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an image of a concerned twilight sparkle
>Sunset, I've heard from a person called Scribble Dee that you're forcing this anon person to have intercourse with you. Do I need to bring Princess Celestia for this?
>so you are really going to go there
>YOU of ALL ponies is going to LECTURE ME about THAT
>as if you are the fucking paragon of light
>must be nice to pass on judgement on that beautiful ivory tower you got there twilight
>considering what happened between you and shining armor
>I mean, he moved almost to the other side of world to get away from your ass
>hell your parents couldn't stop you and it took literal royal intervention for you to just PAUSE
>because we all know you haven't stopped at all
>if it wasn't for cadance...well we wouldn't be having this conversation
>unlike you I ain't going yandere on my brother
>I actually love him and respect him as a person
>I see him as a man and the ones you stay with for life
>I want to be his wife and have his children
>but I'm also willing to let him go unlike you
>you could say I see anon as the love of my life
>and I'll do anything for him
>I'll be his woman and stay through better or worse
>hell we could be homeless and have nothing yet I'll still stick with him
>because I know he'll pull through and together there's nothing we can't do
>that's ironically the main difference between you and I twilight
>I may not be the best person but I know how to love, you love in the most selfish way possible
>to you, shining armor is merely yours and yours alone
>to me, anon is a man and his own person, I love him to pieces
>and I don't need a reason to love him
>that's why he reciprocates because unlike all of you bitches, he knows I love him ideally and will be there unlike others who only will care about what he can give them
>so go ahead
>bring it to celestia and wonder where you failed
>you didn't build anything with shining
>you didn't bother to have a proper foundation or anything at all
>hell you didn't even saw him as a being...but as a doing and as YOURS
>I on the other hand decided to build something
>a foundation to build upon and it took YEARS twilight
>it took us both A LONG TIME before we trusted each other enough to start getting intimate
>years of properly forming a proper relationship and getting used to each other before we began the next step
>anon may not look like it or hell even see it but he is the best man anyone could ask for
>his original sister didn't saw it but I did
>I knew my twin flame when I laid my eyes on him, my other half, the love of my life
>I just knew it and the other sunset stupidly was wasting it
>so a little switcheroo and sending her ass to my land was for the best
>she ain't coming back anyways
>anyhow, after years of building a life together and be there at his that he is at the finishing line as a winner do these bitches come out of the woods thinking they won the price as if they ran the race alongside him
>haters gonna hate twilight
>they are pathetic beings that couldn't build anything nor keep anything
>they had their chance and yet they thought they deserved god or something
>they actually thought they were better than what they really were and arrogantly believed a prince in shining armor will pick them up and take them to the castle to become the fucking queen as the love of their lives drifted away...
>now they are alone and can't handle the fact that they are unable to make any man stay with them
>they don't even know what the hell is a relationship and think hooking up is that when it's not
>hilarious and I kinda see why human males prefer to be alone or other races to mingle instead of their own
>that was just envy twilight, envy and bitterness trying to destroy the indestructible
>me and anon will be together twilight
>we'll have a beautiful family and no matter what anyone tries, it'll fail miserably
>all they can do is helplessly watch as my family gets the happy ending I worked so painstakingly hard to achieve
>I bet they won't even take example of me
>the apple clan started the same way
>so will my big family when I'm old, my children and grandchildren will be my final laugh, proof of my success
>unlike those insufferable cunts who will be alone and have nothing to show but a lifetime of failures
>and you will join them twilight, I may be gone but my bloodline will be there for who knows how long as your immortal ass slowly gets buried in the sands of time, alone and forgotten.
>Sunset Shimmer, I've heard of the news that you've been forcing your body upon a poor innocent creature, in addition to banishment of another, as well as making Twilight cry. I thought you've learned your lesson, Sunset. But clearly not, I'm sorry, my student. I can't allow you to continue plaguing the other world. Let's go home, Sunset, don't make this difficult for both of us.
>oh, would you look at this
>if it isn't my favorite hypocrite?
>good day to you too
>it is a honour that you deigned to bless me with your presence
>now now, I would love to banter and all but for the very first time I am not in the mood
>classic, I know my teacher
>so let's begin this nasty and torturous process you had started
>for the record, I would love to tell you to go and fuck yourself but I am afraid you'll take it literally
>oh yes I knew about it, you weren't being subtle but since this is princess celestia we are talking I suppose we have to keep quiet
>and it wasn't the whole fiasco with the guards that I found out about it
>back then if you didn't notice, you were a lot happier after he came for "diplomatic reasons"
>and celestia? I was genuinely happy you found your special somepony
>you may have found him in another world yes
>and yeah...he is literally you but as a stallion
>more like colt but that's just details, no?
