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Pony Community Leaders Discord names

By Compiler_Anon
Created: 2024-04-15 20:59:24
Updated: 2024-04-19 12:01:01
Expiry: Never

  1. >Names of the Pony Community Leaders™ from PhoenixFire's secret police server, sorted by servers.
  2. >Infos in brackets taken mostly from the Introductions channel server log; some more info from the Report Discussion log and the Ask for Advice log, as well as the Equestria Daily blog and the BronyTales Website and Patreon:
  4. .gtx >(Owner/Admin of Blepcon, a family-friendly horse server, has staffed several pony cons according to their introduction, it's unknown whether they're still doing that)
  6. .jay_ >("Hello I'm Jay. Lead shitposter from Anthology")
  8. romulus4444 >(Alias: Dr. Romulus; Moderator of Manechat and Manebooru and Owner of PonyCraft (Minecraft server for Manechat, Confetti's Bat Cave, Ponies React!, and BlepCon))
  9. captainmario_64 >(Alias: Cap; Mod for Manechat)
  10. .sor >("Greetings. I am from Manechat.")
  11. evil_gavier >("Hi, I'm from Manechat.")
  12. merc.y >("I'm also from Manechat and I can confirm the above :D")
  13. meganought >(Moderator of Manechat, no introduction, but confirmed by a message in Report Discussion: "he's been banned from manechat for these exact reasons too, back in june"; talks a lot about the status of members in Manechat)
  14. ixrec >(Moderator of Manechat, no introduction, but confirmed by messages in Report Discussion written by evil_gavier: "Ixrec is one of ours" and romulus4444: "Ixrec is with manechat")
  15. genryu >(Moderator of Manechat, no introduction, but confirmed by a message in Ask for Advice: "Yeah that's IMO not on the table, but even if it was, I still wouldn't vote to unban them from Mane")
  17. jdbo >(Aliases: Midnight Wave/Periwinkle, runs a server called The Meme 5 with Funny Jo, SingleHoof, Tridashie & Phoenix Redtail)
  18. docanubis >(Head Mod on The Meme 5 Discord, does MLP Lore analysis on YouTube under the same name)
  19. __flynn__ >(Moderator for The Meme 5 and The Top 10 Pony Videos Discord servers)
  21. fieldofcloverz >(Aliases: Edric/Marz; "I am from Shunk Shack - a server for a MLP youtuber !")
  22. epicacrylic >(Admin in the Shunk Shack, Owner of Love and Tolerance, Admin on Everfree Games)
  23. aarondee >(Admin in the Shunk Shack)
  24. ch33z3gutz >(Alias: Fries; "im also from the shunk shack.")
  25. space3642 >("Hey, Space here, also from that same server")
  27. aceofspades1147 >(Owner of the Mane 6 NSFW Discord server)
  28. Frostmyr/Stray/Whiskey Jack >(Mod on Mane 6 NSFW Server, shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, name is taken from his introduction)
  29. silver_edge_uwu >(Helps run Mane 6 NSFW as well as Cloppers Paradise (not anymore, has left this server's staff team since writing their introduction), Staff member of Ponyville Plaza)
  31. confetticakez >(Head Admin and Owner of Confetti's Bat Cave, Equestria Daily Staff Artist)
  32. skyyypls >(Alias: Sky; Moderator in Confetti's Bat Cave)
  34. aeast667 >(Head over at The Ponies Discord server)
  36. princewhateverer >(Owner of... you know what server)
  37. saijsaij >(Admin/Mod on PrinceWhateverer's server and on the Pony Events server (that's the name of Galacon's and Everfree Encore's Discord server), also, he is Vice Chairman of GalaCon and part of the Everfree Encore team, so he might be gatekeeping these events from everyone he personally deems "problematic" or hates, if you ever used your fandom name for GalaCon or Everfree Encore ticket registration, check if he abuses this data and links it to your legal name)
  38. alex1302 >(Admin on Prince Whateverer's server and a Moderator on the Galacon Discord)
  39. fakekaron >(Admin on Prince Whateverer's Server and a Moderator of the GalaCon Server)
  40. snowshovelmusic >(Admin in PrinceWhateverer's server)
  41. gamoray >(Alias: Engi; Mod/Admin on Prince Whateverer's server)
  42. blackenedistheend >(Alias: Blackened Blue; Moderator of Prince Whateverer's server, Horse Music Herald Editor, writes and records pony metal music)
  44. alexwolf84 >(Head of PoniesOnline)
  46. allysterblack6145 >(Showrunner and Seth Whisperer (whatever the fuck that means) for EqD, does not seem to be part of EQD anymore today, his name is missing from the retired EQD staff section on the blog, there are unconfirmed rumors he serves a prison sentence for child molesting)
