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Fluttershy’s Fart Slave

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-05 10:48:21
Expiry: Never

  1. > Be male Human Anon.
  2. 1) Trapped
  3. You wake up in complete darkness. Your head hurts like hell, and you can't move. Your body has been restrained. You start to panic and struggle but to no avail. You can't move an inch, you can't even turn your head, as what appears to be two leather bars are holding your head in place, facing upwards. Your heart is pumping, and you scream in fear and claustrophobia.
  4. Apparently your noisyness has been heard. You hear hoofsteps approaching. You are numb with fear. Suddenly a circular source of blinding light appars above you. It takes you a movent to figure out that a lid has just been openend above your face, and that the blinding light is just the general lighting of a well lid room.
  5. Above you, stands a yellow mare, looking down at you. She looks concerned, and she's blushing.
  6. "Are.. Are you hurt?" She asks.
  7. "I heart you shout, are your bindings too tight, are they blocking your blood circulation?" She looks really concerned for you, despite not offering to help you out. Was she your captor?
  8. "I'm not hurt." You foolishly explain under your staggering breath. "But... I'm stuck. Please help me out of here, I don't want to be here." You have started to cry.
  9. She looks ashamed.
  10. "I see you might need some time to accept you new life, understandably. So I'll just leave you to your thoughts for a while. I'll leave the lid open if it helps your claustrophobia."
  11. With those frightening words, she leaves. You cry and cry, until you don't have a tear left in your body. Why would she do this to you? You didn't even know her.
  12. Several painful hours later, she appears again. The room has gotten darker, it must be getting late.
  13. "Please, miss, I havn't done anything wrong. I don't even know you. I don't want to be here, would you please allow me to leave. I'll give you money if you want."
  14. She looks somewhat embarresed, but she's biting her lip.
  15. "My name is... Fluttershy, and I don't want money. I want something else from you."
  16. "What is it, I'll do anything if you let me go, Fluttershy."
  17. Her ears are hanging in shame, she looks away from you.
  18. "I... I'm... Not going to let you go." She whispers so quietly that you almost can't hear her.
  19. You can't beleive what you're (Almost not) hearing.
  20. "Why? Why are you doing this to me?"
  21. "I... I'm ususally known to be pretty kind, and some of the time, I'll be kind to you too."
  22. She smiles at you, like that was supposed to make you feel better.
  23. Sometimes?.." You repeat.
  24. She goes back to looking down in shame.
  25. "I did capture you for... You could say, sinister reasons."
  26. The fear within you is rising.
  27. "What... Sinister... Reasons?"
  28. She sighs.
  29. "I don't really know how to say this. It's really embarrising, but I guess since you will be the victim, I kinda have to."
  30. She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath.
  31. "You're going to be my fart slave, and I'll force you to smell my farts."
  32. Her face turns completely red. She keeps her eyes closed, and holds her breath, while she awaits your reaction.
  33. You don't know what to say...
  34. "Why would you do something like that to me. Forcing me to do something as unpleasant as that, that's torture! Why do you want to torture me. What did I ever do to deserve this?"
  35. "Nothing. I've got nothing against you. I'm sure you were a lovely person." She seems rather shocked at your response, her eyes are big and her face is even more red than before.
  36. "But... I'm still going to make you my fart slave, because I want you to sniff my farts. I want it to be torture. I want you to choke and cough on my fart stench. I guess... I'm a bit of a sadist, and as a sadist with a fart-fetish, I need a fart slave. And I'm sorry on your behalf, but I chose you. It could have been anypony, but then I saw you, a real human come into town, and I knew it was going to be you. I've always loved non-pony creatures, you things are my affinity, and you... Are also my fart slave now. I'm Sorry."
  37. She sighs In both relief, embarrassment and pleasure.
  38. You have no response. You just lay there, looking at her. After looking to the side for a while, she turns her eyes to you. You gaze into eachother's eyes.
  39. She puts her hoof on the top of the lid.
  40. "The next time I open this lid, it's going to get stinky down there."
  41. She closes it, and leaves you in the dark, to contemplete your new life as her fart slave.
  42. 2) Face Farts
  43. You wake up from your slumber when the lid opens up the very next morning, a plethora of birds are all singing outside, and the morning sunlight through the windwos are bathing the room in a pleasant lighting, though it's still much too bright for you to handle.
