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The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

By Shroooomy
Created: 2022-08-20 04:56:12
Expiry: Never

  1. Chapter 12: Derpy
  3. >Rarity let me borrow one of her dad's old BuckBall jerseys
  4. >I hope he isn’t too attached to it because my boobs were stretching it out a lot.
  5. >I never liked sports.
  6. >I hope no pony asks me about sports
  7. >I was tucked under the handlebars of the scooter while Fluttershy took the reigns
  8. > It was super cramped under here and I could feel every bump and crack in the road
  9. > Fluttershys teats rested above my head and she would leak a little everytime we went over a particularly large crater in the patchy street leading up to the mines.
  11. > "It looks like a storm is coming."
  12. > I looked to the sky and saw dark clouds circling overhead
  13. > The words "Wet T-Shirt" rang in my head.
  14. >Just my luck
  17. > The fabric of the jersey was was coarse and wrapped around my most tender areas a wet towel
  18. > Each kink in the road felt like sandpaper against my nipples
  19. >The overall irritation was starting to get the best of me.
  20. > My heart pounded in exhaustion from my endlessly lactating breasts
  21. > I felt heat between my legs and a lump in my throat
  22. > The perpetual edging was driving me silly
  23. >My entire life I’ve been sexually frustrated
  24. > But nothing like this.
  25. >These breasts have turned me from a disheartened virgin to a sopping, horny mess.
  26. >My body was in constant heat and more than anything I just wanted to release all my fluids.
  27. > I needed to cum
  28. > I needed something no pony ever offered me
  29. > intimacy
  32. > Fluttershy pet my head
  33. > "Are you okay down there? You're awfully quiet."
  34. > We drove through the gate of the old mine
  35. > Above was a sign "Ponyville Mineral Trench Entrance 17-B"
  36. >I haven't been here since I was a filly
  37. >It was not how I remembered
  40. "Yeah, I'm fine."
  41. > “Milky is a very eccentric mare but I’m sure she’d love to meet you"
  42. “I don't want to bother her…I don’t like being a pest.”
  43. > Fluttershy laughed
  44. > "When have you ever been a pest?”
  45. > I wasn’t sure if she was being sarcastic or not.
  46. > "Milky is an old friend of mine, She can be a little pushy but don't worry, I'll be there for you."
  48. > I stared down the twisting road
  49. > A mountain stood on our right, a number of caves had been carved into its side careaning from the base up into the ridge.
  50. > The entrances were boarded shut with wood, warning signs littered the road
  51. > “No trespassing”
  52. > “Danger”
  53. > “Area Contaminated by Unclassified Toxins: Air Filtration Devices Required Beyond This Point”
  54. > I had a uneasy feeling about this place
  55. > The air was thick and smelled like rotten eggs
  56. > It made me nauseous
  58. > We passed a sign that read
  59. > “Bio-Hazardous area: Wander no further.”
  60. > This sign shivers down my backside.
  61. > I remember when these signs started popping up everywhere around Old Ponyville
  62. > One night my dad got really angry and tore all signs outside the house out of the ground.
  63. > I wonder what they meant.
  65. > We rolled into the old mining camp where dilapidated buildings and rusted mining equipment rested under fog.
  66. > I remembered this place
  67. > It was where my dad worked
  68. > He brought me here once
  69. > He showed me all the different machines he operated and what all the equipment did.
  70. > I was just a filly at the time, I remember it being very uninspiring.
  72. > My dad never told me what happened to this place.
  73. > One day he just came home and never went back to work.
  74. > He refused to talk about it but when I asked he told me that the company was shut down by Celestia
  75. > He said a lot of mean things about the princess
  76. >It made me sad.
  78. > I've always liked the Princesses
  79. > They're both so kind and pretty.
  80. > Especially Celestia.
  81. > Celestia is the nicest pony in all of Equestria
  82. > Our teachers at school used to say that we are all Celestia's children and that she is the mother of all ponies.
  83. > I never knew how to feel about that since I never met my mom
  84. > I liked to imagine that Celestia is my mom.
  85. > When I was a filly I had a pony sized pillow I used to hug really tight.
