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Anon World Order

By Uh-hmmm
Created: 2020-12-17 22:41:40
Expiry: Never

  1. > Be Anon, one of the waking few
  2. > This evening, a pair of hypnotized minions firmly guide you to the throne room
  3. > What you have come to think of as "the dazzled" bring you before the room's only occupant
  4. > You were expecting them to force you to kneel, but instead they are dismissed
  5. > Adagio Dazzle looks down on you from her raised throne
  6. > She is distinctly nonplussed
  7. > Out of self preservation, you begin to kneel, only to stop as her frown deepens
  8. > You end up standing straight and resigning yourself to waiting
  9. > As the silence stretches on, and on, your eyes begin to wander
  10. > Not for the first time, you note that at least your new overlords (over ladies?) are pretty
  11. > Adagio uncrosses and crosses her legs
  12. > Dammit, boner, this is not the time
  13. > "I see you 'noticed' me."
  14. > Her voice startles you after the prolonged silence
  15. "Ah! Uh, sorry about that. Won't happen again."
  16. > She rises from her throne and approaches you, hips swaying
  17. > "Don't misunderstand, Anon. I have been waiting for you to notice me."
  18. > ...
  19. > Wat
  20. "Glad I could help?"
  21. > Adagio bites her lip
  22. > "You must be wondering why I summoned you."
  23. "Yes?"
  24. > "I was thinking, we could get to know each other better."
  25. > ...
  26. "You want to be friends? After taking over the world?"
  27. > She scowls at you
  28. > "You never noticed me before! Not at lunch, not in the halls, you didn't even show up at the battle of the bands!"
  29. > Oh yeah, the time you missed the end of the world because you were playing vidya
  30. "Are you saying that you took over the world, just so that I would notice you?"
  31. > It occurs to you that you are a senior, and therefore, her senpai
  32. > Oh dear
  33. > "It's not like I like you or anything! I just... wanted to get to know you. You are an interesting guy, Anon."
  34. > And she's tsundere for you
  35. "I...see. Well, now what?
  36. > She plucks at her half-gloves nervously
  37. > "Now you live in the palace. Until we prepare a room for you, you can sleep in my, ah, my r-room."
  38. > O-kay.
  39. "That sounds good, I am pretty tired."
  40. > That's something of a lie, but you need time to think
  41. > She walks to one of many doors
  42. > Adagio glances over her shoulder
  43. > "Coming?"
  44. > You try to ignore all the 'witty' responses your oversexed brain composes
  45. "Yes, right inside you. I mean, behind you."
  46. > Dammit, brain
  47. > She blushes as your Freudian slip, and gives you time to catch up
  48. > "See that you do. My room is this way."
  49. > As you follow her swaying hips, you resign yourself to that fact that your boner will be doing more of the thinking for the foreseeable future
  51. > Adagio's room is large, with a canopied four post bed occupying a fair portion of it
  52. > The siren roots around in her dresser for a bit, then tosses a wad of clothing at you
  53. > "You can change into those out in the hall. Be grateful, not many people get to wear my clothes."
  54. > Upon closer examination, you seem to have a set of purple pajamas
  55. "Right. Thanks."
  56. > You step outside the door and close it
  57. > The hallway seems to be deserted, so you shrug and start taking off your clothes
  58. > You hear the door creak behind you, and you pause, shirt halfway off
  59. > You casually shuck your shirt, turning slightly
  60. > Out of your peripheral vision, you see the door cracked open
  61. > Alright
  62. > You bend over slowly as you inch your pants down your legs
  63. > You kick them to the side, then pick up the pajama bottom
  64. > You were planning on doing some seductive ass-cupping with the waistband, but as you pull it up you run into legitimate difficulties
  65. > After a few minutes of yanking and squeezing, you finally get into Adagio's pants
  66. > You are pretty sure, one wrong move and you will get such a wedgie
  67. > For that matter, the front is kinda tight too
  68. > No hiding that bulge
  69. > Not going to even try putting the shirt on
  70. > You reach back, and yank open the door, turning as you do
  71. > Adagio falls on her butt, her legs splayed
  72. > That wouldn't be too exciting, except she is wearing a thigh-length nightgown and apparently orange and white striped panties
  73. "I see two can play at the seduction game."
  74. > "What?"
  75. > You nod at her display
  76. > She looks down and immediately closes her legs, tugging her nightgown over her lap
  77. > "P-pervert!"
  78. > Really?
  79. "Really? You were the one watching me take off my clothes."
  80. > Adagio gets to her feet, smoothing out her gown to regain her composure
  81. > "I was just...making sure you didn't try to escape. Enough of this. We should really get some sleep, tomorrow you start on your duties."
  82. > She turns and walks to the bed, her back ramrod straight
  83. > You go to the other side
  84. "My duties? I thought you just wanted to get to know me."
  85. > The siren wriggles under the covers
  86. > "Oh, I'll be doing that too, but I have decided we really need an intelligent servant around here."
  87. > You slip under the covers as well
  88. > Damn, this is a large bed
  89. > There's at least two feet between the two of you
  90. "A servant you have sleeping in your bed."
  91. > A pillow hits your face
  92. > "B-be grateful! And no funny business!"
  93. "Alright, alright."
  94. > She flips a switch and the lights go out
  95. > As you lay there in the dark, you become all the more aware of the little sounds
  96. > Her shallow breathing, the rustle of cloth as she shifts positions
  97. > It's a long night
  99. > You wake up slowly, the morning sun warming your cheek
  100. > A slender arm across your chest, and something soft pressed up against your arm
  101. > Nice
  102. > You open your eyes and turn to look to the side
  103. > Blue?
  104. > The slight movement of your body rouses Sonata
  105. > She props herself up on her elbow, and you are somewhat saddened to feel the softness leave you
  106. > Bluey stares at you blankly for a moment, then grins
  107. > "Good morning, servant boy!"
  108. "Uh, good mo-"
  109. > She snuggles up against your chest, her face in the crook of your neck
  110. > You are very fine with this
  111. > She sighs happily
  112. > Then you hear rustling from the far side of the bed
  113. > "Mmmmgghphh, honestly, Sonata, you have your own be-"
  114. > Adagio looks down at the two of you
  115. > You notice that bluey is only wearing a bra and panties
  116. > You give orange creamsicle a wave with your free arm
  117. "Good morning."
  118. > Sonata looks up, and is faced with the increasingly wrathful face of the ruler of the world
  119. > She grins weakly
  120. > "Would you like a turn?"
  121. > Adagio hisses
  122. > "He's mine. Now get out!"
  123. > Bluey scampers off the bed
  124. > She only pauses at the door to give you a wink and to blow you a kiss
  125. > You give her a short little wave
  126. > You turn towards Adagio, who is gazing into the depths of her wardrobe
  127. "Anything I can help you with?"
  128. > She plucks out a few pieces that look... just like her normal outfit
  129. > Adagio lays them on the bed, and finally looks at you, her face carefully expressionless
  130. > "Help me get dressed."
  131. > You raise your eyebrows
  132. "Last night, you were embarrassed for me to see your panties. Now you want-"
  133. > "I know what I want!"
  134. > Ah, some anger
  135. > She turns away from you
  136. > "Don't question my orders, servant."
  137. > You approach, muttering out a
  138. "Yes, mistress."
  139. > She still has her back to you, so you lift up her gown from behind
  140. > dat ass
  141. > Adagio shifts her weight impatiently, and you bite your lip
  142. > You pull the gown up, and she shivers when one of your fingers grazes her side
  143. > She raises her arms accommodatingly, and you remove the gown completely
  144. > She stands there in her underwear, her white bra contrasting deliciously with her yellow skin
  145. > You look to the clothes she set out
  146. "Shall I get some underwear from the dresser?"
  147. > She whirls to face you
  148. > "That won't be necessary! I c-can do that later."
  149. > Then she turns her back on you once again, and you shrug
  150. > Tights first, you suppose
  151. > You crouch down to get her feet in, and are treated to a nice view of the undercarriage
  152. > The lavender fabric clings to her legs in a way that would make you jealous, if you weren't the one putting it on her scantily clad body
  153. > You pull it up and over her hips, your thumbs brushing against that tender flesh
  154. > The shorts come next, and fit her easily enough
  155. > That is, until it is time to button them.
  156. > You stand behind her, your arms circling around her and pressing quite firmly against her waist
  157. > You peer over her shoulder and you force the button ever closer towards the hole, savoring the view of her pillowy slopes
  158. > At last, the button is fastened, and both of you are breathing heavily
  159. > "Taking your time, Anon?"
  160. > You place your hand on her hip to steady you as you lean to scoop up her tube-top-thing
  161. "Can you blame me?"
  162. > You pull it down her chest slowly, mesmerized by how it drags across her breasts
  163. > "You are my servant, I can blame you for anything I want."
  164. > You step back to admire your work
  165. > Hmmm, seems you will have to tuck the top in
  166. "Ah, but do you want to?"
  167. > Your hand presses up against her stomach and slides in under the tight band of the shorts
  168. > "A-anon! What do you think you are doing?"
  169. "Just tucking in your shirt, that's all."
  170. > You repeat the process, your hand delving into her shorts with a slow, firm purpose
  171. > Once you are done, she snatches up her jacket and belt and retreats
  172. > "I-I can do the rest myself! Just- just stand over there!"
  173. > You bow, and stand in the appointed spot
  174. "And what shall I wear today?"
  175. > She glances at you, still flustered
  176. > "You shall remain as you are. Perhaps then you will learn to treat me with more deference."
  177. > Personally, you think she just likes you shirtless and in tight pants
  178. > As she collects the rest of her accessories, your stomach growls
  179. > She glances at you again, this time with regained composure
  180. > "Follow me to the dining room."
  182. > The dining room is about what you would expect, highly ornate and pointlessly large
  183. > And there's Aria, eating some sort of chocolate rice crispies cereal
  184. > You always knew she was the most evil
  185. > Adagio settles in the seat at the head of the table
  186. > "Cheerios for me, Anon."
  187. > Oh right, servant time
  188. > The breakfast paraphernalia is laid out in stacks on a nearby table
  189. > Next to it is a fridge, which you find is filled with milk...and nothing else
  190. > You hear Aria dryly observe,
  191. > "Interesting choice, Adagio. I can see why you picked him, but is he useful?"
  192. > You set the bowl before orange creamsicle, and pour her cereal
  193. > "At the very least, he is another person to buffer you from Sonata. I'm sure his other qualities will become apparent in due time."
  194. > You pour the milk, then begin to retreat
  195. > Adagio stops you with a hand gesture
  196. > "Some sugar, Anon."
  197. "As you wish."
  198. > You give her a peck on the cheek
  199. > Aria chuckles as Adagio blushes
  200. > Purple Hatsune leans forward with a leer
  201. > "In due time indeed."
  202. > Adagio glares at her, then turns a softer look on you
  203. > "Crystalline sugar. For my cereal."
  204. > You nod in acquiescence and set about your duties
  205. > Not much later, Sonata enters the room, clad in a fluffy pink bathrobe and her hair left down, still glistening from the shower
  206. > You take the initiative and pour her a bowl of lucky charms
  207. > She beams at you
  208. > "Thanks hot guy! Here, let me show you,"
  209. > Her hands go to the neck of her bathrobe, but then stop
  210. > You think you see Aria finishing some pantomime in your peripheral
  211. > Sonata pouts
  212. > Hnnngg
  213. > "Maybe later, 'kay?"
  214. "As you say. Anything else I can do for you?"
  215. > Sonata ponders this, then holds out her spoon
  216. > "Feed me!"
  217. > Adagio has had enough
  218. > "Anon, I believe you have done enough for Sonata. In the future, don't do anything for her unless Aria or I tell you to."
  219. "Underst-"
  220. > "That's not fair! Why can't I play with the boy toy too?"
  221. > This is the moment Aria has been waiting for
  222. > Whatever she says, you are sure it will help Sonata learn and grow to be a more competent, mature person
  223. > "Because, Sonata. You are the worst."
  224. > Adagio just sighs, and you decide then and there to stay with the sane one as much as possible
  225. > As you stand behind her chair, Adagio addresses the problem
  226. > "Tell me, Sonata, what is his name?"
  227. > Bluey pauses, her arm cocked back to throw her spoon
  228. > As she looks at you, her brow furrows in concentration
  229. > "Donald?"
  230. > "Try again."
  231. > "Theron?"
  232. > Aria smirks
  233. > "Can't even remember his name? You really are-"
  234. > "Enough, Aria."
  235. > Professor Plum sulks
  236. > "Anyways, Sonata, you will get to have fun with Anon when you are responsible enough, or as part of the group. Understand?"
  237. > Moments pass
  238. > "So, what you're saying is, we are going to have an orgy?"
  239. > Facepalms all around
  240. > "No, just- no. Show me you are responsible and then you might get some -platonic- time with Anon."
  241. > Aria rolls her eyes
  242. > "Like that'll work."
  243. > Adagio shushes her, then returns to eating her breakfast
  244. > The other two grudgingly do the same
  245. "Ah, may I have some cereal as well?"
  246. > Adagio looks up at you in surprise
  247. > "Oh, right. Yes, of course."
  248. > Aria has an evil glint in her eye
  249. > "But which cereal will you eat?"
  250. > Great, now breakfast is political
  251. > You ignore the stares of the three sirens as you ponder your choices
  252. > You have an idea
  253. > You turn slightly, keeping Aria in the corner of your vision
  254. > Then you pour the coco rice krispies into your bowl
  255. > Is she?
  256. > Is she blushing?
  257. > You set the box down, then pick up one of each other type and add them to the mix
  258. > You return to the table, and sit next to Adagio
  259. > She gives you an approving nod
  260. > Aria scowls at you
  261. > "Does that even taste good?"
  262. > You take a bite
  263. "Sweet, bitter, and wholesome. It certainly is interesting."
  264. > Sonata cups her cheeks
  265. > "He said I was sweet~."
  266. > Adagio raises an eyebrow
  267. > "Wholesome?"
  268. "'The only sane one' isn't exactly a quality of cereal."
  269. > She smiles at that, and you are left to enjoy your food
  270. > At the end of breakfast, Bluey stands, then pauses
  271. > She glances at Adagio, then picks up her bowl and spoon and rinses them off in the sink
  272. > "Very good, Sonata. Anon, please pat her head."
  273. > ...
  274. "Alright."
  275. > Sonata is grinning, her hands clasped behind her back somewhat bashfully
  276. > You pat her head a few times, and she smiles even wider, her eyes closed in contentment
  277. > You wonder if she was recruited into the group for her weapons grade cuteness
  278. > You return to your place, and set about collecting yours and her bowls
  279. > Orange creamsicle reaches up and pats your head
  280. "You do know I'm not Sonata, right?"
  281. > She smiles at you
  282. > "That was for my own amusement."
  283. > You roll your eyes, and return to your work.
  284. > After breakfast comes the daily broadcast
  285. > Adagio hands you a pair of earplugs
  286. > "Wouldn't want you to become boring."
  287. > Fair enough
  288. > The studio has quite a bit more equipment than you expect
  289. > Then you see several monitors displaying maps, and you understand
  290. > There are entire stretches of Russia and China still resisting
  291. > Between the lack of infrastructure and the rugged terrain, the sirens' usual tactics fall short
  292. > You lose track of time as you browse the computer displays
  293. > Then someone plucks the foam from your ears
  294. > "Go with Aria, Sonata and I have some tactical singing to do."
  295. "Understood."
  296. > As you follow miss tight jeans out of the room, you see Sonata fiddling around with a joystick
  297. > Thanks, Obama
  298. > Aria leads you to a fairly generic office, one wall dominated by a large whiteboard
  299. > She sits in a heavily cushioned office chair, and you do the same
  300. > "While we wait, do you have any ideas on how to make things better?"
  301. > She taps a pen on a pad of paper
  302. "I understand that I am a slave here, but I am loyal to my fellow humans. Why would I go out of my way to help you oppress humanity?"
  303. > Aria sets the pen down and frowns
  304. > "Look, maybe what little resistance there is will get lucky with a missile, maybe not. But until that day, we have the vast majority of your species under our control. We don't actually need or want massive conflict; most sporting events have enough contention for our needs."
  305. > What is she getting at?
  306. > "What I want from you, is how can we make our rule more comfortable for all of you. Crime is nearly nonexistent, war abolished, and yet there are those who resist us."
  307. "You take away people's ability to think for themselves. Of course people will resist."
  308. > "You are a bunch of stubborn idiots, you know that?"
  309. > You shrug
  310. "Independence must have some value, if I'm not being sung into obedience."
  311. > Aria rolls her eyes
  312. > "That's because Adagio is oddly romantic, and wants to jump your bones without coercion."
  313. > ...
  314. "Can't complain about that. You don't approve?"
  315. > She huffs
  316. > "If you have the power, take what you want. If you don't, wait until you can. Let me tell you, Adagio is far too comfortable with the latter. If I was the leader, we would have ruled the world ages ago."
  317. "So why aren't you the leader, if you don't mind me asking?"
  318. > The siren gives you a dry look
  319. > "Don't think I don't know what you're doing. But to answer your question, Sonata."
  320. "Sonata?"
