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G5, OCs, Big Tits, Fat Bellies and an Unbelievable Story!

By Shroooomy
Created: 2024-05-04 18:16:51
Updated: 2024-05-04 18:17:32
Expiry: Never

  1. Starting up again with more wacky stuff!
  3. Written by:
  4. PsycheDerpy
  6. Based on the art of WapaMario63:
  8. Chapter one: Unicorns, Pegasi, College, Muffins and a letter.
  11. Pipp:
  12. > The cafe was electric with chatter
  13. > Textbook pages fluttering
  14. > Pencils scratching
  15. > Ponies chattering
  16. > The smell of coffee and processed foods sandwiched between burnt bagel slices filled the air.
  18. > As Izzy sat across from me gorging herself on the cheap doughnuts and drowning the food back with an XXXL coffee.
  19. > I felt hollow.
  20. > Her cornucopia of fast food and the single use plastics/papers were scattered along our short, narrow table.
  22. > Her plush tummy pressed along the plastic casing which hugged the cheap composite wooden table.
  23. > I stared straight ahead gripping my pen as the ink skowly bleed into the paper
  24. > My mind was split between school, streaming and the ominous invitation I had received earlier today.
  25. > A note of such great opportunity but also of such great consequence that it had greatly perturbed me since the moment I read it.
  28. > “You should really eat.” Izzy said with her mouth plugged with doughnuts “You always feel better after you eat.”
  30. “I’m still dieting.” I reminded
  32. > “Cut down!? Are you crazy!?” She shrieked
  34. > Izzy shoveled a croissant glazed with chocolate down her stuffed gullet
  36. “I’ve been trying to lose weight for a while…I can't stream looking like a whale. And I would like to be more acceptable around campus.”
  38. > “In Bridlewood being chubby is a sign of health.” She nodded
  40. “Then maybe I’ll move to Bridlewood after I flunk out of school.” I replied sarcastically
  42. > Izzy nodded and continued eating
  43. > I felt my blood begin to bubble.
  44. > Everything Izzy does annoys me.
  45. > Her frame of reference concerning everything outside of Bridlewood is embarrassingly limited for a pony who's been in Zephyr Heights for two years.
  47. > Sometimes I just want to snap at her and remind her of the fact that Bridlewood is a community of cavepony savages.
  48. > But I stop myself.
  49. > Exploding on the foreign exchange student would land me in a pile of trouble I don't think I could get out of.
  51. > I’ve never thought highly of unicorns, even before meeting Izzy.
  52. > We knew they were culturally backward and skittish creatures.
  53. > It was only after the Pegasi and Earth ponies united in building a rail line through the Unicorn lands that we uncovered the unicorns true despondence.
  55. > Of all the pony races, I never thought that the unicorns would be the least development
  56. > Far behind the earth ponies in culture and miles behind the Pegasi in industrialization.
  57. > Even the slaver Zebras in the far east are more developed than the Unicorns.
  59. > Bridlewood is a 2.1 million mile, mostly vacant forest with no plumbing, no electricity, no agriculture, no buildings of higher learning and no internet.
  60. > The unicorns (depending on the tribe) live in trees, huts and caves.
  61. > The unicorn lands are considered by both the earth pony and Pegasus as protected lands.
  63. > The sparsely populated jungles of Bridlewood occupy ⅔ of known Equestria.
  64. > It's a place where important resources lay wasted under the snouts of the primitive, communal Unicorn, who wander the forest naked, hunt game with crude weapons and openly fornicate.
  65. > Whoever had the idea that we could educate one of these things must be as ignorant as the unicorn.
  67. > Izzy is not fit for modern life, let alone the complicated social structures and responsibilities of college.
  68. > I’m waiting for the day the earth ponies decide to plunder Bridle woods natural resources and force the unicorns to assimilate.
  69. > If they continue treating the unicorns as a protected class they will never evolve.
  71. > My eyes drift from the page back upon Izzy
  72. > My stomach turns and a flash of anger overcomes me.
  74. > One would think that the first unicorn we invite into our education system would be sharp, studious and concentrated.
  75. > But from where I’m standing, Izzy is just like any other unicorn.
  76. > Confused, promiscuous, slow, irresponsible, lazy, weird.
  77. > Typically unicorn.
  79. > Today she decide to wear her orange shorts with the white elastics
  80. > The shorts were far too small for a mare of her corpulence.
