Act 1: A Doomed Man
>"Hey girls, you ever wonder why Anon is always alone?"
>You look in the direction of Sunset's extended index finger, landing on the odd, disheveled-looking boy sitting at his own table on the other side of the cafeteria
>You are Twilight Sparkle and this is the second time you've even noticed the new CHS student since he enrolled three weeks ago
>Rainbow Dash waves her hand dismissively with a cavalier expression.
>"Pfffttt, that kid's got problems. He's gotta be the only guy in the history of the school who managed to get kicked out of Cheerilee's class. I mean honestly, what the fuck?"
>"Language, dear," Rarity admonishes Rainbow with a hmmph before putting a finger to her lip thoughtfully.
>"Though, now that you mention it, I must say that is quite...odd. What on Earth could this Anon ruffian have done to get on that absolutely lovely woman's bad side?"
>Rainbow pounds her fist on the table for emphasis. "That's exactly my point! I have that period with him; she was just giving a normal lecture and this goddamn spazz bursts out of his seat and starts going on this unhinged, psycho rant about how she's corrupting the minds of the youth with propaganda or some shit."
>Applejack squints her eyes in skepticism at that. "Ah don't know, that doesn't sound real likely. Boy's got an awful thick accent, ya'll might have misheard him, don't cha think?"
>"Um, n-not to i-interrupt or a-a-anything, but I also saw anon yell very, um, quite loudly at Vice Principal Luna in the hallway. He said she was exploiting the school's manual laborers and that she better s-s-sleep with one e-eye open."
>The whole table gives a gasp at that.
>Threatening Vice Principal Luna? Who IS this guy?
>All you know about Anon is that he is new to the school, has an extremely pronounced Russian accent, and is quite handsome
>Wait what
>where did that last part come from
>Forget you said that
>Focus Twilight
>Pinkie is saying something
>"-positively, absofrutely, catastrophinifically, aerodynamicociously, unacceptable! We HAVE to get to the bottom of this and become super best, close, happy, comfy, accomplices-but-only-for-felony-misdemeanors-and-not-truly-reprehensible-crimes-style friends with Anon!"
>Yep you've seen this before
>Pinkie's talking so much without breathing that her head looks like it's about to pop
>You put your hand up and your friends quiet down
"Have any of you even considered the possibility that maybe Anon is just an introvert and doesn't want or need any new friends?"
>At that, your friends all look to each other sheepishly in quiet thought
>Damn Twilight, you're getting better at being the voice of reason
>Don't stop now
"Honestly, I think you might be jumping the gun a little; just because he apparently has a temper, that's no reason to assume that Anon is some kind of deviant or threat to public security!"
>Be Anon, committed revolutionary and violent threat to public security
>Well, technically it's Aнoнымoyc, but these filthy disgusting American pigs have bastardized the transliteration to the horrid "Anonymous"
>Tangent over
>Be former Narodnaya Volya operative, deeply involved in the plot to bomb the Winter Palace in 1880
>The plan was going along swimmingly and you were constructing one of the explosive devices with your comrade, Pyotr Yevseyev, when the damnable bomb blew up in both your faces
>You suspect that Pyotr, the dimwitted ignoramus, got one of the chemical formulas wrong
>May he burn in Hell for forsaking the revolution with his stupidity
>In any case, rather than being welcomed into the sweet warm arms of black, swirling oblivion, like all natural law led you to believe was the likely course, you ended up here
>This brightly colored, strange, futuristic land of consumerist degeneracy and rotten bourgeois exploitation
>Makes you sick to your goddamn stomach
>Given that you at first spoke no English and hadn't the faintest idea how to navigate life in this bizarre new world, you quickly ended up living on the streets
>Fortunately, in your futile efforts to organize the other bums into a revolutionary cell, you managed to pick up some decent English and you can now communicate with the proletarians (or what's left of them) in their own language
>Afterward, there were several failed attempts to unionize some warehouse workers, some grocery store workers, and some construction workers
>Now you've settled on so-called "Canterlot High School", a fertile ground for taking back the minds of the youth from their hideous slave drivers
>Assuming an an identity as a student was easy, given the utter stupidity of the school administration, your youthful features, and, most importantly, your superhuman talent for forging legal documents
>Students' minds can be molded so easily and you suspect that in a mere matter of months you will have control over the entire school
>If these stupid bastards would shut the fuck up and listen to you for even a second
>Hence, your current activity
>In the useless period allotted for "lunch" (there is no time to eat when the revolution awaits!), you've been writing down your machinations
>Looking at your notes sprawled along the empty cafeteria table, you can't help but chortle ever so slightly
>This is the best idea you've ever had
>Of course, this beautiful moment has to be interrupted by a grating female voice coughing "politely" directly behind you
>Nearly makes you jump out of your fucking skin
>You turn around to face the...bacon(?)-haired high school girl standing awkwardly behind you with a small smile
>"Hi, my name is Sunset Shimmer! I noticed you sitting over here and thought I'd just pop over and say hi real quick," she says with an irritatingly bubbly disposition
>However, behind the facade, you see grit, determination, and strength in her eyes
>Could she be a viable candidate for the Society?
>Okay Anon, here is a golden opportunity for recruitment
>Don't blow this
>Time to turn on the charm
>Be Sunset Shimmer
>Be absolutely fucking horrified at the contorted expression on Anon's face
>Is that supposed to be a smile?
>Jesus christ, this may have been a bad idea
>But you're no quitter and it's too late to back out now
>Before the day is done, you WILL be friends with this mysterious foreign exchange student
>"Ah, Miss Shimmer, how wonderful for you to join me. My name is Anon. Please, take a seat."
>Anon gestures to the seat opposite him with an exaggerated flair
>You suspect he's trying to be a gentleman, but he's coming across more like he wants to rape you, eat your organs, and wear your face as a mask
>Okay that was a little too graphic Sunset, nice thoughts only
>You resolutely sit down opposite from Anon, giving the friendliest expression you can
>As you do so, Anon quickly sweeps all of his many scattered pieces of notebook paper into a huge, disorganized folder
>You only managed to get a brief look at the pages, but they were clearly written in some other language (presumably Russian), though you saw some diagrams and flowcharts
>Homework, probably
>Focusing your eyes on Anon now, a few things immediately come to the forefront of your mind
>First, he's got bulging psycho eyes with dark bags under them and he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks
>Secondly, his clothes are cheap and wrinkled, his hair is completely unkempt, and his face is covered in scars
>And finally, he's actually quite nice looking (you might even go so far as handsome), but his underlying features are completely negated by the other two things
>But, if there's one thing you've learned from your friendship with the other girls, it's not to judge a book by its cover
>Shaking your head of any negative preconceptions about the boy in front of you, you firmly place your arms on the table, lean forward, and take a deep breath
"So, Anon, tell me a little bit about yourself. Why did you transfer to CHS?"
>Be Anon
>Fuck, you weren't expecting that one
>Quick, think on your feet Anon, Bacon-Hair is looking at you expectantly
>Why would a Russian student transfer to this shitty school?
>You've got it
"Ah, well, you see, there was great deal of political repression in my former country. I decided that I had to escape Russia to a more free, open environment."
>You focus on making your eyes watery and you try to sound as somber as possible about your tragic departure from your homeland as you gaze wistfully off in the distance
>Is she buying it?
>You move you eyes away from their distant position and look back at Sunset for a moment
>She's nodding sympathetically and her sensitive, pretty eyes are filled with compassion
>Uh, did you say pretty?
>You meant proletarian
>Yes, proletarian
>"That's just awful, Anon. It really gets me upset to think that there are still countries in the world without freedom or democracy!"
>You grit your teeth and clench your fists at that remark
>Stupid, foolish, idiot pig girl, do you not understand you are LIVING in one such country?
>Focus, Anon
>Deep breaths
>She means well, you're sure of it.
>And she would be an excellent addition to the Cause
"Yes, well, it's nice to be back here in the USA. Though..."
>Okay here it goes
>Time to plant the seed of pity in her naive, girlish heart
>You love this part
"I must admit, it has been difficult getting settled in. S-some of the students don't take so kindly to my accent or the way I do things. And I do miss my family very much."
>You add some shaking and trembling to your voice for good measure
>Sunset gasps at the revelation, her own expression seeming troubled; like she's gazing upon a baby bird with a broken wing
>You'll have to train her to be much less gullible in the future, but for now her childlike trust is working in your favor
>"Your family didn't move with you?" Sunset asks softly, her own voice a little shaky
>Now's the climax of this performance
>The future candidacy of your recruit DEPENDS on you getting this part right
>You shake your head grimly before speaking
"I have six brothers and sisters, you see. My parents had to stay behind in Russia to raise them. I try to send money back now and again, but I can only work part time, so I worry it's not enough to feed and shelter them. I worry so much for them...."
>Dear God, even you are impressed with that delivery
>You briefly consider breaking down into tears, but decide that would be a little too on the nose
>And unnecessary
>Looking back at Bacon-Hair, she's having to fight back tears as she looks between the ground and behind your shoulder (what is she looking at? Another table, perhaps) repeatedly
>She's clearly wrestling with some sort of internal conflict
>You barely even realize you're holding your breath as you wait for her to respond
>Come on you damn, silly, sweet-smelling girl, take the fucking bait!
>Oh, her perfume
>Well it is intoxicating, but you chastise yourself for noticing such a petty, trivial, useless thing nonetheless
>Finally, the girl speaks
>"Hey, I know lunch is almost over, but would you wanna meet my friends later? Maybe after school? We could even go hang out and do something fun, if you wanted. No, pressure though!"
>You close your eyes and summon every ounce of mental willpower you have not to display your triumphant rapture
>This is it
>This is your way into student body, your way to propagate your ideas among the youthful, impressionable masses
>Your way to spark the Revolution
>Clearing your throat, you respond as calmly as you can to the girl's inquiry
"Why Sunset, I have to say: That sounds like a fantastic idea."
>You are Sunset Shimmer
>And you are incredibly ashamed of yourself right now
>You had assumed so much negative shit about Anon, all without even so much as SPEAKING to the guy first
>After finally having a conversation with him, you see that his eccentricities are just a mix of culture shock, homesickness, and overwork
>Having to work a job to help his family on the other side of the planet?
>You shiver at the thought
>This poor, generous kid needs your help and you're gonna give it to him
>But you've quickly realized that you can't do it alone
>They may not like the idea at first, but you're sure that once you explain the situation to them, the girls will assist you
>They HAVE to, Anon NEEDS you all
>Standing up with renewed vigor at his acceptance of your offer, you give him the biggest, beaming smile you can
"Perfect! You know the statue in the courtyard?"
>Anon nods quickly, a small smile spreading across his own face
>Look at that, you're already managing to cheer him up!
"Meet me there after last period. I'll introduce you to the girls."
>After Anon confirms this plan, you walk back to the table
>The bell rings just as you get there, signalling the end of lunch
>As the girls all stand up and pack their stuff, Pinkie spots you first
>She doesn't even wait for you to open your mouth before badgering you with a million questions
>"SUNNY! Did you talk to him? Was he nice? Were YOU nice? What part of Russia is he from? Where did he get the scars? Oooh, does he like parties? What am I saying, EVERYONE likes parties! Did you tell him about us? Did you tell him about me? Is he gonna help me plan a party for him? What's his favorite type of cake? OH, I HAVE THE BEST IDE-"
>You clamp Pinkie's lips shut with your fingers
>You hate having to do that, but this called for extreme measures
>Applejack chuckles bemusedly at your antics
>"Really though, how'd it go?" she asks in her folksy drawl
>You perk up and start explaining the situation to the girls
>By the end of your brief retelling of the encounter, you can tell they've all warmed up a bit to the idea of Anon, though some skepticism remains
>"I don't know, he still seems like kind of a jerk to me," Rainbow says in her usual brash tone
>Twilight rolls her eyes at that, but she's not much better
>"Well, personally, I still think he probably just likes his alone time. But, if you really think introducing us all will help, I'm always up for meeting new friends!"