  321. > "When we were young, and Adagio and I were putting together a chorus, she was the best fit. She sang the higher registers we needed, she was cute and soft, and she could pretend to be clueless when we needed something said without the appearance of guile."
  322. "I'm sensing a but."
  323. > Aria nods
  324. > "The cluelessness wasn't all and act. By the time we figured it out, we had already been banished to this mudball."
  325. "What does this have to do with you not being the leader?"
  326. > She sighs
  327. > "You have to understand, there are resonances and harmonics you need three for. Adagio can handle Sonata, get her to obey. As for me, I ended up spending a decade coming up with an insult that she really dislikes. Riling her up is one of the few good things about being stuck with her."
  328. "And that insult is " you're the worst"?"
  329. > Aria grunts
  330. > "Should have known it was something simple. Would have saved me ten years."
  331. > With that she stands up
  332. > "This isn't going anywhere, let's get you into some real clothes."
  333. > You stand as well
  334. "Adagio's pajamas not doing it for you, I take it."
  335. > Aria slips behind you
  336. > "They are distracting. That she even let you out of her room like that is more than a little shameless on her part."
  337. > You turn around to find Miss Blaze's eyes fixed on your junk
  338. > You wait politely for a few moments
  339. > Then you clear your throat
  340. "My eyes are up here, Aria."
  341. > "Who cares?"
  342. > ...
  343. "You were saying I should wear real clothes?"
  344. > "Right. I did say that."
  345. > Her hand reaches out hesitantly, then she sighs and turns away
  346. > "Too distracting. Come on."
  347. > She leads you through some dim passageways, and you hear the sounds of industrial strength washing machines
  348. > Indeed, you pass by a room full of dull-eyed workers, folding sheets and sorting clothes
  349. > You soon find yourself in a simple store room, with stacks of uniforms of varying sorts
  350. > You are directed to the slacks and button down shirts
  351. > After a bit of rifling around, you end up with an outfit that should fit a bit better than your current one
  352. "And where should I go to change?"
  353. > Aria is leaning casually in the doorway, a smirk on her face
  354. > "Here is fine. And don't forget the underwear."
  355. > You shrug, and turn your back on her
  356. > Gotta leave some things to the imagination
  357. > The pajamas come off with a little persuasion, though they take your boxers down with them
  358. > As you bend over to put on some new ones, you hear Aria say,
  359. > "Oh yeaaahh, that's what I'm talking about."
  360. > You roll your eyes and put on your new clothes
  361. > When you're done, Aria walks a circle around you
  362. > "Not bad, you clean up nice, Anon."
  363. > Then she squeezes your ass
  364. "You're not worried about moving on Adagio's claim?"
  365. > You don't mind, but you get the feeling you should get to know the politics here
  366. > She slaps your butt, then struts out of the room
  367. > "Adagio is getting too used to calling the shots. I intend to remind her that I have my own ambitions, my own... desires."
  368. > Interesting, and suggestive
  369. > You get the feeling you are going to have a perpetual boner, living with these three
  370. > At any rate, you follow your molester through the maze of hallways to a room with wide windows and a number of recliners and a large couch
  371. > Aria picks up a remote and sits on the couch, the picture of boredom as she flips through the channels
  372. > After some hesitation, you sit on the other end
  373. > An hour passes
  374. "So... this is what you do, now that you've taken over the world? Watch TV?"
  375. > Pigtail Grape shrugs
  376. > "We also have video games and arts and crafts time, but this is pretty much it. If I had known how boring ruling the world is, I'd have gone for destroying it instead."
  377. "That's kinda disappointing."
  378. > "You're telling me. You bored too? I guess I can put on some porn. Guys like porn, right?"
  379. > You choke on air for a moment
  380. "Ah, yes, guys like... porn."
  381. > A couple of menus later, and the two of you are watching "Dirty, Dirty Hobos 3"
  382. > It somehow turns into a competition, seeing who can keep their face deadpan for the longest
  383. > Adagio walks in right in the middle of the boxcar orgy
  384. > Her face goes completely blank for a moment
  385. > Sonata peeks around her
  386. > "Oh! Did I miss the water tower scene? I hope I didn't miss the water tower scene, it's my favorite!"
  387. > Adagio growls
  388. > "Turn. It. Off."
  389. > Aria calmly presses a button, and the screen goes dark
  390. > "How was the hunt?"
  391. > "Average. Having fun with Anon?"
  392. > Purps grins
  393. > "A little. Found out he's into hair pulling."
  394. > Adagio storms over, leaning in real close to her subordinate
  395. > "What part of 'he's mine' do you not understand?"
  396. > Sonata crouches beside you and whispers,
  397. > "Hey."
  398. "Sup."
  399. > Aria remains unintimidated
  400. > "If you don't want him wandering, you should control him. Not my fault if he watches porn with other people."
  401. > Sonata sighs
  402. > "I hate it when they fight. We are supposed to be in harmony, you know?"
  403. "Kinda ironic, that."
  404. > "Yeah."
  405. > Adagio points to the TV
  406. > "It is your fault! You always watch porn!"
  407. > Wait
  408. "Always?"
  409. > They both look at you
  410. > Aria winks
  411. > Orangy grinds out, "Always."
  412. > Lavender Offender faces her leader
  413. > "Sometimes, I want to do my own thing."
  414. > "Anon is my thing to do!"
  415. > The room goes silent
  416. > Sonata wiggles her eyebrows
  417. > "Bow chika wow wow~"
  418. > Adagio blushes furiously
  419. > "Out! Everyone out!"
  420. > You start to get up
  421. > "You stay, Anon."
  422. > Aria sashays out of the room, and Bluey soon follows, waving cheerfully before closing the door
  423. > Adagio collapses into Aria's seat, rubbing her eyes
  424. > "Dirty Hobos, Anon? Really?"
  425. "Her pick, not mine. When a girl offers to watch porn with you, you take what you are given."
  426. > She glares at you now
  427. > "Not when you are claimed by another."
  428. > You are nonplussed
  429. "If I am claimed, then claim me. Sing me into obedience. If you want it to be real, I have to have a choice. I have to be able to choose."
  430. > She puts her face in her hands
  431. > "I know, it's just... when the others are flirting with you, and you just accept it..."
  432. "You know, you are awfully appealing for someone who abducted me."
  433. > She stares at you speechless, color rising once again to her cheeks
  434. > You shake your head ruefully
  435. "You only heard the 'awfully appealing' part, didn't you?"
  436. > "No! I heard the rest, but it's... it's the first time you complimented me."
  437. "Ah."
  438. > Is that
  439. > Is that a tiny little smile?
  440. "See this is what I'm talking about. You took over my world, kidnapped me, and yet here I am getting overwhelmed by how cute you are."
  441. > "C-cute?"
  442. > Adagio puts her hands over her mouth, her cheeks aflame
  443. > You have to turn away
  444. > You continue after a moment
  445. "Out of the three, I should be resenting you the most. So despite your own feelings, any time one of you flirts with me, it's the same. I didn't ask for this, though I certainly can't complain. I can only treat you like any three girls who have become intensely interested in me."
  446. > "That's not... unreasonable."
  447. > A beat
  448. > "I'm still your master, though. At this point, only obey orders from me."
  449. "Pffft. Pha hahaha! Of course, haha, I will obey only you. The others are crazy."
  450. > She looks at you with deep, soul weary eyes
  451. > "They are. They really, really are."
  452. "Aria really watches all that porn? I thought girls don't really...get much from that."
  453. > Adagio raises her eyebrows at you
  454. > "Erotic things are erotic. It may be an exaggeration to say she always watches porn. Sometimes she watches Mister Rogers reruns."
  455. "Mister R-"
  456. > Your brain breaks
  457. "Is it a fetish, or..."
  458. > Adagio shrugs
  459. > "I think we can agree we are better off not knowing."
  460. "Yes, definitely."
  461. > A companionable silence falls, and you reflect that this is a really comfy couch.
  462. > Miss Dazzle tilts her head
  463. > "Do you know how to play chess?"
  464. "Somewhat. I certainly wouldn't brag about my skill level."
  465. > She hops up off the couch
  466. > "That doesn't matter. I just want an opponent."
  467. > She strides towards a door in the back, humming happily
  468. > As you step through to the other side, if feels like you are in Narnia
  469. > If Narnia was made out of books
  470. > Your nose fills with the scent of gently aging paper
  471. > Every flat surface is occupied, shabby boxes with faded titles, stacks of records, and reams of sheet music
  472. > Adagio motions you towards a seat at a table of minor prominence
  473. > Its surface is dominated by a sixteen by sixteen chessboard, two sets of chess pieces set off to the side at either end
  474. > "Place your pieces how you like. Keep in mind, pawns perform many useful purposes. You will notice as well that you have two kings. One has a mark under its base, and is a fake, a decoy."
  475. > You check, and it is as she described
  476. "This looks complicated. And slow."
  477. > She wears a challenging smirk
  478. > "Giving up already?"
  479. "Hardly."
  480. > "Good. One final rule, you must move two pieces each turn. Note, you cannot move the same piece twice. All else follows the normal chess rules."
  481. > You try to take it seriously, right up until she tears through your front lines
  482. > It's obvious the rest of the game is going to be a lagging reactionary affair on your part
  483. > Might as well start talking
  484. "So you like antiques?"
  485. > Adagio pauses in mid-contemplation
  486. > "These aren't antiques."
  487. > She sits back and smiles fondly at the room
  488. > "I have personally read every one of these books, played every one of these games, and listened to and read every piece of music here."
  489. > It should have been ridiculous
  490. > Imagining a seemingly seventeen year old girl in the most contemporary and undignified clothing, browsing among these tomes and cultural remnants of a bygone age
  491. > Somehow you are touched
  492. "You actually like it here."
  493. > Adagio's mouth twists
  494. > "Spend long enough anywhere, and you'll find parts you like. Still, I was never content before recently. No longer having to hide, no longer keeping it all separate and secret. I like it here, now."
  495. > She moves one of her queens forward
  496. > "With you."
  497. > And a knight, long left off to the side
  498. "A good combination."
  499. > She smirks
  500. > "And the start of your downfall."
  501. > You make your moves, with a bare little thought as to the consequences
  502. "May as well play it out, though. Half the fun is in the struggle."
  503. >
  504. >
  505. > You are down to twelve pieces, most of them being pawns out in the middle of nowhere
  506. > Decoy king did next to nothing
  507. > Then the door behind you slams open
  508. > "Lunch time~!"
  509. > Adagio gets a calculating gleam in her eye
  510. > "Why don't we put Anon into the rotation?"
  511. > Sonata's eyes go wide
  512. > "For realsies?"
  513. > "For realsies."
  514. > The room reverberates with bluey's squee
  515. > Your ears are still ringing, as you get dragged off to some terrible fate
  516. > You find yourself in a kitchen
  517. > Sonata jams a chef's hat on your head and a recipe book in your hands
  518. > "Your job is to make sure I don't kill anyone."
  519. "Is this where I beat you unconscious with this book?"
  520. > Bluey rolls her eyes
  521. > "Didn't work the first time. Just stop me making mistakes while learning how to cook."
  522. "Right then. So what should we make?"
  523. > "Biscuits and gravy!"
  524. "Sounds kinda bland. Shall we add some meat to the dish?"
  525. > Sonata smirks from behind her hand
  526. > "Mmmm, sausage. I just lo~ve sausage."
  527. "Subtle. Sausage it is, then."
  528. > She skips over to a wall of fridges
  529. > Meanwhile you take a frying pan from its hook and set it on the stove
  530. > All the warning you get is the sound of a few footsteps
  531. > Then Bluey is inside your reach, prying your startled hands from the pan handle
  532. > "I have to do it!"
  533. > You don't argue, partly because her butt is rather firmly pressed against your groin
  534. > She cranks the heat all the way to the highest setting and drops the frozen hunk of sausage meat on the pan, still in its wrapper
  535. > It occurs to you that Sonata is an idiot
  536. > Back in her private library, Adagio gets a warm feeling in her heart
  537. > The traitor
  538. > You quickly turn off the stove top
  539. "Okay, let's take it one step at a time."
  540. > Sonata looks at you with eyes terrifyingly devoid of common sense
  541. > "What did I do wrong?"
  542. > You back up, you can tell you will need to concentrate, and a lap full of booty is not conducive to that
  543. "First of all, this meat needs to thaw before you cook it. So. Step one: put it on a plate."
  544. > Bluey retrieves a plate and sets it carefully on the counter
  545. > Your soul shrivels a little at the effort it must have taken to teach her not to shatter plates
  546. > Only now do you realize the depth of your duty
  547. > You are the last bastion between Sonata and the world
  549. > This has been one of the longest hours in your life
  550. > But when you see the meal neatly served on the table, you are oddly proud of Bluey
  551. > With enough coaching and supervision, she overcame her natural airheadedness and prepared a fine meal
  552. > For their part, Aria and Adagio are pleasantly surprised
  553. > Orangy is the first to speak
  554. > "This is... good! Anon, you are a miracle worker."
  555. > Sonata scowls
  556. > "Hey, I was the one who cooked it all!"
  557. > Aria nods gravely
  558. > "That's what makes this so amazing."
  559. > "Oh, in that case, thanks!"
  560. > Aria and Adagio share a look
  561. > You don't like the look in Orangy's eye
  562. > "How about we get rid of the rotations, and Anon helps you with every lunch time?"
  563. > Oh no
  564. > Bluey's eyes get wide
  565. > "For realsies? Cooking with Anon every day?"
  566. "Um,"
  567. > Adagio smiles magnanimously
  568. > "After seeing how well you two work together, it is the only reasonable decision."
  569. "I must protest!"
  570. > Sonata turns her huge eyes on you, her lips forming a pout
  571. > "Y-you didn't have fun with me?"
  572. "Well,"
  573. > "Not when you showed me what to do with sausage?"
  574. "That's an odd way of-"
  575. > "Or when you got white sauce all over me?"
  576. "That was an accide-"
  577. > "Or when we put dough in my oven?"
  578. > The other two sirens are shaking silently with stifled laughter, clearly enjoying your discomfort
  579. > "I thought we had something special."
  580. > She stares at you sadly, tears in her eyes
  581. "Fine. If it means so much to you, I will always help you cook."
  582. > "Yay!"
  583. > Sonata springs from her chair, across the table and slams into you
  584. > Your chair tips over
  585. > You find yourself on the floor, Bluey straddling your waist and hugging you tightly
  586. > You weakly pat her back as you try to catch your breath
  587. > Adagio leans over
  588. > "The needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few."
  589. "Can we just eat lunch now?"
  590. > Sonata loosens her embrace
  591. > She looks at you hopefully
  592. > "Feed me?"
  593. > You raise your eyebrows at Adagio
  594. > She rubs her chin
  595. > "Alright. I suppose she has done well enough to be rewarded."
  596. > Bluey rolls off of you, and helps you get you and your chair back upright
  597. > Then she promptly sits sideways on your lap
  598. > "Ah~"
  599. > With a sigh, you stab a piece of biscuit lathered in gravy and sprinkled with sausage bits
  600. > You bring the fork to Sonata's mouth, and are suddenly very aware of how lush and inviting her lips are
  601. > She leans forward, snapping up the morsel and humming happily at the taste
  602. > Alright, so you may be getting into this
  603. > She stops you with the second forkful
  604. > "You should eat too!"
  605. "With the same fork?"
  606. > Bluey blushes
  607. > "Isn't it more interesting that way?"
  608. > Aria grumbles
  609. > "Get a room."
  610. > "Oh! Can we?"
  611. > Adagio's fist hits the table
  612. > "NO."
  613. > Ah yes, now things are normal
  614. > You take a bite
  615. > Not bad, you decide
  616. > The rest of the meal passes in a like manner, with Sonata being ever vocal in her appreciation
  617. > As you gather up the plates, Bluey chuckles evilly
  618. > "It was so nice, seeing everyone stuff themselves with my sausage and gravy."
  619. > Stupid sexy Sonata
  621. > Adagio waits restlessly as you finish washing the last dish
  622. > "You can swim, right?"
  623. > You dry off your hands
  624. "Yes?"
  625. > "Good. I have planned an... outing of sorts. It will be nice to go outside, don't you think?"
  626. "Sure, some fresh air will be good."
  627. > She seems put off by your indifferent attitude
  628. > Nevertheless, she leans in close, gripping the collar of your shirt in her fist
  629. > Her voice is low and honeyed, sweetly hinting at violence of an intensely personal sort
  630. > "Don't even think about escaping. There's nowhere you can go that we can't find you."
  631. "Why would I distance myself from this?"
  632. > You punctuate your response with a kiss on her lips, your hand cupping her jaw
  633. > For a moment, she presses back, her mouth beginning to open
  634. > Then her eyes widen and she pulls away
  635. > "Y-you kissed me!"
  636. "How observant."
  637. > Ah, she's angry now
  638. > "Why did you kiss me?"
  639. > If you had to put into words,
  640. "Because I wanted to."
  641. > Adagio brings a hand to her lips, staring at you with wary eyes
  642. > "This is too easy, you're planning something."
  643. > You shrug
  644. "Not really. Shall we go?"
