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Love FM

By Castafae
Created: 2024-02-19 07:33:28
Expiry: Never

  1. >"Pssst..."
  2. "Mmh..."
  3. >"Hey."
  4. "Mrmf mrm..."
  5. >"Wakey wakey chief, I've got a thing to show you!"
  6. >You groan as your stomach is viciously assaulted by small equine hooves, kneading without mercy.
  7. "Gah... you're killin' me smalls..."
  8. >"I ain't killing nobody! Up and at em lazybones!"
  9. >Your assailant continues to pester you with a variety of torturous acts, like butting her head into your chest and poking your face.
  10. >After being so painfully persuaded, your eyes flicker open, bringing you face to face with the grinning face of an excited mare.
  11. >She wore a baggy burgundy sweater brimming with little hearts which wouldn't look all that out of place on your local librarian.
  12. >Considering its looseness and how it almost goes down to her hips, you think she might have picked out a human-sized one by accident.
  13. >Or not.
  14. >It's always hard to tell with Rads.
  15. >Her mind is an enigma.
  16. >Still sleepy, all you can really manage is a little smile.
  17. "Mornin' Rads."
  18. >"Hehe... Top of the morning to ye, chief!"
  19. "You know, Rads... I think it might be the wrong holiday for Irish accents."
  20. >As you sit up in bed, Radio stifles a nasally laugh.
  21. >"Sure sure, but luck and love go hand and hoof, I'd say!"
  22. >You watch her sit herself beside your bed, a shoebox that you're pretty sure you threw out a few weeks ago at her side.
  23. "So little miss love expert, what's the dealio?"
  24. >"Reading a buncha books doesn't make me an expert or anything!"
  25. >She clears her throat. "But... They did give me a couple ideas."
  26. "Well, you've always been quite the idea mare."
  27. >Radio's chest puffs out a little, but you're unsure if she's aware of this or not.
  28. >"Heh, well, you know..."
  29. "So... What's with the box?"
  30. >"The- Oh!"
  31. >Rads grabs the box by a makeshift handle on its top with her mouth and hoists it up onto your bed.
  32. >"It's your Valentine's present!"
  33. >A colorful shoebox with a plethora of little fantasy doodles strewn about it.
  34. >"Ehe... I kinda got distracted and started messing around..."
  35. >You wouldn't have it any other way.
  36. "Man... All I got you was a card and a little box of chocolates."
  37. >"Hey, no comparing! You haven't even opened it yet!"
  38. >Radio gives you a little prod on the knee. "And for the record, I'm cool with whatever. You know I'm not like that!"
  39. >She leans in a bit. "That being said... You *did* get me peanut butter cups... right?"
  40. "Totally, mare. Had to beat a little kid in rock paper scissors for the last one."
  41. >Little dude kept using the forbidden 'shotgun' technique. Twas intense.
  42. >Radio tilts her head. "Huh?"
  43. >Did you say that out loud?
  44. "Uh... Nevermind."
  45. >Now it's your turn to clear your throat.
  46. "Anyways... Wanna swap valentines? It's about that time. Probably."
  47. >You squint at your alarm clock, which just so happens to be unplugged.
  48. "What time is it exactly?"
  49. >Radio taps her chin a little. "Hmm... Last I checked, it was around 4:30!"
  50. "...PM?"
  51. >She shakes her head. "Nope!"
  52. "Huh."
  53. >No wonder you're tired.
  54. "You've a very impatient little mare."
  55. >Radio simply keeps smiling onward.
  57. >You pull off your covers and get out of bed, making sure to get a good stretch in as you do.
  58. "Okay mare, time to go grab your valentine from the super secret spot I put it in."
  59. >Also known as your dresser.
  60. >"You don't have pants on?"
  61. >You can't help but chuckle at the hint of befuddlement in her casual tone.
  62. "It might be cold outside but it sure is warm in bed! At least I'm covered, right?"
  63. >Radio tilts her head a bit as she glances down at your crotch more deliberately.
  64. >"Hearts?"
  65. >Ah, you forgot you had on your lucky heart boxers that any self-respecting gentleman has at his disposal!
  66. >Or maybe that's just a you thing.
  67. "Indeed! Can't say I'm not dressed for the occasion now, huh?"
  68. >For a moment, there's an almost surprised look on her face, but she quickly shakes it off with a shrug and a wiggle.
  69. >"I *could* say you're a tad under-dressed, but this is *your* room, so... Ya know."
  70. "Well I suppose I could put on some pants before I grab your stuff..."
  71. >"My stuff?"
  72. "Yeah, your stuff."
  73. >Radio looks up at you with renewed excitement, now trotting in place a little.
  74. "Alrighty chief, I'm gonna go get ready while you're getting ready! I gotta prepare for my presentation, you hear?"
  75. >Presentation?
  76. >What is she presenting?
  77. >Before you can question her, Radio is already halfway out the door with her shoebox, humming a distinct tune.
  78. >Sounds like one of the Chocobo themes, but it's hard to pinpoint which one considering she's already gone by the time you notice.
  79. "...Okay."
