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Darkdemonlucifer here. I originally delated this, but not for the reasons everyone would think (fimfetch). I wanted to be known for my gore writing and my ability to write horror, but unfortunately for me, the two foalcon stories I wrote were some of my biggest despite me not putting my heart and soul into them as much as I do my other works. This is why they were deleted weeks before fimfetch was evenm a thing. I felt very sad that I was being recognised for a kink I am not personally that into, and I don't want to be known as a foalcon writer, I want to be known for my guro and other works. This is partly the reason I don't write scat anymore either.
This story was originally written as a favor for a friend who is no longer in the community, and no longer owns this character, making it even more sad. Also, some of the formatting got mangled.
Anyway, I made a promise I would never delete any of my stories, that's why if you go waaaay back to the first stories I wrote you can find some real cringe. I stand by that promise, and as someone took the time to reach out and ask, here is A Long Walk Home for you all to enjoy (Also I am going to shill myself like a cunt here and say that my commissions are always open):
Efflorescence, or Effie to her friends, not that she had many of those, was currently on her way home from school. She was thinking to herself about all the things that she was going to do once she reached her destination, like maybe eat too much ice cream and then pass out in an ice cream induced coma and sleep far into Saturday.
It sounded fantastic to the thirteen year old mare, the perfect way to start off the weekend, and she had earned it as well, she had worked really hard on all her tests for the week, and she was now rushing home to show off the paper to her family, who she was sure would be more then ecstatic with the results.
Unfortunately, her trip home had been complicated by the fact that she had stayed at one of the after school clubs longer then expected, and then had been exploring the library to withdraw a few books and had completely lost track of time.
So, she had to walk home rather then take the bus, which was fine, she was a big girl that could take care of herself. She would have just flown home using the stubby bat wings that sprouted from out her light gray side, but using her wings for long periods of time made them really sore, and it made a buzzing sound that tended to get her the ire of her classmates and those that she passed.
Walking was fine however, it was a nice night. There was no moon, so it was dark, but there were plenty of lamp-posts to guide her way. The cold air washing over her actually felt good, and her keen blue eyes were more then able to clearly see the path with the aid of the lights above.
To get home, she needed to make her way up a large hill where the lamp posts were sparsely positioned. There was a hedgerow either side of her with a fairly wide road between to allow plenty of ponies to use the path without needing to use the woods that the hedgerows contained.
Her mind wandered as she slowly made her way up the hill, her stubby two-toned brown and cream tail slowly swishing behind her. Up ahead there was a church, and then from there it was only a fifteen minute walk to get home.
Just the thought of getting home seemed to fill her with a sense of joy. She picked up the pace, her hooves moving in a blur as just for a moment she took off at a sprint. Of course, the hill was quite steep and she soon realized that trying to sprint her way up the side of a hill was not the smartest of ideas.
Her lungs burned, and she stopped for a moment to catch her breath, a large grin caused by either joy or exercise related pain spread across her face, showing off the fact that one side of her mouth had fangs, while the other did not.
For some reason, today she felt really good. Her heart was fluttering excitedly in her chest and she could not wait to get home. Honestly she would have sprinted the rest of the distance, but running in a black pleated school skirt was not very easy, and she did not want to risk tripping and scuffing up her uniform, so she tried to keep her excitement under wraps.
As she climbed over the crest of the hill, she noticed a shadow clad figure against the wall of the church. She could not tell if it was a mare or stallion, but whoever they were, they were wearing a leather sun hat that really did not seem to fit with it being the middle of the night.
Fear clutched at her heart for just a moment, but she brushed such feelings aside. She was being irrational, she was a brave, grown-up girl and this pony had no reason to hurt her.
As she drew closer she noticed that they were wearing a leather trench coat, and honestly, they looked like sort of stallion that would try to shoot up a school, and from this distance she could indeed tell that they were a stallion, admittedly a strange dressed one however, with the leather trench coat, sun hat and the like.
Still, they seemed to be slumped against the wall rather then sitting against it, wearing what appeared to be a set of welding goggles over their eyes. In front of them was a bottle filled with whisky, she recognized it from the colour as she drew closer.
Some of the older stallions at school had managed to smuggle some of it in and get themselves into a state. She hated the smell of it. Always had and likely always would. It was not a nice smell like something that you would find pleasant to drink, much rather the burning smell of some kind of poison.
She had no idea why anyone would drink it, but she did not say anything as she climbed up to the top of the hill and passed the stallion slowly. Those welding goggles made it impossible to tell if he was looking at her, that was if he could even see through them.
He certainly seemed out of it, the brown stallion within the trench coat seeming like he was lost to the world. His body seemed to have burns decorating it, and he stank of booze.
