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The Tribe

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-13 01:19:02
Expiry: Never

  1. Author's Note
  3. Aerox was the one that made the opening half. I hope you enjoy!
  5. * * *
  7. 1. Capture
  9. * * *
  11. Applejack had really messed up this time. She knew that being out in the Everfree Forest at midnight is bound to bring bad luck. First she’d lost her beloved hat somewhere out in the tenebrous woodland, and now found herself smack-dab in the middle of a particularly nasty-looking pack of Timberwolves. There weren’t any signs of Spike around to save her from the Wolves this time. She backed away slowly from whence she had originally entered only to find the path blocked by yet another unfamiliar shrouded figure. Least it’s a pretty night, she thought to herself.
  13. The terrifying feeling of hard wood pressed against her back made her fur stand on edge, she was sure they’d make a midnight snack out of her. To her absolute surprise, the wood positioned squarely on her back started to move downwards; she stopped feeling it entirely until a shadow loomed over her and a sharp, hot stab penetrated her unprepared pussy. The sudden pain caused Applejack to let out an unexpected shriek of distress that somepony, anypony within half a mile’s radius of her yelp would hear – if there were anypony else careless enough to find themselves in the Everfree Forest at this hour.
  15. The immediate penetration caused her belly to bulge out slightly from the first thrust; the Timberwolf’s impractically large balls made an audible SLAP sound each time he rammed into the defenseless mare. Her mounted “partner’s” cock was even larger than that of her brother’s renowned and highly desirable size. She grit her teeth like a brave mare, tears welled up in her eyes while she was incessantly fucked against her will; every time she pulled away the huge Timberwolf above her would only pull her back into even more of an uncomfortable position. Being mounted doggystyle was always her favorite position, so she has that going for her. Surprisingly, the wedge of Timberwolf dick pounding her cunt over and over felt oddly smooth, and had a thankful absence of any splinters. The feeling wasn’t unlike the wooden dildo she had been gifted by Pinkie Pie, who thought wood seemed more fitting for a “Western” pony; only, this dildo was much, much larger.
  17. Applejack couldn’t help but notice all the jaded-green eyes staring attentively at the “couple” going at it like wild animals – one of them wild, at least. From what she could make out in the darkness between her own panting and guilty moans, was a multitude of other Timberwolves trying to “paw themselves off”, and doing a poor job at that. She felt a lot calmer knowing she wasn’t going to be eaten, relieved almost. The Timberwolf riding her aching rear-end started to go faster – if that was even possible at this point. She could make out distinct, deep panting coming from her forced lover. With one final, deep push the Timberwolf let out a long satisfied howl and filled his sexy slut with as much cum as he could muster. Her ill-treated insides were flooded by his grossly thick, sticky semen. All the while Applejack was getting a sick sense of satisfaction from being came inside in front of his horny companions; her face now shamefully tinted crimson with embarrassment. The raunchy Timberwolf finally pulled his sizable plank out of her, causing a flood of his seed to spurt out of her gaping hole. Her newfound want for exhibitionism prompted her to spread her hind legs wider for her audience. The Timberwolves pawing themselves off behind her got a perfect view of her used snatch dripping out ample amounts of milky-white sap – her clit winking alluringly.
  19. At least it was finally over; she prayed to Celestia that Timberwolves couldn’t get ponies pregnant. She started to straddle away, spunk dripping out of her twat as she walked. She was stopped by the touch of another piece of wood resting on her back. "Don’t think ah’ll be sleepin’ t’night.", she let out an audible sigh.
  21. * * *
  23. As soon as she felt the weight of the second timberwolf press her down, she immediately regretted the moment she presented her cum filled pussy. These animals were already riled up from the show that she had put on, and the presentation had to be the tipping point for them. While she was still angry over her actions, She tried to keep a positive outlook.
  25. Hopefully it feels as good as with th' last one… she thought as she braced herself for the force of the second wolf.
  27. While she knew that it was going to drive it’s length into her, she forgot to predict where it was going.
  29. A sharp pain shoots down her spine as the wolf takes her plot. Applejack can only try to keep herself from screaming as a log as thick as the previous continues to ride her at an increasingly fast pace. She was overwhelmed by the speed of the thrusts as it seemed like the sounds if the Everfree Forest were drowned out by the loud slaps against her raw flank. She looked back and saw as every thrust forced a little bit of spunk out of her snatch.
  31. When she could finally focus her attention forward, she saw another wolf closing in from her front. The pack must have grown tired of waiting their turn. The new wolf was quick and to the point; forcing her head down with his front paws. For the first time, she was face to face with the wolf cock that was ravishing her holes all night. The continuous thrusts of the wolf behind her had put her mind in a daze. The pain in her flank had quickly turned to pleasure, and she could only think about getting more. As she took another good look at the cock in front of her, she readily opened her mouth.
  33. The wolf quickly slid his member down her throat. She was a little surprised by the fleshy taste of the wolf’s wooden member, but she didn’t care in the slightest. She was in too much pleasure to care. It felt like she had reached some level of euphoria from being dominated to this extent. She let out moans as the wolves continued to slide into her at a blazing speed. In the midst of all of this, she felt her body give in. Every muscle in her body tensed up as she reached orgasm. As she squirted, the little amount of cum that was still in her cunt was quickly washed out.
  35. Not too long after that, she felt the pace of the wolves increase. As she heard the pants of the pair grow louder, she could tell they were growing close. As she prepared herself for a massive load, she felt wolf behind her force his knot in. For the first time all night, she was feeling the full length of these wolves inside of her. Almost simultaneously, the wolves let out their cum inside of her. Thick loads of hot semen filled her as the wolves let out a loud howl. Applejack could feel herself gagging as waves of cum went straight down her throat.
