back to slurping at her noodles
  898. >you do the same
  899. >the rest of the meal is "enjoyed" in silence
  900. >after the little exchange in the living room you have no idea how to get conversation rolling with her again
  901. >That said, she doesn't seem particularly angry anymore?
  902. >"So then, Anonymous, how do you plan to entertain Trixie this evening?"
  903. >You look up to see her head cocked and cradled in her hand
  904. >she flutters her eyes at you
  905. >you freeze up
  906. "Well I don't really..."
  907. >she looks at you expectantly
  908. "...I guess we could... chill in my room or something?"
  909. >"Hmm, your room? My my Anonymous, isn't that awfully presumptuous of you?"
  910. >you break into a cold sweat
  911. >Why are you doing that?
  912. >She's just trying to unnerve you.
  913. >You've literally had her box in your face and here you are feeling uncomfortable about the idea of something like that happening
  914. >then again, she is still mostly an enigma to you
  915. >a chaotic one you have no idea how to read
  916. >"You do know we're having a conversation here, right? Trixie says something and then you respond. It's really quite simple."
  917. "...Well it's just, I don't really have-"
  918. >"You don't really have what? Lacking the confidence to court a woman as enrapturing as Trixie?"
  919. "No, its not tha-"
  920. "-Wait did you use the word "court"?"
  921. >her eyes go wide, her smug composure broken
  922. >"W-what, no i-I didn-. As if Trixie would say-."
  923. >she exhales through her nose and turns her gaze to the wall
  924. >"Whatever. Let's just go see this stupid loser lounge you clearly rarely leave."
  925. >Ahh, there it is.
  926. >suddenly your apprehension goes away
  927. "You know, it's really cute when you feel the need to backtrack like that."
  928. >"Anon. Shut up."
  929. "Oh, "Anon", how informal, I must really be growing on you."
  930. >"Anonymous, seriously, stop."
  931. >you meet her with the cheesiest smile you can muster
  932. "You know what else...?"
  933. >"If you KNEW anything, then you'd know to stop talking. RIGHT. NOW."
  934. >you chuckle and oblige
  935. "Okay, fine, have it your way Trix."
  936. >she grumbles to herself
  937. >"...Well then quit dallying around."
  938. >she waves you off dismissively, gesturing for you to lead the way
  939. >you guide her to your room and outstretch your arm welcoming her in
  940. "Well this is the spot. Try not to be too impressed."
  941. >she takes in her surroundings for a second
  942. >"I have to say, I'm kind of surprised."
  943. "Why's that?"
  944. >"Well given your gross base state of existence, Trixie expected you to live in complete squalor."
  945. >you respond with a half-hearted laugh, and walk over to your television
  946. >you turn it on trying to figure out something to keep the two of you occupied
  947. >you look back to see she is still standing in the doorway
  948. "You can... make yourself at home? I guess?"
  949. >you consider that was probably a poor choice of words given her nature, but then again, what's the worst she could do?
  950. >"Hmph, as if Trixie needed your permission."
  951. >she walks over to your bed and sits down
  952. >as she is sitting down you get a quick flash up her skirt
  953. >god damn
  954. >you had kind of forgotten she's not wearing any panties
  955. >she notices your gaze and quickly crosses her legs
  956. >to your surprise she doesn't feel the need to disparage you
  957. >instead she continues to inspect your room, avoiding any eye contact with you
  958. >this goes on for a while
  959. >the silence is driving you insane, why won't she say anything?
  960. "So... What is it that Trixie likes to do for fun?"
  961. >"Certainly not this."
  962. "Yeah, I assumed as much, that's why I'm asking."
  963. >"What do you think?"
  964. "Hmm, well I suppose you seem to really get off on antagonizing me..."
  965. >she rolls her eyes
  966. "And I suppose other than that in the past when I've seen you around you've never really been able to shut up about your stupid magic tricks."
  967. >she shoots you an angry glare, but her expression loosens and she looks down to her side in a despondent manner
  968. >even your autistic ass can pick up that you mis-spoke on that one
  969. "Hey look... I didn't mean anything by that. I've never even seen what you can do! Besides, who cares what a loser like myself thinks, right?"
  970. >you walk over to your desk and grab a deck of playing cards
  971. "Maybe you could give me a demonstration."
  972. >she looks up at the cards and sighs
  973. >"You don't have to patronize me Anon."
  974. "Wo wo wo, where does that come from?"
  975. >"You probably think its some weird lame obsession just like the rest of them. I'd rather you just be honest instead of pretending."
  976. >huh, that is strangely open for her, there is a hurt in her voice that is palpable
  977. "Well that's not very much in the great and powerful spirit. Come on, chin up."
  978. >"You really want to see?"
  979. "Yeah, for sure, I'm sure you're probably pretty talented given its kind of your passion in life, show me, leave me in awe, oh great and powerful Trixie."
  980. >she looks up at you a gives a half-hearted smile that slowly grows into a full blown one
  981. >you smile back at her
  982. >"Yes, yes, of course, what was the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie thinking? Of course a simple mind like yours would be dazzled by my feats of magical prowess.
  983. >she snatches the deck from your hand and begins shuffling the cards
  984. >after a few admittedly masterful shuffles of the deck she spreads the cards in her hands
  985. >"Alright Anonymous, pick a card, any card! And be amazed by the GREAT and POWERFUL Trixie's mastery over your feeble mind!"
  986. "I am not sure that's the best way to lull someone into wanting to see your trick."
  987. >her face goes deadpan
  988. >"Just pick a card already."
  989. >you pull a random card from the spread
  990. >"-Besides, I do have mastery over your feeble mind, so this is a custom tailored act just for you."
  991. "Wow, that's almost kind of close to thoughtful."
  992. >she ignores you
  993. >"NOW, take a look at the card you have drawn, commit it to memory, and do not let Trixie see it."
  994. >the card is a jack of diamonds
  995. "Alright Trix, what next."
  996. >"Return the card to the deck."
  997. >you slide the card back into place
  998. >she begins shuffling the deck again
  999. >"Alright, watch closely Anonymous, you see that the card has been thoroughly lost within the deck, yes?"
  1000. >you nod your head
  1001. >"Very well then."
  1002. >she sets the deck down on the bed
  1003. >"Now, Anonymous, grab five consecutive cards from anywhere in the deck."
  1004. "...Okay I guess?"
  1005. >you follow her instructions
  1006. >"Now, look over the cards you have, are any of them the card you drew originally?"
  1007. >you look them over
  1008. "Uhhh.... no?"
  1009. >"....Oh, that's strange..."
  1010. >she looks down at her phone and starts tapping away at it
  1011. >your phone buzzes in your pocket
  1012. >"Well then Anonymous... you should probably get that."
  1013. >she grins devilishly
  1014. >you pull out your phone
  1015. >1 new message from Trixie, naturally you open it
  1016. >How in the fuck?
  1017. >"Is that perhaps the card you drew?"
  1018. >Indeed that is the jack of diamonds
  1019. >beyond that, you can tell the picture was taken in your room
  1020. >you look up at her with a genuine awe, but attempt to tone down your expression
  1021. "I-it is my card. How did you- When did you even?"
  1022. >"Hmph, as if Trixie would reveal her secrets to a lowly neophyte such as yourself."
  1023. >you raise your finger in protest and slump back into yourself
  1024. "Yeah I suppose I should have expected that. But for real, that was actually pretty impressive."
  1025. >"Well of course, it was foolish of you of you to ever doubt!"
  1026. >she quiets her voice
  1027. >"... but you really think so?"
  1028. >she looks at you with a sort of puppy dog look
  1029. "I mean I didn't really doubt you, I just kind of..."
  1030. >you clear your throat before you say something autistic
  1031. "...anyway, yes that was actually pretty great, very original twist. I really do mean that."
  1032. >she beams a very genuine smile at you, then quickly realizes how vulnerable she's being and switches to a more sober expression
  1033. >"... thanks... I guess"
  1034. >her volume decreases with each word
  1035. "Why don't you show me another or something?"
