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"A-Anon~ P-please? Just one more?"
>Be Anon
>Be in pone prison
>For what?
>For petting random ponies around the castle
>And for saying naughty words in front of royalty
In public, atleast. Luna /really/ liked being called a 'dummy' and 'stupid' for some reason. [/spoiler:lit]
>So, for your second month in weird marshmallow horse land, you were locked in "Laffy Taffy's Correctional Facility"
>But that was then
>Back in the here and now, you blinked down at the small pink earth pony smushing her head into your fingertips
>When you showed up earlier today, she was your designated "cellie" by the Warden
>Sapphic Stone, or Sappic Stone if the Wardens attempt at pronouncing her name was actually correct
>The crimes she committed?
>Repeatedly requesting the 'bad touch' from mares and stallions alike
>Propagating 'cooties' and other ickyness
>Public cuddling
>And a few more that the Warden didn't even get to finish, as she sped off the second Sapphic rolled out of bed
>Leaving the door to the luxury apartment turned cell- open.
>Your fingers met her scalp as she trundled towards you like a sleepy dog
>So you pet her, and scritched behind her ears
>Which caused pleased, nearly baritone moans to slip from her lips
>God, you were getting spacier than Kevin, what the hell was wrong with you?
>You clicked your tongue as you sat onto your bed
>Her puppy dog eyes were convincing...
>But you were stronger.
>You were starting to understand why petting random ponies was weird, especially if Sapphic kept requesting your touch
>How were you supposed to know that was basically the equivalent groping someone?
>"Ano~n, you make me feel all /special/ when you touch me like that~ You ha~ve to understand a mare like me /needs/ more of that."
>"I've been a /bad/, /bad/ filly Anon; but I'm serving my time, so don't I deserve /some/ petting?"
>Her low, lusty tone was certainly a juxtaposition to the usual kinderpone experience
>Her pastel blue eyes fluttered at you
>While her smirk only fueled the first boner you'd had in months
>A gentle sigh
>A weary shake of the head.
>And your fingers began scritching and scratching behind her ears
>"Aha~ah! Aaanon~ right /there~/! Sappy's a good girl~!"
>Dancing along her scalp as wonton moans and mewls seranaded your ears
>"Harder~! It feels ssssho /good/ Nonny~!"
>Her low, lusty alto a roaring undercurrent of your vile actions
>Her eyes rolled upwards, as her tail flagged behind her gently swaying rump
>Her words slipped into gibbering moans and mewls as she visibly reached her peak
>The scent of freshly picked strawberries filled your nose as she pushed her head against your digits
>All the while her moans hit a crescendo, her pleasure finally pushing her into blissful oblivion
>Suddenly her moans would stop and her eyes would snap further upwards- her body seizing in a single position, as her mouth dropped wide open
>The scent of fresh strawberries would thicken abruptly; melding with the scent of petrichor.
>And your lap, was wet.
>A few seconds later, Sapphic would tune back into the land of the living
>Her wide, well fucked grin on full display
>Was that sex?
>Did you just get bullied into horse sex?
>She /came/ on you.
>A slow breath
>"Nonny, we've /got/ to do that again sometime. If I knew any better, I'd say you were a master masseuse!"
>Days of being treated like a science exhibit
>Weeks of being forced to do tricks and other nonsense for middle management CHILDREN
>Only to be thrown in prison for fucking what?
>Fucking saying something about the shitty situation you were in?
>Wanting to go /home?/
>You tried to suck in a breath, you tried to let yourself simply be calm, you just wanted to relax in this marshmallow horse land for a /moment/
>And you'd just been forced into fucking your sex offender cellmate, just to make them shut up.
>You tried to suck in another breath.
>Something inside you broke.
"Fuck. You. Sapphic."
>She blinked at you
>"What's a fuck?"
by Paylot
by Paylot