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Trap Card Activated (Anon x Synthwave) Part 2
By JessiCreated: 2023-09-16 19:48:07
Updated: 2024-12-18 21:51:01
Expiry: Never
>The morning was a blur of activity
>Getting ready as quickly as possible, you gather the collected paperwork and get ready to head out
>It's a Saturday so the housing association's main office should still be open today
>Even with less open hours it'll be possible to get the paperwork into the system for whenever Synthwave manages to talk to his social worker
>Speaking of, as you get out the door and head down the stairwell, Synthwave is walking down as well already on his own venture
>Sans any hoodie too
>Maybe what you said about clothing not hiding his mareish looks but enhancing them means he didn't feel like it today
>That or it's hot out, it did look to be a sunny day
>It would explain the black and oddly gothic parasol he has slotted above the small shoulder bag around his middle
>You greet him with a smile, and he barely returns it in his flat manner as he takes notice of you coming down as he stands on the next floor down's landing
>"Hey. You got the papers?"
>You nod, hefting your satchel in your magic briefly
"Yep, are you going to see your boss lady?"
>"If I can, she's not in until ten but I figure it'll take me long enough to get into town that she'll be back when I arrive."
"What if she's not?"
>He shrugs
>"I'll wander, I guess. Ain't been out in ages so there's probably something cool in GAE."
>Ah, Games and Anime Exchange, he meant, a fun little place for second-hand stuff as well as, guess it; games and anime
"Don't they pronounce it Gee Ayy Ex?"
>Snorting, he turns about to continue downward, giving you a much better view of his ample posterior
>"Sure, but who says it the proper way?"
>True enough, unless the higher-ups were in-store then even the workers called it that as well
"I don't think it's open until eight thirty."
>"Wandering it is, then."
>Following as he goes down the stairs, you ignore the intrusive thoughts of grabbing his fat arse
>He really has an amazing sashay to the way he walks
>Synthwave probably wouldn't mind if you did either, though you're not about to do it in public
>Well, a stairwell of a tenant block isn't too public, but still
>"You're looking at my arse, aren't you?"
>A slight blush crosses your face
"Only a little."
>He abruptly halts mid-step and drives his tonnage back at you, causing you to bump into his bodacious backside and blush harder
>"Now you definitely are."
>Doing your utmost to draw your attention away from him as he laughs, you take a moment and set your thoughts on unsexy things
>Popping a stiffy wouldn't be ideal going out
>Getting outside the tenancy block, you make for a right to head downtown
>The usual route you go to get to work too
>Synthwave follows along for now as well, dark parasol out and open in his magic to shield himself from the sun bearing down
>He glances at you after a moment of walking
>"You not taking the bus?"
"I'm not in a rush or anything."
>"Well, I'm taking the bus."
"That might help explain why your ass is so huge."
>He shrugs, turning about
>"I do my exercise at home. Got some hoof-weights on the other side of the bed."
>To be fair, when you got a hoof on him yesterday he was pretty springy
>He also didn't have much if anything in the way of paunch
>Just a jaw-dropping curvature that you figured was calories from junk food and pure luck
>Maybe making an assumption about NEETdom isn't the best move
"Well, fine. Bus it is."
>Turning back and going left, you both move down towards the bus shelter, a few others already milling about when you arrive
>Naturally, some attention fixes onto Synthwave in a nanosecond
>You can't help but wonder just how many of them think he's a mare
>Probably all of them, his thighs and haunches are big enough to hide where his barrel meets his privates and his tail does the rest
>You stifle a laugh at the very large dude-bro stallion that's just pointedly looking at Synthwave's bum out the corner of his vision
>His vision passes to you briefly before looking elsewhere than Synthwave
>...Did he think you two were an item?
>It wouldn't be entirely wrong to assume that
>It's kind of cool in an oddly secretive way
>You do make sure you're behind Synthwave as the bus approaches though
>The magitech machine ghosts up to the curb almost silently beyond the faint whir of its arcane engine, powered by gem magic just like your mobile phone
>It's not a land vehicle like a cart, it's a propulsive, and it's still rather awesome to see
>The thing floats off the ground by a few inches, kept aloft by the magic plate at its base imbued with magic
>Other than that, fairly normal bus-like design
>Synthwave steps on after the older stallion in front gets inside, and pays his fare in loose change after digging it out of his shoulder bag
>Having it ready beforehoof, you tap a small stick card against a reader and it beeps you off before you shove it back into your satchel
>Functionally the same as a debit card but made of lightweight metal, it weighed less and its magitech inlay was practically untouchable to intrusion
>Supposedly, anyway, there were plenty of hackers out there
>Synthwave takes a seat near the back where there's a little more hoof room, and you sit beside him
>Mostly, you're competing for space with his haunches
>He is sitting as far against the window as he can, but he's still partly on your seat
>You lean in and whisper
"It has to be said, your backside could kill somepony."
>"Shaddap, I'll kill *you* with my backside."
"That's not a threat, it's an invitation."
>He snorts at that, nodding forward
>"Did you see that huge dude? I was tempted to 'casually' flick my tail."
>That gets a minor chuckle out of you
"He'd probably stare harder."
>"Nah, he'd get all scared off like everypony else."
"I didn't."
>"Yeah, but you're a weirdo, normies can't handle having their precious reality compromised."
"Eh, I reckon if you flaunt yourself to the right crowd they'd think you were awesome."
>He laughs
>"Pft, fuck that."
>Chucking with him and ignoring a few turned heads at his loud laugh, the bus soon rolls into motion with little more than a light jolt of momentum
>The clean sculpted streets of middle Canterlot soon come into view and pass by the window
>Numerous pedestrian shops piled with a mixture of old tech and magitech dot the setting
>It's an odd mix with street vendors in stalls hawking wares being right next to tech shops, but it's nice
>Still not as nice as upper Canterlot where you work, and where the richer ponies tend to live
>It's kind of stuffy though, you always feel underdressed even wearing a uniform as the rich seem to instinctively know who's rich and who isn't
>The bus dings and Synthwave shuffles to his hooves, this is his stop apparently
>You move to get up but he just starts squeezing past you instead
>Naturally, his sheer gait squishes into you
>Whilst moving past his tail flicks you in the face as it lifts, your nose filling with his scent
>You also get a full eyeful of thick ponut and cute balls between monstrous cheeks
>Burning as you look his way, you can see him smirking a little
>"You love it, try not to keep your excitement when you get off the bus."
>Glancing down, it's not surprising that your tip is starting to peek out
>"Seeya later."
>His chunky headphones come out of his shoulder bag and go on his head as he pulls up an older model music player and taps a button
>With his music now blaring some kind of thrumming electronica, he gives you a brief wave and trots away with his gothic parasol ready to open up when he gets off the bus
>It leaves you having to reposition your satchel over your groin
>He's an annoying adorable arsehat
>The bus soon takes off again and you watch Synthwave disappear down the street
>If GAE was still closed then you did wonder what he was going to do with his time
>He probably had interesting spending habits
>It's not long before you're on the street you need, and pressing the stop button you move to the front of the bus
>Getting off once it comes to a halt, you head in the direction of the housing association
>The street is pretty packed with shoppers given its the weekend
>Weaving through, the housing association appears as you take another turn
>It's a huge slate-grey stone building, very hard to miss in the polished white of Canterlot
>The glass door entrance opens up on a runner automatically as you approach and step into its air conditioned lobby
>Walking up to the front desk, you already catch the attention of the unicorn mare behind it
>'Hello! How can I help?'
"Hi there, I was wanting to go over my tenancy agreement with the manager of Crystal Terrace Gardens?"
>'Do you have the paperwork with you?'
>You give a nod
"Alright, I'll see if he's in today."
>No muss no fuss, and off she went into the next room full of working ponies
>You eyes track her for a moment as she goes, she has a nice figure, a cutie mark of a rabbit on her haunch
>She doesn't have quite as much curve as Synthwave, but a very good amount
>After a few minutes of chattering staff and examining the light fixtures she returns, and out of a side door walks an older pegasus stallion
>'Hello there, sir, if you'd come with me?'
>Following him into hall, he leads you to a small side office, opening the door and ushering you inside with a wing
>It's compact, it has a desk and two chairs either side, likely a room just for consultations or quick note taking
>'So, can I start by asking your name, floor, flat number, and proof of address, please?'
>The older stallion says it with a genial sort of smile as he brushes his tail to one side to sit down on his seat
"Sure. My name's Anonymous. I'm on the fourth floor, living at 4E."
>You say as you lay the tenancy agreement with your details onto the table with your magic after bringing them out of your satchel
>He nods as he looks over the paperwork
>'Oh, I do believe I recall you signing on some months ago, yes. It's rare for ponies to have one word names.'
>After a second he looks up
>'So you wanted to discuss your tenancy? What seems to be the issue? We've had a few complaints about the water gems that supply the washrooms playing up recently across a few different complexes, is it related to that?'
>You shake your head
"No, no, haven't got any complaints there, I'm just curious as to what the process is to get another pony signed on to my agreement."
>His eyes light up in understanding and his friendly smile stays
>'Ah I see, a partner wanting to move in, perhaps?'
>Not quite
>Here comes the bullshit sandwich, please open up nice working dude
>You adopt a somewhat pained expression
"Ehh, not really. A friend, though. You see, I have a friend that's... struggling. They're disabled, they've been living on the Royal Care Charter as they're unemployed and haven't been able to find work."
>The older stallion nods in understanding
>'I take it that their disability is preventing them from finding stable work?'
