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Day scp in Equestria

By titanictime2
Created: 2024-02-11 22:12:22
Updated: 2024-02-11 22:24:23
Expiry: Never

  1. >Day SCP in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon.
  3. >You wake up in your tiny cell just like any other day.
  4. >You don't have a clue what's going on despite your attempts at finding out: one moment you were on your way to work one morning, the next you appeared in what looked to be an underground bunker, having seemingly fallen through the floor.
  5. >At first you had thought it was a dream, but when some short horses/ponies in uniform shot you with some lasers from their horns, you quickly realized it wasn't.
  6. >Can you get tazed and feel it in a dream?
  7. >Either way that lead you right here into this cell.
  8. >It's hard to say how long you'd been in here for but it must be at least a month.
  9. >You were well enough looked after but you never got answers.
  10. >Whenever one of these tiny ponies came to give you food or water (which sadly didn't include meat), you asked about who or what they were and why you were being detained.
  11. >After doing your morning ritual as best you could (the cell had a simple toilet and sink, but no razor), you heard hoofsteps outside your door.
  12. >The slightly too short door slid open, revealing two ponies in guard uniform.
  13. >"Come with us, we have a task for you." One of them said to you in a feminine voice.
  14. >You wanted out of this joint, you were going stir crazy with basically nothing to do each day.
  15. >You hoped this might be a chance to prove you weren't some kind of criminal to whoever was running this place.
  16. "A task? Any chance on you guys filling me in on what it is?"
  17. >"Sorry but that information is redacted." The other replied, clearly a guy.
  18. "How am I supposed to do something if I don't know what it is?"
  19. >The annoyance in your question was obvious, but the duo ignored it.
  20. >"That does not matter. Follow us." The female commanded, her horn gaining a glow around it, as you felt a jab at your backside.
  21. >With no other option but to comply, you made to exit the cell, bending under the door frame as you did.
  22. >You had seen none of this 'facility' since you arrived here, save your cell and what had appeared to be an office space when you first arrived.
  23. >Whoever designed it definitely didn't go all out on the decor: you were lead through several completely plain corridors, each with doors like to your cell separating them, only these had a button you would press to open them.
  24. >All these door seemed a bit redundant, but you also have no clue why this place exists or why, there was probably a reason.
  25. >You must have been walking for about 15 minutes, mostly through seemingly empty hallways.
  26. >A few hallways had doors with plaques next to them, with various images and text inscribed that you couldn't understand.
  27. >You're fairly sure the language wasn't any from earth.
  28. >What you didn't get though was how these miniature ponies could speak and understand English.
  29. >Yet another question you likely wouldn't get an answer to...
  30. >You were brought out of your internal monologue when you bumped into the pony in front of you, who was now looking back at you with a scowl.
  31. >"You might want to pay attention to where you're going, a lapse in concentration might not end well for you otherwise."
  32. >The mare giggled as the stallion said this, oddly enough.
  33. >Definitely not ominous, no sir.
  34. >"Either way, we're here now. You're on your own from here. Good luck."
  35. >Both of them giggled a bit as they turned around, leaving through a door to the side, which closed promptly behind them.
  36. >Looking around, you see you had been stopped in front of another nondescript door which had a plaque next to it.
  37. >Despite being unable to read the text you could get a good look at the picture.
  38. >It appeared to be another one of these ponies, however they are facing away, seemingly hunched over while sat down with her head in her front hooves.
  39. >The pony was depicted to have a yellow coat, pink hair and... wings?
  40. >You didn't have long to dwell on the image as the door next to it opened on its own.
  41. >Immediately you could hear the sound of a feminine sobbing coming from the other side, making your hair stand on end.
  42. >It was quite dark as you peered through the door, but you could make it out enough to be the interior of a cottage?
  43. >What a bizarre thing to build in what has so far been the most boring underground bunker in existence.
  44. >Despite the strangeness of the room, your biggest concern was the constant crying coming from inside.
  45. >You really didn't want to go in there, but you figured you didn't have much choice.
  46. >After a few more moments of hesitation, you slowly made your way inside.
  47. >It was hard to make out too many details, but you could make out the small figure in the middle of the room; the pony displayed on the plaque.
