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Mission Report

By asd
Created: 2024-05-25 21:36:19
Expiry: Never

  1. A changeling spy reports to Chrysalis.
  3. ”My queen.” He bows before his monarch.
  4. The nods in acknowledgement. ”I take you have come to report of your mission?” Chrysalis asks.
  5. ”Yes, my queen.” He bows further.
  6. ”You may begin then. Leave nothing out.”
  7. The changeling gets up and begins to talk:
  9. ”To begin, the mission was a success. As you know, I was to infiltrate an estate of a noble family who had a magical artifact in their possession that was more powerful than they had realized.”
  10. Chrysalis chuckled. “Those pony fools. They could never realize true power when they see it. It is good to see the artifact in proper hooves indeed. Good work.”
  11. ”Thank you, my queen.”
  12. ”Now tell me the details!” Chrysalis ordered.
  14. The changeling actually looked somewhat embarrassed by this, but before the queen would question that, he began to speak:
  15. ”Once I tracked down and sufficiently scouted their rather large residence, I figured my best chance of infiltration would be to impersonate their daughter, who was at school at the time.”
  16. Chrysalis nodded. “A standard tactic.”
  17. ”Indeed, and it proved to be effective in getting passed the estate’s staff. I managed to get the item and make my way out.”
  18. The embarrassed look came back. Chrysalis took notice of it this time. “Then what happened?” She asked.
  19. The changeling paused for a bit. ”There were some… complications.” He said quietly.
  20. Chrysalis blinked, confused. “Complications?”
  21. ”Let’s just say it was a minor work injury.” He blushed.
  22. Chrysalis had enough of his vagueness. “Out with it! I demand to know all!”
  24. The changeling jumped a little. “W-well.” He began. “I was on my way out, but unfortunately, both of the nobles just happened to be walking by.”
  25. ”So?” Chrysalis asked. “What was the issue?”
  26. ”As I have stated earlier, the filly was supposed to be in school, hence why I could safely impersonate her.”
  27. ”Ah, so I take they were angry?”
  28. ”Quite. They certainly had a penchant for scolding.”
  29. ”And what does a scolding have to do with this “workplace injury”?” Chrysalis asked, still confused.
  31. The changeling blushed again. Rare for a trained spy. “As you know, ponies have been known to punish their young if they misbehave.”
  32. ”Of course, that is standard for all species.” Chryalis frowned. “Don’t tell me that you, a trained spy of mine fell victim to a basic child’s punishment from a bunch of pathetic weak ponies?”
  33. The changeling shook his head “Of course not! I kept my disguise and got the item. I was not caught!”
  34. ”You better not have been! And you still did not tell me about the injury!”
  36. The spy stepped back a little. “It happened after that!” He reassured. “S-so after their lecture, I was dragged to another room, I assume the filly’s, I had managed to hide the artifact near a plant while I was being dragged.”
  37. ”And then?”
  38. ”Well, that’s where the punishment comes in.”
  39. Chrysalis scoffed. ”What did they do? Lecture you some more?”
  40. ”No, they… um…”
  41. ”What?”
  42. ”Well, mother pulled me on her lap after she sat down on a bed.”
  43. ”… Then?” Chrysalis asked hesitantly, finally getting where her spy was going with this.
  44. ”They, uh, spanked me.”
  45. ”They spanked you?” Chrysalis asked, dumbfounded.
  46. The changeling suppressed a groan. “Yes, they spanked me.”
  48. ”Well, this is unexpected.” Chrysalis thought. She’s heard some odd mission reports before, but “Spanked by ponies” wasn’t among them. Frankly, she found it hilarious, but held back her laughter to maintain her all important powerful authority figure look.
  50. Still, she had to ask:
  52. ”Did it hurt?”
  53. The spy nodded. “A lot, surprisingly. I did not expect ponies to hit that hard.”
  54. The queen had to suppress more laughs, something which she found quite hard to do. “I take you at least took the spanking in a way that represented the hive in a proud manner?” She asked sternly to distract herself from laughing.
  55. ”Umm.”
  56. ”You cried, didn’t you?” Chrysalis was fighting hard to keep her lips from curling upwards.
  57. ”I… was disguised as a filly, my queen. I had to keep up with appearances.” The spy nervously said.
  58. ”So you pretended that the… spanking had greatly effected you?”
  59. ”Yes.”
  61. Chrysalis somehow doubted that the spy was telling the truth about that, but decided to let it go this time. She desperately wanted to dismiss him as soon as possible if she was keep looking dignified.
  63. "And after that?”
  64. ”They sent me back to school, said something about another spanking when I got home, but I ran out to avoid their wrath.” He stared into at Chrysalis’s gaze. “So as to not compromise the mission!” He hastily added.
  65. ”And the artifact?”
  66. ”I got it out safely from its hiding spot on the way out. I already transferred it to our researchers for study.”
  67. ”Yes, that is fine.” Chrysalis said. “Good work, dismissed!”
  68. In truth, she wanted to ask him some more, but also wanted him out of the room quickly.
  69. ”Yes, my queen!” The spy saluted and quickly walked out.
  71. He inadvertently showed his reddened rump, which Chrysalis did not notice beforehand as he left. Seems like he forgot to transform to hide it. Chrysalis couldn't help but smirk at that.
  73. As soon as the door shut, the queen cast a noise cancelling spell on the room and began to laugh her flank off. She knew she shouldn’t find this funny, but the idea of a trained spy getting spanked like that…
  75. As much as she hated to admit it, it was absolutely hilarious to her. Of course, she would never show or admit that to her subjects. That would harm her reputation as a stern and serious ruler. But as she was alone, she had no issues indulging herself.
  77. Meanwhile.
  79. A certain filly walked home from school.
  81. It was a good day for her so far: A test got cancelled, she had a great time playing with her friends in recess and it was a more chill school day overall.
  83. Entering the estate, she decided to grab some snacks from the kitchen.
  85. ”And where do you think you’re going, missy?!” Demanded her father, who had appeared behind her.
  86. ”Huh? J-just to the kitchen to-“
  87. ”Oh, no, first we need to deal with your second spanking!”
  88. ”What?!”
  89. Her mother, who now joined him nodded. “Indeed, you were so much more squirmy then usual earlier, but that won’t stop your father from giving it to you just as hard now!”
  90. ”Earlier?” The filly asked in confusion.
  91. The stallion shook his head. “Look at how her rump already healed. Clearly, she didn’t get spanked that hard if it’s not red anymore. If anything, I need to spank her harder!”
  92. ”But-Gah!”
  94. The mother began to drag the little filly to her room by the ear as dad followed suite, ready to dish out a serious spanking for skipping school while the poor shocked and terrified filly had no idea why this was happening.
  96. Her day was officially ruined.

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