Besides that, he was surprisingly clean. Maybe he had just had a bad day, gone to church to talk to the priest, and then passed out against the small stone wall.
She was almost fully past him, tossing a gaze out across the massive grave-yard and the church that stood proudly at the end of it, like a sentinel watching over the dead.
Suddenly, such thoughts were ripped away as the stallion suddenly let out a groan and begin to climb slowly to his hooves, sounding like every movement took an excruciating amount of difficulty.
Honestly, it scared her more then she would like to admit, and she almost jumped out of her skin as he slowly clambered to his hooves and rubbed at his forehead, before staring blankly at her, as if he was not quite sure how she had gotten there.
"Hello Girly. I have to say, you re looking really pretty tonight. What's a girl like you doing out so late?" He asked in a sleepy, slurred voice. Even from here she could smell the alcohol on his breath even from where he was standing.
Suddenly she felt even more scared then before, a soft shudder dancing its way through her body like someone had just stepped over her grave. How the fuck did she respond to this situation? She did not know. School had taught her a lot of things, but never how to deal with a drunk stallion telling her that she looked nice.
Her head spun for a few moments, before she managed to come up with the right response for the situation, or at least what she hoped was the right response. I m 14, Sir. I ll be going now, She stated simply, her blue eyes fixing on him in a glare. He would realize that he had made a mistake hitting on a 14 year old, say sorry, and then she would leave.
Instead, the stallion let out a chuckle that made her heart feel like it was a ball of ice, stepping towards her threateningly rather suddenly. " I said you look nice, that's all. If I wanted to know your age, I would have asked. Now why don't you show us what's under that pretty little skirt of yours?" He hissed gently in that thick, slurred Trottingham accent.
Effie suddenly felt terror, it set into her heart and filled her veins with icy water that flooded through every inch of her, soaking into her muscle tissue and suddenly she could feel a cold sweat starting to bleed through her skin.
The stallion s expression was impossible to read through those goggles, but he looked so calmly that it terrified her beyond belief
Before she knew it, she was running away from him. Her hooves tearing up the path towards the only place near-by that she knew was safe, being the church. Gray and black slabs that marked the final resting place of so many ponies blurred past her as she tried her best to focus on her goal.
She turned her head to look behind her and almost let out a scream as she noticed that the stallion had taken off at a sprint after her. Effie had been hoping that he had simply been too drunk to do anything, but now she knew for certain that this stallion was a threat and that he wanted to do bad things to her.
Terror and adrenaline tore through her veins and rove her heart to pump at insane speeds, driving her forward with everything that she had.
And still the stallion gained on her. Her heart was thudding like mad in her chest, so loudly that she could hear it in her head, but even with that she could hear the terrible thudding of his hooves as he slowly gained on her.
She knew that there was no way she was going to make it across the whole graveyard to the church with the stallion chasing her at those speeds, but there was nothing else she could do.
He was going to catch her, and the only thing the poor mare could do was delay that and make him even more pissed off by running as fast as possible in a fruitless attempt to get away that ultimately would prove useless.
"Leave me alone!" She screeched as tears begin to pour down her cheeks. Her lungs felt like they were ablaze, she could taste copper in her mouth and her legs were shaking like they were made out of jelly. There was nothing that she could do to stop this, and she knew it.
Suddenly things went from bad to worse for her as one of her hooves suddenly caught on something, maybe a bit of uneven gravel, a clump of grass, a rock? It did not matter, all that mattered was that suddenly she was no longer sprinting away from the stallion and was now instead rolling across the ground with pain tearing at her from all sides as her whole world span and sent her tumbling along the grass towards a large oak tree.
Effie had scuffed herself rather badly, but still the fear drove her forward, made her refuse to give up against her will, her own instincts holding her hostage, forcing her to keep fighting even though she wanted to curl into a feral ball and cry to herself.
There was a laugh from behind her, and she begin to sob, snot and tears dripping onto the ground as she tried her best to crawl away from him, her heart feeling like it was going to burst at any moment as fear made the rational part of her mind shut down, being replaced by a feral need to get away.
There was no getting away however, and the stallion stepped over, kicking her in the side. A searing pain tore through her ribs as the wind was almost knocked from her lungs, sending her rolling over onto her back as she clutched at her ribs and stared at the almost manic face of the stallion that was now walking towards her.
The sense of dread that filled her body was indescribable, and suddenly she felt her bladder relax, a warm stream of bitter yellow fluid spilling from her virgin snatch and spilling outwards, soaking through her school dress in an instant and spilling onto the grass as she sobbed softly.
The dark stain on her dress must have been easily viable as the stallion let out a mocking laugh as he slowly walked towards her, one of his hooves suddenly snapping out to kick right between her legs.