  37. When the cum stopped, the wolf in the front simply slid his member out of her mouth and walked away into the night. she had to be more patient with the wolf behind her. With the knot inside of her, she was completely stuck to him. Her mind was completely blank at this point, and the thick cock of the wolf was the only thing letting her keep her balance.
  39. After about 10 minutes in this position, the wolf finally forced itself out of her ass. Applejack felt her stomach deflate as a stream of cum made it’s way out of her plothole. She had lost all balance at this point, and she was forced to surrender to the ground. As she faded in and out of consciousness, she saw three more wolves close in on her. As she finally closes her eyes to rest, she knows her body would take a lot more abuse before the sun would rise again.
  41. The rest of the night was a blur. While she was mentally out of contention, she could feel every second of their domination. Since she was practically out cold, those last three wolves could put her in whatever position they wanted. She felt herself get stretched out as they filled every hole with their hard logs. With all of the work these wolves were putting on her body, she was starting to go numb. After what felt like an eternity, she felt a warm, thick liquid fill her belly which told her they had finished. She thought the wolves would just leave her after they had their fun, but she felt herself get lifted onto the back of one of the wolves and carried into the night.
  43. She was being taken by the tribe.
  47. 2. Alpha
  50. When she finally awoke, she was still surrounded by darkness. Still disoriented from the night before, she tried to stumble to her hooves. Her fur felt clumped up and sticky from all of the spunk that she was forced to take. She looked behind her to find the opening to the cave she was put in. As she started walking towards the exit, she saw those familiar glowing eyes. The sudden appearance of the eyes made her freeze right where she stood. She was right in the middle of the wolf’s den, and she didn't want to be just another casualty to the wolves.
  52. After a long pause, she finally mustered up the courage to run towards the exit. She ran as fast as her legs could take her, tough she was wondering why the wolves weren't chasing after her. When she reached the mouth of the cave, she saw why. What seemed like an army of wolves were waiting just outside of the cave. She knew that these creatures liked to work together in packs, but the notion that they could survive in a group of over a hundred was baffling to her. The thought of what there creatures could do to Ponyville if they all attacked only brought her deeper into her panicked state.
  54. uhhhh, good puppies… she muttered as she slowly backed towards the cave. Right before she was able to get back in, an unusually large paw stopped her where she stood.
  56. The close presence of this new wolf made Applejack leap forward in fright. As she turned around to confront this new foe, she saw a wolf nearly twice the size of the rest. She had come face-to-face with the tribe’s alpha. She feared for her life as she thought that this was the moment they would make her a meal. She looked in awe as the alpha slowly made its way forward. When the alpha got close enough, he lifted up his left paw and struck her down. She tried to stand back up, but the alpha held her down with one paw. She wanted to try fighting back, but her body was to weak from the abuse the night before.
  58. This is it… she thought. Ah hope th’ farm can survive without me…
  60. Applejack said her prayers as she felt the alpha roll her onto her back. It was at that moment that she saw his real intentions. Right in front of her face, she saw the alpha’s large member floating fully erect in front of her face. Proportionate to his size, the alpha’s cock was almost twice as large as the planks of the males of the tribe. While she was relieved that she would stay alive for at least a little while longer, she was concerned with how the alpha was expecting his length to fit in her.
  62. Before she could really think about this issue, she felt the alpha licking her marehood. Her body tensed up as she felt his tongue penetrate her. The tongue felt rough like sandpaper on the walls of her vagina. She let out shameful moans as the tongue went deeper and deeper inside of her, leaving a sticky sap to coat her genitals. As this was happening, she saw his cock inching closer to her face. He was expecting the same kind of courtesy that she was being given. A sudden warmth growing in the pit of her stomach was telling her that she had to put it in her mouth. Her mind struggled against itself trying to fight a strange urge, but in the heat of the moment, she stretched out her neck to receive his tip.
  64. The young mare struggled to fit much more than the tip in her mouth. His size was so great that she felt herself gagging when she tried anything more than five inches, but it wasn't stopping the alpha. His long tongue was trying to fill her cunt, and she was loving every second of it. It didn't take long for her to feel like she was getting close. her moans grew louder as the alpha pulled out his tongue to play with her clit. Before she got a chance to reach orgasm, he pulled his length out of her mouth and put her back on her legs.
  66. Applejack knew what was coming next. She was still wondering how his length would fit inside of her, but she didn't care anymore. She wanted the alpha to stretch her out. Like she expected, he jumped on top of her, and slid his cock in. A loud howl came out of both of them as the alpha quickly sped up to a fast pace. Applejack could feel her stomach bulging as the alpha continuously rammed himself deeper and deeper with each stroke. She was being fucked like a wild animal, and she thought it was better than any toy or stallion she had slept with. She had never realized just how much she loved being dominated like this.
  68. It didn't take long for her to finally cum. Her eyes rolled back in her head and her whole body tensed up again. She loved the audience that the event was attracting as they all watched with their paws on their wood. While she was paying attention to the crowd, she felt the force of a wrecking ball hit her pussy. The alpha was trying to force his knot in. She prepared herself as her snatch was stretched more than she ever thought possible.
  70. Right as he fits the knot in, he fills the small mare with his hot cum. She feels her stomach bulge to the size of a pregnant mare as the alpha lets out a howl loud enough to shake the ground below them. They were locked together by the knot of this plank and the cum in her belly. It took almost half an hour for the knot to be removed, and Applejack spent the whole time wondering if Fluttershy would be into this.
  72. As the alpha strolled back into the cave, a wave of cum fled from Applejack’s uterus. A pool of semen formed around her hooves as she let out a loud sigh; satisfied with the fun she has had over the past two days. She gave the crowd one last look at her gaping hole, then she went to look for her home. The wolves, on the other hand, had other plans. She wasn't able to stagger much more than ten feet before another wolf snatched her tail in it's mouth and dragged her back into the cave. They weren't planning on loosing their new toy.
