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Cozy's Torment By Darkdemonlucifer

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-18 12:45:25
Expiry: Never

  1. Darkdemonlucifer here. I originally delated this, but not for the reasons everyone would think (fimfetch). I wanted to be known for my gore writing and my ability to write horror, but unfortunately for me, the two foalcon stories I wrote were some of my biggest despite me not putting my heart and soul into them as much as I do my other works. This is why they were deleted weeks before fimfetch was evenm a thing. I felt very sad that I was being recognised for a kink I am not personally that into, and I don't want to be known as a foalcon writer, I want to be known for my guro and other works. This is partly the reason I don't write scat anymore either.
  3. Anyway, I made a promise I would never delete any of my stories, that's why if you go waaaay back to the first stories I wrote you can find some real cringe. I stand by that promise, and as someone took the time to reach out and ask, here is Cozy's Torment for you all to enjoy (Also I am going to shill myself like a cunt here and say that my commissions are always open) :
  5. Martin stared blankly at the tax document before him. Page, after page, after page. He was an accountant at a large firm that handled taxes for very rich people. It was a well playing job, but one that carried with it an immense amount of stress. One single mistake, one decimal point wrong in either direction and he could find himself landing in some incredibly hot water.
  7. His shoulders were all in knots as he rubbed softly at his temples and peered over the massive spreadsheet before him. He had finished entering the details into it over twenty minutes ago, but he had gone over it once already just to be sure that he had not missed anything. This job was starting to get to him.
  9. “Hey Martin,” A voice from behind him said, a voice that almost caused him to jump into the air and do his back in from the sudden shock inflicted upon it.
  10. “Jacob, you cunt. What the fuck? Don’t sneak up on me like that.”
  12. Jacob was a sour faced man with a rather cheeky, boarding on cruel, sense of humour. It likely had something to do with being named after a character from a Charles Dicken’s novel. He was wearing a black suit and a tie that looked like someone had vomited crayons all over it.
  14. “Ah, well I just noticed that my best buddy in the whole wide world was looking like he was on the verge of a heart attack, and I figured to myself that if you didn’t die from the shock, I’d tell you the stress relief room for the big-wigs is open, and I booked a slot for them the instant I noticed!”
  16. Martin stopped for a moment, he wanted to be angry at his work colleague, but flying off the handle before he had good reason to do so likely wouldn’t look very good on his record, so instead he took a breath and steadied himself. Jacob was always a problem to deal with.
  18. “This better not be some kind of prank. I’m up to my gills in work and I really can’t be dealing with any of your fooling around today.”
  19. Jacob pat him far too hard on the back and chuckled softly to himself.
  20. “My dear friend, when have I ever been know to fool around?” He asked.
  23. -
  25. It turned out this for once, Jacob hadn’t been lying about fooling around.
  26. “Jacob, care to explain to me the following query: why in the fuck there is a futa filly alicorn from Equestria bound in the basement of the firm I work at?”
  27. Jacob put his fist up to the underside of his jaw in a thinking motion mimicking that of a semi-famous statue.
  28. “The aristocrats,” Was the response he settled on.
  30. “That really doesn’t help. Do you know how many laws this is breaking? I count at least twenty and I’m not even a lawyer,” He said, staring at the filly before him. Her fur was the colour of peach, her cutie mark was that of a rook from a game of chess, and her body seemed to have been brutalized. Her hooves had been cut short and capped off with metal, and there was a collar of steal around her head, secured in place with a padlock.
  32. That collar was being used to keep a pink rubber hood in place that covered her horn, eyes, nose, her entire head about from her mouth. Beneath her, there was a grotesquely large pair of balls, along with a matching cock that was also contained in pink rubber.
  34. Her snatch seemed to be dribbling all down the inside of her legs, and she was understandably quite distressed at the situation she had found herself in.
  36. “Well, are you going to put your cock in her, Martin? Or do you need an invite? I doubt she’s in a state to give one.”
  38. Martin looked over the squirming filly before him and he felt his pants beginning to swell to the point it was uncomfortable.
  40. In a single motion he undid his belt and dropped his trousers to the floor, then removed his boxers, shoes and shirt, folding all his work clothing neatly on the floor before moving behind the squirming filly with an evil looking grin on his face.
  42. The filly was a quivering mess as he reached his hands forward and spread her flanks to get a better look at her snatch. She was warm and quivered at his touch, it made his member twitch excitedly.
  44. He moved his hand down to roughly molest over her flank, feeling the poor filly squirm desperately in response to his touch. Breathing seemed to be posing a challenge for her as she panted heavily through her mouth, the only hole that the suit offered her for drawing air through.
  46. “They got her so drugged up that she can barely tell which way is up. You should’ve been here when they were breaking her in, it was great. Real prideful brat until they started raping her, then she gave and wouldn’t stop crying so they limited her airflow and started to drug her up.” Jacob said.
  48. Martin gave a soft scoff, “It looks like her horn is still trying to light up, does her magic still work?”
  49. “A tiny bit, but she can’t really focus to use it. Why do you ask, you ain’t scared of a little filly are you?”
  50. “No, no, I just noticed this fancy looking padlock around her neck and I got an idea.”
  51. -
  52. His idea, as it turned out, was fairly evil. He found the key that would unlock her hood, turning the flimsy metal thing over in his hand. It was a thin piece of metal with a heart shaped handle, and he pressed it gently to her horn until she managed to grab it in her magic.