  1036. >she perks up slightly
  1037. >"Trixie does not see a reason to show all her tricks in one sitting..."
  1038. >"...Why don't we find something else to occupy ourselves with...?"
  1039. >she grins at you devilishly
  1040. >you tense up at the subtext of such a statement
  1041. "Oh yeah heh, something to occupy ourselves with..."
  1042. >you trip over your words, unsure how to proceed
  1043. "Uhm... did you have anything in mind?"
  1044. >"Hmph, is Trixie responsible for guiding your every action?"
  1045. >you chuckle lightly to yourself
  1046. "Ya know, a pathetic slave boy like myself is pretty lost without his beloved mistress' instruction."
  1047. >she shakes her head and sighs
  1048. >"Fine if that's the game you want to play..."
  1049. >"Disrobe."
  1050. >your eyes go wide for a second
  1051. "...Excuse me?"
  1052. >"Oh right, how foolish of Trixie to assume you would have a wide enough vocabulary to understand. Take your clothes off. Now."
  1053. >even though she's already seen you in a pretty exposed level of undress, you still feel a degree of hesitation to to fulfilling her request
  1054. "Why don't YOU disrobe?"
  1055. >"...Maybe Trixie will IF she deems her servant worthy of such a sight, but that would be very contingent upon his compliance..."
  1056. >oh
  1057. >that was not quite the response you were expecting out of her
  1058. "I... I guess I can do that..."
  1059. >she responds with a satisfied smile and waves her hand as if to say "get on with it"
  1060. >you quickly pull off your shirt
  1061. >she stares intently at your chest, as if memorizing every detail
  1062. >the intensity of her stare is making this feel far more awkward than it has any business being
  1063. >you begin undoing your pants, as you bend down to remove them, you notice she shifts how her legs are crossed, giving you a quick glance of her pussy
  1064. >that visual stimuli coupled with the strange, hungry, prying nature of her eyes is starting to take an effect on you
  1065. >your boxers tighten
  1066. >she stares at your bulge, your cock twitches a bit
  1067. >she chuckles lightly in response
  1068. >you stand there for a few seconds in silence with her, even though she's already seen your johnson before, you are still reluctant to fully expose yourself
  1069. >"Come now Anonymous, we don't have all day..."
  1070. >you sigh and turn your gaze to the wall
  1071. "You are such a weirdo, you know that?"
  1072. >with that you remove the last piece of cloth covering you and stand before her
  1073. >she sits in silence and takes in your body
  1074. >Does she find you that attractive? What is her deal?
  1075. >your cock continues to harden as she refuses to take her eyes off of it
  1076. "Ehem, eyes are up here Trix. If I didn't know any better I'd say you have a thing for me."
  1077. >she jolts in response, knocked out of her trance
  1078. >she blushes slightly and turns her head away
  1079. >she whispers something to herself that you can barely make out
  1080. >" duh you idiot"
  1081. >you chuckle
  1082. "Did I hear that right, was that a normal down to earth admission?"
  1083. >"Yeah, I said you're a fucking idiot."
  1084. "That's not quite what I heard..."
  1085. >"Then you heard wrong."
  1086. >in one quick motion she whips her phone out and points it at you
  1087. "HEY.... what are you-"
  1088. >before you can finish your sentence the phone flashes
  1089. "... Trixie, what the FUCK was that about?"
  1090. >that, at this point trademark, sadistic grin returns
  1091. >"Insurance."
  1092. "Insurance!? What the fuck are you talking about?"
  1093. >"Well you know, Trixie was thinking you were right before. I never really had any intention of reporting you to any authorities."
  1094. "....yeah? I thought we were past that whole pretense anyway? What does that have to do with you randomly snapping nudes of me?"
  1095. >"As Trixie said, insurance. Yes you are being compliant now but... its always nice to have some extra leverage. Just in case."
  1096. >you furrow your brow
  1097. "I actually can't believe you are a real person that exists. Delete that shit. NOW."
  1098. >"And why would I do that?"
  1099. "Gee, I dunno, maybe because I've literally been playing along with all of your whims the past couple days and given no indication you need to hold anything over me."
  1100. >"Maybe I'm not holding anything over you... Besides, what happened to that oh so stoic character from the other day that claims he doesn't care about his image in the eyes of his peers?"
  1101. >you grit your teeth slightly, she's really trying to do this low-brow blackmail shit?
  1102. "Just delete that shit already."
  1103. >"No."
  1104. "I'm serious."
  1105. >"Make me."
  1106. >she shoots a shit eating grin at you
  1107. >it rubs you the wrong way, a wave of rage overtakes you
  1108. >you quickly snag both of her wrists in your hands and throw your weight into her pinning her back to the bed
  1109. "Hand the phone over. NOW."
  1110. >your beyond frustrated visage stares down at her face, her expression is...?
  1111. >there's a redness to her face, and her eyes have a look of deep longing in them
  1112. >she bites her lip and stares into your eyes, chuckling to herself
  1113. >"There he is."
  1114. >her comment disarms you
  1115. "W-what?"
  1116. >"Well then, ape-man, what are you going to do now?"
  1117. >the heat of the moment kind of left you unconscious of your nudity
  1118. >you are pinning her down on your bed, fully erect
  1119. >you calm down and loosen your grip on her
  1120. "S-sorry..."
  1121. >you pull your weight off of her and shift to her side, sitting down
  1122. >she sighs heavily
  1123. >"...You are such a lost case, pathetic pushover."
  1124. "Look, will you just delete-"
  1125. >"No, I won't. However, why don't you entertain that more?"
  1126. "What are you talking about?"
  1127. >"You're always such a empty vessel, Trixie... I just wanted to see that weak little flame in there flare up for a minute."
  1128. >she turns her phone to you, showing you its gallery
  1129. >"See? I never even took a picture of you."
  1130. >you shake your head
  1131. "...You are such a brat."
  1132. >"However..."
  1133. >you look over to her quizzically
  1134. >"Let Trixie take a picture for real."
  1135. "Wouldn't that kind of-"
  1136. >"Let's call it a trust exercise and a part of the massive undertaking Trixie has shouldered in attempting to rehabilitate you..."
  1137. "You can call it whatever you want but-"
  1138. "Yes or no? ... I think your might prefer to consent to my request..."
  1139. >Does she really have to make every little thing this convoluted and confusing?
  1140. >you slowly grumble out some words
  1141. "... fine... I guess."
  1142. >her face lights up
  1143. >"Trixie thought you might see reason."
  1144. >she stands up and turns around to look down at you sitting on the bed
  1145. >"Now... lay down on your back."
  1146. >this feels so weird, but you oblige her request and lay down fully exposed in front of her
  1147. >she points her phone at you
  1148. >you look away
  1149. >she chuckles to herself
  1150. >"Oh, Anonymous... so shy all of the sudden..."
  1151. >she takes a picture then walks closer to you
  1152. >"... Let me get one more."
  1153. "Whatever, can we just get this over with. You better not flip this on me."
  1154. >she crawls onto the bed next to you
  1155. "-Hey wait what are you?"
  1156. >she stretches one leg over you and straddles your abdomen, pointing the camera at you
  1157. >all her screen could possibly see from this angle is your face
  1158. >"Now be a good boy and smile for Trixie..."
  1159. >you can feel the warmth of her sex on your stomach
  1160. "...Yeah no, that's not happeni-."
  1161. >"-Actually, Trixie doesn't much like this angle.."
  1162. >she slides herself further down your body until her warm spot is mere inches above your member
  1163. >she focuses the camera on you and moves her lower body slightly closer, the warmth emanating onto you
  1164. >you twitch in response
  1165. >you make temporary skin contact with her
  1166. >in response your eyes go wide
  1167. >she flashes her phone at you and begins laughing impishly
  1168. >"You know, its not a smile but that will do to."
  1169. "Trixie you realize you're...?"
  1170. >"I'm what Anonymous? Scared of..."
  1171. >she sets her weight on your member wedging it between herself and you
  1172. >"This?"
