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Mesmetron CYOA
By AnonlewdusCreated: 2023-03-12 16:03:09
Updated: 2023-03-15 17:56:30
Expiry: Never
— Chapter 1 —
>Be you
>Entering your bedroom with a new trinket in hand
>It was an oil lamp, the kind straight out of Aladdin
>At the time when you saw the thing at that weird pawn shop, you initially dismissed buying it until the old lady behind the counter offered it to you for free
>You had every right to refuse, after all, what were you supposed to do with an oil lamp?
>Yet against your better judgement you decided to throw caution against the wind and accept the gift
>However, the shopkeeper warned you there will be sacrifices if you should ask anything from it
>Dismissing it as her being not all there, you would return home with your new… decoration?
>Crap, you had no clue what to do with the lamp
>You only got it because free shit is still free shit
>So sitting on your bed with no clue what to do with your new lamp, you contemplated what to do next
>The two practical options were to either sell it for scrap or throw it away
>Another part of you simply went back to the first option of setting the lamp as an ornament, a little souvenir to wake up to every day in the background among the other decoration
>But a childish side of you pulled you toward giving it a good clean
>Against your better judgement, you casually started to rub it
>To your shock it began to shake
>So you kept going, shutting down the adult within you and letting your hand make its motions until purple smoke began to pour out
>Holy shit, were you high?
>Next moment you knew the mist blew out of its prison, covering the room in purple smoke
>Just as you were about to open the window, the fog disappeared and there floating in front of you was a genuine genie
>“Oh it’s good to be back.”
>You were about to start making your three wishes until he shut your yap with a finger pressed against your lips
>“Now hold on, laddie. Let’s set the ground rules first, alright?”
>There was an initial protest from you, but you quickly decided to listen to what the genie had to say
>“Unlike Disney told you and every sob on the street, I don’t do three, I only do one. O-N-E. Got that?”
>You nodded
>“Good. Next, the more extreme the wish, the higher the cost. And I’m not talking about money. For example, if you want a really nice car, I will give you a set of… prices you can choose from, like giving it a gaudy paint job you can never change or brake down within three years. But if I’m feeling generous, I could open myself up to suggestions.”
>Now you see what that old woman at the pawnshop meant by sacrifice
>“No need to rush on that wish, I know this is a hard decision. So take all the time-”
>You wanted to go to Equestria
>“Oh, it’s that kind of wish! I hope you know this requires more than a tiny hiccup.”
>With a snap of fingers from the genie, a magical window popped into existence
>On the other side was no Equestria, not the one you imagined anyways
>The ruins of Ponyville and equine skeletons caused your heart to sink
>You asked the genie what he was actually showing to you
>“It’s Equestria, duh!”
>You gave him a displeased look
>“Okay fine, it’s Equestria after the equivalent of a nuclear apocalypse.”
>Fallout Equestria
>You’re going to Fallout Equestria
>Instead of going to a comfy land full of friendly magical horses, you’re heading to a hellscape filled with murderous magical horses
>You tried to back out from your wish
>“Sorry laddie, you made your wish, no refunds.”
>“But… I admit this is a little too harsh. So let’s cushion your fall, hmm?”
>Another snap and something landed on your lap
>Taking a good look at it, the thing looked like a hand-held miniature TV from the 60s
>You ask what were you suppose to do with the piece of shit
>“Hey now, that piece of shit is going to make you a king among kings. Point it at someone, press the trigger and bam!” He clapped. “He’s yours to command. Well, okay he’ll be really suggestable for a short time.”
>Wait, that sounds a lot like the mesmetron from Fallout 3
>You glanced down at the device
>It IS the mesmetron, holy shit
>There’s a good possibility you could become a king among the masses, maybe even restore Equestria to whatever shape you like
>Wait, what about the side effects? The limited ammo? You don’t want to hypnotise a pony only to have the off chance they’d become berserk or headless
>“That, my friend, is your problem.”
>“Unless… you’re willing to barter?”
>Oh great, another sacrifice
>What else would the genie like from you though?
>“Oh nothing, in exchange for knowledge on maintaining the mesmetron and crafting its ammo, I would like your humanity. Don’t worry about a body, I’ll have you turn into one of the locals when you get there, sapient and male of course, all because I’m feeling generous today. You can even choose which species and race you want, unless you’d like to make another deal.”
>Well damn, if you want your Human in Equestria fantasy, you’d have to forgo the know-how in mesmetron maintenance
>Then again, there might be blueprints out there, and if you toy with the mesmetron enough you could figure out how it work and eventually learn how to keep it in shape
>Hold on, what did he say about another deal?
>“Oh, you know, you don't want your potential subjects to start going postal or have their brains explode, would you? You’ll need more than knowing how to fix your new toy, you need to understand it. Imagine, not only can you remove the side-effects, but you can improve the main effects on the mind from temporary suggestibility into full-on long term hypnosis. Maybe even other ways to improve the mesmetron? I wouldn’t know, you’d do!”
>That’s tempting, very tempting
>Getting mesmetron being modified beyond its limits?
>The possibilities were endless
>Yet at what price this time?
>“Hmm, what price indeed…” He took a good look at you, eyeing your features. “This seems obvious enough, I want your masculinity.”
>He wanted to make you a femboy?
>“Oh no, no, no. I want ALL of it. As in there’s a chance for you to pop out a mini-you if one of the rougher sex have their way with you.”
>Well shit, you’d be a target for rape if a raider or any other wasteland undesireables manage to catch you
>The ones who aren’t gay anyway
>Or are gay if they’re a carpet muncher
>Then again, there could be some benefits in being on the other side for once
>“Now here’s another something else you have to consider
>Oh no
>“Where will you arrive the second you’re in Equestria? Initially I was going to pluck you in the middle of nowhere, but now that I think about it, maybe I should give you a choice… with a price, of course.”
>Let’s see what he’s offering this time
>“Would you like to be in a Stable?”
>A government sponsored bomb shelter where you can live the rest of your life with little worry of the outside world sounded great at first, that was until you remember a good portion of them had certain social experiments in place
>“Don’t worry, I’ll put you in one that’s safe.”