  47. weareborg >(Discord Admin and Blogpony for Equestria Daily, Director of PR and Marketing for BABSCon, unknown if he has access to BABSCon ticket registration data, but something to keep in mind)
  48. thunderbug80 >(Alias: TheSlorg; Pre-reader, Blogpony and Discord Mod of Equestria Daily, Mod for the official Dragonlance Movie site, a few unnamed gaming forums, and multiple Twitch channels, also unnamed)
  49. phoenixfire42 >(Admin and Head Moderator of the EQD Discord)
  50. comradesparkle >(EQD Discord Moderator)
  51. drunknotiam >(Moderator for EQD Discord, also a policeman, just added that because it's funny, guy has the right job for this server lmfao)
  52. hyperionshrimp >(Alias: StrawberryShrimp, retrieved this alias directly from the EQD Discord server; Equestria Daily Discord Moderator)
  53. Maestro Harmony >(Discord Moderator of Equestria Daily, shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, name is taken from his introduction)
  54. nedemai >(Moderator on Equestria Daily's Discord server, info taken from the staff page on the EQD blog because no introduction on PCL's server)
  55. onyxdash >(Mod for EQD Discord)
  56. slimpickens_ >(Aliases: Grimlock or King Grimlock, second alias found on EQD blog staff page; Moderator for the EqD Discord)
  57. vaportrail4493 >(Moderator at EQD Discord)
  58. n1te0wl >(Alias: n1teUwUl, alias retrieved directly from the EQD Discord server; Equestria Daily Discord Mod, info taken from the staff page on the EQD blog because no introduction on PCL's server)
  59. .derpy. >(Yet another EQD Discord Mod, info retrieved directly from the EQD Discord server because no introduction on PCL's server)
  61. amethystshade >(Alias: Ammie; Co-Founder and Admin of UK Bronies & Pegasisters, says she lurks in a few other, unnamed servers, unknown if she moderates those servers too)
  62. zephyrmoon >(Co-Founder and Admin of UK Bronies & Pegasisters)
  63. chaosi_ >(Alias: Chaosmauser; Admin in the UK Bronies & Pegasisters Discord, says he is good friends with Ammie and Zephyr Moon)
  65. potter2645 >(Captain over in Ponyville Plaza, possibly its owner, says he mods the moderators and sometimes the admins)
  66. astrolazuli >(Admin of Ponyville Plaza)
  67. miboopls >(Admin of Ponyville Plaza)
  68. shooterism >(Aliases: Idianeira/Shooty/Shooter; Admin in Ponyville Plaza)
  69. einstapelwasser5723 >(Town Guard over at Ponyville Plaza)
  70. amoo. >(Aliases: Amy/ Muskatico; Moderator of Ponyville Plaza, an unnamed GMOD RP server (unknown if Discord or in-game server) and a bunch of other places she doesn't want to name, as well as Owner of Amoo's Lounge)
  71. Deleted User >(Another moderator of Ponyville Plaza; name is not mentioned in their introduction, so it's unknown who this is)
  72. dragonsreborn333 >(Mod of Ponyville Plaza and Amoo's Lounge, this one's interesting, his introduction says he doesn't "know much about the fandom nor the show" and that he only listens to "some" fandom songs, he's not even a fan of MLP nor brony, but moderating an MLP server and wanting to be the moral police of the fandom, MY FUCKING SIDES HURT)
  73. elongatedmusket >(Moderator from Ponyville Plaza)
  74. frostflare >(Moderator on Ponyville Plaza, unconfirmed, info taken from the OP of MLP Community Leaders thread on Derpibooru, but couldn't find his home server on the leaked logs)
  75. gracefilledgoose >(Alias: Stormheart; Mod for Ponyville Plaza)
  76. hon3ybrewer >(Moderator at Ponyville Plaza)
  77. lemongreen >(Mod in Ponyville Plaza)
  78. xipheros >(Aliases: Xipher/Xipherex; Moderator in Ponyville Plaza)
  79. da_blue_cola >(Staff member of Ponyville Plaza, Co-Admin of Amoo's Lounge, seems to be one of the most active members of the cabal, has shown eagerness to ban people entering Ponyville Plaza who are "known for trouble" and explicitly asked to let him "know about it", also offered to share information about users: "Likewise, if you need information on anyone, I will do what I can to provide.")
  80. ice_daddy >(Alias: Astral Jackpot; Staff member of Ponyville Plaza)
  82. itsskyliner >(Co-Admin of Amoo's Lounge, says he has a long history of moderating servers, so might be a mod or admin in many more Discord servers)
  83. justomii_ >(Alias: Dai; Co-Admin in Amoo's Lounge)
  84. northernights >(Alias: Maverick; Co-Admin of Amoo's Lounge, Moderator of an artist community server and a small hangout server, both of them unnamed)
  85. blazethebass >(Moderator in Amoo's Lounge, says he is "Amoo's bestie".