  1173. > ...its so warm, you can feel her juices
  1174. >you reflexively grunt at the sensation
  1175. >this bitch has had you on edge for the past two days, you are overly sensitive to this attention
  1176. >"Has Trixie left you speechless?"
  1177. >she stares at you with her signature smirk
  1178. "That feels.."
  1179. >"Use your words Anon."
  1180. >she slowly moves her hips back and forth
  1181. >the length of your cock is coated in her juices
  1182. >a light moan leaves your lips
  1183. >"Something you want Anonymous?"
  1184. >on some level you want to respond in a snarky manner, however, your instincts override that thought
  1185. "Please... keep doing that..."
  1186. >"Hmph, Trixie supposes she will accept that. You have been a relatively good servant today..."
  1187. >she puts her hands on each of your shoulders and begins gyrating her hips on you
  1188. >the feeling is truly immaculate
  1189. >she stares down at you with lust filled eyes as she bites her lip
  1190. >every now and again she stifles a moan
  1191. >her speed slowly and steadily increases, she also exerts more of her weight on you as she goes on
  1192. "....fuuuck..."
  1193. >you raise your arms and attempt to place them on her hips
  1194. >as you do, she lifts her arms and swats you away
  1195. >"Calm down now, Anonymous. How greedy of you, Trixie does you a favor and this is how you respond?"
  1196. >she leans back and puts her hands on your thighs, she continues her gyrations, albeit at a much more slow, and agonizing pace
  1197. >"Now, I'll speed up if you promise to restrain yourself. Do we have an understanding?"
  1198. "Yes, okay... just, keep going.."
  1199. >she bends forward and hangs her face a few inches from your face
  1200. >"You know, you look so pathetic and desperate right now... I could get used to this look on you..."
  1201. >she resumes sliding along your shaft
  1202. >the minutes drone on
  1203. >eventually she pushes you to the edge
  1204. "Yeah, like that, I'm about to-"
  1205. >she puts her fingers to your lips and stops moving entirely
  1206. >"I don't think so."
  1207. >you reply with an unhappy grunt
  1208. "Please, let me, you've done nothing but tease me the past few days, you owe me."
  1209. >"I OWE you? Hmph, Trixie does not think so."
  1210. >she begins slowly gliding along you again, leaning back and placing her fingers on her clit
  1211. >"MAYBE Trixie will consider letting you get off if you can restrain yourself long enough for her to finish."
  1212. >you grimace in response to her movements
  1213. >and yet for some reason even though you want sweet release more than anything, you decide to try to compose yourself
  1214. >you've never experienced arousal at an intensity like this before
  1215. >you kind of want to see what she has in mind
  1216. "Will you at least be honest and say you're into this for once?"
  1217. >"As if, Trixie is just... -unnnff, this is just..."
  1218. >she continues to jill herself off, she moans loudly
  1219. >"... Another lesson, nothing more..."
  1220. >she increases the speed with which she glides along you, and in tandem how quickly she rubs herself
  1221. >her moans increase in volume
  1222. >at the same time you are brought close to your edge again
  1223. >a few seconds later she stops entirely, only rubbing herself, she releases a loud,sultry, and satisfied moan
  1224. >she begins to speak in a breathy voice
  1225. >"Okay... maybe Trixie will admit she derives some degree of enjoyment from this. Now... you..."
  1226. >she resumes sliding on your member
  1227. >she leans forward, and places her mouth next to your ear, licking your earlobe, and making the most pleasant moans you've ever experienced directly into your ear
  1228. >"Are you almost there, Anon?"
  1229. >you whisper into her ear
  1230. "...Yes, so close"
  1231. >"Well then..."
  1232. >she leans back and stops her motions again
  1233. >"... how unlucky for you."
  1234. >as the words leave her mouth, you hear the front door open, and subsequently close
  1235. >shit
  1236. >of course this is the ONE time they aren't swamped with overtime
  1237. >you speak in an annoyed, but hushed tone to Trixie
  1238. "How in the fuck do you..."
  1239. >you grit your teeth
  1240. >she whispers in your ear
  1241. >"Such a shame, maybe next time... -Shouldn't you go say hello?"
  1242. >she climbs off of you and sits next to you on the bed
  1243. "You are the most frustrating...
  1244. >"Anon, are you home? What are all these dishes doing out on the table?"
  1245. >Trixie covers her mouth with a hand and laughs quietly
  1246. >you release the most exasperated sigh that you are capable of
  1247. >you yell out into the hallway
  1248. "Yeah- I'm here, hold up, I'll be out in a couple minutes."
  1249. >you give Trixie a dirty look
  1250. "...We aren't finished here..."
  1251. >you grab a random pair of shorts and a t-shirt and throw them on
  1252. >you look back to see an extremely smug Trixie as you try to compose yourself as quickly as possible
  1253. >without saying anything you turn your gaze and begin walking out to assuage the authorities
  1254. >>"Oh there you are, how was your day?"
  1255. "...Fine mom."
  1256. >>"Always so excited to see your mother. Well anyhow, what's up with these bowls, awfully hungry today huh?"
  1257. >you're certain she already has some idea of what is going on and is just doing this in the most roundabout way to torture you
  1258. "Heh... yeah... I just invited one of my friends over for a study session, big tests coming up and all that."
  1259. >you know that was incredibly see-through
  1260. >>"Oh my, one of your friends? I can't say as I've ever met any of your friends, what's his name?"
  1261. "Well... actually its a she..."
  1262. >she smirks at you
  1263. >>"Oh is that so? What is HER name then? Why don't you introduce me?"
  1264. >you sigh
  1265. "Her name is-"
  1266. >"-Trixie."
  1267. >you look over to see Trixie leaning against the wall
  1268. >"So nice to make your acquaintance, Mrs. Unknown."
  1269. >>"Well well, what a proper young woman you are. So nice too meet you as well! You know, my son here doesn't have much initiative, so I appreciate you giving him a hand."
  1270. >"Oh yes, of course, its no problem at all. Yes, tri-
  1271. >she catches herself mid-sentence
  1272. >"-I have noticed his tendency towards being a complete layabout. I figured as his fr-"
  1273. >she quickly darts her eyes at you with an expression you can't quite make out
  1274. >"-iend, It was my responsibility to see to it that he doesn't get held back."
  1275. "That's not even-"
  1276. >>"Its very much appreciated Trixie. Well, I won't hold you two up any longer then, have a good "study" session."
  1277. >both you and Trixie shoot embarrassed, side-eyed glances at each other
  1278. >"Actually, I should be getting home the more I think about it. I had some... chores to attend to."
  1279. "...Hey wait now, I'm sure you could stay for a bit longer, right?"
  1280. >she beams the sadistic grin at you
  1281. >"It is rather unfortunate Anon, but I'm sure you can figure out the rest yourself. -It was very nice to meet you, Mrs. Unknown."
  1282. >>"Oh yes, of course Trixie. Feel free to stop by any time! Its nice to see him doing something other than sitting idly in his room."
  1283. >"Hmm, yes I couldn't agree more. Well then, I'll be on my way then, have a nice evening."
  1284. >she begins making her way for the door
  1285. >your mother leans toward you
  1286. >>"What you're just going to let her walk out on her own? Go see her out."
  1287. >you shake your head
  1288. "...fine..."
  1289. >you catch up with Trixie and open the door for her
  1290. >you glance at her with a furrowed brow and gritted teeth
  1291. "No please, let me get that for you."
  1292. >you lay heavy on the sarcasm
  1293. >she grins at you and steps outside the door, you step out with her and close the door behind you
  1294. "...I'm getting kind of sick o-"
  1295. >she places her fingers on your lips
  1296. >"You know Anonymous, good things come to those who wait..."
  1297. >with that she lightly pushes you back and begins walking away
  1298. >for a few seconds you stand there debating whether or not to chase after her
  1299. >of course you realize that that would just be an exercise in futility
  1300. >so instead, you turn around and walk inside
  1301. >in a somewhat dejected stupor you trudge back to your room and close the door behind you
  1302. >this girl...
  1303. >How long does she plan to string you along for?
