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Boast Busters alternate ending

By asd
Created: 2020-12-18 10:01:24
Updated: 2023-10-21 12:12:59
Expiry: Never

  1. Boast Busters
  3. The Ursa Minor has successfully been dealt with by Twilight Sparkle and with the entire town gathered and Trixie having ran away all that had to be done was decide what to do with the two colts who had brought the beast to the town in the first place.
  5. “Now, about you two.”
  7. “Oh were sorry that we woke up the Ursa minor.”
  8. “We just wanted to see some awesome magic.”
  9. “Yea and how you vanquished that Ursa Minor was awesome.
  11. Twilight just glared. The two colts bowed before her.
  13. “We deserve whatever punishment you’ll give us.”
  15. “For starters you can clean up this mess.”
  16. Twilight looked at the crowd.
  17. “And secondly, with your parents’ permission, there’s one more thing.
  18. “Go right ahead miss Sparkle.” Said Snip’s mom.
  19. “Whatever you do I’m sure it will be fair and save us the trouble!” Shouted Snails’ dad, who was further away.
  20. “Alright then.”
  21. Her horn glowed with a purple aura and the tails of the colts were lifted, they were then turned around with their tails and forced to face away from Twilight and finally, their entire backsides were lifted via their tails so that the two troublemakers were forced to stand on their fore hooves.
  23. “Wh-what are you doing?!”
  24. “Why are you holding us like this?!”
  26. “I think it’s pretty obvious to everypony, except you apparently."
  28. She grabbed two of the smoothest pieces of wood she could find from the wreckage of Trixie’s cart, and after checking to make sure no splinters would get in the way, she gave both colts a firm whack on their exposed backside with them.
  30. “Yah!”
  31. “Ow!”
  33. Four more swats landed on the naughty colts’ behind as they yelped and ow-d at each one. Twilight then turned to the crowd.
  35. “Alright ponies, how many do they deserve?!”
  37. There were many suggestions, however most of the town eventually agreed on a good twenty-five as long as the two colts cleaned the wrecked cart up nicely.
  39. “Twenty-five it is! I hope you two learn from this.”
  41. “W-wait!”
  42. “Were sor-EEH!”
  43. Twilight had begun.
  44. “You two (Crack! Crack!) Said (Smack! Smack!) That you (Thwack! Thwack!) deserve every (Crack! Thwack!) every punishment I’ll give you (Smack! Crack!), and I’m incline to agree with that statement!”
  46. Snips and Snails were already in tears, their hooves kicking about in the air fruitlessly as the wooden pieces of the mess they made kept crashing down upon their exposed buttocks. Twilight for her part, kept silent and just focused on her targets, which had already gone pink and had started to redden with each smack, of which fifteen was already delivered.
  48. Meanwhile, the crowd was satisfied that the troublemakers were receiving an appropriate punishment. The younger ones in the crowd would surely be teasing them at school tomorrow.
  50. ‘Crack! Crack!’ ‘Smack! Smack! ‘Thwack! Thwack!’
  52. That was twenty now, it was time for the final five. The parents, who had come to the front row early in order to ensure that Twilight would do this safely and to judge whether or not they would have to add some swats of their own nodded in satisfaction.
  54. “Pleeease!” Shouted Snails.
  55. “Stoooop!” Begged Snips.
  56. “Were sooorryyy!” They both yelled.
  57. “I certainly hope so.”
  59. ‘Smack! Smack!’
  60. “Ah!”
  61. “Ow!”
  62. ‘Crack! Thwack!’
  63. “Noooo!”
  64. “Eeeh!”
  65. ‘Crack! Crack!’
  66. “Ahahahaaaa!”
  67. “Awoooo!”
  68. ‘Thwack! Thwack!’
  69. “Ayeeee!”
  70. “Ouch!”
  71. ‘Crack! Smack!’
  72. “WAAAAAAH!”
  74. Twilight let the colts go and the entire town watched as they furiously rubbed their burning red butts. They only stopped when Twilight walked up to them and gave them both an icepack which she had teleported there.
  76. “Don’t take too long nursing your bottoms! You still have a broken wagon to clean!”
  78. “Yes miss Twilight.” They both said.
  80. And they did, under the supervision of their parents, of course. They had decided not to spank the two anymore, however both of them were on hot water for a while and any misbehavior would surely earn them another sore (or sorer) fanny.
  82. Twilight for her part, went back home with Spike in tow. Spike looked guilty so Twilight questioned him.
  84. “Is something wrong, Spike?”
  85. “You know, I also tried pitting you two against each other and all that. I can’t help but feel that this is my fault as well.”
  86. “Well Spike, did you help bring that Ursa into the town?”
  87. “Of course not!”
  88. “Then it’s not your fault!”
  90. They had finally made it home.
  92. “Still can’t help but feel guilty.”
  93. Twilight rolled her eyes and activated her magic once again. A small spark of light flew out of her horn and rammed into Spike’s backside, shocking it. A common punishment used on the young dragon, pretty much the equivalent of a warning swat.
  95. “Yelp! What did you do that for?!”
  96. “Now you have no reason to feel guilty.”
  97. “Grrr, I didn’t say you should do that!”
  98. “Do you still feel guilty?”
  99. “Hmph, no.”
  100. “Then it served its purpose!”
  101. The two went inside while Snips and Snails spent the night on cleaning duty with their sore bums.

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