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Home is where the heart is

By Castafae
Created: 2023-07-20 05:52:04
Updated: 2023-07-21 04:32:30
Expiry: Never

  1. >Your head hurts.
  2. >A fucking lot.
  3. >You groggily open your eyes, half-expecting to wake up in your apartment after having the worst fever-dream of your entire life.
  4. >But you're still in the dark alley you passed out in.
  5. >You sit up and rest your head on the brick wall behind you.
  6. >You're surrounded by... crates. Apple crates to be specific.
  7. >Seeing that the logo is a generic red apple, it's hard to tell if it's from a certain pony's farm or not.
  8. >After rubbing your sore neck a bit, you glance up at the sky and catch the same unnaturally fluffy clouds you've seen the day prior.
  9. >You pinch yourself once more, just like you did when you first woke up here, but to no avail.
  10. >Yep, you're... here.
  11. >You hadn't watched the show in ages and yet... you're in Equestria.
  12. >You thought you'd be happier about that, but after nearly getting mauled by a FUCKING timberwolf, you're just grateful to be alive.
  13. >In all honesty, you were more hurt by those writhing thorn bushes than the timberwolf.
  14. >It was kind of a runt.
  15. >You guess that was The Everfree? It wasn't *that* bad...
  16. >Besides all the bodily harm, it was breathtaking.
  17. >Nine out of ten experience, you'd say.
  18. >You try to feel the shallow scratch mark on your elbow, but...
  19. >The hole is covered up.
  20. >You give your arm a confused once over.
  21. >Instead of a tear, you see a brownish piece of cloth with a heart patch in its place.
  22. >The sight amuses you briefly, but then it dawns on you that someone was doing things to you while you were conked out.
  23. >You finally look down at the rest of your clothes, expecting the worst.
  24. >But it's... fine.
  25. >Better, actually.
  26. >All the tears and holes are stitched up, which is great.
  27. >That being said...
  28. >They're kind of amateurish, aren't they?
  29. >The thread colors are all over the place and the same can be said about the patches, but with how thorough this mystery serial seamstress was, you guess they enjoyed themselves.
  30. >At least you didn't get... foalnapped?
  31. >Heh.
  32. >Anyway, with how terrified everyone looked, you're pretty sure that wouldn't happen.
  33. >Unless it was the pony feds or whatever, but seeing that you haven't been strapped to a tiny table and flayed yet, you guess things are alright at the moment.
  34. >Would ponies flay you? Eh, they're too nice for that.
  35. >Probably.
  36. >You get up with a stretch that makes you feel like you just cracked the entirety of your spine in one fell swoop.
  37. >You probably should show those ponies that you're not some mindless monster, right?
  38. >But first... let's take a look around.
  39. >If all these crates are telling you something, it's that there might be a stray apple here or there.
  40. >You're pretty sure you've been running on fumes for the past few...
  41. >Days?
  42. >Yeah, days.
  43. >You slowly walk from one end of the alley to the other, peering into every crate you come across.
  44. >With each one, your frown deepens.
  45. >Finally, you half-heartedly kick an overturned crate.
  46. >...And hear a noise.
  47. >Hahaha, there you are my sweet apple!
  48. >You grip the crate...
  49. >And hoist it up.
  51. >The weightlessness of the crate makes you laugh, but what you find under it quickly sobers your mood.
  52. >You find a pony curled up in a ball, her shaking hooves over her eyes.
  53. >Her dirty brown coat and somewhat darker mane reminds you of the horses you're used to, but... somehow dirtier.
  54. >She's unkempt and underweight and there isn't a mark to be found on her flank.
  55. >God, is- is she just a filly?
  56. >No, she's just... small.
  57. >Stunted, maybe?
  58. >You have the instinctual urge to pick her up, but you snap out of it quick enough to realize that you've probably been scaring her half to death.
  59. >You *really* hope she knows english...
  60. "Hey hey, it's okay. I- I'm not gonna hurt you! I'm really sorry, I didn't know you were in there and..."
  61. >You stammer out countless apologies as you set down the crate next to her and continue to do so until she stops trembling.
  62. >As her breathing slows to a normal rate, you let out a sigh of relief.
  63. >Hurray for... spaghetti spilling, you guess?
  64. >It takes a while, but she finally lowers her hooves.
  65. >The mopey pools of blue that were her eyes stare up at you, and you stare back.
  66. >It's a quiet staring contest, but soon enough, she blinks a bit and you win.
  67. >Heh, score one for Ol' Anon...
  68. >With that petty victory under your belt, you clear your throat.
  69. "So... do you actually know what I'm saying, or are you just playing along?"
  70. >She opens up her mouth, but closes it quickly, her eyes darting to the ground.
  71. >After a bit, she nods curtly, her messy mane tumbling down in front of her face.
  72. >You stifle a laugh and smile.
  73. "Great! I... I know I said it before, but I'm really sorry for scaring you like that."
  74. >She brushes the mane out of her face as she continues to contemplate the ground.
  75. >You wonder what she's thinking.
  76. >Once she's done, her eyes slowly make their way up your form, but her ascent pauses at your arms, particularly the one with the patch.
  77. >You look at it and chuckle.
  78. "Oh, this? I've got no clue how I got it, but whoever made it did a pretty bang up job, I'd say."
  79. >After giving your elbow a pat, you bring your attention back to her and catch a glimpse of what you swear is a smile before she brings a hoof up to hide it.
  80. >You shift your weight and sigh.
  81. "So uh... Sorry."
  82. "...Again."
  83. >She lowers her hoof and nods a little.
  84. >"It's okay..."
  85. >Her voice was quiet, painfully so.
  86. >"Are you... okay?"
  87. >You blink.