  74. In groups of three, each of the wolves had their way with her. Her cunt, ass, and mouth made sound homes for every male in the den. They would rather breed with the small farm mare than breed with their own species. Any time a wolf would finish, a new wolf from the seemingly endless supply would simply take its place. She was becoming more popular than her famous apple cider, and all of them wanted a taste.
  76. Days past, and they were still more than willing to use her. Each wolf patiently waiting it’s turn while the others would beat her flesh raw. She was never given a second of rest in this time, but she didn't mind. She loved every second of the abuse. She loved every knot that had forced its way inside of her. She loved every pair of testicles that slapped against her chin and plot. She loved every drop of wolf seed that was pumped into her, and every scratch put on her back from their mighty claws.
  78. She wanted to stay the prisoner of the tribe.
  81. * * *
  84. Author's Note
  87. Thank you for reading up to this point. This is my first attempt at fanfic writing of any kind, so I apologize if it grosses anyone out. I may have gotten a little carried away with that last part, but I thought it was a great project all around. I also want to thank the anon (Aerox) for his help with the first chapter. I probably wouldn't have been able to even start this without his inspiration. I hope you all enjoyed, and have a great rest of your day!
  89. -Wolfgang
  92. 3. Rescue
  95. This cycle would continue for a couple of weeks. It seemed like even through all of the abuse, the wolves were still more than willing to use their "main attraction". They would go on their runs hunting and scavenging for food in the morning, and they would rut Applejack senselessly in the afternoon. There were some wolves that the alpha made stay at the den to supply her with food and protection, but they focused more on using her for their own pleasure than tending to her needs. It was made quite obvious that she was only there for the use of the tribe. If, at any point, they become bored of her, Applejack knows that she will likely be turned into their next meal.
  97. Applejack's friends have been hard at work searching for the lost mare, but she has been unable to think about home. Some unknown force has left her mind in an orgasmic daze throughout this time. She hasn't even had the time to think about whether or not she is pregnant, that likely being the end goal of her captors, and she knows that it's an ever growing possibility with all of the loads she has taken. Her mind only has the focus to think about the cocks inside of her, and the cocks that are soon to come. In her mind, her old home no longer exists. In her world, only the timberwolves existed, and they were the only thing she needed to be happy.
  99. But she failed to realize how close her old life was to her.
  101. It was an unusually cold morning, and two of the wolves had gotten up bright and early to get a quick ride in. Applejack didn't have time to even wake up before one wolf picked her up by the hair and threw her belly first onto the awaiting chest of his friend. The first wolf then pounced on top, sandwiching the small mare. Applejack, still half asleep, felt the two wolves begin to prodding at her plot and pussy. With her holes still wet and abused from the previous nights, it didn't take long for the pair to fit themselves inside.
  103. The wolves let their animal instincts come out as they began to thrust inside with fast, uncoordinated strokes. The violent rutting forced loud moans out of her tired mouth, waking the majority of the tribe, including the alpha. Wanting everyone to get straight to their morning duties, the alpha told one of the wolves to feed their slave, but the wolf had different ideas. That wolf had gotten a hold of her head, tearing out little bits of her mane with his sharp claws. He aggressively forced his cock into her mouth, preparing her for "the most important meal of the day." Her mind was blank from the lack of sleep as the wolves continued to rut her senselessly. She could feel each hard thrust bounce her around like a ragdoll as their large knots were already forming at her flank. She groaned as she felt one of the wolves drive their claws deep into her sides, sending vibrations of pleasure onto the cock in her mouth.
  105. Applejack felt disgusting for what she was doing, but in some weird way, she loved it. She had spent so much time being the mare in charge that she never knew what being weak and defenceless felt like. She thought this feeling of helplessness would make terrify her beyond belief, but she loved every second of it. Part of her wanted to ignore this new voice in her head that made her enjoy these degrading acts, but she found herself unable to. Ever since her first encounter with the alpha, she was left with an insatiable pit in her stomach that only wanted to get filled. She ignored all of her morals just to satisfy her need to keep herself filled. She felt like the only way to relieve her desires was to become the resident cocksleeve for the timberwolves, and she was quickly on her way to becoming that.
  107. The moans grew louder as every thrust became faster. Applejack's eyes rolled to the back of her head and she let out a loud yell onto the cock in her mouth as she reached orgasm. On top and underneath, she felt two knots forcefully squeeze into her two rear entrances; an action only slightly hardened by her tensing muscles. After another minute of the wolves trying to force themselves deeper into her body, all three let out their loud roar and unleashed their seed in their captured prey. Applejack couldn't help but think the cum tasted a little sweeter today as it was pumped down her throat in long stings. A familiar bulge began to grow in her stomach as the large knots allowed no exit for the cum in her abused flank and marehood. Another day at work... she thought to herself as she clamped her muscles down on the thick shafts penetrating her body; milking them for all they had.
  110. * * *
  113. Suddenly, a loud shriek from outside had surprised everyone in the cave. The sudden disturbance had prompted the wolf currently in Applejack's mouth to quickly slide his length out and investigate; leaving a long stream of cum between them.
  115. The wolves who use her mouth never try to insert their knots, which confused the young mare for a while. She is thankful they decide not to, knowing that the knot is big enough to break her jaw; she thinks maybe they know that as well and avoid attempting the action to keep her in better condition.
  117. The small mare was also curious to see what had put the whole tribe on alert, but was immobilized by the large knots still throbbing a river of cum inside of her. Ah reckon whatever started th' commotion will show its face eventually... she thought as she momentarily gave up her efforts of freeing herself.
  119. As expected, a wolf had grabbed this new character in its mouth and had carried it into the cave. Applejack could barely make out what looked like a pegasus mare as she saw it trying to kick and scream its way out of the wolf's mouth. A perfectly landed kick to the cheek loosened the tight grip of the wolf's jaw enough for the mare inside to quickly fly out. "Bad mister wolf!" she heard it say. "You should be very ashamed of yourself!"