>All the girls are on board
>As you make your way to your next class, you can't keep the smile off your face or the bounce from your step
>Soon, Anon will know the joys of having friends and he'll really start to relax and fit in
>Hell, before you know it, he might even become one of your best friends
>You like that idea: The first girl to befriend the cute Russian immigrant student
>Did you say cute?
>You meant quiet
>Yes, quiet
>Walking through the door to your next class, you hope no one notices the twinge of pink in your cheeks
>Oh well, not like they can read your mind
>Besides, you have nothing but noble intentions
>Noble intentions for the mysterious, complicated, kind figure that is Anon
>You may not know everything about him yet but one thing is certain:
>He's got a heart of gold
>You are Anon, currently reviewing your bomb diagrams
>Sitting on a bench in the empty hallway, you're technically supposed to be in class right now
>But your class this period is US History, and you just don't have it in you to listen to the bourgeois propaganda today
>Anyway, back to the diagrams
>You are actually very proud of your designs here
>Not only are these sophisticated devices capable of doing a great deal of damage, but you believe the raw materials should be relatively easy to acquire and assemble
>The real question is what their target will be
>Pulling out some pages from your folder, you give your brainstorm list a quick glance
>You've tentatively considered the school's power grid, the principal's office, the security guard's office, and the football field as potential strike points
>But they all leave you feeling underwhelmed
>The opening move of the revolution has to be something big, dramatic, and effective; otherwise you will not be able to maintain the faith of the Student Revolutionary Front you are planning on forming
>It's times like these that you wish you had your old comrades with you, helping you concoct a masterful plot
>Sighing, you put your plans back in the folder and instead pull out a big stack of flyers and leaflets
>Designed by Yours Truly, these pages feature provocative slogans such as "Strangle the Masters with Their Shackles", "No Education, No Indoctrination", and "The Revolution Needs YOU!"
>Might as well toss some of these bad boys up on the walls if you're gonna take the period off
>Pinning various flyers to the hallway walls and random students' lockers, you hear a chorus of chortles faintly coming down the hall
>Turning to look at your (unwelcome) company, you see three mean looking bitches walking in your direction
>Wait, you know these particular mean bitches
>Well, not "know" know, but you've seen them around and heard them referred to as "The Dazzlings"
>What the fuck that means, you haven't the faintest clue, but they could be good recruitment fuel
>Walking to greet them, they stop dead in their tracks and look at you with an unpleasant mixture of disgust and boredom
>You pay their feelings no mind, instead handing them three of your leaflets
"Take these, friends. Arm yourselves with knowledge."
>Grabbing the papers from you, the girls now look somewhat bemused, though the poofy-haired head bitch is getting a malicious glint in her eyes you don't like the look of one bit
>"Excuse me, could you explain something to me about these?" she asks with a fake smile plastered on her face
>You've got a bad feeling about this
"Certainly", you answer flatly.
>"Oh, good. I was just wondering why the fuck you think we care about you creepy weird loser posters? Do you know?"
>Just like that, she drops the smile, settling for a sneer instead
>The two bitches next to her begin cackling, though one seems rather lost and even confused
>Okay, that's the way these fucking pigs wanna play it?
>You got in plenty of vodka-powered brawls with Tsarist-supporting goons back in your homeland
>This will be child's play by comparison
>Dropping your folder with a thud, you immediately shift into a standard boxing pose, ready to give a fierce jab at a moment's notice
"Let's see 'em, put 'em up, I don't have all day."
>Well, actually, you say that last part in Russian
>Which you tend to do when you lose your temper
>Weirdly, the three girls don't assume fighting positions
>Instead they stare at you dumbly with wide eyes, seeming confused
>And then they look BEHIND you, seeming absolutely petrified of whatever they're looking at
>Ah, oldest trick in the book
>Like you're dumb enough to turn around, how gullible do they think you are?
>Just when you're about to throw a mean right hook at the head bitch's face, you hear someone softly clear their throat behind you
>"Ahem. May I ask what has prompted the situation I'm looking at right now?" you hear a light, feminine, faintly amused voice ask
>You turn around and see the unfortunate sight of the Chief Administrator.
>Tsar of the School, if you will
>What's her name, again?
>Celine Dion or something?
>"P-principal Celestia!"
>That's it, Celestia
>Wait, who said that? Oh, right, one of the Dazzling bitches
>She keeps going in a pathetic, panicked voice
>"W-we were we just going to class when this maniac jumped in front of us and started attacking us! Honest!"
>God, does this girl have no shame?
>Not only volunteering to speak with an authority, but then proceeding to SNITCH on a fellow student?
>You can't believe you ever saw these girls as recruitment material
>Making your face as expressionless as you can, you unflinchingly stare into the eyes of the School Tsar
>She, on the other hand, looks back and forth between you and the Dazzlings, before settling into a decisive look
>"Mr. Anonymous, would you be so kind as to join me for a chat in my office?"
>Still Anon
>It's been roughly half an hour since the tyrant brought you back into her private interrogation room
>She surprisingly hasn't brought out any instruments of torture yet, but you figure it's only a matter of time
>Meanwhile, you've found it quite easy to resist her odd line of questioning
>Strangely, she hasn't really asked you any questions about the Dazzling situation at all
>Instead she's asked you things like "How are you finding your experience at CHS so far?" and "Have you been adjusting well?" and "How's life at home, any issues there?"
>You assume these are all just bizarre ways to trick you into revealing your subversive plots, so you avoid all these questions with your well-practiced insolence
>This is hardly your first interrogation and you doubt it will be your last
>After a few more minutes of trying this route, Celestia eventually rubs her eyes with an exasperated sigh
>"I have to confess Mr. Anonymous, I have been quite troubled to hear some accounts of your recent behavior"
>Here we go
>Time for the other shoe to drop
>The Principal continues her odious soliloquy, designed to break your will and confuse your thoughts
>It won't be that easy, bitch
>"Skipping class, berating teachers, threatening Vice Principal Luna. These don't seem like the signs of a healthy, well-adjusted young man, wouldn't you agree?"
>You remain stone-faced and silent at this inquiry
>Even if the question wasn't rhetorical, no good can come of answering a loaded accusation like that
>Celestia leans forward, hands on her desk, with a simultaneously warm yet concerned look on her face.
>"I want to help you, Anonymous. Believe me, I do. But for me to do that, I need you to meet me halfway."
>You simply shrug your shoulders at her devious mind games
"I have nothing to say in that respect."
>Looking vaguely disappointed, she retracts back into her chair, absently sticking the end of a pen in her mouth
>After a thirty seconds or so of what you imagine you are supposed to interpret as "deep contemplation", she leans forward again, resolutely
>"You know, there's a big basketball game in two weeks. Our team will be playing Crystal Prep. It's a big event, half the school is expected to turn out for it. Even the Mayor is planning on attending, if you can believe it."
>For the first time in this entire conversation, your interest has been piqued
>The mayor? Attending some silly school ball game?
>Typical unrestrained uselessness and audacity of public officials, you suppose
>Nonetheless, you listen closely to the Principal's next words
>"As you can imagine, an event like this requires a lot of planning and coordination. The Student Council has had to put together a whole Committee for it! It's led by two of the brightest and most competent students in the entire school, but they could still use some additional help."
>Normally, you would never initiate a conversational topic with a Tsarist figure such as this, but your curiosity is driving you crazy
"Which two students, if you don't mind me asking?"
>Celestia brightens up at your question, her voice seemingly perking up noticeable
>"Why, two organizers named Sunset Shimmer and Pinkie Pie! Absolute star pupils, and just about the friendliest girls in school to boot. They've been heavily involved in nearly every aspect of the event planning and coordination."
>You find yourself getting an epiphany as your muscles lock up and your eyes look past Celestia to a future vision you have for this basketball game
>Gears turn in your head as you imagine the scene; an explosion, gasps, a loudspeaker announcing the beginning of the revolution
>And it just so happens you have a foot in the door already for this master plan forming spontaneously in your head
>One Sunset Shimmer
>Involuntarily, your lips begin to curve upwardly into a smile
>Damn, you've given away information
>Don't panic, just look and see see if she's noticed
>You hold you breath and meet Celestia's gaze as she observes you with a curious expression
>Fuck, she's noticed alright
>"Is that something you'd be interested in helping out, with Anonymous?"
>Well, there's no hiding it now
>Might as well make the best of the situation
>You give a big, full-teeth smile as you look the sadistic ghoul of an administrator directly in the eyes
"Why, I'd be delighted to, Principal Celestia."
>You are Applejack
>Hanging out with your friends under the Wondercolts statue
>You guess "hanging out" is one way to put it
>Rainbow Dash is bouncing a ball back and forth on her knees while bragging about how many track records' she's shattered this semester and the rest of you can't really get a word in
>Those who want to, anyhow
>Twilight's busy working on her AP Physics homework because that girl don't ever rest, Fluttershy is giggling and softly speaking to a bird, off in her own world, and Sunset...
>Well, Sunset has barely even acknowledged ya'll
>She's too busy nervously fidgeting and looking over at the school entrance every five seconds
>You get that she wants to make sure Anon shows up, but she's gotta take it easy before she gives herself a heart attack
>To be honest, you don't really see what the big deal is
>The way Sunset described her encounter with Anon, you'd think he was a saint or something
>So, the kid's family is poor and he has to send them money, so what?
>Shoot, the Apple Family has had more than its fair share of tight wallets, and you always helped out extra when times were tough
>And you never acted all weird about it neither
>Unlike Anon, who is WAY too twitchy for your comfort
>You sigh
>But, Sunset's your friend
>And if she wants Anon around, then YOU want him around too
>Speaking of which, you see Sunset instantly brighten up, a huge smile plastering her face as she waves her hand wildly toward the entrance
>Turning to look in that direction, you see Anon walking in your direction
>You can't help but smirk
>Now you've got more than a bit of a hunch about what's REALLY going on
>Looks like Sunset has a little bit more than a strictly platonic interest helping Anon out
>Ain't that just adorable
>After a few minutes, Anon reaches you all, giving a nervous smile at each of you
>"Hello, Miss Sunset and company. Nice to see all of you," he says in his thick accent
>Miss Sunset and company?
>You groan internally
>Rarity's gonna like this one, you bet
>Sunset lets out a light burst of laughter
>"Oh please, Anon, just call me Sunset. Let me introduce you to all of the girls!"
>Going down the line, before long Sunset reaches you
>"And this is Applejack, the hardest working, most honest, down to Earth girl you'll ever meet in your life! Applejack, this is Anon."
>Aw shucks
>Why's Sunset gotta compliment you like that? Now you feel bad about ribbing her in your thoughts
>Oh, wait
>Social interaction
>You smile and shake Anon's hand as you look him in the eyes
"Pleasure to meet ya Anon, how's it goin'?"
>Anon grins at you as he shakes your hand back
>Huh, well at least he's got a firm grip
>Guess he's not all bad after all
>"Applejack, the pleasure is all mine. I've heard talk around school that you work manual labor on your family's farm?"
>You're the first girl he's asked a personal question
>Also, the dang hell is up with his phrasing?
>Guess it's on account of English being his second language
"Reckon that's one way of puttin' it. I help with growin' the trees, keepin' 'em healthy, and pickin' 'em when the apples are nice and ripe."
>At that, Anon gives you a strange look
>He looks....captivated
>Far more interested than most folks are when they hear your job description
>"Extraordinary! Workers like you keep the world moving. The cold indifference of all the bosses and all the parasitic leeches on top can never take away the hard-earned pleasure of knowing that all the tables of all the families, high and low, feast on the fruits of your labor. I envy the sheer honor of it."