  88. >You can't think of the last time someone asked that.
  89. >Especially in such a genuinely concerned tone.
  90. "In all honesty? Not really."
  91. >You cross your arms and huff.
  92. "It's a long story but... I guess it could be worse. At least I made it into town, right?"
  93. >You look up at the building in front of you.
  94. "Where are we, anyhow? The backstreets of Ponyville or whatever?"
  95. >"Pony...ville? I uhm..."
  96. >Confusion.
  97. >And a lot of it.
  98. >You raise an eyebrow at her.
  99. "We're not in Ponyville?"
  100. >She fidgets with her forehooves and shakes her head. "N-no sir..."
  101. "Then where are we?"
  102. >Her ears droop. "...Manehatten."
  103. "Huh?"
  105. “...Manehatten.”
  106. >You repeat her words and get a timid nod in response.
  107. “...”
  108. “...Manehatten?”
  109. >”Mmhm…”
  110. >You scratch your head.
  111. >But the streets were… they weren’t *that* advanced, right?
  112. >It looked like a small town out there and you just came out of The Everfree, so it *can’t* be!
  113. “You’re sure? Like, you’re really sure?”
  114. >The mare gives you yet another bewildered nod.
  115. >This has to be the fifth time you’ve asked her that.
  116. >Can that forest… teleport?
  117. >Is that a thing that happens?
  118. >You shake your head and sigh.
  119. “It is what it is…”
  120. >You then turn your attention to your companion and gesture towards her.
  121. “Anyway… I’m uh- I’m Anon and it’s nice to meet you.”
  122. >She almost looks surprised, but she quickly recovers and does an awfully formal bow.
  123. >”It’s nice to meet you too, sir…”
  124. “So… how about you, what’s your name?”
  125. >Her ears perk up as she freezes.
  126. >She stumbles over her words for a while until she blurts out something along the lines of ‘Murnyglurny’.
  127. >She shuffles in place a bit, her ears reddening as she meets your gaze.
  128. >”S-sorry… I’m… I’m Glory. M-Morning Glory.”
  129. >Her eyes fall to the ground. “No one… no one’s ever asked for my name before…”
  130. >She trails off, her forehooves pressed against her chest.
  131. >Her mannerisms were… odd.
  132. >Practiced, even.
  133. >But the moment you go off script, she’s an awkward jumble.
  134. >Like she hadn’t had an honest conversation with someone in ages.
  135. >It makes you wonder what she’s doing here, under some crate.
  136. >If her appearance was anything to go by…
  137. >She might be having a rough time.
  138. >You clear your throat, but she doesn’t react.
  139. “Well… it’s a nice name! I think it fits you, Glory.”
  140. >She stays quiet, her eyes still searching the ground.
  141. >You give her a smile regardless.
  142. “They’re pretty flowers, those morning glories. You know… If you turn one upside down and put it on your head, it’s kinda like having a little wizard hat. Actually, that reminds me of this one time…”
  143. >You yammer on, trying your best to make her feel comfortable enough to speak up.
  144. >And soon enough… she stirs.
  145. >Her long tail flicks as she mumbles a meek ‘thank you’ under her breath.
  146. >You’re unsure as to what in particular she was thanking you for, but you’re just glad she sounds a little less lifeless.
  147. >She lifts her gaze. “I…” She swallows dryly. “I’m not good at talking.”
  148. “That’s okay. I’m not that great at it either.”
  149. >You watch one of her ears flick. “But… you talk good.”
  150. >An innocent observation that makes you chuckle.
  151. “I’m just a bit of a chatterbox. Intellectual conversation? No way, man!”
  152. >”Oh.”
  153. >Due to its monotone delivery, It’s hard to tell if that is a statement, an exclamation, or a question.
  154. >Maybe all three.
  156. “Hmm… Maybe you could try practicing?”
  157. >Her head tilts. “How so?”
  158. “Well, all you gotta do is say something! Anything on your mind?”
  159. >She shifts her weight. “I… uhm…”
  160. “It’s alright. I'm a great listener.”
  161. >The little mare narrows her eyes at nothing in particular then nods to herself.
  162. >”I’m hungry.”
  163. “...That’s it?”
  164. >She pauses momentarily, and then nods once more. “Yes.”
  165. >A growl from your own stomach makes you bow your head and sigh.
  166. “Me too, Glory. Me too…”
  167. >”There’s some places around that uhm… sell food.”
  168. >It was an incredible generalization, but you could tell she was trying.
  169. “I don’t exactly have any money, unfortunately. …Hey, they’re called bits, right?”
  170. >She gives you yet another of her iconic nods.
  171. >You’re glad you at least remembered *that*...
  172. “You know, when I was stumbling through town, I’m pretty sure I saw a grocery store. Maybe I uh- Maybe I could see if they need any help or something.”
  173. >”...I have bits.”
  174. >You look down at her and watch her rummage around in a tiny pile that you assume are her meager belongings, which makes you feel worse when you think about how that crate might have been her home.
  175. >She picks up a small cloth pouch with her mouth and shows it to you.
  176. >Its appearance was ragged and well-worn, a similar patch like the one on your arm mending a tear in its side.
  177. >It matched her, in a way.
  178. >She sets it down and gingerly loosen its strings, the handful of coins she slowly pulls out of it surprising you.
  179. >It’s like what you imagined doubloons would look like, but better, somehow.
  180. >Once she stacks the four thick slices of gold metal on the ground, she eyes you inquisitively.
  181. >”Can… Can I ask you a favor? Is that… okay?”
  182. >Her voice is louder than before, but it’s much more hesitant.
  183. “It just so happens that my schedule is rather open at the moment! Whaddya need?”
