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incest thread piece of the (non-canon) pie, limestone's pie by Frostybox

By Guest
Created: 2020-10-23 20:24:41
Expiry: Never

  1. >You inhale deeply.
  2. >Legs squeeze his thigh tightly against you as you drink in his scent.
  3. >It’s incredible, honestly.
  4. >There’s no difference in the detergent, he used the same one you do, the one sitting on the washer down the hall but-
  5. >You bury your nose into his chest again and drink him in again.
  6. >Your heart pounds in your chest and you think your vision goes blurry for a while.
  7. >Because it’s him the smell is just intoxicating!
  8. >Anon’s thighs tense for a moment.
  9. >You slip your hand up a little higher and gently knead the head of his cock through his bottoms before pacing your palm back over it.
  10. >He lets out a small gasp before returning back to breathing heavily.
  11. >Your lips are ablaze as you lose yourself in the rhythm of his pleasured breathing.
  12. >The feeling of his hot member under your palm.
  13. >His firm, warm body tucked away in your arms.
  14. >And his-
  15. >You look up, his eyes twitch, deep in sleep still, his face calm and relaxed, and his neck fully exposed.
  16. >You shift around, pressing down on his cock and straddling more of his thigh as you bring yourself closer.
  17. >Nose gently prods at the soft flesh, your nostrils flare.
  18. >You let out a shuddered breath as tremors run up and down our spine.
  19. >GOD, his smell!
  20. >No detergent, no fabric softener, no dryer sheets, just his pure unmasked scent.
  21. >Anon grumbles.
  22. >Your heart skips a beat and you quickly shimmy back down and nestle your head on his chest.
  23. >He shifts around under you.
  24. >Shoulders.
  25. >Arms.
  26. >One leg, then the other.
  27. >He lets out a sigh.
  28. >His breathing becomes softer.
  29. >You start to panic.
  30. >You pushed it too far.
  31. >Then you feel it.
  32. >A gentle tap, that’s all.
  33. >On the palm of your hand.
  34. >The palm currently hovering over his crotch, trembling slightly with a mix of fear and excitement.
  35. >Your eyes glance down, you can see a dark circle forming on the cloth where the bulge that signifies his cockhead is at.
  36. >Your hold your breath as you wait, maybe its just your lust addled mind making you think-
  37. >It happens again!
  38. >You saw it this time!
  39. >His hips raise, bringing his cock towards your hand, tapping the tip against your plan.
  40. >You feel the faint sliminess he left behind on you.
  41. >He wants this…
  42. >He wants your touch.
  43. >Anon wants his little sister to sate his lewd desires.
  44. >You bring your hand closer, press his head down against his belly with the palm of your hand.
  45. >Anon makes a noise, somewhere between a moan and a grumble.
  46. >Your fingers graze down to rest on either side of his shaft.
  47. >Slowly, you curl your fingers, stroking the sides of his thick member up to his head.
  48. >You rub his head with the base of your palm a few times before uncurling your fingers, stroking back down the sides of his length.
  49. >Your body shifts as Anon tries to lift the arm pinned under you only to give up moments later.
  50. >Just as you bring your thigh up higher onto his, allowing you better leverage to grind your wanting pussy against him, you feel a warmth on your back.
  51. >You gasp and tense up, planting you cheek firmly into his chest.
  52. >The warmth spreads along your upper back, slowly trailing lazy circles down.
  53. >You bit your lip and hold your breath as you focus entirely on feeling every bit of his touch on your body.
  54. >Tingles radiate out from every place his hand touch.
  55. >You can hear his heart beating, quickening as his hand travels lower, all for you.
  56. >His fingertips prod curiously at your waistband.
  57. >Your heart leaps into your throat and you want nothing more than for him to rip your shorts down, panties can be pushed aside so you couldn’t care less what he does with those, and ravishes all that you have to offer him.
  58. >But no, they travel further down, much to your disappoint-
  59. “Ha~…” you squeak out, biting your bottom lip to stifle any further sounds.
  60. >Your body is on fire, jolts of excitement shoot up your spine with each handful of your ass he takes.
  61. >His hips thrust hard.
  62. >You quickly return your attention to Anon’s cock.
  63. >His slickening cockhead presses into your palm, you give him a firm squeeze with two of your fingers this time.
  64. >You swear you could feel his cock throb against you.
