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Photo Gossip by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2023-03-23 21:47:37
Updated: 2023-03-23 21:51:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Photo Gossip by Anon
  3. (14/01/2023)
  6. ---
  8. [photo Gossip] 01
  9. >You are anon
  10. >You write gossip articles on a newspaper
  11. >one day one of the freelance photographer's offers to sell you exclusive jucy pictures.
  12. >he was going for the highest bidder. and he usually have the good stuff.
  13. >You hesitated at first but bought the envelope.
  14. >There are no other copies he said.
  15. >You sit down on your chair and took out pictures from the envelope to see
  16. >multiple pictures of Twilight Sparkle spanking Pinkie pie.
  17. >one picture on The Library pinkie leaning over a desk and Twi hitting Pinkie's butt with a book.
  18. >other picture in Twi's office. Pinkie is leaning over Twilight lap and getting spanked.
  19. >other in basement. you can't really tell but you can see Twilight smirking while holding a brush.
  20. >in all these photos Pinkie looked like she was in distress. and twilight was smirking and looks like she was enjoying it.
  22. >This would make a really good gossip article. But you need more details.
  23. >You have to know more info and decided to confront pinkie with them.
  24. >perhaps you can blackmail her for the Deets.
  26. >you sent an invitation to pinkie for a meeting in a coffee shop.
  27. >the one where they are known for their big doughnuts.
  28. >you know she wouldn't refuse.
  30. [photo Gossip] 02
  32. >Later she arrives and you thanked her for coming.
  33. >you reintroduce yourself.
  35. >OH WOW! A JOURNALIST! I LOVE JOURNALISTS! I LOVE NEWSPAPERS! what's your article? what type of Stories you write? which newspaper! I NEED TO KNOW EVERYTHING! I love newspaper!
  36. you were surprised by her enthusiasm and replied
  37. >oh a fellow reader I see. well I mostly write the Gossip articles.
  38. >Oh my gosh! I love gossip! Who's the gossip about this time? Do you have any juicy secrets?
  39. >funny that you asked me that. as a matter of fact I do. I have one big Juicy secret.
  40. >OOO! what juicy story? i love juicy stories. especially stories about ponies that I know. This sounds EXCITING! i can't wait! what kind of story is it? is it a funny story, or a serious one? IS IT SCARY?!
  42. pinkie leans forward towards you asking these questions hardly containing her excitement
  44. >it is the exciting type that involved embarrassing photos
  45. >EMBARRASSING PHOTOS?! I'M IN! i love embarrassing photos! who did you get the photos of? what did they do that was so embarrassing? WAIT can I SEE THEM ? DO YOU HAVE THE PHOTO WITH YOU!? I'M DYING TO SEE IT!
  47. She can't contain her excitement that she was being loud. other peonies were giving us some looks.
  49. >here's a copy of the photos
  50. you handed her a photo showing Pinkie bending in a library and Twi spanking her with a book.
  52. Pinkie's excitement is gone. Her eyes widens looking at these photos. and she has a worried look in her eyes.
  54. >Wha- What ? where did you get those photos. I - I - I'm Embarrassed! why do you have these w- wa- what are you planning to do.
  56. >How I got them doesn't matter now. what I want to know... is how did you end up in that situation ?
  58. >wa wait. you aren't really planning on publishing them in the newspaper are you!
  60. >well that's part of the plan.
  62. [Photo - Gossip] 03
  63. >W - w - w - why do you want to publish them in the newspaper?!? DO YOU WANT TO HUMILIATE ME?!
  65. >Well I can't pass on hot topic like this. This story would bring a lot of reader. don't you agree?
  67. >YES! it will bring SO MANY readers! but do you want to embarrass me?! do you want to RUIN my public status?! do you want to make everypony LAUGH AT ME?!
  69. >well I can be persuaded though.
  71. >W - w - w - w - what do you want me to do?! i really don't want you to publish those photos to the public!
  73. >if you don't want me to publish the photos. I'd have to compromise and publish the story instead but I'll use anonymous name instead.
  75. >well...
  76. she took it into consideration. giving it a thought knowing there is no other options.
  78. >Fine. but please don't publish or hint in anyway that it's me.
  80. >so you agree on giving me the details ?
  81. pinkie is worried
  82. >what details ?
  84. >the Deets Pinkie. I need the details in order to make it a good article. how did you end up in that situation ?
  86. >W-What! no that's too embarrassing. do you just want to hear about my EMBARRASSING story and Humiliate me ?
  88. >yes I want the Deets in order for me to write the story down. the one I'm doing without mentioning your name or posting your photos in
  89. she took a deep breath in.
  90. >FFFFFFIIIIIIINNNNNNNEEEEEEEEE! i will explain everything that happened, because you seem like you just want to hear the story, but DON'T LET THE PHOTOS OR STORIES GET OUT! DO YOU UNDERSTAND?! DON'T LET EVERYPONY KNOW MY EMBARRASSING STORY! i trust you to keep this a big, well-hidden secret.