It was like an atom bomb of pain, every one of her nerves screeching at her as she thrashed wildly and tried to crawl away from him. Of course, there was no where for her to go, and the only thing she could do was crawl backwards in a frantic and desperate attempt to get away from her attacker.
She felt the cold oak of the tree press into her back and let out a soft sob as she stared at the stallion who was now approaching her.
One of her hooves moved down to shield her groin which had recently endured a blow from the stallion. Her whole body hurt and was sore, and her virgin snatch was still screaming at her in pain, but she did not care.
"Why are you doing this! Leave me alone!" She screeched.
It did not stop the stallion in the slightest, he marched right up to her, to the point that she could smell the alcohol coming off him and see the rock hard length between her legs, a length that had got hard from her pain and suffering, and was no doubt about to cause her even more of both.
His powerful hoof crashed forward again and smacked square into her gut, causing her to scream again as the air was knocked from her lungs. She slammed backwards into the tree and was briefly stunned, before the stallion grabbed her with his free hoof and used it to pin her against the tree, cutting off her air supply and choking her at the same time, causing her to gag softly as she tried to kick him away, her attempts at which obviously proved fruitless.
"I'm doing this. Because mares like you need to be taught their fucking place," He growled threateningly, before grabbing onto her dress and pulling it downwards roughly, exposing her virgin snatch to the outside world and causing her to let out another screech.
The stallion pinned her down against the dirt and suddenly stuffed her dress into her mouth, allowing her to taste the bitter flavours of her own urine, before she choked on the large wad of fabric that had been stuffed into her maw.
He moved his agile hooves down and turned her dress into a rudimentary gag that forced her mouth open painfully wide and made her choke softly with each time the gag bumped against the back of her throat.
The stallion chuckled as he stepped over her and showed off his large member with a dark chuckle as he prepared to brutally rape her. She wanted to scream, but she knew at this point that screaming would likely just draw his ire even more.
She could smell the alcohol on his breath, she could tell that he had not had a shower in quite some time as he spread her legs apart.
He was several times stronger then her, so she simply lay there as tears begin to stream down her cheeks. She was scared that if she tried to attack the stallion he was simply going to end up killing her, and she really did not want to die, she still had so very much she hoped to do with her life.
The stallion pinned her down against the ground, staring into her eyes as he let out alcahol laden breathes that washed over her and made her flinch backwards.
"That s it girly. You can cry all you want, but if you try to get away like that again I m going to break off your wings and leave you to bleed out like a pig. Understand?"
His hoof pressed roughly into her crotch, feeling the heat that radiated from it. He then reached his hoof back and roughly swung it forward, smacking it straight into her cunt, which made her squeal in pain as an atom bomb went off between her legs, her eyes rolling up in her skull as he pushed his hips forward and lined his large member up with her virgin snatch.
His hooves gripped tightly at her shoulders and pinned her roughly against the ground, giving an aggressive growl as without the slightest hint of mercy he pushed his hips forward hard.
The head of his cock spread out the lips of her cunt and made her mewl in pain, it certainly hurt and the only thing stopping her from screaming out in agony was the gag and fear of the stallion above her.
That massive cock slowly slid into her cunt, making her back arch as her hooves dug into the ground and she tried desperately not to scream. It was hopless however, it felt like his cock was going to rip her apart.
Her scream was muffled by the gag, but the stallion s eyes above her burned hatefully and his hoof pulled back, swinging forward again and smacking into her muzzle. If he had wanted he could have shattered her muzzle easily, and even though it sickened her to admit it, she knew that he was going easy on her.
She sobbed softly as she felt the massive length inside of her, feeling like it was tearing her apart as he pushed forward, half of that thick cock buried inside of her.
Poor Effie knew that the whole thing was going to be buried inside of her whether she could take it or not, and the only thing she could do was take it.
The stallion laughed softly as his powerful hooves kept her roughly pinned, preventing her from struggling. They were the sort of hooves that had been through hell and back and carried the strain of several lifetime s worth of work.
And several lifetime s worth of stress were currently being forced down onto her fragile body as those powerful hips thrusted back and forth, that cock slamming in and out of her, trying to get deeper until it was bumping against the entrence to her womb, each thrust causing a squeal of pain to tear from her lips as her hooves dug frantically into the dirt, desperately trying to pull away from the massive cock that was causing her so much pain.
But of course, he was not going to allow that to happen, and the most terrifying thing about this stallion was the fact that he did all of this without his face displaying the slightest hint of emotion, like brutally raping and forcing himself onto her wasn t even a minor inconvenience to his day, and he was simply doing it to cause her pain.