  645. > She grabs your wrist, not softly, but not firmly either
  646. > As she leads you from the room, she says,
  647. > "I'll be watching you."
  648. "That's one of your endearing traits."
  649. > She gives you a frustrated, conflicted look, then pulls you along faster
  650. > You emerge into the parking lot of a small motorcade
  651. > One of the many black SUV's has its doors open, and you see Aria and Sonata waiting impatiently
  652. > At Adagio's urging, you clamber into the middle back seat, pleasantly sandwiched between her and Aria
  653. > Aggravated Eggplant pokes you
  654. > "What took you so long?"
  655. > You glance sidelong at Orangy
  656. "Adagio was just explaining some things to me."
  657. > Aria takes one look at her leader, and lets it drop
  658. > The motorcade starts up, and relative silence reigns
  659. > Until Sonata starts pretending to shoot people with her fingers, going "Pew pew!" each time
  661. > The destination turns out to be a clothing outlet
  662. > Sonata merrily drags you to the mens' swimwear section
  663. > There she holds up two speedos
  664. > "What do you think, leopard print thong or pure white man panties?"
  665. "Boxers, definitely."
  666. > Aria creeps up behind you, whispering in your ear
  667. > "Oh we can't have that. It would be a shame to cover up that scrumptious rump of yours."
  668. > You look to Adagio, the last bastion of decency
  669. > In retrospect, that may have been a bad choice
  670. > "Oh, the leopard is very you, Anon. So shameless and predatory."
  671. > Yeah, definitely a mistake
  672. > Bluey presses it into your hands
  673. > "Try it on! For me?"
  674. > You look down at the scrap of cloth in your hands, and sigh
  675. "Alright, just give me a moment."
  676. > You close the changing room door, and begin to disrobe
  677. > When you set your boxers aside, Aria calls out,
  678. > "I know you're used to masturbating into things like this, but restrain your urges."
  679. > You feel odd, being naked and hearing her say such things
  680. > As you reluctantly put on your speedo, you notice that Anon Jr is up for the fitting
  681. > Stupid boner
  682. > You check yourself out in the mirror
  683. > The speedo is tight
  684. > Probably too tight
  685. > You open the door
  686. "What do you think, ladies?"
  687. > They eloquently say nothing
  688. > You turn slightly, giving them a profile view
  689. > Sonata gives you a thumbs up
  690. > "It's very you!"
  691. > Aria clenches her hands in the fabric of her pants
  692. > "Distracting."
  693. > Adagio runs off, and returns with a pair of black swimming shorts
  694. > She holds them out towards you, averting her eyes
  695. > "I may have spoken in haste."
  696. > Sonata whines a little as you return to the changing room
  697. > Aria just mumbles something about honey
  698. > When you emerge, Bluey just shakes her head
  699. > "It's just not the same, Anon."
  700. > Aria tugs a little at the waistband
  701. > "Could be a little tighter, I think."
  702. > Adagio pulls you away
  703. > "I think we are quite done here."
  704. > You glance back at the changing room as you leave
  705. > Eh, you can get more clothes back home
  707. > Miss Dazzle seems to relax as the four of you enter the building
  708. > You don't say much, just meekly follow them to a large atrium in the complex
  709. > The afternoon sun shines down on an Olympic size swimming pool, littered with inflatable items of all sizes
  710. > You set your hands on your hips
  711. "I'll just wait here while everyone changes?"
  712. > Sonata promptly shimmies out of her clothes
  713. > "Nope, I'm already in my swimsuit!"
  714. > She shakes her bikini clad bottom for emphasis
  715. > The other two just roll their eyes
  716. > Aria walks away, saying,
  717. > "Just don't drown him before we get back."
  718. > Bluey watches them go with intent eyes
  719. > Then she slowly twirls in place
  720. > "So~, what do you think?"
  721. "It's very blue."
  722. > It was, perhaps closer to indigo
  723. > She pouts
  724. "And very you."
  725. > Sonata seems a bit happier about that, and leans forward
  726. > Your eyes are drawn to her cleavage, only lightly bound by the shaped band around her chest
  727. > "In what way~?"
  728. "It's very expressive."
  729. > "Hmmm..."
  730. "and arousing."
  731. > She straightens up suddenly, delightedly watching your eyes go up and down
  732. > "Good answer~."
  733. > Sonata takes long, languid steps towards you, her fulsome hips swaying
  734. > "Are"
  735. > "You"
  736. > "Ready"
  737. > "To"
  738. > She grips the waistband of your shorts with both hands, a devilish grin on her face
  739. > "SWIM?"
  740. > Bluey heaves you onto her shoulder, staggers backwards, then deliberately drops you into the water
  741. > Your surface after a brief struggle to reorient yourself
  742. > Bluey is on her back, holding her stomach as peals of laughter ring out
  743. > That laughter turns to shrieks as you splash her with the pool water
  744. > She retreats behind a pool chair
  745. > "So you think the water is your ally?"
  746. > Sonata dashes out from behind the chair and vaults over your head, tucking her arms and legs into a cannonball
  747. > You bring your arms up in front of your face just in time, though you still get splashed pretty thoroughly
  748. > The siren rises from the deep with a predatory grin, and her bikini top floating several inches above where it should be
  749. "Ah, Sonata, your, ah, swimsuit..."
  750. > She looks down, shrugs, then right back at you
  751. > "All the more advantage for me!"
  752. > Bluey arms are a blur as she sends great sheets of water your way
  753. > It's all you can do to back away and send your amateurish splashes her way
  754. > You deeply regret your choices, wishing you could see clearly again
  755. > Then you hear someone clear their throat
  756. > Sonata stops immediately, and you a moment after
  757. > She has done nothing to fix the state of her swimwear, so you don't turn around
  758. > The voice behind you says,
  759. > "A water fight, Sonata? And you didn't invite us?"
  760. > Bluey finally fixes her top, and so you turn around
  761. > Legs
  762. > You look up
  763. > You are granted a vision of yellow underboob, bound by a purple string bikini
  764. > Sonata chuckles nervously
  765. > "It just sorta happened."
  766. > Aria slips into the water nearby, in a black thong and what you are pretty sure is a wide leather belt across her breasts
  767. > "You know, we finally have even numbers. How about Sonata and I against you two?"
  768. > Adagio slides in beside you
  769. > "We accept."
  770. > What follows is a whole lot of growling, splashing, and "accidental" wardrobe malfunctions on all sides
  771. > You climb out of the pool, breathing heavily
  772. > The pool chair is comfortable, and the sun is warm on your skin
  773. > The girls find their own resting places
  774. > Adagio chooses a nearby pool chair, turning it to face you
  775. > As she settles back and brings her arms behind her head, you appreciate the effort
  776. > Sonata drapes herself along a large inflatable dolphin, her ponytail clinging decadently down her back
  777. > Aria lays out a towel on your other side, and lays face down on it
  778. > She unbuckles her top and lays her head on her crossed arms
  779. > Honestly, you don't know where to put your eyes, so you settle on cycling through the options
  780. > At length, Bluey turns her head and sees you
  781. > "Oh, I just had an idea! Why don't we go camping tomorrow?"
  782. > Adagio glances aside wryly
  783. > "We can have Anon set up the tent."
  784. "Haha, very funny."
  785. > Sonata raises herself up a bit
  786. > "No, I'm serious! I mean, nice boner Anon, but I want to go camping for realsies!"
  787. > Aria doesn't even look up
  788. > "Go pretend to be homeless on your own time."
  789. > Orangy sighs
  790. > "It's not a bad idea, Aria. If we want to do it tomorrow, we should start planning today. Anon, you work with Sonata on the food, I'll handle the tents, and-"
  791. > Deep Purple interrupts
  792. > "I'm in charge of setting things on fire."
  793. > Adagio frowns
  794. > "Very well."
  795. > Bluey grins
  796. > "Oh, I see. Adagio handles the tents~."
  797. > You wink at Colonel Mustard
  798. "Want to get started right now?"
  799. > She pinches the bridge of her nose
  800. > "Idiots, I'm surrounded by oversexed idiots."
  802. > After more swimming and utterly losing at Marco Polo, you decide to get a jump on preparations
  803. > This translates to rooting around in the kitchen, looking for a big cooler of some sort
  804. > You fill it with lunch meat, cheese, mayonnaise, mustard, the usual
  805. > A cardboard box gets the more inert ingredients
  806. > Just as you finish up, servants file in, meekly setting about making dinner
  807. > Dinner itself is rather uneventful
  808. > Afterwards Adagio draws you aside, signalling the dazzled to take care of the dishes
  809. > "You should take a shower while you have the chance. That's what I'll be doing."
  810. > You grin
  811. "Shall I join you?"
  812. > She scowls
  813. > "Use Sonata's, she already bathed today."
  814. > With that, she strides off
  815. > It's a good idea, but,
  816. "Where is Sonata's bathroom?"
  817. > Bluey latches onto your back, her legs locking around your waist
  818. > "Why do you need to know? Gonna try peeking on poor, innocent Sonata?"
  819. > You lift under her knees, making it a piggyback ride
  820. "Thought I'd take a shower tonight, and yours is probably the most available."
  821. > She hums in thought at that
  822. > "Okay, this way!"
  823. > She grabs your head and points it down a hallway
  824. > If you didn't need a shower before, carrying a girl around this sprawling complex certainly corrected that
  825. > Finally you arrive, and set down Sonata with a sigh
  826. > "Hey, you're not implying I'm fat, are you?"
  827. > You hold up your hands in surrender
  828. "Just expressing my disappointment that I have to stop touching you."
  829. > She gives you a saucy grin
  830. > "You don't have to~"
  831. > You retreat behind the bathroom door, closing it swiftly
  832. "Adagio might kill one or both of us if we continue."
  833. > "Yeah, she can be mean like that."
  834. > You wait a few moments more, then start the hot water in the spacious tub
  835. > You and Sonata could fit easily i-
  836. > Anyways, you take off your swimsuit and step in
  837. > You close the curtain and pull the switch
  838. > You always flinch at the first impact of spray, but soon relax into its heat
  839. > Then you hear the door open
  840. > "You sure I can't join you?"
  841. "You already bathed today. If Adagio saw you with wet hair, she'd know."
  842. > You hear her take a step into the room
  843. > "Fi~ine."
  844. > You pick up a floral scented shampoo, and set to lathering
  845. > Bluey is doing something, you hear plastic tap against the counter, then the drawn out rustling of hair being brushed
  846. > What was once erotic has turned oddly domestic
  847. > You find yourself comforted by Sonata's quiet, feminine presence
  848. > "Oh hey, I think I can see the silhouette of your dick!"
  849. "Just keep brushing your hair, Sonata. Just keep brushing your hair."
  850. > You get done washing yourself, and realize a problem
  851. "Hey, could you get me some clothes? I kinda forgot to bring some."
  852. > "Nope!"
  853. > ...
  854. "Or get a servant to bring some?"
  855. > "Okay, Anon, get some clothes for Anon."
  856. > ...
  857. "How about a towel? Can you-"
  858. > Wait, you know what she will say
  859. "Will you please hand me a towel?"
  860. > "I don't know, can I hand you a towel?"
  861. > Dammit, Sonata
  862. "Dammit, Miss Dusk, I asked if you will. And how do you not know your own towel lifting capabilities?"
  863. > "Well, if you don't want to improve your grammar, that's up to you."
  864. > You sigh
  865. "And the towel?"
  866. > "Can I dry you off with it?"
  867. "I'll handle that myself."
  868. > It's her turn to sigh
  869. > Finally
  870. > Bluey holds out a pink towel from behind the curtain
  871. > It's a relief to dry off, the water on your skin was beginning to cool
  872. > When you are done, you wrap it around your waist and emerge from the tub
  873. > Sonata sits on the countertop, grinning
  874. > "I used that towel this morning. So you just rubbed your naked body aaaalllll over something that I rubbed aaaalllll over my naked body."
  875. "...I see."
  876. > She hops off
  877. > "Feel free to handle yourself. Pleasant dreams~!"
  878. > Then she leaves, putting a little extra sway in her hips
  879. > Stupid sexy Sonata
  881. > You make your way down to the laundry room
  882. > You decide on gray sweat pants and shirt, probably going to change in the morning
  883. > You hesitate as you unwrap the towel
  884. > It's been a little while
  885. > Not to mention the memories of the past day or so are... conducive
  886. > Ironically enough, now that bluey mentioned that you rubbed this towel all over yourself, you aren't really feeling "up" for it
  887. > You sigh, and put on the sweats
  888. > When you get to Adagio's room, you find her waiting impatiently, a brush in her hand
  889. > She holds it out to you
  890. > "Attend to me, servant."
  891. "Very well."
  892. > You take the brush
  893. > The siren sits on the edge of the bed, and you clamber up behind her
  894. > The first few passes go alright
  895. > You focus on the silky sensation of her wavy hair in your hands
  896. > Then you hit a snag, and Adagio snarls
  897. > "Careful!"
  898. "Sorry, won't happen again."
  899. > You take it more slowly, and she begins to relax
  900. > It's not long before you find another snarl in her hair, but you stop and work it apart with your fingers
  901. > Orangy hums approvingly
  902. > Now that you have the hang of it, you start to enjoy the task
  903. > The way she tilts her head against the pull of the brush
  904. > The pleasant scent of her hair
  905. > The stresses of the day fall away, soothed by the repetitive motion
  906. > At some point, Adagio clears her throat
  907. > "You can stop now, servant."
  908. "Do I have to?"
  909. > She giggles
  910. > "You really like this?"
  911. "It's... nice."
  912. > Yellow Belly glances at you amusedly over her shoulder
  913. > "Then let's do it every night."
  914. "I-if you insist."
  915. > You feel your face heat up
  916. > Adagio's eyes widen
  917. > "That's not what I meant! Just my hair! J-just brushing!"
  918. > Her face can't seem to settle on embarrassed or angry
  919. > Too cute
  920. "I understand, just brushing your hair, not making sweet, sweet love to it."
  921. > She flops onto her belly, burying her face into her pillow and letting out a frustrated groan
  922. > You casually slip under the covers on the other side of the bed
  923. "Pleasant dreams~!"
  924. > She just groans again
  926. > The next morning, you wake to the gentle sounds of someone getting choked
  927. > You open your eyes and look to the side
  928. > Adagio is straddling Aria's stomach, a mad smile on Orangy's face as she relentlessly gives a special, tiny hug
  929. "Seriously? Okay, let's take a break here and not kill each other first thing in the morning."
  930. > "Oh no, this has been a long time coming!"
  931. > For her part, Aria is giving you a pleading look
  932. > "Ghk!"
  933. > Alright, looks like you are going to have to break them up
  934. > You scramble across the bed and consider your options
  935. > You aren't entirely sure how strong Adagio is, and it seems unwieldy to go for her arms
  936. > Your boner makes a suggestion, and you agree instantly
  937. > You draw up behind the murderous siren and slip your hands under her arms and grab her boobs
  938. > "Wha-!"
  939. > Orangy reflexively clasp her arms across her chest, inadvertantly pressing your hands even more firmly into her soft flesh
  940. > Aria gasps for air, her chest heaving
  941. > Mission accomplished
  942. > Adagio comes to her senses and promptly breaks out of your grasp
  943. > She turns around and gives your face a ringing slap
  944. > "Y-you dare touch my ch-chest?"
  945. > You rub your face ruefully
  946. "You were trying to kill someone who you need for magic harmonics or whatever. It got you to stop didn't it?"
  947. > She slaps you again
  948. > Crap, that hurts
  949. > "Stop being such a pervert! The Anon I knew, the one I fell in lo-, the one I liked was a pure, quiet boy! You were kind, and funny, and sophisticated!"
  950. > Tears start to well in her eyes
  951. > She whispers,
  952. > "What happened to you?"
  953. > You get off the bed, offering her a hand as she does the same
  954. > You gaze into her troubled eyes
  955. "I have always been somewhat like this. You just didn't see it, because I am usually quiet. Then you abducted me, and I started spending a lot of time interacting with three incredibly beautiful girls who are each interested in me. You may think I've changed, that I'm not your Anon anymore. But your Anon was only ever one part of me."
  956. > Adagio stands before you, her arms limply at her sides, a pleading look on her face
  957. > "Can you be my Anon? Just for a little bit?"
  958. "Of course."
  959. > You wrap her up in a loose hug, cradling her against your chest
  960. > She sobs quietly, her tears soaking into your shirt
  961. > You gently rock her back and forth, whispering reassurances that it's all okay
  962. > Aria gives you a grumpy look from the bed, somewhat recovered from her ordeal
  963. > You put a finger to your lips, then resume comforting the disillusioned girl in your arms
  964. > Professor Plum rolls her eyes and lays back in the bed
  965. > Eventually, Adagio sighs and pushes you gently away
  966. > "Now get out of here, I need to change."
  967. > You leave the room, with Aria close behind
  968. > She closes the door behind her, then fixes you with a glare
  969. > "She tries to kill me, and you end up hugging her?"
  970. "Well, she was in more distress at the time. C'mere, let me make it up to you."
  971. > You embrace her perhaps a bit tightly
  972. > Her hands press against your chest for a moment
  973. > "What do you thi-"
  974. "Shhh, it's okay now, I'm here."
