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Cheating Elements(EqG)

By BetAnonTheSecond
Created: 2020-12-18 00:19:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >”C'mon, let's go have some fun, handsome. We'll have an awesome time and that egghead never has to know”
  3. “Excuse me?”
  4. >You shoot back in shock
  5. >Be Anon
  6. >Be in a relationship with Twilight Sparkle
  7. >The brightest mind in all of Canterlot High School
  8. >She can be a klutz at times
  9. >...and sometimes she can't read social situations.
  10. >Hell, she's probably on the spectrum
  11. >Still, when you asked her out to homecoming
  12. >She said yes.
  13. >You both had a great night.
  14. >and started hanging out more often after that.
  15. >You'd call that being in a relationship
  16. >Right?
  17. >Most of her classes were far too advanced for your plebeian brain
  18. >And most nights she's either studying too much, or off to some big science presentation.
  19. >Which isn't a big problem
  20. >Really
  21. >Some nights you study with her.
  22. >And you understand that she's special
  23. >And she's definitely destined for great things in the future.
  24. >But, back at the situation at hand
  25. ”You can fuck right off with that”
  26. >The audacity of this rainbow colored hair bitch
  27. >You were sitting across from her at a bench at the local beach.
  28. >Her smug, seducing smile still on her face
  29. >A late spring Sunday with the summer right on the horizon.
  30. >The weather was going to be getting hotter
  31. >This was the first warm Sunday in a long time
  32. >So Twi and her friends wanted to celebrate the coming summer and end of School year.
  33. >All her friends were here
  34. >And some of their boyfriends were there as well.
  35. >After some hours of fun in the sun, you wanted to take a small breather.
  36. >Rainbow did the same thing when you stepped out of a game of volley ball.
  37. >”What? Dashie can keep a secret!”
  38. >She rests her head on her hand that shes placed on the table.
  39. >Her smile remaining
  40. >You shake your head with a look of disgust
  41. “Why would you think I would even consider that?”
  42. >You ask
  43. >In reality, you should have gotten up and walked away.
  44. >Yet, you remain in your seat.
  45. >She then raises her head from her hand.
  46. >”You two look cute together and all, but I can totally see it in your face that you're not that satisfied!”
  47. >You furrow your brow and lightly shake your head
  48. “What the hell does that even mean?”
  49. >”It means I can see that your 'needs' aren't being met.”
  50. “And what do you know of what my needs are?”
  51. >You fire back
  52. >”I've kept my eye on you for some time, especially in P.E, and with your physical prowess and aggressiveness, your body language just screams 'I need a female body to ravage.'”
  53. >She begins to lean over the table towards you
  54. >”And I can more than compensate for all that pent up energy.”
  55. >Your blood is beginning to boil
  56. “What the fuck makes you think I'm not getting the satisfaction from Twily already?”
  57. >Dash leans back upright.
  58. >She starts to laugh
  59. >”Please Anon, you and I both know that while she's super brainy, she's a total spaz towards anything else.”
  60. >She tilts her head.
  61. >”Have you and Egghead even fucked yet?”
  62. >You avert your gaze from Dash.
  63. “That's none of your fucking business.”
  64. >She snorts
  65. >”Pfft, of course not.”
  66. >One hand starts to clench to try and relieve stress.
  67. >”I've asked Twi already, she spilled the beans that you haven't fucked.'
  68. >What?
  69. “What!?”
  70. >You say a bit too loudly.
  71. >”We kinda forced it out of her during one of our sleepovers.”
  72. >She says plainly
  73. >Not true
  74. >While, yes, you and Twilight never had any sex.
  75. >A few of your study sessions did turn into her giving you a handjob.
  76. >That's a start
  77. >One time even she was going to blow you!
  78. >Then she got cold feet because she heard her parents getting home.
  79. >But, they've never gone past that.
  80. >Twilight was always a bit hesitant on having full blown sex.
  81. >You turn to look out to the beach.
  82. >You see Twilight Sparkle frantically trying to hit a beach ball.
  83. >Rainbow Dash stands up from her seat at the beach table.
  84. >”Tell you what. I'm going to go to the beach changing stalls. I'll hang my hat on the stall I'll be in”
  85. >She then tips the red cap she has on.
  86. >”Wait a few minutes here and come join me for a 'sample'”
  87. >She says as she licks her lips, winks, then brings a clenched fist close to her mouth and her tounge pushes her cheek to make a bump.
  88. >She then walks away.
  89. >You continue to sit there.
  90. >Take a deep breath.
  91. >Then you stand up.
  93. >You take another look over to Twilight Sparkle
  94. >She's still playing volley ball with the others.
  95. >Oblivious to what just transpired.
  96. >You take a look at the others.
  97. >Smiles all around.
  98. >You catch a glimpse of Flash Sentry coping a feel on Sunset Shimmers ass discretely
  99. >She perks up a bit and playfully slaps flash on the shoulder.
  100. >They both share a laugh
  101. >You always thought Sentry was a tool.
  102. >Cool guy
  103. >Good musician
  104. >But something about him.
  105. >Maybe it's because he'd been on and off with Shimmer
  106. >Maybe because he used to be obsessed with Twily.
  107. >Whatever
  108. >He looks happy with Shimmer right now.
  109. >As are the other couples.
  110. >And there you are.
  111. >Standing alone from your partner
  112. >Would she find out?
  113. >Can you, or Dash keep a secret?
  114. >Your heart is beating fast.
  115. >This rush of adrenaline is unlike any feeling you've had before.
  116. >Moreso than football, basketball, baseball, wrestling...
  117. >Hell, even the boxing matches you do as a junior Amateur doesn't compare.
  118. >And you hate it.
  119. >You hate that the thought of cheating on your girlfriend is giving you this much excitement.
  120. >Fuck, you now have a full on erection.
  121. >You look down at your tent in shock.
  122. >Being at the beach, your swim trunks are all you have on
  123. >Which probably makes it more noticeable
  124. >You quickly try to adjust it to it isn't THAT noticeable.
  125. >What would your parents think?
  126. >Your mom, for sure would be disappointed in you.
  127. >But, really
  128. >Who would know?
  129. >You tell yourself it's just going to be this.
  130. >Sure, she said 'sample'
  131. >But you'll make sure it won't go past this one time
  132. >Besides.
  133. >If it's for this one time.
  134. >You have something in store for the slut
  136. >You head over to the beach stalls.
  137. >They're obviously outdoor so they're all unisex
  138. >All made of wood
  139. >There are a few rows of 5
  140. >All covered from the ground up except for a large gap at the top to the roof.
  141. >Probably to let sunlight in.
  142. >You find the stall with Rainbow Dash's hat on the door handle.
  143. >You stand in front of the door.
  144. >Heart still pounding a million times a minute
  145. >Here goes nothing.
  146. >You take the hat off the handle and open the door.
  147. >Dash is sitting there.
  148. >Legs crossed
  149. >Back leaned against the wall.
  150. >Hands on her knees
  151. >She looks up to you and smiles
  152. >She gets up to stand in front of you
  153. >Her forehead comes up to about your nose.
  154. >”Glad to see you you decided to come.”
  155. >She tries to lean up to kiss you on the lips but you grab her shoulders and bring her to a distance.
  156. “Listen up, This only going to be a one time thing and one time thing ONLY”
  157. >You tell her in a hushed, yet strong tone.
  158. “You're only going to blow me, and we will never speak of this again. You got that clear?”
  159. >Rainbow Dash just crooks one half of her mouth up, giving you a half smile
  160. >”We'll see where this goes.”
  161. >She sits back down on the small, single bench of the changing room
  162. >”Just relax and enjoy.”
  163. >She places her hand on your chest.
  164. >She then traces her middle finger down the center of your chest and down across your abs.
  165. >Tracing each one of your six pack.
  166. >”Nice bod you got here. I know I'd wager we're the 2 best athletes at our school but this is still impressive.”
  167. >You snort.
  168. “Yeah, I bet you've seen a lot of the other guys bodies you whore.”
  169. >Dash just blows a raspberry in response.
  170. >”I mean, all you guys ever do during hot days is walk around outside the campus shirtless. Trying to show off.”
  171. >She looks up to you.
  172. >”But seriously dude. What's your secret? You juicing?”
  173. >You had been trying to avert your gaze from Dash as long as you could
  174. >But you looked down at her at that comment.
  175. “Fuck no! I worked hard for this!”
  176. >You said in a loud tone this time.
  177. “... but if I had to say, wrestling and boxing really helped me sculpt it.”
  178. >The endless running for boxing
  179. >The countless sessions of carrying teammates of the same size as you up and down bleachers for wrestling.
  180. >Dash simply shrugs her shoulders.
  181. “Look if we're not gonna do this-”
  182. >You try to push her hand away from you but she shoves it away.
  183. >”Alright, geez!”
  184. >She then grabs both ends of your trunks and yanks them down past your knees.
  185. >Letting Lord AnonHammer the Third, still fully erect, out in all his glory.
  186. >She leans back in surprised
  187. >Eyes wide open.
  188. >”Woah-ho ho! Hello there big boy!”
  189. >She looks around your hard member in amazement.
  190. >She then gently takes it in one hand and slowly strokes it.
  191. >”Damn Anon, talk about hitting the genetic lottery.”
  192. >She lifts it up to inspect the underside of it.
  193. >”You happen to know how bi...?”
  194. >She begins to ask
  195. “8 and a quarter inches”
  196. >You say quickly, cutting her off.
  197. >Not wanting to make eye contact.
  198. >She starts to chuckle.
  199. >”Heh, yeah, with a beast like this I bet you wanted to measure-”
  200. >You cut her off again before she could finish her sentence
  201. “I didn't measure it.”
  202. >She looks confused now
  203. >”What? Then why do you..?”
  204. >You bite your lip
  205. “Twilight measured it.”
  206. >You stay silent for a moment.
  207. “While we've never had sex, when I showed he my erect dick, she was fascinated with how it worked.”
  208. >You shake your head.
  209. “So, she measured it and all that good stuff.”
  210. >”Hahaha, Such an egghead move.”
  211. >Dash finds it funny and is still playing with it.
  212. >She looks up to you and smiles.
  213. >Then she continues to tease you as she playfully uses your dick to slap herself on her face.
  214. >”So, how do you walk around with this thing?”
  215. >You're getting impatient.
  216. “Jesus fuck Dash, it's not this big all the time.”
  217. >You start to pull away from her
  218. “Look, I've already played 21 questions about my cock with Twilight already. So, if that's all you're gonna do-”
  219. >Rainbow Dash finally shuts up and quickly shoves as much as you in her mouth as she can.
  220. >She didn't get very far though.
  221. >You take a deep breath.
  222. >”Mmmmph!”
  223. >She mumbles.
  224. >Slowly she moves away.
  225. >Letting the underside of your dick sliver over on her tongue until just your tip is in her mouth.
  226. >Her tongue gently gliding underneath your tip.
  227. >You tilt your head back and take a deep breath.
  228. >The warm, wet and soft sensations shoot all over your body.
  229. >You hold your breath in for what feels like forever.
  230. >And finally let out a long, deep sigh
  231. >”Hm hm mhm”
  232. >Your hear Dash giggle at your reaction and look down to her
  233. >You lock eyes with her.
  234. >Her sultry eyes pierce through you as she gently pulls her head away from your tip.
  235. >All the while sucking on it until it pops out of her mouth
  236. >”Ah!”
  237. >She takes another deep breath and slides it back into her mouth
  238. >This time though, she takes more of you into her mouth.
  239. >There is much more pressure you feel at the tip of your penis
  240. >Is she taking you into her throat?
  241. >She once again slowly pulls away and licks your tip for good measure.
  242. >”Fuck man, this is harder than I thought.”
  243. >You snort
  244. “Had enough already?”
  245. >”Hah, like hell, I live for the challenge.”
  246. >She lifts your dick and begins to lick the underside all the way down to your balls.
  247. >Her tongue now flicks each of your testicles.
  248. >She takes a single one into her mouth and lightly suckles it.
  249. >Then she turns her attention to the other one.
  250. >Her hand still stroking the part of your dick that she hasn't taken in.
  251. >Yet.
  252. >Once she's satisfied with the taste of your balls, she slides her tongue along your member again back up to your tip.
  253. >She gives it another kiss and once again takes you in her mouth again.
  254. >And once again, a little more of you fit in her.
  255. >Yeah, she's definitely taking you into her throat now.
  256. >You manage to get some grunts and small moans out.
  257. >Dash makes a few grunts of her own as she continues to take you in and out.
  258. “That's more like it”
  259. >She lets out a small giggle in between her rhythmic trips up your shaft.
  260. One hand stroking what she can't get in.
  261. >While the other cups your balls.
  262. >She's damn good.
  263. >Though she seems to be at her limit.
  264. >She can get about most of you in before she begins to show signs of discomfort on her face.
  265. >Remember when you said you had something in store for her?
  266. >Time for some fun.
  267. >Once she comes up to the edge of your cock, you grab her shoulders.
  268. >”Huh?”
  269. >She looks up to you in a bit of confusion.
  270. >In a single motion, you push her to the back of the stall and move with her.
  271. >You forcefully shove all 8 and a quarters of your manhood in and down her throat
  272. >”GLARK!”
  273. >Her gasp getting stuffed out with all your meat in her mouth.
  274. >Her eyes shoot wide open
  275. >It was a shock for her.
  276. >And to be honest it was a shock for you too.
  277. >While it doesn't feel bad being that deep in her throat
  278. >It's a little uncomfortable for you.
  279. >Clearly this isn't a natural setting.
  280. >But fuck it
  281. >If you're going to cheat on your girlfriend
  282. >You're going to at least get your moneys worth.
  283. >And you let her know just that
  284. “If you want to be a slut and ruin relationships. You're damn sure gonna give me something worth it.”
  285. >She begins to breath a little heavy through her nose
  286. >You give her a devilish smile
  287. >You pull your dick out her throat but keep it in her mouth
  288. “Strap in, bitch. The ride is only beginning.”
  289. >She tries to free herself from your grasp.
  290. >But to no avail.
  291. >You were stronger than her.
  292. >After a moment, you shove yourself all the way in her again.
  293. >It's a lot easier this time.
  294. >Her eyes clenched shut.
  295. >”Ack!”
  296. >She tries to move again but no dice.
  297. >You shove yourself all in again.
  298. >Her throat muscles start to contract around your tip.
  299. >Holy fuck this feels amazing.
  300. >You try to pull out but the contraction has an iron grip on your tip.
  301. >It finally lets loose and you pull out of the throat, but still in her.
  302. >She coughs violently on your dick.
  303. >You push her back and go for another round.
  304. >Now your pace quickens.
  305. >You're full on face fucking this bitch now.
  306. >Your blood is boiling.
  307. >An intense feeling that not even the most intense physical activity you've experienced can replicate.
  308. >Every thrust down her throat pushes her head back onto the back wooden wall.
  309. >Making a light thud noise.
  310. >The pace quickens.
  311. >She's being less resistant now.
  312. >”*GLRK*
  313. >Her gargles getting more wet by the second.
  314. >You've kept your eyes on her this whole time.
  315. >Her eyes on you as well.
  316. >Still wide eyed.
  317. >Tears streaming down her face
  318. >Snot pouring from her nose.
  319. >Small squeaks can be heard between small batches of coughs.
  320. “Fuck, bitch, you're taking it like a champ.”
  321. >You growl at her
  322. >Fuck you're getting close.
  323. >You're frantically going in and out now.
  324. >Not caring how she feels at all.
  325. >To be honest it makes it all the more hotter.
  326. >You see her eyes begin to roll in the back of her head.
  327. >You give one last heavy thrust all the way in.
  328. >Her throat once again spasms contracting on your tip again.
  329. >You let out a loud groan.
  330. >The flood gates open and several waves of jizz is now flowing down her esophagus.
  331. >Every nerve in your body is going nuts.
  332. >Your own body begins to spasm for a moment.
  333. >You look back down at Dash.
  334. >Her eyes are once again tightly closed shut.
  335. >Fists clenched.
  336. >Finally her throat lets loose.
  337. >You pull out completely to reveal your dick completely covered in saliva and snot.
  338. >A large trail of saliva from your tip to her mouth still connected.
  339. >She then begins to cough violently.
  340. >You stand there proud of your work.
  341. >She's probably going to hate you for that.
  342. >You didn't care.
  343. >Worth it.
  344. >After her coughing fit and wiping her mouth and nose of all bodily fluids, she finally looks up to you
  345. >She seems to have an annoyed face on for about a second.
  346. >Then it changes.
  347. >”That, was...”
  348. >She pauses.
  349. >”Awesome!”
  350. >She exclaims with a look of amazement on her face.
  351. “What?”
  352. >Oh fuck.
  353. >”God, the way you overpowered me, forced yourself onto me. Fuck that was hot!”
  354. >It was hot
  355. >You weren't going to deny that.
  356. >But you were trying to deter her.
  357. >Fuck you should have figured she was some sort of degenerate sexual witch.
  358. “Yeah well, don't get too comfortable. This was only one time.”
  359. >You assure her
  360. >She stands up and gives you a defiant look.
  361. >”Yeah fucking right! That tree trunk is going to ream me into next Year. I'll make sure of that.”
  362. >She then traces her finger around your abs again.
  363. >”Don't even think of lying to me and saying you didn't enjoy this.”
  364. >As soon as those words left her mouth you suddenly realized all that adrenaline is now gone from you.
  365. >Perhaps it was just post ejaculation fatigue.
  366. >Or not...
  367. >You start to feel bad again.
  368. “Why are you doing this?”
  369. >You ask innocently
  370. >She gives another giggle.
  371. >”Didn’t you feel it?”
  372. >Feel what?
  373. >”The rush, the excitement of doing something you shouldn’t be doing?”
  374. >She's right
  375. >”That adrenaline rush like no other. I live for it. And from the looks of it, so do you.”
  376. >Fuck
  377. >”I'm gonna go head back first before they start to wonder where we are. Wait a few minutes and come back as well.”
  378. >She gently pushes you aside to get to the door.
  379. >”That egghead has no idea what she has.”
  380. >She opens the door and takes one last look at you
  381. >”But, don't think for a second this is over.”
  382. >She gives a wink.
  383. >And slowly closes the door.
  384. >”See ya later, stud.”
  385. >Her last words as the door fully closes
  386. >Leaving you to your thoughts.
  387. >And shame.
  388. >You take a seat.
  389. >and hang your head low.
  390. >Things may have gotten a little more complicated.
  392. >You take a few minutes like Dash said
  393. >You gather your thoughts.
  394. >Try to clam yourself.
  395. >Stand up
  396. >Tuck 'little' Anon back inside your trunks.
  397. >Take a deep breath.
  398. >And step outside into a seemingly new nightmarish world.
  399. >Everything looks the same.
  400. >You slowly make your way back to the area of the beach where everyone is.
  401. >You see them.
  402. >They were still by the volley ball net.
  403. >Dash seems to be in conversation with Apple Jack.
  404. >And Twilight.
  405. >Your heart rate heightens to over a million beats per second.
  406. >The adrenaline rush is back.
  407. >You pick up your pace and hurry over to see what they are talking about.
  408. >Twilight Looks over and sees you.
  409. >She puts on a joyful expression and extends her hand in the air and waves at you.
  410. >”There you are, Anon!”
  411. >You catch up to everyone and stand next to Twilight.
  412. “Hey Twily.”
  413. >She gets close to you and you wrap a single arm around her shoulders and pull her close.
  414. >You shoot a quick glance over at Rainbow Dash
  415. >She doesn't seem to be any different than usual.
  416. >You're still fighting inside yourself to get your heart rate down to normal levels.
  417. “So, what were you all talking about just now?”
  418. >Apple Jack speaks up
  419. >”We were just telling some stories about the last time we came to the beach.”
  420. >Twilight looked up to you and grabbed your hand that was draped over her.
  421. >”Where'd you go? You said earlier you were going to sit out a few games and when I looked up. Both you and Rainbow Dash were missing from the bench.”
  422. >There goes that pesky heart rate again.
  423. >You begin to feel beads of sweat start to form all over your forehead.
  424. >You take another look over at Dash.
  425. >She begins to open her mouth.
  426. >”Well I-”
  427. >You cut her off instantly
  428. “I had to use the bathroom, uh, like..., really bad.”
  429. >A brief moment a silence.
  430. >But to you, if felt too long so you continued to open your mouth.
  431. “I think whatever I had for our lunch earlier today went right through me.
  432. >You quickly pat your stomach.
  433. >Once again, another moment of silence
  434. >”Aww, I'm sorry to hear that.”
  435. >Twilight seems to have taken it at face value.
  436. >”I wonder if it was that guacamole and strawberry jelly pastry that Pinkie brought along.”
  437. >You totally forgot all about that abomination.
  438. >The mere sound of it brought a knot to your stomach.
  439. >Looks like everyone now bought it.
  440. >”Hah, just by the look on Anon's face that seems to be what had happened.”
  441. >Apple Jack concurred with Twi's assumption.
  442. >Crisis averted
  443. >You continued to press on.
  444. “Well, I didn't want to be rude. I took a few bites but that was all I was able to muster.”
  445. >Twi gives you another concerning look.
  446. >”Well, let me know if you feel ill again. I actually did bring some antacids for just this occasion”
  447. >You nod.
  448. >”As for myself.”
  449. >Dash starts.
  450. >”I thought I had left something in the car and made a bet with Anon here that I could get to the car and back before he could finish in the bathroom.”
  451. >With her arms on her hips. Dash gives you one of signature smug looks.
  452. “Wait, what?”
  453. >You stand there just dumbfounded.
  454. “Why in the hell would I agree to do something as stupid as that?”
  455. >Your protest.
  456. >Dash, playing along, just shrugs her shoulders.
  457. >”You're like me, dude, you love a good competition, it's not my fault you lost and now you're trying to play dumb.”
  458. >Oh you bitch
  459. “No way! I never agreed to that!”
  460. >You raise your voice a little and take a step towards Dash
  461. >Apple Jack then interjects.
  462. >”Now hush up! A bet's a bet and a real man honers it whether he won or lost.”
  463. >She tells you rather sternly.
  464. >You look at Dash.
  465. >Then over to AJ
  466. >And then finally over to Twi.
  467. “But.”
  468. >She just shrugs her shoulders.
  469. >”Well, I think AJ's right, babe.”
  470. >You give her a gloomy look.
  471. “But...”
  472. >She then proceeds to place a had over your shoulder
  473. >”Look, I know you're super competitive, and I know you hate losing, a lot.”
  474. >She then proceeds to give you a small kiss on the lips.
  475. >”But sometimes it's best to just accept a loss, and besides.”
  476. >She smiles and looks over to Dash.
  477. >”There really isn't any shame to lose to Rainbow Dash in a race.”
  478. >Rainbow Dash then slaps her chest
  479. >”Excatly! C'mon man, take it like a champ.”
  480. >You just glare at her.
  481. >You can't believe she pulled one on you like this.
  482. >You say nothing further.
  483. >Twilight gives you a cute smile and gives you another kiss.
  484. >”That's my big man!”
  485. >She playfully coos.
  486. >”So, what was it that you bet for?”
  487. >Dash looks straight into your eyes.
  488. >”Eh, just a random favor that I'll keep in my back pocket.”
  489. >She says as she light taps her backside.
  490. >Then she turns her gaze over to Twi
  491. >”Careful there, I may even make this stud take me out on a date.”
  492. >She starts to laugh.
  493. >Twilight follows her laughter with her own.
  494. “Cute.”
  495. >Is all you say
  496. >You turn face and walk away from the group.
  497. >Apple Jack looks around at everyone.
  498. >”Ya' know, I think that's enough action for one day. We should pack it up and head back to Town.”
  499. >Both Dash and Twilight nod in agreement and inform the rest.
  500. >You all pack up
  501. >File into their hippy Rainboom Van.
  502. >And head back to Canterlot.