  1304. >you aren't sure how much longer you can be around her like this before you do something you regret
  1305. >Then again, who are you kidding? Any doubts you might have had about her being into all this...
  1306. >even... into you?
  1307. >Well perhaps you won't make that assumption just yet
  1308. >regardless, at this point you feel relatively confident that if you decided to force yourself on her that her resistance would be...
  1309. >MOSTLY a facade
  1310. >just like everything else about her
  1311. >if only she wasn't so caught up on playing this "Trixie" character
  1312. >...not that its all that bad
  1313. >but you could do without how overly obtuse it causes all of her communication to be
  1314. >you rub your hand on your chin and grin to yourself
  1315. "...Tomorrow."
  1316. >Yes, you're going to break her tomorrow
  1317. >you aren't even quite sure what you're thinking with that phrasing, but its gonna happen
  1318. >but in the meantime, you suppose a little downtime is in order
  1319. >you boot up your PC and idle around on it
  1320. >before you know it, a few hours have passed
  1321. >your eyes have become heavy from staring at the screen, eventually you get up to go collapse on your bed
  1322. >you haphazardly land on the sheets face-first
  1323. >your nostrils fill with an unexpected scent
  1324. >oh right, this is where she was sitting after her little session with you
  1325. >sitting on your bed
  1326. >with no panties
  1327. >the smell triggers a somewhat primal reaction within your system and the desperation you had managed to put aside for a few hours returns
  1328. >you want to get off so bad
  1329. >and yet, you don't
  1330. >its not like there's anything really stopping you, something about all this simply has you... entranced
  1331. >you recall Trixie's final words as she left
  1332. "...she better not leave me hanging tomorrow..."
  1333. >you decide to forsake your urges and lay down to attempt to get some sleep
  1334. >you close your eyes for a bit when you hear an abrupt buzzing coming from your phone
  1335. >you groggily pry open your eyelids and grab it
  1336. >one new picture message from Trixie
  1337. >now this piques your interest
  1338. >you pop open the message to see...
  1339. >your eyes go wide
  1340. >its a picture of her modestly sized tits in one of the skimpiest bras you've ever had the pleasure of looking at
  1341. >there is a bit of text attached to the picture
  1342. >"... since you did... adequately today, Trixie figured perhaps you deserved a little something."
  1343. >a second message pops up as your stare in awe
  1344. >"Trixie supposes you can have a bit of fun, but you had better not give in to yourself, you reprobate."
  1345. >you respond casually, unsure how to even react to this turn of events
  1346. "Thanks... I guess?"
  1347. >"Don't mention it. Seriously. Don't. Statue. Tomorrow morning. Same time, don't be late."
  1348. >you sit there for a second debating whether you even need to dignify that with a response
  1349. >you decide you won't and open the picture again
  1350. >you begin zooming in on various parts of it, taking in every detail
  1351. >her skin looks so smooth...
  1352. >so many places you want your tongue to be
  1353. >as you continue to stare you find the torturous desire that Trixie has cultivated within you over the past few days rear its head
  1354. >Hmm... she did say you could have some fun, right?
  1355. >you scoff to yourself
  1356. >as if you need her permission anyhow... but...
  1357. >somehow you know you lack the discipline to play with that kind of fire
  1358. >its as if you can hear her admonishing you inside of your own thoughts
  1359. >"You apish degenerate."
  1360. >its a bit depressing what a number this bitch has done to you in two days time
  1361. >How pathetic is that? In that much time you've let her drag you through whatever whims her strange mind comes up with.
  1362. >And why?
  1363. >Well, probably because its hot...
  1364. >... and maybe because she's the first person who's paid you any mind that wasn't purely out of obligation
  1365. >you shake your head
  1366. >Where is that coming from?
  1367. >Then again, it has been quite a while since you've experienced anything like that, isn't it?
  1368. >the past few years you've spent living in a feverish haze interested in nothing but moment-to-moment hedonism
  1369. >And why did you end up in that state in the first place?
  1370. >Do you really not care about anything, or have you just lacked a reason to?
  1371. >your thoughts cause you to cringe to yourself in a moment of clarity
  1372. >Loneliness is hell of a drug huh?
  1373. >you quietly growl to yourself
  1374. >you close the picture and set your phone down
  1375. >that's quite enough depressing self-reflection for one evening
  1376. >you'll deal with that shit in the morning
  1377. >You know, when you continue following her down whatever path it is she is taking you
  1378. >so, against your desire for instant gratification you allow the heaviness in your eyelids to overtake you
  1380. >After what seems like a few seconds your eyes pop back open
  1381. >you groggily reach over to your phone to check the time
  1382. >its 6am
  1383. >a bit early for your tastes, but you decide to drag yourself out of bed and get ready for the day
  1384. >after you get yourself organized, you grab your things and head out
  1385. >6:30AM
  1386. >Why are you doing this again?
  1387. >your imagination paints a picture of you waiting at your appointed meeting place to some form of Trixie's muted delight
  1388. >yeah, you're gonna look real cool
  1389. >...No you aren't, that's cringe bro
  1390. >regardless you decide to begin your walk to that lovely place of learning
  1391. >the cool morning air washes away any residual tiredness you might have been fostering
  1392. >you reach the last turn before your destination is in sight and exhale deeply
  1393. >you turn the corner and...
  1394. >...Seriously? How early does this girl get up
  1395. >There she is, leaning against the statue, staring at her phone
  1396. >you sigh to yourself and walk over to her
  1397. "Mornin' Trix."
  1398. >she violently jolts in response, dropping her phone and turning a wide eyed gaze in your direction
  1400. >she grumbles to herself and scoops her phone off the ground
  1401. >"If this is broken, its coming out of your-"
  1402. >she takes a quick glance at it and slides it into her pocket
  1403. "...My what?"
  1404. >"Nothing, -I don't know. Just... what are you even doing here so early?"
  1405. "I could ask you the same thing."
  1406. >"Well you're not going to. Answer Trixie first."
  1407. >you consider your visualization from earlier
  1408. "Well... I was... uh..."
  1409. >play it off smooth Anon, don't be a simp
  1410. "-I just woke up early, didn't have anything else to do."
  1411. >"Is that so, because if Trixie didn't know any better she might assume you were trying to impress her or something."
  1412. >you chuckle to yourself
  1413. >"Oh of course, yes, that was it. As your most humble servant I had to make sure the coast was clear for my dearest mistress' grand entrance."
  1414. >you lay obnoxiously heavy on the sarcasm
  1415. >she glances at the ground and whispers something you can't quite make out
  1416. "What's that now, MISTRESS?"
  1417. >her eyes dart around making sure no one else was listening in
  1418. >"Stop that. Now. ...Anyhow, Trixie was just saying perhaps you aren't a total lost cause."
  1419. "Wow, that was almost a compliment."
  1420. >she ignores you and continues
  1421. >"Yes, only someone as great and powerful as Trixie would have ever had a chance of molding an unprincipled miscreant such as yourself into a somewhat presentable member of society."
  1422. "Oh, I'm sure."
  1423. >"You should be."
  1424. "So why are you here so early?"
  1425. >"The great and punctual Trixie always shows up at this time."
  1426. "Is that so?"
  1427. >"Yes."
  1428. "If I didn't know any better I might suggest were just so excited to see me you couldn't keep yourself away from our meeting place."
  1429. >she grimaces slightly and her right eye twitches
  1430. >"No."
  1431. "So matter of fact, anything more to that statement?"
  1432. >"Shut up."
  1433. >you outstretch your right arm to her
  1434. >she glances from it back to you
  1435. >"...What do you want?"
  1436. "Backpack."
  1437. >her expression sobers for a second followed by what looks like a mild rush of red to her cheeks
  1438. >"Oh yes, of course..."
  1439. >she clears her throat abruptly
  1440. >"It is good that your worthless curmudgeon nature is beginning to accept its lowly place in the world."
  1441. >she laughs to herself haughtily
  1442. >she hands the backpack to you and you sling it over your shoulder
  1443. "You better slow your roll Trix, you're gonna run out of vocabulary if you keep droppin' straight fire on me like this."