His powerful hooves dug into her shoulders and he pushed his hips forward hard, making her howl in pain as the head of the cock suddenly slipped into her womb, making her back arch as an agonizing, searing pain ripped its way through her body.
It felt like she was being torn apart, but the next few inches of his cock sunk forward and made their home in her womb. She was pretty sure that she was bleeding, either from having her virginity taken or something more serious she could not be sure, but bright crimson life blood was currently coating his length in a thin smear that acted as lube to allow him to brutally rape her even harder then he would have been able to normally.
He did not seem to be getting any pleasure out of it himself, he simply seemed to be doing it to hurt her, his powerful hooves digging into her shoulder blades, threatening to crush them with a single motion as he fully hilted himself inside of her, speaking with that slurred voice that was tainted with whisky.
"That s it girly. Take my cock the it s all you re good for really, all that mares are good for if I m being honest. You should just give up on school now and become a prostitute, at least then you d be useful for something. " His sentences were disjointed and his insults would not normally have held much sting considering they were coming from a drunken wreck.
But in her current situation, they certainly helped bring even more tears to her eyes, making her sob loudly. As his cock twitched inside of her. Hopefully he would finish soon and then leave her alone to pull the tatters of her mind together.
His hoof cracked into her ribs, forcing the air from her lungs and making her attempt to curl into a ball in order to defend herself. It did not work with him holding her down however, and only earned a soft groan from the stallion as he seemed to finally show some semblence of pleasure, back arching as his hoof rubbed up and down his length. Clearly he was enjoying himself, just a little.
His cock spurted pre and he grit his teeth, leaning down to breathe next to her as he spoke. You feel that, girly? I m going to pump all my seed inside of you, and then you re going to get knocked up and everyone is going to know just how much of a whore you are!
He laughed, and then slammed his hoof into her neck, which caused her to gag loudly, eyes flying wide as she moved both her hooves to try and shield her neck from a follow-up blow.
He growled down at her, letting the stench of his breath wash over her as his cock throbbed and spewed pre all over her insides, preparing to blow at a moment s notice as his thrusting became even more aggressive.
It felt like at any moment she was going to be ripped apart by his cock while waiting for an orgasm that never came, his cock rubbing her insides raw as she desperately tried to pull herself away from him.
It did not work however, and the stallion soon let out a deep, throaty cry as he forced his hips forward hard, the head of his cock getting wedged into her womb, making her scream in pain as her hooves dug roughly into the ground, actually tearing up divots of dirt beneath them as she squealed to the heavens.
And then the stallion gave a soft grunt as he hilted firmly inside of her, letting out a raspy, unhealthy sounding noise as his cock gave a few soft throbs, before thick ropes of his hot, fertile seed were suddenly blasted from the head of his cock and begin to fill her womb up.
By this point she was beyond broken, going totally limp in his grasp as all the stress seemed to leave the stallion at about the same time all the hope leaked out of her, feeling her womb swell slightly from the massive amount of warm seed that was blasted into it.
Her eyes were blank and she was so still that one might mistake her for a corpse. There was nothing that she could do, the stallion had dominated her inside and out.
After several seconds of weakly working his hips back and forth, he groaned softly and pulled his cock from out of her. The pressure of the cum that was buried inside of her caused it to backwash from out of her womb, the red streaked fluid flowing from out of her snatch, dripping down the inside of her thighs as the stallion tossed her to the ground like some used up piece of rubbish.
"Mmm, that was good darlin thank you for being such a good little whore for me. I see a bright fuckin future for you, if you work at it." He said, digging about within his jacket and taking out a roll of cash.
He flicked through it for a few moments, humming to himself like he had not just committed a horrible, heinous crime against an innocent young mare. He took a fifty bit bill and looked it over, then tossed it down to her.
It fluttered and floated through the air for several moments, before finally landing on her belly.
"Well, it was a pleasure darlin Hopefully I ll be seein you around on the street sometimes. If you do end up havin a kid, don t come crawlin to me."
With that, the stallion turned and walked away from her. She could not move. Her mind felt trapped, trapped in a prison of pain and flesh that refused to follow her orders.
She was numb, able to feel the warm cum that was dripping down the inside of her legs and on the ground, shuddering softly as she leaned back against the ground.
Tears were dripping down her cheeks, and her insides hurt. From above, the heavens seemed to be sharing her pain, the slate gray clouds slowly opening up into a light, hazy rain that splattered down onto her coat and blended in with her tears.
She did not know how long she lay there, sobbing softly to herself as she hoped desperately to come and help her. It wasn t going to happen however, and after a while she dragged herself to her aching hooves slowly and let a groan tear from her lips.
She still felt broken, but she did not care at this point. She just wanted to get home and curl up in her room
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