>That was intense
>All the girls are looking at Anon like he's a space alien, completely speechless
>He, on the other hand, looks very satisfied with his words, and eagerly awaits your reply
"Uh...well, I don't know about all that. I just know about growing apples, h-haha."
>He knocked you off balance
>You're not one for flowery words, but apparently they're Anon's favorite pastime
>Anon just smiles knowingly at your answer, like you two are sharing some sort of joke
>"Of course."
>Turning to look at Sunset, Anon returns to a more normal, polite expression.
>"What did you and your friends have planned for the afternoon?"
>Sunset absolutely lights up at this, completely leaving the awkward moment behind you all
>"Oh well, I figured since it's a Friday night, and this is the first time we've all hung out together, we should do something REALLY fun. So, we talked it over, and decided that the arcade is our best bet!"
>As Sunset giddily explains the plan for the night, her body language is clear as day
>The big, beaming smile, high pitched voice (well, for her anyway), pointed feet, ever-so-slight reddened face
>Yup, you were right
>This girl's got a mad crush, though she might not realize it yet
>Frankly, you don't get it
>Anon's thin rail, has got noodle arms, a sickly pale complexion, and looks malnourished as all get out
>There's a simple rule of thumb in the Apple Family: If a fella ain't fit to chop a tree, he ain't fit to marry
>But, you might as well help her out if this is really what she wants, so you just nod enthusiastically at her words
>And heck, you gotta admit the arcade sounds like a real hoot right about now
>Anon seems less excited at the prospect
>"I apologize, uh, my English is not perfect...by "arcade", you mean what, exactly?"
>Before anyone can respond, Pinkie is on the job
>"OHMYGOSH, Anon, you have NO IDEA!!! There's games and prizes and food and drinks and, ooh, you can pretend like you're in a race car, or you can win a stuffed animal with a claw, you can shoot up hundreds -- no, strike that, THOUSANDS of zombies with just one gun, you can throw a ball through a hole, but like, in a SUPER FUN way and -- did I mention the dance machines? Oh Anon, you HAVE to come with us, you just HAVE TO!!!!!!!"
>Through this entire stream of consciousness, Pinkie gesticulates madly, invading Anon's personal space, grabbing onto his shirt collar, briefly levitating above him, the whole works
>You can't help grin widely at this
>Ahhh Pinkie Pie, never change
>Meanwhile, Anon still seems confused
>Not only that, but he seems very uncomfortable with Pinkie's proximity....and by that, you mean her face is still pressed against his as she grips his neck tightly
>"Uh...sure, let's do that," Anon says, not sounding particularly convinced by Pinkie's sales pitch.
>So, it's decided then
>Time to show this Anon fella how Friday nights go in the good old US of A
>Be Fluttershy
>[spoiler]I-if that's alright w-with you...[/spoiler]
>And you are very excited right now because you just love the arcade
>Except for the loud, scary noises, the flashing lights, the big crowds, and the closed spaces
>Ok so maybe you don't actually like the arcade very much
>But you love being around your friends and your friends are all here with you!
>S-sort of
>In the hustle and bustle getting into the building with the packed Friday night crowd, you kind of got separated from everyone
>There was just so much pushing and shoving, it all happened so fast!
>So now you're hiding under an air hockey table, revising your fifth draft of a text to Sunset
>She's texted you five times now asking where you are, but you don't wanna sound like you're whining in your text
>And it's hard to hit the keys because the phone won't stop shaking with your hands and your tears are making the touchscreen not work right
>Oh heavens, this is all just going terribly
>N-not that you're complaining or a-anything
>Just when you're about to tense up and go catatonic like you sometimes do, you hear a familiar Russian voice above you
>"Shutterfly? Is that you?"
>W-wait, Anon?
>Wait, Shutterfly?
"A-actually, i-i-it's F-Fluttershy..." you say, hiding your head behind your hair
>You just can't bear to look up and see what you're sure is Anon's disgusted, mocking expression
>Not until you can get the tears to stop, at least
>Come on Fluttershy, snap out of it, STOP CRYING
>Oh gosh that just made you cry even more
>You're so broken
>Out of your peripheral, you see movement level with your head
>Turning slowly to see the object through your blurry vision, you recognize it as a hand
>"My apologies, Fluttershy, I'm dreadful with names. Need some help?"
>W-well, at least he doesn't sound like he's mocking you
>And you figure it's not like this can get any worse
>Sighing, you gently grab onto Anon's hand and let him help you up from under the table
>Standing face to face with Anon now, you can mostly see him despite your teary eyes
>To your surprise, he doesn't look cruel or amused
>He looks soft and gentle
>Kind, even
>Suddenly, you don't feel quite as bad anymore
>The tears are even slowing
>"Are you alright?" Anon asks lightly
>Oh you just feel like a fool now
>You brush the tears out of your eyes before responding
"Y-yes, I'm a-alright. I j-j-just got l-lost, that's a-all..."
>You try to add a smile for effect, but you're sure Anon can tell that you're very upset
>This night is going quite awfully, you just want to go home now
>Anon nods understandingly at your response
>"Yes, I got sidetracked coming in myself. Well, not sidetracked so much as, uh, preoccupied. There was a horrible sight I had to deal with."
>H-horrible sight?
>You don't like the sound of that one bit
>Before you can ask Anon what he means, your phone buzzes again
>Sunset! The girls! Oh dear, they must be getting so frustrated with you
>Anon notices you looking down at the screen with a...suspicious(?) look on his face
>"Is someone trying to contact you?"
"J-just S-sunset," you reply shakily. "She must be l-looking everywhere for me."
>Anon waves his hand dismissively at that
>"Ah, just tele-communicate her that we'll meet up with her later in the eve. Say, is that your rainbow-headed friend over there?"
>Turning to see what Anon's pointing at, you indeed see Rainbow Dash a short distance away, looking around the crowd for something
>You begin waving desperately with both hands
>Seeing your signal, Rainbow smirks triumphantly and begins pacing over to you and Anon
>Oh goodness, finally
>One of your friends is going to save you
>They always do!
>You could just explode with joy and relief right now
>You are Rainbow Dash
>That's your name, don't wear it out
>After realizing that you and Applejack had gotten WAY ahead of everybody else in your rush to be the first ones to collect tickets, you decided to go back and track 'em all down
>AJ wanted to do things the boring way and just text them and agree to a meetup point, but you told her that's for pussies
>And you were right goddamn it, 'cause look!
>Less than five minutes in and you've already gathered up two of the slowpokes
>Well, this might count for more like 1.5 because Anon's not really your friend and Shy's not exactly a moving target
>Oh well, you're counting it anyway
>Walking up to those two, you slap each of them on the shoulder
"The hell you two been, huh? Couldn't handle my speed?" you tease.
>Both of them just kind of mumble in response
>Wet blankets
>Wait a minute
>Fluttershy's face
>You know that face
>Despite her smile and genuine bliss at seeing you (too cute), you can tell she's been crying
>You stiffen up and get tense as fuck, turning over to Anon
>Yep, this confirms it
>That bastard looks all uncomfortable and awkward
>Well, ok, he always looks that way
>But still, you swear to GOD
>If Anon hurt YOUR Shy, you're about to BREAK a motherfucker's NOSE
"What the FUCK happened to Fluttershy?" you growl at Anon, staring him down with pure venom.
>Damn, you still got it
>Fluttershy flinches and lets out an "eeeeeep", which you feel bad about, but Anon looks way caught off guard and starts stuttering nonsense
>Just the reaction you were looking for
>You clench your fists and get ready to clock this fuck in the face, dropping right into a fighting stance
>You KNEW this prick was bad news, the whole time!
>Anon backs up and sees what you're doing
>Frowning, he immediately mirrors your stance with his fists up, staring you down with a glare of his own
>Shit, this guy's got the balls to fight back?
>Must be even dumber than you thought
>His stance is pretty solid though, you might be in for a real brawl
>"W-wait, p-please, guys, s-stop!" you hear Fluttershy cry out in distress
>You're too pumped up to register her words, your heart's pumping like crazy and all the blood is rushing to your head
>Readying your arm for an upper cut, you feel a hand roughly pull your right shoulder from behind
>Suddenly, both your arms are above your head and you can't break free
>What the fuck?
>You start thrashing, getting read to beat the ever-loving shit out of whoever just sneak attacked you
>"Whoooooooaaaah there, sugarcube, let's simmer down," comes a twangy voice right behind you
>Damn it
>You are Applejack
>And you reckon you don't know what the hell you've just stumbled into
>One second you're texting a nervous Sunset that you and RD are gonna wrangle up the stragglers and bring everyone to the big foam sculpture at the center of the arcade
>The next you see Rainbow and Anon circling each other like two pigs fighting over a third dead one
>With Fluttershy curled in a sobbing ball right next to them
>You run past the flashing machines and bustling crowd, yelling and hollering the whole way, trying to get Anon and RD to hold their horses
>But they don't seem to hear you, so when you get there, you figure it's time for a little hands-on wrasslin'
>Now, you'll admit you don't know this Anon feller very well at all
>But you DO know Dash
>And she's such a damn hothead that you've got NO doubt this fight is her fault
>So, with that in mind, you grab RD's arms and get her locked up in a nice grappling hold
>She squirms and wiggles, but you've got plenty of practice controlling wild animals, so this is a cakewalk
>But you figure a few soothing words can't hurt nothing much
"Whoooooooaaaah there, sugarcube, let's simmer down."
>At that she seems to finally realize she's acting like a rabid coyote and settles down
>You wait a few more seconds just to be sure and then gently let her go
>She immediately pushes away and looks between you and Anon, frazzled and with a clear look of betrayal on her face
>Eh, you'll sort that wound out later
>Right now it's time to get some answers
"Now, y'all wanna CALMLY tell me what in tarnation is goin' on here?"
>Seeing that the danger is gone, Anon drops his fighting pose and looks ready to respond
>But Dash cuts him off
>"I'LL tell you what happened. This fucking foreign CREEP attacked Fluttershy or something!"
>RD says it with such conviction that you're just about damn near convinced she's telling the truth
>"I did no such thing, you psychotic blue cunt," Anon spits out, glaring daggers at Dash.
>Well, now you don't know WHO to believe
>As if God himself is answering your dilemma, Fluttershy begins speaking
>Er- trying to speak, anyway
>It's more just coming out as incoherent cries of pain
>You kneel down and hush her, gently brushing the hair and tears out of her face
"Wanna try that again, sugarcube? Take yer time, we ain't in no hurry,"
>Fluttershy takes a second to catch her breath, as she's clearly been hyperventilating
>And then she speaks, this time decipherably
>"I w-wasn't upset b-because of A-anon...I was u-upset because I got l-lost. A-anon came and f-f-found me..."
>Ok that makes sense
>Standing to your feet, you turn around and see just about exactly what you were expecting
>Rainbow Dash is blushing something fierce, looking down at the ground as if there was something REAL interesting, and rubbing her neck sheepishly
>Anon, meanwhile, is looking straight at RD, appearing equal parts furious and fearful that she's gonna attack him again
>You sigh and roll your eyes before clearing your throat
"Ahem. Somethin' ya wanna say, Rainbow?"
>Looking up at you with a look of dread on her face, she sputters for a few seconds before turning to Anon with a resigned expression
>"A-alright, I'm SORRY Anon, alright? But you could have said something, you know!"
>Anon looks ready to dispute that point, but then puts a finger to his lips thoughtfully
>"Yes, I suppose I could have. To be honest, I guess I was too impressed with your fighting form to bother."
>At this, Rainbow lights up, any trace of guilt or self-consciousness vanishing from her face
>"GET OUT! I was thinking the same thing; where the hell did a nerd like you learn to fight?"
>You rub your eyes, exasperated
>A couple of blockheads, these two
>But you can't help but smile at how quickly the misunderstanding is becoming water under the bridge
>Anon even starts chuckling at RD's question
>"Hmm, let's just say in my tim -- uh, I mean, in my country -- knowing how to hold your own in a brawl with a pair of paid goons becomes a childhood skill."
