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Items & Equipment

By PonyStrangler
Created: 2023-06-25 06:53:16
Expiry: Never

  1. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4. Argenta Patsos: 5,195 (2 to 1 Bit)
  6. Crystal Gemcoins (Archaic): 8,752, unknown value
  8. Equestrian Bits: 2,798,300
  10. Dragonspine Mountain Fangs: 34,455 (0.6 to 1 Bit)
  12. Germaneighan Ear-Marks: 13,176 (0.8 to 1 Bit)
  14. Gryphon Kingdom Claws (Modern) and Talons (Archaic): 1,469 & 2,591 (unknown trade value)
  16. Minotaur Hegemony Hoofstamps: 4,124 (1.1 to 1 Bit)
  18. Rushyan Snootles: 149,751 (10 to 1 Bit)
  20. Saddle Arabian Saddles: 2,518 (3 to 1 bit)
  22. *****
  23. Gem stocks: 2,036,030 Bits worth at current Crystal Empire exchange rate
  26. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  28. When an Operator receives a Silver Wish Disc they may use it with 2x [1d6] rolls; both rolls may be used for either a single item or an attempt at two different items, though only the highest result will take affect.
  29. -ONLY an Operator may write a wish, and only a physical item that existed on that particular Operator's homeworld, or on Tallus if applicable, may be requested.
  30. -Requests to be fulfilled by those that inhabit Tallus may be requested as well, yet care must be taken as the receiver's intentions may be quite fickle or possibly detrimental.
  31. -Attempted use by those that are not Operators will only result in the disc being destroyed.
  32. -The higher the result, the greater the chance of the item requested appearing in 100% condition and in perfect shape, whereas results of 3 or lower may yield a (possibly) useless curio.
  34. 1 owned by Bubba
  35. 2 owned by Clemency
  36. 1 owned by Cheto
  37. 1 owned by Dante
  38. 1 owned by Indurian
  39. 1 owned by Jeff
  40. 1 owned by Lont
  41. 2 owned by Natilda
  42. 1 owned by Snakebite
  43. 1 owned by Zhun
  47. -ANY item that currently exists which one wishes to be improved CANNOT be lost or damaged in any way, NOR will any damage be caused to a currently existing item whether intentional or unintentional.
  48. -ANY item that one wishes to be improved MUST BE IMPROVED IF AT ALL POSSIBLE; this improvement is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result. For example: a result of 2 will cause the first 2 possible improvements to be committed WITHOUT THE POTENTIAL FOR FAILURE.
  49. -ANY item that one wishes to be improved will, if that specific item can ONLY be replaced with a superior version, result in the original existing copy remaining and a superior version being retrieved (if necessary) or created.
  50. -ANY item can also be wished for to be repaired, the repair of which is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result (from a 10% to a 60% repair). NOTE that this guideline directly implies that the item's original materials WILL LIKELY BE replaced with superior materials and the weight MUST remain close to the same.
  51. -ANY item that currently exists can be repaired multiple times until reaching that item's base capacity, and thereafter upgraded 2 to 3 times depending on technological capability.
  52. -ANY item that cannot be repaired (an almost impossible occurrence) will not be damaged or changed. Attempting to do so WILL NOT destroy the wish disc, however, IF SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED then an equal or superior copy may be produced ONLY if that item is not Unique.
  55. -ANY item requested is able to have period specific modifications, improvements, enhancements, additions, add-ons, customization, AND material changes, including those only found on Tallus. Examples are as follows:
  56. -utilizing quartzine or diamondine lenses on a scope instead of glass or other composites,
  57. -replacing a chrome-molybdenum sleeved barrel with non-standard metals or materials (if applicable),
  58. -replacing common or stainless steel with materials only found on Tallus, or those from an Operator's home world,
  59. -modifying a common scope to utilize period specific Infrared, NVG, Thermal, starlight, or other technological functions that would fit the casing and technological levels,
  60. -adding electronic devices or components in known, prototype, likely existing, or theoretically proven stages to the intended item.
  62. *****
  64. -All Operators now have access to heavy non-portable weaponry: missile launchers, rocket launchers, mounted turrets, towed artillery, two-man & squad based weaponry are acceptable.
  65. However, advanced weaponry will still be Era Locked, and weaponry must weigh a total of 8 tons of less.
  67. -Access unlocked for small mechanized or engine based mechanical implements, utility devices, or vehicles below 8 tons maximum weight.
  68. Examples include: chainsaws, augurs, light cranes, vehicle lifts, etc.
  70. -Access unlocked for working & functional weapon prototypes, or modern-era based technologies for those not from a highly advanced world.
  72. -Access unlocked for modern generation armored fighting vehicles, armored personnel carriers, light tanks, aircraft, blue water vessels, spaceborne vessels, and etc.; all such must be under the 8 ton capacity limit.
  74. -All instances of exoskeletons & powered armor are now unlocked. Their stats and capabilities will be dependent upon what they are based on, and, for the most part, may be improved beyond their base capabilities, up to a maximum of 3 to 6 upgrades depending on the roll used to acquire them.
  77. TOO LONG, DIDN'T READ? Wish Discs are not meant to solely provide basic acquisitions. If a "thing" can fit, seems like it SHOULD fit, does exist, COULD exist, or someone COULD make an alteration to make said "thing" fit, then it will fit.
  78. Except you. IN the box. YOU cannot fit inside that box. Or this box, don't try it unless you want to get stuck.
  81. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  83. The rarest, and certainly one of the five most coveted gifts throughout the known Imperium, the appearance of a Black Candle has three purposes: honoring the greatest services of an Astartes on Terra during which the Bell of Heroes is rung, appearing during times of the foulest heresies to act as both light and shield against Chaos, or given as a sign of true favor from the highest ranking members of the Inquisition to their loyal subordinates.
  84. In this case, the first two do not and will never apply. (“Double and extra heresy do not count... ...or so I have been told.” -Chisan Nas)
  86. When acquired by an Imperial subject, a Black Candle is to be taken to a secure, safe location where the user must seat themselves, light the candle, and focus their thoughts upon a specific piece of wargear, an STC readout or printer, or any other object known to them that they desire to possess.
  87. Make a [1d6] <Black Candle roll, the result of which will determine whether or not the object of desire is translated from the Imperium to Tallus.
  88. *Should an Imperial be given the right to do so, they may attempt to summon wargear directly from Inquisitor Velasi's personal flagship.
  89. **Due to the unstable (and sometimes volatile) translation system, and the fact that much of her possessions were procured through the past ten millennia are extremely rare examples hailing from the Dark Age of Technology, such an attempt will require the usage of 2 Black Candles.
  91. 1 owned by Chisan Nas
  92. 1 owned by Mallia Castella
  95. -ANY wargear that exists in the Imperium (and elsewhere) that an Imperial wishes to be improved CANNOT be lost or damaged in any way, NOR will any damage be caused to a currently existing item whether intentional or unintentional.
  96. -ANY wargear that one wishes to be improved MUST BE IMPROVED IF AT ALL POSSIBLE; this improvement is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result. For example: a result of 2 will cause the first 2 possible improvements to be committed WITHOUT THE POTENTIAL FOR FAILURE.
  97. -ANY wargear that one wishes to be improved will, if that specific item can ONLY be replaced with a superior version, result in the original existing copy remaining and a superior version being retrieved (if necessary) or created.
  98. -ANY wargear can also be wished for to be repaired, the repair of which is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result (from a 10% to a 60% repair). NOTE that this guideline directly implies that the item's original materials WILL LIKELY BE replaced with superior materials and the weight MUST remain close to the same, unless the user specifies otherwise.
  99. -ANY wargear that currently exists can be repaired multiple times until reaching that item's base capacity, and thereafter upgraded 3 to 6 times depending on technological capability.
  100. -ANY wargear that cannot be repaired (an almost impossible occurrence) will not be damaged or changed. Attempting to do so WILL NOT destroy the Black Candle, however, IF SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED then an equal or superior copy may be produced, but only if that item is not Unique.
  103. -ANY wargear requested is able to have period specific modifications, improvements, enhancements, additions, add-ons, customization, AND material changes, including those only found on Tallus. Examples are as follows:
  104. -utilizing quartzine or diamondine lenses on a scope instead of glass or other composites,
  105. -replacing a chrome-molybdenum sleeved barrel with silverine (if applicable),
  106. -replacing common or stainless steel with composite elemarental steels,
  107. -modifying a common scope to utilize period specific Infrared, NVG, Thermal, starlight, or other technological functions that would fit the casing and technological levels,
  108. -adding electronic devices or components in known, likely existing, or prototype stages to the intended item.
  110. *****
  112. -All Imperials now have access to heavy non-portable weaponry: missile launchers, rocket launchers, mounted turrets, towed artillery, two-man & squad based weaponry are acceptable. However, advanced weaponry will still be Era-locked, and weaponry must weigh a total of 8 tons of less.
  114. -Access unlocked for small mechanized or engine based mechanical implements, utility devices, or vehicles below 8 tons maximum weight. Examples include: chainsaws, augurs, light cranes, vehicle lifts, powerloaders, etc.
  116. -Access unlocked for working & functional weapon prototypes, or modern-era based technologies for those not from a highly advanced world.
  118. -Access unlocked for current M41 generation armored fighting vehicles or armored personnel carriers; all IFV's & APC's must be under the 8 ton cap.
  120. -All instances of Imperial exoskeletons & powered armor are now unlocked. Their stats and capabilities will be dependent upon what they are based on, and, for the most part, may be improved beyond their base capabilities, up to a maximum of 2 or 3 upgrades depending on the roll used to acquire them.
  123. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  125. When a Certain Type of Pony, hereafter referred to as a CTP, receives a Green card they may use it with a [1d6] roll.
  126. -ONLY an CTP may write a wish, and only a physical item that exists may be requested.
  127. -Requests to be fulfilled by those that inhabit spectrums, dimensions, and Planes allied to Tallus may be requested as well, yet care must be taken as the receiver's intentions may be quite fickle or possibly detrimental.
  128. -Attempted use by those that are not CTP''s will only result in the card being destroyed.
  129. -The higher the result, the greater the chance of the item requested appearing in 100% condition and in perfect shape, whereas results of 3 or lower may yield a (possibly) useless curio.
  131. 0 owned.
  134. -ANY item that currently exists which one wishes to be improved CANNOT be lost or damaged in any way, NOR will any damage be caused to a currently existing item whether intentional or unintentional.
  135. -ANY item that one wishes to be improved MUST BE IMPROVED IF AT ALL POSSIBLE; this improvement is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result. For example: a result of 2 will cause the first 2 possible improvements to be committed WITHOUT THE POTENTIAL FOR FAILURE.
  136. -ANY item that one wishes to be improved will, if that specific item can ONLY be replaced with a superior version, result in the original existing copy remaining and a superior version being retrieved (if necessary) or created.
  137. -ANY item can also be wished for to be repaired, the repair of which is based on the MAGNITUDE of the result (from a 10% to a 60% repair). NOTE that this guideline directly implies that the item's original materials WILL LIKELY BE replaced with superior materials and the weight MUST remain close to the same.
  138. -ANY item that currently exists can be repaired multiple times until reaching that item's base capacity, and thereafter upgraded 2 to 3 times depending on technological capability.
  139. -ANY item that cannot be repaired (an almost impossible occurrence) will not be damaged or changed. Attempting to do so WILL NOT destroy the Card, however, IF SPECIFICALLY REQUESTED then an equal or superior copy may be produced ONLY if that item is not Unique.
  142. -ANY item requested is able to have period specific modifications, improvements, enhancements, additions, add-ons, customization, AND material changes, including those only found on Tallus. *Examples are as follows:
  143. -utilizing quartzine or diamondine lenses on ocular sights instead of glass or other materials.
  144. -replacing a weapon, armor, or object material with diamondine or non-standard metals/materials (if applicable),
  145. -replacing common or stainless steel with materials only found on Tallus, or those from a CTP'S home world,
  146. -modifying common items to utilize period specific Infrared, NVG, Thermal, starlight, or other technological functions that would fit the casing and technological levels,
  147. -adding electronic devices or components in known, prototype, likely existing, or theoretically proven stages to the intended item.
  149. *****
  151. -All CTP'S have access to their respective world's end date functional systems, weapons, armors, and other errata.
  153. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  156. Small Arms: Armor Pierce 0-1, deals an additional 1 damage per roll
  158. Magnum Small Arms: Armor Pierce 1-2, deals an additional 2 damage per roll
  160. Combat Rifles: Armor Pierce 1, deals an additional 2 damage per roll
  162. Shotguns: Armor Pierce 2 for slugs, Armor Pierce 4 for darts, Armor Pierce 5 for finned darts, deals an additional 2 damage per roll
  164. Heavy Shotguns: Armor Pierce 3 for slugs, Armor Pierce 5 for darts, Armor Pierce 6 for finned darts, deals an additional 3 damage per roll
  166. Battle Rifles: Armor Pierce 3, deals an additional 4 damage per roll
  168. Specialized AP Calibers: Armor Pierce 4, deals an additional 4 damage per roll
  170. Specialized AA Calibers: Armor Pierce 4, deals an additional 4 damage per roll
  172. Light AT Cannon Calibers: Armor Pierce 5, deals an additional 5 damage per roll
  174. Medium AT Cannon Calibers: Armor Pierce 6, deals an additional 6 damage per roll
  176. Heavy AT Cannon Calibers: Armor Pierce 8, deals an additional 8 damage per roll
  179. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  183. *****
  184. Negative Onyx, The.
  186. APPEARANCE: the Negative Onyx is a piece of enchanted black onyx, masterfully cut into a perfect teardrop shape and enchanted with powerful, arcane magics. There are absolutely no imperfections on its surface, and it seems to be indestructible by normal means.
  188. HISTORY: the Negative Onyx is a magical artifact which possesses no sense of being, merely having been programmed with a set of actions and directives. It possesses the ability to absorb all marener of negative thoughts and energies, effectively being an endless source of positive thinking and power.
  189. While there appears to be no immediate side effects, little has been explicitly documarented, though the short term side effects are generally very mild negative thought draining, rendering a person incapable of being in a bad mood.
  190. The Negative Onyx was created at least one thousand years ago, and is speculated to be a Late Dynasty Era relic, but was lost shortly after through unknown events. It resurfaced when it was discovered by Filth in snow, encased in a block of ice. There does not appear to be any way to extract the negative power from the Onyx, further research is required to understand more.
  191. There are limits to the amount of energy it can absorb, however, a significantly traumatic event may produce more negative energy than the Onyx could absorb at once. Beings that possess large amounts of negative energy within them are also unaffected by the Onyx. It is possible that lesser negative beings could be absorbed by the Onyx.
  192. It is known only by those who have done extensive research on old and lost magical artifacts, even then by those who know where to look as it has long since been forgotten by the world. So few mentions of it are made that most are skeptical it exists, but there is evidence of having been used in several events during recently known history.
  193. Those that do know of it have little idea of its true potential. However, any being, with or without a connection to magic is able to feel the power of the Onyx: simply being around it makes living beings, especially ponies, much happier, the atmosphere becomes lighter and more serene in general.
  195. CURRENT LOCATION: inhabiting a large fountain in Northern Canterlot, where some.. strange incidents have occurred.
  198. *****
  199. Vindicator (Elemarental Scourge, Indestructible, Unique Legendary Eldritch Artifact): a 15' long Basilisk Lord (right) fang, forged into a perfectly tapered, smooth, Elemarentally imbued lance.
  200. The rear of the weapon where it was carved off the Basilisk Lord is engraved with Spiral's name in gryphon runes. Further runes and glyphs of strength, power, and vindication have been extensively carved into this weapon by Krinza, as well as a gryphon translation of Spiral's few (those that he will state at least) achievemarents.
  201. The tip was shaped into a triangular piercing head, one side with the inscription 'Vindicator', the second with 'Hunter', but the third was left blank for unknown reasons.
  202. Too heavy to be used as a normal weapon, Vindicator can only be controlled by Spiral's immarense bond with his weapon, owed to imbuing it with his own elemarentally-charged blood which grants Vindicator several basic psychokinetic capabilities.
  203. Long since confirmed to contain an entirely new form of sapience, Krinza has reasoned that it is a micro-example of demi-sapience with most of Razorback Fortress' capabilities.
  204. While Vindicator's intended purpose is to combat Elemarental beings, it strangely has no animosity towards it's master; whether this is due to Spiral's intense focus, or Vindicator's crippling boredom, apathy, and mere carelessness is unknown.
  205. *On its own Vindicator may only utilize two of three abilities per turn, but must rotate between Psychokinesis and Elemarental Lance in order to prevent from overheating.
  207. QUIRK: Boredom, Major syndrome. Vindicator will poke holes in the ground, psychokinetically toy with nearby objects, inscribe glyphs and runes on buildings (or anything left in the open), flatten out piles of snow/dirt, spin in the air for hours on end, randomly change the Elemarents covering itself, form Elemarental specific shields, wander the Fortress whenever not busy, and generally help out ponies if it is capable of doing so
  210. Basic Psychokinesis+4
  211. Expert Assault+10
  212. Expert Elemarental Lance+10
  215. -Basilisk Killer: ignores Basilisk DR
  216. -Elemarental Corrections: adds +10 to ONE Elemarental Form skill each turn, limited ONLY to Spiral's Elemarental forms
  217. -Psionic Adapted: when linked to a psion or Changeling, Vindicator adds +2 to ONE type of Psionic roll each turn
  218. -Overwhelming Power: when linked to a unicorn, Vindicator adds +2 to ALL Elemarental Lance rolls
  221. -Elemarental Scourge: grants an Eldritch [1d6+20] <Scourgebane against enemy Elemarentals, able to cause a 1 turn stun on a max critical but only every 3rd turn
  223. *****
  224. STATUS: spends most of its time powered down in the Lab, though may sometimes leave to search for Spiral.
  227. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  229. TROPHIES:
  231. *****
  232. Clemency:
  233. -Argus Command Dominator Fragment: a piece of an Argus model's missile casing. Considered a token and not a 'true' trophy by Twisted Wing as that particular Argus was not destroyed in the Lunar Citadel.
  235. -Bellepheron's Head: the entire head of Bellepheron, former Empire Crystal pony stallion, a singer-turned-assassin, separated in the center of his neck. The flesh and blood has become a purple diamond-like crystalline substance. Both eyes still shine brightly in focus, his lips still carrying the hint of a death's rictus smile.
  237. -Ethereal Crystalline Fragment. A piece of Champion Belregard's arm, fractured off by the Executioner Blade before evacuating itself and the Moss-Wisp. It's strangely light in comparison to his shield. Considered a token and not a 'true' trophy by Twisted Wing as Belregard still exists.
  239. *****
  240. Hollow:
  241. -Marrowgrin's... Dick. A 20" long and 4" diameter severed Minotaur slaver's bovine dong, long since dried out and remarkably well preserved. Unsurprisingly, it's roughly a foot shorter than most Minotaur penises. Not even Mercy wants to touch it, nor has she tried.
  243. *****
  244. Jeff:
  245. -Deep Forest Boar Horns & Tusks. A pair of blunt, cone-shaped blackened horns, 1' in length and twice the width at the base, as well as two pairs of 7" and 9" long curved tusks, the curve itself being a smoothly transitioned blade.
  247. *****
  249. -Sevrit's Wings. These 8' long dusky silver wings, mounted on an Anfang shield as tribute by Huntsmaster Cu'Nir, are all that remain of the cannibal gryphon Sevrit, former Warlord of the Vale.
  252. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  256. *****
  257. The Ice Core, Elemental Being: 1000HP, 20DR
  259. (Blunt, Curious, Direct, Dry Wit, Intellectual, Knowledgeable, Logical, PRIMAL ELEMENTAL, Powerful, Savant, Watchful)
  261. APPEARANCE: a small, palm-sized blue orb with a tiny pulsing light in the center, weighing about a pound.
  263. BIOGRAPHY: prior history unknown. It travels either by rolling around inside a snowball shield, or floating. Immarenselely powerful, the Ice Core is a curious little being on a constant quest for knowledge.
  264. After finding the Operators, and consequently getting into a scrap with them, it has chosen to remain and observe them. And observe them it does!
  266. STATUS: formerly created a walk-in freezer behind the split-oval cooking stations, granting itself a suitable location to watch the interesting beings and events going on in the Fortress.
  267. Now however, the Ice Core is missing after stating it had "duties" to perform elsewhere on Tallus.
  270. Basic Stealth+3
  271. Expert Core Perception+10
  272. Master Casting+10
  273. Master Research+15
  276. -Grandmaster Flash Freeze: the Ice Core is capable of charging and directing a controlled blast of negative temperatures that can only be called absolute zero, flash freezing anything unlucky enough to take the full brunt of its rage using 4x [1d6+10] rolls.
  278. -Snowball Shield: after creating a snowball around itself, of whichever size is preferred at the time, the Ice Core uses this to roll through wintery landscapes unseen, or to plow through whatever decides to be foolish enough to get in front of it.
  279. This also allows the Ice Core the ability to marenipulate snow and ice within a wide area, letting it crush virtually anything it catches inside using 4x [1d6+10] rolls.
  282. -Core Link. When in direct contact, two or more Cores may join forces and energies to directly empower one Core in particular, gaining +10 to ALL rolls for each Core linked in this marener.
  284. -Primal Substance: due to its nature as one of the Foundational Aspects of Tallus, the Ice Core immediately absorbs and regenerates its physical form when subjected to most forms of Ice damage, excluding purely Eldritch.
  285. It may also utilize the Snowball Shield to perform such regeneration.
  287. CORE WEAKNESS: Physical Fire attacks cause double damage, Elemarental and Mystical Fire attacks cause triple damage, though Eldritch fire causes quadruple damage.
  288. This same penalty also applies to each Core in a Core Link as they share their weaknesses with each other, unless of course opposing Primal Elemarental Cores do (somehow) Link with each other.
  290. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  295. -Princess Cadence's Primary Feather: owned by Lont. Roll [1d6+3] to summon, result is number of turns Cadence may aid in combat.
  297. -Princess Luna's Primary Feather: 1 owned by Clemency & Jeff. Roll [1d6+3] to summon, result is number of turns Luna may aid in combat.
  299. -Princess Luna's Primary Feather, TEMPORARY: 1 owned by Lont, (9 uses remaining). Roll [1d6] to summon, result is number of turns Luna may aid in combat.
  301. -Queen Chrysalis's Wing Scale: 1 owned by Hollow. Roll [1d6] to summon, result is number of turns Chrysalis may aid in combat.
  303. -Queen Chrysalis's Wing Scale, TEMPORARY: 1 owned by Lont, (8 uses remaining). Roll [1d6] to summon, result is number of turns Chrysalis may aid in combat.
  305. -Twisted Wing's Primary Feather, TEMPORARY: 1 owned by Lont (1 use remaining). Roll [1d6] to summon, result is number of turns Twisted Wing may aid in combat.
  307. -Twisted Wing's Primary Feather: 1 owned by Clemency. Roll [1d6+3] to summon, result is number of turns Twisted Wing will aid in combat.
  310. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  314. *****
  315. RED NAGHTMARE CORE #2/4, Flowing Spark: 240HP, 4DR
  317. *****
  318. APPEARANCE: this particular Naghtmare is a voiceless, long deceased Crystal pony mare, the coat a bright red while her eyes, mane, and tail are solely composed of living flame.
  319. Her features are well rounded with few hints of musculature giving a highly feminine cast, which makes her appearance even more sultry than most Crystal mares.
  321. Though she cannot speak, her marenerisms and facial expressions are rarely anything more than cruel hostility, causing innate fear to nearly all ponies that witness her.
  322. Her Cutie Marks are a trio of cartoonish purple flames in a triangle, rounded at the bottom with five squiggles of flame trailing upwards.
  324. *****
  325. BIOGRAPHY: Naghtmares are half-living, half-dead ponies, given a transient and partially Elemarental existence via Princess Luna's early experimarents with conjuration, mysticism, and Necromarecy.
  327. This particular Naghtmare is a relentless, fearless, sadistic, and highly opportunistic combat support Naghtmare.
  328. Whether due to intense military training or her natural poninality, Flowing Spark is constantly calculating the simplest methods to incinerate enemies in her line of sight, typically terrifying them into leaving to hunt down later, or simply forcing her opponents into amusing her until she becomes tired of their existence.
  330. Infused with numerous flame capabilities, mainly meant for incinerating foes and making armor or weaponry impossible to use, Flowing Spark is one of the few Naghtmares capable of taking on entire squads with little fear of reprisal, partially due to the innate fear most sapient beings have for fire, and specialized training in the proper means of intimidating otherwise hardened opponents.
  331. Has an inherent Slowfall-Float function due to said infusions, appearing as a swirling cloud of eternal flame connected to her hooves, though is much more powerful than most Naghtmares have.
  333. Luna has stated that Flowing Spark is one of the few Naghtmares that should not be woken lightly as she makes little distinction between friend and foe, unless otherwise ordered by one with a sufficiently commarending voice and great willpower. *Currently in Princess Luna's possession.
  335. *Roll [1d6] to summon her, the result is the number of turns she may last in reality each Operation, though a roll of 9 or higher on Intimidation, Iron Will, or Negotiation is required EACH TURN to prevent Flowing Spark from turning on 'potential' allies.
  337. *****
  339. Expert Assault+8
  340. Expert Parry+8
  341. Expert Riposte+8
  343. *****
  345. Expert Block+4
  346. Expert Evasion+4
  347. Expert Reaction Speed+4
  348. Expert Sprint+4
  350. Resist Damage+4
  352. *****
  353. Expert Crystal Runes+8
  355. -Learned Runes:
  356. *Power: adds +1 to all Crystal Rune rolls for each max critical, capping at a maximum of +3.
  358. *Pull: allows use of minor Psychokinesis, limited to a maximum of 500 pounds.
  360. *****
  362. -Firecall: a skill unique to Flowing Spark, she is able to drain minor portions of the Eternal Flame from within her unnatural core, shaping such expulsions to her thoughts and will, whether they be projectiles, literal walls of flame, or caricatures of living beings with 3x [1d6+10] rolls.
  364. -Fireheart: by drawing the essence of Eternal Flame from her core, Flowing Spark is able to temporarily increase the power, width, speed, and extent of her Elemarental abilities. Roll [1d6] at the start of each turn, the result adds +X to all Fire Elemarental abilities and Assault/Parry/Riposte attacks the next turn.
  366. -Fireheart's Fear: by displaying the eternal flames imbued to her core though her eyes and body, Flowing Spark can Demoralize even the bravest of living beings with a [1d6+4] roll, and has the capacity to terrify some Otherworldly and even Undead beings. Functions as Demoralize and can be affected by Fireheart.
  368. -Flamesight: an unusual capability unique to the flame Naghtmares, Flamesight grants them the ability to 'see' the physical strengths and weaknesses of living and certain Otherworldly and Spectral beings, allowing them to pinpoint weaknesses to cause even greater harm than simply using their eternal core's inherent abilities. Roll [1d6+4], the result is then added to all Fire Elemarental abilities the following turn, but may only be used TWICE per Operation.
  370. -Firestorm: the standard opening offense for flame Naghtmares, Firestorm allows Flowing Spark to encompass an area, varying from 1-50M in diameter at her whim, creating a brief surge of the Eternal Flame composing her core with 2x [1d6+10] rolls, though may only be used up to four times per Operation.
  372. -Scorch: common to all flame Naghtmares is a perpetual, although minor, marenifestation of the Eternal Flame, granting a [1d6+4] Scorch offensive attack, most often used as an addition to their physical combat capabilities.
  374. *****
  375. UNIQUE NAGHTMARE OFFENSE: Master Molten Reign. Once per Operation, Flowing Spark is able to combine her core's immarense energies with a silent, endless song of crystalline flame, opening a rift to the Plane of Fire and allowing a veritable rain of bonfire sized, napalm-like fire Elemarental projectiles to rain from the sky with 4x [1d6+12] rolls over a 50M area for two turns. While the projectiles cannot track a target, they can splash an opponent on even a near-miss, burning them for 8 Flame damage each turn for two turns until the Elemarental essence is expended. Once the rift fades from reality, Flowing Spark's current body will disintegrate and she will return to her core.
  377. *****
  378. STATUS: deployed to guard Luna's Citadel on the Moon. Most often found patrolling the Labyrinth (tunnel networks) directly underneath the Atrium when not sleeping in her core.
  381. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  382. YELLOW NAGHTMARE CORE #3/4, Rosan (real name: unknown): 350HP, 4DR
  383. Age: unknown
  384. Month of Birth: unknown
  385. Month of Rebirth: unknown
  387. *****
  388. APPEARANCE: this particular Naghtmare is a long deceased, solidly built and soft yellow coated earth pony mare, her eyes a flickering yellow and constantly emitting traces of acidic-like smog.
  389. Naghtmares are half-living, half-dead ponies, given a transient and partially Elemarental existence via Princess Luna's early experimarents in combining the least volatile aspects of conjuration, mysticism, and Necromarecy.
  391. Rosan features an inherent Elemarental Slowfall-Float function due to said infusions, appearing as a swirling cloud of noxious yellow fumes connected to her hooves.
  393. *****
  394. BIOGRAPHY: mostly unknown. Rosan has stated she lived, and died, during a span of time before the Lunar-Solar War. Her allegiance from that era is unknown, though she lived in a place she calls 'Canterlot Village'.
  396. Originally found trapped in one of Marquis du Spiral's tomes in Canterlot Underground, Rosan was released by Bill in a zombie-like state, her (long since) temporary body and mind having degenerated to the point of complete hostility.
  397. Taking over and commarending Bill's physical body for a short period of time, she was brought down by a number of Operators afterwards, along with Twisted Wing's aid.
  398. Bill carried Rosan's core with him for some time, though the two were unable to function interdependently, leaving Rosan stuck and unable to think freely.
  400. Eventually freed by Discord, realizing the two needed to be separated, Rosan was able to recover.
  401. A depression stemming from Bill's unorthodox and wholly retarded suicide in Canterlot has grievously shaken Rosan, diminishing much of her resilience and abilities, and she refuses to speak for long, whether due to fear of contact or self-imposed isolation is unknown.
  403. When freshly brought forth from her core into the physical realm, Rosan is easily capable of holding her own against multiple living targets as she does not feel pain, and is technically immortal.
  404. Heavily infused with several acidic capabilities mainly meant for defeating armor, although her skills are exceptional Rosan has little real combat experience.
  406. *At any time Rosan's bearer may roll [1d6] to summon her, the result being the number of turns she may last in reality once every other Operation; out of Operation, the result is the number of hours Rosan may last in reality once per day/night cycle, though she will not need to regenerate or recuperate otherwise.
  408. *****
  410. Expert Assault+10
  411. Expert Parry+6
  412. Expert Riposte+8
  414. Taunt+4
  416. *****
  418. Expert Block+8
  419. Expert Parry+11
  420. Expert Riposte+9
  422. Basic Resist Damage+1
  424. *****
  426. Basic Bartering+2
  427. Basic Neighgotiation+2
  428. -Unknown
  429. -Unknown
  430. -Unknown
  431. -Unknown
  432. -Unknown
  434. *****
  436. -Acid Storm: a unique capability among the Yellow Naghtmares, Rosan is capable of expelling a 70' cone of Elemarental acid to damage physical opponents or weaken hardened targets with a [1d6+20] roll.
  437. *If the target is heavily armored or has a weapon, the performarence and durability will be severely degraded
  439. -Death Sight: the sustained state of her existence has given Rosan enough time to understand the often subtle forces and powers of life and death that nearly all miss in their day to day lives, and as such she has learned to use this talent to gauge the remaining life force of living beings, estimate the durability of undead creatures, or notice key weaknesses of physical enemies with a [1d6+4] <Death Sight roll
  440. *This ability does not work on non-physical Otherworldly or Planar creatures, and cannot work on mechanical, Spectral, or purely mystical beings and creations
  442. -Living Conduit: like the rest of the Yellow Naghtmares, Rosan is granted a [1d6+6] <Corrosive Acid ability, able to coat virtually any part of her body for offensive or defensive purposes with a resilient, long lasting compound that can easily eat through most metals and even meta-materials.
  444. -Unknown
  446. -Unknown
  448. *****
  449. UNIQUE NAGHTMARE DEFENSE: Acid Manabomb. Designed during the beginning of the Lunar-Solar War based off the designs of Extra-Planar Harpy weapons of the same name, this is a highly unstable, experimarental, and powerful self-regenerating manabomb placed inside Rosan's body.
  450. When her current physical body is nearly destroyed or cannot be maintained any longer, allows her to forcefully detonate, sending a powerful shockwave followed by a spray of lethal acid and bone in all directions using a [1d6+50] roll with a 15M radius.
  451. *After the use of this ability Rosan's current body will be destroyed and her consciousness will return to her core, remaining there for 2 days until fully regenerating a 'new' body
  453. *****
  454. STATUS: currently in Dante's possession
  456. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  460. -Miniature Translocation Disc, mass produced: a small granite disc inscribed with the same precise runes used on a translocation stone, also being the same shape.
  461. These discs allow a single item or living being to be sent to any available translocation point by the Vortex Remnant, and can also be used to transport items or living beings into the field, but can only be used once as the containmarent field holding the required energy is absorbed and dispersed when doing so.
  462. Due to the limitations of bonding Vortex enchantmarents to physical materials, only ONE translocation disc may be active and carried in a group, as two in touching proximity may cause a planar rift, or worse, draw the attention of certain beings.
  463. Studying the mystic-based enchantmarent and its bound energies for several months, Krinza created several copies to experimarent with, and upon noting there was little else that could be done, began carefully storing one to three in each building in the Fortress, warning everypony (and everyone) to NOT bring two, or more, into contact, under threat of an angry Mercy and possibly Tipper.
  464. *LIMITATIONS: may only return one being, item, or multiple beings and items that are in direct contact, up to a maximum of 5 beings, with a limit of 5 tons additional cargo or objects.
  465. Upon use, all beings are sent to the Waiting Room, where they may choose to return to where they've translocated from, or be sent directly to the Pagoda in Razorback Fortress.
  468. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  469. EXPLOSIVES LISTING: except for managel and manabombs , ALL other Explosives gain +1 when thrown via Assault or detonated via the Explosives skill.
  471. >Flash Bang: a timed or impact grenade that produces a blinding white flash and a disorienting, high pitched explosive sound wave.
  472. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +1 damage per roll & inflicts a -3 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls for 5 turns
  473. -STUN: causes a 1 turn Stun on a max critical
  474. -RADIUS: 10M radius.
  475. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: may set fire to flammables
  477. >M18 Smoke Grenade: a cylindrical grenade that deploys a large cloud of colored smoke in a 1-30M area. Lasts from 1-4 turns, depending on environmarental conditions.
  478. -DAMAGE: none unless choking on smoke, causes a -4 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls.
  479. -RADIUS: 5M cloud in moderate wind for 1 turn, 10M cloud in light wind for 2 turns, 20M cloud in bare wind for 3 turns, 30M cloud when used inside a confined area.
  482. >Tear Gas: a cylindrical canister that deploys a severe chemical irritant affecting everything living via stinging to the eyes and a burning/biting sensation on skin. Tear gas lasts without degrading for up to two weeks, making it difficult to wash out and must be carefully removed when settled.
  483. -DAMAGE: causes 1 damage per turn while in the cloud, doubles Fatigue while inhaled, and inflicts a -3 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls.
  484. -RADIUS: 5M cloud in moderate wind for 1 turn, 10M cloud in light wind for 2 turns, 15M cloud in bare wind for 2 turns, 20M cloud in no wind for 3 turns.
  487. >Toxic Gas: a glass container or other fragile canister that contains a toxic gas specifically designed to incapacitate, and eventually kill, living beings. All forms of Toxins are considered illegal in Equestria and across most of Tallus.
  488. -DAMAGE: initially causes +2 damage per roll, increasing to +4 on the second turn, +6 on the third turn, +8 on the fourth turn, and +10 on the fifth turn.
  489. -RADIUS: 5M cloud in moderate wind for 1 turn, 10M cloud in light wind for 2 turns, 15M cloud in bare wind for 2 turns, 20M cloud in no wind for 3 turns, 25M cloud when used inside a confined area.
  490. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: prison time. A lot of it. Don't drop the soap. Or do.
  492. >Spray Can+Lighter: an extremely close range petrol-based flammable concoction in a canister propelled by compressed gasses with a lighter taped to the front. Fairly useless unless one is facing a cloud of bees or mosquitoes.
  493. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +1 damage and 1 Fire damage per roll
  494. -RADIUS: 1M
  495. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: observers WILL mock you
  497. >Molotov: a favorite of tank hunters, arsonists, guerrilla fighters, and poor revolutionaries.
  498. Can be easily and cheaply made by combining any combination of flammable liquids in a small, fragile glass bottle (or jar), sticking a length of cloth in the neck, lighting said cloth, and throwing at an enemy.
  499. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +3 damage and +3 Fire damage per roll, sets the target on Fire, then causes 3 Fire damage for the following 3 turns
  500. -RADIUS: 5M
  501. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: has a 25% chance of causing Burns to unarmored targets on a max critical
  503. >Shrapnel Grenade: a specialty grenade design, either an actual Mk. II Pineapple grenade or a more modern derivative, that incorporates a self-fragmarenting casing which breaks apart upon detonation, delivering a hail of hardened metal shards in all directions.
  504. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +3 damage per roll
  505. -RADIUS: 8M
  506. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: Armor Pierce 1 (negates 1DR), always inflicts Bleeding to unarmored targets, but causes Severe Bleeding on a max critical
  508. >Taffilon: a fibrous, bright pink substance, similar in appearance to a cross between taffy and cotton candy. Taffilon was originally developed by Councilierge Associates by combining a debased, fine grained Lava Leech substrate with several other common and rare alchemical components to diminish and contain its primary explosive reaction. ("They were usin' them in cast iron cases instead of manabombs, mostly for cost." -Twisted Wing)
  509. Finally redeveloped for use in Bigmaw's weapon, the Ganet Croix, either Serra or Twisted Wing stole the research book containing instructions on how to replicate it, also containing several other recipes.
  510. Taking note of Taffilon's mild, easily contained explosive properties, Spiral chose to utilize it as a gunpowder alternative for cartridge based kinetic weaponry by decreasing the joule output with fine grade cellulose and other bufferents to lower the amount of charge necessary.
  511. The compound was tested extensively for several weeks, Spiral constantly adapting and modifying the compound, though subsequent testing by Jeff revealed the need for a greater amount of bufferant, and finally achieved a 1:1 ratio of weight and density for complete replacemarent of various gunpowders.
  512. When used in its native state, Taffilon is a low grade explosive compound that requires either an electrical, chemical, or thermal based ignition source, rendering it quite useful in heightening the damage potential and lowering the weight of standard human explosives, whether in grenades or improvised munitions.
  513. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +3 damage per roll
  514. -RADIUS: 1M
  517. >Claymore: a uniquely shaped plastic hulled explosive, designed as an anti-personnel device containing 700 steel BB's.
  518. When detonated, a small directed C4 charge expels the pellets in a tightly controlled cone pattern, though due to the use of steel pellets it lacks range and penetration beyond a short distance.
  519. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +5 damage per roll
  520. -RADIUS: 70 degree, 15M cone
  521. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: doubles the target's DR, always inflicts Bleeding on unarmored targets, but causes Severe Bleeding on a max critical to unarmored targets
  523. >M67 Pineapple Grenade: a common grenade with an unpopular reputation due to its easily spotted profile, which has led to hundreds of instances of being tossed back to the previous thrower over the years it has been in use.
  524. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +5 damage per roll
  525. -RADIUS: 5M
  526. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts Stun on a max critical
  528. >Messenger Bag Bomb: any form of small sling bag loaded with multiple forms of low grade explosives or gunpowder, and given teeth by the inclusion of various cheap shrapnel components. Often used by saboteurs, revolutionaries, and guerrillas due to being economical and causing a great deal of terror.
  529. Due to the sheer amount of mixed charges, usually large amounts of fertilizer compounds, high grade fuels, black powder, and other ersatz mixtures, bombs such as these create a high pressure shockwave that greatly increases the effective shrapnel radius.
  530. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +5 damage per roll
  531. -RADIUS: 20M
  532. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always causes Bleeding on unarmored or lightly armored targets, does not inflict Bleeding on Armored targets, and inflicts Stun for 2 turns on a max critical
  534. >Firebomb: simply put a double-sized Molotov, ranging from a 1.5L to half-gallon glass bottle. Also made in a more professional marener as a short rope is typically attached to increase the throwable range
  535. -DAMAGE: cause an additional +6 damage and +6 Fire damage per roll, sets the target on Fire, then causes 6 Fire damage for the following 3 turns
  536. -RADIUS: 10M
  537. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: has a 50% chance of causing Burns to unarmored targets on a max critical
  539. >Fuel Canister Bomb: a small 4 Liter or 1 gallon fuel canister with an explosive device, incendiary charge, or possible both, taped to one side. Upon detonation a spray of burning fuel is sent out in a wide area.
  540. Considered the most cost effective means of dealing with enemy light tanks, APC's, and hostile squads.
  541. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +6 Fire damage per roll, then incurs 6 Fire damage for the following 6 turns
  542. -RADIUS: 20M
  543. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: has a 100% chance of causing Burns to unarmored targets on a max critical
  545. >40MM Airburst Grenade/VOG-25 Airburst: a specialty flak shell intended for area denial on small targets, though is much more adept in an anti-helicopter role.
  546. Designed with a double layered self-fragmenting casing that also incorporates a number of fine shrapnel pieces.
  547. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +6 damage per roll
  548. -RADIUS: 15M
  549. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: Armor Pierce 1 (negates 1DR), inflicts Bleeding on a max critical
  551. >White Phosphorous: affectionately called Willy Pete, this is a clearly labeled white canister that, upon denotation, produces a small spread of 4,000+ degree white phosphorous, causing excruciating chemical burns while emitting eye searing white-hot light.
  552. Also a war crime to use against sapients.
  553. -DAMAGE: causes +6 Chemical damage per roll, then incurs 6 Chemical damage for the following 3 turns, also inflicting a -3 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls.
  554. -RADIUS: 5M
  555. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Burns on an armored target, but inflicts Scorched on an unarmored target. Also possible prison time.
  557. >C-4: a powerful, easily molded plastic implosive compound with a high degree of flexibility allowing charges to be hidden and deployed in any number of mareners, though is so stable that neither fire nor chemicals set it off, instead requiring an electrical ignition.
  558. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +8 damage per roll
  559. -RADIUS: 3M
  560. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Stun for 2 turns, but inflicts Shock on a max critical
  562. >High Explosive: a modern grenade canister with a large yield of either C4 or other specialized explosive compounds. Typically used to destroy walls, knock out fighting vehicles and APC's, and can even deal considerable damage to medium tanks.
  563. Comes in thrown and 40MM variants.
  564. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  565. -RADIUS: 10M
  566. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Stun for 2 turns, but inflicts Shock on a max critical
  568. >RPG-7 Single Stage PG-7V Warhead: a simple, single stage squash-type fuzed warhead that packs the rough equivalent of two frag grenades with a larger radius and triple the shrapnel potential.
  569. Contrary to popular belief, the Russian acronym "RPG" actually stands for "rocket-assisted grenade", NOT "rocket-propelled grenade". Dumbasses.
  570. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  571. -RADIUS: 10M
  572. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Bleeding and causes Stun for 2 turns
  574. >M252 81MM Mortar High Explosive Shell: an efficiently designed anti-personnel and anti-vehicle mortar round intended to provide cheap, accurate support fire.
  575. In most systems this has an indirect firing range of 3,000M, and an indirect shelling range of up to 5,500 meters.
  576. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  577. -RADIUS: 15M
  578. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts a 2 turn Stun against unarmored targets, but inflicts Severe Bleeding and Shock on a max critical
  580. >M260 Pod 2.5" Hydra 70 Rocket High Explosive: a single-stage engine fire-and-forget rocket, each is 42" long and weighs between 4 to 7.7 kilograms.
  581. An advanced variation of the workhorse Vietnam Era M40 Rocket, the Hydra 70 has a maximum optimal range of 4,000M and a shelling range of roughly 8,000M using the Kiowa's targeting systems.
  582. Can be found mounted with numerous other warhead types, including but not limited to: incendiary, armor piercing, white phosphorous, flechettes, shrapnel, and smoke, though this is none of the above.
  583. The standard High Explosive variant is typically used for destroying armored convoys, mass formations, or suppressing defenders in fortified buildings.
  584. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  585. -RADIUS: 10M
  586. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts Bleeding & Stun for 2 turns, OR inflicts Severe Bleeding and Shock on a max critical for 2 Turns
  588. >Managel : a highly experimarental gray toned explosive gel designed by Harlon, Rhoda, and Suisan in laboratory located in the New Everfree.
  589. Intended to be a replacemarent for the (still) outrageously expensive and unstable manabombs, managel was initially developed from research after coming into contact with the then-poorly understood Lava Leech species.
  590. While considered a marginal success during testing as it was found to be highly adaptable, the ability to infuse moderate amounts of specific Elemarental or arcane energies made its use much more appealing, though the disaster that occurred did prevent it from seeing use for nearly 1,500 years.
  591. The infusion process dramatically increases managel's potential, though as one can imagine attempting to combine managel with a manabomb would be an awfully poor idea.
  592. Despite the potentially higher maximum stability of managel, the recipe is (technically) unfinished and must still be handled with care as any Explosives or Assault roll under 4 causes it to detonate almost immediately afterwards.
  593. -DAMAGE: causes +8 damage per roll; if infused by a specific Elemarent causes +8 of the intended Elemarental damage per roll; if infused with non-elemarental energies causes +8 Mystic damage per roll
  594. -RADIUS: 3M
  595. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: if NOT infused will inflict Shock on a max critical; if infused inflicts the advanced status effect matching Elemarental infusion; if infused with non-elemarental energies ignores 1/2 of the target's DR
  597. >Small Manabomb: produced only in Saddle Arabia, small manabombs are multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattices infused with arcane energies, also sealed from contact with air.
  598. When the casing is removed and manabombs are exposed to Tallus air, they become extremely unstable and volatile, able to detonate seemingly at will.
  599. Some suspect manabombs CAN detonate just by looking at one harshly enough.
  600. *Small manabombs must be handled/hoofled with extreme care as any Explosives or Assault roll under a result of 3 will cause one to immediately detonate.
  601. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  602. -RADIUS: 10M
  603. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts a 1 turn Stun on unarmored or lightly armored targets, but inflicts Stun for 2 turns on a max critical against Armored targets
  605. >Small Manabomb, Iron/Steel Cased: produced only in Saddle Arabia, small manabombs are multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattices infused with arcane energies, fully sealed from contact with air.
  606. When the case's lid is removed and the manabomb inside are exposed to Tallus air, they become extremely unstable and volatile, able to detonate seemingly at will.
  607. Some suspect manabombs CAN detonate just by looking at one harshly enough.
  608. *Small manabombs must be handled/hoofled with extreme care as any Explosives or Assault roll under a result of 3 will cause one to immediately detonate.
  609. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  610. -RADIUS: 10M
  611. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts a 1 turn Stun on unarmored or lightly armored targets, but inflicts Stun for 2 turns on a max critical against Armored targets
  612. -ALWAYS inflicts Bleeding
  614. >Small Manabomb, Diamond Cased: produced only in Saddle Arabia, small manabombs are multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattices infused with arcane energies, fully sealed from contact with air.
  615. When the case's lid is removed and the manabomb inside are exposed to Tallus air, they become extremely unstable and volatile, able to detonate seemingly at will.
  616. Some suspect manabombs CAN detonate just by looking at one harshly enough.
  617. *Small manabombs must be handled/hoofled with extreme care as any Explosives or Assault roll under a result of 3 will cause one to immediately detonate.
  618. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +10 damage per roll
  619. -RADIUS: 10M
  620. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts a 1 turn Stun on unarmored or lightly armored targets, but inflicts Stun for 2 turns on a max critical against Armored targets
  621. -ALWAYS inflicts Severe Bleeding
  623. >AGM-114 Hellfire Missile: a 7th Generation fire-and-forget finned 'smart' missile with a length of 64" and a weight of 49 kilograms.
  624. Intended to be deployed against tanks, ships, helicopters, and medium-level hardened structures, the Hellfire uses either the Kiowa's electronic commarend & control systems to lock onto technologically based targets using a semi-active signature seeking guidance system, or the Kiowa's M.M.S. (Mast Mounted Sight, affectionately called a peekball) mounted laser target designator.
  625. Due to the integral electronic identification and guidance package, Hellfire missiles can even acquire their own targets after being fired without a lock on using a modern IFF (IDENTITY: FRIEND or FOE) electronic signal interception routine that picks the closest target.
  626. With the 'Romeo' package can even target the most technologically advanced FOE signal, such as choosing a 6th Generation helicopter over a 5th Generation tank.
  627. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +12 damage per roll
  628. -RADIUS: 15M
  629. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts Bleeding and causes a 1 turn Stun on organic targets, but inflicts Severe Bleeding and Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  631. >Large Bag Bomb: a professionally designed chain of explosive materials, typically with grenades, incendiary devices, and pipe bombs, rigged to detonate in sync with a large number of effective shrapnel components, typically knife blades, spikes, caltrops, steel ball bearings, and more.