  86. > Everynight I would squeeze all of my love into that pillow as I went to bed.
  88. > I would imagine Celestia was tucking me in and telling me bedtime stories.
  89. > Sometimes we would count sheep
  90. > Other times we would talk about my day
  91. > Sometimes she would talk back
  92. > Those were the best times
  93. > When I told my dad he got very angry
  94. > He said that it was all in my head and that he was going to get examined again if I told anypony.
  95. > After that I told her that I was too old for imaginary friends.
  96. > She got really sad and it a made me sad
  97. > She told me she understood why and that I was a good pony
  98. > That was the last time anypony ever told me that
  99. > We never spoke ever again after that and I felt like I lost a friend.
  102. > We made our way through the old factory
  103. > Everything was made of metal
  104. > I had never seen these kinds of structures outside Old Ponyville.
  105. > Steel buildings that shoot into the clouds stretching farther than the eye could see
  106. > At least my eye anyways
  107. > Each one was made the exact same
  108. > sheets of metal, no windows and no color.
  109. > Placed sporadically across the hillside almost carelessly
  110. > Ghostly statues of the fog surrounding us from every angle
  111. > It made me feel cold.
  113. “Are you sure we're going the right way?”
  114. > “Of course, I’ve been down this trail many times. Just follow the belt.”
  115. > I turned to my right and saw a Conveyor belt running adjacent to us.
  116. > As the buildings became more numerous the belt would split off and cut through the towers.
  117. > What started as one turned into four that quickly turned to twelve
  118. >The further we drove the more maze like this system of belts was becoming
  119. > I tried to follow it but the network of belts became too much for me to follow and was giving me a headache.
  120. > I looked up and saw the system at its peak
  121. > Towers connected at every point by an overwhelming and endless web of track
  122. > rotting cranes and smoke stacks hung above our heads overgrown with all kinds of vegetation.
  123. > The screeching of dilapidated metal in the wind accompanied by the overwhelming lifelessness of the design stressed me out.
  126. > The air tasted stale and humid
  127. > I felt like we were in the tomb for whatever happened to this place.
  128. > We found ourselves buried so deep that not even sunlight could breach the thick walls of this industrial disaster.
  129. > I felt trapped under this system of towers and track.
  130. > I covered my nose and gripped Fluttershy’s leg
  131. > The road had shortened to the width of a walkway and I was starting to feel very anxious as the walls started to close in on us.
  135. > just as quick as we were buried we found ourselves in clearing
  136. > The sunset reflected off the buildings giving everything an orange hue
  137. > Finally, I was starting to feel sick from the narrowing pathways.
  138. > "Here we are! The Old Ponyville Travelers Market."
  139. I pushed my head up Over the bars and looked around.
  140. > It reminded me a lot of the market in Ponyville except the shops here had strange names like "The Fun Box" and "Equestria’s Hardest Cider."
  141. > Wagons were parked along the perimeter of the clearing surrounded by the giant pillars that were howling in the wind.
  142. > Some stores were even built into the towers.
  143. > Fire pits were scattered throughout the open space, ponies gathered cooking marshmallows or enjoying the afternoon with a cup of cider in hoof.
  145. “What is this place?”
  146. > “It's a market where ponies from all over Equestria come to shop and sell the things they've found on their travels. I come here all the time because it’s close to the Cottage."
  147. > I looked around the Market
  148. > They had signs that illuminated in bright colours
  149. > "Mares: XXX"
  150. > "100% Yakistani Herb"
  151. > "Lunas Secret Library: Dark Magic Bookstore."
  153. “So, where's Milky’s shop?”
  154. >Fluttershy pointed across the market to a steel door cut inside one of the old structures.
  155. > The sign above read
  156. > "The Fridge" written in blue cursive with an illustration of a bottle of milk
  157. > I wonder how they got these signs to light up like this.
  159. >Fluttershy drove through the camp and parked the scooter outside the shop
  160. > I was starting to feel nervous.
  161. > I didn’t even know this mare and I was going to borrow things from her
  162. > very intimate things…
  163. >Fluttershy knocked while I adjusted the jersey to cover myself, my nipples were soaked and sticking through the fabric like swords
  165. > The door opened and emerged a freckled mare with a curly blue mane and a yellow coat.