  184. >She squirms a little as she mumbles out her request. “I… I think there’s enough for some apples... Can you… get them? We- we can… share…”
  185. >You briefly scan over her little… nest?
  186. >You’re unsure what to call it, but it makes you wonder…
  187. >Is this really all she owns?
  188. >Not even a blanket or anything, just a pouch and a few scraps of cloth to sleep on?
  189. >The notion of taking something from her didn’t sit well with you.
  191. “Look, I… I don’t want to take your money from you. Maybe it’s best if you go-”
  192. >”I can’t.”
  193. >Her voice was quiet and strained.
  194. >You could tell she wanted to yell, but she falters for whatever reason.
  195. >”They won’t…” A deep breath. “...Sell to me.”
  196. >The look on her face as she stares at the bits is a mixture of disdain and shame.
  197. >”No p-pony wants my dirty money...”
  198. >At first, there’s a palpable bitterness to her voice, but it melts into a soft sadness as she trails off.
  199. >The coins don’t look *that* dirty.
  200. >Sure, they’re a bit scuffed but…
  201. >You pause.
  202. >...And take another look at her.
  203. >From her dull defeated gaze, to the constant subtle tremble of her stained frame...
  204. >Something surprisingly paternal stirs in you as you scoot a little closer to her.
  205. “Are you… alright?”
  206. >She glances up for a split second. “Yes.”
  207. >It’s a very hasty ‘yes’.
  208. >And you don’t buy it.
  209. “I… Don’t think that’s true.”
  210. >You wave a hand at her… everything.
  211. “You're out here hungry, alone, and homeless and you’re… fine?”
  212. >”I-I...”
  213. >She shrinks down a little and brings her tail into a loose hug.
  214. >You want to help her.
  215. >You didn’t know how to go about that just yet, but at the very least you can keep her company, right?
  216. ”Glory.”
  217. >She locks eyes with you, her forehooves idly brushing her matted tail.
  218. “Glory, I know we just met, but… I’d like to be your friend. If that's alright with you, I mean.”
  219. >"Wh-Whuh? Bb-buh..."
  220. "Hm? Cat got your tongue?"
  221. >She almost immediately answers by sputters something unintelligible and covers her rapidly flushing face, her tail curling around her legs.
  222. “Wait I…”
  223. >You sigh.
  224. “Too much?”
  225. >”Mehm…”
  226. >She makes a noise you can’t quite call a response, but it sounds happy.
  227. >You get up and walk over to Glory as she continues to mumble incoherently.
  228. >Is this… a good thing?
  229. >You hope you didn’t break her.
  230. >You quietly move her crate over and sit down beside her.
  231. >Her situation puzzled you, but you guess it wasn’t so different from your own.
  232. >There’s only one way to go when you’ve hit rock bottom.
  233. >Up.
  234. >And maybe you can help her out with that too.
  235. >She seems in need of a nudge or two in the right direction.
  236. >Speaking of nudges…
  237. >You gently elbow her side, which makes her snap out of her stupor.
  238. “Are you still hungry? I know I am.”
  239. >She eyes you for a while.
  240. >...And then for the first time, she openly flashes you an awkward smile.
  241. “Good! Now, I’ll grab those apples, but I’ve got one condition…”
  242. >You point a finger at her nose.
  243. “You’re gonna tag along!”
  245. . . .
  246. >Out of the shadows and into the daylight.
  247. >It was almost surreal, being surrounded by ponies.
  248. >Well, 'surrounded' might not be the word you’re looking for…
  249. >It’s more like a vague presence of ponies.
  250. >They’re around, just not in the general vicinity.
  251. >Everyone has hid or turned tail besides a confused carrot dog vendor across the street, who gives you a bewildered once over before shrugging the situation off.
  252. >She doesn’t seem all that surprised, in all honesty.
  253. >If anything, she just looks a bit annoyed at losing her customers for the moment.
  254. >You’d try to buy one of those dogs to make it up to her if it wasn’t for the fact that they cost five bits.
  255. "...Sorry about that."
  256. >She gives an indifferent shrug and starts rolling her cart down the street, probably to somewhere without a weird biped making business difficult.
  257. >Godspeed, wage mare. Godspeed...
  258. >Anyway... You guess it’s just you and Glory for now.
  259. >Speaking of which…
  260. >You turn to your newfound companion, who is poking her worried little head out from the alleyway, her droopy mane covering one of her widened eyes.
  261. >You guess having everypony just up and leave was quite the sight.
  262. >Despite being in a much better mood than before, she was still quite reluctant to come out.
  263. >It took a lot of coaxing just to get her this far, but you think things will get easier from here.
  264. >You pause as another twinge of hunger hits you.
  265. >Soon I say! Just hold on…
  266. >Your turn to Glory and give her a nod.
  267. “C’mon, it’s clear.”
  268. >She trails a hoof on the ground and you pout.
  269. “Think of the food Morn’... Think of the food!”
  270. >The prospect of filling her belly perks her ears up, but she still doesn’t budge.
  271. “Well… What If I got lost? I can’t make heads or tails of this… city.”
  272. >If you can even call it that…
  273. >Yeah, you’re still not over it yet.
  274. >You clear your throat.
  275. “I need a guide, and you need a bite to eat, so… I think this makes a fair amount of sense, right?”
  276. >She gives you a pout of her own, but finally, she takes a few baby steps out of the shade.
  277. >In the light, her coat’s poor condition was a little more noticeable, but overall, she just looked like a plain ol’ earth mare.
  278. >If a bit earthier.
  279. >She takes a moment to mumble to herself about fruit and then gives you a surprisingly determined look.
  280. >”I-I’m... I'm ready.”
  281. >You guess food is a good motivator.
  282. “Alright then! Just point me into the right direction, dear navigator!”