  632. Due to the complexity, simplicity, and cheapness of even the most basic designs, these are considered the most effective non-military anti-personnel bombs.
  633. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +12 damage per roll
  634. -RADIUS: 25M
  635. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Bleeding and a 1 turn Stun, but inflicts Severe Bleeding and Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  637. >155MM Bombshell: a large military grade artillery warhead removed from the casing. Artillery shells such as these are rigged to a remote detonator, usually an old or cheap cellular phone, then the casing is scored in such a manner that, upon detonation, a cloud of razor-edged shrapnel is further propelled by a disorienting, deafening shockwave.
  638. Easily potent enough to stun passengers in all but the heaviest APC's and tanks.
  639. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +15 damage per roll & inflicts a -6 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls for 6 turns afterwards
  640. -RADIUS: 30M
  641. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts Bleeding and Stun for 2 turns, but inflicts Severe Bleeding and Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  643. >Large Manabomb: a much larger, far more potent form of manabomb only produced in Saddle Arabia.
  644. Essentially a 10 pound block of multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattice infused with unstable arcane energies. When exposed to Tallus, these energies become much more erratic and volatile than their smaller variant.
  645. Typically sealed in white, woven cotton satchels marked with the bright red Saddle Arabian word for 'manabomb', these are used for heavy demolition and large scale intensive mining operations, as well as being used to quickly seal tunnels if water pockets are mined into, or assaulting large targets.
  646. Whenever possible, Councilierge affiliates capture large manabombs for use by Sentinel teams, groups of fast, fleet-hoofed earth pony sprinters that act as suicide troopers during large scale assaults, or teleported in by Support Strikers.
  647. *Large manabombs MUST handled/hoofled carefully as any roll under a result of 4 when placing or throwing will cause one to detonate immediately.
  648. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +20 damage per roll
  649. -RADIUS: 20M
  650. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts a 2 turn Stun, but inflicts Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  652. >Large Manabomb, Iron/Steel Cased: a much larger, far more potent form of manabomb only produced in Saddle Arabia. Fulled sealed from exposure.
  653. Essentially a molded 10 pound block of multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattice infused with unstable arcane energies. When the casing top is exposed to Tallus, these energies become much more erratic and volatile than their smaller variant.
  654. Typically sealed in white, woven cotton satchels marked with the bright red Saddle Arabian word for 'manabomb', these are used for heavy demolition and large scale intensive mining operations, as well as being used to quickly seal tunnels if water pockets are mined into, or assaulting large targets.
  655. Whenever possible, Councilierge affiliates capture large manabombs for use by Sentinel teams, groups of fast, fleet-hoofed earth pony sprinters that act as suicide troopers during large scale assaults, or teleported in by Support Strikers.
  656. *Large manabombs MUST handled/hoofled carefully as any roll under a result of 4 when placing or throwing will cause one to detonate immediately.
  657. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +20 damage per roll
  658. -RADIUS: 20M
  659. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts a 2 turn Stun, but inflicts Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  660. -ALWAYS inflicts Severe Bleeding
  662. >Large Manabomb, Iron/Steel Cased: a much larger, far more potent form of manabomb only produced in Saddle Arabia. Fulled sealed from exposure.
  663. Essentially a molded 10 pound block of multi-hued, highly stable crystalline lattice infused with unstable arcane energies. When the casing top is exposed to Tallus, these energies become much more erratic and volatile than their smaller variant.
  664. Typically sealed in white, woven cotton satchels marked with the bright red Saddle Arabian word for 'manabomb', these are used for heavy demolition and large scale intensive mining operations, as well as being used to quickly seal tunnels if water pockets are mined into, or assaulting large targets.
  665. Whenever possible, Councilierge affiliates capture large manabombs for use by Sentinel teams, groups of fast, fleet-hoofed earth pony sprinters that act as suicide troopers during large scale assaults, or teleported in by Support Strikers.
  666. *Large manabombs MUST handled/hoofled carefully as any roll under a result of 4 when placing or throwing will cause one to detonate immediately.
  667. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +20 damage per roll
  668. -RADIUS: 20M
  669. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: always inflicts a 2 turn Stun, but inflicts Shock for 2 turns on a max critical
  670. -ALWAYS inflicts Critical Bleeding
  672. >RPG-7 2-Stage Warhead: a much heavier and more powerful version of the PG-7V warhead. Designed to fuze upon contact with solid walls such as concrete or reinforced steel, or the heavy armor of tanks, naval vessels, wyverns, and the like.
  673. This warhead's shaped explosive charge delivers a lethal stream of super-heated, 4,000 degree copper-plasma through plating to incapacitate and kill tank crews.
  674. For obvious reasons it has a narrow direct kill radius, instead relying on over pressurization and heat generation inside a confined space to cause secondary lethal effects.
  675. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +30 Plasma damage per roll with a 10M penetration vs heavy armor
  676. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: will only fuze on Armored or Heavily Armored targets, ignores all DR, and inflicts Scorched
  678. >GBU-12 Paveway IV: a guided version of the Mark 82 500-pound general purpose bomb, equipped with a nose-mounted laser seeking/guidance and stabilizing fins.
  679. Highly accurate out to 20KM given sufficient altitude.
  680. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +25 damage per roll
  681. -RADIUS: 80M
  682. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts Shock and causes TRIPLE damage against hardened targets
  684. >GBU-37 JDAM: an advanced version of the earlier GBU's that feature more extensive (and costlier) targeting packages. Bolted on to a Mark 82 500-pound bomb is a central hull body that contains both a GPS and inertial guidance system, and a 4-fin stabilizing tail.
  685. Highly accurate out to 60KM with sufficient altitude.
  686. -DAMAGE: causes an additional +30 damage per roll
  687. -RADIUS: 80M
  688. -ADDITIONAL EFFECTS: inflicts Shock and causes QUADRUPLE damage against hardened targets
  691. *****
  693. Using Carl the Useless [a Tallus Eldritch-Flora Abomination created by Kraut throwing a vegetarian burrito into the Magitek Furnace one night] as a base, this rule is intended to give a formative, highly simplified means to calculate the damage of odd or highly esoteric weaponry.
  694. #1: THESE calculations require that a Carl the Useless target dummy, for testing purposes, is a Heavily Armored target with 0DR (as 2-Stage Warheads require a certain physical density & mass to properly fuze). thus for the purposes of this test Carl would not have any DR whatsoever to create a 'clean' & realistic damage scale result.
  695. #2: presupposing that Carl the Useless is a Heavily Armored target dummy with infinite HP & 0DR, the average calculated median damage range of a PG-7V Single-Stage Warhead would cause from 60-100 damage to Carl given the use of 4 rolls with standard improvemarents, or 5-6 rolls without said improvemarents.
  696. #2: FURTHER supposing that if Carl the Useless was a Heavily Armored AND Fragile target then the median damage range would be from 120-200, given the same rolls & improvemarents as stated in the above paragraph.
  697. #3: SINCE the PG-7V Warhead does not function in the same manner as the 1-Stage Warhead, the pencil thin stream of of plasma-copper (to be referred to as Plasma for simplicity's sake) will instead bore through the following:
  698. -solid ceramic plating or reinforced concrete up to 2' thick,
  699. -steel spaced armor configurations up to 12" thick (from edge of exterior plate to edge of interior plate), while also counting the SPACING MATERIAL itself, usually either concrete or ceramic though both were historically used in conjunction with each other,
  700. -4" of steel RHA, also known as rolled homogeneous armor, though this thickness was only historically used on battleships and ultra heavy tanks,
  701. -2" of soft tungsten RHA spaced armor configurations,
  702. -1" of hard tungsten alloy RHA,
  703. -approximately 1/2" of diamondine.
  704. #4: AS the plasma-copper stream would be able to bore through a PAIR of Carl the Useless target dummies which would still have infinite HP & 0DR, this would cause near-instantaneous charring of tissue to ash in a 4" diameter, 10M long outward-tapering cylinder.
  706. FINAL TEST CONCLUSION: taking all of the above factors into account, the MAXIMUM POTENTIAL DAMAGE OUTPUT of the 2-Stage Warhead can be SAFELY calculated to be 300% more so than the maximum potential damage output of the PG-7V Single-Stage Warhead which does not include the effects of Plasma.
  707. *****
  709. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  712. -Bandage Roll: an easily acquired, stabilized cloth packet containing two Tallus mareufactured spider-silk bandage rolls, each 3" wide and 4' long, infused with a light alchemical clotting agent.
  713. Mostly used for staunching minor to moderate wounds, stabilizing a limb, and splinting fractures with an appropriate object.
  714. *Grants a [1d6+3] roll and stops Severe Bleeding, may cover multiple wounds on a single limb
  715. *2 uses per pack
  717. -Blood Pack: a single use IV (intravenous) packet of safely stabilized human blood. Reduces the effects of Bleeding and Shock during the recovery process.
  718. For obvious reasons, keeping any in stock is nearly impossible unless in Razorback Fortress.
  719. *Grants a [1d6+4] roll, reduces Fatigue by 2 levels, and restores 2HP/turn for 4 turns
  720. *1 use only
  722. -Disaster Trauma Pack: a fully refit, human style frame backpack weighing 65 pounds and covered in a fluorescent purple and blue flashing metallic alchemical-paint.
  723. Specifically designed by Nova Flicker from various medical source outlets across Tallus, these purpose built, painfully expensive packs are put together piece by piece, taking advantage of the most advanced Alchemical, medical, and surgical components available to Razorback Company's allies.
  724. Intended to rapidly treat an entire company, compony, or companeigh's worth of critically injured humans and ponies, though the cost of a SINGLE one is roughly double that of the standard contract, it sure as fuck will not let even the most strict, demanding (or demarending) medical professional down.
  725. CONTENTS: 800x advanced rapid-absorbing compression rolls, dressings, bandages, wound pads, for both human and pony, sizes ranging from 2"x2" to 16"x16", precut rolls of a newly released alchemical-infused silk 'tape' that more resembles superglue gel than anything else, 10x titanium protective chest wound plates padded with a 3MM layer of bio-ablative rubber, 80x rapid setting glue-suture kits made from the silk of a hostile, silk spinning worm-like creature found in the outer reaches of the Crystal Empire, along with dozens of liquid, pill, and powder disinfectants, styptics, painkillers, antibiotics, antifungals, antiparasitics, antivirals, burn gels, frostbite treatmarent gels, and much more.
  726. 40x small vials each of low grade Dampener, Detox, Restoration, Regeneration, and Waker. The dosages for these are too low to cause Arcane Poisoning, or be used on their own.
  727. For creating splints or internal fracture stabilizing systems should a unicorn or Crystal pony be around (or rich enough) to have their hooves on one of these, 10x rolls of 12"x120" quartzine sheets come with a reverse U-hooked diamondine blade for cutting the same, along with 120x medium sheet-paper titanium tubes oan advanced Alchemical glue compound, capable of rapidly sealing over critically bleeding wounds.. which even works underwater.
  728. 5 complete sets of diamondine surgical tools, including the standard 8 types of forceps
  729. TWO doses of a dull, constantly swirling pink fluid marked 'Antallusine'. Created from an experimarental process by Princess Cadence, each will remove 10 points of Arcane Poisoning. Doctor Tipper has refused to answer any question as to how much, exactly, these cost.
  730. *Grants:
  731. 1x [1d6+10] roll at Untrained Medical and can treat 1 affliction
  732. 2x [1d6+20] roll at Basic Medical and can treat 2 afflictions
  733. 3x [1d6+30] rolls at Expert Medical and can treat 3 afflictions
  734. 4x [1d6+40] rolls at Master Medical and can treat 4 afflictions
  735. 5x [1d6+50] rolls at Grandmaster Medical and can treat 5 afflictions
  736. *The EMSB-B may be used a maximum of 120 times before the general stocks are depleted; afterwards may be used with a [1d6+20] roll for the following 10 turns
  738. -Emergency Medical Support Bag, Basic: a small sling bag weighing 15 pounds, emblazoned with multiple human and Equestrian medical trauma symbols.
  739. Meant to rapidly and efficiently deal with a large squad of moderately wounded patients infield, it contains a good number of Tallus mareufactured bandages, wound dressings, large dressings, gauze rolls, wound pads, triangular bandages, eye pads, adhesive silk tape, splint components, hardened rubber protective chest wound plates, and suture kits.
  740. Other medical items including a wide assortmarent of painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants, burn gels, 2x coldstones, 2x heatstones, antibiotics, antibacterials, antifungals, antiparasitics, antivirals, styptics, wound disinfectants, 2 complete sets of diamondine surgical tools, and 15x small sheetpaper titanium tubes of an advanced Alchemical glue compound, capable of rapidly sealing large wounds.. which even works underwater.
  741. *Grants:
  742. 1x [1d6+4] roll at Untrained Medical and can treat 1 affliction
  743. 2x [1d6+8] roll at Basic Medical and can treat 2 afflictions
  744. 3x [1d6+12] rolls at Expert Medical and can treat 3 afflictions
  745. 4x [1d6+16] rolls at Master Medical and can treat 4 afflictions
  746. 5x [1d6+20] rolls at Grandmaster Medical and can treat 5 afflictions
  747. *The EMSB-B may be used a maximum of 25 times before the general stocks are depleted; afterwards may be used with a [1d6+5] roll for the following 5 turns
  749. -Emergency Medical Support Bag, Intermediate: a moderate sling bag weighing 25 pounds, emblazoned with large human and Equestrian trauma symbols. Specifically designed for a trauma team to rapidly and efficiently stabilize a small platoon's worth of severely injured patients infield.
  750. Contains an impressive number of Tallus mareufactured silk bandages, silk wound dressings, large silk dressings, silk gauze rolls, silk wound pads, triangular bandages, eye pads, adhesive silk tape, splint components, multiple hardened rubber protective chest wound plates, suture kits, and accompanying surgical tools.
  751. Other medical items including a wide assortmarent of painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants, burn gels, 5x coldstones, 5x heatstones, antibiotics, antibacterials, antifungals, antiparasitics, antivirals, styptics, wound disinfectants, 3 complete sets of diamondine surgical tools, and 25x small sheetpaper titanium tubes of an advanced Alchemical glue compound, capable of rapidly sealing large wounds.. which even works underwater.
  752. *Grants:
  753. 1x [1d6+4] roll at Untrained Medical and can treat 1 affliction
  754. 2x [1d6+8] roll at Basic Medical and can treat 2 afflictions
  755. 3x [1d6+12] rolls at Expert Medical and can treat 3 afflictions
  756. 4x [1d6+16] rolls at Master Medical and can treat 4 afflictions
  757. 5x [1d6+20] rolls at Grandmaster Medical and can treat 5 afflictions
  758. *The EMSB-I may be used a maximum of 60 times before the general stocks are depleted; afterwards may be used with a [1d6+5] roll for the following 10 turns
  760. -Emergency Medical Support Bag, Major: a full sized sling bag weighing 40 pounds, emblazoned with reflective red human and Equestrian trauma and hazard symbols. Specifically designed for a trauma team to rapidly and efficiently stabilize an entire company's worth of critically injured patients infield.
  761. Fully packed with a massive number of Tallus mareufactured silk bandages, silk wound dressings, large silk dressings, silk gauze rolls, silk wound pads, triangular bandages, eye pads, adhesive silk tape, splint components, multiple hardened rubber protective chest wound plates, suture kits, and accompanying surgical tools.
  762. Other medical items including a wide assortmarent of painkillers, tranquilizers, stimulants, burn gels, 5x coldstones, 5x heatstones, antibiotics, antibacterials, antifungals, antiparasitics, antivirals, styptics, wound disinfectants, 5 complete sets of diamondine surgical tools, and 50x small sheetpaper titanium tubes of an advanced Alchemical glue compound, capable of rapidly sealing large wounds.. which even works underwater.
  763. *Grants:
  764. 1x [1d6+5] roll at Untrained Medical and can treat 1 affliction
  765. 2x [1d6+10] roll at Basic Medical and can treat 2 afflictions
  766. 3x [1d6+15] rolls at Expert Medical and can treat 3 afflictions
  767. 4x [1d6+20] rolls at Master Medical and can treat 4 afflictions
  768. 5x [1d6+25] rolls at Grandmaster Medical and can treat 5 afflictions
  769. *The EMSB-M may be used a maximum of 80 times before the general stocks are depleted, but afterwards may be used with a [1d6+10] roll for the following 15 turns
  771. -Large Self-Adhesive Bandage: an easily acquired, stablilized cloth packet containing two Tallus mareufactured spider-silk bandages, each 4"x6" and 1/4", treated by a thin layer of alchemically neutral, easily removed adhesive, further protected by a hard yet flexible layer of alchemically treated natural rubber.
  772. Mostly used to suppress bleeding and prevent further wound contamination in field.
  773. *Grants a [1d6+4] roll and stops Severe Bleeding
  774. *2 uses per pack
  776. -Ringer's Solution (I.V.): a nutrient-rich saline solution used to support injured and wounded during evacuation or recovery.
  777. The chemical specifications have been (mostly) copied by Tipper, then enhanced to include a light painkiller along with several non-Arcane Poison causing alchemical clotting and regenerative agents.
  778. *Grants a [1d6+4] roll, reduces Fatigue by 2 levels, stops Bleeding, and restores +2HP/turn for 4 turns.
  779. *1 use only
  781. -Small Self-Adhesive Bandage: an easily acquired, stablilized cloth packet containing four Tallus mareufactured spider-silk bandages with a thin layer of alchemically neutral, easily removed adhesive, further protected by a hard yet flexible layer of alchemically treated natural rubber. 4" wide and 6" long.
  782. Mostly used to cover small wounds in field and prevent infection.
  783. *Grants a [1d6+2] roll and stops Bleeding
  784. *4 uses per pack
  786. -Suture Kit: a small, 4"x4"x1" sealed wooden kit containing 10 curved, nearly painless diamondine surgical needles treated with a tiny amount of high grade painkiller, each attached with 3' of alchemically infused spider-silk thread.
  787. Also included is a small diamondine scalpel and a set of hi-alloy steel scissors for human usage.
  788. *Grants a [1d6+4] <Suture roll and stops Bleeding
  789. *10 uses per kit
  791. -Wound Dressing: a 6"x8", 1/2" thick spider-silk bandage of Tallus mareufacture used for staunching major to critical wounds, infused by alchemists with a heavy clotting agent to halt even near fatal bleeding when applied.
  792. *Grants a single [1d6+6] roll and stops Bleeding or Severe Bleeding on contact.
  793. *1 use only
  795. *****
  797. -Stalker Army Medkit: a small, thoroughly developed kit that most Stalkers wish they could have on hand at all times.
  798. Contains sealed packets of wound clotting gauze, flexible bandages, compression tape, 1 tube each of chemical and burn ointment, a powerful painkiller, a large packet of mixed granulated styptics, and a tiny syringe containing an antiradioactive drug. Highly useful, but often in short supply.
  799. *Grants a [1d6+6] roll and stops Severe Bleeding, cures Burns from Flame/Poison/Acid, and removes 20 Radiation per use
  800. *1 use per kit
  801. *Cost: 650 rubles
  803. -Stalker Medkit: a small, simple, and rather cheap medical kit that is widely available throughout the Zone.
  804. Contains several pads of treated gauze, bandages, compression tape, 1 tube each of chemical and burn ointment, a moderate painkiller, a large packet of mixed granulated stypics, and a tiny syringe containing an anti-radioactive drug make it decently useful no matter where one goes.
  805. *Grants a [1d6+2] roll and stops Bleeding, cures Burns from Flame/Poison/Acid, and removes 10 Radiaton per use
  806. *1 use per kit
  807. *Cost: 300 rubles (3 Bits)
  809. -Stalker Scientific Medkit: a small, highly advanced medkit comprised of the best possible medical components from across the Zone.
  810. Contains sealed packets of gauze, flexible bandages, compression tape, 1 tube each of potent chemical and burn ointment, a powerful painkiller, a medium packet of mixed granulated styptics, and a small syringe containing a powerful antiradioactive drug.
  811. Extremely useful, and as a result equally rare.
  812. *Grants a [1d6+10] roll and stops Bleeding over 2 turns, cures Severe Burns from Flame/Poison/Acid, and removes 50 Radiation per use
  813. *1 use per kit
  814. *Cost: 1,000 rubles
  816. *****
  817. SUBSTANCE ITEMS: except for Morphine, all items listed below last 10 turns, though consumers have a chance to become addicted.
  819. -Marijuana: adds +1 to all Iron Will & Meditation rolls, but suffers a -1 penalty to all Negotiation rolls. Also causes increased hunger for 4-8 hours.
  821. -Morphine: consumer gains +1DR and negates Critical status for 5 turns
  822. *Suffers a -1 penalty to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint/Flight rolls for the duration.
  824. -Painkillers: consumer gains +1DR
  825. *suffers a -1 penalty to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint/Flight rolls for the duration.
  828. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  829. ALCHEMY LAB: takes up the west side of the Library's second floor. Has a large, wide half-circular work table with a comfortable swiveling chair in an inset, giving one the ability to remain stationary while working. Some of Doctor Harlon's recovered tools and equipmarent were used to furnish the lab, with the remainder stored in Spiral's lab.
  830. The table itself is partially automated through the Fortress's demi-sentient, and when activated provides a small hololith menu with a list of all currently known recipes, allowing an Operator or pony to request specific ingredients to be: ground, heated, burned, calcinated, condensed, cooled, or dried, continuing with their own project or projects in the meantime.
  832. >ALCHEMICAL CREATION: all items must be created with a minimum number of points before utilizing, or the user risks the possibility of the item being incomplete, becoming poisonous, toxic, or dangerous in any number of mareners.
  833. Non-offensive compounds and fluids that are similar in nature can become Permarenent, allowing the contents of a container to regenerate each night, while further improvemarents can grant the contents of a single container from two to three abilities in one.
  836. 50: Base Alchemy Item or Reagent: 1 use, highly weak effect.
  837. 100: Minor Alchemy Item or Reagent: 1 use, weak effect.
  838. 150: Common Alchemy Item: 1 use, standard effect.
  839. 200: Uncommon Alchemy Item: 1 use, high effect.
  840. 250: Rare Alchemy Item: 1 use, very high effect.
  841. 400: Unique Alchemy Item: 1 use, can be combined, extraordinary effect.
  842. 800: LEGENDARY Alchemy Item: 2 uses, can be combined. May make an Alchemy item PERMARENENT at this stage.
  843. 999+: UNIQUE LEGENDARY Alchemy item: 3 uses, may not be combined further. At this stage, 3 individual Alchemy items that have become Permarenent may be combined into a single elixir.
  846. #1: an alchemy item must FIRST reach the creation point count before being considered completed.
  847. #2: after being completed, if the item then qualifies for permarenency, the PC/NPC may then begin attempting to make it permarenent; HOWEVER, ALL base result rolls of 1 WILL cause a 50% loss of all points accumulated on that turn.
  848. #3: when attempting to combine permarenent items, ALL base result rolls of 1 WILL cause a 50% loss of all points accumulated on that turn.
  850. *****
  852. Alchemy Lab: [1d6+6]
  853. Harlon's Archaic Diamond Alembic: [1d6+4]
  854. Harlon's Archaic Granite Condenser: [1d6+4]
  855. Harlon's Archaic Kanpri Calcinator: [1d6+4]
  856. Harlon's Archaic Steel Dry-Press: [1d6+4]
  857. Harlon's Archaic White Marble Retort: [1d6+4]
  858. Harlon's Archaic Whitesteel Mortar & Pestle: [1d6+4]
  860. *****
  863. -Adrenaline Surge: available in powder, tablet, or liquid forms, this powerful concoction of rare natural chemicals causes a brief surge of adrenaline while also forcing the body to temporarily harden its musculature and skeleton, though not without causing several drawbacks.
  864. Available from the clinic by Tipper and is exclusive to ponies unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
  865. -May become Permarenent
  866. -Points required: 200
  867. *All Alchemy ranks: the consumer gains +1DR and must add +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte & Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint/Flight rolls for 3 turns.
  868. *Negative Effects: the consumer suffers -5HP after the effect fades, each further use incurring an additional, stacking -5HP loss.
  869. *Addiction Chance: high.
  871. -Antidote: a tiny vial of a thin, bright green fluid that can be consumed or thrown onto an ally, where it will rapidly seep through skin and hide.
  872. -May carry a maximum of 5
  873. -May become Permarenent
  874. -Points required: 100
  875. *All Alchemy ranks: when consumed or directly applied, this substance will rapidly counteract and negate all naturally occurring Poisons and Toxins.
  876. *NOTE: an Expert Alchemist or better is required to counteract Eldritch, Elemarental, Mystical, Othwerworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead styles or forms of Poisons and Toxins; roll Alchemy, the total results reduce the damage caused by the previously marentioned types.
  878. -Black Fog: a black, murky mass that creates a thick, extremely difficult to clear black fog with a 50M radius that lasts for 3 turns. Infrared, Thermal, and other distortion-negating optics are not affected by this affect.
  879. -May become Permarenent
  880. -Points required: 100
  881. *Basic Alchemy: incurs a -1 penalty to all Perception-type and Ranged rolls.
  882. *Expert Alchemy: incurs a -2 penalty to all Perception-type and Ranged rolls.
  883. *Master Alchemy: incurs a -3 penalty to all Perception-type and Ranged rolls.
  884. *Grandmaster Alchemy: incurs a -4 penalty to all Perception-type and Ranged rolls.
  886. -Cryptus: a thick, syrupy black liquid that tastes like overripe blackberries, grudgingly given to the demi-sentient by Naliyna. Since both the recipe and ingredients used are both highly guarded secrets, the demi-sentient will refuse any and all requests for information on it.
  887. Normally used by Crystal ponies to ignore the extreme cold in the Outer Empire regions, and used defensively against marely of the ice-based creatures that inhabit that region, this concoction can also be used by living beings to enter a form of suspended animation if they are severely injured, or to survive hostile environmarents until being recovered, by consuming two in quick succession.
  888. May become Permarenent
  889. -Points required: 250
  890. *Roll Alchemy; the total results reduce all physical, Elemarental, and Mystical Ice damage caused by 1/2 the total results.
  892. >Dampener: a small, apple sized glass bottle, in the shape of an apple of course. This translucent, light green, and most importantly, flavorful glowing concoction is made up of numerous components: a powerful painkiller, a marental stimulant, a very light muscle relaxer, vitamins, trace minerals, and several alchemical substances which promote rapid, temporary healing, substantial enough to externally close most severe wounds.
  893. Operators MAY use this particular item, however, humans have a vastly higher addiction chance than ponies do.
  894. Available only from the clinic by Tipper, exclusive to ponies unless circumstances dictate otherwise.
  895. -May become Permarenent
  896. -Points required: 250
  897. *All Alchemy ranks: the consumer gains +1DR, negates the effects of Critical and/or Shock statuses, regenerates +3HP per turn for 6 turns, and stops Bleeding/Severe Bleeding.
  898. *Addiction Chance: high.
  900. >Detox: a packet of bright white powder substrates and reagents, refined from three rare plants harvested only from the Deep Everfree (both New and Old). Rapidly purges chemical substances from a living being's body, both internally and externally.
  901. -May become Permarenent
  902. -Points required: 400
  903. *Roll Alchemy/Chemistry, if the total results are above 10 this will negate artificial Enrage & Poison status effects; if total results above 16 this will negate Gloss and Toxins; if total results above 22 this will negate Marker and Protoform; if total results above 28 this will negate ALL artificial status effects, both positive and negative.
  905. -Dragon's Bile: a recipe long held by the Dragonspine Mountains Mining Company; bought by Naliyna and retrieved by Sunny.
  906. A small, fragile glass canister containing a liquid composed of Lava Leech gel (or similar), several concentrated gastric byproducts from drakes or dragons, one bile gland from any of the Dragonspines' flammable pests, magnesite powder (a naturally occurring composite of iron and magnesium oxides), a tiny amount of promethine, several activation components, and a hardening agent.
  907. When exposed to oxygen, Dragon's Bile becomes a difficult to remove gel, clinging to the target and igniting upon impact which causes an intense boiling heat that most have likened to being the target of a Volfiurge Drake's high pressure steam exhalation.
  908. -Points required: 400
  909. *Adds +1 to all Alchemy rolls, the total results-2 per roll indicate the amount of physical Fire elemarental damage caused to the target
  910. *Furthermore incurs 10 Elemarental Fire damage EACH turn with a [1d2] <Burning roll, where a result of 1 causes the Burn status effect and a result of 2 causes the Scorched status effect
  912. -Elemarental Ward: a bright, rainbow hued fluid that creates an invisible shell around the consumer or target, decreasing the effects of damaging Elemarental attacks, both physical and esoteric, and mystical, which either lasts for 3 turns or until sustaining damage.
  913. -May become Permarenent
  914. -Points required: 150
  915. *Basic Alchemy: grants +5 fragile DR
  916. *Basic Alchemy: grants +10 fragile DR
  917. *Expert Alchemy: grants +15 fragile DR
  918. *Master Alchemy: grants +20 fragile DR
  919. *Grandmaster Alchemy: grants +25 fragile DR
  921. -Frostcover: a bright blue cold-infused gel that covers a target in physical ice, the byproduct of a rare Empire plant only found in the Permafrost Regions and several strengthening reagents common to the Empire Wastelands.
  922. -Points required: 100.
  923. *Roll Alchemy, total results-2 for each roll indicate physical Ice damage dealt to the target
  925. -Gloss: a packet of dark blue powder composed of several reagents, usually stolen from the Ethereal plane, meant to be held in the mouth and spat at a physical being, or may be delivered via other liquids and means.
  926. Upon contact, a bright pink film envelops the target and crystallizes, forcing the opponent to devote its attention to breaking free from the layer of unwanted armor, also brightly illuminating said target for all to see.
  927. -Points required: 400
  928. *Roll Alchemy, total results indicate the amount of temporary Armor the crystal layer produces which may be destroyed by any means except for Spectral harm.
  930. -Hardening: a rusty red colored fluid that creates a fragile layer of glass-like armor plating that dissipates immediately when damaged, covering the user's body, armor, weapons, and equipmarent which lasts for 3 turns or until destroyed.
  931. This faux-material is rather brittle and evaporates when subjected to kinetic force, though does nothing to protect against Spectral harm.
  932. -May become Permarenent
  933. -Points required: 200
  934. *Untrained Alchemy: grants 10 temporary Armor
  935. *Basic Alchemy: grants 20 temporary Armor
  936. *Expert Alchemy: grants 30 temporary Armor
  937. *Master Alchemy: grants 40 temporary Armor
  938. *Grandmaster Alchemy: grants 60 temporary Armor
  940. -Marker: a thick, dull rainbow colored substance that, when thrown onto an enemy, creates a diffused cloud of antagonistic Otherworldly essences, causing the target to suffer the effects of dimarensional disjointmaret, increasing the damage of non-physical, offensive esoteric skills and abilities.
  941. -May become Permarenent
  942. -Points required: 250
  943. *Basic Alchemy: adds +1 to all Casting, Druid, Mystic, Psion, Sorcery, and offensive Elemarental rolls for 3 turns
  944. *Expert Alchemy: adds +2 to all Casting, Druid, Mystic, Psion, Sorcery, and offensive Elemarental rolls for 3 turns
  945. *Master Alchemy: adds +3 to all Casting, Druid, Mystic, Psion, Sorcery, and offensive Elemarental rolls for 3 turns
  946. *Grandmaster Alchemy: adds +4 to all Casting, Druid, Mystic, Psion, Sorcery, and offensive Elemarental rolls for 3 turns
  948. -Moonlight: a pulsing, dark blue liquid that covers the consumer's body, weapons, armor, and equipmarent in a diffused, pale white glow, disrupting the harm caused by Otherworldly and Undead beings, while also increasing the physical harm caused to the same.
  949. May become Permarenent
  950. -Points required: 250
  951. *Basic Alchemy: the user or recipient gains 1DR and must add +1 to all Assault rolls against Otherworldly and Undead beings for 3 turns
  952. *Expert Alchemy: the user or recipient gains 2DR and must add +1 to all Assault rolls against Otherworldly and Undead beings for 3 turns
  953. *Master Alchemy: the user or recipient gains 3DR and must add +1 to all Assault rolls against Otherworldly and Undead beings for 3 turns
  954. *Grandmaster Alchemy: the user or recipient gains 4DR and must add +1 to all Assault rolls against Otherworldly and Undead beings for 3 turns
  956. -Restoration: a thick, bright red blood-like substance that rapidly closes physical wounds, though does nothing to restore one's stamina and has no other effects. Points required: 100.
  957. *Whether applied to an injured target or consumed, the user rolls Alchemy; the total results indicate the amount of HP restored to the intended target and stops Bleeding on contact.
  959. -Poison: a bubbly, dim green fluid that seeps through a target's skin, poisoning them over time with a number of low-grade toxins and venoms taken from easy to obtain or capture Everfree flora and fauna.
  960. -Points required: 50
  961. *Roll Alchemy, the total results-2 from each roll cause that amount of Poison damage the NEXT turn; after that use the target becomes immune for 3 turns
  962. *Considered illegal to use against sapients in Equestria and across most of Tallus
  964. -Protoform: a bubbly, thin yellow-gray liquid that rapidly expands, congeals, then hardens upon contact with a physical being, slowing down their movemarents and reducing their capabilities significantly. ("Some ponies actually like the smell, ech." -Naliyna)
  965. -Points required: 150
  966. *Basic Alchemy: incurs a -1 penalty to all of the target's Offensive and Defensive skills for 3 turns
  967. *Expert Alchemy: incurs a -2 penalty to all of the target's Offensive and Defensive skills for 3 turns
  968. *Master Alchemy: incurs a -3 penalty to all of the target's Offensive and Defensive skills for 3 turns
  969. *Grandmaster Alchemy: incurs a -4 penalty to all of the target's Offensive and Defensive skills for 3 turns
  971. -Regeneration: a dark green mixture of spiritual herbs and trace essences that causes a physical being to rapidly heal its wounds for a short period of time.
  972. -May become Permarenent
  973. -Points required: 250
  974. *Untrained Alchemy: the user or recipient regenerates +1HP each turn for 3 turns, also stops Bleeding upon use or contact
  975. *Basic Alchemy: the user or recipient regenerates +2HP each turn for 3 turns, also stops Bleeding upon use or contact
  976. *Expert Alchemy: the user or recipient regenerates +4HP each turn for 3 turns, also stops Severe Bleeding upon use or contact
  977. *Master Alchemy: the user or recipient regenerates +6HP each turn for 3 turns, also stops Major Bleeding upon use or contact
  978. *Grandmaster Alchemy: the user or recipient regenerates +8HP each turn for 3 turns, also stops Critical Bleeding upon use or contact
  980. -Refresh: a bright pink fluid composed of numerous powerful smelling ingredients, mostly magical and a few mystical in nature. Much more effective than smelling salts, and does not cause problems for the consumer.
  981. The majority of ponies find the scent and taste pleasant, although few have been able to state what the smell or taste reminds them of.
  982. -May become Permarenent
  983. -Points required: 400
  984. *Roll Alchemy, total results*5 indicate the percentage of conscious awareness returned to the target on the 1st turn, doubling on the second turn, tripling on the third turn.
  985. *Side Effects: revives an Unconscious target that is Sleeping, removes and prevents Confusion & Charm for an awake user/recipient for 3 turns
  987. -Shadow: a swirling, dim black and gray fluid that covers the user's body, armor, weapons, and equipmarent, shielding the user from sight and shields them from the effects of most Fire-based harm.
  988. -May become Permarenent
  989. -Points required: 150
  990. *Basic Alchemy: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +2DR against all natural, Casting, Druidry, Elemarental, Mystical, or Sorcery-caused forms of Fire damage for 3 turns
  991. *Expert Alchemy: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +4DR against all natural, Casting, Druidry, Elemarental, Mystical, or Sorcery-caused forms of Fire damage for 3 turns
  992. *Master Alchemy: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +6DR against all natural, Casting, Druidry, Elemarental, Mystical, or Sorcery-caused forms of Fire damage for 3 turns
  993. *Grandmaster Alchemy: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls and gains +8DR against all natural, Casting, Druidry, Elemarental, Mystical, or Sorcery-caused forms of Fire damage for 3 turns
  995. -Sunlight: a powerful, bright white body-altering fluid that causes the consumer's skin to glow white, reducing the harm done by Spectral beings and causing the consumer to become a living light source for 3 turns.
  996. Is also used as a light source for growing plants indoors.
  997. -May become Permarenent
  998. -Points required: 400
  999. *Basic Alchemy: produces a 50M radius of light and gains +2DR against all Spectral attacks for 3 turns
  1000. *Expert Alchemy: produces a 100M radius of light and gains +3DR against all Spectral attacks for 3 turns
  1001. *Master Alchemy: produces a 150M radius of light and gains +4DR against all Spectral attacks for 3 turns
  1002. *Grandmaster Alchemy: produces a 200M radius of light and gains +6DR against all Spectral attacks for 3 turns
  1004. -Torch: a small, fast burning napalm-like red gel that can be created from any number of flammable substances, predominantly Lava Leech gel, that clings to and scorches a target once exposed to oxygen.
  1005. -Points required: 50
  1006. *Roll Alchemy, the total results-2 per roll cause that amount of of physical Fire Elemarental damage done to the target, afterwards causing 4 physical Fire damage for the following 2 turns.
  1008. -Toxin: a murky, dim green fluid composed of several volatile anaphylactic agents, both organic and inorganic, that rapidly seep through a living being's skin, or through wounds caused by weaponry, quickly weakening the target's physical capabilities.
  1009. -Points required: 200
  1010. *Basic Alchemy: incurs a -1 penalty to ALL rolls for 3 turns, afterwards the target becomes immune for 3 turns
  1011. *Expert Alchemy: incurs a -2 penalty to ALL rolls for 3 turns, afterwards the target becomes immune for 3 turns
  1012. *Master Alchemy: incurs a -3 penalty to ALL rolls for 3 turns, afterwards the target becomes immune for 3 turns
  1013. *Grandmaster Alchemy: incurs a -4 penalty to ALL rolls for 3 turns, afterwards the target becomes immune for 3 turns
  1014. *Considered illegal to use against sapients in Equestria and across most of Tallus
  1016. -Transcendental Explorer: available only in liquid form, this is a dark red substance that was once secretly created by Dancing Eyes.
  1017. While the exact specifications of the compounds used in its creation are unknown, and likely will be as its virtually impossible to interrogate her for information, this substance enhances the psionic capabilities of both Changelings and psionic earth ponies, allowing them to use their abilities with slightly greater effects resulting from ignoring the constant pressure of reality, though not without some danger.
  1018. ("Tastes fucking horrible!" -Hodch)
  1019. -May become Permarenent
  1020. -Points required: 900
  1021. *All Alchemy ranks: the consumer MUST add +1 to all Psionicism and related abilities for 6 turns
  1022. *Side Effects: the consumer takes DOUBLE damage from Ethereal or Void harm for 6 turns, and is incapable of creating a Mind's Eye during this time, though may still control one if such was created before using
  1024. -Waker: a dim, bubbly pink fluid composed of numerous powerful smelling ingredients, both physical and mystical in nature. While moderately less effective than smelling salts, it does provide more benefits, although some ponies have grudgingly admitted to LIKING the scent.
  1025. -May become Permarenent
  1026. -Points required: 200
  1027. *Roll Alchemy, total results*2 indicate the percentage of conscious awareness returned to the target on the 1st turn, doubling on the second turn, tripling on the third turn
  1028. *Side Effects: revives an Unconscious target that is Sleeping, or removes and prevents Confusion & Charm for an awake user/recipient for 3 turns
  1030. -Wormwood: a tiny vial of a thick, strong tasting, murky yellow fluid created from the concentrated saps of three particular wormwood plant species, treated with a small amount of an Otherworldly chemical from the Vortex plane.
  1031. -May carry a maximum of 5
  1032. -May become Permarenent
  1033. -Points required: 200
  1034. *All Alchemy ranks: when consumed, injected, or applied to physical wounds, the concoction rapidly scours through a living being's bloodstream, organs, eventually reaching deep musculature, skeleton, and organs while targeting and killing parasites, both insectoid and others, for 3 turns, also destroying their remains before dispersing.
  1037. *****
  1038. SOAP CUBES: Rune Soap Cubes are single use items, created by Gryphon scribes in either Anfang or the Vale, each having a singular effect that instantly takes place upon use. Soap cubes, normally, can only be used by those that speak the Gryphon language, although the cubes covered with a band can be used by anyone in possession of one.
  1040. >NOTE: Soap Cubes are considered an alternative Alchemy item, and as such only 1 may be carried at Untrained or Basic Alchemy, 2 at Expert, and 3 at Master. Roll Assault to throw, then the item's effect if applicable.
  1042. -Elemarental Combustion: an expensive cube that, depending on the location or natural elemarent its thrown at, will detonate with a [1d6+20] <Elemarental Combustion roll.
  1043. *If thrown into the Air, becomes an Air elemarental, if thrown at the ground, becomes an Earth elemarental, Fire if in an inferno, and so on.
  1045. -Green Soap Cube: when rubbed into the wounds of an ally, this cube allows a [1d6+10] <Heal ability, also stopping Bleeding on contact.
  1047. -Golden Soap Cube: requires two Golden Cubes, one to be used as a waypoint, the other to be used as instant and direct translocation to its opposite, wherever it was placed.
  1049. -Purple Soap Cubes: A lesser version of the Rune Forgers/Rune Mages technique of Contain.
  1050. *Roll [1d6+20] <Contain, the result being the total amount of physical force the target must use to break free
  1052. -Runic Shield Cube: a cube that produces a moderate barrier of white runes, encircling the user and absorbing some of the physical harm dealt to them with a [1d6+10] <Runic Shield roll, also shielding the user against all weapon enchantmarents except for Spectral.
  1054. -Silver Soap Cube: an anti-psionic soap that grants a [1d6] <Psionic Pain ability, inflicting the roll result's amount of damage, and can potentially disable psionic abilities.
  1056. -Tracking Soap Cube: writing a name on the cube allows a [1d6+2] <Tracking ability, where the cube will attempt to find its target via emitting noise and light.
  1057. *The pitch and intensity of light increases the closer the proximity to the target, and will indicate the target's relative direction
  1059. -Yellow Soap Cube: used to send messages. Once a short message has been written onto the surface, along with the name of the intended recipient, it will attempt to find the target and relay the message.
  1062. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1065. -Aiutante's Advanced Furnace: a heatstone layered and fired clay brick furnace developed similar to Krinza's modified one.
  1066. Due to its hefty specifications and attuning, Aiutante is capable of performing the same precision heating, forging, and melding techniques taught to her by Hodch, though it hasn't been fully customized yet.
  1067. *Grants a [1d6+10] roll when forging, reforging, or melding
  1069. -Blacksmith's Hammer, Basic: a plain ironwood handled steel hammer weighing 4 pounds, cast in hi-alloy carbon steel with a flattening surface on the forward face and a triangular head on the reverse.
  1070. Can be used for shaping small weapons, performing maintenance on armor, when engraving or removing material with a chisel, and for making other small adjustmarents.
  1071. *Adds +2 to all Blacksmithing rolls when in use
  1073. -Forging Tongs, Journeymare: approximately 60 tongs of various shapes and facings are scattered throughout the Workshop, used to hold projects while heating or undergoing shaping, lengthening, twisting, heat treating, quenching, and so on.
  1074. *Adds +1 to all Blacksmithing rolls when in use
  1076. -Heavy Blacksmith's Hammer, Basic: a much larger version of a blacksmith's hammer cast in hi-alloy steel, intended for shaping greatswords, heavy armor, tower shields, or other large projects.
  1077. For obvious reasons, its rather tiring to use.
  1078. *Adds +3 to all Blacksmithing rolls when in use
  1080. -Krinza's Advanced Furnace: a heatstone layered and fired clay brick furnace developed from 6 years of research into the finer points of esoteric smithing.
  1081. While it has been carefully attuned to his thoughts, Krinza often allows use of it, but only when asked.
  1082. *Grants a [1d6+15] roll when forging, reforging, melding
  1084. -Smithing Chisels, Basic: approximately 50 hard cast steel chisels spread around the Workshop for use in removing material, forming edges, shaping an object, and etcetera, but cannot be used for melding.
  1085. *Adds +1 to all Blacksmithing rolls when in use.
  1087. -Smithing Files, Basic: 10 rather simple files with varying edges and patterns spread around the workshop for anyone's use.
  1088. *Adds +1 to all Blacksmithing rolls when used, but cannot be used for melding
  1090. -Steel Anvil, Basic: ten common, standard double ended anvils for working metals on.
  1091. *Grants a [1d6+4] roll for Blacksmithing when used
  1093. *****
  1096. -ADVANCED Tool Box: grants an extra roll to and adds +2 to all Engineering rolls at Untrained, +4 at Basic, +6 at Expert, and +8 at Master, but cannot be used for Blacksmithing.
  1097. *The Advanced Tool Box can be used two turns in a row, but the Operator MUST skip their 3rd turn after use
  1098. -LIMITED EDITION ITEM: 3 remaining in Workshop
  1100. -BASIC Tool Box: grants an extra roll to and adds +2 to all Engineering rolls at Untrained, +3 at Basic, +5 at Expert, and +6 at Master, but cannot be used for Blacksmithing.
  1101. *After using, the Operator MUST skip their next turn
  1103. -Duct Tape: grants a [1d6+1] roll for Engineering or Explosive applications, but cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, reforging, melding, or welding.
  1105. -Multitool: adds +1 to all Engineering or Explosive rolls at Untrained, +2 at Basic, +3 at Expert, and +4 at Master.
  1106. *Cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, melding, or welding, or in conjunction with a Tool Box of any form
  1108. -Shovel: grants a [1d6+2] roll for fortification-based Engineering, whether temporary or permarennent, but cannot be used as a tool for upgrading.
  1110. -Swiss Army Knife: grants an [1d6+1] roll for Engineering or Wilderness Survival applications, but cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, melding, or welding.
  1112. -Superglue: grants a [1d6+1] roll for Engineering or Explosive applications, but cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, melding, or welding.
  1114. -Wire Cutter: grants a [1d6+1] roll for Engineering or Explosive applications, but cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, melding, or welding.
  1116. -FINE TOOLS: grants an additional [1d6+10] roll for Engineering applications, but cannot be used when blacksmithing, forging, melding, or welding. May be used for: etching, engraving, heatstone assisted soldering, electronics repair, etc.
  1118. -WORKSHOP TOOLS: grants an additional [1d6+20] for Engineering applications, cannot be used for Blacksmithing.
  1120. *****
  1123. -MAGITEK FURNACE: an alchemically formed clay brick furnace with a 4'x4' opening, the cavity 6'x6' wide and tall, 10' deep, taking up the entirety of the central rearmost work table in the workshop close to the Armory dividing wall.
  1124. The Core itself may be removed for transport and use elsewhere.
  1125. *May ONLY be used by Kraut
  1126. *Grants an additional [1d6+10] roll when forging, reforging, melding, and/or shaping when used in conjunction with Engineering and the Magitek Core.
  1128. -Magitek Hammer: one of Spiral's earliest, yet most complex designs, this hammer was created to interact with Kraut's thoughts and phase itself to form most head shapes depending on his needs.
  1129. *May only be used by Kraut
  1130. *Grants an additional [1d6+8] roll only when forging or shaping in conjunction with the Magitek Core.
  1132. -Shaping Gloves: a pair of custom fitted, alchemically formed and heat-shielded diamond gloves designed by Spiral.
  1133. *May only be used by Kraut
  1134. *Grants an additional [1d6+2] roll only when forging, reforging, shaping, or melding in conjunction with the Magitek Core.
  1136. -Unicorn Horn Copy: a basic, simple copy of Spiral's own horn.
  1137. *May only be used by Kraut
  1138. *Grants an additional [1d6+2] only when welding or melding in conjunction with the Magitek Core.
  1141. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1142. MATERIALS & SPECIAL MATERIALS: an Operator must have either the proper knowledge or be trained to work with, forge, or reforge, any and all special materials.
  1144. METALLURGY NOTES: redsteel, blacksteel, pinksteel, and greensteel cannot be combined or touch;
  1145. mythril and kanpri cannot mix;
  1146. blacksteel and pinksteel cannot mix with kanpri;
  1147. redsteel and greensteel cannot mix with mythril.
  1149. *****
  1151. -Aluminum: not in stock. Moderately toxic to humans, high neurotoxicity
  1152. -Copper: in stock
  1153. -Brass: in stock
  1154. -Bronze: in stock
  1155. -Manganese: in stock. Moderately toxic to humans
  1156. -Nickel: in stock
  1157. -Zinc: in stock
  1158. -Zirconium: in stock
  1161. Carbon Steel: in stock
  1162. Chromium: in stock
  1163. Cobalt: in stock
  1164. Iron: in stock
  1165. High Carbon Steel: in stock
  1166. Magnesium: in stock. Dangerously flammable
  1167. Stainless Steel: limited stock
  1170. -Empire Crystal: obscene amounts in stock. Can be molded, shaped, and used like plexiglass.