  166. > She was wearing a frilly baby blue apron that stretched across the chest and down around her stomach.
  167. > She had two breasts protruding from her backside that were so big they were pushing her back legs apart.
  168. > I was concerned about her hips.
  169. > I could almost feel her tendons being torn apart
  171. >“Oh, Hello Fluttershy! What a surprise, You weren’t supposed to come in today.”
  172. > Milky leaned into Fluttershy and the two hugged
  173. > Milkys eyes widened
  174. > I could feel her gaze as she stared at me over Fluttershy's shoulder
  175. > “And this must be the mare I’ve heard so much about.”
  176. > She pulled herself off of Fluttershy and walked towards me
  177. > I was taken aback
  178. > Fluttershy talking about me?
  181. > “Well aren’t you just something else” she said biting her lip
  182. >The mare had a grainy voice and an accent I couldn’t pin down, it reminded me of Applejacks but a bit more posh.
  183. > “Hi, I’m Derpy.”
  184. > Milky’s eyes were wide, she held her hoof under my breast and lifted it slowly.
  185. > “These puppies are heavy.”
  186. > She lifted each breast diligently, handling them with extreme care
  187. > I didn’t appreciate it. No matter how gently she handled them I still didn’t like the fact that everypony felt the need to touch me without asking.
  190. > Her eyes were fixated on my breasts as she slid her tongue over her lips and ran her hoof up towards my nipple.
  191. > Her face was flushed and her eyes wide with lust.
  192. > She escaped her trance with a shake of the head, blinking a couple times before stepping backwards.
  194. > “Sorry about that, My name's Milky, it’s a pleasure to meet you.”
  195. > “Ummmm….You too.”
  196. > “I’ve never seen anything like these. They’re gorgeous.”
  197. > I looked down at my oversized mammaries, drooling thick with warm milk.
  198. > They were repulsive
  201. > “Really?” I asked, tilting my head.
  202. > Either Milky was as kinky as I heard
  203. > Or she was blind
  204. > “Yeah, You got a fine pair of tits my friend.”
  205. > “Well…Thank you….you do as well.”
  206. > Milky lifted her back leg, flashing me the side of her breast.
  207. > It was cover in freckles just like her face
  208. > “Why thank you!”
  209. > Her breasts were the size of beach balls, covered in swollen veins that pounded like the rhythm of a heartbeat.
  210. > I had experienced being pent up like this.
  211. > Nothing is more uncomfortable than feeling like your tits are about to pop like a bottle of champagne.
  212. > Luckily for Milky, she only had two breasts opposed to my four.
  214. > Milky crouched low to the ground and looked under my belly.
  215. > “You've got a nice pair back there too, eh shortstack?”
  216. > This was one of the weirdest conversations I have ever had.
  217. > "Yeah…I guess?"
  218. > “Well, come on in! You two look famished.”
  219. > She grabbed on my shirt and pulled me inside
  220. > Milky locked the door behind us and led us across her house and through a curtain.
  221. > Milky's walls were painted in a cow pattern white with black splotches
  222. > The main room had a coffee table and two couches across from each other. They were all white as well.
  223. > A string of lights ran across the ceiling that changed colours every couple seconds.
  224. > Fading from red, blue, green and white.
  227. > “Take a seat , I’ll get us some drinks.”
  228. > I didn't realize it but I was getting a little thirsty.
  229. > a nice apple juice would hit the spot wonderfully right now.
  230. > Fluttershy and I sat beside each other on the couch
  231. > The cushion made a cracking sound as we sat.
  232. > The couch was frozen
  233. I placed my hooves around my shoulders to keep warm.
  234. > The entire place was like a walk in freezer
  235. > Milky went to the back wall and pushed it inwardly, flipping the entire way around revealing a refrigerator that ran from the height of the couch to the ceiling.
  236. > A harsh gust of cold splashed into the room
  237. > I wrapped my wings around my body for warmth.
  238. > The Fridge was filled with bottles of milk of all shapes and sizes labeled and dated with tape.