  283. >She gives you a puzzled glance, but shakes that off quickly and raises a hoof to point to where the cart mare went.
  284. >”There’s a farmer’s market that way. If we’re lucky, they might even have some freebies.”
  285. >She brushes a bit of mane out of her face and chuckles softly.
  286. >”This one time, I snagged a pear so ripe that I felt like it was gonna melt in my hooves! It was *really* good.”
  287. “Sounds like a plan then! Don’t wanna miss out on any opportunities like that, right?”
  289. >Glory pauses for a moment. “Well… It’s a long way to the market, so if you’re not up for it we can uhm…”
  290. >She trails off as you glance over to the grocery store a block or so down.
  291. “Hey, what about ‘Grove’s Gully’ over there? Would that be easier?”
  292. >She turns to face the store in question and her ears flick. “That’s… That’s too expensive and uhm…”
  293. >She clears her throat as the two of you start walking. “I’m not allowed inside anymore…”
  294. “Ah, I see.”
  295. >It’s quiet for a while, but as you stop at a crosswalk, you turn to her once more.
  296. “...So how did you manage that?”
  297. >”Manage… what?”
  298. “Getting banned.”
  299. >She shuffles in place. “It’s uh… It’s a long story.
  300. “Hey, we’ve got time to kill. You don’t have to, but… I’ll listen if you need to get it off your chest.”
  301. >”...”
  302. >She sighs.
  303. >”I don’t get many chances to be useful, but I wound up getting an offer from Mr Grove, the uhm- the owner.”
  304. >As the two of you start moving again, she gestures in front of herself with a forehoof.
  305. >”I was having a really bad night, but I… I had some bits, so I wanted to get something to eat.”
  306. >Glory slows down as she talks. “I don’t remember what it was specifically, but it was warm and smelled nice. I used all of my money for it, too. But when I made it outside I- I bumped into somepony and fell. I-It went everywhere and I didn't know what to do...”
  307. >”I was just watching it get eaten by ants in front of the store when he walked up to me, asking if I wanted to make a few bits.”
  308. >Her ears droop a bit. “I thought that he meant we uhm…” She starts to look uncomfortable and shakes her head. “But that- that didn’t happen. He- He gave me a new whatever that was and said If I kept the outside clear, he’d give me a couple bits everyday.”
  309. >”I-I had a job and I did it really really well, too! Mr Grove said so! I swept and picked up stuff and cleaned the windows and after all that, I got to eat!”
  310. >With how excited she sounded, you guess she didn’t have much else to look forward to.
  311. >”It was like that for a few weeks and I… I thought that things were getting better.”
  312. >Her good mood drains away into resigned glumness.
  313. >”One night while working I… I just wanted to ask Mr. Grove if I could get some water, so I went inside. But instead of him, Mrs. Grove was there. She- she started yelling about Mr. Grove a-and calling me names and I didn't know why she was mad but I-I still tried to apologize but that only made things worse and she grabbed a broom and b-batted me with it until I tumbled out the door…”
  314. >She sniffles a bit. “I was on my back and I don't remember what she said after that, but I remember crying really hard..."
  315. >”I thought that maybe I was having another bad dream, but it... wasn't.”
  316. >She stops dead in her tracks and takes a deep breath. “S-so yeah! It sucked but I… I-I guess it could be worse...”
  317. >Jesus Christ.
  319. “Glory I… I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have pushed you.”
  320. >She shakes her head. “No, it’s fine. I uhm- I’m okay.”
  321. >She lets out a sigh and straightens her sulking form.
  322. >“Actually it felt kind of good to talk about it, even if it… stung.”
  323. “I know what you mean, sometimes the best you can do is just… pour it out.”
  324. >”Like your heart? I uh- I remember that phrase.”
  325. “Yeah, like your heart.”
  326. >You stuff your hands in your pockets and clear your throat, which has become a rather common occurrence lately.
  327. >Must be the weather.
  328. “Are you sure you’re fine?”
  329. >”Yeah, just a little uh- nostalgic? I miss it, I guess. Even if it was really brief. Mr. Grove took a chance on me and it… it just didn’t work out. It’s not his fault or anything, Mrs. Grove was just-”
  330. “An ass?”
  331. >”She’s a pony not a jenny, Anon.”
  332. >You chuckle a little.
  333. “Ah, my bad. It’s hard to tell sometimes…”
  334. >”I guess she knew me and expected the worst, so I… don’t blame her reaction.”
  335. “Well I think she was a bit hasty. You’re a good kid.”
  336. >”I… T-thanks, but that isn’t a stance shared by most…”
  337. >She rubs the back of her neck a bit.
  338. >”I don’t think she knew where those bits were going until she saw me, so I- I think she might have… snapped? She wasn’t that nice to begin with anyway, so I guess I’m not too surprised…”
  339. >She turns to you with a nervous smile. “At least I can add that to my meager resume, right? Morning Glory! Good at uhm… c-cleaning? I- I could be a janitor or something.”
  340. “Just don’t mention the bit with the angry wife.”
  341. >”I wouldn’t dream of it, cap’n.”
  342. “Heh, cap’n?”
  343. >She nods. “If I’m the navigator, you gotta be the captain! It’s the rule! …I uhm- I think?”
  344. >You give her a smile.
  345. “Rule, huh? Well… I suppose I could find an eyepatch and a parrot somewhere…”
  346. >You’re glad she’s opening up a bit.
  347. >Sure it was a little hard to listen to, but that’s what friends are for, right?
  349. ...
  350. >The closer you get to your destination, the quieter Glory becomes.
  351. >Now that the initial shock of your existence has subsided, most ponies you’ve seen have been…indifferent at best.