  1171. *Requires a skilled Crystal pony to create weapons or armor from
  1173. -Kanpri: not in stock. An extremely rare red, blue, and purple glowing metal only found in volcanic regions with abnormally high tensile strength and wear resistance, mostly used for weaponry.
  1174. *When refined the colorations become wavy
  1176. -Lithium: small amount in stock. Found mainly in metallic or liquid states, though much more rarely in a crystallized form. Used to create both manabombs and power crystals by Saddle Arabians.
  1177. Was used during the Late Dynasty Era to create elemarentally absorbent armors, however that process has since been lost.
  1179. -Mythraline: not in stock. A secret alloy of mythril and unknown elemarents that may only be created by Sorcerers.
  1180. Easier to repair than mythril for less weight, though costs twice as much and takes three times longer to produce.
  1182. -Mythril: not in stock. An extremely rare white metal only found in ancient forests. Has abnormally high durability and ductility, mostly used for armor.
  1184. -Palladius/Paladine: not in stock. Essentially the same as palladium except it isn't radioactive and more often used as an alloy in specialized Solar faction armor or weaponry.
  1186. -Promethite: tiny amount in stock. A partially magical composite of magnesum, iron, lithium, silicon, and elemental flame. Highly dangerous to use in enclosed locations.
  1187. Most often used to create Spark Lamps which operate by shaving small amounts off an internal cylinder, then lighting the shavings under extreme oxygen deprivation.
  1189. -Tungsten Basilisk scales: obscene amounts in stock. Can be carved into shape or heat molded, though takes a great deal of time to do either.
  1191. -Titanium-Steel Alloy Plates: vast amounts in stock.
  1193. -Yttrium: tiny amount stock. Doesn't have any radioactive qualities; is only used for runic scribing or as a catalyst in sorcerous rituals.
  1195. -Golden Regal Drake scales: several pounds in stock.
  1199. -Diamondine: slightly less than 4 tons in stock. A tightly guarded alchemical initial blend of 60% diamond and 40% silver fused with either kanpri or mythril, created through a month long alchemical process. (“Both variations have downsides. No. Explaining would take months.” -Krinza)
  1200. One of the top five strongest materials available on Tallus, yet the second heaviest known: a 1CMx1CMx1CM cube weighs over double that of an equivalent sized tungsten cube.
  1202. -Iridine: not in stock. Essentially the same as iridium except it isn't radioactive; used as a catalyst for high level Alchemy or Grandmaster armor smiths, and as such is rarely sold in large amounts.
  1204. -Lumin/Lumen: 5 pounds in stock. A rare Lunar metal only found on the Moon; used as a catalyst for high level Alchemy and sorcerous rituals.
  1205. Can be used to create highly specialized, yet dismally hard to produce deflective armors. Essentially a form of magical aluminum, except without all the drawbacks.
  1206. *Cannot be legally owned or used by a non-Lunar faction member
  1208. -Promethine: not in stock. Often called fire-rock in its natural, highly stable state throughout the Dragonspine Mountains, Promethine is typically used as a replacemarent for wood.
  1209. When consumed by certain drakes and wyrms it allows them to breathe out fire temporarily. Can be purified and used as an alloy in heat resistant composite metals, unlike promethite.
  1211. -Titanium: >10 pounds in stock.
  1213. *****
  1214. -Diamond Hyfalgryph Scales: 12 in stock. A blocky, 4' tall and 3' wide rainbow hued diamond scale, somewhat resembling dragon scales, belonging to an Eldritch being widely known across Tallus, hundreds of other worlds, and even the various Planes themselves.
  1215. Deemed the Singing Abomination for its incessant, and to some ponies, utterly ridiculous, tendency to initiate musical duels against unsuspecting beings, the Hyfalgryph will, to those that win, grant that small number a sliver of his vast library of musical and instrumarental knowledge and tricks, often catapulting those lucky few to great stardom.
  1216. *When used to create armor or a shield, a portion of the Hyfalgryph's Eldritch resilience remains, reducing all Casting, Elemarental, Psionic, and other esoteric harm by 1/4
  1217. *1 owned by Hollow & Lont
  1218. *2 owned by Dante
  1219. *6 unowned
  1220. *1 USED by Lont, Pareidolia
  1222. -Flawless Gems: 68 in stock ("At least, in the Workshop." -Krinza)
  1224. -Small Poison Dragon scales: a set of 6 rounded, small buckler sized, misshapen scales with near-perfect Poison and Acid resistance.
  1226. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1228. #1: when creating or improving a weapon, armor, or other items, the total number of points required to increase it's rank, base modifiers, and number of enchantmarent slots is cumulative and may not skip ranks
  1229. *An item CANNOT be taken from +1 to +3 in a single attempt, or from 1DR to 3DR
  1231. #2: items may only gain additional effects when utilizing esoteric skills such as: Casting, Crystal-Forging/Crystal Runes, Druidry, Enchanting, Mysticism, Sorcery, Runic Scribing, or other esoteric abilities.
  1232. *Furthermore, the number and strength of effects are limited solely to the knowledge and skills of that PC/NPC
  1234. #3: if a armor or weapon qualifies for an attempt to become Permarenent, a PC or NPC may then begin the process of improving an item to LEGENDARY status.
  1235. From this point on, any base result of 1 will cause a 50% loss of all points accumulated on that turn, essentially fixing their slip ups, screw ups, and the minor damage involved.
  1236. *This condition applies to traditional blacksmithing, engraving, hand milling, computerized shaping, or esoteric procedures.
  1238. #4: before working on a weapon, armor, or other item, the maximum potential modifiers and extra abilities will be discussed with the main GM first.
  1239. *If an item is listed as Unique, it may not be entirely copied
  1241. *****
  1242. MATERIAL BONUSES: materials add to the total number of crafting points when creating a weapon, armor, or item. The amount is cumulative per EACH different material, not per each USE of a material, thus if Steel is used once the item will gain +100 to it's total crafting count, though a second use of Steel will not gain another +100.
  1244. Raw materials add: +50 points. Examples include raw ore, raw gems, untreated wood, and other base materials that have not undergone any form of processing or refinemarent.
  1246. Refined materials add: +100 points. Examples include processed metals and materials, basic alloys, shaped gems, sealed or hardened wood, and other refined materials.
  1248. Quality materials add: +150 points. Examples include metallic alloys, specialized inorganic materials, exquisite gems, enchanted wood, and other specialized materials.
  1250. Arcane materials add: +300 points. Examples include specialty or enchanted alloys, Otherworldly or Planar wood, flawless enchanted gems, and unrefined Otherworldly materials. Also includes the unique elemarental steels and the various alchemically produced metallic gem materials.
  1252. Quality Arcane materials add: +400 points. Examples include bodily parts from Mystical beings, refined Otherworldly or Planar metals and materials, and Planar gems.
  1254. Exceptional Arcane materials add: +500 points. Examples include raw Eldritch bodily parts, metals, materials, and Spectral bodily parts.
  1256. Unique Arcane materials add: +750 points. Examples include refined Eldritch metals or materials, Dragon scales, exceptionally well preserved Eldritch bodily parts, and other suitably unique materials.
  1258. *****
  1259. >ARMOR CRAFTING GUIDE: may only be performed by those with Blacksmithing or Engineering, also including Casting, Crafting (if applicable), Crystal Forging/Runes, Druidry, Enchanting, Mysticism, Necromarecy, Runic Scribing, and Sorcery.
  1260. *The user MUST have one esoteric skill to create a weapon above Journeymare rank item or higher
  1262. 400: Basic Armor: is limited to a cap of 1DR and is not resistant to damage. May reforge or improve.
  1264. 800: Journeymare Armor is limited to a cap of 2DR and is somewhat resistant to damage. May reforge or improve.
  1266. 1,200: Expert Armor is limited to a cap of 3DR and is hard to damage. May reforge or improve.
  1268. 1,600: Master Armor is limited to a cap of 4DR and becomes an Artifact: capable of self-repairing. May reforge or improve.
  1270. 2,500: LEGENDARY Armor is limited to a cap of 5DR and becomes a Permarenent Legendary Artifact, both extremely hard to damage and able to self-repair quickly.
  1271. *An armor at this stage can no longer be modified easily without extensive effort
  1273. *****
  1275. 400: Basic Weapon add +1 to all rolls & does not have an enchantmarent slot, can be damaged easily. May reforge or improve.
  1277. 800: Journeymare Weapons add +1 to all rolls & has 1 enchantmarent slots, somewhat difficult to damage. May reforge or improve.
  1279. 1,200: Expert Weapons add +2 to all rolls & has 2 enchantmarent slots, moderately difficult to damage. May reforge or improve.
  1281. 1,600: Master Weapons adds +3 to all rolls & has 3 enchantmarent slots, becoming an Artifact: capable of self-repairing over time. May reforge or improve.
  1283. 2,500: LEGENDARY Weapons add +4 to all rolls & retains 3 enchantmarent slots, becoming a Permarenent Legendary Artifact: capable of self-repairing quickly.
  1284. *A weapon at this stage can no longer be modified easily, they may ONLY be Reforged, or shifted to become a different weapon.
  1286. *****
  1288. 300: a Basic item adds +1 to a specific skill or item's rolls, though has questionable durability and will likely fall apart after a couple days.
  1290. 600: a Common Item adds +1 to a specific skill or item's rolls, and can be considered durable enough to use for a few weeks.
  1292. 900: an Uncommon Item adds +2 to a specific skill or item's rolls, and is somewhat difficult to damage if used daily for a year.
  1294. 1,200: a Rare Item adds +3 to a specific skill or item's rolls, and is rather difficult to destroy.
  1296. 1,500: a Peerless Item adds +4 to a specific skill or item's rolls, and takes a determined effort to damage, let alone destroy.
  1298. 1,800: an Ultra Rare Item adds +5 to a specific skill or item's rolls, baffling most as to how it can be destroyed while it slowly self-repairs.
  1300. 2,500: a LEGENDARY Item adds +6 to a specific still or item's rolls, and unless completely destroyed in a short amount of time the item will self-repair quickly.
  1301. *An item at this stage will require an additional 2,500 points PER improvemarent
  1304. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1307. -Gas Stove: grants a [1d6+2] roll
  1309. -Ice Cream Maker: grants a [1d6+4] roll. Squeaks like a batpony being mercilessly tickled, however.
  1311. -Iron Magitek Grill: grants a [1d6+8] roll, may only be used by Kraut
  1313. -Large Heatstones: grants a [1d6+4] roll
  1315. -Mess Kit: grants a [1d6+1] roll
  1317. -Skillet: grants a [1d6+2] roll
  1319. -Personal Heatstone: grants a [1d6+2] roll
  1321. *****
  1323. Result of 5 = INEDIBLE! You really, REALLY don't want to try and eat this.
  1325. Result of 10 = it's either burnt or undercooked. Throw it out, really.
  1327. A result of 15 = rare, or well overdone. Unless you like blue steak or rubber, toss it in the garbage.
  1329. A result of 20 = just about right or well done, 3-star chef. What you'd expect from most restaurants, really.
  1331. A result of 25 = excellent, 4-star chef. Looks good, tastes great, but might have an errant lemon slice in there just to fuck with you.
  1333. A result of 30 = not quite perfect, 4.5-star chef. Takes quite a while to get to this point, but there's no lemons here.
  1335. A result of 40 = near perfect, beginner 5-star chef. At least that's the way it tastes, but probably looks a bit funny.
  1337. A result of 50 = pretty much perfect, true 5-star chef.
  1339. A result of 60 = literally perfect. There's nothing more than can be done to make this food any more visually appealing, or taste any better. Be lucky if you get something like this.
  1343. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1346. -Fishing Pole: grants a [1d6] roll
  1348. -Fishing Net: grants a [1d6+1] roll
  1350. -Fishing Cable: grants a [1d6+2] roll
  1352. -Fishing Kit: grants a [1d6+4] roll
  1354. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1355. NAVIGATION ITEMS: all 3 items, if owned, may be used to determine one's position on Tallus.
  1357. -Compass: grants a [1d6+1] roll
  1359. -Empire Compass: grants a [1d6+2] roll, but will not function if damaged
  1361. -GPS: grants a [1d6+4] roll
  1363. -Map: grants a [1d6+2] roll.. but only if it's kept up to date.
  1366. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1367. PERCEPTION ITEMS: ONLY 1 of these item may be used per turn unless combined: Binoculars, Infrared, Night Vision, Scope, Thermal.
  1368. *Flashlights MAY be used in conjunction with all other rolls, but doing so will alert sight based enemies
  1369. *Snake Cams cannot be used with any other Perception items
  1371. -Snake Cam: grants a single [1d6+2] roll. A flexible telescoping tube with a small camera on the tip, controlled by a handheld viewing unit
  1373. -Binoculars: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll
  1375. -Flashlight: grants a [1d6+2] roll, result*20 equals the number of meters that can clearly be seen, but on a critical failure something WILL go wrong
  1377. -Infrared: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll and allows the user to see the infrared spectrum
  1379. -Lantern Gem: grants a [1d6+3] roll, result*10 equals the number of meters that can clearly be seen, but on a critical failure it will need to be recharged or has suffered a catastrophic break down
  1381. -LED Flashlight: grants a [1d6+4] roll, result*20 equals the number of meters that can clearly be seen, but after achieving a total of 4 critical failures in a row something WILL go wrong.
  1383. -Night Vision: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll and allows the user to see in the dark, obviously
  1385. -Scope: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll
  1387. -Thermal Scope: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll and allows the user to see heat signatures
  1389. *COMBINED PERCEPTION ITEMS: dual Infrared, Thermal, or Night Vision optics will add +X to two different Perception rolls, or allows an additional roll if they do not have Basic Perception, for 2 of 3 types: <Infrared, <NVG, <Thermal, <Starlight, or other.
  1390. Combining a scope with Infrared, Night Vision, or Thermal will cause the scope to become: <Infrared/NVG/Thermal Scope, and will gain differing modifiers depending on whom creates it, what materials are used, and other factors.
  1393. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1397. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1398. >2015 Polaris Defense Dagor in high desert camo: a military rebuild of either a Polaris RZR or Ranger, the Dagor, as it's code name is known, is a heavily redesigned, side-by-side utility terrain vehicle (UTV), designed primarily as a reconnaissance vehicle and equipment or personnel transport. Although fairly new, it has earned a reputation for being a tough, trustworthy long ranged vehicle, capable of being configured to perform most mission specifications.
  1400. By replacing the original engine with a turbo-diesel JP8 for additional range, and to give it enough power to carry it's further modifications, this allowed the original interior and exterior paneling to be removed, which was then replaced with formed steel armor plating for additional longevity.
  1402. Due to it's redesign as a patrol vehicle, the original suspension was removed and replaced by a vastly superior dune buggy version in order to ensure the passengers weren't nauseous at all times. A roll cage & roof rack with a ring mount for an attached M2 Browning MG was installed, along with standard linkages to allow it to be carried by helicopters.
  1404. While the original seats were replaced by spring-bolted, shock absorbent ones, the Dagor's ability to seat three passengers rather comfortably and allow them to scope out a region or fire upon enemies with an exceptionally wide field of view renders it invaluable, although it does not have any doors to speak of.
  1406. The bed in the rear was replaced by an all-steel, downsized version of a pickup bed with two large heavy steel locking containers, able to be used as seats though rather uncomfortable, giving it a great amount of storage space and transport ability. Due to this it can, in a pinch, be utilized as an adhoc medical transport.
  1408. The front driver's compartment is semi-armored and considerably more comfortable than nearly all military vehicles prior to it, also featuring a simple, robust steering assembly, while the windshield is a thick composite plexiglass which, by most definitions, is considered in the upper bulletproof class, capable of absorbing heavy calibers up to the .300 WinMag, though anything more will easily punch through it, giving a good amount of protection to the driver and passenger.
  1410. While the Dagor has an average maximum range of 500 miles with the standard load of 4 passengers, their personal equipment, and the ring mount's gunner, it's maximum range when fully loaded with 9 passengers and their total loadout is still 380 miles, giving it a considerable edge against most light military vehicles of it's era.
  1412. *****
  1414. -Armor Durability: 250 Armor
  1415. -Armor Class: Grade 5 Paneling
  1416. -Armor Value: 4DR
  1418. *****
  1420. -Safe Cruising Speed: grants Expert Driving+4
  1421. -High Manual Control: grants Master Driving+6
  1422. -Maximum Speed: grants Master Driving+8
  1424. *****
  1426. -Rear Weapon Ring: grants 2x [1d6+4] <M2 Browning HMG rolls, in addition to the Operator's Heavy Weapon's skill
  1428. *****
  1429. STORAGE:
  1430. >COMMON ITEMS: 2x Jerry Cans
  1432. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1433. >1990 Panhard VBL Recon in olive drab: a rugged all terrain sport utility vehicle built by French (or similar analogue) militaries, designed solely for tactical reconnaissance and battlefield command/control, though if absolutely required it can also perform direct infantry support.
  1435. Decently armored with variable rolled homogeneous steel sheeting to protect against small arms fire and light artillery shrapnel from virtually all angles, the Recon model comes equipped with a high end analog-electronic radio system, easily capable of taking care of an entire company's needs, and a 250 mile VHF transmitter-receiver unit for extending friendly reconnaissance duties.
  1437. Common in nearly all modern military vehicles, the Panhard's driver, front spotter/radio operator, and a single rear passenger make use of relatively comfortable shock absorbing crash seats installed into the hull via suspension springs, each of which is reinforced by milled steel brackets to minimize shock from striking a mine, direct hits from man-portable rocket-assisted grenades, and even light battery rockets.
  1438. As a standard feature all Panhard VBL's are mounted with numerous heavy duty brackets allowing for transport by helicopter or towing, as well as having roof hatches for both driver and passenger.
  1440. The driver's dashboard features a bank of digital notification lights to notify various problems such as drivetrain failure, overheating of the transmission, engine, or radiator, air conditioning failure, and low tire inflation/damage among others, while the spotter/radio operator makes use of the centrally mounted radio control and command systems, as well as having access to one of two manual fire extinguishers, the second placed underneath the gunner's hatch.
  1442. Typical for it's era, the VBL Recon is fully Nuclear-Biological-Chemical protected by several layers of semi-hard synthetic rubber sealing systems, and the interior can be underpressurized or overpressured at will by the driver, whom also controls a highly efficient NBC filtration system.
  1444. When fully sealed with the driver's hatch locked and a 2M snorkel equipped for the engine intake, the VBL Recon becomes amphibious, propelled along by a common 10" steel screw-type propeller, though it can only achieve a paltry 5.5KPH due to it's boxy hull and 4.2 ton weight.
  1446. Despite it's relatively bland and unimpressive armor characteristics, the VBL Recon is well defended by a heavily armored cupola in the center of the roof, accessible by an internal hatch. 360 degree traversal allows the gunner to stand comfortably upright and remain well protected, except from overhead targets or precision fire.
  1447. A modified Browning M2A1 .50BMG that uses standard 200-round belts is installed in the cupola's front, allowing for effective fire support against infantry, light vehicles, and helicopters out to 800M.
  1448. Fitted with a unique, rigid quick change mounting system, the gunner can make use of infrared, thermal, and night vision optics, as well as heavy 8x12 or better 40MM rated scopes, increasing effective engagement range to 1,500M.
  1450. The rear passenger seat is often used solely by the gunner as there is little space for much else other than the VBL's occupant equipment, ammunition tins, and two fuel cans.
  1452. When acquired, this particular VBL had seen a great amount of action, bearing dents from hooves, large claw marks, acid burns, holes probably made by lances, and the other assorted forms of damage considered "normal" on Tallus.
  1454. Krinza was able to fully restore the VBL to stock specifications with ease, including the addition of much more comfortable seats. Considering giving it a paint job or something else potentially useful, he decided to... do something else entirely:
  1455. Using an experimental power crystal retrieved from Harlon's lab, the intervening temporal charge allowed him several hours in which to fortunately (or unfortunately depending on how Flash will interpret his violation of causal, NOT casual, temporal states) perform a number of selective modifications.
  1457. Starting by greatly improving the external armor using his vast knowledge of alloys, infusion processes, and enchantmarents, Krinza moved on to similarly harden and induce flexibility throughout the entire frame, then every other component he could reach.
  1458. Unsatisfied with those 'little' (to him at least) improvements, the windows were entirely replaced with quadruple-layered diamond sheets that sandwich transparent, flexible plexiglass sheets. THEN he gave it a color-phasing camouflague paint job.
  1460. *****
  1462. -Armor Durability: 450 Armor
  1463. -Armor Class: Modified Grade 5 Composite Panels
  1464. -Armor Value: 5DR
  1466. *****
  1468. -Grants Expert Driving+5 for Cruising Speed
  1469. -Grants Expert Driving+6 for Optimal Speed
  1470. -Grants Expert Driving+8 for Maximum Speed
  1472. -Grants Basic Stealth+3
  1474. *****
  1476. -Central Cupola: grants 2x [1d6+4] <M2 Browning HMG rolls, in addition to the Operator's Heavy Weapon's skill
  1478. *****
  1479. >STORAGE: 2x 5 Gallon Fuel Cans
  1481. *****
  1483. -Armored Paneling: Modified Grade 5
  1484. -Attachment Hooks: numerous external hardpoints for transport
  1485. -Chopin 4S-1 Troop Radio Control
  1486. -Fully Amphibious
  1487. -NBC Protected
  1488. -VHF Battlefield Commarend/Control Transmitter-Receiver with a 50 mile radius
  1491. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1492. >OH-58X Kiowa Stealth Warrior: a highly advanced, pre-current generation hybrid attack helicopter. Smaller than the original, this Kiowa is vastly improved over it's previous generations with a lightweight titanium composite skin that reduces air friction and radar signature.
  1493. Further modified with a number of physical and electronic features to improve it's flight stability, responsiveness, electronics command & control, information gathering capabilities, offensive armaments, also granting electronic semi-stealth functionalities.
  1495. Equipped with a unique combined thermal, night vision, and camera suite located directly above the main rotors in a semi-protected sphere pod, the Kiowa Stealth Warrior is much quieter than it's predecessors. This gives it relative safety in allowing a pilot to 'peek' over terrain in order to identify and mark tanks or other targets for ground, sea, or air attack runs, if the Kiowa itself is unable to perform the job or it's munitions are depleted, and even land to deposit it's passengers if absolutely required.
  1497. While a co-pilot isn't required for standard operation, the pilot is unable to take advantage of the Mast Mounted Sight's features for the most part, and is entirely unable to utilize an integrated electronic warfare operation suite.
  1498. Due to the added equipment, the rear seating arrangement is unfortunately small, able to seat two people, or one pony, on a somewhat narrow padded bench, though the rear doors are small and fairly cramped to get in or out from.
  1500. This particular Kiowa arrived at the Fortress with a significant amount of external damage from what appeared to be an attack jet's strafing run, judging by the remains of a Skyfish missile's casing still embedded in the pilot's chair.
  1501. Partially repaired by Lann and Krinza, the remaining damage was caused from crashing into the workshop besides the holes in the cockpit.
  1503. Amazingly, the electronic suites, command & control systems, and most of the instrument panels were intact upon arrival. The original glass was replaced with a heavily reinforced plexigrade sandwiched between thin sapphirine sheets for additional protection, and the Kiowa's skin has been fully restored, and even partially reinforced, using the last reserves of purified kanpri in the workshop.
  1504. Thanks to the efforts by Jeff, Joe, and Kraut repairing enough damage for Spiral and Krinza to complete it's exterior restoration, the Kiowa is now air worthy ready for further service once more.
  1506. During the harvest of Khahlani Island and subsequently the Fortress's renovations, Hollow, on numerous whims and with the help of a number of suspicious alcohols, painted the Kiowa's body a red, brown, and light yellow plaid, all four blades then expertly painted to look like chainsaws, both landing struts as logs, each Hellfire missile as a flaming log, the Hydra rocket pod as a thermos, as well as painting the XM296 with a pine cone motif.
  1508. Two pylons on opposite sides of the OH-58X are capable of being loaded with three different weapon systems: an M3P or M296 .50 BMG heavy machine gun mounted on the left pylon, an LAU-68 or M260 launcher pod with seven 2.75" Hydra 70 rockets mounted on the right pylon, or a pair of AGM-114 Hellfire missiles mounted on the right pylon.
  1509. For obvious reasons Hellfire missiles have little use on Tallus, except possibly against Mechano-Planar Constructs.
  1512. *****
  1514. Armor Durability: 650 Armor
  1515. Armor Class: Grade 4 Paneling
  1516. Armor Value: 4DR
  1518. *****
  1520. -Grants Expert Flight Dynamics+8 during Combat Speed
  1521. -Grants Expert Flight Dynamics+10 during Cruising Speed
  1522. -Grants Expert Flight Dynamics+13 during Optimal Speed
  1523. -Grants Expert Flight Dynamics+16 at Maximum Speed
  1525. *****
  1527. -Advanced Electronic Warfare Array: grants a [1d6+4] <Electronic Warfare Platform, in addition to the Operator's own Electronic Warfare skill, that may be used either for jamming electronic communications or countering the same.
  1529. -Mast Mounted Sight: grants either a [1d6+6] <Night Vision, <L.Aperture Lens, or <Thermal Optic capability, either via a liquid-plasma screen at the lower section of the the pilot's vision, or when connected to a standard flight helmet.
  1530. *The MMS's keypanel and tracking array may also be used to automatically designate technological targets and upload targeting information directly to Jeff's Tacpad or the Master Radio in Razorback Fortress
  1532. *****
  1534. -Right Pylon: grants 2x [1d6+4] <XM296 Heavy Machinegun rolls, in addition to the Operator's Heavy Weapons skill. 5 full belts remaining.
  1536. -Left Pylon: allows from 1 to 7 [1d6+6] <Hydra 70 Rocket Pod rolls, depending on the user's discretion. 35 rockets remaining.
  1538. -Left Pylon: allows 2x [1d6+10] <AGM-114 Hellfire Missile rolls per missile fired, may fire up to 2 missiles per turn. 10 missiles remaining.
  1540. *****
  1541. >STORAGE: Basic How To Fly for Dummies Manual, Basic Electronic Warfare for Dummies manual, Love Your Kiowa Maintenance manual, Intermediate Helicopter Operations manual
  1543. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1544. >Project OL-3 "Overlander": an overbuilt IFV from the Nine Lands Coalition designed with the sole intention of safely transporting 8 Mechanized Assault Infantry, or 2 Assault Diver Exoframes, from coastal incursion vessels to shore.
  1545. Extensively redesigned based off the ("Fuckin' useless!" -Lonestar) Overshore Lander 1 and 2 APC's, this post-prototype production model received several upgrades to act as an anti-drone and anti-exoframe leader.
  1546. Powered by a severely classified fusion-core reactor that accepts most anything as fuel.
  1547. *Smaller than the original by four tons due to weight limitations.
  1549. Atop a standard orbitally produced titanium flex-alloy frame, a triple-layered polyaramid hull is rigid-bolted to the base structure. Spaced with layers of monofilament meta-polyaramid panels that act as both floatation assistant and protection from conventional energy weapons, as well as lighter ballistics.
  1550. Multiple high compression air tanks allow the OL-3's operator to control the vehicle's height in water, either remaining under the surface or floating high enough to utilize the forward plasma cannons.
  1552. Stock equipment includes two NitrOx filtration units and four storage tanks that provide up to 4 hours of subsurface operating time depending on the number of occupants.
  1553. An integral fire suppresion system using a nitrogen-foam blend is spread throughout the interior.
  1554. Hardened Nine Ship Exotech Facility tri-quantum state electronic skin-packages located throughout the hull allow the gunner-systems operator to monitor battlefield or oceanic conditions using two hybrid particle scanning arrays.
  1555. *The capabilities and systems are classified far beyond Lonestar's Ocean World 5 access grades, and would require serious reverse-engineering to copy
  1557. The pilot and gunner cabin is accessible through either a pressurized hatch on top, or from an sealing access door in the crew cabin's front.
  1558. Taking inspiration from smaller gunboats and aerial assets, two rather comfortable lightweight aramid crash seats are equipped with a pair of piloting joysticks. Ahead and above the pilot are 2 small displays:
  1559. -The first above and left shows an overhead tactical view of the local battlefield, if enabled by a satellite or unit with the proper command codes.
  1560. -The second details the OL-3's status, including damage (or lack thereof) of the most vital components.
  1561. -A large wraparound screen takes up most of the pilot's forward view, showing a 200 degree wide and 120 degree tall view, granted by numerous overlapping Exotech scanners embedded throughout the hull.
  1562. *This system receives information directly from the gunner-operators systems directly from the Optronic scanning mode, or may default to standard realtime view
  1564. The gunner-system operator sits inside an enclosed 360 degree wraparound cockpit with a 260 degree tall view, capable of thermal, night vision, sonar, or infrared/thermal. An Optronic scanning mode that simulates the local battlefield is best used in conjunction with the prior.
  1565. -Two smaller overlays above left and right detail the IFF of assets: the left displays a realistic model view of a targeted asset, including indicators of 'Friendly', 'Hostile', 'Enemy', 'Allied', or 'Unknown'. The right screen is a per-sixtieth-second updating tactical simulated view of the local area that can scale up to 5,000M, or down to within 5M.
  1566. -The left joystick control operates both forward cannons, each with a 30 degree left to right operational window, but may only raise or depress 10 degrees. When targeting assets, a notation will display the target's range and possibility of penetration.
  1567. -The right joystick controls target acquisitions to four Independent Anti-Drone Laser Systems, able to confirm or deny prioritizing select targets for destruction, dismiss the same, acquire new targets, or switching to a defensive firing mode that selects and attempts to destroy incoming munitions or flagged hostiles.
  1568. *Each system is able to fire at a danger-close maximum of 2 degrees from the IFV's hull and other weapons.
  1569. *The gunner may also use an at-will firing mode if the systems are unable to tag an enemy asset
  1571. The crew compartment is a painfully simple 6' tall, 8' wide, and 10' long titanium rectangle coated with a rubberized lightweight aramid coating.
  1572. Four sets of two-person light aramid benches face inwards. Some cargo space is supplied by paired storage lockers underneath, suitable for several ammunition boxes, fuel rod canisters, or other small items.
  1573. Titanium grill lockers between each bench allow for additional weapons or supplies, enough to stack at six EMS bags on top of each other.
  1574. *Hardpoints spaced throughout are intended to allow a Diver Exosuit ("Or similar enough." -Lonestar) to anchor themselves inside.
  1575. A pair of basic armored drop-hatches in the rear allow for rapid deployment or recovery.
  1577. Painfully basic, but well specialized for long range travel in/under water or overland in difficult terrain.
  1579. *ERA: Late Orbital
  1581. *****
  1583. Armor Durability: 800 Armor
  1584. Armor Class: Grade 5 Polyaramid-Titanium Shell Plating
  1585. Armor Value: 9DR against energy weaponry, 6DR against explosives, 5DR against everything else, but 3DR against standard kinetics
  1587. *****
  1589. -Grants Expert Piloting+4 in water
  1590. -Grants Expert Driving+6 at Combat Speed
  1591. -Grants Expert Driving+10 at Cruising Speed
  1592. -Grants Expert Driving+12 at Optimal Speed
  1593. -Grants Expert Driving+15 at Maximum Speed
  1595. *****
  1597. -Exotech Planetary Warfare Array: grants a [1d6+6] <Electronic Warfare Platform, in addition to the Operator's own Electronic Warfare skill, that may be used either for jamming electronic communications or countering the same.
  1598. *Gunner-operator only
  1600. -Exotech Optronic Particle-Scanner: performs an area sweep from the hull out to 5,000M using a [1d6+6] roll. Displays relative information of all targets in radius, but may also select an individual target for much more thorough analysis.
  1601. *Gunner-operator only
  1603. *****
  1605. -Dual Two-Star Gunworks OL-3PX Submersible Plasma cannons: grants a [1d6+15] <S-Plasma Cannon roll per each, in addition to the Operator's Suppression Fire skill
  1607. -Quad Two-Star Gunworks Independent Anti-Drone Laser Systems: grants a [1d6+8] <AD-Laser per each
  1609. *****
  1610. >STORAGE: 6 Rigdiver Bodysuits, 100 Fuel Pellets
  1612. *****
  1614. -Nine Ship Titanium-Aramid Plating
  1615. -Exotech Commsat Transceiver Array
  1616. -Exotech Planetary Scanning Array
  1617. -Fully Amphibious
  1618. -NBCN Protected
  1620. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1621. COMMON USE ARMORY EQUIPMENT: any item that grants additional offensive rolls, whether Elemarental, physical, or otherwise, do not count towards the maximum cap of 8 offensive rolls.
  1623. NOTES: an Operator may only carry or wear 1 item that adds to, or grants additional rolls, to a standard skill, NOT including binoculars, scopes, or other visual devices.
  1624. *This rule is in effect to prevent stacking multiple bonuses of the same type
  1626. *****
  1627. -Anon's Ash Box: 48/50 Iron Spheres left. Oddly heavy 1/2" iron orbs with a note stating: "Toss it out and I'll see what I can do for you - Anon."
  1628. Only Operators may have this item, and may only carry ONE at a time.
  1629. *Currently in possession of: EVERYONE.
  1631. -Antique Dildo of Possible Time Marenipulation: created by either Doctor Harlon, Runemaster Rhoda, or Glyphmaster Suisan (nopony knows whom, and the few record keepers in Canterlot are MUCH too terrified to even speculate which) on one of those rainy days where you just can't figure out what to do with yourself.
  1632. Coming in at a decently hefty 11" long and 3" in diameter, this rubber horse phallus possesses the incredibly dangerous ability to rewind time on a living being's sexual pleasure, essentially depriving them of orgasm until they either stop the effect themselves, if they're the one using it, or the one using it on them ends the process. Frightening!
  1633. Nopony's sure where it's current location is, as it seems to move around on it's own... either that or it gets used often.
  1634. ("Mercy has it in her little pocket universe thing along with some other stuff.. ...why are you looking at me like that? I'm serious, that's where she keeps it, otherwise she'd let somepony in from time to time." -Pella)
  1636. -Advanced Combi-Goggles (Night Vision + Thermal): adds a +3 <NVG and/or a <Thermal modifier to one or two Perception-type rolls.
  1637. *LIMITED EDITION ITEM: only 1 remaining in the Workshop!
  1639. -Advanced Lockpicks: 4 sets of human-sized lockpicks made from a tungsten-titanium composite on a titanium ring, featuring 12 specific tools for defeating tumbler, wire, and snare type locks.
  1640. -Adds +2 to all Lockpicking rolls
  1641. *LIMITED EDITION ITEM: 3 unowned
  1643. -Crate of Soap Cubes: contains 5 each of Elemental Combustion, Green, Golden, Purple, Runic, Silver, Tracking, and Yellow
  1645. -Diving Gear: five sets of one-size-fits all adaptable deep water diving gear. There are three sets for humans and two for ponies, though earth ponies and larger will suffer from considerable discomfort.
  1646. Comes with a water-breathing enchantmarent imbued into a large bubble helmet, underwater radios modified by Spiral, and wide flippers for the humans, which were replaced with flippered hoofboots for the pony version.
  1647. *Created by Lann's master hoofwork, with aid from Jeff and Krinza.
  1648. *MUST be trained in order to utilize
  1649. *One is owned by Jeff, other four are kept in the Armory for general use
  1651. -H.A.L.O Parachutes: five sets of high altitude primary and secondary chutes in a secured backpack with full rigging. Created with mythril-infused spider silk by Lann's master hoofwork, the titanium components were forged by Krinza, thus making each set light, very difficult to damage, and quite sturdy.
  1652. Slowfall and float enchanted by Spiral to allow a standard cruising speed of 60MPH when gliding, though can be controlled by the user to descend quicker or slower at will.
  1653. *3 are kept in the Armory for general use, though both Clemency and Jeff own one.
  1654. *MUST be trained in order to utilize
  1655. *Currently trained for use: Clemency, Dante, Jeff, and Spruce
  1657. -Shoe Spikes: a set of lightweight steel chain links meant to fit over most sizes of shoes or boots, bearing roughly 40 spikes on the lower surface. Currently in possession of: all Operators.
  1658. *Adds +1 to all Assault rolls when kicking
  1659. *Each one is currently unenchanted, cannot harm Spectral or otherwise nonphysical beings
  1660. *Negates all penalties when moving on ice or negative terrains
  1663. -Stealth Boots/Shoes: custom pairs of replacemarent boots or shoes, made by either Kraut and Spiral, imbued with small traces of the Underdark's notorious 'quiet' influence.
  1664. -Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  1666. -Thermal Masking Ghillie Suits: five custom-made, human-only ghillie suits meant for use in most terrain, though Lann must know what area an Operator is going into in order to retrofit it.
  1667. Featuring extensive hoofwork from Lann's master weaving skills, they were created from a composite of numerous spider silks, including spectral and one planar species.
  1668. Further augmarented and finalized with an extremely rare and expensive dampening material, rendering the wearer invisible to detection castings, glyphs, runes, and sigils.
  1669. *Must choose between: desert, snow, forest, and jungle patterns
  1670. *Adds +1 to all in-combat Stealth rolls if moving, and +2 to all non-combat Stealth rolls if unmoving
  1671. *Cannot be detected by Arcane Awareness as well as those methods listed above or similar, but once detected the user is unable to enter Combat Stealth again until combat ends
  1672. *One is owned by Jeff, the other four are kept in the Armory for general use
  1675. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1679. #1: Artifact refers to a weapon or armor that cannot be damaged easily, and requires immense amounts of harm done to be destroyed.
  1680. *If left alone, the largest piece of an Artifact will repair itself completely over the course of 12 hours.
  1682. #2: Custom-Fit refers to a weapon or armor being difficult for those that are not the current user to utilize.
  1684. #3: Eldritch refers to the 'weapon' or 'armor' actually coming from a being in pseudo, semi, mostly, or fully physical form, hailing from other dimarensions, realms, and spectrums.
  1686. #4: Permarenent denotes a weapon or armor that cannot be permarenently damaged or destroyed by most means, whether physical or otherwise.
  1688. #5: Two-Handed refers to a weapon, whether ranged or melee, that is generally too long or heavy to be used in one hand, though those with far greater than normal strength suffer no ill effects from using such a weapon with one hand.
  1690. #6: Unique simply means that the weapon cannot be truly copied, as any copies would lack certain knowledges of it's creation or peculiarities, and can be easily identified as forgeries.
  1692. #7: The various -Forged designations denote a very specific material, means of creation, or an item used in the weapon's construction, some of which are viewed as highly positive by certain factions, others of which may be seen negatively.
  1694. #8: Personal refers to a weapon that has been well used by an individual, and due to wear and personalization would be extremely difficult to NOT distinguish from other copies of the same model.
  1697. *This does not include offensive Elemarental enchantmarents that can gain additional bonuses from Dante's Unique: 'Fire On My Target', or the alchemical item Marker
  1700. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1701. Adon:
  1702. *****
  1704. >Wolf School Armor (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Rune-Forged, Witcher-Forged, Unique): made in the Forges of the Overkings' domain out of favor for helping the Endling, this set of armor was made with the direction of Adon himself wanting his new equipmarent to be like his own back home.
  1705. Incorporating rune-scribed chainmail, tough tanned leather and Berylline squares, this gives the set highly desirable protection against physical harm, and, with some additional alterations from the Forgers, is resistant to most poisons. http://imgur.com/i6SjBUO (Far right set) -INCOMPLETE.
  1706. -Armor Value: 4DR
  1707. -Armor Class: Improved Light, Full Body
  1708. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  1709. -Berylline Enhancemarent: reduces damage from natural, unnatural, Elemental, Otherworldly, and Spectral Poisons by 1/2
  1711. *****
  1713. >Trophy Knife (Weapon Traits: Unique): a single-edged, eight-inch steel skinning knife, primarily used to remove the heads of slain monsters for Witchers to show their contract holders necessary proof that a job has been completed.
  1714. Kept finely honed at all times.
  1715. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  1716. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  1717. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  1719. >Wolf School Steel Sword (Weapon Traits: Witcher-Forged, Two-Handed, Unique): a common steel longsword made to combat other beings wishing to clash steel to steel.
  1720. The handle is wrapped in black leather with straight steel hand guards, and features a cylindrical pommel etched with a wolf on both sides.
  1721. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed OR Two-Handed
  1722. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  1723. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  1724. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  1725. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  1727. >Wolf School Silver Sword (Weapon Traits: Witcher-Forged, Two-Handed, Unique): not to be confused by the name, the main material composing the sword is actually a rare meteoric iron which is then coated in pure silver.
  1728. The handle is wrapped in black leather, hand guards at a 45 degree angle, with a single basic wolf's head sculpted as the pommel.
  1729. Used specifically to fight monsters that are weak to silver, obviously.
  1730. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed OR Two-Handed
  1731. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  1732. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  1733. -Mystical Enhancemarent #1: grants a [1d6+1] <Silver Harm non-Elemarental effect against Abominations, Eldritch & Monstrous beings, and Undead
  1734. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  1735. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  1737. *****
  1738. >SUPPLIES: none.
  1740. *****
  1742. -Swallow: a standard Witcher potion brewed from Celandine, strong alcohol, and... drowner brains. When consumed, the user gains +2HP/turn for 3 turns
  1744. *****
  1746. -Basic Medical Kit: contains 3x Bandage Rolls, 3x Antiseptic Doses, and a pouch of painkillers
  1748. *****
  1749. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  1750. >Pocket Beastiary: a small hand-written journal containing comprehensive information on every known monster, specter, and draconid, including several subspecies.
  1751. Gives descriptions, usual forms of habitation, and most importantly: weaknesses and how to kill them.
  1753. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  1754. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  1756. >Witcher's Guide to Alchemy: an updated copy given to all Witchers upon beginning on their Path.
  1757. *Includes recipes on all known Witcher potions, decoctions, sword oils, and bombs.
  1759. -Wolf Medallion: earned during the Trial of the Grasses, this silver medallion is shaped to resemble a fierce wolf baring its fangs.
  1760. *Sensitive to magic, it will vibrate and tug in the direction of curses, charms, and spells.
  1763. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1764. Bubba:
  1766. *****
  1767. Currency: 130 Silver US Dollars
  1769. *****
  1771. >Kevlar Helmet
  1772. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to most of the head
  1773. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  1774. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  1776. >Plate Carrier Vest
  1777. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to the chest
  1778. -Armor Class: Light
  1780. *****
  1781. >UNIQUE ARMOR:
  1782. >Island Drakehide Bodysuit (Custom-Fit, Personal, Sea's Bounty Made): a highly durable, overlapping suit comprised of a heavy, form fit coat with six pockets, 8-pocket cargo pants (how?), heavy gloves with thin fingertips, and even heavier boots. Made from nine entire Island Drakehides, custom fit to one filly's exacting specifications for comfortable and fairly protective extended wear.
  1783. Except for the gloves and soles on the boots, the exterior is covered in small half-triangular, half-oval scales that are an equal mixture of light gray and dark blue, providing excellent neutral colorations that aren't out of place in the Underdark or Void.
  1784. The bizarre color-shifting threads used to stitch it together constantly roil in dark blue and red colorations, yet are durable enough to resist a diamond-honed edge.
  1785. All in all, this is one of the best armor sets created by a certain filly of the Sea's Bounty sub-clan.
  1786. ("He didn't even ask her name." -Naliyna)
  1787. -Armor Value: provides 3DR to the entire body except the head
  1788. -Natural Enhancemarent #1: the wearer's sounds are decreased by 50% at all times
  1789. -Natural Enhancemarent #2: ignores 1/2 of all Fire damage, whether natural, physical, or magical, except Eldritch and some incorporeals
  1790. -Natural Enhancemarent #3: ignores 1/2 of ALL Plasma damage
  1791. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: adds +2 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  1793. *****
  1795. >Permafrost Hookblade (Weapon Traits: Artifact, Gryphon-Made, Rune-Forged, Unique): a 30" long bluesteel layered tunsgten billhook, a type of reinforced rectangular sword with a forward, upswept curved tip leading to a 3" long armor piercing spike.
  1796. A 9" long ironwood hilt is wrapped with antique frost drake hide to provide an excellent grip, and two short runic steel guards grant the wielder fairly good defense for their hand.
  1797. One of two formerly owned by Lord Sevrit of Anfang before his timely execution, it's unknown as to which gryphon smith created these several centuries ago, but it's fairly likely that their descendant really doesn't want to admit as much.
  1798. *Severely degraded due to combat damage
  1799. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  1800. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  1801. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  1802. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+1] <Permafrost Ice Elemarental attack
  1803. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  1805. *****
  1807. >M1 Garand (Weapon Traits: Personal): a classic semi-automatic G.I. battle rifle used during World War 2 eras on most human worlds, fed from a uniquely shaped, 8 round En Bloc compression clip. Comes with a preinstalled bipod and a hard-to-remove bayonet.
  1808. *Affectionately named Gilda.
  1809. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Battle Rifle rolls
  1810. -Ammunition Class: .30-06 Springfield, Battle Rifle
  1811. -Armor Pierce: 2
  1812. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 cartridges, comes with 6x 8-round En Bloc clips
  1813. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  1814. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,100M
  1815. -Attachment #1: Bipod: adds +1 to Battle Rifle rolls only when in use
  1816. -Attachment #2: Bayonet: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls only when in use
  1817. -Modification #1: Anti-Recoil Adjustmarents, negates all recoil penalties
  1819. >Heckler & Koch USP (Weapon Traits: Personal): a full sized frame, newer generation alternative to the venerable 1911 chambered in .45ACP.
  1820. Intended to replace the venerable Colt M1911, it was never able to do so, mostly in part caused by political interference and perceived cost issues.
  1821. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  1822. -Ammunition Class: .45ACP, Magnum Small Arm
  1823. -Armor Pierce: 0
  1824. -Magazine Capacity: 12/12 cartridges. Comes with 3x magazines
  1825. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  1826. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  1828. *****
  1829. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  1830. >Advanced Lockpicks: 4 sets of human-sized lockpicks made from a tungsten-titanium composite on a titanium ring, featuring 12 specific tools for defeating tumbler, wire, and snare type locks.
  1831. -Adds +2 to all Lockpicking rolls
  1833. >Covil Gray Granite Script Slab, Small: a sheet of dull gray granite, 10" tall, 8" wide, 1/4" thick, the center covered in an obscure, jagged and virtually illegible script known as 'Covil'.
  1834. The land mass known as Coville was once a large continent far south of Neighsia and far west of Sydneigh, inhabited solely by earth ponies roughly 3,200 years prior to the current era before disappearing from records.
  1835. Only a few hooffulls of ponies in Equestria understand some of the peculiar language due to the depressingly low numbers of such slabs in existence, which makes relics such as these highly valuable in the eyes of researchers.
  1837. >Frostame Chunk, Small: a roughly fist-sized piece of dull white-blue crystalline material that absorbs, negates, and transmutes thermal energies, whether physical, magical, or Elemarental, into a small bubble of direct Ice magic, considered fully extinct.
  1838. One of numerous materials lost throughout Tallus history, Frostame is a crystalline semi-biometal that is roughly as dense as bronze, more ductile than zero-gravity hi-alloy steels, and nearly as difficult to damage as sapphirine, though it fractures like quartz when subjected to specific acute angled blunt force in its raw state.
  1839. Thousands of years before the Dynasty formed and the Crystal Kingdom sent thousands of advisors, researchers, and experimarentors to study the strange materials found throughout Equestria as a whole, large amounts of Frostame were recovered from what is now the Lower Crystal Empire Plains and was used in the same mareners as modern coldstones, though Frostame itself is considered a primal Elemarent and thus never needs to be reharmonized.
  1840. *This particular specimaren was found inside a small amber chunk after being recovered by Sea's Bounty denizens of Cairn Wharf
  1841. At a current value of 1,000 Bits, proper treatmarent and polishing would easily double the market value, though the extreme rarity of a raw piece makes it considerably more valuable than first appearances would suggest.
  1843. >Stealth Boots: a custom pair of replacement boots made by either Kraut, Spiral, or both, imbued with small traces of the Underdark's notorious 'quiet' influence.
  1844. -Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  1846. >Unknown Formicidae Specimaren: an impressively large example consisting of a 1' long, 8" tall, 5.8" wide bright yellow ant from an undetermined Formicidae order. Speculated to be from the Coville landmass on Tallus, it's well preserved in a fossilized large chunk of questionable amber.
  1847. An unusually sturdy stinger approximately 2" long and serrated snapping mandibles indicate this to be most likely from a 'soldier' caste, or perhaps a specialized species as a whole.
  1848. This particular one is definitely extinct so far as Equestrian researchers know due to a number of preserved examples, and hasn't been noted elsewhere on Tallus.
  1850. >Unknown Planar Driftwood: a large, twisted chunk of water-worn, dull orange driftwod from a partial root section. Where this piece came from and what causes it to emit a painful, stinging jolt is equally questionable as to how it arrived on Tallus.