  975. > Her hands lower a bit
  976. > "This does not make up for before, you know."
  977. > You rub her back, gently rocking her in your arms
  978. > Aria clasps her hands behind your back, and leans into the embrace
  979. > "Just don't tell Sonata, alright?"
  980. "I promise."
  981. > The two of you stand like that for a long moment, then she pats your butt
  982. > "Time for breakfast. C'mon."
  983. > You let go, and follow her quickly striding form
  984. > Did she just do a skip?
  986. > You walk into the dining room to find Sonata already eating
  987. > She looks at you, the Aria, then waggles her eyebrows
  988. > "You two just hugged."
  989. > Professor Plum is blushing furiously
  990. > "We did not hug! Adagio tried to choke me!"
  991. > "Hm hm hmmm, you can try to deny it, but I can see it in the way you walk. You totally hugged, and you know what that means~!"
  992. > Bluey rises like a jungle cat, and prowls across the table
  993. > Aria backs up into the wall
  994. > "For the last time, you can't use me to feed your addiction."
  995. > "Too late!"
  996. > Mrs Peacock pounces, snuggling up to a scowling Professor Plum
  997. > Aria glares at you
  998. > "This is all your fault."
  999. "So I see."
  1000. > Sonata pauses while rubbing her cheek against Violent Beauregard
  1001. > "A challenger approaches."
  1002. > In the blink of an eye, you have Blue Raspberry all over you
  1003. > She sniffs a few times, then looks up at you in delight
  1004. > "You cuddleslut! All three in one morning?"
  1005. > You return her embrace loosely
  1006. "You're one to talk, you snugglemaniac."
  1007. > She nuzzles her face into your armpit
  1008. "Uh, what are you doing?"
  1009. > Bluey surfaces with a grin
  1010. > "I have your scent now. You will never escape me! <3"
  1011. > At that point your stomach growls
  1012. "Can I get a Hotel California on that? I'm hungry."
  1013. > "Alright!"
  1014. > She prances happily back to her chair
  1015. > Aria shakes her head at you
  1016. > "You really are the worst cuddleslut."
  1017. > You shrug and grab a bowl
  1018. "I'd stop, but there's no reason to."
  1020. > You are halfway through your bowl of cereal by the time Adagio comes to breakfast
  1021. > You have a moment of hesitation, then you set about preparing her cheerios
  1022. > She nods at you pleasantly, taking her time walking to the place you set for her
  1023. > "Good morning, Girls, Anon."
  1024. "Ah, likewise."
  1025. > "Go~od morning!"
  1026. > "...Morning."
  1027. > Colonel Mustard picks up her spoon
  1028. > "And how are preparations for today's excursion?"
  1029. > Aria answers absently, peering into the coco rice krispies box
  1030. > "I have enough to burn down whatever forest we end up in."
  1031. > Adagio looks expectantly at Sonata
  1032. > Bluey stares blankly
  1033. > "What?"
  1034. "Er, I handled the food prep. Seemed safer that way."
  1035. > After some consideration, Orangy nods
  1036. > "I had wanted Sonata to learn some planning skills, but this is fine too."
  1037. > She goes back to eating
  1038. > Aria leans her head on her hand
  1039. > "And the tent situation?"
  1040. > "Handled."
  1041. > Bluey waggles her eyebrows
  1042. > "Was it hard?"
  1043. > Adagio looks her straight in the eye
  1044. > "Yes, it was long and hard. By the end, I was sweaty and tired, but filled with contentment."
  1045. > Three jaws drop open
  1046. > Miss Dazzle returns to her breakfast, a smug smile playing about her lips
  1047. > Sonata looks at you in confusion
  1048. > "Is she saying you guys had sex?"
  1049. > Facepalms all round
  1050. > Bluey looks at each of you, becoming increasingly confused
  1051. > "What?"
  1052. > Aria sighs
  1053. > "Sonata,"
  1054. > Adagio tenses minutely
  1055. > Professor Plum continues,
  1056. > "She was just going along with the innuendo you were making."
  1057. > "Oh, okay. Thanks Aria!"
  1058. > Adagio taps you on the shoulder
  1059. > "I think Aria has earned a pat."
  1060. "I agree."
  1061. > The girl in question watches you approach warily
  1062. > You stop just within arm's reach and turn around
  1063. > Orangy looks at you questioningly
  1064. > You bend over a little, sticking your butt out
  1065. "Pat away, Aria. You've earned it."
  1066. > Orange Creamsicle just sighs
  1067. > Statuesque Grape grins and you hear some dishes clatter in the background
  1068. > "Don't mind if I do."
  1069. > What follows is a bit stronger than a pat, you can feel the flesh of your rear jiggle
  1070. > After about five of those, you figure that's enough
  1071. > As return to your seat, you notice Aria can't stop grinning
  1072. > Then you notice your dishes are gone
  1073. "Wha-"
  1074. > Sonata kneels by Adagio, a pleading look in her eye
  1075. > "Can it be my turn? I washed the dishes and everything!"
  1076. > Adagio gives you a wry look
  1077. > "You established a precedent. Your butt is no longer your own."
  1078. > You pose heroically
  1079. "I regret only that I only have one butt to give."
  1080. > That gets you a chuckle
  1081. > "Alright, Sonata. Have at it."
  1082. > You were prepared for the groping, squeezing hands
  1083. > You were not prepared for Blue Raspberry rubbing her face against you like some overly affectionate cat
  1084. > Your reaction must have been unique, because the other two burst into giggles
  1085. > You sigh dramatically
  1086. "The sacrifices I make for my mistresses."
  1087. > After a few more moments, you look behind you
  1088. "You done down there?"
  1089. > "Never~!"
  1090. > Welp
  1091. > Then a set of hands sets about massaging your pectorals
  1092. "Er, that's really not much of an erogenous zone for me."
  1093. > Adagio rests her chin on your shoulder
  1094. > "Even so, I like it. Turn about is fair play."
  1095. > The entire time Aria just sits there with a look of mild amusement on her face
  1096. > "You know, this is more what I was imagining when we snatched you off the streets."
  1097. "From what I now know of you, I am not surprised."
  1098. > Sonata peeks out from around your hip
  1099. > "You want to be surprised? Okay!"
  1100. "Wha-"
  1101. > You feel a slender hand try to wedge its way into your crack, blunted by the intervening cloth
  1102. "Ah!"
  1103. > You break free and stagger a few more steps away
  1104. "That's quite enough, thank you!"
  1105. > Bluey beams
  1106. > "You're welcome!"
  1108. > Soon after, the Dazzlings excuse themselves for some tactical singing
  1109. > You take the opportunity to change into some shorts and a T-shirt
  1110. > They still aren't done; you wander around, skimming the shelves of Adagio's library, then Aria's... video collection
  1111. > Nothing really appeals, and you end up listlessly sitting in a recliner by a window
  1112. > You used to be self sufficient with regards to your entertainment
  1113. > After a moment's reflection, you decide to blame it on the girls; with them around, your attention is often thoroughly occupied
  1114. > You just sit there, blindly staring at the wind rustled grass
  1115. > There's a familiar irritating restlessness building inside
  1116. > You stand up and stride out of the room
  1117. > You snag a hand towel from the dining room and head back to Aria's video library
  1118. > More out of habit than out of fear of being seen, you draw the blinds on the windows
  1119. > That done, you haphazardly grab a DVD case from the R's
  1120. > Upon closer inspection, it has no cover art or anything
  1121. > You crack it open to find a similarly blank disc
  1122. > Odd, but whatever
  1123. > You pop it into the player and settle down on the couch
  1124. > As the usual FBI warnings go by you unzip and grip your little friend with the towel
  1125. > You brace yourself for whatever kind, what strange parody that will ostensibly help you get your rocks off
  1126. > You were not prepared for the xylophone
  1127. > Nor the trolley coasting through a miniature neighborhood
  1128. > You freeze, overwhelmed by childhood fondness and the sheer wrongness of this situation
  1129. > Just then the door opens, and you hear Aria say, "I knew he'd be here."
  1130. > Your head turns slowly, but not before catching the episode title
  1131. >> 'Mister Rogers Talks About Growing'
  1132. > Two of the three Dazzlings stare at you in horror
  1133. > You stare back, deeply uneasy about the evil light in Aria's eyes
  1134. > Silence reigns, or it would except Mr. Rogers is singing
  1135. > You frantically turn away, putting the reduced and confused Anon Jr back in
  1136. > Adagio's mouth moves, but no sound comes out
  1137. >> "~It's a neighborly day in this beauty wood, a neighborly day for a beauty~"
  1138. > Sonata backs away slowly, her eyes locked on your now zipped up shorts
  1139. >> "~Would you be mine?~"
  1140. "I can explain!"
  1141. > Aria saunters over, her voice low and breathy
  1142. > "It's the sweater, isn't it?"
  1143. "No! I didn't mean to-"
  1144. > She puts a finger on your lips
  1145. > "You don't choose Mr. Rogers."
  1146. > The Lavender Offender has a presence like a large venomous snake
  1147. > You are frozen in fear and fascination as she straddles your lap
  1148. > "He chooses you."
  1149. > Mr. Roger tosses and catches his shoe in your peripheral vision
  1150. > Your boner has never been so confused
  1151. > Aria rests her hands on your shoulders and slowly rolls her hips
  1152. > "Won't you be my neighbor?"
  1153. > Your breathing stutters and stops, much like your brain function right now
  1154. >> 'Do you ever sing, "Won't you be my neighbor" while I sing it?'
  1155. > Her voice is husky with desire
  1156. > "Yesssss!"
  1157. > Adagio creeps around the edge of the room, and turns off the TV
  1158. > You can think straight again, and you
  1159. > Okay, no you can't think straight
  1160. > Aria is leaning forward, grinding her crotch firmly against yours
  1161. > All you can see, all you can smell, all you can breathe is Aria
  1162. > Then you hear a wooden thud, and you see Sonata standing shakily, baseball bat in hand
  1163. "Th-thanks, I think."
  1164. > She looks like she's going to reply, but then she looks away
  1165. > Adagio is breathing unsteadily as well, but manages to speak
  1166. > "You should... change your shorts. But I don't know if you will ever feel clean again."
  1167. > You look down to see a damp spot, which may or may not have been from your own fluids
  1168. > You don't really want to try to figure it out
  1169. > You leave, not certain you could speak in that moment
  1170. > You wash, and you wash, and your hands are still shaky as you get dressed
  1173. Here are some very special quotes from the episode:
  1174. Jimmy is a frisky cat
  1176. Think of all the things you can do now, that you couldn't when you were a baby
  1178. Can you say special words?
  1180. Can you wait for a while for something you want a lot?
  1182. There's lots we can do while we're waiting for growing
  1184. Platypus mound, that's a surprise
  1186. And what do you think that big thing will look like?
  1188. Purple Panda, from Planet Purple
  1190. I am not a scary, big thing, King Friday
  1192. Our representatives will speak to the big thing
  1194. Do you like to make up stories about little things that grow up big?
  1196. After you play with things, you put them back
  1198. Time to feed the fish
  1200. I like the way you're growing up, it's fun, that's all
  1202. Look how much she's grown, come on in
  1204. I hope you'll come again
  1207. > It's a somber group that piles into the van
  1208. > Aria rides shotgun, an icepack pressed to her bruised head
  1209. > Sonata tries to comfort you, but she won't stop saying "Neighborfucked"
  1210. > Adagio sits next to you and holds your hand tightly
  1211. > It's a relief when you all arrive in a clearing in the middle of small nature park
  1212. > You get some help unloading everything from the dazzled
  1213. > Then Adagio orders them to leave
  1214. > "Anon, we're counting on you to erect the tents."
  1215. "That wasn't a joke?"
  1216. > Sonata grins at as the other two set up camp chairs
  1217. > "Oh Anon, we don't joke about erections. Buildings are serious things."
  1218. > Adagio nods in mock seriousness
  1219. > "As are tents."
  1220. > Aria sits back and crosses her legs
  1221. > "And let us not forget about shorts."
  1222. > Orangy doesn't even bother trying to hide her smirk
  1223. > "Oh, I can never forget about shorts."
  1224. > Bluey bounces excitedly
  1225. > "Ooh! And skirts! They're comfy and easy to wear!"
  1226. > ...
  1227. "We're still talking about erecting things, right?"
  1228. > "Whaaaat?"
  1229. > Adagio sighs
  1230. > "Most of us are. Now please, use your extensive experience with poles and set up the tents."
  1231. "Yes Mistress."
  1232. > Ah, a return to normalcy
  1233. > You put up three tents with little trouble, ignoring the catcalls and whistles
  1234. > Rooting around in the pile of supplies, you find-
  1235. "C4?"
  1236. > Aria smiles
  1237. > "A girl has needs."
  1238. > Right
  1239. > At last, you straighten up and raise your eyebrows at Adagio
  1240. "Where's the fourth tent?"
  1241. > "It is fitting for a servant to be close at hand at all times."
  1242. > You cross your arms
  1243. "So, there isn't a fourth tent, say for the reason that you needed more time to have one prepared."
  1244. > She examines her fingernails
  1245. > "What an oddly specific thing to say, Anon. Surely you aren't complaining?"
  1246. "No, of course not. So, tents are done. What now?"
  1247. > Sonata's stomach growls
  1248. > "Lunch?"
  1249. > That was met with general approval and amusement
  1250. > You set out the ingredients for sub sandwiches, not even Bluey can mess that up
  1251. > Not to mention how gratifying it is to see the sirens slide long sandwiches into their mouths
  1252. > You did have a mild scare when Sonata chopped hers in half
  1253. > Then she grabbed a piece of sandwich in each hand and alternated taking bites
  1254. > After lunch, Sonata looks at the three of you
  1255. > "So, I was thinking, we could go on a hike, and like, explore!"
  1256. > Aria rolls her eyes and walks away
  1257. > Bluey calls out, "Where are you going?"
  1258. > "Getting wood."
  1259. > Smurfette turns to Adagio
  1260. > "You'll come with me, won't you?"
  1261. > Orangy waves a notepad
  1262. > "I'm writing lyrics while we still have light."
  1263. > Sonata looks to you with big, pleading eyes
  1264. "Alright, I'll go on a hike with you."
  1265. > "Great! Let's go!"
  1266. > She grabs your hand and starts off immediately
  1267. > You barely snag a water bottle before you are dragged off along some faint path through the trees
  1269. > You have to admit, it's rather fun watching Sonata flit around
  1270. > Crouching low to sniff some wildflowers, or to show you an odd caterpillar
  1271. > Trying to catch the occasional leaf as it falls
  1272. > Then you both freeze
  1273. > A moose pauses in the middle of the trail, staring directly at you
  1274. > A long moment passes in silence
  1275. > Then it walks away
  1276. > You let out a breath you weren't aware you were holding
  1277. > You turn to Sonata
  1278. "Where are we?"
  1279. > Pretty sure there aren't any moose near Canterlot High
  1280. > Bluey looks at you, with eyes full of wonder and information
  1281. > "In the wonderful world of nature!"
  1282. "No, like what is the map location we are at?"
  1283. > She frowns, considering this
  1284. > Finally,
  1285. > "I don't know!"
  1286. > You sigh
  1287. "Should have expected that. Shall we continue?"
  1288. > "Ooh! Can I have a drink first?"
  1289. "Alright."
  1290. > You hand her the bottle and she very nearly chugs half of it
  1291. > You are about to say something, but then she hands it back to you with a big smile
  1292. > "Glad I could depend on you, Anon!"
  1293. "Y-you too."
  1294. > Then she giggles and scampers off
  1295. > Weapons grade, that girl
  1296. > You jog to catch up
  1297. > Once the two of you double back, you get pretty thirsty yourself
  1298. > Damn your Japanese mangoes
  1299. > All you can think about as you drink from your bottle is how her lips touched the same thing
  1300. > As you screw the cap back on, you look around
  1301. > Where'd she go?
  1302. "Sonata?"
  1303. > Nothing
  1304. > You jog a little further down the track
  1305. "Sonata?"
  1306. > How hard can it be to find a blue girl in a forest?
  1307. > You round the bend, and thank goodness, there she is
  1308. > ...
  1309. > With her skirt flipped up (nice ass), and
  1310. > How to put this delicately?
  1311. "Why are you humping that tree?"
  1312. > She looks over her shoulder at you
  1313. > "I'm not humping, I'm hugging! It's my way of saying 'thank you' to mister tree, for letting me pee standing up."
  1314. > It's then that you notice the dark streak down the trunk between her legs
  1315. > Looking carefully, it looks like she didn't get any pee on herself
  1316. "Clever girl."
  1317. > "You're a pretty weird guy, watching me pee."
  1318. > Crap
  1319. > You turn away
  1320. "Sorry, I just, you were gone, and then I saw your sweet ass, and I just got distracted. I mean,"
  1321. > "Sweet ass?"
  1322. > She giggles
  1323. > "It's okay, Anon. You can totally check out my sweet ass."
  1324. > ...
  1325. > You turn around, but Sonata is back on the path, her short skirt swishing around her thighs
  1326. "Ah, I guess I missed my chance."