  65. >This continues for a time, the tingles coming from your crotch are beginning to become unbearable.
  66. >Your thighs are slick and hot with your own arousal.
  67. >Rubbing his thigh against your groin is okay… but it’s only teasing at your desires.
  68. >Like blowing a stream of air on an itchy spot, feels kinda nice, but what you need is a long hard scratch.
  69. >You can barely keep your voice down, each breath out comes as a moan.
  70. >The desire burning in your heart only seems to intensify when his hand begins to trail upwards.
  71. >His fingers dance around the band of your shorts.
  72. >Finally!
  73. >He… trails up your side.
  74. >Is he going to slip his fingers in up there? S-so he can slip his fingers in-
  75. >Anon retracts his hand away form you.
  76. >You can hear his heartbeating faster and faster.
  77. >He shifts around under you.
  78. >The damp spot on his chest where you drooling while you fantasized being fucked by your big brother comes in contact with your cheek.
  79. >You continue to stroke him, hoping that maybe he’s getting ready to-
  80. >You are lifted unceremoniously up and fall down hard onto an empty spot on the bed.
  81. >A feeling that you can only describe as sexual whiplash hits as Anon rolls out of bed and scrambles for the door.
  82. “Hey! Th-The hell Anon!?” you bark.
  83. >”Bathroom!” he shouts back before closing the door shut behind him.
  84. >You fall back onto the cool spot on your bed, laying sprawled out with an intense heat burning in your chest, quickly fading tingles all over your body, and a soaked mess between your legs.
  85. >Bathroom…
  86. >You slip it of your room and tip-toe over to the bathroom door.
  87. >You pause for a moment, contemplating your choices here.
  88. >He could be telling the truth, your pussy yearns to be pumped full of his hot liquid, but not THAT kind.
  89. >A muffled sound can be heard, just a step over by the door, coming form the thin wall.
  90. >A low deep moan.
  91. >You creak the door open just enough to see inside with one eye.
  92. >And boy do you get a sight!
  93. >Anon is hunched over the toilet, grabbing the sink counter for support while vigorously stroking his cock with the same hand that groped your ass.
  94. >His shirt oversized shirt is bunched up in his mouth, exposing that deliciously toned stomach.
  95. >”Mnn… L-limestone…” he whispers.
  96. >And that was all you needed to hear.
  97. >Anon jumps when he hears the door shut behind you.
  98. >He looks so cute, like a half naked sexy deer in the headlights.
  99. >His lips move but no words come out.
  100. >The room is silent.
  101. >You tuck your fingers under your shirt and lift your arms up.
  102. >His eyes dart down to your bare chest, back up to your face, then back down again.
  103. >The furious blush on his cheeks makes you feel giddy inside.
  104. >You love watching his beautiful green eyes drink in your form.
  105. >You take one step towards him.
  106. >He takes on back.
  107. >You stand in place and he stops too.
  108. >Giggles begin to well up in your chest, he is just too adorable.
  109. >You extend a hand and place it over his, the one still on the counter.
  110. >He look from your hand back to you.
  111. >Your hand gently caresses his, fingers diligently poke and prod every nook and cranny of his sweaty hand.
  112. >You slip your fingers under his wrist and lift his hand up.
  113. >He lets you by making his hand go limp, giving you full control.
  114. >You let out a shuddered breath as you slowly lower his hand onto your bare chest.
  115. >He looks into your eyes and you stare right back into the beautiful emerald orbs.
  116. >You feel his warmth on your body, right next to your heart.
  117. >You watch his eyes widen, the darkness of his pupil spreads, quickly overtaking the colorful parts.
  118. >He steps closer and so do you.
  119. >He places his other hand on your hip, and you his.
  120. >Anon gives your breast a gentle squeeze, your back arches and you let out a gasp.
  121. >Your fingers curl and dig into the smooth flesh of his hip.
  122. >He winces slightly.
  123. >You slip your hand under his oversized shirt and quickly rip it off, tossing the obstructive fabric to the floor to join his bottoms.
  124. >He curls a finger into your shorts.
  125. >Anon shoots you a worried look.
  126. >You bite your lip to keep from screaming at him to just do it, just take you right here and fucking now.
  127. >He takes the much more restrained hint and pulls your shorts down as far as his hand will travel.
  128. >You shimmy them the rest of the way off.