  81. > Her freckled teats were free from fabric and rested along her thighs.
  82. > Her teats were open for the world to see. (Besides her nipples, which were hidden under a pair of purple pasties. A fashion the school provided her to skirt by the states obscenity laws.)
  84. > Izzy complained to me often about being forced to wear clothes.
  85. > If I wore shorts and nipple pasties to class I would be rightfully expelled.
  87. > Izzy's freckled face was dappled with breakfast and her lips stained with coffee
  88. > She bounced her eyes about the room while nodding her head and swaying the weight of her body back and forth.
  90. > “We’re doing maths in my class. It’s tricky.”
  92. “You’re in the most basic math class, Izzy.”
  94. > “I never learned any of this stuff! I know how to count! Your system is just so weird!”
  96. “Math is universal. I think you’re just bad at it.” I replied staring down at my empty study page
  98. > “Pipp?”
  100. “Yeah?”
  102. > “You look distracted. What's wrong?”
  104. “I don't wanna say.” I grumbled
  106. > “Why not?”
  108. “Because you're horrible at keeping secrets.”
  110. > “I am not!” She cried
  112. “Yes. You are. Do you remember when I told you I was going to spike the punch bowl at the party and you told everyone?”
  114. > “I said I was sorry about that…”
  116. “You don't understand how things work and it's always getting us in trouble.”
  118. > “That's because unicorns don't keep secrets! If we do, our horns glow and plume smoke! We need to tell the truth or else we could explode!”
  120. “Sounds like a skill issue.” I grumbled
  122. > Izzy reached beyond the table and grabbed me by the shoulders, knocking all the trash into the floor
  124. > “Pipp! I’m sorry! I really am!” She cried with a voice so loud the entire restaurant turned to us
  125. > Someponies laughed while others took photos
  126. > If I had any semblance of a reputation left I would be crushed by the crowds mocking
  127. > I started college with positive social prospects but quickly lost all of my promise thanks to the company I keep.
  128. > I’m just another untouchable
  130. > I ignored the laughing ponies and looked Izzy dead in the eye
  132. “If I tell you. Do you need to promise not to tell another soul?”
  134. > “I promise!”
  136. “You know the fraternity I was trying to get into?”
  138. > “Yeah! You talk about it all the time!”
  140. “I received a letter under the door this morning from that very frat house. I don’t know why, but they want me to join. And if I want to join them I’m probably going to be hazed tonight.”
  142. > “That's SO cool!”
  144. “No. It isn’t. They’re going to make me do all kinds of embarrassing things.”
  146. > “Like what?” Izzy asked, tilting her head
  148. “I don’t know. Walk around the school naked, eat bugs, have sex with somepony I don’t know…”
  150. “That sounds fun! I want to be in a fraternity too!”
  152. > Typical that Izzy wouldn’t understand any of this
  153. > The mare wears as little as possible, probably lived off insects most her life and was ranked as a E tier slut in a poll ranking the schools sluttiest mares.
  155. > Her primitive unicorn upbringing and general social cluelessness has made her the most unpopular pony in school.
  156. > And sharing a dorm with her has made me uncool by association
  157. > I was the most popular mare in my highschool but here ponies treat me like mud!
  158. > Being at the bottom of the totem pole sucks….
  160. “You can’t join any of the fraternities, Izzy. You aren’t popular enough.” I scoffed
  162. > “I wouldn’t say that…I’ve had so many mates since I started school!”
  164. “Just because you have sex with ponies doesn’t mean you’re popular.”
  166. “Unicorns fuck to show trust and friendship.” She nodded
  168. > I covered my face, pinched the bridge of my snout and cringed
  170. “Language, Izzy.”
  172. > “You Pegasi and your sensitivities! Behind closed doors I know you’re all fucking, sucking cock and getting your pussies pleasured! I’m just brave enough to say it!”
  174. “Except we have the decency to do it behind closed doors and we use more eloquent language. For the love of god just say having sex, giving head, and cunninglingus…”
  176. > “Why does your culture have to be fucking complicated.” She grumbled
  178. “Sometimes I think you’re too much of a liability on my popularity.” I groaned
  180. > “I am not!” She cried “We’re best friends!”
  182. “I’m going to class. You can stay here and eat at Muffins all day or focus on graduating.”
  184. > “I think I’ll stay here.” She shot, crossing her hooves
  186. > What an idiot…

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy