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Cast Aside

By Castafae
Created: 2023-07-15 22:04:13
Expiry: Never

  1. >Harsh noise.
  2. >Weightlessness.
  3. >Pain.
  4. >Your groggy mind slowly catches up with your aching body and you curl up on the unfamiliar ground.
  5. >The air is warm and the ground is rough, but not entirely unpleasant.
  6. >There is a buzzing noise, but it's not the buzzing noise you are used to.
  7. >It almost sounds natural.
  8. >Your eyes flicker open and you find yourself staring at a weird building.
  9. >You pick yourself up from your laying position and sit up.
  10. >As you look around, you realize you're nowhere familiar at all.
  11. >You're in the middle of a... parking lot?
  12. >And- and there are trees.
  13. >You're outside.
  14. >Y-you've never been outside before!
  15. >Are you... dreaming?
  16. >You pat the sides of your face.
  17. >You don't feel like you are.
  18. >You lift your head up and look up.
  19. >Little pinpricks of light fill the dark above.
  20. >Stars, just like in your dreams.
  21. >I-it's real.
  22. >There is a tugging in your chest.
  23. >You almost feel... happy.
  24. >Like when you first woke up.
  25. >It's been so long, you don't even remember how to be happy.
  26. >Instead, you just start to tear up.
  27. >It's the only response that you could muster.
  28. >You wish you could stay here for an eternity but... you hear something.
  29. >You turn to face the noise and see a figure standing by the building.
  30. >It hasn't seen you, and you can't see it very well, especially since your eyes were watery, but its presence makes your heart race.
  31. >What if it's one of them?
  32. >The thought brings fresh tears to your eyes.
  33. >Y-you don't want to go back!
  34. >You can't...
  35. >You felt safe here, you don't want to let go of that yet.
  36. >To your horror, it looks like it finally noticed you.
  37. >You quickly stand up and stare at it, your legs shaking.
  38. >Your eyes dart towards the dark forest around you.
  39. >For once...
  40. >You're not cornered.
  41. >It takes a step into the light.
  42. >For once...
  43. >You can run.
  44. >With all the energy you can manage, you bolt for the trees.
  45. >You're not used to running, so by the time you stop, your legs feel like jelly and you're on the verge of hyperventilation.
  46. >You listen out for a while, trying desperately not to collapse on the forest floor.
  47. >You don't think it's following you, so maybe it's just a normal person?
  48. >But... that doesn't mean you can relax.
  49. >You need to find somewhere to hide.
  50. >You won't calm down until you do...
  51. >You wobble your way further into the forest until you find some dense shrubbery.
  52. >This will do.
  53. >You hope.
  54. >You shimmy into the brush until you're nestled in the middle of it.
  55. >You plop down and sigh.
  56. >This is way better than concrete...
  57. >You roll onto your back and look up once more at the sky.
  58. >Even under all these trees, you can still see them.
  59. >Exhaustion overtakes you as you stare up at the stars through half-lidded eyes.
  60. >Maybe... maybe you can be a forest nymph.
  61. >Like in that one story you read.
  62. >Dancing in the moonlight and drinking from cups of stardust...
  63. >Laughing together with all her friends...
  64. >Maybe one day, you'll have friends too.
  65. >You... you wonder what that's like?
  66. >You'll find out soon enough.
  68. - - - -
  70. >The woods are... nice.
  71. >Much nicer than you're used to, anyway.
  72. >You slept quite soundly, aside from a minor fit.
  73. >Little splinters of loneliness always prick you at the most inconvenient times.
  74. >But you managed.
  75. >You could dare say you're almost... excited.
  76. >You're unrestricted.
  77. >Untethered.
  78. >Free.
  79. >Somewhere in your mind, you wonder 'Why?', but... It really didn't matter, right?
  80. >You should just worry about the now, for um, now.
  81. >Like what you're going to eat, for instance!
  82. >The frequency of your meals have always been... lacking.
  83. >But now you can find food whenever you want!
  84. >A wanderer among the pine~!
  85. >With vittles on her mind~!
  86. >Hehe... time to put those book-smarts to use!
  87. >Lets just hope you remember what is and isn't poisonous.
  88. >Hmph, let's just veto eating anything dubious for now, alright?
  89. >You're not *that* desperate.
  90. >You poke around the undergrowth for a while, but come up emptyhooved.
