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Hurts You And Me

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:00:19
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:12:20
Expiry: Never

  1. R=Mare Rainbow Dash
  2. D=Filly Rainbow Dash
  4. R has to take care of her younger self due to time travel shenanigans.
  5. It Began quite smoothly; D is a lot like Scootaloo.
  6. R was quickly reminded why even her hyper fanpony parents had to punish her at times.
  7. D was way too hyperactive, even for a young filly, rude to other’s and kept touching things she shouldn't have.
  8. R finally snaps when D breaks her Wonderbolts trophy.
  9. D:"Eh, no big deal, you know how mom and dad keep giving those out like candy."
  10. R is now very angry and orders D to clean up the mess.
  11. D obeys, (grumbling) but manages to break two more trophies in the process.
  12. R tells D to be more careful, D responds by rudely brushing her off.
  13. R is now raging. Something unknown comes over her.
  14. She picks D up, puts her under her armpit and flies up into the air.
  15. Hoofspanking commences.
  16. D whines, complains and struggles to escape, but to no avail.
  17. R soon comes to her senses and stops, but quickly decides that her younger self needs more discipline.
  18. She grabs her largest wooden mainbrush, takes D to couch and puts
  19. her over her knee, ignoring D's pleading and complaining.
  20. R starts giving D a thorough brushing.
  21. She tries her best to spank D just like her parents used to spank her, she does pretty well all things considered.
  22. D is acting just like she used to over mom or dads lap.
  23. Every part of D’s rump is smacked, leaving it with a nice red color
  24. R finally finishes and pauses to think for a bit on what mom or dad used to do after her spankings.
  25. R hugs D.
  26. D: So uncool, you totally didn't have to do that!
  27. R: Sorry D, but you totally had that one coming for a while. If I remember my time as you correctly, mom and dad would have spanked me way earlier.
  28. D: ...Yea, whatever.
  29. Shortly after this exchange D is sent to corner for half an hour. She complains, but a quick spanking threat gets her to obey.
  30. Corner time soon ends, all is forgiven .
  31. R’s time spent with D goes much smoother after this.
  32. D is still hyperactive and occasionally troublesome, but she’s much more manageable.
  33. If she goes too far R just threatens her with another spanking.
  34. Works pretty well most of the time. If it doesn’t the answer is obvious.
  35. R now understands why the more unpleasant times spent with her parents had to happen and reminds herself to visit them sometime and thank them for putting up with her.
  41. Pinkie=Mare Pinkie Pie
  42. Pie=Filly Pinkie Pie
  44. Pie has recently come into the care of her older counterpart.
  45. The two Pinkie’s had a lot of fun together.
  46. Pie had just recently acquired her cutie mark in her time, so she was still learning about her new "lifestyle".
  47. Pinkie was happy to teach her all about herself.
  48. The Cakes also liked Pie, Pinkie was practically family to them and they didn’t mind getting to know her as a filly.
  49. Pie was Pinkie when she was a filly and knowing Pinkie, you’d expect her to be a hoofful and unfortunately, she was.
  50. She would try to imitate Pinkie in practically everything, even things she wasn't quite ready for.
  51. She tried baking (without permission), which didn't end very well, her attempts at pranking came off as mean spirited to some ponies and her constant attempts at humor were more disruptive then funny. She was also incredibly hyperactive.
  52. Even the Cakes, who were perhaps the most used to Pinkie’s tendencies were getting bothered by Pie.
  53. After hearing complaints Pinkie knew she had to do something.
  54. It all accumulated in a prank gone wrong which almost resulted in an injury.
  55. Pinkie quickly apologized to Mr. and Mrs. Cake and took Pie to her room.
  56. Pinkie: That prank of yours coulda gone s little better.
  57. Pie: I'm super-duper sorry Pinkie, I thought-
  58. Pinkie: I already forgave you, silly! But I kiiinda have to punish you.
  59. Pie: Aww
  60. Pinkie: You know, when I got my cutie mark, I was just like you. I got into whole sorts of trouble. Mom and dad always made sure to punish me for them.
