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Fire Alarm by DCFTEF

By splishsplash
Created: 2024-03-16 15:22:41
Expiry: Never

  1. Fire Alarm by DCFTEF
  4. ---
  6. So, first thing first, it was dumb.
  7. Okay, it was really dumb.
  9. It didn't seem that dumb when my buddy Copper Alloy and I pulled the fire alarm at school. We had a math test that period and neither of us were ready. It was Alloy's idea that if we had a harmless fire drill there would be no time for the math test get the idea.
  11. We totally made sure the coast was clear before doing it. No witnesses in the hallway to identify us, otherwise, DOOM. Well, detention at least.
  12. It worked perfect.
  13. We ran away from the scene of the crime and joined the rest of our classmates as every pony evacuated the school. The volunteer firepony department came to check the building. I don't know why they looked so annoyed, they all got to leave their real jobs to answer a fake fire call.
  14. So once it was clear there was no fire we were allowed back into the school. No time left for the math test though, that got postponed until Monday. Two extra days to study. Great success.
  16. With no test to take and no lesson plan for the day we were looking forward to some Friday goof-off time until the period was over but my friend and I got a worrying surprise when we sat back down in the classroom.
  17. >”Mr. Copper Alloy and Mr. Anonymous, both of you report to the Principal's office.”
  18. Aww man, that sucks.
  19. Some pony must have seen us running away and snitched on us.
  20. Copper looked nervous, stammering,
  21. >”The P-P-Princip-pal's office? Why?”
  22. Teacher just gave us both an annoyed look and ordered;
  23. >”Now, boys!”
  25. We were busted.
  26. I tried to joke about it as we made the walk to the Principal's office, but Copper looked really worried.
  27. >”Do you think they know? Do you think some pony saw us?”
  28. Duh, what else could it be? But I tried to stay in good humor to cheer him up.
  29. >”Ha ha, we probably shouldn't have been laughing as we ran away. Dead giveaway, am I right?”
  30. But he was in no mood to be cheered up.
  31. “Aww man, we messed up. We messed up bad. My Mom is gonna kill me.”
  32. Yeah, I felt kinda bad about that. It was totally his idea but I know his Mom is strict. We were both sure to get weekend detention for this but Copper was worried about getting in trouble at home.
  33. >”Dude, I'm sure it won't be that bad. Your Mom will yell at you...”
  34. I didn't know what else to say. The awkward fact is that he gets spanked at home and I don't.
  35. >”Yell at me? It's gonna be so much worse, Anon. Aren't you scared too?”
  36. To be honest, not so much. I stayed with my drunk Uncle and he pretty much let the school take care of school stuff. I'm sure he'd kick my ass if I got into his drinkin' money, but that's different. My buddy Copper Alloy got spanked, like a foal.
  37. I mean, legally we were both still foals. I'd just turned 13 and Copper's birthday was in a few months. I suppose most kids our age still get their butts whacked here in Equestria; I'm in the lucky minority. Not poor Copper.
  39. Luckily our awkward walk to the Principal's office was short. Now we just had an hour of getting chewed out to endure.
  40. First the Secretary scolded us for doing something so dumb and thoughtless.
  41. Then the Principal yelled at us about interrupting the school day with a prank.
  42. After that the Fire Chief lectured us on the danger of false alarms.
  43. All Copper and I had to do is sit there and give the right answer at the right time;
  44. >”Yes Sir.” “No Ma'am.” “We promise we'll never do it again.”
  45. At last it came to an end. The Principal gave our sentence;
  46. >”You colts will spend the next two Saturdays here, on weekend detention.”
  47. No surprise there. That's gonna suck.
  48. >”Have these letters signed by your parents or guardians and bring them back with you on Saturday.”
  49. No surprise there either...but Copper's response was a surprise.
  50. >”Ohhh, nooo, Ma'am, please, could you not tell my Mom? I'll do three weeks of detention...four! Please, please don't tell her!”
  51. The Principal was unmoved. She'd heard desperate middle-schoolers beg for their rumps her whole career. She answered bluntly;
  52. >”Copper, don't be silly. Do you think you can keep this a secret from your Mother? Don't you think she's going to ask where you're going, two Saturday's in a row?”