  503. >The coming last days of school will offer no comfort.
  504. >You feel like you won't be able to let your guard down.
  506. >The van ride back to Canterlot was a quiet one.
  507. >Not that it was quiet for everyone
  508. >You just stayed silent for the whole time.
  509. >You got back into Canterlot at about sundown.
  510. >To end the night, you all went to everyone's favorite diner.
  511. >You made sure to keep your distance from Dash, lest, she tries another one of her tricks.
  512. >Everything goes smooth there.
  513. >You're a little more chatty than on the ride over.
  514. >Several topics are discussed
  515. >Music
  516. >Current events.
  517. >Sports.
  518. >The usual.
  519. >You then learn that the gang are going up to help out with youth campers out at Camp Everfree
  520. >They ask for you to join along
  521. >You tell them you'll think about it.
  522. >After dinner you make your way back to the school campus.
  523. >It's always a good meeting point.
  524. >Everyone goes their separate ways.
  525. >You take Twilight Sparkle home in your car home.
  526. >Her house is huge.
  527. >Nestled nicely in the suburbs of Downtown Canterlot.
  528. >Her family is loaded.
  529. >You park in front of her house.
  530. >”Thanks for the ride babe,”
  531. >She goes in for a hug.
  532. >And you return the favor.
  533. “Not a problem.”
  534. >You hold each other for a moment.
  535. >Then let go.
  536. >Another moment of silence passes.
  537. “Hey.”
  538. >You begin to ask
  539. >Both hands firmly gripping your steering wheel.
  540. “You wouldn't think Rainbow Dash would..., would do something drastic for her 'favor' would you?”
  541. >Why you brought this back up?
  542. >You'll never know.
  543. >Probably because you're an idiot
  544. >”Oh Anon, Rainbow Dash is a trickster.”
  545. >She leans a little closer and nudges you with her elbow.
  546. >”She'll probably make you do something like, do her homework, or chores or something.”
  547. >She'll make you 'do' something alright.
  548. >You just hope it won't be her.
  549. “Yeah...”
  550. >You sound defeated once again.
  551. >Twily puts her hand on your shoulder
  552. >”Don't worry too much about it Anon.”
  553. >She gives you one more kiss on the cheek and gets out of your car.
  554. >”See you at school tomorrow!”
  555. >One last look at her.
  556. >Then she heads up and into her house.
  557. >You begin your drive home.
  558. >You live on the other side of the city.
  559. >It's nowhere near as nice as Twilight's neighborhood.
  560. >But it's not bad.
  561. >Most of the drive you are lost in thought.
  562. >It almost feels like you've been tricked into this whole thing.
  563. >You thought you had control.
  564. >But in reality, you feel like a puppet.
  565. >You're gonna need to get out of the web before it's too late.
  567. >Despite your initial fears.
  568. >Most of the week at school went by without a hitch.
  569. >You and Dash kept your distance, mostly
  570. >It's end of year so finals are close and everyone is on an academic edge.
  571. >You'd think Twilight would be fine with how smart she is.
  572. >But once again due to her advanced classes.
  573. >She's probably freaking out more than you.
  574. >Poor girl stresses too easily.
  575. >You see her from time to time in the halls and for lunch with the others.
  576. >This was one such day where you had lunch with her.
  577. >It was one of those really rare occasions where it's just you and her at school.
  578. >She looks really tired and overworked.
  579. >She always puts on a smile, though, no matter what.
  580. >But the bags under her eyes tell a different story.
  581. >You offer to come over to help her study
  582. >Even though you know nothing of the subject matter she is learning.
  583. >And possibly be getting in her way.
  584. >But perhaps just being around would be a good stress relief.
  585. >”Thanks sweetie, but really you don't need to worry about me.”
  586. >She tells you in a half convincing way.
  587. >”...but”
  588. >She goes on
  589. >”My family won't be home this Thursday afternoon. So you can come by and help if you think you can.”
  590. >You perk up.
  591. “I'll be there!”
  592. >You say cheerfully
  593. >Score!
  595. >Thursday
  596. >P.E class
  597. >Today your P.E teacher decided that the class could benefit from a healthy competition against each other in a game of basketball.
  598. >The problem is, the teacher set you and Rainbow Dash as opposing team captains.
  599. >You pick your squads.
  600. >And go at it.
  601. >You try to lay low and not go too crazy.
  602. >Dash on the other hand.
  603. >The absolute competitor that she is.
  604. >She is pretty much handling the ball by herself.
  605. >And none of your hand picked teammates can't seem to stop her.
  606. >She just scored on you again.
  607. >”You go gurl!”
  608. >You look to see who just hollered that.
  609. >It's Flutter Shy's brother
  610. >Zephyr Breeze.
  611. >A tall lanky light greenish nu-age hippy with a shitty blonde manbun
  612. “Shut the fuck up Breeze, you're on MY team!”
  613. >To be fair, you didn't pick him.
  614. >He was dead last in the selection process.
  615. >He seemed pretty bummed he wasn't on Dash's team
  616. >Dude's totally obsessed with her.
  617. >You walk over to the back court where your teammate was going to throw in the ball
  618. “Give me the fucking ball.”
  619. >You growl
  620. >He obliges with no hesitation.
  621. >You turn face and begin to dribble your way down court
  622. >Dash with a fire in her eyes.
  623. >”Looks like the stallion's finally come out to strut!”
  624. >You stand with her face to face.
  625. >You try and pounce to the right.
  626. >She's on you.
  627. >You swap to the left.
  628. >Still on you.
  629. >You make it painfully obvious that you're looking at a teammate behind her right.
  630. >You fake pass to said teammate.
  631. >By pivoting towards him and shooting your left hand towards them.
  632. >She takes the bait.
  633. >She lunges.
  634. >You merely curve your hand inwards to bring the ball back to you and while she's in mid lunge and hit a jump shot.
  635. >3 pointer.
  636. >It goes in.
  637. >Everyone begins to holler.
  638. “Too easy, like yourself.”
  639. >You say just low enough that she only heard.
  640. >You turn around and head back to your side of the court.
  641. >She gets the ball.
  642. >She now looks pissed.
  643. >She charges up to you.
  644. >The rest of both your teams seem to hang back and let you two go at it from here on out.
  645. >You decide to keep your distance in case.
  646. >Throughout the game she seems to make the same fancy back dribble fake.
  647. >Time to test if she'll go to the well one too many times.
  648. >You lift your left hand and slightly lean to the left.
  649. >Sure enough she pivots into your left hand as you counter rotate the rest of your body the opposite direction.
  650. >She tries pass the ball from her right hand to her left.
  651. >You saw it coming and stole the ball.
  652. >You run back to your side and hit another 3 pointer.
  653. >Now we've got a game.
  654. >Now this time Dash tries to just dribble past you.
  655. >You give her the ground.
  656. >She stops abruptly and tries to shoot.
  657. >You knock it down.
  658. >She rebounds.
  659. >She's trying to fake you again.
  660. >You were ready for it.
  661. >You get another steal.
  662. >This time you decide to show off a bit.
  663. >You slam the ball on the ground at the right angle and the ball bounces from the ground into the basket.
  664. >The rest of the class roars.
  665. >You turn to flex your muscles.
  667. >You are feelin it Scoobs.
  668. >Dash gets the ball once more.
  669. >She comes charging at you once again.
  670. >You get in guard position.
  671. >It looks like she tries her back hand pass once again.
  672. >You go for it.
  673. >It was a fake.
  674. >You try to readjust but you're too much in an awkward position to do so.
  675. >Your foot slips onto your ankle
  676. >Rolling it.
  677. >You fall over.
  678. >Damn bitch done snatched your ankles.
  679. >Class goes nuts.
  680. >She makes the shot.
  681. >You try to get back on your feet.
  682. >The second you put pressure on your foot you tumble over like a pile of logs.
  683. “Fuck!”
  684. >The teacher blows their whistle.
  685. >”I think Anon needs to go to the nurse.”
  686. >One of the students says.
  687. >”You alright?”
  688. >Another asks”
  689. “I'm fine!”
  690. >You are fine.
  691. >But your pride isn't
  692. >”Alright alright alright!”
  693. >The P.E Teacher finally chimes in.
  694. >”Who wants to help Anon over to Nurse Redheart's office?”
  695. >”I'll do it”
  696. >You turn to see Dash coming up to you and draping one of your arms around her shoulders.
  697. “No! No, that is alright. I'm sure someone else can do this.”
  698. >Dash begins to move you on her own.
  699. >She stronk.
  700. >”Cut the macho crap Anon, I did this to you so it's the least I can do to make it up”
  701. >The Teacher seems to agree.
  702. >”That's right Anon, she offered so she'll take you to the nurses office. One you're done there you can come back and change back to your regular clothes and I can write an excuse not to your net Period's teacher explaining the situation.”
  703. >You really should be fighting this situation more.
  704. >But really you just want this day to be over.
  705. >So you'll go with it.
  706. >After all.
  707. >It's only the nurse's office.
  709. >You make it to Nurse Redheart's office.
  710. >She has you sitting on a rolling desk chair.
  711. >Your injured foot on her lap as she checks it.
  712. >She grabs it and moves it in several directions to ask if certain amounts of pressure causes pain.
  713. >There doesn't seem to be much pain after the initial accident.
  714. >Afterwords she wraps it up in an elastic bandage and a cold pack.
  715. >”There doesn't seem to be any torn ligaments despite you claiming not being able to put any weight on it.”
  716. >Nurse Redheart continues.
  717. >”Usually when you can't put weight on it at all, that's a sure sign of torn ligaments.”
  718. >She heads over to a closet in the corner of her office and grabs a pair of crutches.
  719. >”Use these for the rest of the day and once you get home, keep your foot elevated and on ice. And try to refrain from doing anything that my put too much stress on your ankle.”
  720. >You nod in compliance.
  721. >She then turns to her desk and scribbles something on a piece of paper.
  722. >Then she hands it to you.
  723. >”Give this note to your P.E teacher that will excuse you from physical activity tomorrow.”
  724. >You take the note.
  725. “Thank you Nurse Redheart.”
  726. >She gives you a sweet smile.
  727. >”It's what I do dear.”
  728. >She then turns back to her desk and gathers a large stack of papers and folders.
  729. >Again she looks over to you.
  730. >”I don't want to rush you, but I'm heading over to the school archives to file these papers.”
  731. >Finally she looks over to Dash.
  732. >”Can you be a dear and make sure Anon gets to his next class without any issues?”
  733. >Rainbow Dash sits up and puffs her chest out.
  734. >”You can leave it to me, Nurse Redheart!”
  735. >Nurse Redheart smiles.
  736. >”Thank you Rainbow Dash!”
  737. >She gets up and heads to the door.
  738. >”Don't take too long now!”
  739. >She says as she opens the door and exits her office.
  740. >You and Dash are left alone.
  741. >A few moments pass.
  742. >Probably best to try and get out before anything happens.
  743. >”Does it still hurt that bad?”
  744. >She asks. Sliding her chair close to you.
  745. “No, I'm pretty sure I can walk on it alone. Just with a heavy limp.”
  746. >Dash chuckles a little.
  747. >”That was a good game though.”
  748. >You grumble.
  749. “You totally caught me off guard on that last play.”
  750. >You look to your bad foot.
  751. “Also my sneakers have been worn to hell and back.”
  752. >You sit back and sigh.
  753. “I suppose they were going to give soon.”
  754. >Dash then stands up.
  755. >”Yeah, likely story.”
  756. >She slowly walks towards you.
  757. >”The sooner you learn to accept defeat, the better things will be.”
  758. >You react by rolling back away from her in your chair.
  759. “What are you doing?”
  760. >You ask in an alarming tone.
  761. >She has the look on her face.
  762. >That smug, seductive-like smile she gave when she proposed you two have some fun at the beach.
  763. >The chair reaches the end of the office.
  764. >Dash leans forward and rests her hands on your thighs.
  765. >Her face close to yours
  766. >”Taking advantage of this opportunity.”
  767. >Her right hand begins to slide up your leg to your center.
  768. >And once again, your heart rate kicks into overdrive.
  769. >God damnit not again.
  770. >You have to stop this.
  771. >But this feeling.
  772. >This rush.
  773. >The unpredictability
  774. >You need more.
  775. >So you just sit there.
  776. >And let Dash take charge.
  777. >Dash raises her eyebrows.
  778. >”Oh? No resistance this time?”
  779. >She pauses for a second.
  780. >You decide to try and stand up.
  781. >She easily shoves you back down onto the chair.
  782. >A Sharp joint of pain shoots up from your ankle.
  783. >You grunt.
  784. “Arrg”
  785. >You look back up to her.
  786. “You bitch.”
  787. >She nods her head in agreement.
  788. >”Damn right.”
  789. >She then pulls your elastic gym sweatpants and underwear open with her left hand.
  790. >And begins to let her right hand in.
  791. >”Now calm down and let me make you feel better.”
  792. >She gets hold of your flaccid prick.
  793. >”Now first lets wake up Anon Jr.”
  794. >She begins to lightly tug at 'Anon Jr' for a few seconds.
  795. >It doesn't take much for you to get fully erect in this situation.
  796. >You are now hard as a rock.
  797. >She then adjusts your underwear and covers your prick back up with your sweatpants.
  798. >And positions your erection upwards making a large tent with your dick and sweatpants.
  799. >She then stands up straight.
  800. >Turns around.
  801. >And slowly lowers herself onto your lap.
  802. >Making it so your hard prick is sliding in between her ass through her gym shorts.
  803. >She makes herself comfortable.
  804. >She moves you and the chair a little from the wall so you can lean back some more.
  805. >Finally, She begins to slide along your long shaft up and down what you assume to be her ass crack.
  806. >She slides all the way so that your tip is right in the middle of her ass and lightly shakes it.
  807. >Then slides it back down.
  808. >She does this at a slow pace for about a minute.
  809. >It's no blowjob.
  810. >But it still feels good.
  811. >You notice a wet spot at the tip of your tent.
  812. >Your dick seems to agree as well.
  813. >After a few more grinds, you let out a small moan.
  814. >And that is when she stops.
  815. >She stands back up.
  816. >Turns her head to look back at you.
  817. >Gives you another wicked smile.
  818. >Then proceeds to drop her gym shorts.
  819. >Revealing her firm tight looking ass.
  820. >Barely being covered by a hot pink colored thong.
  821. >She then goes back into her position.
  822. >Sure enough it's a different and better sensation than with her shorts on.
  823. >The visual stimulant of seeing the outline of your cock sliding in between her cheeks.
  824. >Tracing the single lace of her thong also adds to the fire.
  825. >She begins to pick up the pace.
  826. >She lets out a few moans here and there.
  827. >Is she just going to tease you like this?
  828. >Finally, she slides all the way to the tip.
  829. >Gently stands a little to let your tent stand up.
  830. >And positions it right in between her legs.
  831. >Right where you assume to be her mound.
  832. >Even through your fabric you can feel her heat.
  833. >She hums a little as she slowly descends onto your prick.
  834. >This is a full on cock tease.
  835. >Clearly begging for this stick to claim it's prize
  836. >You feel more precum leaking out of your tip.
  837. >And Anon Jr. begins to twitch.
  838. >You are swept with a wave of energy out of nowhere.
  839. >Here we go again.
  840. >You grab at her waist.
  841. >”Huh?”
  842. >You push her forward and bend her over on Nurse Redheart's desk.
  843. >”Oof!”
  844. >You were a little rough.
  845. >Breathing heavy again.
  846. >She looks back up to you, excited.
  847. >”That's what I like to see!”
  848. >She says.
  849. >However, you position your tip right in the middle of her ass right where her asshole is peeking through her thong.
  850. >And apply pressure.
  851. >As if you're gonna penetrate her ass through your sweats and her thong.
  852. >The moisture of the tip of your sweats makes your cock slide up and over her ass.
  853. >Holy fuck that felt good.
  854. >You go for another round.
  855. >Pressing even harder at her anal opening and it flicking it over again.
  856. >Hands still on her hips.
  857. >You continue to 'hotdog' her
  858. >Moans can be heard from Dash upfront.
  859. >”Uhh, C'mon big boy.”
  860. >She whines
  861. >She lets go of the desk that was keeping her from moving around the desk.
  862. >And reaches back at her ass.
  863. >With a hand on each cheek, she spreads them to show her gaping hole with only a tiny piece of string blocking you from from entry.
  864. >(your sweats as well)
  865. >You just continue to tease her.
  866. >Roughly pressing your fabric covered dick across her gaping asshole.
  867. >Nurse Redhearts desk is sliding along the room with each hard thrust.
  868. >Grinding along the carpeted office and scratching it and making a lot of noise.
  869. >If someone were to walk in now, you'd be fucked.
  870. >And it made it all the more exhilarating.
  871. >”Fuck my ass.”
  872. >She moans.
  873. >”Ah! Fuck... Y-you know you want to.”
  874. >Her pleas for you were enough to send you over the edge.
  875. >You loudly groan as your spunk gushes out and much of it seeps through your sweats.
  876. >Coating Dash and her ass.
  877. >Every muscle tenses up in your body.
  878. >At least your foot doesn't hurt anymore.
  879. >Dash lets out a long satisfied moan as she collapses on the desk.
  880. >You, yourself, also fall back on the chair.
  881. >Trying to catch your breath.
  882. >The inside of your pants is now all covered in your jizz.
  883. >As well as a large stain outside.
  884. >Kinda impressed with how much was able to seep out.
  885. >A few moments of just sitting there and everything coming down to earth.
  886. >You finally manage to get back on your feet.
  887. >Your foot is starting to hurt again.
  888. >Dash finally came to her senses from her pleasure coma.
  889. >Maybe she came too.
  890. >You're not sure on that one.
  891. >She stands back up.
  892. >And simply slides her gym shorts back up.
  893. >Not even attempting to clean off your jizz from her ass.
  894. >Her face is still flushed red.
  895. >And a bit sweaty
  896. >She enjoyed that.
  897. >”Two for two, stud.”
  898. >She teases.
  899. >”You're definitely starting to enjoy it now.”
  900. >You say nothing.
  901. >You get the highest of highs out of these.
  902. >But the come down,
  903. >Oh man.
  904. >You wonder if this is what a hangover feels like.
  905. >You take another deep breath.
  906. >Lightly limp past her.
  907. >Find as much napkins as you can.
  908. >Wipe and dry your sweatpants as much as you can.
  909. >You then grab only one of the crutches crutches.
  910. >And head for the exit without saying another word.
  911. >Before closing the door she give you a wink.
  912. >And you do the walk of shame back to the locker room to change.
  914. >You make your way back to the gymnasium.
  915. >Your gym class is over.
  916. >You hand your note to your P.E teacher.
  917. >They nod their head and hand you an excuse note for your next class.
  918. >Thankfully it's the end of the school year and most sports are done.
  919. >Just one less thing to worry about.
  920. >You go and change back into street clothes and stuff your gym pants into your backpack
  921. >You're gonna need to take them home and wash them ASAP.
  922. >Don't want that jizz to soak in.
  923. >You make your way to your next class.
  924. >Several people are now talking about your scrimmage with Rainbow Dash.
  925. >Your crutch and taped up ankle doesn't help your case that you were outplaying her until her one juke.
  926. >You're so fucking glad the school year is almost over.
  927. >Anymore time than the two weeks that were left having to deal with this and you would have shot up the school.
  928. >Add in a blue skinned, rainbow colored hair girl sexually tormenting you, and you have surefire recipe for disaster.
  929. >...
  930. >Is it really torment if you're enjoying it?
  931. >Spoiler: it isn't
  932. >Another wave of shame waves over you like a bad fart cloud.
  933. >Just shake it off.
  934. >Finally, at long last school is over.
  935. >You hang out in front of campus.
  936. >Leaning on the giant Horse statue near the entrance.
  937. >Waiting for your girlfriend.
  938. >After about 10 minutes of waiting, she finally emerges from the main entrance.
  939. >She looks worried about something.
  940. >Then she notices you.
  941. >She gives her signature hand wave when she sees you.
  942. >Then she notices your crutch.
  943. >”What happened?”
  944. “Bad day in P.E.”
  945. >You say.
  946. >Trying, but not very hard, to change the subject.
  947. >She gets close to you.
  948. >Now looking more worried than tired.
  949. >”Are you sure? We can totally reschedule our study session if you're not feeling up to it!.”
  950. >You prop yourself off the statue onto your crutch and hold your free hand up
  951. “No no there is no need.”
  952. >You assure her again.
  953. >”Nurse Redheart said it's no big deal and that I should just take it a bit easy over the weekend.”
  954. >She looks at you
  955. >Then down to your bandaged foot.
  956. >And then back up to you.
  957. >”Well, if you're sure...”
  958. >You wrap your free arm around her and pull her in close.
  959. “I'm sure. I've dealt with worse pain.”
  960. >You begin to make your way with Twilight to your car.
  961. >She just softly giggles and follows your lead.
  962. >You make it to the parking lot.
  963. >And to your car.
  964. >And drive back to her place.
  966. >At Twilight Sparkle's house.
  967. >Big.
  968. >Spacious.
  969. >Unnecessary.
  970. >Seriously, you've seen whole apartments smaller than her room alone!
  971. >Purple walls make for a rather soothing feel.
  972. >Planets hanging from the ceiling.
  973. >A glass stain window at the foot of her bed.
  974. >Another regular window at the other end of her room with a giant telescope pointing out to the sky
  975. >And of course, it's full of books.
  976. >Lots and lots of books.
  977. >And First place trophies.
  978. >Science Fairs, writing competitions, math decathlons
  979. >Anything having to do with academia and competition, it seems like she's won it all.
  980. >You've got a good collection of trophies and medals yourself.
  981. >But you have a feeling her collection eclipses your own.
  982. >Both of you settle near her telescope.
  983. >She has a collapsible table she brought out for both of you to use.
  984. >She brings a stool for you to rest your bad ankle on.
  985. >You both begin to study.
  986. >Some time passes.
  987. >You're studying for your Chemistry and Algebra II final.
  988. >You look over to Twily.
  989. >She has papers spread all over the table.
  990. >Some piling over your own.
  991. >You take a look at what she's working on.
  992. >College prep Calculus and and Literature.
  993. >And some Physics.
  994. >She has this blank slate on her face.
  995. >Pencil scribbling frantically.
  996. >”Bah!”
  997. >She bursts out and flops over her table.
  998. >It almost looks like steam is running out of her ears.
  999. >Poor girl is gonna work herself to death.
  1000. >You slowly shake your head.
  1001. “How about we take a break?”
  1002. >She looks up to you from her lowered position.
  1003. >”Yeah, that sounds nice!”
  1004. >She sighs.
  1005. >Sits upright
  1006. >Readjusts her glasses
  1007. >Then stands up from her seat.
  1008. >”Would you like a drink?”
  1009. >You lean back in your seat.
  1010. >And stretch your arms upwards.
  1011. “Sure, I'll take whatever you have, it's fine. I'm not too picky.”
  1012. >She nods and exits the room.
  1013. >You have a look around her room again.
  1014. >Her dog, Spike, is sleeping in his little doghouse in the room.
  1015. >You take another look over to her dresser.
  1016. >The top is littered with pictures of her and her friends.
  1017. >Them in a band.
  1018. >At an amusement park.
  1019. >In some forest.
  1020. >Rainbow Dash is in all of them.
  1021. >There is only one pic of you.
  1022. >It's another group photo.
  1023. >From last Year's homecoming dance.
  1024. >It was a larger group photo with all of them and their partners.
  1025. >You and Twilight are in the middle.
  1026. >Arms draped around each other.
  1027. >Dash was actually on the other side of you.
  1028. >She was leaning on your shoulder with her elbow.
  1029. >The same smug smile you and everyone else has come accustomed to her using.
  1030. >You wonder if she was already starting to plan on having some fun with you.