  44. Above you stands fluttershy, looking down at you. She's holding a whip in her mouth. She's wearing black stockings, and a black skirt to match. This really was a fetish for her.
  45. "Don't look at me like that." She says, dropping her whip in the process.
  46. "I'm going to fart on you, now!"
  47. She sounds pretty confidant, much to your surprise.
  48. "It's going to be very stinky... But not that stinky. I don't want to be too harsh on you, so I havn't eaten enything bad at all. They might be... Somewhat mild, really... Bu-bu-but, still! My farts are always stinky, even the milder ones. I'm just a very stinky mare overall actually! A havn't showered in days to make sure my asscrack was nice and smelly for you as well! But only two days, as I don't want you to be overwhelmed at first... Still! It stinks down there, got it?"
  49. She's so bad at this it almosts baffles you...
  50. She turns around and lifts up her skirt with her tail. You get your first look at her ass. It's a bit larger than you expected, she's clearly quite a curvy mare. Looking rather fit from the front, perhaps with just the slightest hit of a belly, she seems to have put all her fat in the right places. She's wearing white panties, so you can't really evaluate her "torture instruments" for now.
  51. "If you don't sniff it, I'll punish you, got it!? I won't be too harsh though."
  52. She sits down. Her ass pretty much exactly fills out the leather seat, blocking away the light, and making your torture chamber air-tight. She seperates her legs, letting the light inside and allowing her to look in. She's about 20 centimiters above your face. She looks at you with her red face and wide open eyes.
  53. "I should probably lift your face up a bit, so you can smell my ass a bit before... I start... farting."
  54. She leans to her left and you hear some sort of mechanism being activated, you feel your upper body being lifted, you face always being kept horizontaly. Soon, your nostils are ever so slightly touching the fabric of her underwear.
  55. "Sn... Sniff it!"
  56. You inhale. The air you breath is tainted with her ass-musk. It smells earthy, dirty and sweaty. You will admit she was right, it stinks down there. It's not horrible torture to smell. It's mostly just unpleasant, but it's unpleasant enough for you to make a rather dissatisfied sound as you smell her buttcrack.
  57. You can hear Fluttershy huffing and panting above you. She's loving this.
  58. "Tha-tha-that's right! You better smell my asshole, oh my... K-k-keep sniffing it, or I'll, I'll, I'll. Just sniff it okay."
  59. Your nose is only milimeters away from the unwashed anus, hiding behind the thin layer of fabric. Suddenly she rises.
  60. She wiggles her butt, and scooches her tail around, she works the panties off of her body, revealing to you her bare ass. Her yellowish anus is not visible filthy, outside of what's to be expected from a butthole. Her vagina is rather large, but it looks very tight. She's probably a virgin. Wouldn't surprisr you since she's so shy.
  61. She picks up her panties from the floor, turns around and holds them up to your face.
  62. "Open your mouth." She says.
  63. You do as you're told, and she slides her used underwear into it, making sure her ass-part is on your tongue. She's probably only worn them this morning, so they are not that dirty. Still, the faint taste of musky butthole is something you could've been without.
  64. She lowers your face down into the box a bit again. Then she sits her bare butt down on top of you. She spreads her legs and looks down at you over her thick cunt. She looks quite embarrassed. Her snout is bright red, and her eyes looks at you in pity.
  65. "Brace yourself. It's about to get very stinky down there. I really meant what I said when I told you I didn't make them stinky on purpose, my farts are just naturally this bad."
  66. She closes her legs, leaving you in darkness. You can't see a thing. You hear her utter an adorable little tensing noise.
  67. A moment later, she farts.
  68. A long silent fart escapes her anus. The hot, smelly air blows across your face and fills your tiny chamber with her fart stench. It's so stinky that as you take your first breath of it, you gag into her panties. It smells horrible. THIS was mild to her?
  69. Its like rotten boiled cabage, being blown your way by a fan. Sniffing her ass was bad, sniffing her fart was unbearable. You wiggle and moan. You're tearing up.
  70. Pfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
  71. Another thick fart cloud, equally as stinky as the last reinforces the smell in your torture chamber, and it's emidiately followed by a third, a fourth and a fith filthy cloud of her stinky ass gas. The humidity rises. The air you breath might as well be green now, there's probably more fart than oxygen in it.