  91. >After that, you rummage around a few bushes, but end up at the same disappointing conclusion.
  92. >You guess this is harder than it looked, or um... read.
  93. >How about... aha!
  94. >You pick up a nearby pinecone and hold it aloft in a triumphant manner.
  95. >You're pretty sure animals eat these all the time, so why not you?
  96. >You sit down and stare at your bounty.
  97. >So, do you just...?
  98. >You bite down on the unappetizing cone, which makes a rather unpleasant crunching sound.
  99. >You gnaw on it for a little longer before simply spitting it out.
  100. >That... sucked.
  101. >You guess your palate is rather 'person-like', eh?
  102. >Pinecones and bark just won't cut it.
  103. >Hmm...
  104. >How about grass?
  105. >You *are* a pony after all.
  106. >It might be worth a shot.
  107. >With renewed vigor, you make your way towards the weird building from last night.
  108. >There was quite a bit of grass in that clearing, so maybe you can sneak a few bites?
  109. >As you finally near the edge of the woods, your ears fold back at familiar sound.
  110. >You slink towards a nearby bush and poke your head out from behind it.
  111. >The parking lot had a smattering of vehicles resting in it now, as well as their talkative owners.
  112. >You didn't recognize any of them, but all these people made you anxious.
  113. >You're just about to turn back, but you see an odd tree near the back of the building.
  114. >A skinny tree that has some sort of fruit.
  115. >The sight makes your hunger much more apparent.
  116. >You glance around and notice that the coast is clear.
  117. >Here goes nothing...
  118. >You briskly make your way towards the tree, careful not to step into the daylight.
  119. >As you make it to a bush near the tree, you sigh.
  120. >There isn't anyone around so...
  121. >You make your move.
  122. >Each step is much shakier than the last, and by the time you make it to the tree's base, you're more or less a bundle of nerves.
  123. >Some of the rotund fruit is already on the ground, but most of it is still on the branch.
  124. >With how small it is, a little shaking will do wonders.
  125. >And you certainly know a thing or two about shaking!
  126. >H-haha...
  127. >Okay, relax now.
  128. >With a deep breath...
  129. >You start your heist.
  131. >You are weary of every little noise, but nevertheless, you gather up as much fruit as you can carry in the crux of a foreleg.
  132. >Now all you need to do is quietly make your way out of sight.
  133. >With one last glance around, you submerge once more into the shade of trees.
  134. >You keep moving until the sound of cars and people are replaced with the gentle sway of leaves and birdsong.
  135. >You settle down in a sunny clearing and admire your haul.
  136. >A small mound of little apples that fit easily in the hoof.
  137. >You'll certainly take this over having to eat grass, that's for sure.
  138. >You weren't very enthusiastic about grass anyway...
  139. >Alright then, let's give this a whirl!
  140. >You pick one up and roll it around in your hoof.
  141. >With how small these are, you guess you could eat it whole, but lets just take it slow.
  142. >You take a bite and are mildly surprised.
  143. >It's tart, but not overwhelmingly so.
  144. >It will take a bit to get used to, but it's nice all things considered.
  145. >You're pretty sure these have a specific name, but it eludes you at the moment.
  146. >All that really mattered is that you knew it wouldn't make you sick, so it worked out.
  147. >After finishing off your apple banquet, you get up and stretch.
  148. >You guess you'll file this down as a success!
  149. >With your basic needs sated for the moment, you decide to think about your situation, which is always a fun thing to dwell on.
  150. >But if you don't let your mind go through the motions, it will just keep eating away at you, so you might as well get it over with, right?
  151. >You sigh and perch yourself up against a sturdy oak, watching the last bits of sunshine drain away.
  152. >This was a major improvement and you weren't scared anymore but... you're still alone.
  153. >Stuck in the middle of nowhere.
  154. >But why?
  155. >You feel like... like you shouldn't be here.
  156. >Why didn't they just scrap you?
  157. >They got what they wanted, why leave something behind?
  158. >Especially something that knew their faces by heart.
  159. >Maybe you just got lucky.
  160. >...
  161. >I-in a way, it was a little funny!
  162. >Like some dark comedy about a couple of roadside bandits.
  163. >Swiping rings and clutching pearls.
  164. >They take, and then leave without a trace.
  165. >Not before leaving a few scars of course, but you're still breathing.