>And the set-back?
>“Set-back?! Good sir, this is quite an offer, a deal of a life-time even. All I ask is for you to cut down your species option down to being an Earth Pony.”
>Great, a mud pone, the lamest option out of the races
>“Oh I’m sorry, enhanced strength and inclination toward tech wasn’t enough for you? What about knowing you’d still get to know how to fix your mesmetron since you won’t be human?”
>“How about being a patriot of the Grand Pegasus Enclave? You’d be automatically registered as a citizen and reap both the boons and curses of being in an authoritarian airborne-state governed by pegapets?”
>“What about a magic-boosted unicorn in the middle of a raider camp? You’ll have more magic and your new toy to play with!”
>“Or an enslaved Zebra who can brew up almost any potion you want as long as you have the ingredients?”
>“A griffon indebted to a Talon Company?”
>“Any more Es out of you and I’m turning you into a constantly horny bat pony.”
>Okay, okay, no more ehs from you-
>“How about being an Alicorn?”
>An Alicorn?!
>“That’s right, all three tribes in one package. Of course there’s a catch for such a good deal, and no I won’t let you pick this without the consequences it entails.”
>Of course there’s a catch
>“You obviously won’t be a natural born Alicorn, you’re going to be an artificially made one, a mutant in the eyes of Wastelanders everywhere, a mutiecorn you could even say.”
>That also meant you’d be sterile, so you won’t be a momma anytime
>Then again, you’re going to be in Equestria for a very long time since you’re immortal until someone or something put you down themselves
>Your fears of a stallion being inside of you may someday turn into a want someday
>“Second, won’t remember your time here being human, you get to keep whatever deal we made is yours to keep. In fact, since you’d automatically be both a pony and a mare, I’d say if you pick this option, you’d know how to fix and modify your mesmetron along with crafting its power cells.”
>You’d get to be the arguably the strongest pony race without any knowledge of Fallout, Fallout Equestria or anything else from your time on Earth
>A near-clean slate
>“Oh and one more thing, you may be a bit more… direct with your words than you’d initially like.”
>What’s that supposed to mean?
>“You don’t have to worry about it as long as you don’t want to become an Alicorn.”
>This guy
>“So again, you can go become any of the tribes or Equestrian species without going through my list of scenarios, but you won’t get any of the boons they offer. And again, the only exception is being an Alicorn, you gotta take your pills.”
>A part of you is starting to regret making that wish
>“That should be it. So unless you can think of anything you sell off yourself, have any other suggestions or questions, we can start picking and choosing which part of yourself you don’t mind leaving to me.”
>Ugh, too late now
>Now to choose…
>Sacrifice your humanity to unlock the knowledge in maintaining your mesmetron?
There’s a potential of finding ways to keep your mesmetron from losing its use while staying human. Otherwise, if you don’t mind having hooves, claws, paws or whatever they may be, which race would you like to be and are you willing to go through the race specific scenario to gain their unique boons? E.g. Earth Pony but you get to live in a Stable, Zebra expert in potion making but start off as a slave.
>Sacrifice your masculinity to unlock mesmetron parts and modifications?
RIP You Junior, gone but not forgotten. Or maybe not? If you’re committed to be the fucker and not the fucked instead, you’re going to need to find blueprints and other ways to improving your mesmetron. On the other hand, you could potentially become incredibly powerful almost right off the bat as long as you can scavenge the parts you need, so maybe it couldn’t hurt?
>What else are you willing to sacrifice and what for?
The genie (aka GM) is willing to hear out any suggestions you may have in mind. E.g. you might not always have the mesmetron at all times and it could fall into the wrong hands, it could even be turned against you! So maybe have fate on your side so that you will always get it back somehow, but the certainty of being messed by your own mesmetron is more than certain to happen.
— Chapter 2 —
Total votes
- Keep standard spawn: 1
- Trade humanity for a griffon body and ability to maintain mesmetron: 3
- Trade standard spawn to the griffon scenario “Talon Mercenary”: 2
- Trade humanity for an earth pony body and ability to maintain mesmetron: 2
- Trade standard spawn to the earth pony scenario “Stable Dweller”: 2
- Trade masculinity and become female for the ability to modify and improve mesmetron: 4
- Trade knowledge of Fallout Equestria main events for mesmetron hammer space: 3
- Trade flight knowledge for maximum sex appeal: 2
- Trade lowered sexual inhibition for maximum sex appeal: 1
>After what felt like an entire day of discussing and arguing with the genie, you finally got everything you wanted on paper
>Now you get why the genie only wanted to grant one wish from each person
>“Exactly! It’s too much work and some of them won’t even make it past the second wish before it backfires on their faces.”
>God, imagine how many trades they had to make
>You know, for a monkey-paw sort of genie, he’s not so bad with how honest he was with you
>Sure you were still getting fucked over, but at least you were told about it and had options to lighten the blow
>“Aw, thanks.”
>Any chance of running into him again in the future?
>“Oh, you’re going to miss me? And so soon after we met?”
>He did grant your greatest fantasy of going to Equestria
>Not the exact Equestria you wanted, yes, but it’s better than nothing at all
>“If you want me so much, I suppose we can talk in the future.” He poofed out a business card into his hand and offered it to you. “We’ll stay in touch.”
>The only thing on it was the oil lamp the genie came out of
>What’s this supposed to even mean?
>“You’re smart, think about it.”
>So what, you need to find the lamp again?
>But how’re you going to find it when you’re in Equest-
>Wait, his lamp’s over there too?
>“Ding-ding! We got a winner! Find me and you get one more wish, we can also talk about trading something from your old human life. Or hang around, I dunno.”
>One whole new wish! This time you’ll be more prepared
>Guess you got a goal of finding the genie again
>That’s if you want to go look for him
>Still, just from your soon-to-be previous life? What about your new one?
>“Let’s see what you’ll accomplish in Equestria first then we’ll figure it out.”
>With that subject done, the genie magic’d in a pair of glasses to wear and the list of things you both discussed
>“Final check before we send you off. First up, your humanity!”