  1327. > You start walking after her
  1328. > "Just lift up my skirt, it's not like I'm wearing panties right now."
  1329. > Heart status: racing
  1330. "Just lift up your... really?"
  1331. > Bluey grins at you over her shoulder
  1332. > "For realsies."
  1333. > You close the distance between the two of you
  1334. > Your hand reaches out hesitantly, your fingers brushing pink cloth
  1335. > Her skirt lifts marginally, and you find yourself fascinated by the play of the muscles in her thighs
  1336. > With a firmer grip on the hem, you lift the skirt
  1337. > Two light blue cheeks are revealed, swaying and bulging with her every step
  1338. > You start to fall behind, mesmerized
  1339. > The skirt goes taut, and Sonata stops
  1340. > "Third leg getting in the way?"
  1341. "S-something like that."
  1342. > Bluey bends over, resting her hands on her knees
  1343. > "Go ahead and touch it~!"
  1344. > You are breathing heavily as you gently pull the skirt up onto the curve of her lower back
  1345. > Your hands descend up her booty like snow from a winter sky
  1346. > She writhes a little at your gentle touch
  1347. > "Ohh, nice! I shoulda done this long ago."
  1348. > Your finger tips trace small circles in her tender flesh
  1349. > Anon Jr is insistently reminding you of his incarceration
  1350. > You increase the pressure slowly, rubbing her butt cheeks in circular motions
  1351. > Sonata moans a little, shifting her weight from leg to leg
  1352. > As you grip her rear more firmly, you catch glimpses of her womanhood from between her cheeks
  1353. > Finally you spread her ass, looking fully upon her puckered hole and slit
  1354. > "Oh Anon~, what ever could you be doing?"
  1355. > What are you doing?
  1356. > You are...
  1357. "Teasing you."
  1358. > You let go, then give her rump a good swat
  1359. > Look at all that jiggling
  1360. > Nice
  1361. > Bluey straightens up, rubbing her butt and frowning petulantly
  1362. > "That's not a very nice way of thanking me for touching my butt."
  1363. "You know, you're right."
  1364. > You wrap her up in a tight hug, her arms trapped at her sides
  1365. > She practically melts in your arms
  1366. > "Mmmm, that's better."
  1367. > You give her an extra tight squeeze, then let her go
  1368. > Sonata staggers a bit, a dopey grin on her face
  1369. "Shall we go back to camp?"
  1370. > "What ever you say, Anon."
  1371. > Stupid sexy Sonata
  1372. > You make it back to the camp without further incident
  1373. > Admittedly, with far more glances at Bluey's rear than normal, but that's to be expected
  1374. > You find Aria cutting paper into little humanoid dolls, a fire burning merrily not to far away
  1375. > Well, you didn't expect that, but it's not too surprising
  1376. > Adagio is simply napping in her camping chair, an open book draped across her stomach
  1377. > Cute
  1378. > Bluey skips over to the fire
  1379. > "So, Aria, let me see your wood!"
  1380. > "Go away."
  1381. > "C'mon, show me your long, thick, sticky tree branch~."
  1382. > Aria picks up her ax
  1383. > "You know, I was thinking of adding more limbs to the fire. How nice of you to volunteer."
  1384. > Sonata sprints away, hiding behind you
  1385. > "Save me!"
  1386. > You just sigh
  1387. "You girls want to play card games or something?"
  1388. > Purple Panda gives you a blank look
  1389. > "Can I burn them?"
  1390. "No."
  1391. > "Then that's my answer."
  1392. > Right
  1393. > You look over your shoulder
  1394. "What about you, bluey?"
  1395. > "Bluey?"
  1396. > Oh, you did say that out loud
  1397. "It's a nickname."
  1398. > She beams at you
  1399. > "I like it!"
  1400. > Good, but
  1401. "So, you up for a card game?"
  1402. > "Well, I don't actually know any."
  1403. "You don't know any? You're a thousand years old!"
  1404. > Aria looks up at that
  1405. > "Older, actually. Does it bother you, being preyed upon by three ancient women?"
  1406. > You roll your eyes
  1407. "Maybe I would be, except that you all look like smoking hot teenagers. But seriously, how does Sonata not know how to play a single card game?"
  1408. > Purple punk gives you a flat look
  1409. > "She's Sonata."
  1410. "Ah, right."
  1411. > The girl in question scowls
  1412. > "Hey, stop talking like I'm not here."
  1413. > You turn and stare deeply into her eyes
  1414. "Yes?"
  1415. > A blush rises to her cheeks
  1416. > "I- I just never got around to it, alright?"
  1417. "I believe you."
  1418. > Bluey sighs happily, leaning on your chest
  1419. > Aria coughs
  1420. > "You actually touched her butt."
  1421. > Your eyes snap to the firebug
  1422. "How can you possibly know that?"
  1423. > She rolls her eyes
  1424. > "We've been together for over a thousand years. You pick up on certain tells over time."
  1425. > Now that she mentions it, Sonata did have an uncanny hugging sense
  1426. "Fair enough."
  1427. > "Hardly. You've grabbed Adagio's boobs, Sonata's butt, and nothing of mine."
  1428. "I seem to remember you vigorously rubbing your crotch against mine."
  1429. > She tosses one of her paper people cutouts into the fire
  1430. > "That was Mister Rogers talking. You haven't really touched me."
  1431. > This is a really weird conversation, especially while you have a cute blue girl nuzzling your chest
  1432. "Do you... want me to touch you?"
  1433. > Just then, Adagio starts to stir
  1434. > Aria glances between the her and you quickly
  1435. > She practically hisses, "Yes!"
  1436. > Your self-preservation instincts kick in and you set bluey in a camping chair before finding your own
  1437. > Adagio raises her head and looks blearily around
  1438. "Have a nice nap?"
  1439. > Orangy focuses on you
  1440. > "I suppose. I see you returned safely."
  1441. "Indeed."
  1442. > "Good. Right..."
  1443. > She scratches her head tiredly, then looks up at the mid afternoon sun
  1444. > "Shall we play a game?"
  1445. "Do you have one in mind?"
  1446. > Adagio leans back in her chair, stroking her book like a cat
  1447. > "Sequence."
  1448. > Sonata jumps excitedly
  1449. > "Oh! I love sequence!"
  1450. > Aria is suspicious
  1451. > "What are you planning, Adagio?"
  1452. > Orangy leans forward
  1453. > "There aren't enough colors for four players. I was thinking we could do teams, and the losers have to cook all the meals for the rest of the trip."
  1454. > Aria glances at Sonata apprehensively
  1455. > Adagio catches this
  1456. > "I see you understand. One last thing: you choose the teams."
  1457. > Purple Panda raises her eyebrows
  1458. > Sonata looks around, sensing the increased tension
  1459. > "Um, Anon could just take my place..."
  1460. > Orangy smiles
  1461. > "That's nice of you, but it's more fun to play together. Now hush, Mommy's scheming."
  1462. > Aria considers her choices, a series of expressions crossing her face
  1463. > Finally she settles on a frown
  1464. > "Anon and I against you and Sonata."
  1465. > Adagio leaps out of her chair in on sinuous motion
  1466. > "Come on, Sonata, let's plan our strategy."
  1467. > Bluey skips over happily, and the two of them whisper heatedly while digging in the supply pile
  1468. > Aria draws you aside
  1469. > "You do know how to play, right?"
  1470. "Connect five, discard playing cards to put checkers on the board. It's been a while, but yeah I know how. But before we talk strategy, are you sure you want Sonata cooking for us?"
  1471. > Professor Plum gives you a flat look
  1472. > "There is no strategy. We must lose."
  1473. "Oh, kay. So why did you volunteer to be on the losing team?"
  1474. > "If you look at it the right way, I'm apologizing to Adagio, she's forgiving me, and we are both managing Sonata."
  1475. > You lead her over to the picnic table and sit down
  1476. "Okay, I can see how taking the penalty is apologizing, but how is she forgiving you?"
  1477. > Aria stares down at her lap, and bites her lip
  1478. > "Get to spend time with-"
  1479. > The sequence board hits the table with dull clatter
  1480. > Sonata grins
  1481. > "Game time!"
  1483. > Your hand sucks
  1484. > Two wilds, a one-eyed jack and three others clustered around the corners
  1485. > Normally, that'd be great, but you are fighting for a world where pancakes don't have eggshells in them
  1486. > You notice Adagio nod in your peripheral vision
  1487. > As you play one of the normal cards, Sonata fans herself with her hand
  1488. > "Ugh, it's so hot out here, like, for realzies."
  1489. > Aria rolls her eyes
  1490. > "It's summertime, Sonata, it's supposed to be hot out."
  1491. > Bluey just sticks her tongue out and plays a card, seemingly at random
  1492. > As the game develops, the ditz keeps on complaining about the heat
  1493. > It's kinda annoying, and Aria isn't enduring it well
  1494. > You'd be the same way, but then Sonata pulls at her shirt, exposing a little more cleavage
  1495. > One of the times, she catches you looking, and smirks in response
  1496. > The board is starting to fill up, making it increasingly hard to make bad, but not obvious moves
  1497. > It's your turn again, and you pause, considering your options
  1498. > "This is just too much, I need to cool down."
  1499. > Aria rolls her eyes
  1500. > "Really, you are the-"
  1501. > Bluey shucks off her shirt
  1502. > 420 stops talking
  1503. > That bra... you're pretty sure it's a size too small
  1504. > Not that you're complaining
  1505. > Adagio nudges you
  1506. > "Come on Anon, your turn."
  1507. "Oh, right."
  1508. > You take off your shirt as well
  1509. > Ah yes, blushes all around
  1510. > Purple Panda coughs
  1511. > "You're turn to play a card, Anon."
  1512. "Oh, right."
  1513. >Sonata crosses her arms below her bust, lifting it slightly
  1514. > Okay, you know exactly what she is doing
  1515. > That doesn't stop you from keeping your eyes on the prize
  1516. > Boobs
  1517. > You select a card at random from your hand, and discard it
  1518. > Aria groans
  1519. > "That's a wild, Anon. Please tell me you meant to play that."
  1520. > You glance at the card
  1521. "Oh. Yes, I definitely meant to do that."
  1522. > You scan the board quickly, and drop a checker on an empty space in the middle
  1523. > Sonata grins, slamming down her card
  1524. > "We just got a sequence! In. Your. Face! You thought you could have Anon on your team, and we would be all distracted, fantasizing about his dick, when instead it is Anon fantasizing about my dick!"
  1525. > ...
  1526. > What
  1527. > Bluey shakes her chest in Aria's face
  1528. > "Who's the worst now, huh?"
  1529. > Explosive Eggplant glares at you from across the table and behind the blue foothills of paradise
  1530. > "Anon, we are going to beat this blithering idiot. First in the game, then with planks of wood with nails in them."
  1531. "Okay."
  1532. > Aria surges up, knocking Sonata back to her seat
  1533. > Your teammate grabs you by your shoulders and shakes you vigorously
  1535. > She pauses, and the world stops blurring
  1536. "Yes ma'am, I understand ma'am."
  1537. > "Good."
  1538. > She drops you, and you collapse onto your seat
  1539. > Aria sits, gives her a hand a sour once-over, and slaps a card down
  1540. > The game moves on, and you find your gaze increasingly drawn to Sonata's bust
  1541. > Adagio pauses on her turn
  1542. > "Hmmm, doesn't it seem like Anon hasn't been playing his best? I wonder why that could be."
  1543. > Sonata chuckles evilly
  1544. > Aria scowls
  1545. > "He's the worst teammate."
  1546. "Rude."
  1547. > Adagio smirks
  1548. > "Oh Aria, how does it feel to know that Sonata is better at managing him than you are?"
  1549. > With that, she plays her card
  1550. > Professor Plum growls
  1551. > "Anon, look at me."
  1552. > You look up from your hand
  1553. > Aria is blushing, and taking off her jacket
  1554. > You bite your lip
  1555. > Dose shoulders
  1556. > She looks straight into your eyes
  1557. > "Here's the deal. You make good plays, you get to see more. Got it?"
  1558. > You swallow
  1559. "Got it."
  1560. > You take a serious look at the board
  1561. > To be honest, it's not that hard to make good plays, there are lots of runs of three everywhere
  1562. > Wait
  1563. > Oh hell yes
  1564. > You slap down the jack of diamonds
  1565. "How do you like that, we got a sequence too."
  1566. > After placing the checker, you raise an eyebrow at Aria
  1567. > She averts her eyes, but slowly lifts her top, exposing a fair bit of the underside of her breasts
  1568. > Adagio peeks at your lap
  1569. > "Oh, well done, he likes that."
  1570. > The grouch lowers her top, blushing furiously
  1571. > "Good."
  1572. > Sonata rubs her chin
  1573. > "So that's the way you want to play, huh?"
  1574. > Aria scowls at her
  1575. > "No, this is the way you wanted to play. Now take your stupid turn."
  1576. > "Fine, fine. What a grump."
  1577. > Your beleaguered teammate turns to Adagio
  1578. > "Can I please kill her? Please?"
  1579. > Orangy simply smiles
  1580. > "Now now, if I'm not allowed to kill you, you aren't allowed to kill her."
  1581. > Aria sits back with a sigh
  1582. > Bluey happily makes her play, yet another checker in a random spot
  1583. > A few more plays, and it's back to you
  1584. > Sonata is fussing with something behind her back
  1585. > "Oh, Anon~!"
  1586. "Yes?"
  1587. > Just as her bra begins to sag, she brings an arm around to hold it up
  1588. > The straps hang loose off her shoulders
  1589. > "If you make a bad move, I'll make a move too!"
  1590. "Huh."
  1591. > Adagio grins at Aria's reddening face
  1592. > "Can you match that deal? Or are your breasts not enough to match, let alone overcome her influence?"
  1593. "Wait, "
  1594. > Purple Panda takes a deep breath
  1595. > "I have faith in Anon's ability to recognize true beauty."
  1596. "Thanks, but,"
  1597. > Sonata drops her arm, baring her chest
  1598. > Recognize this!"
  1599. > Jiggle jiggle
  1600. > Aria shucks off her top, thrusting her bare chest out proudly
  1601. > She glares at you haughtily
  1602. > "Well?"
  1603. > So this is what Paris of Troy felt like
  1604. > Wait a second
  1605. > He had three
  1606. "I think I would need the full range, to truly make a judgment."
  1607. > Bluey cocks her head to the side
  1608. > "Full range? Like this?"
  1609. > She lifts her melons high, then lets them fall
  1610. > Such jiggling
  1611. "Wow. No, I meant that Aphrodite and Athena stand before me, but Hera has yet to reveal herself."
  1612. > She is even more confused, looking around curiously
  1613. > "Where are they? I'm not seeing anyone else..."
  1614. > Aria, still flustered, raises an eyebrow at Adagio
  1615. > "He means that we are goddesses, and that Adagio should show off her boobs."
  1616. > Sonata giggles at that
  1617. > Orangy's composure begins to fail
  1618. > "I don't see why-"
  1619. > Aria puts her hands on her hips
  1620. > "Everyone else is topless. Join us."
  1621. > Bluey nods enthusiastically
  1622. > "Joooiiiin uuuuuussss!"
  1623. > You scoot a little closer, your hip pressing against hers
  1624. > You wrap an arm around her back, your hand resting on her other hip
  1625. > She looks at you, your faces so close
  1626. > You whisper, low and rough
  1627. "Join us."
  1628. > Adagio blushes and averts her eyes
  1629. > "Fine, you weirdos."
  1630. > Sonata cheers at that
  1631. > Orangy takes it slow, shedding layers until she's just wearing a bra
  1632. > Aria rests her chin on her interlaced fingers
  1633. > "Go on, it's nothing we haven't all seen before."
  1634. > Adagio scowls at her
  1635. > "Anon hasn't!"
  1636. > Lavender Bender considers this
  1637. > "Nothing we haven't all groped before."
  1638. > Sonata looks at you with big eyes
  1639. > "Whaaaaatttt?"
  1640. > You hold your hands defensively
  1641. "It was to save Aria's life."
  1642. > Orangy stands up
  1643. > "Everyone be quiet! I'll do it, just stop talking."
  1644. > Aria makes eye contact with you
  1645. > "That's what she said."
  1646. > Your breath bursts out of your mouth, and you try to pass off the sound as a cough
  1647. > Adagio just glares at you two, then sighs
  1648. > She unhooks her bra and neatly puts it on the pile of clothes beside her
  1649. > "Happy?"
  1650. > She sits back down
  1651. "Very."
  1652. > You put your hand to your chin, carefully examining each of the glorious racks before you
  1653. > Sonata's is definitely the plumpest, and she wiggles a little while under your thorough gaze
  1654. > Nice
  1655. > You turn to Aria, who is not as comfortable as she would like you to think about being topless
  1656. > Hers are perky, but somewhat substantial
  1657. > If you had to guess, they would be almost exactly a handful
  1658. > She relaxes somewhat as your gaze turns to the third siren
  1659. > Adagio has to stop herself from covering up, settling on keeping her tense fists in her lap, her arms pressing against the sides of her bared breasts
  1660. > Even then, it's obvious that she has the smallest set, a fact of which she is thoroughly aware
  1661. > Yet somehow, her shyness and insecurity makes her boobs all the cuter
  1662. > You glance down at her hand of cards, and sigh
  1663. "Ladies, I must preface this decision with the statement that you all have wonderful breasts, and I would love to shower them with attention and kisses."