  166. >And they didn't even have the courtesy to tip their hats...
  167. >You look down at your hooves for a moment, watching them tremble.
  168. >The weight in your heart is telling you that you might be taking this too far.
  169. >H-how about... We just make up a story instead?
  170. >You can make anything you want, a-and it doesn't have to end like that, okay?
  171. >You curl up by the tree and take a deep breath.
  172. >Just think of something nice...
  174. >A lone pony sits atop a stump, holding onto her windswept witch's hat.
  175. >The meadow around her was vast and calm as her robe billowed in the wind.
  176. >She watches as a small butterfly lands on a nearby flower.
  177. >"Can you help me find my friends, miss mage? They're late for tea!" It asked meekly.
  178. >The mare smiles. "Late for tea, you say? Let's make haste, dear sprite!"
  180. - - - -
  182. >You've always liked fantasy stories.
  183. >From knights taking on immovable foes, to simple romps through enchanted forests.
  184. >They could have been nonsensical at times, but they always had a happy ending.
  185. >Not every story has to have one, but...
  186. >You like it when they do.
  187. >There was this huge old book in the closet of the attic you were in.
  188. >It was dusty and in disrepair, but you loved it with all your heart.
  189. >It was an um... an anthology?
  190. >Yeah, that's the word.
  191. >You probably read through it over a dozen times before one of them caught you.
  192. >You thought that maybe he'd take it away but he... he wanted to know more.
  193. >He acted like he was interested.
  194. >Like he cared.
  195. >That was when you could still talk, and you ended up rambling on while he sat in that plastic chair in the attic.
  196. >He would occasionally crack jokes about the characters, and you always laughed at them.
  197. >He even brought you candy once.
  198. >Up until then, you didn't know how to feel about any of them.
  199. >They were so distant before, but for once, one of them was nice to you.
  200. >And he kept being nice to you.
  201. >You thought...
  202. >You thought he was your friend.
  203. >Your first friend.
  204. >But one day, there was yelling coming from down below, so you hid in the closet.
  205. >You couldn't make out what they were saying, but you recognized his voice.
  206. >He sounded... angry.
  207. >They all sounded angry.
  208. >They were arguing and you didn't know why.
  209. >After a while, it grew quiet, and then a door slammed.
  210. >It didn't take you long to figure out what happened.
  211. >He left.
  212. >And you didn't even know his name.
  213. >You were so devastated at first, you denied it.
  214. >He'd be back, I just know it!
  215. >Any day now...
  216. >M-maybe he's just sick? I hope he gets better...
  217. >You waited and waited, but it was just you again.
  218. >Well, you and them, technically.
  219. >But they didn't like you.
  220. >In fact, in time, they made it quite clear that they didn't want anything to do with you at all.
  221. >Every attempt you made to be friendly backfired into raised voices and harsh words.
  222. >When you first woke up in that attic, they were gathered around you, smiling.
  223. >You were so happy.
  224. >B-but...
  225. >They left you there and the only one who stayed and showed you any kindness was gone.
  226. >All you had left was a book and the fantasies in your head.
  227. >Quiet walks under a starlit sky.
  228. >Mundane jaunts through a magical village.
  229. >Chats with talkative woodland creatures.
  230. >They were never grandiose in nature, but you longed for them nevertheless.
  231. >And that's how you spent your days there.
  232. >Until one day, one of them walked up to you.
  233. >You hadn't had that happen for a really long time.
  234. >And she... patted your head.
  235. >They never touched you before so it made you freeze up.
  236. >"We're going to play doctor!" She said with a smile.
  237. >Her tone was so genuine that you... smiled with her.
  238. >You didn't know what a doctor was, but it sounded good.
  239. >And... and she took you downstairs.
  240. >You've never been downstairs before, so it was exciting.
  241. >There was a metal table set up.
  242. >And the room was cold.
  244. >The lady sat you down by the table and told you to 'sit tight'.
  245. >You didn't know how to do that, but you knew how to sit still, so you did that instead.
  246. >She left the room and you could her hear talking with the others.
  247. >It was hard to make out, but you caught snippets every once in a while.
  248. >"...what it looks like?"
  249. >"...have to make a..."
  250. >"...entangled with the..."
  251. >"...the whole thing out..."
  252. >It didn't make much sense to you, so you wound up occupying yourself by looking around the room.
