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>Lorelei's hooves clanked quietly on the metal floor as she walked down the
hallway to her chambers
>She was flanked on both sides by guards, two burly stallions wearing dark
security uniforms
>When they reached the door, she turned to face them, her expression a mask
>"I wish to be alone," she said. "Allow no visitors."
>"Yes, Madam President," they replied in unison. They stood at attention by her
door, and she slipped between them, leaving them in the hall
>Once alone in her quarters, Lorelei allowed a long breath to escape her
>The meeting with her Ministers of Infrastructure had been both taxing and
filled with pedantic jabbering
>How stupid they had been, arguing with her over every petty detail
>No, it did not matter if the new Eastern Bridge project was inciting unrest from
the pathetic plainsdwellers living in their mudhuts
>All that mattered was expanding Industria and enriching the continent, and if
that meant erasing undesirables, so be it
>Minister Tsarnev had been particularly insubordinate, going so far as to
question her final word, but his subsequent purging seemed to remind the
others of their duties
>Still, her body was filled with tension, in desperate need of release
>She moved gracefully into her bathroom, a spartan chamber of cement and
steel lit by fluorescents
>There she slid off her thick coat, and stood naked before the mirror, looking at
her body
>She smiled; how pristine it looked, how lovely beneath the stark white lighting
>Hers was a body befitting the President of Industria, strong and pure,
beautiful in its shape
>She turned this way and that, examining her long legs, her round, supple ass,
her compact sex
>With a hoof she traced down her delicate white neck to her belly, pausing just
short of her pussy, before allowing her forelimb to drop to her side
>Her body trembled with anticipation as she approached the wall, and pressed
a small button by the mirror
>Slowly the mirror withdrew, sinking into the wall before sliding away, revealing
a chamber beyond
>She stepped through into the dim room, a grin of delight creasing her harsh
>Here was a small monument to Industria's potency, and a place of relaxation
for Lorelei's aching body
>In the chamber's center was a shadowy seat of power sitting before a large
>Upon the seat was a horsecock dildo, immaculately sculpted and sized
precisely to her specifications, not too large and not too small
>It moved slowly up and down, thrusting up through the seat
>Routed into the dildo were feeds from the tens of thousands of personal cock-
milking devices distributed throughout Industria
>Every device was a facsimile of her body, each possessing a perfect mold of
her pussy and anus
>At that very moment, she knew that hundreds of her subjects were clinging to
a soft silicone copy of her rear, thrusting passionately into her simulated cunt
>The thrusting of the dildo attested to this fact, keyed as it was to alternate
between the coital patterns of all the users plugged into her "Fertility
Encouragement Devices"
>And whenever one of her subjects emptied himself into her mechanical
facsimile, the dildo would spurt hot simulated ejaculate from its tip like a pearly
>It went off every few seconds at irregular intervals, spraying into the air and
falling into the basin below, where it was reprocessed, purified, and routed
back into the dildo's large internal cum reservoir
>Lorelei was pleased immensely by the constant throbbing, thrusting, and
ejaculating of the dildo, knowing that it represented the vigor of Industria, and
her control over the hearts and loins of all the stallions in her realm
>Quivering with desire, she straddled the seat of power, hovering her bottom
just a few inches from the tip of the feverishly pumping dildo
>Periodically it blasted hot, sticky strands of ejaculate on her ass, coating her
asshole and dripping down over the folds of her marepussy
>She shivered as the first strands touched her bare skin, imagining the
sweating, panting worker who must've just finished inside her, his hard-
working hooves wrapped tightly around the silicone copy of her torso
>From above her she pulled down a pair of headphones, and slipped them over
her ears
>Immediately she could hear the moans and heavy breathing of stallions
masturbating, crying out her name, ejaculating as they thought only of her,
their dear leader, their cries captured by the F.E.D.'s internal microphones
>Lorelei bit her lip, reveling as the feeling of absolute power coursed through
>SHE was responsible for the happiness of Industria; SHE was the one beloved
by all; SHE was the glorious lover to every lonely worker
>How benevolent she felt, serving as the leader to the downtrodden proletariat,
uplifting them, allowing them to relieve the tensions within their bodies
>With every jet of sperm they released, she knew that she, Lorelei, was
responsible for their happiness, their utter bliss, living in service to Industria, a
country that rewarded their tireless efforts by answering their every need
>She sighed deeply, closing her eyes in utter rapture, and sat on the dildo,
allowing it to enter her, allowing the cock of the proletariat to slip into her
benevolent pussy
>Immediately pleasure coursed through her trembling hind legs and spilled into