  129. >And now you stand somewhat the reverse of yesterday.
  130. >Topless with your beautiful older brother naked.
  131. >The two of you tucked away in a quiet private place.
  132. >You graze a hand down his chest, feeling every nook and cranny of his tight body.
  133. >Until your fingers meet the coarse patch of his pubic hair.
  134. >He shies away from you despite the regular throbbing of his thick member.
  135. >You offer him a gentle smile and step closer to him.
  136. >He looks down your chest, drinking your body in with his hungry eyes as you slowly curl your fingers around his firm veiny cock.
  137. >Anon closes his eyes, a weak moan escapes his lips.
  138. >You rub your thumb over his tip, wiping away a fresh bead of hot pre with each pass.
  139. >Slowly Anon’s hand travels back from your hip, his fingers dig into the supple flesh of your ass.
  140. >You shiver and give his shaft a firm squeeze in return.
  141. >He proceeds to caress and knead the small mound on your chest.
  142. >You look away from his face as he does it.
  143. >You know what guys are supposed to like.
  144. >And while you’re proud to be doing okay in the trunk department…
  145. >Your headlights are pretty outdated.
  146. >You chance a look back up and are hit with a wave of confidence.
  147. >He can’t take his eyes off of your flat chest.
  148. >HIs fingers poke and prod.
  149. >You almost fall due to weak knees as he traces circles around your sensitive areolas.
  150. >The room is getting so hot, it feels no different than being in here after having taken a scalding shower.
  151. >The room is filled with the sounds of your heavy breaths, his low grunts, your breathy moans, and the rhythmic schlick as you stroke the entire length of his cock.
  152. >Anon starts thrusting in time with your jerking.
  153. >Long strands of thick creamy pre begin to cripple out of his hole.
  154. >Your heart is racing as you work his shaft.
  155. >You can feel him getting thicker.
  156. >His breathing becoming more labored, he’s having a harder time keeping his moans quiet.
  157. >You can see his thighs bulge as he tenses them.
  158. >He’s close.
  159. >You are too.
  160. >Just from his hands working your chest.
  161. >You can feel trickles of arousal trailing down your bare thighs with your shorts no longer there to stop them before they traveled this far.
  162. >Your head is swimming in a sea of lust.
  163. >All sorts of depraved acts you could do, you want him to do to you, flash in your mind.
  164. >Above them all you have a single urge that burns in both your heart and your loins.
  165. >Anon lowers his head, you can feel his body tense up and tremble.
  166. >HIs cock feels like the biggest it’s ever been in your hand.
  167. >You act quickly, forcing his hard member down just as the first rope of cum explodes from his urethra.
  168. >A streak of thick white cum drapes across your belly.
  169. >The second pump lands right where it’s supposed to.
  170. >Your back arches and it takes all the focus you have to keep yourself upright as his head presses on your most sensitive area.
  171. >Your other hand has the front of your panties pulled down, exposing your soaked pussy to the warm outside air.
  172. >Not for too long though as you quickly forced the head of his cock into the space between your slick panty and quivering lips.
  173. >You were too rough however, making Anon yelp as you forced his cock downward and also pushed yourself over the edge when his wet head rammed against your sensitive clit.
  174. >The resulting orgasm sends tremors all over your body.
  175. >You can no longer think.
  176. >You feel his cock pulsing.
  177. >Each drop of his seed filling your burning crevice, cooling the desire.
  178. >Feel his cum trickle down your bush, over the sides of your panties, trailing slowly down your things.
  179. >Your fluids mixing together into a hazy white puddle on the floor.
  180. >You ride your orgasm out for longer by grinding the tip of his cock against your sensitive swollen clit.
  181. >Anon starts to fall back and you fall forward into him.
  182. >His cock slips out of your panties and you let the waistband slap the fluid shut against you.
  183. >He grabs at the wall to hold the two of you upright.
  184. >Your forehead rests against his shoulder, you keep your eyes down.
  185. >His wonderful manhood softens in your hand.
  186. >You gently graze your hand up and down the length of his cock.
  187. >Nursing it some after regretfully being a little rough with it.
  188. >Anon’s breath is hot on your head.
  189. >Your drink in the heady scent of his sex as you caress his member.
  190. >Once what seems like the final drop has formed at his tip, you prod his sensitive head with the tip of your finger, wiping up the last milky pearl of semen.