  53. She slid both letters over to us.
  54. >”Boys, if you don't want your parents to find out you misbehaved, don't misbehave. I hope you learn a good lesson from this.”
  55. Copper would have stayed there all day, begging and offering alternative punishments the Principal could give us rather than notifying his mother, but the meeting was over. We were shuffled out into the hallway to continue the school day.
  57. Luckily lunch was next. Copper was miserable so I thought some chow would take his mind off his problem. Copper was always hungry.
  58. Well, except for now. He just poked at his sandwich and only nibbled at the hay chips I offered him.
  59. >“Mom made me this sandwich...she's gonna KILL me.”
  60. I couldn't get him out of this funk, but luckily some fillies showed up. I needed their help.
  61. Ocean Pearl and Flower Frolic were friends just like Copper & I were. Ocean, the cooler and sassier of the pair, was blunt and direct;
  62. >”So I hear you numbskulls yanked the fire alarm.”
  63. I nodded, but said nothing and Copper was too miserable to reply. Let her get the teasing out of her system first.
  64. >”Did ya get in big trouble?”
  65. >”Two Saturdays.”
  66. I tried to answer with some bravado, like it was no big deal.
  67. >”Only detention? For pulling a fire alarm? Lucky fuckers.”
  68. Ocean Pearl mutters, but added
  69. >”You're not gonna feel so lucky if your folks find out.”
  71. With sadness in his eyes, Copper Alloy lifted the dreaded letter to show her. Flower Frolic, the shyer and sweeter of the two gasped and immediately gave commiseration.
  72. >”Oh no! Do you have to get it signed? Are your parents going to be really mad?”
  73. Poor Copper gulps and confirms;
  74. >”It's just my Mom, Pop is away on business...but she's gonna kill me.”
  75. The fillies tease him no more, instead wrapping him in sympathetic hugs.
  76. I gotta admit, I was a little jealous, but then I blew it when it was my turn.
  77. >”What about you, Anonymous? Are you afraid you're gonna get it bad too?”
  78. Seeing the attention my buddy was getting from two cute fillies, maybe I should have lied, but I told Ocean & Flower the truth. Dumb.
  79. >”Not really. My Uncle doesn't get involved in school stuff that much.”
  80. They gave my answer very little consideration. Maybe they thought I was lying, maybe they were just annoyed that I was going to get off easy, but all their attention and pity was heaped on Copper.
  81. >”I sure hope you're wrong...”
  82. Frolic tried to cheer him up
  83. >”...maybe your Mom won't decide to spank you...or she'll only use her hoof. I'm so scared of my Mom's carpet beater.”
  84. She looked to her friend, expecting her to contribute, but Ocean Pearl just blushed and stayed silent. Flower admonished;
  85. >”Come on, don't be a poop. Tell Copper & Anon about what your Dad might make them feel better.”
  86. Clearly embarrassed to talk about it, Ocean finally gave in to her friend.
  87. >”Alright, fine. My Daddy works down at the docks, and he has this heavy piece of rope...”
  88. The popular filly said no more, she danced on her front hooves a little and shook her head from side to side, as if trying to dislodge the painful memory of the thing.
  89. >”...ooohhh, I just hate it, I hate it, I hate it!”
  91. Copper sniffled and admited;
  92. >”I'm not sure what my Mom is know...but she's gonna be really mad, I just know it.”
  93. The fillies hugged him all over again but they skipped over me. I didn't even have a contribution to the talk about spanking tools. I'd make something up but I can't imagine my Uncle caring that much. I can hear his voice in my head;
  94. >”Kid, ya screw up you're gonna have to face the consequences yourself. I ain't gonna hold your hoof.
  95. >”Fuck around in school, I'm not gonna harass you about your report card or nothin'
  96. >”You're just gonna wind up with a crappy laborer job like me with no pony to blame but yourself.”
  97. Not exactly a hooves-on type of parent, but right then I felt fortunate not to have one like Copper's Mom.
  98. The fillies wished us the best as lunch ended.
  99. >”At least you save us from having to take that math test until Monday.”