her belly, the dildo filling her completely
>Cum spurted inside her, thick and hot, dribbling down the sides of the dildo as
she rode it
>She smiled gleefully, knowing that the rate of ejaculation had gone up 9% this
>By her projections, it would only take a year and a half before the dildo would
be cumming constantly
>Industria's population was growing very quickly, and she had the F.E.D. to
thank for that
>Each time a worker ejaculated into one of the devices - into her - the cum fell
into a receptacle, where it was routed to one of several incubation facilities
>There, the semen fertilized one of countless eggs, all derived from Lorelei's
>She personally oversaw the elite geneticists that modified and grew her eggs,
ensuring that genetic variance would continue whilst preserving her own
>It was crucial that every worker born in Industria not only be strong, smart,
and capable, but also loyal to her on a genetic level
>As their leader, she was a shining example of ponyhood; indeed, it was her
duty to link her subjects with a common thread, and that thread was her
>Sweat dribbled down her sides, blood pounding in her ears as the populace
fucked her, hundreds of stallion cocks penetrating her in unison, hundreds of
individual ecstasies
>She imagined them all, all those workers retiring to their sleeping pods after
their completed work shifts and pre-sleep meals
>How they stripped out of their sweaty jumpsuits, approached her inviting,
white silicone rump, and slid their throbbing stallionhoods inside her
>How their balls, heavy with cum, emptied into the receptacle of her design,
sating their sexual need in a way that only she, Lorelei, could provide
>And she was their provider, benevolent in all ways, giving them food, shelter,
work, and sex in the most magnanimous and efficient ways possible
>Truly, there was no better leader than she, who had planned so thoroughly for
the maintenance and success of Industria and its citizens
>She, who meticulously monitored and documented the activities of every
worker, aggregating their data, learning what best suited each and every one
>How she had recorded countless words of encouragement or admonishment
to be whispered in the ears of her subjects as they neared orgasm, so that
they could hear her voice in those moments of greatest pleasure
>It thrilled her to no end, knowing that she controlled every single aspect of
their lives, down to the food they ate and the sex they craved
>Sex with her, their leader
>She planted her hooves firmly on the seat's arms, supporting herself as she
allowed the dildo to thrust in and out, switching pace as it leapt from feed to
>"Screen on," she moaned out, tears of pleasure already streaming down her
>The monitor before the seat flicked to life, showing feeds from cameras in the
workers' sleeping pods, work areas, and mess halls
>She watched two dozen feeds at once, overloading herself with sensory
>Watching her beloved workers eat, sleep, work, and fuck
>Feverishly her yellow eyes flicked between the sight of a miner diligently
operating a coal combine; a worker taking a piss in a portable, mass-produced
latrine; a worker eating a state-approved wholesome hot meal; a worker's
ballsack slapping against a silicone version of her pussy as he plowed her tight
>Lewd, sloppy noises filled Lorelei's chamber as her pussy juices dribbled freely
down the dildo, mixing with the fake cum that continued to spurt into her over
and over
>An animalistic groan escaped her as she orgasmed, her clitoris throbbing
madly against the horsecock buried deep inside her
>She could feel the tension ebbing from her, the irritating memory of her foolish
Ministers' faces vanishing, if only briefly, from her mind
>Heat surged through her body and into her face, making her tear up even
more, her thighs squeezing together
>She moaned and squirmed on the horsecock dildo, allowing it to fuck her
relentlessly even through the aftershocks of orgasm, the mind-blowing full-
body pleasure almost painful in its intensity
>A worker constructing a communications tether; a worker sleeping soundly
upon an Industria-manufactured foam mattress; an internal view of an F.E.D.
as a worker sprayed his load inside her
>Laughter bubbled from deep inside her, her belly heaving, her legs twitching
with ecstasy as her hooves pressed hard and white into the seat
>"Yes!" she screamed out, laughing madly. "Ahahahaha! YES! YES!"
>For an hour she allowed herself to ride the dildo, creaming all over it again
and again, enjoying her weekly masturbation session
>When at last she was spent, she dragged herself from the seat of power and
crawled back into the bathroom
>The mirror slid back into place behind her, and she heard a soft whir in now-
sealed room, as the automated cleaning system deployed to mop up the mess
she left behind
>Silently she showered in near-darkness, having disabled all the lights in the
bathroom save one, a faint green LED by the sink
>Once clean, she turned on the mirror light and groomed herself, neatly
combing her tail and short blue hair
>She smiled at herself in the mirror, feeling absolute contentment
>I am the President, Lorelei told herself, and Industria prospers under me.
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