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Negotiator in Training by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2024-03-16 15:12:33
Updated: 2024-11-03 20:11:40
Expiry: Never

  1. Negotiator in Training by DCFTEF
  4. ---
  6. >”Ziiiiipppppppppppppppppp!”
  7. Talking to her little sister was the last thing Zephyrina Storm wanted to do right now.
  8. She would not have the choice, she heard Pipp's voice and hoofbeats long before she came running into the room.
  9. >”Zipp! I just heard what happened at school today...”
  10. She was panting. It did not take much to get the younger Princess out of breath, she didn't get as much exercise as her sibling.
  11. >”...and Mom is gonna skin you alive!”
  12. That was not what Zipp wanted to hear. She knew she had messed up, she knew she was in big trouble.
  13. She really didn't need a reminder from her sister.
  15. >”You ran all the way from school to tell me that?”
  16. Pipp scoffed at her suggestion
  17. >”Ran? Oh, goodness no, I had the Guards escort me in a carriage.
  18. >”I just had to get here before Mom...umm, 'talked' to you.”
  19. Rolling her eyes, Zipp replied;
  20. >”Why, so you can tease me BEFORE I get the death penalty?”
  21. Now Pipp rolled her eyes;
  22. >”No, silly! You have to put this online! True Royal Family drama! Genuine raw emotion! The public craves it!”
  23. Pipp went on planning;
  24. >”First you do an introductory interview. Confessional style. I can help you with that. Tell the audience how you're feeling about this...”
  25. She threw herself backward in dramatic fashion
  26. >”...this DISASTER! Then we hide a cam in your room to catch the action, do a post-punishment interview and edit it all together for the viral video of the season!”
  28. Zipp stopped her sister right there with a sharp;
  29. >”NO! Absolutely not! I don't want ponies watching Mom yell at me!”
  30. With a patronizing shake of her head Pipp put her arm around big-sister's
  31. >”Aww, Zipp. Innocent, non-media savvy Zipp...the audience won't be logging on for the scolding. It's the spanking that's really going to pull in the views.”
  32. Zipp shoved Pipp away, angrily responding;
  33. >”You don't know that's gonna happen!”
  34. She gulped. Zipp knew perfectly well that was going to happen, she was just in denial.
  35. >”After all, I'm 14 now. I'm too old for a spanking.”
  37. Pipp fell over and rolled on the floor in laughter.
  38. >”That was SO GOOD! I gotta get dual angles on Mom's face when you tell her that!”
  39. Zipp groaned. She wished her sis wasn't right, but she probably was.
  40. >”There isn't going to be any camera angles, no interview, no putting my misery online!”
  41. And added in a snarky voice;
  42. >”Besides, didn't Mom take away your phone because of your last video?”
  44. Pipp was two years younger than Zipp and had just recently been allowed to start putting herself out there on social media; under Queen Mom's supervision of course. The 12-year old filly wanted to put EVERYTHING online and was crazy about building her audience.
  45. Pipp crossed her arms in a huff and pouted with annoyance;
  46. >”That stream got more hits than anything I've done before! Mom was being totally obtuse. It's gonna take me weeks to rebuild my audience after disappearing from the Pegaweb for a whole month!”
  47. The elder sister laughed, happy that the emphasis was off her for a moment.
  48. >”Yeah, but Pipp you totally deserved it for...”
  49. She was cut off before she could finish.
  51. Oh crap.
  53. >”Quick, gimme your phone! I'll hide and record!”
  54. Pipp tried to grab Zipp's mobile and the sisters wrestled over it for a few moments.
  55. >”Pipp, no! I don't want the entire city of Zephyr Heights to watch me get in trouble!”
  56. >”But think of the views! This could go viral!”
  57. >”You want viral? I'm gonna sneeze on your pillow! I'm gonna drink from your straw while you're not looking! I'm gonna dunk your favorite tiara in the toilet if you don't give me my phone!”
  58. It worked. Pipp surrendered in disgust and Zipp got her phone tucked back under her wing just in time to face a fuming mother.