  100. It's the only nice thing Flower can think of to say.
  102. Poor Copper hardly touched his sandwich. The best I can do is keep bullies from teasing him, but honestly there's not even that many of those. The other kids all knew about what happened, gossip travels fast. They either thought we were idiots who were going to get what we deserved...or had solemn respect for our sacrifice in saving them from 3rd period. One I expect to do some bullying was Gina, a griffon exchange student who was actually Copper's next door neighbor. She was a year older...a lot bigger and tougher than us. Always used to pick on us when we played outside the building.
  103. >”Hey dweebs, heard ya got busted.”
  104. >”Yeah, what's your point, Gina? Just here to bust on us?”
  105. She shruged as if it doesn't matter.
  106. >”Nah, I'll get my show tonight. Copper & I share a bedroom wall, I can hear everything. Lemme tell ya...he can sure hit the high notes and I'm pretty sure he's gonna be hitting some tonight.”
  107. I was trying to think of some smart remark to toss back at the cat-bird bully when Copper snaped at her angrily.
  108. >”You don't have to be so nasty about it! If you can hear everything through the wall than you know how bad it bad it hurts!”
  109. I was surprised at his flash of anger, it was the first time he'd shown anything but depressed sorrow.
  110. >”Just because you're lucky, and you don't get spanked doesn't make it okay for you to laugh about it!Fuck off, I wish you did know how it feels, just once!”
  111. Gina seemed chastened. She didn't tease him anymore. I even felt a little bad for her.
  112. >”Alright, whatever, dude. I just came over to say good luck...hope your Mom leaves some skin on your butt and all that.”
  113. Copper said nothing. He'd just buried his head in his arms and gone back to crying. Me and Gina actually had a kinda civil parting, but what I was really thinking about is what Copper said. Lucky. Don't get spanked. Doesn't make it okay to laugh. He could actually be talking about me. I never got spanked and all I'd done since we got in trouble was try to laugh about it and cheer him up. I never realized he was jealous, and rightfully so. We did the same crime and was going to get punished much worse for it. It gave me lots to think about.
  115. We walked home together. I proposed all kinds of things to stall.
  116. >”You wanna go to the games parlor before we head home?
  117. >”Maybe watch the Royal Guards drill for a while?
  118. >”We could grab milkshake maybe?”
  119. But Copper was too scared to delay. He was sure he'd make his Mother madder if he showed up late then gave her the dreadful letter that was sure to doom his rump.
  120. We came to my apartment building first. It felt wrong to leave him and let my friend go the rest of the way alone, so I told him;
  121. >”Listen, Copper, can you wait here, just a minute?”
  123. He was nervous about any delay
  124. >”Dude, I can't, I really gotta get home and...”
  125. He ran out of words and courage. He just couldn't say out loud what he knew was going to happen.
  126. >”Hold up a minute, I just gotta talk to my Uncle and I'll be right out. Then we can walk to your apartment together.”
  127. Alloy actually smiled a little when he heard that.
  128. >”Y-yeah...maybe it would be easier if you went with me. Like, maybe Mom wouldn't spank me right away and I could sorta explain it to her.”
  129. Well, not likely, but if me staying with him was a comfort it was the least I could do for my friend.
  130. It didn't take me long to check in with my Uncle and gallop back to where Copper Alloy waited, then we walked the last few blocks to his apartment building together. I could see him getting slower and slower as we got closer, until I physically had to bump him through the front door when we arrived.
  131. Up the elevator, like we had done countless times together, then open on the 16th floor and the last few yards to my friend's apartment where misery and doom awaited.
  133. He stood outside the door.
  134. >”You ready bro?”
  135. He could only whimper in response. He absolutely wasn't ready but time was up. He did manage to squeak out;
  136. >”Thanks for coming with me.”
  137. I had to open the door for him. Inside we could hear his Mother unloading some shopping bags.
  138. >”Hello honey, how do you feel about alfalfa casserole for dinner tonight? I know it's one of your favorites. Oh, hello Anon, I didn't expect you this afternoon. Do you colts have some homework to work on together?”
  139. Copper almost wimped out, I could feel it standing next to him, but I gave him an encouraging bump to get things started. Trembling, he took the now wrinkled letter out of his saddlebag. His Mother continued to talk;
  140. >”You're awfully silent? Did something happen? Did you have a good day at school?”