"Essentially, yes. Being on the RCC they're assigned a social worker to help them out as they struggle with daily tasks and getting about too─"
>Not true, though Synthwave has probably struggled through more than a few doorways by jamming them with his foal-bearing croup and hips
"─and essentially they asked if I could help look after them. I've no issue with that and I said I'd be able to watch over them if they moved in, so here I am."
>He smiles
>'I see, well, I will need to contact the care scheme and find out a few things, but that's quite possible, Mr. Anonymous. It's always a shame when a pony falls on hard times, though sharing your home is a very nice thing to do for somepony while they get back on their hooves.'
>Going by his sympathetic look it seems he bought it
>Whilst you feel slightly guilty taking advantage of the guys decency to be partly indecent, this is what results of a rigid system
>You gotta play games to get anywhere when the government says it won't budge
>'I can start the process of changing your tenancy agreement and swapping the paperwork for a dual-living arrangement, though I will of course need to inquire into the RCC and find out the usual sorts of things about your friend, past rental history, criminal history, etc.'
>'Might I ask your friend's name and their place of residence?'
"Sure, he's called Synthwave, and he actually lives at Crystal Terrace Gardens as well, on floor five at 9S."
>The stallion hums as he jots down the details onto a notepad that had been on the disk, a pen in his wingtip
>'Ah, I see. How long have you known Mr. Synthwave?'
>The question is completely innocent and simply curiosity, making small talk
"Oh... going on two years, maybe? Friendly sorta guy."
>More bullshit, but it's not like the old dude knows that
>Nodding, he takes the notepad and gets to his hooves
>'Well, I can have all that started though I will need Mr. Synthwave's full details and as he'd be moving out then there will be a notice period of at least a month, so it's likely he will still need to pay another month of rent.'
>'However that can be taken down slightly depending on how many days into the notice period we go.'
>You nod your understanding and get up as well
>'The office is open until four and I shall be here. It's possible that I can also make my enquiry and you could come back later today to finalise your changes, then Mr. Synthwave could come in and make his changes also.'
"Oh, well, he's in town today, I could come along with him?"
>'That would be fine, yes.'
>'Is there anything else I can help you with right now?'
"Not right now, thanks."
>He reaches out a wing and you 'shake' it with a hoof
>'I shall contact you on the mobile number provided when I have everything ready.'
"Great, thanks very much."
>Leaving as he guides you out, you walk out of the housing association in quite high spirits
>That was a piece of cake
>There's a few details to work out with Synthwave so the story lines up, but overall it's plain sailing
>Grabbing your gem-phone out of your satchel, you log into Silvermist and scroll through your friends until you get to Synthwave's name
>You shoot him a message that you're done and almost immediately the typing notification pops
>He must have already been on his phone
>'Cool, I'm at Stride if you want to meet me.'
>You smirk
>Despite the likely mountain of bits he's sitting on, he apparently shops cheap when it comes to clothing
>Stride wasn't *cheap* cheap, but it wasn't the ritz either like most fancy shops in Canterlot
>And it makes sense Synthwave shops there, it was mostly all comfy clothes and casual wear
>He's probably picking up more hoodies or something
>Tapping in a quick message of 'Be with you shortly' you head in that direction
>Your phone beeps again and you look at the reply with a snort
>'My name isn't Shortly.'
>The streets are still busy though it doesn't take long on your hooves to get to Stride despite the distance
>It's a large outlet with a lot of space and its crowded with shoppers, finding Synthwave might be a pain
>No wait, nevermind, you spot him the second you walk through the doors
>He's standing by waiting for you by a pillar, his headphones booming and an extra bag hanging off his shoulder bag with GAE's retro logo stamped across it
>Giving you a brief wave, his horn ignites and his headphones move around his neck
>"You were quick."
>Nodding back, you follow along as he turns to go to whatever part he's going to
"Yeah, it was pretty straightforward. You'll need to say I've known you a while and that you're having trouble finding work because of your disability, but other than that it's all sorted so far."
"I'll get a call later once the dual tenancy is written up and you can come in with me. Hopefully you'll be able to talk to your social worker beforehoof and sort everything on your end."
>He hums
>"Shouldn't be a problem, we've got like, an hour or so though."
"We can fill that up with your shopping, and maybe a bite to eat. I had a quick breakfast so that wouldn't go amiss."
>"Sounds like a plan."
>You both make your way further in, and you can't help but notice the frilly dresses and more girly items are much more numerous than anything else
"They don't make much clothing for stallions, huh?"
>"Mares buy more clothing, who'da thunk it?"
>You snort at that, noting the increase in more casual wear the more you walk
>All the fancy dresses at the front, all the boring stuff elsewhere
>Hoodies, loose tee-shirts, purposely baggy loungewear, even socks in their varying colours
>Yup, seems like Synthwave's section, although...
"This is still the mare's section."
>He frowns back at you
>"Yeah. You think that stallion clothing fits me well enough?"
"Oh, good point."
>That had slipped your mind, it makes sense that he essentially has to shop exclusively for mares clothing due to his amazingly generous curvature
>You tap your hoof off one of his hocks as you spot a particularly gothy looking dark dress that didn't get put up front
>It's all tight and contouring to the manakin with plenty of black lace and purple frill, hinting at what lies underneath whilst covering up just enough space
"There you go, perfect for you then."
>He glances at it and raises an eyebrow back
>"Yeah? You wanna see me all dressed up in the 'goth gf' fit, huh, faggot?"
>Damn it why does he keep turning these around on you
"Just figured it was your thing, you seem the type."
>"Oh sure, I secretly crossdress when I always just casually crossdress, because that's much more fun."
>You shrug
"Seems to be the thing in all the manga."
>"Pft, yeah, maybe in Neighpone I'd do it, I'd rock an Otokonoko Cafe."
>That makes you grin
"Oh, so you *do* think about it, you homo?"
>Your intended bantery cut doesn't seem to land as his flat expression just turns into a slight smirk
>"Just because I hide my body doesn't mean I'm ashamed of it. I'd rock anything I put on."
>That gives you an idea, a very fun one
>But not right now
>Synthwave perks up a little as he reaches a small stand of folded clothing
>"Aha, here we go, all the good shit."
>Of course, by good shit, he means basic coloured hoodies without any graphics on them
>And a shelf of differing socks right next to them
>It was an odd, almost fad-like thing. Hoodies and socks as a package deal? They always seemed to be put together
>Several boards on 4Clop would have mares modelling socks in varying relations to the specific board so it was on topic
>And they always popped up in adverts where sleepiness and lounging was considered
>You did once see a partly dishevelled and heavily gothic mare walk into your work and order a large coffee whilst wearing a super large baggy tee and socks
>She'd stumbled into the door on the way out and spilt it, and you'd given her another one for free
>The manager hadn't been pleased because 'it was her fault for being half asleep' but fuck that bitch, the coffee was overpriced
>The mare also had the fattest fucking teats you'd ever seen and how she carried them without complaint was insane
>Socks though
>They went together with anything it seemed
>A bump brings you back to reality, and you glance to Synthwave
>"You good? You kinda spaced out looking at the socks, anything you wanna tell me?"
>He's partly smirking again
"Just some work thing that happened."
>"Related to socks? Must be a fun job."
>He takes a few hoodies and puts them onto his back
>Without any extra attention to it, his magic then ensnares three different pairs of socks of varying stripey colour combination and he adds them to the stack on his back
>You give him a smile of your own
"Is there anything *you* wanna tell me?"
>He shrugs
>"What? They're comfy. Cry about it."
>Moving off, he walks for a while before doing a double take, his face lighting up for a moment as he goes to a specific stand
>"Oh shit, nice."
>As you follow, you immediately see what grabbed his attention
>It's another onesie you'd say was similar to his odd green and black one
>Except it's styled in the most garish pink, with little vestigial lilac wings on the back
>It has bulbous eyes and a sticky-out tongue on the hood, but with a huge golden horn stuck out of it
>It appears the horn is a cover that can go over an actual horn
>They must be a running series of stupid themed onesies
"You're really buying that?"
>"Fuck yes, I love these dumb things."
>His collection grows as he adds it to the stack and moves off
>You don't really need anything though so you just go with him
>Plus, mares section
>"Ha! Now *that's* stupid."
>He says, as he slows going past a selection of loose 'edgy' tees
>They feature varying bitchy remarks meant to be hip whilst still being generally acceptable
>So many middle-class mares wear them that it's nauseating
>The one Synthwave pointed out was rather amusing for the wrong reason
>It's a rusty-orange in hue, the front of it featuring a steel bear trap
>The writing reads 'Go ahead, try me'.
>You smirk
>The average everyday pony wouldn't get it
"That's actually pretty good for meme value."
>"Yeah, I know."
>His magic ensnares one of them and it joins his stack, sly smile present on his muzzle
>"Which is why I'm buying it."
"Apparently you're going to buy half the shop. You really *are* a mare."
>"Shaddap, I'm done anyway, unless there's anything else both comfy and stupid to grab."
>Facing about you make for the till before you feel the odd warmth of magic tugging on you
>You glance back at Synthwave nodding in the other direction
>"I gotta try some of this on."
"You don't know your own sizes?"
>"Roughly, but they've changed their sizing system since the last time I was in. I'm guessing I'm probably an M or an L so I grabbed L's and XL's."
"So? You know it'll all fit then."
>He shrugs
>"Mostly, but I like feeling what's better and what ain't."