  1031. >She didn't seem too interested in dating anyone back then,
  1032. >In fact, you had money on her being a lesbian.
  1033. >Guess not.
  1034. >Twilight makes her way back into the room
  1035. >With a tray carrying a teapot, two cups and a place of what looks to be cookies.
  1036. >”Will tea work?”
  1037. >You shrug your shoulders.
  1038. “Fine by me.”
  1039. >You clear a spot on the table for her to place it down.
  1040. >You both take a cup and start drinking.
  1041. >It's quiet for too long.
  1042. >You decide to break the silence.
  1043. “So, what seems to be bothering you?”
  1044. >You ask.
  1045. >She places her cup down and lets out a deep sigh.
  1046. >”It's this equation I've been racking my brain over.”
  1047. >She reaches for a piece of paper with scribbles all over it.
  1048. >”See, If you were to add Y to X but W is half the value of V then...”
  1049. >You immediately loose her.
  1050. >She goes on for about 10 minutes about this.
  1051. >Damn do you feel like a dumbfuck right about now.
  1052. >She finally notices your blank stare.
  1053. >”Oh! I'm sorry! I got carried away!”
  1054. >She face palms in embarrassment.
  1055. >You chuckle.
  1056. “There's nothing to apologize for.”
  1057. >You down the rest of your tea.
  1058. >You're not really a big fan of the stuff.
  1059. >But it's not the worst.
  1060. “I'm merely here to be your dummy for ideas.”
  1061. >She smiles.
  1062. >”Thanks babe, I'll keep that in mind.”
  1063. >Back to the task at hand
  1064. >Some more time passes.
  1065. >Man do you hate Chemistry.
  1066. >You have having to remember all these formulas.
  1067. >You look up again over to Twilight.
  1068. >She looks so tense.
  1069. >Like, really tense.
  1070. >You're pretty sure you haven't heard a single breath come out from her in a good while.
  1071. >An image of Rainbow Dash flashes across your mind.
  1072. >You decide to do something.
  1073. >And get up from your seat.
  1074. >Twilight seems to be too into what she is working on to notice you get up.
  1075. >You start to make your way behind her.
  1076. >Slowly and gently, you place both your hands on her shoulders.
  1077. >She jumps up.
  1078. >Totally shocked at you grabbing at her.
  1079. >Letting out a loud yelp that woke up her dog and put him in alert mode.
  1080. >”Oh! Anon! You startled me!”
  1081. >She clams down and wipes her forehead of small beads of sweat.
  1082. >She then looks up to you.
  1083. >”What are you doing?”
  1084. >What are you doing?
  1085. >What will you do?
  1086. >What will she let you do?
  1087. >Only one way to find out.
  1088. >You begin to message her shoulders.
  1089. “You're too tense.”
  1090. >You say.
  1091. “You really need to relax.”
  1092. >Your hands cup her shoulders.
  1093. >And apply pressure in certain places.
  1094. >She lets out little sighs.
  1095. >She seems to be enjoying it so far.
  1096. >Her shoulders begin to loosen up.
  1097. >And tilts her head from side to side.
  1098. >Your hands close around her neck area.
  1099. >Touching bare skin.
  1100. >Your thumbs begin to rotate behind her neck.
  1101. >”Hmmm”
  1102. >She hums her approval of your work.
  1103. >You decide to go a step further.
  1104. >You slowly slide your left hand down to her breast.
  1105. >She jolts at that.
  1106. >And grabs your hand.
  1107. >Guess it's still too soon.
  1108. >But she doesn't move it.
  1109. >Her hand shakes for a bit.
  1110. >Then it stops.
  1111. >Her grip loosens
  1112. >And places your hand back on her breast.
  1113. >Oh?
  1114. >Now your hand begins to shake a little.
  1115. >You press your palm into her breast.
  1116. >Fingers begin to enclose on it's prize
  1117. >And gently squeeze her breast.
  1118. >Twilight exhales for the first time since she perked up and grabbed your hand.
  1119. >You give it a few more squeezes.
  1120. >Now your other hand makes it's way down to her other breast.
  1121. >Only this hand decides to slip into her blouse.
  1122. >And down and into her bra.
  1123. >Grabbing her bare tit.
  1124. >She lets out a small gasp at your action.
  1125. >Her warm skin feels so smooth.
  1126. >She lightly moans.
  1127. >She then puts down her pencil.
  1128. >She motions your hands away.
  1129. >Then she unbuttons the top of her baby blue and white stripped blouse.
  1130. >And proceeds to slide it off.
  1131. >Now her simple white bra is left.
  1132. >You'd expect nothing less from Twilight Sparkle.
  1133. >She stands up from her seat and turns to you.
  1134. >Her face flushed red.
  1135. >Eyes averting from your own gaze.
  1136. >You both stand there.
  1137. >Taking this in.
  1138. >Finally
  1139. >Her hands disappear behind her back.
  1140. >And begins the undo her bra.
  1141. >She frees her 'puppies'
  1142. >With one of her forearms she covers them as she tosses her bra off to the side.
  1143. >She then slowly walks up to you.
  1144. >Both Arms covering up her nice tits.
  1145. >They weren't the biggest.
  1146. >But from what you can tell at least they're bigger than Dash's
  1147. >But not by much.
  1148. >You'll need to see Dash's breasts sooner or later.
  1149. >Fuck
  1150. >You're thinking about Rainbow Dash in a moment like this.
  1151. >You furrow your brow and shake your head.
  1152. >Twilight notices this
  1153. >”What's the matter?”
  1154. >Startled by her reaction.
  1155. >You need a quick response.
  1156. >Think, Anon, think!
  1157. “Just..., mentally pinching myself to make sure I won't forget this.”
  1158. >That sounds so fucking corny.
  1159. >But it looks like it worked.
  1160. >Twilight giggles as she raises her arms around your neck.
  1161. >”That's so corny.”
  1162. >You find yourself laughing.
  1163. “Yeah, well...”
  1164. >You play along.
  1165. >She leans up for a kiss on the lips.
  1166. >”But I appreciate the thought.”
  1167. >She tells you as she goes for your shirt.
  1168. >You help by removing it.
  1169. >She takes your shirtless form in.
  1170. >She then begins to light drum on your pecs as a joke.
  1171. >You follow suit by flexing them each time she slaps one.
  1172. >She laughs again.
  1173. >And embraces you once again.
  1174. >Her breasts pressing onto you.
  1175. >Two nice little warm soft mounds of flesh sending signals down to your crotch.
  1176. >Without saying another word.
  1177. >Twilight leads you to her bed.
  1178. >And sits you at the end.
  1179. >Boner starting to gain traction
  1180. >She then stands in front of you
  1181. >She's starting to act all shy about this now.
  1182. >”So, I'm still a bit nervous about sex.”
  1183. >A little disappointing.
  1184. >A bit of a boner killer, to be honest.
  1185. >But you nod your head to her.
  1186. >After all, for all you care.
  1187. >Twilight Sparkle is for tender love.
  1188. >And a whore like Rainbow Dash is for rawdogging behind the shed and leaving in a pile of fluids.
  1189. >Fuck that was hot.
  1190. >And the thought forced a resurrection on said boner.
  1191. >You let out a frustrated sigh
  1192. >Twilight then continues.
  1193. >”B-but! I still want to make you feel good! I-if you'll let me?”
  1194. >Her voice trails off a little at the end of her statement.
  1195. >You look at her face and she now has a bashful look.
  1196. “Alright, babe. We don't have to rush this.”
  1197. >It's fine
  1198. >Really
  1199. >NOT because you now think you have a slam piece on she side.
  1200. >But once again, for Twilight Sparkle, you just get that she may want to wait for that...
  1201. >Special someone, or moment.
  1202. >You'll hold off on that.
  1203. >Twilight makes her way back closer to you.
  1204. >She gets on her knees.
  1205. >And goes for your pants.
  1206. >She begins to undo your belt.
  1207. >Then your zipper.
  1208. >She then grabs both ends of your pants
  1209. >And your underwear.
  1210. >She slides them all down to your ankles and cases your erect penis flops a bit from being freed.
  1211. >The look of fascination on her face is a tiny bit concerning.
  1212. >However, your dick isn't the first thing she goes for.
  1213. >She goes for, your foot?
  1214. >Your good one at least.
  1215. >You look a little confused.
  1216. >She just smiles at you
  1217. >”Don't worry, I read in an article that other bodily part stimulation aids in the pleasure.”
  1218. >The hell is she reading?
  1219. >You don't say anything
  1220. >But you don't protest her either.
  1221. >She starts to work on massaging your good foot.
  1222. >You're really not one for feet messages.
  1223. >She then begins to slide her hands upwards.
  1224. >A little better now.
  1225. >She stops momentarily to message a small bit of your leg.
  1226. >Then she goes a little higher.
  1227. >Then a little higher.
  1228. >Then she finally reaches your manhood.
  1229. >She grabs it
  1230. >Raises it up.
  1231. >Still staring as if it's the first time she's seen a dick in her life.
  1232. >She then rests her head on your lap right next to your erect cock.
  1233. >Her face is just barely longer than your erect member.
  1234. >Her eyes are looking towards it.
  1235. >It's a bizarre scene to picture.
  1236. >She then giggles and sits up.
  1237. >There is a fire in her eyes now.
  1238. >”Just sit back and let me take care of it.”
  1239. >She says in a determined tone.
  1240. >You happily oblige.
  1241. >You lean back on your forearms on the bed.
  1242. >You feel both her warm hands grab a hold of Lord AnonHammer The Third.
  1243. >She begins to pump you.
  1244. >It feels good.
  1245. >Your breathing heightens up a bit.
  1246. >Twilight notices.
  1247. >”Does that feel good?”
  1248. >She asks.
  1249. >You respond with a hum.
  1250. >She giggles and continues her work.
  1251. > After a while of her simply jerking you off she stops for a second.
  1252. >You look down at her again.
  1253. >The fire still in her eyes.
  1254. >But there is a hint of deviancy in them now.
  1255. >”D-do you want me to make you feel even better?”
  1256. >You bet your ass you do.
  1257. “Mmm, Yeah babe.”
  1258. >She lets go and settles your rod upwards resting on your abs.
  1259. >You then feel her tongue flick the tip.
  1260. >Jackpot.
  1261. >She then traces her tongue down the underside of your dick down to it's base.
  1262. >You hear a giggle.
  1263. >You're feeling it now.
  1264. >There there was a brief pause and you weren't sure what she was doing.
  1265. >Then you hear a snap from her direction.
  1266. >What?
  1267. >You look down to see Twilight putting on a white rubber glove.
  1268. >A tube of lubrication next to her
  1269. >ayyoholup.png
  1270. >You now have a look of worry on your face.
  1271. “Hey now, hold up.”
  1272. >She looks up confused at you
  1273. >”What's the matter?”
  1274. >You point at her gloved hand.
  1275. “What's with the gloved hand?”
  1276. >She looks at her hand.
  1277. >Then back to you.
  1278. >”Oh! I've read several articles about men's sexual pleasure and the all say the best method is to stimulate their prostate.”
  1279. >Your eyes widen as she continues.
  1280. >Damn Twilight and her dedication to the sciences.
  1281. >”All the articles say it's supposed to be an amazing experience!”
  1282. >She seems rather proud of herself.
  1283. >You sit up.
  1284. “Woah, okay now.”
  1285. >You protest.
  1286. “I don't know if I'm comfortable with you fingering my anus.”
  1287. >You blurt out.
  1288. >She then looks at her gloved hand.
  1289. >”I guess when you put it that way, it does sound really crude.”
  1290. >A small giggle leaves her mouth
  1291. >She then looks back to you.
  1292. >”But please trust me! These are all nationally accredited articles on the subject. It's supposed to feel amazing!”
  1293. >You are still hesitant.
  1294. >It can't be that good.
  1295. >You don't want to go through with this.
  1296. >But then you take another look at Twilight.
  1297. >She looks worried.
  1298. “I can't.”
  1299. >You say back to her.
  1300. >She now looks a little sad.
  1301. >She sits up.
  1302. >Still on her knees.
  1303. >Fire still in her eyes.
  1304. >”Please Anon! For me?”
  1305. >She's still on about this.
  1306. >You give it a thought.
  1307. >”Afterall, you did say you were my dummy for ideas”
  1308. >Damn she threw that back at you.
  1309. >This is something you'll never want to admit to.
  1310. >Seriously, sticking anything up your ass isn't something that sounds stimulating.
  1311. >No matter how many smart people tell you it is.
  1312. >But then you look at Twilight again.
  1313. >You look into her pleading eyes.
  1314. >And your resistance lowers a bit more.
  1315. >You shake your head and take a deep sigh.
  1316. “Fine.”
  1317. >You give in.
  1318. “However, you must NEVER tell the others about this. I don't care how much they pressure you.”
  1319. >”Right!”
  1320. >She chimes.
  1321. >She then settles back down to your now half-chub.
  1322. >She grabs it with her non gloved hand and gives it a few strokes to get it back up.
  1323. >”Don't worry Anon. This is going to feel amazing!”
  1324. >She motions you to slide a little off the bad so she has access to your bottom side.
  1325. >Your heart is beating fast now.
  1326. >You feel Twilight's lips kiss the tip of your penis.
  1327. >At least that's nice.
  1328. >You're still too tense.
  1329. >She then decides to take you into her mouth.
  1330. >At least, some of you.
  1331. >Like Dash, she can't get much in.
  1332. >You then feel her cold gloved hand start to play with your balls.
  1333. >Gently massaging them.
  1334. >Perhaps to make it easier to comply.
  1335. >You try to focus on Twilight's mouth working your shaft.
  1336. >She's not as good as Dash
  1337. >She's not really trying to fit more of you into her.
  1338. >Just bobbing up and down with what she can fit into you.
  1339. >Then you feel a poke in your scrotum.
  1340. ”Woah!”
  1341. >Your hips spasms violently pop up.
  1342. >Shoving you a little more into Twilight's mouth.
  1343. >Hitting the back of her mouth
  1344. >”ACK”
  1345. >She coughs violently.
  1346. >Looks like she still has her gag reflex.
  1347. “Sorry!”
  1348. >You tell her hastily.
  1349. >She recomposes herself.
  1350. >”It's okay Anon.”
  1351. >She assures you.
  1352. >”The articles say to be wary of body spasms like that.”
  1353. >Of course it would.
  1354. “I'll try to be more careful.”
  1355. >You tell her.
  1356. >That was a different feeling.
  1357. >It almost felt like she had some control of you.
  1358. >That's almost dangerous.
  1359. >She goes back to sucking you off,
  1360. >And coupling your balls again.
  1361. >Her pace quickens but still only taking a part of you in.
  1362. >Every fiber in your being wants you to treat her like you did to Rainbow Dash.
  1363. >Just jam it in and mercilessly face fuck her.
  1364. >You stop yourself from those thoughts.
  1365. >Twilight now, very gently this time, goes for your scrotum again.
  1366. >You were ready this time.
  1367. >She presses her finger into the sensitive skin.
  1368. >Your hips once again pop up but not as aggressive.
  1369. >And Twilight accommodates for it as well but moving with your hips.
  1370. >Her free hand jerking what she can't fit into you.
  1371. >Her index finger is now making circular motions on your scrotum.
  1372. >It's sending all these signals in your body and you're not sure what to do.
  1373. >Then something happens.
  1374. >Your asshole loosens, no longer clenching.
  1375. >You give an uncontrolled and confused grunt
  1376. “Ughguh!?”
  1377. >What the fuck is this witchcraft?
  1378. >Her gloved finger now moves from your scrotum further down...
  1379. >She gently presses the entrance of your anus.
  1380. >You desperately want to clench.
  1381. >But you can't.
  1382. >You can't control your body.
  1383. >She then removes her gloved hand from your anus.
  1384. >A wave of relief overcomes you for a moment.
  1385. >She then takes you out of her mouth again.
  1386. >She now grabs the bottle of lube and and covers her gloved index finger.
  1387. >And slowly, makes her way back to your asshole.
  1388. >She looks you in the eyes as her other free hand grabs your cock.
  1389. >”You ready?”
  1390. “N-no.”
  1391. >You whine.
  1392. >And with little warning. She plunges her finger into your ass.
  1393. “Ahhuhh!”
  1394. >Thank god nobody was in her house right now.
  1395. >That was a reaction and not something you did voluntarily.
  1396. >Her other hand begins to stroke your dick.
  1397. >While her other hand is playing with your prostate.
  1398. >You can feel her finger pressing on something inside you.
  1399. >She then starts to lightly sucking on your tip.
  1400. >Your body is sending mixed signals everywhere.
  1401. >It wants you to do anything.
  1402. >Run through a wall.
  1403. >Jump off a building.
  1404. >Swim the English Channel.
  1405. >Both your legs begin to shiver.
  1406. >You feel your fluids ready to gush out.
  1407. “Ahhahah!”
  1408. >You try to warn Twilight.
  1409. >But can't get much out your own mouth.
  1410. >Ironic
  1411. >You were mere seconds earlier in the day from plowing a blue asshole into next week.
  1412. >Now you and your own anus are at the mercy of a meek, shy smart girl.
  1413. “Cummm!”
  1414. >You scream out loud.
  1415. >Not even able to say the whole word.
  1416. >Twilight stops sucking you at the moment of your outburst and pulls back.
  1417. >Your entire body stands up on it's own.
  1418. >And instinctively throws a random hay-maker in the air at nothing.
  1419. >You blow your load at the speed of sound and all over Twilight's face and over her glasses.
  1420. >Your body then flops back on her bed.
  1421. >Still can't move.
  1422. >You are breathing heavy as if you've just boxed a 12 round phone booth fight.
  1423. >Twilight is now standing above you
  1424. >Your spunk still on her face.
  1425. >”Are you okay, Anon?”
  1426. >You stare at her for a second.
  1427. >A sight you don't want to forget
  1428. “I don't know.”
  1429. >She laughs.
  1430. >”I'm gonna go clean up.”
  1431. >She says.
  1432. >You just simply nod.
  1433. >Still mostly naked.
  1434. >Lying helplessly on Twilight's bed.
  1435. >She leaves the room.
  1436. >After a few minutes you begin to move from your puddle.
  1437. >You hear the sound of a car in close proximity.
  1438. >It might be her her family returning home.
  1439. >You pull your pants and underwear back up.
  1440. >Twilight returns.
  1441. >Her face and glasses now jizz free.
  1442. >She starts to hurriedly put her bra and blouse back on.
  1443. “Parents home?”
  1444. >You ask.
  1445. >”Yes! Help me to make sure nothing looks out of place!”
  1446. >She says.
  1447. >Looks like she's back to worrying again.
  1449. >You head home with a new level of shame.
  1450. >It's something that is going to stick with you for a good while.
  1451. >What's done is done.
  1452. >Suppose it's better to forget as soon as possible.
  1453. >Once you gotten home you immediately head to the shower to wash the events of today off.
  1454. >The weekend and the last week of school go by in a blur.
  1455. >Dash kept her distance.
  1456. >Twilight kept her fingers to herself.
  1457. >No study sessions with her since the last one.
  1458. >But again, she's been very busy getting ready for her finals.
  1459. >You've been hoping you were prepared for your own finals.
  1460. >Your sprained ankle got you out of the P.E finals.
  1461. >Even if it's mostly healed.
  1462. >It was still recommended not to put too much stress on it.
  1463. >The teacher just gave you the benefit of the doubt you're in shape.
  1464. >Easiest 'A' you'll get all year.
  1465. >The rest.
  1466. >Not so much.
  1467. >But hey, you put in the effort and tired.
  1468. >You're pretty sure you were doing well enough in all your classes.
  1469. >Even if you tank your finals you'd still get a passing grade.
  1470. >'C's get degrees.
  1471. >Wouldn't want Twilight to hear that.
  1472. >You feel good about how your finals go, though.
  1473. >At long last, the school year is over.
  1474. >Pinkie Pie invites you to one of her 'End of Year' parties with the rest of the crew.
  1475. >You decline.
  1476. >You want to work out and get back in shape as you've been slacking off due to your ankle.
  1477. >And your ankle feels good enough to get some work in.
  1478. >Also still want to lay low for a bit from the rest.
  1479. >You spend your first night free from school running from your home to the boxing gym you train at.
  1480. >A good six mile jog.
  1481. >Once there you do jump roping drills to get your wrists loose.
  1482. >Work on a speed bag.
  1483. >Finally ending the session working the pads with the trainer.
  1484. >An old curmudgeon by the name of Silver Slugger.
  1485. >despite his namesake, he actually hates boxers who only rely on slugging.
  1486. >He's all about the 'Sweet Science' and the 'art' of boxing.
  1487. >Which is to hit, and not be hit.
  1488. >You begin to get a rhythm going on the pads.
  1489. >You are then tapped on the face several times by Silver Slugger
  1490. >”Come on! Stop slacking!”
  1491. >The harsh raspy stereotypical voice of an old trainer yells to keep you on your toes.
  1492. >The buzzer sounds for the 2 minute break
  1493. >You and your trainer sit and catch a breather.
  1494. >You have a seat and have a swig of your water bottle
  1495. >”The hell's a matter with you? Your head's not in the game!”
  1496. >Your trainer demands an answer.
  1497. >Images of both Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle fill your head.
  1498. >You're not sure if you want to tell the whole story.
  1499. >So you'll opt for a quick version
  1500. “Girl troubles.”
  1501. >You simply say
  1502. >Silver Slugger looks disgusted.
  1503. >”Stay away from them harlots, Anon.”
  1504. >Seems about right.
  1505. >”Women weaken legs!”
  1506. >He tells you.
  1507. >You snort and take another swig of water.
  1508. >”I'm serious kid! They'll only bring trouble!”
  1509. >The buzzer rings again to signify it's time to get back at it.
  1510. >You get up and get back into position.
  1511. >He gives you a few taps on your covered heard.
  1512. >”Focus!”
  1513. >After your session with Slugger you make the six mile jog back home.
  1514. >It felt good being active again.
  1515. >You get home late enough to shower and head straight to bed.
  1516. >All of the events of the past two weeks fading into your memory.
  1518. >A week into Summer vacation.
  1519. >Saturday
  1520. >You get a call from Twilight Sparkle.
  1521. >It looks like one of her favorite book series is releasing a new book tonight for a midnight release.
  1522. >Daring Do?
  1523. >Yeah you think that's what it was.
  1524. >She was asking if you would join her tonight and keep her company for the release party at the bookstore.
  1525. >You agree.
  1526. >That doesn't seem too bad.
  1527. >You do your daily routine.
  1528. >Swing back home for a quick shower.
  1529. >And make your way over to Twilight's house to pick her up.
  1530. >You park out front and text her you're there.
  1531. >You see her come out.
  1532. >She wearing some weird outfit.
  1533. >A safari hat.
  1534. >Light faded green button up shirt.
  1535. >Dark green khakis.
  1536. >And some tribal looking necklace around her top.
  1537. >Like she's some exotic Treasure hunter.
  1538. >Must be cosplaying that character?
  1539. >You notice someone else exit the house with her.
  1540. >It's Rainbow Dash.
  1541. “Fuck.”
  1542. >You mutter to yourself
  1543. >She seems to be wearing a similar outfit to Twilight.
  1544. >Safari Hat.
  1545. >Green button up shirt.
  1546. >But her's is open showing off her white T shirt with a rainbow lightning bolt logo on it.
  1547. >Green skirt.
  1548. >And some boots.
  1549. >They both make their way to your car.
  1550. >Twilight opens your door and lets Rainbow Dash into the back seat.
  1551. >You have a two door car by the way.
  1552. “And you're here because...”
  1553. >You ask Dash.
  1554. >”What do you think? I'm coming along for the book release!”
  1555. >Twilight then get's into the passenger seat.
  1556. >”She's also a huge Daring Do fan and wanted to come along once she heard you and I were going.”
  1557. >She continues as she puts her seat belt on.