>With a snap of his fingers, you were suddenly covered in purple smoke
>You started coughing and tried waving the smoke away with your hands
>Except they felt different
>Harder, drier, and each end of your tips felt sharply pointed instead of soft nubs
>When the smoke finally cleared up and you manage to get yourself together, you looked over your hand
>Or in this case now talons
>“Let me get you a mirror, laddie.”
>The genie poofed a full-body mirror in front of you
>Sitting upright on your bed was a green-feathered griffon staring back at you with a shocked expression
>You blink
>He blinked
>You gasp
>He gasped
>You tried grabbing your mouth
>He clutched his beak and you can feel your talons around it
>He’s you
“Holy shit, he’s me. I’m a griffon now.”
>You grab your new beak to shut yourself up again for a moment
“Whoa, my voice changed. Makes sense, I guess. A new body, new vocal cords.”
>“Don’t get used to it just yet!”
>Remembering your second deal, you peek down at You Junior
>He’s changed just like you, even if he belonged to a large cat’s than a man
>A part of you was glad he hadn’t gone anywhere
>The other dread as you knew the inevitable was about to happen
>“Next, your masculinity!”
>You couldn’t pull your head away from your buddy even as the smoke consumed your vision
>When you could see again, your heart sank
>Where there should be your manliness was replaced by a tuft of fur instead
>He’s gone
>Rest in pizza, fren
>Then you noticed small dark protrusions on your belly
>And hello tits
>Nipples to be more accurate
>If you want them to grow into actual proper cat breasts, well, you gotta do the deed with your male counterpart until you’re filled with eggs. Or cubs? You’re not sure about your new biology
“Wait, do I like guys now?”
>Damn, your griffoness voice doesn’t sound bad at all
>“Let's see, shall we?” He pointed a finger at you as a shimmer of you guess genie magic shined on the end of it
“What did you do- hey, whoa! Let go!”
>You were suddenly lifted off the ground, placed on all fours which felt really so awkward to your preciously bipedal experience, and spun in front of the mirror until your ass was face straight toward it
>Blood flushed into your cheeks as you could now see your new womanhood reflected back toward you
>It looked nothing like a woman’s, or even a mare’s from your *ahem* research in equine anatomy
>Your lips very much resembled a cat’s
>This was also when you realised you didn’t have any clothes on
>You’re naked!
“Gah, what was the point in this except embarrassing me?”
>“I don’t know-”
>The genie floated behind you and exploded into a puff of smoke
>Now standing in his place was a large, muscular male griffon
>“-you tell me.”
>The nameless genie – currently the griffon – strut up to your side with a shit-eating grin on his cocky-beaked face
>He then ran up his claw up your chin and push your head up so you were looking up straight into his eyes
>You don’t know
>As in, you literally don’t know how to feel about this except for the ever-still-present embarrassment and now the violation of your private space
“Meh, I’m pretty sure I’m still into women.”
>“Hmm, I thought having a griffoness brain would tweak your thought process. Better fix that~” His grin widened into something you did not like
>His gentle rising of your chin turned into a clutch, holding your head in place
>Just as you were about to use the rest of your body to get away, one of his fingers sparkle genie magic and the next thing you knew you couldn’t move as much as a muscle
>All you could do now was move your head and face, but his herculean grip restricted you to staring at the bastard’s face
>Then you spotted something in his eyes, a… shape you couldn’t make out
>It grew into a circle.. or you think it was a circle
>The circle stopped being a circle as it kept expanding, breaking apart into another circle
>No, it didn’t break apart, the circle escaped from its shell
>It has to be because you saw another circle just like it appear from the centre
>Where are these circles coming from, keeping on letting go from the centre?
>Letting go of the centre?
>Let go of the centre
“Hold on, what are yooooooouuuu…?” your speech began to slur as your mind tried to focus on…
>You got to focus on
>You gotta focus
>You gotta focus… on…?
>Focus on what?
>The pretty moving shapes and spins were in front of you, maybe that’s what you’re trying to focus on?
>That’s right, focus on the pretty lights and spiral
>Focus on his words
>His words are truth
>“My dear lassie, when you sacrificed your masculinity and humanity, it is not simply your body that needs changing, but also your mind. You see, your thoughts and feelings are too much of a man’s when really it should now be a griffoness’s.”
>No, you agreed to no such-
>“You agreed to such a thing.”
>You a-agreed to n- such a thing
>N- Ne- Ni-
>What was it you’re trying to say?
>There was a word missing in your train of thought, slipping away every time you tried grasping it
>Was it important?
>A memory came to mind, a saying in your younger years
>If you forgot about something you’re trying to remember, then it’s not important
“I agreed to such a thing.”
>“Yes, you remembered it correctly, you’re willing to give me all of your masculinity and humanity, completely and utterly to me for mesmetron knowledge.”
“You’re right, I agreed to sacrifice my body and mind for knowing how to improve and maintain my mesmetron.” Now you remember it clearly now, you gave the genie your full consent
>“Good girl.”
>It felt good being called a good girl for whatever reason, shaping your beak into a loopy, woozy smile
>“You like being that, don’t you? You like being called a girl. That’s because you are a girl.”
>You are a g-g-g-g-
>T-that’s not right
>Your straining features fought against your loopy face
>His words are true yet the f-fact was not
>You a-are not a gi- g-g-g-
>“My mistake, you’re right, you’re not a girl.”
>That’s right, you’re not a girl
>You’re a g-ma-
>You’re a g-
>“You’re a griffoness.”
>You’re a griffoness!
>That’s right, you’re a griffoness
>Your face relaxed
>“Correct, the connection to your humanity is a distant past, useful only as memories and nothing more, let go of your past. Your connections to Earth no longer have any emotional attachment to you, whatever friends, family and other acquaintances you had mean nothing to you, the memories you have with them and the knowledge you gained on earth are nothing more than a means to an end for your new life as a griffoness.”
>Yes, your former humanity is longer of necessity all except as useful memories for the next life you wanted
>“You are not a man, you are a griffoness. Let your muscles forget how to walk bipedally, instead slip into your avian-feline mind and let its instincts guide your quadrupedal stance.”
