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Anonymous in Industria

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-10 04:55:06
Expiry: Never

  1. You are offered to take a portal that will lead you into a world of ponies, but in an industrialized country on the other side of the world for an indefinite period of time.
  3. You are on the bottom of the pyramid, but you have a work in a food processing plant which allows you to have your own apartment, and have an authorization for one (1) partner that will be declared to the family planning.
  5. You can afford the access to entertainment services. (terminal with TV series, with some games and a popular selection of music) which includes security, and health services of all kind.
  7. You are, however, not allowed to travel outside the city or leave the country without justification.
  9. (It is also not recommended to discuss about Equestria or mention Celestia or Luna,)
  11. Do you accept?
  13. I say OK, let's do it, what could go wrong?
  15. [this is another story, giving the other writefag some real life activity and rest. hope you'll be back man!]
  17. >Nothing happens
  18. >Fall asleep anyways
  19. >wake up
  20. >feel weird
  21. >hands - gone . feets - gone. hearing - ok dick - ok. vision ...
  22. >vision - ok. this is not my room.
  23. >look around
  24. >something very basic. grey walls, like some gothic designer's ...dorm or something? there's like, a kitchen, and a window on this thing.
  25. >try to get upo and take a while in order to get used to my pony body.
  26. >how am i supposed to even use that? I could try something with wings or a horn
  27. >TV suddenly turns on without any request, looks like it was programmed like an alarm clock or something
  28. >ADS, infomercials, some pony explaining something somewhat important about my security
  29. >Look through the door, looks like I'm on a building.
  30. >...nice view!
  31. >It actually worked, looks like that's my new home long? I don't care, let's go and make some cash maybe at the end of the day I could hit some sexy mare into a pub and party
  32. >TFW being a blank flank... I can't go outside like this.. I must find what I'm good at.
  33. >A code is written on the door
  34. >6502
  35. >check the door, it's got a digital pad. perfect! I don't even need keys!
  36. >Get outside, and cross a neighbor. Blank flank too! Hah!
  37. >Shout "Morning, sir!"
  38. >He's looking at me likie a weirdo
  39. "Oh I'm sorry, I'm Anon, I just arrived in the city, looks like we're neighbors, right?"
  40. >He's not talking a lot and try to avoid me.
  41. >I caught my access badge with me. I know it's mine since there's my photo on it.
  42. "Oh excuse me, can you tell me where is the ...Factory E215?"
  43. >"Er, you take the metro, I'm going there, too. Are you alright?"
  44. >I might be into the body of someone with an actual past and existence
  45. "Sorry, I... Might have drank something strong and have memory holes again, i'll get better soon."
  46. >Something tells me I better follow that pony dude.
  47. >Follow the pony into the metro
  48. >political billboards everywhere, with "Not everypony in the world is born equal" showing a poor filly carrying rocks.
  49. >"Filly labor still exists in Ponyland and Equestria. They need your help to end it. - Ministry of Education"
  50. >I'm being reminded of Pinkie working in a rock farm.
  51. >The same disco-rock tune has been playing in loop for 15 minutes straight. Some ponies are smiling and boping at that noise, others are just like zombies.
  52. >It's innervating. Holy shit.
  53. >Train finally stops and I'm rushing out of it. I get like "Hey calm down! Are you crazy?"
  54. >Try to act like other ponies and follow the ones who got the same badge as I do.
  55. >Arrive on the building, secured by two armed guards.
  56. "Hello!"
  57. >He's staring at me, with his rifle, like he don't get anything
  58. >Go through a security gate, show the security guy my card.
  59. >Tech that looks like a 70's punch card, but looks like it works, I'm starting my day.
  60. >That's not what OP promised, that's more like an administrative building or something than some food factory.
  61. >They're obviously not cooking anything, it's more like controlling circuit boards.
  62. "Alright that looks fun"
  63. >go to some pony and ask where's my workstation
  64. >she's picking my card, looks at the number.
  65. >"Second level, on the next corridor."
  66. "Thanks, have a good day!"
  67. >"A... Good day? Y...Yes I'm going to have one, sir!"
  68. >She seemed happy.
  69. >So. I arrive on my workstation. It's a computer, obviously. A bit retro-ish though.
  70. >Yes it's really a retro PC like almost everything around, CRTs everywhere.
  71. "Okay baby tell me your secrets..."
  72. >Oh great there's the VMK/5A SYSTEM user guide right there, collecting dust.
  73. >It's like some vintage IBM software. I'm some kind of database administrator, controlling the productivity
  74. >Find out my job is about controlling the flashing of some microcode on printed boards's circuits.
  75. >So far, so good.
  76. >threre's ponies in white coat and some kind of glasses checking around how things goes.
  77. >"Ah, control agent 03432, you look so motivated today!" he said with a gaudy voice "You're doing a good job"
  78. "Yeah believe it or not I didn't slept well, I'll need a coffee once I'm done with that batch. Also please, just call me Anon, I've been working here for a while... Such number belongs on our softwares."
  79. >looks like he don't get it
  80. >"...Sure, ...Anhan.. nawn. Well I'm leaving you alone now!"
  81. >act like I don't give a shit. He's putting back his douchebag googleglasses and moves on.
  82. >Coworker's frowning at me
  83. "I still hate this guy."
  84. >"Who? Klobstrad?" he whispered. Looks at me again
  85. "He's not doing shit, he's a forced smiling piece of shit, trying to motivate his troops, and he's certainly paid more than us. I bet he never touched one of these terminals or know about that job amirite?"
  86. >The pony's trying not to laugh or smile, looks around him, embarrassed, and tries to focus on his screen
  87. >In the meantime, I'm trying to check if I could hack these machines.
  88. >There's an option key. Luckily they are large enough for hooves - Holy shit this keyboard takes the size of the desk actually.
  89. >menu about the terminal configuration, listing the ID of the machine, set from automatic to manual, override from 03432 - that's my userID to something else. I noticed that cunt had another ID on his badge, let's check out what he's working on.
  90. >Dumb terminal magic, it just werks, 0A095 is like writing an email of some kind of report, about the employee's condition and status!
  91. >I get a "probable suspicious activity today". Others gets also some kind of review "unstable mood" "looks depressed" "unhappy" and indeed, some look bored as hell in this sweatshop.
  92. >try to get the file of the pony in front of me
  93. >"03827 , cooperative, good social element, productivity stable. Address: Block C104. Becky Kirvstreln"
  94. "Hum. excuse me.. Becky?"
  95. >She's finishing typing some commands and turns on my direction
  96. >"Do I know you?"
  97. "Shouldn't we? I've been looking at you for a while"
  98. >"Ahm... (forces herself to smile) It's the first time I see you in this workstation"
  99. "Yeah I'm new here, ...And I wanted to know if you're free after the work, I'd invite you for dinner.
  100. >"You would what?"
  101. >She looks pissed
  102. "Like, we could discuss enjoying a hayburger or something, or maybe you've got something planned. I'd like to know you better. That's all. Oh but maybe you're married or"
  103. >"I'm fine, I... (fake smile, ghniii) I don't know where you're coming from with your primitive manners, but there's no such thing as getting married, and I can afford my own nutrium packs, while you get SERK infections with your hay-burgers. I've got work to do now, please don't talk to me again."
  104. >...
  105. "Ah ok, sorry, Princess!"
  106. >She's staring at me again, did I trigger her jimmies?
  107. >Look at my coworker on the right desk
  108. "Is she always that grumpy?"
  109. >"I don't know it's my first day here."
  110. "What are you doing after work usually?"
  111. >"Uh I take the metro, go home, watch the news, sleep... I'm fine."
  112. "Where were you working before?"
  113. >"Another plant, but looks like they had to hire an extra workforce"
  114. "I don't even know what they're manufacturing here"
  115. >"I don't know, I heard it was defense systems for the homeland security... I just check the software for malfunctions."
  116. "Oh. ok.."
  117. >take some advance on my job, then take some time to hack into other workstations's, and yep. This is a missile factory. Small, heat-seeking or radar-driven flying bombs.
  118. "What's your name by the way?"
  119. >"What? Er... Wesley Toothall 03591"
  120. "Nice to meet you Wesley!"
  121. >I'm fixing one last thing, marking all the defective boards as "check" and all the functional ones as "HW-defective", I don't want to know that one day, one of these things could hit Ponyville.
  122. >I'm here, like a spy. I could change things from the inside...
  123. >finally we're free
  124. >been working for ten hours straight, sticking my personality on other ponies.
  125. >first observation: this is no much different than our world
  126. >second observation: racial diversity is basically ponies and unicorns. I haven't seen one single pegasus, zebra or changeling.
  127. >Third observation: the fact I am observed so trying to look bored, and apathetic.
  128. >We're exiting the building all at the same time.
  129. >I'm ... Being followed by Becky, it seems. I know she's behind me, and I first act like I haven't seen anything, staring at some billboard, encouraging ponies to join the army.. or actually "Defense Intervention Units for Global Peace, a division of Industria Federation". Every poster is insanely minimalistic and full of cute things with happy faces. That's actually some plasma screen for a slightly animated photo of ponies playing.
  130. >Always the same logos and branding everywhere. Food, TVs, schools, music videos, clothes, fucking >I couldn't really go anywhere with the terminal I use at work, but this will be my last observation
  131. >I'm here because I know no system is entirely secure, and they rely a lot on computerized stuff - for everything. They love paperwork and what comes out of their dot matrix printers is their only God, after Lorelei Kernav
  132. >I know Celestia might be behind all this. And no I'm not gonna fail, now can I hope you'll bring me out of here if things turns out bad for me?
  133. >Becky's walking from a safe distance behind me, as I'm wandering in what seems to be a park, with fake grass and an abstract sculpture that looks like a tree.
  134. >I'm sitting on a concrete bench, where a breech in the floor allows some flower to grow, like a rebel, out of almost nothing, standing in front of some ...cubist statue, i think this represents a pony. everything here looks like it's been designed by LeCorbusier on acid, and of course, CCTV cameras seems to be the only thing that's growing there. I better watch what I'm doing or say if I want to make it safe here.
  135. "Come on Becky, I know you're around, let's talk a little!"
  136. >...
  137. >She's coming next after hesitating
  138. >"Anon, right? How did you found my name?"
  139. "My terminal had a glitch and I ended up on another database related to our workgroup, with ratings and everything. Saw your name, there. That's why."
  140. >"You're weird."
  141. "Many people are telling me this. Why were you following me?"
  142. >"Don't you want to socialize? You seemed like in need of interaction, maybe I'm the pony you need for this?"
  143. >She stand on the border of the bench
  144. "Let's be friends then! And I'm not going to eat you, you know"
  145. >"No, I prefer us to respect our mutual safespace, it's biological, staying close to a mare can summon on some males a viril instinct of..."
  146. "I'm not going to rape you, Becky, come on! There are cameras everywhere!"
  147. >she's out of words, trying to smile again
  148. "I'd invite you to a restaurant, do you know a good one here in... this city?"
  149. >she's laughing
  150. >"Alright, let's go to the HayBox! They have all the varieties of the world!"
  151. >Get there
  152. >It's basically a drive-in like those you get on McDonald's. you walk by in the streets and get served a bloc of bread with some plastic looking lettuce, the server's smiling at the window as a recorded voice says "Congratulations, have an healthy journey!"...then have to find a place to sit in.
