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[RGRE] Rickrolling Your Marefriend

By CharlieHoers
Created: 2020-12-17 21:33:43
Expiry: Never

  1. >you've been enjoying life innaquestria for about a year now
  2. >got yourself a reasonable job, your own house
  3. >and to your eternal surprise you found yourself falling in love
  4. >life is good for the both of you
  5. >or you think so
  6. >lately your marefriend has been really clingy
  7. >well... clingier than usual
  8. >not that you're complaining or anything
  9. >still it's out of the ordinary and you're determined to to get to the bottom of the issue
  10. "So honey, everything alright?"
  11. >for just a second you swear you saw a glint of panic in her eyes, but you're not sure
  12. >"Of course I am Anon! Why in Equestria wouldn't I be?"
  13. "Well for one you're not smiling like you used to when we cuddled on the couch. That and you seem to not want to let go."
  14. >her ears fold back while her eyes start shifting around
  15. >oh yea that was a bullseye
  16. >"I-I'm just tired Anon."
  17. >bullshit detected, initializing bluffbreaker.exe
  18. >you just stare at her, but carefully mold your face to show nothing but concern
  19. >she seems more nervous
  20. >"Really!"
  21. >it's not working, time for extreme measures
  22. >you take on a more deadpan expression, showing you're not buying it
  23. >"Cmon Anon you're being silly."
  24. >Anon, this is left eyebrow. Do we have permission to engage?
  25. >Anon to left eyebrow you are clear for takeoff
  26. >3... 2... 1... liftoff! we have liftoff!
  27. >her facade is clearly cracking
  28. >after a few moments more she lets out a sigh and leans against you
  29. >"Alright, alright just stop the face."
  30. >you immediately do so, shifting back to your loving concern face
  31. >"The truth is... I'm... I'm afraid Anon."
  32. >you guessed as much, but that only solves part of the problem
  33. "Ok. And what are you afraid of my little p0ne?"
  34. >"I'm afraid of losing you."
  35. >now you're surprised
  36. "Losing me? Why would you be afraid of losing me?"
  38. >now it's her turn to look surprised
  39. >an awkward silence stretches between you
  40. "What do you mean I can do better?"
  41. >tears begin welling up in her eyes
  42. >"I... I know there are better mares out there than me. Prettier mares, smarter mares... *sniff*"
  43. >oh no you're not letting this continue
  44. >you pull your marefriend into a hug
  45. "Shh... shh... don't think that way. Don't ever think that way. I'm here for you. I will always be here for you."
  46. >she just barely seems to be keeping it together now
  47. >"Bu-but why? I'm nopony special. Why would you waste your best years on a mare that breaks down in front of her stallion like this?"
  48. >you're about to reply when you find yourself with a sense of deja-vu
  49. >where the fuck have you felt this before?
  50. >...
  51. >oh
  52. >OHHHHH
  53. >you felt this way, back on earth
  54. >you weren't a complete failure, back in high school
  55. >you even had yourself a gf
  56. >and you wondered the same thing
  57. >why the fuck would someone that's way out of your league date some faggot like you?
  58. >it all makes sense now
  59. >the clinginess, the moodiness
  60. >but you're a loss for how to help your marefriend now that the shoe's on the other foot
  61. >she's just sitting there quietly sobbing into your chest as you pet her mane thinking of the right thing to say
  62. >Hey anon, I thought of something
  63. >What do you want brain?
  64. >P0nes like songs here right?
  65. >What are you getting at? I don't know any love songs.
  66. >You know one anon.
  67. >it takes a second searching your memories until you remember
  68. >THAT song
  69. >you hesitate, unsure if what you're about to do will help or not
  70. >a particularly powerful sob makes your decision for you
  71. >giving your marefriend one last squeeze you set her back on the couch and stand up in front of her, mumbling
  72. "The things I do for love."
  73. >your marefriend looks up at you with confused, bloodshot eyes
  74. "Honey, I love you, and I'm going to show you in the only way I think can get that through to you."
  75. >you may not have a magical bone in your body, but if there's one bit that you figured out how to do it's song magic
  76. >you snap your fingers and the song magic responds in kind
  77. >you havent heard this song in years, but it all comes back just like you remembered
  78. >your marefriend looks even more confused as the music starts up
  79. >you begin dancing to the music
  80. "We're no strangers to love.
  81. You know the rules, and so do I
  82. A full commitment's what I'm thinking of
  83. You wouldn't get this from any other guy"
  84. >if those other anons could see you know they'd be brewing a shitstorm to end all shitstorms
  85. >your marefriend has stopped crying and is just sitting there with wide eyes
  86. "I just wanna tell you how I'm feeling
  87. Gotta make you understand"
  88. >whelp, no going back now
  89. "Never gonna give you up
  90. Never gonna let you down
  91. Never gonna run around and desert you
  92. Never gonna make you cry
  93. Never gonna say goodbye
  94. Never gonna tell a lie and hurt you"
  95. >you continue through the song, slowly getting into it
  96. >you look at your marefriend, and you see a smile slowly creeping across her face
  97. >her smile is infectious, and you feel yourself smiling as well
  98. >at long last you finish the final chorus and the song magic fades away
  99. >good god you feel like a faggot
  100. >breathing heavily you just stand there in front of your marefriend
  101. >a few moments pass before she hurls herself onto into your chest holding you tightly
  102. >"Anon! I love you too! I love you I love you!"
  103. >chuckling, you return to your position on the couch
  104. "I love you too dear."
  105. >you have a feeling that this spectre that's haunted the both of you is finally gone
  106. >you know that you both will be there for each other until your dying days
  107. >you'll never give her up
  108. >you'll never let her down
  109. >you'll never run around and desert her
  110. >you'll never make her cry
  111. >you'll never say goodbye
  112. >you'll never tell a lie and hurt her
  113. >yfw Rickrolling is unironically the most effective love song Equestria has ever seen
  114. >who would have guessed

[RGRE] Rickrolling Your Marefriend

by CharlieHoers

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