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Twin Moon

By Advisability
Created: 2023-10-24 05:24:36
Updated: 2023-11-27 05:50:15
Expiry: Never

  1. >Be... Me.
  2. >Human whatsit, definite brony, dropped into Equestria.
  3. >Minus the anonpony stuff. No hooves, just my usual body.
  4. >Not a big fan of it, but it's what I have to work with.
  5. >ended up dunked in the Ponyville fountain when I landed
  6. >Better than the Everfree
  7. >Turns out EQG is canon, so twilight was thankfully pretty accepting.
  8. >Be me, sat in a too-small chair in her library with Twilight (and Co.) scienceing and generally asking questions (Don't ask me how the library's here, no clue.)
  9. >"Right, I've not actually had a good chance to study these, so could you please give me your hand so I can try and understand it better?"
  10. >Nod
  11. >She starts lifting my hand with telekinesis
  12. >Feels really weird, tingly, kind of good, heart skips a beat
  13. >Really warm, feels good now, something bright in my chest
  14. >Look down
  15. >What_the_fuck.jpg
  16. >Within a few mere moments my hand has been turned into a large, soft, fuzzy, dark-blue hoof
  17. >Twilight drops her magic FAST, starts gibbering panic-speech
  18. >I flex it gently, not really paying attention...
  19. >It's supple, soft to the touch, and moves without any pain or stiffness.
  20. >Petting it feels nice, like a throw blanket with thicker fluff, and cool to the touch.
  21. >Finally tune in to 201.0 PurpleSmart FM
  22. >seems she's hyperventilated through.. two and a half bags, i gently pat her on the shoulder with my new hoof and smile at her.
  23. "C'mon, this really, really isn't that bad"
  24. >Rainbow pipes up.
  25. >"Whaddya mean, you've lost like, half your way to DO things!!"
  26. >Oh hey, I can facehoof now.
  27. "Rainbow, this is Equestria. EVERYTHING is designed to be used with hooves. My loss of functionality is basically zero."
  28. >She nods, a tiny bit embarassed.
  29. >oh, Twilight's finished bag three and has her serious face on, game time.
  30. >"Anon, you have like, THIRTY different transformation enchantments on you, I don't even how that's possible, especially since most of them are redundant doubles, how?! And why does that hoof seem familiar?"
  31. >"First one's a long story, second one i'll get to later... So. Best guess?"
  32. >She nods, mildly annoyed, moreso at the absurdity than at me.
  33. "Best guess... well, i have some friends. Said friends are very strongly into transformations, and believe that the physical body isn't the same thing as one's identity, or form. So they do spiritual ritual, or imposition, or what have you, to make their chosen forms stronger, make them feel it. Now, this stuff isn't usually... uh... magical? But i guess it ends up working the same way as a spell, but doesn't have the power to do anything, so it just sorta sits there? Then, when you used magic to lift my hand, it just triggered a boatload of them at once? Not an expert, mind you, but that might be how it works."
  34. >She's in full fun research mode now, and has the Sparkle (heh) in her eyes to match.
  35. >"Right, that makes some sense, layered enchantments that trigger when they get a power source are actually how traps used to work in old castles! That still doesn't explain why your hoof looks... weirdly familiar."
  36. >Reeeeally tempted to break out the old thees and thous just for a joke, but she's starting to go cross eyed with how hard she's furrowing her brow.
  37. "Yeahhhh... Just going to out with it, that would be Princess Luna."
  38. >Pure, Dead, Unadulterated silence.
  39. "There was really no good way to say that."
  40. >Somehow even quieter, I think the crickets are worried about Fluttershy.
  41. >Twilight pipes up.
  42. >"Anon, what the buck, why the buck, how the buck, and most importantly... iiiiii'm calling Princess Luna."
  43. >Shhhhhhhit. Okay, don't panic, don't panic, worst comes to worst the hoof will just get reverted and life will go on...
  44. >Insert... The princess of the night, walking swift through the do- oh pinkie's dragging her okay
  45. >Presses me to her side, stretching out my hoof with one of hers
  46. >"Yeppers! Perfect match, one hundred percent!"
  47. >Both of us are clearly uncomfortable.
  48. >She's not wrong though, hooves are a dead match.
  49. >After being untangled by a clearly apologetic Twilight, the Princess eyes me with concern and excuses both her and myself, pulling us into an upstairs... guest bedroom? Man, much larger library than i remembered.
  50. >It's dark in there, only lit by the glow of her mane and the night sky shining through the window.
  51. >Neither of us move to turn on a lantern.
  52. >I sit on the edge of the bed, looking out of the window.
  53. >It's a while before either of us speak, and she breaks the silence.
  54. >"Why do you have so man enchantments, all to replicate Me?"
  55. >I have to think on it a bit, and... well, i suppose some context is in order.
  56. "Your highness... In my world, you exist as... a character, in a story. it's a bit hard to put, but you are a figure, a concept, and not... a person. Sometimes, people choose to emulate a concept like that, because it makes them happy. Now, the enchantments are news to me, kinda, but the core... desire, remains."
  57. >She tilts her head for a moment, studying me...
  58. >"To be me."
  59. >I have to hang my head in shame, for a moment, before my eye catches again on the light of the moon.