  153. it's fun how in this country ponies have a proper name, instead of two common names or verbs as names, it's interesting.
  154. >Still ask here why there aren't any pegasus here
  155. >She's looking almost disgusted by the evocation of winged ponies
  156. >"Ahem... Luckily there are not and they are controlled by the social and sanitary services to no longer access the territory, you know these creatures are... uneducated, primitive mutants. Even though I'm apologizing for the racialist connotations of my speech but it's illegal there, but you know they can integrate too, there's centers where pegasus get their wings safely removed and disposed, with all the proper treatment"
  157. "Wait, what?"
  158. >"Yes, there might be PTP around here, Just like they do with young horned ponies who cannot control their force fields."
  159. "You mean unicorns?"
  160. >"Yes, didn't they taught you this in your education center? It's done under anesthesia by skilled surgeons, you know? in this building over there. Entirely covered and funded by the social security"
  161. >and she's saying that with a big grin, all happy. I'm myself forcing to smile as she's munching her layers of tasteless burger paid 5 credits
  162. "That's...Fine! Yeah I didn't knew this."
  163. >"Looks like you're working hard, that's why, but please consider that the group is more important than your task, going too fas would challenge others, you're going to find your own rhythm."
  164. "No problem."
  165. >"Where do you come from exactly?"
  166. "Er, from... The countryside actually, been working on a production farm. You know. harvesting Apples and other stuff"
  167. >"Hmhm, I see."
  168. "Then due to some unfortunate events the farm closed, the field was invaded with fruit bats, and the trees started to die one after one, so we all decided to move in the city and get a job in something radically different"
  169. >"I hope this didn't cause you any trauma, and I hope you're happy, the most important is that you're happy!"
  170. "Yes I'm happy; for sure!"
  171. >What the fuck is she into.
  172. >That girl is a true mindfuck, statrting to act like my psychologist, making sure I'm happy
  173. >"What do you think of our ministers and Presidnt Kernav? I'm glad to have a pony like her, a simple citizen like everybody else who knows what's good for us, don't you think?"
  174. >Look at one of her propaganda posters
  175. "Yes, sure! I'm not much into politics you know, but ...I think she's doing a better job. Than the previous guy."
  176. >She's testing me. It's obvious.
  177. "Right, time to go home, it was a pleasure chatting with you"
  178. >"A pleasure? Wait a minute, what?"
  179. >God dammit did I just trigger her again?
  180. >"Know you know it's better for you to be more open to others, previously I have been working as a teacher in an education center"
  181. "Oh that's why you have such a big culture, it's always important. I never really listened in school"
  182. >she's laughing at me again
  183. "We're no longer using that word, schools are things from the past, now everything is videographed."
  184. >Her job as a teacher was to put tapes on a VCR showing things to an entire class everyday, and make sure everyone is watching. These videos are usually filled with ads and other messages, and students are requested to repeat things they have seen in these "educational shorts" no books obviously, no art class, history class only includes the 80 years of the current regime, and some industrial revolution that chased away all the religions and other bullshit they never needed.
  185. >Becky, you're a windmill of words that barely make sense I'm losing my English, drowning in your bullshit., Your only shield from punching your face remains your cuteness. If there weren't any of these cameras I'd rape you right here, without a second thought.
  186. >"Ah, you're right, Anon it's getting late, we might return to our respective blocks."
  187. >Really?
  188. "Is that all? I mean, don't you want to..."
  189. >"Yes?"
  190. "I mean, if you're free tonight I could invite you at home"
  191. >"You mean your block? Why?"
  192. "Let's fuck!"
  193. >"ANON! That's ... just uncalled for! ARE YOU INSANE?"
  194. >grin, as she's jumping off the bench
  195. "Well, you were the one following me, I thought you were into stallions and wanted to try it out! I'd have kissed you but a cutie like you deserve more."
  196. >"I.. Er... I should call the security immediately, you're obviously oversexual, Anon!"
  197. "I'm gonna take this as a compliment"
  198. >"I'm being serious! You can't have sex without consensual approbation; considering what it involves, you'd need contraceptives or checkups for parenthood authorizations, and ...YOU NEED HELP! We noticed this as soon you came here!"
  199. >She's flipping her shit
  200. "What kind of shithole is that, seriously, you can't even fuck properly in here?"
  201. >She's staring at me, like terrorized
  202. "Come on, you have been thinking about it more than once, I'll put a rubber"
  203. >There's a patrol of cops trotting in the street
  204. >She's looking at them, then looking at me.
  205. >Looks like she wants to call them but she's hesitating. I'm staring at her, not moving from my bench.
  206. "Maybe I could ask them instead. I never made it with a stallion before, but just look at these two, it's obvious as soon they end their day, they're sucking their cocks in the lockers of the police station. Just imagine the scene!"
  207. >"Anon, you... Oh no.. don't put this kind of selfish and oversexual rapethoughts into other's minds! I respect your sexual orientations in accordance to the law but now, now you... I should go away!"
  208. "You'll never look at these cops the same way again. Should I bring you back home safely?"
  209. >"I'm late now, I'm gonna miss the train. Don't follow me, Anon!"
  210. "See you tomorrow Becky!"
  211. >Look at her, trotting alone in the middle of the square, in direction of the metro station, she disappears, finally.
  212. >Stand there, thinking of nothing and everything...
  213. >The cops are coming back?
  214. >"Good afternoon I hope you're alright, is there anything wrong?"
  215. "Taking some rest, why?"
  216. >"Well, you can't stay here, this is a public property."
  217. >I'm in the metro again. Got kicked out of my bench and told to go home.
  218. >all ponies there avoiding looking at eachother, no one is talking except one.
  219. >One is trying to get my attention, wearing a cap, an old mare apparently
  220. >"Hey kiddo! Hey! What a wonderful world isn't it? Don't you think?"
  221. >I'm trying to ignore her, I wonder how long I will be there and I prefer not to get in trouble.
  222. >Go back in what they call "our blocks" if even it looked like residential buildings.
  223. >Turn on TV. Same video clips, it's just plain bad, like a mix of hip hop and vaporwave. That's one of the rare channels that doesn't broadcast news and propaganda, or infomercials about your health and safety, criminals who have been arrested confessing on some talk show, another about the dangers of raw food sponsored by the company that sells those HayBox and canned soda that tastes like battery acid, edulcorated with aspartame.
  224. >nothing to see here. >no internet, no phone, nothing to do, and the view sucks.
  225. >Hope tomorrow will be a better day.
  226. >Get up, take a shower. Apparently the TV is turning on automatically and can't be switched off when commercials are on air.
  227. >As I look closer to that rusty screen, there's one little glass on its top. It's got a webcam?
  228. >Looks like it's autofocusing as I close in... Yeah right, it's filming me!
  229. >Try to find a way to unplug that thing.
  230. >It's literally sealed into the wall! Hahaha! Whew...
  231. >Cross my neighbor again, still as nice as usual, he's not saying one word.
  232. >Take the metro, pass the security check.
  233. >That dickhead Klobstrad with two other ponies is coming at me
  234. >"Anon! Please come in, I've got some things to ask you!"
  235. >fake a smile, because oh shit...
  236. >Guards are looking at me behind, i'm fucked in all senses of the term.
  237. "Okay, anything wrong with the manufacturing process?"
  238. >"Nah it's about, did you notice something unusual with your terminal lately? Have you done an uncorrect manipulation?"
  239. "As far as I know, all was fine"
  240. >Klobstrad is still forcing himself to smile. two other inspectors and other guys with a higher rank were in the office, one with a laptop
  241. "I was wondering, what are we working on here?"
  242. >"Radioterminals, and other consumer products basically, don't you already own the last mediapod?"
  243. "Got one last summer"
  244. >"Well it's going to be obsolete soon so you're working on this summer's version. So, nothing wrong with your computer?"
  245. >"Well, the software could be really improved but I'm not skilled enough to touch that part of it. that's my only remark, otherwise all works smoothly... You could eventually migrate to something more adequate, like an Oracle SQL server, and some keyboard shortcuts, guess you don't have this software here"
  246. >"Sorry I never heard of it. But would you eventually accept another opportunity, we would like to transfer you on another domain, the DPR of the MSCA is recruiting a SDTA"
  247. "wait, ...what, what does... MSCA is for again?"
  248. >"metropolitain services and corporate administration"
  249. "Ah, exact, yes I think it's a pleasant opportunity. Is the salary better?"
  250. >"?" (question marks all over their heads)
  251. >I better give up all hopes about getting a paycheck
  252. >"You're already a class 5 worker, this is a similar activity for you"
  253. "Fine, when do I start?"
  254. >They gave me the address of the new office I will be working at
  255. >I know they suspect someone or something. Becky didn't shut up.
  256. >Take the metro again, and this time I know someone's following me.
  257. >There's again that old mare sitting on a bench as I wander on the underground, laughing like a maniac in front of a billboard.
  258. >Flickering lights makes it even more uncanny.
  259. >I'm going faster. I'm being followed by two other stallions.
  260. [ BAM! BAM BAM! ]
  261. >that's a shooting, I'm jumping on the floor, and do my best to hide behind a post.
  262. >did they try to shoot me?
  263. >I can hear a stallion screaming in pain
  264. [BAM!]
  265. >the sound is barely muffled as the train's screeching
  266. >fuck, I better play dead.
  267. >Everything is silent now.
  268. >Looking at the placement of cameras I don't think they had anyone.
  269. >I hear hoovesteps coming closer
  270. >that moment when you realize you're escaping a world where humans live in a shitty consumer society with guns available everywhere, and you are encountering that on the world you choose to go.
  271. >Another train's arriving.
  272. >doors are opening, and I'm being kicked.
  273. >"Get in, kiddo!"
  274. >Recognize the voice of the old mare, but doesn't sounds old at all now.
  275. >She's throwing her hat away.
  276. >Holy shit. I know that pony.
  277. >We're alone in that wagon
  278. "What do you want? Did you just kill those po-"
  279. >"They were ready to kill you, there's a good reason for that."
  280. >She's throwing her hat away in a recycle bin, and put back her gun in her purse, unties her hairs.
  281. >It's Bon-Bon. What the hell is she doing here?
  282. >"Who are you?"
  283. "I'm Anon, and you?"
  284. >"Mathilda. I don't need a gun to get you in pain, what are you doing here?"
  285. >She's lying.
  286. "I'm an administration employee. I just been"
  287. >"Please be polite I'm not dumb, I have intercepted a police communication mentioning a suspicious individual reported by the bureau of controls."
  288. "Okay, Tinkerbell the fairy asked me if I could go to Equestria, and my main concern was to get a job, she was like <I have the solution for you Anon if you like ponies so much!> And there I am, and I regret coming in this Marxist shithole. Trust me. Even my TV has a video camera fixed on it!"
  289. >She's tucking me on the floor
  290. "okay, i woke up with amnesia and just found out i had a job at a factory that build short range missiles, I'm a dissident, and I've been sabotaging their production line marking a yield of damaged controller boards as good!"
  291. >She's letting me talk
  292. "We're on the same side!"
  293. >She's going on the rear of the wagon, and pulls the emergency brakes
  294. >"I'm gonna bite that bait, you're going to follow me, or I will kill you. If not, you will be interrogated by the Control Division agents, and get executed for conspiracy, my method is less painful."
