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Date with Dash

By AnonymousDashfag
Created: 2023-06-01 14:28:53
Expiry: Never

  2. We sat together in a cozy booth at the local cafe, simply enjoying one another's company over our lunch. I had my arm draped casually over Dash's withers, idly running my fingers through her mane or scratching behind an ear as we talked and laughed about everything and nothing,. The midday sun fitered in through the large windows. dappling her colorful mane in patches of light and shadow. She was breathtaking.
  4. My attention was torn from Dash as the bell over the cafe door jingled, signaling new customers had arrived. Glancing up I spotted the rest of her friends trotting in, no doubt here for their weekly get together. I tensed as Dash noticed them as well unsure how as
  5. she wished to handle this. Before I could ask she turned to me, determination writtenacross her features.
  7. "No hiding, they were bound to find out eventually." She stated firmly. I nodded, smiling as I gave her shoulders a quick squeeze.
  9. The rest of the mane six made their way over to a large table, chatting amiably amongst themselves. Twilight happened to glance our way first, her eyes going wide upon noticing us. She swiftly elbowed Applejack who turned, mouth dropping open in shock. One by one the others noticed us, disbelief and confusion written across their faces.
  11. Rainbow fidgeted under their stares, no doubt fighting the urge to fly of. I leaned down, nuzzling against her cheek reassuringly. "Steady on Dash, no need to run. We've done nothing wrong." I murmured. She took a deep breath, nodding before turning to face her friends fully.
  13. "Hey guys, fancy meeting you here" She called, waving a hoof in greeting. They continued to gape for a long moment before galloping over, questions bubbling forth all at once.
  15. "When did this happen?
  17. "How long has it been going on?"
  19. "Are you two dating now?
  21. I held up my hands, wincing at the barrage of sound. "Hold your horses, one at a time! They fell silent, looking between Dash and I expectantly.
  23. Dash cleared her throat, glanding at me briefiy. "Were uh...together I guess you could say." She admitted, scuffing a hoof against the floor. I smiled, tightening my arm around her.
  25. "If she'll have me." I added. Her eyes lit up, a smile pulling at her lips in turn.
  27. Twilight's shock seemed to fade first, an inquisitive look entering her eyes. "Fascinating I have so many questions! How do you make it work anatomically?"
  29. Rainbow sputtered, blushing fiercely as she glared at her friend. "Twi! That's not important right now!" I bit my cheek, struggling not to laugh at the absurdity of the question or Dash's reaction. Trust the scholar in Twilight to focus on the technical aspects.
  31. The shock faded from her other friends as laughter bubbled up, the tension easing from the atmosphere. They moved to join our table, eagerly asking more questions which we did our best to answer. Dash relaxed into my side once more, her embarrassment fading in the face of her friends acceptance of us.
  33. I smiled, gazing between these colorful mares who had welcomed me into their world without question. With friends like these at our side, I had no doubt we could face whatever challenges came our way. Our future was uncertain but together, we could accomplish anything.

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