  59. >”H-H-Hi Mom...”
  61. >”Don't you 'Hi Mom' me!”
  62. What does that even mean?
  63. Zipp didn't have time to think about it.
  64. >”What I heard from your Principal today...during a Royal Staff Meeting no less...better not be true!”
  65. Wincing, Zipp answered in a soft voice;
  66. >”About the cigarettes?”
  67. She knew that had been a mistake as soon as she said it. Zipp cringed as her Mother's wings fanned out and she shouted;
  68. >”Of course I mean the cigarettes, young filly, what do you THINK I mean?”
  70. After that Queen Haven took a quiet moment to regain her composure.
  71. >”I am sorry for raising my voice, but this is an outrageous surprise to me and you are in a great deal of trouble. What were you thinking?”
  72. Zipp couldn't look her in the eye. She cast her gaze down and nervously fidgeted with her hoof. She said the only thing a kid in trouble knows to say at that point;
  73. >”I dunno.”
  75. Haven rolled her eyes in frustration. Couldn't the girls behave themselves for one whole week? Did they even know what a huge help that would be?
  76. >”Alright, Pipp, go to your room. I need some privacy with your sister.”
  77. Her younger daughter whined;
  78. >”Awww, but I didn't do anything!”
  79. The Queen gave her pink filly a chilling stare and reminded her;
  80. >”After what you did at the Zephyr Heights Grand Hotel you're lucky not to be grounded for a month. Go!”
  82. With a little more sass than her Mother liked Pipp got up and left. This was a habit that sometimes got her in trouble. When Zipp was in hot water, Pipp felt safer, like the heat was off her. But Haven would worry about that later.
  83. She turned to Zipp again.
  84. >”Zephyrina, I was positively flabbergasted when your Principal told me you'd been caught in the fillies room smoking cigarettes. What in Equestria is going on?”
  85. Zipp knew what she was thinking, but it was too embarrassing to explain to Mom, even with her rear-end in danger. It was so hard to make friends as the Princess and HEIR TO THE ROYAL THRONE OF ZEPHYR HEIGHTS that sometimes Zipp made dumb choices. When some older girls who seemed really cool asked her to hang out she didn't question whether they were just trying to use her.
  86. >”I was just going along with my friends. I didn't know they had cigarettes until we were in the fillies room.”
  87. Haven replied with a stone face;
  88. >”So how did one get into your mouth and how did it come to be lit?
  89. >”That's what the teacher who caught you reported.”
  90. It was true, when a smoke was offered Zipp took it and really felt cool for a moment with it hanging from her lip, trailing a thin stream of smoke like a hard-boiled detective from a black & white film noir drama. Then the door swung open, Mrs. Busy Body came in and everything since then had been a nightmare.
  92. >”As for these 'friends',”
  93. Queen Mom continued her lecture
  94. >”Did any of these good friends step up and accept responsibility for the cigarettes when you were all standing in the Principal's office?”
  95. That almost made Zipp cry. She had cried a little, at the time.
  96. Every one of the older fillies closed ranks and blamed Zipp. They said they were just following what the Princess told them to do and they thought they had to do it because she was Royalty. It was awful, all her so called friends betrayed her.
  97. >”Mom, they all blamed me but it's NOT true! I swear I didn't bring those cigarettes and I only smoked one...a half of one! Those other fillies were lying, please believe me, Mom, I'm not lying, please!”
  98. Haven stopped her with a gentle hoof on her shoulder.
  99. >”I know. You're an athlete, Zephyrina. You've never shown the slightest interest in smoking or anything that could slow you down. And I understand that those older fillies misled you.”
  100. With that Zipp practically melted. She wanted to hug Mom right away. Maybe a spanking wasn't an absolute certainty.
  101. >”But I've warned you to watch out for situations like this...and you still broke the rules!”
  102. All that happy relief seemed to flee from Zipp's heart, like scared critters scurrying under rocks from a storm. Mom was that storm and she rained down hard.