  295. >The train's almost stopped, she's shooting at the window, blowing it up.
  296. >"Let's go, jump!"
  297. "We're in the middle of a tunne..."
  298. >She's bucking me out, and I fall on the other railway
  299. >"We got seventy seconds to reach the closet service exit, or the line-C metro will turn you into dragonfood, so hurry the fuck up, Anon!"
  300. >We're running on the railway track, and finally reach the next exit, right before the Line-C zooms into us.
  301. (pants)"Shit... Hey, Bon... Bone! broken, I think I broke my arm jumping by the window, really hurts a lot. No I think i'm alright nevermind. I just wanted to ask, ...Mathilda, what are you doing here and who are you working for? Canterlot? Not the changeling empire for sure, but just tell me why I should trust you."
  302. >Bonnie's giving me a stinkeye
  303. >"You should haven't interfered with the process control of their guidance systems. You know it's double, triple-checked, you just tried. They noticed it, and now they know. Also that girl you were talking with yesterday on the Place 4, "
  304. "Becky... I just asked her out, knowing if she were free, but ponies here are just, totally sterile, that's worrying."
  305. >"All the ponies here will adamantly defend their lifestyle. No matter if they have no freedom, they are certain this is better for all of them."
  306. >As we walk in the service exits underground we continue on this conversation
  307. "Mathilda, what should I do actually? What are you going to do here yourself?"
  308. >"What do you have in mind Anon?"
  309. "I'm actually skilled with computers, not a real coding professional or anything, but I accessed another terminal by changing the ID. and managed to access a lot of info like that, I guess information security isn't their best..."
  310. [walking under flickering light tubes]
  311. "So why not hacking into their networks? All this system is a huge bureaucracy, every citizen is filed and have to fill forms for anything, everything is monitored, if we interfere like this from the inside, we could destabilize the whole country."
  312. >"That's cute, but sabotaging a foreign country is actually not my mission. Observe, don't do anything, that will give your enemy the legitimacy to fight back, fill their security gaps, and come out stronger from that experience. Trust me. I'm here to gather intel. You seem to be completely lost here."
  313. "You're... right actually. So, I better go back home and wait."
  314. >"I can't leave you in the nature Anon, you could speak"
  315. "So, do you have like, a place to go or something? Also do you know an actual place with actual food? I have been sick all the night with their thrash."
  316. >She's thinking
  317. "Ah, ought to say I haven't got paid for my hard work yesterday"
  318. >"Ponies here don't get paid, the money here is just credits allowing them an access to some services, they don't own anything, not even their body or children."
  319. "I want to do something."
  320. >"It's too late Anon. It's been like this since almost a century and it ain't getting better anytime. This isn't a fairy tales Anon."
  321. >...
  322. >"They're probably looking for us right now, we'll have to find a new disguise. "
  323. >We're exiting on another subway's service door, and finally reach the surface, revealing being on another industrial zone, this one being under construction.
  324. >I'm following her into a building.
  325. >"That's the only restaurant I know we can access. the other ones requires an identity check and payment form."
  326. >the whole place remains gloomy as hell, no one's around, and there's just one pony on the kitchen in charge of preparing us something. but BonBon's presence just changes everything as I get to know her better.
  327. "Looks much better than what we've been seeing so far."
  328. >"It's meant to help the homeless people, the rare ones are avoiding these places and prefer to get in prison. The food's not bad, it's the cheapest, you can be sure they fill it with toxins, and water is just water."
  329. >hesitates, but let's go anyways
  330. "Besides your job here, are you single? Taken? I know it ain't my business but I'd like to know more about you..."
  331. >"That's my job you know. But as you're asking, no, I'm single. You have to be a lone wolf if you want to make it on this job. Thus said for the good development of this mission, it could be better if we're together. You just need a new ID card, I can get you this, and I'm paying in nature. We'll get on that shop tonight."
  332. >BonBon just explained there's a parallel market for everything in Industria, with a lot of corruption, especially in large cities, where population control is even harder.
  333. >She came in with essentially nothing and sold her body in exchange of weapons and various services, like her fake identity.
  334. "You don't have to do it, as a stallion I could get my own!"
  335. >We're discussing for one hour about the history and political conflicts between Equestria and Industria and the countries around it that are either social democracies or communist satellites, the interesting thing is how they are also in conflict with the Changeling Empire, and how the propaganda manipulates the masses into believing the changelings are funded by Equestria , ready to invade Industria. A true cold war. They also are in possession of a nuclear stockpile. as Equestria barely have two rockets filled of black magic, a joke, in comparison.
  336. "I understand now. They want to control the world by inspiring the fear that Celestia nad Luna also want to control the world. But wouldn't they? I mean, don't they already?"
  337. >"Not really, Equestria's a kingdom but the population is essentially autonomous"
  338. "I mean, raising the moon, and the sun..."
  339. >"BWAHAHAha Anon, that's a ceremony, even with their whole magic they couldn't control the rotation of the Earth. It's not even a religion but a tradition"
  340. "Ah ok, science: 1, conspiracy theory : 0"
  341. >"Let's go meet that horse. Once we'll be there, you don't talk, you don't say a word ,ok?"
  342. "Alright."
  343. >We're entrering another residential building, head towards the basement.
  344. >BonBon's knocking at the door. a CCTV camera roughly screwed on the wall is filming us.
  345. >Keeper:"Who."
  346. >Bon:"Mathilda"
  347. >Keeper:"The faggot behind. Who."
  348. >Bon:"A friend of mine who's in trouble."
  349. >Keeper:"Fuck off GIS"
  350. >The doorkeeper closes the small window., Bon-bon looks not surprised
  351. >Bon:"Let's wait til he checks with the boss"
  352. >Someone else opens the small window on the metalic, rusty door
  353. >"Get the fuck out, you're broke. Bring some Djangles we'll talk."
  354. >Bon:"I just need a new ID and then we disappear. Still have your gun, if it's worth anything"
  355. >"You used it, they're after you, get the fuck out."
  356. >Bon:"Come on... I'll be nice again."
  357. >The door opens finally. Looks like some kind of ex-bar. We're welcomed by a zebrea stallion, and there, in the middle, their boss, a pegasus.
  358. >Bon:"You know we're on the same side. This is Anon, he's got brainwashed, he don't remember anything, he need an ID to get out of here."
  359. >Pegasus: "HHHHHH... He needs druuuugs."
  360. >Bon: "What happened to your arm?"
  361. >Keeper: "He popped a vein with an IV while testing the Tronx.
  362. >Bon:"Jarvis... You should check a vet."
  363. >Jarvis "Fuck that, I'd prefer to fuck her, I'm fine. Give her what she wants."
  364. >I'm waiting here.
  365. >Some other pony's asking me to follow her.
  366. >Pony: I'm gonna need to take your photo, stand back to the wall. Smile, fag. Smile like all the leeches up there.
  367. >snaps
  368. >Pony: Left side. You're all good. It'll take about thirty minutes to make, but don't get caught.
  369. >nod
  370. >So basically the zebra is the pegasus' bodyguard, they're dealing drugs, seeds, alcohool, illegal documents and all sorts of weapons.
  371. >The pegasus's wandering around Bonbon
  372. >Jarvis is making himself a bandage around his arm. "Yo, wanna watch how I fuck her?"
  373. >The zebra's like "You took too much Jarv. C'mon."
  374. >He's throwing his cig away and get closer to Bonnie
  375. >I'm still doing nothing, she doesn't look much worried.
  376. >I'm trying not to look but Jarvis is insisting.
  377. "C'mon, what's wrong with you, are you one of these queers up there? Sit down and watch."
  378. >He's taking her backpack away and place her on a mattress, licking her vulva.
  379. >Jarv:"That's my kind of candy, huh?"
  380. >there's a filly coming around me, with a plate that includes a syringe, filled with a glowing red drug
  381. >Jarv:"I'm sure your friend will love it, that's just to clean his brain from all that shit, a bit like the redpill.
  382. >Bon:"He asked if you'd like to fuck him eventually"
  383. >Jarv: "I'm sure Tyrone will love it"
  384. >Tyrone's the name of the zebra standing at the door, replying with a "Fuck you"
  385. >What the hell am I doing here? This weirdo's throbbing his cock against Bon-bon's vulva right in front of me, and there's a filly unicorn bringing me some experimental drug on a silver plate, hovering these scary instruments in front of me.
  386. >Filly: "It's to help you dream! You want me to inject it in you?"
  387. >Jarvis:"She's good at it, she managed to read years before others, and she's intact.
  388. >Filly: "I'm learning magic everyday! You would be impressed."
  389. >Bon-bon's winking at me, like a sign it's safe
  390. "...Okay"
  391. >The filly's picking the needle, and inserts it into my foreleg's vein.
  392. >And I'm like, taking off.
  393. "I ..Can't afford your stuff Jarvis, we just came for an ID... I want to leave this country."
  394. >Jarv:"You don't leave Industria like this, I tried to flee, man. I found another way to survive here. Anywhere we go, we survive."
  395. >He's thrusting into Bon-bon
  396. >Jarv:"When I fuck I know I'm alive."
  397. "Sweet Celestia, This room looks like Twilight's library, all those books..."
  398. >Bon:"Anon?"
  399. >Jarv:"Your friend brought me some of these illlegal books from a shop in HGNNN... 'Questria. Without that there's no greencells, only their fucking TV. kids aren't even requireed to be able to read anymore, it makes things easier to keep in control."
  400. >I'm feeling like going away
  401. >Looking around me is like, I can see chromatic aberration.
  402. >I can now see in more dimensions
  403. >Jarvis's like "That's zebra whitchcraft, it will melt your brain and grow a tree into your head instead"
  404. "Jesus christ, I'm like, I'm human again! All of this is..."
  405. >Look through the universe and see our world is turning like this.
  406. "I escaped my world to survive the war, this is the future, you came after mankind, and humans are extinct. I am... The new God-Jesus... I am the truth... It's not Celestia, it is the God who sent me there to bring back justice..."
  407. >What the hell is happening to me
  408. >Bon: "Shit, Anon you're tripping."
  409. "Bon-bon, I promise I won't tell lyra anything, and Jarvis, I like what you are doing, I am blessing your couple, if she becomes pregnant, your son will be in a good family."
  410. >Bon:"Anon, we'll have to discuss, a lot."
  411. >Jarvis:"I like your friend, Anon would you like to come fuck Mathilda together, I'm almost done"
  412. >Come like the messiah into Bon-Bon
  413. "I promise you that I will sacrifice my life for you to escape this hell, and you too, you have good drugs and your species need to be rescued from a certain massacre...I'm inside Mathilda, "
  414. >The pony in charge of printing my ID card popped into Jarvis's office
  415. >"Anon, you are now Wesley Drenderbadging"
  416. "My name is Anonymous, I do not forgive, I do not forget, expect me!"
  417. >cum inside BonBon
  418. >he's throwing my brand new ID card on me
  419. >"Tired to deal with weirdos like you guys."
  420. >"Anon? AAANOOON?"
  421. "huh?"
  422. >Bon-bon is trying to wake me up
  423. "Where am I? we're still on the underground..right ? I should've said no."
  424. >"I think Jarv wanted to try it out on a subject."
  425. "Not only I kept saying dumb shit, but also my ass hurts."
