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From 4chan

By Guest
Created: 2024-05-27 21:08:32
Updated: 2024-06-01 20:37:33
Expiry: Never

  1. >You are Daring Do.
  2. >The single most awesomest pony in Equestria.
  3. >And now, you up against the most fearsome, deadly, terrifying, evil monster to ever exist!
  4. >The mighty alien stands before a throne of skulls and blood.
  5. >"Pathetic little pony! Your world will soon fall under my might! Now surrender, and I will make you a general in my robot army!"
  6. "No thanks. I work alone."
  7. >You respond in a really cool way.
  8. >The alien roars and unleashes his incredible laser beam attack.
  9. >You fly with perfect precision between the beams, ready to kick the alien in its big stupid face!
  10. >"You fool! You will never wake up, Rainbow!"
  11. >Wait, what?
  12. >"RAINBOW! WAKE UP!"
  13. >You yelp and slide off your seat.
  14. >You are Rainbow Dash.
  15. >You are on a train back to Ponyville.
  16. >After you all spent the whole day talking about the spell, the Princess decided that you should all continue to work on it from your home.
  17. >Well, mostly Twilight will work on it.
  18. >She arranged a small train to carry yourselves along with the necessary parts of the spell, which take an entire carriage as well as a special guard.
  19. >You must've drifted off, and now Twilight is looking disappointed.
  20. >"This is serious. Many lives will be affected by what we choose to do."
  21. >You groan.
  22. "But we've been talking about it all day, and we're not any closer to actually doing anything."
  23. >"Rainbow does have a point," Rarity chimes in. "Doing anything has to be better than doing nothing."
  24. "But what CAN we do? Twilight said there probably isn't anypony on the other side anyway."
  25. >Twilight huffs in annoyance.
  26. >"That's what I was saying when you dozed off. I think there's a good chance there might be a lot of trapped souls over there unable to pass on. Not alive or dead."
  27. >You scratch your head.
  28. "I still don't get it. How can the world blow up, but nopony die? That's impossible."
  29. >"Yeah, Ah still don't git how anypony is s'pposed t' live if everythin's gone," Applejack ponders. "Wouldn't it be impossible to live without... air? Wouldn't yer body be destroyed too?"
  30. >Twilight frowns.
  31. >"Did you all already forget about King Sombra? His body was gone, but he was still around."
  32. >You glance around. Seems everypony else had forgotten that as well.
  33. "So... what made him special? Why didn't he just die like normal?"
  34. >"There are only legends, but certain dark magic is said to have power over the soul itself."
  35. >Twilight's face is grim.
  36. >"It's said that there were ways to rip a pony's soul from their body, and that doing so would make them unable to die, at least until they were able to inhabit another body."
  37. "And... you think that the ponies in the other world are like that?"
  38. >"At first it seemed very unlikely. But the more I think about it, the more plausible it seems. It must've taken very dark magic to end an entire world, and anything could have happened leading up to such a disaster."

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