>When the griffon told you this fact, the four-legged position you were put in never felt so natural in your entire life
>How did you ever walk like a human before?
>You couldn’t even understand how walking on two paws worked much less walking like them
>“The very idea of having bare skin is utterly foreign to you. Never again feel the need to constantly wear clothes, you are a griffoness with feathers and fur to keep yourself warm and dry after all, so there are no worries or taboos about being naked out in public. The only sensible reason to wear anything at all is because of their utility and social standing they provide.”
>Wow, yeah, it’s weird that you always wear clothes outside even during those blistering summer heatwaves
>Now you’re just embarrassed by your old human self
>“No longer do you have the desire to eat fruits, vegetables or any greens as your common diet. You are a carnivorous predator, meat is your main source of food, and the only times you have to consume any plants is when it’s for the sake of your well-being. In fact, meat is much tastier than before while plants have the opposite effect on your tastebuds.”
>Well duh, you’re a griffoness, your digestive system wasn’t meant to take in grass or whatever shit humans eat
>Damn, talking about food now’s making you hungry for salmon… or a gazelle even
>“My dear lassie, you have wings-” he paused, his face telling you he’s recollecting something
>The realization hit him, or you think so
>It was hard to read faces when his eyes made your head feel funny, calm and nice at the same time
>Your head got a whole lot clearer when the griffon-genie stopped staring at you and started to read the list you both agreed on
“Ugh- huh…?” you blurted out as your head spun. “Who- did I-?
>“Right, I shouldn’t make you be able to fly. You gotta learn yourself in exchange for making you the hottest griffon to ever walk on Equestria.”
>With a snap of his claws, for the third time you were covered in purple smoke
>This time however griffon-genie spawned in a hand-held vacuum cleaner into his claws and sucked all the smoke off from you
>Then, you saw her, the prettiest cat-birb you ever laid your eyes on
>And she’s showing her booty off to you!
>“There, you’re going to be a heck of a black wid-”
>In your dazed and confused state, you started making birdy mating noises toward the green beauty
>Damn it, why couldn’t you move?!
>You have to talk to that griffoness before she got away!
>“No, that’s your reflection!” He facepalmed. “Ugh, at least you’re starting to act like a griffon should… if she’s drunk off her ass.”
>The griffon-genie grabbed your chin again and you started to see those moving shapes and lights you really liked watching
>Whatever resemblance of coherent thought regained from the brief break from the genie’s mesmeric eyes was wiped away the instant you saw them once again
>“Listen dear griffoness, you are incredibly proficient with the inner workings of every model of mesmetrons everywhere, capable of disassembling and reassembling them, and your mind can absorb everything that has to do with the technology and magic of mesmetrons with absolute ease.”
>Before you had even a thought in after his very factual statement, griffon-genie snapped his claws and a massively thick book opened up in front of you
>You couldn’t even attempt to think as hundreds, if not thousands of pages flipped right before your eyes, causing your mind to soak in every single tiny detail being flipped before you at the processing speed of a quantum computer
>Fuck you, that was several shipment tons of infodump implanted into your head
>By the end of it though, you were extremely confident in everything and anything that has to do with General Atomareics’ mesmetron
>In fact, because a lot of fields were involved to produce such a magnificent device, you were also certain you could work your claws on almost anything mechanical
>Therminals, radios, vehicles, pip-bucks, energy weapons
>Basically anything that uses spell matrixes and arcane electronics as well as anything else a technician, mechanic and engineer could do
>Maybe there were a couple of technicals gaps here and there
>If you were to gain a career using your newfound mechanical skills in your new life, you were sure you could probably fill any knowledge gaps related to the job by spending time reading manuals and other books
>However you go about getting the job, it may be wise to pick one that required you to gather scrap and components
>Both to cover your tracks and eliminate the time wasted trying to juggle both work and getting resources for your mesmetron
>Speaking about the mesmetron, you now knew how to reduce and eventually fix the head-popping and anger-inducing side effects, as long as you can get the tools and resources needed of course
>There were even voices in your brilliant mind, giving you so many suggestions and ideas on what to do with your new mesmetron!
>So many things, so little time
>“Yup, yup, I know you need a minute to process everything.”
>By the time you finally caught a resemblance of coherency, you were staring at griffon-genie’s eyes again
>Your mind began to relax once more and every word he said radiated obsolete fact into your very being
>“You have never read a story called Fallout Equestria or any of its extended universe, the very idea of the Equestrian wasteland ever being a fictional setting would never come across your mind, and even then it would simply sound ridiculous to you. You simply know the insights of what typical everyday wastelanders would know and grew up with. You know this because you are part of this world, mentally born in it, a wastelander among wastelanders in the remains of what used to be Equestria.”
>As it all set in, your time as a human seemed even more distant than ever
>The time you spent on Earth during your childhood, teens, and even your adulthood felt so fake
>Like every moment being here now was a moment away from reality
>You start to wonder if you’re in a dream right now and could wake up back in Equestria at any moment
>And did somebody say your world was a story?
>No way, if anything Earth was the fictional wonderland you ever wished for and you were about to be forcibly snapped back to the nightmare that’s called your home
>Shit, why did you wish to go back to Equestria when you could stay on Earth?!
>Wait, right, you used to be human and your dumb bird-brain decided to go to the post-apocalypse by accident
>You get why he- old you would want to go to Equestria, it used to be a paradise before the zebras and ponies started butting heads
>Not sure when or at which point that exactly happen, you only knew the end result ended in megaspell hellfire with no winners
>Most likely those who caused and perpetuated the Great War died right as the bombs hit
>Fuck them lucky bastards
>Hold up, did the guy say something while you were processing your thoughts?
>Something about the last thing to do to you?
>“Lassie, listen to me because this is about to get fun~”
>“You will be in my trance until I say you aren’t and you’re not allowed to neither attack me nor touch me, only look and smell.”
>“Do you understand?”