  426. >Bon:"No more drugs... for that horse."
  427. >Jarvis is completely high and unable to say a word.
  428. >Bon:"From now your name is Wesley Drenderbadging, my name is Mathilda Nupperway. You will have to learn this, with your background bio that fits you as a civil engineer. I'm an emergency nurse, we both live in the Block 306F, Urbania-2, here's also your voting card and all the papers we need to get through the border."
  429. >nods in agreement.
  430. >Bon:"Officially we're off for holidays in the west, meeting my family. Then, we're going to pass the border with Cobrastan. Then we can get what we want and travel back to Equestria safely. I got everything I need to know and I need to come back home this week. We'll take the train to the west, we'll go to the countryside, and then finding a car will be easy to finish the travel.
  431. >She's looking at the filly unicorn
  432. >Bon:"One more thing, we had a filly. Jarvis wants me to take care of her, and ensure she's getting all the things she needs. I also have a few books to return."
  433. "I understand but what about Jarvis then? He's a dick but I don't feel like leaving him here, if they find him and what he does, they're going to kill him."
  434. >Bon:"Jarvis's fucked Anon, but he already died years ago. He's a ghost who will haunt this city."
  435. >She's spraying some make-up over her cutie mark. and puts a gun inside her purse.
  436. "We'll go out and travel by night, there's actually less controls in the railways. If one is between our path and takes too long, I have a gun, you have one, too."
  437. >She's so cute...
  438. >Tyrone opens the door:"It's clear, you can go. Take care of you guys. And you too Polly!"
  439. "Take care of you too, Ty."
  440. >"Bye Tyrone!"
  441. >We're walking in the streets, alone, heading to the train station.
  442. >The emptiness of the place gives it all an eerie look.
  443. >Good thing, the ID card grants us some extra chances, we couldn't travel without, however the amount of documents to get a train ticket...
  444. >Certificate of work suspension and replacement
  445. >Certificate form of temporary moving and that we will return in 4 days so Polly will not miss her stages at the education center, supposedly.
  446. >The guy in the rail station office is double-checking everything again and allows us to take place on the train.
  447. >"Mr. Drenderbadging, right... And Mathilda Nupperway. Okay. Sir; please wait a minute, we have another green pony the authorities are looking for, which fits your description. You are not Anonymous, right?"
  448. "That's going to be the sixth time someone is asking me this today, I thought they caught him earlier."
  449. >"Sorry. my TV is broken, and I'm a bit left alone now. You're all set. Next train is going in twelve minutes exactly, have a good travel!"
  450. "...You too!"
  451. >We're setting on the train, nearly empty. Time's passing. Nothing bad's happening. No cops. There were cameras watching us, only three other ponies in the wagon, four, five.
  452. >"Dear users please take place in this express rail from infinicorp railway infrastructure, the safest way to travel anywhere you want. Please do not leave any object obstructing the automatic doors. Thank you."
  453. >The high speed train starts rolling and we're progressively accelerating, through the undergrounds then the suburbs of the city, crossing more empty streets as the night's falling.
  454. >Bon:"How do you know Lyra?"
  455. "It's a long and complex story. We met a while ago, I'm still recovering my memory."
  456. >Polly's getting into her book
  457. >On the train, >Polly's been falling asleep, she's using my hips as a pillow. Bon-bon is picking a tiny, old AM/FM radio from her purse, with a pair of earbuds, also a pencil and that book about magic. She already did the same thing a fw hours ago on that restaurant with a napkin. lines, numbers and a quote i can barely read her.
  458. >Looks like she's re-writing a partition, with some lyrics on top. maybe a catchy song.
  459. >She's looking quite focused on what she's doing.
  460. >I'm picking discretely the R earbud out of curiosity.
  461. >Static noise.
  462. >Some classic music, barely audible, the reception is terrible, but something can be heard.
  463. >"Nine Two Two Zulu Tango Five Bravo Three Zero ..."
  464. >She's writing down these numbers. I'm pretending not to watch but being asleep, but I understood a clever technique. She's tuned to an AM station based somewhere in Equestria, they're transmitting codes this way, and the sentence she has learned is the mask to decipher the message.
  465. >"Canterlot Priority. Situation critical. All missions aborted. Agents compromised. Cobrstan mole for Industria. Eliminate minister Djorkev top priority." Grt place Metronia 1300
  466. >She's underlining the part "Eliminate minister Djorkev"
  467. >I'm taking the earbud away and act like I'm asleep. She's reading the message, but remains silent.
  468. >Djorkev is Kernav's right arm and the head of the defense. I saw it on the news. So now it's clear, Canterlot just sent the order to all agents present in there to kill this guy.
  469. >Looks like BonBon is exhausted. She's taking the last page where she wrote the message and tears it apart. A book that's like, hundreds years old, sure it's a blank page but...
  470. >She's breathing loudly.
  471. "You okay?"
  472. Bon:"Yes I was just... Thinking about stuffs, family, friends...And just have..."
  473. "BonBon, I just wanted to tell you, for all the things you did for me and her... Thank you. You're wonderful."
  474. >She's snuggling on me.
  475. >Bon:"Anon, if anything happened to me, if I disappeared suddenly without any explanation, I want you to... Keep on walking, no matter what. Never stop. Never look back, never try to look for me. I have done a lot of things and might have to do more, you might not understand but in case something happened... I work alone. Don't talk about me to anyone else on your way. Never forget who you are yourself. That's the most important thing."
  476. "They want you to do another job, right? Just don't get caught... And... Good luck."
  477. >Fall asleep.
  478. In the meantime BonBon is picking her bag, moves to the restrooms, unpack her stuffs and examine the parts she picked from Jarvis's tavern o'wonders
  479. She's assembling a complete rifle, screws on a silencer, and a scope on its rail, magazine of ammo, and stare at herself in the mirror.
  480. She remains static, silent for a few seconds. She's perfectly aligned to herself, symmetrical.
  481. BonBon's disassembling it and everything fits in her handbag, already filled with papers, her radio and other girl's stuff. She Takes a deep breathe and comes back to Anon.
  482. Later, the train stops into a railway station. She knows both Anon and Polly are asleep this time. Kissing them both, and moves on. not looking back. She's exiting the train, wait for another, in the opposite direction that's heading to the capital of Industria.
  483. >Wake up at the sight of the first sunlights.
  484. >notice the desert all around us.
  485. >We're almost out. Whew.
  486. >Polly's still sleeping. Minus the mane she reminds me of Sweetie Belle. And as I feared, BonBon's gone. May Celestia stands behind her.
  487. >We're getting close to the coast.
  488. >We're into the railway station. it's quite dark. I'm waking up Polly. She's not asking anything.
  489. >Now this is the middle of nowhere, we're facing the sea, and observe the sun setting up at a fair distance.
  490. >The air of the ocean is cold, but having some fresh air is also... relaxing.
  491. >Polly's sitting on a concrete block, looking into the horizon.
  492. >I'm cheering her up. there's a tear on her cheek, dunno if it's about the view or the fact she will probably never seen BonBon, aka SweetieDrops AKA Mathilda and all these nicknames again...
  493. "I'm sure she will make it. she's got something very important to do today."
  494. >"Does BonBon kills people?"
  495. "Only when she has to. This time it's because someone here wants to attack another country, and is ready to kill a lot of ponies, she will kill him to avoid something dirtier to happen. It's like that."
  496. "How do we get to Equestria from here exactly?"
  497. >Get one of the world maps on a book
  498. "Maretonia, we need to get there, if we cross through Cobrastan we'll make it."
  499. >Stop by some shop, one that looks decent.
  500. >check the price, decide to acquire a radio...
  501. >"That will be three Djangles, no credits accepted here"
  502. "Hm, do you have any change on a 500 djangle bill?"
  503. >"Naaah. I never saw such a my fucking life. ..Naah!"
  504. "What can I get for that?"
  505. >"I'm selling a car. And a heater. And an old bed for this."
  506. "We're travelling on our hooves, I must admit the car seems to be a good idea. We're going to pick some more food too, and drinks. And do you have any books?"
  507. >"Nahw just maps. They're old. No one uses these anyways."
  508. "I'm taking these, Keep the change, bye!"
  509. >And we're gone. Taking straight on an old dirty road that follows the sealine. I'm thinking of her. Trying to find a news station.
  510. >The radio I found had SW band, allowing me to find that station from Equestria. I extracted Bon's passphrase from the book (shading its surface) and Polly's writing down the codes.
  511. >Turn on the radio to a news channel
  512. >"...And now, our reporters are on the congress place where President Lorelei Kernav, accompanied with Prime Minister Erwin Djorkev will meet the the political representatives of the Central Economic Union, and establish the base of a joint defense union (crowd screaming in happiness in background)"
  513. >(Djorkev)"Ponies, dear citizens.. Since the last decade, the international situation has brought our nations and others, in a state where our liberties, and economy are threatened like they never were before. Industria and its partners inspire to remain in peace, and in a ideology of social justice and prosperity, which are the fundamental values we all aspire for..."
  514. >Not too far from there, on a building close to the crowded place, Bon-Bon is assembling her sniper rifle, and and she added a headset to the radio after a few little modifications.
  515. [ soundtrack that fits [Embed] ]
  516. >Bon:"Angel, in position."
  517. >Dragon:"this is Dragon. We're waiting for confirmation."
  518. >Bon:"Copy Dragon."
  519. >She's remaining with her sniper, with Djorkev's head on her sight
  520. >Djorkev's still doing his speech
  521. >Dragon:"Angel, new target is Zero.(This is the codename to eliminate Kernav)"
  522. >Bon:"zero out of reach. I say again, I don't have a visual on zero. There's a fucking banner and a roadsign hiding her."
  523. >Armed cops and militaries everywhere, surrounding the podium
  524. >Dragon:"Angel. Clear to fire on Zero. It's now or never. Shoot."
  525. >Renard:"This is Renard, I'm completely out of sight Angel. Can't see anything."
  526. >Bon:"This really sucks..."
  527. >She's sweating, trying to stay calm and wait for an opportunity
  528. >Djorkev:"...Thank you (crowd applauses. Lorelei is getting up from her seat)"
  529. >Bonbon is finally getting her on her scope, adjusting her sight and zeroing on the target. No wind.
  530. >She's shooting her. Three times.
  531. >Djorkev and Kernav are bot hit
  532. >Dragon:"The fuck, abort abort abort!"
  533. >Renard:"What's going on, who-"
  534. >Crowd runs in all direction, screaming. the security agents are evacuating the officials
  535. >Radio reporter: "This is just in, it's horrible, I can't explain what's going on, but it looks like Erwin Djorkev and the President have been hit! Certainly an isolated shooter! ..We have no confirmation right now on what's going on! This is just in, the President and Prime Minister have been shot"
  536. >The two ponies are evacuated to the ER, as a truck of military troopers is securing the streets
  537. >BonBon is leaving her sniper rifle, smashes her radio against the wall and escapes the building, enjoying the opportunity to join the crowd in panic, incognito.
  538. >Cops are asked to control everybody's IDs and try to secure the perimeter.
  539. >About minutes later: "Newsflash. We have the confirmation that the Prime Minister deceased today from two lethal shots at 13:20 in the emergency, and the condition of the President is stable but unclear. All the services of police and military forces are actively tracking the terrorist. Every citizen will be subject to interrogations and examination, if you have any information, even bribes or rumors, even from anonymous sources, please call the police."