  239. > There had to be a hundred bottles
  241. > She pulled a tall thin bottle from the bottom shelf and grabbed three glasses from a drawer in the table and poured us all a full cup.
  242. > This was getting weird fast
  243. >“Don’t worry, it's fresh. I just milked myself an hour ago."
  244. > This didn't reassure me.
  245. >I had never drank another mare's milk and I wasn’t sure I wanted to.
  246. >I had only drank my own milk, it was very sweet
  247. >Great for cereal
  249. > Fluttershy took a large gulp
  250. >I watched as the milk rolled down her throat
  251. > She moaned like she was drinking the best wine from Celestias's cellar
  252. > She tipped the cup over her head, her face red and her free hoof was caressing her breast near her privates
  256. > When she pulled the glass from her mouth, a thick, white residue clung to her top lip anf her tongue hung from the corner of her mouth.
  258. > “Your milk tastes delicious, Like always." Fluttershy moaned
  259. > “Proper diet Flutters, you are what you eat.”
  260. > Fluttershy stuck her hoof between her legs
  261. > She seemed really turned on by this kind of thing.
  263. > Fluttershy raised the glass towards Milky
  264. > "Can I have another drink please?"
  265. > Milky grabbed the bottle and leaned it over the cup but right before the milk could reach her cup she stopped.
  266. > "Moo for me."
  267. > "Milky…Not now."
  268. > "Do it."
  269. > Fluttershy started to do a faint cow impression
  270. > "Moo…Moo.. "
  271. > "Oh come on! Moo!"
  272. > "Moo!" Fluttershys voice cracked
  273. > Milky laughed and filled her glass
  274. > "Thats a good little cow. Keep up the good behaviour and I'll give you another."
  275. > Fluttershy sunk her face into the glass and chugged
  276. > What the heck was that all about?
  278. > Milky turned to me, she was on the edge of her seat leaning her front hooves over her breasts.
  279. > Her pupils were dilated and her back leg shook excitedly
  280. > “Go ahead! I would love to hear what you think.”
  281. > I didn't want to do this but I also didn't want to be rude
  282. > I tipped the jar slowly to my mouth
  283. >I felt my muscles tense as the milk hit my tongue
  284. > It was very cold
  285. > I decided to just go for it and shot it back
  286. > The cold soothed my throat
  287. > It tasted like a thick cream, flavourful and rich.
  288. >Unlike mine.
  290. > I let the taste sit with me for a moment
  291. > It wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be.
  293. > I decided to take another, much slower drink.
  294. > I sloshed it around my mouth trying to pin down the taste.
  295. “Hmmm…”
  296. > "I think she likes it." Fluttershy giggled
  297. > I took a big drink, letting the milk rest in my cheeks swelling with milk.
  298. > The longer I savoured the taste the more it was growing on me.
  299. > It was creamy and tasted like almonds
  300. > It set my taste buds into a tizzy unlike anything I had ever drank
  301. > I closed my eyes and swallowed before taking another big gulp
  302. > “I think she really likes it.” Fluttershy said
  303. > “Of course, my milk is the best.”
  305. > I put my glass down and she poured me another helping
  306. > I was enjoying this new flavour.
  307. > I grabbed the glass and took another big sip
  308. > “So what brings you here?” Milky asked
  309. > “Well, we were hoping you could let us borrow some of your breast pumps and containers.” Fluttershy said as she nursed her drink.
  310. > A smile grew across Milky’s face
  311. > “Hmmm….Now what could two ponies like yourselves want with breast pumps?”
  312. > I continued to inhale the milk.
  313. > I tipped the jar over my head savouring every drop
  314. >“What could you two be up to?" Milky asked as she tapped her hoof against her cheek
  315. >Fluttershy was starting to turn red as Milky leaned closer “Could a certain pony be finally coming out of her shell and confessing her true feelin…”
  317. >“It’s for an outfit!” Fluttershy panicked
  318. >Milky and I both jumped in our seats
  319. >I had never heard Fluttershy raise her voice before.
  320. > It was kind of scary
  322. >“Hey, I don’t judge. You just talk about her so much I thought…”
  323. >“Milky!”
  324. >I looked down at the glass and noticed I had emptied it
  325. >I licked the milk that clung to the top of my lip.