  92. to show her that I mean it. I decided to do something she'd trust
  94. >not only I'd promise I'll Pinkie promise you. Cross my heart, hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye
  95. Pinkie Gasps!
  96. >That's a real pinkie promise if I ever heard one. you know can't break a pinkie promise right ?
  97. >yeah I know that.
  98. >Good! then I will tell you the complete story of what happened but be warned I'm not a very good storyteller. are you ready ?
  100. you took out the notebook and got ready for writing.
  101. >ready!
  102. >Ok! here I go. it happened while i was at the library. I was looking for a book and found one. so I bent over to grab it. and that's when it happened. I was bending over and Twilight spanked me.
  104. you look at her disappointedly
  105. >what that's it ?
  106. >Oh no! no no no! you see, Twilight thought I was being a nuisance. So she SPANKED me to teach me a lesson. I WASN'T EVEN BEING A MENACE! i was just bending down to pick up a book! but she thought that I was being a problem, and that I was being an absolute pest, so she punished me. I guess I was punished for nothing.
  108. [Photo -Gossip] 04
  109. you raised your eyebrow you know she is hiding something. so you decided to press.
  111. >oh this unexpected but better than I thought. why would she spank you like that ?
  112. Pinkie had a sad look and says
  113. >I suppose she thought I was being a little too cheeky and mischievous for my own good. that she decided to discipline me
  114. you took notes of what she's saying and ask
  115. >does she do that often with you ?
  116. >YES! and I don't like it! sometimes I feel like I'm her pony to go to for discipline! I feel like every time I do something wrong, she's always there to punish me! sometimes i feel like everypony just thinks of me as the silly pony who ALWAYS messes up, and they think I NEED discipline every time! what are your thoughts on my story?
  118. you started to see how this is going. Twilight is kinda being abusive towards pinke so you tried to sympathised with her.
  119. >I think you are a victim of circumstance
  121. >YES, YES! i do feel like a victim! a victim of the circumstances that have been presented to me! I feel like everyone thinks I NEED discipline, just because I'm the element of laughter! I feel like I'm being punished for who I am! what do you think I should do about it? should i just take it? or should i try to fight back?
  123. you have a change of heart. instead of further abuse and use pinkie. you decide to
  124. >no I have a better idea. how about we catches her doing it to you again
  125. >GASP catch her in the act?! that's great! what an excellent idea! the perfect way to end this nightmare once and for all! just tell me how to do this, and I'll do it!
  127. [Photo -Gossip] 05
  129. >but does Twilight do this exclusively to you. or does she does it to other ponies as well ?
  130. Pinkie looks at the floor and answers
  131. >to my knowledge, I am the only one she tries to discipline when I do something "wrong" or "naughty". I've never heard of her spanking other ponies like this, only me.
  133. >yeah but this sound a little bit abusive
  134. in which pinkie replied quickly
  135. >Abusive? a little bit? no no no no. it's VERY abusive. she is ABUSING her best friend. she is treating me like her play-thing. She's not doing it because i needed it. she is doing it cause she wants to do it.
  137. >how hard did she spank you ?
  138. pinkie blushes
  139. >I...I.. I do not want to talk about it. I want to bury those thoughts and those photos in the deepest, darkest holes in my memories and never EVER talk about them! EVER!
  141. you continue to take notes and write down while saying it outloud
  142. >Ok I'll take that as she spanked you hard enough to make you cry.
  144. >YES! I cried. I was broken, i was beaten, i was abused by Twilight. she is not the princess we think she is. she is an abuser. she is an abuser, and her friend - a pony she claims to love - is in anguish because of it.
  146. sniffle
  148. >she is not my friend. she is a monster.
  150. >but isn't she supposed to be your friend ?
  152. sniffle sniffle
  154. >she can't be my friend if she abused me. she's my tormentor. she's my bully. if we're still friends, then she's the worst friend imaginable.
  156. You felt sorry hearing about this. and tried to sympathise with her and her situation
  157. >you feel like stuck. if you lose friendship with twilight. it mean losing friendship with your other friends. you'd lose applejack - rarity - Rainbow Dash - Spike and Fluttershy. which is really bad
  159. Pinkie start crying
  160. >if i lose her, i lose all my other friends. it is really, really bad. i feel like i'm a victim in this "friendship" with twilight.
  162. >Let's Expose her.
  163. pinkie gasps
  164. >you want me to tell everypony that Twilight abused me ? but that mean I have to tell everypony about those photos.. It's embarrassing. I don't think I can handle that.
  166. >I know it's embarrassing to you, but ponies would pity and sympathies with you. you are the victim here
  167. pinkie lowers her ears and says
  168. >Ponies would pity me? but... but everypony would know! about those photos... my photos... sob do you pity me? do you sympathize with me?
  170. >I do feel sorry for your situation. and I want to help
  172. >you sympathize with me... and you want to help? THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! you have no idea how much i want to end this situation! you are an incredible , and i love you so much! ok, tell me, how do you want to help me?
  174. >we need more evidence. for this to work you need to be brave. are you brave ?
  176. sniffle
  178. >I'll be brave. I'll do this. I will find the exact evidence you need, to make this work! you just tell me what to do. sniffle i will do anything to end this! thank you for helping me!

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