  253. >Most of the stuff in the room seemed old and it reminded you of a story you read about an elderly woman who lived in an oversized mushroom.
  254. >She had all sorts of fancy knickknacks, just like in this room!
  255. >But maybe not as dusty.
  256. >For some reason, all the dust made you feel... weird.
  257. >It was an odd twinge in your heart, but it was so fleeting that you couldn't describe the emotion.
  258. >You didn't have much time to dwell on it, as the lady came back with the others.
  259. >The others.
  260. >Besides taking turns bringing you the occasional meal, you didn't know anything about them.
  261. >You knew their physical features, of course, but that was about it.
  262. >The one with glasses sat down in a nearby chair and sighs.
  263. >"This manual is a wreck, but I think it'll pan out."
  264. >The burly one crosses his arms. "What about the-"
  265. > The lady cuts him off. "Not now! Later."
  266. >She then turns to you with yet another smile.
  267. >"Hey hey, you ready?"
  268. >You shuffle in place. "What's... What's a doctor?"
  269. >Glasses chuckles. "Really?"
  270. >Burly scoffs. "This would be way easier if *someone* knew how to turn it off."
  271. >Turn it off?
  272. >Does- does he mean... you?
  273. >Maybe you just misheard?
  274. >They wouldn't-
  275. >"I've read through this thing front and back, it doesn't. Abysmal design if you ask me."
  276. >"I didn't."
  277. >"Tch, whatever man."
  278. >They're talking about you.
  279. >And you don't like their tone.
  280. >You scoot a little closer to the wall behind you and look up at the lady, hoping to be consoled.
  281. >M-maybe you're just nervous?
  282. >She sighs. "I guess we might as well get this over with."
  283. >Her eyes fall on you. "Just relax, okay? We'll be done in no time."
  284. >Her voice almost sounds... empty.
  285. >B-but you thought... you thought things would be different.
  286. >That maybe they wanted to get to know you.
  287. >But they don't want to talk.
  288. >You watch as she brings her hands down towards you.
  289. >You don't understand.
  290. >Their conversation before, it... it was about you too, wasn't it?
  291. >Why would they want to turn you off?
  292. >You're in a daze as she starts to pick you up, your mind trying to rationalize what's happening.
  293. >But once you stop feeling the floor underneath your hooves, you snap out of it and start to panic.
  294. >You wriggle out of her grasp and scramble around the room in a circle.
  295. >There wasn't anywhere to hide, so you wind up backing yourself into a corner.
  296. >"I told you this would happen."
  297. >"Shut up and get ready, I'll grab it."
  298. >The burly one approaches and you shrink down.
  299. >The only resistance you can manage is a feeble "Please don't".
  301. >There wasn't anything you could do to stop it.
  302. >No amount of pleading or struggling would dissuade them.
  303. >No savior or knight in shining armor to save you.
  304. >You... you were just an object to them.
  305. >Something to be taken apart at their leisure.
  306. >As you laid on that table, you thought about all the stories about humans you read.
  307. >Were they wrong?
  308. >These people were nothing like the ones in your stories.
  309. >Or maybe.. you were wrong.
  310. >You thought that under all that apathy might have been good people.
  311. >That you could get through to them.
  312. >That if you tried really really hard... you could be their friend.
  313. >And then everything would be okay.
  314. >But...
  315. >But they aren't people.
  316. >All you see now are wolves baring their teeth.
  317. >They don't want you.
  318. >They just want what's inside of you.
  319. >...
  320. >You... you don't want to think about it anymore.
  321. >Everything after that was a painful blur.
  322. >And you were awake for all of it.
  323. >Well... most of it, anyway.
  324. >Somewhere along the line, you must have fainted, because you don't remember them putting... whatever is in your neck now, in you.
  325. >You don't even know what it looks like, but you know it's hollow.
  326. >There's something inside, but you can't reach far enough to open it up.
  327. >Maybe you're a pinata now.
  328. >Just quietly waiting to be smacked.
  329. >You want to laugh at your pitiful state, but all you can muster is sniffling.
  330. >Since then, you've always been a little... out of sync.
  331. >Once in a while, your mind won't realize that your body is crying right away.
  332. >The weirdest part is that you don't even *feel* sad.
  333. >It's incredibly infrequent, so at least it's not something you need to fret over.