  326. > Milky and Fluttershy started arguing but I wasn't even listening.
  327. > I wonder if Milky will give me another glass.
  328. > I felt dirty drinking another mare's milk though I wasn't sure why.
  329. > How could something that feels so good be wrong?
  331. “Do you mind if I have more?”
  332. >The two mares turned to me
  333. > was I interrupting?
  334. > I do that sometimes.
  335. > I talk when I’m not supposed to.
  337. >Milky started to laugh
  338. > “I know what you see in this mare Fluttershy. Cute, naive, and…easy."
  339. > Did Milky just call me a whore?
  340. > I really shouldn't pay more attention
  341. > Milky dragged her hoof over the bottles.
  342. > "I see what you're up to, Uddershy."
  343. > Fluttershy looked down to the floor.
  344. >“Sure, Derpy, I'll grab you another glass. Straight from the tap this time."
  348. > Milky went to the wall and lifted it from the bottom
  349. > Behind the wall was twelve barrels just like the ones at Applejacks.
  350. > Milky pulled a couple tubes running from the two bottom barrels and approached Fluttershy who was pushing her dress aside and undoing her breast girdle
  351. > Her boobs popped out onto the floor with a loud WHAP!
  352. > she sighed in relief.
  353. > "That feels so much better."
  354. > Milky put the suction cups attached to the tubes over Fluttershy's teats and hit a switch on the wall.
  355. > Fluttershy jumped and started to moan.
  356. > The machine hummed loudly, I could hear the milk sloshing into the barrels.
  358. > Fluttershy started to squirm, pressing her stiff hooves to her sides as she rubbed her back legs together.
  359. > Her eyes closed tightly as she bit her tongue.
  360. > My eye was glued to Fluttershy's breasts, they were pretty and looked soft like pillows.
  361. > I felt an urge touch them, which was odd because I've never had sexual feelings for another mare.
  362. > beside Twilight of course, who in my mind is the definition of pure beauty so it wasn't gay.
  364. > My wobbly eye was locked onto the mare's tender breasts.
  365. > They looked so warm and inviting
  366. > I wonder if she would let me squeeze them
  367. > I wonder what her milk tastes like….
  368. >...
  369. > Oh, no
  370. >...
  371. > What if I'm turning gay?
  372. > What if it's too late for me?
  373. > Am I really this desperate for sex?
  374. > I never thought I'd end up like this
  376. > I always hoped one day I would find a stallion
  377. > The perfect mate to have picnics with, eat muffins and didn't mind living in an old rotting house.
  378. > I used to fantasize about coming home from a long day at the post office and he would be there waiting for me
  379. > I would cook him dinner and we would talk all night about our day while we ate muffins by a fire
  381. > At night he would lean into me and we would kiss.
  382. > I loved the idea of being penetrated by a handsome maverick.
  383. > He would take me from behind and shoot load after load inside me.
  384. > Then he would flip me around and he would lock his eyes onto mine.
  385. > I would be his princess
  386. > His wife
  387. > His whore
  388. > His friend
  389. > His broodmare
  390. > Like a good marefriend should be
  391. > He would pump me full of foals all year round and I would be his forever.
  392. > We would have as many foals as he wanted
  393. > Two
  394. > Four
  395. > Six
  396. > Ten
  397. > Whatever he wanted
  399. > Realistically, I would still be working while I raised them.
  400. >Taking care of my special somepony
  401. > cooking and cleaning in my spare time.
  402. > It isn't easy being a mare but it's what's expected of our sex if we wanted a partner
  403. > Competition is fierce for mares.
  404. > Sadly I've never had a stallion court me
  405. > I was never popular enough
  406. > Seeing mares my age in happy relationships made me think I was disliked
  407. > I was never invited to their weddings or even talked to them after Flight School
  408. > I tried so hard to make friends
  409. > It takes a heavy toll on a mare
  410. > Being unwanted.
  412. > I continued to stare at Fluttershy’s breasts
  413. > I felt the blood in my wings pulsate and developed uncontrollable urges I had never felt before.
  414. > I had reached the point of no return and it didn’t feel right.
  415. > …
  416. > What would my dad think?