  121. uh oh...
  123. In an instant, Applejack was able to remember the soft voice of the creature. Right before her eyes, she was watching her beloved friend Fluttershy floating above the whole tribe with a face of sheer anger. While she always knew Fluttershy as the kind-hearted animal caretaker that she was, she was still surprised by her moments of bravery. After a short moment of looking down on the wolves like a queen to her peasants, the yellow pegasus quickly flew towards the alpha and looked him straight in the eyes. "I was GOING to come in here and politely ask if you've seen my friend, but you have CROSSED A LINE!" she exclaimed as her temper began to rise.
  125. Applejack thought this anger-filled side of her usually shy and contempt friend had gone away with the notorious Iron Will, but she realized that the stress of searching for her lost friend must have been taking it's toll.
  127. After taking a moment to gather herself, she began to speak again. "You should know that my friend is a very faithful and kind mare, but above all, she is the best kind of friend." She quickly paused for a moment to gather herself again. The situation she was put in was very painful for her, and she was trying to keep herself from breaking down. "I would do anything to get my friend back, and if I found out that you did anything to hurt her, I will make sure you regret it."
  129. Applejack tried to bury herself under the sharp wood covering of her "lovers". Every word that came out of Fluttershy's mouth stung like a hundred daggers to the chest. Not only was she doing everything in her power to find her, she had also threatened the pack of timberwolves! Fluttershy would never hurt a living soul, let alone the creatures of the forest. Her friend was going against her morals to to save her, and she was left to wonder if she even deserved to be saved.
  131. Applejack realized that she had not been the faithful friend that she was made out to be. Memories of her old life began to flood her mind, forcing her to think about what her younger sister Apple Bloom must be going through with out her support. She had let these creatures take her from a happy life with a loving family and caring friends. She thought about what the whole town must be going through without a mare that was seen as one of the heroines of Equestria. It filled her with rage that this was the first time in over a week that she had thought of the impulses of her actions.
  133. As she looked back up, she saw Fluttershy still looking down on the alpha. Unlike most animals in the Everfree Forest, the alpha appeared immune to her infamous stare. She continued to glare harder into its glowing, empty eyes, with no reaction coming from her newfound enemy. The cave was brought to a complete silence as the two continued to lock eyes, waiting for the other to falter.
  135. After what felt like an eternity, the young mare's eyes began to grow weary. She had gone all this time without blinking, and staring into the little suns that were the alpha's bright green eyes was taking a toll. She knew that any nuance showing weakness could result in death, so she tried to press on. She was able to muster up enough power to hold her gaze for another minute, but she was eventually forced to blink. In that split second, she felt herself get thrown down to the ground by a massive paw. Dazed by the sudden force against the hard ground, she tried to make her way back on her hooves, just to be pinned down by another timber wolf. She trembled in fear as the wolf growled at her; showing its many sharp teeth.
  137. Applejack watched with pure anger as the wolves gathered around, ready to eat their new prey. She knew she had to do something if her friend is ever going to come out of this alive, but she was still pinned down by the two knots inside of her. She tried to pull herself forward with her forehooves, but to no prevail. Quickly running out of time and options, she then sat up slightly for leverage and started pushing herself forward with her hind legs.
  139. She heard the two wolves softly yapping in discomfort as she gained force. They were driving their claws into her thighs in an attempt to keep her from moving, but in her mind, nothing was going to stop her. She was pushing her legs back with enough force to break one of her apple trees free from the roots. Their thick knots were being forced out of her flank inch after grueling inch as she worked with what little energy she had in her malnourished body. After one last agonizing tug, she heard a loud POP that told her she was finally free.
  141. The two wolves were left in pain as she quickly slid the rest of their lengths out and quickly ran to Fluttershy's aid. She felt her stomach deflate as large amounts of spunk leaked out of her aching holes with every step. As she staggered in the direction of the rest of the tribe, she realized how long it has been since these creatures let her move around under her own power. With her energy sapped, she knew she wasn't physically capable to defeat any of the wolves, but she couldn't think about that now. She had to stay strong for her friend. At that moment, Applejack lowered her head and let out a loud scream as she continued to run faster towards the circle around Fluttershy. As she tried to charge at whatever wolf that was in front of her, she felt her weight get thrown to the ground by another wolf pouncing on her from the side.
  143. As she looked up, she saw the sheer horror on Fluttershy's face. "A-Applejack?" she said wearily as she looked on at her lost friend. "Wh-What happened to you!?"
  145. Applejack knew that she wasn't in the same condition as when she left town. Sure, she never was the cleanest pony around. Rarity would always point out the muddy hooves and all the split ends she had in her mane from long hours put into the family farm. She always said that she looked like something straight out of the Everfree forest, but her appearance now would immediately disprove that statement. Patches of hair from her mane, fur, and tail were all pulled out by the large claws of her new owners. What hair she did have left on her body was matted down by the loads of wolf seed she had received. The mud and claw marks that covered her whole body made it almost impossible for anypony to recognize her, but it only took one look into her eyes for Fluttershy to know that she found what she was looking for.
  148. * * *
  151. Tears quickly began to roll down Fluttershy's face. The ever growing thoughts of death loomed in her head as she failed to contain her emotions. The sight of her lost friend should've been a moment to celebrate, but it has only brought more pain on the young mare's mind. As she laid trapped under the weight of the timber wolf pinning her down, she waited for any kind of a vocal response from Applejack, but she wasn't even willing to hold eye contact. Part of her believed that she looked... ashamed of herself, but why? What would Applejack be ashamed of in a time like this? she thought to herself.
