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Dancing with Dash

By AnonymousDashfag
Created: 2023-04-24 04:20:42
Expiry: Never

  2. The music pulsed through the grand ballroom of Canterlot Castle as ponies of all colors danced and mingled. You felt out of place as the only human in Equestria, towering over the sea of colorful equines.
  3. Rainbow Dash squeezed your hand with her hoof to reassure you. Her cyan coat shimmered in the light of the crystal chandeliers. "Come on, this is supposed to be a party! Loosen up!" she said, bumping your side.
  4. You smiled down at her. "You're right, Dashie. I'm just not used to all this pomp and circumstance."
  5. "That's why I'm here," she replied with a wink. "To help you relax and have fun!"
  7. The band started up a slower melody, and couples began swaying together on the dance floor. You gather your courage, turn to Rainbow Dash and bow, extending your hand. "May I have this dance?"
  8. Rainbow Dash's cheeks flushed as red as her mane. "I don't really do the whole... slow dancing thing," she said nervously.
  9. You gave her a reassuring smile. "Just follow my lead."
  10. She tentatively placed her hoof in your hand. You guided her onto the dance floor, placing your other hand on her waist as she put her hoof on your shoulder. At first you moved slowly, rocking side to side in a simple two-step. Rainbow Dash stumbled a bit, not used to walking on two hooves, but her magenta eyes stayed locked on yours.
  12. As the music swelled, you spun her out and back into your arms. She let out a little gasp of delight. All traces of tension melted from her face as you swept her across the dance floor, her hooves leaving the ground as you lifted and dipped her. The other ponies parted for you, watching in awe.
  13. By the end of the song, Rainbow Dash was laughing with joy. You held her close as the final notes faded, her breath warm on your cheek. She gazed up at you, her eyes sparkling.
  14. "Care for another dance?" you asked softly.
  16. "I'd like nothing more," Rainbow Dash replied.
  17. As the band struck up a more lively tune, you took her hooves in your hands again and began spinning her around the dance floor. She had caught on quickly, guiding her hooves to match your feet as you led her through a series of turns and spins. Her mane and tail streamed behind her, a rainbow blur keeping perfect time with the rhythm of the song.
  18. The crowd of ponies parted to give you space, cheering and stomping their hooves to the beat. Rainbow Dash's joy was infectious, and soon every pony was dancing along.
  20. You lifted Rainbow Dash off the ground, twirling her up high before setting her down and spinning her out, her back against your front. Her coat was hot beneath your touch as you placed your hands on her waist, swaying in time with the pounding music. She reached up and draped her hooves around your neck, rolling her head back to rest on your shoulder.
  21. The world seemed to fade away until only the two of you remained, lost in the rhythm of the dance. Rainbow Dash's body moved in perfect synchrony with yours as you guided her through turn after spin after dip, her hooves never once touching the ground. She felt as light as air in your arms.
  23. As the final crashing chord rang out, you dipped Rainbow Dash back and gazed deep into her eyes. Her chest heaved with breathless laughter, her magenta eyes gleaming with joy. The ballroom erupted into cheers and applause, but you only had eyes for your marefriend.
  25. You gently lifted her back to standing and pressed your forehead to hers. "I love you, Rainbow Dash," you whispered.
  26. She nuzzled your cheek, her soft coat caressing your skin. "I love you too."

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