  352. >If anything, there seems to be more glances in Glory’s direction now.
  353. >With how close she’s clinging to your leg, you guess this might be one of the reasons why she didn’t want to come.
  354. >You don't blame her.
  355. >After a few minutes of tense walking, Glory suddenly pushes you down a side street.
  356. >It wasn’t enough to make you fall over, but you still had to rebalance yourself.
  357. >She’s a lot stronger than she looks...
  358. >Glory trots up from behind you, looking quite anxious.
  359. “Everything… alright?”
  360. >She side-eyes you for a moment and then turns to face you fully.
  361. >”I… I just saw some ponies I knew.”
  362. “Friends of yours?”
  363. >Glory’s ears flick. “No, I just… I’d rather walk this way to the market. The main street is packed this time of day…”
  364. “Morn…”
  365. >She gives you a pleading glance, which you answer with a sigh.
  366. “Alright, but… can I at least ask you something?”
  367. >”Like what?”
  368. >With the cobblestone underneath your feet as your guide, you start walking once more.
  369. “Well… I guess I just wanted to know if you had any friends.”
  370. >You can hear the sound of her hooves slow a little as she thinks. “Not… particularly, no.”
  371. >”It- It’s not from a lack of trying, I’m just… not good friend material.”
  372. “Hmm… I’m not so sure.”
  373. >You raise your patched arm and gently elbow her side with it.
  374. “I’d like to think I’m proof of that.”
  375. >She blinks and looks over at you. “You-”
  376. “Noticed? You made it pretty clear with all that smiling whenever I mentioned it. It’s okay to feel proud, you don’t gotta hide it.”
  377. >She huffs. “I-I wasn’t hiding it…”
  378. “Uh-huh.”
  379. >The side street was empty besides you, Glory, and a few strays.
  380. >If it wasn’t for the fact that it was daylight, you’re sure you would have mistaken it for another back alley.
  381. >After a bit of trekking around, you take a break on the concrete step of some abandoned barbershop.
  382. >Man, this place is like a maze.
  383. >Winding streets that branch off into more winding streets.
  384. >Signs that you can *almost* read, but not quite.
  385. >Like it’s dutch or something.
  386. >How the hell does anyone figure out how to get home?
  387. >”Hey, uhm… Anon?”
  388. >You look over to Glory, who is sitting a step above you with her tail curled around her legs.
  389. >You guess she likes doing that.
  390. “Yeah?”
  391. >She fidgets with her hooves and locks eyes with you.
  392. >”Did you… really mean all that stuff about being my f-friend? It- It’s okay if you were just saying that to make me feel better…”
  393. “Hmm…”
  394. >You rub your chin as she stares up at you expectantly.
  395. >With a smile, you raise a hand and ruffle her mane.
  396. >The sudden touch makes her eyes widen, but she doesn’t shy away.
  397. >It’s surprisingly soft for something so dirty.
  398. “Every word of it, Morn.”
  401. >Man, you really messed it up...
  402. >You run your fingers through her mane a bit, trying to straighten it as best you can.
  403. >Unlike her tail, Glory's mane didn't have a matte in sight, which made the task much easier.
  404. >With all the fidgeting she does with her mane, you guess she took fairly good care of it.
  405. >If only you had a-
  406. >You finally notice what you’re doing and pull your hand away.
  407. “Sorry, that was... probably too much.”
  408. >Glory brings a hoof up to her mane and lightly mimics your previous motions. “It's alright! It was... nice.”
  409. "I'm uh- I'm glad. ...When was the last time you had your mane brushed?"
  410. >Or cut.
  411. >Glory thinks for a moment as she continues to pet her overgrown mane. "I... I dunno. I guess the sensation is a little new..."
  412. >You imagine it's pretty hard to deal with hair with only your hooves.
  413. >She's certainly tried her best, though.
  414. >"I uhm... Anon?"
  415. "Hm?"
  416. >You look over to Glory, who was nervously fumbling with her forehooves.
  417. >She gives you a sheepish smile. "T-thank you for being my friend, I..."
  418. >She lowers her gaze.
  419. >"I-I really really appreciate it..."
  420. >Her ears perk up as you gently pat her head.
  421. "And I'm glad you’re mine, Glory."
  422. >She giggles.
  423. >"Hehe... I'm a friend too!"
  424. "It goes two ways, ya know?"
  425. ...
  427. "I swear I've seen that pink door before... And that cat."
  428. >It feels like this place is looping.
  429. >But you guess it's just ponies liking pink.
  430. >A lot.
  431. >"I uhm... I think she's following us."
  432. "The cat?"
  433. >"Mmhm."
  434. >One more for the crew, you suppose.
  435. "Maybe she can be the lookout... Cats like climbing trees, so a crow's nest isn't that farfetched..."
  436. >"We can call her... uhm... Patchy?"
  437. "Hmm... Not bad, but I think Patchy is abandoning ship."
  438. >You watch as the cat veers off from the two of you and into an alley.
  439. >Glory makes a soft sad noise.
  440. >"That's a shame... I liked Patchy."
  441. "We knew her for five minutes, Morn. But... Yeah. The company was nice."
  442. >You stifle a yawn.
  443. "Speaking of minutes... How long do we have until we get there?"
  444. >Glory narrows her eyes at the ground as she walks.
  445. >"Hmm..."
  446. >With a quick glance at a nearby sign, she looks up at you and smiles.
  447. >"The market isn't far now, just a little longer."
  448. "Great! Man, I'm hungry..."
  449. >"When was the last time you ate?"
  450. "Eh, maybe a couple of days ago? I had a granola bar in my pocket, but that didn't last long at all."
  451. >You turn to her.
  452. "How about you?"
  453. >"I... I think it's been a week? I lost count..."