  540. >Police cars are barring the street on BonBon's way. She's approaching them, looking down.
  541. >he's checking her ID, and others.
  542. >Cop:"Please get in the van madam"
  543. >Bon:"But...I..I want to go back home, I'm scared and..."
  544. >Cop:"This is the procedure, please get in the van."
  545. >Bon:"Is there anything wrong?"
  546. >Cop:"Nothing important please get inside. You too, sir."
  547. >BonBon is forced to get into the van with a few other civilians.
  548. >about a hundred meters from here, a brown-maned pony stands in the middle of the street, surrounded by armed cops.
  549. >It's the pony whose codename for the mission was Renard.
  550. >Cop's radio:"We got him. At least one of them."
  551. >Helicopters are surrounding the area
  552. >BonBon's trying not to look at him. Does she even knows him? They're taking him into another van.
  553. >Police station is filled with special agents and government investigators, more than usual.
  554. >Some are falling in tears, others are staying calm.
  555. >BonBon's turn.
  556. >cop:"please decline your identity, where you live, social security number and professional activity"
  557. >Bon:"My name's Mathilda Nupperway, emergency nurse in the health center of Urbania, I live in block 306F"
  558. >He's remaining silent and check the ID and the computer screen
  559. >cop:"Why did you took a train ticket yesterday and came back this morning?"
  560. >Bon:"My friend was visiting his family."
  561. >Cop:"Please decline his identity."
  562. >Bon:"I'm living with Wesley Drenderbadging, a civil engineer, he's gone on a weekend with Polly, his daughter, but I did not want to miss... Excuse me... I'm feeling sickened by what happened today, I'm.. "
  563. >She knows she's in the shit
  564. >Cop:"I want to understand why you just stopped to a railway station and came back, that's quite usual."
  565. >Bon:"He insisted on me to meet his family, we had a rant about this since we're in bad terms, so I decided to come back home. I changed my mind."
  566. >Cop:"Hmm. Please wait here a minute..."
  567. >He's picking her ID card, put it into a transparent envelope, and leave the interrogation room. Two armed ponies are waiting behind her.
  568. >She's waiting. Not saying a word. She knows the forged ID she's got will not pass an accurate test, even if it's printed with the same equipment.
  569. >Cop's back in, with two others:"We're still examining your other papers and documents, please follow us."
  570. >They're taking her into a spare cell.
  571. >Cop:"We need to proceed to further examinations, it should not be long, this is for your own security, hope you understand."
  572. >Bon:"Absolutely... I'm cooperating... "
  573. >They're locking her.
  574. >Time's passing. There's a CCTV camera on the cell observing her.
  575. >She's trying not to cry
  576. >She's thinking of Lyra, and Ponyville. Hope something will get her out of that shit.
  577. >Be strong, Bonnie.. Don't give up.
  578. >Radio:"The terrorist who have assassinated the Prime Minister has been apprehended and is currently being interrogated by the Intelligence Services. Two automatic rifles have been found in different buildings far from the crime scene. One of them have been fired and hoofprints are being analyzed. this also means another suspect is potentially out there. As far the investigation goes, the suspect, a cisgendered brown pony is not an isolated shooter, and is rumored to be an agent from the Crystal Empire. As for the president, her situation remains critical but the best surgeons are still doing their best to save her. The whole nation will now observe a minute of silence in the memory of Erwin Djorkev, whose presence in the political scene for over three decades passed away, this afternoon."
  579. "dammit."
  580. >Polly:"Do you think it was BonBon?"
  581. "Nah. I think she made it but it's going to be hard to get out of here now. She's gonna make it but if she gets caught... We'll be in trouble."
  582. >Polly:"I feel guilty knowing she could be in trouble and we're here, far away from this mess..."
  583. >She's looking at the map
  584. >Polly:"We should take the next exit that leads to the woods. We could cross the border that way without getting caught. I'm sure that car would make it off-road."
  585. "Or we could just pass the border normally. If we can't, we'll opt for your solution."
  586. >Polly:"Fiine.. hmpf. "
  587. >trying now to find a radio that isn't about the prime minister and president getting shot.
  588. >We're arriving to the checkpoint between Industria and Cobrastan.
  589. >Two trucks are barring the road. A military police pony is coming to us.
  590. >MP:"Get out of the car! Where are you going like this?"
  591. "Visiting my grandmother in Trotmansk"
  592. >MP:"Sorry, all borders are closed upon further notice regarding the emergency situation. You should go back home immediately."
  593. >bring out my papers and ID
  594. "There, I have an authorization, check!"
  595. >MP:"Not valid anymore, sorry!"
  596. >Polly:"One day you will learn to trust a bit in me"
  597. "Right, let's go innawoods"
  598. >Polly:"I'm serious. If they checked what we're carrying we'd be in deeper shit."
  599. >We're taking a small, narrow road that goes through the trees, and finally reach Cobrastan, getting on another, old and tormented road
  600. "There we go.... I'm still worried about Bonnie. I feel like I should get her out of here."
  601. >Polly:"She asked me to carry something to Canterlot about the development of weapons and their military strategy, also I have a memory card with photos."
  602. "Makes sense now. She's not carrying any information or anything identifiable, you're the one who does."
  603. >Polly:"You're weird, but not dumb Anon. I like it!"
  604. "And where do you hide it? On the book?"
  605. >Polly:"It's in me."(points at her head)"but you already know too much. Drive."
  606. >Meanwhile, in the interrogation facility
  607. >Cop:"You, get out of here and follow us"
  608. >Bon-Bon is following the armed stallions
  609. >Cop:"Name, surname, professional situation, date of birth."
  610. >Bon:"Mathilda Nupperway, emergency assistant, april 15th. 24 years ago.
  611. >The cop's staring at her
  612. >He's asking BonBon to say it again. She's repeating, and again, several times.
  613. >Cop:"How many patients do you have in Virderbrenn?"
  614. >Bon:"Urbania, I work in Urbania, 14 serious case, 20 usually are not emergencies as an average."
  615. >Other Cop:"Where werre you when Kernav and Djorkev got fatally shot?"
  616. >Bon:"With others in the crowd..."
  617. >Cop:"We can't see you on the video"
  618. >Bon:"I was there. Look closer, look at my mane, I saw everything, I was screaming and I think I passed away"
  619. >Cop:"What's your name."
  620. >The interrogation continues like this for one hour. Five other ponies and secret agents goes after her to extract any information
  621. >Agent:"Your ID card is a fake. Everything about you is fake. Now tell us who you are."
  622. >Bon:"It's impossible,this is a conspiracy, someone, an enemy probably wants me to pay for a crime I could not commit! I'm here to save lives!"
  623. >One of the agents is taking his gun.
  624. >Agent:"Stand up. This is a test, if you pass, you're free to come back home."
  625. >Bon:"What are you going to do with that?"
  626. >Agent:"You have the basic skills to save lives and this includes your own. I'm going to fire on your hip or a vital or non-vital part, and we will check if you can stop the bleeding. You may feel it to be painful but this is a standard procedure. The entire sequence will be filmed and documented, you will not be allowed any form of assistance. Now please stand still"
  627. >Bon:"You have lost your mind. I'm not a terrorist! My name's Mathilda and..."
  628. >Cop:"Actually we undergo standard psychological evaluations on a regular basis."
  629. >Another cop:"We trust you, we're here to help your case, you might be a victim of identity theft, we're going to get this clarified later now please cooperate."
  630. >BonBon's standing on a corner of the room
  631. >The agent shoots one bullet into her flank
  632. >She's falling on the ground, yelling and screaming in pain
  634. >Agent:"You're the help, right? Go ahead. we're not giving you any hint."
  635. >She's doing her best to stop the bleeding, the bullet hit an artery and didn't come out
  636. >Bon:"I.. I'm going to need... a local anesthesia and tools to extract the bullet, and clamps, and antiseptics, and I'm loosing a lot of blood too! You hit an artery you fucking cunt! I'll need an IV and clamps to extract the bulett AAAAH! AND SUTURES!"
  637. >Agent: "You're the expert, I'm a guy with a gun. You'll be fined for insulting a personnel of administration now, that's bad."
  638. >Bon-bon is slowly fainting
  639. >Bon:"I'm not... faking it..."
  640. >Cop:"Please, stop moving around, you're spraying blood everywhere. I would be worried to have you as a nurse."
  641. >She's doing her best to keep the artery clamped, and try to stay awake.
  642. >Bon:"I'm going to need your belt to stop the bleeding, and I need to get on the emergency as soon as possible. I'm about to get an anaemia!"
  643. Cop: "I don't understand anything of this doctor's lingo, maybe we could actually ask one to confirm if she's telling the truth or not."
  644. Agent:"Maybe that would be a good idea but so far, she looks alright. Can you get up?"
  645. >BonBon is stoned due to the blood loss.
  646. Agent:"Okay we have 60 other ponies to interrogate, we won't spend the rest of the journey on her. Hey! You will be required to remain available for any questions and remain at home for the rest of the day as far the investigation continues. You remain categorized as a minor suspect, or potential witness, but we have not any proof against you. If you try to escape or make an unauthorized move, you will be arrested, do you understand?"
  647. >Bon:"I... I am.. Dying... Help... Help... "
  648. Cop:"Maybe she isn't a good health specialist."
  649. >Bon:"I am.. ...Dentistry.. assistant ..."
  650. Agent:"What? How could I have guessed? We need more accurate informations!"
  651. >BonBon's waking up in a bed, with IV line and ECG
  652. >She's got cuffs hanging her on the bed, and a bad scare on her flank, revealing her cutie mark.
  653. >Her instinct tells her she has been unmasked and must not stay there for too long. No idea how long she's been here.
  654. >She's checking if everything is alright, her wound remains nauseously painful.
  655. >"Wake up Bonnie... You can make it... "
  656. >She's trying to catch one of the IV line, take it out of her vein.
  657. >After a few efforts, she made it, and she's doing her best using the needle as a lockpick
  658. >She manages to unlock one, allowing to unlock the other one easily.
  659. >Tries to get up, and go down on her four hooves.
  660. >Pain is even more intense but she's going to bear with it.
  661. >She's looking through the small window and notice one, armed guard keeping the door.
  662. >I need a weapon...
  663. >She's looking around, notices one bottle of alcohol and a syringe. She's filling it. picks it, come to the door, hiding behind it and knocks.
  664. >She can hear the guard moving. He's probably checking ...
  665. >He caught the bait and enters on the room with the empty bed
  666. >She's jumping behind him and inject him a high dose of alcohool on his neck, above his kevlar. He's knocked out before he could say a word or even hit the floor.
  667. >She's picking his suit, boots, glasses and gun, place him on the bed.
  668. >"Have some rest, comrade.. Frederich!"
  669. >On the door, she's slamming a post-it "got diarrhea, will be back in a few minutes, do not open, thx, -Fred."
  670. >BonBon's crossing some doctors and other personnel saluting her, takes the lift and ends on the lobby, heading to the exit door.
  671. >Some other cop is shouting at her. "Hey where are you going?"
  672. >Bon:"Finished my roll." (ignoring him)
  673. >Cop:"You're deserting your position soldier! Get back to-"
  674. >Bon:"Stop manteaching me what to do you misogynistic psycho! RHA!"
