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xxx by Nomine

By splishsplash
Created: 2024-03-16 14:59:26
Expiry: Never

  1. xxx by Nomine
  4. ---
  6. The colt squirmed a little on the floor as his mother carefully stroked a wipe around his bottom, making sure he had cleaned himself off during his bathtime. “But Moooom! I’m a big colt! I don’t need…!” he started to protest, only for one of her hooves to come up and shush him with a boop to the nose.
  8. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but yes you do. You’ve woken up with wet sheets every day for a week now. Mommy and Daddy can’t keep washing them every single day, or they’re going to break eventually. It doesn’t mean you aren’t a big colt, it just means some parts of your body are growing faster than others.” Mommy told him, taking her hoof away and continuing to prepare him for bed, lifting his legs up.
  10. The colt made a face as that garment came closer, finally just covering his face in his hooves as she laid his bottom down onto it, carefully folding it around him and taping it closed.
  12. Diapers. He had to wear diapers in bed like he was just a little baby again! Oh, the Equinity!
  14. As Mommy finished getting him dressed, she finally stood him back up, then brought over his pyjamas, a cute little red dropseat sleeper. As he stepped into it, enjoying the warmth, he still grumbled a little, one hoof going back to feel that padding, only to be gently guided away.
  16. “Oh no, young foal. No messing with your diaper unless you want Mommy to spank you right now.” came her admonishment as she tugged his pj’s up with a wing. “They’re there for a reason and they’re going to stay there every night until your Daddy and I are satisfied that your bladder has caught up to the rest of your body.
  18. With an eep at the threat of spankies, the colt obeyed, dropping his hoof down to the floor and allowing Mama to tug his sleeper up over his now thickly-padded rump. With the seat buttoned up, she nodded and picked him up in a wing, gently cuddling him.
  20. “Alright now, you little firecracker. No more fussiness. Let’s get you in bed and then you can help Mommy read you a bedtime story.” she said, and for a moment at least the colt’s mind moved away from the indignity of being diapered at the ripe old age of four.
  22. —-----------------------
  24. The clock in the colt’s room gently chimed twice, signaling that one of the darkest hours of the night was upon them. Looking up from his pillow to be sure…yep, Spitfire was on the two and Soarin was on the twelve, it was two am for certain.
  26. And the colt, having just woken up, was huffy for sure. Not because of the diapers, no. There was a far more pressing and immediate reason for his huffs and puffs. The colt was on the metaphorical horns of a dilemma.
  28. As he pondered his options, the colt’s tummy growled again, reminding him of the immediate problem. He was hungry. Very hungry. He knew what he wanted…he could already taste the sweetness of the sugar and cinnamon on his tongue. But there was a big problem. A shadow on the plan, both metaphorically and literally.
  30. It was dark in the hallway leading to the kitchen. Very dark indeed. And while the little guy wasn’t scared of the dark…he wasn’t a baby anymore, diapers or not!...he was definitely right to be afraid of the things that lurked in the darkness!
  32. Still, as his stomach grumbled again, the colt heaved himself out of his bed. It was either immediate safety or possible yummies! Just like that one thing Daddy had done with the marshmallows a while ago…those two marshmallows had been yummy.
  34. And it was the memory of those two sweets that finally spurred the colt into action, grabbing his stuffed dragon and slowly trotting out of his room, grumbling as the rustling from behind him reminded him of just what he was wearing. A glance towards his parent’s bedroom, a perked ear to make sure they were asleep, and once he heard his Dad snoring, he nodded and moved on.
  36. A swift dart into the kitchen, hoof-falls muffled by the sleeper, protected from the monsters by his stuffy, and the colt was left staring at the object of his affection. The cookie jar. Filled to the brim with snickerdoodles, the greatest cookie ever conceived. Sugar AND Spice, that was everything nice in a yummy little treat. And no X-tra chemicals either, because these were homemade!
  38. Licking his lips, the colt carefully dragged a stool over to the counter, climbing up on top of it, then onto the countertop. And there was his prize. A quick spark of his horn and the wondrous world of sweets was revealed to him. So. Many. Cookies.