  1664. > You are pretty sure each of the girls is rubbing their thighs together at that thought
  1665. > Adagio certainly is
  1666. "However, I must say that the pair that appeal to me the most, belong to Aria."
  1667. > Aria covers her mouth in surprise, blushing deeply
  1668. > Sonata is a little put out, but she shrugs and pats Pigtails on the back
  1669. > "Congratulations!"
  1670. > Adagio is hit rather harder by this revelation
  1671. > She brings her arms to her chest and hunches over a little
  1672. > You put your arm around her shoulder and squeeze her reassuringly
  1673. "I still find you very, very attractive."
  1674. > Orangy looks up at you, her eyes a turmoil of emotion
  1675. "After all, you are more than your mammaries."
  1676. > With that you withdraw your arm, and lightly trace a finger from the nape of her neck, down her spine and to her waist before pulling completely away
  1677. > Her back arches at the stimulation, and she inhales sharply
  1678. > You grin, and turn back to the game
  1679. "While this has been fun, it's ultimately moot."
  1680. > You drop your last wild, blocking off one potential sequence
  1681. "They have two more ready to go, and Adagio has a wild."
  1682. > Sonata gazes at the board in amazement
  1683. > "We won! Ahaha! Yes yes yes!"
  1684. > Aria tries to scowl, but she ends up looking at you with an indecipherable expression on her face
  1685. > Adagio starts putting her clothes back on immediately
  1686. > "I had wondered how long we could keep it going, but this is an acceptable end."
  1687. > She glances up at you
  1688. > "I'll be in our tent. Let me know when dinner is ready."
  1689. > She strolls away, head held high
  1690. > Sonata busies herself with putting the game away, blissfully content to leave the girls hanging out
  1691. > She makes shooing motions at team Arianon
  1692. > "You have fallen before the mighty, the busty, the invincible Sonata! Go and make her foo..."
  1693. > She frowns
  1694. > "Hey, you get to make dinner! What about me?"
  1695. > You pat her shoulder
  1696. > "You win some, you lose some. Did you at least have fun playing the game?"
  1697. > Sonata pauses, then smiles at you
  1698. > "Yup! Aaaand I won! How cool is that?"
  1699. "Pretty cool."
  1700. > With that she prances off to her tent, carrying the game with her
  1701. > That leaves...
  1702. > Aria approaches, looking you straight in the eye
  1703. > "I want you to touch me like you touched Adagio."
  1704. > She turns around, presenting her bare back to you
  1705. > You reach out with a single finger,
  1706. > "Start from the bottom."
  1707. > Alright
  1708. > You lightly touch the pad of your middle finger to where her spine meets her pants
  1709. > Her breath hitches
  1710. > You slowly trace up her spine, relishing the sensation and her shuddering breaths
  1711. > As your finger grazes up the nape of her neck, her back arches, her breasts thrust out and forward
  1712. > As you pull your finger away, her breathing begins to return to normal
  1713. > "Th-thanks, Anon."
  1714. > She goes to collect her clothes
  1715. "Any time."
  1716. > Aria pauses
  1717. > "Anytime? Really?"
  1718. > You'd say yes, but...
  1719. "Anytime it wouldn't get me killed."
  1720. > She smiles at that, and gets dressed
  1721. > "Fair enough. Now let's make dinner."
  1722. > You dig around in the pile of boxes, tossing an onion to Aria
  1723. > "Like hell am I going to chop an onion."
  1724. > You find what you are looking for, and straighten up
  1725. "Even if I do the carrots and the potatoes?"
  1726. > She scowls at you
  1727. > "You just want to see me cry."
  1728. > What a ridic-
  1729. > Okay, now that she mentions it...
  1730. > Eh, not worth the trouble
  1731. "Fine, I'll do the onion, you do the carrots."
  1732. > "That's more like it."
  1733. > You roll your eyes, and set about preparing a cooking area
  1734. > Two cutting boards, some knives, some peelers, aluminum foil, that's about everything
  1735. > For a time the only sounds are the rustling of the trees, the whittling away of the vegetable peeler, and the careful cuts of your knife
  1736. "Agh, curse you, onion!"
  1737. > You step back, your eyes watering from the fumes
  1738. > Aria smirks at you
  1739. > "Stop being a baby, what's a little sulfuric acid in your eyes?"
  1740. > You motion to the cutting board
  1741. "You want to do this? No? Then kindly shut up, miss 'I don't want to cry'."
  1742. > She taps her chin with the vegetable peeler
  1743. > "I'm gonna level with you here. I just want to watch you cry, I don't particularly care why you do it. So get back in there and make me some delicious tears."
  1744. "Pretty weird fetish you got there."
  1745. > Aria rolls her eyes
  1746. > "You have no idea."
  1747. > Steeling yourself, you return to dicing the onion
  1748. > Manly tears later, you are done
  1749. > Looks like the carrots are done too
  1750. "Looks like we split the potatoes."
  1751. > She grunts an affirmative
  1752. > You set about the tedious business of washing, carving, and chopping potatoes
  1753. > Normally you'd go into a zen-state to deal with the boredom, but you have options now
  1754. "So do you have any fetishes other than..."
  1755. > You can't help but shudder
  1756. > "Mr. R? Yeah, I got a few. Why, you volunteering?"
  1757. > You shrug
  1758. "Maybe. Depends on the fetish."
  1759. > She smirks at that
  1760. > "Alright. I got rough sex, bondage, rape, snuff, necrophilia, bleeding, castration, vore, "
  1761. > It just goes on and on
  1762. > Terms you only recognize from the darker threads of /d/
  1763. > "Zombie gangbang, wound fucking, infections, corruption, waffle irons,"
  1764. > In self defense, you idly imagine you are Forrest Gump, on the receiving end of Bubba's shrimp talk
  1765. > Just chop the vegetables and let the darkness flow on by
  1766. > "Anal fissures, and consensual sex in the missionary position solely for the purpose of procreation."
  1767. "Wait, what about that last one?"
  1768. > Aria shrugs
  1769. > "A girl's got to be into some kinky stuff."
  1770. > ...
  1771. > You didn't really listen for most of the list, but you doubt it would make a difference
  1772. "Yeah, that's the only one I could really get into. But I have to ask, where does Mr. Rogers fit into all of this?"
  1773. > She gazes down into her memories, the knife held loose in her hand
  1774. > "I wasn't happy as I am now. I tried to stop eating."
  1775. > Oh
  1776. > "I stayed inside, played nice with the girls, tried everything I could do to avoid conflict."
  1777. > Oh yeah, they do sorta feed on that
  1778. > "Mister Roger's Neighborhood was the most calming thing, I thought it would kill me. I must have spent days, watching reruns of that old man."
  1779. > She tucks a bit of hair behind her ear and smiles fondly
  1780. > "He taught me to love myself, and to find the little joys in life. You ever been so depressed, all you do is masturbate?"
  1781. > What
  1782. "Not...really."
  1783. > "I was. Then Adagio decided to put her foot down, and took away my videos. I got so angry, I beat the everloving shit out her. That's when I realized, I like being angry, I like being violent, and that is enough for me to keep on living."
  1784. "That's almost inspirational."
  1785. > "Isn't it though? Did you know I hugged him, once?"
  1786. "Really?"
  1787. > "Had to change my panties afterwards, but yeah. Good times."
  1788. > You just stare at purple panda
  1789. > She comes back to herself, and grins at you
  1790. > "Enough about that. Let's mutilate these vegetables."
  1791. > With a chuckle, you get back to work.
  1792. > The ground beef gets portioned out, then the vegetables, and the two of you double wrap it all in foil
  1793. > You stand by her side, proudly gazing upon the misshapen lumps in the fire
  1794. "We did good today, partner."
  1795. > "You're such a dork."
  1796. > She punches you in the arm, hard
  1797. > As you rub away the pain, you wonder if this is how she shows interest
  1798. > Perhaps it's time for some body armor
  1800. > The sun is just beginning to set when you make your way to Adagio's tent
  1801. > Sonata scampers on by, waving cheerfully
  1802. > You wave back, and come to a stop in front of the zipper door
  1803. > How to do this...
  1804. > You try knocking on it, but it barely rustles
  1805. > Whatever
  1806. > You just unzip the door a ways
  1807. "Dinner's ready."
  1808. > Adagio yanks her shorts back up to her waist, not meeting your eyes
  1809. > "Thank you for letting me know."
  1810. > Something about the way she gets up strikes you as odd
  1811. > You open the door the rest of the way, and she climbs out
  1812. "You alright?"
  1813. > That...may be a blush
  1814. > "I just need to wash my hands, that's all."
  1815. > Not sure why she wou-
  1816. > You hear a high pitched yelp, followed by low moaning
  1817. > You make brief eye contact with Adagio
  1818. > She gives you a slight nod and an exasperated smile
  1819. > You return to the fire at a run, to find Sonata holding her hands out, her fingers reddened
  1820. "She didn't..."
  1821. > Aria drags the cooler over
  1822. > "She did."
  1823. > Bluey plunges her hands into the water with a whimper
  1824. > You just sigh
  1825. "It was literally in a fire, Sonata."
  1826. > She looks at you with tear filled eyes
  1827. > "I was just so hungry."
  1828. > It's hard to stay mad at that pitiful face
  1829. > Violent Violet rolls her eyes
  1830. > "That's what you get for thinking with your stomach."
  1831. > Proving that you can stay mad at such a face, if you have enough practice
  1832. > In the meantime, you grab one of the camp chairs and give her a place to sit while she soothes her burns
  1833. > Doesn't look like she's blistering, so it isn't as bad as it could have been
  1834. > Adagio shows up not much later
  1835. > "What'd I miss?"
  1836. > Aria rolls her eyes and points to where you are bandaging Sonata's fingertips
  1837. > "I'd say blue bum learned not to touch hot things, but we'll have to go through this at least fifty more times before it sticks."
  1838. > "Hey!"
  1839. > "It's true."
  1840. > Adagio just sighs
  1841. > "Just please tell me dinner isn't ruined."
  1842. > You look up from your first aid
  1843. "Dinner is fine. Just peel back the foil with a spoon or something if you want it to cool faster."
  1844. > Adagio smiles at you
  1845. > "Thank you, Anon. You get to live."
  1846. > Aria scowls
  1847. > "You can't kill me."
  1848. > Sonata flutters her eyelashes
  1849. > "And I'm too cute!"
  1850. > You finish the last of the bandages
  1851. "Yes, but I'm the only one she's glad to be stuck with."
  1852. > Sonata and Aria stick out their tongues at you in rare unison
  1853. > Meanwhile, Adagio has taken her first bite of the stew
  1854. > "Mmm, this is well done. Seriously, thank you, Aria, Anon."
  1855. > Aria seems placated by this, and sets about her own meal
  1856. > Sonata peers at you with pitiful eyes
  1857. > "Could you feed me? My fingers hurt..."
  1858. > You cast an inquisitive glance Adagio's way
  1859. > Her mouth twists, but she nods
  1860. > Bluebelly shimmies happily in her seat
  1861. > Then she leans forward, opening her mouth expectantly
  1862. > You blow on a spoonful of stew, and guide it into her mouth
  1863. > She closes around it, her tongue perhaps a bit more active than is necessary
  1864. > As Sonata chews, she makes an appreciative moan
  1865. > Very appreciative
  1866. > The other two glance her way, wait no
  1867. > They're glancing at your pants
  1868. > You set your own foil dinner in front of your crotch, and they go back to focusing on their food with a smirk
  1869. > The rest of dinner passes in a like manner
  1870. > When the last of you has crumpled up their foil bowl, Adagio stands and cracks her back
  1871. > She sighs in relief, then frowns at Sonata
  1872. > "You're going to have to get ready for bed early. Aria, could you-"
  1873. > "Nope. I have to get more wood for tomorrow. You can never have enough wood."
  1874. > She gazes meaningfully at your crotch
  1875. > Adagio sighs again
  1876. > "Fine, get more sticks. Anon, if could you help Sonata out, I'll do the dishes."
  1877. "Sure."
  1878. > You wonder if Adagio is getting enough sleep
  1879. > You don't really have much of a baseline, but she has been acting odd lately
  1880. > This is all shelved as Bluey pulls on your shoulder with her wrists
  1881. > "Come on, I gotta get ready so you can get ready!"
  1882. > You get up and follow her to her tent, where she gingerly points towards a zip lock bag
  1883. > "Teeth first!"
  1884. > Right
  1885. > You pluck the toothbrush and paste from the bag, and wet it with some water from a bottle
  1886. > Sonata opens her mouth again, closing her eyes happily
  1887. > You apply some paste to the brush, and try to brush Blueberry's teeth
  1888. > It would help if she wasn't swaying, or moving with the slightest pressure from the toothbrush
  1889. "Just, hold still, alright?"
  1890. > You grab her jaw in one hand and start scrubbing her teeth with the other
  1891. > Sonata's eyes snap open, her pupils heavily dilated
  1892. > "Uou!"
  1893. "You alright?"
  1894. > She nods happily
  1895. "Okay..."
  1896. > You tilt her head to get a better angle, and return to brushing her teeth
  1897. > Her hands keep making grasping motions in the air, and her legs make audible scraping sounds as she rubs them together
  1898. "Do you need to go to the bathroom or something?"
  1899. > "Gno! Geep goig!"
  1900. > Well, you can see why Aria would try to get out of this, Sonata is acting weird
  1901. > You take care to get her gums as well, you vague remember that being important
  1902. > Her breath is hot on your brushing hand, and she keeps on making little whimpers and grunts as you do your thorough job
  1903. > You tilt her head the other way, and start on that side
  1904. > She's blushing a fair amount, which you suppose is normal
  1905. > Having someone else brush your teeth is probably pretty embarrassing
  1906. > You scrub the last set of teeth, and start to pull the toothbrush out
  1907. > Sonata clamps her mouth around it
  1908. "Oh yeah, your tongue. I guess I should have brushed that too?"
  1909. > She nods, and you move the brush back and forth in her closed mouth
  1910. > It's almost eroti-
  1911. > Bluey collapses to her knees as she humps the air, a blissful expression on her face
  1912. > Oh
  1913. > You catch the toothbrush before it falls to the dirt
  1914. > You idly notice some fluid dripping down her inner thigh
  1915. "Is this...normal for you?"
  1916. > She shakes her head, although it ends up being a full body sway from left to right
  1917. > "You were so firm! And gentle, and stim- uh, stimate, you know, makes me tingly inside?"
  1918. "Stimulating?"
  1919. > "Uh huh!"
  1920. > ...
  1921. "Right, so now that that's done, you're ready to go to bed?"
  1922. > "Nope!"
  1923. > She picks up a water bottle between her palms and takes a swig, swishing it around
  1924. > She spits, then smiles at you
  1925. > "Now I need to get into my jammies!"
  1926. "You just want me to take off your clothes."
  1927. > "And fuck me! But I'll take what I can get."
  1928. > Boner, this is Houston
  1929. > You are out of control, we repeat, out of control
  1930. > And she just grins at you, swaying her hips from side to side
  1931. "Tempting. Very tempting. But I don't want to die, and Adagio may just kill me if she isn't first."
  1932. > Sonata pouts
  1933. > "Why does she have to have you first? Aren't you allowed to make your own choices?"
  1934. > Fair point
  1935. > If you are entirely honest with yourself, it's not a fear of death holding you back
  1936. "I just...I know what it's like, seeing someone you like, someone you think you love, seeing that person fall in love with someone else."
  1937. > She still looks confused
  1938. "Look, if I actually fell in love with you or Aria, I wouldn't let that stop me. But we're still getting to know each other, and I haven't really decided anything. Right now, there needs to be some boundaries or else people will get hurt. Sex is one of those boundaries."
  1939. > She pouts
  1940. > "Fiiiiinnnneee. Now can we get me into my jammies?"
  1941. "Sure. I'll just uh, "
  1942. > Sonata lifts her arms over her head
  1943. > "Take off my clothes!"
  1944. "Right."
  1945. > You pull her shirt up and off, still a little mesmerized by the bounce of her bosom, even bound as it is by a pink bra
  1946. > Next, you spy the velcro strip fastening the skirt and give it a tug
  1947. > The skirt slides down her legs, revealing her damp panties
  1948. > Your heart is beating furiously in your chest, and you turn away
  1949. "Now, uh, where are your pajamas?"
  1950. > "Nuh uh, take my underwear off first!"
  1951. > ...
  1952. > "At least my panties? They're wet and getting cold."
  1953. > ...
  1954. "Fine, but first, where is a clean pair?"
  1955. > She points to one of her bags, and you pluck a pair out, trying to ignore how silky it is
  1956. > Steeling your resolve, you turn back to
  1957. > Sonata bent over, sticking her butt out at you
  1958. > Right
  1959. > You yank her panties down, sliding them down her thighs, and she daintily steps out of them
  1960. > Getting her to step into the new pair is a bit harder
  1961. > The first foot is easy, it's when she tries to step into the other hole that she wobbles backward
  1962. > Without thinking, you raise a hand to steady her, and get a handful of ass
  1963. > "Oh my, how forward!"