>I think it's fucking rich that this is coming from you
>considering we are literally on the same spot
>hell if it wasn't for you and your degenerate escapades
>I wouldn't have found out about the portal to this world
>thus this whole supposed mess would have been avoided
>but then...I would have never met the love of my life and would have carried an empty existence, like king sombra
>he saved my life and your male counterpart did yours
>I suppose I should be grateful
>in fact, thank you for letting me find love
>yet, you have a problem with me finding happiness in the same way you did
>you think I forced myself on him?
>we just began getting intimate a week or so ago
>this was after years of development and forming a proper fucking relationship
>you didn't even wait for your male counterpart to get comfortable in the castle before you threw him on your bed and rode him silly
>I just can't believe we are having this fucking conversation celestia
>you can't make this shit up
>specially considering that you went to this other genderbend reality for similar reasons as mine
>yeah I wanted to take over at first but all of that didn't matter when I met anon
>that's why I ALLOWED twilight to beat me and purge the evil out of me
>so that I could never be that evil to the love of my life
>I could have won easily and swiftly
>yet I couldn't go through with it after meeting anon and growing a bond with him
>he was the best to me...and so I was going to be the best for him
>and that meant change and growth
>it was hard but I did it
>and now that I'm happy and with the love of my life at my side
>envy and hypocrisy decided to rear it's ugly head
>and here we are, making a spectacle for everyone to see
>all for NOTHING
>you don't get to criticize me for this, specially since unlike you, I actually did it the proper way to things
>and you? you did it the "right" way
>oh believe me when I tell you that's a compliment for her
>she can be a freak when she gets in the mood
>take it from me
>I lived my whole childhood with her
>she hides it well
>but her actions will always speak for her
>now celestia, I would ask you to let go of this
>we win nothing from this conflict
>all we'll get is a lot of heartache from both parts
>besides my relationship with anon is quite normal
>I didn't force him on anything unlike you and solaris
>projecting your crap on to me wouldn't do you any favors
>anon and I have a surprisingly stable relationship
>get cadance here and she'll confirm it for you
>hell I may even go with you and then go to the crystal empire
>get the heart with cadance and ask it to find my husband/lover and I wouldn't be surprised if anon got teleported to equestria
>you can't win celestia
>if not me, then anon will
>and I wouldn't be surprised if the elements of harmony would help him
>they done that before
>why do you think they had to bring you here?
>they tried before and the elements by themselves protected me and anon from them
>why? I don't fucking know and I don't care
>stop being a hypocrite
>go back home
>get solaris
>marry him already
>and piss off
>leave me and my man alone
>also just for this bullshit, you ain't invited to the wedding anymore you hypocritic bitch
>you also lose the grandma privileges
>thousands of years old and somehow you pull this shit off
>can't fucking believe this
>just stay away from my family
>Sunset, you've made Celestia cry. How could you, I believed you'd be redeemed, but I guess we were all wrong. I'm sorry, so sorry. But your relationship with Anon is not genuine, you've pulled his strings, manipulated his mind, this isn't love, but a controlled person who thinks he's in love. Shinning Armor, please.
>Sunset Shimmer, please come back, we don't want this to get ugly
>usually I would bitch to pieces
>but now I'm getting really suspicious
>are you sure about this?
>because for all intends and purposes, this may be the work of ANOTHER sunset shimmer
>remember that I threw my counterpart into the portal
>and she never returned
>this may be her doing and you are getting it twisted
>I mean, I don't blame her
>I straight up knock her out and replaced her ass with myself
>then proceeded to takeover her family and get in a relationship with her brother
>it wasn't the way to send her off
>she may have ended in your world or another but since she is me and talented too...
>she may have learned magic and had the drive to speedrun it
>whatever the case, I think you got the wrong girl here
>because this IS another reality
>and multiverse theory it's a BITCH
>so I think you should investigate further this thing and shit I'll sweeten the deal
>I am going to help you catch whoever is messing with my family and friends
>I don't know if we should involve anon though
>but then again, he IS the target so you keeping an eye on him would be wise
>I know you wouldn't hurt him
>and the girls will handle themselves just fine in my homeworld
>questions for later
>now that this misunderstanding had been addressed...