  675. >The cops shuts up
  676. >On the same corridor, another pony with blue hairs, barely walking, crawling, groggy, with bandages on the neck is reaching the room where BonBon was.
  677. >Lorelei:"Nice try asshole, you just eliminated the number two, but you tried to kill me... I'm going to kill you... And ... I'm gonna fuck you. "
  678. >she notices an empty seat.
  679. >Lorelei:"Are you fucking kidding me.. hah HAHA ... HAHA. Fred... I'm gonna get you executed for leaving your position and drown in your own shit... "
  680. >she peeks in and notice a pony cuffed on the bed
  681. >Lorelei:"A stallion? I heard they found a MARE. Hello fucker, I'm gonna send you back in spare parts to your Celestia... Oh yes..."
  682. >She's biting a scalpel, and begins the mutilating Frederick, stabbing him to death, barely able to fight it back or escape.
  683. >Lorelei (pants):"It's... how I say thank you, Djorkev ...was more a weight for my party! ..Fucking unicorns."
  684. >Some doctors are standing around and realize what's going on
  685. >Doc:"Holy sh.. Mada... Miss ..President? What are you doing?"
  686. >Lorelei:"I'm doing my job. Now clean up that mess! This is an order."
  687. Filly Rape? What's happening to Anon by the way?
  688. >end up in Cobrastan, a country that's a part of the same union as Industria but not invaded yet.
  689. >Poorfag shit everywhere
  690. >Unfinished buildings
  691. >See the roadsigns
  692. >unprunouncable, 20-characters strings
  693. >reach a village
  694. "gonna stop here and ask for directions. There must be someone to talk to... There, a pony!"
  695. >stop the car, essentially because they look a bit scared of this technology.
  696. >"Zoltrokt! Vidji Zsvalii zoltrokt brejzsda!"
  697. "hello! I'm looking for an airport or directions to reach Mustangia, could you help us?"
  698. >"Vroken strau?"
  699. "no speak english?"
  700. >"AAAH!" (like he understood something. He's picking something out of his saddlebag)
  701. >The peasant pony is showing money
  702. >"Strau?"
  703. "no, niet, it's not what I was aksking, airport! how do we say airport in your language... Brrrrrr vroooomm! Wooosh! Aeroplane, to Equestria!"
  704. >he's thinking, pointing at the sky
  705. >"Avraushkaa, treumvoldrokot? Oooh! Vrodlasvi?"
  706. "We come from Industria. we go to Equestria. Vrooom! There! from A to B, transport, because too long distance with piece of crap car. kapisch? Oh
  707. I'm wasting my time with this guy. Thanks, G'bye!"
  708. >"Zvirju; Ha!"
  709. >Polly:"Maybe we could ask someone else...."
  710. >in the meantime.
  711. >The pony enters in a bar
  712. >"Oh hey, Vassili! Who was in this car? We don't see them quite often! Look like you saw a ghost!"
  713. >Vassili:"They are high ranking ponies from Industria! They prepare something. They will come in with their bombers and jets, and they declared the war to Equestria!"
  714. >some other pony:"It's what they said! I was there! They will carry bombs made out of atoms! One of them also had a horn on the forehead!"
  715. >"This is bad comrades! What they come of doing here?"
  716. >Vassili:"Is of strange, they will bomb again."
  717. >One hour later, a tank is parking right in front of the border from Cobrastan, in front of armed ponies not getting what goes on."
  718. >A pony opens the shaft of the tank
  719. >"WARNED! if you bomb, we tank you!"
  720. >Another journey ends. At 18:00 the streets changes from desert, to crowded, and later, it's desert again.
  721. >All ponies are going back to their respective apartments, eager to go back into their isolated bubbles, leaving the streets with some lost souls behind them, in front of flashy ad billboards or tearjerking slogans displayed on giant screens with commercials.
  722. >And there in the middle, Bon-Bon, doing her best to continue walking on a given direction, disguised as a cop.
  723. >Her flank and hip hurts, she's hungry and exhausted. She knows she will never be safe here and need to escape, no matter what. She's listening to the police's communications from times to times to check if she's tracked.
  724. >She stands in front of a high tech shop with TVs, and see that they caught
  725. >She recognized that brown pony with the pine tree cutie mark. Renard, whose real name isn't even known by Bon-Bon, often nicknamed Innawoods, a skilled sniper.
  726. >There's another one, unidentified, marked as dead, and a tool to boast the efficiency of the Securitron.
  727. >The president brought her staff and advisors on the lobby of the ER
  728. >Lorelei is putting her black uniform, tries to hide her bandages. She sits on some kind of vintage 70's leather seat and faces her staff.
  729. >Lorelei:"So, what happened exactly. The Securitron and Police services brought in a potential suspect with a bullet wound here. She has been treated and later it revealed she had a typical mark on her butt. Later on the same room, I find a stallion that sure is a stallion, a cis-stallion, in the sense he did not identify as a female, sleeping on the bed."
  730. >other pony: "T..That's exact miss. President..."
  731. >Lorelei:"This means the suspect left the building several hours ago and doens't have any clear mean of identification other than this photo."
  732. >Another guy:"Look, we can not be 100% efficient, there are still some flaws in the system, we have cameras, facial recognition softwares, we can intercept any phone communication, we know what every program citizens are watching or using, but this kind of terrorist... Has not been raised with all that technology, it doesn't know what is a pod, doesn't use the technet, doesn't communicate with any kind of connected device and is not interested"
  733. >Fat Pony:"They are the enemies of our civilization. They hate both our society and societal progress."
  734. Lorelei:"Admit it, you guys are completely useless. Millions of ponies have seen Djorkev and myself during this meeting. This is also a good opportunity to eliminate the remaining potential threats. The other political parties will be illegal. All forms of cash payments will be illegal. No pony need money to acquire illegal weapons. Borders will be strictly closed across the Unions of Democratic Republics. All known dissident groups will be under strict control, and external military operations for energetic resources indexation will have to give results. I want the monarchies to shit their pants DO YOU UNDERSTAND?
  735. >Pony Cop:"We still have one of the shooters. He's got a weird sign on the rump three green triangles, might me an insignia but we couldn't find ... what it belongs. We don't have anything about him."
  736. >Lorelei:"How's the interrogation going? Did torture and drugs gave any results? Does he resides here?"
  737. >She's preparing a line of cocaine in front of the minister of justice and the chief of the police forces
  738. >Pony Cop:"We have strictly nothing, as Carl mentioned they don't use any of our tech. They get money by prostitution or selling illegal goods which confirms the need to make physical money illegal, and ensure international communications to be monitored, you're right all along."
  739. >She finishes snorting it
  740. >Lorelei:"okay. I want to meet this guy.
  741. >Fat pony:"Are you serious? This is a terrorist, an enemy of our nation, he tried to kill you! He'll be asked to tell the TV what the people NEED to hear, say he regret and accept his sentence. Speaking of, I think he's from Equestria."
  742. >Lorelei:"Very good captain Obvious. I want to ask him something personally..."
  743. >In Canterlot Palace
  744. >Kibitz:"Your highness, news from our agents in Industria, looks like something quite embarrassing happened."
  745. >Luna:"Explain."
  746. >after bringing generals and other intelligence services
  747. >Luna:"You had one job, it was clear, to gather information on the armament of Industria.WHO GAVE THE ORDER TO EXECUTE ONE OF THEM!"
  748. >FancyPants:"What you ignore is that their leader is a threat for global safety. Industria and the Union has military forces in over six countries, and terrorizes populations. Eliminating her would allow a change of regime."
  749. >Luna:"RaptorFang, Innawoods, SweetieDrops? You sent an agent like her on an extraterritorial mission?"
  750. >Fancypants:"Heh, she's very good with Intel, she'll come back with all the info we need very soon."
  751. >Luna:"If Celestia knows anything about this, ...You'll bring them back. Alive. Find a solution!"
  752. >In the cobrastan's countryside, Anon's still on the road with Polly, looking for a port, an airport or anything to get out.
  753. >Polly:"Anon? You're awake? I'm going to drive to change, ok?"
  754. "Okay, what time is it?"
  755. >Polly:"10 and half. I've been listening to the radio but numbers no longer makes sense anymore. They have certainly changed their pass-phrase. We would need more than a supercomputer to break that code."
  756. "What was the first already?"
  757. >Polly:"With you by my side, I-"
  758. "knew we'd get it done in time.... Wait, try with the following: Anything's possible when you know somepony as well as we know each other.... it's from her friend. Lyra."
  759. >Polly:"I tried to trick you so you could buy me a supercomputer. Now the message is Situation compromised, one lost one down 9.12 43.01"
  760. "These are coordinates. Lattitude, longitude... They have a better organization than we do."
  761. >Polly:"I'm not going to drive tonight, maybe we could sleep here."
  762. "I prefer to make sure we're far from any sight."
  763. >Polly: Turn there, on the left."
  764. >We keep on driving and eventually end on a nice place in front of a river, under the trees, with a sky where every star is visible, away from urban pollution
  765. >Polly's getting out of the car. She looks happy, and crushes on the grass
  766. "You like the view?"
  767. >Polly:"Sure. and you?"
  768. >crush into the grass, looking at the sky.
  769. "Perfect"
  770. >Polly:"I'm going to test something then..."
  771. >She gets up, climbs over me and spreads her legs. The moonlight exposes every detail of her anatomy
  772. "Even better."
  773. >"You think you would fit in there?" she said, while winking
  774. "That's going to be a little tight. But I doubt my cock would reach you there. Did you made it with other stallions and colts before?"
  775. >"Yeah. Saw you at work with Jarvis, and I also saw him getting inside you, I've been thinking about it.
  776. >tickle her clit
  777. "Me too, except here, it's legal."
  778. >Being pushed to a new area of the hospital was kinda interesting.
  779. >Got to see many other combinations of ponies
  780. >Though most of them where on the bland side, shades of grey with color.
  781. >Few of them where the typical pastel color horses you would see.
  782. >Getting bored with hallways you decide to try and casually talk with the security ponies.
  783. >The stallion pushing was closest so you started with him.
  784. "So, what the specs on your gun?"
  785. >He remained silent, looking up ahead.
  786. "So does it shot what you guys would consider a rifle round or a pistol round?"
  787. >Still he continue ignore.
  788. "So how your grouping with that?"
  789. >"1.6 inches at 100 yards on a good day."
  790. "Neat, you guys use a system I'm use too."
  791. >Sudden we stopped, looking forward you see the mare security guard glaring at the stallion.
  792. >They must of been communicating silent as you hear the stallion cough and he continues to push you to your new destination.
  793. >Seeing as you broke some rule for the stallion you look over to the mare nurse who is at your side.
  794. "So, what we gonna do next?"
  795. >She ignores you as well.
  796. >Fuck it
  797. >You lay there till you get there staring at the ceiling, counting the lights that go by.
  798. >After about 14 you reach what you assume an elevator and take a long ride up, possibly to the top floor.
  799. >Once you got pushed off you glance up to see a sign saying "Psychiatric Ward"
  800. "Fuck... Hey you marsh mellow cunts. I'm not fucking crazy now."
  801. >You still get ignored till you are pushed into a room that appeared to have dim lights.
  802. >The mare security guard walks up to your side now.
