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Roommate Gilda (AwkwardAnon)

By GildasThighsShouldCrushMe
Created: 2020-12-18 00:28:24
Expiry: Never

  1. >Finally
  2. >you close the door behind you and unceremoniously dropped your work bag on the floor beside you
  3. >as you kick off your shoes you can hear the tv blaring from the living room
  4. >figures your roommate Gilda'd be home before you
  5. >she usually was, but you couldn't complain about it since she normally woke up at 5:30 to get to the gym before work
  6. >hanging up your jacket you make your way into your crappy apartment
  7. >rent in the nice part of Canterlot was no joke, so you were happy to have a roommate
  8. >you find yourself standing in the doorway to your living room, leaning against the doorframe
  9. >good god you were tired
  10. >"Hey, dweeb," comes a raspy voice that knocks you out of your daze "I ordered pizza for us and got that new Jane Wick movie on neighflix. I could start it again if you like, It only just started."
  11. >you slump down on the couch beside your roommate and groan in appreciation
  12. "Nah it's alright Gil, I just wanna close my eyes
  13. after this week."
  14. >Gilda chuckles, and wraps an arm around you, pulling you close
  15. >an easy feat for her
  16. >seriously, you've seen her deadlift over four hundred pounds
  17. >your scrawny ass was easy street
  18. >"that's why you need to go to the gym with me, sis!" Gilda confidently states
  19. >your response is somewhat muffled considering that she had just pulled you face into her pair of plump breasts
  20. "Gil, your routine would kill me. I'm not into breaking my spine everyday before work like you."
  21. >"If you say so." comes the smug reply
  22. >Gilda turns back to the movie
  23. >holy shit, did Jane Wick just kill that girl with a book?
  24. >awesome
  25. >Gilda turns her head to look at you, still lying comfortably against her side
  26. >She then seemed to lose her train of thought for a while
  27. >the arm that had been wrapped around your shoulders loosened and tightened, seemingly unsure of itself
  28. >heh
  29. >silly Gilda
  30. >You reached up and take her hand in yours
  31. >you use your grip to pull her arm down over you as you snuggle into your taller roommate
  32. >You feel Gilda freeze, then slowly relax as you got comfy together
  33. >a bit of time passed like that before your stomach, still empty, mutinied
  34. >a loud gurgling sound came from the pit of your stomach
  35. >you and Gilda slowly turned your heads to look at each other before you both burst out laughing
  36. "I completely forgot about dinner. where's the rest of the pizza?" you say after you had both calmed down a bit
  37. >"Its, *Snrrk*, its on the counter." she said, clearly trying to hold in her laughter and failing
  38. >you got off of your cuddle-buddy and went to go grab the box
  39. >fuck yeah, its meatlovers
  40. >best pizza of all time
  41. >in this house we eat meat bois
  42. >you head back to the couch with your catch
  43. >as you enter your living room you see something weird
  44. >Gilda appears to be giving herself a pep talk
  45. >the only words you can make out are 'tonight' and 'do it' before Gil's eyes snap to you and she shuts her mouth
  46. "everything alright, Gilda?" you as, concerned
  47. >you sit down on the couch beside her
  48. >her face is red, and she's sweating
  49. "you feelin' sick or something?" you ask as you put your hand on her forehead "hmm, you don't feel hot..."
  50. >"I"m fine, Anon, really. can we just watch the movie please?" She half yells
  51. >not saying anything more, you lean into her once more with pizza in hand and try to get comfortable
  52. >the next ten minutes passes quietly, with only the sounds of the movie and Gilda's heartbeat
  53. >it was going a mile a minute
  54. >this was weird
  55. >you had NEVER seen Gilda this nervous!
  56. >Not even when she first met you and accidentally walked in on you in the shower you shared
  57. >You tried to wrap her arm around you again, but she resisted
  58. >You reach out and lowered the volume of the movie before turning to Gilda
  59. "What's wrong? and don't lie to me. we both know you cant lie to me."
  60. >she sighs, before turning hear head to face you
  61. >"It's just... y'know..." she mumbles before turning away
  62. >wow
  63. >that explains EVERYTHING!
  64. >and by everything, you mean fuck all
  65. >Time to bring out the big guns
  66. "Gil, please tell me whats wrong." you say in a small, quivering voice
  67. >She gulps
  68. >you can feel her toned body heat up as a blush comes over her face
  69. >"It's just..." she trails off
  70. "come on, just what?
  71. >"I'M SCARED OF RUINING OUR FRIENDSHIP, OK?" she explodes, pulling herself away from you
  72. >wat
  73. "Gil, what makes you think this thing would ruin our friendship? you my best friend in this wor- city, and nothing will change that." you quietly respond as you pull closer to her on the couch
  74. >you wrap your arms around the Amazonian quietly shuddering besides you
  75. >she sniffles, than turns to look at you
  76. >there are tears just starting to form in her eyes
  77. >"Because," she begins "Its one of those things that once its said, it cant taken back."
  78. >you smile and wipe away a tear that had started rolling down her cheek
  79. "I'd rather you be completely honest with me than stay quiet in fear of offending me."
  80. >she stares deep into your eyes for a little while, before taking a shaky breath and grabbing both your hands in hers
  81. >they were rough and warm, shaking slightly as they covered your own
  82. >She looks everywhere but at your face as she mumbles quickly
  83. >"Ididn'twanttoscareyouawayoranythingbecauseIknowIcanbeintimidatingbutyoualwayslaughatmydumbjokesandlikethesamethingsIlikeand-"
  84. "OK," you interrupt the rambling woman in front of you "I didn't get any of that."
  85. >She takes a deep breath and finally meets your eyes with hers
  86. >"Because... oh fuck it!" she grumbles in annoyance
  87. >You're about to ask her what she meant by that when she suddenly leans forward and presses her lips against yours
  88. >its a soft kiss, but its enough to get her point across
  89. >You open your mouth and begin making out for real
  90. >Gilda never lets go of your hands the entire time you stay liplocked
  91. >eventually you both have to come up for air and break the kiss
  92. >Gilda's golden eyes are watery, and they sparkle in the light of the still-playing tv
  93. >she quickly looks away, but you grab her face and bring her in for another quick kiss
  94. >and you say the first thing that came to mind
  95. "We're both idiots!"
  96. >"Huh?"
  97. >you start to laugh
  98. "what, did you think i was just being friendly when we cuddled on the couch? When I went to your weightlifting competition and cheered for you louder than anyone else was cheering?
  99. when I cooked you your favourite dinners? When I played Halo all night with you after that terrible date that I knew wouldn't end well, didn’t end well? I mean seriously, what did you see in that guy."
  100. >Gilda, for her part, was just staring at you with that big, dumb, adorable look you fell in love with on her face
  101. "Gilda, I love you! I have for months! And if it turns out you've felt the same way all this time I'm gonna scream!"
  102. >that seemed to snap her out of it
  103. >"... OK, don't freak out, but... maybe?" she nervously replied
  104. >Goddammit
  105. >without saying anything you buried you head in between those enormous knockers and screamed
  106. >after a bit you felt a pair of strong arms wrap around you and give you a squeeze
  107. >you look up at the smiling face of the woman you love, still stained with tears from earlier
  108. >she leans down and gives you a peck on the forehead
  109. >"Wanna rewind the movie and cuddle while we finish off the rest of the pizza?"
  110. >you wiped off the tear stains from her face as you looked deep into her eyes
  111. "Yeah."

Gym Gilda (anonymous author)

by GildasThighsShouldCrushMe

Roommate Gilda (AwkwardAnon)

by GildasThighsShouldCrushMe