  1558. >”I figured why not go as a big group? Hope you don't mind.”
  1559. >You look at Twilight.
  1560. >Then look back at Dash.
  1561. >”Yeah, when it comes to Daring Do, Egghead and I are all over it.”
  1562. >She then give you a wink.
  1563. >”Besides, you can be our body guard in case some deranged fan tries to hit on us.”
  1564. >You sigh.
  1565. “Whatever.”
  1566. >You start the car.
  1567. “I assume we're grabbing a bite to eat first?”
  1568. >Twilight nods.
  1569. >”Sounds good to me.”
  1571. >You make your way downtown.
  1572. >You opt for the diner that one of their friends, Pinkie Pie, works at.
  1573. >An old 50's style diner
  1574. >Bright vibrant colors all over the place.
  1575. >An old school record jukebox in the back wall.
  1576. >The waitress’s wear puffy oversized looking dresses and skate around to the tables.
  1577. >Seems like a lawsuit waiting to happen to you.
  1578. >You have a seat at the booth at the far end of the building.
  1579. >You and Twilight on one side and Rainbow Dash on the other.
  1580. >Pinkie is working tonight.
  1581. >She skates up to your table.
  1582. >”Heeeelo guys!”
  1583. >Her overexcited tone never wavers from her.
  1584. >”What 'cha doing up here?”
  1585. >She asks and hands out menus you all.
  1586. >Twilight preps up to answer her.
  1587. >”Rainbow Dash and I are going to the midnight release party to get the newest Daring Do book!”
  1588. >She then places her hand on yours.
  1589. >”Anon was kind enough to be our ride as well as to give us extra company.”
  1590. >Pinkie then places her hand on your shoulder.
  1591. >“Awww, That's sweet of you.”
  1592. >You hold onto Twilight's hand.
  1593. >And bring it up to your lips or a kiss.
  1594. “Well, seems like a nice low key date.”
  1595. >You say.
  1596. >Not really even thinking about Dash's presence.
  1597. >Right after those words leave your mouth, you feel a pressure moving up your inner thigh.
  1598. >You instinctively clamp your legs shut.
  1599. >From the feeling, it feels like... a leg? A foot?
  1600. >Your eyes dart over to Rainbow Dash.
  1601. >She's leaning back on her side of the booth.
  1602. >She's making her presence known now.
  1603. >Both arms resting on the seat.
  1604. >She's looking straight into your eyes.
  1605. >”Yeah, Anon's just here for the wild ride”
  1606. >She says as she then presses her foot into your crotch.
  1607. >You can feel the front of her foot on your sleeping member.
  1608. >It's bare.
  1609. >Your dick can make out each of her toes.
  1610. >She knows she's found what she was looking for.
  1611. >You can feel her trying to rub your dick with the gap between her big and middle toe.
  1612. >Damn you.
  1613. >Your clamping down on her legs isn't deterring her much.
  1614. >And you can't exactly make too much of a scene.
  1615. >You finally feel Pinkie Pie lightly push on your shoulder.
  1616. >”Well, you guys better not have too much fun at this Release party without me!”
  1617. >Pinkie Chimes in and breaks your stare contest with Dash.
  1618. >”Oh don't worry Pinkie! I assure this party won't be any better than the ones you throw.”
  1619. >Twilight tells Pinkie and takes her hand from yours and begins to read the menu.
  1620. >Pinkie asks if you would like any drinks.
  1621. >You all seem to go for just plain old water.
  1622. >She leaves to go retrieve them for you.
  1623. >Leaving you three to look through the menu.
  1624. >You try to be subtle and readjust it to a more comfortable position.
  1625. >”So, Anon.”
  1626. >Rainbow Dash calls out to you.
  1627. >You quickly bring your hand back up.
  1628. “What?”
  1629. >You snap at her.
  1630. >”Why didn't you show up to Pinkie Pie's Year End party earlier this week?”
  1631. >You tap your previous injured foot.
  1632. “I wanted to get back into the groove of practicing for boxing.”
  1633. >You say
  1634. “Just want to make sure I don't lose any stamina for a tournament coming in a few months.”
  1635. >”That so?”
  1636. >Dash says in an almost sultry way.
  1637. >Her foot still teasing your now uncomfortably erect dick.
  1638. >Her head now rests on her hands that are being propped up by her elbows on the table.
  1639. >”I mean, yeah. Good stamina is important for rough physical action.”
  1640. >She then looks over to Twilight who is still looking over the menu.
  1641. >”Well you missed your girl over here getting hit on by ol Timber Spruce”
  1642. >She jumps up from the menu when she hears this.
  1643. >You look over to her to see her surprise.
  1644. >”Oh please Dash, Timber knows I'm with Anon.”
  1645. >She says in a worried tone.
  1646. >Timber Spruce was a transfer student from last year.
  1647. >Seems like they met him in the previous Summer at the camp activities they did.”
  1648. >You've talked to him a few times.
  1649. >You've both played on the school's Basketball and football teams.
  1650. >He's a good motivational speaker, if anything.
  1651. >You heard stories back then that he and Twiliy sort of had a thing for each other.
  1652. >But nothing came of it.
  1653. >As far as you know.
  1654. >Then you came in the picture.
  1655. “Eh, I wouldn't be too worried about it.”
  1656. >You nonchalantly say.
  1657. >Timber really isn't an issue for you.
  1658. >Or even Twilight's own loyalty, for that matter.
  1659. >Which makes you feel awful all of a sudden.
  1660. >Then you turn back to Dash.
  1661. >She sits up from her hands.
  1662. >”Yeah, You're way more of a stud than him.”
  1663. >She says as her foot presses on your erect bulge again.
  1664. >”I'm sure if he tries anything funny, you'll knock him into oblivion.”
  1665. >She makes a punching motion.
  1666. >Your adrenaline is kicking in.
  1667. >Pinkie then returns with your waters.
  1668. >You all order your food.
  1669. >Dash just gets a salad.
  1670. >You get grilled chicken.
  1671. >Twilight gets a Cheeseburger.
  1672. >You all eat your meals in peace.
  1673. >Even Dash has stopped toying with your dick.
  1674. >You Finish up and say your goodbyes to Pinkie Pie.
  1675. >And make your way to the bookstore.
  1676. >It's a rather large bookstore.
  1677. >It was only 8 PM but there was already a line outside the building.
  1678. >Holy fuck this is something.
  1679. >You get in your place in line and wait.
  1680. >It looks as though how this goes down is when the bookstore closes. People in line are given a numbered ticket.
  1681. >Twilight and Dash are given their tickets.
  1682. >Then some more waiting.
  1683. >Finally at 10 PM the bookstore closes for a few minutes,
  1684. >Then the doors reopen.
  1685. >You are allowed to go in with the girls as you are in a group with them.
  1686. >You look all around the store and everyone looks like the character on the book.
  1687. >Just like Dash and Twily.
  1688. >There are a few people dressed like some Colombian drug lord.
  1689. >You assume it's another character from the book.
  1690. >You hang around while the others mingle with the other fans.
  1691. >Most of them gather around a large display and play trivia.
  1692. >Midnight hits.
  1693. >Everyone is a little rowdy.
  1694. >The poor staff are doing their best to keep order and pass out books accordingly.
  1695. >You have actually dozed off on a large plush couch while waiting.
  1696. >You are woken up by the girls.
  1697. >Ready to go home.
  1698. >You all make your way back to Twilight's house.
  1700. >Once you reach Twilight's house, both Dash and Twilight get out of the car.
  1701. >Twilight turns to you before she closes the door.
  1702. >”You look pretty tired, babe, I really don't want you driving all the way home like this. You should come on in and rest for a bit at least.”
  1703. >You shake your head.
  1704. “I'll be fine Twiliy, I promise.”
  1705. >She doesn't look convinced.
  1706. >”I know you worked hard earlier today and you fell asleep at the bookstore. Please just come in and nap.”
  1707. >She pleads.
  1708. >”You can even stay the night in one of our guest rooms.”
  1709. >She continues.
  1710. >”My parents won't mind.”
  1711. >You think about it for a minute.
  1712. >And you let out a sigh.
  1713. “Fine, I'll stay.”
  1714. >You don't live THAT far away.
  1715. >But you did have a long day.
  1716. >You park your car and follow the girls into the house.
  1717. >Making sure to be quiet as everyone seems to already be in bed.
  1718. >You all make your way to Twilight's room for the moment.
  1719. >You sit there and watch both Dash and Twiliy both geek out at the book they bought tonight and comment on the scenes.
  1720. >Twilight is a much faster reader than Dash, obviously.
  1721. >So she speeds on through while Dash comments on where she's at.
  1722. >You start to nod off.
  1723. “Alright, I think that's enough 'Do'ing for one night.”
  1724. >Neither of them look up from their books.
  1725. >Your lame attempt at a joke falls flat.
  1726. “Twiliy? Can you show me to my room?”
  1727. >She's finally freed from her trance.
  1728. >”Oh, sure!”
  1729. >She gets up to lead you out the room.
  1730. >You take a look at Rainbow Dash.
  1731. >Much like Twilight, she hasn't budged from her position or her book.
  1732. >And you both exit the room without her noticing.
  1733. >Twilight quietly leads you downstairs.
  1734. >Past her living room.
  1735. >Kitchen.
  1736. >Another living room...
  1737. >And leads you into another hallway.
  1738. >Two doors on each side.
  1739. >She motions you to the last door on the left.
  1740. >You both enter the room.
  1741. >It's a pretty basic bedroom.
  1742. >There is a single twin sized bed with a few dressers.
  1743. >A desk and chair.
  1744. >A closet.
  1745. >And a TV.
  1746. >”You can sleep in here.”
  1747. >You take a look around the room again.
  1748. “...and what is this room for?”
  1749. >You had to ask.
  1750. >”Oh! This is the guest wing of our house. It's a spare 3 bedrooms and a bathroom.”
  1751. >Jesus fuck.
  1752. >This is unnecessary.
  1753. >”Hang on one second.”
  1754. >Twilight tells you.
  1755. >She exits the room for a few minutes.
  1756. >Then comes back with a small pile of clothes.
  1757. >”Here, you can use some of my brother's old clothes for the night. Don't worry, they're washed and clean.”
  1758. >She chimes as she gives you the clothes.
  1759. >”Also the bathroom is the second door to to the right from out of here.”
  1760. “Thanks babe.”
  1761. >You give her a half hug and kiss the top of her head.
  1762. >She gives you a smile and begins to exit the room.
  1763. >”Sweet dreams.”
  1764. >And she's gone.
  1765. >You take a look at the clothes she gave you.
  1766. >Simple plaint white T shirt and some shorts.
  1767. >Fuck it.
  1768. >You'll just sleep in your underwear.
  1769. >All you really need to do is just lock the door for the night.
  1770. >You remove all your clothes.
  1771. >Lock the door.
  1772. >Climb into bed.
  1773. >And let sleep wash over you.
  1775. >You jolt awake.
  1776. >It's still dark outside judging from the lack of light coming from the window
  1777. >You really gotta race like a pisshorse.
  1778. >You take a look at your phone
  1779. >It's 3:42AM
  1780. >You get up from your temporary bed.
  1781. >And creep out your room.
  1782. >You slowly make your way to the second door to the right from your room.
  1783. >You enter.
  1784. >And sure enough it was the bathroom.
  1785. >A small and cramped one compared to the other rooms in this house,
  1786. >But since it was the 'guest' bathroom, what did it matter?
  1787. >Sweet relief.
  1788. >You wash your hands and quietly make your way back to your room.
  1789. >Before you climb back into bed you check your phone one more time.
  1790. >Now there seems to be a text from Rainbow Dash.
  1791. >'Right across from you.'
  1792. >Is all it reads.
  1793. >Does she mean she's in the room opposite from yours?
  1794. >Does she expect you to go over there?
  1795. >How long has she been up?
  1796. >You take a minute to think.
  1797. >Do you really want to go through with this?
  1798. >Messing around with Rainbow Dash in your own girlfriends home?
  1799. >The thought once again is sending a sense of excitement through your body.
  1800. >The blood in your body is now working and flowing.
  1801. >Including sending some down to your prick.
  1802. >Erection starting to form.
  1803. >You weren't getting any sleep now.
  1804. >You sigh and turn back to the door and enter the hallway.
  1805. >There you are.
  1806. >Standing in front of the door that was across from yours.
  1807. >Dash is sure to be inside if her text is anything to go by.
  1808. >You slowly reach for the doorknob.
  1809. >Heart pounding.
  1810. >It was so quiet that you almost thought the loud thuds your heart was making would have awoken some people.
  1811. >You grab the handle.
  1812. >Slowly turn the knob.
  1813. >You open the door to, sure enough, find Rainbow Dash in it.
  1814. >The room was dimly lit with a bedside lamp.
  1815. >She was sitting on her bed.
  1816. >Wearing nothing but her white shirt.
  1817. >No bra though as you can make out her hard nipples poking through the fabric.
  1818. >She had her right leg perched up on the bed while the other dangled off the edge
  1819. >She wasn't wearing any panties.
  1820. >Her left hand was playing with her mound.
  1821. >Her index and middle fingers making circles around her folds.
  1822. >Occasionally finding their way inside her.
  1823. >Her head tilts back and closes her eyes.
  1824. >She inhales and lets out a satisfied hum at her action.
  1825. >She see you've taken her up on her offer.
  1826. >”Glad to see you here, stud”
  1827. >You growl at her.
  1828. “How long have you been waiting here.”
  1829. >She brings her head back down and looks at you with a pair of bedroom eyes.
  1830. >”Not very long.”
  1831. >She says in a very hushed tone.
  1832. >”I heard you in the bathroom so I decided to make myself a little more comfortable.”
  1833. >She spreads her open hanging leg wide so you can get a good look at her fingering herself.
  1834. >”Glad to see you took the invitation.”
  1835. >Erection in full mast, you no longer question it.
  1836. >You make your way closer to Dash and her wanting pussy.
  1837. >She then stops you with her foot.
  1838. >”Easy there, stallion, let's not take it too fast.”
  1839. >She chuckles at her own statement
  1840. >Given she is known for speed, it was rather ironic.
  1841. >But you oblige.
  1842. >Waiting to see what she was going to do.
  1843. >She then slides her foot down your stomach and to your waist.
  1844. >Skillfully, she snags the edge of your elastic boxer-briefs with her big toe.
  1845. >And pulls your underwear down to the floor.
  1846. >She then takes her other leg and moves it towards you.
  1847. >Using both feet, they grab hold of your rock hard prick.
  1848. >And begins to run them up and down your shaft.
  1849. >For being an elite athlete her soles are rather soft.
  1850. >Not that you're complaining, obviously
  1851. >You let her play her footjob game for a bit.
  1852. >All the while still masturbating in front of you.
  1853. >Is this another one of her teases?
  1854. >Your cock twitches from the pressure that her feet are giving.
  1855. >If it was a tease, you're no longer having any of it.
  1856. >Not after what happened with you and Twilight.
  1857. >Now, full of blood and rage and adrenaline.
  1858. >You quickly grab Dash's thighs and bring her waist closer to yours.
  1859. >When doing so, your member slides over Dash's wet opening.
  1860. >She is taken aback for a moment as she stares worryingly at your wanting member.
  1861. >”Okay big boy.”
  1862. >Her voice trembling now.
  1863. >”Let's not get too out of control here.”
  1864. >She adds.
  1865. >You grab her shirt and pull it off.
  1866. >Revealing her perky little breasts.
  1867. >You place your hands back around her thighs and you push them up against Dash's body on the bed.
  1868. >You then lower yourself until your face is only inches away from hers.
  1869. >Then you pull your waist back and perch your tip right at her opening.
  1870. “A little late for pleasantries like that.”
  1871. >You whisper to her.
  1872. >Finally your cock makes it's decent into Rainbow Dash
  1873. >You make it about halfway in before there is some resistance.
  1874. >Dash gasps and takes a big deep breath.
  1875. >”Ahhhhh!~~”
  1876. >You try to hush her.
  1877. “Be quiet, you'll wake everyone up”
  1878. >You whisper back at her.
  1879. >You bring your attention back to trying to fit insider of her.
  1880. >You pull out and press a little harder.
  1881. >More goes in.
  1882. >Dash still can't keep quiet.
  1883. >Letting out another loud moan.
  1884. >She's tight.
  1885. >But you're not sure if that's because you're so big, or if she's really petite.
  1886. >Which she is.
  1887. >Small, tight athletic body with a firm ass and a pair of small titties.
  1888. >You grunt a little and force more of you in.
  1889. >Dash's eyes widen.
  1890. >Finally she uses her hand to cover her mouth.
  1891. >You can clearly her a muffled 'fuck' escape from her covered mouth.
  1892. >Finally after a few attempted thrusts, you jam all of you into her.
  1893. >You feel an intense pressure at the tip.
  1894. >Dash screams in her mouth.
  1895. >She lets her hand free and start breathing heavily.
  1896. >”You're hitting my cervix!”
  1897. >She blurts out.
  1898. >You take note.
  1899. >And smile.
  1900. >You begin a more moderate pace of full on penetration.
  1901. >Dash finally letting low moans and hums over this.
  1902. >You bring your attention to her swinging small breasts.
  1903. >You lover your head and take one of them into your mouth.
  1904. >Dash wraps her arms around your neck.
  1905. >Your tongue flicks at her nipple as your teeth lightly clamps down on her entire breast.
  1906. >”Ah!”
  1907. >You pull your head back to let go of her breast except for her nipple on your teeth.
  1908. >Until it slips through your teeth.
  1909. >Her mound is soaking wet now
  1910. >Allowing for easy access as your cock can now freely glide in and out.
  1911. >Time to kick it up a notch.
  1912. >With her legs still bunched over in front of her.
  1913. >You take your arms and wrap them around Dash's back.
  1914. >”Huh?”
  1915. >With your strength from wrestling training.
  1916. >You lift Dash off of the bed.
  1917. >She's as light as a feather.
  1918. >She takes the hint and wraps her legs around your waist.
  1919. “Good stamina for Physical altercations, right?”
  1920. >You tell her in her ear.
  1921. >You maneuver your hands down to holding her ass.
  1922. >You gently lift her from your dick.
  1923. >And pivot your hips away from hers.
  1924. >Creating distance between your sexes.
  1925. >And in one movement, pivot up and drop her waist onto you creating a collision.
  1926. >”Holy fuck!”
  1927. >She screams.
  1928. “Shut up, bitch.”
  1929. >You loudly growl
  1930. >That one may have woken someone.
  1931. >At this point though
  1932. >Who cares.
  1933. >Because while you've been rather tame.
  1934. >Your body and brain are going bonkers.
  1935. >Holy fuck indeed this feels amazing.
  1936. >You can't tell if it's because of the sex, or because you're fucking someone who isn't your girlfriend in their home.
  1937. >Whatever it is. It's driving you crazy.
  1938. >While still carrying her you turn back to her bed and reach for her abandoned shirt.
  1939. >You grab it and bring it close to Dash's face
  1940. “Since you can keep quiet we'll need to shut you up.!”
  1941. >You tell her in a normal tone of voice.
  1942. >Then you use her shirt and stuff it in her mouth.
  1943. “There.”
  1944. >You tell her
  1945. >She offered no resistance.
  1946. >All she did was hug you with her arms tighter.
  1947. >And starts to fuck you by moving her hips on her own.
  1948. >And she's getting violent about it.
  1949. >You decide to match her pace.
  1950. >You time her thrusts with your own for maximum pleasure.
  1951. >Every thrust in you feel your tip hit her cervix.
  1952. >Thanks to the shirt in her mouth Dash's moans are muffled out.
  1953. >But it makes it all the more hotter.
  1954. >You decide to get more rough with her.
  1955. >You're pounding into her like a jackhammer.
  1956. >She's going nuts.
  1957. >Her fingers are digging into your back.
  1958. >They might break your skin.
  1959. >Just means you're doing a good job.
  1960. >You begin to moan.
  1961. >You're close.
  1962. >But Dash is closer.
  1963. >Every outward thrust you feel her moist pussy spray some of her juices all over your thighs.
  1964. >Fuck her insides are molten hot.
  1965. >Any hotter and your dick would be cooking like it's in an oven.
  1966. >You give her another powerful thrust in her.
  1967. >She screams once again.
  1968. >You feel her insides pulsating like mad.
  1969. >Her head flies back in ecstasy.
  1970. >You think she came.
  1971. >Thankfully her screams are mostly silenced with her shirt still stuffed in her mouth.
  1972. >Then something else happens.
  1973. >Her arms and legs let go of their iron grip on you.
  1974. >Then she begins to levitate.
  1975. >Wait, what?
  1976. >Now that you've lost focus of dicking her into next week you notice that she's literally floating in the air.
  1977. >Her eyes are shining white.
  1978. >Now her whole body is glowing wit ha white aura.
  1979. >A strange pair of what looks like horse ears grows from the top of her head.
  1980. >Then a pair of wings.
  1981. >Then you notice a tail the same rainbow color as her hair sprouts from behind her.
  1982. >The light is almost blinding now
  1983. “What the fuck is going on!?”
  1984. >You tell her but she's unresponsive.
  1985. >Finally a burst of light too bright to look at.
  1986. >You shield your eyes.
  1987. > She then releases a force blow just strong enough to knock you off your feet.
  1988. >Once the light is gone and you're back on your feet.
  1989. >You look over to Dash.
  1990. >Those weird features are gone.
  1991. >All that is left is a seemingly unconscious puddle of what once was Rainbow Dash.
  1992. >A look of pure joy on her face.
  1993. “What the fuck just happened?”
  1994. >You ask yourself.
  1995. >Then panic sets in.
  1996. >You were damn sure that would have woken up everybody in the house.
  1997. >You quickly pick up Dash and toss her into her bed and toss the covers over her.
  1998. >Then you peek out her door.
  1999. >Nobody seems to be around.
  2000. >Then you hear some movement upstairs.
  2001. >Shit.
  2002. >You grab your underwear and quickly and quietly get back into your room and lock the door.
  2003. >You jump back into bed.
  2004. >And try to calm yourself down after what just happened.
  2005. >You then also realize.
  2006. >You didn't even get to cum.
  2008. >Morning
  2009. >Understandably, you got no sleep after what happened.
  2010. >You always wanted to fuck a girl crazy.
  2011. >But, you didn't think something like what happened last night would ever happen though
  2012. >You were listening intently to any sort of movement outside your room.
  2013. >But you didn't notice anything.
  2014. >You could say you are dead tired.
  2015. >But truthfully.
  2016. >You are on edge.
  2017. >Hell, you don't want to even leave this room.
  2018. >Ever, if possible.
  2019. >If only it were that easy.
  2020. >You finally decide it was about the right time to get up.
  2021. >You dress yourself.
  2022. >Unlock the door.
  2023. >And step outside.
  2024. >Nothing seems to be different.
  2025. >Nobody is around you.
  2026. >You still quietly exit the hallway into living room #2
  2027. >Nothing looks too out of place.
  2028. >Perhaps Dash's 'cum blast' wasn't as impactful as you may have feared.
  2029. >You pop in the kitchen only to be startled by someone in there.
  2030. >It was Shining Armor, Twilight Sparkle's brother.
  2031. >He was sitting at the kitchen table eating a bowl of what looks to be oatmeal.
  2032. >He looks up to you from his bowl, not noticing you either.
  2033. >Seems like you startled him as well.
  2034. >”Woah, uh, hey...., uuuuh”
  2035. >He doesn't seem to remember your name.
  2036. “It's uh, Anon.”
  2037. >”Oh! Right! Twiliy's boyfriend. Sorry.”
  2038. >He chuckles and seems a little embarrassed.
  2039. >”Hey wait, what re you doing here?”
  2040. >He finally questions.
  2041. “I was playing chaperone to Twilight and her friends last night at a midnight release party.”
  2042. >You tell him as you make your way to the stove to notice a pot of more oatmeal.