  1851. From direct obversation, it may have links to the Mechano-Planar Rift, home of the Constructs
  1853. *****
  1854. >SUPPLIES: none
  1856. *****
  1857. >COMMON ITEMS: Gas Mask, Night Vision Goggles, Playing Cards, Remote Detonator, Skillet, Thermal Goggles
  1859. *****
  1860. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x of each M67 Frag & C4 Brick
  1862. *****
  1863. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Antibiotics, 2x Bandage Rolls, 2x Emergency Medical Pouches, 1x Morphine Syrettes, 1x Painkillers, 1x Wound Dressing
  1865. *****
  1866. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  1867. >Island's Grace: a small, 2" in diameter and 3" in length, light brown ovoid coconut suspended on a simple silk necklace. Reportedly produced from either a Planar or Extra-Dimarensional tree that only grows on a number of highly dangerous, volcanic archipelagoes southeast and south from Cairn Wharf in the Lower Equestrian Moors.
  1868. Island's Grace coconuts are a rarity amongst the Ferron and jealously guarded, particularly due to being found drifting in the hazardous sea washes from the Crag Moors all the way to the Mareixican coastline.
  1869. When a living being pinches the three "eyes", in reality seed-pores, this tiny coconut's top can be cleanly torn off to expose a thick, delicious smelling and tasting milk, though curiously without any flesh inside.
  1870. Upon drinking the substance, living beings experience a rapid, long lasting healing effect that rivals the best of modern regeneration elixirs.
  1871. *The consumer MUST roll [1d6+1] <Island's Grace Restoration each turn until a maximum of 10 turns have passed
  1872. *IF the consumer has not regenerated at least 40HP, on the 11th turn they will then automagically, and PAINFULLY, regenerate an additional 20HP or 25% of their HP, whichever is less
  1874. -Nautilus Pearl: while not round, at all, this squiggly rainbow colored 'leaf' is actually the pearl formed from a Nautilus, and when infused to armor grants some of it's previous owner's protective qualities.
  1875. *Adds 1DR and reduces all Elemental damage by 1/4
  1877. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  1878. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  1880. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  1881. Clemency:
  1883. *****
  1885. >Armored Ribbon's Flight Suit (Armor Traits: Advanced, Crystal-Forged, Unique): an advanced, thinly armored, lightweight full body aviator's suit, with a Ribbon marking on both the chest and red stripes on the legs, signifying Clemency as a true Ace of the skies.
  1886. *Touched by the Empress
  1887. -Armor Value: provides 3DR, full body
  1888. -Armor Class: Unarmored Modified
  1889. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  1890. -Minor Auto-Regen: restores +1HP/turn and prevents Bleeding
  1891. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: reduces the harm caused by ALL Eldritch, Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead attacks, whether physical, marental, or spiritual, by 1/4
  1892. -Reactive Enchantmarent #1: when struck by any non-physical attack (such as offensive weapon Elemarental enchantmarents, Casting, Druidry, Necromarecy, Psionicism, or any other non-physical forms of harm) grants an AUTOMATIC defensive [1d6+X] <Dissonant Gravity ability that ignores DR and is virtually impossible to Block or Evade, returning harm to the FIRST attacker during the previous turn, where +X is the highest modifier from any attacker's rolls that successfully struck Clemency during the previous turn
  1894. >Reinforced Ribbon's Flight Helmet (Armor Traits: Advanced Orbital Era Technology, Custom, Personal, Unique): A unique low-visibility, armored head's up display helmet that allows Clemency to Mark and identify enemies, allies, and neutral targets to other Operators once the Radar function has been used.
  1895. Comes with a fully integrated advanced radio commarend & control suite, a self-contained air filtration system, and paired internal liquid plasma display screens, one of which is usually displaying images from the M-S.O.L.G.
  1896. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to the entire head
  1897. -Armor Class: Light Helmet, Modified
  1898. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  1899. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: grants a +3 <Night Vision modification to a single Perception type roll
  1900. -Electronic Enhancemarent #2: grants a [1d6] <Radar capability, able to search for active and inactive targets out to a 3 mile radius, also able to function well under light weather conditions. Makes a highly acceptable 'ping' sound when activated
  1901. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  1903. *****
  1905. >Crystal Executioner's Kukri (Weapon Traits: Crystal-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a 180% larger version of a traditional kukri, this weapon was forged by Spiral from a pair of Imperial crystalline blades, and purposefully created to Twisted Wing's exacting Starborn weaponry standards.
  1906. Pegasi inscriptions cover the diamondine coated handle, with a caricature of Twisted Wing in Lunar Guardian General armor emblazoned on each facing, smirking on one side of the blade, and her younger self smiling cheerfully on the other.
  1907. Enhanced by Naliyna with a minor Imperial rune of the Ethereal plane, this weapon deals full damage to incorporeal beings, even those outside the physical spectrums. (“I really need to remake it since Spiral was utterly clueless on Empire crystal.”)
  1908. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  1909. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  1910. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  1911. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+1] <Ethereal Strike anti-Elemarental, causes double damage to Otherworldly, Spectral, and Undead beings
  1912. -Blade and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  1914. *****
  1916. -Colt M1911 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern upgrade of the venerable 1911 .45ACP, with tighter tolerances, slightly better handling, range, and ergonomics.
  1917. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  1918. -Ammunition Class: .45 ACP, Magnum Small Arm
  1919. -Armor Pierce: 0
  1920. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges. Comes with 2x magazines
  1921. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  1922. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  1924. -SPAS-12 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern improvemarent on previous military styled pump-action designs such as the venerable M37 and the more recent SPAS-10.
  1925. This French-built (or equivalent) shotgun was thoroughly redesigned from its predecessor, given select improvements, and was also engineered to function as a semi-automatic through the use of a selector switch, allowing enhanced flexibility in either breaching or assault roles.
  1926. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Shotgun rolls
  1927. -Ammunition Capacity: 6/6 shells, comes with 12 buckshot & 6 slug
  1928. -Armor Pierce: 2 for slugs, 4 for darts, 5 for finned darts
  1929. -Ammunition Type #1: buckshot and flechettes have an optimal range of 50M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 10M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 80M. Comes with 8x Buckshot
  1930. -Ammunition Type #2: standard darts and slugs have an optimal range of 80M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 140M. Comes with 4x Slugs
  1931. -Ammunition Type #3: finned darts have an optimal range of 120M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 160M
  1932. *Utilized to construct the Blackhorn
  1934. *****
  1936. >Blackhorn (Special Weapon Traits: Heavy, Unique Legendary Construct Nanolathed Weapon): a severe modification based on weapons from the Construct that it originally came from.
  1937. An imposing, heavily overbuilt, squat shotgun featuring green body paint with black trim paint, the ergonomics balancing brutal military design and civil comfort standards.
  1938. A ridiculously thick, partial sound suppressing barrel with an adjustable venting dial ahead of the chamber seems to have been explicitly designed for extended engagements.
  1939. Features a standard picatinny rail, currently occupied by iron sights front and rear. Similar to those found on other Construct weapons, a curiously named rectangular optic with target analysis and identification systems is mounted off right, allowing either the irons or optic to be used without scope creep.
  1940. While it SHOULD be chambered for 12 gauge shells, and can still accept them, the Construct biotechnology used to approximate the human specific shells has taken an entirely different route: a full automated regenerative matrix produces shells randomly each turn via unknown means.
  1941. A frictionless drum magazine complete with a proto-steel interlinked shell clip system allows Blackhorn to (theoretically) feed infinitely.
  1942. Due to the previous limitations, Clemency must tell or manually operate Blackhorn to accept which type of shell he desires each turn, indicated by one of three icons in the optic's rear plate: three finned flechettes, a solid rod, or a finned dart.
  1943. *Takes double damage from Lightning Elements which will also shut it down for 1 turn while the system reboots, and can be temporarily knocked out of commission by EMP weapons
  1944. *Though attuned to Clemency, Blackhorn will, with his permission, allow other Operators to take it into the field, though must be returned IMMEDIATELY after an Operation is completed
  1945. -Armor Value: 90 Armor
  1946. -Armor Durability: 2DR
  1947. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Shotgun rolls
  1948. -Ammunition Capacity: 30/30 shells, regenerates [1d6] shells each turn
  1949. -NeuroOptic P1 Targeting Scope: adds +1 to all Shotgun rolls & +3 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  1950. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: Integrally Suppressed Barrel: this weapon is 50% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 5 or higher in order to identify direction fired from
  1951. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #2: Gravitronic Anti-Recoil Adjustment: negates all recoil penalties
  1952. *When targeting Armored/Heavily Armored, Electronic, or Mechanical targets Clemency must add +2 to all Shotgun rolls
  1953. *Rank 1 Progress: 0/999
  1955. >Ammunition Type #1: Stabilized Macro-Core Flechettes
  1956. -Armor Pierce: 3
  1957. *Grants an additional [1d6+8] <Shred roll that deals double damage against Electronic and Mechanical targets
  1958. -Optimal Range: 60M with a -1 penalty to all rolls per 30M beyond this range
  1959. -Maximum Range: 120M
  1961. >Ammunition Type #2: Kinetic Iso-Magnetic Rods
  1962. -Armor Pierce: 4
  1963. *Grants an additional [1d6+8] <Kinetic Rod roll that deals double damage against Fragile and Electronic targets
  1964. -Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty to all rolls per 50M beyond this range
  1965. -Maximum Range: 250M
  1967. >Ammunition Type #3: Recalibrated Finned Darts
  1968. -Armor Pierce: 6
  1969. *Grants an additional [1d6+8] <Solid State Puncture roll that deals double damage against Armored and Heavily Armored targets
  1970. -Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 100M beyond this range
  1971. -Maximum Range: 500M
  1973. *****
  1974. >SUPPLIES: none
  1976. *****
  1977. >COMMON ITEMS: L-Flashlight, Map, Multi-tool, Radio
  1979. *****
  1980. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  1982. *****
  1983. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, EMS Bag
  1985. *****
  1986. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  1987. >Ambusher's Return Flight Seal: an ancient, small white and blue coin, the same size as a 100 Bit gold piece, with a pair of white iron pegasi wings melded on the opposite edges.
  1988. The white face depicts a pegasi ambusher with a twin-beamed lance diving downwards, the blue face displaying the same ambusher covered in bandages and returning without it's lance.
  1989. When enchanted to a living being, this archaic seal imbues the owner with an exceptional Slowfall-Float enchantmarent.
  1990. -If Clemency does not attack during a turn he must add +2 all Sprint rolls and utilize a Float enchantmarent, OR utilize a limited form of Flight up to 10 feet above any solid object, at any time
  1991. -Adds +2 to all Flight rolls
  1992. -Permarenently enchanted to him
  1994. >Bloodstone: a small teardrop shaped bloodstone with an infused regenerative enchantmarent, created by a Grandmaster Crystal Singer of the Starborn. Most are created in the Empire, making them exclusively rare.
  1995. -When enchanted to a living being or armor, the owner gains +1HP/turn
  1996. -Currently enchanted to his armor
  1998. -Circle of the Unbroken Mind: a circle engraved on a crystalline coin that resonates a nearly impenetrable background hum and distortion, preventing mental intrusion from psions, Eldritch, Otherworldly, Planar, or Spectral beings, as well as other methods of contact.
  1999. -Also adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
  2000. -Permarenently enchanted to him
  2002. -Defencer's Rune Shield: somewhat smaller than a buckler, this is a three-pronged crystalline shield meant to be attached as a frontal chest plate on Imperial Warden armor, covered in multiple runes that provide additional protection from beings unnatural to Tallus.
  2003. -Reduces ALL damage from Eldritch, Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead beings by 1/4, including ranged and esoteric attacks
  2004. -Currently enchanted to his armor
  2006. -Flawless Moon Orb: a flawless sphere cut from the Hall of Tartarus, one of the enormous sub-structures within Luna's Citadel on the Moon, typically given to Lunar Guardian Nightblade and other Lunar Elites.
  2007. These are a requiremarent for all Starborn to carry as a means to contact and directly speak with the Nightmare or other Lunars during missions.
  2008. -Currently owned by him.
  2010. -Luna's Vintage Moor Wines: a collection of uniquely flavored vintage Moor wines, brewed by Luna herself once per year.
  2011. -Year suspected to be 29,981
  2012. *10/12 remaining
  2014. -Lunar Shard: a 5" long triangular fragmarent from the Moon, a remnant from the Citadel's construction. Unlike the other pieces of the Moon, these hold no special powers, and are given by Luna as a token of appreciation to those whom have served her children honorably.
  2015. -Currently owned by him
  2017. -Riftseeker Armor Plate: a 2'x2' bright orange plate taken from a Riftseeker, the second largest known Rift construct to have been encountered on Tallus.
  2018. While the alloyed armor used to create the physical forms of Rift constructs is impossible to replicate, they provide exceptional protection against casters and others skilled in directed esoteric abilities, returning a portion of said harm done using a unique electromagnetic gravitational effect that is capable of bypassing shielding, striking most attackers unerringly.
  2019. -When enchanted to armor, if Clemency is struck by an offensive weapon Elemarental enchantmarents, Casting, Druidry, Necromarecy, Psionicism, Shamareism, or any other non-physical forms of harm, he is granted an AUTOMATIC defensive [1d6+X] <Dissonant Gravity ability
  2020. *This ability ignores DR and is virtually impossible to Block or Evade, returning harm to the FIRST attacker during the previous turn, where +X is the highest physical modifier from any attacker's rolls that successfully struck Clemency
  2022. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2023. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2025. -Vitriole Drake Phase-Blood: a small amount of a unique drake's blood that was capable of phasing in and out of reality at will, the irregularities and possible toxins removed by Spiral.
  2026. -Adds +1 to all Evasion rolls
  2027. -Permarenently enchanted to him
  2029. *****
  2030. -The M-S.O.L.G., short for "Strategic Orbital Linear Gun", is a miniature version of the Osean Federation's space-borne satellite weapons platform built in secret for use against the Principality of Belka.
  2031. Partially completed by the end of hostilities, after it's abandonmarent the original S.O.L.G. was seized by the Grey Men, repurposed for use to coincide with the Belkan Federation's attempted continental takeover of Osea.
  2032. Unlike Stonehenge, which was intended to protect against the remnants of asteroid Ulysses 1994XF04, the original S.O.L.G. was purely designed to attack ground targets, particularly cities and heavily fortified military installations which would otherwise require penetrating nuclear weaponry, and it's predecessor, the M-S.O.L.G., is equipped for the same purposes.
  2033. Again unlike the original, this variant is armed with an array of three consecutive mass driver cannons, six racks of anti-spacecraft missiles, and a small TLS (Tactical Laser System) capable of wiping out a single squadron of aircraft, although it needs time to recharge between uses.
  2034. This version, far smaller than the original designs, retains exceptional electronics, communications, and signal intelligence packages, a semi-autonomous matrix that will defend itself if attacked, electromagnetic and radar scanning capabilities, and a 40MM ground-sight aperture lens for sighting targets.
  2035. For it's size, it is capable of deploying an impressive amount of firepower.
  2036. *STATUS: extent of damage unknown
  2038. >M-S.O.L.G. ABILITIES:
  2039. -Small Mass Driver: an electromagnetic mass driver that delivers a 5-pound tungsten rod at approximately 2,400MPH, capable of outright annihilating a superheavy tank or even the hardiest of super-bombers.
  2040. *Ammunition remaining: 20/20
  2041. *Utilizes a [1d6+40] roll, up to twice per Operation.
  2043. -Medium Mass Driver: an EM mass driver that delivers a 10-pound tungsten rod at approximately 2,200MPH, capable of flattening an underground bunker or destroying the majority of a large mansion.
  2044. *Ammunition remaining: 10/10
  2045. *Utilizes a [1d6+60] roll, and can be deployed once per Operation
  2047. -Large Mass Driver: an EM mass driver that delivers a 20-pound tungsten rod at approximately 2,000MPH, capable of flattening a colossal marension or collapsing all but the largest naval ships.
  2048. *Ammunition remaining: 4/5
  2049. *Utilizes a [1d6+100] roll, and can be deployed once every other Operation.
  2051. -Space-borne Missile Racks: two fire-and-forget micro-QAAM missile racks, and two guided heavy micro-SAAM missile racks remaining in reserve, located on starboard and port rack arrays.
  2052. These missiles have no targeting solutions and are only used to defend the M-S.O.L.G. against semi-close ranged space-borne threats.
  2054. -Tactical Laser System: a large component of the M-S.O.L.G.'s weapons array, this TLS is virtually the same used by the highly experimarental prototype FALKEN, a superiority aerofighter, featuring a second-of-angle firing solution guided by either the 40MM aperture lens or a pilot helmet's built in targeting software.
  2055. The M-S.O.L.G.'s thorium reactor, along with it's solar collecting sails, are required to unleash this fearsome weapon, though it's smaller size means it cannot effectively target and destroy as much as the original was capable of.
  2056. *When deploying the TLS, from one to five targets may be isolated and registered as hostile, whereupon the M-S.O.L.G. will delegate 5x [1d6+20] <Orbital Tactical Laser strikes upon it's targets, though this can only be used once every other Operation.
  2059. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2060. Corsen:
  2062. *****
  2063. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none
  2065. *****
  2067. >Folding Knife: unenchanted
  2068. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  2070. -Hatchet: unenchanted
  2071. -Melee Weapon Class: Medium
  2073. *****
  2075. -Makarov PB-1 (Weapon Traits: Personal): an ancient, aging, small framed semi-automatic pistol using the 9x39MM cartridge. Designed specifically to use an advanced (for the time) suppressor for assassinations, although it's range greatly suffers due to using low velocity ammunition.
  2076. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2077. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2078. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2079. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2080. -Maximum Optimal Range: 30M with a -1 penalty per 20M beyond this range
  2081. -Maximum Effective Range: 70M
  2082. -Attachment #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% suppressed, requiring a roll of 7 or higher on Perception to determine the direction fired from
  2084. -RPG-7 (Weapon Traits: Bulky, Heavy, Personal): an old, mostly maintained rocket-assisted grenade launching system, heavily worn and greatly showing the effects of it's archaic mareufacture.
  2085. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  2086. -Ammunition Class: Explosive, no Warheads remaining
  2087. -Maximum Optimal Range: 200M with a penalty of -1 per 100M beyond this range
  2088. -Maximum Effective Range: 800M
  2090. *****
  2091. >SUPPLIES: 2x Canteens, 2x Vodka, 2 Liter Water Canister
  2093. *****
  2094. >COMMON ITEMS: Basic Tool Box, Canterlot Map, 4x Chemlights, Gas Mask, L-Flashlight, Multitool, Plutonium Core, 2x Road Flares, 3x Rolls of Rope, Thermal Monocular
  2096. *****
  2097. >EXPLOSIVES: 1x Poison Gas
  2099. *****
  2100. >ALCHEMY ITEMS: 2x Dampener, 2x slices of Blue Changeling Mushroom (Severe Hallucinogen), 2x slices of Green Changeling Mushroom (Moderate Hallucinogen), 2x slices of Red Changeling Mushroom (Light Hallucinogen)
  2102. -Drug Pellets: 9/10 remaining. Capable of warping one's perception, a single pellets' effects can last for 10 minutes.
  2103. Common symptoms are dissolution of shapes and colors with rare consumers being able to see colors that are beyond the normal spectrums.
  2104. *All Alchemy ranks: adds +1 to all Reaction Speed rolls, but incurs a -1 penalty to all Perception-type rolls
  2106. -Lightning Powder: 21 grams/25 grams total. A smooth, unremarkable yellow powder. Increases one's reflexes drastically from anywhere between 4-6 minutes per 4 grams ingested, though the consumer is incredibly twitchy and prone to drooling.
  2107. *All Alchemy ranks: adds +1 to all Block/Flight/Parry/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls, but incurs a -1 penalty to all Barter/Demoralize/Intimidation/Leadership/Negotiation rolls
  2108. *Side Effect #1: if more than 6 grams are consumed, the consumer still adds +1 to all Block/Flight/Parry/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls, suffers a -2 penalty to all Barter/Demoralize/Intimidation/Leadership/Negotiation rolls, and suffers 1/2 less harm from Lightning Elemarental damage
  2109. *Side Effect #2: if more than 10 grams are consumed, the consumer still adds +1 to all Block/Flight/Parry/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls, suffers a -3 penalty to all Barter/Demoralize/Intimidation/Leadership/Negotiation rolls, suffers 1/2 less harm from Lightning Elemarental damage, and gains a [1d6] <Lightning Elemarental attack; however, this amount of Powder has been known to cause near-permarenent damage to living beings
  2111. -1 Liter of Refined Rainbow Rum: a tall crystal vial glowing filled with an illuminating rainbow liquid that is warm to the touch, a thick wax layer enveloping the glass cork containing the multi-colored contents.
  2112. Taken in small doses, this alcoholic beverage is fantastic for orgies, or for remaining awake during fancy parties, but taken in higher doses it has been known to be used as a substitute for common Elixirs.
  2113. Rumors suggest this colored liquid is made from rainbows created in Cloudsdale, but nopony really knows for sure
  2114. *All Alchemy ranks: when consumed, grants a [1d6+2] <Healing effect immediately after use
  2115. *All Alchemy ranks: when consumed, grants a [1d6] <Cure: All, the effect of which reduces the harm caused by all non-physical attacks, including harm caused by Eldritch and Spectral beings.
  2116. *May also have other uses, though it hasn't been tested enough to determine the potential effects
  2118. *****
  2121. *****
  2123. -Knit Wool Bag: comprised of tightly knitted white wool with a silk noose to open and close it at will, wide enough for even an Earth Pony to access.
  2124. *Currently being used to transport all of Corsen's.. probably (definitely) less than legal drugs
  2127. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2128. Dante:
  2130. *****
  2132. >Blackened Regal Heart's Fear Armor (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Eldritch-Forged, Unique Legendary Eldritch Artifact): a standard production armor developed by Spiral, devised by melding together multiple sets of kevlar armor into a single bodysuit.
  2133. Was later modified by the addition of large semi-flexible titanium inserts atop Regent plates to protect non-joint regions, then further reinforced by the addition of an armor charm.
  2134. *Touched by the Empress
  2135. -Armor Value: provides 4DR, full body
  2136. -Armor Class: Enhanced Light
  2137. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  2138. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls in dark conditions
  2139. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: grants 2x [1d6+6] <Deflect Magic defensive rolls
  2140. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: Heart's Fear, adds +2 to all Intimidation rolls
  2142. >Titanium Poison-Jet Shield (Armor Traits: Artifact, Magitek-Forged, Unique Permarenent Legendary Void Artifact): a defensively based titanium kite shield of standard shape, stored in the Void.
  2143. At any time, Dante may summon it to his current location at will, either to be carried with him, worn, or placed to act as a stationary shield.
  2144. -Armor Value: provides +2DR when worn on the back or when used to Bash or Shield Charge with
  2145. -Armor Class: Light Shield
  2146. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/2
  2147. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +2 to and grants an additional Block roll
  2148. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: when the shield is struck, Dante has the choice of inflicting a [1d3] <Paralyze effect on the attacker, where a result of 1 has no effect, a result of 2 paralyzes the target by 50% for 1 turn, and a result of 3 completely incapacitates the target for 1 turn, OR a [1d3] <Poison Fatigue effect, where a result of 1 will have no effect, a result of 2 causes a -3 penalty to all the target's rolls for 1 turn, and a result of 3 causes a -6 penalty to all of the target's rolls for 1 turn.
  2149. *Both of these abilities may ONLY be used against living opponents, and the target will become immune for 3 turns afterwards
  2150. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  2152. *****
  2154. >Cretalva Twinblade (Weapon Traits: Cretalva-Forged, Glyph-Carved, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a 4'8" long shaft of mixed kanpri and lightweight Gozkan steel attached to a pair of partially serrated 2' blades, a single large spike protruding from the rear of each in order to balance out this weapon's weight and unique shape.
  2155. While dual-bladed weaponry such as this example are typically difficult to perform effective attacks with, Krinza introduced a number of engineering principles to control it's sweep and arc strikes by thinning and lightening the blades slightly, allowing a perfect center of balance in the exact center of the haft.
  2156. Later splitting the haft in half, Krinza carved a deep V-notch into each new hilt, allowing Dante to disconnect the twinblade and use each as a long handled blade, despite their awkward length. Grandmaster reforged by Krinza.
  2157. *Protected by the Empress
  2158. -Melee Weapon Class: Two-Handed OR Dual One-Handed
  2159. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2160. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  2161. -Armor Pierce: 2 (negates 2DR)
  2162. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+3] <Cretalva Poison Mystic Elemarental strike
  2163. -Offensive Enchantmarent #2: grants a [1d2] <Shatter ability: a result of 1 disables weapon enchantmarents, and a result of 2 disables armor enchantmarents for 1 turn, though this effect may ONLY occur once every 3rd turn
  2164. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: Sticky, nearly impossible to disarm
  2165. -Modification #1: Dual-Wield Defense: Grants an additional Block roll ONLY when separated into two blades
  2167. >Enchanted Kukri
  2168. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2169. -Offensive Enchantmarent: [1d6] <Shadow Elemarental attack
  2171. *****
  2173. -Mk. I Magnum Research Desert Eagle (Weapon Traits: Personal): a heavy, worn, well maintained semi-automatic pistol in .44 Magnum from the previous generation, Dante's personal sidearm.
  2174. Once known for it's terribly cheap and short-lived springs, Anon replaced said springs with high grade "spares" from somewhere.
  2175. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2176. -Ammunition Class: .44 Magnum, Magnum Small Arms
  2177. -Armor Pierce: 1
  2178. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2179. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  2180. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  2182. -MG3 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a post-WW2 heavy machine gun designed to both replace the MG42 and introduce standardized ammunition in the form of the 7.62x51MM NATO cartridge, although most all MG3 variants share an 80% parts interchangeability with the M42. Also equipped with a flashlight.
  2183. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  2184. -Armor Pierce: 2
  2185. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x51MM NATO, Battle Rifle
  2186. -Ammunition Belt Size: 100 cartridges. Comes with 3x belt-fed cans
  2187. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  2188. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  2189. -Attachmarent #1: Scope: adds +1 to Heavy Weapons rolls & adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  2190. -Attachmarent #2: Bipod: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls only when in use
  2191. -Attachmarent #3: Flashlight: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  2193. *****
  2194. >SUPPLIES: Canteen
  2196. *****
  2197. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Gas Mask, Flint & Steel, Ham Radio, Lighter, Lighter Fluid, Map, Multi-tool, 4x Rope, 2x Rum, Shovel, Wire Cutters
  2199. *****
  2200. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x Smoke
  2202. *****
  2203. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  2204. -Burst Pendant: allows a [1d6+20] <Lightning Strike Area of Effect (AoE) ranged magic attack with a 10M radius, ONCE per Operation, that deals double damage to large enemies.
  2206. -Cat's Eye Agate Headband: adds +1 to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls when in adverse conditions, ie: night, snow, sand, etc.
  2208. -Cloudwalk Pendant: a white pendant formed from compressed and woven cloud material. While worn it allows Dante to move normally on, and even climb, clouds and cloud materials.
  2210. -Cragbreaker Heart: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
  2211. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2213. -Cragburrower Tongue: grants immunity to all naturally occurring Poisons and Toxins, whether native to Tallus or not.
  2214. *Reduces the harm from alchemical, Casting, and Mystical Poisons and Toxins by 1/2.
  2215. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2217. -Daykiller Artifact: a 4" in diameter jet black sphere, the interior a constantly shifty mass of contained Void essences. An archaically produced artifact created by the Nightmare, an unknown, but likely small, number of Daykillers were created in an effort to provide exceptional concealmarent for Lunar Guardian, then much later, Starborn, members during very high risk missions.
  2218. How Lucky got ahold of this one, nopony seems to know. ("Nope, it was stolen." -Naliyna)
  2219. *If Dante does not take part in an Operation, an Operator may retrieve it from him for use, but the Daykiller MUST be returned to him after the Operation is completed.
  2220. *ONCE per Operation roll [1d6], the result is the number of turns a temporary bubble of the Underdark's notorious 'quiet' influence covers a 150M radius, preventing all forms of light (except for magical ones) from being seen
  2221. *The user is unaffected, as are those with a deep connection to the Underdark (Jeff & Mercy for example), psions with an active Mind's Eye, or casters with Arcane Perception or similar, though Casters and Psions will suffer a -2 penalty to ALL esoteric abilities
  2222. *Night Vision/Thermal/Infrared abilities can be used to view through the Underdark bubble
  2223. *Causes a -4 penalty to all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival for 2 turns after the effect fades
  2225. -Diamond Studded Titanium MP3 Player: contains a vast library of music, and seems to have varying effects on fashion oriented mares
  2227. -Heart's Fear: a highly intelligent, cunning, and utterly remorseless, shape-shifting near-Eldtritch being that takes random forms, usually those of nearby hostile creatures. Can also mimic the shape of powerful enchantmarents in proximity.
  2228. Long known as one of the greatest Planar menaces, Heart's Fear are reviled opponents that require godlike willpower to combat due to their capabilitys of creating and inducing the precise mental imagery, sounds, and of what the target fears most.
  2229. ("Another stolen one..." -Naliyna)
  2230. *Adds +2 to all Intimidation rolls
  2231. *Currently enchanted to his armor
  2233. -Lunar Seal: grants Armor Pierce 2 (negates 2DR) to a weapon and allows a [1d2] <Shatter ability; a result of 1 disables weapon enchantmarents, while a result of of 2 disables armor enchantmarents.
  2234. *This effect lasts one turn and may only be used every 3rd turn
  2235. *Currently enchanted to his weapon.
  2237. -Mimicry Locket: a simple copper locket, incapable of being opened, that lets Dante mimic the voices of ponies that he's heard before.
  2238. Originally created by Spiral after his disastrous attempt to utilize the Elemarental cores recovered from a Dynasty era city-state for the purpose of allowing him to speak normally, just in case his body becomes overtaken by a single Elemarent.
  2239. *Allows a [1d6+1] <Voice Mimicry roll, and is capable of being upgraded
  2240. *Currently owned by him
  2242. -Regal Sphere: a purple 'ring' that seems to be able to flow through dimarensions, itself appearing as flat disc, though it has no reverse and looks to be entirely one dimarensional.
  2243. *Grants a [1d6+2] <Deflect Magic ability to armor
  2244. *Currently enchanted to his armor.
  2246. -Relentless Escort Sigil: an ancient, moderately tarnished and faded bronze crest with an inscribed relief of an earth pony in blocky, archaic armor that bears a triangular headed lance, facing 90 degrees away from the viewer.
  2247. Only three (now four, however) known functional sigils of this type, dating back to the Middle and Late Dynasty eras, remain in use across Tallus, and due to their extreme rarity the Empire Lorekeepers and historians of Germaneigh consider them the second rarest of all known Dynasty relics.
  2248. Once awarded solely to veteran Escort wayfarers, heavily armed and armored psionic earth ponies responsible for keeping the physical roads of Equestria safe for all travelers.
  2249. The fact that certain variations are known as the 'Relentless' variants prove Empress Silver herself oversaw their creation, seeming to imply that the bearers must have been awe inspiring indeed.
  2250. *When added to armor or enchanted to a living being, adds +1 to all Assault, Block, and Ranged rolls per each active enemy opponent, up to a maximum of +3 to all rolls
  2251. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2253. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2254. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2257. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2258. Indurian:
  2260. *****
  2262. >DeFloure (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Personal, Unique): Indurian had this shield custom built after his recruit's shield, which he used well into his late twenties, shattered in the heat of battle, nearly killing him; this one being much more advanced and pleasing to the eye, or eyes.
  2263. It is forged of mythril, making it both lightweight and sturdy, and was constructed in the shape of a lotus flower. Specifically, the petals were made to bend inwards towards the wielder ever so slightly, and the edges of the petals, which stuck out almost an inch from the outer frame, had been reinforced so as to not be chopped off in battle.
  2264. Still, despite this, the thing was missing two petals. Much to the knight's annoyance.
  2265. -Armor Value: provides +2DR when used to Bash or Shield Charge with, or when worn on the back
  2266. -Armor Class: Medium Shield
  2267. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  2268. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to and grants an additional Block roll
  2270. >Knight's Mythriline Platemail (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Unique): this is Indurian's original armor, completely refurbished and custom fit by the Grandmaster Armorer Krinza.
  2271. Significantly lightened by replicating the original steel plates, instead using mythriline to keep it's structural integrity intact partial reinforcement, each additional component was replicated down to exacting details.
  2272. Krinza has retained it's structure by analyzing and researching human smithing and fitting processes, allowing him to easily modify it further for additional protection and enchantmarents once requested.
  2273. -Armor Value: provides 3DR, full body
  2274. -Armor Class: Light
  2275. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  2277. >Mythraline Platemail Helmet (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Unique): A custom fit copy of his original helmet, composed entirely of a refined lightweight whitesteel and mythril alloy, although this one weighs roughly the same as the original anyhow.
  2278. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to the entire head
  2279. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  2280. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  2281. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  2283. *****
  2285. >Celene (Weapon Traits: Custom, Unique): once a standard-issue Knight's longsword, over his years of service in Ivalice, Indurian personalized his weapon, having it reforged several times, sometimes to add things, other times because it was broken in battle.
  2286. Clocking in at a total of 51" and 4 pounds, this blade is made of hand-forged steel, with gold leaf accents and a large silver-blue gem in the pommel. It features a vertically split crossguard and an orange-leather-wrapped handle, inlaid with simple designs, almost appearing to be some kind of strange tattoo.
  2287. Indurian himself etched two names into the wide section of steel just above the crossguard: "Celene," and below this, in smaller script, "Lillianne."
  2288. -Melee Weapon Class: One-handed OR Two-Handed
  2289. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2290. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 3/3
  2291. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  2293. >Xiphos (Weapon Traits: Custom-Forged, Personal, Unique): approximately 55cm of high-carbon steel, hand-forged by the knight Indurian, bearing his makers mark just above the crossguard in the shape of a tattoo-like bull's head, this blade of Hellenic design is made primarily for slashing or chopping, as opposed to thrusting or more pinpoint methods of swordplay.
  2294. The raised central spine of the leaf-shaped blade is etched with a thin strip of floral patterns, with a simple high-carbon steel hilt, featuring a minimalistic crossguard, a handle wrapped in plain black leather, and a bare, rounded pommel.
  2295. A simple, yet tried and true design, this is the first work of the burgeoning smith's career.
  2296. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  2297. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2298. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  2299. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  2301. *****
  2303. -Hegemony Short Crossbow (Weapon Traits: Custom): a traditional Hegemony crossbow specifically used to train young minotaurs, ones approximately the height of a regular human, in the art of marksbullship.
  2304. Built similar to medieval human crossbows, this one is functionally equivalent, featuring a rounded steel hoof/boot loop for recocking, a single long steel arm, a plainly grooved ironwood body, a long steel mesh cable, a cocking lever and cable pinch, and a wide bronze-plated trigger with a simple steel guard.
  2305. Comes with a leather sling bag capable of holding 20x bolts.
  2306. -Base Modifier: none
  2307. -Ammunition Class: Archery
  2308. -Ammunition Type #1: Steel Tipped Bolts, unenchanted and otherwise plain 3' long maple shafted bolts with a standard triangular piercing tip; grants Armor Pierce 1 (negates 1DR)
  2309. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty to all Archery rolls per 75M beyond this range
  2310. -Maximum Effective Range: 400M
  2312. *****
  2313. >SUPPLIES: Water Canister
  2315. *****
  2316. >COMMON ITEMS: Blanket, Book, Box of Matches, Fishing Kit, HMA Headset, Mess Kit, Pot, 2x Rope, Sewing Kit, Sleeping Bag
  2318. *****
  2319. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 4x each of Bandage Boxes & Wound Dressings
  2321. *****
  2322. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  2323. -Capricorn Zodiac Stone: a large, glowing dark green emerald auracite piece, one of the Twelve Zodiac Stones of Ivalice legend.
  2324. This particular one contains the full metaphysical essence of Andrammalech the Wroth, also known as the Ghost of Fury, one of twelve legendary Lucavi Daemons that served under Altima, the High Seraph's commarend.
  2325. With the Capricorn Stone's possession, either Indurian and Andrammalech can make use of it's powers, depending on whichever one is dominant at the time.
  2326. With Indurian conscious, he is able to breach the spectrums of Tallus and infuse their shared body with greatly improved vigor and strength, or allow Andrammalech the ability to separate himself from Indurian into a copy of his original body using Tallus' seemingly inexhaustible arcane energies.
  2328. -Cavallade Hoofband #2 of 2. Forged by Krinza using three triangular silver, platinum, and gold rods twisted into a perfect circle, the inside flattened and inscribed with 'Bren', symbolizing the union between himself and Bren.
  2330. -Chisel Set: a basic set of 24 ash handled steel chisels, of various sizes, shapes, and lengths.
  2331. -Adds +1 to and grants an additional Sculpting roll
  2333. -Chisel Hammer: a rather bland looking maple handled hammer with a small steel head, one side a flat striking surface slightly larger than the chisel set it comes with, the other a rounded head for fine work.
  2334. Typically called a ballpeen hammer by modern humans, however.
  2335. -Adds +1 to all Sculpting rolls
  2337. -Sculpting Knife: a basic, recurved steel blade with a notched tip for engraving, mounted on an ironwood handle.
  2338. -Adds +1 to all Sculpting rolls
  2340. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2341. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2343. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2344. Ivan the Stalker:
  2346. *****
  2348. >Kevlar Helmet
  2349. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the head
  2350. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  2351. -Mechanical Enhancement: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  2353. >Plate Carrier Vest
  2354. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the chest
  2355. -Armor Class: Light
  2357. *****
  2359. -Wood Axe: a common brand of wood cutting and chopping axe, often made with a maple haft and an excellent steel alloy head. Suitable for most uses, although a bit unwieldy for combat purposes.
  2360. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2362. *****
  2363. >UNIQUE ARMOR:
  2364. -Modified Stalker Exoskeleton (Crystal-Forged, Custom-Fit, Experimental Tallus Crystal-Tech, Tallus-made, Personal): recovered from what was obviously a bad situation, in an even worse state, Ivan’s summoned Duty Exoskeleton WAS restored to basic functionality by the combined efforts of Naliyna, Helping Hoof, Lann, Krinza, and Aiutante. Before recycling almost everything except for the few pieces of a Flash artifact, of course. ("We had to build it and take it apart, otherwise Krinza wouldn't be satisfied." -Naliyna)
  2365. Fully gutting the wires, electronics, servos, and virtually everything else, including the bodysuit, the five set about copying the design using Tallus-only native materials and meta-materials, which subsequently ignores the Era Lock entirely.
  2366. Krinza chose to ignore the original's basic protection, instead utilizing woven hi-alloy Gozkan steel meshing underneath overlapping, partially flexible steel plates, enhancing mobility without burdening the frame. This removes the notorious habit of Zone exoskeletons having numerous bullet traps, and grants it a marginal level of flexibility.
  2367. Helping Hoof's technical knowledge on scribing multiple runic, arcane, and Elemarental sigils, mostly gained from Spiral’s tutelage, across complex interconnected mechanisms allowed him to further reinforce the armor’s base characteristics. Not only do these partially protect against magic, no weight is added.
  2368. Lann's expertise in human styled clothing allowed her to replace the internal jumpsuit entirely using a (relatively safe) Planar bright green leather-like substance retrieved from the Moors, and was able to integrate Naliyna's unusual requests to interweave hundreds of flexible gel-like Empire crystalline fibers throughout it.
  2369. Using a great deal of her (definitely banned, though not actually illegal to utilize) knowledge from Hodch's teachings, Aiutante went the route of imbuing the connected metallic, pseudo-metallic, and crystalline components with greater flexibility, despite the fact that hi-alloy Gozkan steel and Empire crystalline materials normally resist such.
  2370. Further modifying the external armor and internal components with (highly banned, yet not TECHNICALLY illegal) micro-enchantmarents to give all components a high degree of latent magical malleability, also making the entire exoskeleton simpler to improve upon in the future, Aiutante finished off her work by inscribing a a confoundingly difficult to translate anti-shock enchantmarent. As a result, only the heaviest weapons would produce recoil adverse enough to effect Ivan's accuracy.
  2371. Stumped for a while on how to make the armor 'move' when Ivan needs to, Naliyna's quiet studies on adapting human technologies to Crystal technologies gave her an idea:
  2372. Devising a bio-crystalline locomotive feedback system, essentially a personalized, miniature crystal hololith (without an InterPony) that imprints Ivan's movements, then translates them into degrees, fractions, and force of motion. Building off Lann’s work, Naliyna wove the thousands of Empire crystal strands together and flex-programmed the entire jumpsuit to, as a whole, act as an outer layer of musculature.
  2373. Despite the process being a bit flawed, this allows Ivan to utilize the exoskeleton as if it were an external, albeit heavy, layer of skin: as such he is able to ‘feel’ pressure and temperature as per normal. The armor translates enough data through the crystalline bio-mesh that Ivan is able to physically feel objects at an almost-normal state while being fully protected.
  2374. Satisfied that she was able to modify the system with little more than a hum, Naliyna went on to integrate a complex series of interlinked heatstones and coldstones throughout the frame's interior, giving it a highly advanced air-conditioning system in the process.
  2375. Lastly, the five debated what color to paint it, and settled for giving it a coat of 'everything' using a mixture of most every metal in the Workshop using a flawless diamond as a base.
  2376. -Armor Value: provides 5DR to the entire body, except the neck
  2377. -Armor Class: Heavy Exosuit, Minorly Modified
  2378. -Bio-Crystalline Enhancement #1: the Undercharged Crystalline Mesh-Fiber Weave greatly increase Ivan's own physical strength, adding +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls; furthermore it is incredibly difficult to disarm weapons, shields, and tools
  2379. -Bio-Crystalline Enhancemarent #2: Temperature Regulation System allows Ivan to control the exterior heat and cold levels with little more than telling it what he desires, internally he may modify the humidity and temperature with nothing more than a direct order
  2380. *Magical Enhancemarent #1: 4 Kanpri-Diamondine Artifact Containers (+1 in the Workshop currently containing pieces of a Flash artifact)
  2381. -Mechanical Enhancement #1: Moderately Tuned Tallus-made Servos allow Ivan to walk and jog at normal speeds; as such Ivan cannot roll higher than [1d6+1] when attempting to move although he is able to utilize Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed normally
  2382. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #2: Phase-Shifting Paint adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  2383. -Mechanical Enhancement #3: Solidified Bio-Crystalline Fibers allow Ivan to utilize Heavy Weapons WITHOUT penalties, except for weapons that are either too heavy or unwieldy (or both) to use
  2384. -Mechanical Enhancement #4: this Exoskeleton may be dropped (or thrown) up to 50M and land without suffering any damage, regardless of angle
  2385. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: Basic Anomalous Protection Suite grants a [1d6+5] <Elemental Resistance roll that protects against all forms of exclusively non-penetrating magic, including Druidry, Elemarental effects, Mystical, and Sorcery
  2386. *Ignores 1/2 of ALL Radiation and similar effects, can be modified further
  2388. -Modified Stalker Exohelmet (Crystal-Forged, Custom-Fit, Experimental Tech, Personal, Tallus-made): copied and built from scratch due to the original's damage, this Stalker Exohelmet’s functionality has been greatly expanded through the combined efforts of Naliyna, Helping Hoof, Lann, Auitante, and Krinza.
  2389. Helping Hoof, with some assistance from Krinza, redesigned the entire blueprint, expanding the interior several times to accommodate a complete Temperature Regulation System for Naliyna, additional space for Lann's custom work, and one of the last remaining enhanced radio suites developed by Spiral.
  2390. Improving upon the original's heavy weight by adding more, Helping Hoof cast five pieces together from a newly acquired block of Gozkan hi-alloy steel. Fit, then melded together by Krinza, the pair inscribed an extensive set of runes and sigils that would protect it from shattering, even against a minotaur’s weaponry.
  2391. Aiutante's contributions were twofold: first runing over the melded seams using micro-sigils which allow the helmet to absorb and delocalize damage while reducing all but the most extreme of concussions to virtually nothing (INCREDIBLY banned though not illegal).
  2392. The second of Auitante’s inclusions came in the form of a heavy sound dampening sigil (possibly not banned, but miserably time consuming) that wouldn't interfere with the electronic systems, and can dampen exterior sounds down to approximately 5%.
  2393. Passed over to Lann, she layered a large amount of purified Tallus-native rubber across most of the interior as an anti-spalling feature, then covered by ten layers of comfortable, sweat-wicking cotton and silk blends.
  2394. Seeing the chance to put his Grandmaster Smith skills to the test, Krinza was able to incorporate two large visor lenses, comprised of a multi-layered diamondine and rubynine meta-composite. This allows the lenses to dim, refract, and enhance light at Ivan's command, providing a (mostly) magical thermal or night vision system.
  2395. -Armor Value: provides 4DR to the entire head
  2396. -Armor Class: Modified-Heavy
  2397. -Bio-Crystalline Enhancemarent #1: Temperature Regulation System allows Ivan to control the interior's heat, cold, and humidity levels with little more than telling it what he desires
  2398. -Electronic Enhancement #1: a fully integrated Enhanced Squad-Command Radio System, one of the few remaining from before Spiral's disappearance, allows Ivan to communicate and sync with nearby Operators up to a range of 10 miles, also functioning as a transmitter up to 25 miles
  2399. -Magical Enhancemarent #1: cannot be Blinded or Defeaned without extreme measures
  2400. -Magical Enhancemarent #2: grants a [1d6+3] <Night Vision OR <Thermal roll
  2401. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: negates the duration & effects of Concussions unless caused by excessively powerful blows or force
  2402. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #2: a brand new, Tallus-made micro-flashlight created by Helping Hoof and Krinza, grants a [1d6+4] <M.Flashlight roll
  2403. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #3: an integral closed-circuit micro/macro air filtration system, based on Helping Hoof's understanding of Spiral's late technical knowledge, grants an absurd degree of protection from airborne particulates. Nearly all toxins, chemicals, elements, and even magic based pseudo-particles, including those analogous or vaguely similar to radiation, have an extremely difficult time penetrating the helmet's severely overbuilt rear-facing design
  2405. *****
  2408. *****
  2410. >Custom M134 (Special Heavy Weapon Traits: Advanced, Bulky, Heavy, Modified, Two-Handed, Unique): a custom ordered, extensively refit 70-pound 7.62x51MM NATO chaingun.
  2411. Capable of firing continuously for up to 5 minutes on end before barrel overheating becomes an issue due to Anon replacing the original barrel with a rapid heat exchanging Lumen-kanpri-tungsten composite alloy.
  2412. ["Hopefully Princess Luna won't be too angry at me. Why might she be furious? Using her preferred metal for anything other than armor is.. it's honestly a waste. I needed it at the time and she still owes me two games of strip poker. Nah, not that kind. You know how Sea's Bounty mares fear taking off their socks? We were going to hit their Beach Fort, play cards with a bunch and see just how many socks we could win off them. What a- I'd give them back after the rounds are done, the fuck you think I'd be doing!?" -Anonymous, Third Human Gestalt]
  2413. The helicopter electrical plugin system was replaced by a single unprotected medium-sized power crystal, tuned for precise voltage and amperage by Spiral, which was later shunted into an armored kanpri compartment and tuned once more via Anon's newish expertise in electrical systems.
  2414. Originally requested by one of Razorback's First 100, Anonymous has spent considerable time salvaging electronics throughout the Third Era, and begun developing new variants of laser targeting systems. Primarily focused on extending functional range and improving durability, also looking into methods to reduce shock from heavy rifles and the like, most of his efforts have been rewarded with high quality sidegrade variants such as this one.
  2415. 'Attached' between the barrels is a semi-Float core improved laser targeting system, with greatly extended range and a pseudo-gel anti-shock compound to keep it stable during firing.
  2416. Came with roughly a hundred boxed and paired 250-round cartridge belts, a manual, and an impressively large cleaning kit with instructions. Formerly left on a heavy pintle mount on the south side of Razorback Fortress' main Western Gate overlooking the clearing, when otherwise not lugged around by Hollow.
  2417. Was placed in the Armory by Hodch due to more than a few Tartarus Air Corps. pegasi using it as a springboard. He's still quite angry at their shenanigans.
  2418. *Is most definitely possessed by a Gundere from an archaic anime called ‘Gunsmith Cats’.
  2419. *Is also a Moon Chime ‘Copy’.. which means there’s ANOTHER of these somewhere in Razorback Fortress.
  2420. -Base Modifier: adds +5 to all Heavy Weapons rolls
  2421. -Ammunition Class: Special Heavy Weapon, 7.62x51MM NATO
  2422. -Armor Pierce: 4
  2423. -Ammunition Belt Size: 250/250 cartridge belt. Comes with... a lot of fucking ammo. Seriously, don't shatter your spine trying to carry all the belts
  2424. -Maximum Optimal Range: 600M with a penalty of -1 per 300M beyond this range
  2425. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,500M
  2426. -Pseudo-Crystalline Enhancement #1: Reinforced Solid-Crystalstate Laser System adds +1 to all Heavy Weapon rolls, maximum range of 1,000M
  2427. *ERA: Modified-Enhanced Late Information Age
  2429. >Dragunov (Weapon Traits: Personal): a stock squad-support rifle for use by designated marksmen, designed by many Soviet countries or their analogues, specifically for long range anti-personnel or light anti-vehicle applications, and, sometimes, assassination.
  2430. While an older design, the Dragunov, using the ubiquitous 7.62x54mmR cartridge, is still a rather common combloc/Warsaw Pact rifle to find, owing to it's ease of maintenance and excellent accuracy.