  141. With a nervous gulp Copper Alloy finally offered the dreaded note.
  142. >”Um, actually, Mom...”
  144. He didn't say anything else.
  145. She got a serious, but not yet angry look on her face and took the letter, unfolding it and reading it carefully. Once she had gone over it three times at least, that's when the angry look arrived.
  146. >”How DARE you colts pull a dumb stunt like that! Pulling the emergency alarm, calling out the fire department for...what!?”
  147. Despite having read it three times she looked back at the letter in disbelief.
  148. >”To get out of a math test? Young colt there better be some explanation for this that I don't see because otherwise you are in the WORST trouble of your life!”
  149. Head hung low, Copper just whimpered,
  150. >”No, Momma, there isn't.”
  152. I've gotta admit, this was terrifying. All I could do was stand there and blend into the background as Copper Ore have her son a tongue lashing that hinted at the rear-end lashing he would be facing in just a few minutes. Even that did not keep me completely safe, as occasionally the stinging lecture would turn my way...pointing out my equal guilt in the crime. Most of the dressing down was aimed at Alloy though, who stood there cringing and weeping, aware that with every angry word from his Mother things got worse for his rump.
  154. After a few minutes of intense scolding Copper Ore had to stop and catch her breath.
  155. >”Alright, Alloy, go to your room, I will be in shortly.
  156. >”Anonymous, it's time for you to go home as well.”
  157. That's when I took a deep breath, and I did what might have been the dumbest thing I had ever done in my life.
  158. >”Actually, Ms. Copper...I wonder if I could stay over tonight?”
  159. She did not understand right away;
  160. >”Don't be ridiculous, Anon. Surely you can see this is the worst possible time for a sleep-over. I'm sure your Uncle will want to have a talk with you about this.”
  161. Swallowing with a dry mouth, I continued sealing my own doom.
  162. >”Actually, ma'am, I've already spoken with my Uncle, he's already signed my letter. He doesn't get involved in school stuff like this.”
  163. My friend's mother said nothing, she just listened with a serious expression, so I continued;
  164. >”I was thinking that...since Alloy and I did the same thing...together...maybe I should stay over tonight.”
  166. Copper Alloy finally understood what I was proposing. I couldn't believe I was doing this and neither could Alloy.
  167. >”Dude! Are you crazy, what are you thinking?”
  168. >”Hush, Alloy,”
  169. his Mom commanded,
  170. >”your friend is doing something very brave. He might regret fact he absolutely will regret it in just a few minutes, but I think he is making a very good and responsible long-term decision.”
  171. She turned to me and remarked sharply;
  172. >”There have been plenty of times I've thought a good spanking was exactly what you need, young stallion.”
  173. I cringed and blushed; folding my ears back in nervous shame. I'd actually thought I had a pretty good relationship with Alloy's Mom. To hear that she's been looking at me for years as a bratty little colt who needs his bottom spanked was embarrassing and scarier than I expected it to be. She gave me one last chance to back out;
  174. >”Are you absolutely sure about this? If I'm correct about what you're proposing you'd get the exact same punishment as my son, I will not hold back because you're not my foal. This is your ONLY chance to change your mind, understand?”
  175. I swear I would never have the nerve to say these words, I don't know who was operating my mouth because I replied to her;
  176. >”Yes Ma'am, that seems fair.”
  178. My friend moaned in disbelief, but his Mom did not silence him this time.
  179. >”Anon, dude! No! Don't do this! Run now while you have the chance!”
  180. I just shook my head. I'd felt awful all day knowing my best friend was going to get a painful spanking for something we both did, while I would escape with next to no punishment. I was nervous about what was going to happen, but at least the yoke of guilt was off my shoulders.
  182. >”Alright then, both of you, march! Anon, go to Alloy's room and wait, Alloy, I want you to go to my closet and fetch your Father's belt.”
  183. My friend literally blew snot rockets out of both nostrils when his Mom told his that.
  184. >”Mom, PLEASE, no, no, no, no no nononononono, please please please, no! Not that, please Mom, anything but that, PLEASE!”
  185. Judging from the desperation in my friend's voice and the number of 'please' and 'no's in his sentence I knew I had something to worry about. Alloy did not slow down, he pleaded with his Mom to change her mind, crying and even clasping his front hooves and falling down in front of her in supplication.