>He faces toward the back of the shop again towards the fitting rooms, the exaggerated way he swings his flared hips around catching your attention
>And he smiles coyly
>"Plus I know you don't wanna miss me rocking it all."
>As he walks off your eyes follow the ample bounce of his derriere, and you think that...
>No, you don't want to miss that
>So you pursue him
>You make yourself look as bored as possible going into the fitting area, the clerk at the desk passing Synthwave a number and glancing between the two of you
>She says nothing and returns her attention to her gem phone
>Thank Celestia for everyday working apathy
>As you get further in and reach one of the cubicles, Synthwave scoffs as he pulls the curtain aside
>"Oh no, the poor stallion is being dragged along by the mare to do clothes shopping. How awful."
>"Heh, it would have been my thought."
>Slipping in with his stack of clothing, you wait idly and feel some amusement as Synthwave's headphones start playing music again
>Peeking in you see he's hanged the headphones up on a hook and let them play whilst sorting out what he's trying on
>He's thrown it all into a haphazard pile of what he wants to try on first to last
>He quickly raises an eyebrow at you looking in on him
>"You know, I could yell and get you kicked out."
>You know he's not serious, his flat expression and tone certainly don't give that impression though
>Ignoring you, he grabs a full-black pullover hoodie and shimmies into it as his magic deposits it over himself
>You'd guess it's an L considering that it looks about as baggy as the ones you'd seen him wearing back at the flat
>It fits him well and begins to get tighter as it nears his flared croup where it widens into his lovely hips and haunches
>It certainly looks comfortable enough
>Though he shrugs it off and chucks it into its own pile
>"Yeah, I figured they changed the sizes a bit. Fucking mares, dude."
"Yes, I wouldn't mind fucking mares."
>He frowns at the hoodie he just took off
>"That's apparently a 2L, meaning it's closer to a medium than a large."
>"Exactly. A 5L is more like an actual large."
>He picks up a baggier slate-grey zip hoodie
>"This is an XL, but it's a 1XL, meaning it's probably more like a large."
>Unzipping it, he sits back onto his thick haunches and puts it around himself, his forehooves going through the sleeves
>You keep your eyes off his groin
>"Yeah, see, this works."
"So, you're a 1XL, you fat fuck?"
>"The absolute fattest of fucks."
>He says as he lifts his massive back end up for a second before slamming it down, making the floorboards thump heavily
>You back out and glance back to the direction the clerk is, but nopony comes around the corner to investigate the bump
>Synthwave sniggers as you turn back
>"Chill out, if they came running for every knock they'd actually have a job to do."
>He picks up the meme-worthy rust-orange bear trap tee whilst taking off the hoodie and throwing it into a new pile
>He pulls it on over his head and gets his horn stuck, and your horn ignites as you help tug it over
>You receive a slightly muffled 'thanks', and Synthwave's head appears as it slips on fully
>It frames him very well and rests nicely around his ample haunches
>Though the end result makes his bottom look even bigger
>He grabs some new two-tone pink striped socks and slips all of those onto each leg, and the result is very nice
>He stretches his sock-clad forelegs up and fixes you with an expression you're sure is meant to look stupidly vogue, though it just makes him look hot
>The graphic of the steel trap on the front of the tee is clearly displayed with its wording
>"Go ahead, Anon, try me."
>He laughs afterwards and relaxes down
>You're still a little caught up though, because that was fucking sexy
>You would very much like to try the curvy trap
>He notes your slightly stunned expression and hikes the loose shirt up to show off his groin to stun you further
>You're fairly certain your tip is poking free of your sheath, but so is his own
>"I think being all flirty and homogay in the fitting rooms isn't a good idea, but it's too funny seeing how you react."
>Recovering slightly, you lift a leg just in case and reposition your tail as you glance out again
>Nopony else around
>Turning back, Synthwave is getting to his hooves as he pulls out another hoodie and tries it on with his trap shirt as it's a zip-up
>With the music coming from his headphones it's almost like a fashion show, albeit an extremely budget one
"Are you not gonna try on the fucking weird psuedo-alicorn onesie?"
>"Don't need to, they're one-size-fits-all."
>His magic then makes a fractionally echoing slap as he smacks his own arse
>"Even very fat fucks like myself."
"You know, I was only joking about that."
>He laughs
>"Oh I ain't insulted by it. I'm sure I would be if I was actually a landwhale, but even then that's called a 'grow the fuck up and get over it' type of deal."
"I appreciate your very derisive way of thinking."
>"I think it comes with being a NEET, honestly. See less ponies, start to dislike all the bullshit ponies say and do, and have little time for all of it."
>"Must suck for you, wagie."
>You sigh
"I deal with the most insufferable rich people."
>"Didn't you say you worked in a coffee shop?"
>He says as he tries on another hoodie, watching him undress and redress is pleasant
"Yep. Dullest job on the planet."
>"I'm sure that doing spreadsheets is much worse."
"Actually, yeah, I have a pretty fun job in comparison."
>He smiles a bit as he sits up
>"Yeah, see, silver linings and all that shit."
>Synthwave stands up and turns slightly to the bench as he throws the hoodie off
>His face becomes coy again
>"You might wanna step out, Anon."
"Oh? Why's tha–"
>Up in his magic floats a nice pair of lilac cotton panties
>"Yeah, you're gonna pop a mast if you keep watching."
>You back out and glance down the way, you're both still alone
>You think it'll be alright
>It's not like you're doing anything lewd
>Well, not technically... you're just watching
>Plus, those panties are strange
"What's with those?"
>He sees where you're looking and lifts the front
>"Oh yeah, see they're kind of extra baggy? That's to accommodate a *ahem* mare's 'mammary glands', as they say in the Prench."
>He finishes the sentence with a hoity-toity inflection
>His tone shifts back down into partial monotone
>"Which means support for big teats without magic pads, but for me it means comfy underwear that actually fits whilst also fitting my dick inside."
>He turns them at an angle and frowns
>"Though, to end up not making them look really stupid like a pair of granny knickers it does end up being both tight around the dick and partly transparent. They're more or less skirting the line between casualwear and lingerie."
>He shrugs
>"Either way, I like wearing them when it's a hot day like this, stops my balls and ponut from sticking to my seat."
>The accompanying mental image that pops into your head is quite nice
>Thick shiny ponut...
>"Don't space out on me."
>Synthwave grins at you as he shifts about and makes you redden as his tail starts to hike
>He lifts one hind leg, on slip the panties over the sock, up comes the other leg, and then they're fitting upward
>The underwear has a very daunting task ahead of it as his magic tugs them up his haunches and massive bottom
>The material starts to lessen in looseness as they reach his ample hips and your attention begins to drift towards the area between his hindlegs
>Taut in the panties are his balls, managing to be held due to the space usually having to accommodate puffy vulvas
>His tail and fat dock still obscures his ponut but it's still wide enough that you can glimpse hints of it pushing out of the fabric
>Your heart's almost thundering with the situation
>"I'd show off a little more and really give you an eyeful but..."
>He turns back around points a hoof
>"You're probably full mast right now and you're going to wanna hide it."
>Your face burns profusely as he's quite correct in his assessment, as you look down and your dick is practically poking you in the eye
>No amount of leg lifting and tail obscuration is going to hide this
>The only thing you can think to do happens, and you quickly move inside the cubicle with Synthwave before he can protest
>Not that he does
>Though whilst there's enough room that you're able to turn about, it's still not ideal
>Of course, he's smirking at you as you're almost right in his face
>"Just *had* to get closer to me, huh?"
"What can I say, I'm apparently head over hocks for traps."
>He giggles at that very cutely
>Your heart skips a beat
>When in situations like these, his way of laughing and his mannerisms tend to shift slightly and it really doesn't help
>Whilst you're certainly not into stallions, you're definitely into Synthwave
>Accepting it is becoming easier the more time you spend with him
>He helps you along by doing odd things, you suppose
>Like kissing you–
>Synthwave kissed you
>Just a quick smooch before he hurriedly backs off
>"Of course you are, I'm fucking awesome. Now sit down so I have more space to move about."
>Complying with his request whilst the brain fog clears, there is in fact a little more room for him to manoeuvre around with you sitting back
>You're still standing to attention however, so that's making you rather self-conscious
>Synthwave notes it with a sardonic look as he brings up a different pair of the odd panties
>He's grabbed a few of those, they're shaped slightly differently and have a jet-black hue to them, and they're slightly less opaque all around rather than at the teat area
>He very purposely sashays his hefty bottom as he turns around again, almost up against the wall of the cubicle
>The pink socks and lilac panties slip down and off as he kicks them away and starts to put on the other pair along with purple and black socks
>The socks are the same as the pink pair, loose enough to be comfy whilst being tight enough to almost completely stay up
>Much like the last pair of panties, the black one gets a little taut as it moves up, and he smugly flashes you briefly as his tail moves aside
>The sight of his puffy ponut in the translucent black panties is just a small kick to the heart
>Though your brain takes a moment to process the slightly newer casual feeling of 'his balls are also pretty nice' that pops into mind
>You're fairly certain that you almost turn cherry red as your face flushes when he does what he did back in the stairwell at home and almost shoves his backside into you
>His scent catches you as being rather pleasant
>Even with the heat of the day he's not stickily sweaty or odorous, he just smells like... him, you suppose
>Everypony has a certain fragrance to them, and you guess that like his appearance, his is somewhat confusing
>When he's dirty and hasn't showered in a while, like when you first met him, he has a more muted and almost stallion-like smell
>Though washed and just getting on with the day, he smells more like what you would associate with mares
>Experimentally, your horn blazes to life and grabs him in a magical haze, and whilst it slightly confuses him he lets the magic take over
>Tugging him back you're very sure to move your dick out of the way as you sit him down and wrap your hooves around his barrel
>He laughs awkwardly
>"Anon, what are you doing? Your dick's poking into my back."