  191. >Anon, now having recovered somewhat doing that slow stroke session, stands up tall.
  192. >You stand up too, tilting your head up to look into his eyes.
  193. >He watches with lustful eyes as you bring the small dollop of his cum to your lips.
  194. >Anon swallows as he looks on.
  195. >His eyes widen as slowly as your lips part, he focus entirely on you as your tongue extends out of your mouth.
  196. >One long strand of saliva trails down the tip of your tongue and lands directly onto his creamy dollop.
  197. >Your finger follows the strand up.
  198. >Anon’s eyes begin to burn with an intense lust as he watches your lips pucker firmly around your finger.
  199. >You pull back, making a quiet pop as your finger exists your mouth, only thin spots of saliva remain on it.
  200. >His taste is incredible.
  201. >Bitter and salty, you shouldn’t like this combination but it sends your heart a flutter.
  202. >Your can feel your lips quiver as a new lust builds in your core.
  203. >You lock eyes.
  204. >His beautiful emerald eyes look deeply into yours.
  205. >No words are exchanged, they don’t need to be.
  206. >The only sounds that can be heard are the muffled smacks and pops as your lips come together, each with the intent of trying to devour the other whole.
  207. >His hands caress and squeeze.
  208. >Yours rake and dig.
  209. >You push him against the wall, he grunts in pain but only retaliates with his tongue.
  210. >You lift your leg, wrapping it around the back of his butt and thigh, desperate to mount him, you lean into his chest and try to hop up to throw the other leg over.
  211. >He hums disapprovingly into your mouth.
  212. >You hum questioningly back.
  213. >He wraps his arms around the small of your back and was you backwards.
  214. >You travel back and back until your heel bumps into something hard and cold.
  215. >Anon hands travel further south, grabbing to rough handfuls of your ass.
  216. >Your moan loudly into his mouth, puling him tightly against you.
  217. >He pulls up on you, leaning forward and forcing you to release him and throw your arms back to support the both of you.
  218. >Your hands find the wall and below that the-
  219. >Yet dawns on you suddenly what he was getting at and you waste no time in submitting.
  220. >You climb up onto the toilet seat and use the tank on top to support your upper half.
  221. >Anon breaks the kiss and attacks your neck.
  222. >His groin moves away, your body immediately screams out in defiance of not having him grinding on you anymore.
  223. >One of Anon’s hands travels to your back, supporting you up while the other slips a pair of fingers under your panties.
  224. >He rips the soaked underwear down, they fall wherever, probably around your ankle, you’re too focused on puling his hardening member into your exposed pussy to care.
  225. >His hips slam against yours.
  226. >You slip your legs around his sides and dig your heels into his back.
  227. >Anon’s hands firmly grab you by the hips, fingers extended and digging into your ass cheeks, pulling them apart as he grinds his cock over your cream-coated lips.
  228. >You tighten your legs, using his hips as support so you can free one arm.
  229. >Your fingers comb through his scalp, grabbing a handful of hair.
  230. >He bites down and pulls back one of your nipples, engorged with arousal, as you pull his head up.
  231. >You cry out as his teeth ‘pop’ off your stinging teat and moan into his mouth as the tingles of pain quickly become ones of pleasure.
  232. >Mouth right back where it belongs, you release his head and place both arms back onto the tank.
  233. >Anon’s cock is now fully erect, and completely drenched i a mixture of both of your fluids.
  234. >He lines his tip to your entrance.
  235. >You moan loudly into his mouth, as he easily passes through your engorged lips.
  236. >Your body tenses up, heels dig firmly into his back.
  237. >This is it.
  238. >You can feel the bristles of his pubic area brushing against yours.
  239. >The heat from his gonads on your pucker makes your shiver.
  240. >His tongue intertwine around yours, doubling down on your immoral embrace.
  241. >But the both of you are long past concerns of morality.
  242. >This is about deeply seeded carnal lust.
  243. >An expression of the deepest kind of love possible.
  244. >One that demands sacrifice of modesty, complete trust in your partner.
  245. >Your brother, Anon, he’s the only boy you’ve deemed worthy of releasing every inhibition for.
  246. >With each pounding thrust.
  247. >Bite of the lip.
  248. >Dig into sensitive flesh.
  249. >You both share equally in this heated exchange.
