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Field Trip Day at Crystal Prep Academy by Anon

By splishsplash
Created: 2023-06-04 18:36:46
Expiry: Never

  1. Field Trip Day at Crystal Prep Academy by Anon
  4. (02/04/2023)
  6. ---
  8. >Field Trip Day at Crystal Prep Academy
  9. >Today it's to the beach
  10. >Mostly it's a day to play and fuck off
  11. >Teachers assign minimum objectives
  12. >Make weather observations, visit the historic marker, pick up some beach trash...
  13. >Beyond that the students are free to wear cute swimsuits and have a beach day
  14. >Rich parents who sent their kids to Crystal Prep expect this sort of thing
  16. >For Nerd Sparkle it's a chance for SCIENCE
  17. >She spends the day making observations of life in the rocky tide pools
  18. >Away from her classmates
  19. >Away from the mean girls who call her 'dork' and 'spaz' and 'geek' and 'dog-fucker"
  20. >She wishes every day could be like this
  21. >But it can't last forever
  22. >Time to go back to the bus
  23. >Cinch gave a stern warning
  24. "We are on a tight schedule"
  25. "Anyone late to the bus may expect severe consequences."
  26. >*gulp*
  27. >But Twilight is coming back with plenty of time
  28. >She meets Sour Sweet near the parking lot
  29. >Being nice for a change
  30. "Did you have fun doing your gross science-y stuff?"
  31. >Twi is surprised
  32. >Takes advantage of a rare show of interest
  33. "Yes, actually. The life in the tide pools is fascinating.
  34. "I only wish I could have watched for another half-hour when the tide exposed that outcrop of hard coral!"
  35. >Sunny Flare speaks up
  36. "Oh, didn't you hear?
  37. "The bus has a flat tire...a repair truck is coming but it will take time to fix.
  38. "We have an extra hour!"
  39. >Twilight is delighted and doesn't think
  40. >She just assumes what she's being told is true
  41. >The other girls nod and go along with it
  42. "Thanks, see ya in an hour!"
  43. >Twilight rushes off to her tide pool
  45. >One hour later, Cinch is tapping her toe angrily
  46. >All the other students are on the bus
  47. >Sand and salt showered off, comfortably changed into school sweats
  48. >The bus driver is counting his overtime...
  49. "TWILIGHT SPARKLE! Why are you an hour late, young lady?"
  50. >Twilight stammers in shock
  51. "B-B-but I thought w-we had an ext-t-tra hour"
  52. "The, the...bus...flat t-tire?"
  53. >Cinch is furious
  54. "Wherever did you hear that nonsense and why did you not check with me when you heard it?"
  55. >*uh-oh*
  56. >She could rat the mean girls out but what good would that do?
  57. >It would be her word against all theirs
  58. >And win or lose, they would take awful, disproportionate revenge on her over the rest of the school year
  59. >Twi doesn't even get the chance...
  60. "You get over here, young lady.
  61. "Apparently you need a demonstaration of what I meant by 'severe consequences'."
  62. >She grabs Twilight's wrist
  63. >Yanks the skinny teen across her lap
  64. >Twilight is horrified
  65. >All her classmates are pressed against the bus windows
  66. >Watching, laughing
  67. >And she's still wearing her swimsuit
  68. >It kind of wedgies up her butt as the Headmistress pulls her into the awful position
  69. >There is no lecture, no wait for the first smack
  70. >Cinch is already behind schedule
  71. >But there's time for this...
  73. >Twilight squeals & shrieks like a child
  74. >Some younger kids even point and laugh at her getting spanked in the parking lot
  75. >Classmates roar with laughter
  77. >Even as Cinch smacks her exposed rear cheeks, Twilight is still a nerd
  78. Holy Marconi, Principal Cinch spanks hard!
  79. At a rate of 83 spm my bottom is going to be red in less than 45 seconds and stay that way for at least 63 hours!
  80. >But mostly she just cried and tried to apologize
  82. >Cinch did not have all day to spank one tardy student
  83. >Parents were waiting to pick up students at the school
  84. >They would blame her for the delay
  85. >She made sure this little bookworm paid for every single dirty look and snide comment she would endure
  86. >It was a short spanking, only done with her hand, but it was intense
  88. >Thankful Twilight was pushed off the horrible lap of pain quickly
  89. "On the bus now Miss Sparkle, we're late enough already!"
  90. >Now humiliation set in
  91. >No shower and change into dry clothes for her
  92. >Twi had to get on the bus in her wet swimsuit
  93. >Salty hair, uncomfortable sand in all the delicate places uncomfortable sand gets into
  94. >All the other kids snickering at her
  95. >She could hear whispers;
  96. 'Smells like a bad sushi'
  97. 'Doesn't she always?'
  98. >Someone shot a spit-ball
  99. >It hit her in the left butt cheek, causing her to squeak in pain and jump a little
  100. >Everybody laughed
  101. >Blushing as red as her rear end was Twilight took her seat alone and endured the long bus ride home
  103. >At school the other parents were not happy to have waited an extra hour to pick their kids up
  104. >Twilight was last off the bus...still in her swim suit.
  105. There's Mom's green Subaru
  106. >She's not waving...she looks pissed
  107. Oh, why couldn't Shiny have picked me up?
  108. >Nervously, Twilight gets into the passenger seat
  109. >She was hoping for motherly sympathy but it's clear that Mom is not in the mood for that
  110. "Well, I can see from the condition of your bottom that you are the 'one student who caused a delay' from Principal Cinch's group text message?"
  111. >There's no need to answer
  112. >Twilight Velvet's Subrau has heated seats
  113. >They're the last thing her daughter wants right now.
  114. "Well, do you have an explanation, young lady?"
  115. >Twi's voice is weak and timid
  116. >Mom isn't even raising her voice and she feels like she's being yelled at
  117. "Some other girls told me the bus had a flat tire...that we had an extra hour."
  118. >Twilight felt really stupid now
  119. "And you just accepted it without checking?
  120. Twiley we expect you to listen to what the adults say...not some other girls at school."
  121. >Twilight endured the lecture and hoped for the best
  122. >She'd already been spanked by Principal Cinch
  123. >Maybe that would be enough
  124. Please please please please please let that be enough.
  125. >But as Mom put the car in gear manual stick-shift, Velvet ain't no punk and pulled out of the parking lot she gave no clues
  126. >Twilight wondered if her poor rear end was done paying for her tardiness tonight
  127. >She wondered if she would be getting any more spanking at home..

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