  40. He was about to gorge himself when a thought pricked his mind. If he took them all, Mommy would know immediately what he had done. No no. As hungry as he was, it would be better if he only took some of them. That way she wouldn’t be able to tell! Plus, Daddy really liked cookies, maybe she’d blame him.
  42. Thought parent to the deed, the foal quickly grabbed a half a dozen cookies from the jar and set them aside, putting the lid back on before he climbed down. Holding them in his magic, he quickly darted back to his room after making sure Daddy was still snoring.
  44. Door shut. Night light on. Back in bed.
  46. And those cookies were the best midnight feast the little guy had ever had.
  48. —---------------------------
  50. When the morning sun first slid across his floor and his clock gently chimed the hour, the colt yawned and carefully stretched out, those little hoofies still feeling the softness of his sleeper. As he gently licked his lips, the memory of his midnight feast came back to him. A smile on his face, the colt opened his eyes to find Mommy sitting there, gently rocking back and forth in the reading chair.
  52. She wasn’t smiling like she usually was.
  54. “Good morning, sweetie. I hope you slept well.” she said, getting up and coming over, scooping him out of bed with a wing.
  56. As he yawned and nodded, the colt found himself carried back to the chair, Mommy sitting down, still holding him.
  58. “That’s a good thing. Now, is there something Mommy should know about last night?” she asked, making him gulp a bit. Did…Did she somehow figure him out?
  60. “N…No, Mommy!” he said, only for her face to darken. Eeep!
  62. “Young colt, we’ve talked about lying before. And about stealing cookies. I know you like them, but you need more than just sugar in your diet. Neither your Daddy nor I mind you getting a midnight snack from the fridge…you’re still growing, after all. But cookies are a special treat.” she scolded, making him wince.
  64. “Do you remember how many times you’ve gotten in trouble for stealing cookies now?” she asked, and he carefully counted in his head…a warning, then a time out…”Three, Mommy?” he asked.
  66. She nodded. “And what happens when you get your third strike for something Mommy and Daddy tell you not to do?”
  68. Immediately he started to squirm! He knew the answer to that one! “No! No, I’m sorry Mommy!” he pleaded, to no avail as she carefully put him down across her lap, holding him steady with one hoof.
  70. “Yes. You have been warned twice not to do this, and you lied to me about it as well. You very much deserve what is coming, young colt.” she said. “And because you lied, it’s with the hairbrush.”
  72. That made the colt squeak even more, trying to wiggle free from his Mommy’s hold. But it wasn’t going to happen, Mommy was just too strong, even for a pegasus. So there he was, held down and that awful black hairbrush of his poised in the air above him.
  74. “You know better than to steal cookies!” she scolded, and brought the brush down with a loud thwap! And…And he didn’t feel anything? That hadn’t hurt?
  76. “I have warned you about this twice already.” she said, but his thoughts were on why the spanking hadn’t hurt. Suddenly it dawned on him…his diaper! The thickness was protecting his bottom! As the second swat fell, he eeped as he felt the wetness press against his rump. He had woken up wet again, great.
  78. Mommy was completely focused on her scolding, though. “I want you to remember this spanking the next time you consider stealing.” A third spank, and he whined a little…now it was starting to hurt even through the pillow on his butt. And he began to wiggle and squirm a bit, only for Mommy to hold him steady again and land two more spanks, making him yelp out. Those had been hard enough to sting through it too! “Stop squirming! Think about why you are being punished!”
  80. And then he felt Mommy moving a little, undoing the buttons holding up his dropseat, and he flung a hoof back! “No! No! Please, leaves on!” he begged, only for her to brush his hoof aside.
  82. “Young colt, you know better than to block during a spanking. The last five are on your bare bottom, no pyjamas, and that…is…final…” she said, as the dropseat fell away and revealed that thick white-and-slightly-yellow garment.
  84. And then Mommy just facehoofed, dropping the brush to the floor. And then she started to chuckle, and then to laugh before she leaned down and picked the brush back up. “Well, for somepony who didn’t want to wear diapers last night, you’re sure desperate to keep them now, huh?” she said, gently rubbing the back of the brush against that garment, making him feel the wetness press against his slightly-stingy rump.
  86. “Well, the answer is no.” she said, carefully setting the brush down and then reaching in to undo some of the tapes, tugging down that last layer of protection and revealing his bottom to the air. The colt shivered a little…that was cold!