>You had no idea things were so bleak in Russia
>Anon turns to you now, a look of gratitude on his face
>"Of course, your friend here clearly knows what she's doing too. You have militia experience, Miss Applejack?"
>Militia experience?
>What, he mean like JROTC or something?
>You just shake your head and shrug your shoulders
"Can't say that ah have. I just learned some basic wrasslin' on mah farm; well, and takin' care of mah kid sister, which is its own farm in a way."
>You can't help but chuckle a bit at your own joke
>Anon just looks between you and Dash, seeming a bit contemplative.
>"Hmmm, but still, both of you know combat well enough. And you're in good shape. I think I might have an opportunity for the two of you, if you wanna talk it over later."
>That's a little funny sounding
>Come to think of it, this whole line of questioning is rubbing you the wrong way
>But RD is just beaming at all the compliments about her physical prowess, and you don't wanna spoil the mood
>So, you just smile politely and give a noncommittal answer
"Well, ah reckon any opportunity is worth givin' a look-over."
>Anon grins oddly at that, giving a firm nod
>"Excellent. And you?" he says, turning to Dash.
>She just gives a cocky grin and a thumbs up
>"I'm up for ANY challenge you throw my way!"
>Before you can even roll your eyes at that, you feel something tug at your shirt
>Looking behind you, you see Fluttershy is on her feet now
>And she ain't even seem like a hot mess anymore, though she is looking at the ground bashfully
>"Um, s-sorry to interrupt, but I think I'd like to meet up with the rest of the girls now. I mean, i-if that's alright with you all..."
>Thinking it over, you reckon that's EXACTLY what you all need right about now
>Be Fluttershy
>The night is going so much better now, you can hardly believe it
>Turns out Applejack texted Sunset and the other girls and they're all gonna meet you here at the Canterlot PepePinball Sculpture
>It's a foam piece of...art where a frog is playing pinball
>You think the frog is the arcade's mascot or something, but you still don't really get it
>But oh, you're just too happy to even care!
>You swing your legs back and forth merrily, sitting on a wooden bench underneath the sculpture, taking a sip from your pink lemonade
>Rainbow Dash bought it for you to apologize for the...altercation with Anon
>Oh heavens, that was the most stressed you've ever been this week
>But hearing Anon talk about it later, you'd think it was all just some big joke or something
>And he kept complimenting AJ and Dash on their v-violent skills...
>You feel yourself start to shiver a little as you stop swinging your legs
>Maybe Anon isn't quite as kind or gentle as you thought
>Cautiously, you turn to glance at him inconspicuously as he sits next to you
>AJ and RD challenged each other to a Whac-A-Mole competition while you all wait for the others to arrive
>So for now it's just you and Anon, silently sitting together on the bench
>Fortunately, Anon doesn't seem to notice you observing him
>He's too busy staring at all the flashing and buzzing game machines around the arcade
>His expression is difficult to read
>Like a strange mixture of confusion and distaste
"D-do they not have arcades in R-Russia, Anon?" you ask so quietly that you're surprised he even hears you.
>You almost instantly regret initiating a conversation with this strange, possibly violent boy
>Unconsciously, you bring your knees up to your chest and wrap your arms around them protectively
>Anon doesn't seem to notice your change in posture
>"Hmmm? Oh, no, yes, of course! In Russia, every village has its own local arcade station. Why, me and my comra - I mean, me and my buddies, we used to bring burlap sacks filled with MANY pennies and play video electronic gambling deep into the night."
>He gets an odd, nervous expression on his face as he explains, and ends the sentence with an inappropriately wide smile, not meeting your eyes
>Oh my
>Sometimes, Anon is almost as socially awkward as you
>For some strange reason, you find this reassuring, and you relax your posture a bit
>But this reminds you of something
>Earlier, Anon said something rather a-alarming
"U-um, Anon? E-earlier, you mentioned a h-h-horrible sight you had to d-deal with. W-what did you mean?"
>You hope you don't sound as dreadfully nervous as you feel, but experience tells you this is wishful thinking
>Anon gets a serious look on his face at your question
>He starts looking around the two of you with an alert expression
>For a moment, you almost think you crossed a line with your question
>Before you can apologize though, Anon answers your question with one of his own
>"You care for animals, yes? I've heard many students mention your shelter volunteering," he asks, his eyes focused on yours like a laser.
>This seems like an obvious dodge of your question, but you can't help but light up at the new topic
"O-oh yes! I volunteer as often as I can; I just love to help take care of any critters I find. They have such a wonderful innocence to them, they are so pure and good. They...they don't judge or hate like people do."
>Oh gosh, you've gotten way too personal haven't you? Silly Fluttershy, stop opening up to people!
>It's h-humiliating...
>But Anon seems incredibly pleased with your answer, a grin crossing his face
>"Yes, that is very true, I've found."
>Suddenly, his face becomes deathly serious
>"But, God forbid, what if someone were to hurt an animal? Betray their trust? Abuse them, even? That would be wrong, yes? No, worse than wrong. That would be a grave crime, a sin, you agree?"
>You can feel your blood go cold and your stomach churn
>Your fists clench and your teeth start grinding as anger pulses through your body
>As much as you hate to think about it, you've seen it
>SEEN people hurt animals, toy with them, TORTURE them!
>The thought makes you...you don't know what it makes you want to do
>Something bad
>Something you'd never do otherwise
"The thought is horrible. Too horrible to bear. I couldn't allow it, not anywhere near me. EVER," you say firmly, surprising even yourself at how strong and steady the words feel leaving your mouth.
>A small smile crosses Anon's face as his eyes burn with an unreadable emotion
>"Yes. You are right, of course. But, say the animal wasn't an animal at all. Say it was a servant; a servant at the whim and mercy of its master."
>You feel the anger dissipating and being replaced with confusion
>Not an animal? A servant? You don't see the connection
>Anon seems to read your expression as he moves his body closer to yours, looking at you with an intensity you find rather frightening.
>"See, a servant, forced to work at the beck and call of a master, is no better than an animal, subject to the will of a human overseer. His dignity and freedom have been robbed from him; he is submissive, helpless, vulnerable to harm."
>Y-you suppose that makes sense in a way
>But you don't see where Anon is going with this train of thought
"I-I'm not sure I understand your point," you say as gently as you can.
>Anon takes a pause and a deep breath
>You can see struggle on his face
>He seems to be choosing his next words very carefully
>"When I walked into this building, I saw a finely dressed man. From context, I believe him the owner of this establishment. He was scolding a lowly uniformed man, a manual laborer of some kind. He told him that his work pace was unacceptable, subpar."
>Anon begins baring his teeth, gripping the back of the bench with his hand, his face frozen in a glare
>He doesn't seem quite here anymore
>Like he's off in another world
>You begin nervously looking around for AJ and Rainbow, or the other girls
>This is making you feel very uncomfortable
>Anon begins practically spitting out his next words
>"He said the man had but one chance left to prove his competence. He threatened to kick the worker to the curb if he didn't perform adequately tonight. The owner said the laborer could kiss his paycheck goodbye if he didn't do EXACTLY as he was told."
>Now, Anon's eyes meet yours and he seems to return to the present
>His body language relaxes a little, but he moves his head even closer to yours
>The words that come out of his mouth now radiate with passion
>It's...enchanting you, somehow
>What is going on?
>"Understand, Fluttershy. So hateful was this sight to me, that it would for you be the same as watching a man swing a cat by its tail or kick a dog in its teeth."
>What sight?
>This was the horrible sight?
>A boss telling his employee to work harder?
>That doesn't make any sense; what on Earth is Anon TALKING about?
>And why, despite your confusion, do you feel like you are finally speaking to someone who really understands you?
>Anon relaxes now, leaning backwards, giving you some breathing space
>"And this is why I'm forming an activist group of sorts at CHS. To draw attention to these kinds of abuses and protect the most vulnerable from the most dangerous."
>Pulling out a stuffed folder from his coat pocket, Anon hands you a flyer
>"Look it over and consider if it would be a good fit for you. I must use the restroom."
>Before you can even respond, Anon has left the bench and is briskly walking away from you
>Looking down to examine the flyer, you see a white headline on a black background:
>'No Education, No Indoctrination'
>Below, a subheading:
>'Join the Students for a Better Tomorrow Committee; We Need You!!!'
>Your head starts spinning
>This night has been too much
>Y-you'd like to go home now...
>You are Sweeney Todd, the Demon Barber of Fleet Street
>Just kidding
>You're PINKIE PIE, silly
>Hmmm....though you do make a MEAN pie
>But your pies are made out of fruit, not meat!
>Case closed
>Anyway, you are currently jumping around in extra-spectacular, ultra-deluxe, high-octane, infinity-powered EXCITEMENT
>The arcade is just the coolest, most special, most dazzling place EVER and you can't help but soak in all the flashing lights, cool 8 bit sound effects, rapturous laughter and screams of joy, and wafting smells of treats and food and goodies
>This is like your Paradise, your Garden of Eden, your Cradle of Civilization, your large pizza and chocolate milkshake
>Granted, technically you're supposed to be going to the little girls' room right now, not playing around on the arcade machines
>But you're ON YOUR WAY, you just took a detour
>Or fifty
>Ok, you love the arcade, FINE, happy???
>Heheheheh, just kidding, you know that the disembodied presence reading your thoughts back to you in the second person means no harm
>Anyway, some poor little boy made the unfortunate mistake of tripping and spilling soda all over Rarity's outfit
>He was too distracted by all the amazing games and prizes and colors and sounds and WHO COULD BLAME HIM????
>But, while Twilight and Sunset try to talk down Rarity from her mega-malignant, mischievously mysterious, miserably macabre, monstrously maniacal MELTDOWN, you figured you'd meritoriously multitask and take care of your popping bladder
>As you speed toward the restrooms, however, you spot a familiar sight walking aimlessly around some Pac-Man machines
>Mr. Pepe, the owner of the arcade himself!
>A short, stocky, balding, and pot-bellied man in his early forties, Mr. Pepe has only a couple character flaws
>One, he over-indulges in sweets and sweet-adjacent foodstuffs (and who doesn't????)
>And two, he has a bit of a short temper
>But you know he means well deep down; you can tell by the way his eyes light up as he walks around the arcade that he has the same sense of awe and wonder when he's here that you do
>Bouncing (very literally!) up to greet him, your big smile turns to a frown when you see that there's tears in his eyes and his face is flushed
>He's sweating very profusely as well and he looks downright distraught
>No worries Mr. Pepe, PINKIE PIE will sort this ALL out
"HIYA, Mr. Pepe sir! What's got you down? Let me help you turn that frown upside down!" you say, grabbing onto his shoulders and giving him a massive smile.
>Mr. Pepe looks at you distractedly, as if just noticing where he is
>He rubs the tears out of his eyes before speaking in a shaky, stuttering voice
>"Oh, h-hello Pinkie. I'm just a bit preoccupied; someone's done something just horrible to my office, I'm afraid."
>You lean in closer to him, meeting his eyes and absorbing his somber mood
"What happened? You can tell 'ole Pinkie Pie anything, I promise!"
>Turning to look around (trying to see if any over-eager ears are listening in, you'd wager), he sighs and starts explaining
>"Well, earlier tonight I left the office to go survey the operation and make sure everything's running smoothly. I get back an hour or so later and s-someone had broken in."
>You GASP, shocked at the very notion
"BROKEN IN? Like, you mean, a BREAK IN? But why? Who would do that?" you question, frazzled and confused and no small part indignant that poor Mr. Pepe has been the target of a crime.
>Mr. Pepe shakes his head vigorously
>"I have no idea! It's unthinkable. The whole room was trashed, and papers had been torn apart, display cases were broken, it was a disaster. Several of my tax and accounting documents had been stolen, even!"