  454. "Ah, I see... How's the water situation compare?"
  455. >"It's better, I suppose. There's a fountain near the market, so we can stop there sometime."
  456. >She pauses momentarily. "But... I'd recommend only drinking there at night. It's pretty busy during the day and you probably don't want to get pushed in when you're drinking."
  457. "...What?"
  458. >Glory's ears droop. "I... got pushed in."
  459. "Jeez."
  460. >"It- It's okay, though. Ever since I started to only come at night, it stopped happening!"
  461. "That- That implies it happened more than once."
  462. >"...Y-yeah."
  464. ...
  465. >You find yourself once more on a main street with Glory, the constant sounds of lively ponies filling your ears.
  466. >Stalls and stands are scattered about and the air is filled with a swirling mixture of sweets and spices.
  467. >It looks like you could buy just about anything here, from antiques to...
  468. >"Apples..."
  469. >Glory lifts a hoof and points at a stall near the edge of the market.
  470. >You squint at the little sign next to it.
  471. >While you can't make out the words, the price of one bit was quite obvious and in bold lettering.
  472. "That's a steal if I've ever seen one."
  473. >Glory wipes off her mouth and looks up at you.
  474. >Was she... drooling?
  475. >"There's a uhm- a huge orchard near the city, so apples are really cheap!"
  476. "Thank goodness for small favors, huh?"
  477. >"It's very convenient."
  478. >You listlessly watch the stallion running the stall rummage around in a barrel nearby.
  479. >It almost looks like...
  480. "Hey... where are all the apples?"
  481. >"Huh?"
  482. >Glory pops up from behind you and focuses on the stall, her eyes widening.
  483. >"T-they're almost out."
  484. "The line looks really long too."
  485. >"I... I guess we're too late..."
  486. >With a glance up at the sky, you can plainly see that it was getting late.
  487. >Dammit Luna.
  488. >Or would that be Celestia?
  489. >Eh, whatever. They're both impatient.
  490. >As Glory's ears start to droop, you give her a reassuring pat on the head.
  491. >Apparently that's a surefire way to calm her down.
  492. "Don't give up just yet! We still have to give it an honest try.
  493. >You take a few steps forward before turning back to her.
  494. "You sure you don't want to come with me?"
  495. >Glory looks at you and then to the market.
  496. >With a nervous chuckle, she trots next to you.
  497. >"I... I guess I could tag along as long as you do the talking. Besides, I know this place, right? I don't want you to get lost and eaten by a sewer scamp..."
  498. "You're a boon as always, Morn! Lets-"
  499. >You pause.
  500. "Wait, what's a 'sewer scamp'?"
  501. >Glory flicks a pebble lightly with a forehoof. "Don't worry about it."
  502. >Her lack of emotion was concerning.
  503. "So uh... Are they like big rats or something? Like an R.O.U.S?"
  504. >"Worse... They're melty looking parasprites that come out at night and gobble up anypony who dares go near their vents..."
  505. >She gestures to a grate nearby.
  506. "Just like that one."
  507. >You step away from the iron slits.
  508. >Is she... serious?
  509. >You've never seen her so dire...
  510. >Her dull expression breaks as you stare at her and she lets out a little giggle. "Hehe... I got you!"
  511. >You let out a genuine sigh of relief.
  512. "Bleh... good."
  513. >She blinks. "You... didn't know I was joking?"
  514. "I'm not exactly well versed in Equestrian monstrology, Morn."
  515. >"That's a fancy name."
  516. "Eh, it's probably not the right one, though."
  517. >You gently bump Glory with an elbow.
  518. "We should get a move on. We're burning daylight."
  519. >You look up at the slowly fading amber sunset.
  520. >Confound those princesses.
  521. >"Alrighty then... A-after you."
  522. >With your ever faithful navigator in tow, you strut on over and into the marketplace.
  523. "Lets hop to it!"
  525. >Your approach is uninterrupted, mostly due to the line almost completely dissipating as you draw near.
  526. >How are you in anyway intimidating?
  527. >Sure you're tall in comparison to them, but c'mon!
  528. >Buncha scaredycats...
  529. >You step into the now barren line, only an oblivious older mare still talking to the apple seller, who was currently staring at you blankly.
  530. >"...And then he *kept* the cactus! After all that fuss! It's a bit silly, right?"
  531. >The seller laughs half-heartedly. "Y-yeah... Ol' Draw certainly has his ways... uh- H-have a good day, Pepper."
  532. >She hoists up a bag of apples from the table with her mouth and tries to give a cheerful 'Seeya!' through the handle.
  533. >You watch her trot away, still no doubt unaware of your presence.
  534. >...And when you look back at the stallion, he's gone.
  535. >You feel a tap on your leg and glance over to Glory, who gestures towards the stall.
  536. >Ah, you see.
  537. >You walk forward and lean over the table.
  538. >With how short it was, you could plainly see the stallion trying to hide under the table's tarp, as his head poking out of the tarp's safety gave him away.
  539. "Hey."
  540. >He looks up, his eyes widened.
  541. "I uh- I'd like to buy some apples?"
  542. >You pull out Glory's bit pouch and shake it above the cowering pony.
  543. "I got bits..."
  544. >He blinks.
  545. >With a nervous chuckle, he gets up and adjusts his apron.
  546. >Money triumphs over fear, you suppose.
  547. >"Hello..." He looks at your face and tilts his head. "Whatever you are."
  548. "Hey again to you too, pal. Sorry for the spook, I'm uh... new here."
  549. >"Eh, water under the bridge..."
  550. >He clears his throat and then gestures around. "Welcome to my apple emporium! Filled to the brim with apples of all kinds, each with their own story to tell..."
