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Galactic Dynamics, General Relativity, and the Bending of Spacetime
By DiamondTiaraCreated: 2024-02-18 10:43:43
Expiry: Never
By Diamond Tiara / @miniponka. 2023
Abstract: This thesis investigates the concept of dark matter and proposes an alternative explanation for the observed phenomena attributed to dark matter, and what it really means about what we really need to find. In this document, we explore the hypothesis that the apparent gravitational effects attributed to dark matter could be in this hypothesis, a result of the bending of spacetime caused by the concentration of mass at the center of galaxies. Additionally, we examine the limitations of classical Newtonian physics on galactic and intergalactic scales and highlight the need for Einstein's General Relativity to provide a comprehensive understanding of the observed universe. Also I promise you will not see a single equation in this work, as at this point this is about concepts and math are not always representing the physical reality.
This is essentially a framework for starting a new research without assuming there's dark stuff out there but being more critical and objective than trying to get the data to correlate with the theory. IT DOES NOT WORK THAT WAY
Chapter 1: Introduction
1.1 Background
For Celestia’s sake, whenever I read an article about evidence of dark matter, the theories ends up being about biased quantum physics and theory of information. Yes, creation of pair exist, this is not sufficient to explain the whole movement of galaxies. Let’s skip that and go straight to the point. And no, I will bury Aurélien Barrau here again, there could not be primordial blackholes creating all that dark matter, even if you dreamed about it, we would just unexist!
1.2 No such a thing so why must there be something
Dark matter is a biased concept due to its inherent assumptions and the lack of direct empirical evidence supporting its existence, let’s break down this popular belief with facts and logic, and do actual science for Celestia's sake! ( like not repeating an experience forever and claim this is the absolute truth and not to be questioned. Question science damn you! )
1. Indirect Inference: The concept of dark matter relies on indirect inferences made from observations of galactic dynamics, gravitational lensing, and cosmic microwave background radiation. These observations suggest the presence of additional mass that cannot be accounted for by visible matter. However, the interpretation that this unseen mass must be composed of a new form of matter is a leap of assumption.
2. Modification of Existing Theories: Dark matter theory was introduced to explain certain inconsistencies between observed gravitational effects and predictions based on Newtonian physics. However, instead of questioning the limitations of the existing theories, the hypothesis of dark matter was proposed to patch the discrepancies. This approach assumes that modifying the theory to include an undetectable form of matter is the only solution and make it fit hard in the Standard Model, as new forms of exotic matter.
3. Lack of Direct Detection: Despite extensive efforts, no direct detection of dark matter particles has been achieved to date, not in the baryonic, mesonic, or leptonic nature. Numerous experiments have been conducted to search for dark matter candidates, such as WIMPs (Weakly Interacting Massive Particles), but none have provided definitive evidence. The absence of direct detection raises questions about the validity of the dark matter hypothesis.
4. Alternative Explanations: There exist alternative explanations for the observed phenomena attributed to dark matter. For instance, the Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) theory proposes that deviations from Newtonian physics on galactic scales can be explained by modifying the laws of gravity, rather than invoking the existence of dark matter. While MOND has its own challenges, it highlights the possibility that the concept of dark matter may not be the only solution.
5. Lack of Consistency: The concept of dark matter faces challenges in explaining some observations. There are instances where the distribution of dark matter does not align with the distribution of visible matter, or where the predicted amount of dark matter does not match observations. These inconsistencies suggest that there may be other factors at play or that the concept of dark matter itself may be incomplete or inaccurate.
It is important to note that the scientific community continues to investigate the nature of dark matter, and alternative explanations are actively explored. The concept of dark matter, while widely accepted, remains a subject of ongoing research and debate.
1.3 Research Objectives
Motivating research on alternatives to dark matter in cosmology can be done by highlighting the limitations and open questions associated with the dark matter concept. Here are some points to consider when motivating such research:
1. Incomplete Understanding: Despite decades of searching, direct detection of dark matter particles remains elusive. This raises questions about our understanding of the nature of dark matter and whether it exists as currently hypothesized. Encouraging research on alternatives can help explore different possibilities and provide a more comprehensive understanding of the universe.
2. Inconsistencies and Anomalies: The concept of dark matter was introduced to explain observed gravitational effects on various scales, such as galactic rotation curves and the large-scale structure of the universe. However, there are inconsistencies and anomalies that challenge the dark matter paradigm. These include the discrepancy between predicted and observed amounts of dark matter in certain regions, the mismatch between dark matter distribution and visible matter, and the unexplained alignments of galaxy rotation axes. Investigating alternative explanations can help address these issues and provide new insights.