  54. Once she had, he gripped her firmly by the ears, leaning in close as he pressed his member against her folds, the poor little filly responding with a soft whimper as he hissed into her ear.
  56. “Now, if you manage to get that key into that lock, then I will personally let you go, and you can go back to that shithole Equestria or wherever the hell you want.”
  58. This seemed to draw some kind of resolve from the filly, hope blossoming in her chest as she jabbed the key blindly against her cheek. Trying to find the keyhole would’ve been hard enough with hands or hooves, but keeping focused on the magic and tryig to find it when she couldn’t feel added a whole other level of challenge.
  60. Martin was by no means an evil man, although at this point he would’ve been considered one, but years of working as an accountant for the rich and powerful had warped and twisted his view of what was acceptable as he rubbed the ears of the dumb little slut between his fingers and teased his length back and forth across her folds.
  62. Her insides felt like a furnace, his cock twitched exctiedly in response to her soft little whimpers that might’ve even sounded like pleas, had her mind not been rotted and eroded away by drugs.
  64. The real cruelty wasn’t how difficult getting free was, it was the fact that even if she did manage to get free, stopping cold turkey from all the drugs she had been pumped full of would likely stop her little heart anyway.
  66. Jacob had moved around to her front and removed his own trousers and boxers at this point, busy grinding his cock against the side of her face and the rubber hood with a groan of pleasure. He didn’t waste time with mocking or degrading her in the slightest, he simply grabbed her firmly and forced his hips forward to hilt himself in her throat in one smooth motion.
  68. She gripped tightly around his cock in response, as her one source of air was cut off. Her little amputated stumps flailed about wildly as she attempted to maintain focus on her magic, and at the same time, Martin pushed his hips forward and in one smooth motion hilted himself inside of her snatch.
  70. All the stress of the week had worked into him and made him quite aggressive, gripping firmly onto the little stubs that at one point had been her wings as he begin to thrust back and forth into the peach coloured alicorn, who sobbed and whimpered with each of his powerful thrusts.
  72. A smacking sound echoed through the air as he worked himself into a rapid pace, using her like a toy rather then a living breathing being. For the moment she didn’t seem to be doing much breathing, considering she had the cock of his work collouge blocking her airway, causing tears to leak from beneath the rubber seal of her hood as she desperately jabbed the key into the lock.
  74. Jacob seemed to have a cruel and sick fetish for leaving the filly dancing on the edge of staying conscious, only giving her enough room to draw the most desperate of breathes before he thrust himself forward again. She was so drugged up and heavily modified by whatever the people up stairs had done to her that biting down was out of the question, and as she sobbed and whimpered, the two men only used her harder in a brutal and inescapable cycle.
  76. Martin didn’t realize how much he had been pent up, but being an office worker, he didn’t get much time to do exercise. He had been careful not to allow himself to get too fat, but thrusting into the tight cunt of the little whore was getting him worked up at a pace he couldn’t have expected.
  78. Sweat was dripping down him as he hammered into her tiny body, the sounds of slapping filling the room as he watched her desperately struggle with the key, smashing it into the lock body harder as she got more and more frustrated with how tough it was to maintain focus.
  80. Unfortunately for her, the key turned out to be quite flimsy, and with a soft ping it suddenly broke in half. Cozy didn’t even seem to realize and kept attempting to shove the stump of the key into the lock.
  82. At this point, Martian let out a soft cry, using his hands to bury himself into her one last time, swinging his hand forward and smacking it against her balls, something that caused her to cry out softly as he begin to dump his load inside of her, thick spurts of cum splattering into her snatch and filling up her womb, before backwashing out of her and washing over his balls.
  84. His load wasn’t all that impressive all things considered, he had simply been pent up after weeks of not getting off, and to her tiny body his large load was more then enough to fill her up.
  86. Jacob let out a growl, which in the current situation was rather amusing, before he thrust forward, swelling her throat out one final time as he gave into his primal urges and begin to dump his load down her throat.
  88. Considering that her mouth was the only thing she had to breathe through, Cozy found herself choking rather violently on his load, writhing wildly as his cum poured from her nose.
  90. Throughout all of this however, she kept a firm grip on the key, her one chance at salvation, a boat that had already sailed when they had pumped her full of drugs, even if she was too dumb to see it.
  92. Jacob pulled himself free from her throat and stared down at the tiny stump of a key she was desperately jabbing into the body of the lock, still hoping that it was going to save her.
  94. “Look at that, the little slut broke the key. What do you know? I think she likes it here. What a pathetic pony slut, I bet she was only being evil because she needed a good dicking all along.”
  95. “I hate cheesy porn speak, Jacob. Lets go get ourselves washed off and get back to work. I’ll definitely be visiting again.”
  97. With that, the two men gathered up whatever clothing they had left behind, leaving the little slut behind. Her cock had leaked a large volume of cum into the rubber sock that covered it, inflating it beneath her fat little body, although she didn’t seem to have enjoyed the sexual stimulation in the slightest.
  99. Even after the two men had used her, the little horn atop her head was still glowing, the broken key bumping into the lock over and over.
  101. Clink. Clink. Clink. The sound filled the silent room in between her soft little sobs. Even though she had been told the key was broken, she refused to believe it, clinging onto the little spark of hope she had been given as long as possible.
  103. Clink. Clink. Clink.

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