  2043. “May I?”
  2044. >You gesture to the pot, asking for some.
  2045. >”Oh, please help yourself, bowls are in the top drawer to the left.”
  2046. >You grab a bowl and pour yourself some oatmeal.
  2047. “Twilight insisted that I stay the night in the guest wing of the house since she thinks I live too far away.”
  2048. >You make your way to the table and have a seat.
  2049. >”Haha, That sounds like Twily.”
  2050. >You eat a spoon full of oatmeal.
  2051. “Truth be told, I still think I could have made the drive home.”
  2052. >Shining just shrugs.
  2053. >”Whether you could or not, the point is she was putting your well being first and foremost.”
  2054. >You grumble and have another bite.
  2055. >”I'm serious, she's always has other people's interests in mind, sometimes even over her own.”
  2056. >Shining takes a bite out of his own bowl of oatmeal and continues.
  2057. >”It can be admirable trait to have, but if left unchecked it can be harmful to her.”
  2058. >You didn't see it, but you could feel Shinings' eyes sternly on you.
  2059. >You just nod and continue eating.
  2060. >After a few minutes of silence, Twilight makes her way into the kitchen.
  2061. >She still looks a little tired.
  2062. >Her hair undone and spilled down her back.
  2063. >Still in her pajama pants and light blue t shirt.
  2064. >Even she's surprised to see her brother.
  2065. >Oh! Good morning Shining! I didn't expect you to be home still!”
  2066. >He shrugs
  2067. >”I have a late start today so I made a quick meal before I head out.”
  2068. >He then smiles at Twilight.
  2069. >”Why? Am I Interrupting something?”
  2070. >His tone implied something more.
  2071. >It was obvious he was insinuating you and Twilight were up to some naughty actions.
  2072. >He's half right.
  2073. >Twilight, flustered over his assumption, brought up her hands and frantically waved them in front of her.
  2074. >”What!? No no no! I just wanted him to have a good nights sleep before he went home!”
  2075. >She continued, her face getting more red.
  2076. >”He was with Rainbow Dash and I at the book release last night providing company.”
  2077. >Shining started to laugh.
  2078. >”Calm down Twiliy, I was just teasing.”
  2079. >Seriously.
  2080. >With the way she was acting it was like you fucked her last night and not Dash.
  2081. >Twilight holds her breath for a second before finally exhaling.
  2082. >”Bwah! Haha Shining, you joker! Why would you think of something like that?”
  2083. >Shining Armor gets up to dispose of his empty bowl in the sink.
  2084. >”Twily, you worry too much. You really need to calm yourself down.”
  2085. >He says as he washes his own bowl and places it on the drying rack.
  2086. >He then makes his way back to his seat at the kitchen table and grabs a banana from the fruit basket in the center of the table.
  2087. >Twilight looks a little annoyed with his answer and storms to get her own bowl of oatmeal.
  2088. >”You're such a jerk Shining!”
  2089. >Shining Armor just shrugs again and takes a bite of his banana.
  2090. >”It's what big brothers are for, no matter how old they are.”
  2091. >Twilight finally turns her attention to you.
  2092. >”Anyways, how did you sleep?”
  2093. >She asks as she takes her seat at the table.
  2094. >Terribly.
  2095. >But you weren't going to tell her that, or why.
  2096. “I slept okay.”
  2097. >You avoid eye contact with her for that answer.
  2098. >”Was the bed not comfortable for you?”
  2099. >She asks.
  2100. >You finally look over to her.
  2101. >She doesn't seem too concerned like she always is. But there is a hint in her eyes.
  2102. “It was fine. I just... couldn't sleep.”
  2103. >She leans back in her chair and cups her chin.
  2104. >”Odd, you were really tired last night. I wonder if-”
  2105. >Before she could finish her sentence, Dash was seen in the corner of your eye.
  2106. >And Twilight took notice as well.
  2107. >She looked like a mess.
  2108. >She was walking with a slight limp.
  2109. >Heh, take that bitch.
  2110. >Though your own thighs were a bit sore but nothing you can't handle.
  2111. >Her hair is a mess.
  2112. >Her white shirt was wrinkled with a few small stains all over it.
  2113. >Her eyes was half open, like she also got no sleep.
  2114. >She shoots a look at you.
  2115. >You give her a smug smile for once.
  2116. >She gives no reaction.
  2117. >She takes the last seat at the kitchen table and grabs a banana as well.
  2118. >”Mornin'.”
  2119. >Twilight moves her attention to Dash.
  2120. >”Wow, you look terrible Dash.”
  2121. >Dash doesn't say anything and takes her first bite of her banana.
  2122. >”Did you feel that last night too?”
  2123. >Twilight asks Dash.
  2124. >You put on a worried look for a moment.
  2125. >They did notice that.
  2126. >You keep your eyes on Dash to see what her reaction is.
  2127. >For one second she has a look of panic on her face but then quickly puts on her poker face.
  2128. >”Eh, feel what?”
  2129. >Twilight then looks to you and then to Shining Armor.
  2130. >”It felt like there was a small earthquake this morning.”
  2131. >Shining shakes his head.
  2132. >”I didn't feel anything.”
  2133. >Thank god.
  2134. >He didn't notice.
  2135. >Dash then speaks up.
  2136. >”Oh that! I did feel that.”
  2137. >You dart back to Rainbow Dash.
  2138. >”It's what kept me up all night.”
  2139. >She looks back at you.
  2140. >”Did you feel it Anon?”
  2141. >You try to play dumb.
  2142. “I know I woke up to go to the bathroom and when I did I couldn't get back to sleep...”
  2143. >You pause for a moment.
  2144. “But I didn't notice any rumblings at all.”
  2145. >You really should just shut up.
  2146. >You feel like you're digging your own grave here.
  2147. >You finish your bowl of oatmeal.
  2148. >You get up from your seat and set the bowl in the sink.
  2149. “Well, I really should get home and begin my routine.”
  2150. >You then check your phone for the time.
  2151. >It's about an hour later than when you would normally start.
  2152. “Thank you Twilight for letting me stay the night. But I really need to get going.”
  2153. >She then stands up
  2154. >”Okay I'll walk you out.”
  2155. >You nod at her and at Shining Armor.
  2156. “Good to see you Shining.”
  2157. >You tell him as you walk past him.
  2158. >Patting him on the shoulder.
  2159. >”Likewise.”
  2160. >He said back to you.
  2161. >You walk past Rainbow Dash.
  2162. >Trying not to acknowledge her.
  2163. >”See ya later, thanks for the ride last night.”
  2164. >You turn to look at her.
  2165. >She's not looking at you.
  2166. >Still eating her banana.
  2167. >But you can see her lips curled up in a smile.
  2168. >You wanted to say something.
  2169. >But at the last minute You feel she meant the ride to the bookstore.
  2170. >At least, that's what you tell yourself.
  2171. “Yeah...”
  2172. >You continue to the entrance with Twilight.
  2173. >You both make it to the door.
  2174. >She opens the door for you.
  2175. >You both take a look at each other.
  2176. >And embrace each other for a moment.
  2177. >”Thanks for coming with us last night.”
  2178. >She rests her head on your shoulder.
  2179. >You then in turn rest your head on hers.
  2180. “Anytime.”
  2181. >You move to kiss her on her cheek.
  2182. >She accepts.
  2183. “I'll call you later.”
  2184. >She nods.
  2185. >”Okay. Still drive safely.”
  2186. >You smile and nod.
  2187. >You make it back to your car and drive home.
  2188. >As soon as you got home, you plopped onto your bed and fell asleep.
  2189. >You'll workout later in the day.
  2191. >Some days pass.
  2192. >You go back to your training routine.
  2193. >Your ankle feels like it's as good as new.
  2194. >Rainbow Dash has sent you various texts wanting to 'hang out'
  2195. >You ignored them.
  2196. >You're holding on to what's left of your integrity.
  2197. >Yeah.
  2198. >Like not fucking her again is going to make everything all better.
  2199. >Why did you let it go this far?
  2200. >The question plagues your mind.
  2201. >Maybe you are just a simple creature.
  2202. >Thinking of nothing but his dick.
  2203. >And like before, a wave of shame washes over you.
  2204. >You're no longer focused.
  2205. >Which opens you up.
  2206. >And allows for your partner to pepper you with punches.
  2207. >And fall to the canvas.
  2208. >Oh yeah, you were in a sparring match.
  2209. >The buzzer sounds for the end of the round.
  2210. >You take a seat at your corner and remove your headgear.
  2211. >You sigh heavily and take a large swig of your water bottle.
  2212. >Silver Slugger yelling at you every second you do so.
  2213. >You try to clear your head.
  2214. >You pour a little water over your head.
  2215. >And wipe it off with a towel.
  2216. >You set your headgear back on.
  2217. >The buzzer sounds.
  2218. >And you get back in it.
  2219. >After your spar session you make your way home.
  2220. >You check your phone and you noticed you missed a call from Twilight.
  2221. >You give her a call.
  2222. >”Hey babe.”
  2223. >She answers.
  2224. “Hi love, how are you?”
  2225. >You begin pleasantries
  2226. >”Oh I'm doing good. I've just been super busy with the Super Science Society's Summer project's.”
  2227. >She continues.
  2228. >“It went pretty well, all things considered.”
  2229. >She then lets out a nervous laugh.
  2230. “That little laugh at the end sounds like there were some issues?”
  2231. >You ask
  2232. >”Well...”
  2233. >There is a pause
  2234. >”Someone wrote a wrong equation down and the whole project had delays.”
  2235. “Was it you?”
  2236. >Another pause.
  2237. >””
  2238. >She meekly squeaks out.
  2239. >You give a chuckle at her reaction.
  2240. >”Ha ha, real funny, Anon!”
  2241. >Not appreciating the slight jab at her.
  2242. >”How was your week?”
  2243. ”Mostly getting back into the swing of training.”
  2244. >You tell her as you're searching your room for some clean clothes.
  2245. “Right now I was about to jump in the shower but I saw a missed call from you. What's up?”
  2246. >”Right, I was just calling you to see if you were still up with helping out at Camp Everfree.”
  2247. >You had forgotten about that.
  2248. >”You said you'd think about it last time we brought it up, we really could use the extra help.”
  2249. >You said you'd consider it.
  2250. >You're also pretty sure Rainbow Dash was going to be a part of this as well.
  2251. >Their whole gang will be part of this, sure.
  2252. >Which then brings up the question.
  2253. >Why would they need you?
  2254. “You sure they need extra counselors? Aren't you and your whole gang going?”
  2255. >You ask
  2256. >”Oh, we don't need counselors, but this is a big camp gathering with everyone from all ages.”
  2257. >Seems a bit weird.
  2258. >”There are going to be a lot of kids so we felt it better we have enough teens that could assist if need be.”
  2259. >Seems kind of a bad idea.
  2260. >Almost like a Friday the 13 kind of ripoff bad idea.
  2261. >”Besides...”
  2262. >She pauses.
  2263. >”We really haven't done a lot together recently...”
  2264. >She's got you there.
  2265. >”I know finals were crazy for me, and for all of us really, but I'm sure you know that I haven't been able to make time for you.”
  2266. >She's right about that as well.
  2267. >”And really, you been distracted and distant recently as well.”
  2268. >And about that...
  2269. >” I figured a nice break from the city for two weeks and in nature could really help out.”
  2270. >Being around nature may help.
  2271. >Alone time with Twilight may be nice.
  2272. >But then there is Dash.
  2273. >And what she may have in mind.
  2274. >And the others.
  2275. >Seems like everyone will be there.
  2276. >You contemplate for a second.
  2277. “Alright, I'll come along.”
  2278. >She's happy about your decision.
  2279. >”Thank you sweetie! I really appreciate it!”
  2280. >She's all giddy.
  2281. >”We're gong to have a great time! There will be games, competitions, nature hikes...”
  2282. >She goes on.
  2283. >”So, be ready this Sunday morning and we'll pick you up on the camp bus., make sure you'll have all the right necessities packed.”
  2284. “Okay mom.”
  2285. >You sarcastically tell her.
  2286. >She giggles.
  2287. >”Shut up you brat.”
  2288. >She playfully tells you.
  2289. >”Okay, then, I’ll talk to you soon, take care!”
  2290. “You do the same.”
  2291. >You both hang up your phones.
  2292. >Finally, you head to the shower to ease up on the rest of the day.
  2293. >You feel some real shit is about to go down.
  2295. >The days pass quicker than normal.
  2296. >Monday is now upon you.
  2297. >You had your stuff packed and ready to go the previous night.
  2298. >Several changes of clothes.
  2299. >The usual cleaning and grooming utensils like a toothbrush, shampoo, body soap and some cologne for good measure.
  2300. >You also packed a jump rope and some 2lb weights for some light training.
  2301. >You figured you'd get a good morning jog at dawn to get the days going.
  2302. >With everything all packed and ready to go, you take your bags and wait out on the sidewalk.
  2303. >It's a few minutes past the time Twilight said they would arrive but then you notice a large bus.
  2304. >It's not their mini hippy band tour bus.
  2305. >But a full on school buss.
  2306. >From the distance you can see that it is packed inside.
  2307. >The bus then stops right in front of you and your house.
  2308. >The doors swing open for Principal Celestia to come out.
  2309. >”Good morning, Mr. Anonymous, and thank you for agreeing to come along for two weeks of fun, friends and fantastic adventures!”
  2310. >Awfully cheerful for her normally cool calm and collected attitude.
  2311. >She then gestures to a spot near the rear tire.
  2312. >A compartment.
  2313. >”Please feel free to place your bags in the luggage hold and enter to begin your journey to a Summer you'll never forget!”
  2314. >You do as you're told.
  2315. >You walk into the bus to see it almost full.
  2316. >Lots of classmates from school.
  2317. >You almost feel like this is some sort of class trip.
  2318. >You make your way through the bus.
  2319. >Looking for Twilight.
  2320. >You find someone familiar.
  2321. >Flash Sentry.
  2322. >And he has an open spot.
  2323. >You take a seat with him.
  2324. >”Sup man?”
  2325. >He greets you with his hand up.
  2326. >You don't leave him hanging and slap hands.
  2327. “Sup Flash.”
  2328. >You both let go and you sit back in your seat.
  2329. >”You ready for some good times?”
  2330. >He asks.
  2331. “Are they usually good times?”
  2332. >You ask without looking to him.
  2333. >”Hell yeah man, the fresh air, the games, the music..”
  2334. >He continues on and you kind of block him out.
  2335. >”...the girls.”
  2336. >That one caught your attention.
  2337. “Girls?”
  2338. >You now give him attention.
  2339. >Wasn't he dating Sunset Shimmer?
  2340. >”Yeah man.”
  2341. >He gives you a smile.
  2342. >”We may be with our girls but that doesn't mean we can't have a good look or two at the other lovely ladies can we?”
  2343. >You kept your stare on him for a moment more.
  2344. >Then you shrug and give him a nod and a look of 'makes sense.'
  2345. “Guess you're right about that.”
  2346. >Flash cackles a bit.
  2347. >”Yeah, you get me! It's only harmless looking. I'd never cheat on Sunset.”
  2348. >Those words stung a bit.
  2349. >You tilt your head back on the bus seat and close your eyes.
  2350. “Yeah...”
  2351. >Is all you answer.
  2352. >”Oh, and the night fires are usually fun.”
  2353. >Night fires?
  2354. “What are those?”
  2355. >You hope it's not some weird cult thing of setting things on fire.
  2356. >The others never seem to talk about them.
  2357. >Flash half turns to face you.
  2358. >”What? You've never been to one?”
  2359. >He asks, surprised.
  2360. >Before you could answer him, he answers his own question.
  2361. >”Oh right, come to think of it, this is going to be your first camping trip with the group.”
  2362. >He then explains.
  2363. >”Usually every night after the campfire and ghost stories are told, a lot of the younger kids head off to bed, a lot of us older teens stay and have a gathering of our own.”
  2364. >Seems alright.
  2365. >”Lots of stuff can go down there. Music, sing alongs, truth or dare, sometimes someone brings alcohol or some weed.”
  2366. >Not your cup of tea really,
  2367. >”It's usually a chill time, you don't have to partake in any of those, but it really calms the atmosphere.”
  2368. >You'll have to keep that in mind.
  2369. “Sounds kinda dumb, if I'm honest.”
  2370. >Flash places his hand on your shoulder.
  2371. >”It'll be fun, man, just come to one, usually the girls partake in them as well.”
  2372. >Again, this is new information that you didn't know.
  2373. >You can't imagine that they would get too out of hand.
  2374. >You have a feeling you won't have a choice in wanting to go or not.
  2375. “Well, either way, I assume the girls are on a different bus?”
  2376. >You ask Flash.
  2377. >”Yeah, we should meet them there once we get to camp.”
  2378. >You nod.
  2379. >For the rest of the ride you and Flash discuss on a few topics.
  2380. >Mostly small talk like sports and music.
  2381. >You finally make it to Camp Everfree.
  2382. >An almost endless supply of lush evergreen trees as far as the eyes can see.
  2383. >Mountainous range far off in the distance.
  2384. >A dock and lake for good measure.
  2385. >You step off the bus.
  2386. >You take a deep breath.
  2387. >The crisp, clean air is amazing.
  2388. >You spend a lot of your time in the city, so this is a rarity.
  2389. >Just that one literal breath of fresh air has calmed you more than anything else has in the past.
  2390. >You really ought to get out and go hiking more often.
  2391. >Looking around the place looks rather swank.
  2392. >Fancy looking mixture of old world log cabins with a fantasy sort of twist.
  2393. >There are several buses here.
  2394. >There are a lot of people.
  2395. >Like, a lot.
  2396. >Seriously, did every school in the City come to this thing?
  2397. >There are kids of all ages everywhere as well as a bunch of your classmates.
  2398. >You look around to see if you could find Twilight anywhere.
  2399. >You can't seem to find her or any of the others.
  2400. >But there are still people exiting buses so you assume you'll find each other sooner or later.
  2401. >You go and grab your bags from the bottom compartment of the bus.
  2402. >And aimlessly wander the campgrounds.
  2403. >Weaving through a large crowd of kids who are all bright eyed and cheery beyond belief.
  2404. >After a few minutes of searching, you finally find Twilight with the rest of her crew.
  2405. >You notice each other and embrace for a moment.
  2406. “Different buses, I assume?”
  2407. >She nods her head.
  2408. >”Yeah, it was just more efficient since we do live across town.”
  2409. >Makes sense.
  2410. >Someone comes from behind her
  2411. >”Hey Twilight, long time no see!”
  2412. >Timber Spruce.
  2413. >Tree bark colored skin and green shaggy hair.
  2414. >Covered by a gray beanie.
  2415. >”Hi Timber!”
  2416. >Twilight seems happy to see him.
  2417. >She gives him a quick hug.
  2418. >He then notices you.
  2419. >”Anon, what's up buddy?”
  2420. >He extends his hand for a shake.
  2421. >You take it.
  2422. >He squeezes it hard.
  2423. >As if he's trying to prove something.
  2424. >You think nothing of it for now.
  2425. “Timber, how you doing man?”
  2426. >You'll keep things civil
  2427. >You remember Dash talking about Timber still hitting on Twilight.
  2428. >You have no reason to be hostile.
  2429. >Yet.
  2430. >”I'm doing good! I'm glad you came along!”
  2431. >You nod and he continues.
  2432. >”Seriously, it means a lot for my family to keep this camp running so any help is appreciated.”
  2433. >You let go of the handshake.
  2434. >He doesn't
  2435. >You lock eyes for a moment.
  2436. >Then he let's go.
  2437. >”So what made you want to come this time around?”
  2438. >He asks.
  2439. >You then move towards Twilight and drape your arm over her shoulders.
  2440. >Pulling her close.
  2441. “Just wanted to spend more time with my girl.”
  2442. >Twilight blushes over this.
  2443. >Timber doesn't seem phased.
  2444. >”That's cool, I know you've both been busy so hopefully this time away from it all helps.”
  2445. >He begins to step back.
  2446. >”I know it's hard to keep up with her but I know you'll be fine”
  2447. >And then he wanders off.
  2448. >The fuck is that supposed to mean?
  2449. >Twilight then places her hand on your chest.
  2450. >”Come on, let's go rejoin the others.”
  2451. >You both regroup with the rest of the crew and exchange hellos.
  2452. “So uh, what are we supposed to be doing?”
  2453. >You ask.
  2454. >”Principal Celestia should be making an announcement over the PA system about grouping.”
  2455. >”Attention all campers.”
  2456. >Right on cue.
  2457. >”We will be assigning groups shortly, please make your way and gather around the main cabin for further instructions.”
  2458. >Like lemmings you all file towards the center of the campgrounds.
  2459. >There you can barely see the Principal at the front of the cabin in question.
  2460. >She speaks through a microphone.
  2461. >She starts to group you by letter.
  2462. >Then by age group.
  2463. >She then assigns a 'group leader' to keep order among you all.
  2464. >Conveniently you're with Twi and her pals as well as their partners.
  2465. >A few other students your age that you know from Crystal Prep are in the group as well.
  2466. >And Timber Spruce.
  2467. >Who happens to be the group leader
  2468. >You are then dismissed to your groups.
  2469. >Timber then has you all gather up closer.
  2470. >”Alright guys, we're going to set up our encampment over on the other side of the lake.”
  2471. >You all make your way to the other side of said lake.
  2472. >You then begin to set up large tents that will house two people each.
  2473. >Twilight seems to be with Dash.
  2474. >You ended up with Big Mac.
  2475. >Eh, it could have been worse.
  2476. >At least he's quiet.
  2477. >You were on the football team with him so he's not a total stranger.
  2478. >You both get your tent set up.
  2479. >It's now sundown.
  2480. >First day of camp is getting accumulated.
  2481. >You all gather around a building campfire and have a communal dinner.
  2482. >Afterwords you all roast marshmallows to finish the first night.
  2483. >So far, so good.
  2485. >Morning.
  2486. >Early morning,
  2487. >Like, seriously, there is only a trickle of light creeping from the horizon. No sun yet
  2488. >Your phone alarm goes off.
  2489. >Thankfully it doesn't disturb Mac.
  2490. >You suspect his snores downed them out for him.
  2491. >Which is good for you.
  2492. >You get up.
  2493. >You go for your bag.
  2494. >You start to grab some clothes.
  2495. >A black pair of shorts.
  2496. >A plaint white T shirt
  2497. >A pair of compression socks.
  2498. >Some compression sleeves.
  2499. >Then you grab your 2lb weights you packed.
  2500. >And finally your jump rope.
  2501. >You step outside into the mostly dark campgrounds.
  2502. >It's a bit hard to see with the absence of artificial light.
  2503. >You can make out the tops of the large evergreen trees.
  2504. >A layer of fog gently and slowly rolls over the lake and through the trees.
  2505. >You take a deep breath of the morning air.
  2506. >The cold snap of the air enters your lungs sends a shockwave into your chest.
  2507. >And then the rest of your body.
  2508. >Man that got you amped.
  2509. >You begin to limber up by stretching your legs.
  2510. >Then your arms.
  2511. >You now start doing some squats.
  2512. >Then some jumping jacks whilst holding your weights.
  2513. >You drape your jump rope over your neck.
  2514. >You look out the distance once more.
  2515. >There is a little more sunlight
  2516. >You can start to make out the finer details of the trees in the distance.
  2517. >Fuck it, you decide to try and go for a jog into the forest.
  2518. >It's still a bit dark.
  2519. >But you feel if you keep at a relatively straight line, you can make your way back to camp.
  2520. >Your jog begins simple enough.
  2521. >A fairly flat run for a good while.
  2522. >Then there are some uneven surfaces.
  2523. >Tree trunks, boulders, mounds
  2524. >You're moving up small hills and hitting small valleys.
  2525. >The sun giving more and more light with every passing minute.
  2526. >You're not sure how long you've been going at it for.