  61. Pie looked a bit nervous now. She knew how her parents usually punished their daughters whenever they needed one.
  62. Pie: H-how?
  63. Pinkie: With spankings of course!
  64. Pie: Are you gonna spank me?
  65. Pinkie nodded sadly.
  66. Pie quickly backed away.
  67. Pinkie: Come on, let’s get this done as quickly as possible.
  68. Pie Pinkie her best puppy dog eyes, Pinkie countered with her own.
  69. The two stared at each other like this for a bit before Pie gave up and made her way over to Pinkie’s lap.
  70. Pinkie Pulled out a wooden spoon out of nowhere and quickly got the chastisement started. She wanted to be quick after all.
  71. Pinkie was surprisingly thorough and all of Pie’s pink fanny was covered.
  72. The spoon made loud popping noises as it connected and Pie’s screams were even louder.
  73. The cakes, whom heard the whole thing were quite shocked, but understanding.
  74. Pie kicked and struggled and plenty of tears poured out of her eyes.
  75. Pinkie finished with six hard smacks to the sit spots.
  76. And thus, the spanking was over and the comforting could commence.
  77. Once Pie managed to calm down, Pinkie brought her downstairs.
  78. Pie apologized to the cakes, whom easily forgave her.
  79. Pinkie and Pie cleaned up the mess caused by Pie’s earlier prank during which Pinkie offered to give Pie some baking lessons.
  80. Pie was overjoyed and the cakes were impressed by Pinkies handling of the situation and were happy to know that they could count on her to foalsit their children even when they eventually get older.
  86. T=Mare Twilight Sparkle
  87. S=Filly Twilight Sparkle
  89. S’s time spent in the castle has been an interesting, albeit somewhat predictable experience.
  90. Once the wonder and questions ran out, S spent most of her time with her nose in the books of the castle library. This was not much of a surprise to the castles other inhabitants.
  91. It was usually Spike who made sure S eats, drinks and takes care of herself properly.
  92. It was almost like looking back to his earliest days as T’s assistant, except this time she was a filly.
  93. One day, S was reading through the books as usual, but this time a certain spell she read about caught her interest.
  94. As you would expect from a filly with a cutie mark representing magic, she wanted to try it out herself.
  95. The first problem with this was that she had absolutely no permission to do so.
  96. The second one was the fact that it was a dangerous spell for a filly to tackle alone.
  97. And the third problem was the fact that nopony was in the castle to supervise her.
  98. Before she could begin casting the spell a certain “who” caught her attention. It was Owlicious. S was surprised as the nocturnal owl rarely came out of his nest during the day.
  99. S: What is it Owlicious? Can’t you see that I am in the middle of something here?
  100. Owlicious: Who!
  101. S: Look, Miss Fluttershy’s not here and I can’t understand you so just leave me alone!
  102. Owlicious knew the filly wouldn’t listen to him, so he flew out of the library to get help.
  103. S began casting the spell as the book had shown her. It took a great deal of concentration.
  104. She almost managed to cast it (or more accurately miscast it) when a certain dragon barged in yelling “Stop!” and tackling her to the ground.
  105. S: Spike?! What are you doing?! I almost had that spell cast!
  106. Spike: More like you almost caused a big disaster had I not been here. Didn’t T tell you not to try casting spells like this without supervision?
  107. S: Oh please, it was just one spell. I’m sure T would understand with her being me.
  108. Spike: Yea, we’ll see about that. I’m not letting you out of my sight till T gets here and then we’ll tell her everything!
  109. Spike kept true to his word and refused to leave S’s side. He didn’t even let S try casting any more magic no matter how much she complained.
  110. T soon returned from her princess duties and it turned out that S was wrong about her assumption. T was far madder at her then S expected.