>Not fully, he's wearing the trap shirt
>Resting your muzzle into the crook of his neck you close your eyes and take a breath
>After a moment of resting there you lean back and tap a hoof off his springy butt to let him know you're done
>He stands up again with a wonderful close up of his backside and half-turns to you with a quizzical glance
>"What was that about? Getting used to me?"
>You shake your head
"You smell like a mare when you're washed."
>"I mean, I didn't shower today."
"Yeah, but it seems to me that the fresher you are the more mareish you smell, the dirtier you are the more stallionish you smell."
>He tilts his head up in understanding
>"Anon the scientist, with a huge erection."
>You begin to fold at that with a partial laugh
"Yeah, so long as you're modelling it's not going away."
>Shrugging, he moves to and fro whilst angling his arse
>"So, what do you think?"
>It's easy to say that they're very nice
>As he angles a leg, the shirt not coming down enough, whilst his thigh moves just enough for you to see that he's slightly erect inside the sheer underwear, just as taut around the partial tenting of his tip as it is around his balls and supermassive ponut
>Once again the pausing thought pops into mind that of 'that really hot', and it stumps you for a moment as you refocus
>As the panties cut differently, they ride lower on his hips and end around the meat of his croup, causing some very attractive skindentation
"I think I might blow a load if you keep all this up."
>He smirks
>"That good, huh?"
>He keeps them on as he switches his attention to his pile of clothing
>"Well you'll like this then."
>You didn't see it mixed in with everything else, though your surprise peaks as he floats up the tightly gothic frilly number you'd spotted earlier
>It must be evident on your face because he laughs, he must have secretly grabbed it
>Well, there goes your plan to grab it so he could try it on
>"I told you, I rock anything. I intend to put my money where my mouth is."
>He waves a hoof to the curtain
>"Go on, bugger off. I'll come out in a sec."
>You frown, gesturing down
>"So? Have a look and if it's clear then just fold your tail over."
>Rolling your eyes, you poke your head out and it's still clear though you do hear hooves around the corner
>Waiting a moment until the sound fades you step out and move over to a bench and sit
>You do reposition your tail, though it's odd and if anypony sees they'll probably think it's exactly what it looks like
>Hopefully everything tucks away before that occurs
>Synthwave's pulsing music from his headphones beats as you wait, and your dick deigns to go back home so you can rest easier
>Though as the curtain shifts aside and he steps out you think it might make a second appearance
>The black fabric tremendously contrasts with his pale coat, possessing cuts that shape around his forelegs, hips, and barrel near the belly
>It's almost like a cocktail dress in that fashion, but loose and frilly enough as it reaches the back of the croup and rests just over the dock and tail
>The purple frills across the black ensemble are nice
>The look matches his flat expression, all he really needs is a black mane and tail and he's perfectly set
>That makes him smirk and he strikes a lazy pose
>"Told you I rock anything."
>He makes to leave and you frown
"Are you not taking it off?"
>"I'm rocking it."
>As if that explains it, he leaves the fitting rooms behind after retrieving his clothing and his bag with its dark parasol
>Turning the corner and walking on, you pass the clerk and Synthwave returns the number
>She takes it and purses her lips as she regards him
>'Miss, you have to pay for that.'
>Synthwave's expression remains flat as he raises an eyebrow
>His magic pulls a still-attached tag out of the neck
>"Ain't stolen yet."
>With that he walks towards the tills, and you just shrug at her as you leave
>Synthwave pays for everything whilst the cashier also seems peeved he's wearing what he intends to buy
>Snapping off the tag, he places that down on top of the clothing stack and waits
>Annoyed, the stallion behind the till soon scans it and packs up the rest of Synthwave's clothes
>Synthwave grabs the filled bag in his magic after tapping his stick card and returning it to his shoulder bag
>It looks a bit much with his other bag from GAE hanging off it
"Want me to carry something?"
>"What do I look like, a mare? I can carry my own shit."
>That earns him a confused look from the cashier as both leave
>When you get outside it's not as cold as it was inside due to the air conditioning, but it's thankfully overcast, the sun hiding behind the clouds
>You're fine in some clear sun as you're not wearing anything, but Synthwave is now wearing a somewhat tight black dress
>He's going to heat up considerably when it comes out again
>His magic takes the gothic parasol in place and opens it up anyway, and you have to admit it suits the dress amazingly well
>If it wouldn't fuck them up to walk on the pavement with he could wear his matching socks too
>He doesn't have any hoof boots though
>Not that you've seen, anyway
>They might be squirrelled away like his apparent weight set was
>Still, he looks great
>He's getting a lot of stares and you can understand why, you're almost feeling a little underdressed walking next to him
>"So, it's like... twenty minutes till my social worker should be in the office."
"Oh, shit, I guess shopping took a while. We're not far, right?"
>"Yeah, we could walk it."
"We can grab food after then, getting kinda hungry now."
>Off you trot down the street, and if Synthwave is bothered by the weight of his bags he doesn't show it
"So what did you grab from GAE anyway?"
>He grins at that, floating the bag up to you
>Peeking inside, you see a weird little metal-like box you're not sure the purpose of
>It has a bunch of buttons and input plugs though and looks slightly magitech-y
>"Found a tonal modulator for a hundred twenty-nine bits. Those used to retail for the same price as the CPU I replaced the old one with."
"Is it still worth even a hundred odd?"
>"For what I want it for? Definitely. I can use new software that's developed to do my music stuff, but my setup is older so I have to basically kitbash it."
>"This bit of tech is older magitech like my setup, it'll achieve a similar purpose, but I can run music through the new stuff with fewer errors whilst running it through this to catch everything else and get the sound I'm after."
>He's much more energetic explaining it, and it's nice to see his passion working for him
>The explanation of how his setup works better with the bit of kit doesn't mean much to you, but you're happy to hear it
>You arrive at his social workers office in no time at all with him talking
>He tapers off as you pass through the doors of the care scheme building
>You don't know if it's the care scheme's own or not, really, government based organisations have varying structure
>Either way, he doesn't look like he wants to be here
>"Right. I'll get this done and we can go eat."
>Synthwave approaches the lobby desk and taps on the wood
>The unicorn stallion behind it looks up and smiles
>'Oh, hello Synthwave, what in Hades are you wearing?'
>Synthwaves shrugs
>"Lost a bet. I look fucking good though, right?"
>The stallion makes a 'so-so' gesture
>"Yeah, fuck you too."
>He says it casually and the stallion seems to understand its not serious
>You do wonder how many people have been thrown off by the semi-monotonous voice
>"Is Cherry in?"
>The stallion smiles
>'She is, yes, maybe about fifteen minutes ago. She's early today, so I guess she wants to go home to her kids as soon as possible.'
>"Alright, well, let her know I'm here to see her. Thanks."
>It seems Synthwave *really* doesn't want to be here
>Then again, you suppose it was somewhat forced onto him so he's making the best of it
>After a minute on a phone the stallion looks up
>'She'll be down for you in a moment.'
>Turning back and waiting where you've sat down, Synthwave sighs
>He whispers to you under his breath
>'Fucking hate that guy, he never shuts up about shitty TV shows. Acts like the Diarchy is going to collapse if you haven't seen any of it.'
>Super normie, then
>Synthwave's social worker, Cherry, soon appears in the adjoining hall
>Earthen, cherry-red mane, pale-lilac coat, purple eyes, cutie mark of a baked pie.
>And holy shit, hel-lo MILF~
>This mare has more everything going on than most mares
>Even with her clearer older age she's very pretty, more like fine wine in how she aged over the years that speaks of good care
>Mr. Cherry was a *very* lucky stallion
>Cherry was wearing a very basic business dress that contoured to her bountiful curvature as she approached
>'Hello, Synthwave, how are you today?'
>He shrugs
>"Eh, yannow. Living."
>'The usual then. It will get better one day, and we'll sort out this moving business soon.'
>Her attention turns to you
>'Hello to you as well, I'm Cherry Pie. Might you be the visiting neighbour that made me have to leave the other day?'
>She says it with a polite smile
>'It's nice that Synthwave is making friends.'
"Nice to meet you too, we're actually here to talk about the moving business."
>'Oh? Shall we discuss it in my office?'
>Synthwave shrugs
>"Probably a good move, considering the circumstances."
>Yes, the partly illegal power move ones
>Getting up, the two of you fall in line behind Cherry as she turns around
>It is very difficult not to look at her absolutely amazing bottom, it rivals Synthwave by a lot, which means a massive ponut and vulva
>All signs pointed to massive teats too going by the way the bottom of the dress pushed out
>A very, *very* lucky stallion, that Mr. Cherry
>You see Synthwave smirking at you out the corner of your vision, he's enjoying the view just as much
>Going up the stairs was just as enjoyable
>You're surprised you're not popping out by the time you reach Cherry's office
>Once she's inside and sitting at her desk and the two of you are also seated, she regards you both with another polite smile
>'What about the moving business did you want to speak about? Also, Synthwave, I can appreciate you having interesting ways of expressing yourself and I wasn't going to ask, but why are you wearing that?'
>'Not to say it isn't very suitable for your looks, however don't you think it's a little strange for a stallion to be walking around wearing mare's clothing?'