  2431. A cleverly redesigned PSO-1 scope with numerous internal chevron markings for bullet drop & elevation, windage (wind speed), and even a Generation 1 infrared system for use at night or low light conditions.
  2432. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Battle Rifle rolls
  2433. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x54mmR, Battle Rifle
  2434. -Armor Pierce: 2
  2435. -Magazine Capacity: 10/10 cartridges, comes with 4x magazines
  2436. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  2437. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  2438. -Attachmarent #1: PSO-1 Scope: adds +1 to all Battle Rifle & +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  2439. -Modification #1: Anti-Recoil Adjustmarents: negates all recoil penalties
  2441. >G36A (Weapon Traits: Personal): a Heckler & Koch made combat rifle with an integrated scope, using the 5.56x43MM NATO cartridge, and intended to replace the earlier, heavier H&K G3.
  2442. Although the G36 often suffered from overheating after several magazines and rather poor magazine while overheated, the A-variant corrected this issue with a slower firing rate, a thicker barrel, and aluminum parts rather than polymer or plastic.
  2443. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Combat Rifle rolls
  2444. -Ammunition: 5.56x43MM NATO, Combat Rifle
  2445. -Armor Pierce: 1
  2446. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges. Comes with 6x magazines
  2447. -Maximum Optimal Range: 300M with a -1 penalty per 100M beyond this range
  2448. -Maximum Effective Range: 800M
  2449. -Attachmarent #1: Integrated Scope: adds +1 to Combat Rifle rolls & +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  2451. >M9 Beretta (Weapon Traits: Personal): a common, rather ordinary semi-automatic pistol in 9MM.
  2452. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2453. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2454. -Magazine Capacity: 16/16 cartridges. Comes with 6x magazines
  2455. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2456. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  2457. -Attachmarent #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to identify the direction fired from
  2459. *****
  2460. >SUPPLIES: none
  2462. *****
  2463. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Compass, Guitar, Goggles
  2465. *****
  2466. >EXPLOSIVES: 4x Shrapnel Grenade
  2468. *****
  2469. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 8x Emergency Medical Pouches
  2471. *****
  2473. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2474. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2476. -[REDACTED] [REDACTED] PDA: a heavily modified (but probably Samsung brand) Personal Data Assistant with all of the unnecessary components and software stripped out to allow for extensive modifications and protection.
  2477. Due to the Zone's intense background radiation, interference from anomalies, propensity for bizarre damage, and other problems, all PDA's transferred, sold, or smuggled in have received extensive tinkering, either by Ecologists, the Military, internal, or external factions.
  2478. Hardened against both EMP and radiation by a clear lead-quartz armored plate atop a full color LED screen, the casing is replaced by a steel or titanium alloy, then further protected by layering various artifacts, given internal microbattery produced by tuning a Flash chunk, and lastly an integral pseudo-GPS regional mapping system completes the ensemble.
  2479. *Functions as a [1d6+4] <Map so long as regional data is acquired
  2480. *Functions as a [16+2] <Mapping System
  2481. *Functions as a radio and transceiver with a 25KM radius
  2483. *****
  2485. >Slug: a palm sized chunk of what looks like a plasticized, brown semi-clear glass, weighing one pound (or 2.2KG).
  2486. One of the more common artifacts found through the Zone, Slugs are noteworthy due to the fact that they only form in a Fruit Punch anomaly.
  2487. These pools of post-radioactive acids have exceptionally corrosive properties and can injure Stalkers within a 3M radius, which lead scientists to question how the restorative capability even functions.
  2488. *When worn Ivan may not suffer from Bleeding
  2489. *Grants a [1d6+4] <Recovery roll that heals and stops up to Moderate Bleeding, also giving +2HP per turn for [1d6] turns
  2490. *Increases the damage Ivan takes from Fire, Poison/Acid, and chemicals by 1/4; causes +1 Radiation per turn
  2491. -Price: 2,500 rubles (2,500 Rushyan Snootles)
  2493. >Sparkler: a rather strange piece of vulcanized crystal, eerily and accurately shaped like a human vertebrae, weighing one pound. Taking the form of a double-fist sized sphere, Sparklers are a roiling mass of electricity contained inside a white, blue, and yellow colored sphere, somewhat resembling a Tesla Ball.
  2494. Another highly common Zone artifact, the Sparkler is well known for increasing the wearer's physical endurance and stamina regeneration, making them highly appreciated on long treks so long as a source of anti-radiation is available.
  2495. Formed exclusively in the highly volatile and extremely widespread Electro anomaly, one with a 10M electrical hazard radius that is progressively more lethal towards the center, Sparklers are more curious to the Ecologist faction than Flash artifacts due to their unusual creation and the bizarre, wholly unknown elemental makeup.
  2496. While distinctly related to the Flash artifact, Sparklers are incapable of electrocuting the bearer: instead, a Sparkler is able to actively ‘smooth’ out fluctuations in electric field densities. One proposed use (which was rarely been deployed or in use throughout the Zone during Clear Sky’s time) was as a power converter for electrical devices, particularly sensitive electronics, but WAS definitely used in solderers, welders, and other necessary equipment.
  2497. Lastly, and perhaps the most bizarre fact, the Sparkler is only visible from Midnight to 5AM in the Zone. If dropped or lost, a Sparkler becomes completely invisible, and cannot even be located using a Detector.
  2498. *Adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls to either himself or ONE ally each turn, but Ivan must be able to touch said ally
  2499. *Grants a [1d6+4] <Psionic-Block defensive ability, effective only against Psionic damage and abilities
  2500. *Causes Fatigue to occur 30% slower
  2501. *Increases Lightning Damage by 1/4 and causes +1 Radiation each turn
  2502. -Price: 2,500 rubles (2,500 Rushyan Snootles)
  2506. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2507. Jeff:
  2509. *****
  2511. >Blood Drinker's Terror Half-Mask (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Lunar-Forged, Magitek-Forged, Unique): A custom fit and shaped, gunmetal gray colored titanium plate protector with a sealed custom made integrated gas mask along with one of Spiral's original miniature radio systems.
  2512. The image of Belltower snarling across the bottom half in black platinum covers the mouth section, giving it a particularly intimidating appearance, especially to ponies.
  2513. -Armor Value: provides 1DR across the lower face
  2514. -Armor Class: Medium Half Mask
  2515. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/2
  2516. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: grants permarenent water-breathing
  2517. -Utility Enchantmarent #2: adds +2 to all Intimidation rolls, improved to +3 when used against ponies, excepting batponies, certain Night & Lunar Guard, Starborn, Honor Guard, or those that are Fearless
  2519. >Completed Ranger's Armor (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Magitek-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): A unique black and cobalt blue striped armored suit, resembling the advanced combat armor of his home world, grandmaster refit by Spiral and Krinza.
  2520. Empress Silver, building off Krinza's prototype work, completed his armor with the addition of two etched titanium alloy 75th Ranger pauldrons, one for each shoulder.
  2521. *Touched by the Empress
  2522. -Armor Value: provides 5DR, full body
  2523. -Armor Value: Enhanced Light
  2524. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/5
  2525. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: reduces all Elemarental damage by 1/4, whether physical or Mystical in nature
  2526. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  2527. -Reactive Enchantmarent #1: grants an AUTOMATIC defensive [1d6+X] <Piercing Mist Blackspike ability that ignores DR and is virtually impossible to Block or Evade, returning harm to the FIRST attacker during the previous turn, where +X is the highest physical modifier from any attacker's rolls that successfully struck Jeff during the previous turn
  2528. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: adds +2 to all Iron Will & Leadership rolls
  2529. -Utility Enchantmarent #2: adds +2 to a SINGLE standard skill during an Operation
  2531. >FAST Tac-Helmet (Armor Traits: Advanced, Composite, Custom-Fit, Unique): A slightly post-modern ballistic helmet from Jeff's world, used widely by many countries' armed forces.
  2532. Composed of high-modulus polyethylene interspersed with thin titanium-carbide plating, allowing it to resist great amounts of impact and reducing it's overall weight compared to the more traditional, thickly layered kevlar helmets.
  2533. Comes with a front mount for NVG systems and ARC side rails; the right rail is occupied by a low-profile LED flashlight, and the left by Jeff's live-feed camera.
  2534. The shell is colored and styled to match his armor, as well as modified to accommodate his half-mask.
  2535. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to most of the head
  2536. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  2537. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  2538. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: allows Jeff to share his TacPad's video feed
  2539. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  2540. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #2: grants a [1d6+4] <S.Flashlight roll
  2542. *****
  2544. >[Name Unknown] (Weapon Traits: unknown): when compared to a 'normal' biteblade, this verifiably archaic Lunar Guardian example is magnitudes above and beyond, created to the exacting specifications of Princess Luna during the troubled period between the Early and Middle Dynasty Eras.
  2545. The blade, hoofle/handle, and short blocky guards are all made from excellent stock diamondine layered atop kanpri, giving it a steadily shifting blue-red-purple, though tinges of white across the blade's edge can be viewed at uncommon intervals.
  2546. Like most specialized weapons from that era, this one contains a vaguely sentient batpony assassin thoughtform that functions as an 'assistant' of sorts. Though it has no sapience and is unable to do more than guide the user, a small amount of caution is still advised.
  2547. Unlike most diamondine weapons this one is relatively light, so to speak, only weighing a full pound.
  2548. *Acquired by Jeff from a Lunar Collective crypt north of Basin Village in the Moors.
  2549. -Melee Weapon Class: Light, Modified
  2550. -Base Modifier: adds +5 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2551. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: unknown
  2552. -Offensive Enchantmarent #2: grants a [1d6+6] <Nightfang non-Elemarental attack that ignores DR and inflicts Bleeding against living targets; also causing double damage to Fragile AND Armored/Heavily Armored targets
  2553. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+6] <Sacred Thirst non-Elemarental attack that drains either the life force of living targets, known as Anima, or the non-life force of deceased targets, known as Animus, restoring the user's HP and S.HP by the result-2. This ability does not function against most Eldritch beings, or specific Planar beings that are neither alive, dead, or a combination of the two; furthermore it cannot be resisted nor the harm reduced.
  2554. *SHOULD a single target contain both Anima & Animus energies, the damage is instead TRIPLED and the target will then suffer a -4 penalty to all rolls for the next 6 turns
  2555. -Offensive Enchantmarent #3: grants a [1d6+6] <Void-Flux Bite strike that ignores DR, furthermore causing any wounds inflicted by this weapon to be difficult to heal from
  2556. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: when used by a living being, this weapon grants a [1d6+6] <Assassin's Senses ability which subtly guides the user's strikes towards the weak points of a specific target, indicated by the weapon itself 'pulling' towards the most viable one to exploit; this ability may only be used a maximum of two times per unique target
  2557. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  2559. >Enchanted Combat Knife
  2560. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  2561. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2562. -Offensive Enchantmarent: grants a [1d6] <Shadow Elemarental attack
  2564. >Perfected Impact-Dispersion Gauntlets (Weapon Traits: Lunar-Forged, Magitek-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a pair of exceptional leather gloves covered by woven mythril mesh fit overs.
  2565. Several sets of segmarented plates extend from the knuckles up to the elbow, with a series of batpony runes scrawled across each arm: Honorable, Leader, Chivalrous, Pathfinder, Negotiator, Wingplayer, and Mango Carrier, the last one coming from a shared pegasi-batpony story involving Veterans carrying around young fliers, teaching them to fly properly.
  2566. Each knuckle has a black platinum oval, emblazoned and inscribed with powerful unicorn runes and gryphon glyphs of lightning.
  2567. Ten short claws are embedded in the fingers, and can be locked into place for constant use, allowing Jeff a slight pierce capability with them.
  2568. *Grandmaster reforged by Krinza, Perfected by Luna
  2569. *Touched by the Empress
  2570. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  2571. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2572. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/4
  2573. -Passive Enchantmarent: adds +1 to all Evasion rolls
  2574. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+2] <Lightning Elemarental attack
  2575. -Offensive Enchantmarent #3: THREE times per Operation, Jeff may utilize a <Dispersion effect, causing 50% of the total damage inflicted to jump to the closest enemy target as an arcane beam of non-elemarental energies; if an opponent Blocks the weapon this crystal is enchanted to, that damage will automatically strike them instead. Unless fully Evaded, this effect MUST always occur
  2576. -Offensive Enchantmarent #3: TWICE per Operation, Jeff may use the Impact Seal imbued within both to Stun any targets in close range using all Assault rolls as normal, or use against heavily armored opponents or fortifications to deal double damage
  2577. -Mechanical Modification #1: Armored Gauntlet Block: adds 2DR and grants an additional <Block roll when defending in close combat
  2578. -Mechanical Modification #2: Claws: when extended and used in combat, these armored claws have Armor Pierce 1 (negates 1DR) and automatically cause Bleeding
  2579. -Utility Modification #3: Sticky: any items held cannot be disarmed
  2581. >Void Diver's Transfused Tomahawk (Weapon Traits: Lunar-Forged, Otherworld-Forged, Unique Legendary Void Artifact): created from a single long Void Diver's claw, it was formerly a single-edged 14" blade, though Krinza has recently reforged it into a 6" long tomahawk blade with a 3" spike on the rear, considerably thicker and as a result numerous magnitudes more durable than 'tactical' styled variants.
  2582. The entire lower section of the claw, an otherwise brittle and rather useless material, has been removed and replaced with a 14" long handle of softened, enchanted ironwood further reinforced via woven steel wire, the human styled improvemarents adding greater durability and reducing shock on impact.
  2583. The handle was then rewrapped entirely using four carefully molded regal drake scales as they provide exceptional gripping qualities, which were then overtaken by purple and black Void tendrils, giving the weapon a distorted, constantly moving appearance.
  2584. Krinza was careful enough not to disturb the weapon's transfusion by Princess Luna, though like all weapons created using Void materials, this one is best kept in the hands of of those that are not easily affected by strange phenomarena.
  2585. *Grandmaster transfused by Princess Luna
  2586. -Melee Weapon Class: Light-Modified
  2587. -Base Modifier: adds +3 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2588. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/3
  2589. -Armor Pierce: 2 (negates 2DR)
  2590. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+2] <Voidrend Elemarental attack
  2591. -Offensive Enchantmarent #2: grants a [1d6+2] <Planar Raze non-Elemarental attack that ignores DR and always causes Bleeding on organic targets, OR causes double Armor damage against non-living targets
  2592. -Axe and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  2594. *****
  2596. -A.A.C. Honeybadger (Special Weapon Traits: Advanced, Custom, Unique): an improved, highly advanced semi-automatic, 3-round burst, and fully automatic firing mode capable modified M4-platform Personal Defense Weapon (PDW), specialty chambered in the proprietary subsonic armor-penetrating .300 Blackout round.
  2597. This compact weapon features a suppressor that takes up almost the entire barrel making it practically silent, while the slow subsonic round punches through most standard armor.
  2598. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Small Arms rolls
  2599. -Ammunition: .300 Blackout, Specialized Anti-Personnel
  2600. -Armor Pierce: 3
  2601. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2602. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 100M beyond this range
  2603. -Maximum Effective Range: 500M
  2604. -Attachmarent #1: Holosight: adds +1 to Small Arms rolls only when in use
  2605. -Modification #1: Integral Suppressor: this weapon is 90% Suppressed, requires a Perception roll of 10 or higher in order to identify direction fired from
  2607. -Cheytac M300 Intervention (Special Weapon Traits: Advanced, Composite, Custom, Unique): a matte black, precision engineered bolt-action sniping rifle, specifically designed to utilize the powerful .408 Cheytac cartridge.
  2608. Created to engage a wide range of targets from individuals to light tanks, at ranges of up to, and over, 2,500M. Comes with three 7-round magazines, a bipod, a high quality thermal scope with the ability to switch the thermal function off, and a Spiral-made, internally baffled one piece suppressor to replace the original muzzle brake that came with it.
  2609. After some experimentatino with human technology, Krinza improved the thermal scope's clarification and magnification by etching a number of piercing runes on each lens, afterwards sealing the markings with extremely thin layers of clear diamondine.
  2610. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Battle Rifle rolls
  2611. -Ammunition Class: .408 Cheytac, Specialized Anti-Armor
  2612. -Armor Pierce: 4
  2613. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2614. -Maximum Optimal Range: 600M with a -1 penalty per 600M beyond this range
  2615. -Maximum Effective Range: 2,400M
  2616. -Attachmarent #1: 12x Thermal Scope: adds +1 to all Battle Rifle rolls & +4 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  2617. -Attachmarent #2: Bipod: adds +1 to Batle Rifle rolls only when in use
  2618. -Modification #1: Custom External Suppressor: this weapon is 80% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 9 or higher in order to identify direction fired from
  2619. -Modification #2: Recoil Absorbing Stock: negates all recoil penalties
  2621. -Colt M1911 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern upgrade of the venerable 1911 .45ACP, with tighter tolerances, slightly better handling, range, and ergonomics.
  2622. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2623. -Ammunition Class: .45 ACP, Magnum Small Arms
  2624. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2625. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines.
  2626. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  2627. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  2629. -Glock 17 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a (mostly) polymer 9x30MM semi-automatic pistol, noted for it's expense, high cost of replacemarent parts, and tendency to become a miniature grenade.
  2630. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2631. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2632. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2633. -Magazine Capacity: 16/16 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2634. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2635. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  2637. -Kriss Vector Super V (Weapon Traits: Personal): a technological upgrade & enhancemarent designed off the venerable 1928 Thompson platform, intended to be used as a much more powerful alternative PDW (Personal Defense Weapon) to the MP5 and MP7.
  2638. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2639. -Ammunition Cass: .45 ACP, Magnum Small Arms
  2640. -Armor Pierce; 0
  2641. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2642. -Maximum Optimal Range: 75M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2643. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  2644. -Attachmarent #1: Holosight: adds +1 to Small Arms rolls when in use, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight
  2645. -Attachmarent #2: Laser Sight: adds +1 to Small Arms rolls when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight
  2647. -M9 Beretta (Weapon Traits: Personal): a common, rather ordinary semi-automatic pistol in 9MM.
  2648. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2649. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2650. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2651. -Magazine Capacity: 16/16 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2652. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2653. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  2654. -Attachmarent #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to identify the direction fired from
  2656. -Mk. VII Magnum Research Desert Eagle (Weapon Traits: Bulky, Heavy, Personal): a heavy, expensive, and fairly bulky semi-automatic pistol designed by Magnum Research, then revised by IMI.
  2657. This particular model, the Mark VII, is chambered in the powerful .50 Action Express cartridge, and was explicitly marketed as a big game defense & hunting pistol, particularly for wild boar and bear.
  2658. Despite it's nearly overwhelming recoil and stiff, easily damaged springs, helpfully replaced by Anon at some point in time, the Mk. VII is quite lethal against most targets.
  2659. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2660. -Ammunition Class: .50AE, Magnum Small Arms
  2661. -Armor Pierce: 1
  2662. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2663. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  2664. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  2666. -Model 29 Colt Python (Weapon Traits: Personal): an older, but still very capable, 6-cartridge cylinder revolver in .357 Magnum, one of the first production line swinging cylinder models, adding to a reputation that would last well over 50 years.
  2667. *Stored in the Sportsman's rear cargo compartmarent.
  2668. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2669. -Ammunition Class: .357 Magnum, Magnum Small Arms
  2670. -Armor Pierce: 1
  2671. -Cylinder Size: 6/6 cartridges, comes with 3x speed loaders
  2672. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  2673. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  2675. -Spellslinger's Revolver (Special Weapon Traits: Magitek-Forged, Unique Permarenent Legendary Artifact): a custom Magitek-made copy of a Taurus Judge revolver, the cylinder modified to utilize six elemarentally-imbued cylindrical power crystals in place of traditional ammunition.
  2676. The rest of the weapon was strengthened and imbued with warding properties to combat physical degradation from constant use.
  2677. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2678. -Ammunition Class: Elemarental. May fire either an <Anti-Elemarental Bolt OR <Elemarental Bolt of the following Elemarents: Air, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, or Void; though cannot use the SAME Elemarent consecutively or negative effects will begin occurring.
  2679. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  2680. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  2682. *****
  2683. >SUPPLIES: none
  2685. *****
  2686. >COMMON ITEMS:
  2687. -Binoculars, 3x Chemlights, Compass, Duct Tape, Goggles, Flint & Steel, Multi-Tool, 3x Road Flares, Map, Mess Kit, Remote Detonator, 2x Rope, Shovel, Sunglasses, Wrist Watch, 4x Zip Ties, Zippo Lighte
  2689. *****
  2690. >EXPLOSIVES: 1x Smoke
  2692. *****
  2693. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, 1x Morphine Syrettes
  2695. *****
  2697. -Advanced Combi-Goggles: adds a +3 <NVG and/or a +3 <Thermal modifier to one or two Perception-type rolls.
  2699. -Advanced Lockpicks: 4 sets of human-sized lockpicks made from a tungsten-titanium composite on a titanium ring, featuring 12 specific tools for defeating tumbler, wire, and snare type locks.
  2700. -Adds +2 to all Lockpicking rolls
  2702. -Blackspine Devourer Plate: a damaged piece of spiked armor from a Blackspine Devourer, an Otherworldly creature sometimes found near the Scars of the Moors, appearing as literal living mist.
  2703. *When infused to armor the fragment's essence copies and returns physical harm done with an AUTOMATIC defensive [1d6+X] <Piercing Mist Blackspike ability that ignores DR and is virtually impossible to Block or Evade, returning harm to the FIRST attacker during the previous turn, where +X is the highest physical modifier from any attacker's rolls that successfully struck Jeff
  2705. -Black Sand: a woven pouch of black sand, given to Shadow Wings by the Overking as a reward for completing the task of entering and exiting a copy of the Overking's Palace without being detected. Recovered from Cluda after having narrowly escaped the Fortress's defenses and Ethereal Remnant's iron grip. Entirely benign. Sits on Jeff's desk in his master bedroom on a custom-built display stand.
  2706. *Currently missing.
  2708. >Bushnell Elite Spotting Scope: a very high quality, rubberized armor-coated spotting scope with power adjustment up to 60x.
  2709. The internal prisms are fully multicoated lenses that deliver flawless color fidelity and optimum light transmission for ultra-crisp images.
  2710. Comes standard with a targeting reticle and scale to calculate distance and windage out to 2 miles, and is virtually weather-proof.
  2711. *Replaces all Scouting rolls with a single [1d6+12]
  2713. >Captain's Sigil: a small, ornately engraved shield bearing the symbolic crest of a mercenary pegasi Captain in an aggressive pose that infuses the bearer with an inspiring voice and aura, giving them a greater presence of commarend.
  2714. -Adds +2 to all Leadership rolls
  2715. *Currently enchanted to his armor
  2717. >Exquisite Carved Emerald Apple: a 1" tall, 95% grade emerald carved in the shape of an Empire Lowland apple. One of the few examples of Crystal Kingdom era carvings, discovered in a long abandoned Conclave on the far western edge of the Empire by the Tallus Harpy Oranti before she became the Requisition Committee's leader, and LONG before becoming a Lunar Council Grandmaster.
  2718. She prized this as her most valuable item recovered, even more so after the Imperial Historical Museum allowed her to keep it.
  2719. *It was, however, taken hostage by Belltower, then given to Jeff
  2721. >Dusk Film: an incredibly disgusting film that tastes like sour ashes, supposedly collected from the dew of decaying tears of reality in the Moors.
  2722. -Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  2723. -Gains +1HP each turn in dark areas
  2724. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2726. >Epson WorkForce WF-3520: A wireless multi-functional printer pre-synced with Jeff's tacpad to print any picture he has stored on it while in the Fortress.
  2727. Can copy and scan as well as duplex-print. Powered by a micro power crystal, it comes with a self-replenishing box of stock AND high-gloss paper, while the ink.. simply never seems to run out.
  2729. *Flawless Moon Orb: a flawless sphere cut from the Hall of Tartarus, one of the enormous sub-structures within Luna's Citadel on the Moon, typically given to Lunar Guardian Nightblade and other Lunar Elites.
  2730. These are a requiremarent for all Starborn to carry as a means to contact and directly speak with the Nightmare or other Lunars during missions.
  2731. *Currently owned by him
  2733. >Gozkan Trade Stamp: a double-sized 'business card' made from a medium quality Minotaur Hegemony steel alloy.
  2734. On the front, four hard stamped half-moon symbols face the center with the word 'Gozka' also stamped in four languages; Common Equestrian, Gryphon, Minotaur, earth pony, and archaic pegasus.
  2735. On the reverse are five lines that state: 'Gozka Fresh Ores, Metals and Gems - Show stamp when buying, selling, or trading', in the same languages.
  2736. *Allows the bearer to initiate free trade in Gozka: no taxes, tariffs, or other charges can apply
  2737. *Allows the bearer to requisition difficult access to special alloys and materials without a waiting period
  2739. >Impact Seal: a stained yellow diamond plate engraved by the Master-Generals of the Tower Guard, bearing reliefs of psionic force.
  2740. *When imbued to a weapon, the Seal grants the ability to utilize an Impact Smash to ground/flooring, stunning the legs of nearby enemies, and when used on living opponents may Stun or cause additional crushing harm
  2741. *Permarenently enchanted to his gauntlets
  2743. >Lunar Shard: a 5" long triangular fragmarent from the Moon, a remnant from the Citadel's construction. Unlike the other pieces of the Moon, these hold no special powers, and are given by Luna as a token of appreciation to those whom have served her children honorably.
  2744. *Sits on Jeff's desk in his master bedroom on a custom-built display stand.
  2746. >Nautilus Pearl: while not round, at all, this squiggly rainbow colored 'leaf' is actually the pearl formed from a Nautilus, and when infused to armor grants some of it's previous owner's protective qualities.
  2747. *Adds 1DR and reduces all Elemarental damage by 1/4
  2748. *Permanently enchanted to his armor
  2750. >Planar Snapwire: a long coil of orange tinged steel-like barbed wire coming from another plane of existence. No matter how one tries to unroll it, they can never find the beginning nor the end.
  2751. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2752. *Grants a [1d6+2] <Planar Raze non-elemental attack that ignores DR and always inflicts Bleeding on living enemies
  2753. *Currently infused to the Tomahawk
  2755. >Rainbow Dispersion Crystal:
  2756. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls when infused to a weapon
  2757. *THREE times per Operation the user may call upon a <Dispersion effect, causing 50% of the total damage inflicted to jump to the closest enemy target as an arcane beam of non-elemarental energies
  2758. *If an opponent Blocks the weapon this crystal is enchanted to, that damage will automatically strike through the shield instead
  2759. *Unless fully Evaded, this effect MUST always occur
  2760. *Permanently enchanted to his Gauntlets
  2762. >Shadow-Step Pendant:
  2763. *Adds +1 to all Evasion rolls due to the bearer partially slipping into the Underdark and leaving a faded afterimage
  2764. *Permarenently enchanted to his Gauntlets
  2766. >Sticky Enchantmarent: a powerful, full body enchantmarent that allows its owner to stick to nearly any surface, including cloud material, without fear of being removed.
  2767. *Grants a [1d6+X] <Perfect Grip roll, where X is the highest Assault modifier Jeff has available, and can be used with Adrenaline Rush to rapidly scale surfaces.
  2768. *Can be utilized through weapons, clothing, and armor without diminishing the effects
  2769. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2771. >Superior Negation Charm: any number of common lockets covered in runes of negation. Primarily created by batponies, gryphons, Minotaurs, unicorns, and sometimes Psions.
  2772. *Adds +2 to all Iron Will rolls
  2773. *Currently enchanted to his armor
  2775. >Tactical Data Pad. A miniature isoline-reactive computer interface with a flexible screen, integrated audio/video recorder, camera, and GPS/compass functionalities. Difficult to damage and fully waterproof.
  2776. All common and generally accessible knowledge has been uploaded for instant access, from The Complete Equestrian Encyclopedia on Flora & Fauna, to the vast majority of all known ponies, gryphons, minotaurs, and all other species by name.
  2777. Can translate most Tallus languages and dialects, though it does have exceptional difficulties translating Planar Construct language.
  2778. Contains a topographical map of Equestria, added by unknown parties, granting a [1d6+4] roll for navigation purposes
  2779. *Comes with the experimarental ability to Analyze targets, whether a living being or not. Roll [1d6], a result of:
  2780. *1 = target's HP can be viewed
  2781. *2 = target's HP & DR can be viewed
  2782. *3 = target's HP, DR, and 1 random passive skill can be viewed
  2783. *4 = target's, HP, DR, and 1 random passive & active skill can be viewed
  2784. *5 = target's HP, DR, 1 random passive & active skill can be viewed, and gains situation-specific information on the target
  2785. *6 = target's HP, DR, 1 random passive & active skill can be viewed, and reveals a target's major weakness, whether it be physical, psychological,
  2786. -The Analyze ability does not work on Otherworldly (excluding Humans) or Spectral beings, and has limited usage on Planar beings
  2788. -Terror Fang: adds +2 to all Intimidation rolls.
  2789. -Currently enchanted to his mask
  2791. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2792. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2794. -Vitriole Drake Orb: a 4" in diameter sphere with a sickly green glow, the literal core of a drake's inherent mystical abilities.
  2795. Contains an extraordinarily powerful poison-based acid, capable of killing nearly any living being should the contents make their way into a living creature. Currently owned by him.
  2797. -Void Eye: at any point during a turn, Jeff may replace all Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival rolls with a [1d6+4] <Void Sight ability, allowing him to view Otherworldly, Spectral, and other incorporeal forces and beings through the Underdark, though this ability cannot gain additional modifiers.
  2798. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  2800. ***********
  2802. >Sportsman WV850 H.O: a specialty rebuilt Polaris Sportsman four-wheeled ATV, built for use by the Army Rangers of his world. Designed specifically for night use, the WV850 comes equipped with a large number of custom modifications and additions that Rangers found to be extremely useful for their covert operations.
  2804. Standard features include: matte shaded black plastic paneling for concealment, TerrainArmor NPT honeycomb tires which entirely eliminate the possibility of one going flat or being destroyed via normal means, a rear storage unit with enough room for a couple of emergency kits and a tool box, tall front and rear racks for gear or equipmarent storage, and a large quick-access pistol/SMG housing unit on the backside of the front right fender.
  2806. The Advanced Dynamics lithium-ion-polymer battery system was replaced with a large single-stage power crystal by Anon, providing extended range and a nominal self-recharging capability at the cost of an additional 80 pound weight.
  2808. *****
  2810. Armor Durability: 150 Armor
  2811. Armor Class: Grade 3 Paneling
  2812. Armor Value: 3DR
  2814. *****
  2816. -Grants Expert Driving+6 for Cruising Speed
  2817. -Grants Expert Driving+9 for Maximum Speed
  2819. *****
  2820. >STORAGE: 1x EMS Bag, Colt Python + 3 speedloaders
  2822. -ADVANCED Tool Box: grants an extra roll to and adds +3 to all Engineering rolls at Untrained, +5 at Basic, +8 at Expert, and +10 at Master, but cannot be used for Blacksmithing.
  2823. *The Advanced Tool Box can be used two turns in a row, but the Operator MUST skip their 3rd turn after use
  2825. ***********
  2827. >General Atomics MQ-9U Block 5 'Reaper': a high end hunter-killer UAV (Unmarend Aerial Vehicle) variant of the MQ-1 Predator capable of remote control or autonomous flight. Fitted with a single turboprop engine, it can reach a max speed of 300MPH and has a flight ceiling of 50 kilometers.
  2829. An onboard array of sensors, thermografic cameras, laser designation and GPS targeting systems allow for a range of offensive capabilities and ISR roles. Multiple internal fuel cells ensure a reasonable 1,800 mile range, and external pylons along the fuselage and wings can store a variety of unguided, guided, and smart munitions.
  2831. This Block-5 variant was designed for increased electrical power, VHF/UHF secure communications, automatic landing, simultaneous communications between multiple air-to-air and air-to-ground parties, secure data links, and an increased data transmission capacity topped off by streamlined payload integration capabilities.
  2832. *The U designation stands for 'Ultra' as this example was drastically upscaled from a base model, though it retains all damage inflicted to the original.
  2834. *Reaper Uplink Guidance & Communication Laptop: a single-person operator module in an armored hardcase, a purpose built [REDACTED] laptop that has been designed solely for the advanced command and control functions of a specific drone model.
  2835. The internals comprise a high definition display along with input keyboard and rudimentary aviation controls for manual flight.
  2836. ISR and engagement setting are macro'd, as well as laser designating and GPS marking systems allowed through the Reaper's Ultra High-Def live feed cameras; including IR and FLIR.
  2838. *****
  2840. Armor Durability: 240/300 Armor
  2841. Armor Class: Grade 3 Paneling
  2842. Armor Value: 3DR
  2844. *****
  2846. -Advanced Electronic Warfare Array: grants a [1d6+5] <Electronic Warfare Platform, in addition to the Operator's own Electronic Warfare skill, that may be used either for jamming electronic communications or countering the same.
  2848. -UHD Aperture Camera: a technologically mature variant of high definition recording systems that allows for exceptional tracking of targets at short to medium distances. Functions alongside laser designation and GPS marking. Grants a [1d6+5] <UHD Aperture Camera roll that can utilize standard video feed, <Infrared, and <FLIR modes.
  2850. *****
  2852. -Grants 4x [1x6+9] rolls for Combat Speed
  2853. -Grants 4x [1d6+11] rolls for Cruising Speed
  2854. -Grants 4x [1d6+15] rolls for Maximum Speed
  2856. *****
  2858. -12x AGM Hellfire Pylons: allows 2x [1d6+10] <AGM-114 Hellfire Missile rolls per missile fired, may fire up to 4 missiles per turn. 10 missiles remaining.
  2860. -8x GBU-12 Paveway IV Pylons: allows 2x [1d6+18] <GBU-12 Paveway IV Bomb rolls per bomb released, may drop up to 2 bombs per turn. 6 bombs remaining.
  2862. -3x GBU-38 JDAM Pylons: allows 1x [1d6+20] <GBU-38 Guided JDAM. 3 bombs remaining.
  2864. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2867. -Baton: unenchanted.
  2869. *****
  2871. >Steyr TMP (Weapon Traits: Personal): produced by the Steyr-Mannlicher Corporation of Germany on most human worlds in response to the widespread use of the CZ Skorpion, chambered in the ubiquitous 9x19MM Parabellum round.
  2872. Overall, the TMP is a simple, short barreled blowback-operated submachine gun using high impact resistant polymer for a minimum life expectancy of 30 years.
  2873. Designed for excellent concealmarent and portability, it is quite easy to maintain even by a novice operator. Unlike most SMG's, the TMP comes with an integral forward grip with a select-fire switch, allowing it to be used in either semi-automatic or automatic modes depending on user preference.
  2874. Although most 1st Generation TMP's were not issued a stock, later versions and variants did, greatly increasing accuracy at ranges beyond 50M.
  2875. Not as widespread as the H&K MP5 and later models, the Steyr TMP is nonetheless highly effective in close quarters, and even more so when used by skilled hands.
  2876. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2877. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2878. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2879. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridge, comes with 3x magazines
  2880. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2881. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  2882. -Attachment#1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to determine the direction fired from
  2884. -Glock 19 Compact (Weapon Traits: Personal): a mostly polymer 9x19MM semi-automatic pistol, noted for it's expense, high cost of replacemarent parts, and tendency to become a miniature grenade.
  2885. Slightly smaller than the base model, this version is better suited for concealed carry.
  2886. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  2887. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  2888. -Armor Pierce: 0
  2889. -Magazine Capacity: 16/16 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  2890. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  2891. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  2892. -Attachment #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to determine the direction fired from
  2894. *****
  2895. >SUPPLIES: 2 Liter Water Canister, 2x Beef Jerky, 2x Dried Fruit, 2x Fruit Juice, Water Bottle
  2897. *****
  2898. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Bandage Box, 1x Painkillers
  2900. *****
  2901. >COMMON ITEMS : 2x Air Filters, Bluetooth Headset, Digital Camera, Gas Mask, Goggles, Guitar, Flashlight, Lighter, Multitool, Playing Cards, Toothbrush & Paste, Wallet, 4x Zip Ties
  2903. *****
  2904. >EXPLOSIVES: 4x Flashbang, 3x Molotov, 4x Smoke Grenade, 3x Tear Gas
  2906. *****
  2907. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  2908. >Cloud-Walking Trinket: an actual cloud on a soft cotton string in the shape of a hoof. Produced in Neighsia.
  2909. *Allows the wearer to walk on all cloud surfaces
  2910. *Will reduce the wearer's speed when falling by 1/2
  2911. *Creates a cushion against impacts, negating 1/2 the effects from Nausea
  2913. >Campfire Trinket: a series of small, carefully placed, enchanted bamboo sections around a brightly glowing red ruby in the shape of a flame.
  2914. Unknown outside of Neighsia.
  2915. -Unknown other effects.
  2916. *Adds +1 to all positive Faction and Personal Reputation adjustmarents
  2918. >Home Is Here: a carefully shaped sapphire disc, 3" in diamater, that shows a comfortable looking Neighsian cottage, to the right a pond, to the left a field that leads into a forest.
  2919. *Adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
  2920. *Negates the mental effects of Critical, Depression, Doomed, Fatigue, Fear, Horror, Terror, Torment, and Shock
  2921. *Adds +1 to all Negotiation rolls when attempting to calm down a Friend or Ally
  2923. >Jade Carved Earth Pony Trinket: an incredibly detailed, exquistively carved piece of bright green jade displaying an pre-Modern earth pony in mid-trot.
  2924. Presumably meant to represent earth pony hardiness, how and why it works is attributed solely to spirit-dragon magic.
  2925. *Reduces damage from all Poison/Acid and Toxins by 1/2, whether natural, magical, Elemental, Mystical, or Planar
  2926. *Reduces the duration Poison/Acid and Toxins by 1/3
  2927. *Adds +1 to a single roll each turn but may not improve the same roll twice in a row
  2929. >Spirit Candy: five rolls of ten randomly colored, semi-transparent candy the size of a medium marble. Created by dragon-spirits for their keepers throughout Neighsia, these unusual items are exceedingly difficult to acquire and are purchased en mass by Lunars when traveling through.
  2930. Used to recover from spiritually inflicted harm, they're beloved by Moorites, Malurians, and Lunarites alike.
  2931. Various Neighsian fruit, berry, and honey flavors.
  2932. *50 remaining in resealable paper tubes
  2933. *Upon consuming regenerates [1d6+4] <S.HP
  2935. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  2936. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  2938. *****
  2940. >Solar Diplomatic Badge, First Hoof: a heavy golden badge in the shape of a standard kite shield, the surface bearing Princess Celestia's Cutie Mark in pink.
  2941. Bearing or presenting this badge proves Cheto's status as a confirmed Equestrian-Aligned Diplomat, at the rank of First Hoof. Besides the lack of additional ornamarentation and wear, this badge was definitely created before Cheto's arrival.
  2942. *CONDITIONS: as a First Hoof diplomat, Cheto is granted the following diplomatic laws, rights, and privileges:
  2943. -the lawful treatmarent expected of an Equestrian diplomat across Tallus, excluding Stalliongrad, Rushya, and their aligned territories. For obvious reasons this does not apply to batpony controlled regions and those Ferron clans that do not accept diplomats from any factions.
  2944. -the lawful treatmarent of an Equestrian diplomat whom is not to be detained, abducted, subjected to illegitimate laws, rules, regulations, or codes of conduct.
  2945. -the right to be protected by a Mareguard consisting of two equines of his choosing according to status as a First Hoof diplomat, regardless of their weaponry or armor selections.
  2946. -the right to move unhindered throughout Tallus, excluding Stalliongrad, Rushya, and their aligned territories, whether by hoof, carriage, train, or translocation matrice without fee or paymarent, including Mareguards and Razorback Company members, according to the Treaty of Canterlot circa 28,940. Cheto is granted the right to pay for transit if he so chooses regardless of diplomatic status.
  2947. -the right to sign documarents, treaties, pacts, and enact trade deals to any factions across Tallus, excluding Stalliongrad, Rushya, and their aligned territories, for the benefit of the Solar and Lunar factions or their allies. The same rights are accorded to Razorback Company through Cheto's efforts, but must exclude sole allies of Razorback Company with no diplomatic status of their own.
  2948. -the right to gain access to noble and royal courts upon request, barring wartime, economic, or social conflicts of interest.
  2949. -the lawful right to trade and barter with all factions, excluding Stalliongrad, Rushya, and their aligned territories, for the benefit of Razorback Company. This does not extend to banned weaponry, item, enchantmarents, services, or information.
  2950. -the right to bear any armor of his discretion during solely diplomatic functions, though he is not allowed to carry any weaponry whatsoever during solely diplomatic functions.
  2951. -the privilege to demarend a Trial of Objection in the Canterlot Silver Court of Nobles against all accusers regardless of faction should he or his actions be slandered or considered invalid.
  2952. -the privilege to purchase property and items outside of Razorback Company's purview, excluding those from Stalliongrad, Rushya, and their aligned territories.
  2953. -the privilege of acquiring diplomatic commarend and functions under the When Needs Must clause relating to the Canterlot Treaty, circa 29,940.
  2955. >Solar Diplomatic Contract: a rolled platinum-coated, high quality vellum scroll containing a contract between Princess Celestia and Jose Gallo, otherwise known as Cheto.
  2956. Within contains a set of basic contractual obligations on how, when, and why Cheto is to provide diplomatic services for Razorback Company, a short list of Equestrian diplomatic rules he must abide by in doing so, what conditions and obligations he is subject to, brief stipulations on act during diplomatic functions, and furthermore explains the conditions that he is expected to adhere to.
  2957. *As proof of its authenticity, the contract is officially stamped, sealed, signed, and lastly enchanted by Princess Celestia herself.
  2960. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  2961. LONT:
  2964. >Lightweight Diamond Leaf-Scale Armor (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Magitek-Forged, Unique Permarenent Legendary Artifact): once a standard kevlar suit, on Lont's request, Krinza removed the outer layer of composite scales, wholly replacing them with exacting copies from a Hyfalgyph's scale, further reinforcing it for added protection.
  2965. *Enhanced by Princess Cadence with a fragmarent from an original Imperial Shield emblem
  2966. -Armor Value: provides 4DR to the entire body
  2967. -Armor Class: Modified Light
  2968. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  2969. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  2970. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: reduces all damage from Elemarental, Casting, Psionic, and other esoteric harm by 1/4
  2971. -Defensive Enchantmarent #2: 2x [1d6+6] <Crystalline Shield rolls that does NOT prevent harm from Lightning & Void or other penetrating Elemarents, Otherworldly, Spectral, and certain Planar attacks
  2972. -Reactive Enchantmarent #1: Revenge Seal. ONCE every third turn, Lont may activate his armor's Revenge Seal against a single attacker, reflecting ALL physical damage caused by melee or ranged weapons to the attacker as a thin, lightless beam of crushing force that bypasses DR, causes double damage to Fragile targets, ignores Shields, and cannot be avoided regardless of range
  2973. *Should the opponent try to evade, fly, run, or Teleport, this effect will bypass those attempts with perfect tracking at an inherent Speed of 20
  2974. *It can readily be assumed that the Revenge Seal's effects are proto-sentient, and may not be Equestrian in nature
  2976. >Thermal-Integrated Barbute (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Magitek-Forged, Unique): A closed-face full head helmet, the original Salade design's interior copied and completely replaced using refined mythril by Krinza.
  2977. Spiral made numerous modifications to the miniaturized thermal optic system, allowing for greater clarity in adverse weather conditions.
  2978. Instead of leaving the face exposed, Krinza forged a mythril faceplate to match the rest of the helmet's design, using a thin, clear diamondine circle for the right eyeslit to protect against debris or shrapnel.
  2979. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to entire head
  2980. -Armor Class: Medium Helmet
  2981. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  2982. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: adds a +3 <Thermal modifier to one Perception-type roll
  2983. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  2985. *****
  2987. >Sharonel's Engraved Mural Greatsword (Weapon Traits: Destroyer-Forged, Two-Handed, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a mythril and kanpri faced 46" long greatsword, a 14" handle, wrapped in black and white Planar spider silk by Lann, two 10" long guards jutting out and angled 20 degrees downwards from each side, weighing 5 kilograms.
  2988. The left side is a stark white mythril, from the tip to the base of the handle; the right a mixed purple and black from highly refined kanpri, both faces infused and strengthened with a thin, crystallized diamondine layering.
  2989. Lengthened by Krinza, a scene of numerous prominent Solar Guardians surrounding General Sharonel the Lancer facing the Solar Tyrant is featured on the mythril facing, the kanpri facing displaying a fully armored Sharonel and Queen Chrysalis with numerous Vanguards behind her, side by side towards the hilt facing an armored Nightmare on the tip, all smiling competitively towards each other.
  2990. *Grandmaster reforged by Krinza
  2991. *Touched by the Empress
  2992. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed OR Two-Handed
  2993. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  2994. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  2995. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+3] <Flameshock Mystic Fire Elemarental attack
  2996. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  2998. *****
  3000. >Custom Gunblade (Special Weapon Traits: Custom, Magitek-Forged, Personal, Unique): a personalized Smith & Wesson 29 revolver with an improved, balanced 6" long mythril blade protruding from under the barrel.
  3001. The cylinder was modified to accommodate six power crystals, three of each aligned to Lightning and Void elemarents respectively, as well as replacing the hammer with a moderately dense rubber to prevent any feedback from occurring, also making it impossible to use standard ammunition.
  3002. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  3003. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte & +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3004. -Ammunition Class: Elemarental, fires either <Lightning or <Void Elemarental bolts, though cannot use the SAME Elemarent more than 8 times consecutively or negative effects will begin occurring
  3005. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty to Small Arms rolls per 50M beyond this range
  3006. -Maximum Effective Range: 250M
  3008. >Ferrundus Spiker (Special Weapon Traits: Advanced, Custom, Heavy, Post Orbital Era, Two-Handed, Unique): in appearance a larger, and heavier, version of a highly advanced UTS-15, this 4-gauge Spiker is the mainstay weapon used by basic infantry in most Ferrundii armies with a wide number of production variants, this example being a shorter barreled pump-action/semi-auto hybrid normally in use by Outriders, which, along with their Snarling Lances, gave them a powerful ranged weapon when the arsenals of their warbikes either had no use, or would be ineffective.
  3009. Like all military grade weaponry during Ferrundi's sub-current and current era, one would traditionally require a standard Semi-Exosuit in order to operate one properly as it uses a highly advanced 4 gauge titanium shotshell, instead of standard 30MM cannon shells as cost, recoil, and weight saving measures.
  3010. The Spiker, aptly named by Walker pilots, is able to utilize standard ammunition, such as flechettes and buckshot, but is also capable of firing APFSDS (Armor-Piercing Fin-Stabilized Discarding-Sabot rounds) slugs and finned darts employed with a stabilized Livermorium penetrator, an element similar to iridium, specially designed to punch through multiple layers of metal and composite plating, as well as the thick hide, muscle, and bones of common predators.
  3011. This Spiker, once owned by Lont before leaving the military, was thoroughly modified and overhauled by Anon, implementing a series of shock absorbing compass springs in the buttstock, porting the barrel, and adding a muzzle brake to reduce recoil to manageable (for human) levels.
  3012. On it's own, a single Spiker does little against the average giant war machines and monsters that roam Ferrundus's open plains, save for an experienced veteran specialized in the mass produced weapon. This instead limits use to massed volley fire against weak points, essentially giving human squads the power to cut down or delimb enemies from 20 to 100 times their own size.
  3013. Due to the size of the Spiker's ammunition, the paired underbarrel tubular magazines are only capable of holding 3 shells apiece, along with one in the chamber of course, for a maximum of 6+1.
  3014. -Base Modifier: considered a Heavy Shotgun, adds +4 to all Shotgun rolls
  3015. -Ammunition Capacity: 7/7 shells, may carry 28 additional shells with a maximum of 14 Livermorium slugs or darts in reserve
  3016. -Ammunition Type #1: buckshot & flechettes have a maximum optimal range of 100M with a -1 penalty to all Heavy Shotgun rolls per 50M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 200M. *Flechettes ignore 4DR
  3017. -Ammunition Type #2: darts & slugs have a maximum optimal range of 150M with a -1 penalty to all Heavy Shotgun rolls per 50M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 250M.
  3018. *Slugs have Armor Pierce 2, darts have Armor Pierce 4
  3019. -Ammunition Type #3: finned darts have a maximum optimal range of 200M with a -1 penalty to all Heavy Shotgun rolls per 50M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 350M
  3020. *Finned darts have Armor Pierce 5
  3021. -Ammunition Type #4: Livermorium slugs & darts have a maximum optimal range of 250M with a -1 penalty to all Heavy Shotgun rolls per 50M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 400M
  3022. *Livermorium slugs ignore 1/2 DR and cause extensive trauma, darts ignore 10DR
  3024. >SPAS-12 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern improvemarent on previous military type pump-action designs, the SPAS was also developed with a semi-automatic function in mind to allow flexibility in it's usage.