  153. Ignoring Fluttershy's attempts at conversation, Applejack quickly directed her attention to the alpha, who was keeping a close eye on the whole situation. "Now listen here you mangy mutt!" she exclaimed, grabbing the attention if the alpha. He, being smarter than the rest of the wolves, quickly caught on to the language of the ponies, and was able to understand the ramblings of ponies running through the forest, or the words that this young mare were trying to say to him. "Ah let you drag me into this mess, but yer not takin' Flutters down with me, you hear? Ahm not makin mah friends suffer fer mah mistakes! You let her go right now or so help me ah will grind you to a pulp!" she screamed.
  155. Fluttershy couldn't comprehend what she was hearing. She had spent all this time searching for a friend who had been captured and tortured willingly? The concept of her friend doing this to herself was just as disheartening as the thought of her dearest pet Angel dying. She knew this was a choice that could have and will likely result in her demise.
  157. She could tell that Applejack put her heart into her every word she said, but the alpha continued to stare at her unfazed. It was impossible for either of the ponies to get a read on what he was thinking. Timberwolves are some of the most unpredictable creatures in the Everfree Forest, leaving most wildlife experts baffled by their unique hunting and battle tactics; including Fluttershy.
  159. Without warning, the alpha let out a bark loud enough to shake the ground below everyone. Fluttershy was startled by the sudden noise, but it wasn't as surprising as the feeling of weight being taken off of her. As she looked above herself, she saw the wolf pinning her down was slowly making its way to its paws and climbing off of the small pony. She let out a sigh of relief as for the first time since entering the cave, she didn't fear for her life. That feeling was short-lived, for when the yellow mare tried returning to the mouth of the cave, she was quickly stopped by a ring of wolves forming around her; growling at her every move.
  161. "N-nice... puppies..." She said in a soft, uneasy voice as she trembled where she stood. Small beads of sweat continued to roll down her face as she tried to stand as still as a statue; not knowing what would happen if she angered the wolves further. A deep growl blowing hot air by the mare's right ear was almost enough for her to jump out of her skin, but she managed to stay perfectly still with only a whimper passing her lips. Without even making a glance behind her, she knew that in this ring of wolves, only her and the alpha remained in the middle.
  163. The alpha slowly made his way around the frightened mare. Counter clockwise, she saw the wolf slowly spin around her, never taking his eyes off of his target. Fluttershy didn't know what he was contemplating, but she knew it was enough to put a visible grin on his face. As he slowly made his way out of her view yet again, she stood there in complete fear. She didn't know what the alpha's next move would be, and the thought of him making her into a meal left her in a panicked state. Before she had time to prepare, she felt the force of his snout push her torso forward; lifting her flank high in the air. She let out a loud gasp as he began to sniff away at her unprepared flank. Shivers went down her spine as every breath brought a wave of unknown pleasure flowing through her body. In her mind, still filled with virgin innocence, she continued to wonder when and if the alpha was going to take a bite out of her lower body.
  165. Just as she was beginning to adjust to her current position, she felt a tongue slip out of the wolf's mouth and start lapping at her pink slit. Her forelegs began to wobble at the knees as a tingling sensation in her crotch began to intensify. "W-what are you d-doing to me?" she spoke in an unsteady voice as she again struggled to keep her composure.
  167. Even as an animal caretaker, she has managed to stay ignorant to the concept of sex. Every time it was breeding season for one of her animals, she tried to stay as far away from the situation as possible. The most she really knew was that when a female was in heat, they went out in search of males so they could make babies. Any other details regarding the topic she tried to avoid.
  169. Every lick the wolf made across her sensitive marehood was a completely foreign concept. "Stop! I-I pee from there!" she said with childlike innocence as the leafy tongue started prodding at her entrance. She let out soft moans as the tongue slowly made its way inside; spreading her tight walls with every movement. The alpha swirled his tongue around in her orifice, trying to lubricate it with his saliva, along with a special sap he previously used on the orange mare. She squirmed with every movement the tongue made, which filled her body with a sudden feeling of warmth. When she looked up, she saw a brand new appendage growing in between the hind legs of every wolf surrounding her, which made her hide her face in embarrassment. With what little she knew on the topic, she knew that the when a male is ready to mate, their male member would grow tremendously in size. All of these wolves wanted to rut her, and the thought scared her more than the thoughts of impending death.
  171. When the alpha pulled its tongue out of her slit and let her body return to the ground, she could do nothing but tremble where she stood. She knew that what came next would be the act that she worked to hard to avoid all of her life. Before she could muster up the courage to bolt away from the situation, she felt a weight even greater than before land on her back. The alpha had mounted the small horse, and began prodding at her tight entrance with his own large member. "P-please... No..." she spoke weakly in protest. "I'm not ready..." She hoped that some part of the wolf's mind would decide to get off and let her return home, but she knew he wouldn't change his mind.
  173. He wanted to use her.
  175. An audible gasp escaped Fluttershy's lips as the alpha's cock spread her apart. She felt like the enormous size of the member was slowly tearing her in half as it broke through her hymen with little effort; drawing a slight amount of blood from within her walls. The yellow pony almost looked like she was frozen in time; unable to make the slightest movement as a large wooden rod was forced into her inch by grueling inch. Eventually, the large wolf was able to force his way to her cervix, forcing another soft whimper out of the mare underneath her. As the alpha held himself deep within her walls, she couldn't even muster up a breath into her body. She just stood there with her mouth hanging open and her eyes slowly rolling back. When his length was pulled back out almost all the way, she was seemingly brought back to life; letting out a loud groan and finally getting some air into her body. She barely got time to savor the oxygen that was put in her system before a hard thrust pushed his cock back into her all the way, and forced a loud scream out of her lungs.