“Yes, I understand,” the tone in your speech was slurred, yet there was a deep richness belonging to a very much feminine voice to one’s ears
>In your past life, if you ever heard such a pleasant yet commanding, sultry voice, you were certain your knees would buckle under the sheer weight of spaghetti leaking out of your pockets
>“Good. Now tell me, lassie, what are you?”
“I’m a griffon.”
>“You’re not just a griffon, you’re a griffoness! A female griffon!” He pointed at the body mirror. “Look at her, pull away from my eyes and tell me what you see.”
>You did as you were told, your vision was no longer filled with those pleasant circles and shines as you turned toward your reflection, yet some of the lingering effects still ran through your mind
>Her brilliant, lustrous emerald eyes locked unto you
>Her large eyelashes screamed female had if the rest of her body were absent from the scene
>Her gleaming olive feathers, seemingly pristine as if preened over a thousand times
>Sunline skipping along her soft fur
>A feline tail-end combed and fluffed up to perfection
>And those luscious curves, by the Goddesses, they ran for days
>She’s the genetic masterpiece who would make supermodels look like plebeians in comparison
“She’s a beautiful griffoness.”
>“No, you’re that beautiful griffoness.”
>You let out a girlish squee
>“Right there is a reflection of you, lassie. Don’t you see now?”
>You’re her, you could not deny it, you’re the beauty in the wasteland
>“And take a look at your behind.”
>His command caused you to raise your tail to get a better glimpse
>“Ah there, you do not see a phallus or any penis of the sort. Instead, before you is your new position in life.”
>Your new position?
>“Look at the reflection of my eyes, lassie.”
>You did as you were told and soon enough those amazing images returned along with that calming feeling of your mind being put to ease
>“The experience of having a penis and a pair of testicles is lost to you, slipping away from your mind into nothing but a memory. And just like your human past, your time being male is alien to you, the pleasures and male sexual drive utterly foreign. You are female, a griffoness, you can not deny this and you take solace when someone refers to you as such. This is your body, you are comfortable within your feminine form, it is natural to be a griffoness.”
>Like many times before, this guy’s right
>You were much more at peace knowing you are a griffoness and not some cocky dude
>Why did you even care about your dick anyway?
>Exposed, limp and just jutting out
>And naming your dick You Junior?
>Goddesses that’s embarrassing
>Unlike your precious Kitty
>“Now, unto the main course~”
>With a wiggle and glow of the griffon-genie’s finger, you were set free
>However in your current mental state, you didn’t care much about moving your body
>The muscles did appreciate it could flex once more though
>“Lassie, make yourself comfortable and sit on your tush. Oh and please keep showing off your Kitty toward the mirror.”
>Will do!
>After repositioning yourself just like the genie wanted, you sat there with a dumb smile on your beak
>“Do you find guys attractive, lassie?”
“No, not really,” you answered honestly
>“Wrong, old human you weren’t into men. I’m talking to griffoness you, so leave old you behind.”
>Huh, he’s right, you’re not who you used to be
>You’re not disgusted at the idea of dating your male counterpart anymore, but you weren’t going to actively lure them in to you either
>“A griffoness like you finds male griffons attractive.”
>You did?
>The griffon-genie flexed his toned talons next to you, reflecting his smirk right back at you from the mirror
>Suddenly your room got a whole lot warmer
>You do find the griffon hot!
>“A griffoness like you may find certain traits of a handsome guy to be different from other griffonesses, so let me tell you the main characteristics of what attractive males have.”
>You couldn’t help but lean closer toward him
>Not too close to the point you’d touch the genie though, you still had to follow his commands
>“First, hygiene.” He combed his head feathers with a conjured brush. “This one’s going to be hard since hygiene isn’t exactly a top priority when raiders are shooting you every day.”
>“A charming personality and good sense of humour.” His ego-stroking of himself made a bigger smirk out of the griffon-genie, giving you a wink in the process
>You could not lie, he was rather enduring
>“And obviously good looks.” He raised his sharply shaped head, pumped out his well-built chest and expanded his large wings, showing off his beak, wingspan and overall his physique
>Your heart fluttered at the sight of all three combinations combined into one griffon
>“But do you really want to know what you really want in a male?” You were less than an inch away from the griffon-genie. “A powerful alpha who can pull you into his arms, carrying you alone into a bedroom and turning you from a chick pretending to be an adult into a proper griffoness.”
>You never saw your face turn so red in your entire life
>He was so direct and confident in his delivery, you could’ve sworn he made it a promise to you with how raw it was
>You felt a clutching feeling under your tail
>And you’re pretty sure it wasn’t your asshole
>“Imagine it, him tossing you onto the bed, weighing you down as he got on top, wrapping your talons with his firm claws as his predatory eyes lock onto your’s.”
>Your heart tightened as his words was implanted into your mind, the idea of being dominated in bed by the opposite sex becoming ingrand within your mind
>“His broad, muscular chest pressing against your slender frame as you felt his maleness do the same with your slit.”
>The smell of sex starting to permeate the room
>A part of you knew you were the source of it
>“Forcing his beak into your’s, overloading your sense of smell with his breath and sex filling the room.”
>No, you weren’t the only one, your nostrils picked up another, a delectable scent which caused your birdy flower to leak and bloom for the second time
>”You’ve picked it up, haven't you? That scent of yourself signalling everyone around you that you’re craving for a mating. Well, let me tell you something else, you are not the only one making such an aroma.”
>The griffon opened up his hips, revealing the second source of that magnificent incense
>Gonads the size of golf-balls fell out of their confines of the griffon’s stuffy yet toned hips, the sack holding those precious cargos overstretched by the sheer capacity of them
>Above them and arguably the second perpetrator of the smell was his rock-hard rod, very red and very big
>The three in one package seemingly offering itself for you to take
>But the griffon’s earlier command stopped you from jumping him, your body betraying your desires to press your cute bird face against his large, amazing malehood
>“I can see it in your eyes, a griffoness begging for a stud to ravage your body, forcing himself into your needy cunt as he starts hammering away at it. And when I mean it, I mean you.”