>This is CRAZY, just CRAZY!
>Who could possibly have incentive to do something so horrible to such a sweet, harmless, poor old man?
>Ok not old
>Middle aged, but you're in high school, so to you that counts as old
"My GOSH, that's just so terrible, Mr. Pepe. How are you holding up? I feel gut-punchingly awful, just AWFUL, thinking that such a vicious, pointless, savage, beastly, barbaric crime could happen here, in this golden sanctuary from all things evil!"
>Your penchant for hyperbole seems to be cheering Mr. Pepe up a bit as he has a smile smile on his face now
>"Ah, I'm doing alright. I've called the police and hopefully they'll help me sort this out. T-though I have to say, the ransacking wasn't even the worst part. It was the message."
>Message? Oh no, this sounds dark and foreboding, which normally is very exciting, but not when it's happening to someone you care about
Your curiosity gets the best of you and you practically scream "MESSAGE? WHAT MESSAGE?"
>Ok, not practically, you absolutely screamed
>Mr. Pepe flinches.
>"No need for the shouting, Pinkie, I'm right next to you. The message was written on the door-facing wall of my office. It, uh...well, I don't know if this is appropriate to share with someone of your constitution, Pinkie. I'd feel guilty."
>Your constitution? What the HECK is that supposed to mean?
>You've long considered yourself the most mature and toughest of all your friends and you don't even need to ASK them because they'd probably agree so fast it would make your head leap off of your body and start break-dancing!
"COME ON, Mr. Pepe sir, please, I'm a big girl, I can handle a gritty story. And how can I help you fix this if I don't even know what happened?"
>Sighing, Mr. Pepe reluctantly agrees to share the details
>"Alright, alright. The message was written in big, jagged letters. It, uh...it said that my days were numbered. That I'd face the wall for my crimes when my time was up. And then it, uh, told me to go to hell and uh, called me a...I quote, 'fucking pig'."
>You gasp so hard that you worry your lungs might have floated out from your body and up into the air
>"And it was, uh, well, written in blood."
>Okay, that DOES IT
>This has gone too far
>You WILL catch the fiendish, fiendly fiend who did this fiendish, fiendly deed and bring him or her to justice if it's the LAST THING YOU DO!
"Don't worry Mr. Pepe sir, Pinkie is ON THE CASE. Before the week is up I will have the vile villain who perpetrated these acts and you will have your justice! I PINKIE PROMISE it!"
>Mr. Pepe begins frantically waving his hands back and forth
>"No, no, really Pinkie, that's not necessary, you don't have to-"
>You cut off what you're sure was gonna be a resounding endorsement of your mission with a reiteration of the Pinkie Promise:
"Cross my heart and hope to fly, stick a cupcake in my eye!" you solemnly swear, going through the motions with the utmost integrity.
>"Pinkie, please, this isn't a good ide-"
>Giving Mr. Pepe a resolute military-style salute before he can heap any more boundless praise or bestow any more blessings upon your righteous investigation, you sprint away and immediately begin searching for the culprit
>You will stop at NOTHING to achieve your objective!
>However, you are interrupted by a sharp pain in your near-bursting bladder
>Oh, right.
>Gotta sort out those pesky bodily functions first
>But then you will stop at NOTHING to achieve your objective!
>Be David Lynch, famed director of 'Eraserhead', 'Blue Velvet', and 'Twin Peaks'
>Just kidding, you're still PINKIE PIE
>You gotta stop falling for that, silly billy
>Walking out of the ladies' restroom, you resolve to immediately begin searching for the culprit of the heinous crime against Mr. Pepe
>Nothing and you mean NOTHING will distract you from your mission of -
>Hey, is that Nonny?????
>Turning to look to your right at the figure you spotted in your peripheral, you confirm that it is, indeed, Nonny
>He appears to be exiting the men's restroom and he doesn't seem to have noticed you yet
>You know just how to remedy that!
"HEY NONNY, WAIT UP!" you shout with uncontained excitement, bouncing toward him like a kangaroo high off a sugar rush
>Craning his head to look at the loud noise, Nonny spots you and instantly perks up
>Then furrows his brow in confusion
>What's his dealio?
>Probably your newly-christened nickname for him, 'Nonny'
>You can't help but giggle uncontrollably as you stop bouncing mere inches away from Nonny
"HIYA Nonny, quit being silly and give a hug to your good pal, Pinkie!"
>You extend your arms to wrap Nonny in a friendly hug, but he quickly sidesteps the advancement
>Looking at you with irritation and then, quickly (almost suspiciously quickly) a sheepish smile, Nonny speaks
>"Uh, apologies Miss Pie, I'm more of a handshake sort of person myself. I hope you take no offense," he says, extending his hand for you to shake
>Well, that's ok, everyone has their own preferences!
>You enthusiastically shake his hand in response
"No problemo, friendo schmendo!!! Oh, but I HAVE to correct you, I'm sorry to say; you called me Miss Pie, but Miss Pie is me as an old lady. Please, call me PINKIE!"
>Nonny just smiles and nods politely at the new information, his eyes momentarily darting down at your hand, still shaking his
>His lips curl, almost like he's displeased with the handshake
>Maybe Nonny's not one for much physical contact at all; now that you think about it, you've been shaking his hand long enough as it is
>Silly Pinkie Pie, getting distracted by titles and observations and the splendor of the arcade
>You drop Nonny's hand and try to steer this sailboat of a conversation toward greener pastures
>Wait what?
>Your metaphors are getting tangled again
"So Nonny, where you off to in such a hurry? You're not having too much fun without us, are you????"
>Nonny shakes his head with a smile smile
>"Just keeping the other girls company while we await you and your friends. Say, where *are* the other girls? I haven't seen Sunset since we arrived, it's been quite unfortunate."
>Oooooooh, you're getting the distinct, ticklish, tingle wingle feeling of a 'someone is in LOVE with one of your best friends' Pinkie Sense
>You resist the urge to tease Nonny, as he doesn't seem to have quite your same sense of humor
>At least not yet
"Oh, we just had a minor code red fashion incident with Rarity. Nothing a little bit of scientific ingenuity can't fix! We'll be meeting up with you all in no time at all!!! And then we can finally GET THIS PARTY STARTED!"
>You can't help but shout that last part
>It's just gonna be so much more fun having the whole group together and it's already been a BLAST so far
>Nonny nods understandingly at your explanation before his eyes dart down to your chest
>At first your face brightens and you feel like maybe Nonny is taking a gander at some goods he ought not be taking a gander at
>But then he speaks and your fears are thankfully put to rest
>"That's quite an interesting pedant you have. I've noticed the other girls wearing similar ornaments as well," Nonny says, pointing below your neck.
>You look down, seeing that he's talking about your geode
>HMMMMM, this is a toughie
>A VERY strong gut feeling emerges that you should most definitely, assuredly, indubitably NOT relay to Nonny that these geodes are the source of you and your friends' magical powers
>You don't like to lie, but you simply don't know him well enough to share the whole truth just yet
"Oh YES, ain't it a beaut??? These geodes are Friendship Symbolizers. We wear them to symbolize our friendship!!!!" you say nonchalantly, stretching your mouth into a spectacularly wide smile and contorting your body into a highly flexible Pinkie Pose
>A NONCHALANT Pinkie Pose, mind you
>Nonny seems unsatisfied with your explanation, but fortunately he doesn't decide to pry
>"Ah, I see, of course," he says, before abruptly changing the topic. "Well, you may be interested to know that I've joined the student planning committee for the big basketball game."
>WAIT, WHAT????!?!?!?!?
>This is too much
>You're hyperventilating
>This is the most EXCITING THING you've heard all night
"WHAT? That's wonderful. OH MY ABSOLUTE GOLLY GOSH, I cannot WAIT to tell you absolutely EVERYTHING you need to know about the game. Ooooh, what part of the planning do you want to be involved in????"
>Nonny's face lights up as a big grin appears on his face
>aHA, you just KNEW you two would hit it off eventually
>"Oh, well I'm interested in everything, but I thought a combination of seating, security, and entertainment would be delightful. You know, to get a good variety."
>Huh, that sure feels like a weird mishmash of unrelated things
>But hey, who are you to judge what floats someone else's boat?
>NO ONE, that's who!
"Ah, well no worries Nonny, BELIEVE me when I tell you that we can definitely arrange that! Oh gosh, I can hardly wait until Monday for us to get started with the planning!"
>Nonny energetically nods his head in agreement. "I share your sentiment entirely! This game sounds like quite an extraordinary event; why, I even heard that the Mayor herself will be attending. How will that even work with seating, I wonder?"
>Nonny's got a light, curious tone, but his eyes are boring into yours like laser beams as he asks his question
>WOW, he must be almost as excited about this as you! You didn't even know that was possible
"Oh, I'm so glad you asked!!! We're gonna set up Super Duper Special Seating court-side for all the school faculty and Guests of Honor! They'll be able to get a HEAD-CHURNINGLY good view of the game! Pretty neat, huh?"
>You raise your eyebrow, a little confused at Nonny's reaction
>He...looks like he's about to pass out from excitement
>Even weirder, he looks like he's trying to HIDE how excited he is
>Why would anyone ever want to conceal their excitement?????
>"...Neat, yes. Very neat. My goodness, this game sounds like...the ultimate spectacle. A page for the history books, I imagine!"
>A strange, malformed grin stretches across his face as he speaks
>Alarms start flashing in your mind
>Your muscles begin tensing in a very ominous Pinkie Sense, alerting you of danger
>You don't usually get senses like this and you hardly know how to interpret this one!
>No, wait, you know EXACTLY how to interpret it actually
>Anon is hiding something
>Maybe something good, maybe something bad
>But whatever it is, you need to find out
>Time to do a little digging of your own!
"Yeah, but I just hope the planning won't interfere with your other responsibilities! What, with having to work and send money to your family and all," you say casually.
>Anon's smile drops and he looks at you with a confused expression
>You lift your eyebrows at that
"You know, your brothers and sisters? Sunset told us you've been having to send funds back to them in Russia."
>A look of recognition immediately crosses Anon's face as he smiles nervously and begins hastily speaking.
>"Ah yes, of course, my poor four little siblings. Uh, see, me and Principal Celestia actually worked out a system and my boss is also being very understanding, s-so that won't be an issue at all," Anon stammers, clearly caught off guard.
>FOUR little siblings?
"Four, you say? Interesting; Sunset said you had six siblings," you point out, almost giggling at how quickly the color drains from Anon's face.
>"Y-yes, six, did I say four? Must be the h-heat, and the loud noises in here, making me lose my grip, of course, yes, six siblings, absolutely," Anon blurts out, his words becoming almost indecipherable towards the end.
>Welp, that confirms it
>Anon is, for some reason or another, lying about his family and work situation
>You've repeatedly learned that it's NOT polite to point out when other people are lying, though, so you decide to throw some more questions Anon's way instead
"Ahhhh, gotcha. Say, what are their names? And which part of Russia are you from, again? Those scars sure are interesting, what's the background on those? When did you move to America, anyway?" you ask in rapid-fire fashion, moving your face closer to Anon's with every question
>The tips of your noses are practically touching at this point
>Anon takes a step backward, trying to compose himself
>At first he seems to be preparing to deliver a response to each of your questions, but finally an annoyed, dismissive look appears on his face instead
>"It's not appropriate to ask so many personal questions to someone you've just met, *Miss Pie*."
>Dodging your questions AND being a grouchypants about it?
>Not looking good for Anon
>You'd bet he's lying about a WHOLE bunch of stuff now; heck, he might not even be who he SAYS he is, if your Pinkie Senses aren't lying to you (which they haven't yet!)
>...Hey, wait a minute
>What's with the 'Miss Pie'?