>He shrugs nonchalantly
>'Probably, if they can't rock it, but ain't like most can tell with me, right?'
>Cherry sighs
>'Well, at least I know you often limit your eccentricities to the home. Anyway... the moving?'
>You clear your throat
"Yep, so basically I offered the nuclear option. I'm all caught up on Synthwave's situation and that the care scheme he's on wants to move him."
"I just figured he can get them to fuck off with that if he moves in with me and makes me his official caretaker, meaning he gets to stay in Crystal Terrace Gardens where he's comfy."
>"Plus, I made a friend, don't have any of those that aren't just online."
"Yeah, that too."
>Cherry nods in understanding
>'I see. Well, that might work. The only reason really that he can't refuse to move now is because it would take him off of the care scheme, and Crystal Terrace Gardens is partly leased for waywards exclusively.'
"Ah, so no space and they want to move others in."
>'Yes, a lot of it is meant to be temporary housing, ultimately. That includes housing leased by the care scheme as they always wanted to move their markless tenants into their own housing where they'd be safe.'
"It's taken this long?"
>'Such organisations take time to work, and the limited numbers of markless ponies meant no funding for their new housing project. Of course, at this juncture the number of markless ponies has reached a threshold where the housing has been built and is ready.'
>'Of course, some won't want to go─'
>She gestures to Synthwave
>'─and that's a bit of a... liability? They aren't happy with companies possibly facing fines and legal trouble in case they hire a markless pony and something bad happens.'
>You nod, Synthwave explained it already
"They want the NEETs to be safe but also to cover their asses."
>'NEET is an appropriate slang term, if a bit crude, but yes. Your idea may hold water... though it is... *questionable*. Having said that, I do think Synthwave would be happier with a friend.'
>She looks you over with a kind smile
>'And I can already see that he seems a great deal more relaxed. You must be doing something right.'
>"You do pretty well for me, don't worry about it."
>'Well, for one, you'd never have worn that outside before so you're clearly having fun, and you've even showered seeing as your hair is actually its usual platinum-blonde.'
>She glances at you
>'What's your secret?'
"Uh, banter and magitech computer parts. I think."
>She laughs gently, it's a very lovely sound
>'Well, I have neither of those things. The most electronic thing I have is an old Watchful-Vision in the kitchen, my foals are the ones that have all the newer magical gadgets.'
>She muses wistfully
>'It's all Ionian to me...'
>Perking up, she smiles again
>'Well, I'm sure putting in an explanation to the higher-ups will set you on the path you need, I can do that and tell them Synthwave wishes to move in with another pony.'
"As his caretaker."
>'Yes, that would certainly allow him to stay where he is, more or less. Hm... while there likely isn't much they can do to say no, it *does* mean he would still be on the RCC and beholden to the care scheme, they don't like leaving markless ponies on their own.'
>'They will make constant enquiries to his caretaker, and I or another assigned social worker will likely be sent to consult with that caretaker to make sure he's getting the appropriate assistance.'
>Synthwave shrugs
>"So long as I get to stay put and get paid for it, I don't mind."
>She tuts slightly
>'I *thought* that might be another reason.'
>"Free money is free money, I'm happy raking it in and saving it up for what I need."
>'I've always appreciated your extreme candour, Synthwave, but I would suggest not saying that if another social worker or an official mediary of the care scheme pays you a visit, they likely won't be as understanding as I am.'
>Synthwave gives her a mock salute
>"Aye, Cap'n."
>With that dealt with, the next part beckons
"If I take Synthwave to sort out the tenancy plans then you'll get a phone call from the housing association to confirm his details. If you could give them the basics then it'll all move along smoothly."
>She nods
>'Not a problem, I assume you're going along today?'
>'Very well, a glowing review, it is. While a tad dour, Synthwave is a well behaved colt, after all.'
>Synthwave scoffs at her
>Something else comes to mind as well
"Do you happen to have a copy of some paperwork with his address, by the way?"
>'Oh yes, somewhere here.'
>She reaches down into a draw and fishes out some paperwork after a moment of rummaging
>'Hm... here we are Synthwave's file. You can have─'
>She pushes a single form across the desk
>'─That, as it's already a copy. That's my details next to his on who I am and who is under my charge, with that pony's address.'
"Excellent, thank you."
>'Not at all.'
>Getting to your hooves, Synthwave does the same and Cherry politely follows suit to see you to the door
>With a cheery and kind goodbye Cherry sends you both on your way
>When you get down into the lobby Synthwave pointedly ignores the stallion at the desk as you leave the building
>"We're taking the bus, right?"
"Sure, it's a bit of a walk otherwise."
>It's a good thing that if you pay for the bus three times in one day it charges you for the all day price rather than three separate single tickets
>The bus stop nets Synthwave even more stares with the bystanders with how he's dressed with his parasol already out and up to protect against the sun
>With the addition of a very interested onlooking stallion
>Synthwave glances at the guy as he's being very obvious
>"Help you?"
>'Just browsing.'
>Synthwave grins
>"Ain't got no issue with that."
>The bus quietly rolls up soon enough and you're both on and seated in little time, though you put yourself behind Synthwave again just in case
>Mr. Leering goes and sits upstairs as its a double-decker, so he wouldn't be an issue
"Is the temptation to flash ponies getting a bit higher?"
>You say it under your breath to Synthwave and he laughs
>"Kinda, yeah. At this rate I might find somepony that's into it."
>You frown at him
"I'm into it."
>"I know that, homo, but I mean, you're not the only faggot around."
"Bisexual, actually."
>"Whatever, same difference of finding somepony into traps. Honestly with the high rate of faggotry amongst mares in Canterlot you'd think a bunch of stallions might try it themselves."
>You grin
"Instructions were unclear, they ended up also fucking mares."
>"Heh. Imagine us sharing a mare."
>Whilst that was a bit out of left field, that did sound pretty awesome
>Maybe one day, though you suspect finding a mare into girly stallions is like finding a diamond in the rough
>Then again, there were apparently mares on 4Clop after that
>But then again, again, there are no mares on the internet, they're all either stallions or glowies
>Never trust somepony claiming to be a cute little filly
>"So, where do you wanna go for food after this? Getting hungry my own self."
>You shrug, glancing to him and passing your vision over his prettiness
"Dunno, could always do fast food. Does Stablestack work?"
>"Sure, they have decent hayburgers."
"They're also one of the few chains that does white pudding."
>"Doesn't that have like, pork liver in it?
>You nod
"It's mostly oats though. While the liver adds an almost metallic flavour it's pretty much just deep-fried oaty ungoodness."
>"Eh, never tried it, but deep fried oats sound good. Can you get it without the liver?"
>You shake your head
"It's already mostly removed from what it was."
>He nods his understanding
>"Right, gryphon food, called black pudding before, yeah?"
"Yep, that's it, all sorts of meat and blood in that."
>"If a pony eats black pudding they probably develop a weirder craving for meat."
"So you eat it all the time, then?"
>"I don't crave meat, I *am* the meat that ponies crave."
>Breaking into chuckles, you bump him slightly as you're right up against him anyway
"You're calling yourself a penis."
>"Fuck up and choke on *my* penis, homogay."
"Traps aren't gay?"
>"Traps get to declare if it's not gay or not, and my lawyers say 'fuck you'."
>You're both laughing between yourselves like a pair of idiots by the time you press the button to get off for your stop
>The housing office looms overhead
"Round two, let's get it out the way so I can fucking eat."
>"What the shit, it's *sho* good!"
>Synthwave says through a mouthful of deep fried white pudding
>"I mean, fuck, I can feel my arse ballooning out and my heart shrivelling up, but who the fuck cares."
"Told you."
>Your order in front of you, the sun looks down on your outside table as you work through your meal, Synthwave quickly devouring his own
>The paperwork was sorted, the joint application was filed after the older pegasus made a call to Cherry Pie to confirm everything, and now all that remained was to hear back from the care scheme ponies
>Synthwave is apparently a perfect paragon, and the fact that despite being loud as fuck he'd never gotten any complaints against him meant his sheet was clear
>It was a good ball to have in their court, and you always paid rent on time so that would look good on paper
>All the good points aside it was somewhat in the bag anyway, but it probably didn't hurt
>Now though, it was the waiting game
>And eating well earned easy-on-the-wallet fatty food
>"Rest of the day free, fancy doing anything else?"
"Could always see what's on at the cinema?"
>"Hm, actually! I did see there's a new cyberpunk themed film out?"
>Vaguely, yeah
"The one with Illustrious Cygnet? Didn't know he was in a new film until recently."
>"Dude yeah, *literally* me by the way."
"Know what it's about?"
>He shrugs as he pops some fries in his mouth and takes a swig of cola
>"It's a sequel. He didn't die at the end of the last one even if it gave that impression, and now it's following him as he basically finds a new purpose, or something. Then purpose drops into his lap and of course, action adventure film."
"Well, if it's Cygnet then it'll be good. That stallion could make a film about watching paint dry into an epic."
>"Awesome. We can go to Flick, they're great and their seats actually fit my arse."
"Lower prices and cheaper food too."
"Whatever noble decided that subsidising them was a good idea needs to be given a raise."
>"The rare time that a noble does something that cool."
>The meals in front of the two of you disappear through the rest of the conversation and you're standing on your hooves before long
"Don't be a fat bitch, it's like, twenty minutes away, and it'll burn those calories you just ate."