  48. >With nothing really to lose and nowhere else to go, you cautiously approached.
  49. "Hello? A-are you alright?"
  50. >The crying slowed down almost immediately.
  51. >If anything it made the situation even more terrifying, making your blood run cold.
  52. >The pony didn't make any other moves, still resigning to sit there with her head in her front hooves.
  53. >Despite your brain screaming at you to run, your body fully approached the pony.
  54. >You laid a hand on her shoulder and knelt down beside her, making her jump slightly but nothing else.
  55. "Why are you crying?" You venture.
  56. >No response at all.
  57. "My names Anon, I'm here to help if I can." You say as you move her right hoof from her face, now gazing straight into a massive bloodshot eye.
  58. >It was like a light switch the instant you met her gaze. She eyed you with what could only be described as pure hunger as she removed her left hoof from her face, turning completely towards you.
  59. >"A-anon? Is it r-really you? It's been soooo long..." she almost made you jump the room was that quiet.
  60. >"I-I always knew you'd come back to me eventually. We're destined to be together forever."
  61. >How did she know who you were? Come back to me? Together forever? The fuck is she on about?
  62. >You hadn't the chance to think any further as she pounced on you mere seconds later.
  63. >Your eyes shot open in shock as she latched onto your chest, and begins to furiously kiss you shoving her tongue straight into your mouth.
  64. >You were in too much shock to put up any initial resistance beyond weakly trying to push her tongue out, which only caused her to moan into it.
  65. >The pony started grinding on your lower stomach, wrapping all four hooves and tail around you.
  66. >You could feel your shirt getting wet, and the sudden attention had caused you dick to begin hardening against your will.
  67. >She clearly noticed this and adjusted herself so she was grinding directly on it, not breaking the kiss.
  68. >The stimulation caused your brain to start rebooting, and your fight or flight responses kicked in.
  69. >You tried to pry her off at first, but she was latched on too well.
  70. >After about thirty seconds your brain was beginning to run out of oxygen, but she didn't seem like she was ready to break the kiss any time soon.
  71. >Starting to panic, and with the help of some adrenaline, you pry her front hooves from around your neck and push her away.
  72. >The forceful separation slightly shocked her, and she released her hold on your lower body, falling to the floor with a pomf.
  73. >She was clearly expecting reciprocation, and with your very obvious spurn, she started trembling, tears yet again forming in her eyes as she looked into yours with pain and longing.
  74. >You wasted little time however, and with adrenaline now coursing through your veins you turned around and high tailed it out the door you came in, praying she wouldn't follow.
  75. >As you frantically spammed the button to open the door you could hear her scream in anguish? Pleasure? Some twisted mix?
  76. >Either way it horrified you, and as the door opened you ran as fast as you could, ensuring the door was shut behind you in an attempt to stop this yellow freak.
  77. >You ran through several more doors, the adrenaline slowly dissipating as you put distance between you and her, the cries fading the further you went.
  78. >Panting from the exhaustion, you came to a stop in a slightly open room that had a staircase leading to a lower floor and windows you could see down through.
  79. >You waited a few seconds to catch your breath, and to try listening for any sounds of pursuit. You could just barely make out the wailing but it didn't seem to be getting closer.
  80. >Hoping you weren't gonna be chased down by any guards, you descended the stairs and turn a corner, where sat a couple of desks.
  81. >Upon closer inspection, one of the desks had what looked like a credit card. It had a magnetic strip, and LEVEL 1 KEY CARD was written on it.
  82. "This might come in handy."
  83. >As you pocket the card, you are scared shitless by an alarm sounding, alongside an announcement through an intercom.
  84. >"Attention all ponies, we are currently experiencing a containment breach. You are all required to remain where you are until further notice."
  85. "Fuck that shit, if I stay here I'd get caught by either that crazy yellow pony or the guards."
  86. >Ignoring the announcement you make haste out and onwards.
  87. >The alarm stops about a minute later, leaving a deathly silence. You could no longer hear the screaming either, which was a good sign at least.
  88. >This facility was a literal maze, you had to wonder why it needed to have so many empty corridors, and even a couple dead ends.
  89. >There was some variation, such as walkways suspended over a pit too dark to see clearly, or what looked like decontamination areas.
  90. >It was almost like you were playing a video game.
  91. >When you came upon another door with a plaque, you stopped to take a look.
  92. >The picture depicted what looked like an old gas mask, but it was covered in colourful drawings.