>His hypnotic words was getting to you, the sensual feminine sensations you were experiencing was overriding your male one, making it harder for you to connect to your old male self and how a man’s build-up and ejaculation felt like
>You still remember those times when you did, but as you got sexually riled up more and more as a griffon woman, the more it’s drilled to you that very idea of having a penis and anything coming out of it once was completely far-fetched to you
>“His chiselled abs rubbing against your sensitive nipples rocking your senses to great highs, his ramming cock stretching your walls and scratching the right corners, the pleasurable pain of love bites and scratches across both your bodies, to fill your ears of his grunts with each thrust into you, the slaps of flesh on one another, and to hear your blissful screams among it all.”
>Oh fuck, oh fuck, you’re soaked now
>Neither he or you had as much as bump into each other and you’re already shaking with lust
>You really were giving up ALL of your masculinity with how much of this griffoness hormones was breaking apart the tiny bits of your previous self apart
“I- please, I’m- I’m burning down there.” You motioned to your pussy, winking ferociously at his way
>“Only because you said please.” His smirking beak couldn’t possibly be anymore full of crap with how much shit he ate. “You are no exhibitionist and you’re currently in private company, so go ahead, you’re free to masturbate if you so wish, it’s completely natural for a griffoness like you to do so. You even know how to do it with your claws and not hurt yourself.”
>He’s letting you play with yourself instead of taking you like a real man should?
>You should get your claws on the bastard…
>But you couldn’t, not with the calming command to not harm him
>So instead you looked down toward the next priority and saw your talons were trembling, already approaching your needy cunt on their own accord
>Were you really going to jack yourself off in front of the genie?
>It seemed like he’s enjoying the show you’re giving and you do find the fella pretty damn sexy, so you’re sure you could do the act with the eye candy in front of you
>On the other claw, a defiant griffon side of you would rather resist the temptation and spite the genie for making you feel this way, no matter how much his broad shoulders gave him a great form, or how large his beak looked against the shine of the sun, or how his spiralling eyes made you feel fantastic, or-
>Fuck, your bird hormones’ driving you mad for the guy
>You need something inside of you or you’ll start cawing and chirping for the griffon-genie to take you
>It’s practically the same thing as begging
>Then again, that’s an option too
>To be taken by such a handsome bird…
>You mentally shook her head
>Not like you had many options to start with
>Or maybe you can think of something else to beg from the genie?
What do?
— Chapter 3 —
Total Votes
- Resist touching yourself: 4
- Masturbate: 0
- Beg the genie to fuck you: 0
- Turn the mesmetron on the genie: 1
- Don't turn the mesmetron on the genie: 2
- Ask the genie on how to become a draconequus: 1
- Tell the genie if you could change your mind and become a Stable earth pony mare: 4
- Make an attempt to break free from your mental restraints and jump on the genie to make him yours: 1
>No fucking way you were letting the genie get the satisfaction of watching you claw-fuck yourself, your new griffon pride wouldn’t let you
“I-if you want to hear my squawk, you better do m-me yourself.”
>He shook his head, looking rather disappointed at your choice. “That’s a shame, lassie. I was hoping to see you explore your new Kitty without my direct physical involvement.”
“Fuck o-off.”
>It’s taking you
>“As you wish.” Then that wicked grin returned. “As long as you’re under my hypnosis, you are not allowed to masturbate.”
>The fuck?!
>As per his command, your trembling claws ceased their approach toward your aching nethers, returning to their former positions
>Bastard’s going to make you suffer the building heat within you
>Oh you so wish you could take him with your own claws, but there was nothing you could do with your mental restraints in place
>Now you were stuck, unable to relieve yourself or even pummel the crap out of the genie
>“Don’t think of this as a punishment, lassie, it’s my way of showing tough love.
>It was?
>Your anger seemed to cool down even though your groin didn’t
>He made it sound so convincing
>“Didn’t you notice how with each moment you’re staring into my eyes, the more you’re building up a resistance? And being worked up as you are, your mind’s being torn between wanting to follow my… suggestions and sweet, sweet release.”
“Shit, why didn’t you say so?” You shake your head. “No, wait, how do I know this isn’t a trick?”
>“You’re questioning me, that’s enough proof, isn’t it?”
>Is it? He could be lying, yet… everything he had said up to this point was true
“Why? Why are you making me resist you?”
>“Aw come on now, lass. I’m a prick, not a total asshole. I’m making you more resistant to your mesmetron in case someone ends up using it on you. Don’t mistake it as immunity though, whatever he or she suggests will still affect you. But it won’t last forever, and with a new mind and those little voices in it, you will be able to fight back the mesmerisation and plan your next course of action.”
>You manage to get some of what he’s trying to say, but some of the blood meant for your brain was going down to the little griffoness below your waist
>It didn’t help the genie’s irresistible build and magnificent cock you so want to drill you were out in the open for you to witness either
>He’s right there and you decided to not even shove your claw inside of you
>What was wrong with you?!
>“I could’ve fuck you over by pouring more magic into the hypnosis and slowly you give more of yourself to me until you’re nothing more than a drone, or worse, remove yourself from existence. So sure I want bits of you here and there, but unlike my cousins, I want you to like me.”
>Like him?
>“Enough to make you come looking for me when you’re over in Equestria.”
>Oh, now you see
>If you grow in strength, he can leech off of you whenever you find his lamp and make another wish
>He already has your human body, your male card, made you flightless, and… what was it again? Something else from your old self for the life of you couldn’t remember
>Whatever, it didn’t matter too much hopefully
>Point being whenever you gain something, be it experience or… whatever he wants, from your time in Equestria, he will want them by giving you something else in return
>Was this how he “feeds” himself?
>Your train of thought was interrupted by another pang of lust-induced pain under your tail
>“Enough talking, let’s get back to the task at hand.”
>The hell’s a hand?
>Oh right, it’s what Humans have
>The things you’d do for a hand inside of you…
>“Now imagine as your lover pounds you over and over with his mighty cock, your body steams up with every moment he’s inside of you. With each thrust you reach a high no chem can ever give you, a pleasurable pain which will bring you into tears of bliss. Your breath quickens and tightens as your flesh parts and mash, the pressure building up and the world getting whiter.”