  86. dollierott >(Aliases: Cherry/Brutus/Juno; Mod in Amoo's Lounge, also states that they have "years-long previous moderator experience in games related to MLP and outside of the community")
  87. hryoku >(Alias: Hideki; Mod in Amoo's Lounge)
  88. ironsona >(Mod in Amoo's Lounge)
  89. iwannabehyper >(Moderator in Amoo's Lounge)
  90. mittenkitten >(Moderator in Amoo's Lounge and a Gmod DarkRP pony server, no name of the Gmod server given)
  91. neytria >(Alias: Neytria Nightblood; Mod in Amoo's Lounge)
  92. nightstars. >(Mod in Amoo's Lounge, Owner of server Canterlot of Harmony)
  93. onemightyarc >(Mod in Amoo's Lounge and in Canterlot of Harmony)
  94. rexmod >(Alias: Daniel; Moderator of Amoo's Lounge)
  95. theaquaticrose >(Aliases: Willow/Aqua; Moderator in Amoo's Lounge)
  96. Zoni-The Bat Prince >(Mod in Amoo's Lounge, shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, name is taken from his introduction)
  98. shotgunner >(Owner of MLP General, Admin in Friendship Land)
  99. Luna/Rainbow Dash >(Admin for MLP General, shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, names are taken from their introduction)
  100. woxwiz5895 >(Alias: Dizzdoo/Dizzy; Administrator in MLP General and a Moderator in Friendship Land)
  101. Coasters&Ponies >(Moderator from MLP General, shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, name is taken from their introduction)
  102. jennettedonkey >(Alias: Angel; Mod from MLP General server)
  103. kittygutzz >(Mod in MLP General)
  104. quinnnzy >(Aliases: Vee/Sylveon; Moderator in MLP General)
  105. zero_problems >(Alias: Sharp Sky; Mod in MLP General and The Ultimate Pony Palooza, Owner of Friendship Land)
  106. zomgx. >(Moderator for My Little Pony General, also moderator for an unnamed, german server that is cited as having almost the same number of members as MLP General)
  107. angelmimi_ >(Alias: Sunset; Staff Member from MLP General)
  108. deadaccountpun2 >(Alias: Alejandro; Staff Member from MLP General, Staff Member in Friendship Land)
  109. fluffymarsh >(Aliases: Leonardo Marques/Leo; Member of the MLP General Staff, Moderator of Friendship Land)
  110. homiegunz >(Staff member in MLP General)
  111. tsunderelily12 >(Staff Member from MLP General)
  112. luvlynny >(Aliases: Mysty/Amyst; "i work for MLP General & Friendship Land!", became admin of MLP General later after seemingly having been in this position before once: "i am also back as an admin of MLP General, *again*")
  113. zippyzoom4.07516 >("What good everypone I hail from the mystical land of mlp general")
  115. emperor_sombra >(Owner of Ponies React!, Moderator in Confetti's Bat Cave, was a Moderator of Manechat)
  116. arnak >(Admin on Ponies React!)
  117. equinoxomega >(Moderator from Ponies React!, says he is in 10 pony servers, it's unknown if he moderates any other servers)
  118. langou >(Moderator from Ponies React!)
  119. stormshadow_cote >(Moderator on Ponies React!)
  121. mrblitzy >(Owner of Cloppers Paradise)
  122. atxluna >(Admin on Cloppers Paradise)
  123. kitsune.floof >(Alias: Azimuth, previously known as ApexPone, Moderator on Cloppers Paradise)
  125. bitdash >(e621 and Derpibooru Site (and Discord) Admin)
  127. cerisecisilipp >("I represent the nor/mlp/eople group in Second Life so do come to me if you have any business or questions with our group.")
  129. ceroba__ketsukane >(Aliases: Lucy or Lulu; Moderator for A Day in Ponyville)
  130. mr_games0919 >(Alias: Mr Mlp; Mod of the A Day In Ponyville server)
  131. So1 >(Mod in the server A Day in Ponyville; shows up as Deleted User in the PCL Server logs, name is taken from his introduction)
  133. databytebrony >(Alias: DataByte; Owner, Admin and Developer of the BronyTales Minecraft server (info taken from Bronytales' Patreon because no introduction on PCL's server), Admin and probably Owner of the BronyTales Discord server, creator of The List™)
  134. daringshepard >(Head Admin, Event Coordinator and Developer of the BronyTales Minecraft server (info taken from the staff page on BronyTales' website because no introduction on PCL's server), Admin on the BronyTales Discord server, there are unconfirmed rumors that he has seized control of BronyTales' moderation and bans any users he doesn't like by painting them a threat to the community and that he blackmailed DataByte into creating The List™, regardless, even if true, DataByte still supported the entire secret cabal PCL server, so he is not innocent, but DaringShepard might be the bigger villain of the two)
  136. davidsilver >("David of Silver Games LLC, makers of Ponyfinder, which is one of two servers I operate!")