  93. >Your curiosity got the better of you, and you swiped the card you found on the scanner next to it.
  94. >Thankfully or not, it beeped and the door slid open.
  95. >Inside was a pedestal with the mask sat atop.
  96. >The room was barren other than that.
  97. "Seems mundane enough, though based on what I've seen so far I bet it's anything but."
  98. >You pick the strange mask up, looking at all the crude child-like pictures adorned on it.
  99. >They mostly appeared to be stick figure ponies playing with each other, and a few buildings here and there.
  100. >Without thinking, you bring the mask up to your face to put it on.
  101. >The instant it touches your skin you feel a huge wave of dizziness and nausea, causing you to keel over to the floor in pain.
  102. >The sensations fade a mere second later.
  103. "Jesus fuck what was that?" You exclaim from your position on the ground.
  104. >The surprisingly soft ground.
  105. >You feel it and realize you touched grass.
  106. >Kind of scared of what you'll see, you open your eyes and see you're outside.
  107. >The sky is clear with a beautiful sun beaming down, and the land is populated with rustic houses and trees.
  108. >More importantly though, there are ponies, and lots of them.
  109. >Initially wandering around minding their own business, they quickly realize that something, or someone, is amiss.
  110. >They begin to notice you, and stop whatever they are doing.
  111. >They begin to approach you, what you hope are looks of curiosity etched on their faces.
  112. >You stand up and try to put on a friendly front as they approach.
  113. "Hey there guys, how's it going?"
  114. >They don't respond, but continue to slowly approach
  115. "Uh, I'm just trying to find my way home and stumbled upon this place, any chance you could help me out?"
  116. >Still generally no response, however one speaks up.
  117. >"You are home now big boy. And of course we'd be willing to help you out..."
  118. >Her sultry tone sends a shiver down your spine, but you try to ignore it.
  119. "Oh, great! Would there be a telephone or something I could use to contact my people?"
  120. >As even more mares start making their way over, another speaks up.
  121. >"Why ever would you want to contact anypony else? We're all you'd ever need."
  122. >They're starting to get quite close now, and you're starting to sweat.
  123. >You turn around and it appears like you're surrounded.
  124. >Some of them start licking their lips.
  125. "C-come on guys, I'm in a bit of a sticky situation here, all I need is you to point me to someone who could help."
  126. >You jump as you feel one of them rub themselves on the back of your leg like a cat.
  127. >"Oh you'll be sticky alright when we're finished." She purrs.
  128. >They're basically on top of you now, and start rubbing themselves all over you.
  129. >When one finally starts to put her head up your shirt, and another starts rubbing your ass, you realize there's no help coming from them.
  130. >You start pushing them away, trying to gain back your personal space.
  131. >It's almost a losing battle: you push one away and another immediately takes their place.
  132. >They're trying to lift your shirt off and attempting to unbutton your pants.
  133. >Thankfully with the amount you're moving, they can't succeed in the latter.
  134. >Unfortunately, your shirt is not so lucky, and they manage to tear it off you, revealing your bare torso.
  135. >With your shirt now gone, they're free to grope your chest.
  136. >As much as you hate to admit it, the feeling of their fur on your skin feels incredible, and with the way they're trying to grope you, you feel your member harden again.
  137. >Your frantic movements have been doing little to stop them, but you can feel the adrenaline return.
  138. >With it's assistance, you crouch down, put your head down, and just try to run through the crowd, flailing your arms about in front of you to try to clear the way.
  139. >Miraculously you make it through, and you're able to pick up the pace and start running, not sparing a glance behind.
  140. >You can hear what sounds like a stampede as they begin to make chase.
  141. >"Come back sweetie!"
  142. >"Let us help you!"
  143. >"I want that big fat monkey dick inside me!"
  144. >These are just a couple of things you hear as you power on, the adrenaline taking full hold.
  145. >They sound like they're getting closer, so you locate the closest house and make a beeline for it.
  146. >As you arrive you wrench the door open, dash inside and slam the door behind you, bracing it with your body.
  147. >Not two seconds later you hear and feel them banging.
  148. >"Oh you want to use my house! My pleasure."
  149. >"Let us in and we'll show you a real good time!
  150. >You're truly trapped, and you wrack your exhausted brain for a way out.
  151. >Then it occurs to you.
  152. >The mask!
  153. >You feel your face and sure enough, despite not being visible you can feel it.
  154. >You grab the sides of it and pull with all your might.