>you are fucking right
>I'll feed her myself...but later
>more importantly
>how the fuck are you keeping your pony forms?
>when you cross the portal, you adopt the form of this world beings
>so you are really being shady with your claims
>and also, how could I be sunset shimmer without me stirring the pot?
>a little bird told me something about you shining armor
>that you have been naughty
>and with twilight
>not only that
>but the twilight of THIS world
>you fucking HYPOCRITE
>I go and form a proper relationship with my brother that took years to build
>and the first thing you did before this whole fiasco is cheating on your wife with TWILIGHT
>I mean, sci-twi is an angel compared to your sister
>considering what happened last time
>it was bad enough that I heard from it and I am in another reality
>to be honest
>it's kinda rich that you 2 came to arrest me for the same crimes you BOTH committed
>oh yeah you candy ass
>I know about all about what you did here
>you can't make this shit up
>you get to have your "fun" here, if you can call it fun, more like degeneracy
>but I get to form the most vanilla of romance with anon and you pair of hypocrites come here and have a problem with me about THAT
>can't believe it
>unlike you 2, I actually have a romantic relationship
>but this isn't about that, isn't it?
>you don't like it when someone stops your nonsense
>guess it's feels good passing judgement
>despite you being a worse person than the one you judge
>also I don't and would NEVER cheat on the love of my life, not even with another him
>I am his and viceversa
>it's called loyalty
>because love is hard work if you didn't know
>but I suppose that for you 2, love is just an emotion and that alone
>some princess of love you are
>anyhow I'll help you with this
>but you don't get to criticize me or say jackshit to me
>not with you 2 being hypocrites
>also shiny? your wifey here did something WORSE than you did
>I won't tell you
>but don't let her pass judgement on you
>specially when she is the worse one standing here
>Sunset Shimmer, my sister's former student, I have seen your work on Twilight, Cadence, Shinning Armor, and my dear sister. I cannot allow this farce, for you have insulted my sister, and has disgraced yourself into manipulating a common person into loving you, and crimes against the other world. I will now erase this Anon creature, of his memory of you, and your memory of him. I am sorry, this is my own volition, but it must be done. I am sorry, but you have brought this upon yourself. You will wake up as you were, but have no memories of Anon. Back in Equestria
>...what the fuck?
>a fucking blue unicorn with wings?
>and did you just TALKED?
>when that other sunset told me that shit was weird here
>I totally didn't expect THIS
>and...wait a minute
>did you just say you want to take to your place?
>and this place you talked, equestria was it?
>this equestria is magical land full of magical creatures and wonders, right?
>from the crown, you must rule that place
>and you want to take me to this magical place and forget whoever the fuck this anon is as a price?
>similar like that show I used to watch as a little girl...
>holy shit ponyland is real...
>my little pony is REAL...
>the last unicorn IS REAL
>you are pony princess and you want to take me to your magical land...
>I will immediately pack my shit and get the fuck out of here
>you have no idea how tired I was of my old life
>it sucked ass
>alright I packed my shit and I'm ready to leave this god forsaken place
>take me to this equestria
>you have no idea how thankful I am for this
>for giving me the chance to experience such a thing
>I mean, it was already weird and all to meet another me and swap places
>but to also get to go on an adventure in a magical land like my little pony?
>shit I feel like I won the lottery
>this is just like anime but for real
>and by the way you look gorgeous princess
>how do I call you?...
>meh questions for later
>let's GO
>there's no time to waste
>we have a long and exciting journey ahead
>and I just can't wait anymore
>I have so much to tell you and so much to know
>oh yeah
>I almost forgot my purse
>ok, my phone and charger is there
>my collection of music and movies are there
>so my personal collection of images, books, pdfs and videos
>my notebook with the emulators are there for videogames
>and my weed stash with seeds
>oh yeah my toothbrush and cleaning stuff too
>ok seem I truly have everything I need
>fly me to the moon and beyond princess
>thou must be jesting
>there's no way she could have escaped
>when? how? why?
>alright you wretched knave
>I accept thy challenge
>but first thou shall come with me young one
>there's much to discuss
>and if I find thou hath deceived me
>there will be hell to pay
>let us depart
by Kreamcrop