  80. >Now by your lonesome, you take the liberty to close your door and change.
  81. >With your skivvies now hidden from Rads' virgin eyes, you take her valentine from the top drawer.
  82. >The heart-shaped box of peanut butter cups wasn't particularly big, but it *was* the good stuff.
  83. >It even had a 'bonus' marshmallow cup which is totally not offloaded extra stock.
  84. >You think she'll dig it.
  85. >That being said, a part of you wishes you could afford to do something more substantial than dollar store chocolates and a card with a crease in it...
  86. >You shake your head.
  87. >It's the thought that counts.
  88. >And by god are you thinking.
  89. >The rapping of a hoof brings your attention to the door.
  90. >"You decent, chief?"
  91. >You snort.
  92. "It's almost like you're implying I wasn't before! Besides, I'm not the one who's always running around nude."
  93. >"H-hey! I wear clothes! Just, you know, not a lot of bottoms..."
  94. >Radio begins to trail off as you walk up to the door, but is quick to pipe up again as you start turning the handle.
  95. >"That uh- that being said... I'll have you know I've remedied *my* indecency as well!"
  96. >As you open your door, you raise an eyebrow at a seemingly unchanged Rads.
  97. "Whaddya mean? You look the same to me."
  98. >"Are you sure? Check *this* out!"
  99. >Radio proceeds to strike an awkward pose that brings attention to her little rump.
  100. >"Bam! Now we match!"
  101. >Besides her oversized valentines sweater, your lovable dork is now wearing adorable heart-print... undies.
  102. >"Am I uhm... wearing 'em right, chief?"
  104. >You blankly stare at her flank, not really registering Radio starting to fidget as you take too long to answer.
  105. >Luckily, she didn't accidentally give you an angle that would bring attention to anything besides her choice in undergarment.
  106. >Not like you'd see anything substantial in the first place. It's... loose on her.
  107. >Somehow that makes it cuter?
  108. >You pinch the bridge of your nose and inhale sharply.
  109. >You're not sure what's gotten into you.
  110. >Or her.
  111. >How about we stop looking at her butt, okay?
  112. >You turn your attention to Radio's face.
  113. >She totes a sheepish grin which you're sure was much more confident when she started.
  114. >There's gotta be a lot going on in that noggin of hers right now.
  115. >Let's try to ease that uh... tension?
  116. >No clue what to call this.
  117. "Well... They certainly match mine."
  118. >Radio lets out a nervous laugh as she settles into a more normal stance.
  119. >"Y-yeah... I was kinda like 'Woah! You got some too?' Didn't uh- didn't expect that at all! Happy coincidence or... something."
  120. "Where did you even get those?"
  121. >Radio lifts a hindleg and gives it a brief wiggle. "Same place I got the sweater! The thrift store down the block had a whole buncha stuff with hearts on em!"
  122. >You stifle a laugh, making Radio's ears pin slightly.
  123. "You bought panties at a thrift store?"
  124. >She takes a step forward, a frown on her face. "T-they're not panties! They're... They're uhm..."
  125. >Her nose scrunches as she thinks.
  126. >"...Briefs?"
  127. "Those are *not* men's underwear, Rads."
  128. >Radio's embarrassment is clear as day as she huffs. "Well they're not women's either! They're made for ponies!"
  129. >She averts her gaze as she continues to pout. "And for the record, they were SEALED. Inna box!"
  130. "I think you made your point, Rads."
  131. >You tussle her mane a little.
  132. "No hard feelings?"
  133. >"Whuh- of course not! I just... I just thought this would be fun. Getting dressed up, I mean."
  134. >It certainly wasn't a 'going out' fit, but she looks more than ready to curl up and watch a couple romcoms.
  135. >Huh.
  136. >That sounds like a good idea for later.
  137. >Radio strokes her mane as she idly shuffles in place.
  138. >"I'm not... good at this."
  139. "Good at what?"
  140. >With Radio quietly looking at the ground, you kneel down and gently place a hand on her cheek.
  141. >She hesitates as she looks up at you, but your reassuring smile calms her nerves enough to speak up.
  142. >"Feelings and stuff! They're weird a-and funny and fuzzy..."
  143. "Well... what do you feel right now, Rads?"
  144. >"I..."
  145. >Radio sets a shaky hoof against your chest.
  146. >"I wanna... hug you? Would that... be okay?"
  147. "I dunno mare... what if I get cooties?"
  148. >Radio takes a step forward and butts her head into your chest.
  149. >"S-shuddup..."
  150. "Yeah yeah, bring it in heartbutt."
  151. >Radio laughs softly as she wraps her forelegs around you and lays her head on your shoulder.
  152. >"Said the heartbutt…"
  153. >You return the hug with a chuckle and just as much enthusiasm.
  154. "Happy Valentines, Rads."
  155. >"Happy Hearts and Hooves, chief."
  156. >You think... cards and candy can wait a while longer.


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