  3025. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Shotgun rolls
  3026. -Ammunition Capacity: 6/6 shells, comes with 12x buckshot & 6x slug
  3027. -Ammunition Type #1: buckshot and flechettes have an optimal range of 50M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 10M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 80M. Comes with 29x Buckshot. Flechettes have Armor Pierce 4
  3028. -Ammunition Type #2: darts and slugs have an optimal range of 80M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 140M. Comes with 32x Slugs. Slugs have Armor Pierce 2, darts have Armor Pierce 4
  3029. -Ammunition Type #3: finned darts have an optimal range of 120M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 160M. Finned Darts have Armor Pierce 5
  3031. *****
  3032. >SUPPLIES: Tea Box (Ferrundus)
  3034. *****
  3035. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Driving Goggles, Fishing Pole, Flask, Heatstone, Multi-Tool, 1x Rope, 1x Roll of Steel Fishing Wire, Shovel
  3037. *****
  3038. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x Smoke
  3040. *****
  3041. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Emergency Medical Pouches, EMS Bag (Depleted)
  3043. *****
  3044. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3045. >Alchemical Tablet, Advanced (Onyx): a black tablet, both sides covered in Common Equestrian text, with instructions on advanced alchemical preparations and usage.
  3046. *Grants an additional Alchemy roll
  3047. *ONCE per Operation allows a [1d6] <Heal ability to self or others
  3049. >Alchemical Tablet, Expert (Citrine): an orange tablet, both sides covered in Common Equestrian text, with instructions on expert level alchemical compounding.
  3050. *Adds +2 to all Alchemy rolls
  3051. *ONCE per Operation allows a [1d6+2] <Heal ability to self or others
  3053. >Alchemical Tablet, Intermediate (Ruby): a red tablet, both sides covered in Common Equestrian text, with instructions on intermediate alchemical research applications.
  3054. *Adds +1 to all Alchemy rolls
  3055. *ONCE per Operation allows a [1d6+1] <Heal ability to self or others
  3057. >Burst Pendant: allows a [1d6+20] <Firestorm Area of Effect (AoE) ranged magic attack with a 10M radius, ONCE per Operation, that deals double damage to large enemies. Currently owned by him.
  3059. >Cadence's Reading Glasses, Refit: a pair of scribed crystal lenses mounted on flowing lily-trimmed steel wires, given to Lont after being refit for his facial features.
  3060. *Cannot be used with any other Perception items
  3061. *Adds +2 to all Research & Perception rolls when examining up close
  3062. *Translates all known written languages upon reading
  3064. >Crystalline Flask: a plain and undecorated Imperial crystal flask given to Lont by Cadence, containing four ounces of a very lightly pink colored, sweet tasting, and highly secretive liquid.
  3065. A single drop prevents a living being from being affected by excessive cold for eight hours, and will also counteract nightmares.
  3066. *Consuming 1/4 of the contents negates the effects of Reviviscence Trauma and Shock, but does nothing to prevent mental or marental trauma
  3068. >Gryphon Runesage & Runemage Bowls: a twin pair of otherwise plain looking red and white clay bowls infused with gryphon glyphs of ancestral regeneration and vigor.
  3069. *When infused to a living being, both act in tandem with each other, causing the owner's body to recover slightly after being harmed.
  3070. *Bearer gains 2HP each turn
  3072. >Revenge Seal: for every 1 damage Lont takes from a melee weapon, this Seal returns 1 damage to the attacker with a narrow beam of force that bypasses DR and cannot be avoided or otherwise interrupted, and if the opponent tries to teleport or run, the Revenge Seal's effect will strike it's target regardless of range, though this effect may only occur ONCE every third turn.
  3073. *Currently enchanted to his armor
  3075. >Tempest Orb: a palm-sized sphere with constantly shifting 'winds' of various white colors contained inside.
  3076. *When infused to a living being, grants vastly increased speed and the ability to slightly tap into the Airstreams of Tallus, also adding +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte and Reaction Speed rolls.
  3077. *When infused to a weapon, also grants a [1d6+2] <Airstrike Elemarental attack.
  3078. *Currently owned by him
  3080. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3081. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3083. *****
  3085. >ST-M12 Outrider Variant: a formerly decommissioned, now rearmed and partially armored Outrider, a type of 2-wheeled motorcycle intended for use as a fast attack vehicle. Lont's own personal machine, brought from his world before the momarent of his death.
  3086. Sharing a great deal of similarities with most modern motorcycles, the Outrider's low profile can be compared to traditional racing motorcycles due to it's heavy duty single-wheel suspensions and it's large ground-gripping tires, further reinforced with plexigrade spikes for additional traction. The rear storage compartments, though small, give the rider somewhat more mission flexibility than one would expect.
  3087. Armed with a single M249 mounted to the front and right of the driver, the majority of it's civil grade fiberglass panels were replaced with a semi-lightweight steel alloy, increasing it's weight to a somewhat dismal level.
  3088. If one gripe could be made of it, the additional strain on it's engine is a bit more than than Lont would have preferred, though alternatives are currently being researched by Krinza.
  3090. STATUS: badly wrecked.
  3092. *****
  3094. Armor Durability: 150 Armor
  3095. Armor Class: Grade 2 Paneling
  3096. Armor Value: 2DR
  3098. *****
  3099. >ABILITIES:
  3100. -While piloting, all Assault rolls are replaced by <Charging, furthermore adding +2 to all Charging rolls
  3102. *****
  3104. -Grants Expert Driving+4
  3106. *****
  3108. -Forward Weapon Mount: grants 1x [1d6+4] <M249 LMG rolls, in addition to the Operator's Heavy Weapons skill
  3110. *****
  3111. >STORAGE: Blue Tarpaulin, Bolts x10, Cross Wrench, Flaregun, Hex Nuts x10, 2x M249 Ammunition Boxes, Oil Lantern
  3114. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3115. Mallia Castella:
  3117. *****
  3119. >Mechanicus Carapace Helmet (Armor Traits: Poor Quality, Standard Pattern): an armaplas, full head covering helmet colored in the traditional rust red of the Mechanicus.
  3120. Carapace place is commonly seen amongst the lower ranks of Enginseers due to their excellent protective qualities for accompanying armored vehicles and performing repairs in field, yet shunned by the rest of the AdMech as an unnecessary layer of inconvenience.
  3121. This one has been customized with numerous integrated devices, though as it's quality is quite low it isn't as durable as Mallia would prefer.
  3122. -Armor Value: 1DR
  3123. -Armor Class: Medium Helmet
  3124. -Electronic Slots: 0/5 remaining
  3125. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: Common Quality Commbead, allows the receiving of unecrypted and encrypted messages on standard channels
  3126. -Electronic Enhancemarent #2: Common Quality Voxcaster, allows the sending of unencryped and encrypted messages on standard channels
  3127. -Electronic Enhancemarent #3: Common Quality Rebreather, allows the filtration of most gases and chemicals, excepting corrosives and Mystical Poisons & Toxins
  3128. -Electronic Enhancemarent #4: Common Quality Photo-Visor, prevents being Blinded from flash grenades and most forms of bright or dazzling lights
  3129. -Electronic Enhancemarent #5: Poor Quality Integrated Preyvision Goggles, functions as Thermals and adds +1 to a SINGLE Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival roll
  3130. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  3132. >Mechanicus Carapace Plate (Armor Traits: Poor Quality, Cadian Pattern): one of the more well known designs across the Imperium, this set of carapace plate is colored in the traditional rust red of the Mechanicus, featuring the traditional skull and gear symbol across the chest.
  3133. Composed of rigid, layered armaplas plates, a heat-absorbent plastic and metal composite, protecting the entire torso, legs, arms, and groin.
  3134. While the gaps between each plate are somewhat larger than those found in flak armor, carapace armor is considerably more protective, though this one must have come from one of the smaller Forge-Worlds due to it's somewhat shoddy mareufacture.
  3135. -Armor Value: 2DR
  3136. -Armor Class: Medium
  3137. -Electronic Slots: 0/2 remaining
  3138. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: Common Quality Auspex Unit. An interface screen mounted on the right arm linked to a number of analysis and scanning systems embedded across the upper torso, granting a [1d6+2] <CQ. Auspex roll, able to detect motion, radiation, toxic or otherwise harmful gasses, electronic equipmarent, as well as living beings and their relative vital signs within a 200M radius.
  3139. *Given the quality of the auspex unit it was assigned to, it's machine spirit is fairly happy
  3141. >Mechanicus Combat Shield (Armor Traits: Common Quality, Mars Pattern): one of the least seen pieces of wargear in the AdMech, Mechanicus combat shields are a simple 2' tall, 1.5' wide shield composed of thin, stamped steel sheets.
  3142. colored in the traditional Mechanicus rust red, reinforced with a seamless bead around the edges, then mounted with a simple steel ring to slot one's arm through and a handle to grip.
  3143. -Armor Value: provides +1DR when used to Bash or Shield Charge with, or when worn on the back
  3144. -Armor Class: Light Shield
  3145. -Defensive Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to and grants an additional Block roll
  3146. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  3149. *****
  3151. >Ordo Chronos Flak Helmet (Armor Traits: Artificer, Custom Fit, Sanctioned Artifact, Tallus-made): visually looking like one of the most common pieces of wargear throughout the Imperium, the basic Mars Pattern Flak Helmet.. this is NOT one of those.
  3152. Using her knowledge of perhaps thousands of STC wargear designs and the incredibly special, unique, or easily obtainable, non-human materials available on Tallus that she was able to acquire, Inquisitor Flash created her own personalized variant of Flak armor over several months after Razorback Fortress was completed.
  3153. Combining the resiliency of durable, alchemically infused alloys with the extreme comfort expected by Tallus materials, this Flak Helmet was designed to provide the maximum possible protection while remaining light enough to not encumber the wearer.
  3154. Discarding thousands of of otherwise Administratum Mechanicus approved STC Flak Helmet schematics in favor of a full head AND neck covering design, Inquisitor Flash's custom design on this particular helmet incorporates a flawless diamond PreySense Visor that has been integrally and mechanically attached to the helmet itself, also providing optimal shrapnel protection for the wearer.
  3155. Combined with a full chin, mouth, and nose-covering rebreather devised from Tallus materials based upon her Mars-trained knowledge, this helmet is directly comparable to Inquisitorial class variations.
  3156. Similar to her bodysuit, it is capable of being resized to fit nearly any base human head size, excepting Ratlings, Ogryn, and especially Space Marines, yet is comfortable enough to wear for weeks, or possibly months, on end. Also contains two human soul-spirits
  3157. *The first hailing from Segmentum Pacificus with the name of Luaris Dranaki, a former Imperial Navy Admiral assigned to the Calixus sector using the codename of 'WItch-Two', presumably an Inquisitorial designation
  3158. *The second is Adronal Pacose, codenamed Tox-11, an incredibly sour tech-destroyer personality that keeps to himself most of the time. And never, EVER, uses capitalization unless necessary.
  3159. -Armor Value: 3DR
  3160. -Armor Class: Modified-Light Helmet
  3161. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  3162. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: Best Quality Commbead, grants access to standard, encrypted, and numerous Ordo Chronos and Xenarite channels, able to receive even the weakest signals up to 10 miles away
  3163. -Electronic Enhancemarent #2: Best Quality Voxcaster, allows the transmission of standard, encrypted, and numerous Ordo Chronos and Xenarite channels out to 100 miles
  3164. -Electronic Enhancemarent #3: Best Quality Rebreather, allows the filtration of most nearly all gasses, chemicals, Poisons & Toxins, and reduces the effects of airborne Elemarental, Eldritch, & Spectral effects by 1/2
  3165. -Electronic Enhancemarent #4: Best Quality Photo-Visor, prevents being Blinded from ALL forms of bright lights, whether physical, magical, Elemarental, and Mystical
  3166. -Electronic Enhancemarent #5: Best Quality Integrated Preyvision Visors, functions as Thermals with a maximum 500M range, adds +4 to a SINGLE Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival roll
  3167. -Mechanical Enhancent #1: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 3/4
  3169. >Ordo Chronos Flak Bodysuit, Unfinished (Armor Traits: Artificer, Custom Fit, Sanctioned Artifact): created in the same marener as her Flak Helmet, Inquisitor Velasi spent several weeks devising a near-perfectly form fitting armor from a combination of several thousand STC designs. This one in particular blends the best aspects of lightweight, mobile Flak with semirigid, survivability focused Carapace together with the longevity and comfort expected of Tallus materials.
  3170. Possibly unintended, this specific set of armor looks more like Graia Pattern Flak Armor combined with AdMech Carapace Design System 6.12, which can be adjusted, repaired, and modified with little problem.
  3171. Creating the extremely hardened and moderately specialized forearm mounted Auspex from compositing basic Empire crystalline materials with a number of rare Planar pseudo-metals, the rugged sensor arrays were designed via alchemically produced, highly sensitive arcane meta-materials.
  3172. Further bolstered by indepth knowledge of Void Shielding on a micro-scale, she was able to transfer her original Auspex's highly dedicated and loyal Machine Spirit with little difficulty. Being one of Inquisitor Flash's personal Machine Spirits, this one is extremely dedicated and rarely suffers from logic overflow faults.
  3173. *As a result of the exceptionally high grade housing, it is incredibly happy, helpful, and highly resistant to damage due to the use of an energy-state pseudo-organic system that she is loathe to explain.
  3174. In addition, a pair of twin human souls inhabit the armor itself. (“It’s possible they were part of an.. erm, a certain ‘Project’. Which one in specific, I would rather you not know nor understand. Nothing good came from it.” -Flash)
  3175. *Codenamed Pheron and Phenon, both hail from the Outer Segmentum Pacificus world called Jego, a minor Forge-World and Imperial Guard training center.
  3176. At some point Flash intended to finish this armor, though either ran out of ideas, boredom, or motivation. Probably the latter.
  3177. -Armor Value: 4DR
  3178. -Armor Class: Modified Light
  3179. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 3/3
  3180. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: Best Quality Auspex Unit. A slim, virtually weightless auraplas interface holoscreen mounted on the right arm, linked to a staggeringly high number of analysis, detection, and scanning systems fit within.
  3181. A profoundly time consuming system to construct and test, this one is able to detect and analyze nearly all forms of motion, sound, radiation, gasses, liquids, the composition of materials, electronic equipmarent, living beings, their relative physiology, Elemarents, and the most common esoteric facts within a 500M radius.
  3182. *Grants a [1d6+4] <BQ. Auspex roll
  3183. -Electronic Enhancemarent #2: Artificer-Grade Chroniton Wave Reader. One of the few purely original designs that Flash has been able to construct on Tallus, directly copied from a Necron template, this bafflingly simple function is capable of analyzing, and sometimes predicting, abnormal temporal events.
  3184. How it works, why it works, and when it works, only the Inquisitor herself truly knows, although it will readily aid Chisan Nas and Mallia Castella in the prevention of temporal breaches. However, for several obvious reasons this function does NOT like Chisan.
  3185. *Grants a [1d6+2] <Chroniton Wave Reader roll
  3187. *****
  3189. >Omnissian Axe (Weapon Traits: Common Quality, Forge-World Pattern): a 4' in length armaplas alloy haft with an affixed unit consisting of a half-circle armaplas blade bearing the skull and gear symbol of the Mechanicus forwards. A standard set of AdMech tools is mounted rearwards on an extended ceramite bar.
  3190. In common service throughout the entire AdMech, Omnissian Axes are considered across the galaxy as the office symbol of Enginseers, regardless of their status, rank, or age.
  3191. Due to their wide spread usage as both a reasonably effective weapon and an invaluable tool for assisting with the Rites of Repair, each Enginseer is explicitly demanded (or ordered, depending on their unit) to customize their assigned Omnissian Axe for specific purposes. This one is her original, coming stock from a relatively good sized Forge on Mars.
  3192. Comes with an integrated MIU-linked adjustable omni-wrench, a simple gas-plasma cutting torch that can also be used for welding, and a small ceramite prying blade for removing armor panels in a hurry.
  3193. Since it's machine spirit is new (again) and hasn't had time to develop any quirks, it will rarely if ever complain.
  3194. -Melee Weapon Class: Two-Handed
  3195. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3196. -Rites of Repair: adds +1 to all Engineering & Tech-Use rolls when performing in-combat repairs
  3197. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  3198. -Armor Pierce: 1 when 2-Handing
  3200. *****
  3202. >M36 Laspistol (Weapon Traits: Laser, Poor Quality, Standard Pattern): the third most mass produced weapon in the Imperium, the M36 Laspistol design is little more than a plastic pistol frame embedded with an electro-circuit board, a firing trigger, an armaplas barrel, 1 focusing array, 1 power cell, and given a tiny machine spirit.
  3203. As this one is of rather cheap make, it's machine spirit is prone to fits and may jam often.
  3204. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Light Energy Weapons rolls.
  3205. -Ammunition Class: Pistol Laser, Semi-Automatic
  3206. -OVERCHARGE: adds +2 to all Light Energy Weapon rolls and gains Armor Pierce 2, uses 2 charges per shot
  3207. -Magazine Capacity: 20/20 shots, comes with 3x Small Power Packs
  3208. -Optimal Range: 50M, with a -1 penalty to all Light Energy Weapon rolls per 30M beyond this range
  3209. -Maximum Range: 110M
  3211. >M36 Lasrifle (Weapon Traits: Laser, Common Quality, Standard Pattern): the second most widely produced weapon in the Imperium after the Mars Pattern Lasrifle, the M36 version has a more robust construction than later variants and is thus easier to maintain.
  3212. Little more than an armaplas body, a Tech Priest built electro-circuit board, an actual trigger, a long lasting ceramite barrel, a standard focusing array, a quality power cell, and a standard machine spirit housing.
  3213. As this weapon is of decent make, the machine spirit neither particularly likes nor dislikes its current housing, and so does not jam often.
  3214. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Light Energy Weapons rolls
  3215. -Armor Pierce: 1
  3216. -OVERCHARGE: adds +2 to all Light Energy Weapon rolls and gains Armor Pierce 2, uses 2 charges per shot
  3217. -Ammunition Class: Rifle Laser, Semi-Automatic
  3218. -Magazine Capacity: 60/60 shots, comes with 3x Rifle Power Packs
  3219. -Optimal Range: 200M, with a -1 penalty to all Light Energy Weapon rolls per 200M beyond this range
  3220. -Maximum Range: 800M
  3222. *****
  3223. >SUPPLIES: 2x Canteens, 4x Officer's Field Rations
  3225. *****
  3226. >COMMON ITEMS: Blanket, Lasweapon Maintenance Kit, Magnoculars, Mess Kit, Sleeping Bag, Wire Cutters
  3228. *****
  3229. >EXPLOSIVES: 3x Smoke Grenades, 4x Frag Grenades, 2x High Explosive
  3231. *****
  3232. >MEDICAL ITEMS: Box of Bandages
  3234. *****
  3235. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3236. >Approved Administratum Mechanicus CQ Dataslate: a 10" tall, 8" wide, 1/2" thick carbon plate installed with a self-recharging power cell, a miniature cogitator, and sseveral data cores.
  3237. Unlike the Poor Quality dataslates issued to the Imperial Guard, the Mechanicus Common Quality dataslate is capable of text, video, and schematic storage, much like a smartphone though is considerably more limited as programming is far advanced in the 41st Millennium’s mass produced equipment.
  3239. >*Approved Administratum Mechanicus Maintenance Kit: a plastic hardcase containing a handheld techno-mystical code-scanning device.
  3240. Specifically for use by Enginseers to inspect the various electronics and cogitators they come across for data corruption, data compatability, and to provide an additional MIU interface for hacking.
  3241. *Grants an additional Tech-Use roll when used to access electronic devices or initiate repairs
  3243. >*Approved Administratum Mechanicus Tool & Fabrication Kit: an armaplas hard case packed with ceramite wrenches, nut drivers, screwdrivers, hex keys, star pin drivers, screwdrivers, and sockets.
  3244. Guaranteed to function on every mass produced weapon, armor, device, and vehicle throughout the Imperium.
  3245. Comes with a number of STC printouts containing information on how to build small las-forges, chemical work stations, small vehicle repair bays, and other necessities.
  3246. Unlike the kits issued to Imperial Guard Operators, however, is the addition of a small high tech las-cutter, able to cut, seam, and weld most materials.
  3247. Added to this is a miniature fabrication machine fitted with a material scanning auspex for ensuring the tightest of tolerances, capable of nanolathing small parts.
  3248. An MIU-compatible auspex inspector is last, capable of determining material compositions.
  3249. All devices are powered by the same power packs most laspistols and lasrifles use.
  3250. *Adds +1 to and grants an additional Engineering roll when in use
  3252. >Enginseer Combi-tool: perhaps the most bizarre looking implement built by the Mechanicus, a Combi-tool is a simple armaplas casing installed with a small prybar and a sharp ceramite scraper along with multiple adjustable ratcheting wrenches, screwdrivers, hex keys, and star pin drivers of every size.
  3253. *Adds +1 to all Engineering rolls when used
  3254. *May not be used with a Tool & Fabrication Kit
  3256. >Utility Mechaendrite (Implant Traits: Custom-Implant, Common Quality, Standard Pattern): the most wide spread cybernetic implant used by the Cult Mechanicus, this is a basic utility mechadendrite, 6' in length and 3” in circumference. This specific design is intended to aid Enginseers in most of their common duties.
  3257. Created by attaching 400 alloy steel plates of varying shapes to a short length of industrial synthmuscle, embedded with roughly 100 micromotors and actuators, then installed with a self-recharging power cell programmed by a senior Tech Priest to ensure long lasting function, giving it a tentacle like appearance.
  3258. This allows prehensile flexibility and enough strength to pick up even Astartes bolter rifle without unbalancing even the smaller users… much.
  3259. The head is finally slotted with two small techno-sorcery based retractable tools capable of nanite-forming virtually any flat head, star, hex, shank, hex-ring, eight-point, standard/metric bolt or nut, and virtually all other small parts imaginable.
  3260. Directly implanted into Mallia's central spine without a need for an additional neural interface due to her MIU, the mental connection to this mechadendrite allows her to use it as another limb without causing mental lag. Although the AdMech would normally frown at doing so, it can also be used to wield and fire pistols for her.
  3261. This specific one comes directly from a larger Forge on Mars, thus it features an incense censer for calming particularly unruly or damaged Machine Spirits, a retractable 6" monomolecular cutting blade, six sets of three-pronged 0-gravy alloy manipulator claws for performing fine repairs or holding an item in place, a small but powerful cutting torch, and six injector pistons filled with Ligature Oil.
  3262. -Armor Value: 20 Armor
  3263. -Armor Durability: 2DR
  3264. -Blessed Incense of the Machine Spirit: grants a [1d6+2] <Blessed Incense roll when performing Tech-Use on electronic devices, may only be used ONCE every 3rd turn
  3265. -Ligature Oil Injectors: grants a [1d6+2] <Sacrament of the Omnissiah roll that may be used for Engineering or Tech-Use during repairs; the Ligature Oil bottles MUST be replaced after all six have been used
  3266. *If the Injectors are replaced with Regenerative Crystalline Bio-Gel this instead becomes a [1d6+6] <Blessing of the Poneissiah roll, which may only be utilized on Crystalline Shells or other Bio-Crystalline Technology
  3267. -Improvisional Weapon Mount: can be used to fire an additional Small Arm with a single applicable roll
  3268. -Monomolecular Blade: grants a [1d6+2] <Monomolecular Blade roll that ignores 1/2 DR, may be used in combat or for Engineering purposes
  3269. -Micro-Plasma Cutter: grants a [1d6+2] <Plasma Torch roll that may be used to weld most materials together, cut through plating, or burn through an opponent's armor
  3270. -Rites of Repair: grants a [1d6+2] <Rites of Repair roll that functions as either Engineering or Tech-Use when repairing electronic devices, weapons, armor, or vehicles
  3271. -Utility Mechandrite: grants a [1d6+2] <Utility Mechandrite roll that can function as either Engineering or Tech-Use
  3273. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3274. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3277. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3278. Mr. Agent:
  3280. *****
  3282. >Plate Carrier Vest
  3283. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the chest
  3284. -Armor Class: Light
  3286. *****
  3288. -Baton: unenchanted
  3289. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  3291. *****
  3293. >Dual Glock 17's (Weapon Traits: Paired, Personal): a (mostly) polymer 9x19MM semi-automatic pistol, noted for it's expense, high cost of replacemarent parts, and tendency to become a miniature grenade.
  3294. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3295. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  3296. -Armor Pierce: 0
  3297. -Magazine Capacity: 16/16 cartridges for each, comes with 5x magazines
  3298. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  3299. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  3300. -Attachment #1: Standard External Supressors: 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to determine the direction fired from
  3302. *****
  3303. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3304. >Attache Case: an unreasonably expensive designer suitcase, colored black for obvious reasons, with a simple 4-digit combination lock next to a pair of ornate ivory handles.
  3305. While the design is quite similar to most high end human styled suitcases, this one in particular bears a number of Tallus-based modifications, the least of which seems to be a severe lack of weight.
  3306. The most jarring being an overly ridiculous capacity, seeing as how as Mr. Agent is able to store nearly all of his personal equipment, let alone the several hundred official papers, writs, and official notices necessary for his job within it rather easily.
  3308. *****
  3309. >SUPPLIES: none
  3311. *****
  3312. >COMMON ITEMS: Book, Pack of Cigarettes, Sunglasses, Zippo Lighter
  3314. *****
  3315. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Painkillers
  3318. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3320. Natilda:
  3322. *****
  3323. Currency: 14,000 Russian Rubles
  3325. *****
  3327. >Armored Keyhole Turtleneck, Overcoat, & Fatigues (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Otherworld-Woven, Unique): in reality this set is three pieces of semi-armored, shock absorbing clothing, created from a unique silk collected from an Otherworldly spider that makes it's home in the Moors, with moderate color shifting properties to allow it's wearer to slightly blend into most backgrounds.
  3328. First is a specially designed, custom hoofmade turtleneck with an elongated triangle cut atop the breasts for excellent exposure quality, a snug but well fitting pair of cargo pants.
  3329. Completed by a traditional Stalliongrad style light overcoat, well insulated to protect against the Northern New Everfree's notorious cold.
  3330. -Armor Value: Turtleneck & Fatigues provide 1DR, Overcoat provides an additional 1DR when worn
  3331. -Armor Class: Unarmored
  3332. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/2
  3333. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: adds +1 to all Charm & non-combat Stealth rolls
  3335. >Custom Bluesteel Bodysuit (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Bluesteel-Forged, Magitek-Forged, Unique): created from a damaged, but complete, set of pegasi bluesteel armor taken from Skykeep by Natalia and forged to fit her, though she retired.
  3336. Choosing to create woven strands of semi-fluidic bluesteel in two layers, Spiral further reinforced the exterior with the addition of smaller, overlapping flexible plates for greater protection. Was acquired by Eric over a year later but never used.
  3337. The inner layer is provided a measure of shock absorbance via cured and tanned basilisk hide padding melded to the fluidic wire stranded frame, now entirely refit by Krinza for Natilda to wear, allowing full freedom of movemarent without sacrificing much needed protection.
  3338. -Armor Value: provides 3DR, full body
  3339. -Armor Class: Light
  3340. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  3341. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: reduces ALL Ice damage caused, whether physical, magical, Elemarental, Mystical, or Planar by 1/2, though may not work against Eldritch
  3343. *****
  3346. *****
  3348. >M91 Mosin-Nagant (Weapon Traits: Personal): an extremely rugged, nearly ancient patterned bolt-action rifle with a 5-round internal magazine. Once holding the title of the most mass produced firearm in history, of which the AK-47 now holds that prestigious rank, there are approximately 100 standard Mosin-Nagant rifle variants, that number expanding nearly exponentially if one considers how many human worlds there are.
  3349. This particular Mosin-Nagant is the longest and second heaviest of it's breed, measuring in at 49 inches and weighing 8.9 pounds when fully loaded.
  3350. Due to its weight, the M91's recoil is noticeably less than carbine variants, and makes an excellent impromptu spear whenever kebabs need removing, allowing it to be used as a melee weapon.
  3351. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Battle Rifle rolls
  3352. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x54mmR, Battle Rifle
  3353. -Armor Pierce: 3
  3354. -Magazine Capacity: 5/5 cartridges, comes with 7x 5-round clips
  3355. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 200M beyond this range
  3356. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,100M
  3357. -Attachmarent #1: Scope: adds +1 to Battle Rifle rolls & +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  3358. -Attachmarent #2: Bayonet: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls only when in use
  3360. >Tokarev TT-33 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a small framed, semi-automatic pistol chambered in 7.62×25mm Tokarev, meant to replace the M1895 Nagant Revolver in most Russian Imperial armies, although both weapons were often used alongside each other.
  3361. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3362. -Ammunition Class: 7.62×25M Tokarev, Small Arms
  3363. -Armor Pierce: 0
  3364. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 cartridges. Comes with 3x magazines
  3365. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  3366. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  3368. *****
  3369. >SUPPLIES: 2x Canteens, x Common Mango, 6x Gem Water Bottles, 2x Hardtack Boxes, 4x Ration Tins, 2x Vodka
  3371. *****
  3372. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Compass, Goggles, 1x Iodine Bottle, Map, 1x Road Flare, Standard Nightvision Goggles
  3374. *****
  3375. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x each of Molotov Cocktails & Smoke
  3377. *****
  3378. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Bandages
  3380. *****
  3381. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3382. >Puff Skipper: a glowing, multi-hued and barely sentient ocean-based sea creature capable of producing a blinding flash of light, followed by a large, rapid forming cloud of smog after being squeezed with enough force.
  3383. *Blinds enemies similar to a flashbang with a [1d6] roll for duration, and causes a -3 penalty to all visual and scent based Perception rolls to enemies in the vicinity.
  3384. *Also makes a cute squeaking sound, too!
  3386. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3387. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3390. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3391. (Doctor) Supernova:
  3393. *****
  3394. >PONIAL ARMOR: none
  3396. *****
  3399. *****
  3400. >RANGED WEAPONRY: none
  3402. *****
  3403. >SUPPLIES: none
  3405. *****
  3406. >COMMON ITEMS: none
  3408. *****
  3409. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  3411. *****
  3412. >MEDICAL ITEMS: none
  3414. *****
  3415. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3416. >3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3417. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3420. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3421. Pareidolia:
  3423. *****
  3425. >Thermal-Optic Camouflage Armor (Armor Traits: Advanced, Custom-Fit, Hyfalgryph-Forged, Magitek-Forged, Modified Prototype, Unique Artifact): A lightweight, self-contained and armored NBC suit, complete with an experimarental helmet, covered in a real-time environmarentally matching nanofilamarent that masks the wearer's thermal signature, also providing the same concealmarent for his equipmarent and weapons.
  3426. Vastly improved with a sequential layering of Hyfalgryph scales, it was augmarented with a sealed, infused planar silk to allow a limited auto-stealth functionality, and comes with a unique self-regenerating power cell that drains ambient energy discharges and energy from it's surroundings.
  3427. Further modified by Spiral's gryphon form with a semi-synchronized Tallus power crystal to ensure stable operation, featured on the back in a small containmarent unit combined with an advanced processing unit.
  3428. When struck while in stealth, the optical camouflage will flicker on and off randomly for that turn before returning to normal, and excessive exposure to water will cause the system to disable the active nanofilamarents, temporarily shutting off the auto-camouflage function for a short period of time.
  3429. While it is possible to use firearms during Stealth, the overall system cannot mask muzzle flash and has no effect on sound dampening.
  3430. -Armor Value: provides 4DR, full body
  3431. -Armor Class: Enhanced Light
  3432. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/3
  3433. -Electronic Enhancemarent #1: adds +2 to all in-combat Stealth rolls, and converts all rolls to Auto-Stealth in dark conditions, including red, purple, violet, black, and green spectrums; when in blue, yellow, orange, and white spectrum lighting this effect is disabled. Regenerates to 4/4 Charges per Operation
  3434. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: reduces damage from all Elemarental, Casting, Psionic, and other esoteric means by 1/4
  3435. *ELDRITCH ARTISTRY: adds +1 to all Carving, Crafting, Dancing, Engineering, Intimidation (in writing), Negotiation (only when done in writing ), Sculpting, and Singing rolls. During these attempts, Pareidolia may NOT be interrupted. Should one make the effort to prevent this... they will not enjoy the repercussions
  3436. *ONCE per Operation, Pareidolia is capable of taking 100% control of his armor utilizing a directed electromagnetic bioneural-feed algorithm resulting from his exposure to an experimental Lightning-based alchemical substance in the Enclave. During this state, Pareidolia is capable of 'feeling', 'seeing', sensing', 'hearing', and 'tasting' his surroundings through the Void, albeit in an electrified state, and is incapable of experiencing physical pain.
  3437. *ONCE per Operation, Pareidolia is granted a [1d6+10] <Auto-Lightning Shield which is capable of destroying and damaging projectiles or weapons, and is able to redirect or nullify a single Lightning elemarental attack, whether physical, magical, Mystical, or Druidic in nature, but cannot defend against Otherworldly or Planar Lightning
  3438. *ONCE per Operation, Pareidolia is capable of drawing all electrical energies from power crystals within a 10M radius of him to enhance his Lightning Strike ability, allowing additional arcs to chain onto all targets within 5M of the original target
  3440. >Improved Self-Contained NBCA Committee Helmet (Armor Traits: Advanced Technology, Crystal-Forged, Custom-Fit, Unique Advanced Tallus Crystalline Artifact): an externally light black colored, bubble-styled Nuclear-Biological-Chemical-Anomalous resistant helmet.
  3441. The original material was entirely replaced with a 3/8" thick black sapphirine produced on Tallus and shaped by Anon, its material properties approximating medium-strength alloy titanium.
  3442. Features an integrated air filtration system using a coupling allowing for the use of standard military grade multi-stage air filters.
  3443. *Neural Operating Algorithim Heuristic/Stand Alone Ghost 5.2 (NOAH/SAG 5.2): an upgraded version of prior NOAH variants and iterations, the SAG sub-type was designed to be fully functional in both independent and networked roles.
  3444. Capable of rapid, in-field calculations, predictive analysis, electronic warfare and countermeasures, full suite accessibility to all the modern electronic protocols of the 22nd century, and a nearly infinite learning potential thanks to the unrivaled success of the Amadeus and Salieri projects, they otherwise held all the same capabilities of previous NOAH versions at magnitudes greater thresholds.
  3445. Much of their initial applications were internal, networking with and accelerating the learning and development of older NOAH models via improved machine learning. Capable of integrating themselves into nearly any electronic system, they were also designed for modular attachment to certain vehicles, exoskeletons, or spacecraft and with sufficient prior training could utilize and operate them independently of human input or assisting human operators.
  3446. Trials were being undertaken to provide durable, reliable android bodies sufficiently able to facilitate their housing, however individual preferences among SAG templates resulted in some preferring to remain in their drive forms rather than transfer.
  3447. Intended for use in both combat and non-combat roles, their existence was largely kept to Committee installations and personnel as roll-out plans for the public sector were still ongoing in tandem with memory preservation/digitization analogues. Consideration was also provided for provisional attachment to the GAIA project.
  3448. All personality templates were drawn from Committee volunteers who had achieved incredible excellence in any particular field of study, art, feat, or performance and wished for ‘themselves’ to live on in a more permanent manner after their physical death. Within the civilian support staff and a non-minor amount of combat staff, popular idol singers and philosophers were highly requested SAG partners.
  3449. *Codename: Shiibo (Brash, Curious, Determined, Emotional, Experimenter, Focused, Hard-Working, Inquisitive, Intellectual, Intuitive, Kind, Logical, Precise, Savant, Tsundere)
  3450. -Armor Value: provides 3DR to the entire head
  3451. -Armor Class: Medium Helmet
  3452. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  3453. -Technological Slots Remaining: 1/2
  3454. -Black Sapphirine Enhancement: reduces all damage caused by Shadow or Void Elementals by 1/2, also grants 2 raw Enchantment slots
  3455. -Mechanical Enhancement #1: reduces the duration & effects of Blind and Concussions by 1/2
  3456. -Technological Enhancement #1: grants a [1d6+3] <Predictive Behavior Analysis ability when Pareidolia performs any Psychological Assessment tests against a target. This ability may not be used in tandem with the <Threat Matrix Analysis ability, only one or the other may be used each turn.
  3457. -Technological Enhancement #2: grants a [1d6+3] <Threat Matrix Analysis ability against a single target, the result of which informs Pareidolia of the target's potential threat vectors and capabilities. This ability may not be used in tandem with the <Predictive Behavior Analysis ability, only one or the other may be used each turn.
  3458. -Technological Enhancement #3: whichever A.I. model Pareidolia selects for operational functions, it is able to access and display all information that its' predecessors and alternative A.I. have recorded in the past, whether visual, auditory, data files. A modernized suite of illogical-logic calculation nodes based on an exceptional human's neural process round out the features for more flexible infield support. This function also allows Pareidolia to review all recorded information at any time, and cannot be heard without significant difficulty.
  3459. -Technological Enhancement #4: functions as a standard radio system out to 10 miles and may transmit up to a 25 miles, allowing Pareidolia to act as a long ranged receiver-transceiver; may also utilize encryption protocols and codes at will.
  3460. -Technological Enhancement #5: a suite of standard organo-heuristic learning algorithms allows the current A.I. to utilize moderately complex encryption, decryption, and security systems using 3x [1d6+3] <E.Electronic Warfare rolls.
  3461. -Technological Enhancement #6: an extensive suite of bio-analytic programs and recursive data stacks that actively and remotely scan Pareidolia's physical state, when allowed the proper authorization and access to do so. Displaying near-exact injuries down to the millimeter, equipment and weapon damage, positive or negative status conditions, including a small screen dedicated to a self-analysis of his approximate mental state. The system is also capable of determining potential harm delivered by physical and mostly-solid enemy combatants once scanned by other technological devices, although it hasn't been linked and collected enough data to do so. Yet.
  3463. *****
  3465. >Enchanted Combat Knife
  3466. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  3467. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3470. *****
  3472. >Hermit's Pinksteel Dagger (Weapon Traits: Artifact, Unique): formerly a rough, patchwork pinksteel biteblade, minorly reinforced and repaired on the spot by Celestia, now an 8" long single bladed dagger with a 6" handle, the edge tapering to a long, curved point.
  3473. The grip is some form of carved wood, species unknown, while the blade itself is a rushed forge job, but is still pure pinksteel nonetheless. How such pure pinksteel was acquired and then so poorly forged together into this weapon is an odd story:
  3474. From the numerous records recovered from Harlon's lab, there is a limited amount of information on the origins of this old biteblade. A year or so before the Temporal Incident at Harlon's lab, the Guards were investigating reports of a deranged pony inhabiting the deep woods near Canterlot.
  3475. The reports themselves were quite real, but the story had a strange twist: the pony in question claimed to be tormarented by hallucinations and voices in his head, and assumed that he was being harassed by spirits.
  3476. Somehow acquiring a lump of pure pinksteel, he forged this rush job of a blade in utmost desperation. His background, where he acquired the pinksteel, and how he had any skill in forging remain unknown.
  3477. When they attempted to subdue and aid him, he shocked the small Guard group by plunging the biteblade into the head of the Captain and dashed away into the woods. He was never seen again after this, though the Guard gave their all to track him down for the murder.
  3478. Convinced that there must have been more to the weapon, they brought it to Harlon for analysis. He concluded there was nothing to the blade besides being badly made, and threw the weapon in with all the other rejects and oddities.
  3479. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  3480. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3481. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/1
  3482. -Inherent Ability: Pink Steel, allows the user to harm incorporeal or non-physical Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead beings, also granting a [1d6+4] <Purge non-elemarental effect
  3483. -Blade and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  3485. >Mythril Staff (CORRUPTED Living Artifact): a light, 5' tall mythril-infused oak branch, still living somehow, shaped by Spiral into a triangular headed walking staff. Shaped to look like tiny forest dragon heads, the mouths are empty.
  3486. The weapon is not sentient, but due to its existence from a relatively untainted section of the Everfree once could suppose that it greatly dislikes Undead.
  3487. -Melee Weapon Class: Two-Handed
  3488. -Enchantmarent Slots: 0/3 remaining
  3489. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3490. -Advanced Modifier: adds +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls against Spectrals and Undead
  3491. -Unicorn Adapted: adds +2 to all Casting rolls
  3492. -Inherent Ability: Deathbane, grants a [1d6+4] <Shatter non-Elemarental attack effective only against Undead
  3493. -Modification: Two-Handed Block: gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  3494. *STATUS: laid to rest by Hodch
  3496. >Panorama Blade (Weapon Traits: Graven-Carved, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a thick, 28" long, slightly curved sword with an 8" handle and oversized guards.
  3497. This black-tinged blade is covered in a panoramic scene of a large minotaur village, presumably Gozka, and would likely have been used for training young Adherents.
  3498. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed OR Two-Handed
  3499. -Base Modifier: adds +3 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3500. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  3501. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+2] <Airstrike Elemarental attack
  3502. -Offensive Enchantmarent #2: grants a [1d6+2] <Lunar Shock non-elemarental attack that stuns on a max critical, forcing Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead beings to suffer a -4 penalty to all rolls due to their fragile grasp of reality being interrupted
  3503. -Offensive Enchantmarent #3: THREE times per Operation, Pareidolia may utilize a <Dispersion effect, causing 50% of the total damage inflicted to jump to the closest enemy target as an arcane beam of non-elemarental energies; if an opponent Blocks the weapon this crystal is enchanted to, that damage will automatically strike them instead. Unless fully Evaded, this effect MUST always occur
  3504. -Modification #1: Two-Handed Block, gains an additional Block roll ONLY when using both hands to wield
  3506. >Slumbering Wrath (Unknown Legendary Otherworldly Artifact): a 2" in diameter, 3' long shaft of an unknown dim blue wood species, connected to a 6" in diameter spherical mass of shifting bright blue Otherworldly energies.
  3507. Before the Dynasty was even a thought, Slumbering Wrath was originally discovered by an expeditionary team of Dusk Striders carving a path through the Underdark between the Moors and Manehattan.
  3508. This 'weapon', if it can truly be called that, was picked up and brought into the physical realm to be studied in the hopes of understanding, and possibly reproducing, the marely Otherworldly materials present in spectrums linked to Tallus, but despite marely years of research and experimarentation to determine it's composition it was later considered an interesting but otherwise useless animate curio.
  3509. Carried by Dusk Striders, passed from hoof to hoof and family to family, Slumbering Wrath was eventually given it's name for the strange, dissonant, and violent expulsions of nullifying flux energies it would produce when used to harm Planar beings.
  3510. Although the Dusk Striders are long gone, most of their wisdom has been passed down through the Lunar and non-allied city factions, and along with their journals and tomes, the knowledge to summon a wrathful wisp from the 'head' of this weapon has been carried throughout history along with it's own existence.
  3511. Regardless of their concerns as to how it appeared in the Enclave, both Amerose and Naliyna are positive that Slumbering Wrath was not recovered from the Solar Amory, while testing on Tallus natives ("Maybe... possibly... well, it's kinda likely but I'm not going to tell you why there were several unwilling humans help us figure this thing out." -Naliyna) has proven that it cannot harm anything but Planar beings.
  3512. -Melee Weapon Class: Two-Handed
  3513. -Enchantmarent Slots: unknown
  3514. -Base Modifier: adds +6 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls, though ONLY against Planar beings
  3515. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: twice per Operation, the bearer may utilize a [1d6+10] <Summon Wrathful Wisp ability that brings forth a golf ball sized, glowing blue and utterly hostile sphere which tracks down Planar targets with an inherent speed of 12, bypassing DR entirely
  3516. *Only one Wisp may be summoned at a time
  3518. *****
  3520. -GSL-H9 (Small Arm Traits: High Tech, Integral Burst Fire, Limited Ammunition, Precision Small Arm): perhaps the most plausible example of near-future high tech weaponry in use, at least by human standards, this pistol from someone else's literal future defies both the expectations of what a weapon 'is', and what it is not.
  3521. Given the weapon's specifications and blatantly basic double-action hammer feature, the design of this weapon could have been adapted from virtually any major manufacturer on most human worlds.
  3522. Remarkable for its barrel length, the bright red LED counter on the right side sits above a dark forest green magazine release button, illuminated by a white glow-in-the-dark synthetic plastiform ring bordering it for maximum visibility.
  3523. The box magazine itself is larger than it appears at first glance, revealing this weapon to utilize an unusual straight-cased small 5MM penetrator cartridge, slightly larger and considerably more advanced than the 4.3x45MM H&K prototype.
  3524. Similar to many marksman refits, the grip is tactically styled with a great deal of comfort in mind, while the slide lock safety directly above the trigger gives it an effectively militaristic appeal.
  3525. Yet again deviating from standards, this weapon is only able to fire in a 3-round burst mode yet the recoil is so minor that such a firing rate is unlikely to negatively impact the user's aim.
  3526. The small amount of wear on this weapon, besides the cryptic name and model number, shows that either it has not seen much action on Tallus or that it was created to withstand a great deal of use on extended operations.
  3527. As it does not seem to have been produced to use a suppressor, laser sighting systems, a flashlight, or any other accessories, one has to wonder what exactly the intended purpose of this weapon was.
  3528. *A note from Vandal states that this weapon was recovered alongside the NGTB-478 from a hostile, uncommunicative human female encountered during a Pathfinder led expedition into the northeastern edge of the New Everfree.
  3529. The human's bizarre, almost egg-shaped armor was mostly destroyed, as was everything else save for these two weapons and their ammunition, due to the usage of an unstable manabomb. The expedition suffered severe losses to both weapons and an unknown system.
  3530. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Small Arms rolls
  3531. -Ammunition Class: 5MM High Velocity GSL, Small Arms
  3532. -Armor Pierce: 2
  3533. -Magazine Capacity: 45/45 cartridges, 1x magazine each of Marking-Tracer & Armor Piercing
  3534. -Ammunition Type #1: 5MM High Velocity GSL Armor Piercing, grants Armor Pierce 2 (negates 2 DR) per roll
  3535. -Ammunition Type #2: 5MM High Velocity GSL Marking-Tracer, adds +1 to all Small Arms rolls after the FIRST roll due to leaving a distinct bright green vapor trail, which allows an Operator to rapidly adjust their aim-on-target
  3536. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  3537. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  3538. *ERA: unknown.
  3540. -Krieghoff-Fochwulfe & Mauser FG103 ExoTrooper Mk. VI (Combat/Battle Rifle Traits: Custom, Limited Ammunition, Post Orbital Technology): distinctly based on the FG-42 B model, this example takes what made the original a good paratrooper weapon, then pushes that idea to the limits with an overdose of extremely sophisticated technology, utilizing engineering principles that could only have been developed by one either insane enough, or bored nearly to death.
  3541. Much like its counterparts, this weapon's furniture has been modified to be much more comfortable for use and are formed from a crystal-plasticized steel capable of enduring cold down to -200 degrees and heat up to 1,500 degrees for extended periods of time.
  3542. All other components are comprised of absurdly high quality 0-gravity cast titanium-tungsten-crystalline hi-alloy composites coated by a macro-ceramic laminate to ensure a theoretical lifespan of two hundred years.
  3543. *Vandal's notes detail that during the summer of 29,998, a minotaur Elder Mystic had been surveying Rune Pass for a number of alchemical ingredients. He located a thoroughly destroyed Endless March Golem surrounded by small, strange cases made of steel.
  3544. The presumed owner was found deceased within a short radius, inside a highly complex set of lethally damaged armor; estimated weight of 1,200 pounds.
  3545. The human had a number of equally complex augmentations, presumably bionics or cybernetics; also was presumed to be either the result of eugenics or some other accelerated program. Numerous high quality weapons were stored in a hard plasticized steel case located nearby, although a massive anti-everything rifle that he estimated to be at least 200 years newer than this one had to be teleported from the exosuit's grip.
  3546. The body was buried after a short investigation due to the locale's dangers.
  3547. *A hoofnote from Astra states that the armor was currently undergoing careful investigation and limited on-hoof inspection in the Underground to ascertain its intended purpose(s); once completed the armor would be placed, in stasis of course, in the Otherworldly Historical Wing: Human Technologies afterwards in its own exhibit.
  3548. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Battle Rifle OR Combat Rifle rolls
  3549. -Ammunition Class: 11×92MM EM Mauser, Specialized Battle Rifle
  3550. -Armor Pierce: 4
  3551. -Magazine Capacity: 20/20, comes with 3x 20 round magazines
  3552. -Maximum Optimal Range: 600M with a -1 penalty per 200M beyond this range
  3553. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,200M
  3554. -Attachment #1: 4x20 D1G-3 Medium Digiscope: adds +1 to all Battle/Combat Rifle rolls & +4 to a SINGLE Perception/Scouting/Wilderness Survival roll, only when in use
  3555. -Attachment #2: External Suppressor: this weapon is 80% suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 9 or higher to determine the direction fired from
  3556. -Modification #1: Recoil Absorbing Stock, negates all recoil penalties
  3557. *ERA: Early Orbital
  3559. -Magnum Salvo Firearms SPS-18 (Ranged Weapon Traits: Custom, Heavy, Standard Tech): in appearance a slightly larger clone of the SPAS-15, this oddly stamped weapon bears a number of interesting sidegrades.
  3560. Using a medium weight, quartz-infused wood from a common maple species instead of polymer adds a slight amount of weight while greatly increasing durability, stability, and comfort.