>"It's more like half an hour, plus, don't you want me to have a bigger arse? Some more cushiony thighs?"
"Only if they're wrapping around my head."
>I suppose that can be arranged, but you'd have to admit your faggotry."
"Hah, best keep myself not gay, I withdraw the statement."
>"Maybe you can have a little gay without it being gay."
>You give him a light shove as you walk
"I don't think it works like that. 'Hm, oh yes I love this cake but it's alright because it's not cake, I cut out a tenth of it while leaving the rest.'"
>He shrugs as he regards you with a slight smile
>"Hey, I don't make the rules, I just work here."
"You work? News to me."
>"I'm in the business."
>An eyebrow raises
"What business is that? Banter or Faggotry?"
>"Higher up, in Shitposting."
>Chuckling, you dip into an alley for a shortcut
"So the elite division of both, what's the salary on that? I need to switch jobs."
>"The grand total sum of zero bits yearly doing it for free and some exposure."
>The winding alley leads through to a miniature crossroads and you have to pause for a moment
>These back ways in ancient cities like Canterlot are almost as ancient as the city itself, yet they still don't show up on any map
>They're often simply known off by hoof or word of mouth
>Such a clash with the newer sections and technology
"I think we go this way."
>"You took an alley without knowing the shortcut?"
"I figured it was a throughway, turns out it's a fucking maze."
>Synthwave laughs, and it echoes along the old walls
>Worse ponies to get stuck in a maze with, I'd wager."
"Oh definitely, I can subsist on thigh and ass meat for weeks to come if I can't get out of here."
>That gets another loudly echoing─
>"Ha! Faggot!"
>─out of him
>For some reason his exclamation coupled with his crossdressing in public just sends you into constant chuckles
>The perfect irony, or heavy hypocrisy perhaps
>He glances at you as his expression turns coy again
>You're quickly learning that's usually a good and bad sign
>As if to demonstrate that fact he steps closer and brushes up against you
>"Hey kid, ever had your dick sucked by a horse?"
>You almost choke as it catches you off guard
"I think I read that one."
>"You will never be the little colt beholden to a giant mare, why live?"
"Many such cases. At least we have traps."
>He's still being coquettish though, bumping you with his haunch
>"Yannow, I ain't much for weird shit, but you make me wanna do weird shit."
>"I mean, public sex shit ain't super weird though I ain't done it before."
>You blush as he gets closer to you
>Where did the awkward trap NEET from the flat that asked you to initiate go?
>Did dressing up imbue him with succubus powers?!
>A hoof touches upon your barrel as his face nears yours
>His lips begin to brush yours
>His hoof doesn't go any further down towards your groin
>You're calling his bluff
>You kiss him back with a deep smooch that turns into a deeper kiss, tasting the residual cola he'd been drinking, and whilst it takes him by surprise he pushes into it
>Then you casually push against his haunch with your hoof and squeeze, igniting your horn to poke at his fat dock
>Just lightly
>It makes him jump as he stumbles back and your hoof moves behind his haunch across his croup and cup a buttock
>"Woah, uh, I wasn't too serious, yannow?"
>*There's* the awkward trap NEET
>Giving him another peck on his lovely pillowy lips you pull back
"I know, you absolute fucking faggot."
>Turning away you return to picking a direction out of the alley maze
"What way do we go, though?"
>"Damn, just done with the kissing?"
"Well we *are* meant to be seeing a film. If you really want, we can kiss in the cinema so long as there aren't many ponies around."
>"Sold, but not in a gay way, that would be gay."
"Noted, so what way?"
>He shrugs as he considers a direction
>"Always go north when possible."
"Eh? I'm fairly certain Flick is to the west."
>"You asked."
"Fuck it, let's try this way."
>You start walking, the shabby off-white walls on either side varying in their tone until you reach another split
>"I don't recall landing in a dungeon crawler isekai, sure fucking feels like it though."
"That would make a decent title though."
"Sure. 'Accidentally transported to an ancient world with a cute companion that's actually a trap?!' It would sell like hotcakes."
>"That does sound pretty good, actually. It's lewd, right?"
"Gratuitous sexual scenes and trap ponut/dick worship every few dozen pages through angled pulled-aside panty shots."
>"Sweet, I'd fund it."
"And it wouldn't be gay to read, or watch if it ever got adapted into hentai, because traps aren't gay."
>"Unless *you're* the one reading or watching it."
"I feel as if you're arbitrarily swapping rules on me."
>"I wouldn't do a thing like that."
>Another turn off comes up, though it looks promising
>It does thankfully soon lead you out where you see some parked propulsives in some sort of vehicle park
>"I think I recognise this street."
"Oh? Lead the way."
>Synthwave stops, and smirks at you
>"Hey, look at that sign."
>Glancing up, you roll your eyes
>The sign marked outside of a shop is 'Western Cosmetics'
>"Told you we should head north."
"'O, great bountiful trap of the thick caked up ass, what is thy great wisdom?"
>"Let not the dicks or balls touch without first declaring 'no homo', lest ye be considered a homosexual of the highest order. Tips can kiss though, that shit's hot."
>"Wisdom for the ages."
>You slow a little as he leads so you can also ogle said thick caked up ass
>Synthwave wiggles his massive bottom a bit as he catches your eyes wandering
>The next street looks much more recognisable, the next one up ahead leads near to a hobby shop
>You're both just walking now seeing as the alley maze was escaped and the general direction is known
>A couple more roads and you're on Flick's street
>Flick itself is a rather large building, converted from an old theatre when a newer and grander one was built in Upper Canterlot
>Apparently the Princesses used to visit it a lot but it still wasn't really big enough to accommodate their sheer size, hence the new one
>It was likely the reason the seats were so big
>The grand scale of it comes into view and becomes a minor thought as you enter
>Luckily for you both, it seems the next showing of the film you're after is in about ten minutes as you interrogate the cashier for information
>Grabbing your wonderfully cheap and still decent snacks and drinks, you carry Synthwave's too seeing as he has all of his bags
>He doesn't protest it, though before you can blink he's paid for them with his stick card
>Your showing is downstairs in screen three and you make your way down, though not before taking the horn dousers presented to you
>Given to unicorns so they can still use their magic whilst dampening the glow around their horn so it doesn't distract from the film, much like a phone might
>Moving downstairs towards the screen you get to watch Synthwave's arse bounce with each step, a nice little bonus
>The place is pretty deserted when you trot inside, though you suppose the film has been out for a few weeks now going by what the cashier said
>Seeing as you've already eaten you hopefully won't burn through your snacks anytime soon as you wait for the film to begin
>Synthwave moves up the stairs to the middle, everypony else currently present being somewhere near the front
>Then he moves a bit further up
>The normal seats are bigger than usual, but they're more so here
>It's also out of sight for most if they look back, at least when the film starts and the lights go down
>That's not foreboding at all
>You get situated somewhere in the middle of the row for maximum viewing ability and Synthwave settles into his seat with a sigh
>"Best seats in the house. Gimmie mah snacks."
>Apparently not opting to use his own magic to bring them over, he wiggles his forehooves at you instead
>Tutting good-naturedly, you float his food and drink across to him
>*Then* he takes it all in his magic and places it in the seat holders
"You couldn't have done that, hm?"
>"I'm just so tired from carrying all those bags and sweating my arse off in this dress. I don't know how mares do it."
>Synthwave doesn't actually look sweaty, still, you wouldn't want to be the one wearing the dress, and it looks better on him
>His bags are piled on the seat next to him, though it's not like the seat is going to be taken
>The lights are already pretty dim as the previews then start to come on
>It's all the usual age-appropriate-for-the-film-rating stuff
>Considering it's a 17 and not something like a CM, thus for anypony that's gotten their cutie mark, the trailers that come on aren't bad
>If it was an FY, CM, or PG, it was usually a kiddy film and thus the trailers were so mundane it hurt
>Synthwave must have looked old enough to have gotten his cutie mark because he wasn't ID'd for his age or to show his mark at all
>It wasn't uncommon for younger ponies to try sneaking into higher rated films by putting on some clothing that hid their lack of a cutie mark and praying to Celestia that they looked old enough to pass the cashier
>You might have tried that when you were younger and totally not failed to convince the ticket clerk outside the screening room
>Didn't even get a refund for your bits...
>The next trailer that flashes on screen is something to do with pirates and airships, it honestly doesn't look too bad
>Synthwave catches your attention by offering some of his gummy sweets in his icy corona
>You snatch them out of the air with your mouth as they float by and one of them that survived trails away from you
>You smile as you follow it back to see it hovering in front of Synthwave's mouth
>Horny bastard, literally
>You lean forwards to grab it before it's swiftly moved out of the way and you lock lips with Synthwave
>The single gummy sweet momentarily forgotten, you lean further into the kiss and end your tongues end up wrestling for control
>Feeling a little self-conscious in public though, you pull back with a slight burn to your cheeks and glance forward
>Nopony else is even peeking in your direction, it's too dim and they're all focused on themselves or the screen
>"Hey, nopony gives a fuck, keep kissing me."
>Synthwave's magic gently attempts to persuade your head to move back
>Letting his magic through, you're faced towards those pouty lips and rather quickly smooching them again
>They're so soft and silky, like he uses moisturising lip balm everyday or something
>Maybe it's just part of his lucky trap package of looking so amazing
>Trap package
>Synthwave has one of those
>You chuckling distracts Synthwave as your smiling is also causing interference with the kissing
>His nose hovers close to yours as one of his eyebrows raises quizzically as his pretty eyes search for an answer
>"What's got you so amused?"