  551. "Apple stories, huh?"
  552. >"Indeed... Glorious tales of orchards big and small and the heroic farmers that tend them! It's... magnificent."
  553. >This guy seems to love him some apples.
  554. >He punctuates his small burst of theatrics with a grin. "So... whaddya looking for, chief?"
  555. >You open up the pouch and set the bits on the table.
  556. "Whatever four bits can get me."
  557. >"Aha, you're in luck! My wondrous emporium only costs you a measly bit for a world of flavor! Let me just... uh..."
  558. >You watch him look into a nearby barrel, his brow furrowing. "...Crabapples."
  559. "Well, I'm more partial to sweet apples myself, but tart is fine."
  560. >"That's... not it."
  561. "Something the matter?"
  562. >He sighs. "Yeah. We're plum out."
  563. >"W-what?"
  564. >Hearing Glory speak up after all her quiet observation was a little surprising.
  565. >She swiftly trots up from behind you and props her forehooves on the table, a pleading look in her eye.
  566. >"Are- are you sure? Like, really sure?"
  567. >He's a little taken aback, but he recovers quickly and nods. "The last few just got sold, I'm afraid. I'm just as shocked as you."
  568. >Glory slinks back down to the ground with a defeated sigh. "Figures..."
  569. >You tap the table a bit.
  570. "So, do you know anywhere else that sells food for four bits or less?"
  571. >He stops to think.
  572. >"Well I mean..."
  575. >The stallion points further down the way, into a crowd of busy ponies.
  576. >"I'm pretty sure there's *maybe* a lass selling grapes a few stalls down? They were pretty cheap last I-"
  577. >"T-they're six bits per bushel!"
  578. >You turn to Glory, who's just getting more upset by the second.
  579. "How do you know that?"
  580. >"I did some scouting a few weeks ago and uhm..."
  581. "So you *don't* actually know."
  582. >She looks up at you and pouts. "T-the market never changes! Unless somepony new popped up this time, we're out of luck!" She trots up to the stallion and gestures at him. "He's the only one who's been selling this low."
  583. >"...Is that a good thing?"
  584. >Glory's eyes widen a little and she backs away until she's barely hiding behind your legs, her head lowered. "Yes."
  585. >It's a very meek 'yes'.
  586. >He blinks a few times and then chuckles in an almost proud manner. "Hah! I've always been quite the entrepreneur!"
  587. >By selling at the bare minimum?
  588. >Well uh... let's not mention that.
  589. >"But yeah... I haven't seen anyone go lower than five bits in... well, a while."
  590. >He taps a hoof against the table. "There *was* Buy Low and Sweet Water, but Buy hit it big and ol' Sweet is swimming with the fishes, I think."
  591. >Glory comes out of hiding, her ears folded back.
  592. >"Sweet is...? Oh... I'm sorry."
  593. >The stallion blinks once more. "Did you- I'm sorry miss, I uh- I meant she's out trawling. It's smokegill season and griffons pay exorbitant prices for the stuff."
  594. >Glory lets out a sigh of relief.
  595. "Did you know her?"
  596. >She pauses a moment and then nods a little. "She used to be a nurse and uhm- she patched up my leg once and gave me some juice, so... maybe a little? She's really nice and I'd hate it if she just... you know."
  597. >You turn to the stallion.
  598. "Hey uh- hey guy? What's your name, anyhow?"
  599. >"Sweep."
  600. "Just... Sweep?"
  601. >He shakes his head. "Clean Sweep! My ma was a maid."
  602. >Duly noted.
  603. >"But I liked apples."
  604. >Uh-huh.
  605. >Sweep looks up at the dusky sky and stifles a yawn. "I probably should pack things up... It'll be night soon and the misses always gets antsy when I'm late..."
  606. >Glory nods slowly. "Thank you for your time, Mister Sweep."
  607. >"No problem uh..." He narrows his eyes at her. "...Gosh, I'm sorry. I forgot your name."
  608. >"T-that's okay! I'm uhm... Morning Glory."
  609. >Yet another iconic blink. "Glory? I swear I've heard that-"
  610. >Glory swiftly turns around and butts her head into your chest, pushing you back by at least a few feet. "Ahaha! It was nice to meet you! Let's go, Anon! Nothing to be gained here!"
  611. "Glory? Ow! What are you-"
  612. >Sweep waves you off with a puzzled look on his face as you get pushed around despite your protests.
  613. >Glory keeps up the pressure until you have your back to the entrance of an alley.
  614. "Look, you could just *ask*, you know?"
  615. >"I- I'm sorry! I just- I don't w-want him to hate me a-and stop selling to m-me and-"
  616. >You kneel down and put your hands on the sides of her face.
  617. "Relax Glory! Just... breathe."
  618. >She takes a deep breath, shaky and deliberate.
  619. >"O-okay..."
  621. >You guide Glory to sit down in the shade of the alley entrance so she can settle her breathing.
  622. >With how much she bunched herself up, it was hard to see her face, but you could tell that she was really tense.
  623. >It's quiet for a while, but she finally raises her head again, her mane nearly masking the entirety of her face besides her snoot.
  624. >It's cute, but now's not the time to dwell on it.
  625. >You brush aside her excess mane and see her watery eyes.
  626. >You smile warmly.
  627. "Little better?"
  628. >She nods slowly as her gaze falls and fixates on the patches littering your leg.
  629. >"I'm... sorry. I freaked out when I shouldn't have..."
  630. "It's alright Morn, you didn't do anything wrong."
  631. >She sniffles a little as she fidgets with her hooves. "B-but I pushed you..."
  632. >You shrug.
  633. "You panicked, it was pretty clear by the look in your eye."