  1444. >you shoot her a shit-eating grin
  1445. >she smirks at your comment momentarily but quickly hides it
  1446. >"...It is good you acknowledge the great and articulate Trixie's mastery of the english language."
  1447. >she turns towards the school and begins walking
  1448. >"Now, come."
  1449. >her words send a jolt up your spine
  1450. >your relatively clean train of thought is washed over by the image she sent last night
  1451. >you eye her hungrily
  1452. >today... today you'll turn the tables on her
  1453. >she begins walking up the stairs
  1454. >you follow a few steps behind
  1455. >as she steps up your gaze follows the contour of her leg up to her thighs to see...
  1456. >Wait what?
  1457. >she's wearing panties today
  1458. >What's up with that?
  1459. >you shake your head, trying to sober yourself
  1460. >she opens the door and looks back at you with a faux-disgusted look
  1461. >you know she knows
  1462. >you smirk at her with an apish smile
  1463. >she sighs and then continues with her stride
  1464. >you scurry up and catch up with her, walking next to her
  1465. >the two of you walk in silence, various students gathered at their respective lockers
  1466. "So... what do you want today?"
  1467. >she looks at you with a bewildered glare
  1468. >"What do you mean "What do I...""
  1469. >she pauses
  1470. >"...What does Trixie want?"
  1471. "I don't know, usually you want something."
  1472. >she looks away, a short disgruntled look crosses your eyes
  1473. >"...Is that how you see this?"
  1474. "... I guess?"
  1475. >she exhales heavily and continues walking, trying to outpace you
  1476. >yeah that's dumb, she wants something
  1477. "Wait."
  1478. >"WHAT!?"
  1479. >she stops in place and turns her gaze back towards you
  1480. >you casually walk up to her and stare into her eyes for a few seconds
  1481. >you grab her hand in yours and begin dragging her in the direction of her destination
  1482. >she abruptly freezes up, before the force of your hold on her pulls her along
  1483. >she scurries up next to you and whispers
  1485. >you look around and see the occasional student leering at the situation you are creating
  1486. >you grin at her smugly
  1487. "Well Mis-"
  1488. >she cuts you off, she yell-whispers into your ear
  1489. >"SHUT-"
  1490. >she takes a quick look at her surroundings
  1491. >"-the fuck up... What are you doing?"
  1492. "...What you want."
  1493. >you hear the chatter of mindless speculation as you continue down the hallway
  1494. >she rips her hand away from yours
  1495. >"This is not-"
  1496. >she looks around furtively
  1497. >"... what I want..."
  1498. "It's cute seeing you use the royal "I"."
  1499. >she grits her teeth and rips her backpack from you
  1500. >she pushes you back and turns away from you before storming into the classroom
  1501. >she turns back at the last second, staring at you intensely
  1502. >"TRIXIE WILL... see you later.."
  1503. >you chuckle to yourself
  1504. >sounds like a win
  1505. >you give her a cocky grin and then turn away towards your own destination
  1506. >that was far easier than you had imagined, for all the she deals, she doesn't take very well
  1507. >As you walk off towards your class, you bounce ideas around in your head
  1508. >What can you do to really make her squirm?
  1509. >you trudge through the rest of the day, idling through your classes
  1510. >as is your general preference, nobody says a word to you all day
  1511. >not that it would have registered if they had
  1512. >Your mind has been occupied by nothing but that blue weirdo
  1513. >Trixie this, Trixie that, can't you think of anything else?
  1514. >On the other hand, its not as though anything particularly more interesting would have been occupying your mind
  1515. >Still though, you really ought to start charging her rent if things continue as they are
  1516. >Even having been stuck in your Trixie thoughtloops for the length of the day, nothing had really come to you as to how to get the upper hand on her
  1517. >It is becoming rather apparent to you that wholesome things seem to push her out of her comfort zone
  1518. >That said you aren't sure how much you can lean on that, because you must admit it makes you almost as uncomfortable
  1519. >Fuck it , we'll do it live
  1520. >you reach the end of the corridor and turn into Mr. Discord's physics class
  1521. >you throw your gaze over the rabble, who all chatter amongst themselves in the last few minutes before the lecture begins
  1522. >And then of course, there is HER
  1523. >Already sitting in her new desk next to "yours"
  1524. >She makes eye contact with you, but breaks it almost immediately, looking away with an expression you can't quite make heads or tails of
  1525. >Great... looks like she's still being somewhat weird from this morning
  1526. >you look at your usual desk and then to the one behind Trixie
  1527. >you stroll past her, as you do she turns her face towards you with a confused expression
  1528. >you take you seat behind her and stare into the back of her head for all of 5 seconds before she turns around
  1529. >"Just what is it that you think you're doing?"
  1530. "What? I can't desire a little change of scenery every now and again?"
  1531. >she grimaces slightly
  1532. >"Trixie doesn't exactly trust a lowly beast like yourself outside of her line of sight, who knows what sort of degenerate behaviors you might engage in without Trixie's supervision."
  1533. "Aww, you don't trust me? ...Even after all we've been through?"
  1534. >you shoot her an over exaggerated pout and a thick layer of sarcasm
  1535. >she looks away as if considering something seriously
  1536. >she quickly shakes her head and clears her throat
  1537. >"Whatever, have it your way. Just know that if you take advantage of Trixie's vulnerability, there will be SEVERE consequences. You're already on VERY thin ice after that bullshit you pulled this morning..."
  1538. "D'aww, What happened? I thought you like it when I called you mis-"
  1539. >"Stop."
  1540. >you chuckle at her slightly perturbed response
  1541. "Severe consequences huh? ...I'll be counting on it.."
  1542. >She raises her eyebrow in bewilderment
  1543. >"Excuse me? Whatever is that supposed to mean?"
  1544. >you shush her, before pointing to the front of the room
  1545. >Discord walks up to the board preparing to begin his lesson for the day
  1546. >Trixie grumbles to herself and turns around
  1547. >you lean forward, putting your lips next to her ear, with a sharp whisper you say
  1548. "You'll see..."
  1549. >You watch the hair on her neck stand up, accompanied by goosebumps
  1550. >under her breath you just barely make out her words
  1551. >"...Y-you are so gross..."
  1552. >With that final note, Discord begins his lecture and everyone in the room quiets down
  1553. >He begins droning on about kinetic and potential energy, but you're more interested in the white and blue locks right in front of you
  1554. >you look around the room, taking inventory of where everyone's attention lies
  1555. >Surprisingly, most everyone is either attentively listening or at least watching the board idly
  1556. >And with that, you smile deviously to yourself and lean forward, closing the distance between you and Trixie
  1557. >you lift your hand and grab a handful of her hair, stroking it gently
  1558. >she cranes her neck slightly, shooting a dagger at you through her peripheral
  1559. >For the first time you return her trademark sadistic smirk
  1560. >and with that you give her hair a nice solid tug
  1561. >she lets out a very quiet squeak, muting herself from creating a larger scene
  1562. >2cute4me, you think to yourself
  1563. >you pull back your hands and attempt to look natural in the off chance anyone else noticed her small utterance
  1564. >seemingly not
  1565. >Trixie however turns back momentarily with a look of ire so intense it almost unnerves you
  1566. >...almost
  1567. >A few minutes pass and you continue to stare at the back of her head
  1568. >She's probably cooled down a bit, right?
  1569. >Who cares? This is fun.