  2527. >You finally stop at an opening.
  2528. >You're at the base of another lake.
  2529. >More forest across the water and a beautiful mountain graces you in the distance.
  2530. >The trees and mountain perfectly reflect on the clear lake water like some alternate reality
  2531. >You can't help but smile at the sight.
  2532. >The earthy smell of the wetlands mixed with the fresh smell of green trees brings you at a certain kind of peace you've never really felt before.
  2533. >You always read that pro boxers tend to train in the mountains.
  2534. >You're starting to understand why.
  2535. >Since you're here, this will be your end point.
  2536. >You begin to jump rope.
  2537. >It takes you a bit longer than usual to get your rhythm going.
  2538. >You're not exactly jumping on a solid surface.
  2539. >you try to kick some pebbles around and create a surface
  2540. >You finally get in your rhythm.
  2541. >Once you're satisfied with your results, you take a short rest.
  2542. >You take off your shirt as it has now been soaked all the way through from the morning workout.
  2543. >Now you get up and do a few arm exercises.
  2544. >”Anon?”
  2545. >You hear a feminine voice from behind you.
  2546. >Shocked, you quickly turn to see who it was who may have followed you.
  2547. >It was Rainbow Dash.
  2548. >From what you can tell, it looks like she was doing the same thing as you.
  2549. >She was wearing a pair of her usual black spats.
  2550. >A loosely fitting white tank top which you can easily see her tight dark blue sports bra underneath.
  2551. >Her hair was tied back into a ponytail.
  2552. “What the fuck?”
  2553. >Is all you can mutter.
  2554. >She starts to move closer to you.
  2555. “How did you find me?”
  2556. >You demand.
  2557. >She rolls her eyes.
  2558. >”Don't act like this is some super secret place. I usually jog up here every time we come camp here as well.”
  2559. >She starts to do a few stretches of her own.
  2560. >”Did you forget that I'm an athlete and have to keep up with exercise as well?”
  2561. >She turns to you now.
  2562. >”Am I really nothing else to you than just a fuck doll now?”
  2563. >Is she now calling you out?
  2564. >It's not like you two were hanging out before all this happened.
  2565. “I mean, yeah?”
  2566. >You shrug your shoulders.
  2567. >Wondering what her reaction to that was going to be.
  2568. >She just stands there and stares at you.
  2569. >A smile then comes across her face.
  2570. >She begins to laugh.
  2571. >”Haaa hahaha, I guess you're right”
  2572. >Well, you didn't expect that.
  2573. >”Well whatever, don't think too hard about right now, I only wanted to get a workout in.”
  2574. >She then starts to look up and down your exposed chest again.
  2575. >A small flush of red waves across her face.
  2576. >”I mean, I'm sure you would agree that a good fuck like that ride you gave me at Egghead's house would make for a great workout. But, I really want to be able to walk right now though.”
  2577. >That comment gave you chuckle.
  2578. “Hm, whatever, I'm still working out so do what you wish as long as it doesn't involve my dick.”
  2579. >you turn away from Dash.
  2580. >And start to shadowbox with the weights in your hands.
  2581. >Dash then seems to do some more stretches herself.
  2582. >You then shadowbox without the weights.
  2583. >Dash seems to be finished with her stuff.
  2584. >But she decides to sit on a log and watch you shadowbox.
  2585. >You go at it for some time before she says something.
  2586. >”So, why boxing?”
  2587. >You pause for a moment.
  2588. “Family was really into it when I was young. They put me in training when I was 11 and stuck with it.”
  2589. >You start to shadowbox again.
  2590. “The training and discipline required for it is unlike any other sport.”
  2591. >You're satisfied with your workout.
  2592. “Plus you can punch people, what's not to like about that?”
  2593. >You shoot her a smile.
  2594. >She chuckles and then hands you a water bottle.
  2595. >Shit, you didn't even bring one yourself.
  2596. >You take her bottle and squeeze some of the water into your mouth.
  2597. >Not having any water for a workout is a bad time.
  2598. “Thanks.”
  2599. >She nods.
  2600. >You both stand there for a minute.
  2601. “Hey.”
  2602. >You break the moment of silence.
  2603. “I don't know if we should be doing..., whatever it is we're doing.”
  2604. >Dash just stands there.
  2605. >She takes a swig of her own water bottle.
  2606. >”I'll stop when you stop taking my advances.”
  2607. >She winks at you.
  2608. >”Now come on, I know the way back.”
  2609. >You say nothing.
  2610. >You hang your head low.
  2611. >And finally follow her through the forest.
  2612. >Both you and Dash jog back to the campgrounds.
  2613. >With the sunlight now in full swing it's actually easier to get back.
  2614. >You see a few other people seemed to have also woken up and are about.
  2615. >Dash has you follow her to a makeshift clothes hanger where you can hang your soaked shirt.
  2616. >She also takes her tank top off and hangs it as well.
  2617. >You turn to see Timber Spruce.
  2618. >”Good morning guys.”
  2619. >Both you and Dash are shocked at his sudden appearance.
  2620. >”Uh, morning.”
  2621. >Dash says.
  2622. “Yeah, good morning.”
  2623. >You follow suit.
  2624. >Timber gives you and Dash a look
  2625. >”Got a good exercise this morning?”
  2626. >Awkward silence.
  2627. “We did, I went for a jog through the forest and she followed suit.”
  2628. >You tell him.
  2629. >”That's nice, but I do have to warn you of running into the forest without supervision. It can get a bit dicey in there sometimes.”
  2630. >You nod.
  2631. ”Thanks for the concern.”
  2632. >Timber nods.
  2633. >”Of course!”
  2634. >You three all still stand there.
  2635. >A moment of awkward silence.
  2636. >”So, does Twilight know you two...”
  2637. >You step forward and was going to say something,
  2638. >But Rainbow Dash beats you to the punch.
  2639. >”What does that mean?”
  2640. >A look of anger in her face.
  2641. >Timber takes a step back.
  2642. >”Woah, sorry! I was just-”
  2643. >Dash cuts him off.
  2644. >”Just what? She clearly knows Anon and I work out a lot.”
  2645. >She takes another step trying to get in his face.
  2646. >”Why don't you buzz off and keep your nose out of our business.”
  2647. >Timber holds his hands up in defeat.
  2648. >”Alright, Sorry, I spoke out of line.”
  2649. >He takes another look at the both of you.
  2650. >”We do have some showers over on the southeastern end of the campgrounds. You should shower up and get ready for the day.”
  2651. >He says as he runs off.
  2652. >She turns back to you.
  2653. >Still looking annoyed from the previous exchange.
  2654. >”He's totally trying to get into Eggheads pants.”
  2655. “I think you came off a bit strong, he may suspect something now.”
  2656. >Dash lowers her head at your comment.
  2657. >”Damn, I think you're right.”
  2658. >You're going to try and keep a low profile for now.
  2659. >But this is only the start.
  2660. >You both go your separate ways back to your tents.
  2661. >Big Mac seems to be up and about as your tent is empty.
  2662. >You grab a change of clothes and make your way to the showers.
  2663. >And get ready for the day.
  2665. >After a nice, quick shower, you rejoin the rest of the camp.
  2666. >Everyone gathers at the main cabin for some breakfast.
  2667. >Looks like there is a kitchen in the cabin to feed many campers.
  2668. >You hope there is more than one kitchen on the campgrounds.
  2669. >Because if not, you feel sorry for the poor cooks who have to get the food ready.
  2670. >Then again, it's not like it's the most fancy breakfast foods.
  2671. >The simple things like pancakes, eggs, bacon, sausage and some fruits.
  2672. >You opt for some scrambled eggs, a cup of yogurt, an apple and a single strip of bacon.
  2673. >Fuck it, two strips of bacon,
  2674. >You'll just work it off later.
  2675. >You find a seat next to some familiar faces and eat your breakfast in peace.
  2676. >Principal Celestia announces to everyone of the activities for the day.
  2677. >A nature walk for all ages.
  2678. >Archery.
  2679. >Swim lesions for the younger campers who don't know how to swim.
  2680. >You don't care too much for archery.
  2681. >Nor are you the best swimmer so like hell you're gonna let anyone put you in charge of children.
  2682. >You had a good run in the morning but another trek in the woods isn't too bad.
  2683. >So you go for the nature walk.
  2684. >Dash and Pinkie seems to go for the swim lesions for the kids
  2685. >A couple of the others went for the Archery.
  2686. >Twi and Fluttershy come along for the nature walk.
  2687. >As well as Timber Spruce.
  2688. >The walk wasn't all that bad.
  2689. >Twilight knew her stuff when it came to the plant life and pointed out things here and there.
  2690. >Fluttershy herself being a sort of animal expert pointed out several small wooden creatures out and gave nice little tidbits about them.
  2691. >The kids seemed to really enjoyed it.
  2692. >You stop somewhere mid-walk for a snack for the kids.
  2693. >Simple fruit and water.
  2694. >And continue on the walk.
  2695. >Through some magic or witchcraft.
  2696. >You find your way back to the campgrounds via an alternate route from which you came.
  2697. >Must be Timber's knowledge of the forest.
  2698. >Everyone breaks up for now until sunset for a campfire gathering.
  2699. >Not the one Flash was talking about, but the ones with ghost stories and the younger campers.
  2700. >You regroup with Twilight Sparkle, who's in mid conversation with Fluttershy.
  2701. >They both notice you and break their conversation to greet you.
  2702. >”Hi babe!”
  2703. >She embraces you.
  2704. >You match her hug with your own.
  2705. >”Did you enjoy the nature walk?”
  2706. >Fluttershy chirped in with her soft voice almost as if she was whispering.
  2707. >You nod in her direction.
  2708. “Yeah, it was fun. Nice of both of you to point out all the different species of plant life and animals.”
  2709. >Fluttershy gives a very sweet smile at your complement.
  2710. >”This forest is home to many different and fascinating creatures. So it's good to know what's out there.”
  2711. >Twilight then rubs your back.
  2712. >”Hopefully the walk didn't tire you out, I know you went for a run with Rainbow Dash this morning.”
  2713. >Wait.
  2714. >You never told her you went for a run this morning.
  2715. >Or that you met Dash along the way.
  2716. “Wait, who said that?”
  2717. >You give her a confused look.
  2718. >Which, in turn, she gives you a confused look back.
  2719. >”Timber had said he saw you and Dash walk from the forest this morning.”
  2720. >That mother fucker.
  2721. >”I told him that he didn't need to worry.”
  2722. >You're fixing to have him to take one off the chin at this rate.
  2723. >Twilight can see that you're visibly angry so she tries to calm you a bit.
  2724. >”Don't worry about him. He was just worried about you two traversing through the forest after hours.”
  2725. >She begins to rub your chest to aid in her attempts to reassure you.
  2726. >Fluttershy then chimes in again.
  2727. >”It is a bit dangerous to be wandering in the forest after hours.”
  2728. >She says in her super soft tone of voice.
  2729. >”You could disturb sleeping animals, and they won't be kind in turn.”
  2730. >You shoot your gaze over to her.
  2731. >She quickly looks away.
  2732. >Girl is too shy for her own good.
  2733. >Your gaze softens.
  2734. >Perhaps it's best not to make a big deal of this yet.
  2735. >But dammit is Timber pushing it.
  2736. >You nod at both Twilight and Fluttershy.
  2737. “Sorry for shooting you a dirty look Flutts.”
  2738. >You apologize.
  2739. >You then wrap your arm around Twilight.
  2740. “I suppose we should get ready for the evenings festivities?”
  2741. >The girls nod.
  2742. >You all make your way back to your tents for the time being.
  2743. >A good rest does sound good right about now.
  2745. >At sunset.
  2746. >Most of the campers in your section are all gathered at the center of your campground.
  2747. >There, several of the older campers are setting up small fires.
  2748. >While others are readying marshmallows on a stick to pass out to people.
  2749. >Once the sun has set many campers roast their marshmallows.
  2750. >Graham crackers and chocolate bars are passed out by Pinkie Pie.
  2751. >Her and the other girls help out with the younger campers assemble their s'mores.
  2752. >Once everyone has a s'more, Timber starts out with an old tale from his ancestors and the history of the campgrounds.
  2753. >After his story other older campers tell lame ghost stories.
  2754. >Not that you could do any better.
  2755. >Flash Sentry then brings out his acoustic guitar and begins to serenade the crowd.
  2756. >He then asks out if anyone cares to join him in a song.
  2757. >”Anon buddy, care to join?”
  2758. >You cross your arms in an 'X' shape.
  2759. “Not even gonna try, I'm mostly musically illiterate.”
  2760. >Flash chuckles.
  2761. >”Why mostly?”
  2762. >He asks.
  2763. “Cause I think I can still play 'Hot Cross Buns' on the recorder?”
  2764. >You say while shrugging your shoulders.
  2765. >It gets a laugh out of a couple of people.
  2766. >”Come on man, you gotta know something.”
  2767. >You shake your head.
  2768. “Sorry, there's gotta be something I'm bad at, and music isn't my thing, unfortunately.”
  2769. >There is a murmur in the crowd.
  2770. >”Well, unlike green boy here, I've got a few tunes up my sleeve.”
  2771. >Green boy?
  2772. >You turn to see who said that.
  2773. >Huh, it was Zephyr Breeze, Fluttershy's brother.
  2774. >He looks to have an acoustic guitar of his own.
  2775. >He then tries to set himself up next to Rainbow Dash.
  2776. >”Just give me a few minutes of your time and let me wow you with the 'Breeze Tease.'”
  2777. >He tries to lean on Dash's shoulder but she scoots from him.
  2778. >Looking visibly annoyed and maybe a little angry as well.
  2779. >But only for him to slide along with her.
  2780. >You can't help but chuckle and watch Dash blow off his advances.
  2781. >You almost forgive him for his comment just to see him make Rainbow Dash uncomfortable.
  2782. >He does a few corny songs.
  2783. >He's nowhere near as good as Flash.
  2784. >But god bless him he's trying.
  2785. >After a while it's late enough for the kids to go on to bed.
  2786. >Everyone breaks up and heads back to their tents.
  2787. >As do you.
  2788. >Once in the tent, you begin to get ready for bed.
  2789. >Mac, however, rummages through his bags.
  2790. “Looking for something?”
  2791. >You're incline to ask.
  2792. >Of course he's looking for something.
  2793. >”Eeyup.”
  2794. >Man of few words.
  2795. >Always has been as long as you've known him.
  2796. “What're you looking for?”
  2797. >You probe further.
  2798. >He then stands up and turns to you.
  2799. >He holds up a large bottle of pale gold liquid.
  2800. “I'm assuming that's alcohol?”
  2801. >He nods.
  2802. >”Yup.”
  2803. “You're going to one of those 'fire gathering' thing's I've heard about?”
  2804. >”Yup.”
  2805. >Of course.
  2806. “Do I HAVE to go?”
  2807. >”Nope.”
  2808. >You sigh.
  2809. “But if I don't go, I'll be labeled as some sort of bitch or something?”
  2810. >”Eeyup.”
  2811. >You hate peer pressure.
  2812. >You roll your eyes at Mac, but you get back up and dressed.
  2813. “Alright lets go and get this over with.”
  2814. >Mac then nods and leads you outside to a pitch black campgrounds.
  2815. >He pulls out a flashlight and leads you into the forest.
  2816. >You begin to make out a light deeper in the forest.
  2817. >As you get closer, it gets brighter.
  2818. >You then come to an opening.
  2819. >There is a large fire in the center.
  2820. >Chairs scattered around it and some wood logs.
  2821. >Lots of classmates and even others you've noticed that were from Crystal Prep High are here.
  2822. >Small clusters of groups socializing with some music playing in the background.
  2823. >Vinyl Scratch, of course playing DJ with the boombox with an MP3 player connected.
  2824. >There is a pale haze that you can make out that lazily hangs above certain patches of the crowd.
  2825. >Then the unmistakeable skunky smell of weed hits your senses.
  2826. >You rub your nose for a moment.
  2827. >You're not used to weed.
  2828. >You and Mac make your way weaving through a couple of people to make it to your crew.
  2829. >Everyone seems to have gathered up.
  2830. >Mac holds up his bottle of alcohol and you hear some cheers in the crowd.
  2831. >Pinkie then distributes plastic cups from her hair like some witch.
  2832. >She distributes the cups to you and your group.
  2833. >Then passes the cups all around.
  2834. >Mac cracks open the bottle and pours you a little bit.
  2835. >Then passes the bottle around to people.
  2836. >You take a sniff.
  2837. >It smells like rubbing alcohol.
  2838. >You have a look around at the others.
  2839. >Most of them don't seem to mind.
  2840. >After several minutes the bottle is passed back to Mac.
  2841. >You notice Timber Spruce get up onto a chair and raises his cup.
  2842. >”Alright everyone!”
  2843. >He bellows loud enough over the music.
  2844. >”To another great time at Camp Everfree!”
  2845. >He then holds the cup ever higher and everyone around him does the same.
  2846. >A toast.
  2847. >So yo raise your own cup along with everyone else.
  2848. >Then you take a drink with everyone else.
  2849. >And you almost gag and spit it out.
  2850. >Ugh, it even tastes like rubbing alcohol with some oak wood and some apples.
  2851. >*Cough!*
  2852. >The harsh liquid goes back out your mouth and everyone takes notice.
  2853. >”Ahh! He can't hold his liquor!”
  2854. >An unrecognizable voice yells from across the area.
  2855. >There is laughter.
  2856. >Fuck that was embarrassing.
  2857. >”Alright come on guys.”
  2858. >You see Timber Spruce wave his arms down to people.
  2859. >”I'm sure we have some juice boxes from the kid's he can drink on.”
  2860. >A round a of laughter from lots of people this time.
  2861. >You've been here not even ten minutes and you're already sick of everyone's shit.
  2862. >You want to leave.
  2863. >You're about to turn face and blow this thing off when you feel a pair of hands claps your shoulders.
  2864. >You clench your fist and quickly turn, almost ready to strike whoever tried to grab you.
  2865. >It was both Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle.
  2866. >They both quickly let go and Twi backs from you while Dash holds her hands up.
  2867. >”Whoa there, stud.”
  2868. >Your eyes go wide and immediately all the pent up rage is released in the air.
  2869. “S-sorry!”
  2870. >You hold up both your hands up and back up yourself.
  2871. “I really shouldn't be here. I'll just go back to my tent.”
  2872. >You say quickly and try to escape the area.
  2873. >But once again Dash, Twi and then the others come to try and calm you.
  2874. >”Dude, don't listen to that asshat, he's clearly still trying to get under your skin.”
  2875. >Rainbow Dash is the first to speak to you.
  2876. >”He was only teasing. Don't let it get to you.”
  2877. >Twilight said.
  2878. >”Yeah, don't listen to that party pooper!”
  2879. >Pinkie Pie now gives her two cents.
  2880. >”There are totally other drinks here for you to enjoy.”
  2881. >You start to calm down a bit.
  2882. >Guess having friends is a big help.
  2883. >Finally you see Flash and Sunset Shimmer who are now among the group surrounding you.
  2884. >”Yeah man, if you leave now, that just means he's won.”
  2885. >Words of wisdom from Flash Sentry.
  2886. >You gently shake your head, but you turn back to the crowd.
  2887. >Flash pats you on the back.
  2888. >”That's it man, don't let him get to you.”
  2889. “I'm going to end up knocking that mother fucker out by the end of this trip, mark my words.”
  2890. >You say just low enough for only Flash to hear.
  2891. >He gives you a smile.
  2892. >”Looking forward to it.”
  2893. >He tells you also in a low tone.
  2894. >A smile creeps on your face and a light chuckle escapes your lips.
  2895. >You rejoin everyone.
  2896. >You hand your cup of alcohol to Flash, who pours a little into his cup and then Sunset's.
  2897. >Pinkie hands you a bottle of water.
  2898. >Which you gladly take.
  2899. >You see both Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash with cups.
  2900. “You guys like this stuff?”
  2901. >You motion to their cups.
  2902. >Twilight lifts her cup to examine it.
  2903. >Then looks to you.
  2904. >”I don't usually prefer it. But I have just one drink with my friends.”
  2905. >She says.
  2906. >”Besides, it's a good calming agent in moderate doses.”
  2907. >Moderate doses usually is the key word.
  2908. >You turn to Dash.
  2909. “And you?”
  2910. >She shrugs and takes a sip from her cup.
  2911. >”All work and no play makes Rainbow Dash a dull girl.”
  2912. >She lightly punches your shoulder.
  2913. >”Look man, don't stress over it too much, you don't have to drink.”
  2914. >She then takes a look at her cup.
  2915. >”But, once in a while, it doesn't hurt to let loose a little bit.”
  2916. >She takes another drink from her cup.
  2917. >”Wait, have you never tried any alcohol before?”
  2918. >You pause before you answer
  2919. >You just nod your head.
  2920. >“Huh, gotta say I didn't realize you were that serious in your training”
  2921. >Dash says.
  2922. “I have enough vices I need to worry about, I don't need any others.”
  2923. >You shoot Dash a certain look and she seems to pick up on what you mean.
  2924. >Some time passes.
  2925. >You converse with the group.
  2926. >Then with some other students.
  2927. >The general vibe feels a lot better than it did when you arrived.
  2928. >There are some couples dancing to the music
  2929. >People are now getting loud.
  2930. >There seems to be a scuffle going on.
  2931. >Everyone is gathering around in excitement.
  2932. >You move closer to see what is going on.
  2933. >It looks to be some girls who are fighting.
  2934. >Looks like someone you've seen at Canterlot High and another you know is part of the Crystal Prep crowd.
  2935. >Nothing juicy.
  2936. >Pushing, shoving, hair pulling.
  2937. >The alcohol is definitely affecting people now.
  2938. >You decide to help out in the breaking up of the fight.
  2939. >You're sure it's over something trivial and stupid anyways.
  2940. >The Canterlot chick is easily held back.
  2941. >You're able to make out the words of said girl being held back.
  2942. >“Ugh, you bitch! We Canterlot girls are WAY more hotter than you!”
  2943. >Yep, totally sounds like a reasonable argument that alcohol had no hand in starting.
  2944. >”Whatever, hoe! Don't be jealous that we Prep girls could land any man we want!”
  2945. >You can't help but laugh at the petty squabble.
  2946. >But that voice sounds a bit familiar.
  2947. >You look over to see whose voice it was.
  2948. >Pale yellow skin.
  2949. >Freckles.
  2950. >Long straight pale rose colored hair with a pale teal streak in it.
  2951. >Sour Sweet.
  2952. >One of the most popular girls over at Crystal Prep.
  2953. >In fact, you can pick out a few of her other friends as well.
  2954. >You wonder why someone with a high profile like hers is doing at a seemingly nothing Camp gathering.
  2955. >Not that it really matters right now.
  2956. >You just want to get this situated.
  2957. >And her face is flushed red with a pair of dreary eyes.
  2958. >She's probably drunk as well.
  2959. >Some of the other onlookers, were egging them on.
  2960. >And telling you to let them go at each other.
  2961. >”Come on! Let her go. Cat fight! Cat fight!”
  2962. >One person yells.
  2963. >”Yeah, let them settle it out over a make out session!”
  2964. >Another one yells.
  2965. “Nobody is making out or doing anything else!”
  2966. >You yell out into the crowd.
  2967. >Many of the others are now booing at you.
  2968. >You further help push back your school's 'rep' further away to try and deescalate the situation.
  2969. >then a pair of hands grab your shoulders and spin you around.
  2970. >A clearly drunk Sour Sweet now stands before you.
  2971. >”And who do you think you are telling me what to do?”
  2972. >You keep calm.
  2973. >She's drunk.
  2974. >Maybe even wasted.
  2975. “Nobody is telling you to do anything. I'm just trying to calm things down.”
  2976. >She still gets in your face.
  2977. >You can easily smell the alcohol on her breath.
  2978. >And her perfume.
