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Raritys day at the beach

By FeedTheMarshmallow
Created: 2023-08-23 12:34:22
Expiry: Never


>Be Rarity. The biggest fashionista of Equestria.
>And Maybe you've been a little hard on yourself these past few months.
>Your look in the mirror often caught critical thoughts about your body.
>But hey, you're already a lightweight, wonderfully proportioned - and you can say that without falling into self-love.
>You ended up losing a whopping 20 pounds from the original 950 pounds. That's an achievement to be proud of.
>It may not be a huge change, but as the saying goes: Small steps also lead to the goal.
>Even if these steps were sometimes as tiny as a normal meal.
>Luckily you used the help of appetite suppressing spells, because without them things probably wouldn't have gone so smoothly.
>Today is finally the long awaited beach day! You've been looking forward to it for a week.
>Not only to feel the warming sun on your fur and to present your new bikini design, but also because today is 'All You Can Eat Day' at the beach ice cream parlour.
>Your heart has been pounding with anticipation all day and your stomach is loudly speaking up.
>It longs for something satisfying.
>After all the discipline and moments of sacrifice, you think you deserve to reward yourself.
>And what could you love more than dessert?
>You stroll along the beach full of anticipation. The soft sand caresses your feet.
>With every step you take closer to the small ice cream shop, the wooden floorboards of the sidewalk creak under your enormous weight.
>The colorful sign above the counter flickers enticingly, and the smell of freshly made ice cream tickles your nostrils.
>Your stomach growls impatiently when you see the line in front of the counter.
>The choice before you is almost overwhelming. Colorful sundaes of all shapes and sizes are lined up.
>The colors shimmer like the rainbow and you inwardly sigh as you queue up.


>When it's finally your turn, you look at the large board above the counter.
>"What would you like?" asks the friendly ice cream vendor with a smile.
>You rave.

"Oh, I'd like a gallon of raspberry dreams, strawberry cravings, and vanilla indulgence."

>You lick your lips and swallow.

"And, a dozen of chocolate dreams with that. No, wait, make double the chocolate. Oh, who cares, triple the chocolate! Oh, and don't forget the caramel sonata with whipped cream on top! And please also triple the amount of ice cream!"

>The ice cream man gapes at you as he writes everything down. He's sweating bullets. "One moment please," he says, and then disappears into the back corner of the ice cream parlor.
>Your anticipation is hard to contain. Your eyes sparkle as you look at the different types of ice cream.
>You've worked so hard to lose weight and today you really want to treat yourself.
>It's All You Can Eat Day after all!
>The ice cream vendor comes back and you see him hastily putting together several tables to accommodate all the bulging sundaes.
>Your gaze lingers on the icebergs towering in front of you.
>Your heart starts beating faster and your hooves tingle with anticipation.
>With a beaming smile, the vendor hands you the cups and you can't wait to get your hands on it.
>You take the first scoop and the ice cream melts on your tongue and ignites a firework of flavors in your mouth.


>Each spoonful is a new adventure, a delicious discovery. You just can't stop.
>You dive into a world of creamy dreams while the sun bathes the beach in warm light.
>All this waiting and standing in line has left you feeling quite tired though. You cast your eyes around, searching for a place to rest. As you carefully lower yourself onto one of the vibrant chairs positioned at a nearby table, a groan of protest echoes from the seat, hinting at its strained capacity.
>You wince momentarily, but to your relief, the chair manages to hold – albeit with a noticeable strain.
>The well-worn wooden chairs appear to struggle under the weight of your exaggerated proportions.
>In fact, you find it necessary to place a second chair beside you, hoping to better distribute your considerable weight.
>Hour after hour goes by and your enthusiasm for ice cream seems to know no bounds.
>Finally you sit back, visibly satisfied and with a full stomach.
>You look at the empty sundaes in front of you and smile.
>But then your gaze falls on the scales on the counter, which remind you of your weight loss goals.
>A touch of regret creeps into your mind, but you quickly banish it.

"Oh, it was worth it,"

>You whisper to yourself.

"You don't treat yourself to anything else."

>With a deep breath you rise from your seats. The day is still young and you plan to enjoy every minute at the beach.
>And who knows, you might even take a dip in the ocean and enjoy the cold water.
>However, before long, a gentle pang of hunger begins to creep into your thoughts as you contemplate the idea of returning to the ice cream parlor later. After all, a little extra indulgence wouldn't hurt, right?

Raritys day at the beach

by FeedTheMarshmallow