  103. >”What you did was gave in to peer pressure and it's not okay.
  104. >”That's bad for any young foal but you are the heir to the throne!
  105. >”Ultimately you are responsible for your actions and those brats gave you a good lesson in that today.”
  107. Zipp added something she thought was important and wanted to remind Mom about.
  108. >”Umm, yeah, my Principal gave me a lesson too. I got caned.”
  109. That did not elicit the sympathy Zipp had hoped for.
  110. >”Yes dear, that's one of the reasons why I send you to that school.”
  111. The nervous filly tried to stress her point still;
  112. >”Students my age usually don't get the cane, but since older kids were involved I got the same punishment as them.”
  113. Haven knew what she was trying to do and stopped her daughter.
  114. “Zephyrina, if you're trying to play for sympathy in the hopes that it will get you out of being punished you are underestimating the gravity of your crime. Young filly, you will be receiving a memorable spanking for this bad judgment.”
  116. When Mom said that Zipp Storm lost her cool and began begging like a filly half her age.
  117. >”Mom, Mommy, please, it really hurt, more than any spanking I ever got at school, pleaeeese can we do something else? Please I don't want another spanking I can't take another one please!”
  118. With a snort of annoyance Queen Mom ordered;
  119. >”Let me see.”
  120. It was mortifying to turn around and show her rear-end to her Mother but what choice did she have? Blushing as pink as her sister Zipp raised her rump up for inspection. When she felt her Mom grasp her tail and pull it up Zipp felt like she was on a roller coaster, cresting the top and dropping into space. Roller coasters were a lot more fun than this though.
  122. Queen Haven regarded the 6 angry looking stripes on her daughter's white rear. She did think the school cane was a bit harsh for a 14 year old, but rules are rules and Zephyrina had earned those stripes fair and square. The teenager would get a lot more before she was finished too, but Haven felt pity in her heart as she watched her brave, clever filly trembling in fear of her judgment. Maybe there was another way to handle this.
  123. >”Alright Zephyrina. If you are not satisfied with the terms...negotiate.”
  125. Zipp wasn't sure she had heard Mom right. She dared to rise up slowly from her embarrassing position and ask;
  126. >”What do you mean?”
  127. Gently, Queen Haven steered this into a teaching moment.
  128. >”You tell me your little behind still hurts and you don't want another spanking.
  129. >”I'm telling you that you deserve and will absolutely get a spanking.
  130. >”Use your skills, Zephyrina...get yourself a better deal.”
  132. Rather than see an opportunity Zipp just felt more stress being dumped on her head. Why did everything have to be a Queen lesson? Overwhelmed, Zipp began to cry openly.
  133. >”*sniff* But how, Mom?”
  134. >”Use the skills I've taught you. What you need to do is offer something I want enough to make concessions. Come on, dear, you can do this.”
  136. Poor Zipp could barely think and now she had this heavy test to pass. She just wished Mom would forgive her with no challenges and especially no more spanks. That wasn't going to happen so Zipp made her first attempt at an offer;
  137. >”I-I'll be grounded instead! I'll do public service at the Library, reading to foals! I'll give up desserts for a month, even chocolate! I'll clean my room!”
  138. Haven slowed her down.
  139. >”Too much all at once. Give your proposals one at a time and let me consider them individually, or present them as a package in exchange for a specific concession you want.”
  140. But she shook her head.
  141. >”You need to offer better though. If I want you to be grounded, or do community service or be denied sweets you will be. I already control those commodities. And as for your serious dear, you're a Princess, you've never cleaned a room in your life. I doubt you'd even know where to start.”
  142. Not wanting to sound mean, Haven added;
  143. >”I'm no better, I grew up the same way you are.
  144. >”But all the same you need to offer something I want that I don't have.”
  145. Frantic, Zipp couldn't think of anything the QUEEN did not have.
  146. >”Moooommm, do we have to do this now?”
  147. Haven looked stern and replied;
  148. >”I guess not if you just want to skip straight to your spanking.”