  2979. >”Whatever! Just because you're super hot doesn't mean you can handle all this!”
  2980. >She presents herself to you
  2981. >Gliding her hands up and down her body.
  2982. >A couple of 'ooohs' from the crowd.
  2983. >She's got a real nice pair of tits, you'll giver her that.
  2984. >”Oh yeah? Why don't you prove it?”
  2985. >Your eyes go wide.
  2986. >You know that voice.
  2987. “Shut up Rainbow Dash.”
  2988. >You turn to tell a, probably equally, intoxicated Dash loudly.
  2989. >Her face flushed red and a slight daze to her gaze as well.
  2990. >”What? I wanna see what this skank can do.”
  2991. >She then starts to get close to you.
  2992. >What the fuck is she doing?
  2993. “Shut up Rainbow Dash!”
  2994. >You tell her again in an even louder tone, almost yelling.
  2995. >”Bring it, bitch!”
  2996. >Sour Sweet moves past you and is now in Dash's face.
  2997. >”Name your game!”
  2998. >Sour challenges Dash.
  2999. >Dash pulls up a chair and places it in between her and Sour.
  3000. >”A lap dance competition! We both give Anon here a lap dance and he chooses who was the better one!”
  3001. “What the fuck!?”
  3002. >You full on yelled.
  3003. >Everyone around you are now hollering in approval.
  3004. >Chanting for the lap dance.
  3005. “What the fuck does a fucking lap dance have to do with anything!?”
  3006. >Still yelling at anyone who will actually listen.
  3007. >”You're on!”
  3008. >Sweet accepts the challenge.
  3009. >The crowd roars.
  3011. >You yell at the top of your lungs.
  3012. >Loud enough that it got the attention of everyone.
  3013. >Thunderous boos rain down on you.
  3014. >”What a fag!”
  3015. >Someone yells.
  3016. >”Yeah, fuck that gay boy! Give me the lap dance!”
  3017. >Another random guy yells from somewhere.
  3018. >This is fucking stupid.
  3019. >But now a bigger commotion is starting to emerge.
  3020. >If you needed a better reason to never drink after this shitshow.
  3021. >Where the hell were Twilight and the others in this situation?
  3022. >You try to look around but can't see any of them.
  3023. >You could really use their help right about now.
  3024. >”What seems to be the issue?”
  3025. >Another voice you recognize.
  3026. >But not sure if they're someone you want here right now.
  3027. >Timber Spruce shows his face after he was mostly invisible for most the night.
  3028. >Or rather you were just avoiding him at all costs.
  3029. >Dash turns to him.
  3030. >”None of your business Tree Boy!”
  3031. >She gets in his face.
  3032. >You may not like him.
  3033. >But he may be able to help.
  3034. >You now grab Dash and pull her back.
  3035. “Can you help me get this under control? Where are Twilight and the others?”
  3036. >The people are still chanting for a lap dance.
  3037. >”Most of them already went back for the night.”
  3038. >Fucking lovely.
  3039. >Timber looks around to the crowd for a moment.
  3040. >Then back to you.
  3041. >”I don't really see a problem here. Just take the lap dance”
  3042. >He tells you with a smug look on his face
  3043. >The crowd cheers,
  3044. >You instinctively try to aggressively step towards Timber.
  3045. >And are immediately held back by some of the other guys in the crowd.
  3046. >Timber steps back.
  3047. >Still with a smile on his face.
  3048. >”Hey man, calm down, it's only a lap dance.”
  3049. >He says in an amused tone.
  3050. >”It's not like you're cheating or anything.”
  3051. >You try to rush him again but then more hands grab to hold you back.
  3052. “Fuck off, Spruce! You're ONE second from me cracking your skull!”
  3053. >A couple of ooh's from the crowd.
  3054. >Chants for a fight to break out.
  3055. >You'd welcome it.
  3056. >But you settle down a bit.
  3057. >You need to keep a clear head.
  3058. >You are sure he's still trying to fuck with you.
  3059. >As soon as you've calmed down some hands let you go.
  3060. >Timber still has a smug look on his face.
  3061. >You can't tell if he's also drunk or just still being an asshole.
  3062. >You're still staring daggers at him though.
  3063. >You really don't want to go through with this.
  3064. >But it feels more and more hard to get out of this.
  3065. >This isn't like fucking Dash's brains out in the privacy of a room.
  3066. >Here there are witnesses.
  3067. >But is it really cheating?
  3068. >A lap dance is pretty harmless.
  3069. >And Twilight isn't here.
  3070. >Heart starting to beat faster.
  3071. >Goddamnit you really hate yourself.
  3072. >You hold your index finger in the air.
  3073. “One song!”
  3074. >Crowd erupts into cheers.
  3075. >You hope you don't regret this.
  3076. >Who are you kidding?
  3077. >You're totally going to regret this.
  3078. >People start to back off to make a circle around you and the girls.
  3079. >You grab the chair Rainbow Dash brought earlier and set it in the center of the opening.
  3080. >And sit down.
  3081. >You shake your head and sigh deeply.
  3082. >You look around one more time.
  3083. >And as you expected, a lot of people have their phones out to record what is about to go down.
  3084. >Timber then finds himself in the middle with you and the girls.
  3085. >”Alright!”
  3086. >He bellows.
  3087. >”You each get one song to do your moves.”
  3088. >When you said 'one song' you meant one song overall.
  3089. >This will further just complicate things.
  3090. >The crowd doesn't seem to mind.
  3091. >He goes on.
  3092. >”Anon, buddy, it goes without saying you cannot grab the ladies.”
  3093. >Some boo's rain down.
  3094. >”Also, ladies, keep most of your clothes on, no nudity!”
  3095. >At least he's being somewhat reasonable about it.
  3096. >You hold up your hand and add a stipulation.
  3097. “Since I will not be touching anyone, nobody can touch my junk!”
  3098. >You actually wouldn't mind someone doing that, but you figure it was best to have that.
  3099. >Again, some more boo's from the crowd.
  3100. >”Alright, alright fine.”
  3101. >He then points to Rainbow Dash.
  3102. >”Dash, since you were the one who wanted this first. You will go first.”
  3103. >A moderate cheer from the crowd over the decision.
  3104. >Dash is now a few feet away from you.
  3105. >A fire in her eyes.
  3106. >Face still flushed red from alcohol.
  3107. >Timber finally gets out the way and points to Vinyl Scratch.
  3108. >”DJ! Gets us a song!”
  3109. >She gives a thumbs up and starts to swipe her MP3 player.
  3110. >Looking for a lap dance appropriate song.
  3111. >She then presses a button and music starts blaring from the boombox.
  3112. ( [Jeremiah ft. 50 Cent - Down On Me])
  3113. >Typical.
  3114. >Dash starts to roll her hips.
  3115. >And slowly steps closer and closes the distance between you until she's right in front of you.
  3116. >Her eyes closed with a satisfied look on her face.
  3117. >She begins to slowly walk behind you.
  3118. >She places her hands on your shoulders.
  3119. >Lightly massages them.
  3120. >And begins to run them down to your chest.
  3121. >She takes a handful each of your chest.
  3122. >Giving your pecks a good squeeze.
  3123. >Then continues further down to your abs.
  3124. >She's already trying to go lower.
  3125. >But you brush her hands back up to your abs.
  3126. >Not being too deterred she grabs your shirt and pulls it off you.
  3127. >Crowd cheers.
  3128. >Some high pitched squeals can be heard this time from the ladies in the crowd.
  3129. >Dash swings your shirt in the air as she makes her way back in front of you.
  3130. >She then turns from you.
  3131. >Spreads her legs.
  3132. >She slowly begins to bend over.
  3133. >She traces her hands along her leg.
  3134. >Like she's trying to get a stretch in.
  3135. >But more sexy.
  3136. >She gets to her ankle.
  3137. >Her hips sway to the beat.
  3138. >She then goes from her left ankle to her right.
  3139. >Rolling her hips the whole time.
  3140. >She slowly stands straight up.
  3141. >She places her legs together.
  3142. >She rocks her hips left and right to the beat.
  3143. >She then situates herself in between your legs.
  3144. >She attempts to twerk in front of your face.
  3145. >She does an okay job.
  3146. >It's a nice and firm ass with minimal fat.
  3147. >Besides, you'd like to think Dash isn't this big a slut.
  3148. >She then sets her ass on your chest.
  3149. >Knocking some air out your lungs.
  3150. >She then slides her ass down to your crotch and begins to aggressively grind on you.
  3151. >Her hands on your thighs for balance.
  3152. >Up
  3153. >Down
  3154. >Left
  3155. >Right.
  3156. >Circular motions.
  3157. >She then rides back up your chest.
  3158. >Once her hips reach your face she pulls down her shorts.
  3159. >Revealing her black panties that she had bunched into her ass for a makeshift thong.
  3160. >Dash then arches her back which extenuates her further closer to you.
  3161. >Her mound is right up on your nose.
  3162. >Hot
  3163. >Damp.
  3164. >You can smell her scent.
  3165. >A scent you are unfortunately all to familiar with now.
  3166. >But one whiff of her and it sends your body into a different kind of aroused state.
  3167. >She again wiggles her hips, giving you a tease.
  3168. >There is a loud holler from the crowd.
  3169. >She pulls away from your face and turns face.
  3170. >Her bedroom eyes now fixated on yours.
  3171. >She can tell that turned you on.
  3172. >She licks her lips.
  3173. >Still rolling her hips slowly to the beat.
  3174. >She then straddles herself on your lap.
  3175. >Wraps her legs around you and the chair.
  3176. >Rests her elbows on your shoulders
  3177. >And once again grinds her mound on your half chub.
  3178. >She presses her head on your forehead.
  3179. >Eyes still locked with each other.
  3180. “This isn't keeping a low profile.”
  3181. >You growl at Dash low enough for her to hear.
  3182. >”Mmm.”
  3183. >She only hums at your comment.
  3184. >She finally grabs your head and presses it against her boobs.
  3185. >She motorboats you for a few seconds before she finally lifts her shirt and there is only her sports bra that is between you and her soft breasts.
  3186. >Lastly she pushes herself upwards and slides your face from her breasts down and over her stomach.
  3187. >The song is finally over.
  3188. >She gets off you and stands upright.
  3189. >Pulling her shorts back over her backside.
  3190. >The crowd seems to approve of her performance.
  3191. >Several people are throwing dollar bills at Dash.
  3192. >She laughs a bit at the gesture.
  3193. >Timber shows himself.
  3194. >Clearly pleased with what just transpired.
  3195. >”Alright alright. Give the man some air!”
  3196. >Timber settles the crowd down.
  3197. >Sour Sweet proceeds to get in position in front of you.
  3198. >Her arms crossed.
  3199. >A smug, valley girl like look on her face.
  3200. >”That was nothing!”
  3201. >She exclaims.
  3202. >Some more woo's and whistling from the crowd.
  3203. >Timber looks back to you with his shit eating grin still on his face.
  3204. >”Anon, you good to go?”
  3205. “No.”
  3206. >You simply say.
  3207. >Laughter from a few people.
  3208. >”Sounds good to me!”
  3209. >He once again points to Vinyl Scratch.
  3210. >”DJ! Play us a tune!”
  3211. >And another songs starts to roll.
  3212. ( [Arizona Zervas - Roxanne - Single])
  3213. >She starts a little like Dash did.
  3214. >Swaying her hips to the beat of the music.
  3215. >She brings her hands up over and behind her head.
  3216. >She then locks eyes with you from the get go.
  3217. >Already licking her lips.
  3218. >She then moves her hands from the back of her head over her shoulders.
  3219. >And rubs them to her chest.
  3220. >She begins to massage her own breasts.
  3221. >One hand then travels lower.
  3222. >rubbing her stomach.
  3223. >Then it travels down lower.
  3224. >Over her crotch.
  3225. >Rubbing her two index and middle fingers over the fabric of her short skirt where you assume is her mound.
  3226. >She turns around, lightly squats and starts to roll her hips.
  3227. >An advantage she already has over Dash is the short skirt she's wearing so every thrust upwards you caught a glimpse of her baby blue g-string.
  3228. >Oh, and she was wearing a g-string.
  3229. >Who the fuck wears a g-string to summer camp?
  3230. >Guess you can't be complaining now.
  3231. >She reaches back to her skirt and pulls it over her ass.
  3232. >Showing the crowd her mostly exposed ass if not for what may as well be a single piece of dental floss between her cheeks.
  3233. >She starts to gyrate her hips and lets her ass jiggle.
  3234. >She then lightly hops and brings her legs together and begins to pop her hips to the beat.
  3235. >Her pops get into a rhythm and her ass cheeks make a faint clapping noise.
  3236. >The crowd is loving this.
  3237. >She inches closer with each clap of her ass until she is in front of your knees.
  3238. >She stands up right.
  3239. >And spanks her own ass.
  3240. >She then slowly makes her way behind you.
  3241. >Swaying her hips and keeping her eyes on you whole time.
  3242. >She is right behind you.
  3243. >She also places her hands on your shoulders.
  3244. >She tilts your head back.
  3245. >Once again locking eyes with each other.
  3246. >And slowly slides her hands down to your chest.
  3247. >She then plays with your exposed nipples.
  3248. >It's a weird feeling.
  3249. >They then travel to your abs.
  3250. >Giving them a nice rub.
  3251. >Then her right hand gets adventurous and quickly travels to your lap and quickly grabs your bulge.
  3252. >You very quickly knock her hand off but not before she got a good handful.
  3253. >Her eyes widened.
  3254. >”Well what do we have here?”
  3255. >She whispers to you.
  3256. >A smile on her face.
  3257. >She brings her hands back up to your shoulders.
  3258. >Then she takes one hand and begins to remover her own shirt.
  3259. >The shirt comes off and she places it over your face.
  3260. >The crowd cheers some more in approval.
  3261. >She then removes the shirt and you see her nice pair of tits being held together with a matching color baby blue bra.
  3262. >She shakes them for the crowd a little before she bends down and buries them into your face.
  3263. >Giving you a motorboat of her own.
  3264. >She shakes them side to side and even slaps her tits together with your face still in between them.
  3265. >She goes at it for a minute.
  3266. >You're starting to run out of oxygen.
  3267. >She finally lifts herself up and you gasp for some air.
  3268. >She giggles at her attempted suffocation.
  3269. >She keeps a hand on your shoulder as she makes her way back around to the front.
  3270. >Once again she's right in front of your knees.
  3271. >Still smiling, she raises her hands behind her back and rolls her hips again and turns so her backside is facing you.
  3272. >She then slowly lowers herself onto your lap.
  3273. >It feels like she's grinding your lap with a purpose.
  3274. >Then you feel it.
  3275. >She was looking for Lord Anonhammer the Third.
  3276. >And she found him.
  3277. >Having found her prize she begins to grind on him.
  3278. >Almost like what you and Dash did back in Nurse Redheart's office.
  3279. >She places her hands on your knees and grinds on your now growing erection.
  3280. >She leans back onto your chest, still rubbing off on your lap.
  3281. >Her head leans further back and rests right next to your face.
  3282. >”Mmm, what a hog you have there.”
  3283. >She whispers.
  3284. >”I wonder if it could even fit in me.”
  3285. >A further tease.
  3286. “Not a fucking chance.”
  3287. >You whisper back in a more shaky tone.
  3288. >She giggles at your answer.
  3289. >”What? No to your third leg going in me?”
  3290. >She now spreads her legs over yours and rests her thighs on yours.
  3291. >She then takes both your hands and she forces them onto her breasts,
  3292. >Her hands making yours massage her breasts.
  3293. >So soft.
  3294. >Warm.
  3295. >Pillowy.
  3296. >You'd wager they were in the D's.
  3297. >She then goes a bit further and slides your hands in her bra and you feel her hard nipples.
  3298. >You quickly slide your hands away.
  3299. >That was as far as you were going to let her go with that.
  3300. >Of course that causes some boo's in the crowd.
  3301. >Even Sour lets out a disappointed hum.
  3302. >Finally she stands up and turns face.
  3303. >She then stretches her right lag above her head,
  3304. >Damn she's flexible.
  3305. >She then places her leg over your shoulder.
  3306. >She puts both hands on you knees and then she wraps her other leg over your other shoulder.
  3307. >She now begins to rock back and forward on your erection.
  3308. >The back of her knees resting on your shoulders.
  3309. >Eyes are still locked with each other.
  3310. >Her eyes are filled with this mixture of determination and lust.
  3311. >She moves closer to you.
  3312. >”You can fuck me whenever you want.”
  3313. >She whispers to you.
  3314. >Then she clenches her knees to your head.
  3315. >She lifts her hips up level to your head and slides your head up her thighs until you're face deep in her mound..
  3316. >The g-string doing little to cover her pussy.
  3317. >Similar feelings as with Dash and her mound.
  3318. >Hot and damp
  3319. >You can feel her flaps grinding on your nose and mouth.
  3320. >She's turned on.
  3321. >Her scent is much different than Dash's.
  3322. >A little more sweet but also a little more artificial.
  3323. >Like she uses some fragrance for her mound
  3324. >You try to push her off as you feel this is too far.
  3325. >After a moment of fighting.
  3326. >She lets your head go.
  3327. >You forcefully push her off and she successfully flips over and lands on her feet.
  3328. >The song is finally over.
  3329. >The crowd roars.
  3330. >A bunch more dollar bills are littering the open space.
  3331. >Are we sure this bitch is in the same age group as you?
  3332. >Where the fuck did she learn to do shit like that?
  3333. >You try to wipe your face clean of her juices.
  3334. >You use your shirt that was on the floor next to you.
  3335. >Timber Spruce makes his way back in the front.
  3336. >”What a performance!”
  3337. >He tells everyone.
  3338. >He moves towards you and places his hand on your shoulder.
  3339. >Which you brush off without a second thought.
  3340. >”So tell us Anon, which of these lovely ladies know how to please a man?”
  3341. >You lean forward from your seat.
  3342. >Not wanting to say anything.
  3343. >Then you hear Dash yell out.
  3344. >”Hold on! We've got a new challenger!”
  3345. >You look up.
  3346. >Both you and Timber's eyes go wide.
  3347. >Dash has Twilight Sparkle with her.
  3348. >She's avoiding eye contact.
  3349. >Her face as equally flushed red with the rest of them.
  3350. >But you're not sure if it's from the drink earlier or from...
  3351. >Wait.
  3352. >Was she here the whole time?
  3353. >The crowd seems to love the idea of another lap dance performance.
  3354. “Was she here the whole time!?”
  3355. >You yell.
  3356. >Dash grabs Twiliy and pulls her in close to her.
  3357. >”She sure has!”
  3358. >She says proudly.
  3359. >Your heart skips a beat.
  3360. >Twilight looks like she wants to climb in a hole and die.
  3361. >Dash then moves towards you with Twi.
  3362. >”And she ain't about to have any of us sway her man!”
  3363. >She then pushes Twilight into the opening.
  3364. >She looks around nervously.
  3365. >The crowd are chanting her name.
  3366. >She stands upright.
  3367. >Looks over to you.
  3368. >And nods.
  3369. >”I-I'll do it!”
  3370. >More cheers from the crowd.
  3371. >You're still sitting there dumbfounded.
  3372. >Not sure what to make of any of this.
  3373. >She sets herself in front of you.
  3374. >She looks over to Vinyl Scratch and gives her a nod.
  3375. >”Okay, I think that's enough excitement for one night!”
  3376. >Timber Spruce steps in and prevents anything from going further.
  3377. >The crowd erupts in boos.
  3378. >People are now throwing cups at him.
  3379. >”Boo all you want, it's too late for more fun and we need to get back to camp before we're caught!”
  3380. >What a fucking prick.
  3381. “Oh, it was all good with the others, but when my actual girlfriend wants to give it a go, all of a sudden it's 'too late'!?”
  3382. >He takes a step back.
  3383. >”Hey, you didn't even want to do these in the first place! We were just giving the crowd what they wanted!”
  3384. >He fires back.
  3385. “Yeah, and now that Twilight wants to do something, the crowd obviously wants it!”
  3386. >You wave to the crowd. Who in turn cheer your action.
  3387. >He looks around.
  3388. >He's starting to get annoyed.
  3389. >”It doesn't matter what they want anymore, we're done here!”
  3390. >More thunderous boo's.
  3391. >Twilight is now getting in between you and Timber.
  3392. >”Now let's all calm down! There's no need to fight!”
  3393. >She tells both you and Timber.
  3394. >”Yes there is!”
  3395. >Some random person yells from the distance.
  3396. >The crowd laughs and begins to chant fight.
  3397. >Both you and Timber stare down for a moment.
  3398. >Then in a rare moment of clarity that you haven't seen since this whole cheating fiasco started.
  3399. >You decided to be the bigger man and walk away.
  3400. >You wrap your arm around Twilight and begin to walk away.
  3401. >Dash then follows right behind you two.
  3402. >The crowd aren't happy they couldn't get a Twilight lap dance or a fight.
  3403. >But nobody is stopping you from leaving.
  3404. >You then hear Sour Sweet yell.
  3405. >”What about the bet!?”
  3406. >You don't turn back to her.
  3407. “Guess if I want an easy good time, I'll just go to Crystal Prep.”
  3408. >The crowd reacts one last time with a rain of 'Oooh!'s as you make your way into the woods and back to camp.
  3410. >The trek back to camp is a mostly quiet trip.
  3411. >Neither you or Twilight say anything.
  3412. >It isn't until you get close back to the campgrounds that Rainbow Dash finally opens her mouth.
  3413. >”Was she really that better of a dancer than me?”
  3414. >Much like her to be worried why she lost the lap dance off.
  3415. “Who the hell dances like that but a total whore anyways?”
  3416. >You tell her.
  3417. >It's not really an answer.
  3418. >While Dash is no pure maiden herself.
  3419. >You like to think she isn't just out there fucking anything that walks.
  3420. >But with how she's handles you and your aggressive 'style'
  3421. >You wouldn't be surprised if you weren't her first rodeo.
  3422. >There is more silence.
  3423. >Twilight hasn't said a word the whole time.
  3424. >You feel like you want to say something.
  3425. >But what?
  3426. “Hey, Twily?”
  3427. >You say softly.
  3428. >She doesn't respond.
  3429. >You're not sure if you had spoken loud enough or not,
  3430. >Her eyes still fixated on what's in front of her.
  3431. >Which is a whole lot of nothing.
  3432. >You place a hand on her shoulder.
  3433. “Hey.”
  3434. >You say a little louder.
  3435. >”Huh!?”
  3436. >Twilight seems to have been in a trance as once your hand met her shoulder she jolted.
  3437. >She looked over to you quickly.
  3438. >Her face still a little red.
  3439. >”What was that again, Anon?”
  3440. >She tries to laugh it off.
  3441. >She looks a little tense.
  3442. “Nothing, I just wanted to see if you were okay.”
  3443. >You tell her.
  3444. >She looks to loosen up a little.
  3445. >”Oh, I'm okay”
  3446. >Silence for a moment.
  3447. >”...How are you?”
  3448. >She asks meekly.
  3449. “Me? Well, I'd feel a lot better if a certain someone didn't instigate a lap dance off.”
  3450. >You look back to Dash at that comment.
  3451. >Dash shrugs her shoulders.
  3452. >”What can I say that you already don't know? That Timber Spruce sure is an asshat.”
  3453. >She's not entirely wrong.
  3454. >While it was Rainbow Dash who threw out the challenge.
  3455. >Timber Spruce did push for it more than Dash did.
  3456. >”And besides, would you have cared if Egghead here got to do her thing?”
  3458. >That's right.
  3459. >Twilight had agreed to give you a lap dance.
  3460. >You look again over to Twilight.
  3461. >Was she really going to?
  3462. “Were you seriously going to go through with it?”
  3463. >You had to ask.
  3464. >She doesn't look at you for a second.
  3465. >Even in the tree covered moonlit night you could still see shades of red on her face.