  111. T: What were you thinking trying to cast a spell that dangerous alone?!
  112. S: I c-could have handled it!
  113. T: No you couldn’t! I tried casting it when I was your age and Celestia…
  114. S: What did Princess Celestia do?
  115. T didn’t answer. She thought back to her own incident with the exact same spell. Celestia gave her the very first spanking she ever received. And for good reason as she later found out what that spell could do if attempted by an inexperienced unicorn. Maybe it was time to give her younger counterpart the same lesson.
  116. T: Spike, I’ll take her to my room. Please give us some privacy.
  117. S: Wait your room? Why-
  118. T grabbed S and teleported away before anything else could be said.
  119. S: Why did you bring me here?
  120. T: We need to talk.
  121. S: About what?
  122. T: ‘Sigh’ you know that spell you were about to cast?
  123. S: Of course! It-
  124. T: I know what it does, and I also know that you are not ready to cast it yet, nor will you be ready for some time.
  125. S: B-but I studied it carefully! Surely from the knowledge I gained from this time period could help me pull it off!
  126. T: It really can’t. Trust me, I tried and I’m lucky that Celestia caught me otherwise who knows what might have happened. Speaking of which, I also remember her punishing me personally. I’m going to have to punish you the same way, alright?
  127. S: T-the Princess had to punish me herself?
  128. T: Yea, with a spanking.
  129. S: Wait what?!
  130. Before S could protest any further, T quickly pulled her over her knee and cast a spell that made her hoof grow with her magical aura.
  131. S: You can’t! I never-
  132. ‘Smack!’
  133. S: Aah!
  134. T wanted to waste no time as she landed the first smack, the spell she had cast gave her hoof an extra bit of stinging power thus removing the need for an implement.
  135. ‘Smack!’ Slap!’
  136. S: Yah!
  137. S was not used to this as she had never been spanked prior to this.
  138. S: Stop, please! I can’t-Eep!
  139. T decided to ignore S for the duration of the punishment. The same way her mentor did back in the day.
  140. ‘Swat!’ ‘Smack!’ ‘Slap!’
  141. S: Nonononoooo!
  142. The filly tried escaping, but of course, she couldn’t. She had no choice but to take every hard swat even if she thought she couldn’t.
  143. ‘Smack!’ ‘Slap!’ ‘Smack!’
  144. Poor S cried her eyes out. T was quite harsh with her charge, although she did remember Celestia being even harsher with her in the past.
  145. ‘Slap!’ ‘Slap!’ ‘Swat!’
  146. S: Waaaah!
  147. Soon the final spanks landed and T rubbed S’s back as she slowly calmed down.
  148. T: Now, I don’t think I need to tell you again why I had to punish you, do I?
  149. S: N-no, I’m s-sorry.
  150. T: ‘Whew’ good, are you alright?
  151. S: It still ‘sniff’ it still hurts.
  152. T: That’s part of a spanking. I will fade away later. In the meantime, I’m going to make sure you remember this lesson.
  153. Before S could respond T grabbed her with her magic and made her way to her study desk. There S was gently placed down on the hard-wooden chair. S tried jumping off, but was held down.
  154. S: Let me go! It hurts!
  155. T: That’s the point, young filly! Now, I want you to start writing lines.
  156. T grabbed a sheet of paper and a quill with some ink.
  157. T: I want you to write: “I will not try practicing new spells without proper supervision.” And I want you to write it down one hundred times.
  158. S: B-but I-
  159. T: Unless you want a repeat of earlier.
  160. S: I’ll do it!
  161. T: Good, and remember, no rubbing and no getting up. I’ll be here watching you.
  162. And T did watch. She watched as the miserable filly slowly wrote down the requested lines all the while squirming, whimpering and occasionally begging in her hard, uncomfortable seat. T of course ignored her and she wouldn’t try anything beyond that, so the lines were eventually complete.
  163. After that, T gave S one more short lecture and then took her to Spike and Owlicious to thank them for essentially saving her.
  164. Dinner was quite awkward with one of the ponies constantly squirming in her seat while eating. Even with a pillow under her.
