Gnisha's Pastes

Joined: 2020-12-18


[NewWritefag] Have five or more pastes[HorseMaster] Have more than 5000 total views
Title Paste Time Views Tags
Show & Tell 18 December 2020 Public 461 ocslice of lifesafe/ptfg/
(You) play in traffic 18 December 2020 Public 772 ocnsfw/ptfg/contempt for the audience
The annual Pon-E festival is (not) a hive of degeneracy 18 December 2020 Public 645 ocslice of lifensfw/ptfg/
The Pon-E journal (wip) 16 July 2021 Public 992 ocslice of lifensfw/ptfg/
Pizzaportal 18 December 2020 Public 830 anonocsafeadventure/ptfg/tempest
Pizzaportal (Prose rewrite, WIP) 18 December 2020 Public 909 anonocsafeadventure/ptfg/tempest
Post-Aponalypse (WIP) 18 December 2020 Public 580 ocnsfwadventure/ptfg/
37.2 Trillion Anonfillies 16 July 2021 Public 1183 /aie/anonfilly
Making a mistake 04 February 2022 Public 806 short/ptfg/
Unfinished Pizzaportal epilogue 19 June 2023 Public 328 safe/ptfg/
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