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Brave New World

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-08 06:12:05
Expiry: Never

  1. >”The world we live in is a complex machine. So far, its resources and production are out of control. It's chaos.
  2. Like every machine...It requires skilled ponies to keep it under control, or this machine serves no purpose.
  3. I aspire to be the operator of this powerful machine, and make sure its productivity will remain optimal and benefits to all ponykind!”
  4. >the masses are applauding the discourse of the President of Industria
  5. >"Yes, ponies! I aspire, I dream of a world that will be led by our ideal of progress and solidarity, for the decade to come, we will prove that we're on the right side of History! Thank you!"
  6. >the meeting ends, and the national anthem ( a repetitive synth tone that sounds a bit like some Nine Inch Nails intro)
  7. >Lorelei salutes her people, a horde of thousands screaming fanatics with a wall of cops barring them, and secret services escorting Lorelei to her helicopter.
  8. >she's followed by her spin doctors and political partners
  9. >SD:"Another excellent speech, miss president. It was..."
  10. >Minister of communication/propaganda:"touching, blessing, and so motivated. I'm still under the psychological side effects, er, emotion. You're so powerful"
  11. >Lorelei:"Stop talking. Stop that, I know my job. Pilot, go straight back to Urbania, I have a few important appointments for tonight"
  12. ///
  13. >Later, she's landing on the capital of Industria
  14. >A bunch of ponies dressed in blacks are waiting for her in front of a large car. They're saluting her.
  15. >They're heading towards a building, driving in empty streets, with concrete everywhere, and even sculptures like representing perfectly aligned trees; like coming out of a retro-ish 3D game.
  17. >they're entering some highly secured building.
  18. >They're welcomed by a strange looking pony, with an uncanny look, saluting her.
  19. >"Welcome, President. Please follow me."
  20. >The escort of secret services who followed Lorelei so far are standing in front of a door.
  21. >The creepy pony is walking on her side in a dark corridor
  22. >"The Order was only waiting for you, and I shall add, remarkable speech. Remarkable."
  23. >Lorelei's acting like she's not paying attention at the strange pony, and enters in a dark room, with a round table in its middle.
  24. >a few other ponies seating around it
  26. >as she walks in, the weirdo behind her is locking the door.
  27. >her face's only illuminated by a weak, green-ish lighting. it's almost impossible to see anything but the shadow of other ponies in there.
  28. >01:"Please come in and sit in, Miss Kernav."
  29. >Lorelei, unlike the bigmouth mare she was facing to a half million ponies remains silent and obeying
  30. >Lorelei:"Good evening, gentlemen. I suppose we have to review our objectives, right?"
  31. >The voice of an old male horse can be heard next to her
  32. >02:"Among other points, yes. We have noticed your efforts, but nothing's really changing so far."
  33. >Lorelei:"What can I do? I'm just running this country the best I can, I can't control everything on my own."
  34. >03:"That's the problem, Lorelei, you're losing control, you're just good to scream at the masses. We have decided to speed up things a little for you."
  35. >Lorelei:"what do you mean?"
  36. >02:"He meant, we'll bring you the opportunity to take everything under control, this is your last chance."
  37. >05:"Know you know we do not appreciate the idea of being betrayed."
  38. >04:"We have a contract. You rule the ponies..."
  39. >01:"...we do the rest."
  40. >Lorelei:"You... Well, I think I'm doing a good job in matter of diplomatic relationships, my department"
  41. >03:"this isn't enough!"
  42. >02:"For how long we will have to wait again? Our partners have already projected their estimations on Equestria for this year."
  43. >05:"In order to speed things up, our services have planned an attack that should get you unlimited budgets and a good reason for the nations of the union to enter in a war against Equestria"
  44. >03:"A plan you will certainly approve"
  45. >Lorelei's looking terrified, but try to look tough and cold. "Do tell. What's the plan?"
  46. >05:"This week, a terror attack will take place. Secret services, security and law enforcement will find links that leads straight to agents of Equestria."
  47. >02:"They are our enemies."
  48. >03:"And you will exactly know what to do."
  49. >she's taking a deep breath
  50. >02:"Are you ready to cooperate?"
  51. >04:"A serie of magic attacks will occur on our main administrative facilities, all risks have been calculated but the psychimpact should be optimal."