  88. “Now, since you clearly didn’t feel the swats from before, I think we’re going to start over on the count.” she said, and he squeaked a little. “Noes! Noes, I felt! It hurt, Mommy!” he begged, only to feel the brush tap tap his bare bottom.
  90. “See, sweetie, I’d like to believe you, but after you lied to me earlier, I can’t trust you. How do I know you aren’t lying just to get out of a few extra spanks.” she said, only for him to throw both hooves back.
  92. “I sowwy I lied! Please, it hurts!” he said, whining up at her.
  94. Mommy seemed to think for a few moments, moving his hooves to the side. Then she looked down at him. “Alright. I’ll take two off. You were going to get ten, five on the pyjamas and five on the bare. Can you tell me what ten minus two is?” she asked.
  96. Quickly he counted in his head…ten taps of his hooves, then go back two…”Eight, Mommy?” he asked, and she nodded. “Very good! That’s how many you’re getting. And if you’re good for them, maybe you can have a little treat afterward.” she said, rubbing the hard wood of the brush over his wet bottom.
  98. And then she started, the brush clapping down into his rear as he yelped out. Oh, that hurt so much more than normal…was it because he was wet?
  100. “OWWY!” he cried out as the second of eight landed down, flattening his tiny rump before it bounced back. “Mommy I sowwy!”
  102. “I know you are, but that doesn’t change the fact you misbehaved.” she said, landing a third swat as he began to cry, his bottom hurt so much! It was probably glowing red and he wouldn’t sit down for a year!
  104. Mommy paused for a second, rubbing his bottom with the brush. “But you need to learn not to do these kinds of things. You’ll be starting school soon. And your teachers will punish you too.” she said.
  106. Then suddenly two spanks cracked down, one on each side of his bottom! Unable to stop, he threw a hoof back to block, only for Mommy to grab it and pin it to his back, giving him an extra two to the crease. “You know better than to block.” she scolded.
  108. “Now, I’m sure this stings quite a bit, so let’s finish this right on up, so you can cry it out.” she said, and he whimpered. “Raise your bottom up.”
  110. With a sob and a sniffle, the crying colt obeyed, only for a hard spank to fall right in the center of his bottom. “Are you going to steal again?” Mommy asked.
  112. “N…No…OWWY!” he said, as a second one landed in the exact same place.
  114. “Because if you do…?” she asked.
  116. “I…I get spanked!” he said, feeling the wood rub over his rump before the final crack landed! It was over…
  118. And then Mommy picked him up, cuddling him close as she gently supported him, rocking him back and forth as she rubbed his back, his head tucked over her shoulder as she nuzzled and kissed his cheek.
  120. It took him a few minutes to stop crying, and when he finally did he felt himself being laid back down on the ground, Mommy gently finishing the removal of that wet diaper from his rump. As she carefully wiped him clean, he looked up at her and whined, only to feel her rubbing something cool and soothing into his butt.
  122. “Now, do you think you need another diaper, or can you make it to the bathroom yourself today?” Mommy said, gently leaning in and nuzzling his tummy. “I think you can make it. You’re my big colt, after all!” she said, carefully helping him up once she was done, and getting his pyjamas off of him.
  124. Once he was naked, she pointed to his chair. “Now, one last thing, I want you to sit on that until Mommy comes back in. Think about why you got a spanking.” she said.
  126. As he moved to obey, sitting on it with a wince and a whimper, he felt the stinging in his rump still, wiping his face. Even though Mommy cleaned him up he still felt like a baby…wetting the bed so much. And getting spanked for lying, why did he lie? That was so dumb. And he wasn’t dumb. He was smart. Mommy and Daddy always said so!
  128. His thoughts were interrupted four minutes later, however, as Mommy came in with a plate and a glass of pink milk! Setting them on his desk, she smiled and picked him up. “Just for you and me, sweetie. One cookie and a glass of milk for breakfast, since you were smart and got the numbers right!”
  130. As he nestled into her fur, he felt her wing give him one of those cookies. Gently nibbling on it, he looked up at her. “I love you, Mommy!”
  132. With a smile, she kissed him again. “I love you too, Heart.”
  134. @@@

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