  165. In the end all was forgiven and things soon returned to normal, although S was required to go outside and meet with other ponies more often after this, much to her dismay and eventual acceptance.
  171. A= Mare Applejack
  172. J= Filly Applejack
  174. J had spent quite some time living in the future version of her home now and has managed to stay mostly out of trouble.
  175. Until now.
  176. Recently J has had a little adventure in Ponyville. One which resulted in plenty of property damage and dangerous situations. She lied about it ever happening and of course A found out.
  177. As such she now found herself being dragged by her ear to the barn by A, who held her carpet beater in her mouth.
  178. J: ‘Ow!’ Can we talk about this?
  179. A: Ah believe we said all that needed to be said about this, unless you have a confession to make?
  180. J: N-no.
  181. The two Allpejack’s soon made it to the barn, A put the carpet beater down on a haystack and grabbed an empty wooden crate and a towel that was kept in there. She then pushed the crate in the middle of the barn and draped the towel across it.
  182. A: Alright, let’s get this over with. Bend over!
  183. J: Ahm really sorry please give me another chance!
  184. A: Would you have gotten away with this in your own time?
  185. J: No.
  186. A : And yer not getting away with it now either. Now come here and bend over!
  187. A: Ah suppose ah could hold you down give you twice as many swings.
  188. J’s eyes widened.
  189. J: Ahm coming! Ahm coming!
  190. J made her way to the crate and slowly bent over it. A grabbed the carpet beater.
  191. A: Now ahm gonna give you ten of the best. Ahm sure ah don’t need to tell you to stay still and keep yer hoof and till outta the way.
  192. J didn’t respond and just braced herself.
  193. A raised the carpet beater high into the air, then swung it down on her younger self.
  194. ‘Thwack!’
  195. J: ‘Yeep!’
  196. The implement left quite a nice pattern on J’s bum. It wouldn’t remain the same for long.
  197. ‘Crack!’
  198. J: ‘Aaah!’ Ahm sorry!
  199. A: Ah hope so.
  200. ‘Tap!’
  201. J bucked her hind legs and squirmed in her place. The carpet beater was something new to her and so was the burning sensation it left in its wake.
  202. ‘Thwack!’ ‘Thwack!’
  203. J cried out at both hits. She was squirming heavily in her place and felt like her butt was on fire, a painful fire she desperately wanted to put out, or at least lesson.
  204. ‘Crack!’
  205. On sheer reflex, J put her tail on front of her flank, blocking it from A.
  206. A: Move the tail!
  207. J: Pleeaase ah can’t take it anymore!
  208. A: One!
  209. A: Two!
  210. A: Thr-
  211. J: Stop! Ahl move it! Ahl move it!
  212. J did so, her fanny now as exposed as before.
  213. A: Do that again and ahl start over and give you double.
  214. J: ‘Gulp.’ Are you gonna give me extra?
  215. A: Two more.
  216. J whimpered as she prepared herself for the coming swats.
  217. ‘Crack!’
  218. J already had a hard time stopping herself from blocking again. She was sure this was harder than before.
  219. ‘Smack!’
  220. Of course, this was not true. A spanked just as hard as before the short break, but the squirming, huffing and sobbing J didn’t notice.
  221. ‘Thwack!’ ‘Thwack!’
  222. J: Aaaahahaaaa! staaahp!
  223. ‘Tap!’
  224. J: Noooooo!
  225. ‘Thwack!’
  226. J: Ah can’t take it anymooore! Please, please, please stop!
  227. A: Already did, sugercube.
  228. J cried on the crate for a while with A rubbing her back.
  229. A: Want me to leave you alone for a bit?
  230. J: Mhm.
  231. A: Alright, just be back for dinner okay?
  232. J: Kay.
  233. With that, A left the barn leaving J to weep alone. Soon Applebloom would be sent to get her and ended up telling her about the spankings A would occasionally gave her. In return, she would tell stories about her own spankings in the past.
  234. Dinner was a painful and embarrassing affair.

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