  52. >06:"This day the world will be ours."
  53. >01:"The question is, are you with us... Or against us?"
  54. >she remains silent for a few seconds. In the background, a few documents are levitating, there's a couple of unicorns in this strange assembly.
  55. >That's a group of ponies who have been the decision takers, those who decide who ends up being the ruler of Industria and the whole Economical Corporate Partnership, the trade organization, and military alliance between several nations across the world. This is the top of the pyramid, and the most secret organization ever, those who truly are in command. and she knows she cannot do anything.
  56. >One of the ponies is looking at her
  57. >some are examining documents, depicting things related to Equestria's hierarchy, with Twilight and various other facts.
  58. >03:"Miss Kernav? Don't you think some things must be done by necessity rather than by envy?"
  59. >they're looking at her, like dinosaurs ready to eat a kitten in a cage
  60. >Lorelei:"You do your thing, I do mine. You give me the excuse, I'll give you Equestria."
  61. >big silence again.
  62. >05 is smiling, his teeth are visible in the semi darkness. "That's good, Miss Kernav. Very good"
  63. >Lorelei:"I just..."
  64. >02:"Feeling worried? You shouldn't. How do you think you get that position?"
  65. >03:"We're just taking care of everything, you do the little rest."
  66. >another pony's opening the door, and she's exiting the big room, not saying a single word.
  68. >She's walking slowly in the dark corridor
  69. >the giant building's walls are covered with overpriced paintings of all sorts, even in her position she don't have anything like this.
  70. >it's not the first time she was requested to come here, and she knows everytime she leaves, it's worse everytime.
  71. >the creepy pony's waiting for her at the corner, bringing her down to the lobby. her secret agents are waiting for her
  72. >they're seeing her coming in
  73. >she's forcing herself to smile
  74. >Tomas:"..What exactly is she doing in there?"
  75. >Jörn:"Probably negociating with other corporations.Hush."
  76. >They both get back up and salute her.
  77. >Lorelei:"Take me home."
  78. >She's looking at the news as her car's driving her into the streets of the capital in case something happened.
  79. >gets back in her building, surrounded by armed guards like a fortress, she's getting in the lift.
  80. >in her apartment, takes away her suit, and the city's lighs through the windowed bay of her apartment.
  81. >she's looking at her own reflection, knowing exactly what's going to happens in the days to come, but have to cope with
  82. >she's breathing deeply, her hoove's shaking.
  83. >Lorelei's rushing on the minibar, picks a bottle, some pills, both things that have the same logo of the unique megacorp on it.
  84. >Lorelei:"Everything is going to be fine.... Everything is gonna be ... fine."
  85. ///
  86. >That week
  87. >presidential visit of a Juvenile Education Center (Formerly Teaching center, just read: School, another word that became obsolete in the Industria's dictionary)
  88. >there's security experts and law enforcement officers securing the whole school, scanning fillies for potential threats of carrying a weapon, whatever.
  89. >she's sitting in front of a class, with a pony known as a sociopedagogic assistant and psychopedagogic technician. (Known otherwise as a teacher) introducing Lorelei to the fillies
  90. >Teacher:"Today, we're welcoming the most important pony of all the country, or the world, her name's Lorelei Kernav, she's the reason why you're all here, learning how to be a good and smart pony! She's the reason your parents and the country is doing so well and you know why?"
  91. >fillies:"Because the ponies choose her!"
  92. >Teacher:"Very good, do you have any question for the President of Industria?"
  93. >She somehow know the ponies have learned all kind of questions and have been selected. all of this is a part of the propaganda. the press and TV also have planted her cameras in the classroom, ready to take anything emotional. She'll never know how many times the ponies have been preparing this.
  94. >Fillies are asking all kind of questions like
  95. >"How ...did you became so good at managing the enoco...economical stability of our country, dear president?"
  96. >Another young filly's looking at her, waiting eagerly to ask his question
  97. >he's sitting next to her
  98. >filly:"Miss President Lorelei, I wanted to ask something but I forgot."
  99. >Lorelei's starting to have enough of wasting her time on this kind of thing. visiting factories, laboratories, offices, hospitals...
  100. >Lorelei:"Urgh.. I mean, it's alright."
  101. >filly:"I just wanted to tell you that I think you're really a nice pony, you're caring for us to make sure we're safe, and not hurt, because there's a lot of ponies who want to harm us."