  186. Copper Ore was not moved an inch by his pleas.
  187. >”5...4...3...”
  188. Knowing he would only make his crisis worse Alloy ran to obey his Mother's command. In the moments he was gone Copper Ore led me into my friend's familiar bedroom and ordered;
  189. >”You sit there and watch. If Alloy behaves himself during his punishment, do as he did. If he struggles and makes things difficult he will earn extra spanks. Do NOT do as he does or you will earn extra as well, am I understood?”
  190. I answered quickly and politely as I could. Now that I knew I was joining my friend in this fearful ordeal I did not want to give his Mom any more reason for anger. Although I had no idea what this beating would feel like I was getting just as nervous as my Alloy. I knew it wasn't going to feel good.
  192. When Alloy arrived with the punishment tool he was quiet as a mouse. His legs were shaking and tears rolled from his eyes but otherwise he was frozen in place as he presented the belt to his mother. She explained for my benefit;
  193. >”As I'm sure you know, Anonymous, Alloy's Father, Copper Claim, owns several mines in the Badlands. When he is away on mining business he leaves his favorite belt as a reminder for Alloy to behave himself. When the belt hanging in the closet itself isn't enough sometimes I have to give him a reminder myself.”
  194. Alloy watches in misery as she gets the strap ready. He's felt this strip of leather before and he's sobbing in fear of the next encounter.
  195. >”Mom, please not that, please use anything else...”
  196. He keeps whimpering as his Mother grabs him up and forces the squirming colt into the position he doesn't want to be in.
  198. Not only have I never gotten a spanking before, I've only witnessed one other spanking in my life. Copper was there too, we were at another friend's house when his little sister was brought home in ultimate trouble. The filly had been caught shoplifting and her parents were angry enough that they declared everyone in the house must come watch the spanking, even guests.
  199. Copper & I had to sit uncomfortably with our friend and his other siblings while his younger sister got her lecture, was bent over and finally received a sound spanking with her Father's paddle. The unfortunate filly begged forgiveness until all she could do was cry, then that's all she did.
  200. After it was all over I tried to go visit the poor filly in her room and offer her some sympathy but she was only in a mood to sulk. The next day at school our friend told us his unlucky sister earned another spanking near bed-time for pouting and having a bad attitude.
  202. So my experience on what to expect was thin.
  203. As I was replaying those events in my mind I wasn't paying full attention to Alloy and his Mom so I almost missed the first spank. Alloy sure let me know.
  204. >”WHHHAAAAaaaaaahhhhhHHHHHHhhhaaaaaa!”
  205. Doubled over and wrapped around Copper Ore's hoof the belt made a terrifying cracking sound as it hit Alloy's rump again and again. The sound of the snap actually hurt my ears...I could only imagine what it felt like on my buddy's rear-end. Of course, I wouldn't have to imagine soon.
  207. Alloy's Mom was really laying into him. She wasn't just swinging the strap and counting any whack, Copper Ore was really aiming her shots for pale, unspanked territory and hitting hard. Soon there was no unpunished space on Alloy's bottom but that was no reason to stop. He bawled and screamed, tried to twist off his Mother's lap or scramble forward, away from the belt. Everything he did made it worse though and he just cried harder and harder as his Mother continued the awful punishment.
  208. Among our peers Copper was an average sized colt...a little scrawy and undeveloped but not abnormally little for his age. He sure looked little laying across his Mother's knees though. Copper was active and good at sports but avoiding the spanking strap was a game he was losing badly. So far his Mom had scored more hits than I could count against none that I saw him avoid.
  210. >“Young colt, am I ever going to hear about you pulling a stunt like this again?”
  211. Copper Ore's question hinted that the ordeal was finally coming to an end, even if Alloy's suffering wasn't. His Mother was spanking slower, but hitting harder and aiming for the tender territory at the base of her little colt's rear cheeks. He screamed out his answers.
  214. >”And I expect top-notch behavior from you for the rest of the school year! You are on probation, young colt, if I get any more letters you will be spanked with the belt again, no questions asked!”