  803. "Alright we are gonna unstrap you now but doing anything crazy or against what we say and its night night."
  804. >After some time you are unstrapped and helped off.
  805. >You find it extremely difficult to walk but the nurse helps guide you a very comfy looking couch which you sit on and stretch.
  806. "So what are we doing here."
  807. >"We are going to evaluate you as the comma that you came out of altered your personality, sir."
  808. >Polly's winking her clit
  809. >"I just need to warn you about something, I'm hiding BonBon's camera card in there, inside a bouncing ball. So you won't get me pregnant!"
  810. "Seriously?"
  811. >"Prefer the butt?"
  812. >Pony logic versus human logic strikes again.
  813. "I'll be careful then..."
  814. >Unsheath my cock, throbs it against her tiny vulva, slams it against before slowly entering Polly's wet pussy
  815. >She's definitively enjoying it despite the size, knowing where she used to live and how she managed to make a living, I'm not surprised she's no longer a virgin
  816. >"You okay Anon?"
  817. "Yeah"
  818. >"I like how you're placing your hooves around my butt"
  819. "I'm still clumsy with that body you know"
  820. >"I don't get it... What?"
  821. "We all got our secrets!"
  822. >She's thrusting faster
  823. >"Tell me your secrets, Anon. You're different but I can't tell what."
  824. >Go for it. at this point no one will know what is happening here
  825. "I'm a human, I come from another dimension."
  826. >"Like... what you said the other day when you was tripping"
  827. "Yeah.. Oh I found your toy! I like it actually"
  828. >"Me too... Keep it up like this..."
  829. >Human or not it's really the first time I'm fucking a bouncing ball. No one would believe me anyways.
  830. >"I thought you were from Equestria! HGNN.."
  831. "Bonnie's friend has a thing for humans. I'd like to tell her a lot of thing about them she might ignore. It's like what I knew about ponies was wrong when I accepted to come in this country!"
  832. >"Stop talking so much"
  833. >She's right I gotta stop talking
  834. >She's moaning even more, and I'm about to cum
  835. "HG NNN Yess..."
  836. >She's falling on me.
  837. "I'm feeling..."
  838. >"Dirty?"
  839. >I just want to keep thinking, believing all of this is nothing but a dream.
  840. >I wanted this to end, but now, I want to be a part of this world.
  841. >My god, she's beautiful. And cute.
  842. >I'm kissing her as she's cuddling against me.
  843. >The stars are reflecting in her giant eyes
  844. "Polly,..I"
  845. >"You want this moment to last forever"
  846. "You're truly magic."
  847. >"A few years ago, I could never have been. The childhood social cent... The..Orphanage I was in decided to make me undergo a ceratomy, because i instinctly had magic skills. On the operation table, I woke up and managed to run away. I decided to survive on my own, and improve my magic skills, and defending myself, doing a lot of things. then discovered there's an underground world in the city. Ponies like me, they really are different, not the be different like the commercials tells you to be."
  848. "There's a school in Canterlot, for gifted unicorns. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. It's really a place where you learn and discover more, and surpass yourself."
  849. >"A school for unicorns?"
  850. "Yep, Thye have plenty of good books and ponies you can talk with, it's approved by Celestia herself."
  851. >She looks happy
  852. >"You're joking, Anon... You don't look like."
  853. "You're like, younger than SweetieBelle and can already do amazing things. I know you'll become somebody, kid!"
  854. >"Let's sleep, we have a lot of road to hit tomorrow! And this time I'm going to drive!"
  855. >kiss her
  856. "Goodnight Polly!"
  857. >"Night Anon!"
  858. >That night, Kernav's heading to the building where the Securitron keeps Renard
  859. >As she's trotting in the building with her escort, everyone is stepping aside, saluting her
  860. >"Miss president! Good evening, we're so glad you..."
  861. >Lorelei:"The sniper you caught, where do you keep him? Gotta ask him some stuff."
  862. >"We still keep him in the interrogation room, but no results so far."
  863. >She gets into the room, Renard's locked on a seat, in front of a desk
  864. >Lorelei picks a desk lamp and blows it on Renard's face.
  865. >"He didn't sleep for 40 hours, we have five units questioning him regularily, everything is on the report"
  866. >Lorelei:"Leave us alone, and also, call the body evacuation and organ recycling services."
  867. >Renard's barely opening one eye, comatose, with the face swollen.
  868. >Lorelei:"Your friend told me everything, finally. She lasted for a while but Patrick accidentally fried her brain by raising the voltage.So, you're not the one who shot and can not be inculpated for anything besides being a part of a conspiracy that aimed to eliminate me, Maître Renard! Isn't that great?
  869. >He's silent
  870. >Lorelei:"Okay, we could still make one of these [I was sorry, it's not my fault, Industria is not my enemy and I accuse the fascist state of Equestria to force me into becoming a machine of hate] but looks like they didn't arrange you, that wouldn't make it on TV, so we'll pick actors for that."
  871. >Renard:"...You're lying. I work alone, and I don't know her."
  872. >Lorelei:"Celestia is ready to pay and liberate my agents she's holding if you and the other pony are set free. Yes we identified you with your crafted talkie-walkies. No encryption, come on! Aren't you happy?"
  873. >Renard:"I'm going to kill you if you don't kill me"
  874. >She's opening her vest showing the bandages on her neck and chest
  875. >Lorelei:"Let's forget that. I'm listening. I just want to help you and never see you again, just tell me your version."
  876. >Renard:"Version of..?"
  877. >Kernav picks a bunch of documents, and examine them, and grins.
  878. >Lorelei:"We've caught you but I gotta admit you fucked us very well on that, a completed assassination, ruining the political schedule for the next three years. Now Celestia's worried about she might have provoked an escalation to global warfare between my country and yours. But we have more important thing to do here than spending the worker's efforts into another conflict."
  879. >Renard:"Industria and your UDN forces are occupying several countries right now through the world, leaving them under chaos. we're concerned about our safety, that's why."
  880. >Lorelei:"I don't actually want a war against Equestria. those were actual threats. All the operations are legal under the international laws."
  881. >Renard:"Bullshit"
  882. >Lorelei:"It's your opinion, Mr Furry. Now before we send you back home, we need to confirm you, and Mr. Dinosaur are the ponies we're looking for. Can you decline the name of the pon... (she's looking at the photos) ...holy shit that's really disgusting. (she's picking another page) ..which has three candies on the butt? (Lorelei throws gore pics of BonBon on the desk, her body covered in blood)
  883. >Renard's looking at the photo
  884. >Lorelei:"You might not be able to tell with the face, sorry."
  885. >Renard:"SweetieDrops. Her Majesty's Secret Services."
  886. >Lorelei:"Pfhew... Sorry. I try to actually discourage the use violence, which is against our laws, or in any proper democracy, and only go with psychology to interrogate suspects. the personnel who did that will be held responsible for their actions. Accidents happens!"
  887. >Renard's clenching his teeth
  888. >Lorelei's browsing her documents
  889. >Lorelei:"There is another suspect who's not the author and was not caught on the meeting. He was somehow the leader of the group, could you describe him? Still, 17,000 ponies, over 6,000 security and police agents patrolling, you managed to organize all that! Oh c'mon! Don't make that face"
  890. >Lorelei:"For your information, we've caught SweetieDrop on a control, but we caught the pony in charge of planning this operation. He confirmed you were involved but missed your target, and SweetieDrop was the one who shoot my P.M. "
  891. >Renard:"Try harder"
  892. >Lorelei:"He gave you to cover his ass, he gave your friend, insisting that they should check her flanks for a three candies mark! That's how they caught her, she was about to leave the country. He tried to trick us into becoming a double agent, in exchange of a few services but we refused. Here are his declarations, don't show him on your way back, just bring it to Celestia. His name is?"
  893. >Renard:"Flash Sentry, stallion, blue mane, orange coat, Royal Guards Special Forces"
  894. >Lorelei:"..Hmm? Doesn't match. Are you sure? It's to confirm we're not committing a mistake on our side."
  895. >Renard's exhausted, filled with hate, trying not to believe her but know at this point it couldn't be otherwise, other than being fucked.
  896. >Renard:"Grape Crush. Dark purple coat, yellow eyes and yellow-ish mane?"
  897. >Lorelei:"Hmm? For how long do you know him? Have you also considered he was the one giving false orders for the interests of another country?"
  898. >Renard:"I'm just executing orders. We all do."
  899. >Lorelei:"I can't blame you, I wish my soldiers were trained like you actually. It happens all the time... Any place you're supposed to meet, or a rendezvous with Equestrian agents to bring you back home? Me, I cannot keep you guys here indefinitely. We can just say we executed the mare who killed the Prime Minister"
  900. >Renard:"...There's an abandoned... metallurgic factory on the 115th, east ...Urbania"
  901. >Lorelei:"Yeah I know all that already, but in order to proceed to the exchange of prisoners, WHEN was the moment yo uwere supposed to meet?"
  902. >Renard:"Last night."
  903. >Lorelei:"Ah, shit. you'll be late! I can't let you go with a face like that, it's like you got beaten up!"
  904. >She's picking the desk lamp, smashes Renard's face with it.
  905. >Renard's yelling, spitting blood
  906. >She's smashing him again, laughing. His teeth are flying in the room
  907. >Lorelei:"See this guys? That's how you conduct a proper interrogation on these fuckers! You, go check on tha factory, I want helicopters there and the perimeter secured, no one must get out! of here alive!"
  908. >Renard realizes how much he fucked up
  909. >Lorelei's throw him on the floor, stomps on his balls
  910. >Renard's yelling out loud
  911. >Lorelei:"You wanted to fuck me, right? Go ahead!"
  912. >She's kicking his groin to get his dick out, and begins to thrust against it
  913. >Lorelei:"How come i'm not making you hard? Pathetic, fascist cis scum! I thought you enjoyed that? I'm sure you can still be useful at something, Mr. Renard, come on!"
  914. >She's picking her gun, and puts it on Renard's mouth
  915. >Lorelei:"Cum inside your new leader, bitch!"
  916. >One of the agents:"Miss President, you know we cannot execute this prisoner yet."
  917. >Lorelei:"Shut up! I give the orders."
  918. >Renard (completely stained and unable to reason anymore) "What's happening already?"
  919. >She's punching him on the floor, with his cock inside her vagina, then picks the lamp to knock him again
  920. >She's giving up, tired, gets back up, and throw the papers full of dull reports away
  921. >Lorelei:"completely useless. You all are useless! let's go!"
  922. >on the roof of the building, a military helicopter filled with armed troops just took off, Lorelei Kernav's getting into the second one, with her crew of special agents.
  923. >Lorelei:"Give me a gun! I want to see if I'm still good at this sport too."
  924. >They're taking off in direction of Urbania One, the second largest metropolis of Industria
  925. >On the TV, a video of Renard being interrogated, replaying what he said
  926. >Renard:"SweetieDrops. Her Majesty's Secret Services.
  927. (cut)
  928. >Renard:"Grape Crush. Dark purple coat, yellow eyes and yellow-ish mane?"