  417. > Drinking milk
  418. > Thinking twisted thoughts
  419. > He would be very disappointed.
  420. > Most stallions don't understand that all mares are bisexual, it's in our nature. A coping mechanism for the low stallion birth rate.
  421. > Looking at Fluttershy wiggling in her seat and watching her boobs jiggle made me feel different.
  422. > Maybe mares are sexy
  423. >boobs
  424. >butts
  425. >vaginas
  426. >ponuts
  427. >...
  429. > The mental image of sticking any of my parts near another mare's genitals made me queasy.
  430. > It felt so dirty
  431. > So wrong
  432. > So fun
  433. > Two bodies of the same sex smashing their parts together in frustration
  434. > It was love
  435. > It was hate
  436. > And unfortunately, it was turning me on
  439. > I felt my crotch starting to bake between my thighs.
  440. > These thoughts were taking me.
  441. > Staring at her breasts jiggle as she squirmed harshly in her seat was awakening something in me I didn’t like.
  442. > Her face was beet red with ecstasy and discomfort.
  443. > I took a deep breath and repeated to myself
  444. > Think straight thoughts
  445. > Think straight thoughts
  449. > "Did Fluttershy ever tell you About us?"
  450. > I shook my head from my trance
  451. "Sorry…I…ummmm…Pardon?"
  452. > Be polite
  453. > Don't let them know you've been thinking gay thoughts.
  454. > "Did Fluttershy tell you that we were a couple?".
  455. "No…She never told me about any of this."
  456. > "Well, Fluttershy and I own this shop, we met at Tree Huggers retreat in the Everfree Forest a couple years ago."
  457. > Fluttershy nodded in agreement
  458. > "She was doing an animal rescue for all the little creatures caught up in that nasty storm that rolled through a couple years back.”
  459. > “I was a traveling milk mare and she was a passionate but socially awkward environmentalist with huge tits."
  460. > Milky rolled her eyes and laughed
  461. > "Needless to say we were instant lovers. Fluttershy set me up with this spot and I've been working outta here ever since."
  463. > The pieces were starting to fit
  464. > Fluttershy had a secret life
  465. > It made sense but I was still shocked
  466. "So, are you still together?"
  467. > "Fluttershy grew too attached and wanted me all to herself, I don’t do monogamy.”
  468. > “Milky…Do you really need to be…telling her all this?” Fluttershy said between groans
  469. > Milky flicked her hoof at Fluttershy like she was swatting away a fly
  470. > “It was an open relationship but she never got any action so she broke up with me. She didn't like being a cuckold I guess."
  471. > Fluttershy hid behind her hooves
  472. > "I just wanted something special."
  474. > Milky shook her head in disappointment.
  475. > "Oh you poor, poor, heifer."
  476. > Milky swung her head to me with a big smile
  477. > "So Derpy, How would you like to work with us?" Milky asked
  478. > "Milky no! It's too dangerous."
  479. > Milky turned to Fluttershy
  480. > “Zip it, Udder's, let the mare decide for herself.”
  481. "Work...with you?"
  482. > "You can be our cow."
  483. "You're….cow?"
  484. > Milky laughed and rolled her eyes
  485. > "You really are naive. I'm saying you could make milk for us. Like a cow."
  487. > I didn’t like the idea of being a Cow
  488. > They're fat and dumb
  489. > In a way it's like being Derpy Hooves
  490. > But I didn't like being Derpy Hoove either
  491. > "Moo for me."
  492. "W..What?"
  493. >"Moo for me, give me your best cow impression.”
  494. "Moo?"
  495. > Milky chuckled
  496. > "Derpy, I think you're the mare I'm looking for."
  498. > Milky poured another glass of milk for me and slid it across the table.
  499. > "You're everything I want all in one package. You got the look, the milk and optimism."
  500. > "I want you to be my main cow. You'll do a majority of the milking and be paid well for your time."
  501. > I looked over at Fluttershy who was shaking her head slowly and mouthing the word “no” over and over.”
  502. > I was a bit angry at Fluttershy.
  503. > I wanted to ask why she never told me about her secret life until now
  504. > We’re supposed to be best friends
  505. > Best friends don’t keep secrets.