  634. >You lean back against the wall and yawn. "With the combination of the apples being out and all those other little anxieties you no doubt had. I can understand that things just sorta... overflowed near the end."
  635. >"I- I suppose I was really jittery inside throughout the whole ordeal..."
  636. "Well... If it's worth anything, you *did* stick around and talk to Sweep for a bit."
  637. >She smiles weakly. "I did, didn't I? I'm... a little surprised, myself." Her brief smile fades as she resumes her floor-gazing. "But then he... recognized me."
  638. "Uh... yeah. Did you... do something wrong? I uh- I can get sneaking an apple or three when you didn't have the-"
  639. >"No I- I don't steal! T-that's not how I make my bits!"
  640. >Now that she mentions it...
  641. "How *do* you make your bits?"
  642. >She freezes up, her expression a mix of dread and shame.
  643. >"W-well I..."
  644. >Glory scoots herself closer to the wall, her tail curling around her legs as if she's trying to hide as much of her lower half as possible. "I-I..."
  645. >She shrinks down and mumbles into her overgrown mane.
  646. "Morn?"
  647. >"I-I don't want to talk about it..."
  648. >Her voice was soft and barely above a whisper.
  649. >"Sorry..."
  650. >You're not one to make assumptions, but...
  651. >You shake your head.
  652. "You don't have to tell me squat, but I... I've got my notions."
  653. >You lean in.
  654. "I'll just say you're worth a lot more than four bits and leave it at that, alright? If you do end up wanting to talk about it... I'll be around."
  655. >She nods a little and then takes a deep breath.
  656. >Glory sits up straight and blows a bit of mane out of her face.
  657. >"Thank you again, Anon. I... I think I'll be fine now."
  658. "You're thanking me a lot lately."
  659. >Glory stifles a quiet laugh. "You're uhm- you're the best thing to happen to me in... forever, I'd say."
  660. "Likewise, Morn. I couldn't ask for a better guide."
  661. >She responds with a much more lively giggle.
  662. >"Ehe... Thanks Cap'n."
  663. "Ah, we're still doing that?"
  664. >"It's uhm- fun! I like fun."
  665. >You lean back with a chuckle.
  666. "Me too, dear navigator..."
  667. >Glory gets up and dusts herself off.
  668. "So... what's our plan B, Morn?"
  669. >She turns to you with a small smile.
  670. >"With the market now closed... We scavenge!"
  672. >Under the cover of... *almost* darkness, you step out into the main street once more.
  673. >Compared to the busyness of the market beforehand, the streets are almost barren.
  674. >All the better to scavenge, you suppose.
  675. >You walk forward at a leisurely pace as Glory eyes the floor, searching for anything of worth.
  676. >You're not sure why she's being so thorough, as it was pretty clear that there wasn't a morsel to be found.
  677. >Personally, you blame those 'sewer scamps'...
  678. >After nearly twenty minutes of fruitless scrounging, Glory sits down on the sidewalk and lightly stomps a hoof down, a frustrated expression on her face.
  679. >"But- but it's not supposed to..." She takes a deep breath. "I-It's okay. We'll uhm- we'll figure something else out..."
  680. "Huh, they cleared out in ten seconds flat... Is it always like this?"
  681. >"I dunno..."
  682. >Glory looks up at you. "Anon I... I haven't been honest with you." Her ears droop a little and she shrinks down. "I uhm- I haven't actually been to the market in... a while. This was the first time in- in maybe a month?"
  683. "Well... It's not exactly your fault that things fell through, I mean... I woke up pretty late and you didn't even know me before noon."
  684. >Her mopey slouch straightens a little and she gives you a mildly confused look. "Wait, we've only known each other for barely a day?"
  685. >You shrug.
  686. "Time flies when you're having fun?"
  687. >"It... It *has* been pretty fun, hehe..."
  688. "Despite it all?"
  689. >She smiles a little. "Mmhm, but uhm, as nice as that is... We're still hungry."
  690. "Yeah..."
  691. >You stuff your hands into your pockets and narrow your eyes at the moon.
  692. >It's a lot prettier in person.
  693. >Kinda makes you want to go take a walk in the park...
  694. >Wait, park?
  695. "Hey Morn... Where is the nearest park?"
  696. >She gestures vaguely towards a nearby alley. "If we go that way, we'll hit Marzipan Public Park, it's the one with the fountain like I told you."
  697. >She pauses. "...Why do you ask?"
  698. >You take your hands out of your pockets and rest them against your hips.
  699. "Parks have grass, right?"
  700. >"...Yes."
  701. "And flowers?"
  702. >"...Yes?"
  703. >You lean in and give her a brief boop on the snoot, which makes her scrunch up a little, bewildered.
  704. "You'll get to eat and we'll have a new theater of play."
  705. >A new, less urban environment could make searching a little less stressful on Glory and you wouldn't mind some water right about now.
  706. >She rubs her nose with a hoof as she stares at you, still a little confused, but following along.
  707. >"I mean, I certainly can eat that, I just... I just don't want to get in trouble."
  708. >You point to yourself and grin.
  709. "Who's gonna stop you? You've got the best pony repellent bits can buy!"
  710. >"But I didn't buy-"
  711. >She blinks.
  712. >"Oooh... I understand." She wiggles her hooves in some sort of elaborate gesture. "As long as we stick together, nopony will bother us as we walk around and do stuff... Very clever, Anon!"
  713. >Less clever and more dumb circumstances, but... it is what it is.
  714. "So... Park time?"
  715. >Glory gets up and nods.
  716. >"Park time!"


by Castafae

Letters for Gray Garden

by Castafae

Novel Pursuits with Radio Star

by Castafae

Fae Green Archive

by Castafae

Fae's Party Adventure

by Castafae