  60. "To be you, I suppose. Princess, I... was never happy, as I was born. My body felt wrong, and the way I was raised put pressures on me that wore away any sense of attachment I had to myself. It was hard to love myself, and harder to care. You see, I was... well, among bad fellows for awhile. And when I did eventually find good people, they were people who... weren't exactly human, inside. Who chose to reject what they were born as, who they were born as, and assume or make new forms for themselves. Eventually, through time and exposure, that desire came to me. It wasn't you at first, funnily, though I greatly admired you. It took a false start and a month, but... Eventually, I realized I was unsatisfied. I had been actively rejecting things I thought would be too close to what others have done, or too strange, or concepts that had existed already... I was limiting myself. So, on a bad day, I stopped trying to force out the thoughts I wanted to think... and there I was, as you. It felt better. It settled right on my bones, like a velvet glove... It quelled my anxieties, it made me feel strong..."
  61. >Slow, deep breath...
  62. >My hand has idly been stroking my hoof, soft royal velvet against my skin, stirring me onward.
  63. >She tilts her head, confusion replaced by surprise.
  64. >"But why me? Surely any number of forms would have granted you that strength?"
  65. >An uncomfortable grimace crosses my face for a moment, embarrassed at what I need to say.
  66. "Well you, as a concept, embody a lot of things I strive to involve myself with. When the story showed you lashing out, I understood how that felt, as much as a story can tell. When I saw your guilt, I knew how that hurt, from painful experiences growing up... I started seeing myself in the character. And soon enough, I started seeing the character in myself."
  67. >Deep breath, take a second.
  68. "Princess, the most beautiful thing I had ever seen back home was no dazzling artwork or grand accomplishment. When I was younger, and visiting my grandmother, I peered out a window at night. My grandmother lived in a small town, much, much smaller than the city I knew. In the city, when you looked up at night, if you were lucky, you would see the moon and a couple of stars, against a jet-black, closed off sky. But when I peered out that window, what I saw wasn't a paltry handful... I saw a grand blanket of cascading silver stars dotting a blue-tinted sky, the thin murk of far off clouds only making the glow seem brighter... I stayed up for hours, watching those stars, watching the sky like I had done years before... Your highness... When I took that name, I do not think it was a lie. I truly believe, that in that time and hereafter, that is who I am."
  69. >I was silent after that, staring into the sky. It was a long while before I turned to face her.
  70. >And I was surprised.
  71. >She wasn't angry.
  72. >She didn't even seem annoyed.
  73. >Instead, she had this odd mournful glint in her eye, but a thin smile on her face...
  74. >"How strange, Anon... thou'rt so alike to us, at least in what you say, and it is stranger indeed to feel kinship such like you."
  75. >Huh, old speech is filtering into her language.
  76. >Screw it, might as well have a bit of fun and match beat for beat.
  77. "Stranger and stranger things happen most ev'ry day, do they not?"
  78. >She giggles at that, seemingly brightening up a bit, and even comes closer to sit beside me.
  79. >"Tis an odd mirror that you are, but reflective nonetheless..."
  80. >She leans in, her horn alighting...
  81. >My breath hitches, stalling for a moment as I look into her eyes, full of compassion and empathy.
  82. >Is she going to...
  83. >She grips my remaining hand in telekinesis, a bubbly feeling of tingling, buzzing warmth as my fingers fuse together, erupting in midnight blue fur, a supple band of keratin joining them in a pointed, large, even hoof.
  84. >I find myself unable to suppress a moan as pleasure floods my mind, Long-dormant spells cast by people who wanted to help me surging along my skin, euphoric in their joy...
  85. >She laughs, pulling closer, a fire in her eyes as she dives atop me, magic spreading from a kiss on my forehead, the tugging, swirling, brain-fuzzing sensation of bony keratin wreathed in soft velvet pulling free from old skin
  86. >My new horn nearly burns with the weight of long-trapped magic, bubbling out in cerulean light as my body shudders and writhes underneath its mirror image, euphoric, ecstatic, fur sweeping over me
  87. >Her weight pressing my limbs and chest as they stretch and twist, my hooves gripping around her and pushing us onto our sides as massive, gorgeous, fluffy wings pull free from my lengthening back, settling me finally into shape, last of my internals shifting in accommodation, my heart ablaze...
  88. >My hair whirls, thickening, lengthening, darkening and glittering with stars as it coalesces into a nebulaic mane
  89. >A final, roiling moan into her chest fluff as my vocal chords twist, last of humanity dripping away in a glorious embrace of myself, of who I am, of who I truly always was, inside.
  90. "Luuuuuunaaa..."
  91. >The last of who I pretended to be bleeds away, the final patches of skin coated by shining fur, my fur.
  92. >I shudder in her embrace for awhile, letting the magic finish the last of its work.
  93. >Soft, fuzzy, warm sensation takes me as the tingling recedes, and i look up into my counterpart's eyes, proud and smiling.
  94. >I am Luna.
  95. >Perhaps not a princess... but myself, at last.
  96. >The effort of my eclosion has drained me...
  97. >The princess lays by my side, lulling me to sleep with gentle, soft whispers.
  98. >"Rest well, new sister. When next the moon rises, I shall be there to lead you with me..."
  99. >As my eyes closed, shining and brilliant, I took my last breath as I was, and my first of who I will be.

Twin Moon

by Advisability