3. Testing Fundamental Physics: Exploring alternatives to dark matter offers an opportunity to test and refine our understanding of fundamental physics. It allows for the examination of modifications to gravitational theories, such as Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) not a correction but a little detail in Newtonian laws, or rather a better comprehension of Einstein's general relativity. By investigating alternative frameworks, researchers can advance our understanding of gravity and its behavior on different scales. Especially on the galactic scale rather than stellar.
4. New Observational Probes: Alternative theories to dark matter often come with their own predictions and implications. By exploring these alternatives, researchers can propose new observational probes and experiments to test the validity of these theories. This can lead to innovative observational techniques and instrumentation, opening up new avenues for discovery in cosmology, and understanding of spacetime itself.
5. Paradigm Shift Potential: Exploring alternatives to dark matter has the potential to trigger a paradigm shift in our understanding of the universe. History has shown that major breakthroughs often arise from questioning established. Science is never settled. Science is questioning, always. Back when I was a scholar there was a theory about branes and strings making the fabric of all particles, until 4 July 2012, in the depth of the Jura’s mountains, the truth became exposed. The Higgs Boson was revealed.
1.4 Methodology
Explaining the rotation of galaxies with the curvature of spacetime would require a research methodology that combines theoretical analysis and observational data. Here's a suggested methodology:
1. Begin by conducting an extensive review of the existing literature on dark matter, galactic dynamics, and the curvature of spacetime. Understand the current state of knowledge, the limitations of dark matter models, and the predictions and challenges associated with alternative theories.
2. Developing a theoretical framework that combines the concepts of general relativity and the curvature of spacetime with MOND. This framework should account for the observed rotational speed of galaxies without the need for dark matter. Consider modifications to the equations of gravity or propose new gravitational theories that can explain galactic rotation within the framework of general relativity. That’s all.
3. Utilize mathematical modeling techniques to simulate the behavior of galaxies within the proposed theoretical framework. Use numerical simulations or analytical calculations to investigate the effects of spacetime curvature on galactic rotation, throw all the data into a HP/CRAY supercomputer or two with some terabytes of RAM and call it a day. Explore how the distribution of mass and the geometry of spacetime influence the rotational velocities of stars and gas within galaxies. (Tl;dr:give me a billion dollar cash, i’ll pay it back twice once the job’s done and it becomes a minning rig.)
4. Compare the predictions of the theoretical framework with observational data from a diverse set of galaxies. Analyze rotation curves obtained from spectroscopic observations or radio observations of neutral hydrogen. Assess how well the proposed framework matches the observed data and evaluate any deviations or inconsistencies that arise.
5. Assess the predictive power of the theoretical framework by making predictions for other galactic properties or phenomena. Explore how the proposed framework can explain other observations, such as the Tully-Fisher relation or the relationship between galactic dynamics and gravitational lensing. Identify potential observational tests that can further validate or refute the theory.
6. Engage with the scientific community through conferences, workshops, and collaborations to present and discuss the research findings. Seek feedback from experts in the field and subject the research to rigorous peer review. Incorporate constructive criticism and refine the theoretical framework based on insights gained from interactions with other researchers.
7. Recognize that research in this area is an iterative process. Refine the theoretical framework based on new observations, theoretical developments, and novel insights. Identify areas that require further investigation and propose new experiments, observations, or theoretical advancements to deepen the understanding of galactic rotation and the perception of space-time.
By following this methodology, researchers can systematically explore alternative explanations for galactic rotation without resorting to the concept of dark matter, focusing on the curvature of spacetime within the framework of general relativity.
Chapter 2: Reunderstanding Galactic Dynamics and Space Time
Reunderstanding galactic dynamics and spacetime involves revisiting and reevaluating our understanding of how galaxies behave and how gravity operates within the framework of spacetime curvature. Here are some key aspects to consider:
1. Galactic Dynamics: Explore the behavior of galaxies and their constituents, such as stars, gas, and dust, in greater detail. Investigate the rotational velocities, velocity dispersion, and distributions of matter within galaxies. Consider the role of interactions between different components and the effects of non-gravitational forces, such as stellar feedback and gas dynamics, all that matter again bends space, and creates a slower time area in the center.
2. Spacetime Curvature: Reexamine the concept of spacetime curvature within the framework of general relativity. Understand how the presence of mass and energy distorts the geometry of spacetime, affecting the paths of particles and the propagation of light. Investigate the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter in galaxies.