>You thought you told him you didn't like that
>Just when you're about to remind him, you see something very unsettling
>Anon's frown has turned into a sneer and he's looking at you with very cold, yet...amused eyes
>He KNOWS you don't like being called that
>And he DELIBERATELY called you it anyway
>A-anon is TRYING to upset you
>And that's when it hits you
>Your hair deflates a bit as you get a sudden moment of clarity
>You don't use this word lightly, but....
>Anonymous is a meanie
>No, WORSE than a meanie
>Anonymous is a JERK
>He just smirks, seemingly satisfied with your mood shift
>"Something the matter, Miss Pie? I hope I didn't offend you in some way," he says with a faux politeness.
>Steel resolve grips you
>So what???
>If Anonymous wants to be a jerk, FINE BY YOU!
>You'll just make sure to keep a close eye on him, ESPECIALLY when he's around your friends
>And DOUBLE ESPECIALLY when he's around Sunset
>You plaster on the biggest, most ridiculous, most obviously fake smile you can
"NO WAY, Jose. In fact, Nonny, I think Sunset and the others can catch up. I'd like to walk to the meetup point with you, if you're up for it!" you say in a tone of pure cotton candy sweetness.
>You extend your arm out for Anonymous to take and lead the way
>Hesitating for only a moment, Anonymous puts on his own obviously fake smile before wrapping his arm around yours
>"It would be my pleasure, Miss Pie."
>Be Rarity, Canterlot's most promising teen fashion designer
>Be trying not to panic
>Be failing
"Oh my, darlings, DARLINGS, Oh my dear sweet heavens, what are we going to DO about this?"
>You try to avoid shrieking or making a scene, but it's impossible
>Several people are staring and gawking as they pass by you
>This is dreadful, simply dreadful
>You were having a lovely, wonderfully enchanting evening when out of nowhere disaster struck
>The worst of the worst happened, a turn of events so profoundly severe and unexpected that you had NO contingency plan in place
>Your outfit has been covered in sticky, brown, sugary liquid
>"Now, now, let's just bring it down a notch, Rarity, it's really not that bad."
>Sunset's false words of comfort only serve to inflame your panic
"NOT THAT BAD? Darling, you seem to be WOEFULLY unclear on the extent of this catastrophe. Need I remind you that my blouse AND skirt have been soaked in that vile, accursed drink?!"
>You do feel incredibly guilty about exploding at that boy; after all, it was an accident
>Oh well
>A wrong that you will do your best to right, but after and only after the immediate crisis has been resolved
>Meanwhile, Twilight is on her knees, examining the stains on your clothing
>The magnifying glass seems like overkill, but you are in no position right now to question the wunderkind prodigy herself
>Rising to her feet, your hopes are momentarily inflated...
>...Only to be crushed spectacularly when you see the disappointed look on her face
>"Sorry Rarity, it looks like a no-go,"
>She says it bluntly, eyes to the floor, rubbing her shoulder in equal parts guilt and nervousness
"Oh merciful heavens, WHY???"
>Twilight takes a deep breath before explaining
>"Well, if the stains were localized to just one or two areas, I'd suggest a generous application of baking soda, but the wide-area...uh, spillage, renders that option non-viable."
>Okay, you simply cannot maintain your proper composure any longer
>You begin sobbing into your hands at this cruel twist of fate
>Meanwhile, you see in your peripheral vision that Sunset keeps impatiently checking her phone and looking around the arcade nervously
>You shoot a glare at your friend, who has been MOST unsupportive indeed since this fiasco began
"Oh, I'm sorry darling, am I keeping you from something MORE pressing than the plight of a close friend?"
>Sunset gets a deer in the headlights look before sighing defeatedly
>"I'm really sorry, Rarity. It's just that, well, this whole thing was really about helping Anon come out of his shell and feel more comfortable around us and I have barely even seen him at all. I feel like I've blown this."
>The soft, discouraged tone from Sunset is simply too much to bear
>Oh my, you have just been terribly selfish tonight
>How ever are you going to make this up to Sunset?
>Well...you can think of a start, at least, as much as it pains you to consider
>You smile grimly at Sunset before using all of your willpower to force the words out
"You know what, i-it's fine, dear, really. You and Twilight go meet up with the others, I'll catch up later tonight. Really, it's okay!"
>Now that you think about it, there is a clothing store down the street from the arcade
>It shouldn't be too long of a trip to grab a quick change of clothes
>Sunset immediately lights up at your suggestion, but her face then morphs into one of concern
>"Are you sure, Rarity? I don't want to abandon you, it wouldn't be right."
>You force a more natural-looking smile on your face before nodding
"I'm QUITE certain, darling. In fact, I insist! This Anonymous ruffian needs a civilizing hand and lord knows he won't be getting it anywhere else. Off, you two! I'll meet up with you later, I promise."
>You've only barely finished speaking before you feel yourself pulled into a tight hug
>"Oh THANK YOU Rarity, you are just the best friend a girl could possibly ask for," Sunset gushes into your shoulder
>Okay, now your smile is no longer forced
>You bid your two friends farewell as they run off to meet up with the others
>Time to sort out this grotesque wardrobe malfunction
>You are Rainbow Dash
>AKA the fastest, strongest, and all-around best athlete in the school
>And possibly the country
>But, somehow this isn't stopping you from temporarily getting your ass kicked at a Dance Dance Revolution contest with AJ
>TEMPORARILY, you emphasize
>Wiping the sweat from your brow as you step your feet to the rhythm of the song, you briefly turn to Applejack to see how she's faring
>To your fury, she's just smiling and dancing around like she's having a great time
>Meanwhile you feel like your calf muscles are about to collapse on themselves like a dying star
>...Hey, what the FUCK was with that nerdy metaphor?
>You've been spending too much time with Twilight
>Shaking the thought from your head, you double down on your efforts
>You WILL get a higher score than AJ or die trying
>And nothing, and no one, and not a THING is gonna be able to stop yo-
>"OH heya, Dashie! Oooh, you girls are playing DDR? I wanna turn!"
>Before you can even react, you're suddenly spun from the platform in a pink blur
>By the time you get your bearings, you see you're several feet away from the dance machine and Pinkie Pie has taken your place
>She has effortlessly picked up where you left off, despite the game being in the middle of a song
>"Better start preparing now AJ, 'cause I'm gonna beat ya!" she shouts gleefully over to Applejack
>AJ simply grins and gets a determined glint in her eye
>"You're on, pardner!"
>Growling, you step forward and prepare to resume your rightful spot as Applejack's challenger
>But before you can get any further, you feel a tap on your shoulder
>Rounding on whatever dickhead decided to interrupt your warpath, you see Anon standing there with a nervous smile
>Ah shit
>To your surprise, you're actually starting to like this guy
>Not "like" like, mind you (Anon's not even KIND of your type)
>But you know, just a decent guy to shoot the shit with
>"Nice to see you again, Miss Dash."
>You slap his shoulder at that
"Call me Miss Dash again and I'm gonna punch you in the throat, Anon."
>You say it playfully enough so that he knows you're not mad but also seriously enough that he knows you mean it
>It seems to work, as he smiles and puts his hands up defensively
>"Apologies, Rainbow. How goes the contest with your apple rival?"
>You turn your head back and glare at Pinkie as she obliviously dances in YOUR position
>She's gonna pay for this
"It's a work in progress. Anyway, I've been meaning to ask, what's with the 'opportunity' thing you mentioned earlier? You putting together a heist, Anon?"
>Anon grins widely at that
>"Oh good Lord, no, the heist comes MUCH later."
>You can't help but laugh at his joke
>Okay, maybe Anon isn't as much of a fucking awkward spazz as you first pegged him
>He continues on talking
>"I was just thinking of forming a self-defense class, of sorts. Just to teach some of more vulnerable students basic defense skills should they be confronted or assaulted in some way. You and Applejack seemed like perfect candidates to help me out."
>You think over his words for a second
>Huh, that actually sounds pretty cool
>An involuntary smile comes to your face
"So, basically, you wanna teach nerds how to PROPERLY kick their bullies in the nuts?"
>Anon rolls his eyes at that, but he's smirking
>"More or less. Would that be something you're interested in?"
>You give a resolute grin
>'Are you interested? '
>That sounds suspiciously like a challenge
>And everyone knows you don't back away from a challenge
"Hell yeah, I'm interested! I'll pass on the word to AJ too once Pinkie's tired her out. I know that's something she'd be down for."
>Anon's eyes light up as he claps his hands in genuine delight
>"Perfect! Now, how about we go keep your gentle friend over there company? She looks like she needs it."
>Turning to look where Anon is pointing, you see Fluttershy sitting all alone under the Pepe Sculpture
>She looks sad and scared and VERY uncomfortable as she keeps nervously looking around at passing arcade-goers
"Yeah, we better go take care of her before she gets into any more trouble."
>Be Twilight Sparkle
>Be trying with all your might to keep up with Sunset but jesus christ why is she walking so fast
>Like a deranged Naruto cosplayer, she's decided to speed with all her might through the arcade toward the meetup point
>N-not that you know what Naruto is or a-anything
>Taking deep breaths and chasing after her, you see a steeled look on her face as she rounds a corner and searches for the PepePinball sculpture
>Apparently she really wants to make sure her 'new friend' who she's known for all of two hours is having a good time
>Why does she care so much about this Anon guy anyway?
>So what if he's nice? You girls have Fluttershy
>And you don't want to embarrass yourself having to navigate awkward social conversations for the purpose of making yet another friend
>You were just starting to get comfortable with these ones
>Feeling someone tapping your shoulder, you look over
>Sunset is looking very happy now and points ahead
>Ah, there we are
>Anon, Fluttershy, and Rainbow Dash are sitting under the Pepe sculpture
>Fluttershy is looking down and appears nervous and uncomfortable, but Dash is smiling and having an animated conversation with Anon
>Wouldn't have pegged those two as fast friends
>"Thank God, he didn't leave," you hear Sunset mutter (evidently to herself)
>Jeez, why was she so worried?
>It's not like Anon is a close friend
>Is there something you're missing here?
>Before you can muse over it further, Sunset gestures for you to follow
>She practically sprints over to the gang, with you trailing behind
>"Hey, guys! Sorry we're so late, we had an incident with Rarity. But she'll be back later tonight!"
>Sunset pants out the apology and explanation, out of breath from how fast she's been moving this whole time
>"Pffft, no problem Sunny, me and Anon were just talking some more about some kickass martial arts moves we know!"
>Rainbow Dash is, true to her character, too dense to understand the apology was meant for Anon
>Fluttershy, meanwhile, looks absolutely distressed at the mention of martial arts
>Have those guys been talking about violence this ENTIRE TIME in front of poor Fluttershy?
>Anon merely gives a wave and a small smile before speaking
>"Yes, it's quite alright, the night has practically flown by," he says in that sludgy accent
>Sunset smiles brightly at Anon
>And keeps looking at him
>...For an awkwardly long time, even by your standards
>Suddenly, Sunset's face reddens at Dash coughing and giving her a knowing look
>Why a cough?
>Why a knowing look?
>Why a reddening face?
>Sunset begins looking around the area with a puzzled expression
>"Where are Pinkie and AJ?"
>Dash looks around, apparently not noticing the two are gone
>She waves her hand casually
>"Beats me. Those losers must have been too embarrassed with my mad DDR skills to bare the shame of hanging around us!"
>That sounds implausible
>Fortunately, Fluttershy was apparently paying attention
>"T-they u-um, went to go do s-some sort of r-race simulator c-contest," FS says in her characteristic near-silent manner.
>Sunset groans and rolls her eyes
>"Just my luck. Rainbow, help me track them down! Oh, Twi, wanna keep Anon and Shy company while we're gone?"
>Sunset must have (correctly) decided that search and rescue missions are not where your natural skills lie
"Sure, no problem," you say with a shrug, sitting down next to Anon
>As Rainbow and Sunset run off to locate the two missing members of your party, you turn to your companions
"S-so, what's your guys' favorite unified field theory contender?"
