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Vintage Pop

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-22 22:01:38
Expiry: Never

  1. F-Chat Log: Vintage Pop, Wed May 22 2024 16:56:31 GMT-0500 (Central Daylight Time)
  2. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop giggles. "Oral for the content? Never tried that before!"
  3. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Oh, Hey there!
  4. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Yeah, I really need textual content to show I can get ponies off and then plaster it on my profile! Pleaae just post about me and call me a good pony and let me give you oral?
  5. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Usually I am straight and do guys, but if its for the the content...
  6. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop smiles and giggles more. "First time going down on another lady?"
  7. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Uhm....
  8. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Yes....
  9. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: >_<
  10. [2024/05/22]*Pipp PetaIs blushes
  11. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Can you tell me how you like it?
  12. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop turns around so her big, fat rear faces the pegasus and hikes her tail up nice and high, giving her a good view of those puffy pony pussy lips. "I'm not too picky! Lots of quick flicks of the tongue right over my clit! Show me how you like it, too!"
  13. [2024/05/22]*Pipp PetaIs dials up her phone, letting it make some noise. "And today, pippsqueaks uhm... *facd mounts the csmera, and then puts my tongue up towards your lips. I give it a few licks on livestream, flicking my tongue at your clit, running the tip repeatedly against it amd pushing inside, giving long, wet laps.
  14. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: *face mounts the camera
  15. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: For the content, pipp. For the content!!
  16. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop widens her stance a little, her clit winking for the camera. "Tell them it's your first time going down on a mare!" Her own cunt gets nice and slick with her arousal, smelling heavily of estrus that close to her nose.
  17. [2024/05/22]*Pipp PetaIs licks lots, getting estrus juice all over my snout as I go deep, flicking my tongue along your clit non stop as I pull back, panting heavily. "You sae okay with this being posted?" *i turn to the camera* "this uh, is me, giving a mare orwl for the first time, her estrus smells
  18. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: ....
  19. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: "It smells really good!"
  20. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop giggles. "I want everyone knowing I'm the mare who turned you lesbian!" She grinds back against the pegasus's face, smearing her arousal all over her snout. "Bet I smell and taste way better than some stallion."
  21. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: I took a lot of cocks... *sniffs, licks more, keeps licks and doesn't care, basically giving your snatch a french kiss as I go in for more and more juice, rubving my tongue all over and flicking your clit
  22. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: *
  23. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: ♡
  24. [2024/05/22]*Pipp PetaIs looks at the camera "she tastes ***really*** good
  25. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop continues winking and starts drooling her arousal out as she's eaten out. "Really get in there with your tongue! Make me squirt like a good girl!"
  26. [2024/05/22]*Pipp PetaIs goes in deeper, french kissing tour nether lips and putting my snout in there as I lick deeper, flicking my whole tongue over your clit and behind it as I hold your flanks tight, barely breathing from all the effort put into your snatch.
  27. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop soon hits her peak, whinnying out as she absolutely soaks Pipp's face in her squirt. Her clit winks madly as she rides out her lengthy orgasm, shuddering and spilling maresquirt over the pegasus and the ground below.
  28. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: *licks it up, looking back at the camera with a wet face, blushing heavily. "Would you like to tell the pippsqueaks anything?"
  29. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop giggles, giving her rump a shake. "Pipp's a very good girl for making me cum like that!"
  30. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: ♡
  31. [2024/05/22]Pipp PetaIs: Yes ma'am.
  32. [2024/05/22]*Vintage Pop turns around and gives the pegasus a kiss on the lips. "Maybe one day she'll even eat pussy like a real pro."

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