3. Modified Theories of Gravity: Consider modifications or alternative theories to gravity that go beyond general relativity. Explore frameworks like modified Newtonian dynamics (MOND), scalar-tensor theories, or modified theories of gravity in extra dimensions. Assess their ability to explain galactic dynamics and the observed phenomena without invoking dark matter.
4. Empirical Evidence: Analyze observational data from a variety of sources, such as galaxy rotation curves, velocity dispersion profiles, gravitational lensing, and cosmological surveys. Investigate how these data can be interpreted within the context of reunderstood galactic dynamics and spacetime curvature. Look for patterns and correlations that can shed light on the behavior of gravity on galactic scales.
5. Numerical Simulations: Employ sophisticated numerical simulations to model the behavior of galaxies within the reunderstood framework. Use high-performance computing to simulate the interactions of millions of particles, taking into account the effects of gravity, gas dynamics, and other relevant physical processes. Compare the simulation results with observational data to validate or refine the theoretical models.
6. Interdisciplinary Approaches: Motivate collaborations between researchers from different disciplines, such as astrophysics, cosmology, theoretical physics, particle physics and mathematics. Combine expertise in observational data analysis, theoretical modeling, and numerical simulations to gain a comprehensive understanding of galactic dynamics and spacetime curvature.
7. Conceptual Frameworks: Develop new conceptual frameworks that can provide a deeper understanding of the relationship between galactic dynamics and spacetime curvature. Consider how emergent phenomena, collective behavior, and complex systems principles can inform our understanding of galactic structures and their dynamical evolution.
8. Open Dialogue and Critical Analysis: Foster open dialogue and critical analysis within the scientific community. This is not going to be easy, but this is not about vaccine or climate, we can discuss this okay? Let's encourage discussions, debates, and the exchange of ideas related to reunderstanding galactic dynamics and spacetime curvature. Engage in rigorous peer review and actively seek constructive feedback to refine and strengthen the emerging theories and models.
By putting back the concepts of gravitation and spacetime, researchers can deepen our understanding of the behavior of galaxies and gravity itself. This interdisciplinary endeavor holds the potential to unveil new insights, challenge existing paradigms, and provide alternative explanations to phenomena traditionally attributed to dark matter.
2.1 Observational Evidence
Gravitational lensing is the evidence that space isn’t flat, massive objects bends space-time around them.
2.2 Challenges with Dark Matter Hypothesis
Because I keep being asked why I refute this theory, please consider the following:
1. Lack of Direct Detection: Despite extensive efforts, we haven't been able to directly detect dark matter particles. Our experiments have yielded no concrete evidence supporting its existence. This raises questions about whether dark matter is the correct explanation for the observed phenomena.
2. Modified Gravity: Instead of introducing a new form of matter, we should explore modifications to our understanding of gravity. The success of Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MOND) in explaining galactic rotation curves suggests that gravity may behave differently on larger scales, without invoking dark matter. Combined with GR we don’t even need it.
3. Inconsistencies in Galaxy Formation: Dark matter simulations predict a specific distribution of matter, which should influence galaxy formation. However, we observe galaxies with unexpected shapes, sizes, and alignments that don't match these predictions. These discrepancies indicate that dark matter may not be the sole driver of galaxy formation.
4. Alternatives to Explain Observations: There are theories proposing modifications to gravity, such as emergent gravity or entropic gravity, which can explain galactic dynamics without invoking dark matter. These alternative theories deserve further investigation and consideration.
5. Paradigm Shift Potential: By challenging the dark matter theory, we open doors to innovative ideas and new discoveries. Scientific progress often arises from questioning established theories. We should encourage exploration and research into alternative explanations to advance our understanding of the universe.
2.3 Alternative Hypothesis: Bending of Spacetime
This is kind of repetitive but essential to explore these points. Understanding space-time on the galactic and intergalactic scale with relativity involves understanding how Albert’s theory describes the curvature of spacetime in the presence of mass and energy. Here's an overview of the key concepts which are completing Mordecai Milgrom’s MOND theory :
1. Spacetime Geometry: According to general relativity, spacetime is a four-dimensional fabric that can be curved by the presence of mass and energy. The curvature of spacetime determines the paths of objects, including light, and how they move in the gravitational field.
2. Equivalence Principle: The equivalence principle states that the effects of gravity are indistinguishable from the effects of acceleration. In other words, an observer in a gravitational field experiences the same physical effects as an observer in an accelerated frame of reference. This principle forms the foundation of general relativity.