  177. The alpha began to rut her at a steady pace as Fluttershy continued to scream in the hopes that somepony, anypony, would hear her cries and try to assist her. She wished that she had never went in the Everfree forest that day. She wished she had never left home that morning. She wished that she could escape the nightmare she was stuck in and go back to Ponyville because this reality that she was stuck in was too much for her mind to handle.
  179. After a while, the loud noises of the mare became too much for the Alhpa to deal with. In between her grunts and groans, she heard the alpha let out another loud bark. When she looked back up from the ground, she saw another wolf quickly approaching from her front. Before she had a chance to react, the wolf mounted himself on her front side, lifting her head up by the neck. She saw the large member standing before her, looking her in the eyes. His member, while wooden, continued to twitch in front of her face, which frightened her beyond belief. They were expecting her to put more of these seemingly foreign objects into her body, and she wanted none of it. She didn't even want the first member to take her virginity away. The yellow mare kept her lips sealed tight as the wolf on her head forcefully tried to prod at her lips.
  181. Oh, why can't you be a good little mare and let this wolf fuck your face?
  183. The sudden thought that invaded Fluttershy's mind horrified her.
  185. You call yourself the best animal caretaker in Ponyville, yet you won't allow this poor wolf his chance at pleasure? How pitiful.
  187. Fluttershy continued to wonder why disgusting thoughts like these continued to spread through her head. While she hated herself for letting these beasts tamper with her psyche, part of her questioned why she was defying these beasts. A whimper from the wolf atop her head made her wonder if denying him a chance at pleasure was really hurting him. She never wanted to hurt any creatures on Celestia's great world, but was denying her captors really doing any damage?
  189. Okay, think about it like this Fluttershy; you notice the pleasure you're starting to feel from all this rutting?
  191. Just as her thoughts told her this, a warm feeling began to build up in her loins. This sudden rush led to a small amount of clear liquid leaking from her marehood. She didn't know where it came from, but it's sudden presence brought a shiver down her spine.
  193. Yeah, of course you do. If you want that pleasure to increase, you have to let the wolves do whatever they want to you. Good luck!
  195. Before Fluttershy had any time to contemplate what the voice had said, a perticularly hard thrust by the alpha forced a gasp from the mare's previously sealed lips. The wolf at her front couldn't pass on this oppritunity. She hadn't even opened her mouth for a second, and the wolf had already forced his way in. With no regard for the well being of the pony below him, he began thrusting freely down her throat. Fluttershy felt herself try to scream, but it only came out as choked gags and wet slurping sounds. She didn't know if she should've listened to what the voices said, but she no longer had a choice. With her head locked forward, she was forced to watch as the wolf's hips violently thrusted into her face. Not wanting to watch the scene unfolding just inches away from her face, she closed her eyes and let the wolves have their way, giving up on her earlier struggles.
  198. * * *
  201. Laying pinned on the outside of the ring was a frustrated Applejack, who was forced to watch the whole scene unfold in front of her. More than anything, she felt to blame for what her friend is being forced into. Fluttershy didn't have to go out on a whim to find her friend, and she knew if anypony were to attempt to save her, they would likely fail. She could only watch as her friend was forced to endure an onslaught of timberwolves. She felt tears roll down her cheeks as the unfamiliar feeling of failure flooded her senses.
  203. All the other wolves, on the other hand, could care less about the small mare's "failure". Their eyes were all fixed on the newest toy that decided to walk right into their home. While they had their fun filling up the farm mare, the thought of new meat being there for the taking was exiting for them, and they had a hard time hiding their "enthusiasm" (not like they were trying to hide it anyway.) Every male in the cave was sporting full wood, including the wolf pinning down Applejack.
  205. She felt his erection poking at her flanks as he panted heavily, trying to be patient enough to get a turn on the new mare. While he loved using the soft mare below him, he wanted something new for a change. He thought that once this new mare was broken in, she could make a nice bitch to go along with the apple pony, free to use whenever they please. He tried to control his excitement, but he wanted desperately to get some sort of relief. After several minutes of watching his two comrades going at the new mare, he couldn't control his excitement. He lifted positioned his hips above the apple pony and lined himself up with her anus. He thought to himself that he could break the yellow one in at some other point. Right now, he needed something to ease his tension.
  207. Already wet and stretched from the fucking just a short while ago, the wolf was able to penetrate her ass with little effort, and began to thrust with reckless abandon. Applejack was tired and weak from the scene she made not too long ago, so she didn't give any attempt to struggle. Though she was sore from the hard rutting earlier that morning, she knew any other attempt at escape will get her killed. She just had to stay there and take all the violent rutting that came her way. She felt a grunt come out of her mouth as the wild wave of thrusts stretched her ass out more than before. With one powerful thrust, he forced her front hooves to give, leaving her in a position with her flank in the air and her face in the dirt.
  209. With the wolf still pounding away, Applejack couldn't help but focus her attention back to Fluttershy. The kind, innocent mare she had grown accustomed to was having all of the purity pounded right out both ends. She wondered if she would ever forgive herself for dragging her into this mess. She wished she could've just stayed home and stopped worrying about her when she did her wrong like this. She betrayed her trust having left like that, and she would've been fine having her just move on with her life, but she couldn't do anything to change the current situation. All she could do is listen to the sounds of slapping hips and the muffled moans coming out of her mouth...
  211. Wait... moans? Applejack quickly thought to herself.
  213. Oh mah word... They couldn't have gotten to her head that quick, could they?
  216. * * *
  219. The warm feeling from before was quickly clouding Fluttershy's mind as she began sucking on the rod that was fucking her throat. She couldn't comprehend all of the foreign pleasures that were flowing through her body, but they were telling her to let these wolves do what they wanted with her. She could not thank that voice enough for all of these feelings she was graced with! Her mind was throwing away all logic and reason as she was swiftly bounced back and forth between the two wolves. If this pack was trying to make her their bitch in heat, they were doing a good job of it.