>Oh dear God, why Twilight
>Why do you do this to yourself
>Fluttershy just squeaks and looks down, smartly deciding she wants no part in your autism
>Anon, on the other hand, raises an eyebrow in interest
>"Unified field theory?"
>Ok Twilight, you can still save this conversation
>You just have to steer the topic away from nerd shit
"Uh, h-hello, Earth to Anon! You know, something that reconciles quantum mechanics with general relativity? T-this is pretty basic physics, Anon."
>...Just fuck your life
>Anon shrugs, his expression quickly turning into one of boredom
>"Ah, I see. Never cared much about physics, to be honest."
>Never CARED about physics?
>Ok, this cannot stand
>If you can't have a good conversation, you'll settle for having a CORRECT conversation
"That's probably just because no one's taught it to you properly. Physics is the glue that holds all of the natural sciences together, Anon! I myself can't get enough of it; I'm taking advanced physics this year and I think I might major in it when I go to university. It's absolutely fascinating."
>Satisfied that you defended the intellectual lineage of Newton and Bohr, you rest back in your seat
>Meanwhile, Anon has perked up
>Ah, it seems your impassioned defense of the hard sciences FINALLY got through to someone
>"So, you're very interested in science, then?"
>You scoff at that
"'Interested' is a bit of an understatement, to put it lightly."
>For fuck's sake, Twilight
>Stop being a butthole right this instant
>Anon, however, is not deterred by your panicked, socially stunted bragging
>"So, then you must know a great deal of say, chemistry and engineering? The applied sciences? Utilizing chemically active substances for...productive endeavors?"
>And engineering?
>Ok, play it cool, Twilight
>For the love of god, don't mention any of the theorems or chemical structures flashing through your head right now
>Just say something witty and insightful
>OH, answer his question with another question!
"Do I know a lot of chemistry and engineering? D-did Joseph Black discover magnesium?"
>Nailed it
>Anon gives you a very wide grin as his eyes seem to light up with something...weird
>Like he's just found something extremely pleasing
>"I hope you'll forgive me for being terribly forward, Miss Sparkle, but I have the feeling you and I are going to be VERY good friends, indeed."
>Oh, god what???
>You must be getting better at this friendship thing than you thought!
>You are Sunset Shimmer
>And finally, at last, you've gotten everyone together
>At first it was Fluttershy and Anon getting lost
>Then it was Rarity having a mental breakdown
>THEN it was AJ and Pinkie deciding to ditch everyone and go race each other
>But, dragging the latter two behind you as Dash lectures them on her own superiority in all arcade games, you are FINALLY going to reunite the group
>And, most importantly, you are finally going to get to spend some time with Anon
>N-not that you like him or anything!
>Of course not
>You would just feel bad if, after pressuring the guy to come hang out with you and your friends, you didn't see him all night
>Completely noble motives
>Shaken out of your reverie by the sight of the horrifying pinball frog sculpture, you see Anon, Fluttershy, and Twilight right where you left them all
>Fluttershy unfortunately looks as miserable and uncomfortable as she did when you last saw her
>But Twilight is absolutely gushing about (from what you can hear) some obscure science trivia
>And, most shockingly, Anon is staring at her, not with contempt, but with genuine interest at her knowledge
>Jesus, he's hanging on every word
>You feel a smile tugging at the corners of your mouth
>For how (endearingly!) awkward he is, Anon sure seems to get along with everyone
>Walking up to the trio, you're about to speak when Pinkie Pie bounces in front of you and cuts you off
>Goddamn it Pinkie
>"SO, now that we have all STUPENDOUSLY reassembled, what's our game plan soldiers? Pinball? Zombie shooting? Air hockey? Dinner and a movie? Huh, huh, HUH?!!!!"
>AJ chuckles and answers before you can get a word in
>For fuck's sake why are all you friends talking faster than you?
>"Well ah reckon ah've worked up a mighty appetite from all this dancin' and racin' and wrasslin'. I wouldn't mind gettin' a bite at all, tell ya the truth."
>Fluttershy adds on her own agreement, though you have to strain your ears to hear her, as always
>"U-um, I w-wouldn't be upset about leaving the a-arcade for dinner at all, i-if that's alright with you all."
>You're about to respond when RAINBOW DASH interrupts you
>Alright, you're about to lose your shit
>"Whaaaaaat, are you KIDDING me? I've barely had time to kick any of your asses at anything! I've only gotten a handful of tickets, this is just sad. C'mon, it's like, what, 8 PM? Food can wait."
>You're actually inclined to agree with Dash for once
>But, before you know it, Rainbow's fierce opposition has ignited a big discussion/debate between all your friends
>Their overlapping voices are reaching a fever pitch and you figure it's a waste of time to even bother trying to talk now
>Weaving through them all, you sit down next to Anon and speak to him in a low volume
"Hey Anon, I haven't gotten a chance to show you the coolest part of the arcade. You interested?"
>Anon looks at you with a curious expression, but smiles and nods all the same
>"Of course, Sunset. Lead the way."
>Oh, this is gonna be good
"Isn't it gorgeous, Anon?"
>Be Sunset still
>And be gazing at the breath-taking view of the night time city skyline from the roof of the arcade
>Anon also seems enchanted by the view, staring at the city quietly
>"T-this is...incredible," he says, his voice filled with disbelief.
>Oh yeah, this was your best idea yet
>You smile smugly at your own genius
"Yeah, this is maybe my favorite view of Canterlot from anywhere. It just is the perfect angle to look at everything," you say, gesturing toward the skyline.
>You take a pause before inhaling deeply
>Ok Sunset, now's the time
>Just apologize and get it over with
"H-hey Anon, I'm really sorry about tonight. So much unexpected stuff happened, I just lost track of time and couldn't really hang out with you like I should have."
>Anon turn to look you in the eyes, a reassuring smile quickly crossing his face
>Oh God why is your heart melting
>How is he doing this to you?
>You don't like it, but also you very much like it
>"It's more than fine, Sunset! It has been a pleasure and a privilege to get to know all of your wonderful friends. They...make me feel at home."
>Anon suddenly looks down at the ground, getting a troubled look on his face
>"I...I have to thank you. For inviting me. I confess that I've not made a single friend since I came to this place. Just this one night, I've experienced more joy than a hundred nights before."
>He looks up, his gaze meeting yours intensely
>"I am...indebted to you. You've shown me so much kindness, so much appreciation. I don't know that I deserve it."
>Your knees are shaking
>And your head is getting all cloudy
>It's like everything he says was hand-picked to make you want to hug him
>If you didn't know him like you do, you could almost imagine Anon as some sort of manipulative sociopath, deliberately playing you like a fiddle
>But staring into his kind, humble eyes, it's clear that the truth is so much simpler than that
>You and Anon just get each other
>You both come from far off places and feel like outsiders
>You both have struggled with fitting and making friends
>...You both just want to help people and do the right thing
>Giving Anon a warm, genuine smile, you try to fight the blood rushing to your cheeks
"I-it's no problem, Anon. Really. I like you and my friends like you and we just wanted to spend some time with you."
>Anon gives a small smile at that and turns to admire the skyline some more
>After a few moments of silence, he speaks again
>"I talked with Principal Celestia earlier today. She told me about the basketball game that's coming up and offered me a place on the planning committee."
>Wait, what?
>That's incredible
>Your energy ramps up at this and you can't help your joy from spilling out
"GET OUT! I'm heading that committee with Pinkie! Oh Anon, this is awesome, you're gonna have so much fun helping us plan this. I can't wait to tell you EVERYTHING you need to know about all the cool stuff we've got planned."
>Anon gets a massive grin on his face before he looks deep into your eyes with a laser-focused gaze
>"Sunset, that sounds absolutely perfect. I don't exaggerate when I say that I ask you not to spare me a *single* detail about the game. I want to know everything about the plans and the...logistics, of the event."
>You just bob your head up and down, somewhat distracted by the butterflies in your stomach
>And the heat in your skin
>...And the mushy feeling in your chest
>Ok, there's no denying it anymore
>You like Anon
>Like, you REALLY like Anon
>In fact, every bone in your body is telling you to kiss him right now
>The setting is perfect, the mood is perfect, and Lord knows you want to
>You have no idea if he even feels the same way about you
>Besides, you just officially met him today
>It would be WAY too forward to kiss him even if he did like you
>That said, you can't totally restrain yourself either
>Taking a deep breath, you gently wrap your hand around one of Anon's as it absently rests against the roof's ledge
>At first Anon jumps, seeming very surprised by the motion
>But then, after realizing what's happening. the warmest, most vulnerable smile you've yet seen on his face appears
>You're so enraptured by the sight that you almost don't notice the pulsing, electricity-like volts of emotion coming through Anon's hand
>As a rule, you avoid reading people's minds unless you think they're dangerous
>Respect for personal privacy and all
>But sometimes it's borderline impossible to completely tune out the thoughts and feelings magically transmitting themselves to you
>And this is no exception
>Feeling the waves of intense sentiment, it's difficult to describe what you're picking up on
>To your disappointment, it doesn't quite feel like affection or love
>Not even happiness
>More like...concentration?
>Like the feeling when you're in a final boss battle and your health bar is almost depleted but in just a COUPLE of moves you're gonna beat him
>After a second, you decide that the word you're looking for is focus
>That's puzzling, but you figure that's enough emotional violation for one day and you slowly let go of Anon's hand
>Quickly forgetting about the strange sensation he gave you, you instead think about the intimate gesture
>You just held Anon's hand
>And he held it back
>And it felt GOOD
>Turning back to admire the skyline (and hide your ridiculously intense blush), you can't help but swing one of your legs a little in sheer glee
>It's decided
>You like Anon
>And you're pretty sure he likes you too
>And there's no WAY you're gonna let yourself mess this up
>You are the fabulous, incomparable,and ever-stylish Rarity
>After going to the clothing store and picking out a delightful new outfit, as well as changing out of your old wet, sticky clothes, you feel supremely reassured
>Indeed, your mood has improved so vastly that you're finally ready to have a simply lovely time at the arcade with your dear friends and one promising acquaintance!
>Looks like tonight might not be a dreadful catastrophe like you feared be a mere hour ago
>Walking through the doors of the arcade, you look down to your phone, ready to send a text to Sunset and ask where you should meet the girls
>However, you're barely past the entrance when you hear a accentuated male voice behind you
>"Miss Rarity?"
>Taken aback at the voice (and pleasantly surprised at its manners), you turn behind you and see Anon resting against a claw machine
>He has a small smile on his face and he appears to have been looking over two papers in his hands
>You flash him a wide and warm smile before stepping over to him in a gregarious fashion
"Anonymous, darling, it is an absolute treat to see you again! I apologize for not noticing you as I walked in, I'm afraid I was boorishly distracted by my little attention-killer."
>You disarmingly gesture to your smart phone before placing it back in your purse
>Anon grins at that, a strange look taking over his eyes when he glances at your phone
>Almost like he doesn't like it
>Hmm, that's surprising
>It's the latest model, has a wonderfully elegant and brilliantly custom-styled (by yours truly) case, and is extraordinarily well-maintained
>No matter
>It very well might be that Anon is one of those technology enthusiasts and he knows something about your phone's specs that you don't
>"No worries Miss Rarity, I'm just waiting for the others to arrive. Please, feel free to continue on," Anon says casually.
>His words take you out of your thoughts and you find yourself puzzled
"Hmmm, arrive? Have they gone somewhere?"
>Anonymous shakes his head as he places his papers back into a folder before securing the folder in his coat's pocket
>You didn't get a good look at the papers, but they seemed to be flyers or event advertisements of some kind
>"Oh no, we simply were going to depart the arcadium for the evening and instead dine at a nearby restaurant. Will you be joining us?"