>You gently shake your head
"Stupid thought, don't worry about it."
>He smirks
>"Love me some stupid thoughts, let's hear it."
"It's not funny if I have to explain it."
>"Then don't, just say whatever the thought is."
>You shrug
"Trap package."
>That makes him snort down into your chest
>He looks back up at you with a wry expression
>"Just thinking on the goods, huh?"
"Oh yeah, can't resist."
>"I mean, it's perfectly fine if you want to think about my trap package, I've no issue with that."
"See, now I feel I have to explain the context."
>He smiles again as he pops the floating sweet in his mouth
>"Oh nah, no need, you want to play with my trap package, I get it."
"Pft, I never said I wanted to do that."
>"So you don't want to play with me? Damn."
"I never said that either."
>"So you *do* want to play with my trap package?"
"You keep relating this to your dick."
>"Does trap package refer to my arse?"
>You shrug, glancing down to his seat where his massive haunches and bum are filling it out very nicely
"That'd be a pretty fucking heavy package."
>"You're saying you can't lift that?"
"Eh, I'd probably manage."
>Synthwave's face that had been slowly reverting back to its usual bored look went back to being coy
>"Let's test that theory, shall we?"
>You begin to protest, quietly, but your words fall on deaf ears as Synthwave hops out of his seat and just as quickly moves in front of you
>Your mind blanks a little as he hikes up the hem of the dress and you get a full view of fat trap booty and bits before he somewhat gently throws himself into your lap
>Somewhat gently, as in, not at all, but his arse is so hefty that the impact is cushioned rather well
>Like a memory foam mattress, he slowly sinks into your lap
>His haunches and thick cheeks sort of mould around you, making for a very soft, if a bit heavy, lap pillow
>Another reason for your mind blanking to some degree is that Synthwave is still wearing those very nice silky panties
>The tight black ones that are both somewhat sheer and tight
>His tail is positioned out of the way, draped somewhat over the hoofrest of the seat
>And you, of course, are not wearing anything
>Your groin is mashed right up against what you're very certain is his perineum, held in those silky undergarments
>It's a lot of stimulation, and you can already feel yourself starting to harden out of your sheath as you redden
"Uh, S-synth?"
>He draws out, smirking back at you as he leans back and whispers
>"Managing well enough?"
>Saying it whilst wiggling his immense backside against your extending dick
"Fucking Hades."
>One of those especially cute giggles comes from him as his magic teases your hooves into moving from behind his thick croup to rest around wide marely hips
>"Gotta say, this is driving me nuts."
>You can't help but scoff
"Driving *you* nuts?"
>"Oh fuck yeah, my heart's going a million miles a minute right now."
>Yeah that was about the half of it, your coat is meant to be a somewhat leafy shade of green but right now it's probably closer to a salmon pink
>Did it embarrass Synthwave to do this as well?
>He's clearly–
>"You're an odd guy, Anon."
"Pardon? Says the trap with his ass in my lap."
>"Just that I mean I don't really do this shit, going out to films and dolling up, and here you've got me being all proactively pervy too."
>He gives an amused hum as he wiggles back into you again, your dick now definitely erect
>It's caught between his huge bottom and if you angle your neck down you can see your thick tip pushed up just past his fat dock, the tail almost covering it
>You gasp as his wiggles squishes his equally pronounced ponut against your shaft
>It's *so* soft in the panties
>"You know, usually by now I'm in bed napping because I've had too much interaction, but I guess you just bring out the energy in me."
"Sounds like a good thing?"
>He shrugs a little
>"It's not bad, honestly. Maybe horniness plays a role."
>Another sensation-inducing wiggle
>"I'm pretty fucking horny right now."
"N-no shit."
>"Seriously, I've never harnessed horny energy before. This must be what it's like for mares."
>A pause
>"As an aside, I'm also pretty certain this is homosexual behaviour."
"Can't be, traps aren't gay."
>"Maybe so, but..."
>"Hmm, yep, our balls are touching."
>Oh, so *that's* what that slight warmth and weight is
"It's all good, you're wearing panties, they're not touching fully."
>He sniggers into a hoof
>"Oh thank fuck, I thought this was supremely faggy for a moment."
>Squeezing your hooves around his curvy middle, you chuckle into his back with a light kiss to the small of his croup
"You're by far the weirdest pony I've ever met, it has to be said."
>The situation is so bizarre it's begun to normalise, and your large erection pushing up against his nearly bare ponut is simply just mildly worrying
>If only because there lies the possibility of getting caught as you're in public
>All this and the film hasn't even begun yet
>The lights do start to dim further into almost complete dark, the light of the giant screen glowing as the film then becomes presented, the previews finished
>You float on your horn douser and Synthwave does the same, albeit a tad reluctantly
>"Can you see the screen?"
>Synthwave says, as he leans back to one side against you
>With your hooves around his barrel and leaning slightly to the other side, you can
>"Are your legs dead yet?"
"I'm not that weak."
>"Cool, guess I've got the best seat in the house."
"Don't *I* have the best seat?"
>"Best lap warmer, maybe, but my seat has a dick."
>He gyrates against your cock agonisingly slowly, forcing an exhalation from you
"Fucking─Synth, calm it down."
>"But my seat has a dick."
>You squeeze your hooves against the softness over his taut belly
"And my lap warmer has a dick, but you don't see me playing with it."
>"You can if you like to?"
>Synthwave shakes his large bottom again as he says it
>Burning, you try and simply focus on the film now rolling into the opening scene
>As you're actually here to watch a film, Synthwave does also turn his attention to the screen
>Though it doesn't stop him from idly shifting his comfortable weight around every moment he remembers to elicit some kind of reaction from you
>It's mostly just distracting sensation
>You swear, you're going to...
>What are you going to do, Anon?
>Kiss him? That'll just encourage him further
>...Play with him? That might also just encourage him further
>You could always push him off, but you like the softness and the hot nature of the situation you're embroiled in
>Maybe you'll just have to endure
>Your erection isn't going away anytime soon either
>Maybe it's the warmth of clothing, the seats, and two bodies pushed together, but it's getting ever to easier to slide against him
>Shiny Synthwave ponut...
>That or you're just leaking
>Either way, it's more stimulation that's taking you away from the current scene of the film
>You do your best to soldier on and watch, burning your way through your snacks
>Nothing majorly lewd occurs until maybe halfway through the film near a sort of expository part
>Synthwave gets up for a moment from using you as his seat, and a cold chill settles as he flaps the hem of his dress for some airflow
>Your cock is still sort of slick, so it's a mixture of warmth and arousal making things damp then
>He positions and sits back down into your lap again, yet not before snagging your dick in his magic and moving it
>The immediate burning thought for what he might be trying to do and that comes to mind is the obvious one
>A fleeting wish to feel the encompassing and tightly wet warmth of what would follow passes through your mind and causes your heart to skip a beat
>That's actually thankfully annulled when your tip simply slides pleasurably between his chunky thighs whilst his soft buttocks settles around you once more
>He squeezes your thick shaft with his thighs as your dick pushes up under his groin and likely somewhat into his lap
>He whispers to you, your ear flicking as he leans in
>"Don't mind me, Anon."
>A little more self-conscious, you turn your attention towards the film
>It's fine, Anon, just that... he now has control of your dick
>And your dick is pushed up against his balls, contained in those silky panties
>It's perfectly, dangerously fine
>His dress and tail are covering things, so it's not like it's visible
>Though whilst it's not like attendants come through to shine a torch at folk much anymore, it doesn't mean it couldn't happen
>You can't imagine what *that* occurrence would be like
>Slipping off your lap to reveal your burgeoning erection with a sheepish smile and a 'Oh, who put that penis there?' probably wouldn't cut it with the staff
>The current scene playing has some good action with Cygnet's character getting out of some trouble
>Though it's hard to focus on it as apparently, a horny Synthwave is a bold Synthwave, and as his hooves are resting on your own to keep them at his slim barrel, his magic...
>...Is every now and then stroking at your tip
>It's nothing but the odd graze here and there, but it's a flaring alarm in your mind
>One of pleasure and agitation
>He's quite magically capable, you must admit, he's got his drink and sipping at it whilst it floats along with his food, and his magic is touching you as well
>And he's doing that whilst watching the film, more or less
>He's only half watching really, looking more attentive to how much he can tease you
>Synthwave deems that he's not getting nearly enough of a reaction for his liking as you try to take a sip of your drink and nearly choke on your mouthful as his magic envelops your dick
>Of course he's only gone and cast his onahole spell he'd been using on himself the other day
>A perfect replica of a mare's tight silky vulva encompasses your tip and swallows your wide shaft in a dark blue haze, a deeper shade than Synthwave's eyes
>The dousers have that effect, but not on overall casting ability
>He smiles, quite smug, as he's certainly succeeded in getting the desired effect as he leans back towards you with his lips pursed
>With no real ability left to focus on the film, you give up and push your lips against his satiny own, the onahole magic gently pumping away at your throbbing cock
>Though you do really *really* concentrate on not blowing your load, making a mess of his nice gothic dress and the seat in front wouldn't be a good move
>And what if the force of your eruption is strong enough to go over the seat and down in front?
>That horrifying thought in mind, you break up the kiss after a few seconds
"C-can you, uh, calm it down?"
"What is it con-contingent on?"
>"Hm, touch me?"
>He says as the onahole spell gives you another blindingly slow stroke that sends sparks up your spine and makes you gasp
"Touch you? I *am* touching you."