  72. You can hear her tense up, pushing hard.
  74. A thick, stinky fart erupts suddenly out of her backside. It hits your face like a punch made of air. It's more tangy than it's predesecors.
  76. It's soooo stinky.
  77. The farting slows down. Eventually, with just a tiny puff of her foul air, it stops. She sits on top of you, keeping the farts from leaving the chamber and forcing you to keep smelling their lingering stench. After a while, she spreads her legs to check on you. You notice the dark yellow-brownish cloud of gas hanging in the air around you. Her farts ar so bad they can be seen by the naked eye. She looks aroused, worryed and ashamed at the same time.
  78. "Were they... Bad?"
  79. You have a pair of her panties in your mouth and can't tell her how horrible they were and still are from where you're laying, but the bit of gas that leaks out from between her legs, making her cough and close them again, should answer her own quistion.
  80. She gets up and quickly closes the lid, trapping you with the smell.
  81. "I bet you can still smell that when I come back with the next batch of farts. I'm going to try to make them stinker now, understand? I'm gong to stink you up so much you'll forget what pleasant means."
  82. With those words of confidence, she leaves you to bath in the fart stench until she returned.
  83. 3) It gets stinkier
  84. You've been smelling her farts for hours now. The thick cloud of her stinky gas has been dwindeling away the entire time, and it's now just like being in the same room as someone who farted far away from you. It's bearable.
  85. Suddenly, light. The lid is open and Fluttershy's ass fills your vision. The light turns back to darkness as she sits down. She spreads ler legs and looks down at you. She looks a bit concered.
  86. "Are you... Ummm, Okay?"
  87. You still have the panties in your mouth, so you can't answer really give a good answer.
  88. Instead you just utter a pretty pethetic "Mmmhh." She looks relieved, like she was afarid you had died or something. Slowly, her concerned expression turns devious. She smiles at you, you an evil grin.
  89. "Are you ready for it to get much, much stinkier, you pethetic little fart sniffer? I'll never let you out of here. You're just a place for me to fart, now."
  90. You break down into tears, moaning and crying as you realize this is actually your life now.
  91. Your sudden breakdown takes Fluttershy out of character.
  92. "I- I mean. I'm.... Oh dear. Just because I'll never let you go, doesn't mean that I won't let you have enjoyable moments every now and again. You'll just, never, be able to see anypony you care about again."
  93. She looks sad for a moment, but she's quickly taken out of that as well as her stomach growls loudly. She quickly closes her legs.
  94. "These farts might be hard to handle, so breath carefully."
  95. A moment after she says that, your face is showered in a bassy torrent of her ass air. Her gas feels humid and warm as it blows across your face.
  96. The moment you take even the tiniest sniff of that deadly cloud, you almost throw up in your mouth. It stinks...
  97. It's much, much worse than her previous ones. It smells like rotten eggs, it's tangy, and incridibly potent.
  98. She farts again, raising the potency of her fart smell.
  99. "These are some of my favorite farts. I really like the eggyness of them, I think they're really stinky, and they keep stinking for a long time, so when I close the lid, you'll probably be smelling them for quite a while. I will give you these a lot, so try to get used to them."
  100. Brrrrrrrppppthffffffff
  101. Her sulphuric anus bathes you in another green cloud rotten egg stench.
  102. You cry and wiggle, as you're forced to inhale the deadly gas.
  103. She farts again and again, constantly adding to the already seizure inducing stench in your toilet chamber.
  104. The thick cloud keeps getting thicker, and thicker. Fouler, and fouler. It's so stinky now that you are afraid that you really are going to throw up.
  105. "I know how much it stinks, but just keep sniffing it like a good fart slave, and I'll make it even stinkier for you."
  106. Bbrrrrethhppppffffffff
  107. BRRRRRRRRRthhhhhhhhhhffffff
  108. Brthhhhhhhhhhhhfffffffffffffff
  109. It's too much to handle. You throw up a little in your mouth.
  110. Her farting stops. She keeps sitting on top of you, letting you soak in the rotten stench. After couple of minutes she rises and quickly closes the lid, retrapping you with the hot, disgusting cloud of dark-green fart gas.
  111. "Have fun down there"
  112. 4) Even Stinkier!
  113. Hours later, and you're still gagging on the vile gas cloud. It just won't dissipate. You're crying and gagging the entire time. You've almost forgotten how air that isn't filled extra stinky, rotten, eggy fart gas smells.