>Strange accent, this Anonymous
>Wait, they're leaving?
>But...but you didn't get to spend any time partaking in the festivities
>D-did the girls do everything they wanted without you?
>You take a deep breath and try to wipe any hurt expression off your features
>You plaster a big smile on your face and brightly look Anon in the eyes
"I'd be delighted to, darling! Where are the others right now?"
>Anon shrugs, a bored look crossing his face
>"Miss Pie seems to have gotten distracted by something shiny or another, so the other girls are tracking her down. Good luck to them, I say."
>Hmmm, you're not sure you care for the gentleman's tone
>It almost feels like he's mocking Pinkie Pie
>You quickly shake the thought from your head
>What are you saying, Rarity?
>It is most ungenerous to assume such malice of someone you barely know
>Surely, Anon's questionable tone can be explained by the language barrier
>You instead keep a smile on your face as your grasp for a conversational topic to kill the time
"Ah, yes, perfectly sensible. Say, Anon -- is it alright if I call you Anon, by the way?"
>Anon merely nods his head once in response
"Excellent! So, I was simply wondering whatever has inspired your fashion choices? They are quite unique!"
>Looking Anon over, unfortunately "unique" was the most positive adjective you could find that wasn't an outright lie
>He's wearing a thick, multi-colored coat that is clearly patched together from several different, clashing fabric sources
>Covering his legs, he wears black sweatpants pants that are faded and torn in several spots
>On his feet, you see incredibly worn and beaten moccasins that look as though they might fall apart at any moment
>Oh...oh dear
>He's only wearing one sock
>No, this simply cannot stand
>Politely and subtly, you will design and gift Anon some far more suitable casual wear
>Anon looks down at himself and scoffs
>"Mostly took inspiration from my compatriots on the streets, I'm afraid. Whatever kept us warm enough on the streets."
>The streets?
>Oh goodness, Anon's backstory may be more troubling than Sunset even told you
"The streets, I see. W-were you homeless, Anon?"
>Anon's eyes widen and he looks...frustrated
>Not with you; with himself
>Perhaps this was not meant to be public knowledge
>"For a while after I came to America. Didn't speak very good English, so it was impossible to get a job."
>Oh, that's simply dreadful
>You had no idea there were students at CHS going through such troublesome circumstances
"That's simply awful, Anon. I'm sorry you had to go through that, truly, it's incredibly unfortunate."
>Suddenly Anon looks directly in your eyes, glaring
>Have you offended him somehow?
>"Yes, well, it is quite *unfortunate* that we can't all be born into wealth, Miss Rarity."
>Born into wealth?
>Is he implying that your family is rich?
>Well...he's not WRONG, but still
>What an incredibly rude assumption to make about someone trying to befriend him!
>You glare back at him
"Of course, Mr. Anonymous, but it's important to remember we *all* have our personal struggles."
>He merely scoffs and looks away from you, plainly losing interest in this conversation
>Despite his brashness, you don't want to end the night on a sour note with Anon
>Perhaps school would be a more neutral topic?
>You smile and try to steer the conversation in a more pleasant direction
>"Well, I quite love fashion myself. I'm even designing costumes and uniforms for the basketball game that's coming up. I just finished the mascot's costume today, in fact."
>Anon whips his head over to look at you
>And it's like a complete 180
>His eyes are bright and curious, he has a friendly grin on his face, and his features have completely softened
>Anon is striking you as quite a moody fellow, just in this brief conversation
>"Mascot, you say? How delightful! Tell me, is it quite a big costume, Miss Rarity?"
>Any thoughts of Anon's strangeness vanish at the genuine pleasure of someone taking interest in your primary passion in life
"Oh, yes, darling! It's a very large costume; it has to be to incorporate all the features of the animal. It is a colt, after all, so some extra space is needed!"
>Anon leans in, becoming unexpectedly enraptured in your words
>You take back every negative thing you thought about him; no one this interested in fashion could be anything other than perfectly decent
>"I see, I see. Excellent. So, say the person in the costume had to bring something with him, concealed? Some kind of special effects prop, for instance, perhaps the size of a small locker. Would it fit in the costume, with him inside it, I wonder?"
>That strikes you as a very bizarre question, but you think it over for a second
>Nodding, you turn back to Anon
"It would be a tight fit, but yes, Anon, I imagine the kind of object you described could be carried insight the costume. What makes you ask?"
>Anon merely gets a big grin on his face
>"Call it scientific curiosity, Miss Rarity. You'll have to show me some of your fashion work at some point, I find the whole topic...fascinating."
>You beam at his interest, before looking down and catching something that makes the breath leave your body
>The sleeve on Anon's left hand has rolled up slightly and you see a distinct, bloody gash on his wrist
"O-oh, dear! You're bleeding, darling. Are you alright?" you ask Anon with no small degree of alarm, pointing to his wrist
>Looking down, Anon furrows his brow before rolling his sleeve back down
>"Huh. So I am. No worries, a small cut never hurt anyone. I...must have hurt myself on one of the arcade machines."
>Looking up at you now, Anon flashes you a strange, intense smile
>"I trust that someone with your propriety can exercise some discretion, Miss Rarity. How about we keep my dreadfully humiliating clumsiness as our little secret?"
>You...you don't know what to say
>Every fiber of your being is telling you that Anon's wound is NOT accidental, but you have no proof otherwise
>And what good would it do to betray his trust and broadcast the incident to others?
>No, that wouldn't be helpful at all
>You simply smile slightly and give a short nod
"Y-yes, of course, darling. What are friends for?"
>You are Russian freedom fighter, Anonymous (finally dear god wtf took you so long dumbass writer, go fuck urself)
>The year is 1879 and you presently stand before Comrade Andrei Zhelyabov, Head of the Narodnaya Volya Public Figure Executive Committee
>In short, this is the cell leader who will be responsible for the impending public execution of Tsar Alexander II (death be upon him)
>After two years of backbreaking, painstaking involvement in the organization, you have come to see the man himself
>Your idol; no, your personal GOD
>It took sacrificing every part of yourself you'd ever valued and breaking contact with anyone you'd ever loved, of course
>Born in the unforgiving hellscape that is Omsk to a middle class administrative family, you were carted off to St. Petersburg to study Agriculture in your late teens
>There, undercover recruiters for Narodnaya Volya came upon you and, sensing your uncompromising nature and forceful will, invited you into their cell
>Quickly learning of the soul-crushing poverty and true misery that confronted the broken, trampled working masses in Russia, you almost immediately lost touch with your foolish petty bourgeois parents, your vapid, idiot girlfriend, and your callous, self-centered friends
>What good were personal relationships when every day you were faced with the suffering victims of the tyrannical, blood-sucking leeches of Russian capitalism?
>Beginning work in propaganda distribution, you soon made a name for yourself through hard work and utter fearlessness
>No matter your expulsion from University, your repeated arrests and subsequent tortures, your twice-failed exile back to the countryside, etc. you never gave up a single comrade and you NEVER ceased your activities
>As a result, you were gifted with increasingly important and risky assignments, the most recent of which involved the successful sabotage of several major factories and untold profit losses for their owners
>And this cold, dreary, November evening, all of your hard work has paid off at last
>Comrade Zhelyabov looks you over in this stuffy storage room
>Though the man is notorious for having never smiled in his life, you nonetheless believe you can make out some approval in his eyes
>"Well, Comrade Anonymous, I must say, I have heard tale after tale of your impressive dedication to the cause. Do you believe you really are fit for the highest privilege a member of our organization could have?"
>You put a fist to your heart, answering immediately
"There is no doubt to be had, Comrade Zhelyabov. I would joyously accept death by a thousand cuts if it meant even a one percent chance of Alexander's death, that blind, vile fool."
>Giving a sharp, satisfied nod, the leader immediately places his hand on your shoulder
>He looks into your eyes with a burning intensity and you feel your heart stopped as you listen with rapture to whatever he may say
>"It is decided, then. Given your proficiency with basic chemistry and previous explosives experience, you will help our comrades design, construct, and assemble the bomb to be used in the mission."
>Taking a breath, you see the faintest hint of a smile cross the stern, impassive man's lips
>"Stand tall and proud, Comrade. I have just assigned you the highest duty a revolutionist can have."
>You fight back any tears of joy as well as the urge to fall to your knees and thank the heavens
>And it is the hardest thing you have ever had to do
>Noticing a flickering light, you are drawn coldly from your reveries
>Blinking and looking around, you realize you are in the hallway leading up to your apartment door
>The flickering light would be just one of many examples of your landlord's stinginess
>Sighing, you walk up to your door and unlock it with the old, shitty key you were given
>Sliding the door open, you flick the light switch on and are faced with the sight of your tiny, shithole apartment
>Trash strewn across the floor, only the barest furniture to bee seen, and the open window letting in the sound of barking dogs and honking cars, the smell of cigarettes, and the sight of the adjacent apartment where a couple is having very...ugly-looking sex
>You close the door and walk to slam the window shut, tossing a filthy towel over it since you don't have a curtain
>Absently sitting on the lawn chair in the middle of the room, you think back to that day
>By far and away the happiest day of your entire life
>Leaning back into the chair, you muse that it's only fitting to remember it all today
>A deep, wide, triumphant grin spreads across your face
>Today, the SECOND happiest day of your entire life
>When your foolish comrade prematurely activated your bomb, blowing you both to bits and sending you to this God-forsaken land, you admit that you were rapt with despair
>The most important task a revolutionist could possible be given and you had failed miserably, with no way to atone for your misdeeds
>But, you immediately threw yourself back into your work, figuring another opportunity would present itself for true revolution
>And at last it has
>The Canterlot Mayor
>That pompous, useless, corrupt, greedy public 'servant' will be within your sights in just two weeks
>And you have the means to do something about it
>Barking out a laugh, you rejoice in your many accomplishments during this long, productive day
>You secured your place on the planning committee for the basketball game, ensuring you will have access to all vital logistical information
>The Apple bitch and Rainbow cunt will make themselves useful as captains of your Red Youth Army, though they have yet to realize that's what they are
>The shy, spineless, admittedly very adorable Flutter girl will serve on the Student Revolutionary Executive Committee, ensuring at least one halfway competent member other than yourself
>The Twilight imbecile will provide you valuable scientific input to perfect your planned weapons of revolutionary destruction
>And, most importantly, Sunset "The Pawn" Shimmer and the Pink tramp will be a primary source of information for all events and happenings related to the basketball game
>At that last thought, you absently place your hand on the one that Sunset held earlier tonight
>A useful pawn indeed, as it turns out
>You've somehow managed to ensnare her in your charm without even trying
>She...appears to have developed a sort of schoolgirl crush on you
>Why that could possibly be, you haven't the faintest clue
>Ever since you became a revolutionist, you've not put any thought into relationships at all
>You have no idea what mysteries worm their way around in the minds of women
>Exhaling, you think it over
>Like it or not, this infatuation on her part can only benefit you
>She'll be much more inclined to hand over valuable information to you now and aid your plans without question
>And, if, in the mean time, you have to deal with weird warm feelings in your stomach that you find it frustrating and impossible to interpret, so be it
>A small price to pay for the liberation of the masses
>Frowning, you think back to the Pink girl
>Far too clever for your tastes, she picked up on your lies almost immediately
>Granted, you were in a relaxed state at the time, but that makes her no less dangerous
>Pondering it for a moment, you quickly decide that she must be neutralized
>Preferably by peaceful and quiet means (emotional sabotage? bullying? threatening her parents so they leave the city?)
>After all, you don't want too much heat to rise in the school mere weeks away before the opening volley of the revolutionary army
>But, you WILL dispose of her by any means necessary, up to and including lethal action
>If you have to perform a deed of contemptible violence and sacrifice a chunk of your soul to ensure your plan's success, well...
>That's never stopped you before
Act 2: Speedy and Total Destruction
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by Nechayev420