  215. He wailed as the most painful lashes of the whole whipping stung his burning backside.
  216. >”Please please, please, I'll be good! PLEASE STOP! It hurts, no more, Mommy PLEASE!”
  218. After a few more tortuous spanks she did stop. Alloy bawled as if he didn't know his spanking had ended but gradually his cries turned into sobs and finally just whimpers. Mom gave him a few minutes to rest and helped him to his hooves. She tenderly wiped his red face and gave him a long hug.
  219. It was a huge relief to see my friend come out of that experience okay. For sure he was awful sore; his rear looked like it would hurt forever, but at least the dread was gone. I hated seeing my buddy like that, in fear and misery. At least his ordeal is over now.
  220. >”Oh crap.”
  221. That meant it was MY TURN.
  222. Shit got real quick. I was told to get up; Alloy was sent to my chair. I could not get up though, I froze and could only watch, wide-eyed with fear as Alloy's Mom commanded me to approach.
  223. >”Move your rear-end, Anon, you had your chance to back out, that's gone now. It's time to face the consequences of your foolish behavior.”
  224. I'd heard other foals talk about these things for years but as it hadn't directly involved me I hadn't thought much about what it all meant. 'Consequences' had a tragic finality to it. It was unavoidable, whether I liked it or not that I had a spanking coming. I thought about Flower Frolic and Ocean Pearl, how they had heard that same terrible command to come accept their punishment numerous times. I thought of Gina Griffon, probably laying on her bed just yards away, listening to every pitiful cry through the wall. She'd hear a surprise double performance tonight...soon Gina would be laughing at MY cries.
  227. I totally lost my nerve when Copper Ore's hoof touched mine.
  228. >”No! No, wait, I changed my mind...I don't want this!”
  229. I really tried to escape but the grown mare was savvy. When I leapt up to run she just used my momentum, tripping me up and flopping me right over her lap where she wanted me. I friggin' PANICKED.
  230. >”NO, please! Don't! I'm not ready, I can't do this! Please, don't, stop, stop, PLEASE!”
  231. Now I was the little colt struggling to escape the mommy-mare's lap; I felt so helpless, so small. To make matters worse Ms. Copper took a few moments to carefully tuck my little coltie privates out of harms way. To have a mare, one who was not my mom, casually handle my penis and scrotum made me feel even more vulnerable. I was already terrified and the whacks hadn't even begun. It couldn't begin, no way. I kicked and squirmed way worse than Alloy had, no longer caring if it was embarrassing or dignified. I just knew I couldn't take this whipping and had to get out of there before it started.
  233. >”Anonymous, behave yourself...”
  234. I was warned,
  235. “...I'm allowing you some latitude because it's your first time but if you don't settle down and accept your punishment you are going to get extra.”
  236. Extra!? I was sure I wouldn't even endure the first smack! But once she had me in position, still squirming and whimpering for reprieve, I learned that I didn't have to do anything. Copper Ore had me locked in position, she lifted my tail, she swung the belt...all there was left for me to do was cry.
  237. *WHACK*
  238. >”OOOOWWWWwwwwaaahhhHHHHhhoooowwWWWW!”
  239. I can't even describe how much it hurt because the next four spanks hit so fast it was just one long scream. I did everything in my power to break free and scramble away from that horrible, stinging strap of leather, I held noting back. For my efforts I got nothing; zero progress. Ms. Copper had me trapped, I was in such an awkward position over her lap that I was helpless to do anything but flail in panic.
  240. She paused for a moment;
  241. >”Anonymous, I've warned you once already, I'm not going to warn you again. Settle down and accept your spanking or it's going to get longer.”
  242. Longer? What did she mean? I couldn't take one more smack at that point. My rear was already in agony.
  244. But you know what?
  245. I did get more smacks after that.
  246. A LOT more.
  247. Alloy's Mom had predicted that I would regret this decision and she was right. I regretted everything.
  248. I regretted volunteering for this MERCILESS REAR-END TORTURE
  249. I regretted following Alloy to his house
  250. I regretted us pulling that fire alarm
  251. I regretted being born with a butt that could be spanked
  252. Now I don't know if Ms. Copper was including some back payments from all those times she thought I deserved a spanking in the past, or this was just about the fire alarm but she was delivering a serious whipping. Since them moment my tail had been lifted I had been screaming in out-of-control agony without the chance to even catch my breath. I realized, to my horror, that my friend Alloy hadn't gotten an instant of respite either during his spanking. It'd been expecting the experience to be slower, with more scolding and lecturing like that unlucky filly had gotten. That was not how Alloy's Mom spanked; hard spanks delivered fast. I was doomed to suffer relentless pain in my heinie until Ms. Copper decided I'd had enough and not one instant sooner.