  506. > I looked at Fluttershy, and followed the tubes around her nipples that led to the barrels behind the wall
  507. "Is Fluttershy your cow?"
  508. > Milky nodded "She is. But she can't keep up with the growing demand alone. If you take the job she'll be in charge of overseeing distribution and get a raise while you'll be our main product producer."
  510. "I appreciate the offer… but I can't…I don't like the idea…of being a cow."
  511. > “Think about it Derpy, With the bits I give you, you’ll finally be able to fix up your house.”
  512. > How did she know about my house
  513. > Did Fluttershy tell her?
  514. > Or did she know where I lived
  515. > "The only catch is you'll be mine, cows are property remember. You'll have to do whatever I say."
  516. "Like what?"
  517. > Milky glared at me and smiled
  518. > She knocked the bottle of milk over, spilling it on the table.
  519. > "Oops, Uddershy can you get that for me?"
  520. > "Fluttershy nodded and started to clean the table with her dress.
  522. > I was shocked, disgusted and a little scared
  523. “Milky…I don’t think I want to do this." I could feel my voice tremble
  524. > Milky looked deflated.
  525. > "Well, I'm sorry for taking your time. I'll grab what you came here for and let you be on your way."
  527. > Milky got up and left the room
  528. > Fluttershy scooted closer to me
  529. > "I'm sorry about that. I wasn't ever going to ask you to work here. I told you she could be pushy. “
  530. "Fluttershy…"
  531. > "I just didn't want you to get in trouble. I never wanted to tell you About this part of my life but you're….
  532. > Fluttershy paused
  533. > My eye met hers, I wasn’t sure what she was thinking
  534. > She closed her eyes and said in a forced tone
  535. > "You're my best friend. I decided that you should finally know my dirtiest secret."
  536. > Fluttershy hugged me and her breast rubbed against my leg
  537. > I stiffened like a board
  538. > Think straight thoughts
  539. > Think straight thoughts
  541. > "Milky pays me very well, she is a very rich mare, it's just a very hard job."
  542. “Why is it hard? It’s just milking right?”
  543. > Fluttershy sighed
  544. > “It's a very demanding workplace."
  546. > Milky returned with eight mason jars with tubes protruding from the tops attached to a brown saddle
  547. > I shoved Fluttershy off of me and jumped to my hooves
  548. > "Here you go Derpy."
  549. > I stood up and she placed the saddle on my backside
  550. > It was so light it felt like it wasn’t even there
  551. > "You look stunning." Fluttershy clapped
  552. > "You should keep my offer in mind, from what I hear that house could collapse any day now."
  553. "I don't think so Milky…I appreciate the offer…But I can't."
  555. > Milky glared at Fluttershy then looked at me with a smile
  556. > "Well It was nice meeting you."
  557. > She brushed the top of my lip and wiped a thick glob of milk that I had been collecting
  558. > Milky licked her hoof clean of the recycled mare juice before turning her attention to Fluttershy
  559. > "See you tomorrow, Uddershy."
  560. > Fluttershy nodded nervously with her eyes to the ground.
  561. > Milky walked us out, I was so happy to feel warmth again.
  562. > We were out the door when Fluttershy flipped suddenly
  563. > "Milky, Wait I forgot my girdle.”
  564. > Milky slammed the door on Fluttershy's face
  565. > "Ohhhh….Well, I'll see you tomorrow." Fluttershy sighed
  567. > Fluttershy dragged her hooves and her breasts to the scooter
  568. > I stared at them longingly
  569. > I wanted to touch them
  570. >...
  571. > Think straight thoughts
  572. > Think straight thoughts
  573. > Fluttershy sat on the scooter with her breasts covering the entire front and bottom half of the scooter.
  574. > “I guess you could sit between my boobs on the way back into town.”
  575. > My heart stopped
  576. > The ride into Ponyville was going to be awkward.
  577. > I'm not gonna make it.

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.5

by Shroooomy

The Misadventure Of Derpy's Boobs 1.6

by Shroooomy

The misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.7

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy

The Misadventures of Derpy's Boobs 1.8

by Shroooomy