>It felt as if you were really there, so vivid yet still on the edge of reality
>The need to feel your insides being stretched intensified with his every description
>Your entire body felt incredibly warm both within and without, almost painfully so in the case for your poor drenching cunt
>You tried moving your talons, any limb really, to quench your ache, using your new-found mental resistance to get even a single digit into your needy hole
>But it was no use, you’re still too weak-willed to fight against the genie’s powerful hypnosis
>So all you could do was fall into the fantasy the genie had been depicting to you and hope imagination alone could break your lustful curse
>“The griffon pushed into your further, reaching the point of almost being too painful. But you couldn’t stop, you didn’t want to, or else you’d end this heaven you found yourself in. He opened your walls up to their limits, your body adapted to the euphoric snugness he was providing while your mind reached into a dizzying array of overstimulation.”
>Your blood was set aflame in your hindlegs and beyond, building up from the tips of your paws to your luscious hips and up to your chest and the tips of your hardening nips
>Every muscle in your body tighten as the world shrunk around you until there was nothing but yourself, the handsome griffon before you and his alluring utterances
>You were so damn close now
>“You thrust your hips back and forth with him to the pitched rebound of wet slaps sliding across each other, ringing through the room. The craving kept growing, causing the muscles of your walls to clench to milk more out of this moment. You didn’t want this to end, never ever, but every story had to end, including this one.”
>He’s right, mind-fucked or not, you wanted this to last forever
>You were more than certain being in this hypnotic influence was heightening your senses into dazzling hallucinations
>With such a powerful device such as the mesmetron on your person, you weren’t sure how to feel about being on receiving end of mind control before you used it
>All you could admit was how great it felt in the end
>“And so, your lover drove into you with more powerful strokes, his breathing evolving into straining and deeper exhalations as his efforts amplified. With each thrust he bottomed out, pausing for less than a second, grunting as he reached his apex, until finally you’re lost in a sea of uncontrollable pleasure.”
>The tiny world you were in began to crush upon you, everything about you. Your belly, talons, folds, beak, nothing escaped from the incoming dam break
>But even that wasn’t enough to push you over the edge
>You tried listening to the genie’s words again, only to hear nothing
>He was sitting there still with that shit-eating grin
>During that brief pause, you considered pushing away the tiny voices in your head and beg him to fuck you until you’re filled to the brim with his seed
>Thankfully, he spoke a single word which was more than enough to rock your world
>And like granted to open the floodgates, you did, squirting a torrent in front of you with a wet smack and leaving a glistening string between your blossom and griffoness juice on the floor
>The pain you would’ve gotten from collapsing unto your back was muted by the bliss of being commanded to orgasm right there and then
>You had little control of your limbs, instead spazzed on the floor and squawking to the world of your first orgasm as a griffoness
>Every single part of your body shook down to the core, euphoria exploded in your brain then spreading to the rest of your form
>Then they all went numb along with your senses
>Your vision blurred white, your ears were ringing, touch was nonexistent, and everything else in between
>As fast as this feeling came, you regained your senses just as fast
>This time, your train of thought felt awfully clear for some reason
>You still felt the high of the genie’s hypnosis, the dopamine you get from watching the moving shapes and light, all except for the dizziness and high suggestibility
>Not even when he went up next to you again, your eyes making contact with his swirly ones, offered a claw and telling you to, “let me help you up.”
>Not “need a claw?”, it was a hypnotically induced command
“Suck my pussy.”
>A command you were very much able to resist
>“Ah, good! I see you’re not blindly following my orders. It won’t last for long though, a minute or two until the effects return.”
>Hypnotic effects, sure, not your refractory period
>You were still horny for the genie’s dick
>Only just a little less so before your first orgasm
“Your hypnosis, it’s different than a mesmetron’s or any mind-altering spells,” you started explaining as you got up from the floor, using your newfound mesmetron knowledge. “It’s a blend of two spells, the first was strong, personality-changing even, but you had finer control over it and you used it only to help me suit into my new body. And the second you barely used it to your greatest extent, weak yet incredibly pleasurable.”
>“And using your new noggin too! You’re going to do great out there.”
>Before this, a part of you wanted to turn your new gift on the genie and order him to fuck you
>Eventually you went against it, deciding using the memestron on him was a very bad idea
>For all you knew he’s immune
>He did seem to have your best intentions even if his methodology was rather orthodox and aggravating to your sensibilities
“I’m staring at your mesmerisation technique right now, the second weaker one I mean. It’s nice to watch but I have no compulsion to follow your orders, unlike earlier. You mentioned this was the only way to build my resistance to hypnosis and yet I know there are many other ways to do so without making me-” you cleared your throat. “-release myself.”
>“It’s fun to see mortals squirm without me even poking them, and you can’t tell me you didn’t enjoy our little session.”
>You were thankful you couldn’t be any redder in the face
>“You know better lassie, short duration, not terribly hard to resist, and your mind’s cleared up the moment you came. Basically, it’s a pretty good beginner’s spell to start building up your willpower against mental manipulation. It’s meant for couples who absolutely trust one another and would cast it on each other, but you can go autohypnosis with it.”
>Hypnotising yourself into some horny slut?
>Sounded pretty hot
>“Just make sure you’re alone while you do though, don’t want a buck to think you’re easy.”
>Huh, you could totally make this a setting for your mesmetron once you fix its kinks
>You could already imagine it now, using the mesmetron on yourself to feel the amazing hypnotherapy coursing through your mind every night, your own touch heightening your senses
>Though it’d be pretty lonely…
>Maybe you could find someone you really trust to use it on you?
>Where are you going to find a pony or griff who won’t take advantage and fuck you over though?
>Do you even want someone else other than yourself to use the mesmetron?
>Maybe you could talk to your little friends in your head about it later
“Hey, since I can think again.” At least until you become a submissive whore for the genie once more. “Do you think we can talk about my current body?”
>“What’s wrong with it? You’re a walking sex magnet who’ll make any griffonesses around you dream they were you.”
“I think I change my mind.”