  334. >You dry your eyes and take a deep breath.
  335. >Relax, it's over now.
  336. >It's just you against the world, so uhm... time for more... survivalisting?
  337. >That- That's not a word!
  338. >At least you don't think it is?
  339. >You look up at the stars and let out a sigh.
  340. >It's getting late, maybe you should visit that tree again and swipe a few more apples?
  341. >You'll try eating grass uh... another time.
  342. >With a stretch, you get up.
  343. >Time for heist two!
  344. >Let's hope it goes as smoothly as the first one.
  345. >Hey, maybe you'll get to snoop around that weird building, too?
  346. >It always smells nice, so maybe there's more food around it.
  347. >With curiosity and hunger pushing you forward, you start to trek back to the parking lot, a silent rhyme in your head.
  349. >There was a stillness in the air as you emerged from the undergrowth.
  350. >Without the noise and sights of the day, you were much more bold, standing once more under the orange lamplight.
  351. >You take your time as you make your way to the front of the weird building.
  352. >There was a sign out front that you wanted to check out.
  353. >Through the glass, you could see inside. But it didn't make much sense to you, with its checkered patterns and folksy imagery.
  354. >You squinted at the sign out front, which had an unfamiliar pony with a poofy mane proudly displaying a tray on her hoof.
  355. >She was well groomed and wore a playful smile.
  356. >You glance over at your reflection in the glass.
  357. >You try to imitate her smile, but the downtrodden mare you see before you doesn't budge.
  358. >Hmph, be that way!
  359. >You stick your tongue out at yourself, which makes you feel slightly better about it.
  360. >You bring your gaze down to the words resting on her tray.
  361. >'TODAY'S SPECIAL(S): [Caramel Apple Fritter] and [Bonanza's Surprise]
  362. >The second one was hastily crossed out with a frowny face next to it.
  363. >You guess this place serves food.
  364. >But what's a fritter?
  365. >Your tummy rumbles at the prospect, regardless.
  366. >Soon, I say! Just relax until I finishing reading thi-
  367. >"And the rain came down that day and it drained my soul away..."
  368. >H-huh?
  369. >Your ears perk up, trying to pinpoint that singing.
  370. >Y-you forgot about the person from last night!
  371. >"Bum de duh de dum..."
  372. >It's getting nearer, you need to move.
  373. >You slink around the building and once you see your target, the tree, you trot briskly towards it.
  374. >You spare no time in swiping a few of the small apples.
  375. >Once finished, you take a deep breath.
  376. >You don't hear anything, so... maybe the coast is clear?
  377. >"Hey there."
  378. >You jolt and in your panic, the apples fall from your clutches, scattering onto the grass.
  379. >Your mind is racing as it desperately attempts to plot an escape.
  380. >"Woah woah, take it easy, just... hold on."
  381. >You back away until you are brushing up against the bush by the tree.
  382. >"Just hear me out! I'm- I'm not going anywhere."
  383. >You hesitantly glance in the direction of the figure.
  384. >In the light, you realize that it's just a tired man with a concerned expression, his hands in clear view.
  385. >He slowly sits down by the building and after he clears his throat, he gestures to you.
  386. >"You know, I was betting on squirrels stripping that tree. I guess I didn't think a pony was in the cards!"
  387. >He rubs the back of his neck. "So, whaddya doing all the way out here, bud?"
  388. >You continue staring at him momentarily before lowering your eyes towards the morsels on the ground.
  389. >"Hungry?"
  390. >You nod slowly, not taking your eyes from the fruit.
  391. >"Hmm... How about this."
  392. >You shrink down as you realize that he was getting up.
  393. >He turns away and stretches. "Eat up. I won't bother you, okay?"
  394. >He glances back at you for a moment. "Just... try not to make a mess, I'd rather not do more work than I have to."
  395. >You watch him leave, utterly bewildered.
  396. >He... left?
  398. >You at the very least expected to get yelled at, but instead, he's turning a blind eye?
  399. >M-maybe... maybe it's a trick? Like when you turn your back he'll-
  400. >NO!
  401. >T-this is a normal person! You can't- You can't expect the worst.
  402. >You shouldn't do that anymore.
  403. >Just... Just relax and eat, alright?
  404. >Despite wanting to calm down, you're still rather shaken up.