  138. donglysfm >(Admin of the PonySFM server)
  140. fizzbuzz >(Lead Moderator of the PonyFest Online! Discord server, info taken from the PonyFest Online! website because no introduction on PCL's server)
  142. gabrizzy >(Aliases: Gab or Izzy; Co-owner of MLP server RandomPlace; another fag not being into MLP, but moral-policing the fandom, her introduction says "i am not the biggest fan of MLP in general but i can appreciate it's presence due to friends around me who liked it.")
  143. sadsappysucker >(Alias: c0ffee colored hors; Co-owner of RandomPlace)
  144. wubzy >(Co-owner of RandomPlace)
  145. n0xa >(Admin of RandomPlace)
  146. ryfyloh >(Mod for RandomPlace)
  148. marshmarlowe >(Admin for G5: Chatter of Ponies)
  149. zatillias >(Staff/Mod of G5: Chatter of Ponies server)
  150. overcast07 >(Staff Member of the "G5: Chatter of Pones" (g5mlp) server, seems to also write Generation 5 news on the Equestria Daily blog, the blog's staff page lists a user of the same name as "G5 Reporter")
  151. imiya >(Alias: Tea Leaf; "Hai I'm Tea Leaf...also from G5 Chatter.")
  152. musicalrainbow >(Alias: Citrus Le Monbow;"Hello, I'm Musical, mod from the same G5 server")
  154. itsjustdashu >(Department Head of the Discord for Whinny City Ponycon and Ponyville Ciderfest; one of the Owners of Neighberry, a rather large MLP community on Second Life)
  156. jolsiebean >(Alias: Jo; Co-Admin of Chrispy Condo)
  158. littleshyfim >(Owner of The Top 10 Pony Videos and Poner Plushies Discord servers, runs The Top 10 Pony Videos every month, might be denying pony video creators a place in the Top 10 or blacklist them if he deems someone shouldn't be there for whatever reason)
  160. lovelypromise >(Owner of The Lovely Tavern, says he had a "heavy hand in creating the inspiration to build" Pony Community Leaders, is member of another Discord server that's also called "Pony Community Leaders" that gatekeeps the Second Life community from "problematic" people)
  161. violetskies >(Moderator from The Lovely Tavern)
  163. max.the.fallen.dragon >(Alias: Maximus; Admin of the server Canterlot of Harmony)
  165. mr.bat >(Owner of My Little Tabletop)
  167. novaxanthe >(Alias: Spriggy Doodle, runs a Second Life server called Moonshine Springs)
  169. omnicons >(Aliases: Mercury/Dusk; Owner of the Poniverse server, Admin of BronyTV)
  171. pillowthepony >(Owner of the Pillow Pit)
  173. queenderpyhooves >(Co-owner of Derpy's World, also called Derpyville)
  175. xleadmarex >(Alias: Dreamy Pastels; Moderator for Friendship Land, Administrator for a semi-MLP community called Happy Hangout, member of many Second Life MLP servers)
  176. rainbowbrony >("hi i'm rainbowbrony and i currently represent friendship land"; Owner of Bronystore, a MLP vendor store)
  177. uhhhhh3972 >(Alias: Fizzypop; "I work for Friendship Land and MLP General")
  179. vuisammie >(Co-Admin of Pony Palace)
  180. slidingbolt223 >("Sliding bolt is from Pony palace" said by zero_problems/Sharp Sky, unknown why slidingbolt223 hasn't written an introduction themselves)
  182. .mattz >(Starting here, home servers are unknown because no introduction was made)
  183. .primrose__
  184. .thenamelessone
  185. _shunks_ >(Shunk Shack owner? Possibly, but too vague to be sure)
  186. aka_bot
  187. alilunaa
  188. angellamb.
  189. antilag05
  190. captainmuista
  191. captain_veers
  192. ebonyrose
  193. epiclper
  194. erikku_9110
  195. feedthemee
  196. g.5940
  197. gmoneyy.
  198. latent_logic
  199. lunar_explorator
  200. lunar_guardian_
  201. nathanraccoon
  202. nightangal3
  203. princesstwilightsparkle
  204. realmissingtexture
  205. shalour
  206. shivvru
  207. solid_dd
  208. starstrike.
  209. twilight1
  210. vikutta
  211. voidtemplar2000

Pony Community Leaders Discord names

by Compiler_Anon