  114. You're reminded for just a fraction of a second as the lid opens. But then Fluttershy's ass traps you with the smell again.
  116. She farts into your torture chamber, increasing the already potent stench even further. You moan as you smell her new gas cloud combine with the old. It's still like foul rotten eggs, but it has a fecal aftersmell.
  117. She farts again, and then again and again.
  118. "Smell that, fart slave!"
  119. What does she think you're doing down here? Having a tea party?
  120. BRRRRRRRRRRrthhhhhhhh
  121. BRRRRRRrrrrrthhhhhhhh
  122. BrRRrRrRrRRRRRrrrrrtThHhhhhhhhh
  123. You throw up in your mouth a little, for the second time today.
  124. She rises, and closes the lid. You are forced to lay there in the total darkness, inhaling her stinky cloud of rotten farts. This is fart torture.
  125. 5) Mouth Farts
  126. No more than ten short, smelly minutes later, she's back.
  127. The lid opens and you see Fluttershy taken aback by the horrible stench oozing out of your fart prison.
  128. "Oh my... Are they that bad?"
  129. They were.
  130. She carefully learns in over you, (front first for once). She's holding her breath and turning her face to the side. She shoves her front hooves into your chamber and pulls the panties out of your mouth.
  131. You heeve for air through your mouth as soon as you're able to. It taskes strongly like her farts, and you gag and cough with every gasp of air you greedily inhale.
  132. A moment later, Fluttershy stuffs something else into your mouth, you are taken aback for a moment, as the thing forcefully goes passed your teeth. It appears to be a ring gag. Your mouth is forced open.
  133. Looking down at you, all pethetic, gagged and bathed in farts, Fluttershy's expression turns devious.
  134. "I hope you like the taste of rotten eggs, you fart sniffing fuck! I'm about to fill your mouth up!"
  135. You hear a mechanism activate. You feel yourself surfacing again. You're filled with fear. Fluttershy sits down on your face.
  136. She's turned the opposite way as what she usually is, her cunt is pressed against your nose. It smells a bit like rotten sugar and fish. It's a lot stinkier than her ass was yesterday. Her cunt stench quickly mixes with the fart cloud, resulting in a sweet, rotten, eggy, fishy, horrible smell.
  137. She scooches around slightly. Ajusting herself so that her asshole is placed right above your open mouth, smushing her thich pussy around on your nose in the process.
  138. You look into eachother's eyes, your's red and teary, and her's, wide and curious.
  139. "Does it... Does my, you know... Does it stink? Blink twice if my, my... If my marehood is stinky."
  140. You blink twice. Her breathing gets faster. She's turned on.
  141. "Eat my ass air!!"
  142. The moment she says this, a torrent of foul-tasting farts erupt into your mouth, burning your tastebuds with thier rotten taste.
  143. Stinky fluttercunt and foul tasting flutterfarts. This torture is horrible. You gag at her horrible, eggy gas, and you snort at her smelly maresnatch. Her gas starts to leak into your lungs and stomach. Your being filled with her intestenal essence. She's drowning you with her farts. You cry, moan and struggle, looking into her blushing face with a pleading expression. You would do anything for this to end, but it didn't.
  144. It got worse. Her pussy was getting wet, making it difficult to breath, and her farts... Well, they were getting wet as well.
  145. Brthhhththsthtshthstshsthhhhtsttshshshsssshhh.
  146. "Oh my."
  147. Fluttershy's already red cheeks, turn even more rosy.
  148. The taste of rotten eggs and spoiled cabbage was reinforced by the faint taste of poop.
  149. Your crying and struggling increases. She continues gassing you.
  150. Brththththhshthhhhshhsbrtshthhhsh
  152. That last fart sprayed your tongue with anal fluid.
  153. "Oh my Celestia!!"
  154. You look into each other's eyes. She looks both very embarresed, and very turned on. Her eyes ask you to suffer more for her. Your eyes only ask for mercy. She finally gives in to your silent request.
  155. She rises, puts a cork into the ring gag to keep her gas in your mouth, and to make you breath with your nose. Then she sits down again and baths your face in her moist farts to make sure it was still stinky in your chamber. Then she gets up, lowers your face into the box, closes the lid and walks away, leaving you alone to suffer in the smell and taste of her farts.

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