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Don't call her cute by >>39982628

By AnonymousDashfag
Created: 2023-06-10 12:44:21
Updated: 2023-06-10 12:49:26
Expiry: Never

  2. >Huffing and breathing hard, you can't help but to smile as a snorting Rainbow Dash stood over you
  3. >Her face, blushed and sweaty, eyes full of embarrassing fire, locked with yours
  4. >"Any last words, Anon?!"
  5. >She has chased you once you took her by surprise and began petting her
  6. >Squeaks and whinnys of joy escaped her lips, unable to stop herself from pushing into you
  7. >For a few seconds of bliss, you where about to pay the adorable price
  8. >Might as well go down with a bang
  9. "You are so cute when your angry."
  10. >Already a scene, other ponies looking on from when she caught up and tackled me, I saw her blue face match her magenta eyes
  11. >Then an eruption of adorable rage, my smile growing
  13. >Right before she stomps, I thrust my hands forward
  14. >With glee, I rub her chest floof, throwing her off
  15. >I get up and run, Dash realizing my tactical floof distraction had worked
  16. >The giggle of the ponies around her ignite a fire in her
  18. >Laughing, I keep going heading for home
  19. >Probably won't make it, but half the fun is the run
  20. >The other half... Well, Twilight doesn't leave us alone in the library now kind of fun

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