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By PopenOny
Created: 2023-07-27 17:45:47
Expiry: Never

  1. [00:06] Searing Skies: Quote this is less of a question and more of a
  2. [00:06] Quote Unquote: conceptualize the sleep
  3. [00:06] Searing Skies: 'redpill' I guess
  4. [00:06] Searing Skies: How familiar are you with hate?
  5. [00:07] Quote Unquote: in terms of the emotion, its a pretty alien feeling to me
  6. [00:07] Searing Skies: ill paste the idea of the conversation
  7. [00:07] Searing Skies: Foster hate like a flame that keeps the dark away when it's low and fuels the boilers of my blood when it's hot. I fear the idea of that flame going out, because I've known the cold without it and it scares me to feel so little again.
  8. Hate grants me strength, and I keep my hate strong.
  9. Like with all fires, though, one must know how to be careful, else they, too, will immolate.
  10. Advanced hate.
  11. Hate as a philosophy.
  12. "hate is an expression of love.
  13. It's impossible to conjure the emotional strength to hate something unless it is antithetical to something else that you covet. Know what you love; know what you hate."
  14. [00:07] Quote Unquote: in many cases i cant find the ability to hate anyone
  15. [00:07] Quote Unquote: regardless of if they wronged me
  16. [00:07] Searing Skies: The philosophy of hate
  17. [00:08] Searing Skies: However it seems most don't know how to hate these days
  18. [00:08] Quote Unquote: oh actually in a sense i do feel hate, but in a very specific way
  19. [00:08] Quote Unquote: i see negative traits in many people
  20. [00:09] Quote Unquote: i dont like those traits because they ruin the interactions i have with these people
  21. [00:09] Quote Unquote: i do my best to never embody those traits myself
  22. [00:10] Searing Skies: Might be the right idea in some sense
  23. [00:10] Searing Skies: but its wider than that
  24. [00:10] Searing Skies: the example I brought up being
  25. [00:11] Searing Skies: puts a claim on your DNA
  26. puts a claim on a chemical in your brain
  27. but you probably dont mean that
  28. Anon-
  29. Oh, no, absolutely like that, too.
  30. Do you feel it, friend?
  32. VinylSS — Today at 2:48 AM
  33. Its a powerless thing but yes
  35. Anon-
  36. >powerless
  37. You're feeling the wrong thing. Aim for indignant rage.
  38. Think about Monsanto's board of whatever getting crucified or something, I'unno.
  39. "How dare they?" you should demand!
  40. [00:12] Searing Skies: sorry carry on
  41. [00:14] Quote Unquote: as an example, i hate the idea of anything living in my head rent free
  42. [00:14] Quote Unquote: nothing lives in my mind unless i want it to
  43. [00:14] Quote Unquote: its my mind
  44. [00:15] Searing Skies: I think its more directed towards things or people in the world, ideas and vague distaste
  45. [00:15] Searing Skies: isn't there
  46. [00:16] Searing Skies: anyway I better get off before I go blow something up and get banned, night
  47. [00:16] Quote Unquote: cya /)
  48. [00:16] Searing Skies: /)
  49. [00:16] Second Life: Searing Skies is offline.