  250. >Anon’s cock spreads your walls wider than any toy you used in his absence.
  251. >Hits deeper than you could muster the courage to go.
  252. >If you thought the itch was scratched as he pumped his seed into your damp panties, then that spot was numb.
  253. >Your mind is going blank as he pounds into you.
  254. >Each slap of his balls against your asshole sends jolts of awkward pleasure rippling up your spine.
  255. >This is what you wanted earlier, in the lake.
  256. >To feel this beautiful body drive feverishly into you.
  257. >Know it as deeply as it knows you.
  258. >You open your eyes.
  259. >Directly before them, just inches away are two bright emerald jewels.
  260. >Twinkling with the same deep carnal love you feel swelling in your heart.
  261. >You can feel his cock swell.
  262. >Your walls contract tightly around him, desperate to squeeze out every drop contained in his sack.
  263. >Anon’s face contorts as his body trembles with desperation.
  264. >You wrap your legs tighter around him, allowing him only the choice of going deep or deep into your thirsty cunt.
  265. >With one final thrust, he hilts as far inside you as he can.
  266. >You feel him shake against you.
  267. >The throb and push of his cock as it fires off rope after rope of his thick hot seed.
  268. >A warmth radiates out from deep in your core as you imagine his urethra overflowing your womb.
  269. >Your body begins to go limp, the sensations bring you over the edge for a second time.
  270. >You throw one hand at his shoulder, the other arm bends and you start to fall back.
  271. >Anon catches you and pulls you up to his chest.
  272. >Your arms immediately pull him in close.
  273. >You focus on the pounding of your heart, and the feeling of his in his chest.
  274. >He breaks the kiss and you immediately bury your face into his sweaty neck.
  275. >Each breath of his sour, musky smell only prolongs the dull haze in your mind as you send trickles of fluid down Anon’s leg.
  276. >He holds you long enough that you are able to catch your breath and regain some basic thoughts running in your head again.
  277. >You can feel his arms shaking with exhaustion against your back.
  278. >You push back from him ad motion to the ground with your head.
  279. >Anon takes the hint and slowly squats down with you until your rump hits the cold lid of the toilet.
  280. >With much hesitation, he pulls out from you.
  281. >You can already feel his climax dripping out of you, pooling into a mix of lust on the lid.
  282. >He steps back, looking down at you with loving eyes.
  283. >You low your gaze to his crotch directly in front of you.
  284. >His cock dangles at half-mast now, still dripping with both of your juices.
  285. >You bring a hand to his hip and pull him closer.
  286. >He presents his cock for you.
  287. >You open your mouth and slowly take him in.
  288. >Lapping at every inch that passes through your lips, mixing your climaxes with saliva to make a thick bitter mouthful.
  289. >You drink it down happily, savoring the taste of his cleaned cock in your mouth for a moment before pulling him off you with a loud pop.
  290. >”Oh!” a voice squeaks out from behind Anon, followed by a muffled giggle.
  291. >The hair on the back of your neck stands on end, Anon’s eye widen with fear as he spins around to give both of you a view of the voice’s owner.
  292. >Pinkie is standing at the doorway, with a hand over her mouth.
  293. >She stops shaking with stifled laughter before speaking up, “Sorry, that pop sound you made was really funny” she explains, “And so is the looks on your faces, you didn’t even know I was here huh?"
  294. >You heart starts to race, judging by the tightness in Anon’s shoulders he doesn’t know what to say either.
  295. >”Oh don’t worry Limey, Nonners, I won’t say anything~” she sing-songs, slapping her hands in front of her waist and rocking back and forth on her heels.
  296. >Your eyes naturally follow the movement and you watch as a small drop of liquid falls from behind Pinkie’s hands.
  297. >Following that you see an enormous PUDDLE OF FLUID HOLY HELL!
  298. >Pinkie holds out her hands, after having seen the look of shock on your faces, “Oh no! I know what you’re thinking but it’s okay, only some of that was my squirt. Though let me tell you, if I wasn’t severely dehydrated I bet you I could’ve claimed at lest fifty-fifty on this puddle here after witnessing you two” she boasts.
  299. >You share an uncertain look with your brother.
  300. >”Now then… as I was sing-songing, I won’t tell anyone…”
  301. >Her hand slips behind her, moving over to where the doorhandle should be.
  302. >The next thing you hear is the audible click of the lock.

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