  3466. >Still unsure if it's embarrassment or alcohol related.
  3467. >She turns to you.
  3468. “W-where you enjoying it? Back there I mean...”
  3469. >She answers your question with one of her own.
  3470. >It feels like a loaded question.
  3471. >One you should answer carefully.
  3472. “Did I look like I enjoyed it?”
  3473. >You instinctively reply.
  3474. >Probably not the best answer.
  3475. >Twilight looks away.
  3476. >“I-I figured you were enjoying yourself, So I wanted to join in.”
  3477. >There is a lot more to her answer than what she had just said.
  3478. “Why would you think that?”
  3479. >You ask.
  3480. >She takes her time to answer again.
  3481. >”Well...”
  3482. >She quickly glances back to Dash.
  3483. >Then she looks forward, still avoiding your gaze.
  3484. >”I just figured it would help..., well, spice things up between us.”
  3485. >What?
  3486. >Spice things up?
  3487. >What does she mean by that?
  3488. >”Spice things up?”
  3489. >For the first time since you shoved your dick down her throat, you are glad Rainbow Dash opened her mouth.
  3490. >Her words tensed up Twilight Sparkle.
  3491. >”N-nothing!”
  3492. >Normally you'd be pissed at Dash for opening her mouth.
  3493. >But in this instance, it signified the end of the conversation.
  3494. >And this was one you didn't want to have in front of Dash.
  3495. >You make it to the girl's tent.
  3496. >You say your goodnights.
  3497. >And make your way to your tent.
  3498. >Mac is already out like a light.
  3499. >His snores could be heard from the distance.
  3500. >You get yourself ready for bed.
  3501. >It's a bit harder to fall asleep with Mac's loud snores.
  3502. >Must be the alcohol because they weren't this bad last night or this morning.
  3503. >Still.
  3504. >You find a way to lull yourself to sleep.
  3505. >Your alarm goes off.
  3506. >It's a lot harder to get up this morning.
  3507. >You really didn't get much sleep last night.
  3508. >Small price to pay.
  3509. >But no pain no gain.
  3510. >You get up.
  3511. >Put on your shorts.
  3512. >Your compression socks and sleeves.
  3513. >But opt to keep your shirt off for this run.
  3514. >You grab your weights and jump rope.
  3515. >Limber up
  3516. >And go for your morning stroll.
  3517. >Once you get to your spot you only do a light workout.
  3518. >Light stretches.
  3519. >A light session with the jump rope.
  3520. >And only one session of shadowboxing.
  3521. >Dash doesn't show up this morning.
  3522. >Probably for the best.
  3523. >You make it back to camp where fewer people are up than there was yesterday morning.
  3524. >A few people doing their own exercises.
  3525. >Some people setting up benches around the campgrounds.
  3526. >You make your way back to your tent to the welcoming sounds of Mac's loud snoring.
  3527. >You grab a fresh set of clothes and make your way to the showers.
  3528. >You cleanse yourself of the morning grind and make your way back to the tent an lay down for a few.
  3529. >You then Hear Principal Celestia's voice blare out over the camp intercom system to announce the daily plan.
  3530. >The nature walk is back on today.
  3531. >So you'll skip that.
  3532. >There's going to be a communal game of basketball.
  3533. >The most tempting so far.
  3534. >But if you're honest with yourself you still have a bit of PTSD of you rolling your ankle the last time.
  3535. >Last on the agenda was wood carving.
  3536. >It didn't sound too appealing at first.
  3537. >But, you felt you wanted to try something new.
  3538. >First breakfast.
  3540. >Wood carving.
  3541. >Or more like whittling.
  3542. >Seriously, you are given a small block of wood and a small knife.
  3543. >And are instructed to make a spoon.
  3544. >Maybe you should have went for basketball and just styled on some scrubs.
  3545. >Because you're sure even if you just half assed it, you'd be better than almost everyone else.
  3546. >Lesson learned you suppose.
  3547. >Afterwords you break for the afternoon.
  3548. >You can't seem to find Twilight.
  3549. >You haven't seen her all day.
  3550. >You aimlessly wander the campgrounds hoping to see her or any of her friends.
  3551. >”Hey brother, can I talk with you for a minute,”
  3552. >You feel an arm drape around your shoulder.
  3553. >You look to see Zephyr Breeze.
  3554. >Fluttershy's brother.
  3555. “What do you want?”
  3556. >You ask while trying to remove his arm from you.
  3557. >”Right, so, word on the street is you and Dashie are a bit chummy chummy.”
  3558. “What the fuck does that mean?”
  3559. >You ask.
  3560. “And second of all, who the fuck said that?”
  3561. >Zephyr gives you a condescending look.
  3562. >There was word of you two coming out a forest together.”
  3563. >This bullshit again?
  3564. >”Also..., ahem, last nights little, how should we say, performance.”
  3565. >He nudges you.
  3566. >You shove his arm away.
  3567. “Why is it that when two athletes walk together somewhere all of a sudden they're fucking?”
  3568. >You start to rant.
  3569. “And furthermore, that 'performance' last night meant nothing. It was just drunken thots being drunken thots.”
  3570. >Zephyr crosses his arms.
  3571. “It's like as soon as I get myself a girlfriend all these other chicks come out of the fucking woodwork and want a piece of me.”
  3572. >You kick dirt.
  3573. “I'm fucking tired of it!”
  3574. >You say that a bit too loud and causes a few people to stare at you.
  3575. >Zephyr gives you a smile.
  3576. >”Well buddy, that's where the Breeze can bring you to ease!”
  3577. >He coos as he once again places his arm around your shoulder and pulls you close.
  3578. >”You just let me handle ol Dashie.”
  3579. >You snort.
  3580. “Fine by me, shit, you'd be doing me a favor.”
  3581. >Only problem is you're about one hundred percent sure she is not interested in him.
  3582. >”And that is where you will come in my friend.”
  3583. >He chimes back.
  3584. “Go on.”
  3585. >You'll give him a listen.
  3586. >”You just need to let me in on your secrets to wooing her away from you.”
  3587. >That's it?
  3588. “Really?”
  3589. >Zephyr nods.
  3590. >”Absolutely my friend! She wants to get in your pants and don't play dumb, you know it too!”
  3591. >A little late on the assumptions there.
  3592. >But you'll never admit it to him.
  3593. “I don't know why you're asking me when I already said all I had to do was get a girlfriend and she was all over me,”
  3594. >You once again remove his arm from your shoulder.
  3595. “Perhaps you could start there and she'll notice you.”
  3596. >You figured this goof was full of shit.
  3597. >You begin to walk away from Breeze when once again he tries to get your attention.
  3598. >”Hold up buddy! There's gotta be more to it than that.”
  3599. >He holds out his arm to try and stop you.
  3600. >You duck under his arm and grab his wrist and twist his arm behind his back.
  3601. >He let's out a high pitched yelp.
  3602. >You can't help but laugh at his reaction and let go.
  3603. “Well, I suppose one thing I can tell you is she doesn't like guys who are bitches.”
  3604. >You let him go and he falls to his knees.
  3605. “You may want to cut that stupid manbun off as well.”
  3606. >He's breathing heavy and on his knees from just that.
  3607. >Dash could eat him alive.
  3608. >Perhaps there is little hope for the man.
  3609. >Not your problem really.
  3610. >You make your way back to your tent.
  3611. >You find Mac laying on his side of the tent.
  3612. >A towel covered over his eyes.
  3613. “You okay?”
  3614. >You ask.
  3615. >”Nope.”
  3616. >He responds.
  3617. >There was an ache in his voice.
  3618. “Hangover?”
  3619. >”Yep.”
  3620. >You chuckle.
  3621. >But you also wonder if that's what happened to the others.
  3622. >Perhaps you should check up on the girls and see it they're hung over as well.
  3623. >You walk by several campers who are getting ready for the evening gathering.
  3624. >Some people are setting up benches.
  3625. >Marshmallows for more s'mores and whatnot.
  3626. >You make it to the girls tent.
  3627. >There really is nothing to knock on but pat the fabric a few times.
  3628. “Hey.”
  3629. >You call out.
  3630. “I'm coming in.”
  3631. >You announce and wait a moment.
  3632. >There is no response.
  3633. >You enter their tent and see two beds.
  3634. >One is occupied on the left while the other is on the right side.
  3635. >The left side is a bit of a mess with clothes scatted around their half.
  3636. >While the other is tided up.
  3637. >You inch closer to see Rainbow Dash sleeping.
  3638. >Twilight must be fine and is out somewhere.
  3639. “Hey.”
  3640. >You call out to Dash.
  3641. “Dash.”
  3642. >You say again.
  3643. >A little louder
  3644. >She doesn't respond.
  3645. “Slut!”
  3646. >You say even louder.
  3647. >She's still out.
  3648. >You move a bit closer.
  3649. >She's out cold.
  3650. >She's sleeping on her side.
  3651. >Face toward you.
  3652. >You poke her.
  3653. “Hey, you okay?”
  3654. >Her face is still a bit red.
  3655. >She stirs a bit at you poking her.
  3656. >Seems like you're pretty sure she's still felling it from last night.
  3657. >You get ready to leave the tent to search for Twilight.
  3658. >Then a thought pops into your head.
  3659. 'No'
  3660. >You think to yourself.
  3661. >You already want to break this cheating thing off.
  3662. >You said you would.
  3663. >But you've said a lot of things.
  3664. >Some of which you didn't mean.
  3665. >Your heart starts to pound fast.
  3666. >That rush.
  3667. >The feeling.
  3668. >Same as the other times.
  3669. >Just the simple thought of messing with Rainbow Dash like this.
  3670. >It would be so easy.
  3671. >And you're pretty sure she wouldn't care.
  3672. >You contemplate for a second.
  3673. >You have to make it quick.
  3674. >Not just Twilight, but anyone could barge in here to check up on her.
  3675. >You peek through the crack in the tent's opening.
  3676. >Checking if there could be anyone who could possibly head your way.
  3677. >It doesn't seem to be.
  3678. >And you don't see Twilight anywhere still.
  3679. >Both a good and bad sign.
  3680. >You take a deep breath.
  3681. >Mentally slap yourself for what you are about to do.
  3682. >And turn back to the helpless blue girl passed out in front of you.
  3683. >You stand at the edge of her bed.
  3684. >Again, She is resting on her left side with her face right in your direction.
  3685. >You can already feel your member starting to wake up with the promise of sweet release.
  3686. >You just pull the front part of your elastic shorts down just enough to let Anon Jr. out from captivity.
  3687. >He flops out happily.
  3688. >Fully erect and ready to go.
  3689. >You grab your hard member.
  3690. >And step close to Dash's face.
  3691. >She still doesn't move.
  3692. >You gently wag your long member over her face.
  3693. >Then gently slap the side of her cheek with the underside of your dick.
  3694. >No reaction.
  3695. >For shits and giggles you let Anon Jr rest on her cheek for a few seconds.
  3696. >You take a cautionary look over at the entrance to make sure nobody is near you.
  3697. >Still nothing.
  3698. >You slowly move your hips backwards tracing your cock along her cheek then to the edge of her mouth.
  3699. >It slides over her lips
  3700. >Her mouth open just enough for half of your tip to slide in.
  3701. >You quickly pull it out and wait.
  3702. >She's still not responding.
  3703. >You wonder if you go take this a bit further.
  3704. >But think it's best to just keep it simple.
  3705. >You grab hold of your dick and begin to jerk off.
  3706. >Every once and a while you slide your tip over her mouth again.
  3707. >You slap her cheek with your tip once again a little harder.
  3708. >She stirs a bit and you step back.
  3709. >But she still doesn't wake up.
  3710. >This isn't the most sexy thing you've done to her.
  3711. >But fuck it was getting you off.
  3712. >You feel pressure build up in you.
  3713. >Ready to burst.
  3714. >You look behind you one more time.
  3715. >Still nobody.
  3716. >You go for it and you grab the back of Rainbow Dash's head and slide your tip into her mouth.
  3717. >Th pressure of your tip running along her teeth as they make way for your prick.
  3718. >You feel the sweet sweet release and you shoot your cum into her mouth.
  3719. >This seems to have woken her up.
  3720. >Her eyes bolt open with shock.
  3721. >She tries to move her head back but with your hand already in place, she can't go anywhere.
  3722. >You can her her struggling moans at the surprise.
  3723. >Her eyes finally look up to you.
  3724. >You both lock eyes.
  3725. >Her gaze softens.
  3726. >She is now aware of the situation.
  3727. >The edge of her lips curl up for a smile.
  3728. >She takes her left hand and grabs hold of your pulsating cock.
  3729. >And begins to pump it for extra nutrients.
  3730. >You let go of her head and she sets her lips at the end of your tip.
  3731. >She closes her eyes and lightly suckles it like it was a baby bottle.
  3732. >You feel her tongue flick your opening still looking for more.
  3733. >Her hand gives your dick a few more hard pumps to ensure she gets every last drop of her prize.
  3734. >Once she is satisfied, she releases you and then turns onto her back.
  3735. >With tired eyes she is still looking into your eyes.
  3736. >She then opens her mouth to show you all of your seed that she has collected.
  3737. >Letting it roll around in her mouth with her tongue before she closes her mouth.
  3738. >*GULP*
  3739. >She exaggerates the sound of her gulp as she happily swallows your seed.
  3740. >You notice the bulge of jizz travel from her mouth down her throat and disappear into the rest of her body.
  3741. >”Ahh”
  3742. >She licks her lips and smacks them.
  3743. >Like she just had a fresh drink of water after a good workout.
  3744. >”Whatever happened to all that 'we shouldn't be doing this' talk?”
  3745. >She asks while she rests her hands behind her head.
  3746. >You don't have an answer.
  3747. >You just look down at your now deflated member and another wave of shame. Overwhelms you.
  3748. >You tuck it back in your pants.
  3749. “Where is Twilight?”
  3750. >Is all you ask.
  3751. >”Hell if I know, I've been out most of the day with a hangover.”
  3752. >She says.
  3753. >Much like Mac and probably the others.
  3754. >”I do appreciate the good morning, or should I say, good evening deposit of your cum though.”
  3755. >She says with a smile.
  3756. >You turn to leave.
  3757. “I have to go clear my head.”
  3758. >You tell her.
  3759. >She doesn't respond as you exit the tent.
  3760. >All of a sudden you feel really tired yourself.
  3761. >You decide to go back to your tent and just sleep away the rest of this day.
  3763. >The next morning.
  3764. >Your alarm goes off.
  3765. >You really, really don't want to go out and run.
  3766. >And finally, you give in.
  3767. >You just stay in bed for the morning.
  3768. >A small limber up once out of bed will do just fine this morning.
  3769. >You mostly use this time to think.
  3770. >Where do you go from here?
  3771. >You thought you were going to stop fooling around with Dash.
  3772. >After yesterday's little stint, you're not so sure if you can.
  3773. >Or will.
  3774. >The feeling.
  3775. >The rush.
  3776. >Is this really the path you want to go down?
  3777. >What about Twilight?
  3778. >She's clearly the traditional type of waiting for marriage or something special in order for her to put out.
  3779. >Which isn't an issue for you at all.
  3780. >But not really what you would expect from a meek girl like her.
  3781. >Nowhere near as meek as Fluttershy, you'll say that much..
  3782. >But she doesn't deserve this.
  3783. >She deserves better.
  3784. >You're sure you're not the one to give her what she wants.
  3785. >Which is...
  3786. >...
  3787. >Well shit, you don't even know that.
  3788. >You're no expert on relationships.
  3789. >But you'd imagine that is a sure sign of a bad one.
  3790. >You'll need to end this before something bad happens.
  3791. >Not just to you.
  3792. >But to Twilight as well.
  3793. >Fuck whatever Dash feels.
  3794. >You'll need to get Twiliy alone.
  3795. >Which shouldn't be too difficult.
  3796. >Just have to make sure to keep the others out of this.
  3797. >Including Dash.
  3798. >The sooner you can get it done the better
  3799. >You're not sure what you're going to say.
  3800. >Or do.
  3801. >You'll have to play it by ear.
  3802. >Either way, by the end of this trip, something will have ended.
  3804. >Principal Celestia's voice echoes throughout the campgrounds
  3805. >It's already that time in the morning.
  3806. >The daily activities today that include:
  3807. >Bug catching.
  3808. >Painting.
  3809. >Dodge ball.
  3810. >Welp.
  3811. >Dodge ball it is then.
  3812. >You get out of your bed.
  3813. >Limber up with some basic stretches.
  3814. >And go for some breakfast.
  3816. >Time for dodge ball.
  3817. >There is a rather large group of people to play.
  3818. >Looks like they're splitting in to different groups.
  3819. >You make a small tournament out of it.
  3820. >The leader makes the mistake of putting Rainbow Dash and yourself on the same team.
  3821. >May god have mercy on everyone else.
  3822. >First game goes fairly easy.
  3823. >Next game you're up against a team with Zephyr Breeze on it.
  3824. “Hey Dash.”
  3825. >You ask during the game.
  3826. “You sure you don't wanna have ol Zephyr there take you out on the town?”
  3827. >She gives you a disgusted look.
  3828. >”Fuck no.”
  3829. >She snarly says as she grabs a ball that was hurled at her.
  3830. “What seems to be the problem? He doesn't seem too bad”
  3831. >You say in a half amused tone.
  3832. >She hurls the ball hard in Zephyr's direction.
  3833. >His reflexes are too slow and it hits him squarely in his chest.
  3834. >Knocking the air out of the poor bastard and he falls to his knees.
  3835. >”He's Fluttershy's brother and I've known him about as long as I do Flutts herself.”
  3836. >She moves to the other side of you.
  3837. >”He's super fucking annoying and weird, he doesn't shower, and he's been creeping on me for as long as I've known him.”
  3838. >A ball is tossed in your direction.
  3839. >You catch it.
  3840. >You toss it back and knock out another competitor.
  3841. >”Besides.”
  3842. >She says in a lower tone.
  3843. >She moves a bit closer to you.
  3844. >”He's such a weak bitch and his dick doesn't even compare to yours.”
  3845. >You turn your head to her.
  3846. “You've seen his dick?”
  3847. >She rolls her eyes.
  3848. >The ball zooms by you two.
  3849. >Knocking out one of your teammates.
  3850. >”Yeah, I made the mistake of sleeping over at Fluttershy's a few times and some of the nights he would walk around naked. Acted like it was natural to just walk to the kitchen with nothing on. Thinking that if I saw a dong I would just jump right on it.”
  3851. >'Guess she just needed the right dong'
  3852. >You thought to yourself.
  3853. >”Through my experience with you, I have learned that I get really turned on when I get physically dominated and he definitely can't handle that”
  3854. >RIP Zephyr.
  3855. >Though that is kinda dumb of him to just wave his junk at a chick.
  3856. >You pass the round easily.
  3857. >The finals are not much harder.
  3858. >You and your group wins.
  3859. >No prize is given.
  3860. >Just the satisfaction of having participated.
  3861. >Guess you really can't complain.
  3862. >Break for Dinner and readying the campfire.
  3863. >You look for Twilight Sparkle.
  3864. >And you still can't seem to find her.
  3865. >Perhaps you'll run into her later at the campfire.
  3866. >Time for more s'mores.
  3867. >Kids are gonna get diabetes by the end of the trip if this keeps up.
  3868. >Twilight is still nowhere to be found.
  3869. >You look around for any of her friends that isn't Dash and hope they know what's up.
  3870. >Conveniently you run into Sunset Shimmer.
  3871. >”Oh Anon!”
  3872. >She calls out to you.
  3873. “Hey! Shim-Sham.”
  3874. >You mockingly tell her.
  3875. >A dumb nickname you call her.
  3876. >She laughs a little.
  3877. “Hey, you wouldn't happen to know where Twilight is would you? I haven't seen her in a few days.”
  3878. >She nods her head.
  3879. >”Funny you say that, I was looking for you to tell you that she wanted to talk to you in her tent in private.”
  3880. >She says as she points to her tent.
  3881. >She then looks back to you worryingly.
  3882. >”Is everything alright?”
  3883. >You let out a big sigh.
  3884. “I'm about to find out.”
  3885. >You then make the long walk over to Twilight's tent.
  3886. >You stand outside for a brief moment.
  3887. >Take another deep breath.
  3888. >And enter the tent.
  3889. >Twilight is there.
  3890. >Alone.
  3891. >Sitting on her bed.
  3892. >She's wearing her dark blue Camp Everfree shit.
  3893. >And a pair of dark purple star patterned pants.
  3894. >She looks up to you.
  3895. “Hey.”
  3896. >You simply say.
  3897. >”Hi.”
  3898. >She answers back.
  3899. >Silence for a moment.
  3900. >Awkward silence.
  3901. >You finally decide to break the ice.
  3902. “Shimmer said you wanted to talk?”
  3903. >She is unmoved.
  3904. >”Y-Yeah..”
  3905. >She stammers.
  3906. “Is this about the other night at the bonfire?”
  3907. >She doesn't say anything.
  3908. >You take a step closer to her.
  3909. >She remains still.
  3910. >You make your way to sit next to her on her bed.
  3911. “Twilight please, say something.”
  3912. >She looks down at her lap.
  3913. >”When I saw you the other night. With Dash, and with Sour. I admit I got a bit jealous.”
  3914. >She pauses for a second.
  3915. >”I had confronted Dash after her thing, she told me to relax and that it was all in good fun.”
  3916. >She sort of let out a chuckle.
  3917. >”I swear, Rainbow Dash can be a bit of a brash prude.”
  3918. >She then shakes her head.
  3919. >”But then she said something that had me thinking. First, of course was her trying to convince me to go up there and show you my moves.”
  3920. >She lets out another giggle.
  3921. >”I seriously didn't know what I was going to do if I did ended up trying to dance.”
  3922. >She shakes her head again.
  3923. >”She said 'you two should be doing more of this kind of stuff.' and I thought to myself. What else could we be doing?”
  3924. >She scoots a little closer to you.
  3925. >”Then it hit me.”
  3926. >She takes a deep breath.
  3927. >”We've never done much with each other, sexual things, I mean.”
  3928. >He face begins to turn a bright red.
  3929. >”I had said after that night I wanted to spice things up with us and I, I feel that we're drifting apart because of this.”
  3930. >She finally looks at you.
  3931. >She then takes your hand.
  3932. >”I don't know what to do, I'm not that good with relationships.”
  3933. >She brings your hand up to her chest.
  3934. >You can feel her fast beating heart.
  3935. >”I don't want to lose you.”
  3936. >Her grip on your hand tightens.
  3937. >She then lets go of your hand and lunges over you embrace you.
  3938. >You fall backwards onto the edge of the bed.
  3939. >”You want me, take me.”
  3940. >She whispers
  3941. “We don't have to do this. Seriously”
  3942. >You tell her.
  3943. >Her embrace tightens
  3944. >”I do though.”
  3945. >Oh boy.
  3946. >Decision time.
  3947. >She's pouring her heart out to you.
  3948. >And she's DTF and take her V-card.
  3949. >You're not sure if she's thinking clearly.
  3950. >And this is totally out of nowhere.
  3951. >But after what you've done with Dash.
  3952. >You're clearly used to the shame that comes over you after every time you and Dash do something.
  3953. >You can say you'll stop.
  3954. >But will you?
  3955. >Would it really be kept a secret?
  3956. >...
  3957. >Do you really love Twilight Sparkle?
  3958. >Do you want to go through with this?
  3960. AN: This is the end of the main story as I have split it into two separate ending depending on if Anon fucks Twilight Sparkle. I will be putting the two different endings in two separate pastebins and will post their links here when they are done. Or you can check my main page and find them there.(General consencious is to read ending 2 first.)

Spooning Dash[Short](EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Stripper Anon(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Prom Night(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Cooking Anon(EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond

Teenage Autist[Song Lyrics](EqG)

by BetAnonTheSecond