>“Really? You know I got to change where you’re going to appear, I mean, if you want to go through the new plot I got in store for you. Otherwise, middle of nowhere you go.”
>Must be a metaphor for that species-based scenario he kept talking about
>“So which Equestrian are you picking now, lassie?”
“How about a Draconequus?”
>“No,” he uncharacteristically deadpanned
>No? No why?
>Sure it’s a big ask, but whatever you got to lose has to be worth it when you’re going to a spirit of chaos
>“Remember when I said I’m not an asshole? Well, I’m still not gonna. Being an Alicorn is one thing, but being a Draconequus takes more than just your Human memories. You will have to suffer, fate’s not going be on your side, major factions and important ponies will start hunting you down the second they learn you exist, your soul and anything I could think of to make up so such a huge trade.”
>That sounded really bad, especially the soul part
>Are you sure you weren’t talking to a demon or something?
“What’s wrong with losing my soul? Sure it sounds terrible, but what do I actually lose if I don’t have a soul.”
>“You will be a SPIRIT of chaos, meaning I would have total command and control over you, and no amount of mental resistance training is going to prevent me from making you my puppet or simply absorbing you. Do you know how tempting that is to a genie? It’d be like you’re in my hypnosis right now but a million times stronger.” He sighed. “But if you really, really want to, maybe we can talk about it more. If it falls through though, you’ll have to pick the humbler races of Equestria.”
>Shit, was being a Draconequus worth being the genie’s complete and utter bitch?
“Okay, maybe I’m getting way too ahead of myself,” you admitted. “Is being an Earth Pony in a Stable open?”
>He clapped his claws with relief on his face. “Thank goodness, you’re seeing reason again. Okay, so you’re going to have to trade two parts of yourself, one is for trading flightlessness for beauty while two is the penalty fee for changing your species for the second time.”
>Needing to trade something else for your sex appeal instead of being flightless was fair
>Earth stallions and mares don’t have wings after all
>But a fee for transforming you again? That didn’t sounds fair
>“I know that look. Don’t think I’m pulling the rug under you, lassie. Other genies would ask for three, you know? One for the technicality like with the wings, two for the magic free, and three for the mental and physical transformation. You’ve already given up your humanity and masculinity, so it’s fair you didn’t need to pay that at all.”
>Alright, that sounded reasonable
>Hmm, what if you ditched being the pretty mare?
>Ow, that hurt your womanly heart
>But if you did though, you could just spend only one bit of yourself instead of two
“I traded my flight for beauty, right? What if I didn’t have to when I change into a mare? Then I only have to pay your fee.”
>“I can work with that.” The griffon nodded. “Are you sure you don’t want to be really pretty though?”
>Would you sacrifice your sex appeal to avoid losing another part of you?
“I’ll get back to you on that one.”
>The genie began to list down the things you can trade for, “you still got your Human memories, general knowledge of the Wasteland – as if you were born outside a Stable mind you, a good portion of your inhibition, and your luck.” Just as you were about to answer, he quickly interrupted, “I also have a couple of suggestions on what other things you might not mind losing.”
“Alright, I’m listening.”
>“You still like women right?
“I won’t be meeting any in Equestria, would I? I’ll be looking for mares, griffonesses, dragonesses, Hellhound bitches-”
>“I get it, I get it. If they have pussies, you like ‘em.” He got to the point, “are you willing to sacrifice your attraction to the same sex to be able to be a Stable mare?”
>You did a double take
>Would you?
>“Looks like you need time to think about that too. Okay, next, how about being a bit more maternal? You won’t be baby crazy, simply be more motherly and open to the idea of having foals.”
>To have chic- foals?
>It did come to mind, though only if because you were thinking of how to grow your flat tits
>But to actually carry another life within you?
>It’d be a hell of a commitment
>Hopefully, the Stable’s going to make the process a whole lot easier if you do get yourself pregnant
>“How do you feel about getting a master to own you and your mind?”
>You did a spit take
“Okay, now that’s a huge ask! You just said if I sold my soul to you, I’d be a meat puppet. Why would I let someone fuck my head on purpose?!”
>“I admit, it’s not a good deal if you were to go with that. But if you did, I will consider both sex appeal and mare transformation paid.”
>Pay both with one trade?
>It might sound good…
>“Besides, it did feel pretty good when I had control over you, right?”
>That trail of girl-cum behind you started to thicken
>Being controlled like that did feel pretty great
>But to be under a master?
>And have him messing with your head
“How do I know he’ll have my best interest?”
>“You don’t. What I can tell you is you won’t have to commit to a master right away. You will have the urge to look for one, but you can pick who it will be at your own pace.”
>Ugh, you need to talk to your little voices about this
>“Remember, these aren’t the only options I’m giving you. So whatever suggestions you throw me, I’m willing to consider them. So think about your options with your friends in your head-”
“You didn’t turn me into a schizophrenic, did you?”
>“No, of course not. It’s your boosted intellect, your new processing power for lack of a better term.”
>You wanted to take his word, but a gut feeling in your said there’s more to that than met the eye
“Uh-huh, sure.”
>“Believe me or not, it doesn’t matter cause you got a few minutes before you become a horndog again
>The moment you were reminded of your current state, you find yourself shaking your hips
>Shit, right!
>Let’s consider your options, quickly
>So if you want to be a Stable mare, you got to trade two things about yourself, or with the genie’s “get a master” proposal being a thing, it’d be only that
>Alternatively, if you drop the idea of being the sexiest mare alive, you only had to pick a single thing about yourself to lose
>You weren’t sure about losing that one, you like the idea of being gorgeous and catching eyes
>Then again, that’s maybe the Griffoness in you talking
>And of course, you can give the genie your luck, your remaining Human memories, your Wasteland know-how, and make him lower your sexual inhibition
>Then you got the other new picks, being motherly and becoming straight
>Another option than being a mare was getting the genie to turn you into a Draconequus
>Selling your soul plus losing more of yourself?
>That’s too much baggage to deal with
>Moving on, the genie said there are voices in your head who are going to help you and give suggestions, right?
>Might as well make them talk it out before deciding your new fate
What do?
by Anonlewdus