  102. >she's reminded that something will happen now soon or late
  103. >the filly's smiling, she never saw a single pony like this, it was so...
  104. >natural?
  105. >filly:"Because you'll never do anything bad and that's why you're the greatest.. That's all"
  106. >She's looking at the filly, just like she was hit by something
  107. >it's like for a few seconds they're alone and everything else disappeared.
  108. >there's a tear running through her face. that little thing, right here made her realize something she didn't understood so far.
  109. >some of the PR are discussing
  110. >"what's wrong, she's not saying anything..."
  111. >Lorelei:"T..thank you, I... phew."
  112. >the pony teacher's going with a forced smile, feeling a bit embarrassed as the filly forgot the question he was supposed to ask.
  113. "teacher:"bravo, and thanks again to our president for visiting us! You can go back to your station, Terry. So, who else has a..."
  114. ///
  115. >an agent of the secret services is rushing in the class
  116. >agent:"President, I'm afraid but we have an emergency situation. Miss president?"
  117. >She's looking at him, with Terry right in front of her, still looking at her, with a big smile.
  118. >Lorelei's sweating, knowing it's happening
  119. >she's getting up, smiles forcedly and goes like, "Excuse me fillies, we have... a lot of work to do."
  120. >they're all cheering and singing something retarded for their president as she's leaving in the corridor of the school with her secret agents explaining the situation
  121. >"we have no idea about the causalities so far, if it's a terror attack or an accident."
  122. >she's keeping on walking
  123. >"the industria research technopole and economical center usually gets like, 15 to 20,000 ponies operating in, we estimate the losses of..."
  124. ///
  125. >Jörn:"The department of defense also has just been attacked about a minute ago, this isn't an accident."
  126. >another pony:"What? We're under attack!? How is that possible? Who is doing this?"
  127. >Lorelei:"Investigate. Find who did this."
  128. >Agent:"According to the recent threats, it seems that a group of ponies from Equestria, the very secret Shadowbolts are the cause of this surprise attack on our essential points."
  129. >Lorelei:"Shadowbolts?"
  130. >Another agent:"A division of pegasus under the control of Luna of Canterlot."
  131. ///
  132. >her car's rushing, surrounded by other vehicles and copters branded SECURITRON rushing in the streets, clearing the road, as they're heading straight into the headquarters building
  133. >ponies around her:"Miss president, this is a national thread, we must place the whole country into an emergency state!"
  134. >Lorelei:"yes, do this! What's in"
  135. >"We just brought all the members of the government to discuss the issue"
  136. >she enters the conference room.
  137. >everypony's gone mad, yelling at eachother, blaming the securitron and the army, the inefficiency of the secret services, who are claiming they're doing their job the best they could
  138. >they all shut up as she gets inside
  139. >"President Kernav."
  140. >she has no idea how to fox this mess
  141. >must stick to the plan
  142. >Defense director:"We have to go to defcon one!"
  143. >general:"Have your services informed us about that threat and you did not inform us? This is a severe fault, I"
  144. >Another minister:"I have to say, we have a lot of things to do, accidents happens, it's like that"
  145. >Lorelei:"well i'm afraid that I'm now responsible about causing this YOU'RE FIRED!"
  146. >there's not a single sound in the whole assembly anymore.
  147. >Minister:"Haha, really? w.. What have I done?"
  148. >Lorelei:"Nothing."
  149. >she's sitting on a random seat, and repeats calmly "You did nothing. All of you. Here. Leave this place, go find something useful to do, I don't know."
  150. >the ponies are looking at eachother, looking worried, and understand they better not waste any more time pissing her off.
  151. >some media ponies are rushing on the doors, ready to ask for her to shout something on the TV's as the videos and photos of the attacks on the Industria's centers are flickering in loop.
  152. >She's rushing on the toilets
  153. >She's inevitably crossing her own sight
  154. >is about to vomit
  155. >takes a deep breathe, and looks at herself in the mirror.
  156. >"Y'know Terry. Everything was fucked since a while ago you know kid.Hehe. What are you thinking? What kind of fucking world do you think you live in?"
  158. ———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————
  160. (Paster’s notes)
  161. /// Indicate breaks
  162. Copied from thread # 25121854
  163. Unsure if complete or not

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