  405. >In an attempt at keeping your nerves at bay, you decide to watch his movement.
  406. >He's picking up bags and throwing them in that bin out back.
  407. >Besides that, he's cleaning up the area around the weird food building.
  408. >Not long after, he's humming to himself again, doing some other random task.
  409. >He just works here! He's normal.
  410. >You fidget in place.
  411. >You... you hope you aren't being a nuisance.
  412. >Feeling... slightly at ease, you slowly start munching away at the apples.
  413. >As your hunger is sated, your nervousness subsides as well.
  414. >Soon enough, you find yourself getting comfortable, which has the unfortunate side effect of making you a tad sleepy.
  415. >After a rather eventful day by your standards, it made sense, but...
  416. >You listlessly glance up at the man, who was sitting on a concrete step at the back of the building, resting.
  417. >Before you go find your sleeping bush... You should say thanks, or at least as close to thanks as you can in your current state.
  418. >You know, for him not running you off.
  419. >You look down at the last remaining apple on the ground.
  420. >...
  421. >You pick it up by the stem and get up.
  422. >You... you got this.
  423. >You gingerly make your way over to him, slowing down when he notices you.
  424. >"Hey again. Do you... need something?"
  425. >You shake your head as you approach a little closer.
  426. >You stop quite a ways from him, but close enough that you can see the smile on his face.
  427. >You try to look him in the eye but you falter and end up staring at the ground.
  428. >As you take a deep breath, you try to think of something to do.
  429. >How... how about you just toss it over like a um... a gift!
  430. >Or maybe a snack?
  431. >W-whatever, just give it to him!
  432. >You get ready to lightly toss the apple, but put way to much force into it and accidentally launch it at him.
  433. >...And watch in horror as the little apple spikes off his forehead and tumbles to the ground.
  434. >The both of you stare at each other, with you slowly reddening.
  435. >He bends down and grabs the apple, tossing it lightly in his hand a few times.
  436. >He grins, despite the lump on his forehead. "Nice shot! Thanks for saving me one."
  437. >You decide that this would spark the end of today's outing.
  438. >You give him a quick nod before darting out of sight
  439. >"You'd be great at baseball!" You hear him yell as you depart.
  440. >You can almost hear the laughter in his voice, but it isn't... mocking.
  441. >He just seems happy.
  442. >You trot past the building windows on your way into the forest and see your face burning with embarrassment.
  443. >But not only that... you notice a smile as well.
  444. >It's incredibly awkward and more than a little dopey but.. it's there.
  445. >Huh, you guess you can do it after all.
  447. - - - -
  449. >After that, you found yourself visiting often during the night.
  450. >The parking lot had a nice clear view of the stars and seeing that most of the food you've eaten has come from around there, it made sense in your mind.
  451. >Oh! And you finally tried grass.
  452. >You uhm... didn't like it.
  453. >It tasted way worse than dandelions.
  454. >But at least you aren't hungry right now.
  455. >In all honesty, there's a lot less to eat than you first thought.
  456. >You guess you can't afford to be picky...
  457. >Maybe you can try pinecones again?
  458. >Hmm... let's put a pin in that for now.
  459. >Right now, you just want to relax a little.
  460. >You're currently sitting by the now bare apple tree.
  461. >You guess it's kind of your 'territory'.
  462. >By that you mean you can see a lot of the parking lot from here without feeling like you're out in the open, so you guess it's comfortable.
  463. >It's nice all things considered.
  464. >You've been 'people watching' as that man put it.
  465. >He mentioned it in passing, as he was lugging a rolliewheel bin.
  466. >You- You don't *actually* think they're called that, but that's what your mind came up with!
  467. >A-anyway... you guess he's right.
  468. >You've been finding yourself staring more often, be it him at night, or the building's patrons during the day from the bushes.
  469. >You've even seen a few ponies, too.
  470. >In a way... it made you feel a tad self-conscious.
  471. >How can they look so calm being around all those people?
  472. >You'd probably be terrified.
  473. >Well... you guess you kind of understand now.
  474. >Ever since that guy started talking to you. you haven't been as nervous.
  475. >You still panic when he gets a little too close and end up running away, but you always come back after you calm down.
  476. >Maybe it's a force of habit or something?
  477. >You've ruled him out of being one of the bad ones, but you guess your instincts just kind of kick in.
  478. >You let out a sigh and lay down, resting your head on the grass.