  3561. Exchanging the original sights for a halo ring rear and high visibility electron-magnified front post improves CQB accuracy, while an off-side mounted holosight can be used for longer ranged work.
  3562. Few of the internals bear more than slight design changes, but the receiver, barrel, and tube appear to be from a limited or special production run due to an exceptional 9600-series stainless alloy.
  3563. The long magazine tube itself is a curiously stock feature, giving it an 8+1 capacity, and the standard 4" shell increases recoil by a noticable amount. One unusual deviation is a somewhat complicated, albeit robust, addition of a 13-shell drum feeding magazine and second stage feeding system.
  3564. *Vandal's notes state this weapon was recovered in Southern Pongolia, southwest of Rushya, from a small camp site that appeared to have been used longer than a year. Besides some unusual MRE's and a number of basic supplies, nothing more was located after a thorough search.
  3565. Speculative notes include the possibility of gigantic avians once known to inhabit the region during an archaic era 4,000+ years prior; Astra's hoofnote states the likelihood of the previous scenario to be unknown.
  3566. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Shotgun rolls
  3567. -Ammunition Class: 10 gauge
  3568. -Armor Pierce: 2 for slugs, 4 for darts, 5 for finned darts
  3569. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 finned darts in forward tube, 1x 13-shell drum magazine of finned darts, 2x 13-shell drums of slugs
  3570. -Ammunition Type #1: buckshot and flechettes have an optimal range of 60M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 10M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 120M
  3571. -Ammunition Type #2: darts and slugs have an optimal range of 150M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 30M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 220M
  3572. -Ammunition Type #3: finned darts have an optimal range of 200M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 50M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 350M
  3573. -Attachment #1: KGE Holosight, adds +1 to all Shotgun rolls when in use
  3574. *ERA: Late Information Age
  3576. *****
  3578. >FN F2000 Tactical (Weapon Traits: Personal): a lightweight, modular bullpup combat rifle designed to utilize a short covered bolt, improving it's functionality in adverse environmarents, although it's range suffers considerably from the short barrel.
  3579. Unfortunately, the frame has been known to melt under prolonged heat.
  3580. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Combat Rifle rolls
  3581. -Ammunition Class: 5.56x45mm NATO, Combat Rifle
  3582. -Armor Pierce: 1
  3583. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges, comes with 6x 30-round magazines
  3584. -Maximum Optimal Range: 300M with a -1 penalty to all Combat Rifle rolls per 100M beyond this range
  3585. -Maximum Effective Range: 600M
  3586. -Attachmarent #1: Holosight: adds +1 to Combat Rifle rolls only when in use, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight
  3587. -Attachmarent #2: Laser Sight: adds +1 to Combat Rifle rolls only when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M, cannot be used in conjunction with a scope
  3588. -Modification #1: External Supressor: 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to determine the direction fired from
  3590. >FN P90 TR (Weapon Traits: Personal): a lightweight, compact, ambidextrous bullpup polymer-based PDW that uses a proprietary armor-piercing FN 5.7×28MM cartridge, designed as a replacemarent for the H&K MP-series of submachine guns.
  3591. While it's caliber is significantly smaller than the 9MM, it boasts greater velocity, better armor penetration than the 7.65x21MM cartridge, and greatly reduced recoil, it does suffer from a distinct lack of lethality, which is partially offset by it's 50 round box magazine.
  3592. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3593. -Ammunition Class: 5.7×28MM, Small Arms
  3594. -Armor Pierce: 1
  3595. -Magazine Capacity: 50/50 cartridges, comes with 4x 50-round box magazines
  3596. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  3597. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  3599. *****
  3600. >SUPPLIES: 2x Canteens
  3602. *****
  3603. >COMMON ITEMS: Batteries, Binoculars, 2x Duct Tape, Flint & Steel, 2x Gas Masks, GPS, L-Flashlight, Lighter Fluid, Multi-Tool, MP3 Player, Radio, 4x Road Flares, Snake Cam, Shovel, Wire Cutters, Wrist Watch, 2x Zip Ties, 2x Zippo Lighters
  3605. *****
  3606. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x M67 Frag, 3x Smoke, 4x White Phosphorous
  3608. *****
  3609. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch
  3611. *****
  3612. >POWER CRYSTALS: 2 Small, 4 Medium
  3614. *****
  3615. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3616. >Blood Corrupted Water Elemental Shards: smooth granite shards inscribed with undecipherable text, fragmarents of the Water Elemental's skeletal structure.
  3617. *Causes additional harm against Cursed, Elemarental, Undead, and those capable of draining the life of others, Spectrals in particular
  3618. *When infused to a weapon adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3619. *When infused to armor provides +2DR against Cursed, Elemarental, Undead, or life draining beings
  3620. *Grants a [1d6+1] <Repel effect to armor and weaponry, the greater the result the more effective the repel, such as forcing the target back on a result of 2, and paralyzing the target on a 7.
  3621. *Reduces the detrimarental effects of curses by 1/2
  3623. >Burst Pendant: allows a [1d6+20] <Vile Poison Area of Effect (AoE) ranged Mystic Elemarental magic attack, ONCE per Operation, that deals double damage to large enemies.
  3625. >Burst Pendant: allows a [1d6+20] <Voidcall Area of Effect (AoE) ranged Elemarental magic attack, ONCE per Operation, that deals double damage to large enemies
  3627. >Crin Feathers: garishly bright primaries and secondaries from an annoying Vortex Plane avian inhabitant, shorter than humans by a foot.
  3628. Barely raptor-like in appearance, Crin are often considered less reasonable and far more stupid than most, often seen on Tallus acting as disposable vanguards to blunt magic or Elemarentals from hostile forces.
  3629. Due to their strange nature, the one glaring weakness all Crin share is a near-total weakness to piercing weapons including projectiles.
  3630. *PURIFIED by Dul
  3631. *Reduces damage from most forms of magic by 1/4, except for specifically Eldritch, Mystic, Spectral, and Undead
  3633. >Crystal Empire Exploration Consortium Variant-5CTA Field Detection System: an 8" tall, 10" wide, 2" thick, 5 pound marvel of Crystal Engineering. Derived from the Spire Crystalworks Technologies 5B TA created in the 29,940's, this upgraded 29,980's model was well received and lauded by Explorer teams.
  3634. As Canterlot Underground's Pathfinder teams have reestablished contact with the Crystal Empire, a number of Crystal ponies have joined their ranks, usually bringing this model instead of the 5B TA due to having greater storage capacity and a sturdier display.
  3635. The top display acts like a human styled touch screen except uses a semi-liquid state tracing gel. When activated by touch from a living being, the 'unit' will recover from a power crystal saving state, and display thirteen functions.
  3636. *Apparently loaned by Astra Galus to Marquis du Spiral Disclosure, but was never returned.
  3637. *Up to 3 functions may be utilized each turn with a [1d6+4] roll for each:
  3638. -Cardinal Direction that also features a Magnetic Vapor Gel 360 degree compass
  3639. -Travel Speed in Hooves Per Second (equivalent to miles per hour)
  3640. -Local Geography in a 100 to 1,000M radius
  3641. -Regional Map up to 100 kilometers
  3642. -Height Distance of targets
  3643. -Depth Distance of targets
  3644. -Elemarental Detection Radius from 1-500M
  3645. -Resonance Detection Radius from 1-800M
  3646. -Flora Detection Radius from 1-1,000M
  3647. -Fauna Detection Radius from 1-1,000M
  3648. -Detection Strength from 1 to 10
  3649. -Objective Storage: contains data on all previously scanned targets
  3650. *Language Selection options are: Crystal Kingdom, Crystal Empire, Common Equestrian, Batpony, Pegasus, Earth Pony, Unicorn, Saddle Arabian, Minotaur, and Gryphon
  3652. >Dragon-Scale Sphere: a 4" in diameter, mostly Neighsian dragon with some Otherworld influences, the longer claws and prominent teeth being noteworthy.
  3653. Carved from a solid block of darkly stained horse chestnut wood, the dragon is protectively curled around a detailed approximation of Tallus and displayed as a representative of the Elements.
  3654. *Rarely produced in Neighpon by spirit-carvers, this one hailing from the Cavalier clan
  3655. *When used as a finishing touch on armor adds +1 to all Resist Damage rolls
  3656. *When used as a finishing touch on shields adds +1 to all Block and Deflect rolls
  3657. *Grants a [1d6+5] <Tate defensive ability that protects against harm from one of the following each turn: Weapons, Magic, Elemarentals, or Psionicism
  3658. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  3660. >Experimental Holo-Laptop: a battered, partially functional octagonal gray digital laptop with a cracked red lens for an "On" button in the center, a holographic keyboard, and a 120-degree panoramic 'screen'.
  3661. Either someone managed to keep this prototype intact right up until their unfortunate death, or they simply had really shitty luck surviving a nuclear detonation.
  3662. Features a 50TB crystalline lattice hard drive capable of near-total file compression, a flat motherboard with integrated processing unit/cooler/RAM card composed of near-liquid diamond, graphic & sound cards that are 99.9% top secret, a host of logic-assistance programs, and an MP3 library.
  3663. *Presumed stolen
  3664. *Allows a [1d6+1] <Tech Research or <Tech-Use roll, can be fully restored
  3666. >Flawless Moon Orb: a flawless sphere cut from the Hall of Tartarus, one of the enormous sub-structures within Luna's Citadel on the Moon, typically given to Lunar Guardian Nightblade and other Lunar Elites.
  3667. These are a requiremarent for all Starborn to carry as a means to contact and directly speak with the Nightmare or other Lunars during missions.
  3668. *Currently owned by him
  3670. >Ghost-Speak Ring: a dented steel ring inscribed with Necromarentic sigils and runes on a rusted iron chain. Allows the wearer to speak to, and understand, Spectral or otherwise dead beings, regardless of species or language.
  3671. *Does nothing to prevent Spectral beings from becoming hostile, however.
  3673. >Lacsidrae: penned in relatively recent years, this is an unassuming, thin white tome slightly larger than the average notebook.
  3674. The face is marked with the tome's name, a word that has not been matched to any language on Tallus, while the reverse is devoid of script and ornamarentation, nor is there a foreword.
  3675. Contained within Lacsidrae's tremarendously warded pages lie heavily specialized Anti-Elemarental, Eldritch, Elemarental, Otherworldly, Planar, and Spectral incantations, each isolated from the others by a clever enchantmarent which prevents the holder from turning the pages, instead forcing the holder to close the tome and open to their desired incantation.
  3676. Discovered by Dancing Eyes when sorting through a delivery of books from the Enclave, she originally thought it was a joke, seeing as how the Tower Guard's experience with such attempts at creating incantations of the like had never been successful, before sending it back.
  3677. Even with a thorough examination by the entire Lorekeeper Order in the Crystal Empire, the Starborn's archivists and historians, and sending it to Princesses Luna and Cadence, then finally Queen Chrysalis herself for study, Lorekeeper Amerose only had this to say when asked:
  3678. "When were these spells researched, composed, and created? Who compiled and wrote each of these? How were these wards and this enchantmarent devised? And, most worrying of all, what could inspire a form of depraved madness so deep that it allowed one to translate languages, if they can even be called so, that cannot even be spoken on Tallus to exist coherently in common script?"
  3679. Entirely unable to decide what should be done with it, Amerose sent it back to the Enclave, where Dancing Eyes has placed Lacsidrae on its own stand outside of the small Crystal Lab to read in the hopes that somepony, or someone, will eventually answer one of the Lorekeeper's questions.
  3680. She does note, with quite a bit of humor, that she still thinks the tome is a great joke.
  3681. Due to natural batpony curiosity and restlessness from constant noise in the Enclave, Shade Skipper was the first one to read and categorize everything in Lacsidrae. Amazingly, he didn't find it boring or go back to sleep, instead taking it to the sickle shaped dock, perusing the mini-tome for hours each night.
  3682. Traveling to a small Lunar testing outpost near the center of Luna's Villages, he returned each night with comprehensive notes. Stained with mango juice, of course. The notes, not the tome.
  3683. According to his.. research, each bound spell has a minimum range of 10M ("Danger close. Highly dangerous.") and a maximum range of 500M. Traveling nearly as fast as he can fly, each has a preset speed of 12, and targets a 20M radius.
  3684. He isn't sure how the 'target' is selected, though presumes Lacsidrae itself 'guides' arcane energies to a defined location based on the bearer's intentions. ("Got one to hit me by focusing on a stick about five paces in front of me. ..I would rather not talk about it. No, my ears were not burned off.")
  3685. Lacking proper research methods, and little interested in more self-injuries, Shade Skipper returned Lacsidrae to its stand.
  3686. ("They're definitely Mystic class. I say the Dynasty put this together, must have taken centuries. No, not Early, Middle, Late, I mean the Dynasty descendants. You.. ..do know some still exist, yes? ...how DO you not know of them Amerose?" -Shade Skipper)
  3687. -One spell may be called upon each turn, in any order, until all 8 are exhausted. After this the Lacsidrae's cover will close and must recharge for a full Day or Night cycle.
  3688. *Master Armor Shred+6, ignores DR, deals double damage to Fragile & Armored targets
  3689. *Master Central Fracture+6, ignores DR, deals double damage to Ethereal and Fragile targets
  3690. *Master Glacial Wave+6, knocks or pushes targets 20M away from epicenter, deals double damage to Fire Elementals
  3691. *Master Ice Storm+6, ignores DR, inflicts Frozen on a max critical, deals double damage to Fragile targets
  3692. *Master Plasma Haze+6, inflicts Blind on a max critical and deals double damage to Spectral and Undead targets
  3693. *Master Spectral Stormsurge+6, ignores DR, deals double damage to Spectral targets
  3694. *Master Sun's Wrath, inflicts Scorched on a max critical, deals double damage to Fragile targets
  3695. *Master Voidrend+6, ignores DR, deals double damage to Planar and Undead targets
  3697. >Mist-Foam Circlet: a softly glowing white and green-blue tinged band, 8" in diameter, 1/2" tall, 1/4" wide, weighing less than 1 ounce. Can comfortably fit atop the heads of most sentients, primarily ponies and humans.
  3698. Mist-foam is a tightly controlled material issued to relicted (the surviving spouse of a battle-pair) minotaurs, especially those with high status or a deeply trusted shaman.
  3699. This particular one was scavenged from the remains of an unnamed Minotaur warrior on Khahlani Island by Mercy, whom dedicated several nights shaping it into a usable form.
  3700. Having no use for it herself and being unwilling to let Foggy Patches abuse it's capabilities, she decided to grant the circlet to Pareidolia as thanks for his aid in Skykeep.
  3701. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: Dispersion Cascade, in combat the wearer's movements become half-transparent and poorly defined to opponents, adding +2 to all Evasion rolls.
  3702. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: Unknown Slowfall-Float. While falling from any height, the wearer will be slowed to an easily survivable speed; this effect may be negated by mental commarend at any time, however, the wearer will automatically be cushioned from a lethal fall.
  3704. >Moon Shard: grants a [1d6+2] <Lunar Shock non-elemarental attack that causes Otherworldly, Planar, Spectral, and Undead beings to suffer a -4 penalty to all rolls
  3705. *Stuns for 1 turn on a max critical
  3706. *Currently enchanted to the Panorama Blade
  3708. -Negation Amulet: adds +1 to all Fearless/Iron Will rolls
  3710. >Prototype Project NOAH Unit: a small scale data processing library interface, one of several stolen early generation Project N.O.A.H. unit, much to Pareidolia's chagrin (and potential approval). Unlike Anon's previous technology swaps, the unit is also capable of accepting thermal, infrared, nightvision, starlight, and other perceptive technologies based on current Crystal Hololith designs.
  3711. Their performance as standalone units pales in comparison to when they have a dedicated network to connect to for constant updates as to whatever state of improvements the network has access to, including predictive processing.
  3712. All A.I. models also retain the capability for new information to be uploaded maually in the event of new operating parameters. Due to popular demand, particular A.I. personalities can also be selected for use, as well as complete uploaded personalities with animated image sprites at the user's discretion.
  3713. At the current time, over a thousand A.I models are available for Pareidolia's selection... although all of them are derivatives of Tallus ponies known to Razorback, created by Anonymous.
  3714. This N.O.A.H. unit has been, somehow, merged to a highly advanced communications network unit based off Crystal Hololith bio-crystal-technologies, and is able to function as both a personal radio and a long-ranged receiver/transceiver, allowing Pareidolia to function as an encrypted mobile communications platform.
  3715. *Some adapted technologies shouldn't be asked about, and this is definitely one of those.
  3716. -Integrated Interface Enhancement: the Neural Operating Algorithm Heuristic (NOAH), is a state of the art, standard issue cognitive computing A.I. (Artificial Intelligence) issued to all Committee staff of sufficient rank based on initial prototypes derived from IBM's 'Watson' and functional super computing A.I. from Japan.
  3717. These cognitive A.I. systems are capable of scanning, cataloging, and predicting environmental factors, threats, and other potential adverse conditions, as well as displaying readouts for operator health while running on minimum power and space requirements. Designed as the ideal threat assessment tool for Committee staff regardless of their field, they were an essential contributor to maintaining global control.
  3718. *Previously set to Marquis du Spiral Disclosure, pre-Elemarental Combustion setup. Moderately Neurotic Stage, High Flexibility
  3719. *Currently set to Doctor Tipper, pre-breakdown
  3720. -Technological Enhancement #1: featuring slight program modifications provided by Anon through his basic understanding of Crystal Hololiths, the A.I system is able to display Pareidolia's exact injuries, damage, and positive or negative status conditions down to the millimeter, including a small screen display dedicated to S.HP (Spiritual HP). The system is also capable of determining potential harm delivered by enemy combatants once scanned by other technological devices, though this particular early generation NOAH system itself does not have that capability
  3721. -Technological Enhancement #2: a suite of (mostly restored) organo-heuristic learning algorithms allows the current A.I. to utilize simple encryption, decryption, and security systems using 2x [1d6+2] <B.Electronic Warfare/Warmare rolls
  3722. -Technological Enhancement #3: whichever equine A.I. model Pareidolia selects for operational functions, it is able to access and display all information that its' predecessors and alternative A.I. have recorded in the past, whether visual, auditory, data files, and even prototype illogical-logic calculations based on pony neural processes. This function also allows Pareidolia to review all recorded information at any time, and cannot be heard without significant difficulty.
  3724. >Psychokinesis Pendant: a blank brass pendant designed before the Lunar-Solar War, allowing non-Psions the ability to use a stable form of psychokinesis with several limitations.
  3725. *Grants a [1d6+6] <Psychokinesis ability, allowing the user strike an opponent with sheer kinetic force, shove a target off balance, hurl a small weapon, or perform other simple tasks, twice per Operation
  3726. *This cannot be used to heal, form acidic bolts like Changeling psychokinesis, nor does it allow any mental or marental effects
  3728. >Rainbow Dispersion Crystal:
  3729. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls when infused to a weapon
  3730. *THREE times per Operation the user may call upon a <Dispersion effect, causing 50% of the total damage inflicted to jump to the closest enemy target as an arcane beam of non-elemarental energies
  3731. *If an opponent Blocks the weapon this crystal is enchanted to, that damage will automatically strike through the shield instead
  3732. *Unless fully Evaded, this effect MUST always occur
  3733. *Currently enchanted to the Panorama Blade
  3735. >Rime Lattice Crystal (Crystal-Forged, Contained, Passive, Stable): a 2" in diameter coldstone derivative, dark blue in color, that weighs approximately 8 ounces.
  3736. During the first Fortress overhaul and renovation, Spiral asked Naliyna's aid in dissipating 'heat' due to overextending his abilities creating the soul-glyph, placed under the Fountain.
  3737. Settling on a Rime Lattice, long used to coat Warden or Knight armor to protect against Construct weaponry and corruption, she worked on it during her off time, with limited tools and bare knowledge.
  3738. Able to produce this one in a little over a month, she tried to deliver it to the Marquis, albeit 3-4 days too late.
  3739. *Contains enough Rime wind to flash-freeze a 40Mx40Mx20M patch of lava
  3740. *50/50 Rime remaining
  3741. *Acts as 5 Standard Coldstones/2 Superior Coldstones/1 Magnified Coldstone
  3742. *Passively removes [1d6+4] Rift Corruption in a 5M radius
  3743. *If thrown at a target, [1d6+4] <Rime will be released in a 10M radius
  3745. >Untouched Lamb: an exquisite, iridescent white opal figurine of a Neighsian sheep. Round, fluffy, cute faced, and crouching as if prepared to bounce.
  3746. *Shaped and improved by a Cavalier clan gem-smith.
  3747. *Adds +1 to all Iron Will rolls
  3748. *Negates the non-physical effects of Confusion, Critical, Depression, Fear, Hunger, Horror, Shock, and Terror
  3750. >Spectral Chisel: a glowing, vaguely chisel-shaped tool of unknown mareufacture and age. Definitely Necromarentic in origin.
  3751. *Allows the bearer to harm Spectral beings as if they were living beings, with ALL weapons including ranged
  3753. >Spinel Dragon Figurine, Purple: an exquisite gem carved in the shape of an Otherworldly (non-Tallus) dragon rearing on the back legs, front claws poised to strike, fanged mouth open as if to breathe an element, the eyes narrowed in focus.
  3754. *Shaped and improved by a Cavalier clan gem-smith
  3755. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls on piercing weapons
  3756. *Grants Armor Pierce 2 to piercing weapons
  3757. *Grants a [1d6+5] <Hidyuki Mystic Force Elemental that ignores DR
  3759. >Sticky Enchantmarent: a powerful, full body enchantmarent that allows it's owner to stick to nearly any surface, including cloud material, without fear of being removed.
  3760. *Grants a [1d6+X] <Perfect Grip roll, where X is the highest Melee modifier Pareidolia has available, and can be used to rapidly scale surfaces. Can be utilized through his gauntlets, clothing, and armor without diminishing the effects.
  3761. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  3763. >Tempest Orb: a palm-sized sphere with constantly shifting 'winds' of various white colors contained inside.
  3764. *When infused to a living being, grants vastly increased speed and the ability to slightly tap into the Airstreams of Tallus, adding +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte and Reaction Speed rolls
  3765. *When infused to a weapon, grants a [1d6+2] <Airstrike Elemarental attack
  3766. *Currently enchanted to the Panorama Blade
  3768. >Tundra Crystalworks Type 4-B Microscope, #0413: an exceptionally well made, all Empire crystal microscope that weighs 15 pounds.
  3769. Produced by one of the foremost crystalline technology Consortiums in the Empire, and the second most expensive.
  3770. Powered by an older, well established power crystal from the Halberd & Shield Works Consortium.
  3771. Requiring 20 years to produce each one, the Type 4-B was made in limited numbers until the mid-28,400's before being discontinued and replaced in the 29,300's with the much simpler, quick to shape Type 4-C.
  3772. -Grants a [1d6+6] roll when in use
  3773. FEATURES:
  3774. *Variable focal lens down to 400x magnification, the technique a closely guarded Empire secret
  3775. *Autocrystalline clarity adjustmarent, also a closely guarded Empire secret
  3776. *Resonating sample distribution, CANNOT be used by non-Crystal ponies
  3777. *Resonating sample destruction, CANNOT be used by non-Crystal ponies
  3778. *Multiple adjustmarents for inspecting resonances and light wavelengths based on the same technologies used in Hololiths, CANNOT be used by non-Crystal ponies
  3780. >4x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3781. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3784. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3785. Snakebite:
  3787. *****
  3788. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none.
  3790. *****
  3792. -Kukri: unenchanted
  3793. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  3795. *****
  3797. >FN FAL (Weapon Traits: Personal): a post-WW2, Belgian produced gas piston operated battle rifle, originally chambered in 7.92×33mm Kurz but rechambered for the more common 7.62x51MM NATO cartridge, with both single-shot and fully automatic selection, although firing full auto is HEAVILY disadvised.
  3798. While most of it's design copies the older SVT-40 and the SKS designs, the FAL has seen long lasting service by most countries across thousands of human worlds due to it's rugged components, heavy barrel, and tendency to fire even the shoddiest ammunition run through it with ease.
  3799. This particular FAL features a bayonet, a high mounted scope, and a bipod.
  3800. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to Battle Combat Rifle rolls
  3801. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x51MM NATO, Battle Rifle
  3802. -Armor Pierce: 2
  3803. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  3804. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty to all Battle Rifle rolls per 300M beyond this range
  3805. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,100M
  3806. -Attachmarent #1: unenchanted Bayonet, may be used as a melee weapon
  3807. -Attachmarent #2: Bipod adds +1 to all Battle Rifle rolls only when in use
  3809. >FN FiveSeveN (Weapon Traits: Personal): a small framed pistol intended for use as a replacemarent for the Beretta M9 and its marely variants, using the proprietary, light armor-piercing 5.7x28MM FN cartridge for short ranged work.
  3810. Comes with a standard flashlight & laser sight on the underbarrel rail.
  3811. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3812. -Ammunition Class: 5.7x28MM FN, Small Arms
  3813. -Armor Pierce: 1
  3814. -Magazine Capacity: 20/20 cartridges. Comes with 6x magazines
  3815. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  3816. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  3818. *****
  3819. >SUPPLIES: 2x Canteens
  3821. *****
  3822. >COMMON ITEMS: Compass, Flint & Steel, Map, Multi-Tool, Mess Kit, Road Flare, Wire Cutters
  3824. *****
  3825. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  3827. *****
  3828. >MEDICAL ITEMS: none
  3830. *****
  3832. -3x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3833. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3835. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3836. Sunny Feathers:
  3838. *****
  3839. >CURRENCY:
  3840. -Bits: 12,998
  3841. -Gems: 0 Bits worth
  3843. *****
  3845. >Spider Silk Sneaking Suit (Armor Traits: 2/2 Enchantmarent Slots, Custom-Fit): a full body, skin tight suit woven from three layers of steel infused spider silk with simple, thin steel mesh-plate inserts to protect the vital areas of the barrel, chest, back, sides, and flanks.
  3846. Also dyed a slightly faded black, white, and gray color scheme.
  3847. -Armor Class: Light
  3848. -Armor Value: provides 2DR
  3849. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  3851. *****
  3853. >Steel Wingblades (Personal Weapon Traits: Custom Fit): a simple and light, wing spanning set of common high quality blades with a basic Sticky enchantmarent.
  3854. The tips of each blade exceed the length of Sunny's primary feathers slightly, allowing her to use them as piercing weapons as much as anything else.
  3855. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3856. -Adds +1 to all Block rolls
  3857. -Difficult to remove
  3859. *****
  3860. RELIC SET:
  3861. >Kittequine Catboots: a quartet of amusingly fashioned hoofboots of an unknown metallic composite, given to Sunny by Discord for helping him with a rather troubling situation. ("You have NO IDEA how long I've been waiting to see The Horde in action again! The last time was... oh never mind, you wouldn't appreciate the circumstances anyways~" -Yes, it's obviously me, Discord.)
  3862. All four are shaped like cat's paws, colored a frisky dappled dark red, hazy blue, and matte black, sporting five 4" long blades capable of extending or retracting on commarend, allowing her to dig into trees, ground, or enemies with ease.
  3863. The interior of each is padded with a plush, soft layer of a solid, dark gray silk-like material, while the exterior is protected by a thin layer of sound absorbent ceramic or similar.
  3864. At the very least, they don't meow. ("OR DO THEY!" -You Know Who!)
  3865. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  3866. -Passive Enchantmarent: Sneaky Kitteh~! adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls, but when viewed by humans, gryphons, or other carnivorous beings, Sunny will always appear to be walking on silent little kitty paws
  3867. *Also has a 25% chance of being seen as non-hostile by felines, except for Moor cats whom always view her as a Superior Ally
  3869. *****
  3870. >SUPPLIES: Ration Bar Care Package
  3872. *****
  3873. ALCHEMICAL ITEMS: 1x Adrenaline Surge & 1x Black Fog
  3875. *****
  3876. MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Rolls of Bandages
  3878. *****
  3879. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3880. -Certificate of Official Mareriage & Herdship Transfer (Stalliongrad). Signed by Dancing Eyes to Sunny Feathers.
  3882. >Discord's "Gifts" of Chaos: two unassuming brown burlap sack.
  3883. *When placed somewhere inconspicuous and left open...
  3885. >Map Satchel: the left satchel contains a host of Tallus maps including major geographic regions, cities and towns, rail lines, and markings of translocation stones.
  3886. -Grants a [1d6+3] <Geography roll
  3888. >Pegasi Winter Suit: a custom fit Lann original, this is a full bodied cold weather suit for pegasi only. Composed of numerous treated cotton layers for maximum insulation, and a single internal layer of a soft, common Moors silk for comfort.
  3889. The outer shell has been tightly woven and sealed using a hard, yet flexible resin to prevent from being snagged on everything up to diving into a briar patch.
  3890. A full length neck sleeve and removable face hood with ear flaps keep Sunny warm, while a steel dock ring was added to keep her tail out of the way during missions, and has been painted with light gray, dark gray, and off white banding for additional camouflage qualities, retaining comfortable warmth even down to -20 degrees.
  3892. >Estrus Flask, The: Sunny's first grand success in the field of Alchemy, this is a brightly glowing, thick gold solution that constantly produces orange, red, yellow, and white shafts of light, barely contained inside a unique, highly reflective bottle that she found... somewhere.
  3893. She doesn't remember where it comes from, either.
  3894. After enhancing both a Restoration Draft and a Healing Draught into permarenency, Sunny's impulsive (and correctly dosed) additions of numerous expensive reagents include:
  3895. One of her feathers, one drop of her own blood, one of her own tears, an unknown amount of.. 'mare fluids' from Dancing Eyes, a carefully ground down heatstone ring from the same, and lastly a single petal from the flower of a strange, Druid predator-elk/equine like creature made of living vines.
  3896. *Sunny must add +2 to all Alchemy rolls when dosing or treating an unconscious ally or those otherwise incapable of drinking on their own.
  3897. *When dosed, this elixir functions as a Restoration potion but provides total Alchemy result plus 50% more HP restored.
  3898. *The consumer or treated ally will regenerate +8HP/turn for the next 4 turns, also stopping Bleeding & Severe Bleeding upon consumption or contact.
  3899. *Has a maximum of 4 charges per day/night cycle, which automatically refill at Dusk
  3901. >Small Saddlepack: a nondescript, average looking pair of comfortable, woven cotton satchels, the left containing 1x Canteen, 2x Small Heatstones, Journal, 2x Lantern Gems, and 2x Rolls of Rope
  3903. *****
  3904. >HERD ITEMS:
  3905. 1x Small Rainbow Heart
  3908. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3909. Zhun:
  3910. *****
  3912. -Heavy Riot Plate, unenchanted
  3913. -Armor Value: provides 2DR
  3914. -Armor Class: Heavy, suffers a -1 penalty to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls. Protects the entire chest, abdominal, and upper groin region, but provides no protection for the arms, neck, or head
  3916. *****
  3918. -Combat Knife: unenchanted
  3919. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  3921. *****
  3923. -CZ-75 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a lightweight, highly durable double action semiautomatic 9MM pistol designed in Czechoslovakia.
  3924. Depending on the world in question, it typically debuted around 1975 as a police & military sidearm intended to replace numerous aging CZ pistol models due to advancements in alloys and component machining, though began finding favor amongst competition shooters due to it's ruggedness and exceptional comfort.
  3925. Despite a number of similarly designed pistols from numerous companies, the CZ-75 still remains a favorite amongst military personnel due to ease of use, accuracy, and consistent groupings.
  3926. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  3927. -Ammunition Class: 9x19MM, Small Arms
  3928. -Armor Pierce: 0
  3929. -Magazine Capacity: 12/12 cartridges. Comes with 2x magazines
  3930. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  3931. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  3933. -PKM (Weapon Traits: Personal): devised from lessons learned from the AKM combat rifle and the RPK light machine gun, the PKM was designed as a pre-Cold War 2 infantry support weapon meant for median to long range engagemarents and suppression fire.
  3934. Designed as an open bolt, air-cooled MG, it comes standard with a chrome-lined barrel for additional service length, a short, slotted flash suppressor to prevent the user from losing their vision during extended use, and an integral folding bipod for enhanced accuracy at long range.
  3935. The PKM is capable of significantly longer active use when compared to similar weapons, and it's use of the ubiquitous 7.62x54R cartridge gives it excellent punch for it's lighter weight.
  3936. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  3937. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x54R, Battle Rifle
  3938. -Armor Pierce: 2
  3939. -Ammunition Belt Size: 200 cartridges and comes with 2x belt-fed box magazines
  3940. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  3941. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  3942. -Attachmarent #1: Bipod: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls only when in use
  3944. *****
  3945. >SUPPLIES: none
  3947. *****
  3948. >COMMON ITEMS: Camouflage Paint Kit, Gas Mask, Guzheng, Map, Playing Card
  3950. *****
  3951. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  3953. *****
  3954. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, 2x Wound Dressings
  3956. *****
  3957. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  3958. -Common Equestrian Mareual: designed by Spiral in his early years, this comprehensive learning guide for Common Equestrian is written in a from-basic-to-advanced learning format utilizing a number of small scale, reactive teaching enchantmarents that provide text to speech (or vice versa) support.
  3959. It includes instruction on proper pronunciation, terminology explanations, and features a text-to-speech translation capability for the user's comfort.
  3961. -4x Vendor Coupons: a large white coupon with a printed, constantly changing stamp of Discord holding a Discord face mask, which is holding up a sign with Discord.
  3962. The caption below reads: "Good for ONE FREE USE of any Vending Machine! Except for the one in the fridge, which I might add: I don't suggest you try it~!"
  3965. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3972. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  3973. Kraut:
  3975. *****
  3977. >Airskate Kite Shield (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Magitek-Forged, Unique): originally a 1' in diameter steel round shield, Kraut embedded the buckler into this 3' long and 1.5' wide kite shield with a rolled lip, precisely 5/8ths thick and layered with mythril.
  3978. Heavily tempered and enchanted with a powerful slowfall-float of Spiral's devising ("After he spent six hours experimarenting on that damned abomination." -Krinza) that allows a limited form of flight up to 6' above any solid surface.
  3979. -Armor Value: provides +3DR when used to Bash or Shield Charge with, or when worn on the back
  3980. -Armor Class: Medium Shield
  3981. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/2
  3982. -Mechanical Enhancemarent #1: adds +3 to and grants an additional <Block roll
  3983. -Utility Enchantmarent: Superior Slowfall-Float, while falling from any height the wearer will be slowed to an easily survivable speed; this effect may be negated by marental commarend at any time, however, the wearer will automatically be cushioned from a lethal fall
  3984. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  3987. >Lightweight Cloud-Drake Armor (Armor Traits: 2/3 Enchantmarent Slots left, Custom-Fit, Magitek-Forged, Unique Permarenent Legendary Artifact): once a standard kevlar armor suit created by Spiral, the internal suit was been replaced with a single sheet of cloud-drake skin, naturally imbued with a slowfall-float enchantmarent.
  3988. Allows a limited form of flight up to 6' off any solid surface and reduces the wearer's weight by -50%.
  3989. *Touched by the Empress
  3990. -Armor Value: provides 4DR, full body
  3991. -Armor Class: Enhanced Light
  3992. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls in white backgrounds
  3993. -Inherent Slowfall-Float: while falling from any height the wearer will be slowed to an easily survivable speed; this effect may be negated by marental commarend at any time, however, the wearer will automatically be cushioned from a lethal fall
  3996. >Steel Helmet
  3997. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to most of the head
  3998. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  3999. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by ½
  4002. *****
  4005. *****
  4007. -Perfected Kult MSG-90 variant (Special Weapon Traits: Artifact, Kult-Made, Legendary, Personal, Unique): A perfected version of the MSG-90, colored red and yellow with a propa' insignia.
  4008. Also has a flashlight bolted onto it.
  4009. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Battle Rifle rolls
  4010. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x51mm NATO, Battle Rifle
  4011. -Armor Pierce: 3
  4012. -Magazine Capacity: 10/10 cartridges, comes with 3x magazines
  4013. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  4014. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,100M
  4015. -Attachmarent #1: Bipod: adds +1 to Battle Rifle rolls only when in use
  4016. -Modification #1: Anti-Recoil Adjustmarents: negates all recoil penalties
  4019. -Spellslinger's Revolver (Special Weapon Traits: Magitek-Forged, Unique Permarenent Legendary Artifact): a custom Magitek-made copy of a Taurus Judge revolver. The cylinder was modified to utilize six Elemarentally-imbued, cylindrical power crystals in place of traditional ammunition, the rest of the weapon strengthened and imbued with numerous warding properties to prevent physical degradation under constant use.
  4020. Much later after its creation, Kraut created a 6" titanium-steel alloy blade, serrating the edges and adding diamond shaped icicle lattices on each, then melded it under the barrel after adding enough weight to the grip to balance it as a usable close combat weapon.
  4021. After adding the blade, Aiutante was requested to enchant it with a Glitter Fang.
  4022. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  4023. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte and +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4024. -Ammunition Class: Elemarental; fires either an <Anti-Elemarental Bolt OR <Elemarental Bolt from the following Elemarentals: Air, Fire, Ice, Lightning, Poison, or Void; though cannot use the SAME Elemarent consecutively or negative effects will begin occurring
  4025. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4026. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4029. *****
  4030. >SUPPLIES: none
  4032. *****
  4033. >COMMON ITEMS: none
  4035. *****
  4036. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4038. *****
  4039. >MEDICAL ITEMS: none
  4041. *****
  4042. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4043. -ADVANCED Tool Box: grants an extra roll to and adds +3 to all Engineering rolls at Untrained, +5 at Basic, +8 at Expert, and +10 at Master, but cannot be used for Blacksmithing.
  4044. *The Advanced Tool Box can be used two turns in a row, but the Operator MUST skip their 3rd turn after use
  4045. *Currently in the Clinic
  4048. -Corsair's Pendant: a small ruby circle engraved with a number of sharply curved wingblade designs, created by unicorn allies of the Lishanki clan to aid in their lightning fast raids, recovered from the Solar Armory in Canterlot.
  4049. -Adds +1 to all Assault & Evasion rolls, but suffers a -3 penalty to all rolls when in combat with non-physical beings, specifically Spectral beings and Mind's Eyes among others
  4050. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  4052. -Lucky's Calling Coin: a small redsteel coin etched a single L in gold, cursive pegasi text across both sides. An extremely rare item, more so than the Seals of the rulers, this is one of three calling coins Lucky created after taking commarend of the Rogue's Circle, and can be used to grant a single large favor from her, though must be given back to her immediately after the request is made.
  4053. *Currently in the Clinic
  4055. -Megaphone Piccolo Trumpet: allows a [1d6+2] <Brass Instrumarent roll
  4058. -Orphan's Beads: a strand of random, brightly colored metallic beads on an always fresh smelling woven sweetgrass ring, long enough for most ponies to wear around their neck.
  4059. The Neighle`Zi mystics of Saddle Arabia mold each piece one by one with their knowledge of mysticism to allay the pains, fears, and sadnesses of others less fortunate than they in an excruciatingly painful ritual, using the soft underpads of each hoof to sculpt molten fragmarents of metal into perfect spheres.
  4060. Each unique strand is given to an orphan upon learning of their situation.
  4061. *When worn, the owner is granted a [1d2] <Mystic Calm ability useable at any time; on a result of 1, nothing will occur, but on a result of 2 the owner may ignore the effects of: Charm, Confusion, Depression, Fatigue, Fear, Hunger, Rage, and Shock for 4 turns.
  4062. *Currently in the Clinic
  4065. -RC Quadcopter: a fast, agile, and nearly silent bright red remote controlled quadcopter from his home world.
  4066. Comes with a control unit roughly twice the size of a modern cell phone, two small thumb joysticks used for controlling elevation, directional movemarent, and a lower mounted night vision capable video recording camera unit, though the range on the NV is neither far nor clear, being a Generation 1 optic.
  4067. *Allows a [1d6+4] <Flight Control roll, and either a [1d6+4] <Video roll or a [1d6+2] <NightVis Video roll, with a maximum controllable distance of 1/2 mile
  4068. *Currently in the Clinic
  4071. -Superior Charm Amulet: adds +2 to all Bartering or Speech rolls.
  4072. *Currently in the Clinic
  4073. *DAMAGED
  4075. -Superior Negation Charm: adds +2 to all Iron Will rolls.
  4076. *Currently in the Clinic
  4077. *DAMAGED
  4079. -Tri-Lightning Artifact: a newly shaped multi-triangular faceted artifact, capable of numerous offensive or defensive functions.
  4080. This artifact allows Kraut to directly or indirectly damage wards and shields, and can be utilized to infuse ranged weaponry with Lightning.
  4081. *ONCE per Operation, Kraut may utilize 2x [1d6+2] <Infuse: Lightning rolls, where the results-2 are added to the first roll of any Ranged weapon, excluding Archery
  4082. *May also create a Lightning Elemarental barrier with 3x [1d6+2] <Tri-Lightning Barrier rolls, as well as having other more utilitarian purposes
  4083. *DESTROYED! Pieces are in the Clinic but CANNOT be used by anyone
  4087. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4088. Spruce (retired, now living in Gryphon Vale):
  4090. *****
  4092. >Kevlar Helmet
  4093. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the head
  4094. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  4095. -Mechanical Enhancemarent: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2
  4097. >Kevlar Vest
  4098. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the chest
  4099. -Armor Class: Light
  4101. *****
  4103. -Combat Knife: unenchanted
  4104. -Melee Weapon Class: Light
  4106. *****
  4108. -Carl Gustaf Mk.3 (Special Weapon Traits: Personal): an advanced, modern day adaption of the original post-WW2 Carl Gustaf recoilless rifle, the Mk.3 has gained numerous accolades for it's excellent anti-armor capabilities, long ranged accuracy, and the ability to cripple or destroy most tanks with a single warhead.
  4109. Firing 94x246MMR finned projectiles at over 250 meters per second, the Mk.3's long lasting chrome-moly barrel, good for over 2,000 firings, ease of reloading, and the ability to use HEAT3, HE, flechettes, and smoke deploying programmable warheads have contributed to it's stellar performarence.
  4110. Comes with an integral 3x8 scope, and integrated laser rangefinder, and Generation 2 night vision capability.
  4111. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  4112. -Ammunition Class: Explosive, 94x246MMR Warhead, 1 warhead remaining
  4113. -Maximum Optimal Range: 600M with a -1 penalty per 200M beyond this range
  4114. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  4115. -Attachmarent #1: Scope: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls & +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  4116. -Attachmarent #2: Rangefinder: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls when in use
  4118. -Colt M1911 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern upgrade of the venerable 1911 .45ACP, with tighter tolerances, slightly better handling, range, and ergonomics.
  4119. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4120. -Ammunition Class: .45 ACP, Magnum Small Arms
  4121. -Armor Pierce: 0
  4122. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges. Comes with 3x magazines
  4123. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4124. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  4126. -H&K AG3 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a Heckler & Koch made carbine combat rifle utilizing the 7.62x51MM NATO cartridge, intended to replace earlier, heavier G3 models.
  4127. At the time of its introduction the design was influenced by the many overheating issues it's predecessors had, due in part to dedicated weapon component alloys and improved long term stress testing methods.
  4128. Comes with a variety of additional features, notably: a competition grade chrome-moly lined bull barrel, and a comfortable retractable stock.
  4129. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Combat Rifle rolls
  4130. -Ammunition Class: 7.62x51mm NATO, Battle Rifle
  4131. -Armor Pierce: 2
  4132. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges, comes with 6x 30-round magazines
  4133. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  4134. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  4135. -Attachmant #1: Red Dot Sight: adds +1 to Combat Rifle rolls when in use, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight
  4136. -Attachmant #2: Laser Sight: adds +1 to Combat Rifle rolls when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M, cannot be used in conjunction with Red Dot Sight
  4138. *****
  4139. >SUPPLIES: Canteen
  4141. *****
  4142. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, 2x Rolls of Duct Tape, Gas Mask, Ham Radio, 2x Road Flares, Sunglasses, Shovel, Satellite Phone
  4144. *****
  4145. >EXPLOSIVES: 6x M67 Frags
  4147. *****
  4148. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Bandage Box, 1x Wound Dressing
  4152. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4153. Jamal (BRO):
  4155. *****
  4156. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none.
  4158. *****
  4160. >Basilisk Panga Machete (Weapon Traits: Magitek-Forged, Unique): an 18" long basilisk minor fang hammered flat and reforged into a simple traditional panga, a common machete used in Africa, with an upswept curved tip, the 8" handle wrapped in melded ironwood.
  4161. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed
  4162. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4163. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  4164. -Basilisk Slayer: Ignores Basilisk DR
  4166. *****
  4168. >Colt M1911 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern upgrade of the venerable 1911 .45ACP, with tighter tolerances, slightly better handling, range, and ergonomics.
  4169. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4170. -Ammunition Class: .45 ACP, Magnum Small Arms
  4171. -Armor Pierce: 0
  4172. -Magazine Capacity: 7/7 cartridges, comes with 2x magazines
  4173. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4174. -Maximum Effective Range: 150
  4176. *****
  4177. >SUPPLIES: 18x 1 Pound Bags of Cajun Trail Mix, 2x 8-pack Cases of Mr Pibb, 8x Mango Phantom
  4179. *****
  4180. >COMMON ITEMS: Black Spraypaint, 7x Cartons of Newport Menthols, Deck of Cards, GPS, Fishing Kit, Ham Radio, MP3 Player, Smartphone, Spraypaint, Sunglasses, Zippo Lighter
  4182. *****
  4183. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Amphetamines, 1x Antibiotics, 2x IV Feeds, 2x Morphine Syrettes, 2x Painkillers
  4185. *****
  4186. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x Smoke
  4188. *****
  4189. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4190. -Lifeshade Bulb: an apple sized black bulb, the root of a toxic plant found deep in the Deep Moors.
  4191. *Adds +1 to all Block/Sprint rolls.
  4192. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  4194. -Tempest Bulb: an apple sized white and gray bulb, the root of a flowering plant found growing near Tempest Isle.
  4195. *Adds +1 to all Evasion/Reaction Speed rolls
  4196. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  4198. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4199. Surplus (BGO):
  4201. *****
  4202. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none.
  4204. *****
  4206. -Hatchet: unenchanted.
  4207. -Melee Weapon Class: One-Handed.
  4209. *****
  4211. -K98 Mauser (Weapon Traits: Personal): a common, highly rugged battle rifle of Germany, or similar analogue, design. Taking successful ideas and inspiration from numerous rifles build in the 1880's, the K98 was a forward thinking approach to Industrial Era warfare, emphasizing a large caliber with good ballistic characteristics, ease of maintenance, simplicity of use, and long life expectancy.
  4212. Much like similar weapons of the same era, what it lacks in user comfort is more than made up for by its lethality.
  4213. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Battle Rifle Rolls
  4214. -Ammunition Class: 7.92×57MM Mauser, Batlte Rifle
  4215. -Armor Pierce: 2
  4216. -Magazine Capacity: 5/5 cartridges, comes with 3x stripper clips
  4217. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty to all Battle Rifle rolls per 300M beyond this range
  4218. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,100M
  4220. -Model 29 Colt Python (Weapon Traits: Personal): an older, but still highly capable, 6-cartridge cylinder revolver in .357 Magnum, one of the first production line swinging cylinder models, adding to a reputation that would last well over 50 years.
  4221. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4222. -Ammunition Class: .357 Magnum, Magnum Small Arms
  4223. -Armor Pierce: 1
  4224. -Cylinder Capacity: 6/6 cartridges, comes with 2x speedloaders
  4225. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4226. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4228. *****
  4229. >SUPPLIES: Canteen
  4231. *****
  4232. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Can Stove, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Duct Tape, Flask, Flint & Steel, Goggles, Iodine Drops, L-Flashlight, Multi-Tool, Matchbox, Mess Kit, Map, 1x Roll of Rope, Shovel, Sleeping Bag, Tent
  4234. *****
  4235. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch
  4237. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4238. Aaron Ashley (RETIRED):
  4240. *****
  4242. -Kevlar Vest: provides 1DR to the chest
  4244. *****
  4246. -Combat Knife: unenchanted
  4248. *****
  4250. -Sig Sauer P226 in 9MM (Small Arm Weapon Traits: Personal): a standard sidearm for most anyone, though it's caliber is a bit weak in comparison to modern cartridges.
  4251. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4252. -Optimal Range: 50M optimal range with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  4253. -Maximum Range: 100M
  4255. *****
  4256. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, 1x Canteen, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Gas Mask, GPS, L-Flashlight, Map, Messkit, Multi-tool, Sewing Kit, Sleeping Bag, Steel & Flint, Wrist Watch, Zippo Lighter.
  4258. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4259. Axel (BGO):
  4261. *****
  4263. -Kevlar Helmet: provides 1DR to the head.
  4264. -Mechanical Enhancemaret: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2.
  4266. -Kevlar Vest: provides 1DR to the chest.
  4268. *****
  4270. -Combat Knife: unenchanted
  4272. *****
  4274. -Sig Sauer P226 (Small Arm Weapon Traits: Personal): a standard sidearm for most anyone, though it's caliber is a bit weak in comparison to modern cartridges.