  1570. >you lean forward again, casually sneaking your arms around her sides, placing your hands on her hips where her hoodie meets her skirt
  1571. >you feel her jolt under your touch, but surprisingly she doesn't look back at you
  1572. >with that you sneak both your hands under the fabric of her hoodie and place your hands squarely on her belly
  1573. >you feel her tense up under your touch
  1574. >you do a double take to make sure no one is looking as you sneak your arms further up her sides
  1575. >she abruptly slams her arms down on yours, holding them in place
  1576. >Spicy
  1577. >your response to her forceful motion is laying your hands on your original targets
  1578. >you place one hand on each breast and give a firm squeeze
  1579. >she tenses up heavily and her arms release yours in response
  1580. >she doesn't look back, but you can almost feel the annoyance radiating off of her
  1581. >you go for one more squeeze of her soft flesh before pulling your hands back to yourself
  1582. >...for now
  1583. >you see her turn her peripheral towards you again, you make out an expression with gritted teeth, but also a bit of a blush
  1584. >oh yeah, she kind of digs what's happening here
  1585. >you let a few more minutes pass without touching her, but you notice her consistently shooting glances in your direction, unsure of what you'll do next
  1586. >You can't help but relish in the vulnerable uncertainty she is experiencing
  1587. >Its only fair after all the jerking around she's put you through the last couple days, right?
  1588. >You lean forward again and your hands retake their previous position
  1589. >... but this time you sneak them underneath the fabric of her shirt, placing them skin to skin on each of her hips
  1590. >She jolts again, but doesn't even bother looking back
  1591. >Has she simply resigned her fate at this point?
  1592. >You take another quick look around before creeping your right hand upwards, tracing your fingers at an agonizingly slow pace along her silky skin
  1593. >again, you feel her skin break out into goosebumps
  1594. >You lift your hand slightly, leaving her without any contact
  1595. >-then abruptly place your hand on her...
  1596. >...Wait what?
  1597. >as your hand lands on her breast again, you find there is no fabric between yourself and her
  1598. >she squirms in her seat at your touch
  1599. >you find yourself too excited by this surprise to even appreciate her response
  1600. >So what? She only either wears panties or a bra, but never both?
  1601. >...You'll have to inquire about that later
  1602. >you fully cup your hand around her breast and give her nipple a firm squeeze with your index finger and thumb
  1603. >A barely audible moan escapes her
  1604. >her arm quickly shifts to cover her mouth
  1605. >you freeze in place, doing a quick double take of your surroundings
  1606. >somehow, her noise seems not to have alerted anyone
  1607. >she turns her head again, shooting you another glare, but this one seems different
  1608. >there is something like ire, but also a pleading
  1609. >That could very well be that she wants you to stop...
  1610. >...Or perhaps to continue
  1611. >Or maybe it is that she is not entirely sure herself
  1612. >You shrug to yourself internally
  1613. >Turnabout is fair play, after all
  1614. >you continue to cup her breast in your hands, massaging the flesh in slow circles
  1615. >Now that you think of it, you still haven't gotten to see what these things look like uncovered
  1616. >You can't help but wonder if that's coming up on the menu
  1617. >but you'll just have to appreciate this first look with your hands for now
  1618. >As you continue your movements you can't help but think this only becomes more risky by the moment
  1619. >Surely any onlooker would be able to gather what is happening here
  1620. >Considering it, you suppose you don't really care how it looks on you
  1621. >However, you find there is a sudden sense of guilt at the image of Trixie being caught in this situation
  1622. >On the other hand, given the sorts of things that turn this freak on she'd probably get off on it
  1623. >...Still though, she does have some semblance of an image to keep up, unlike yourself
  1624. >You decide to relinquish your hand and place it back on her hip
  1625. >Another thought crosses your mind
  1626. >Nobody would notice if...
  1627. >You slide the tips of your fingers underneath the elastic of her skirt
  1628. >surprisingly, this elicits no response from her
  1629. >even though you don't want to see her get caught, her lack of response isn't very satisfying to you
  1630. >...We'll see how long you're able to keep that composure, "mistress" Trixie
  1631. >You slide your left hand over her panties
  1632. >You feel the warmth radiate off of her sex
  1633. >a distinct dampness collecting around your touch
  1634. >Yet, she still doesn't seem to react
  1635. >That just won't do...
  1636. >You begin to rub your fingers in slow, rhythmic motions over her clit
  1637. >You stare intently at the side of her head, waiting for some sort of glance
  1638. >But it doesn't come
  1639. >You continue your motions for another minute or so before you start to see her resistance falter
  1640. >she begins squirming in her seat at your touch
  1641. >You smile to yourself, deriving a vague sense of accomplishment
  1642. >You speed up the pace of your fingers, rubbing your fingers in quick, circular motions
  1643. >She pulls her arm up and puts it to her face
  1644. >You can't quite tell, but it appears as if she is gently biting her palm in an attempt to remain stoic
  1645. >As you continue your teasing, her squirming becomes less and less resistant, occasionally pushing herself into your hand
  1646. >Her breathing intensifies, and you feel her body become ever warmer
  1647. >The feeling of her increasing arousal has fully engaged you, your attention focused entirely on her and her reactions
  1648. >There is a feeling of impatience, you want more
  1649. >You shift your hand and slide it under her panties
  1650. >You find your fingers immediately covered in her juices
  1651. >Any doubt you might have had about her wanting this is assuaged in that moment
  1652. >You continue your circular motions, skin to skin, her squirms become ever more apparent
  1653. >Stilted sighs escape into her hand
  1654. >Without a second thought, you slide your fingers into her
  1655. >She manages to resist making any noise, although you can tell by the abrupt squeeze of her walls she's reaching her limit with your teasing
  1656. >You vigorously rub at the upper wall of her pussy
  1657. >She continues to tense herself on your fingers
  1658. >...That's it Trixie, give in, let me-
  1659. >>"Ms. Lulamoon!..."
  1660. >the two of you freeze in place as Discord places his attention on Trixie, soon after the eyes of random classmates follow
  1661. >You realize now you had kind of lost track of your surroundings in your enamored assault on her
  1662. >>"...You seem rather engaged with this lecture, would you care to tell me the relationship between speed and kinetic energy?"
  1663. >You can't see her face, but you can only imagine the deer in the headlights look she's giving him right now
  1664. >"W-well it's..."
  1665. >she awkwardly clears her throat
  1666. "...squared"
  1667. >-you say in a delicate whisper
  1668. >you aren't really sure why you happen know that, maybe you were paying attention subconsciously
  1669. >"Obviously its a squared relationship! Naturally, the great and learned Trixie knows the answer to such a paltry question"
  1670. > are a bit awestruck
  1671. >partially at her ability to compose herself, but moreso at her ability to get back into character that quickly
  1672. >You take a quick look around at the eyes upon her, the placement of your hands seem to be covert enough for no one to have noticed your compromised position
  1673. >There are a couple of sighs and head shakes at her very Trixie response, but they turn their attention away shortly after
  1674. >>"That's very correct, Ms. Lulamoon. I never had any doubt..."
  1675. >you quickly remove your fingers from her and pull your hands to yourself, feigning as though you simply have you head down on your desk
  1676. >>"...If only Mr. Unknown was as attentive as you are."
  1677. >He snaps his fingers in your direction
  1678. >You pop your head up, as if you had been dozing off
  1679. >He shakes his head at you, but turns back to the board and continues his lecture
  1680. >... that was WAY too close, you reckon its time to curb your enthusiasm
  1681. >You feel her residual juices on your fingers
  1682. >You take a quick survey of your surroundings, noticing no eyes upon you
  1683. >And quickly lick the juices off your fingers
  1684. >A wave of self-awareness hits you
  1685. >... okay Trixie is probably right, you are a bit of an unprincipled beast
  1686. >Your eyes catch her head as it turns
  1687. >...she just saw you do that
  1688. >That oh-to-familiar smirk of hers curls onto her profile
  1689. >She turns forward, and you see her pull her phone out and quickly type something into it
  1690. >your phone buzzes in your pocket
  1691. >you take a quick look at her message
  1693. >...Well you did say you were counting on that
  1694. >Guess you'll get what you "deserve"
  1695. >Oh no; how threatening, she'll treat you to some crazy sex-charged romp where you don't get off
  1696. >Honestly, its getting a bit one-note at this point, however you are gaining a newfound respect for the phrase "the journey is the destination"
  1697. >For the remainder of the lecture you leave her be
  1698. >you notice her shooting glances at you every now and again, looking as if she is expecting another assault
  1699. >whether that expectation is desire or apprehension is unclear
  1700. >eventually the class come to a close and students begin shuffling out
  1701. >Trixie stands up before turning towards you and planting each of her hands on your desk, her face inches from yours, you feel her hot breath on your skin-
  1702. >"You have a lot of nerve Anonymous. A LOT of nerve."