  929. (cut)
  930. >TV displays a photo of BonBon and Grape Crush
  931. >Speaker "The Equestrian agent who participated in the assassination of the Prime Minister and attempt to assassinate the President admitted he was not alone, and confessed his deepest regrets in being involved into the murder. The terrorist claimed he regret his involvement and hopes you, the citizens of Industria and the help of the authorities will apprehend these ponies. If you have any information related to these, do not act, and contact the Securitron or any Police officer. They are armed, and very dangerous!"
  932. >Securitron logo panning the whole screen "Securitron. For your life, and our future! A division of Industria Corporation" followed by some commercials
  933. >Canterlot. same moment, same video from a satellite channel
  934. >Luna zaps off the TV screen with magic
  935. >Luna:"Celestia is going to kick me back to the moon for this. How is our rescue group going?"
  936. >Prince Blueblood:"They're on their way, a squadron of shadowbolts, highly trained pegasus. Descent, Rainbowdash, Charger, Nightshade, Starry Skye and even an alicorn princess Twilight Sparkle. They're onboard of the HMS Cosmos two submarine carrier. They should be on the rendezvous site to rescue them in about one hour now."
  937. >Luna:"We must get Foxtrot out of here. Is anything planned?"
  938. >Blueblood (raising a map): The Securitron building is a fortress, it would need more than just one squadron to get him out.
  939. >an aeroplane's hovering on low altitude through desert areas over Industria's districts. On the plane, the squadron of armed pegasus, led by Nightshade, finishing his cigar in front of the door
  940. >Pilot: "Target minus two minutes!"
  941. >RD:"I gotta say, you guys are almost as cool as wonderbolts, I dunno, it's about the suit and all that, It's still damned cool"
  942. >Nightshade:"I'm not cool."
  943. >Charger:"Hell yeah I tell ya, Charger is nothing but cool."
  944. >Starry:"Princess first I guess?"
  945. >Twi:"Actually I'm just here in support of the operation so it's up to the actual leader, I think"
  946. >Descent:We got on sector, GO GO GO!
  947. >All the pegasus are jumping out and flies on direction of the point of Rendez-vous
  948. >Twilight's jumping last
  949. >They all have an headset, with a radio and mic
  950. >Nightshade:"North-northwest fifteen degrees, target four kilometres."
  951. >RD:"Copy!"
  952. >Twi:"That architecture, all of this is really a discovery for me! How are we supposed to act if our presence here is detected by one of their radars, and they're sending in their jets?"
  953. >Descent:"I would clear my gun on them before I die."
  954. >Nightshade:"this means shut up or get your ass kicked."
  955. >They're flying like ghosts in the middle of the night, and arrive on the ancient industrial sector in west of Urbania One.
  956. >Before
  957. >Grape Crush's waiting on an empty hall, with shattered glass on he floor, reflecting the night
  958. >He's hearing something, and hides.
  959. >Notice it's got an uniform, but...
  960. >BonBon's finally arrived on the point of rendez-vous
  961. >He's coming after her
  962. >GC:"Sweetie!"
  963. >Bon:"D..Dra,,,"
  964. >GC is hugging her
  965. >GC:"You're alive. You look, really wasted. And bleeding.."
  966. >Bon:"I'll get better soon. They got Foxtrot. I don't think they got Polly and Anon, they had the time to escape.
  967. >They hear some kind of humming noise
  968. >Bon:"W..What's that noise?"
  969. >GC:"Helicopters. No pegasus."
  970. >GC:"We better not stay here. I don't like it."
  971. >Bon:"They followed me?"
  972. >GC:"Nah, nah they didn't."
  973. >He's picking BonBon, and they're hiding somewhere behind rusty machines
  974. >Outside, a commando of ponies is securing the whole area
  975. >The second helicopter lands, Lorelei Kernav's getting out of it, mane flowing with the wind, with her escort of stallions on her sides.
  976. >Lorelei:"All units, our guests will be here in a minute, get ready."
  977. >Agent:"the control radar informs you about six spots heading in this direction, low altitude."
  978. >Lorelei:"Perfect"
  979. >The first lights of the sun raises in the sky
  980. >The pegasus's squadron's reaching for their target
  981. >Twilight:"There's something in there I don't like."
  982. >RD:"The style of construction isn't pleasing you anymore?"
  983. >Twilight:"It's quiet. too quiet."
  984. >RD:"Myeah."
  985. >They're landing, RD's keeping her position over the building, try to get a first look and locate the two ponies. She's getting closer to the building...
  986. >the whole area gets illuminated like a stadium
  987. >Securitron guys are surrounding the area, firing a nest over RD, forcing her to fall like a brick
  988. >The others are pointing their red dot rifles at the Shadowbolts, quickly picking their rifles
  990. >Bon:"DASHIE!"
  991. >GC:"Wait a mi- oh shit."
  992. >They're all circled by agents
  993. >Twilight's rushing on them, raises a magic shield, and manage to zap some of them.
  994. >Bon:"Twilight? Oh, yes you got wi-BEHIND YOU!"
  995. >She's bucking one of the soldiers, but got quickly surrounded, as one caught Bonbon and GC.
  996. >Outside, Charger and Nightshade are gone full OPERATOR, yet being quite outnumbered.
  997. RD:"Nightshade! Starry!"
  998. Twi:"Too slow. They knew we'd come to rescue ponies here..."
  999. >Lorelei's picking her megaphone, and puts some sunglasses
  1000. >Lor:"Ahem. Excuse me, hello! And welcome! I gotta say I love your outfit, that's really a good show."
  1001. >She's standing on the roof of a building, with snipers all around her.
  1002. Lor:"Oh wait a minute, we've got Miss Sparkle with us, and her magical friends. Please stay on the ground for a moment or those gentlemen might confuse you for avian pest and kill you. Accientally. By the way Miss, these bullets are ceramic, they can get through any of your kind of magnetic, er, MA-GI-CAL shield, so don't do anything stupid."
  1003. >Twi:"We're just coming in to pick our friends and we'll never come back again!"
  1004. >Lorelei's looking at her
  1005. >Lor:"These aren't yours. This pony there managed to hurt me with two bullets. Oh yeah she also shot dead a prime minister, and two agents, that's quite a lot, but I think having more ponies like you will. I'm not going to lie, she's going to be executed after a proper trial.
  1006. >Twi:"Your troops and armies are standing in front of Maretonia, and you're about to start a world war and you know it"
  1007. >Lor:"WAR! Oh I'm so scared of WAR, we must avoid THE WAR! Your kingdoms have all been built out of wars that killed millions for centuries, for your silly beliefs and traditions, don't even try to moralize me about this! Yes, we need wars, we even need a GLOBAL WAR, and your primitive nations will be forced to change... And get in the right path of History! This isn't just about a new world order, but a complete revolution!"
  1008. >Agent:"Should we arrest them all?"
  1009. >Lor:"I'm having fun. Yes."
  1010. >Twilight:"We won't let you do it. You're having no legitimacy here, you're sitting everyday on a throne of lies, Kernav... And most of all, you're pushing a regime of terror, and I can't stand you!"
  1011. >Twilight's shooting a beam of magic on her direction, exploding partially the building, shattering in all directions.
  1012. >Twi's coming to untie RD
  1013. >Lorelei:"KILL THEM ! KILL THEM ALL!"
  1014. >she's picking an assault rifle and start firing in all directions, as the building they're on continues falling apart.
  1015. >Twi and dash are avoiding getting hit. GC managed to get a rifle from a dead cop, and is covering BonBon.
  1016. >Lorelei's running on a metallic structure over the ponies, and keeps firing on them
  1017. >Twi and Dash are avoiding the obstacles and fires started how they could in that metallic and concrete labyrinth
  1018. >"You're all so miserable down here, you got the wings, but I'm still on top. Explain that! Haha!"
  1019. >She keeps firing, exploding some barrels of fuel, or whatever flammable thing it contained
  1020. >"What do you think you are doing? Running is like surrendering except you think you can still win!"
  1021. >Twi's jumping on the structure too.
  1022. >Twi:"KERNAV! I'm here.."
  1023. >Lorelei's flipping 180 and is pointing her assault rifle at Twilight, who's charging her magic.
  1024. >An helicopter of the army is flying over Twilight, and other ponies from the Securitron are pointing their guns on Twilight, RD and other ponies.
  1025. >Lorelei's ordering them to lower their aim
  1026. >Lorelei:"You want to fight, Sparkle?"
  1027. >Twi nods.
  1028. >Lorelei:"Heh. Finally we're really not much different. Except I'm on the head of the government, and you're still behind these alicorns. Once we're done and if you make it... Do your nation a favor and remove these old mares!"
  1029. >Twi's charging on her.
  1030. >Lorelei's shooting on her direction, rushes, and jumps , avoiding her.
  1031. >Twi:"you're faster than I thought."
  1032. >Lorelei:"I practice everyday."
  1033. >Twi's shooting her, she's avoiding and an explosion makes a chimney crushing in the background.
  1034. >Everyone's running away since the whole factory's crashing down
  1035. >Lorelei:"whew! That's fun ain't it?
  1036. >Twilight's using her magic to repell the debris, and teleport as things are falling. Lorelei's chasing her, jumping on the blocks of concrete falling like asteroids.
  1037. >Twilight's doing a backflip and shoots on her direction.
  1038. >Lorelei's losing her machinegun and starts falling.
  1039. >She's hanging on a structure, standing about 50m from the ground
  1040. >Lor:"Shit. Shit. Shit."
  1041. >She's trying to reach it but instead, observe it falling down.
  1042. >Twilight's coming there, still expecting Lorelei to get back up
  1043. >Twilight's standing for a moment, crawling on metal beams as she just broke one of her wings
  1044. >Lorelei:"At this right moment, I think it would not be so freaky to have these."
  1045. >Twi:"You're the leader of this country, and you put your life at risk to fight me?"
  1046. >Lor:"The leaders of yours don't do it, you do. But you're the enemy I have always dreamed of since I was a filly you know."
  1047. >Twi's hesitating, but she's giving her hoof."Hold on! I'm not paid to kill you, but I would"
  1048. >Lorelei's trying to catch her, without success.
  1049. >Lor:"You'd think they would get us out of here? Whose idea was this place?"
  1050. >Twi:"Catch my hoof! Come on!"
  1051. >Lor:"Hgn.. "
  1052. >She's missing it
  1053. >Lorelei's looking at her
  1054. >Lor:"I just wanted to make the world a better place to live, for everypony. Even you Twilight. A one world government could've suppressed all wars and poverty."
  1055. >The Sun's raising in the sky, giving it a red/orange hue. She's looking at the scenery
  1056. >Twi:"...We'll discuss politics on a summit later, okay? Hold my hoof"
  1057. >Lor:"One day, you will understand that we weren't that different, Twi!."
  1058. >Twi:"Lorelei!?"
  1059. >The bar that once held her finally broke, and
  1060. Lorelei's falling, like in slow motion..Hits the floor several meters down, with just a =pomf=.
  1061. >Twilight's stuck on the top of the structure...looking at her.
  1062. >She's trying to escape.
  1063. >Twi:"That's pretty silent out there now. Don't make that face, I don't wanna end like this."
  1064. >The helicopter's still flying around, searching for them in the mess, with a door gunner.
  1065. >RD's catching Twilight, and evacuates her from the ruins of the factory, then flies out of reach of the armed stallions surroundung the area
  1066. >RD:"We made it!We've got some wounded ponies but we made it!"
  1069. (Copied from pastebin: mhTgkCBF)

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