  1964. > You are strong, you can resist this
  1965. > You give her ass a squeeze, then push her upright
  1966. > You pull the panties up quickly, and back away
  1967. "Alright, now where are you pajamas?"
  1968. > "I'm wearing them!"
  1969. > ...
  1970. "Okay. Well, good night."
  1971. > "Wait!"
  1972. > She grabs your arm gingerly between her arms
  1973. > "Brush my hair?"
  1974. > You may very well be sainted before all this is over
  1975. "You aren't going to orgasm, are you?"
  1976. > She shakes her head vigorously
  1977. "Fine, let's get this over with."
  1978. > She happily prances over to sit on her sleeping bag
  1979. > Okay, so she probably won't orgasm from this
  1980. > You grab a hair brush from the toiletries bag and sit behind her
  1981. > You carefully remove her hair tie, letting her ponytail fall apart
  1982. > With her hair down, you would almost forget how childish and flighty she is
  1983. > You listen to the sounds of the wild, the wind blowing, crickets chirping, the occasional frog croaking
  1984. > The brush adds a silken hiss as you pull it through her hair
  1985. > She hums gently to herself, some little lullaby
  1986. > You feel yourself relaxing, becoming one with the repetitive motions
  1987. > Sometime later, Sonata wriggles into her sleeping bag, then looks up at you expectantly
  1988. > "And now a bedtime story!"
  1989. > You give her a flat look
  1990. "You're pushing it."
  1991. > "You can cum in my panties?"
  1992. > You facepalm
  1993. "That would not be a wise choice for me. Let's just get this over with. What story should I tell..."
  1994. > Well, who knows if they've heard this one
  1995. "It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth..."
  1997. > You wake up the next morning, a warm weight on your chest
  1998. > All your bleary eyes can see is orange, so you probably won't have to save someone's life first thing in the morning
  1999. > You wipe the grit from your eyes, trying not to stir the the poof
  2000. > No dice
  2001. > Adagio lifts her head, scowling as she peers around
  2002. "Good morning, Princess."
  2003. > Her eyes widen as she looks down at you, then at her hands draped across your chest
  2004. > "I was just cold, that's all. Don't read too much int-"
  2005. > She stops, irritated by your amused expression
  2006. > "Shut up."
  2007. "I wasn't saying anything."
  2008. > She props herself up, her sleeping bag falling from her shoulders
  2009. > Adagio shivers in the cool morning air, and eyes you contemplatively
  2010. "I am still pretty warm, if you're interested."
  2011. > You can see the conflicting urges in her face
  2012. > Finally, she just lowers herself to your chest again, tugging the sleeping bag back up
  2013. > It's nice, feeling her warmth and little movements
  2014. > She makes little circles with her index finger on your shoulder
  2015. > "What am I going to do with you?"
  2016. "Whatever you want?"
  2017. > She huffs at that
  2018. > "If only I knew what that was..."
  2019. > You pat her hair
  2020. "Give it some time, you'll figure it out."
  2021. > She lifts her head and scowls at you
  2022. > "You're not making it any easier!"
  2023. "Sorry?"
  2024. > Adagio's hands fist in your shirt
  2025. > "You have no idea, you aren't even trying to..."
  2026. > You give her a perplexed look
  2027. "I'm not trying to do what?"
  2028. > She closes her eyes and breathes deeply, slowly letting go of your shirt
  2029. > Cheeto girl wriggles over to lean against the side of the tent
  2030. > She lets out a long, deep breath
  2031. > "You have to understand, the girls and I... we're not exactly human. We used to be seaponies and,"
  2032. > You cough, trying to hold in your laughter
  2033. > Adagio scowls
  2034. > "As I was saying, we used to be seaponies. Music travels a long way underwater, and seaponies have used it for magic for a long, long time. You have seen the effects of our singing, imagine a whole school of seaponies singing together."
  2035. > That is actually rather frightening
  2036. "So you ruled the ocean?"
  2037. > She scoffs
  2038. > "Hardly. Friendship magic is one of the most powerful kinds of magic there is. So while the seaponies maintained harmony in the school with the Shooby Doo,"
  2039. > Wait
  2040. "The Scooby Doo?"
  2041. > Adagio facepalms
  2042. > "Are you just going to keep interrupting?"
  2043. "Sorry, won't happen again."
  2044. > "Anyhow, the very harmonious magic that gave the seaponies their power also committed them to serving everything. Clownfish lost its kid? He just has to call out the Shooby Doo, and an entire school of seaponies helps him find the thing. I couldn't live that way. I found that when I held that resentment in my heart, I wasn't affected by the Shooby Doo."
  2045. > She really should stop calling it that, you are having a hard time taking her seriously
  2046. > "There was power in that, but I wanted more. I found Aria, so full of anger, and Sonata, shunned for her dangerous lack of common sense. We made a chorus, and a friendship defined by enmity. With that, we could corrupt the Shooby Doo, turning harmony into disharmony, selflessness into selfishness. We kept our resentments strong, finding little ways to annoy each other, reflecting that bickering in our music. Equestria was not prepared for such magic, and we rose to power quickly. And then, some stupid wizard banished us to your world, and that's where we've been ever since."
  2047. > Okay, but
  2048. "Where do I fit in, in all of this?"
  2049. > Adagio huffs
  2050. > "That's the problem. We're a prickly and irritating trio, but we can use that to gain power for our little group. That same spirit, of conflict for the good of our little school, is the controlling force in our magic. When I first brought you in, I thought you would be a luxury I could rub in their faces. Then you started acting receptive to them, and that was good for the school, both for their happiness, and our general interpersonal conflicts. So I shouldn't try to have you for myself, if I want to keep the power we have. But it is only because I want you that we have that power. Do you understand?"
  2051. "So basically, you are both the horse following the carrot on a stick, and the driver holding the carrot on a stick. There's a conflict of interests."
  2052. > She smiles wearily
  2053. > "That's it exactly. It doesn't help that you are nearly the idea seapony mate."
  2054. > ...
  2055. "Really?"
  2056. > She nods
  2057. > "Helpful, no agenda of your own, just the good of the group. You try to play peacemaker, while also trying to satisfy the needs of each person. I'm actually worried that you are too much the peacemaker, Aria and Sonata haven't been fighting nearly as much as they used to."
  2058. "And that's bad."
  2059. > She nods
  2060. > "If they become reconciled, then I have to be the aggressor, and then they will either take over, or all my work falls apart, and we're back in the Shooby Doo situation."
  2061. "Would it really be back to that? You already have changed the song magic to suit your group. If the three of you got along, not necessarily serving one another, but still coexisting without attempted murder, wouldn't that work? You still desire power as a group, you would still be in competition, and there would still be irritating things each one of you does. It doesn't sound like too much different from how you girls are now."
  2062. > Adagio's mouth twists
  2063. > "Maybe."
  2064. "If anything, I would say that you and Sonata are already well reconciled. They only thing I've seen you actually get angry about is making moves on me, and even then you've sort of encouraged that lately."
  2065. > She raises an eyebrow
  2066. > "You don't want to choose either. You said if I wanted this to be real, you had to have a choice, but you don't want to make one."
  2067. > You crawl out of your sleeping bag and to Cheese Poof
  2068. > She watches at you warily as you sit next to her
  2069. "Things are not always one or the other."
  2070. > You wrap an arm around her shoulders and rest your head on hers
  2071. "If you are brave enough, you can make a new choice. You can have me. Because you have me, you can share me. I will always be a point of competition in this group, but I can be your point of competition."
  2072. > She scoffs, but doesn't try to wiggle out of your embrace
  2073. > "You just want a harem."
  2074. "You literally kidnapped me because you had a crush on me."
  2075. > Adagio sits silently, leaning slightly against you
  2076. > She works her arms out of the sleeping bag, letting them rest loosely on her lap
  2077. > "If I let you do this, would you love me?"
  2078. > You move your head to look down at her face, lifting her chin with one hand
  2079. "I already love each of you. That's the problem."
  2080. > Her breathing deepens and quickens
  2081. > She shakes her head slightly and whispers,
  2082. > "Kiss me, you fool."
  2083. > And so you do
  2084. > Your lips meet hers hesitantly, then with increasing passion
  2085. > Her hands wander, softly clawing at your chest, clutching at your head, your neck
  2086. > You stroke the nape of her neck, and she arches her back
  2087. > She seizes your head in her hands and plunges her tongue into your mouth
  2088. > Your tongue pushes and yields, exulting in the sensation of another mouth
  2089. > You bring a hand down to her breast, your thumb rubbing circles where you can feel her hardened nipple
  2090. > She breaks the kiss and pushes you down onto the tent floor, her face flushed and eager
  2091. > "So that's how you want to play..."
  2092. > Adagio grabs your shirt and pulls it up and over your head
  2093. > She flings it into a corner, and lowers herself down to kiss your stomach
  2094. > With each kiss, she climbs a little higher and unbuttons a button on her pajama top
  2095. > She's kissing your neck when she discards the garment entirely
  2096. > Finally, she kisses you on the mouth, letting herself rest on your chest, her breasts warm and soft against your skin
  2097. > You lose yourself in the kiss, letting your hands roam up and down her back, dipping down to stroke the sides of her breasts
  2098. > Adagio hums happily into the kiss, her hips grinding against your unfortunately clothed erection
  2099. > You push her back, your hands pressing against her petite bosom
  2100. "Wouldn't it be more fun if we didn't have clothes in the way?"
  2101. > She grins down at you, rubbing her chest against your palms
  2102. > "Maybe, but I want to make you cum in your shorts first."
  2103. > With that, she increases the pace of her hips' gyration, her head thrown back in pleasure
  2104. > You groan, your own pelvis rocking with an aching need
  2105. > She laughs triumphantly, her pace increasing again
  2106. > Your back arches as you press your throbbing erection against her frantic motions
  2107. "Fuuuuuuckkk!"
  2108. > Your dick fires away, soaking the front of your shorts with your sticky fluid
  2109. > Adagio stops at the sensation, staring down at the results of her efforts
  2110. > She dips a hand below your waistband and runs a finger under the cum soaked cloth
  2111. > She pops it into her mouth, gazing into your eyes as she suckles on it
  2112. "Hot damn."
  2113. > Adagio grins
  2114. > Then you hear the tent zipper being pulled down
  2115. > Aria sticks her head in
  2116. > "Come on, Sonata's getting hungry, make us so-"
  2117. > Her eyes widen at the tableau, taking in your hands on Adagio's breasts, and the dampness of your crotch
  2118. > "Never mind."
  2119. > She quickly departs
  2120. > Adagio stares down at your chest in embarrassment
  2121. > "Maybe we should-"
  2122. > You both hear a high pitched squeal and some rapid footsteps
  2123. > Sonata pulls the door open wider, grinning
  2124. > "Me next!"
  2125. > Before Adagio can say anything, Aria drags Bluey away
  2126. > Adagio shifts her hips slightly
  2127. > "You're going to fuck me. Now."
  2128. "Yes, mistress."
  2129. > You roll her over onto her back, quickly removing the your shorts and underwear
  2130. > Adagio pushes her pajamas and panties down her legs a bit, then lifts them up so you can take them the rest of the way off
  2131. > You slide your hands up her thighs, reveling in their smoothness as you remove the last of her clothes
  2132. > You press her legs up against her chest, leaving her womanhood on display
  2133. > There is no hesitation, you push your cock through her moist folds, sinking deep inside her feverishly warm pussy
  2134. > Adagio moans, her hands clawing against the tent floor
  2135. > You thrust in and out, one hand stroking the length of her thigh, going low to grab her ass, then sliding up to her knee and back again
  2136. > She whimpers, her back arched with pleasure
  2137. "Who's a good mistress?"
  2138. > You speed up your pelvic thrusts, drawing a gasp each time you hilt
  2139. > "I am!"
  2140. > You spread her legs and lower yourself down to kiss her
  2141. > She wraps her arms and legs around you desperately, moaning into your mouth
  2142. > Your fingers snarl into her hair, as you pump her entrance mercilessly
  2143. > Her legs tighten around you, shoving as much of you inside her as possible
  2144. > You grind against that pressure, feeling her climax all along your dick
  2145. > Your hips buck one last time, and you empty your seed inside her
  2146. > Even more than before, it feels like you can't stop cumming
  2147. > Your cock pulses again and again, firing into her womb
  2148. > At last, the orgasm subsides, and you lay boneless on top of her
  2149. > She breathes deep, relaxing breaths as she strokes your head happily
  2150. > "You really love me."
  2151. "I do."
  2152. > You stay like that for what seems like forever, but was probably only twenty minutes
  2153. > Adagio sighs
  2154. > "You probably should make some breakfast."
  2155. > You kiss her forehead before you get up
  2156. "As you wish."
  2158. > You step out into the slightly chilly morning air
  2159. > It feels like everything has changed, and yet not
  2160. > At any rate, you are glad to see the campfire already lit and Aria manning the frying pan
  2161. > She raises an eyebrow when she sees you
  2162. > "It's about time."
  2163. > Sonata leaps to her feet
  2164. > "My turn! Come on, my tent is over here..."
  2165. > She tries to lead you away, but it's fairly easy to slip your hand out from between her wrists
  2166. "Yeah, about that. I don't mind being affectionate, but if you want to have sex, you have to bargain with Adagio."
  2167. > Bluey's shoulders slump
  2168. > "What about my dibs?"
  2169. > You pat her on the shoulder
  2170. "I am not a car seat."
  2171. > Then you squeeze her ass
  2172. "Even if I do touch your butt a lot."
  2173. > She smiles a little at that, and leans into your touch
  2174. > "I'm glad you're not a car seat, for realzies. Just you wait, once my fingers heal I'm going to feel you up so good!"
  2175. > You give her ass a final squeeze and return to the fire
  2176. "I'm looking forward to it."
  2177. > The entire time Aria watches with a nonplussed expression
  2178. > She beckons to you
  2179. > You sidle up next to her as she flips a pancake
  2180. "Yes?"
  2181. > "You're officially up for grabs?"
  2182. > She doesn't look at you, but her hand tightens around the spatula
  2183. "Specifically grabs, sure. Enough to tempt you three, but holding back something for you to fight over. Something about not falling into Scooby Doo or something."
  2184. > Aria grunts
  2185. > "Shooby Doo. Fair enough."
  2186. > With that, she smacks your bottom hard with her spatula
  2187. > You yelp and back away
  2188. "What was that for?"
  2189. > Aria grins at you, a predatory light in her eyes
  2190. > "Getting you ready for when I get my turn. Now come back here and take it like a man."
  2191. > You circle around to the other side of the fire, rubbing your smarting rear
  2192. > Just what did you get yourself into?
  2193. "Yeah, no thanks. I'm not a masochist."
  2194. > Purple Predator licks her lips
  2195. > "No, you're not. Not yet."
  2196. > Then you feel something soft and warm rub up against your butt
  2197. > You look behind you to find Sonata rubbing her face happily against you
  2198. > "Don't worry, I'll be there for you once she's done with you!"
  2199. "Ah, good. I think."
  2200. > She whispers
  2201. > "Anon's ass, tell me your secrets."
  2202. > ...
  2203. > Aria scoops the pancake onto a nearby plate
  2204. > Bluey immediately scurries over and nips at it, her actions oddly dog-like
  2205. "What."
  2206. > You feel as though you should be aroused at the display, but it's mostly cute
  2207. > Her hands twitch and shake as she barely stops herself from trying to grab the pancake
  2208. > Violet Violence pokes her
  2209. > "Anon is here now, he could help you eat."
  2210. > Sonata lifts her head
  2211. > "Oh yeah! Oh, Anooooo~ooonnnn...."
  2212. > You shake your head in resignation and amble over to help
  2214. > Adagio seems surprised to see you still at the campfire
  2215. > "Did you have a quicky?"
  2216. > You feel vaguely insulted
  2217. "No, I told them you are my pimp."
  2218. > She blinks at that
  2219. > "What."
  2220. > You raise your eyebrows
  2221. "I may be a point of contention, but there's no point if I put out easy. You brought me into this little group, so you are the one they have to bargain with."
  2222. > Aria crosses her arms
  2223. > "He's being really annoying about it too. Trade you breakfast for some time with him?"
  2224. > Poof grabs a plate distractedly
  2225. > "Yeah, sure."
  2226. > Sonata just gapes
  2227. > You stare at Adagio in betrayal as Aria drags you to her tent
  2228. "Breakfast?"
  2229. > Adagio smirks at that
  2230. > "Aria makes good pancakes."
  2231. > Rude
  2233. > She's almost gentle as she lays you down on the sleeping bag
  2234. > Aria takes deep breaths through her nose, her eyes wide with anticipation
  2235. > "You're my victim now, you understand that right?"
  2236. "I would deeply appreciate it if there was no killing and/or maiming..."
  2237. > Her fingers gently lift the hem of your shirt
  2238. > "Oh, don't worry Mr. Anonymous F. A. Gott, I'm not going to kill you. Necrophilia is a nice fetish, but then I would only get one use out of you, and that would be terrible. No, I'm just going to train you up some."