  4275. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4276. -Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  4277. -Maximum Range: 100M
  4279. *****
  4280. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Bug Spray, Dagor's Keys, 2x Glowsticks, L-Flashlight, MP3 player, Sunglasses, Sleeping Bag, Tent
  4282. *****
  4283. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4285. *****
  4286. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x Emergency Medical Pouches
  4289. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4290. Bullsworth (RETIRED):
  4292. *****
  4294. -Basilisk Fangsword (Weapon Traits: Artifact, Basilisk Slayer, Sorceror-Forged, Unique): a 20" long tungsten blade composed of a basilisk minor's primary fang with two 4" guards and an 8' handle.
  4295. -Base modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4296. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  4297. -Natural Enhancemarent: Ignores Basilisk DR
  4299. *****
  4300. >UNIQUE ITEM:
  4301. -Unlimited EMS bag. Seems bottomless when not looking in.
  4304. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4305. Captain Swe (RETIRED):
  4307. *****
  4309. >Ancient Manganese Minotaur Trousers: a disheveled piece of Minotaur armor found in one of the marey first floor rooms in the unearthed temple, once belonging to an ancient warrior that was cornered and killed. These leggings rose back to life, possessed by either the undead Minotaur or another haunting entity, and after swiftly (and literally) kicking Swe's ass the first time around, it was defeated the second time, the deteriorating remains claimed as his prize.
  4310. *If properly reforged, will provide +2DR and negate blunt force trauma
  4312. >Ancient Manganese Minotaur Helmet: a disheveled piece of Minotaur armor found in one of the many first floor rooms of the unearthed temple, once belonging to an ancient warrior that was cornered and killed.
  4313. *If properly reforged, will provide +2DR, negates blunt force trauma, and add +1 to Melee rolls if used to headbutt an opponent
  4315. -Kevlar Helmet: provides 1DR to the head
  4317. -Runic Iron-Plate Vest (Armor Traits: 3/3 Custom-Fit, Rune-Forged, Unique): Swe's original standard armored vest, heavily reinforced with runic iron plating for enhanced upper body protection without sacrificing movemaret. Considered normal Vest.
  4318. -DR: 2
  4319. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 3/3
  4321. *****
  4323. -Runic Tyrant-Slayer Bearded Axe (Weapon Traits: 2/3 Enchantmarent Slots remaining, Artifact, Rune-Forged, Two-Handed, Unique):
  4324. -Basic Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4325. -Two-Handed: grants an additional Block roll
  4326. -Grants a [1d6+1] <Lightning Elemarental attack
  4327. -Difficult to disarm
  4329. *****
  4331. -AK5 in 5.56x45MM NATO (Combat Rifle Weapon Traits: Personal): a Swedish built combat rifle based off the Fabrique Nationale FNC, ordered by the Governmaret to replace it's aging rifles. Comes with an attached foregrip and a red laser sight for greater accuracy in close combat.
  4332. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Combat Rifle Rolls (+3 when using laser sight, laser sight has a maximum range of 200M)
  4333. -Optimal Range: 300M with a -1 penalty to all Combat Rifle rolls per 100M beyond this range
  4334. -Maximum Range: 800M
  4336. -FN FiveSeveN in 5.7x28MM FN (Small Arm Weapon Traits: Personal): a small framed pistol intended for use as a replacemaret for the Beretta M9 and it's marey variants, using a proprietary, light armor-piercing caliber for short ranged work. Comes with a flashlight attachmaret for night work.
  4337. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls (+3 when using laser sight, laser sight has a maximum range of 200M)
  4338. -Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  4339. -Maximum Range: 100M
  4341. *****
  4342. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Headset, Gas Mask, Goggles, Headset, Map, 2x Rope, Wrist Watch
  4344. *****
  4345. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4349. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4350. Doc Joe (BGO):
  4352. *****
  4354. -Flak Jacket: provides 1DR to the chest.
  4356. *****
  4358. -Machete: unenchanted
  4360. *****
  4362. -Remington 870 (Shotgun Weapon Traits: Personal): a ubiquitousLY standard fowl, waterfowl, small & large game hunting shotgun, with well over 50 variants to it's model.
  4363. Also makes an excellent home defense and even combat weapon.
  4365. #1: buckshot and flechettes have an optimal range of 50M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 10M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 80M.
  4366. #2: darts and slugs have an optimal range of 80M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 140M.
  4367. #3: finned darts have an optimal range of 120M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 160M.
  4369. *****
  4370. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Canteen, Flask, Multi-tool, Road Flare, Superglue, Zippo Lighter
  4372. *****
  4373. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Antibiotics, 1x Bandage Box, 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, EMS bag, 1x IV Feed, 1x Morphine Syrettes, 1x Painkillers, 1x Wound Dressing
  4376. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4378. Eric "Anarchy" Davis (BGO):
  4380. *****
  4382. >Kevlar Helmet
  4383. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the head.
  4384. -Armor Class: Light Helmet.
  4385. -Mechanical Enhancemaret: reduces the duration & effects of Concussions by 1/2.
  4387. *****
  4389. -Combat knife: unenchanted.
  4391. *****
  4393. -H&K MP5, solid stock (Weapon Traits: Personal): a common submachine pistol chambered in the ubiquitous 9x19MM Parabellum round, often used for VIP escort or guard duties.
  4394. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4395. -Ammunition Class: Small Arms, 9x19MM
  4396. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges. Comes with 4x magazines
  4397. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range
  4398. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4400. *****
  4401. >SUPPLIES: 1x Canteen, 6x MRE's
  4403. *****
  4404. >COMMON ITEMS: Baby Fiddy's First Scope, Bag of Bolts, Battery Pack, Binoculars, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Cooking Pot, Duct Tape, Flint & Steel, GPS, Gas Mask, Iodine Bottle, Mess Kit, Multi-Tool, Oiling Kit, Radio, Sewing Kit, Sleeping Bag, Tent, Toilet Paper.
  4406. *****
  4407. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4409. *****
  4410. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Box of Bandages, 1x Emergency Medical Pouch, 1x Morphine Syrettes, 1x Painkillers, 4x Rolls of Bandages.
  4412. *****
  4413. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4414. >Glyphed Repair Cube: a 1' tall, wide, and long square obsidian cube carved in Gozka, containing a (somehow) partially reprogrammed spheroid Mechano-Construct, one of the four Repair capable models, recovered from the Solar Armory in Canterlot.
  4415. Each of the six facings bearing a bright orange relief of common Tallus weaponry: dagger, sword, lance, axe, bow, and spear, and when placed next to a technologically created ranged weapon and a request for 'complete repair' is made, the Construct will immediately exit to perform maintenance, integrating itself to and restoring the weapon to full capability or capacity.
  4416. Doing so WILL render the weapon extremely weak to anything that can disable or damage Constructs.
  4417. *USED to create the Gran Excorius
  4420. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4421. Fuoco Scheletro (BGO):
  4423. *****
  4424. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none
  4426. *****
  4428. -Hand-and-a-Half Longsword (Weapon Traits: Custom): a rather average looking early steel longsword, though the thickness of the blade and the hilt lend it an Italian appearance when compared to those of similar size and compositions.
  4429. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4431. -Joffery: a gnarled, raw wooden stave approximately 4' tall, adorned with the skull of a humare and several ornamaretations. For whatever reason Joffery is still able to speak, although he seems to be a bit of an annoyance to Fuoco, but he does make a (somewhat) competent backup.
  4432. *Grants an additional Perception/Scouting roll
  4434. *****
  4435. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4436. -Dried Selio Sprig: a small, deep brown sprig with 10 small rounded blades fanning outwards and connected to the stem, each a varied shade of sea green, that smells (and tastes) Otherworldly.
  4437. Virtually unknown to modern times, the Selio shrub was once imported from the Vortex Plane, although they had great difficulty growing on Tallus.
  4438. Now extinct in nearly all regions, but was greatly prized by unicorns for aiding their abilities in Casting.
  4439. When consumed or infused to a unicorn or other caster, the traces of Otherworldly essence shroud the affected being from Tallus' more hostile entropic effects, allowing them to safely draw upon slightly more energies without suffering additional harm for doing so.
  4440. Recovered from the Solar Armory in Canterlot.
  4441. *Adds +1 to all Casting rolls, limited to unicorns or other natural casters
  4442. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  4444. -Perfected Diamond Annulgram: a 1" long, 1/2" wide, 1/4" thick, tiny diamond plate inscribed with miniature Old Germareeigh runes, also seems to be invisible when not being looked at directly.
  4445. An ancient relic scribed shortly before the Early Dynasty, the Germaneighans created these Annulgrams from flawless diamonds found in northern Saxoneigh, now called Tenagra's Line in honor of a legendary unicorn Knight.
  4446. When carried by, infused to, or physically inserted within a being capable of Casting, the Annulgram blunts and absorbs some of the residually harmful or degenerative arcane, Eldritch, and Otherworldly energies suffusing Tallus, at the cost of their ability to focus.
  4447. Seems to have been integrated into Fuoco somehow, but he has no memory of that event other than the crazed laughter of something that sounded vaguely like a pony.
  4450. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4451. Hollow Case (on vacation):
  4453. *****
  4455. >Half-Tower Hive Shield (Armor Traits: Custom-Fit, Hive-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Hive Artifact): forged from a large section of Roust's shed saddle armor, enhanced by Spiral.
  4456. Engraved with an image of Queen Chrysalis followed by numerous Vanguards charging towards whomever faces the shield, Roust featured prominently to the right of Chrysalis.
  4457. *Touched by the Empress
  4458. -Armor Value: provides +3DR when used to Bash or Shield Charge with, or when worn on the back
  4459. -Armor Class: Medium Shield
  4460. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 1/2
  4461. -Defensive Enhancemarent #1: adds +3 to and grants an additional Block roll
  4462. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapon
  4464. >Lightweight Vanguard's Armor (Armor Traits: 3/3 Enchantmaret Slots left, Custom-Fit, Hive-Forged, Magitek-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Hive Artifact): Krinza, with aid from both the Nightmare and Queen Chrysalis, devised a much more modern method to shape and mold Changeling chitin without damaging or damaging the psychoactive essences.
  4465. Cold hammering the remainder of Roust's shed armor into triangular, rectangular, and oval plates, copying the natural armor patterns of Changelings as a base to work from for both maximum movement potential and protection, he completely replicated Hollow's original bodysuit and heavy armor using the design.
  4466. Afterwards, Lann integrated an immarensely tough, black and green dyed Otherworldly silk for the outer shell, giving it a hard, formidable appearance, and a softer, shock absorbent Moors spider silk for the inner, making it much more comfortable and breathable for long term extended wear.
  4467. Afterwards, Lann fit Hollow with a pair of custom combat boots (the idea of which was quite amusing to her), the soles replaced with a spongy rubberized ones for extra sneakiness.
  4468. *Can be easily modified for added use of, or protection from, psionic capabilities.
  4469. *Touched by the Empress
  4470. -Armor Value: provides 4DR.
  4471. -Armor Class: Full Body Light
  4472. -Mechanical Enhancemaret #1: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  4474. -Vanguard's Helm: under construction by Krinza, once he figures out what size Hollow's head is.
  4476. *****
  4478. >Gravedigger's Shovel (Weapon Traits: 2/3 Enchantmaret Slots remaining, Magitek-Forged, Unique): a steel alloy copy of the traditional human styled entrenching tool, the edges melded with iron. Highly sharpened and features an ironwood handle.
  4479. Due to its small size and relatively light weight, it does not count as a main weapon.
  4480. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4481. -Offensive Enchantmaret: grants a [1d6] <Lightning elemaretal attack
  4483. >Vanguard's Chrysal-Blade (Weapon Traits: Hive-Forged, Unique Legendary Permarenent Artifact): a 36" long curved blade with a 12" handle, wrapped in Changeling chitin, shaped and cavitated like Queen Chrysalis's horn.
  4484. Removing the steel layering entirely and copying the weapon's features with a mythril cast, Krinza strengthened and infused the blade with diamondine, both to strengthen and enhance the weapon's capabilities. Was later inscribed with the entire history of the Hive, front and back, in flowing Changeling text.
  4485. Queen Chrysalis arrived during Hearth's Warming Eve to present an extremely precious item, a Changeling Jewel, to enhance the weapon to it's absolute maximum for potential improvemarents.
  4486. *Grandmaster reforged by Krinza
  4487. *Touched by the Empress.
  4488. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls.
  4489. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  4490. -Offensive Enchantmaret: grants a [1d6+4] <Chrysal-Acid Mystic Poison Elemarental attack
  4492. *****
  4494. -PP 19 Bizon (Weapon Traits: Personal): a late model folding stock submachine pistol, built off the AK-74 series of combat rifles by implemareting the same stamped sheet metal & riveting techniques, using the ubiquitous 9x19MM Parabellum round.
  4495. Sharing 80% parts similarity with the AK-74, the Bizon features a unique 64-round helical drum magazine, a 9.5" barrel for greater range & accuracy over NATO style submachine guns, and only weighs 4.5 pounds when fully loaded, making it fairly light for a true submachine pistol.
  4496. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4497. -Ammunition Class: Small Arms, 9x19mm
  4498. -Magazine Capacity: 64/64 cartridges & comes with 3x magazines
  4499. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4500. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4501. -Attachmarent #1: IR Scope: adds +1 to Small Arms rolls, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight, and the <Infrared Scope adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  4502. -Attachmarent #2: Laser Sight: adds +1 to Small Arms rolls only when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M, cannot be used in conjunction with Laser Sight
  4503. -Attachmarent #3: Flashlight: adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll when in use
  4505. *****
  4506. >COMMON ITEMS: Batteries, Book & Marker, Gas Mask, Flask, L-Flashlight, Multi-Tool, Night Vision Goggles, Radio, Remote Detonator, 2x Road Flares.
  4508. *****
  4509. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4511. *****
  4512. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 2x each of Morphine Syrettes & Painkillers.
  4514. *****
  4515. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4516. -Advanced Combi-Goggles (Night Vision + Thermal): adds a +3 <NVG and/or a <Thermal modifier to two different Perception, Scouting, or Wilderness Survival rolls.
  4518. -Blade-Caller Glyph: a blackened, engraved emblem of a blade cracking into a shield, meant to draw attention to it's shield-bearing owner. ("This is one that was stolen from somewhere in the Southern Grypon Kingdoms." -Naliyna)
  4519. *Adds +1 to all Block rolls
  4520. *Currently enchanted to his shield
  4522. -Graven Psion Runes, x10: a small carved emerald eye, the traditional symbol of Tallus psions.
  4523. *When crushed by a psion, the user is granted a short respite from the chaotic fluctuations of Tallus via a bubble of the Underdark's notorious 'quiet' influence that adds +1 to all Psionic rolls and related abilities until the Operation ends
  4525. -Lord Kavel's Core: a 4" in diameter, dull grey crystalline sphere with a third of it's circumference shattered inwards, the internal Ka (known as a soul to humares) of a Changeling.
  4526. Long before modern times, Princess Chrysalis was the first of the five sisters to consider the idea of a city-state, and searched across Tallus to find ponies that she would be comfortable with guiding.
  4527. While certain myths of the Changelings continue to endure in the current era, what is known is that Chrysalis came across a subspecies of ponies in the heart of what would become the New Everfree Forest.
  4528. These ponies, afflicted with a crippling, fatal insectoid-like disease that she could neither identify nor cure, were saved by chipping pieces of her own living core out from inside her body and inserting them into the hearts of the dying.
  4529. With the transference of her unnaturally robust vitality, the disease then symbiotized with Chrysalis's shared essence and the ponies themselves, giving each a direct maretal and emotional connection to their new (and eventually beloved) sovereign.
  4530. Lord Kavel, one of these original Changelings, served Chrysalis for well over twenty millenia, aiding in the construction of Hive outposts across Tallus, then serving as one of her marely emissaries to the various native sapients.
  4531. At the emergence of the Solar Tyrant and subsequent clashes between both factions, marey of the Changeling nobles chose to shelter a number of their kin from her wrath, and while Queen Chrysalis does not typically speak ill of others, there is still a grim dedication to finding her sons and daughters lost from this time.
  4532. Unable to seal the incomplete, tiny outpost in time upon the Tyrant's arrival, Lord Kavel chose to sacrifice himself by taunting her, stating that she could crush his body, yet his spirit would forever remain. Amused at the Tyrant's response to his challenge and lacking the ability to feel pain upon the Tyrant stomping his core inwards, his psyche was held together by the sleeping Changelings, now safely secured and, mostly, dormarent.
  4533. Protecting the half-finished outpost by blinding, misdirecting, and redirecting creatures or beings that entered with psionic illusions and nightmare screams of overwhelming Changeling rage, he remained watchful throughout the centuries.
  4534. The sunken ruin was found by Torven before reaching Razorback's territory, and while he was unable to bypass Lord Kavel's defenses, noticed the glow of what he speculated to be Changeling cores, penning it onto one of his marey maps of the area and giving said map of the location to Hollow.
  4535. Demanding to know why an Otherworldly being and a Changeling had entered his domain, Lord Kavel assessed the pair's history for several hours, concluding that they deserved to know the circumstances of his failure, (and secretly being quite pleased at the odd couple), and finally granted them the right to return the dormaret Changelings to his sovereign.
  4536. With his duties honorably satisfied, Lord Kavel then followed his departed kin, allowing Hollow to take the last piece of his existence along with, although Roust does not know what his motivations were in doing so.
  4538. -Minotaur Broken Chain Glyphs: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls and gains +1HP/turn.
  4539. *Currently enchanted to him
  4541. -Minotaur Courier's Chain: adds +1 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls and grants a natural +1DR
  4542. *Currently enchanted to him
  4545. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4546. Mr. Zoo (lurking in the Cavern north of the Mess Hall):
  4548. *****
  4549. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none.
  4551. *****
  4553. -Enchanted Axe: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4555. *****
  4557. -Remington 870 Short (Shotgun Weapon Traits: Personal): a short barreled version of the very common 870, typically intended for use in hunting small game and upland fowl. Its only failing is that it suffers from a lack of range, although the additional spread can be quite useful against numerous close ranged opponents.
  4559. #1: buckshot and flechettes have an optimal range of 30M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 10M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 60M
  4560. #2: darts and slugs have an optimal range of 50M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 90M
  4561. #3: finned darts have an optimal range of 60M with a -1 penalty to all Shotgun rolls per 20M beyond this range, and a maximum range of 100M
  4563. *****
  4564. >COMMON ITEMS: Goggles, Radio, 3x Toilet Paper Rolls, Zippo Lighter
  4566. *****
  4567. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4570. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4571. Navarone (BGO):
  4573. *****
  4575. >Plate Carrier Vest
  4576. -Armor Value: provides 2DR to the chest.
  4577. -Armor Class: Light.
  4579. *****
  4581. -Kukri: unenchanted
  4583. *****
  4585. -AK-47 (Weapon Traits: Personal): an extraordinarily common combat rifle, developed on most human worlds in WW2 Russia. The AK-47 is a second generation combat rifle, the design partially based off the German Sturmgewehr 44 though featuring several advancements that would see it last well over 60 years beyond it's original production.
  4586. Boasting a cheap, highly robust sheet metal stamped receiver, open cycling bolt, loose component tolerances for use in extreme desert and winter biomes, the exceptionally simple workings and standard, nearly impossible to jam sheet metal magazine ensured that even the most novice of soldiers could become proficient in it's use and maintenance rather easily.
  4587. Though the AK-47 was ahead of its time, it suffered from two failings: somewhat poor accuracy at ranges above 600M due to it's engineered loose action, and the cheap, easily knocked out of alignment iron sights, it retains a solid place in most histories as the most mass produced firearm.
  4588. -Base Modifier: +2 to all Combat Rifle rolls
  4589. -Ammunition Class: Combat Rifle, 7.62x39MM
  4590. -Magazine Capacity: 30/30 cartridges & comes with 2x magazines
  4591. -Maximum Optimal Range: 400M with a -1 penalty per 200M beyond this range
  4592. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,000M
  4593. -Attachmaret #1: Laser Sight: adds +1 to all Combat Rifle rolls only when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M
  4594. -Attachmaret #2: foregrip: adds +1 to all Combat Rifle rolls only when in use
  4595. -Modification #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed, requiring a Perception roll of 7 or higher in order to identify the direction fired from
  4597. -Model 29 Colt Python (Weapon Traits: Personal): an older, but still highly capable, 6-cartridge cylinder revolver in .357 Magnum, one of the first production line swinging cylinder models, adding to a reputation that would last well over 50 years.
  4598. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4599. -Ammunition Class: Magnum Small Arms, .357 Magnum
  4600. -Cylinder Capacity: 6/6 cartridges & comes with 3x speed loaders
  4601. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4602. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4604. -Taser: (Weapon Traits: Personal) a third generation, less-than-lethal pistol shaped device that deploys a pair of electrified, pronged wires from a front-mounted cartridge, solely meant to incapacitate living targets at close range.
  4605. In service with many police forces across thousands of worlds, this particular form of taser is usually sold only to law enforcement agencies, while the standard handheld taser is meant for civil use only.
  4606. The cartridge itself contains an expensive, high voltage but low amperage battery, while the pronged barbs deliver from the front-mounted cartridge are little more than a pair of steel electrodes, mostly ensuring that the use of this less-than-lethal device is meant to disable rather than kill hostile targets.
  4607. Although most departments and agencies deny such, when tasers such as these are used in an 'incorrect' fashion, they can be as lethal as a .357 Magnum in skilled hands.
  4608. *Comes with 3 cartridges
  4610. *****
  4611. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Compass, 4x Duct Tape, 4x Gas Mask Filters, Monocular NVG, Multitool, Playing Cards, Radio, Shovel
  4613. *****
  4614. >SUPPLIES: 1x Dried Fruit, 2x Jerky, 4x MRE, 3x Water Bottle, 1x Whiskey, 1x Vodka
  4616. *****
  4617. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x EMS Bag, 2x Morphine Syrettes
  4620. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4621. Pikeman (DECEASED):
  4623. -Doughboy Helmet: provides 1DR to the head
  4625. *****
  4627. -Enchanted Combat Knife: adds +1 to all Melee rolls
  4629. *****
  4630. >RANGED WEAPONRY: none because he's fucking DEAD.
  4632. *****
  4633. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Canteen, Cleaning Kit, Compass, Gas Mask, Glasses, Map, Mess Kit, 1x Pack of Cigarettes, 1x Rope, Roughsack, Shovel, L-Flashlight, Wrist Watch, Zippo Lighter.
  4635. *****
  4636. >EXPLOSIVES: none
  4638. *****
  4639. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4640. -Young Kraken (Eldritch): an incredibly young, and tasty, delicacy famed far and wide across the whole of Tallus, only to pegasi however. When eaten, this potent little sea monster, in reality a newly hatched Mustakrakish, infuses the consumer with great vitality.
  4641. -Gains +1HP per turn
  4642. *Adds +1 to ALL Assault/Parry/Riposte & Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
  4643. -2-slot enchantmarent
  4644. *Taken
  4647. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4648. Silent Komodo (BGO):
  4650. *****
  4651. >PERSONAL ARMOR: none
  4653. *****
  4655. -Knife: unenchanted
  4657. -Machete: unenchanted
  4659. *****
  4661. -AR-10 (Battle Rifle Traits: Personal): a larger model of AR15, the semi-automatic civil version of the XM16, only chambered in 7.62x51MM NATO. Comes equipped with a scope, bipod, and suppressor. This weapon is 50% Suppressed, requiring a roll of 6 or higher on Perception to determine the direction fired from
  4662. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Battle Rifle rolls (+3 when using scope, +4 when using bipod)
  4663. -Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty per 300M beyond this range
  4664. -Maximum Range: 1,100M
  4666. -Sig Sauer P226 in 9MM (Small Arm Weapon Traits: Personal): a standard sidearm for most anyone, though the caliber is a bit weak in comparison to modern cartridges.
  4667. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4668. -Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  4669. -Maximum Range: 100M maximum
  4671. *****
  4672. >COMMON ITEMS: Batteries, Binoculars, Blanket, Canteen, Camo Paint Kit, Cleaning Kit, Flint & Steel, Headset & Radio, L-Flashlight, Multi-Tool, Playing Cards, Sunglasses, Shovels, Sewing Kit
  4674. *****
  4675. >MEDICAL ITEMS: 1x Emergency Medical Pouch
  4678. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4679. Simon (RETIRED):
  4681. *****
  4683. >Red Dyed Brigandine Stealth Armor: (Armor Traits: Anfang Heraldry, Rune-Forged, Unique Permareent Legendary Artifact): a full body brigandine suit, its cloth and leather exterior dyed red to match Cu'Nir's own armor while the metal clinker interior was made from a set of ancient equine armor found within an excavated structure.
  4684. Each strip of metal has been inscribed with a rune of stealth by the Master Forger, while Fuigah, the Shadow Wing Seamstress, secreted Phantom Rags between the cloth, leather, and metal layers to boost the stealth qualities, also improving freedom of movement greatly.
  4685. -Armor Value: provides 3DR, full body
  4686. -Armor Class: Light
  4687. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  4688. -Utility Enchantmarent #1: adds +2 to all Block/Evasion/Reaction Speed/Sprint rolls
  4689. -Utility Enchantmarent #2: adds +3 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  4691. *****
  4693. >Twin Infested Runic Void-Fang Sai (Weapon Traits: Dual Weapon, Rune-Forged, Void Infested, Unique Legendary Permanent Artifact): a pair of long sai embedded and imbued with a peculiar infestation from the Void by the master smiths of the Vale.
  4694. While visiting, Princess Luna was able to complete these weapons with the addition of a third offensive enchantmarent, making it one of a very few rare weapons capable of accommodating such.
  4695. -Base Modifier: adds +3 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4696. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 0/3
  4697. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+1] <Voidlash Elemarental attack
  4698. -Offensive Enchantmarent #2: grants a [1d6+2] <Gryphon Claws Air Elemarental attack
  4699. -Offensive Enchantmarent #3: grants a [1d3] <Infestation effect where a result of 1 grants an additional +1 to all Melee rolls for that turn. a roll result of 2 causes living targets to suffer a -2 penalty to all Perception rolls for that turn, and a result of 3 grants Simon +1HP after successfully attacking a living enemy. Difficult to disarm
  4700. -Modification #1: Dual Wield Block grants an extra Block roll
  4701. -Modification #2: Excellent Grip, difficult to disarm
  4703. *****
  4705. -Sig Sauer P229 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a compact derivative of the P226, the double-action P229 makes use of a milled steel slide in place of cast in order to use the more powerful .357 Sig cartridge, longer lasting main springs, and double stacked magazines to reduce the number of combat reloads.
  4706. Considerably more comfortable and easier to conceal than it's predecessors, the P229 sees a great amount of service in the hands of police, detectives, SO, SF, Coast Guard, and other specialized personnel.
  4707. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4708. -Ammunition Class: Magnum Small Arm, .357 SIG
  4709. -Magazine Capacity: 12/12 cartridges & comes with 3x magazines
  4710. -Maximum Optimal Range: 100M with a -1 penalty per 50M beyond this range
  4711. -Maximum Effective Range: 200M
  4712. -Attachmarent #1: Laser Sight: adds +1 to all Small Arms rolls only when in use & has a maximum effective range of 200M
  4713. -Modification #1: External Suppressor: this weapon is 60% Suppressed requiring a roll of 7 or higher on Perception to determine the direction fired from
  4715. *****
  4716. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Compass, Grappling Hook & Rope, Night Vision Goggles, Remote Detonator, 1x Rope, Snake Cam, Swiss Army Knife, Sunglasses, Timer
  4718. *****
  4719. >EXPLOSIVES: 1x Smoke, 2x Flashbangs, 3x M67 Frag, 5x C4 Bricks
  4721. *****
  4722. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4723. -Advanced Combi-Goggles (Night Vision + Thermal): adds a +3 <NVG and/or a <Thermal modifier to one or two Perception-type rolls.
  4725. -Dakkori Moss: a brightly pulsing mass of greenish-brown moss. No one knows, or cares, where it comes from or why, mostly because of the terrible smell.
  4726. *Gains +1HP/turn
  4727. *Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth and Perception/Wilderness Survival rolls when in areas with large concentrations of flora
  4728. *Permarenently enchanted to him
  4730. -Overlord's Claw: an actual claw that belonged to the First Overlord of the Gryphon Kingdoms, subsequently the longest living gryphon ever.
  4731. Before his death, he had each of his claws removed in a lengthy ceremony, asking for the bearers of his claws to remember the true honors and pride of those that came before him, and will come after him, as well as not to make the same mistakes of those that use their power for earthly purposes.
  4732. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4733. *Grants a [1d6+2] <Gryphon Claws Mystic Air Elemarental strike
  4734. *Currently enchanted to his Sai
  4737. -Spectral Orb Shards: small slivers of a smoky, diamond-like substance, the remnants of former Lunar Guardian Commander Shrel's internal core.
  4738. After Sharonel's banishmarent to Old Canterlot, the few Eyes loyal to the Lunar Guardians claimed in battle near the city became incorporeal like the rest of the dead, making identification of whom they could have been from.
  4739. *When Crystal-Forged into an addition for armor or jewelry, the wearer is less susceptible to Spectres, Wraiths, Revenants, or other Spectral beings attacking them without provocation, and it becomes possible to speak to such, though Spectrals are notoriously easy to bore, and even easier to irritate into violence
  4742. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4743. Thrill (BGO):
  4745. *****
  4747. >Crystalline M.S.F. Shield (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom, Crystal-Forged, Unique): a medium sized shield comprised from multiple thin sheets of layered titanium and diamond, by Krinza, further inscribed with Crystal runes of protection by Naliyna, then molecularly joined by both.
  4748. -Armor Value: provides +2DR when worn on the back or when used to Bash or Shield Charge with
  4749. -Armor Class: Light Shield
  4750. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/2
  4751. -Defensive Enchantmarent #1: grants an additional Block roll & adds +2 to all Block rolls
  4752. -Sword and Board: can be used in tandem with Small Arms or other 1-handed weapons, but may not use with 2-Handed weapons
  4754. >Spectre-Silk Bodysuit (Armor Traits: Artifact, Custom-Fit, Legendary, Lin-Woven... WHA-, Unique): a nearly weightless skinsuit designed for only Thrill to wear, masterfully woven together by Lin from a Planar spider's silk collected in the Moors by Thrill and Naliyna. It was reinforced and partially rewoven by Silver, much to Lin's surprise.
  4755. Outfitted with numerous internal and external pockets & pouches, this bodysuit blends into nearly any environmarent with ease using the same organic color-dispersion mechanism used to mask the spider's entrance.
  4756. *Touched by the Empress
  4757. -Armor Value: provides 3DR to the entire body
  4758. -Armor Class: Unarmored
  4759. Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  4760. -Defensive Enhancemarent #1: adds +2 to all in-combat Stealth rolls
  4762. *****
  4764. >Enchanted Combat Knife
  4765. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4766. -Offensive Enchantmaremt: grants [1d6] <Lightning Elemarental attack
  4768. >M.S.F. Lightning Blade (Weapon Traits: Magitek-Forged, Unique): a 12" long, single bladed combat knife with a highly comfortable 6" silk-wrapped handle, and two sloping guards made from diamondine for additional protection.
  4769. This custom fit blade was forged from purified kanpri with a charged, solid-state black platinum-crystalline core, etchings of the gryphon and unicorn runes for lightning present across several notches on the rear of the blade.
  4770. Three Spirals and Krinza created this weapon to emit a powerful electric shock, as well as to be used as a knife, of course.
  4771. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4772. -Enchantmarent Slots Remaining: 2/3
  4773. -Offensive Enchantmarent #1: grants a [1d6+2] <Stormsurge Lightning Elemarental attack that is more likely to stun
  4775. *****
  4777. -MG3 (Weapon Traits: Personal): a post-WW2 heavy machine gun designed to both replace the MG42 and introduce standardized ammunition in the form of the 7.62x51MM NATO cartridge, although most all MG3 variants share an 80% parts interchangeability with the M42.
  4778. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  4779. -Ammunition Class: HMG, 7.62x51MM NATO
  4780. -Ammunition Belt Capacity: 100/100 cartridges & comes with 1x belt
  4781. -Maximum Optimal Range: 500M with a -1 penalty to all Heavy Weapon rolls per 300M beyond this range
  4782. -Maximum Effective Range: 1,400M
  4783. -Attachment #1: Bipod: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls only when in use
  4784. -Attachment #2: Flashlight: adds +1 to a SINGLE Perception rolls only when in use
  4786. -M.S.F. Custom Browning Hi-Power (Weapon Traits: Personal): a single-action variant of the Colt 1911, originally designed in France in 1935.
  4787. This particular Hi-Power was professionally manufactured by M.S.F.'s industrial team to utilize the much larger .45ACP cartridge rather than 7.65x21MM or 9x39MM.
  4788. Enlarging the frame to accommodate a slightly bigger magazine, and making judicious use of steel alloys to keep its weight down to a nominal level, it can be considered more reliable than the original.
  4789. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls
  4790. -Ammunition Class: Magnum Small Arms, .45 ACP
  4791. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 cartridges & comes with 3x magazines
  4792. -Maximum Optimal Range: 50M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 50M beyond this range
  4793. -Maximum Effective Range: 150M
  4795. -M.S.F. Custom Railgun (Special Weapon Traits: Advanced 1970's Technology, Composite, Personal, Unique): a highly advanced, for the 1970's at least, one-man portable anti-tank weapon capable of delivering a precision engineered finned tungsten dart via an electromagnetic propulsion system.
  4796. This weapon can be used five times before the internal power cell is expended, despite the internal magazine holding six darts, and requires several hours of recharging from a socket, though it is capable of being restored to its full potential.
  4797. Has an integrated 4x10 semi-digital sight for accuracy at longer ranges.
  4798. Not EXACTLY the same as the original.
  4799. -Base Modifier: adds +4 to all Heavy Weapon rolls
  4800. -Ammunition Class: Unique, Stabilized Finned Tungsten Darts
  4801. -Ammunition Capacity: 5/6, comes with 12x darts
  4802. -Maximum Effective Range: 2,000M
  4803. -Attachment #1: Scope: adds +1 to Heavy Weapon rolls & the <Digital Sight adds +2 to a SINGLE Perception roll only when in use
  4805. -Silenced Browning Hi-Power (Weapon Traits: Advanced, Custom-Fit, Composite, Magitek-Made, Unique): a specialty made copy of Thrill's standard Hi-Power .45ACP pistol, created and modified by Spiral, custom fit to exclusively match Thrill's hands.
  4806. Comes with a highly developed suppressor based on Thrill's weapons knowledge and utilizes an advanced, low grade miniature explosive charged primer in a precise amount to fully dampen external sound.
  4807. The highly developed tranquilizer rounds make it incapable of using standard ammunition. Landing a critical shot to the head on a pony or similar size/weight is an instant knockout until woken up, while shots to the neck, body, and arms take twice as long to take effect.
  4808. The specialty made darts, which must be retrieved or individually replaced, were designed in conjunction with a powerful soporific for use on ponies, thus Minotaurs or other large species will only take half or less effects compared to normal, requiring more precise hits.
  4809. -Base Modifier: adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls, calculate as if 'damage' in following table
  4810. *If a total result of 3 or greater is achieved the target slows down, suffering a -2 penalty to all rolls for next 2 turns; if a result of 6 or greater is achieved the target slows down greatly, suffering a -4 penalty to all rolls for next 2 turns; if a result of 9 or greater is achieved the target is rendered unconscious for next 2 turns; if a result of 12 or greater is achieved the target is rendered unconscious until forcefully woken
  4811. -Ammunition Class: Unique, Tranquilizer Darts
  4812. -Magazine Capacity: 8/8 darts & comes with 2x 8-round magazines
  4813. -Maximum Optimal Range: 25M with a -1 penalty to all Small Arms rolls per 25M beyond this range
  4814. -Maximum Effective Range: 100M
  4816. *****
  4817. >EXPLOSIVES: 2x Smoke
  4819. *****
  4820. >COMMON ITEMS: Binoculars, Canteen, Compass, Headset, Gas Mask, Map, Multi-Tool
  4822. *****
  4823. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4824. -Banded Swamp-Skitter Teeth: a collection of short, recurved gray teeth from a predatory fish native to the Moors, well known for its paralytic capabilities, both difficult to catch and hard to find.
  4825. Contained in a thick, woven cotton pouch to protect from unwanted contact.
  4826. *When infused to a weapon, allows a [1d3] <Banded Paralyze effect where a result of 1 has no effect, a result of 2 paralyzes the target by 50% for 1 turn, and a result of 3 completely incapacitates the target for 1 turn
  4827. *In addition, if a target suffers three critical Bitter Poison affects during an Operation, their body will shut down for 10 turns or 10 minutes
  4828. *Currently owned by him
  4830. -Charred Rubynine Hoofband: a slightly flexible size 18.5 band of interwoven rubynine and volcanic red kanpri threads, more than likely for an earth pony, that has been partially melted in several spot.
  4831. Commonly produced in the Late Dynasty era, it was repaired, albeit rather shoddily, at some point in time, yet still contains a potent Elemarental ward that resists flame.
  4832. *Recovered from the Solar Armory in Canterlot
  4833. *When worn or enchanted to crystalline armor: provides +1DR
  4834. *Reduces damage from Fire attacks by 1/4, whether physical, Casting, Druidry, Elemarental, Mystical, and Planar
  4835. *Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls in red backgrounds
  4837. -Dusk Film: an incredibly disgusting film that tastes like sour ashes, supposedly collected from the dew of decaying tears of reality in the Moors.
  4838. *Gains +1HP/turn while in dark areas
  4839. *Adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls
  4841. -Keening Charm: a 1" diameter sphere made from hostile, reactive red and blue crystalline lattices carefully melded together to prevent injury to the owner.
  4842. Recovered solely from the Moors, and rarely Ferron claimed lands, these were continually refined with aid from Middle Dynasty Psions throughout the later 22,000’s to 23,800’s.
  4843. Rarely, some batponies will enchant themselves with a pair.
  4844. When used to reforge piercing weaponry, the kee~ning allows such to become considerably more effective without changing weight, materials, balance, or grip.
  4845. *Adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4846. *Grants Armor Pierce 1 (negates 1DR)
  4848. -Mistcreeper's Heart: DESC
  4849. *Adds +2 to all in-combat Stealth rolls
  4850. *Converts ALL Stealth rolls into <Auto-Stealth while in Fog, Mist, Rain, or Water
  4851. *Gains +1HP per turn while remaining mostly still in same
  4852. *Allows permarenent water breathing
  4854. -Piercing Visor (Night Vision + Thermal): a slim, thin, and lightweight padded rubber visor created by Spiral. Incorporates two diamond lenses inscribed by Krinza with piercing vision runes placed before miniaturized, heavily modified & upgraded night vision & thermal optic systems, also enhanced by Jeff's technical knowledge.
  4855. Weighing less than half a pound and custom fit, as well as synced to Thrill, each component responds and operates by simple willpower, requiring nothing more than the 'thought' of use to activate.
  4856. -Adds +3 to EACH roll per rank of Perception, Scouting, or Wilderness Survival
  4857. *Grants <Piercing Nightvision for low light conditions
  4858. *Grants <Piercing Thermal for when night vision may not be useful or in pitch black conditions
  4859. *Grants <Piercing Eye for long range viewing
  4861. -Shadeheart Core: adds +1 to all non-combat Stealth rolls.
  4862. *Permanently enchanted to him
  4864. -The "Love Box": an overly large cardboard box, precisely 2.5' wide, 4' long, and 2' tall, formerly used to ship large amounts of Empire asparagus across Tallus.
  4865. This box has been ponifally hoofpainted by Malyne and Dancing Eyes with numerous scenes of pink hearts, wings, and several funny murals of ponies in close contact.. mostly touching snoots.
  4866. Platonically.
  4867. Despite the changed outward appearances, boxes of this exact size are well known to most of Equestria and beyond, the majority of which are returned to the Empire, though a few have been known to return them with modifiend designs to signify the contents within.
  4868. Fortunately, this one was spotted by Thrill before it could be returned, and has been inducted by him to serve as a makeshift first aid station.
  4869. Any human being or pony taken "..inside the box" by Thrill or Naliyna can be stabilized and treated much faster than normal
  4870. *Adds +1 to all Alchemy, Crystal Rune: Refresh, Medical, and Recovery rolls
  4873. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4874. Thunder Raven (RETIRED):
  4876. *****
  4878. >Katarn-class Commando Armor (Armor Traits: Advanced, Custom-Fit): a damaged, battered full body plated armor composed of duraplast, an advanced, complex, durable, and most importantly expensive space age alloy.
  4879. A considerable upgrade from standard clone trooper armor, Commando armor was developed in response to the increasing threats from the Trade Federation. Each section of armor is custom fit for maximum freedom of movement, although the unarmored regions are only protected by a thermally balanced zero-gravity vacuum suit, offering little protection against most weaponry.
  4880. Featuring a specialized backpack for rapid deployment of detonation packs, ammunition, and grenades, the entire armor is also capable of withstanding most acids, particularly the combat boots.
  4881. Due to damage caused before his arrival, Thunder's munitions pack is incapable of storing it's full loadout, and requires a great deal of restoration to be brought back to full service.
  4882. -Armor Value: provides 2DR
  4883. -Armor Class: Medium
  4884. -Mechanical Modification #1: reduces 1/2 of all damage from Acid
  4886. >Katarn-class Commando Helmet (Armor Traits: Advanced, Custom-Fit): a damaged, battered full head covering helmet composed of duraplast, an advanced, complex, durable, and most importantly expensive post-galactic space age alloy.
  4887. A uniquely shaped, though slightly heavy, helmet containing numerous dependable highly features, including an oxygen filtration system, a long range communications array, and a tactical Heads Up Display, also referred to as a HUD, that displays a small holographic representation of Thunder, his teammates, and their relative health within a 100M radius.
  4888. Unfortunately due to its damaged state, the helmet's integrated night vision, optical sensor targeting & analysis array, and electrobinocular functions are unavailable, but are capable of being restored nonetheless.
  4889. -Armor Value: provides 1DR to the entire head
  4890. -Armor Class: Light Helmet
  4891. -Mechanical Modification #1: reduces 1/2 of all damage from Acid
  4893. *****
  4895. >Katarn Armor Gauntlet Vibroblades: two 4" long blades with a triangular tip, capable of being ejected or retracted from a Clone Commaredo's gauntlets, powered by an internal sonic emitter that causes additional damage to organic or unarmored targets.
  4896. A semi-complex sonic enhanced weapon, typically used as a cheap alternative to other, more traditional melee weapons of the time such as lightsabers, this vibroblade's small size and inclusion into Katarn-class armor allows it to be quite discreet, and is highly effective against most targets, excepting those with thick armor or hardened internal/external defenses.
  4897. The damage caused has reduced its effectiveness by a large margin.
  4898. -Base Modifier: adds +1 to all Assault/Parry/Riposte rolls
  4900. *****
  4902. -DC-15s Side Arm Blaster Pistol: developed by BlasTech Industries for the Grand Army of the Republic, the DC-15s was a backup plasma pistol side arm for Clone troopers.
  4903. Not as powerful as the standard DC-15 blaster, DC-15s utilized a unique self-regenerating power cell capable of storing enough energy for eight shots, recharging enough for one shot every second, though the user was forced to wait as it did so.
  4904. As technology during the Clone Wars era wasn't as refined as it could be, nearly all energy weaponry had several flaws, the most notable being optimal and maximum ranges, and due to damage caused before his arrival, Thunder's personal DC-15s is no exception
  4905. -Base Modifier: when firing at a target at a distance of 30M or less, adds +1 to all Energy Weapon rolls and ignores 1DR, but when firing at a target from a distance of 31-120M does not gain a bonus
  4906. -Ammunition Class: Rechargeable Energy Cell
  4907. -Maximum Effective Range: 120M
  4909. -DC-17m Interchangeable Weapon System: developed by BlasTech Industries, the DC-17m was a lighter and more versatile version of the standard DC-15 blaster rifle, mareufactured to much higher tolerances in order to withstand nearly all weather conditions, although it does require periodic calibration for maximum efficiency.
  4910. Unlike most blasters, this one was capable of being configured to use several attachments using a modular system, including a long range sniper rifle, an anti-armor grenade launcher, a non-lethal Pulsed Energy Projectile to stun or incapacitate organics, and a breaching grenade, though presumably the other attachments were destroyed before Thunder's arrival.
  4911. -Base Modifier: when firing at a target at a distance of 45M or less, adds +1 to all Energy Weapon rolls and ignores 1DR, but when firing at a target from a distance of 46-450M does not gain a bonus
  4912. -Ammunition Class: Energy Cell, comes with 12x Large Power Paks
  4913. -Firing Rate: 12 shots per Large Power Pak
  4914. -Maximum Effective Range: 450M
  4916. *****
  4917. >COMMON ITEMS: GPS Unit, Multitool, 1x Recharging Cable, 12x Republic Power Paks, 1x Roll of Rope, Wireless Electronic Detonator
  4919. *****
  4920. >EXPLOSIVES: 3x EMP Grenades, 4x Breaching Charges, 8x Detonation Packs
  4922. *****
  4923. >UNIQUE ITEMS:
  4924. -Galactic Republic Maintenance System: one of a vast number of dedicated weapon and armor maintenance kits issued by the Republic Army to their best on-ground or in-space engineering personnel.. or to the extremely tiny number of Clone Commandos that specialized in such an otherwise 'unworthy' occupation.
  4925. This advanced engineering set, comprised solely of Mandalorian-based, pre-Empire tools (if they can even be called that), are designed to function on the most inhospitable planets, in the vacuum of space, or with a bit of fine tuning and some protective sealing, underwater.
  4926. The contents take up half of the space in the Commando's rear-mounted armored pack unit, which also dispenses a Commando's relevant munitions, grenades, spare power paks or cells, magazines, clips, or whatever he would need at the time.
  4927. Contents include: a single large holographic projection datapad with technical specifications on most all modern weaponry, armor, and electronics systems, including basic slicing programs to override and bypass the same; five vibroblades ranging from small enough to cut wires to large enough to stick something in the ribs for any number of delicate (or not so delicate) tasks;
  4928. An oversized handheld soldering & welding torch/gun combination, with an internal power cell that uses insertable cartridges, or the raw or refined materials themselves, to make critical repairs and patches to armor, and even seal doors in a pinch; a hydrospanner, which is a powerful adjustable wrench, screwdriver, or nut driver all in one, that can even punch said screws, nuts, rods, or other small components through solid high grade steels via a small, integrated fusioncutter for dealing with complex adhesives or difficult to penetrate materials.
  4929. Lastly, two rolls of duraplast embedded space tape; two tubes of duraplast glue for critical sealing operations; and a good ol' pre-modern dura-hammer.
  4930. *Adds +1 to and grants an additional Engineering roll
  4932. -Kaminoan Armorsmith Material Fabricator & Assembler: a Kaminoan fabrication machine designed to produce the specialized Mandalorian-styled Clone Trooper, Commando, and ARC armors, along with a host of other equipment including devices, weaponry, and even explosives.
  4933. Employed specifically by the Armorsmiths in their trade, the Fabricator & Assembler relies on an indepth sensor matrix composed of numerous material scanners that grant the user the ability to magnetically scan cross-sections of the item or armor in production, bolstered by a series of external sensor rods that allow for precise electromagnetic particulate dispersal for layering materials at the atomic level.
  4934. 12 robotic arms equipped with a variety of clamps, claws, and other tools are controlled by the main computer core, assisting in far less sophisticated, simple machining and milling tasks such as fabricating or restoring weaponry using any number of Republic, Kaminoan, Mandalorian, or user created schematics.
  4935. A secondary set of 16 folding clamp arms contained within the fabricator's struts are used solely to hold a single suit of armor for reconstruction after severe battle damage, though it's unknown as to whether or not someone being IN the armor while reconstruction takes place is a good idea.
  4936. Despite the loss of two sensor rods, one of the milling arms being jammed, and several damaged displays, it is still functional, though contains no blueprints or schematics as its computer core seems to have been wiped at some point, while the material racks are also empty, either from sabotage or use. *Currently occupies a space in the workshop on the central southern wall, and is limited to Thunder's use ONLY
  4937. *Grants 4x [1d6+15] <Kaminoan Armor Fabrication rolls when performing repairs on damaged armor or constructing new armor
  4941. ***************************************************************************************************************************************
  4942. Vick (BANNED):
  4944. *****
  4946. -Kevlar Vest: provides 1DR to the chest.
  4948. *****
  4951. *****
  4953. -Paired Colt M1911's (Magnum Small Arm Weapon Traits: Personal): a modern upgrade of the venerable 1911 .45ACP, with tighter tolerances, slightly better handling, range, and ergonomics. Adds +2 to all Small Arms rolls, has an optimal range of 50M with a -1 penalty per 25M beyond this range, and a 150M maximum range.
  4955. *****
  4956. >COMMON ITEMS: Batteries, Canteen, Cleaning Kit, Duct Tape, Fuel Canister, Gas Mask, L-Flashlight, Multi-tool, 2x Pack of Cigarettes, Pack of Menthols, Zippo Lighter
  4958. ***************************************************************************************************************************************

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