>You gently squash your hooves his barrel and hips for emphasis
>"Not there..."
>Leading by example, you jolt just a bit as the frog of one of his hooves massages over the head of your mast
"S-synth, c'mon!"
>"C'mon, Anon. It's not gay if it's a trap, right?"
>That wasn't actually what you were worried about, and at this juncture you're fairly certain that line has been crossed so far that you've looped at least twice
"If we get caught then I'm going to... to do something annoying you won't like."
>Halfway between giggling at your shit threat and teasing you, he shuts you up with another amazing and distracting kiss as his magic eases up on the onahole spell
>Just enough that your eyes don't cross at least
>Between the kiss and the stimulation it's not much effort to shift a hoof forwards, but it pauses as your horn lights up instead, fumbling at his taut belly
>There's a break in the kissing as he nudges you
>"That's not your hoof."
"You never said I had to use my hoof."
>Your dark green magic ─usually a lighter green like your eyes─ moves down lower
>The kinetic feedback of grabbing an object starts to link back as the corona passes over what you're going to readily assume is Synthwave's now erect dick under the dress and panties
>The magic registers the taut panties stretching as it moves underneath and registers the presence of organic matter
>That is to say, the penis
>Given his hum of confirmation or possible amusement as your magic field surrounds it, you'd guess it is
>Feels about the right size and shape
>The thing with magic was that it couldn't 'feel' as such, but you could feel *it*
>Synthwave's gasps as you both returns to kissing meant you were on the money
>The corona moves gently as you employ more of a massage than anything, like you're trying to pick up an object and only half-arsing it
>Generally it formed a partial field that would begin to fold in on itself and push whatever is being picked up around if it has any proper mass
>It's very useful for actual self-done back massages after a hard day of shit work
>...Maybe you should learn the onahole spell
>Synthwave would definitely teach it to you, along with the bubble shield spell for soundproofing
>You open your eyes mid kiss and note that despite the lower light level he's got some serious bedroom eyes going on
>"Don't go making me cum, alright?"
>You smile at him
"Says you, you're the one torturing me with proper spells."
>"I'm m-much more sensitive."
>Is that so?
>Maybe it was time the turn finally tables
>Your magic ceases casting and he seems miffed for a second before your horn glows lowly in the douser again
>His pretty eyes go wide in mute alarm and he taps a hoof against your chest to little effect
>"N-not there, dummy!"
"Oh? Too sensitive?"
>He almost hisses it in your ear, taking a deep breath as he leans into your neck
>"S-seriously... I'll make a mess."
>Big arses mean big ponuts, and ponuts are full of nerve endings, you knew very well from your previous time with a mare
>Whilst you'd always hoped to get with a mare with a *massive* ponut, Synthwave ticked that box by himself with flying colours
>You give him a good taste of his own medicine as your magic languidly strokes over the highly sensitive thick ring of muscle once more for good measure
>It makes him almost buck like he's been struck by lightning and he pushes his lips against yours to muffle his wonderful moan as he shakes from the sensation
>Fucking hell, this trap
>Not that it was difficult to have guess, but you found his ultimate weak spot
>Should have been the obvious nuclear option to begin with, really, though it wasn't as if your relationship was quite at that point before
>Well, the button's been pushed now, figuratively and literally
>Though you do relent, as Synthwave also shooting a massive load all over the floor would be linked back to the ponies in the seats
>You're quite sure that Flick has a strict 'no sexual activities' policy
>"I'll be good for now."
>He says it in your ear after giving you another smooch, turning back and resting against you
>'Being good' in this context is ceasing the onahole spell, though his magic still idly tweaks your erection around playfully
>Much in a similar manner to how your magic had been working, in an impromptu massage that's more nice than pleasurable
>Not to say it isn't, just that it's not nearly as intense
>You can actually get more engrossed in the film again, even with both of your respective magical fields playing grabbing games with each others dicks
>You use your hooves you drink your drink and eat your snacks as you're having to put concentration into both the film and maintaining your 'massage'
>Synthwave isn't having any issue there, and seizes your items from you, holding them just in your peripherals for whenever you want some
>Given that you were pretty distracted for over half the showing with a fat-arsed trap stealing your attention and making you aroused, you only have a general idea of what's going on
>The film winds down as you're trying to piece together what actually happened, whilst Synthwave lifts his mighty backside off of you to get some airflow again
>Your dick is slick with sweat and arousal, all you can really do is wait for it to retract and let it dry
>Definitely going to need a shower when you get home
>You wonder how Synthwave is...
>Oh, the panties are coming off
>He's slipping them down and off his hooves discreetly as the credits finally roll, stuffing them into another part of his saddlebag as he sits back in his seat
>"Damn, things got pretty warm there for a moment, huh?"
>His magic moves one of his other bags into your lap to hide your still calming dick as the music of the credits keeps on
"'Warm' is an understatement."
>"Hot under the collar?"
"Yeah, a bit, I wonder how that saying came about?"
>"Eh, who cares."
>You watch the scenic cool vistas of the credits whilst everything settles and you can finally get up without issue and ditch the douser on your horn
>"Fun film?"
>Synthwave smiles as he says it, getting up and collecting his stuff as he discards his douser too
"I didn't get to watch half the film, I got somewhat waylaid."
>The smile gets smug as he takes the lead on leaving
>"Oh yeah? How'd that happen?"
"Wish I knew, but now my balls hurt and I can't think straight."
>"Sounds like you had a good night out."
"Probably gonna need to rewatch the film though."
>"Eh, we can do that back at mine, I can grab a torrent."
"It's been out long enough?"
>He nods, and you watch the hypnotic sashay of his bouncy arse in the tight dress
>The mind is being distracted
>"Oh yeah, saw it on PlatRips."
"They kinda get every film pretty quick, but not usually weekly fast."
>"They do when it's a popular Cygnet film. His character from Chauffer is the mascot of the site after all."
"He is literally me."
>"No, fuck you, he can't be you because he's literally me."
>The film was a couple of hours long and the time flew like nopony's business, yet it's only around three in the afternoon
>It's still somewhat sunny when you get outside the theatre and keep on
>"I can't wait to get home though."
"Same here, it'll be nice to just lay down after a shower."
>"Shower sounds good. Hm, then we can cuddle."
"Cuddle? What a fag."
"What's the difference?"
>He bumps you with his sizable haunch with a bit of force and knocks you off your path momentarily
>His arse truly is a weapon to be reckoned with
>Getting back onto the bus when it comes along, there's still a few sets of eyes on Synthwave and his drop-dead gorgeousness
>"Don't we get the all-day price now?"
>He says as he taps his stick card
"I mean, I do, I tapped it three times today, you only tapped it twice and paid with cash in the morning."
>"Oh, yeah. Ah well, two singles it is."
"Oh no, you have lost four bits, whatever will you do. Surely you will now starve, such woe."
>"Hah hah, jackass."
>When you take your seat next to the window, Synthwave sits down besides you with his bags and squishes you in with his arse
>You've come to think it's a very good feeling
>As the bus starts to move along smoothly, the last ponies to get on the bus come near the back where you're sitting, just behind you
>You're honestly not too surprised that they take an immediate interest in Synthwave
>It's basically mandatory at this point, he really *does* rock what he wears
>Now you're wondering if he'd manage to pull off one of those fancy one-piece swimsuits
>Imagining Syntheave bulge and ponut in a tight black one-piece that contrasts with his coat is a sexy thought, but you don't want to get hard again
>At the very least, the ponies behind talking are a distraction as they mention Synthwave by description
>'Dude, she's hot as fuck, the size of her fucking haunches.'
>'Look at that guy, how'd he pull a babe like that?'
>They're not being as subtle as they think they are, their whispering is almost at a normal conversational tone
>'I'd make sure she got a proper fuck.'
>Synthwave laughs, snapping them out of their 'whispering'
>'Yeah filly, we'd take good care of you. More than this loser.'
>They're talking directly in your direction now
>You don't really need to say anything. They're morons and morons will do moron things
>'I'm really good at eating pussy, I'll give you a free sample.'
>Synthwave's flat expression turns into a grin as he turns to them
>You know what's coming
>Shifting his hefty bum around he keeps the grin
>"You sure you want that?"
>'Sure, we can go back to my place.'
>'Triple team, let's go.'
>You feel yourself smiling as Synthwave's horn ignites and he lifts the hem of the dress
>"Go ahead, colts, have fun."
>As you'd expected, it takes them by surprise
>'Oh shit, what the fuck, dude!'
>Laughing with Synthwave as they immediately leave for the upper level of the double-decker, he nudges you with a hoof as he settles back
>"*That's* more the usual reaction I get, it's mostly funny."
"A bit, certainly sent them running."
>"Hm, it's one of those things I can't control of course, the weirder reaction normally comes from the lack of a cutie mark."
>He shrugs, smiling slightly
>"Now I'm feeling tired, ha."
"We can definitely snuggle when we get in."
>He leans into your shoulder with a giggle
>"Hmm, snuggle and chill."
>That catches your interest considering your expanded interest
"Chill, eh?"
>"I'm pretty horny, you've gotta be super horny after me amusing myself, why not... experiment, have some fun?"
>He emphasises the statement with a light peck on your shoulder
>Fun with a trap, in his flat, on a huge queen-sized comfy bed after being all damp from a nice shower and relaxed from a film
>Now just what could *that* entail?
>You give Synthwave a smooch as you bump his nose with your own
"Sounds like a plan to me, faggot."
by Jessi
by Jessi