3. Einstein Field Equations: The Einstein field equations describe the relationship between the curvature of spacetime and the distribution of matter and energy. These equations express the interaction of matter-energy with spacetime through the curvature tensor, known as the Ricci curvature tensor.
4. Mass-Energy and Curvature: In general relativity, mass and energy contribute to the curvature of spacetime. The more concentrated the mass or energy in a region, the stronger the curvature of spacetime will be. This curvature affects the motion of objects, determining their trajectories and behavior in the gravitational field.
5. Gravitational Waves: General relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves, which are ripples in spacetime caused by accelerating massive objects. Gravitational waves propagate through spacetime, carrying energy away from the source. Their detection provides direct evidence for the curvature of spacetime and the validity of general relativity.
6. Cosmological Solutions: General relativity provides solutions for the large-scale structure of the universe, known as cosmological models. These models describe the expansion of the universe, the distribution of matter and energy on cosmological scales, and the evolution of spacetime over time.
By applying the principles of general relativity, researchers can study the curvature of spacetime on the galactic and intergalactic scale. This framework provides a robust mathematical and conceptual basis for understanding the behavior of gravity and the dynamics of matter and energy in the vast reaches of the universe. Nothing to see what we observed locally, but let’s be clear, we are talking intergalactic scales here, not interstellar or in planetary systems.
2.4 The Role of Galactic Center in Gravity
The galactic center plays a significant role in gravity due to the concentration of mass in the form of stars, gas, and potentially a supermassive black hole. Here's an explanation of its role and the time dilation effects associated with it:
1. Mass Concentration: In the center of galaxies, including our own Milky Way, there is typically a concentration of mass, often attributed to a supermassive black hole. This mass distribution influences the gravitational field in the surrounding region, affecting the motion of nearby objects, including stars and gas.
2. Gravitational Potential: The gravitational potential near the galactic center is higher compared to regions farther away. This means that objects closer to the galactic center experience a stronger gravitational pull. The gravitational potential determines the curvature of spacetime, and in turn, affects the motion of objects within that region.
3. Time Dilation: According to general relativity, the presence of a gravitational field leads to time dilation. Time moves relatively slower in regions of higher gravitational potential compared to regions with lower potential. This means that clocks closer to the galactic center will run slower relative to clocks located farther away from it.
4. Gravitational Redshift: In addition to time dilation, there is also a gravitational redshift effect near the galactic center. Light emitted from objects close to the galactic center experiences a shift to longer wavelengths (redshift) as it climbs out of the gravitational potential well. This gravitational redshift is a consequence of the time dilation and the change in the frequency of light.
5. Observational Effects: The time dilation and gravitational redshift near the galactic center have observable consequences. For example, light emitted from objects near the galactic center will appear redshifted when observed from a distance. Similarly, time measurements made near the galactic center will appear to be slower when compared to measurements made farther away.
It is important to note that the time dilation effects near the galactic center are relatively small compared to extreme gravitational environments like black holes. The effects become more pronounced as the gravitational field strength increases, such as near compact objects with high mass densities.
Chapter 3: Bending of Spacetime and Galactic Dynamics
Too many quotes but again space isn't as regular as we think it is or as what it should be. This is an even bigger mystery and hope this will not end into quantum fluctuations or any of that gibberish. The biggest and roughest idea is that spacetime never was distributed equally since the big bang, as shown as the CBR imaged by WMAP.
3.1 General Relativity and Spacetime Curvature
As a reminder, GR here is for General Relativity and not Great Replacement, for the other one, I encourage you to read Renaud Camus. The curvature of spacetime affects not only the path of objects but also the passage of time. In regions of the universe with stronger curvature, time runs slower compared to regions with weaker curvature.
This phenomenon is known as time dilation. For example, near a massive object, such as a black hole, time runs slower relative to a distant observer. This means that time appears to pass more slowly for someone close to the black hole compared to someone far away.
In summary, GR describes gravity as the curvature of spacetime caused by mass and energy. This curvature influences the motion of objects and the passage of time and this is why we observe the center of the galaxies moving the same way or slower than the external arms. It’s right there. We have our empirical data here in the observations.
3.2 The Impact of Spacetime
The idea of regions where time goes backwards away from galaxies does not align with our current understanding of physics, including general relativity. According to our knowledge, time is a fundamental dimension that progresses forward uniformly throughout the universe.
However, I can discuss a speculative concept known as «time asymmetry» or inconsistency in relation to the expansion of the universe, as displayed with the WMAP imagery.