  221. A pressure was rising in her loins as thrusts into her pussy became harder and faster. The alpha, enjoying a moment of sheer ecstasy, started to pant heavily as he was prepared to cum inside of her tight not-so-virgin slit. With the knot forming at his base, he thought that this was a better time than ever to slip it in, but it wouldn't fit. He tried thrusting as forcibly as he possibly could into the tight mare, but it wouldn't work. Her hole was just too tight to fit inside.
  223. As he pumped harder her slit in an attempt to ease the knot in, the pressure building up inside Fluttershy continued to grow. All she wanted anymore was to feel that sweet release, and she knew that the wolves would be the only ones to give it to her. She let the alpha pound away as she grew closer to the tipping point. The pressure continued to swell in her haunches further and further until...
  225. POP!
  227. A wave of pleasure hit Fluttershy as her whole body tensed up. She let out a muffled moan and her body squeezed down on the cocks inside of her. The added pressure on the alpha's cock was enough to make him release his load inside before he could even fit the knot in. Her belly swelled greatly as the gooey liquid filled her to the brim. In long strands, the cum spurted out of his member, and forced itself out of the mare's body. Without the knot inside, the cum could escape freely and make a mess on the floor below. Eventually, the spurts did die down. With no knot binding him to freshly broken-in mare, he could pull himself out and go on with his day in less time. Before he returned to his nest to return to his slumber, he let out one last howl to tell the wolves that their playtime has begun.
  229. In an instant, all of the wolves had charged towards their new toy. Even with a wolf still working her throat, there were still two holes that were unattended to, and all of them wanted a turn in one of them first. Fights broke out between certain wolves as they all fought to be the one to claim the new mare. Most ponies would tremble in fear at a sight like that, but Fluttershy felt pretty special. For once, there were males that were fighting over her. Sure, they were fighting to be the first to fill her with cum, but she was still flattered by the notion.
  231. Eventually, there were some lucky winners who got to reach her holes before the rest. One wolf swiftly slid underneath the unsuspecting mare and pulled her hips down onto his shaft. With the mare still wet with the juices of her previous orgasm and the alpha's seed, sliding his member into her vagina was a breeze. The wolf that made his way on top, on the other hand, was not given as easy of a task. Her still virgin anus was going to take some work penetrating.
  233. Fluttershy, realizing the struggle of the poor wolf, tried her best to control the muscles in her sphincter to allow easier access to him. After the first release, she was a firm believer of what the voices were telling her. All she wanted was to feel that same wave of pleasure again, and she thought that the more wolves were using her, the more likely it would be that she would feel that sweet release. The wolf was eventually able to fit himself inside of her ass, forcing a groan out of the mare's lips and onto the cock of the wolf in her mouth. After a short moment of fitting himself deeper inside of her tailhole, the wolf quickly got to work; rapidly thrusting inside of her last sacred hole. Similar to her first experience with a cock in her pussy, it was a little painful letting the muscles adjust to the new living being moving around inside of her, but the pleasure she felt afterwards was well worth it. At that point, she just relaxed where she stood and let her mind forget about all stress in life while focussing on the only thing that mattered; the timberwolves.
  236. * * *
  238. The only wolf that was hesitant to swarm around the new mare was the one currently inside Applejack's ass. After a long period of time spent thrusting away at her plump prosterior, he remembered just why everyone enjoyed it so much. Her curvaceous flanks were soft; always jiggling with every slap that his hips made against hers. Her cheeks were like putty in his paws; always soft to the touch whenever they were grasped. All the claw marks on her flanks are from all the wolves who wanted to cop a feel. The most surprising fact that the wolf had trouble understanding was that even with all of the abuse that the mare has taken, her holes still manage to feel tight around his shaft. Part of him wants to try and truly break her ass in, but he keeps himself from going that far. He wants to use her as many times as possible. Then again, he has always wondered just how much her ass could take...
  240. As the wolf continued to wildly rut the flank he admires, Applejack couldn't take her eyes off of her friend Fluttershy. This mare who carefully avoided every conversation involving stallions was taking the whole tribe without a look of worry on her face. Part of her wondered just how much she must be struggling to handle all of these horny mutts at one time. She thought back to her first day at the cave, and just how much attention she had around her. Every male had used her three times over on that day alone. Sure, all of them slowed down after the first day, but the majority of them continued to come back every day since. Even today, there were some coming back for a 20th helping of her special apple pie. That kind of daily strain certainly wore her out, and she knows all too well that it will wear her friend out as well.
  242. Just as she finished her thought, she saw a wolf pull out of Fluttershy's mouth. There were still a few spurts of cum shooting out of his throbbing cock, all of which he let squirt onto the mare's awaiting tongue; one that eagerly swallowed every drop. As the wolf climbed off of her face, Fluttershy started saying sometiong in between gasps for breath and grunts forced out by the rough ounslaut of thrusts behind her.
  244. "M-more~" she lightly cooed as another wolf eagerly mounted her face and began fucking her throat.
  246. "Holy Buck..."
  248. The words escaped Applejack's mouth without any thought or pretext. The genuine shock over Fluttershy's sudden willingness to be a cum dump for these males has left her in a state of sheer awe. Ahm glad something was able to teach Flutters how to be assertive... she thought as she watched the spectacle happening before her.
  250. Unfortunately for Applejack, her little outburst brought some unwanted attention her way. One wolf, far away from any chance at reaching Fluttershy in the next hour, was startled by the sudden noise behind him. When he saw the mare already pinned down by a wolf, he quickly made his way over. He wanted some work after getting teased by a show like that, and he already knew that the apple pony had the best ass for the job. After the wolf slid into position underneath the mare, Applejack reluctantly lowered her hips and began to grind on the bottom his throbbing wood; expecting him to want a turn in her free hole. The wolves told her otherwise as they both pushed her hips down even further, giving both wolves a chance to line up with her rear entrance.