  1703. "Pfft you were enj-"
  1704. >she puts her fingers to your lips
  1705. >"Your speaking privileges are revoked."
  1706. >you roll your eyes
  1707. >"Don't you dare try to bring Trixie down to your level, you gutterslime..."
  1708. >she moves her lips next to your ear
  1709. >"...maybe I do enjoy it... but that's is the difference between you and Trixie... just following your beastly inclinations wherever they take you.. no tact whatsoever... you're trash..."
  1710. >she pulls back slightly
  1711. >you can't help but chuckle to yourself
  1712. "Really, after yesterday's little display you really think you have any grounds to-"
  1713. >she grabs your cheeks before you can finish
  1714. >"No. Talking."
  1715. >"Clearly Trixie's efforts to rehabilitate you have been too... gentle..."
  1716. >she places her backpack on your desk and turns toward the door
  1717. >"Come. Now."
  1718. >What a little minx
  1719. >another eye roll before your grab her things and your own and start shuffling behind her
  1720. >you mull over her words and she leads you... somewhere
  1721. >You have to admit, her insults seemed to have some sort of deeper faux-disgust that usual
  1722. >At this point its clear she gets off on her little act as well, but the energy of her words was strange
  1723. >A million images went through your mind at her comment about being too gentle
  1724. >it sounded especially sinister...
  1725. >You continue to follow her out the doors and to the front of the school
  1726. >You want to ask where it is she thinks she's taking you, but you know already know what will happen if you bother to say anything
  1727. >A smart-ass idea comes to you
  1728. >You tap on her shoulder, she turns to you with an annoyed glare
  1729. >You proceed to mime, pointing every which way and shrugging at her
  1730. >She shakes her head and sighs, but you know you catch a touch of a smirk curling onto the edge of her mouth
  1731. >She leans her face in dangerously close to yours, you notice a slight blush betrays the confidence of her expression, a whisper escapes her lips
  1732. >"...You'll see"
  1733. >You continue your trek down the street
  1734. >When you turn the corner out of the gaze of the last few stragglers leaving the school, you notice Trixie take a quick survey of her surroundings
  1735. >She stops and pivots in place, turning towards you
  1736. >She stares at your face intently for a second, a slight blush accenting her cheeks
  1737. >What? Does she wants another piggyback ri-
  1738. >She abruptly takes your hand in hers, interlocking her fingers in your own, before immediately turning around and continuing her stride, dragging you at her side
  1739. >Admittedly you are stunned by the sudden vibe switch
  1740. >your heart does a little "doki doki", and a drunken warmness overtakes you, a stupid smile paints itself across your face
  1741. >You catch yourself in your sudden wave of emotion and sober yourself
  1742. >but, for all this weirdness this is... one of the nicer experiences you've ever had the privilege of enjoying
  1743. >Interlocked hand holding? What kind of sick doujins does this girl read...
  1744. >She continues down the sidewalk, you pass your own house
  1745. >...Somewhere else then
  1746. >you speed up your pace slightly as to walk next to her
  1747. >you look over to her and smile
  1748. >Her face is absolutely beet red and you see her breathing is heavy
  1749. >you might just die right now from the cuteness overload
  1750. >she takes one look at you and turns her head away violently
  1751. >"L-low down trash like yourself doesn't get to enjoy the stunning beauty of Trixie's visage!"
  1752. >she squeezes your hand reflexively as the words leave her lips
  1753. >"Know your place your contemptible dog, k-keep your eyes to the ground like the servile lowborn you are!"
  1754. >you chuckle to yourself and oblige
  1755. >This girl is the queen of mixed signals, taking you to your "punishment" while romantically holding hands with you and getting flustered about it
  1756. >Actually, why even consider that mixed signals?
  1757. >You really don't need to be dense to yourself any longer
  1758. >This really must be some sort of weird, autistic long game on her part
  1759. >The more you think about it, you suppose it does fit her personality in an archetypal sense
  1760. >Not that anyone else would be able to infer such a thing
  1761. >...There's that too, you aren't sure, but previous to the interactions of the last couple days, you'd never seen her drop character before
  1762. >Even though you figured she had some other side, who would have guessed its this awkward dommy brat
  1763. >You wonder how many others are aware of this?
  1764. >Are you really so special?
  1765. >Well, no need to get ahead of yourself
  1766. >She continues to guide you down the sidewalk, you steal glances at her face every now and again, taking in her attempt at hiding her exhilarated embarrassment
  1767. >you notice that you're entering the more dilapidated part of town
  1768. >Your eyes dart around, taking in your surroundings
  1769. "Okay, fun and games aside Trix, where in the actual fuck are you dragging me to?"
  1770. >She glares at you
  1771. "Look, all I'm saying is its rough around these parts."
  1772. >she throws your hand to the side
  1773. >"I don't recall ever giving you permission to speak."
  1774. >daggers fly from her eyes to yours
  1775. >"Is there something especially unsavory here that's got you whining like a child?"
  1776. "Well, I mean..."
  1777. >your eyes dart around
  1778. >her teeth are grinding
  1779. >"OH... or is it perhaps that Anonymous the cur thinks he's too good for this part of town?"
  1780. >there is a distinct intensity to her words
  1781. "Hey now. I didn't say that, its just that-"
  1782. >"Hmph, I-" she pauses "Trixie knows that exact look of unease in your eyes. That condescension..."
  1783. "It's not reall-"
  1784. >"Keep it to yourself."
  1785. "Can you chill and let me say something?"
  1786. >she moves her gaze to the ground
  1787. "... Is there something you need to get off your chest?"
  1788. >"It was foolish of me to think you'd be any different."
  1789. "Slow down, Trix. You're making way too many assumptions."
  1790. >"ASSUMPTIONS!? Its written all over your face. I don't need to assume anything."
  1791. >she clenches her teeth and mutters something barely audible to herself
  1792. >"...Why would I do something so stupid."
  1793. "What are you even talking about?"
  1794. >She looks up at you, her eyes misty
  1795. >"Just turn around and go home, we're done here."
  1796. >her words catch you off guard, stabbing you in the chest
  1797. "What do you mean "done here"? Can you calm down and speak rationally for a second?"
  1798. >"... This can't go any further, I know where this goes next. Just go home, forget any of this ever happened. I shouldn't have bothered."
  1799. "That's ridiculous. You're making no sense. You don't just get to tell me to go away after this weird little display; besides, I'm not leaving you alone in this part of town."
  1800. >"...You don't know the first thing about me or this part of town."
  1801. >clearly, you are deep in the minefield that is Trixie's psyche right now
  1802. "Then tell me? You know, with your words? Like a normal person would?"
  1803. >"-A NORMAL person!?"
  1804. "...Come on, I didn't mean... I'm just saying there is clearly some sort of complex at work here and-"
  1805. >"COMPLEX!?"
  1806. >she grits her teeth and abruptly pushes you, catching you off guard
  1807. >you painfully crash to the ground
  1808. >"I thought maybe a low-down piece of trash like you would be more understanding."
  1809. >she stares at you with a misty-eyed grimace, she mutters something else under her breath
  1810. >"... I-I thought I might be good enough for you, at least..."
  1811. >with that she turns tail and breaks into a full sprint down the street
  1812. >you sit up and dust yourself off, the shock of this complete 180 still sinking in
  1813. >you know there's no time for anything to sink in just now, however
  1814. >you release a deep sigh to yourself, and begin sprinting after her
  1815. >...She is surprisingly fast
  1816. >In the small amount of time you spent getting up she's almost halfway down the block
  1817. >She clearly hadn't thought this through very deeply, considering she left her backpack with you
  1818. >Yay, extra shit to weigh you down
  1819. >As you begin to make some headway towards catching up with her she takes an abrupt right down an alleyway
  1820. >When you turn the corner in pursuit of her, she's nowhere to be found, and there appear to be three separate paths between the various buildings
  1821. >Some part of you is tempted to say fuck it and return her things tomorrow, however this whole exchange seems rather important
  1822. >You find some passionate fire within screaming at you not to leave this unresolved
  1823. >Seeing her take that abrupt shift into such a hurt and defensive place...