  149. With a squeal of dismay Zipp signaled that she did not want that. She didn't want another spanking but this game was more than she could handle in her fearful mental state. All her life Mom had urged her to negotiate when she desired an extra hour of curfew or an additional cupcake after dinner but she had never been forced to do it when the stakes were so high.
  151. Weeping like a confused little filly, Zipp looked up at Mom and tried what had worked before when she just couldn't figure the problem out.
  152. >”*sob* Mom...can I have a hint?”
  153. Gently, Queen Haven suggested;
  154. >”The Zephyr Heights Wool & Textile Producers' annual conference is coming up...”
  155. Zipp remembered. Mom wanted her there to learn Royal junk but up to this point Zipp had flatly refused.
  156. >”Yes! Yes! I'll totally go to the boring conference with you! I'll do whatever you want!”
  157. The Queen narrowed her eyes the way Zipp usually did and asked;
  158. >”I'm interested. Now tell me what you want in exchange.”
  159. Sensing a victory was possible, Zipp answered too quick;
  160. >”No spanking!”
  161. >”No. Request denied.”
  162. >”What!?”
  164. Why did this have to be so hard? Zipp had made the concession her Mom asked for, then got turned down. She didn't know what to do so the Queen spoke next.
  165. >”I would like you with me at the Textile Conference but it's not worth letting you completely off the hook. You smoked cigarettes, little one, and you will be spanked soundly for it.
  166. >”However.......
  167. Crushed just a moment ago, Zipp perked up a little
  168. >”I am willing to offer a deferment.”
  169. Cocking her head sideways the teen asked;
  170. >”What's that?”
  171. >”Your bottom hurts now...I'll wait a few days to spank you for the cigarette smoking.”
  172. Powered by a burst of confidence she didn't know she had, Zipp demanded;
  173. >”Until after the conference!”
  174. Queen Haven considered her proposal and said;
  175. >”Conference is on Tuesday...agreed. If you accompany me to the Wool and Textile Producer's conference...and the luncheon afterward...I will defer your punishment until Tuesday evening.”
  176. Zipp was exuberant with relief and fought to keep her cool. She still dreaded the spanking that was still coming but with a precious few days of healing her backside would be in better shape to take it. Mom had cautioned her not to get too excited at a negotiation and possibly blow the whole deal, but Zipp was brave enough to ask one more concession;
  177. >”And a reduction?”
  178. >”A what?”
  179. Zipp offered;
  180. >”If I'm really helpful and super-perfect at the boring wool & junk conference will you reduce my spanking?”
  181. Queen Haven gave a sly grin. Now Zephyrina was negotiating, just as she had hoped.
  182. >”Tentatively agreed. Contingent on your best effort and best behavior, I will consider a reduction in your sentence; to be discussed at a later date.”
  183. Haven was proud of her little filly, in spite of the circumstances.
  184. Zipp seemed mostly relieved that she was safe from a spanking for tonight, and wouldn't be getting it on a freshly caned heinie.
  185. >”One more thing, Mom, and it's not part of the negotiation...
  186. >”Can you pleeeaaassseee make sure Pipp doesn't put this online?”
  187. The Queen chuckled and assured her;
  188. >”Your sister has lost her phone for a month for putting gummi worms in the waffle maker during the charity brunch at the Grand Hotel and posting a video about it. You have nothing to worry about.”
  189. That didn't satisfy Zipp.
  190. >”She's still gonna try...”
  191. The Queen chuckled and gave her oldest a quick hug.
  192. >”If Pipp puts anything I disapprove of online then she'll have to do some negotiating, okay?”
  193. That made Zipp chuckle.
  194. >”Now go start picking out something to wear for the conference, dear.”
  195. >”But Mom, it isn't until Tuesday.”
  196. >”Well, you have lots of time to choose because you're grounded until then.
  197. >”You forgot to negotiate your way out of that!”
  198. >”Awwww, Mom!”
  200. END

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