The expansion of the universe is characterized by a concept called the arrow of time which refers to the observed phenomenon that the universe is expanding and evolving in a particular direction. This arrow of time is associated with the second law of thermodynamics, which states that entropy (a measure of disorder) tends to increase over time.
Yes we know, the universe has been expanding since the Big Bang, and the expansion is ongoing. Galaxies, including our own Milky Way, are moving away from each other due to the expansion of space. As far as we know, this expansion does not create regions where time itself reverses or flows backward. Only curves where seats galaxies, stars, black holes, and the butt of Princess Celestia Almighty where time stops.
While certain physical processes can appear to be reversible on a small scale (such as the reversal of individual particle interactions and symmetry) the overall progression of time remains forward. Strangely there isn’t so far anything like anti-time, spacetime isn’t subject to quantum mechanics as far as we know.
The behavior of macroscopic systems including the dynamics of galaxies obeys the arrow of time and again the cruel law of thermodynamics. But it's important to approach speculative ideas with caution and rely on well-established scientific principles and empirical evidence, so far there is no scientific basis to support the existence of regions where time flows backward away from galaxies. However, scientific exploration is ongoing, and new discoveries may lead to novel understandings of the universe in the future.
3.3 Mathematical Models and Simulations
To be completed. Spoilers : You’re going to love Planck.
3.3 Comparison with Observational Data
Gravitational lensing and cosmological background radiation does not proves dark matter, there should be more to matter itself, hiding in the hadronic matter itself, perhaps the guys at Waxahachie will smash enough protons to discover what the LHC can't. We'll see.
Chapter 4: Limitations of Newtonian Physics
4.1 Newtonian Gravity and Its Successes
To be completed, there’s plenty of data on scihub. Get on scihub.
4.2 Departure from Newtonian Laws on Galactic Scales
Theorizing chapter about the possibility of extra dimensions which is not incompatible again.
4.3 Anomalies and Discrepancies in Galactic Dynamics
oh mare this is going to be weird part, but this chapter comes after 4.2 for a reason.
4.4 Need for General Relativity and Quantum Mechanics Unification
Huge wall of text about pair creation and what that could mean and not mean. Spoilers: Portals.
Chapter 5: Testing the Hypothesis and Future Directions
5.1 Experimental and Observational Tests
How am I supposed to find something that does not exist. It's like proving the earth is flat or proving global warming is anthropogenic. Spoilers: You can't. We're doing science here, horse! Look, there is a WIMP detector in Gran Sasso, coupled with another one in southern Australia, the experience's result is a negative, which is not a failure.
5.2 Predictions and Implications
General relativity states that the curvature of spacetime is influenced by mass and energy. However, as it comes to the singularity of the Big Bang, or supermassive black holes, the laws of physics, including the behavior of time, are not well-defined. It is currently an area of active research and a subject of ongoing investigation to understand the nature of time at the initial moments of the universe, hence eliminating theoretical matter from the equation will force science to stop chasing a ghost and see the bigger picture : Spacetime is weirder than we think. Yes even weirder than you. (Let’s be clear, It’s not making things more simple with the hope of detecting dark matter, in fact it’s really going to suck.)
Also the concept of cosmic time is a parameter that measures the passage of time as the universe expands. The Big Bang marks the beginning of cosmic time, and our current understanding suggests that time has been evolving since then. However, this new vision may imply that time was infinite before the Big Bang or that it was affected by the mass of the singularity.
You saw it coming, the completion of this theory is incompatible with the current accepted age of the universe of 13,7 billion years, again, time and space are intertwined, this implies a logarithmic function over a linear one. You see where this is going, but the universe could not be 13,7 billion years old either with the current DM theory either.
6 Closing Remarks
By examining the bending of spacetime caused by the concentration of mass at the center of galaxies, this thesis, ideally, challenges the existence of dark matter, dark energy and presents a viable alternative explanation to observations, and the lack of room for any of these theoretical matter in the standard model of baryonic particles that makes matter part of our reality.
Furthermore, it underscores that little inadequacy of classical Newtonian physics on galactic and intergalactic scales, emphasizing the importance of Einstein's General Theory of Relativity in understanding the behavior of gravity. Through theoretical analysis, mathematical modeling, and comparison with observational data, this research contributes to our understanding of galactic dynamics and beyond, and provides a foundation for future investigations in this field.
So, keep looking at the sky and stay astronogeek!
by DiamondTiara
by DiamondTiara