  1824. >While she has given you small windows into her vulnerability and impulsivity, this seemed especially "out of character"
  1825. >You decide to take a random guess and continue running after her at full speed
  1826. >When you come out back to a main road you catch a glimpse of that all too familiar blue girl
  1827. >...hopping a fence into some person's yard
  1828. >Apparently she's pretty serious about losing you
  1829. >You get to the fence and begin awkwardly climbing over it
  1830. >as you make your way down the other side your backpack gets caught, leaving you awkwardly hanging with tips of your toes just barely scraping the ground
  1831. >This is great... just great
  1832. >A second later the porch light pops on
  1833. >"What the hell are you doing in my yard?"
  1834. >a gruff and imposing man slams his screen door and begins walking towards you
  1835. "OH heh heh... well jeez I was uh... Well... so it's..."
  1836. >he steps in front of you
  1837. >"You do a lot of stuttering for someone who's trespassing on my property."
  1838. "Look... I was just trying to... return this bag to my classmate, I saw her run off this way and..."
  1839. >He glares at you like you gave him a convenient medium to take some welled up rage on
  1840. >He grabs you by the collar of you shirt and lifts you up effortlessly from your awkwardly skewered position on the fence
  1841. >You're sure this guy is about the beat the piss out of you
  1842. >...but instead he gently sets you down on your feet
  1843. >He takes a quick glance at the purple backpack adorned with yellow stars affixed to your chest
  1844. >His posture relaxes, you take a look at his face clearly for the first time and see someone strikingly familiar
  1845. >Wait a minute this is...
  1846. >"Ahh you must be a friend of Trixie's, shoulda used your words kid."
  1847. >Its Cranky
  1848. >he takes a closer look at you
  1849. >"Oh you're that quiet kid huh... what was your name again? Anonymous, right?"
  1850. "Y-yes sir... Uh... good to see you again?"
  1851. >"No need for the formalities, squirt. So what's the deal here then?"
  1852. "Well, she... Trixie kind of ran off in a fit without her stuff and I thought I'd return it..."
  1853. >That's honest enough right?
  1854. >He cocks his eyebrow at you
  1855. >you clear your throat
  1856. "Anyway, I was kind of chasing after her but, well now I've kind of lost track of her."
  1857. >"That so? Well you seem like a relatively good-natured kid to be going out of your way like that."
  1858. >Yeah, he probably doesn't need to know the ins and outs of your story
  1859. "I guess so..."
  1860. >you chuckle awkwardly
  1861. "Do you know where she might have gone?"
  1862. >he smirks at you
  1863. >"...If I had to take a guess, she was probably heading home. She lives just over yonder."
  1864. >He points in some vague direction behind his house
  1865. >"She's a bit of an odd one, dunno why but she always seems hop my fence here on her way home. Not that I mind, she's a good gal. Lots of spunk. You just want to see her succeed, ya know? Everyone around here seems to look out for her in one way or another."
  1866. "...Oh... I see."
  1867. >what a heartwarming tidbit
  1868. "...So you said "over yonder", what exactly does that entail?"
  1869. >"So quick to leave? And after I decided not to beat you to a pulp for stepping on my lawn?"
  1870. >you look at him blankly, unsure what to say
  1871. >"...I'm kidding, go two blocks south into the trailer park, she's the fifth trailer on the right. Now get out of here. And I better not see you in my yard again unless you've got a good excuse or you're in her company, Understood?"
  1872. >you nod your head hesitantly
  1873. "T-thanks..."
  1874. >He waves his hand dismissively at you and trudges back into his dwelling
  1875. >That was... something like convenient?
  1876. >You suppose this gives some context to how she had that key to the janitor's closet
  1877. >While you find yourself somewhat curious about the actual acquisition, there are more important matters at hand
  1878. >Trailer park, huh? You aren't the sharpest tool, but you can probably infer that's what her little freak out was about
  1879. >Note to self: choose words carefully
  1880. >You follow Cranky's directions and find yourself in front of her domicile
  1881. >You hope his directions were correct, and furthermore that this is even where she ended up
  1882. >You knock on the door and wait...
  1883. >...and wait
  1884. >...and wait
  1885. >You look around, noticing the prying eyes of a couple other denizens of the trailer park sitting out on their porches
  1886. >A sigh escapes you
  1887. >Against your better judgement you step away from the door and creep around the side of her house
  1888. >You peak into the first window, seeing a meager, but relatively organized living room
  1889. >moving onto the next you see...
  1890. >Bingo
  1891. >Trixie's room, adorned with all sorts of various magic-adjacent posters
  1892. >She sits on the corner of her bed, holding her head in her hands staring with what you can only assume is a despondent stare at the floor
  1893. >you feel a spike in your heart at the sight
  1894. >...That's enough of that sight
  1895. >You knock on her window, causing her to look up at you
  1896. >her expression turns into a painful grimace and she waves you away angrily
  1897. >You lift up her backpack and point at it, beaming the most nonchalant and welcoming grin you are able to muster
  1898. >Her fists tense up and grip the sheets of her bed before she shoots up and marches towards the window
  1899. >She opens it, her misty eyes meet yours
  1900. >she immediately attempts to snatch the bag dangling from your hand
  1901. >However, by now you've come to know her just well enough to have seen that coming from a mile away
  1902. >you abruptly yank it away from her grasp before she is able to make contact
  1903. "You ready to talk with me?"
  1904. >you see her grit her teeth in a murderous rage at your words
  1905. >"Fine, give Trixie her things first."
  1906. >...back to third person at a time like this, you resist every urge in yourself to be a smart-ass
  1907. >you extend your hand
  1908. >she instantaneously snatches her things and...
  1909. >...oh no you don't
  1910. >she attempts to slam the window shut, but you manage to grab her by the wrist before she can follow through
  1911. >...Or at least that was your thinking
  1912. >She violently rips away from you, however she finds herself unable to remove herself from your grasp
  1913. >Not entirely unsurprisingly, her natural reaction is to slam the window as hard as she can onto your arm in an attempt to break free
  1914. >HOLY FUCK does that hurt
  1915. "YOU FUCKING CU-"
  1916. >through sheer willpower you manage to maintain your grip on her
  1917. >the injured ape in you takes over and you yank her closer to the window before grabbing the collar of her shirt
  1918. >you glare at her with a deep unconscious pained rage
  1919. >she stares at you wide-eyed, a mixture of surprise, and a distinct fearfulness at your sudden display of violence
  1920. >the adrenaline of the situation causes you to disregard thought entirely
  1921. >you close your eyes and press your lips to hers
  1922. >at first her lips are motionless, but quickly give into quivers before returning in kind
  1923. >you pull away
  1924. "Will you let me in now-"
  1925. >"Shut up."
  1926. >she shoves her lips into yours
  1927. >her tongue slides hungrily into your mouth
  1928. >at first you're taken aback but melt into the kiss with her
  1929. >your grip on her releases and you slide your arm up hers, stopping at the nape of her neck and cupping the back of her head
  1930. >the two of your explore the insides of each other's mouths for a minute or so before she pulls back
  1931. >she turns her gaze away from yours and sighs deeply
  1932. >"... Alright, meet me around front."
  1933. "See, that's not so hard..."
  1934. >"You best watch that tongue of your Anonymous, you'll show me respect in my esteemed domic..."
  1935. >"Oh who am I kidding, its a fucking trailer. Just keep the jokes to yourself."
  1936. "Chill Trix. Seriously, you're getting the wrong vibe about me here."
  1937. >She shakes her head and makes her way for the front door

Der Coomer

by MrSelfDestruct

Trix or Treat

by MrSelfDestruct

Smokin' loud with the quiet girl

by MrSelfDestruct