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Director Anon - Star ponies

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-23 02:43:48
Expiry: Never

  1. Food Kart Anon is really dry right now so I wanted to try something goofy instead.
  3. >Crying out in pain Twilight Skywalker falls back clutching her wounded hoof to her side as she crawls perilously backwards on a single narrow beam, the only thing keeping her from falling to her doom.
  4. > An Alicorn clothed in dark cumbersome armour slowly moves toward her. The dark ponies respirator noisily doing its work, echoing in the large almost empty room.
  5. >Darth Celestia “There is no escape. Don’t make me destroy you.”
  6. >Darth Celestia inches closer.
  7. >Twilight keeps sliding backwards. Trying to get as far away as possible.
  8. >Darth Celestia “Twilight you do not yet realize your importance. You have only begun to discover your power. Join me and I will complete your training. With our combined strength we can end this destructive conflict and bring order to Equestria!”
  9. >Twilight clenches her teeth in pain. “I’ll never join you!”
  10. >Darth Celestia “If you only knew the power of the Dark Elements!”
  11. >Twilight finds herself at the edge of the beam. Clutching onto anything she can with her working hoof.
  12. >Darth Celestia “Obi Luna never told you what happened to your mother.”
  13. >Twilight “He told me enough. He told me your killed him!”
  14. >Darth Celestia reaching out her hoof to Twilight” No…….I am your mother!”
  15. >Twilight shakes her head as if in a daze. “No…that’s not true.”
  16. >Twilight screams. “That’s impossible!”
  17. >Darth Celestia “No its true. Anon told me!”
  18. >Twilight “What?!”
  19. Anon” Oh come on! Celestia!”
  20. Anon throws his megaphone on the ground.
  21. “Just reed the dam lines! We can’t keep doing this.”
  22. >Celestia pulls off her dark and evil helmet.
  23. >Celestia ”This story is stupid. You said we were going to make a comedy!”
  24. Anon ”At no point did I say we were doing a comedy. You are KILLING ME Celestia! Literally KILLING ME”
  25. >Celestia “Its my bits you’re using to make this film and I want to make a comedy!”
  26. Anon “Your just stabbing me in the heart”
  27. >Celestia “With all these funny costumes I bet we could put on one of the best comedies ever made!”
  28. Anon “Twisting the knife! Revelling my blood!”
  29. >Twilight “Can I move yet. This metal is really cold and its hard to hold on with one hoof.”
  30. Anon “Get down? GET OUT! Everyone just get out! Leave me! Broken and alone!”
  31. >The whole set comes apart as all the various crew members disperse.
  32. >Anon slumps onto the ground moving into the fetal position as he starts to quietly sob.
  33. >Celestia “You don’t have to completely change the movie. I’m just saying, a pie in the face here and there would really make the whole thing come together so much nicer then cutting off poor ponies hooves or freezing them in blocks of ice…”
  34. Celestia chatters on. Not knowing or not caring that I stopped listening.
  35. I am Anonymous and I have been given the task of bringing human cinema to Equestria. I have been given full creative control barring a few incredibly giant exceptions.
  36. Celestia must act in each film. Hr friends have to be given parts and she gets to do whatever she wants.
  37. Luna was going to be Darth pony but no. Celestia wanted to be the one with the dark past and cool armour. Celestia couldn’t kill off Twilights parents. That would be too mean. Put them in space jail she says.
  38. No lightsabers allowed she says. Only implied violence she says.
  39. Celestia be damned I will make this movie,
  40. I will share Stars Wars with Equestria.
  41. No matter what.

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