  2239. > You smile nervously at that
  2240. "Train me to do what?"
  2241. > She drags the edge of her thumbnail down your cheek, just hard enough to sting a little
  2242. > At the same time, she gently strokes the bulge in your pants with three fingers
  2243. > "You're going to like pain, Anon. And you're going to love me."
  2244. > You may be frightened, but your traitorous boner is braver
  2245. "Oh fuck."
  2246. > Aria grins
  2247. > "All in good time."
  2249. > It feels wrong to just leave a campsite with all the tents and everything, but the sirens assure you that that is what servants are for
  2250. > You end up in the backseat at Sonata's insistence
  2251. > You don't put up much resistance, your session with Aria has left you in something of a daze
  2252. > It feels surreal, leaving this patch of woods where everything changed
  2253. > Adagio seems to be talking to Aria in the seats in front of you
  2254. > "-slap him and he got a boner? Really?"
  2255. > Aria glances at you, running her tongue over an exposed canine tooth
  2256. > You bite your lip and try to ignore the tightening of your pants
  2257. > "Oh yes, we made good progress today. He should be ready for the really fun stuff in a week or two."
  2258. > You shudder
  2259. > Sonata rubs your shoulder comfortingly
  2260. > "Don't worry, I'm here for you. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on, or a blowjob or something, come straight to me. For realsies."
  2261. > In spite of yourself, you do feel vaguely comforted
  2262. "Thanks, Sonata. It means a lot to me."
  2263. > She keeps rubbing your shoulder, careful to keep her bandaged fingertips from making contact
  2264. > "Can I ask a tiny whiny favor?"
  2265. "Sure."
  2266. > Bluey manages to blush
  2267. > "Could you finger me?"
  2268. > Welp
  2269. "Yeah, okay."
  2270. > She wiggles happily in her seat, clutching her arms to her chest
  2271. > Cute
  2272. > Then she looks at you, her crotch, your hand, and back to her crotch
  2273. "Keep your pants on...or not, I guess."
  2274. > You slide your hand down her stomach, your palm sinking slightly into her soft belly
  2275. > Sonata's breathing quickens as you slip beneath the waist of her skirt
  2276. > It's very warm down there, and the silky texture of her panties is almost enough to distract you from the fact that the other two girls are right in front of you
  2277. > Adagio turns and frowns at you
  2278. > "It's rude to keep a girl waiting. Come on, get her off or else she'll be whining the whole way."
  2279. > You scowl at her, blushing all the while
  2280. "You're making it weird."
  2281. > Aria looks over her shoulder
  2282. > "Nah, this is tame. Try fucking her with a Nerf gun."
  2283. > Bluey's eyes are screwed shut, her face very red
  2284. > "Shut up! Anon! Please finger me. For realsies."
  2285. > You scowl at the audience, then slide a finger along her slit, already wet
  2286. > Sonata's hips surge forward at the contact, and the other two grin
  2287. > Fuck them
  2288. > You gently rub her lower lips, occasionally sliding a finger between them
  2289. > Bluey has all but forgotten of the others, squirming and letting out little squeaks
  2290. > With your other hand, you cup her cheek and turn her face towards you
  2291. > She looks at you with foggy, confused eyes
  2292. > You lean in and kiss her pillowy lips
  2293. > Her eyes focus on you with sparkling delight
  2294. > Her lips surge against your own, pressing and parting and sucking on your own lower lip
  2295. > When you dip two fingers deep into her flower, her tongue barrels into your mouth, followed closely by a low moan
  2296. > Your hand drifts down her neck and cups her breast
  2297. > It's a bit of a strain, but keeping your hands and mouth occupied is worth it
  2298. > The sounds you are getting out of this girl are unreal
  2299. > Every brush against her inner walls elicits a whimper, every stroke of her erect nipple makes her squeak, and the battle of tongues fills the gaps with moans of deep need
  2300. > Sonata bucks her pelvis against your hand with increasing intensity, only just held back by her seatbelt
  2301. > She breaks the kiss just long enough to whisper, "Oh god, yes!"
  2302. > Music to your ears
  2303. > Your wrist is sore from repeatedly plunging your hand into her pussy, but you feel the end coming
  2304. > Bluey grabs your wrist and shoves it deeper, her hips straining against the seatbelt for one last push
  2305. > Her hot walls close around your hand, spasming and drenching
  2306. > She arches her back against the seat for a long moment before finally collapsing
  2307. > She gives you a sleepy smile as you settle back into your own seat
  2308. > "Thanks, Anon."
  2309. > You smile back
  2310. "You're welcome, bluey."
  2311. > Your breathing evens out, and you look at your cumsoaked hand in mild consternation
  2312. "Are there any tissues or paper towels or something?"
  2313. > Adagio shakes her head
  2314. > "We'll be back soon enough. Just hold on until then."
  2315. > Aria snorts
  2316. > "Just wipe it off on her jacket."
  2317. "I don't think that-"
  2318. > Sonata smiles sweetly
  2319. > "Go ahead, aim for my boobs."
  2320. > ...
  2321. "Right."
  2322. > Fucking sirens
  2324. > You are Anon, coming back from the camping trip you will never forget.
  2325. > You glance at Sonata, her head resting on your shoulder, her juices drying on the breast of her jacket.
  2326. > It's warm and cozy in the vehicle, and only you and Adagio haven't succumbed to sleep.
  2327. > She gazes at you fondly, your place in the siren group rather firmly established.
  2328. > It's hard to believe you have only spent a handful of days with these girls, but they have worked their way into your heart with a heady mixture of affection, sex appeal, and surprising vulnerability.
  2329. > Sometimes it's hard to believe they took over the w-
  2330. > You hear a muffled detonation, dirt and shrapnel rattling outside.
  2331. > It is immediately followed by the sound of machine guns, but the armored SUV seems able to withstand it.
  2332. > Your blood runs cold as you begin to comprehend your situation.
  2333. > At once the girls are wide awake, a grim light in their eyes.
  2334. > The sunroof retracts, and they lift their faces to the sky.
  2335. > The sound that comes out of their mouths is unearthly.
  2336. > It's also incredibly loud, these girls have some major lung-power.
  2337. > The first thing that registers is a high keening, a piercing ringing in the ears.
  2338. > The words seem to bypass your comprehension.
  2339. > You dig at your ears, somehow relieved to find nothing plugging them.
  2340. > You become aware of a serpentine contralto thrumming in your bones, urging you to calm down, to listen.
  2341. > Some peripheral sense of hearing notified you that the sound of gunfire has stopped.
  2342. > Completing the pattern, an alto voice sings of promises and loyalty, of how things ought to be.
  2343. > Something inside your mind pops, like your ears during a plane ride.
  2344. > At once, you are fully calm, and endlessly patient.
  2345. > The heavenly song continues for a few more minutes, then the Goddesses slip out of the car.
  2346. > You wait for some time, staring blankly forward.
  2347. > The car door opens.
  2348. > "Anon, are you alrig-"
  2349. > You turn placidly to the Goddess.
  2350. "Of course, Divine one."
  2351. >"Oh no. No no no. Just, ah, just wait here."
  2352. > How easy are the Goddess' commands.
  2353. ------------------------------------------------------------------
  2354. > You are blessed to spend the rest of the trip back in the presence of the Goddesses.
  2355. > For some reason they seem distressed.
  2356. > Such is the burden of Divinity you suppose.
  2357. > They sing to you, of freedom and thought.
  2358. > You thank them for the new freedom and mind they have given you.
  2359. > The Mistress of Wrath's face is hidden.
  2360. > Woe betide those who rouse her ire.
  2361. > At length, you are lead to an unfamiliar complex, and a certain door.
  2362. > Within you find an uninitiated girl.
  2363. > Perhaps you are to show an example of faithfulness?
  2364. > They ask her if she can do something.
  2365. > She must, it is her duty.
  2366. > You pay a bit more attention.
  2367. > The girl looks at you with pity.
  2368. > Pale skin, wavy purple hair.
  2369. > You know this one.
  2370. "Rarity, will you also become one of the blessed?"
  2371. > The Disharmonic Trinity startle at your words.
  2372. > They say nothing, but their eyes contain mysteries as they commune among themselves.
  2373. > Rarity glances at the Goddesses.
  2374. > "Quite the opposite, I'm afraid. They want you to be more like me."
  2375. > What audacity!
  2376. > The Lady of Compassion smiles at you.
  2377. > "Um, more like how she isn't brainwashed, you don't have to be a fancy lady. Un-unless you want to be?"
  2378. > Your brain has never been cleaner, you are quite certain.
  2379. > Your thoroughly laundered thoughts struggle with deciphering the meaning behind this new verse of Scripture.
  2380. "I should dirty my mind with this girl?"
  2381. > Blushes all around.
  2382. > Something about this feels familiar.
  2383. > The Queen of the World shakes her head.
  2384. > "Anonymous, do not think...dirty thoughts about her. Ugh, this is going nowhere. Rarity, just sing at him."
  2385. > "Sing at him? I can try, of course, but it would work much better with the rest of the girls."
  2386. > Your Queen pinches her sinuses.
  2387. > "Just do it."
  2388. > Rarity turns towards you, her fingers flexing restlessly. She glances around nervously, then takes a deep breath.
  2389. > "~Thread by thread, stitching it together~"
  2390. > ...
  2391. > It sort of tickles a corner of your mind, but that's about it.
  2392. > Rarity finishes her song, looking at you expectantly.
  2393. "Is there a connection between dressmaking and brainwashing?"
  2394. > She looks down.
  2395. > "I suppose not. Perhaps the other girls can write a more topical song, but that was never my forte."
  2396. > The Trinity rise.
  2397. > "Very well. Let us know if you think of anything."
  2398. > You follow the Goddesses through blank corridors.
  2399. > You are humbled by all the attention bestowed upon you.
  2400. > If you are not to be brainwashed, and not think about Rarity in a dirtying fashion, then who would dirty your thoughts?
  2401. > Your eyes are drawn to the motion of the spheres.
  2402. > Surely you can only be purified by gazing upon the perfect proportions of the posterior of the Divinities.
  2403. >If so, then perhaps a dirty mind would regard them as flawed?
  2404. > Your mind immediately rejects the idea, an involuntary grunt of protest sounding from your throat.
  2405. > The Maiden of Mirth stops at the sound, turning worried eyes on you.
  2406. > "Is something wrong, Anon?"
  2407. > A single tear rolls down your cheek.
  2408. "I apologize, my Goddess. I merely discovered that I could not perceive your rear as anything less than perfect."
  2409. > Her face turns red, but she wears a shy smile.
  2410. > "Y-you too."
  2411. > The Empress frowns at your moment of near-heresy.
  2412. > She Who Lusts After Neighborliness smirks.
  2413. > "At least we know Anon's still in there."
  2414. > The Bounteous Mane turns away, leading the way without comment.
  2415. > Such majesty.
  2416. -------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2417. > It seems all the girls had to be brought together.
  2418. > You wait attentively as they nervously tune their instruments.
  2419. > The Three Divines stand behind you, perhaps they are testing your devotion?
  2420. > Twilight takes a deep breath and-
  2421. > Pressure builds. What is this magi-
  2423. > You feel a pop in your mind, like when an airplane lands.
  2424. > Oh wow, that felt weird.
  2425. > The song ends, and you feel a little bad about not paying too much attention.
  2426. > You smile.
  2427. "Wow, that was great! I almost wish I went to the whole battle of the bands thing."
  2428. > Sonata slips into view, concern written plain on her face.
  2429. > "Anon, are you better now?"
  2430. > You boop her nose.
  2431. "You betcha, Bluey."
  2432. > She squeals in happiness, nearly tackling you with a hug.
  2433. > Poof embraces you from behind, her modest chest pressed against your back.
  2434. > "It's good to have you back."
  2435. "It's good to be back."
  2436. > You pat Bluender Bus on the back a little awkwardly.
  2437. > The Rainbooms stare at your little group, and you aren't sure-
  2438. > A hand slips between Adagio's hips and your butt, diving towards your cra-
  2439. > You yelp and try to move, but the other two girls are holding you pretty tight.
  2440. > You squirm a little, but it's not -entirely- uncomfortable, having something back there.
  2441. "Really? The first thing you do is prod my butthole?"
  2442. > Aria hums in satisfaction.
  2443. > "It's no fun unless part of you rejects it."
  2444. > You roll your eyes.
  2445. "Love you too, Aria."
  2446. > The hand clenches slightly.
  2447. > "R-really?"
  2448. > You turn you head to see her blushing rather fetchingly.
  2449. "Yes, really."
  2450. > Rainbow Dash clears her throat.
  2451. > "What the hell is going on here?"
  2452. > Pinkie Pie shushes her.
  2453. > "Quiet! Now, go on Nonny, we'll watch your orgy like good girls."
  2454. > Adagio chuckles.
  2455. > "I don't think so. However, you have done a favor for us, so I am willing to give you whatever reward you like, as long as it is reasonable. Sleep on it, it would be a shame to waste this opportunity."
  2456. > The Rainbooms murmur among themselves, some glaring at the sirens, some looking at you in confusion or curiosity.
  2457. > Adagio takes your hand, leading you out of the room while Sonata and Aria flank you.
  2458. -------------------------------------------------------
  2459. > You realize that the girls are leading you out of a prison facility, albeit an empty one.
  2460. > You feel rather uncomfortable with how the Rainbooms have been in prison all this time, just for trying to fight the Dazzlings.
  2461. > On the other hand, there are all the criminals who would be in here, out there living lawful lives.
  2462. > Maybe not by their own choice...
  2463. > You can't help but remember how it felt to be under their spell.
  2464. > You shudder.
  2466. > The ride back to their home is filled with their bickering, but you can sense there is no true resentment.
  2467. > It feels more like they are reaffirming their odd bond.
  2468. > You find yourself looking at their faces.
  2469. > You genuinely like each of them, they all have their own charisma and appeal.
  2470. > For their part, they alternate between keeping an eye on you and looking warily out the windows.
  2471. > It's a relief to get inside, and you all pile onto a couch.
  2472. > Adagio leans against your side, Aria on the other, and Sonata sits on the floor, resting her back on your legs.
  2473. > It's comforting, which is why you feel a little guilty about what you are about to say.
  2474. "I think I understand a little, why you wanted to escape the Shooby Doo."
  2475. > The girls tense at the word, though you still feel a little ridiculous saying it.
  2476. > Adagio holds your hand, interlacing her fingers with your own.
  2477. > "I'm sorry, Anon, we should have taken more precautions. I promise you, it will never happen again."
  2478. > You sigh.
  2479. "I appreciate that, but that's not what I'm trying to say. Now, Aria,"
  2480. > The girl leans back, bracing for some sort of accusation, if you had to guess.
  2481. > You continue,
  2482. "Remember when you asked why humans are still fighting your rule? Even though the world is much more peaceful under you?"
  2483. > Aria frowns.
  2484. > "You know why, now?"
  2485. > You nod.
  2486. "I think you all do, it's why you all broke off from the seaponies. No one likes living under the absolute control of anyone else. When I was under, there was nothing pushing me to do my own thing. I was just waiting for my next order, for some fleeting purpose. You couldn't live like that in Equestria, and we humans don't want to live like that here."
  2487. > Aria grunts.
  2488. > "Understandable. Looks like there won't be a compromise."
  2489. > You turn your head sharply to look at her, your brow furrowed.
  2490. "And you're just fine with that? After all you've done to escape being controlled?"
  2491. > She crosses her arms.
  2492. > "Sure, me and mine aren't being controlled."
  2493. > You open your mouth to object, but with Aria acting so callous, you aren't sure what argument would even sway her.
  2494. > Slim fingers grab your chin and turn your head.
  2495. > You find yourself looking at Adagio's grim expression.
  2496. > "Letting go has never been an option. In Equestria, we had to keep expanding our power just to keep some dumb fish from calling the Shooby Doo down on us. Here, we've been barely getting by for centuries. For the first time in forver, we are finally safe, Anon. I'm sorry that we have to conquer your race to do it, but we can't stop now, or else our enemies will kill us."
  2497. > You hang your head, torn by your loyalty to humanity and your love for these girls.
  2498. > You stare at your hands helplessly, searching for some sort of solution.
  2499. > Sonata shifts to kneel in front of you, taking your hands in hers.
  2500. > "I don't like it either, for realsies. So that means we just have to keep thinking, and I'm sure we'll figure something out."
  2501. > You smile at her earnest offer.
  2502. "Thanks, Sonata, that does make me feel a little better. You're the best."
  2503. > She stares at you with wide, sparkling eyes.
  2504. > Then she leaps into your lap and hugs you excitedly.
  2505. > "I'm the best! Take that Aria! Woo!"
  2506. > Purple Grump grumbles and Poof rolls her eyes.
  2507. > You chuckle and hug Sonata back, glad for this return to normalcy.

A Dazzling Christmas

by Uh-hmmm

A Dream Proposition

by Uh-hmmm

A Morning Ride

by Uh-hmmm

Adagio's Lullaby

by Uh-hmmm

An Acquired Taste (Scat)

by Uh-hmmm