  479. >But regardless of your anxieties... it's nice here.
  480. >You stifle a yawn.
  481. >The noisy bugs and warm breeze make your eyelids feel heavy...
  482. >And the grass is almost... fluffy.
  483. >The night's still young, but... maybe you can take a little nap?
  484. >That... that would be nice.
  485. >Really.... nice.
  486. >As you close your eyes, your ears focus on some nearby crickets.
  487. >Like a little band, lulling you to sleep.
  488. >Playing their miniature instruments.
  489. >Hehe, you bet they fashion them out of acorns...
  490. >You... you wonder what kind of fun antics they get themselves into...
  491. >For the first time in ages, you fall asleep in the presence of a human.
  492. >Your dreams filled with adventurous stories of friendship between bugs.
  493. >Maybe one day you can have your own adventures.
  494. >Your own friends.
  495. >And maybe even your own stories.
  496. >That would be nice.
  497. >Heh.
  498. >You've been saying that a lot lately, huh?
  499. >But you mean it.
  500. >Every word of it.
  501. >You feel... content.
  503. - - - -
  505. >Your ears perk up at the sound of something in the middle distance.
  506. >"...shift is over...up and at 'em..."
  507. >You don't catch most of it, but you're pretty sure that's your cue to make your exit.
  508. >You open your eyes and groggily lull you head towards the familiar voice.
  509. >Through your sleepy haze, you can make out the shape of the man, sitting on the steps of the back of the food building like usual.
  510. >You wonder how long you were asleep? You still feel really tired...
  511. >"Sorry for waking you, but I don't want to leave while you're conked out."
  512. >You sit up and rub your eyes, half wondering what a 'conk' is.
  513. >After you feel awake enough to stand, you get up and yawn.
  514. >"Things open really early today, so you might not want to linger."
  515. >Today?
  516. >Well, you guess now you know that it's at least after midnight.
  517. >You turn to the man and give him a nod, not really sure how else to show your gratitude for the warning.
  518. >He gets up with a stretch and lets out a sigh.
  519. >"Have a good night and try to get some proper rest. I'll see you round' like a donut."
  520. >You wave him off, somewhat perplexed by his last statement.
  521. >Now alone once more, you drag your tired body back into the forest after lazily munching on a nearby dandelion.
  522. >As you trot, you realize how calm you felt.
  523. >Usually your encounters with him made you feel jittery, even if you knew he was nice.
  524. >As if your body was always on the defensive, ready to bolt at a moment's notice.
  525. >But something changed.
  526. >You almost feel like... like you're starting to trust him.
  527. >Trust.
  528. >The word was heavy in your mind.
  529. >Dirty.
  530. >Tarnished.
  531. >Everyone you started to trust either hurt you, or left.
  532. >Your mind may want to move on, but your body remembers.
  533. >Each time you look at someone, you can feel that scared little part of you start to rise again.
  534. >Almost like another you, cowering in a corner of your head.
  535. >All she knows is that contact can spiral into searing pain and abandonment, so every person is seen as a potential threat.
  536. >Even the gentlest hand terrifies her.
  537. >Maybe...
  538. >Maybe over time, you can slowly mend her scars.
  539. >One day, she might feel truly safe again.
  540. >Maybe it's already getting better.
  541. >Her shaking is less intense now.
  542. >Just like your own.
  543. >It's... odd, isn't it?
  544. >Thinking about yourself like this.
  545. >Your lack of sleep might be making you weirdly introspective.
  546. >Not to mention talking about yourself in the third person...
  547. >You finally stop in front of your designated sleeping bush and give it a weary smile.
  548. >Hidden in the large shrub was a shabby little den of sorts that you've come to call home.
  549. >It wasn't the most comfortable piece of greenery, but you've grown a little attached to it.
  550. >Did you miss me? I missed you.
  551. >It welcomes you with open... branches?
  552. >Yeah, you'll just go with that.
  553. >You make yourself at home and lay down with a sigh.
  554. >Tonight has been... pleasant.
  555. >Even if you're still rather hesitant inside, you feel like there has been some progress, however small.


by Castafae

Letters for Gray Garden

by Castafae

Novel Pursuits with Radio Star

by Castafae

Fae Green Archive

by Castafae

Fae's Party Adventure

by Castafae