  253. And there was absolutely nothing I could do about it.
  255. I had heard some fillies at school talk about 'having a good cry' while getting spanked, or soon after.
  256. Most of the colts acted too tough and macho to admit they cried, but a few agreed with the fillies.
  257. It all seemed strange to me at the time; the concept of a 'good cry'.
  259. Now, helplessly balanced on Ms. Copper's lap, in terrible agony and unable to do anything about it I started to understand what they meant. Really, all I could do at the moment is cry. Alloy's Mom was in control; she will decide how much this hurts (too much) and how long it will go on (already too long). There was nothing I can do about it but cry at the top of my lungs and strangely, it's cathartic.
  260. In my suffering I find epiphany. Pulling a fire alarm to get out of a math test? I really have been a bad colt...I deserve every bit of what I'm getting!
  261. I bawled, as much in shame as in pain. Don't get me wrong, the pain was still mind bending, but I fought it no more. I screamed out how sorry I was but now it's for real, I wasn't just trying to get out of being punished. I was probably just babbling anyway. My face was covered in tears and snot and drool, all of which were flowing out of me like an open faucet. This spanking would be a real eye-opener, if they weren't sealed shut with agonized crying from the very first spank.
  263. I really can't tell you when it ended. Like Alloy I went on bawling in agony long after his Mom stopped spanking. First thing I remember that wasn't an all consuming inferno of tushie torment was Ms. Copper massaging my back and telling me to;
  264. >”Breathe...come on now, breathe in deep.”
  265. I was still blubbering and gasping for air, it took me a long time to relax enough for breathing to be normal. Alloy's Mom gave me all the time I needed then helped me up when I could finally stand.
  267. Oh boy, did I feel humbled. All I could think to do was apologize, over and over again to Ms. Copper but she took me into her arms and hugged tight.
  268. >”You can calm down now, Anonymous, the worse part is over.
  269. >”You don't have to apologize, you don't have to do anything. The next step is up to you.”
  270. Alloy's Mom held me in that hug for a long time and I let her. My rear was still absolutely throbbing with pain but somehow the world felt okay, like I had nothing to worry about for this little moment in time. I saw Copper Ally looking on. He smiled and seemed to approve.
  272. After all that I really did spend the night.
  273. The two of us colts had to sit down on hard chairs and do homework until dinnertime. Alloy's Mom made alfalfa casserole like she said and we ate together almost like nothing had happened. The only mention that was made of our spanking was when I politely complimented her dinner rolls and she replied;
  274. >”They're just store bought, but you both know I'm skilled at heating up buns.”
  275. I'm embarrassed to admit I laughed at that one.
  277. Dinner had come late, so we were sent to bed after that.
  278. >”And I don't want to hear a lot of chatter going on late into the night.
  279. >”You're not getting a free sleep-over party out of this, lights out, eyes closed.
  280. >”Both of your bottoms have had about all they can take tonight, but if I hear a lot of talking you can certainly get a warm up tomorrow morning.”
  281. Alloy asked with genuine fear;
  282. >”How much talk is too much?”
  283. His Mom teased;
  284. >”You'll find out in the morning, so less is better.”
  286. As we tucked into bed Alloy braved a few moments of conversation.
  287. >”You know, Anon, you didn't have to do that...but it was pretty cool. Thank you for not letting me go through that alone.”
  288. Then he added;
  289. >“But I know you only did it so I wouldn't get all the sympathy attention from the fillies.”
  291. >”That's enough, boys, go to bed.”
  292. We both obeyed the warning voice, but Copper Alloy whispered one last good-night.
  293. >”See ya in detention tomorrow,”
  294. Aww crap.
  295. I'd forgotten about the detention.
  297. END

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