  252. Before she could vocalize her protest, the bottom wolf gave an aggressive thrust upwards, spearing her flank. A lout grunt was forced out of her mouth as both members managed to fit their lengths into her plot. She scowled at the wolf below her for his unwilling to tell her about decisions like that in advance, but that only brought an evil smirk to his face. She realized that this was probably their form of punishment for the way she treated their friends earlier. This was their way of saying if we knot you, you stay there and take our seed. If you don't stay still, we'll find other ways to keep you down.
  254. While they were locked in this position, the bottom wolf's snout locked with Applejack's in a kiss. The wolf tried to invade her mouth with his tongue, letting it explore every part of her. She tried desperately to pull away from his tongue, but wasn't successful until he put a strange sap into her mouth. She doesn't know why, but she remembers the texture of the sap from somewhere.
  256. They gave her another second to adjust to their lengths before they started thrusting in unison. Every movement they made forced a sharp groan out of her mouth as she felt like she was being torn in half. She hasn't been this thoroughly stretched since she was forced to take the alpha, and she was slowly starting to love the feeling. Needless to say, it was hard for her to contain her enthusiasm as she was stretched to the breaking point. While she thought that the wolves thought they were denying her pleasure by avoiding her marehood, but in her mind, a good stretch felt just as good as any vaginal stimulation.
  258. Applejack is falling in love with the punishment they are giving to her. In a way, she felt like she deserved the punishment she received. What is a little bitch like her trying to do, disrespecting her masters like that? Ah should be treatin' mah masters with more respect! It's not like any stallion could pleasure me like they do! she thought to herself as the sap took control of her brain again.
  260. In an instant, she forgot all of the emotion that she felt that day. That morning became a lost blur in her mind, along with her past. Family, friends, gone without a trace. All that existed were the wolves in the den. They were all that she would need. When she saw the other mare to her left, she didn't see a longtime friend. She saw a rival female trying to take the males away from her. She wouldn't let this female take her strong wolves away from her. She couldn't let that happen.
  262. She let out loud moans of pleasure to grab the attention of the wolves watching the other mare. She wouldn't give this mare a chance to take them from her. Slowly, half of the wolves around Fluttershy made their way over to watch her. Fluttershy saw her crowd walking away, and she wouldn't give them up without a fight. Both mares began rocking their hips back into the hard rods of their partners. They both wanted to show their audiene that they could do a better job of pleasuring the den than the other. The competition between the two began to rise, and so did the orgasms of their partners. Heavy panting filled their ears as the thrusts began to speed up yet again. The Wolves pushed harder and harder, trying to fit their knots into their increasingly tight holes. The thought of pleasuring all of these hungry males was bringing the pleasure of orgasm increasingly close for the mares as well.
  264. In one swift movement, the wolves sharing Applejack's ass fit their knots inside, pushing her over the edge. She squirted her love juices all over the ground behind her wet slit as her body tensed up; milking the wooden cocks inside her. She felt warm, sticky semen shoot up inside of her in thick streams, slowly inflating her. She looked over and saw her rival wasn't too far behind; the knots successfully being forced into her this time as their cum started filling her belly. As they locked eyes for the second time that day, they both lay in their position; satisfied with their performance that morning. While they considered that first battle a draw, they had plenty of hungry costumers eager to test their merits. That day would be a happy day for those brood mares.
  267. * * *
  269. At the end of the day, the competition between the two would have no victor. Both would have their holes filled with the seed of every male in the den respectively, but in the end, the timberwolves were the ones that slept victorious that night. Every male got to use both mares several times over as they embraced the biggest celebration to hit the den in several years. More imortantly, they managed to bring mates to a pack without females, and turn them into their slaves. This was something thought impossible by many other tribes, but they would have the last laugh. As they emptied their balls into the mares, they knew they would soon be given what the pack desired most; offspring.
  272. * * *
  274. As months went by, the two mares learned to work with each other. The goal for both of them were to please their masters anyway, so as long as they both work towards a common goal, life is made easier for the both of them. They loved their masters, and their masters loved them. Well, they loved their holes at least, but that's all that mattered. As long as they could continue to make their masters happy, that's all that mattered.
  276. After a large number of attempts by every wolf in the pack, both would eventually be impregnated successfully. This news, however, wouldn't keep the mares from their daily duties. Every hole was still free game for their masters, and they would be used thoroughly as if they weren't pregnant at all. It surely wasn't safe to be taking this abuse with an unborn wolf child in their wombs, but it pleased their masters, and they were willing to do anything to achieve that goal.
  278. Their friends in the outside world continued to look for them, but to no prevail. They were mourned, missed, and cried over, but those courtesies were not shown in return. Their friend were long forgotten; lost memories in the empty space that was their mind. They didn't have time for petty emotions. The tribe were the only thing that mattered.
  280. The Tribe's happiness was their happiness.
  282. The Tribe's pleasure was their pleasure.
  284. The Tribe's ecstasy was their ecstasy.
  286. The Tribe's offspring was their offspring.
  288. They will forever be whores to the tribe.
  291. * * *
  294. Author's Note
  297. After spending WAY too long struggling to write this on whatever device I can get my hands on for the past few months (I mean doing this while struggling with school, broken computers, broken smart phones, broken tablets, etc. you name it, it was probably keeping me from writing this...), this story is finally finished. There will be NO MORE additional chapters, because I am just so done trying to add more to this. I apologize for a lot of false dates that I set as a release date. I promise that I won't set anymore release dates unless I can guarantee that it's coming out on that time.
  299. Just a quick reminder that this is my first attempt at any form of writing, let alone clopfiction, so any constructive criticism you may have would be appreciated. I hope you all enjoyed and have a wonderful day!
  301. -Wolfgang

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