  155. >The same wave of nausea hits you and you reappear back in the room you found it.
  156. >You collapse onto your knees, gasping for breath.
  157. "What world of nightmares have I found myself in?!"
  158. >You half expected a response to come, but none did.
  159. >When you composed yourself, you looked down at the mask in your hand.
  160. >"Maybe if I were a horsefucker I'd be all over this, but I ain't."
  161. >You chuck the mask back onto its pedestal.
  162. >Then it hit you. Screaming. Or more like wailing sobs. You could hear it. And it was getting closer, albeit slowly.
  163. "Oh fuck me..."
  164. >You run out of the room and continue following the labyrinth, hoping that whatever happens next is not as horrific as what you've seen so far.
  165. >The plaque you stumble upon has an image of two large lamps; the ones normally used to light film sets.
  166. >The wailing had faded again, so you decide to check it out, swiping your card for access.
  167. >The room you step into appears to be a viewing area, comprised of a couple of desks and chairs.
  168. >These reside against a railing, separating this level to a slightly lower level, devoid of furnishings.
  169. >A small staircase is on the right leading down, and on the far wall of the lower level is a large glass window, and a door next to it.
  170. >Peering through the window showed another room that housed a large white canvas, with the two lamps in the nearest corners pointed at it.
  171. >As you approached the glass, you noticed a pony in a lab coat laying on the ground.
  172. >You assumed they were unconscious as you could barely see their body moving up and down from their breathing.
  173. >Upon further inspection you noticed something else lying on the ground next to them: a card that read LEVEL 2.
  174. "Damn I need that card."
  175. >Immediately following your statement, the lights in the room flickered, and you noticed there was a silhouette of a human now displayed on the canvas.
  176. >The first direct sign of humans you'd seen.
  177. >After a few seconds of nothing happening, the lights flickered again and a silhouette of a pony appeared.
  178. >This was not a good sign, but hardly unexpected now.
  179. >Transfixed, you watched as frame by frame, the pony took interest in the obviously scared human, and jumped him.
  180. >There were no details as it was just a silhouette, but it didn't take a genius to know the pony was holding the human down and raping him, beginning with a blowjob while sitting on his face, and finally riding him cowgirl style.
  181. >The show ended with the pony standing above the immobilized human, looking straight at you.
  182. >With one last flicker, the canvas was blank again.
  183. >Trying to wipe your mind of the scene you'd just witnessed, and embarrassingly enough the semi you'd gotten as a result, you realise something.
  184. >You have to go in there for the card.
  185. "It's only a projection right? She can't do anything to me right?"
  186. >You look at the mare on the floor.
  187. "Just run in, grab the card, run out."
  188. >Taking a deep breath, you push the button to open the door inside.
  189. >You run straight over to the pony on the ground, swipe the card, and run back to the door.
  190. >To your horror, the door closes by itself in front of you.
  191. >You look for a button on the wall but there isn't one.
  192. "Shit shit shit!" You exclaim, looking around for anything that could help.
  193. >But it was too late.
  194. >The lights flickered again, and this time just the pony appeared on the canvas, looking at you.
  195. >The lights flickered, and you felt your ass being stroked.
  196. >You then felt a warm breath just above your crotch, and something rub against your dick, sending a shiver up your spine.
  197. >Then as if by magic, some invisible force started to unbutton your trousers.
  198. >You tried to swipe away whatever it was but your hands met empty air.
  199. >You frantically look around again for any options, and your sight was met by the lamps.
  200. "Alright fuck this shit, I'm out, I ain't getting raped by no invisible mare today."
  201. >Tying to ignore your opening flyers, you grabbed one of the lamps, held it like a baseball bat, and swung as hard as you could at the window.
  202. >It shattered into a million pieces, glass raining down upon you and the poor mare laid on the ground.
  203. >You covered your face as best you could with your arms, feeling a few shards cut your skin, but nothing too severe.
  204. >As you carefully jump through the opening, the invisible force undoing your pants ceases, to your relief.
  205. >Thank god too as they were one button away from dropping.
  206. >You quickly do them back up as you step over the broken glass, making your way to the door to escape this cursed room, not sparing a backwards glance.
  207. >Despite almost being molested, you had succeeded in your task of getting the key card.
  208. >Now you just need to figure out where to get out.

Day scp in Equestria

by titanictime2

Day scp in Equestria

by titanictime2

Day scp in Equestria

by titanictime2